8 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : : , TIUTKSDAY , DECEMBER 8 , 1892 , WHICH were SOLD TO > BANKRUPT Constable Attached by the , Store CREDITORS ATTACH THE STOCK THE VERY BEST ZUNDER HAD AND. SELL HIS. SHOES BY THE HUNDREDS TOT MEN'S , LADIES' , CHILDREN'S SHOES , that's ' what they took ! J SKI T wliicli SllHl AT A PRICE TO GET THEIR MONE2" . IS HOW SELLING AT A FEARFUL SACRIFICE. BODY IN OMAHA KNOWS ZUNDEIR'S SHOE. STORK. . ? * THEY USED TO CALL IT "THE POPULAR , " on DOUGLAS STREET , YOU BOSTON STORE IS GOING TO SELL BANKRUPT SHOES FOR A WHILE n KNOW , BUT NOW BOSTON STORE IS GOING TO MAKE THOSE SHOES NOW IN A WAY THAT'LL SET ALL THE SHOE FOLKS CRAZY AND - "POPULAR" IN A HURRY , YOU BET , THERE WILL BE NO FRILLS ABOUT IT , EITHER. YOU CAN COME IN TO "BOSTON STORE" and Pick 5Em Out Yourself irt NEVER HEARD of SUCH GOINGS ON AS THERE MY ! OH , MY ! YOU ARE ' Bins and on Tables and on Racks and in the Shelves , with great big Tick * NOW AT THE BOSTON STORE , ALL ON ACCOUNT of ZUNDER'S SHOES. ' . ets on 'em. i t thepre worth and rtat Zunder used to gel for tiie shoes , and what a tremendous difference iiiere is fietween his Bankrupt Baby Shoes 25c Bankrupt Child's Shoes 39c Bankrupt Misses' Shoes 59c Bankrupt School Shoes * - . - 69C Bankrupt Carpet Slippers 15c Bankrupt Warm Slippers 39c 'F ' Bankrupt Ladies' Shoes 69C Bankrupt Ladies' ' Shoes 99c Bankrupt Ladies' Turn Shoes $1.65 , were $4 oo Bankrupt Ladies' Welt Shoes $2,50 , were $4.00 Bankrupt Ladies' Fine Shoes $3.00 , were $6.00 Bankrupt Ladies' French Shoes $ < .QO , were $7.50 Bankrupt Ladies' Imported Shoes $5.00 , were $9.00 'Bankrupt Shoes of every kind and maize in hand turn , hand welt and extra fine sewings and dongolas , in all sixes , styles and lasts , at exactly half their for- if' J2i er prices whatever was $1 is now5Oc ' 1 Boston S IT GOT AWAY FROM GREELEY Cmaha and Vicinity Visited by a Stray and Unbranded Blizzard. BUSINESS AND TRAFFIC SUSPENDED Streets lilockiuleil undMda wallcH ImpiiHsuliUi Knllroail Movements Interfered with Michael Doimliuu Killed AVrcckoftlio Itiirllngton Flyer Storm Notes. Yesterday Omaha received a very fair sample of what a real blizzard Is like , and last night people generally kept In the mid dle or the road , whether they liked It or not. It was practically Impossible to travel any where else , for the great drifts of snow were piled many feet deep along the sidewalks and lu the roadways , practically block ading the city. The weather foundry had predicted fair weather , hut a moat unfortunate combination of cyclonic conditions developed , and the result was as severe a snow storm as is usually experienced In thwso parts , Kookulc , la. , is supposed to bo the storm renter , and around it revolves ono of tliamost perfect cyclones over noted. Omaha io situated so as to receive the long est swing of the swirling wind , and so far as can bo learned got the worst of the storm. During the early p.irt of the day a futile effort wus made by the street car company to keep its lines open , but it finally had to abandon the tracks to the storm , and last night the rails were covered fully two Inches deep \ \ 1th packed snow and ice , liuslness of all kinds suffered great Inconvenience , but nearly everything managed to keep moving , ftiillroud traflic was greatly Interfered with , All trains were from ono to several hovus late , und several wore abandoned to wait the cessation of the storm , Ono very serious accident occurred. Tha H , & M , llycr was met about /our miles west of South Omuh'u by a light engine , sent out us a helper , and the collision that resulted per manently damaged both engines , \Ylllmu 13. UooUi ot Troy , N. V. , who was steal ing a rldo on tha mail car , received Injuries that resulted in the amputa tion of both h'RS. Ho Is now at the Del- inonlco hotel lu South Omaha. At the Coun cil HlutTs transfer an incoming Northwest ern train was derailed and delayed several hours , though no person was Injured. So far as known only one fatality resulted in Omaha. Michael Uonahuo , ono of u g.mg of mou , employed In shoveling snow in the Union 1'aelllo yurtls , was run" down by passing ciiRlno and killed. His body was taken to his late homo at JSM7 Chicago street. He wns an old U'bldcnt of Omaha , und the fatherYif Ollli'or Donahue of the police force , From all over the stuto there came re ports of heavy snow , and the railroad people were considerably pc-rplexcd about the situa tion. All reasonable , efforts to move trains were ira.lo , but with indifferent success. The MIOW w.is damp ; md heavy and packed very closely n'n'iir ' the rails , making the op eration of run i K exceedingly cUllteuH and hazardous , 'inn local Lincoln train on the 1) . & M. was abandoned , and the trains on nil other lines were more or leas knocked MUt. L _ _ _ lluw Council IllufU fared. To ) streets und sidewalks In Councl JJluffp were ahuost Impassable all day lung ' * ot