Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Somebody Knew That the Allen Woman
Had Not Left the City.
tronwitlnii In Ilio Mlllrr Cnio UriMiclit to
CloM-i mill Testimony for HIP l > > -
frino C.'oitiinriHTil Si-irrnl
X w Slorli-1 Tolil.
Another sensation wns sprung in tlio
examination of Hays and lU-rlln , flmi'Ked
\vltli killing Major Mlllur of South Omalia.
When I'ourt mlJouniL'd atnoon.IiulRo Strawn
of Hays' i-oimsol liml ilrirwtitlcil tiiat Clara
Allen , who had mysteriously disappeared
since Saturday ! > brought Into court. Olio
of the nftlvo prosecutors stated that they
cotdd produce ! tin ; \voiuan Inside of half an
hour anytime , and upon the order of the
rourt she was brought out from her retreat
mid was called to the stand for additional
cross-examination by Attorney ICsU'lle , who
united :
"Were vou at I ( Hi .South Kltrhtlt street , nt
the house wliero Hnttlu Wilson Is staying ,
on the Monday pwodiiiK TlmnU.sirivliiKf"
"I dnn't Ifnow whether I was or not. "
"Were you there at the same time
Ilntllo Davis. May Johnson , ( Jeornio Uun-
iiiiurliiini and CcorRO .Schroder were there ? "
"Xo. I never saw them people In the
house. "
"Didn't you have a conversation with tlieso
parties ? "
"No , I did not. "
"Didn't you say to Hnttlo Davis then that
there was i-VX ) reward olTerud for informa
tion eoncernlns ; the murder of Mayor Mil
ler ! "
"No. "
"Didn't Hattie D.ivis say to you at that
tlmuwhat are you p > ing to do , Clara1 and
didn't your answer ' 1 am Kolug to make some
tummy out of tillsf "
"No. sir , there was no such words used. "
"Didn't ilattle Davis say : 'Clara , you
know you don't know any nioro about tills
than 1 do. You were in the basement all the
lime ! ' "
"I didn't say any such ihinp. "
"Didn't she say further , 'you never saw
those men at all , for you were 'in ' the base
ment ? ' "
" .She never salt ) ueh a thine at all. "
"Didn't you tell Georgia Cimniiiuham that
you didn't know anything about the case and
was glad ofit ? "
' 1 never mentioned Miller's name to
Georgia Cunningham. "
"Didn't you say to Ilattio D.ivis that Dep
uty Sheriff Thompson had told you to tell
her that there was SsMH ) in it for her if she
would swear that she saw Hays shoot ? "
"No , I didn't say that. "
"Is your name Clara Allen ? "
"I have ( 'one by that name for the past
seven years. "
"Is not your name .toy ? "
" 1 thought it was. "
"Did .you not claim to bo tho. wife of
Oeorce Joy and attempt to get the insurance
on his life ? "
"I thought I was his wife , but the lawyers
could not Hud the certilieato and I dropped
It. "
"That Is all. "
A marked change was visible in the
demeanor of the witness from the brazen
indifference she had shown under her pre
vious examination. She was perceptibly
nervous as she centered the room and her
face turned all sorts of colors under the
rapid lire of direct < | tiestions. Her eyes
were cast down and her lingers worked ner
vously with her wrap.
I.MII Scott's Testimony.
T-XMi Scott was recalled by the defense
nnd testified that Clara Allen was at break
fast at the time Mayor Miller and the two
defendants called at her house and did not
see any of the three men. About live min
utes after they had ROUO Mrs. Allen called
up and asked who was upstairs , and was
told that the guests had goae.
Mary Betel , one of the little girls by whom
Mayor Miller was found in the weeds where
ho had fallen , was put on the stand and tes
tified to the facts as published at the time
in regard to the discovery.
Wiloy II. lleckett , ex-chief of police at
South Omaha , was called to the stand and
testified in regard to the circumstances
attendant upon the closing of the
gambling houses in that city. Ho said
that as far as lie knew the relations between
Mayor Miller and the defendants were of
the most friendly character.
I * . A. I'otts , an ex-mail carrier , who re
sides at 1H7 ! ICIm street , testified to having
seen Mayor Miller at ICleventh and Douglas-
streets at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of Octo
ber -I. The mayor went down Douglas street
and down beside the Douglas street bridge.
