Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1892, Image 1

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Bonator Hill Introduces a Bill in the Senate
to Rapoal ths Act.
HomtnrV l nriitu n Mvlil I'lrlnrn of tlio
Awful SI ltd of AiTtlM In liiilliin
Torrllorj tn tin * lloutoor
ItrprriM-iitiittvr * .
WAimxivrov , D. C. , Dec. " . Tlic rather
umiRUil circumstance of having a Jewish
inbbl offer praj-pr in the senate ch imber was
witnessed ted iy. Dr. Jossph Sllvermm of
thoTomplo Umanuul , New York , invoked
the Divine benediction.
The flrst item of business thatcamo before
the senate was tlio piescnt.itlon of the trcas-
ury icport on the llntne-cs , and It was fol
lowed by a mess-IRQ fioin the president
transmitting , In complhnc-c wltha re'soltltlon
of Api 11 last , Inform itlou on the subject of
the agicement between the Unite 1 States foiocs to
bo iniintaincil by cither power on thogie-it
liikcs. These documents weio appiopiiately
disposed of.
Mr. Hill Introduced n bill to rcpeil the net
of July 14 , Ib'JO , directing the puti-h iso of sil
ver bullion , .mil the isiuc of tie isury notes
thereon , and It was lefciio 1 to the commit
tee on llnaiico.
The icsolutlon ofTcicd yesterday by Mr
Vest us to alleged pirtlsin action by em-
plojcs of the census buie.iu , was lefoireil to
the coinin ittco on contingent PMICIISCS
Tlio icsolutlon ofTcied last session b } Mr
Pcffur as to the oft vet of the interstate com-
meieelaw on i.iilroul elnuges , was lofened
to the committee on lutoist.ite commerce
Crlmu In Indian Territory.
The joint icsoliitioa introduce I vesteuliv
by Mr. Vest for the appointment of
a commission to m.iko an agreement
with the iho ctv Hired tribe ? of In-
dims for taking lands In scvoralty in
Indlin Territory and for settling the ro-
mninder of their lands , was taken up and
made the text of an Iinpissioncil speech by
the Missouii senator. Ho said the four states of It.msis , Mlssoml , Arkiinsis
and Texas weio dhectly and iminedi itely
contcnied In changing the existing status of
Indliin Teultoiy. Indiia Tcintory today
was n menace to clIllz.itinn. . The faieo of
admlnlsteiing Justice theic was a blot and a
stain upon the judicial record of the United
States. Citnie was lampant and corruption
life. Indian Teultoiy today was a depot
for cilmo. The ciimlnals from the ad
jacent states took refuge theio and from
thoio made their raids The iccent laid
upon Coffpyv ille in Kansis had been made
fiomliuliin Teiiitpiy. Monstious as vvai
the proposition , it was a fact that the Dal
ton boj s who weic engaged in that laid h id
been deinity marshals in Indian Tcultoij.
They hail gene through th it teriltorv wear-
I ing Iho badges of in irshals and under the
I insignia of fodeial aiilhoiity making .urosts
He asserted fiom poisoutil knowledge that
fioin the lowest classes in Tndiin Tcriitoiy
weio taken u laigc number of the United
States oflieers who wcio employed as deputy
marshals. No such monstiosity had o\cr
been known in judicial annals as the svstcm
of oiganizcd plunder pi.ieticed in the United
States courts theic. the whole object of
ofllchils being to obtain fees Ho spoke of
the hangman at Fort Smith , Ark , counting
up his A ictims at ninety-sex en and speaking
of mulclng the number : i round bundled
Such an executioner , ho s ild , if ho had lived
in the barbarous ages would bo entitled to
knighthoodmid why should not this man. ho
asked , del tslv el v , be one of the capitalists
und belong to the favored classes in this
great count ! v ?
Senators Plitt , Berry and Butler inti
mated their intention to ili'b ito the Joint 10-
solution and it went ocrlthout notion
A lesolution having been received fiom the
liouso as to tlio death of Hepicscnlatho Me-
1 Donald of Now Jersey , McPhoison offcicd
the customary resolutions of rogiot. The
1 resolutions \\cio agiccd to and as a further
inark'of icspcct the senate adjoinncd.
In the House.
WASHINGTON , D. C , Dec 7 The Inteiest
which Surrounded the meeting of a new
bossion of congioss liasoin off , and the
house today got down to its" dull routine of
business. '
A bill granting n portion of the Fort Hajes
military reservation to the state of Kiinsis
w.iscalled up in the inoining hour , but the
house refused to order the previous question
tilKHiit. Then a bill inelU'cticpcalingthol iw
which provides for u reduction in the force
of the engineer ofllms of the navy to 170 was
brought to thoattcntionof thohouso Should
the bill become a law the number of onlccis
would bo llxcd ut 101. Although the measure
ieccived n majority vote a motion to iccon-
slder was Inteipolatcd , und no final action
was taken. The remainder of tlio dav was
consumed in the consideration of n long son
ata bill relative to public pi intln and bind
ing. The object of the me.ismo is to econo-
111170 In the matter of the printing of public
documents mid to facilitate their dlstribu-
I'enilIng llnal action on the bill the house
adjourned , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Rccn-liirj Foster Makes Ills Annii il Ill-port
mi tlui Couutrj's riiinni i > .
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Dec. 7. The annual 1
report of SecieUiry of thoTieasuiy roster
shows the govciiiment rovoiiui's fi-om nil
bouicca duilng the pabt llsuil joar wcro
S-l2.riS03 , ' , > 00 ; expenditures , $ -115,1)5J.SOO , ) , leav
ing n sin plus of VJ'JU,4VJ. , With
the cash bilauco , n.itlonal bank
1-cdemptlon funds and u few small
itciiiH added the surplus is 10,7.10,1(53 ( ,
which can bo applied to the redemption of
bonds and national bank notes , Compiled
v 1th the llscalyear ; IbOl , the receipts have
fallen off f.NG75U73tho , ! pi inelpal losses bchiH
in customs leeelpts , $ I2OIJ'JU , and in profit *
oncolniigo , J.r > , iVSl-Hli. On the other hand
thcio'was a gain of $4tK 3.(5'.H ( ' ) In the interirt !
rovcnuo receipts , of i,41,744 In sales of Dis
trletof Columbia bonds and otlier matters
which iiiiiko up tlio dtffercnco. The Interest
on the public dubt decreased $1-1,109,010.
Torthopiosent jear the revenue'
arc estimated as follows :
I'loui Cuttnins , , . .flOS.OOO.OfH
Jnteinui luuMiiiu , j6ooKMUH (
Mlsc-e-llunuius _ o,0MiO ( ) ( (
1'o-itui hi'Mie-o H ( > ,3jir : > (
Tot ill
I.Xl'l-XDlTUIIIJrt ,
vlle'stiiUlWiml'ilt JIOa.OOn.OCH
Mllltiii > establishment , 40,0MIHH ( (
Naval I'stahllhlmic-nt. . . , , . , . . , , , , , : UIHH , ( ) ( ) (
Indian t-euvleo , , . , , 9tHili,0 ( ( ) (
, , 158,1)00,001 )
i nubile ilc-bt , . , . . , . '
Total , NU.UOU ( : ! > (
This loaves an estlmatpil suriilus for tin
j car of . ' ,000,000itiMiilubluLM.h balanio It
the treasury at tbo end of the liscal vear
StW.WVJ.HTS The lovonues for tlio ilsca
.u-ar of 1MU i-o ct.tim.ited -UHr'lati5 )
appi-opiiatlons iwiuiuul , r.r'J41u'ij : oxclu
htvo of hlnking fund oristlimi ted sui plus
tttbuO,0.0 ! , which , with the ciibli balanoi
above the gold jeserve , would make ai
avnilablo balance of OT ; deductini
accruing obligations would UM > O fJT u' OI
Chargeable against this are the uiioxpondoi
liver and haibor and oi-diuuico appropria
tlons of fH.uOO.OOO and no acvounl of tin
sinking fund loqulmnent , amounting t (
fIS.lJOO.lKX ) , and bond iedinnptloni > catlmatec
at , WKi,000.