so much on account of the farga amount of snow that fell as MI account of the high wind that blow ul day ami piled the snow up in drifts , some o - them nearly as high us a muu's lieud. The Bterin cutoff travel entirely between Coun 11 Bluffs and Omaha. Not a train crossed he bridge all day long. The snow plow was tarted out at about 7 o'clock in , ho morning , with the design of cleaning off he tracks preparatory to running the trains is usual , but it was found to bo a useless effort , as a snow plow before each rain would have been necessary to { ecp the road open , and there would uivo been some uncertainty even then. The biiow plow was put up and no further effort vus made to run ti'alns until 7M : ! ) last oven- ng. when the plow was again brought out mil put in operation. Business was almost suspended all day , for people could not get iround the city. Many of the merchants tut in their time preparing their holiday lisp-lays. Iso wires were reported down at the tele graph offices , although the work of trans- nitting messages was going on very slowly. All the trains wro late. A Clmrinlng AVIntor Climate. "One of the chief delights of America , " n famous foreigner recently said , "is the re- narkablo diversity of climate and altitude. ICvery taste can be suited there. " The rigor of our northern winters tells on a great many constitutions and such people are obliged to "winter south" or to move there iltosjethcr. To this largo and increasing class North Galveston offers peculiar ad vantages at prices within the reach of the nest modest purse. This now and coming commercial point offers business openings for the merchant ; work for the laboring man ; [ ionics for the delicate ; rich harvest to the fruit grower profit and pleasure for all. In no place In America Is there bettor oppor tunity for safe , Investment , All classes of persons , therefore , are interested In the de velopment of North Oalvcston and any in quiry will bo promptly answered and full In formation furnished by Franklin F. Will- lams , Omaha , the local agent of the North Uulvc3lon Association , Auclmit iiutl Accepted HcollUIi lUte of I'rcemiisonry. Southern Jurisdiction of the United States , Orient of Omaha , Nob. A special mooting of the Ledge of Per fection will be hold Thursday evening , December 8 , at 7:30 : p. m. AVorlc in the fourth and fifth dot-roes. T. 1C SUDliOJtOUOH , 33 ° , Secretary. M w w _ . _ _ Real estate. estate.only. . My word is pood. W. G. Albright 621-U-3N , Y. Llfobld ? . Complete Now Stock of furniture. All goods marked low in plain figures. CHAR. SIUVKUICK & Co. , 12C0 , liiOS and 1210 Farnam St. The Pnrlfih Aid society of Trinity cuthodrnl will hold a sulo aim luncheon in Rnmgo building on Wednesday anil Thursday , December 7 und 8 , from 12 till 2. Luncheon , 50 cents. T i rMiiua& i w H7 iuu * sa w > n lagaB w5 N.W. Cor. 16th and-Douglas Sts. , OM A H A Which the . , tl a a Constable Attached TAKING NO CHANCES. An Omiilia Cliliininun Who IJunis no ItrlilgcH llchinil Him. Leo Lea Ong , an Omaha tea merchant , left yesterday afternoon for lijs old home in China , where ho will remain for several months visiting friends and making pur chases for the Omaha house. Mr. Ong is a full fledged son of the Flowery kingdom , but in his Journey to 'tho ' land be yond the seas ho travels much the same as other people would if they were making the same kind of a trip , but for his return trip he has prepared himself. The gentleman docs.not think a trip to China the safest thing iu the world , owing to the fact that the emigration laws are of a peculiar nature , and to guard against being dotiiinod on the other side of the waters Mr. Ong has taken some precautions. He has a certificate ) pre pared , in which Hvo of the prominent busi ness men of this eity certifythat ho has re sided in Omaha for the period of live years , and that during all of that time ho has been' a man of good moral character and well dis posed toward the laws and good order of the state of Nebraska. This certificate is in du plicate , that ono copy may bo left with th'o United States ofllcials at San EVuncisco and the other taken along by Mr. Ong as a pass port. Beneath the writing on the certificates tboro arc photographs of the gentlemanthat , there may bo no mistake about his being the party named. You don't want a torpid liver ; you don't want a bad complexion , you don't want a bad breath ; you don't want a headache. Then use Do Witt's Little Early Uisers , the famous little pills. KANTMl SOUTH Qlu tlin AVuliiiNli Iloute. The short line to St. Louis and quick est ronto south. Only 37 hours to Hot Spring's. Only 89 hours to Now Orleans. Only USi hours to Atlanta. Only 6 ° , hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding- time to nil points east and south. Round trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lnko Charles , Gnjvoston , San Antonio , City of Mexico , < Los Angeles , San