Wltnt II. I. CnrllrkSiiu- .
Other witnesses were called who know
nothing whatever about the case
nml they were succeeded by II. I. Garlicic ,
engineer at the Deering building. Mr. ( Jar-
lick said that on the fatal Tuesday ho left
the building about 11 o'clock and went home
to dinner. Just before leaving he saw a mar
dressed In dark clothes standing bohim
Nellie King's , and another wearing
light clothes standing near tin
corner of Kighth and Dodge
Ho could not describe them more par
tieularly and could not Identify them if hi
should sec them again. lie started on hi :
way home and when ho hail arrived at Niutl
and Dodge streets ho heard a shot llrod
which seemed to como from a southeas
direction. Ho eamo back to the bnildin ;
at liif.O : and sat in a chair on tin
back porch until about1 o'cloc't
Ho could see the place where Miller wa
found from the porch and was positive thane
no shooting was done from 11 ! : . > ( ) to fi p. m.
On cross-examination Garlicic said that lu
Was ( i feet li indies tall , llo had stood 01
the spot where Mayor Miller was found am
could Just see the cornice of the plaza
Where Clara Allen was sitting when sh
claimed to have seen the shot fired , pro
Yldlni ; that tliero were no weeds on the to
of the bank. On the day In question th
weeds were from six to ten feet high and si
dense that a horse could not ho seen throuy ; !
SlMi .MIIIei-'H TcHllmiiny ,
Mrs. Miller was the next witness , fib
testified that the last time she saw her hut
band bcforo the tragedy was abou
1 o'clock Monday. Mr. Herllu had called a
the house in tlio forenoon and Inquired fu
Mayor Miller ami again Just after 0 o'clocl
Hays had called to see her husband a wee
or ten days before the shooting. Tlio tw
men had gone into u room by thcmselvr
and after they had been there a fei
minutes she heard them talking in lou
tones. She went closer and heard Mr. Miler
lor say , "No. Iaii't do It , " and bring hi
list down violently on the table. Then Hay
loft the houso. She declared positively tlm
tlio sigimturo "P. C. Hellim" and the not
puriKirtlng to ho written by herhusban
were not In his writing.
Kobort Deaver , a 10-year-old nephew <
Hays , who lives at Twenty-fourth and
streota , South Omaha , was asked as I
whether ho had heard his undo say nn ,
thing about the murder , but no infonnatlii
was gained.
William Strader , shipping clerk at tl
Peering works , testified as to having lioai
the shot tired and seeing the smuko curlli :
up from the weeds ,
1 Irani by u Tciiiuiitcr.
1.1. K. McCrackcn. u teamster who lives i
Thirtieth and Manderson streets , said tin
ho was In a saloon on Tenth street on tl
day after Miller was shot. Thi'V were tal
Ing alwut , the shooting , and ho heard 01
of the two men who were stun
ing near say : "Yes , wo fixed tho-
this timo. " Ho stated ix > sitlvely tin
neither of the defendants were In the part
Nathan Cockrell of South Omaha wi
called by the prosecution to show that Mayi
Miller and Hcrlln had quarreled u day i
two previous to the shooting but denied ha
ing any knowledge of such an o '
cuiTcni'o. Mrs. Cookroll was called fi
the same puri > ese and with a similar resul
On being recalled the last witness said tin :
Bho had hoard Mayor Miller talking wll
a i > ollceman under her window abe :
U o'clock ono morning in Septet
her. Mr , Miller had remark ) :
that when ho was elected his friem
had promised to Htaml by him and mill
his duties us light as possible , but had fa lit
to do it.
She roiuul u l.rtttT.
At the afternoon session Mrs ICato Him
ono of the witnesses for the utato , was i
tilled uud questioned further iu regard
the mnn whom she saw standing on the sHt |
where Miller wits found Tuesday afternoon.
She added that nt the sumo time she saw
two other men down on the railroad track.
One was lu axtx car and another eamo nut
from between the cars and Jumped lu besltlo
the other. She heard considerable noise In
the carat the time. In conclusion she gave
seine testimony that was of some signifi
cance , but her memory wns so short that she
was uiiiibln to give very full particulars.
