i I OMAHA DAILY UKH : : MONDAY , DKCKMBKR o , 1802. Fully Two Thousand Persons Hixvo Turned to the Gross in Omaha , SUCCESS OF MR. MILLS' ' FIRST WEEK Ycnlrnlnj'd ScrUrr * fur YnniiR I'roplp Drew Mimy lo I'rofi'M r in i rilnn Mrrt- liluttliM Imrdiei Very l'ro lii c Is. The present roH lnus rcxlxal In Omaha looks n ( 'ootl deal like n rroonl lire.iljcr People xxho Imagined that this town tould not haxc a ic\irnl that would inaUo all sim ilar cffoits in the central west loolt pile anil slc'klj slmplj didn't know what tlioj xxuie talking about Ycsteidav as the sun pomed lo\\n its floods of life and lljrht upon tlio Mil Hi the spiiit of the Lord seemed to he btoodltiK oxer the tliunhes of Omaha and leading people hv the hutidteds Into the folil Hxxasbx jneat odds the most leimukable ilaycu-i e-xpcilc'iiccd by the icligious people of this illy 'J ho mi ctlnt ? for xowif. pcole ) at 10 o'clock In Imposition hall tlioxv an immense audi ence 'J he SIMmon was adapted to the ehar- iHjtur of the OHsoinblj and was listened , to xxith the ieatcst of inteiest Mi Mills se lected Pi ox cihs ill as u text fiom which ho iliewa innnlii-rof e\icllenl lessons for the instruction of the jouiif ? people bcfoio him To the oponinjr wonls of the chapter Mi- Mills enllul i-spec ial attention , "M\ , son for- KOt not in.x law , but lit thine heait keep inj i ominundmcnts " AIth this sentiment as a basis the exanfrelist jnocecded to delixer a disiouiM ) full .mil i tinning oxer xxith Kospel truth ALUio t lose ol the seimon : U" > joung lieople blKHLil the cauls thusexpiessint' a du- tui initiation to lead Lluistian Hxes .Mini } More OiinliiK ln < At the aftenionn meetinjr. xxlilch was also for joutiK jieople , Mr Mills pleached the Mini * Hi'inion and sexcial hundied 111010 bl nid thccaiilB Special effoits x\eie inntlo In all the ( hurt lies to tfct .xountr people to make a posltixo stall in the ( Muistim life and the icsults weto xeij salisfactoi.x and in nian.x jilaics btiiiilshiKon ] at count of the l.iifo number that i.une to the foot of the cioss At the ' Set onil 1'iesbxtciiaiv , chuidi oxer-lO ( .Voting peoiile espiebsed n detciniin.itioii to unite x\ith the chinch and bciomo u < lixe Cliilstiaus At the Southxxist I'lcsbxteii.in ( lunch theie weie llft\-four and at all the allied chiiK his theio bcenied to be an un usual nutpouilng of theieliKious sjiiiit Ten chuichis In the alliance ic'poited the namea of MM ) people who had siirnctl the cauls dur- iiiK the daj and \\lio will as soon astheop- iioitunltj is > rlxen unite with the chuith and become tutixu xvoiktis The spiiit of ] ) ciiltui.o sicmul to bo contagious and the people came so fast that it appealed impos- hiblo to touul them. It xxas a sc-ason of nieat icjoiciiiR in the homes of hundieds who had been hoping nnd piaxinu foi just sucli an oxent With fllllj'JKKI ( con\cits bofoic the close of tllfl 111st xvcek it does look as though the xxoik would bo blessed 1 he name's and addiesses of all xxlmsteu the taids aie plaied In a 1 uuo le istei anil the c.uds aio then ills- liibuted .1111011 the pistols of the thuichcs with xvhlih the tomeits x\ish to unite Keail.x oxi'i.x tluistiin ilimt.li hi Om iha will icceixe aitissions fiom thisfjieat efToit Manx cbuulii snot in the all ! nice at all \\ill leieixe some of theeonxeits , for tlii'i aioin- \aiiablxpeimlttedtojoiitx\hcio thexxish , to Some haxo expicssed a desiio to unite with the Catholic chinch , and of coinse thoi \x 111 bo i of01 ltd to some doxout Catholic minister. TliniinniiilM oT I'lriust 3t < Mi. The nieetinu last iiiRhtwas cxclusixelx for men. nxposition hall x\as not laiio ( enough toiontuin all xxho xxished to hear the ex an- gclist. Hefoio 8 