Fran- olsco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha * vnniv und all the winter resorts of the south and west. Reclining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo und Detroit. Pullman bulTot sleeping cars on nil trains. Uaggtigo cheeked from hotels and private residences to destination. For tickets , sleeping car accommodations and further information call at Wiibush ticket ollluo , 1502 Fanmtn street , or write , G. N , CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. Frescoing and interior decorating ; de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohmann , 1508 Douglas street The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. i a Special Offer is made by the pub lishers of THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. New Subscribers who send $1.75 at once will receive the paper Free from the time the subscription is re ceived to January i , 1893 , and for a full year from that date , including the Double Holiday Numbers at Christmas and New Year. The Youth's Companion New Building. A SOUrKXin OF THE COMPANION describing the Kev > Building , 42 pages , in colors , sent on rcctipt of six cent ! or Free to ann one requesting it tc/io semis a subscription. Features for 1893. Eleven Serial Stories. $6,500 Prize Stories. ' The Best Short Stories. Sketches of Travel. Over 700 Large Pages. Nearly 1,000 Illustrations. 100 Stories of Adventure. Charming : Children's Page. Comes Every Week. 550,000 Subscribers. Only $ l.5 a Year * Hrntton this l\i ] > er uheno" Subscribe. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , Boston , Mass. ( fiend chtcli or llontv Order at our rtik. ) A sliiKlmlosojinxliU'cH l > iiefldnl rc-rtft Biilt 1BUInirel. Tfiiln > iioriiiliiilini l Imojuury of Ixjily to Avlilcli > ou uc buforu 11 kl runner. They imjoy u | > ii- ulurlty unimrnllrlcd. 1'rlcv , Ufict * . MOUNT VERNON PURE VIRGINIA RYE I bog to call'tho attention of the pub lic to the nbovo popular brand of pure rye whisky und respectfully usU n com parison with any other brand of pure rye olforoi in this market. It is far eupor lor to any other whisky nnil I guara ntco B absolute excellence in flavor as it RB its purity nnd its whole- Boino otTowoll The public is Invited to call and'-cts.it. Henry Hiller.OlG N. 10th St. , family wino and liquor houso. Esmond hotel block. We will Btnd 7QU thomarTelotii Kruicli 1'rerurallon CALTHUO fnr , and legal Kuarnultw thai I'AI/i'JiUS ' will Hr.toro Tour aicallli , Mlrentfllt uuJ Vigor. Use Hand /ay tfsaltifiei , Addr s VOH MOHLCO. . Bolt iuirliu JjetU , tlaclauU , OUa. KVII.H. WKAKNKSSKS , DKIUUl'V , UTC. , that no. cumiSnr tlVeui InTrain QUICKLY n4 I'ISHMA. NKJJTIAUt'UKI ) . FullrsTKBNOTII and tone clVcn'to every part of tlio totlf , 1 Hill ' ' coro'lYpaAe'ihVllBB > 10 nnjr _ ufferer IU9Addreii Hun tlist curoU uia of tljeso Iroubloi. Addreii , L. A. DllAUI.KV , IJATTl-e ClltlU , MICU. Bankrupt Men's Shoes $1OO , were $2.00 Bankrupt Men's Shoes. ' $1.25 , were 52.50 ' ] Bankrupt Men's Shoes $1.50 , were $3.00 Bankrupt Men's Shoes $2.0O , were $4.00 Bankrupt Men's Shoes $2.50 , were $5.09 Bankrupt Men's Shoes $3.0O , were $6.odj Bankrupt Men's Shoes $3.75 , were $7.50 ] Bankrupt Men's Shoes $4.50 , were $ S.oQJ TJiese Shoes cover every style oi\ \ men's slioes in lace or congress , in calfJ cordovan , dongola , kangaroo or patent leather , in hand sewed , Goodyear well and JV/cJKTey served. Boston Store rants every pair to give good wear ant will replace any pair free of charge thai is not O. K. If they ever rrpeven in months or a year Boston Store will them up for nothing. this'time of the year , the fore part of December , ! that Johnnie suddenly grows good. He keeps ] himself neat and tidy , goes to school regularly , is never late , takes an'unusual interest in Sun day school , and is so angelic as to really alarm , his parents. But Johnnie knows his business } ! it's nothing serious ; he's just begun to think ; ! about Christmas , that's all ; he'll make up fo&j his good behavior right away after it. are about as sensible things as you can possi * < bly give boys for Christmas. Of course you'll get your boy a-drum-an'-a-watch-an'- a-gun-an'-a-steam-"injine" and a lot of other' ' things , but you ought to get him at least , one sensible present. Now is a good time to buy too especially today. We've had a greatj quantity of good solid heavy fancy cheviot | all one quality all one cole ° all one pattern-1 a handsome , stylish brown plaid made upj into suits And Overcoats for boys. The suits are with knee pants and are to fit boys from five to fourteen years old , The coats are made with corded plaits and half lappel back and the pants have the Excel-1 sior patent waist band , The overcoats are in : sizes up to ten years--cut good full length ) , have detachable cape "wear-good" linings and are as handsome as a picture. While they > last it can't be long we offer you your choiod either suit or overcoat For 82.2B.