She said that two weeks ago last Friday she
was taking up a carpet In "Undo" Gib
son's place on Dodge street. Under the
carpet she found a letter which
seemed to have been written by some ono
wlio was Interested lu the Miller case. The
writer asked If "that Miller scrape" was
settled yet and Intimated that he had a
"couple of dollars" for the person addressed
as soon as the matter was settled. She was
utmblo to read very well anil took the letter
home to have it read , where It was burned
by mistake. She could not tell by whom the
letter was signed or to whom it was ad
Attorney John Hoffner of Preston , la. , who
was with Oilicer Dnnohuo when Mayor Mil
ler was found , related his story of the dis
covery. He said that the weeds surround
ing the spot were very thick and hlvli.
When he stood on top of the bank he could
hardly see Donohue stand lug at Uiofootof
the decline.
Soiilti ( ) niilii : : Storlrs.
Colonel 10. 1' . Savage of South Omaha
testified to having heard of Mayor Miller's
being shot at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening.
He started up Hartley "street toward the
'lospltal and at Nineteenth street ho met
Jerlin and another man. who was after-
vniil poiutcd'otit to him as "Hick. " the owner
if tlio gambling liouse of which Berlin was
he manager. Ho slopped and talked with
hem and Herliu asked him what the sonti-
iienl on the strot was in regard to the or-
urrence. The witness replied that It was
ilxed , some believing It to be murder and
thers suicide. Herliu replied that no one
wild ever make him believe that Miller had
ommitted suicide. Herliu had a prip
u his hand at the time. On the next Friday
10 met Berlin and his grip on u South Omaaa
jiotor train and licrlin said that ho was just
eturuing from Kansas City. Sometime dur-
ng the next week lie met Herlin at the
Kxchango building at South Omaha , and the
alter told him that ho had seen Miller a
lumber of times and endeavored to induce
ilm to favor the licensing of tlio gambling
louses , hut without success. According to
'Jerliifs statement Miller said that he had
icon to considerable expense in securing his
lection , and if theiv was any money to beget
got out of it , it ought to come to him and note
o the school fund.
At a later date the witness met Herliti at
Icothum it Williams' saloon and asked him
f lie had changed his opinion in regard to
he cause of Mayor Miller's death. Berlin
eplled that lie did not know , as things were
somewhat mixed.
Alex Kickard. generally known as "Hick , "
, vlio was with Berlin on the evening of tlio
ragedy , was the next witness. He met
terlin at South Omaha at 1 o'clock and was
ivitli him until after : ! . A little after fi
I'cloch lie met him again at the corner of
Twenty-fourth and X streets , ami saw him
'lim go into Lowfy's saloon. When the re
tort cnmo that Miller had been shot , the
.vilness . , together with Heetham and Berlin ,
got on a car and came to Omaha , and went
o the Methodist hospital. It was about
nilf past 7 when they left Omalia.
After leaving the hospital they met
Jolouol Savage , as stated by the previous
ivitness. They then went to the Webster
street depot , where the witness got Berlin a
'ijerth for Kansas City. "Kick" said that Ber-
in had told him that ho expected that the
gambling houses would be closed for about a
month and then would be opened again
mder a license svstem. Berlin had also said
.hat they would have to put up a little
uoney to run. Berlin had also said that
hey could have a monopoly of tlio gambling
business in the city by p.iying Miller $100 a
mouth as a personal perquisite.
George Dea\er of South Omaha , a
irother-in-law of Hays , said that tlio rela
tions between Mayor Miller and the gam-
'ilers were of a friendly nature. Miller had
: old him that the best he could do would bo
to let them run on a line basis of $ T > 1) ) a
iionth. In reply to the question whether ho
lad ever paid anything for the privilege of
running a gambling house , the witness re
fused to answer on the ground that an af-
irmative answer would incriminate himself.
Tor tilt : DcrcM-c.
At-I o'clock the state rested and the de
fense its introduction of testimony.
T. 1C. Sudborough was the first witness
called by the defense. He testified that tlio
note found on Miller's body and the signa
ture " ! ' . C. 1'ellim" was in the mayor's hand
writing. Ho had seen Mr. Miller's writing
nearly every day for the past thirteen years
iind was quite positive in his statement.