Thohecrotarysajs the estimated receipt
ar-o based on tlio conditions prevailing prio
to the latu election. Vtibllo opinion , iiuvini
fluorecil a chungcd polity in the tariff lirtva
future conditions render it Imposslblo nov
to estimate the annual incomewitli any dc
greo of uecuracy , and It la liuiwasiblo to pic
alot w hut effect the proposed radical change
Mill have on iuturu ruvouucs other than tha
the Inevitable result of the tnilff icductlotr
agitation will be a falling off In Importations
nndipvenues llo SIVB the facts fullj Jus
tify Iho opinion that tlio largo Increase In
reccli ts can bo ascribed to the marvelous
prospjiltv of the countr.v under the piescnt
rc\cnuo sjstpm. nnil would , If continued ,
emblo the di-putment diuln-j the mining
Ihcal.vear to meet nil obligations without
ImpihIng Its cash bilauco , and theicafter
continue to show nn tin 111 impiovemcnt
The i-oiidltion of the sinkliic fund shows
dO.filO 081 nioie thin rrnulredln law ed
ited to It , and recommends the repeal of the
act of issi authorising Iho application of sur
plus inonev to tin1 pun base ot United States
bonds , In Alow of tholiigp deinease in the
national debt and pi oh iblo futuio condition
of finances
'Iho treasurer his dlfilcultv with the lim
ited amount of c.ish on hind , about ? 100 tWO-
0Klu ( ) the lodcmntlou fund , to kocp a snni-
cicnt stock ot gold , and if shipments continue
as laigoasduiing the pist two .VIMIS the
gold In the treasury will bodiinlnlshed below
the lespi-M'line. 'I he maintenance of silver
at pir has also incicaicd tlu1 possible charge
upon the gold lestMVe. and Iho seciotuv
therefore suggests that the ledemption of
govornmeilt obligations should be increased ,
to at least twenty per cent of the amount of
the tieasuii notes issued , or to be Issued
under the net of .luly II. 1H ) ; In vio\\
of the piobiblo falling off in
receipts ho thinks the revenue should bo in-
eicised to enable the . maintain
n gold leservoof not less than $ l2't ! 000,000
llo suggests an addition il ta\ \\hiskjab
an < asy mctliod of Incieaslng tlio revenue
He sivs that whatever in.iv bo the out
come of the Intel n itional moni'tarv confer
ence It will Kixe a clearer idea of the views
and pin poses of the countiics icpiesented
In p.ibsing , thobccietaiy sus a good word
foi rcclpioclty On subject of customs the
societalleioinmends the absolution of fees
and the establishment of a IKed silaix for
collectors and sutvi'vois , a lonsolidation of
customs dlstiiiIs und InvcstlngUiP secretary
with power to abolish districts and dlscon-
ttnuo minor poits of entry , a icvislon and
inodillcatlonof the customs and navigation
laws and recommends the appointment of a
commission for the puipose. He gives
statistics of Amerieainommeue and Amcii-
can ships and suggests the continuance of a
polio eiuouiaging Amei bhip building ,
agtinstthe subsidbed foteigu ships , with
the ultimate v lew of their use to the United
States as naval iiuxiliuies
The societal v i w ommcndsi a change in the
methods of disbursing public monies and the
settlement of public ai counts bv putting the
ontlio matter of contiol and audit under the
direction ofi coinptiollvr general or chief
comptioiler of the tieasuri at Iho head of a
bo.nd of oltkers.
ox TIII : i\uns.
l'ro\Isl im of the Old Tirit ) ltli Kngliml
Stilt In I'uiin VVilHhlilKtiin Notes.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. 7. Hie pipsldcnt
today , in answer to a resolution , transmitted ,
tothescnito the report of the secret uy of
state on the agreement between the United
States and Gl at lUitiin coneeiniiig the
great lakes Tlio resolution called for an
opinion as to whether the ariangement of
1S17 is now held to be In foieo. The seer o-
tari of state sa > s the coiicspondcnco c\-
eh in ed in 1301 shows It is so regarded It
does not appear , ho siv-t , tli'at anv Diitish or
Cinadiui nival vessels arc now oiluvo
been for in inj stationed on the 1 ikes.
The report sajs the agreement of 1S17 is to
bo regarded as stil' ' m existence and HIP sec
retary recommends that in MOW ol its hav
ing become absolute , it should bo modified to
fit the now older ol thinjrs , and with such
adaption to the e\i.einies of the futuio as
pindencemiy forecast.
l.\l > rmllluri > s of IKT.I.
A statement pippucd by Messrs Cuitis
and Cle.ncs , cleiks icspei lively to the
house and beii'ilo ' committees on appiopna-
trorrs , show tii it the tstimatcs ior legular
ainuul and pcimanent tippiopiiations for tlio
liscal jear Ib'.U ' ! ) J aggiegate Siin SOI , HI , an
incieabo over the estimates for the cini cut
liscal . of " and the tLV-Vi" over appio-
piiitions ( ovlnsiw of detleiencies and mis
cellaneous ) of * 17.i7i : > , ' 2jO ( 'Jho Jppiopna-
tions , however , incliuh' 1,151'JIS for livers
and hnibois , for which no estimates arc
made. The total estimated revenues for
1MI4 nggicg Ue < 4 < X ) , OI,4lM , including < S"iiai- ,
: t05 estimated poUal levenuos This leaves
an excess of estimatpd appropriations ( ex
clusive of deficiencies and miscellaneous. )
over estimated icvenues of > ! " > ln0 ) and by
deducting fiom the estimated expenditures
6 > t8COO,00 for the sinking limd an excess in
estimated icceipts over estimated oxpendi-
tines is llguicd at * , ! ibM,0IU ) ! Theappio-
piiitions never equal the estimates , but , on
the other hand , no dellcicincor miscel
laneous nppropii itlons lire included in the-
estimalcs The estimates do not include
anj thing for rivcis and haibois , on account
of v\hicli the chief ol enginceis sijsthat
$5S.004Q ! ) can bo piolitablv expended.
llepiesentativo Wilson ofVst Virginia of-
feied todiy for rcfcipiue to Iho committee on
rules the following resolution
Ki'sohed , That Iho i nniiulttoo on , iys and
moans bu.iuthoil/pd mil Insiiuctiil to Iniiiilio
Into the icpoit as lo llic ] > u"-un coiiillllon of
tliu tieasiuy and llit < [ illinc piob iblu ipvenncs
iindui oxlsihu law- , , and to thai ciul thoi om-
mlttpo Is pnitle-uluily Instiuuliil to ascuitaln
tliu ainoinil , as ne.n us nui\ l > u u qnlrid fin
p ly men lot pensions piloi toJnnu.30,1801 , the
nnionnt of all unexpended appiopilatlons and
tliu amount ic'qnlMd to i oiiiplule uoiks non
aullioil/d by lu\s ; tlui llemsof the Minis to the
cie-dtt of ilNliiiisliuollle'ois ; Ihu Hi ins of pioli-
alilo lovenno lUt i'L'n tills il itn and Juno ill ) ,
18Q4 , to itlnu with allolhi'i facts which in.iy
lie nsufui toshou tin * picicnt and futuio con
dition ot tlio ticn-tiiiv.