o'cloik oxeiy axailablo space in the spicious ball was occupied' Not less than HOW ) men gatheied in thn hall to liear the pospel , is exjioundcd b.x Mr. Mills 'llie.x stood in tlio aisles , tluonged aiound the platfoim and cio\xded up the stall\xay into the ( ralleix. iillniK cxei.x foot of space that could bo ulillrcd. AVben the hall would hold no moio the doois had to bo dosed and locked and hundieds xxcie uniiblo to ( jain ad mittance. Ono look into the faces of the ffieat audi ence \ \ as sullle lent to con uco any man that theinajoiitj of the men piesent had not ( 'ono theio out of idle cuiiosit.x It x\as an cainest , thoughtful audience , and the atten tion ( , 'ixen the oxaiiKclist x\as eeitainli all that could haxe been dcshed. 1'laln , I'riutluil Talk. Mr Mills found his text In the thiid chap ter of Hoxelations "Behold I stand at the door and knoe'k , if mix mm hear mxoico and open the door I xx 111 como in to him anil xx ill supxxith him and lie xxith me" Tlio dlscouiso xxas a plain piactical piescntatlon of the gospel in xxhic'h the follj and d.mioi of sin , and the sifetj and s.itisfaction of Cluistiui HxiiiK xveio ably piosented. At the close of the seimon cauls weie distil- but oil as usual and oxer ! iK ( ) men snnilleil their intention of foisikiiiK the xxajs of sin nnd of bctomiiiK e\iincst C'lnlsti ins The spiiit of the mooting xxas ono of in- tcnso intoi cst and tibsoibliig dux outness IT Theioxxasno excitement , such as usuallj chaiacteii/csioxixal eftoils , but theio ap pealed to 1m .1 injst01 ions and itiesistiblo force at woik upon the minds of the largo iiudlenco that sx\ept oxei'itiling bcfoio it and made those who wcio not Clulstiins xxish that tlu > i xxcie. The m ilo choins of ! ? 0fl xolces icndeied the cxangcllbt xaluablo assistaneo. I'm Hi of tint Wiulc. This icxixal effoit has nhoailv brouglit ox-er ' . ' . ( HX ) ptoplo in Omah.t to a full deter mination to become ai tixo Chiisiians To bo Hin-o many of thcso tuo Sunda.x schoo : Bcholais , but the-i haxo not belonged to church mid xxcio not , pnipcily speaking , Chiistian xxoikcis Manx of the conxeitsaie young and niiddlo aged men , xxbo haxo be- oomo conxinee'il that thex'hnxo not been liv ing light and thcj haxo decided to cast theli lot xxlth Chilstiun people In an olToit to become ) butter men 1 olloxxlng is a biief statement of the mini- berof conxeitB icteixeil thus far , Including these that signed the cauls in tlio chinches jcsterdaj J'rlllaj nlKht , . 2tr himilay roii'iioon : tr > i hiuulay nfli'iiiDon . . . . . HI At tlio clniii lies hoi Huntlay nln-ht ; tM ( Tot ul J.IO'J ' < i.xTiiiitiNti : ' TIII : ru.\iMiM's. : I.rcKtiiitt i > r Hut lit iinoinli ill liijiini linn l.uli ! Doun li } tlu < Mithlrr. A Initfu i'oii'K'Mtlon { ( assembled .xcstcula.x Jiioininj , ' lit St. Mar.x's A-venuo Cont'ic'ra- ( tliiiial t'hniih to obsc'ixu the loimnlviion M > r- xico. After thu doxotional oxen isc's , the- pastor , Pr Itntlcr. extended the iltfht hand of fc'llouship to tlio lifte'cn numembeis \xhoimlteil xxlth thue'hnuh The he'iiiionxas a shoit disoouiso from the t \t , "Oathor Up the Kiaffmc'iits that it'in.iii ) , tlmt Nothing Ho Ixiat " Tlio hpoalu'r liad n > ail Ilio Ki'iphii' di'sc'ilptlon of the fet'd- liiK of the fi.tHXl us iccoitlcd In .lohn xl and icfi'iioil to the mmoiuicul teMehinj ? BiijfKt'ste'd bx the Master in the tomimind tti K'lthe'r up the fniKineiitt ) The xast e'l'on- oiny of the xxoilil ii'unlres the use of all it < - Mim os of xxt-alth and intclltituul and nioi-al iii'iiiiiic'ine'iit to inaUo that jiuvie'ss toxxaid the ulliiunto trooilhliii | s our destiny. To xxasto oxt'ii fragments of thc'bo u'soiiitcs inxdiiiiKs the strutrb'lo xxlth