C. 1' . iStohblus , assistant superintendent
of tlio Pacific ! ICxprcss company , had been
acquainted with Mayor Miller's chirography
for the past seventeen years and ho unhesi
tatingly corroborated tlio opinion of the pre
vious witness.
Acting Mayor Walters of South Omaha
testified to the same effect. He also stated
that Mayor Miller had several times com
plained to him of the trouble in his head ,
which was commented on at the time.
Chief of Detectives Hawi was called to
the stand and questioned with regard to
what occurred at Lou Scott's house on the
night of the shooting. He said that they
saw Clara Allen first , and she came
and sat down on the sofa with
him. Lou Scott was also in the
room and said that Mayor Millet
and two other men had been In her house
between 11 and 1'J o'clock the day before.
The olllcers questioned first ono woman ami
then the other , and got as much information
from one as the other. Both denied liavlugj
seen any ono of the men since Monday !
Shortly after the witness returned to Hit
house with Colonel Savage and Sheriff Bennett -
nett , and the women told the same stoi'i
they had told before.
C'ontftiilli'tiMl riiira.
All this was a Hat contradiction of the
story of Clara Allen , who bworo that tin
men had been in the house on Tuesday , am
that she did not , hold any conversation will
Chief Ha/.o In regard to the case.
Oilicer Tom Hayes , who was with Detec
live Ila/.o tin his first visit , corroborated
tlio detective' : ! story in every detail. Hi
had also returned to the house at a latei
hour , and In reply to a direct question Clar ;
Allen had said that she had not seen eitllei
Mayor Miller or hi * companions when the. )
wt'ix1 in the houso. She added that she wai
in the basement all the time , but "ma"-
meanlng Miss Scott-had seen them , liotl
women again declared that the men hue
not been to the house since the day boforo.
Detective llazo was recalled and sail
that Clara Allen had told him that she hai
not heard a shot at all during Tuesday , 1m
hoard n report s imewhero on the Dougla
street bridge about o'clock on the proviou
Colonel Savage swore positively to th
facts related by Detective Haw and ills
testified to Mayor Miller's frequent coin
plaints of trouble in his head. Miller on oin
occasion had said : "I don't know why pec
pie are trying to make tills position h 1 o
earth for mo Instead of tr.\ing to hold up m ,
bauds. " Ho also stated that Miller ha
been a heavy drinker for tlio last few mouth
of Ills life.
. \liniit ( lie Id'volvrr.
Detectives Dcmpscy and Savage testifle
that they went to the Methodist hospit ;
in company with l-oliovk-h , the pawnhrukci
cleric , who sold the revolver from which th
shot that killed Ma.\or Miller was flrei
l/.ibovlch. . stated positively at
times that ho was certain that Miller wu
the mint that bought the revolver. Whe
oni the stand last week J abovic
denied having said anything of the kind.
Ma.\or Walters was recalled and continue
Mr. Oarllck's .statement that It was linpo :
siblo to see anything lower than the cornii
of the purlieu from which Clara Allen Ml
she saw the shot fired , from the spot whei
Miller wai found. Ho said th ;
ho went nnd stood on the porch
when n dozen were In the hol
low nnd ho could not see n
sign of any of them , Frank Ilarnoa , n bar
ber nt South Omaha , shaved Mayor Miller
nn the day before the tragedy , nnd sald-that
during the opnratluti Miller complained of n
pain nnd peculiar feeling In his head.
Some further testimony was adduced to
show that Clara Allen could not jwssluly
have seen Hays shoot from the iwreh on
which she said she was sitting. The case
was then adjourned until half-past 0 o'clock
this morning. The attorneys for the de
fense did not know whether they would con
sider It necessarv to call the four witnesses
to testify to the facts denied by Clara Allen
In her last cross-oxamititnliou or not.
, \n InviitiliilitiItcmnly for Coldi.
Sheriff Hurdman of Tyler county , West
Virginia , was almost , prostrated with n cold
when he began using Chamberlain's Cough
Hemedy. In speaking of It he says : "It gave
me almost Instant relief. I Hud it to bo an
Invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale by
I'aslur Snxlilge lliiiiip < < d ,
Hov. Charles W. Savidgo met with nn acci
dent tile other day that cost him several
severe bruises , but fortunately ho escaped
with no serious Injury. He was driving rap
idly along Twenty-fourth street when the
king bolt of his buggy broke , letting tlio
front axle slide out from under the buggy
box and throwing Mr. Savidgo headlong to
the pavement , while his IIOIKO went Hying
down tlio street with the front wheels of
tins vehicle.