Hepiesentativo Caiutheis of Ivcntircky
today Inttoduced the follow Ing bill : "That
no pensioner now or hereafter in the service
of the United States shall ho entitled to
I duivv n pension Jo'Miny period of time during
which ho is 01 bhall bo entitled to the full
pay or silarvwlilih an able-bodied poison
discharging like duties to the government is
allowed bj- law "
Silver mill
A bill , Imv ing for its object the establish
1 ment ot a imtfmm lovcnuo customs duty
upon biigar and iho abollshiiiciit of thopiy-
rnent ol sugar bounties , was intioduccd In
the house today bj Ueptese'iitatlvo Hartor
of Ohio. It provides in detail that on and
after Fcbiuirj 1 , 1VJI , a unlfoim tiuiff. tux-
or customs duty of half a cent per pound to
, bolovlcdon nllgiadesof sugar imported to
the United States ami the payment of all
bounties to producers ot .sugar in the United
, States shall cease on the 1st of February.
t Representative Williams has submitted the
following in lieu of other bills befoio the
house committee , having In view
of the Shctman law ,
bed Inn 1 , That the siviptaiy of the treasury
NdliecU'd todl-i'onllmio fiom anil aftt'i lliu [ J
Iht day of rubiuuiy , lH'i ) : , ilm imrcliasuof sll-
vi r Imllloiiantliorlrc'd and illirelcd by tint act t
entitled "An net directing tlm imiclmsu of hll-
ve'i bullion and tliu Isstio of tii'.isniy note" ,
tliuieof anil for othc'i piupi es , " annmvc'il
Jill ) 14 , IH'JO
HctlonS , That aflci the pi : > io of tliNaet ,
nlliU'iioslih iiH'i'tM'd fin Hut 11 dcnipilon or clr-
ciilulIng notesnf national binKsNliullboiilaciil
Kith tliu tieasini'i of I lie I'nlli il Stall's in tliu
i.vieellvocic'dltsof | the inillonal lianKa niaK.-
In Mirli ili'iHi ltH , and nil llio | iio\lslonsof law
hliull I i appllcalilu in Midi uVpo > lln nlddi
ncro nppllr iblo to HKo di'io-.ltn | Iwfoie tliu
pissagoof tlm h.ild act of .lulj 14 , IbUO.
liepicbcntatlve * Miller of Wisconsin toclaj
Introduced n resolution for the appointment
of a joint committee of Iho meinbeis whose
duty it shall bo to conduct an investigation
as to the propilety of making changes , in the
icvcnuo laws.
In the liouso today Hepresontatlvo Ilnrtcr
of Ohio Introduced a banking bill , which
provides for the peipetuatlon ol the national
bankingsjstem and the restoration of tlu
state bank notes on it s ifo basis.
Democratic heir.itors Cuiu'iis ,
The democrats ofthu bcnuto held a cuucui
this nftcinoon. Tlio usual committee- wit !
appointed to doteimlno the method of pro
cendlng with the sc lmi's business , with in
stuicttous to iviwrt nt au cull } day.
Postmaster Goiu-ral AYanauuiker has Is
sued an order , to go Into effect January 1
169t , reducing the fee for each pleco of reglb
lornl mull matter from 10 e > entb to S cents.
About 200 munibers of the Ilebi uw conven
lion , whlih is In session In this city , callcu
upon the president this iifteinooii. The ;
vvoro introducccl bj Mr , Slinon Wolfe , ex
consul general to Ugj pt.
Preferred the Court's ' Mercy ta Standing Trial
for His Orirne.
That ( 'uit-n-cl tlio i\pross :
Itiililn i In Aliiiniliiii III * Drfi'nse us lit
1 | i t ArruiRi'il Otlii-r loun
DAvr.xrotiT , In .Ucc 7 [ Special Tclpgnim
to Tun Her. ] George I. Uagley , who robbed
the United States Kxpicss company of MOO-
000 , astonished cvcrjbody todaj bj nsklng to
bo allowed to appear bpfoio tlio district
court again Ho was nrraigned this" after
noon and plead guiltj to the ehaigc of lar
ceny bjr einbc/lcment , withdraw Ing his plea
of not gulltj made several dajs ago lie was
then icmandeil to Jail and will probibls be
sentenced no\t Monday or Tuesday Judge
James II Uothrock of Cedar Hapids got
down oiT the supicmo bench of Iowa again
and came lieuTuesdav. . He had another
consultation with IJaglej's attorneys His
gathoied from outside soruics that the de
termination to plead guilty was the outcome
of that coiifeience The talk that has been
made bj Judge Uothiock's appear ane-o In the
case and by undei standing that Uagloy
would make a light on the plea of Insanity
was general throughout the community and
had its effect in causing the abandonment of
the defense.
This afternoon Colonel John Bvinc , special
agent of the United States Lxpress com-
pans , and M T Jones , second vice president ,
arihed fiom Chicago The } came topie-
scnt to the count } nttoinev eeitain infoima-
tion that would eniblohtm to give notice
for trial The expiess compiiij had been
active and thorough in patheiing evidence
all along the line and had annrra.v of wit
nesses that would h no inadoa stiong case
on ti lal H is expected th it the defendant
will plead extenuating circumstances
and rely upon the mercv of the
court. Tlio count } attorney is prep ncd
with abundant evidence to over throw tUo
claim of extenu itmg t iicumstanccs and
show picmeditation Under the Iowa statute
the limit of sentence will be live } c us , but
an effort will bo made to give him all of this
Upon his arraignment in court today Bag-
ICJT was perfectly cool and s ild ho understood
perfect ! } ' well vv bat his change of plei meant
to him. He is nppuently resigned to take
his sentence , and show no evidence of ex
citement or insinity. Messrs Bjino and
Jones returned this evening to Chicago
I'ri'pnrliiK ICiillrn nl Connri tloim.
OTTUMVVA , la , Iec ) T. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bni : ] Ottumwa was enlivened by
the pi esence of 300 business men and tlfcir
wives fiom Fort Madison and towns along
the Foil Madison & DCS Molncs r-ond , who
came heio as the inv itcd guests of the Indus
ti ial exch mgo to help eelebrato the comple
tion of the now load to this city. A public
meeting was held at which there were
speeches ot welcome b } os.-Sen.itoi Hutchiii.
son and Mav or Bin gess and i espouses bv J ,
II. Andeison , solicitor of the reid , and bj
representatives from each city on the
line A sumptuous dinner was tcn-
dcied the \isitois at the various
hotels and the afternoon spent -visiting
various points of interest in the citj" . The
road has a close tralllc arrangement with the
Santa Fo and it Is the intention to m iku di-
reet connection with Sioux Cit } or Omaha
and the west In the near futuie. A number
of the Santa Fo gencraloftlci ilsvvcie present
today. _
IOUII'M Chun It Trial.