oxll and ictaitli , tlc'stiny. At thla point the pastor tofoiicd to the chinae-teu'of thoi'iumbs xxhie'h thodisoiplos \xeio it'tiuiii'd to Kathornp , and spoke of thc'in xxlth ciiiiliusls | as boliiK of the bie'ad xxhli'h the Suxlor had ble'sse-d. "Thi'so fiunibs , " ho said , "ai-o yon , my brother or sister , xxlio in jcaia gone b.x haxei lic't'ii bh'ssc'd by a piout > niotht'r and n lining father in jour t > ail jcaia in a Chilitlan homo. Vouhaxo be'cn simtfhcd out of the KTXnut's basket by tlio huiiKiy nihblu. biTiinibllnt ; for moix ) of the oed things of life ; j on uio boliifr e'rushe'd in thogtMusand H'Je'e'te'd , and the Master sends us to iratliur xou tip , tlmt no part of the bread that ho has most nui.x bo lost. " Tlio suipilsing amount of fragments , Iho txxclxo babliets nntbi'ivd up by the ilisi Iplcb , \MTOU30lltOBhOU' thO lllTgO piopoi tloil IllO films it'fcrrod to bore to thoBO xxho xxeio al- \ Xcady In the chuixh. and un earnest appe'al t r xni mnilo to thoio xvho reallrctl tlmt thny xero of "tho fniKinenti of thn bicatl that ? otl hail blessed" to bmsh off the fraxol of In xxhloh rluiif ? to tlirm nnd Kct into the NUKCM tlmt they might bo iixctl to the use- ul sphere xxhlch lay bcfoio them. The merit of llooil's S ir-nparllln is prox-en > y thu many xxoiuluiful euios It is nrcotn- dishing It Is jllit the meilleino for > oil. M. II. Bliss , by specltil rcxquont , will iloso oxory ox'oninp tliia xvcci : except Sriturdtiy to ulloxx * oinptoyos nn oppoi1- unity to nttcrul the Hov. Kuy Mills' nuutlngs. . itiportmit Snll I.llu Ij ID Dcllnc tlip J.mv nn Itulluii ) ItcorKMiibutloiK. Knxv Oiii.BXSs , L , Dec 1 Ivito jcstcr- Inx afteinoon lion A Panlnc , United States licuit Jutlffc , upon the application of Mr tuisell II Linilale. an attoine.x , planted nn ippeil to the file-nit court of appeals In the asoof Carex ami others stoekholileis ottho louston A , TC'MIS Central Kallxxax tompanx1 , iiralnst the lailxxax companx' anil otheis ; ilso in tinsimc case an appeal direct to the supienio court of the United States on the luc'stion of Jmlsilii I ion This case Inxolxts some * 17.0000XMl ( bonds mil T 71)0 ) ( K'U ' of stock , and xx as den liled ml- xtisclx to the stoikhulili'ts about tx\o xxeeks ago bx Jud e Pai dee 'I he sliickholdeis aio I'piescnted b.x Mi L.uidiile. lion ile-neison Jhandlei ami lion A 1C Dittenhoefer of Nexx Yoilc ; and OeoiKe lailc of Waco , To * 'I he x.u ions defendants me lepieseultMl bv Messis Hou o \ , ( .rant , .lonns and otheis of S'exx Oilc'.ins , Uiiker. Hulls . : DuKer of Houston. Hutler , Stillinan \ . llubbaid and ruiner. MeCluie Kathbont1 of Noxx Yoik. Iho tin il ilei Ision in Iho iarc is looked for \\lth tuteiest us It Is likelx to settle and de- lhn > tlie Inxx as to i.illuuj leoifrani/.itions mil tlie foic'elosuio of i.illxxaj inoitgasjes. - < , - Dr.iu Xotir Ouu Coin Illtloii. Mr .1 O Daxenpoit , manaper of the Toil Hi .IKI ? Hcdxxooil Co , l"t UI.IKK. Cal , has .his to sax of Chanibei Iain's COUKI ! Hemcdx "I used il for u soxeie cold and cough and obtained immediito lelief. In the Foil UIMKK Heihxood CD'S stoie xxo haxo buhl .11 fro ipi.intitii's of Chamhei Iain's medi cines. ' ' Tor sale bj ? totltu ill' CIIIIM iidon of NVlit.lsIci bl'ltc HaiiUt is' Assiirl it Inn. rAccutix'o council of the Nebraska , Stiito Uankors" i ssocijition. OMAHA. Neb , Nov. 2 : ; , 1SD2. coiH'outlou of the Nebraska Sttilo Bankois' association is hereby culled to moot in the city of Lincoln , Nob. , on Tuesday and Wednesday , Dec. 20th and 21sl pro\ . All banks nnd bankers and trust eoinp.tnles douifr business in tlio state of Nobiaska aio eligible ) for mein- boi ship and are requested to send dele gates. Further particulars xvith pro gram xxill bo inoparod and sent lo each one sop.iratoly. I. D. lx-niig. Thonms Hiyant , C R Dentloy. II. II. Dorsoy , C.V. . M osher , l lxxtml UpdikeGeorKo C Cheney , William Wallace , members executixo council. IIi\UY : W. YAIKS , Chairman. GKOKGI : H. Voss , Socrotary. .v ix Itiit'ssiH Contiiiilltt Kncli OtlicT In Very Kinpliutit ; Xliiimcr. .Txxrxipx , TJ 1 , Dee 4 Ilicio xxas a scn- sition .xostcidax in the contest oxer the xxill of 'Ihoin.ib Van- , the Biookljn eaipenter , xxlio died last .luno at llempbtead. 