Rev. Savidge received nn ugly cut across
the top of his nose , where that conspicuous
portion of his anatomy came In contact with
the pavement. He received several other
bruises , but no Very serious injury.
> -
rriini NVuln'1'tf.
C. F. Moore & Co. , prominent druggists of
Nowberg , Ore. , say : "Slneo our customers
have become acquainted with the good qual
ities of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy wo
sell but little of any other kind. Chamber
lain's medicines all give good satisfaction. "
For sale by druggists.t
; - .
To Members of L5. P. O. 12. Lodpo No.
Hfl : Owliitf to the uullnisliod condition
of the now lodges rooms the tncotiuij or
dered for Friday nl ht , December 0 ,
will bo postponed to nlffhi of December
Hi. G. I1. Croiilc , E. K. , E. O. Brandt ,
_ _
Milt-gun1 ! .Mutlii'r Si-i-lemsly III.
Margaret Mather is a sick woman and is
confined to her room at the Dellono unable
to fill her short season decided upon before
the final disbanding of her company. The
company was billed to play in Council Dlutl's
last evening but so ill was the star that her
physician refused to permit her appearance
and tlio company was given notice that the
season was therefore nt an end.
Mr. Pabst , Miss Mather's new husband ,
arrived in Omalia on Sunday , and to a re
porter he stated that Miss .Slather was very
ill , so ill indeed that she could not bo moved
for some time.
The company is at the TJarlcer and like
Micawber waiting for .something to turn up.
You don't want a torpid liver ; yon don't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath : . vou don't want a headache.
Then use Do Witt's Little Early ItUcrs , the
famous little pills.
Jeal estate.
Uarfjiiuis only.
Mv word is good.
\V. G. Albright
621-i-3N. ! Y. Lifobld ? .
The following marriage licenses were
issued by County Judge Idler yesterday.
Name and addicts. Ago.
I Arthur It. Spencer , fhlldess , Tex ! M
f Amelia H. rorlies Omaha ' . ! ( >
( William I. . H. Williams , Omaha 1IH
f Klleu Doi-M-y , Omaha UH
i ] 'rinf < M.Shliin. Lincoln 127
I l.ulti Plxson , Lincoln 18
i llcmiiiii l'iir'rniiiM : : , Hoiilh Oniulia i. . 23
f Iula ( iai'iier , Omalia " 2
INIUolla Ileniliaiini , Uinnlia 'J8
f Adeline , rhillip-on , Omaha -Jl
nyilllam A.ChndwIck , Daiiuvlllc , la H-4
f Kate 1 , . .lohiiMiiiOmaha ill
I William H. Day , Omaha fl-l
f lleatrlco Itlnehiirt , DL.Molnus In 'Jl
I Martin llaiiMMiCouncil HluIVs , la il
fJInry UniiM-n , IIiiHcy , . < . 1) ) .M
An honest pill is tlio noblest work of the
apothecary. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
cure constipation , biliousness and sick head
Compli't * ' Nr\v .stork of furniture.
All goods marked low in plain figures.
1200 , 120S mid 1210 Furniun St.
XotU'o of Convention of Nebraska Slate
lliiiiki'r.s' AssoriuUnii.
Kxcctitivo council of the Nebraska
State Bankers1 association.
OMAHA , Nob. , Nov. 2. ? , 1692.
A convention of the Nebraska Stuto
Bunkers' association is hereby called to
moot in the city of Lincoln , Nob. , on
Tuesday and Wednesday , Dec. 20th and
21st prox. All banks nnd bunkers and
trust companies doing business in the
state of Nebraska uro olifjiblo for mom-
borsbip and are requested to send dolo-
fjntcs. Further ntirticuhirs with pro-
pram will bo prepared and sent to each
ono separately. I. D. Kvnns , Tliomns
Bryant , O. F. Bontloy. II. II. Dorsoy ,
C.V. . Moslior , Kdwurd Updike , George
K , Chouoy , William Wallace , members
executive council.