DFS MoiM-3 , In , Dee T [ Special Tele-
giam to Tun Bur ] The tiial of the Evan
gelical chui eh case was commenced in the
district court this morning bofoio Judge
Conrad. The case is biought up in the form
of a petition for an injunction restraining
the Hsucr faction fiom paining possession of
the chuieh piopeitj- DCS Monies , and in
volves the tin eo chinches of the
association of this citjwhich is of much Im-
portatrce , as it will bo a test case involving
all the piopcrtv of this denomin ition in
Iowa. I. , ist spi mf Hev. J. H. Yaggy was
sent by the Cshci-Iiovvman faction to take
possession of the thieo chinches of the de
nomination in DCS Moines In Trinity
church ( the largest of the three ) the mem-
eeiship is unanimously against receiving
Yaggv. In the other two churches thcio
me a few who aio favorable to Yaggy. The
present surt is to icstralir Ynggy fiom tak
ing possession. _
Opt nc'il u , liii k Tot.
Stoux Cnv , la. , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Brc. ] C. II. Smith , a ranchman near-
Hot Springs , S D , was robbed bj' Sioux
Cit } ' and Cov ington gambleis In a game Mon
day night of $ Ji.'iO. : Ho came hero last vv eek
and sat in several games with spoils who
inveigled him across the river to Cov ington
where ho was steeicd into n poKer game ,
w hich was modest at flist but culminated in
a ju k pot which the lanehman opened with
Unco kings He filled vv ith a pair and staid
till ho had $1,770 In the pot. The gentleman
acioss the board had four of a kind , Smith
complained to the Sioux City authoiities
who could do nothing for him. Ho savs
today that ho vv ill accept his losses as the
price of cxpeiicnec.
loun Still It ltr < nil 11 , Mrct.
IIUMiioiivr , Li , , Dec. 7. [ Special Tclcpriain
to Tim Brn ] The Hi st session of the Iowa
Improved Stock Bieedeis association was
held yesterday , being devoted to meetings of
the sub associations sheep , swine andshort-
hoin biccders. Tlio trains were dphijcd by
the stoiin and the attendance was light The
principal topic of discussion was the sin ill
nppiopilallon in idii by the Iowa commission
for the Iowa stock exhibit at the AVoi Id's
fair , and the legislature was blamed for par-
slmon.s In the in liter , At the meeting today
pappis v\cio road by A , A Berry of Chnlnda
on "Breeding Fattening Cattle , " and by J
T. Brooks of Hedrick on "Winter C.uo of
Cattle. " Both papeib weio followed by gen-
eial discussion.
hhi-rillx in ConfiTi'iii < ,
DBS MOIM'S , In , Dec. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tan BEU. ] The twenty-fourth semi
annual meeting of the Iowa Sheiiffs associa
tion convened at " o'clock this aftcinoon ,
with about thirty rncmbeis picsent and
Picsidcnt Thomas Btown of Grundy county
mtnochtilr and Seciotaiy AV. N , Noyes of
O'Bi ion county nt the table. The objcvt of
the meeting is to devise and formulito plans
for co-operating and doing moio haunonious
work in c.iptiuing and piosecutlngcilinlnals ,
and to nnltq upon lines of action In eeitain
pi-ococdings. Only routine business was
transacted today.
Tlri'ilof I'our llfiiltli ,
Stnr.KV , In. , Dee , 7. [ Special Tclcgiam to
Tin : Bun. ] This 'orenoon Aaron Bailey , a
gentleman over CO years of ago , who for over
ten years had been in jwnr health and sub
ject to ( Us , ended his life by hanging. Ho
was found In the stable soon after Ufa do-
mited. Ho was of highly lespcctablu fam
ily and was alvviis n quiet , peace.ible man.
Today Chailey Hejcioft , a .voung man
living near Sibloj' , was found at Lfttlu Hock
after wandering about forso\eral dajsto
the gicat anxiety of ills friends , When
found ho was very mm li exhausted.
IUWII'M 1 Inn t'utllo ,
CAIISOV , la , , Dee , 7. [ Special to THE
Br.u.-Jaek Hv nns star ted forChlcago } ester-
day moining with the best shipment ol
stock that over went from Pottawattainlo
i/unty. It consisted of seventeen tars ol
Polled Angus cattle that will nvciago lr > Tifl
( winds each , The Burlington i-o.ul tixili
them out In a special tialu and will give
tliuma ijulckiuu. Coin is coining in fieelj
at HO cents hero. There ar-o contracts alreadj
mudu for nearly 'JOO.OOO bushels.
Kvnkiik Oru lUiuiklU ,
la. , Die. 7. Assistant State
Oeologlst ICo.ves rciwrts the disco-very In tlio
vicinity of Kookuk of deposits of nickel ores
averaging ( V > per cent pure metal , It is the
( list found in Iowa ,
Killed n Serliim Mini.
Vti.M'cv , In. , Dec. 7. lSiK > cinl Telegram
to Tun Bcn.-iEnglno ] 2 , ' > 0 , whllo bicklng
over the ei-osslng heic , ran over a section
man named Svvanson , hilling htm Instantly
: I'.MO.V r.icinc.
ilil to lliMKcndiril tlio
Su.Tlain. UT , Dec. 7 [ Special Tele-
giam toTni : Buu. ] Curient tumors in re
gard to the absorption of the Hlo Grande
Western i.illioad by the Southern Pacific
are beginning to assume definite shape. A
gentleman who is of high position hi business
mid flu circles , but who docs not le-
slro to have his name mentioned nt the pres
ent time , sijs he knows for a fact that the
Southein Pacific company has obtained con
trol of the Hlo Orando Western road and
will in \ery short tlmo openly operate1 it as
a pait ot Its system , which Is rapidlj becom
ing the most formidable in the country. Ho
also intimates that ho is thounighiy cog-
nlzant of the Inner history of the dcil , and
and promises to give It In detail when the
ban of secrecy shall bo removed from his
In commenting on the above statement , a
well known lalltoader said today. "If this
Infoiination Is eoncet , and it has all the cat-
maiks of being so , It means that the Union
Pacillc will soon have a light on its hands ,
andthoeaily building of the Salt Likcfe
Los Angeles thus giving the Union
Pacillc another coast outlet , that load will
be compelled to light , for in nbsoiblng the
Hio Gland Wostour the Southein Pacillc
will neeessiuily invndo the Union Pacific's
te-iiitoi } . "
As substantiating ciivumstnne'cs in.iv bo
cited , the m.v stci lolls manner in which
ing Southein Pacific ofllelnls have been
ti.n cling about the cotmtiv of laic It Is
fa lid that on Fiid iy last F. II. Goodman and
H II. Oiay , accompanied bj u numbei of
lesser lights of tlio corporation pasted
through westward bound fiom Colorado and
that at the present time President Palmer of
the Hlo Grande Western is in Dem er and
will , in company with Geneial Manager
Dodge , inspect the system and ofllccs of his
road within the next few chis.
Si'ii < 1 ot tlio lirluf ICIot ut OlicjiMinc ,
AVj o.
CunvrxxR , AVe , Dec. 7. [ Special Tele-
ram to Tun BBC ] The tml of L.JOIIS foi
ssault with attempt to kill was concluded
onight by his acquittal All day witnesses
veio examined for piosccution and the
'efcnse , and the faft of his shooting dm ing
he cclebiated riot was brought out elcaily ,
ut the evidence ncirly all tended to show It
, \ as directed against Npl in , the policeman
, \ho attempted to nrucst him , and not
Mooies , the man who received the two bul-
ets Lens boiohlniseilf jauntily through
nit the whole trial , and seemed at no time
n fear of conviction. * Dining tlio whole
-rial the couit room , was packed with a
ilcnso ciowd of interested spec ta tots.