HKNHY W. YATKS , Chairman.
GF.OICGIU. : . Voss , _ Secretary.
l > ; iy lEIiielini-i.
Manager John B. D.iy of Wonderland and
Bijou theater , and Miss Beatrice Hineharl
were married at high noon yesterday , .ludge
Charles Brandes performed the ceremony.
The marriage took place in the parlors of
the Hotel Dellono , the guests being limited
to tlio intimate friends of tlio contracting
parlies. Following the marriage a delight
ful wedding breakfast was served in tlio or
Mr. and Mrs. Day will bo "at homo" at the
Dellono for the present.
- o -
Your grocer keeps Cudahy's Hex Brand
Extract of Beef , for ho can't afford to keep
Hist class and second class food pro
The 1'urihh Aid society of Trinity
cathedral will hold u sale and luncheon
in Itaingc building on Wednesday and
Thui'hdny , December 7 and 8 , from 12
till - . Luncheon , 50 cents.
Among Military .Mm.
Sergeant K. W. D.ivis , troop K fltli cav
alry , stationed at Fort Niobrara. has been
promoted first sergeant , vice Smith promoted
second lieutenant. Sergeant Davis is a son
of Mr. K. .1. Davis , chief clerk Department uf
Iho Plutto.
Weak btomach htrengthcncd by Beccham's
and Interior doiioralintr ; designs -
signs and estimates fiirniahoJ. Henry
Lohmann , 1508 Douglas street.
of Arc line * < ir la * nailer tills ltnt < ljijtu
cenlx ; cuch uiMKdiiinl line ten rcnti.
\VII.CO.\- .Miiii'Kietlu Nfi'lo Johiistmi. at furl
Nlnliriil' ! ! . NL * ! > . , Di'i'fiulK * ! ' fj , Is'JJ , licfo\ril
u if rot'iilenaut I' . I' . Uilroadjiitunt
felMli ruvulry.
10 , Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
oto Used in Millbas of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
CTont/c/ncii nro nof ivcnr/fifr f/io < jo frroaf < > M fni -
Yo.nod f/ino JI/OCOH muv. TJioyirofor tlit siimJ/
tltnt I ft ncnl , ypf l/ ; if. A r/no wnt t li , nonfoc'1 lit cn'ory
\vny ninl iiioi/oriifo In preo..IKOS C/itito/ii/no /
tviif ofios nro frroiif furor/Jos.
C. S. RAYMOND , S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas.
Is nnxt
How to Cure Freckles
SMncotlinhPcltmliiniif tlio orhl pretty fic : < n linvo
tic'cn apotlcil wllli freckles liml the mint tn > u-.itlhi
cimipU'xImis lil.UlL'n upby tlio-uunsUhtly blcmlihu * .
In tlio only rurp i > ri > r known. IMscoviTiM ! > ) MM IS
.M. VAI.K , the worM-fiiuu * t llcauty anil Hoinploxlon
? -pectiU t. Mnio. Vulc hu trvv : < Ml crowna I hi'iil-
ol turopc. ladlPHiit tlu > Wliltt * lli u u. an I the roli'bs
rllli-i ( it thi ! wurlil. Willt' liur In cdiniilcneo. She
i-nn iimkn you bountiful , tilic can maku you VOIIUK
nualn. Turn urny hair to Its : color. Notlyu
ii-ol nolliliiK but mi ! llclnc. tluvelop yuiir
bust , Illl out your'iinkon elicit , euro yon nt any skin
bii'inHi. > i'iiil for her tanmus llciiuty Honk. H will
lie innlltvl > oit Irco. All nf Mininlc'i ri'rntMliM
will Inolili'pftl ' you from Chicago , or you rin : pot
them frjin yunruruKtf'il. He will nut Ilium lor you.
fie to your < lrumrl * t on Mnmlny an I pot a liottlo of
I.i KriN-kta , taKn It homo itnil apply ituci'itr.llin to
ilirt'ctlonH on Moniluy/rui'stlay ami Wrilnt'Mlay , nntl
on Sunilay you will not have a frocklo. Yodr coin-
pk'xlon will DO an purti'ct us when u I Ittlu b.iby , ThU
is itUaulutvly truo. I'rlco SI.IW.