VV'jonihiK'H I'oHthiil sltilllllon.
CIIL\L\M : , Wjo , Deo. 7 [ Special Tele-
giani toTnc BIE ] The political situation
emained unchanged today. The decisive
itr ugglo will occur tomoi low when the at-
cmpt will bo made to canvass the Note with
out Goveinor O.sboi-ne being present. He
will ceilainlv secjc to preside but will proba
bly be prevented from so doing.
( irauteil'u Dltorcc.
CiiniEx-M ? , Wjb , Bee. 7 [ Special Tele
gram to THE Brn ] Mary Ida Hopkins wa
today granted an , absolute divorce from her
'insband on the grounds of desertion aiur
l.lMttiitTt > OX llll.r , GET IT.
Xu Doiilit nf Hit Aipnliitiiunt ns Assistant
sceictuiyot the Trp.isurj
vsnixi.TON , D C , Dee 7--Siecial [ ] Tele-
giani to TUB Bi K. ] Thcie iscrj > littlc , I
anv , doubt that Nebraska will get Iho va
cant assistant sccictaryship of the treasury.
The piesident has intimated verystioncly
that ho w ill appoint Hon G. M Lambei tson
of Lincoln.
The seciotary of the trcasuiy has ap-
.noved the recommendation of the colleetoi
of customs at Chicago that w tappers and
packages containing exhibits for the World's
fair maj be binned or otherwise destioved ,
at the disci etion of the collector. This
action is taken in view of the prevalence of
cholera in some of the cities from which ex
hibits in iy be expected. It is held that
while thcio is no danger fiom new meichan-
disc , the genus of contagion may bo con-
vevcd in th(3 wrappcis.
The remainder ot the appointments made
by the piesident dining the recess were sent
to the senate today.
(1eminent I'llntlng House Site ,
WASHINGTON , D C. , Dee. 7. Iho joint
committee on pi luting has at last selected a
go\cinment pilnting site. Square 713 , the
property of D. Kurtz Johnson , is the ono de
cided upon and contains 100,000 square feet
The consideration is § 1 per squiiio foot. The
block faces -101 feet on fj street , H.HI feet on 1C
street , ! ili ( feet on Delnwaio street and 1KJ
feet on Thst stieet , Northwest.
Defective Iiidiliipry C.iusrx tliu ! ) ( . ' .itli of u
.South Diikot.i Man.
lUrii ) CITV , S D. , Dec. 7. [ Special Telo-
giam toTiii ! Bre , ] The cltbons of Black-
hawk in Mead county , a small lumbeilng
town nine miles north of hoic , weio shocked
by n tciilllo explosion this morning. The
boiler in J , C. Wllcoxsen's siw mill ex
ploded , thiowlng lumber in all dlicctlons
Hngini-cr Ben Hlehaidson and two other em
ployes named Stewart and Hart weio In the
dobiis After being dug out It was found
that Hlehaidson was dead It is thought
piobablo that Halt and Stowait may ic-
eovcr , though badly ctushed by falling logs
and lumber. Tim accident was caused by low
water in tha boiler and defect ho machinery.
llrriclful Jj'uto of u ( Jhllil.
Di'Aiv\ooiS , D. , Dec. 7. [ Special Tele-
grani to Tin : BKB , ] At U o'clock last night
the residence of Qeoj-go Bennett , on Siovcr
street , was destroyed bv Iho. A U-ear-old
adopted child was uono in the liouso at the
llino , and befoio buing belngirescued ( at im
minent peril to hirn-sclf ) by County Audltoi-
elect William Jlatliavvay , w-as so badly
binned that it died , after horrrbio suffcilngs ,
nt 7 o'clock this irrorning.
Now York lrj ( lonil * Market.
Nr.vv YoiiKTco. 7 [ Demand for dry goods
today was moderate , but wide goods and
bleached shirtings were of special Interest ,
with some advanui jn pi Ices ,
WK.l 1 H ( -HniKrAf > TS.
It AVIII llo nc-iu-ruU ) tj'alr ultli Kin tinout
er ! ) WlniU In Ji'tlirnfiku Toilii ) .
WASIIIXOTO.V , D , C. , * " Dee , 7 , For Ne
braska and Iowa Geneially fair , except
local fallow in eastern Iowa ; higher north-
w ester ly w inds ; colder.
Tor iho DaKotas Gciicrally fair ; colder
in South Dakota ; wc-btuly winds.
l.onil iti'ioril.
Deo. 7. Omalin icc-or-d of temporatuio and
ralnfiill eompaicd with corresponding day of
past four j ears ;
180' ! , IflOl. 1800. 1889.
Maximum tempi-ratiin ) 20 = 35 = 24Us
Mliilmuniteiiipuruuiit ) , 'JJ = > 153 50 343
Avor.iu tc'inpuruluio lo ! -0 = 143 a'J3
l'reclillatloii | . . , . . . .130 l U .00 . ( JUS
Statement showing Iho condition of torn-
pcitituio and piceipiUtion at Omah i for the
day and since ; March 1 , IbtU , as coinp.ued
with aveiago :
N'oimul temperature 81O
llulli-lency for tlio duv , . . , 70
Dutlclc'iicy blneci Muich i. , 136O
Normal inocliillutlon 04 Ineli
I.\cts > * for the ilm . . . . . , „ . . , l.'JQjneli
Di llcUnicy blnoo lliuch 1 200 Inches
GJ.OUQB E. HUM , Local Foiecust Oflifial.
Nobrnskn , Iowa and Kansas Receive a Heavy
Blanket of the Beautiful.
I'lllxl utth Snnw unit n H illnmtl
n 1lir < Mt ( ni-il similar t'niuH-
I loin I'revall In lonu Tnilns on
Sonic Iliu N Aliiuitloncil.
V CITV , Neb , Dee 7 [ Spechl
Tele'gi.iin to Tun Br.r ] Tlio v\oist snow
storm since the big bll/zard of Janu-iry , 18sS ,
conimciieed about 8 o'clock last night and
continued until fi o'e-lock this evening. The
fall of snow amounted to fully llfteen inches
on n level , but has di if ted b idly. All along
Cential avenue the dilfts are higher than a
man's he-id. All trains on the B &M mid
Missouri Paiillc arcs abandoned , the Kansas
City and Chicago , Buillngton At Qulncj
being the only lines open throughout the
'J'rcuMsi ir , Neb , Dee 7 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bi n ] A blinding snow stoiin
has been i aging hero all day The public
schools weio closed this aftcinoon and all
traflic In the cit.v suspended.
Drv-niH'i : , Neb , Dec 7 [ Spechl Tele
gram to Tut : Brr ] A heav.v snow storm has
pi ov ailed in this localitv since night. The
mi'i-ago depth on the level is eight Inches
snow has dilfted badly and business is sus
pended. The streets aio blockaded , street
cars rendeied Inoperative and a number of
funerals sot for todn.v had to bo postponed.
The snow pieeedcd by n slight fall of
sleet. The tcmperatuio has been rather
mild , scare-el } i etching the fiecving point ,
though it is glow Ins colder tonight and the
storm has practically abated. Today's snow
fall Is the heaviest heio for sovcial }
It Was n IVrfcct llll/zuril In Tluit btnte
Itiillriniil 1 rains Drlnji'il.
KANSVS Cm , Mo , Dec 7. Tlio Hist
blizwid of the wintei In Kansis his been
sweeping over that stito for the past
twcut } four boms. Tor two or three das
picvious to Tucsdn } , balmy , spi ing-lilco
weather had prevailed , Tucsdaj night the
tcmperatuio began to fall , and tlio rain ,
vhich hud been falling for twelve hours ,
uiiied Hist to sleet and then to snow. Then
' .lino a strong , northwest wind , amounting
ng almost to a gale , and all the conditions
f a blizzard weio complete. Those condi-
ions piovailcd all of last night and contin-
icd today. The high wind has blown the
now into huge dilfts in the northern partof
-ho state , nnil nil the i lilioads tiaveising
hat bcetion are either completely blockaded
ir buller- from scvcie impeding of their
i.ifllc. So far as learned there has been no
oss of life of either m in or beast caused b }
, he htoim It Is expected , howovci , that , as
atericports come in , there will bo reports
} f loss to unprotected heids of cattle.
Dispatches nt midnight state that the
ivcathcr has cleared and that the stoim li.ib
WICHITA , ICan , Dec. 7. Kain wlfieh fell
all day jesterday tinned into snow at mid
night and ted ij a white blanket four inches
Jeep i overs the entno southwestern portion
of the state and Oklahoma.
Dispatch from Abilene , Kan , sas that
the blizzard raging since midnight cleared at
noon and nearly two feet of snow fell and
drifted bully. All trains are delajcdbut ,
thcio is no serious damage
Kcpoits at the oftlco of Superintendent
K.ithbmn of the Mibsouil Atcln-
i , are that a snow stoimis raging in north
ern Kansas and Nobiaska. Suoiv in the cuts
between Ncbiabka City.ind Union isthico
feet deep and fi eight ti.iins have been
ib-indoncd. JTho wites of the Central branch
if the 10ul aio down and nothing can bo
icard fiom trams west ofWetmoie. Snow
. ) lows li.uobecn sent out. The stieet car
eominnv in that city has not tinned a wheel
toda } and the stieots are deserted.
At Salrna it began snow ing he.n ily last
veiling and continued until noon toda } ' .
The snow was aceoinpinicd by a gale and
many of the raids are impassable. Iho
passenger trams on most of the lailioads aio
ic.rtly dclajcd.
The Santa Fe repoits that traflic on it1
line has not been seiiously impeded bjr the
snow stoiin in Kansas Its trains are laic
only fiom ono to three hours.
s Iti'mlcroil Imp.iss.iblo anil u Kall-
riKiil Illocknilo Inovltulilc.
Foui Donac , la. , Dec. " . [ Special Tclo-
gram to THE BrB ] A severe bliz/aid has
raged hero since early moining with no signs
ofabiting. Snow has fallen constantly and
isover a foot deep on the level. The wind
has piled it up in gicat dufts , making all
highways impassable and causing u suspen
sion of business. Arallvva } blockade is in-
cv itable.
titi YAir.rr , la. , Dec , 7 [ Special
Telegram to THE 11 n : ] Snow began to fall
hero last night and has continued ever since ,
Moio than a foot has fallen. Considerable
wind accompanied the stoiin , making some
thing of a blizzard , although the tempcia-
tuio Is modoiato. It Is the hi bt of the sea
son.MAIISHM.LTOVVN , la , Doc. 7 , A dilving
snowbtoini with a high north wind has pie-
vailed hcie slneo midnight and this alter -
noon It is snowing heav 11 } and di if ting badly.
OTTUMVVA , la. , Dec. 7 ( Special Telegiam
to TUB BEK. ] A gcncial bloekado is immi
nent if the picsent bll//ud continues Last
night's lain was followed today by u snow
storm , it is still snowing haul tonight and
drifting b idly before a high wind.
IHniiNtroiiH Moral In Texan.
HOUSTON , TcDec , 7 Meager lepoits
fiom Nacogdoehes saj a stoi inswept thioiu'h
tliovalloy two miles fiom theio } esteida }
afteinoon , sweeping ovei } thing bofoio It.
Houses , bains and fences weia razed to the
ground. So far n leauipd , only ono llfo was
lost , but it is feaicd moio , und a
icllef patty has been sent to the bcone ,
In MliHom t ,
Sr JosFi'ii , Mo , Dec. 7. The stotm in this
section of Missouii was -very so\oio , cspo-
cially so far us It affected i.illway tiatnc.
Two trains fiom Denver on the Hock Island
are snowbound , ono at I'liillipsbui-fj , Kan ,
and the other at Holton , ICan Tlio Gland
Island lepoils ono blockaded tiainatllan-
ov er.
llciuy Snow In Kniiipr.
I-OMION , Dec. 7 Heavy snow Htonnsr.igcd
thioiigliout Hungaiy jcstoidny. Most of
the lallwavs mo blocked with Miow All
wheel Uanlu In Buda-1'esth if. hiibpeiidcd
JuilKO Orculimn lirndirn tin Impoi tiint Ic-
rlnlou In nil Jiitcrtiit < ! roiiimurco t'UHn ,
CIIICACJO , 111 , Dec , 7 , T > ast July the Inter
state Commeuo commission began an Inves
tigation heio into the alleged dhcrlmln it Ion
in tales In favor of the Illinois Steel eom-
p my and other heavy shlppeib , by noailv nil
the lo.uls running Into Chicago Oftleluls of
the loads and e-ompmy refused to give ma
terial ovideneo or produce their books , and
iho United States dlstilct couitwas called
on to lompul them to do so , The decision , of
couuo , U ono of the utmost impoitanco in iu
bearing on the practicability of inter state
commerce law , Judge Gicslmiu this morn
ing gave his decision In the CM so , denying the
prajer of the petitioners , on the ground that
the court could not bo made subsldary to , era
a subordinate auxiliary to a nonjudlcful und
administrative body.
AVttrnfi'ot of Alrlmii Itrntrnt ,
ST. Ixuis , Mo , , Dec. 0. Mandamus pro
ceedings vvuro instituted in the circuit court
today by Agnes A. Ciump , John H. Crump
and Uegliiu I. Clump , appealing by their
father , John U. Crump , sr. , against Iho presi
dent and directors of the St. Ixwls public
schools. The plaintiffs allege that the } were
refused admittance to the white public
schools by the board because they are of Af-
lie-mi descent.
'Iho plaint IfTsasscit thai thpy arc in part
descended from French ci coles and have In
dian blood hi their veins , hut they den\ that
they have any Aft lean blood whatever , and
the court Issued a mandamus compelling the
school board to tecelvo them.
Mgnrons llnullliin IUlu1ArRriillini HUH
llooillo CaseInipliu ililr. Clilllini Piipi r.
lfoi/i | | / tglitctl 1S ! > ? liuJamt * OnnlnnIniiifK.l
V \u-vn\Ho , Chill ( via Galveston , 'l'c.\ ) ,
Dec 7 [ By Mexican Cable to the Now
Yoik llprald Special to Tin- Bi.rThe ]
Herald's special correspondent on the
Urugu.iBr.ullian frontier telegraphs that
it isccitaln that the federals in Kio Giando
do Sul have largo resources in arms
and men , and that seiious trouble ma.v
bo expected at an.v time Already there
have been some outbreaks. At Ailjis the
entlto Thlid icgimentof cnvalilevelled ,
cut the tele-giinih lines and aio sicking com
mercial houses and killing republicans ,
Skhmishlug Is going on In a desultory way
In vailous puts of the state of Hlo Grande
elo Sul The federals weio piepailng for
a general move on December If ) , but the out-
bicak at Boija pit'cipltated matteis Kafael
Cobed.i , the coinmander of the gaiilson-
Boij i , was Idolized by the fedei.ils , and ho
has joined their ranks. The chiefs
of the federal movement have , it
is said , 10,000 men fully armed.