Mme. M. Yale's Temple of Beauty
UCSIalcSt. , I1. S.-Soml
for M M K-
Chicago , 111. VAl.K'S vul
Hook l-'rce.
Weakness ,
gl Rheumatism ,
ronic ,
Nervous or
Dr. Searles & Searles
I'or the Trcnlinent of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases
All I.lood and Skin Diseases , Or
ganic Weakness aiul Diseases of No
iMattcr How Loii Standing or How
Often Pronounced Incurable.
Arervous JDchility
I'll.HP. FISTULA , FIPSHKK , pornmiipnlly cured
without tlio nye of knlfo , llKaturu or cuusilo.
All innlaillos nf n ( irlvato or ilcllcnto nntnrc , of
eltbur vx , positively uuruil.
( 'nil on or nildross , wltli utainp for Clrculiira , 1'rco
Hook nml itci'lpcs ,
)18 ) South I5lli Street ,
OIJIII/KI , A'ef > .
Teeth Filled Without -
out Pain tjy thn
Latest Inven
Tooth Extractotl Without Pain or
A Full Scl of Teeth on llubber for $5.03. $
IVrfort lit uiinrnntvpil. Toctli oxtniptcii In thn
moiiiliii ; . > 'w ones Inserted In the cvcnlnxof naino
J y.
y.M'O Kpnrhucniof lieniovnlilo IlrhlKi ) .
K'0 H.P | , 1I)1LM1 ) nt KIOXllllll lUllSlIC I'llltO.
All work niiiriintoil UH roprosentvil.
Offlco Third FloorPaxton Block ,
Telephone lllni. IDtli nnd Kariinm Sts.
evator or otulnvay from Itith til. ontr&ncu
In tlio treatment of all forma of
And \Ycaknci9 nnd DUonlur of
TVTT7AT " ' " ' 'OES ' of rotirnco. Ambition nnil VI-
llt. 1-jli tnllty. Kiitlitccn ycnrs of tlio most ro-
irnrkiiblu AiKccttfl In this tri'iitmcnt of tliU clnss ( if
clln'Uhcn , wlilcli IB IIIOVOD by tlio illilvcrHol ti'Ktlmo-
nyof thout-nnils who luivo been cured.Yrltofur
olrculnra nnd iiiu3tlon | Hit.
Jit It mill i'nriiiiiii Sts , , OIIKI/KJ , A'c > / ) .
Elastic '
Stocking's ,
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
d Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies.
114 S. IStli St. ,
Next to Postorflee.
nil trnln of
KVll.rt , WHAKNKSSH.IIKIIIUI'V. . KTI , Hint no-
runiUHny HIIMII In moil Ql H KI.V nnd I'K
NKNTIjV fl HUD. lull H'l'ltHNOTII nnd tone
Klvi'ii to every part of lliu hoily I will omt ( no-
curcly pni'iodi I'HKK to nny nirortT tlm prnicrlii.
lion Unitvuruil moot Iliono truublni. Aildross , I. .
Jo'7G Stz-oot , Omnhn , Nob.
The eminent M > wlnll l In nervoun. chronlo , prlvntu Uloocl , skin uud urlnarr ill ua p A ri'Bular and
. . mill ircHtlnu Hh 'liogrenlCBt
reelsluriMl iirnilimtnln miMlli'liio. a iliplum.n nnd corllllcnleii show U
ce riiturrli , loBtiuunhiioil. piuln l weakness nluht IOBBOJ iind nil forma of prlvnludlsomes No raori'ii-
ry uiwl New treniiuent lor lo of Tltnl power I'nrtloH iinoblo to vinlt mu nmy bj trvntcil nt lioimi by
rorrcupondiiiici' Mmllclro or Innlrumenlb tent liy ranll oroxprcmi tucuroly packed , no m.irkii to Indleiitu .
ruiilviitaoriiciiilpr. Ono per onnllnlervluw prtferred. t'onnnltutlon frew Uorrctuoinloiicontrlctly prlvnlo.
] Iook.My ( tcrle oJf.lfo > iit'iit free ( Jlllcoioura'Ju ) m. to Up m aiindttyBlUa.m. to 13m. sonin tamp for reply
The Keeley Institute of Hed Oak , Iowa.