Their commissary Is in good condition and
they had plenty of mono } . The Uruguaj ans
along the frontier ate joining their ranks and
have brought with them il.liOO guarding the
fiontler. 'Iho lopubllcans hold Santa Ana
with a regiment of iiifaiiti.v , two batten ies of
intilleiy and n bquuhon of c-nvaliy The
lo.valt } of the troops Is , however , doubted
General Tellcs has been oidcicd b } Presi
dent PcKoto to the connii mil of the gov ei n-
mcnt tr oops , and Pi csident PeKoto has asked
Aigentin i for the cxtiaditlon of such of the
fcdeials as .tie in her borders. Ivito nd-
\ices fiom Hio siy tint the federals have
been defeated In Hlo Grande do Sul , but this
Is denied bj the junta.
The Heiald's coriespondent at Buenos
Aies sijsthenew waiship which was to
have been built In Ger many for Argentina
has no existence. The * JOO,000 in gold drawn
to build her has been "diverted " The fed
eral Judges aie making an investigation ,
The members of the Him of Grace & Co
in Chili , representing the Peruvian eoipoia-
tlon , aio tiying to aiiango matteis with
Chili. Diplomatic elides aio surpiised at
the action of Peru in the in liter. Her pio-
test covcis every aitlcle in the Baeoui t-Hr-
rizurrz protocol , which is now law and can
not bo revoked except b.v congicss The in
dications are tint the Giaco pcoplo v\ill bo
successful in their negoti itions.
Li Union of Valpiraiso in commenting on
Resident Harrison's mcssige in i elation to
Jhili sis ho Is much mistaken in thinking
hit Chill in any way recognizes Mr. Hair r-
ion , his cabinet or Mrnistei Hgan as friends
n pi } ing the Baltimore indemnity and In
signing the protocol Chill , sas the paper ,
rtas actuated by good feeling towaid that
argo body of pcoplo in the United States
.vhososyrnpithy . with her during thorovolir-
ion w as eai nest The hope is cxpiebscd that
Cleveland will send a good minister to San
tiago , and that jiibtiio will bo done by his
ovcrnnient Chili , it sa.vs , can attend to pass
over the btateniPiits of Mr. Hairison ,
relating to the friendly treatment of that
eountiy. No cicdit is duo cither to Mr.
ison or Eg.ui that Chili acted m a concilia-
toiy manner , for both tiled bulljing.ind
ilgh-handcd tactics. In concluding L..I
Union sajs : "Lot congiess send a committee
to investigate the conduct of Hgan and
MeCieaiy and much new light would bo shed
on their actions. "
JO TiniJUllY.
D.tvlil Cit } I'oIsonliiK Ciiso Iiav\lng to u
Durn CITV , Neb , Dec. 7 , Special Tele-
gTam to Tim BEE ] The Jury in the Anne
gost poisoning case lotlicd to the jmy room
at Sip ni and couit adjoin ncd until tomorrow
r-ow moining.
I'rciiionl Nrus > < > tc-g ,
FIIEVIOVT , Neb , Dec. 7. [ Special to THE
BFIS ] Chailes G. Biadloy , a capitalist o
Danbury , Conn , has purchased the three
story hi ick business block at the coiner o
Bioid and Sixth btieets liom Thoina1
Fiahm for 510,000 ,
Sheriir Milligan i etui ncd fiom Chicago to
day , blinking with him F. W. Dwoiak o
Schuylcr. Ho was nricstcd on Iho ehaigc
of having swindled a number ot his li lends
on bogus notes , thcio being llvo sepaiate
chaiges against him.vllis wife resides ii
Judge Sullivan held a session of comt in
this city jesterday and day before , and ad
journed the same until the I'.lth Instant. A
dlvorco was giantcd Herman Xingio. A pica
of guilty was cntcied against Mabel Bishop
and L-uira Hlehmuml for selling liquor w Ith-
out a lieciibo and each was lined > 100.
DcnnniK oil HID Iliniril of
Cni.iniiTov , Neb , Dec. 7. [ Special to Tun
BIT. | The fetoeklmldois of the People's
Publishing compmy met last week and
tiansacted the loipoiato business of the
eompaii } . Chailes ( j.iidncr , the piesident
of tlio company , made n long speech in which
ho denounced Iho action of Iho boanl of
dlicctois , and ash tiled the manager , Gaid-
ncrlsan Independent and was not pleased
with the polK.v the lompinj paper adopted
It Is alleged ho asseitcd that ho would
rathorsco Jofleibon Duis president than
Pie-bidcnt Haiiibon
He. i > y shipment * nf ( iiuln ,
MtCooi , .lu.xe-iiox , Neb , Dee 7. [ Special
to Tin : Bri : ] Theio seems to bo no end to
the amount of gialn now being maikptcd
hoio n\cryd.ij slnco November 17 , a pio-
cession of wagons loaded with gialn has
come In fi-om all dlicctlons Sim o that tlmo
theio Is icpoited to have been shipped fiom
this station , cl htj-two cars of coin and
eighty ot oils A largo number of farms
havobccn bold leeently by local agents at
prices ranging fiom § 18 00 to fJO 00 per ncio ,
Hi hi to tln < Distill tCoiut.
Bi.ATiticn , Neb , , Dee 7 [ .Special Tele-
giani to TUB BIPWilliam ] Mujcr and
August Suhmollegmeyei were last evening
bound over to the distilet court in the sum
of * l,000 cat li for ass > lulling Frank Ovcibcck
with muidcious intent sovcial weeks ago.
The trouble grew out of n land boundary dls-
puto The parties all live eight or ten miles
north of this city.
AilJmlK IiUHiiir ,
OSCEOM , Neb , Dec. 7 , [ Special to TUB
BFB. ] Mis. Aukum , who lived near Silver
deck in this county , was adjudged insane
today , and Shei Iff W. S. Miller stai ted for
Lincoln vv ith her at once , ' 1 his Is the second
insuno pci son sent the asylum horn here In
the past vvcck. _
rt , " * I'.luc trio MKlit Hunt.
GoTiiEMiima , Neb , Dee , 7 [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tun BEF. ] nipctrlc- lights were
turned on for the 111 bt tlmo In this city to-
nigh t.
_ _ _ _
Neu Vork KI < | IIIIKO OnotiitliniK.
NEW YOIIK , Dec 7 , lSl > ceial Telegram to
TUB BUB ] Now > Yoik cxi hango v > as quoted
as follows ; Chicago , &r > c prc'inlum , Boston ,
Ibo to ' % o dlsixiunt ; St , Louis , 25o dlucouut
to par.
End of the Preliminary Examination. Gomel
Rather Unexpectedly.
MnluVltnr < s Tor tlui I'rii rriitlini Xow In
ililll I'IM nltiir Spri i li of Atlornrj Mn.
lioncj In snliniltliner tlu > C.IHU
llui DIIJ'H Wurti.
Dick Bpilln and Charlej Hays arc fiee.