The trcntmont nuU rcmodios nro idonticul with Unit of Dwlght , qulot , plous-
> nt , cui'tnln. The liquor , morphlno and tobucco liauibi cured , shuttered norvi-
power rostorcd , followed by ability to conuuiitriitod attention on olliurs of lifo.
1'ho in-onor advice to ive ; the proper Btop to tnUo.
Address , TJIK IvhbLrA hllillJVi ,
Ked Oak , Iowa.
"Korvo Soode , "
the unmlorful ri'mmy
Is eold with a writ *
ut'U ui Weak Mrmurr.
For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & McConuell , 1615 Dodge Street.
this time of the year , the Tore part of December , , \
that Johnnie suddenly grows good. He keeps !
himself neat and tidy , goes to sohool regularly- I
is never late , takes an unusual interest in Sun r
day school , and is so angelic as to really alarm' 1 It ,
his parents. But Johnnie knows his business ; r
it's nothing serious ; he's just begun to thinlt
about Christmas , that's all ; he'll make up for
his good behavior right away after it.
are about as sens be _ things as you can possi
bly give boys for Christmas. Of course
you'll get your boy a-clrum-an'-a-watvh-an'-
a-gun-an'-a-steam-"injine" and a lot of other
things , but you ought to get him at least one
sensible present , j qw is a good time to buy
too especially today. We've had a great
quantity of good solid heavy fancy cheviot *
all one quality all one colo. " all one pattern- *
a handsome , stylish brown plaid made up"
into suits
for boys. The suits are \vitli knee pants and
are to fit boys from five to fourteen years old/
The coats are made -with corded plaits and hair
lappel back and the pants have the Excelsior - *
sior patent waist band. The overcoats are ill
sizes up to ten years cut good full length |
have detachable cape "wear-good" linings- *
and are as handsome as a picture. While they
last it can't be long we offer you your choice' '
either suit or overcoat
All who want reliable information in regard to the weathe I
during' the winter will please signify it by holding uponchandj
Those who have no hands may use both lungs and vote "aye1 *
or "no. " Uncle Sam'is a fighter and a grand old man ; but' '
forecasting weather is not his forte. I was going to say something - '
thing about Rolled Edge ArtiesExcluders and NEW JERSE\
RUBBER goods generally. I must say the rolled edges an
about all that people who read the papers will buy. They cos
no more on THE Nuw J HUSKY Co.'s goods than the old styld
do on other makes. Ask for New Jerseys and take no other
Their SIMJCIALTIES are not equalled. I carry THOUSANDS OK CASE *
of these goods here in stock and shoe dealers can get therri.
My "House" is' a home institution , about all I have is ir
Omaha , and I lie awake nights trying to build myself and the
city up. No goods sold at retail. Lists and discounts fur
nished to dealers only.
Finciifinl Ilrfcrcncc : Nat'l Dank of Commrrco. Omalia. j
No lKn.N"rii ) : > N' from businnss. No OporntIon 'V' |
Invest I'into our Mctlioil : , Wrlllun cuunintuu toulisoii
' Kl'I'TI'HKiif liolliHDXCH.wltli- * .
luioiv t'nre all IniNuf - ; <
out ilm nsu ( if Knlfu or byrliiu ) , nu inallur of how louf. '
307-308 H. Y. LIFE DLDG. , OMAHA i , HEO , I
' \u Houd for ( lire
Wllliontinonpyniicl without prlco.
To the
You uro not well , nml luivo no
inoiiiiy or l line to sunn doctor.
Out out tli" iiiur.i > | ) t InU'il lioro.
I'm-toltnii n ( instill oiird.
Wrllo ynnr own niiniii-in tlio
othur fl louf tliucuiili put It In
Iho I'oitOllli-ii , nnd by rntiini
mull you will u-ut n loilor unU
hoiuu iniiillulnu tlmt will ilo vou
i-ooJ. Try it ui"l mil
( rlcnili.
For Thirty Un\s only w w it oil ir i.r . o-itiro stoi'lc of Oiiunondu and
Dtr.stiima Jowo.lry -itl o. w ire ut losa thiin miinuf.voturer'u coat.
Fourteenth and Fnrnam Streefs-
. . . . mid BAFKS KOK BAI.rl
\ \ 111 inovo Jon. 1.1" N.V Tor. loth