Clara Allen , the woman of the town who
swoio she saw Hajs shoot Major Miller on
Tuesday , October 4 , Is a prisoner behind the of a solltaiy cell , charged with the
cilmo of perjuiing herself to swear away the
lives of two innocent men
At a quutei before ft o'clock } esteiday
afteinoon Judge Beika ] ii-oiiouiiced the
words that made them frco to walk out of
the crowded court room , attended by the
congiatulations of their numerous fi lends ,
and which ended the long and tedious exam
For llv o da } s the examination has been
continued to almost the entlio exclusion of
the legular business of the couit. Ne.lrly
two score of witnesses have been examined ,
and ovei } iota of ovideneo that could In
any mcasuio affect the Issue at stake has
been diawn out. The icsult is what most of
those who have listened to the proceedings
picdlcted , and the defendants stand ac-
qulted of any knowledge of or complicity in
the manner of Major Miller's death.
The evidence of Chita Allen , whoso testi
mony was the nminstav. of the prosecution
and was the pi line motive for the arrest ol
the two men failed to ibid a couoboiatlvo
statement In anof the Voluminous te-stl-
moii } that was adduced , and the sworn
statements of witnesses of unimpeachable
integilt } pioved that a put , at least , of her
stoiwasagaiuj fabrication
I'rosci utor Miiliiini'j'H StittniiK-nt.
Ill submitting the ease Mr. Mahonoj- spoke
bliell } and to this effect.
"That Chailes P Miller , the late mavorof
South Omaha , was found on the evening of
O ( tobcr 4 in -vacant lot lit Eighth ami
Dodge sticcts , djtng fiom the efteets of u
pistol shot , theio c-an bo no question. That
no died on the next d.ij at Methodist hospi
tal theic c an bo no dispute. That his death
was deplorable no ono w 111 gains ij' . That it
was necessity , since doubts and conflicting
opinions were current among his friends ,
that there should bo n searching investiga
tion as to the cause and manner of his death
theio can bo no dispute. Aftcrall this thoio
inai emnn two theoilcs in the minds of the
people one of suicide and another of mur
"But it is not the piovinco of a couit to
speciil ite on theories It can go no farther
than as the settling of this- these tlfeoi res as
to the cause of his de ith may throw light on
the manner in which lie lo his death.
"Two things must be established by the
state in older that wo may ask } our honor
to commit these defendants foi tnal Ono
.s that a minder was committed , the other
bat wo shall so conneit ; these defendants
vith the eiicunist.ineo that tbeie is reason-
.blo ground to believe that they peipetrnted
he ei imo. We have questioned oveiy vvlt-
icss whom wo thought might throw light on
ho tragedy. Now , the question is do the
esults show reusonablo pioof that thcso
uen are guilty ?
"I think 1 may say plainly and bluntly
hat as far as this is concerned the state is
ompelled to icly wholly and soj lj-on the
Cbtimony of Clara Allen.
"I cannot "point out any testimony that
ivonld connect these men with Mil } or Milieu's
icath except that found in the testimony of
"Jlai.i Allen I cannot liud mi } evidence
utbicle of this on winch 1 can ask this court
o ilnd that 11 was a murder or that ho came
, o bib death at the hands of these ! men and
A lib that fact bpfoio me and standing as the
lepicsentativo of the state of Nobiaska ,
doing what I conscientiously believe to bo
ny duty , I dcel.uo that on the testimony ot
31ai.i Allen , unsuppoi ted by any other ovi
ileneo , I would not hang the meanest cue
-hat - Count Ptilaski over sent to the pound.
"I believe that my dutj compels mo to pio-
, cct the libeilh'b of men as well as the Inter
ests of tlio state , 1 have icborved my opin
ion until over } scrap of evidence had been
lic.iul , and on that I cannot ask } our honor
to inlo cither that a minder was committed
or that either of these defendants aio guilty
of thoc lime "
Mr Mahoney's speech was listened to with
the most intense interest am ! several bursts
of applause fiom the ciovvd weio piomptly
suppressed. The faces of the piisoncrs
showed that thoj had no longer any doubt of
their acquittal , and their attoinos sub-
nitted the ease without aigiimcnt. '
Opinion of tlio Court.
Iii tendering his decision Judge Berlin said
that it ho had been asked to pass judgment
it the time the piosecution rested ho should
have bound the prisoners over without bail.
But as ho had heaid the oflieers of the court ,
Colonel Savage and olheis testify , ono after
the other , in a manner that was dlieotly
conti.idlctoiy to the statements of the main
witnesses for the state , and bad listened to
the testimony of the physicians In legaul to
the wound and tlio powder inaiks , ho had
been compelled to change ) his dei islon and ho
could see no way In which on the ovideneo
bofoio the court , ha could cither hold that
MaorMilIei had been nun doted or that the
defendants had in no way been connected
with the crime. Ho consequently notilled
tlio pilboneis that they could consider thcm-
bolvc's dismissed ,
The fi lends of the accused crowded mound
them to extend theircongratulations. . They
walked out of the < otirt room in compmy
n pai ty of fiiciiils and the allalr was over.
Tr-itlmoio Tiilti n.
Duilng the taking of testimony for the do.
fonso , Dr Soineis , cltv physli Ian , testllled
that the abse-nco of powder inaiks and the
gcneial appcaianco of the wound In Miller's
head indicated that the hhot had been ilicd
at shuit lange Ho also s ild the pawn-
In okcr's clc'i k had told of Miller's bu } Ing the
pistol. Dr Tovvno collaborated Dr. Somors'
C C htnnloy of South Omaha testified
Unit Millet had been thinking toimldpinbly
some weeks bufoio his death , Dr , Beivvlclc
of South Omaha testllled that Miller had
exhibited signs of melancholy , and on ono
occasion spoke of suh idu , Dr , Kinhout of
South Omaha testllled that ho had ndnilnls *
tcicd to Miller 11 patent cuio for dipsomania.
A gicat many witnesses were Introduced
to show the whoicabouts of Beilln and Hajs
on October - , ! their ptcscmo In South
Omaha at Iho time Clara Allen swoiothoy
w ei o killing the dc < eased m.ior was pretty
cleat ly established. Several police ) detec
tives nnil pno or two of the
Allen woman's t.istois in sin we-ro
put on the stand to disci edit the
testimony of the hitter , and it was shown
that she had talked u deal about what
she was going to got out of the case , and
what slio did not know about it.
Wliun the dofcnso icstc-d Mr , Mnhonoy
asked for an adjournment till this inclining
that ho might put on some witnesses In re-
hutttil , but after a consultation ho decided to
submit the cube as it fatood ,
Ohirii Allen Arrttttcil ,
At the conclusion of the trial , Clara Alien ,
the pilmlpal witness against the defendant *
was arrested My Cblof Detective Haze as slio
was leaving the couit mom ,
The complaint , on which the warrant was
issued vv ab Mgncd by T , J , Mahoney , county
attorney , utiliseluutfcd the v.oman vvittr
poijuiy. She was taken below at oneo and
loc keel up It is alleged In the complaint
that Miss Allen testified under oath to what
was uiitruo and had In her statements mudu
before the court perjuied heihUf.
Late last night a Brn jupoiterhad an ln
leiviow with tlio pilbonei. und bho talked
for an hour or longer about the ciine From
start to finish she stuck to her story of tha
shooting , although contradicting herself
frequently in minor details. When
whether 8ho hud iccclycd , or had boeu