'Ihc e'.iso is in the suriogato's c-ouit. "When Kobe-it Watson , an emplojo of the testator at his stoic in M.x i tie ax enue , xx as put on the stand , Counsellor Claik asked him if he cxcr said lo Mis Kilxxaid Quinlan , xxifc of the con testant , if Mr rair had staiil at homo xuth Ins xxife in ISiookljn , hoxxould bealixo today and th.it bib nieee got him out to Ualdxxnib and Killed him ' Xo , sir , I did not , " said Watson. Mis Quinlan at oneo spiantrto her feet and exclaimed : "Oh Hobeit Watson , hoxv canjou sij such a tilingIvcmeinber / jou aio talking to God. " Mis Quinlan xx.is then e.illcd to the stand. She font ladle ted Watsons testimony and told the cointth.it Watson told her three x\eeUs ago that Tan s niece had killed him This testimuiix cicatcda sensitlon and the ease xxas adjouined until Mondaj. Not fi DIM a I Iniini hit St.inilpiilnt. "I do not lecommend Chambe-iIain's Cough Hemedx fiom .1 finum ill standpoint , for xxo ' : baxo otbeis in stock on xxhiek xxe make a lai ei piotit , " sajs Al Mairgini , a piominent diu ist of IJiaddoclc , 1'a , "but because inniiX of our eustomeis haxc spoken of it in the lushest pi.use We sell moic of it than anx similar piepaiation xxo haxo in the btoie ' roi salobj ' - Fiescoing and interior decorating' designs - signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lolimann , 1C08 Uoutrlas sticet. The Parish Aid society of Trinity cathedral xxill hold a sale ana luncheon in H.imge building on Wednesday and Thuisday , December 7 and 8 , from 12 till 2. Luncheon , 50 cents. CUIl Scrtlic i\ainlimtloM. : The next examination for cleiks , caniois and incssensei s in the Omaha pobtoftleo xxill t.ike place at the postofllco biiildiiig Tuesday , rebiuiii 7 , beginning at ( J a m. Applica tions for this examination must bo made on blanks piesfiibed by the United States CixilSi i xico commission Such blanks can bo obtained at tlio pobtofllco. Applications xxill not bo accepted unless liledUth the secietai'i by the lllth of .lanu- aix. Addiess letteis of mqnliy to the "Sec- ic-taii of the Cixil Seixicc coinmission , Omaha , Neb. " An honest pill is the noblest xxoik of the apothecaix. DoWitt'b Little Kailx1 Hisers tuioeonstipation , biliousness and biek head ache M. It. liliss will close every ovonlng this \\eok except Saturdav to alloxxom - plo\os to attend the Hex' . Fay Mills' meetings. , ? - Coniiiti to Nnstoi Ic nr riiriilturc , All goods marked low in plain figures. ClIAS SlIlVKUIL'K &CO. , 12CO , 120b and 1210 Tarn am SU IAST : OK semi ( Mil thn Uuliisli Itoillc. The short line to .St. Louis and quick- ' cst louto south. Onlj ! i7 hours to Hot Springs. Only ! ! 'J houra to C ow OrJeans. Only : iSJ hour.s to Atluntii. Onlj 32 hout't. to .Inck&onvillo. With corresponding fast tlmo to all olsco , Mobile , Jnckhonxillo , Tampa , Hn > vannand all the uintor icsopts of the south and west Heclinlng chair enia fieo to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman hullut Bleeping cars on all trains Baggage checked from hotels nnd private residences to destination. For tickets , blcoping ear accommodations and fuithor information call at Wabnsh ticket olllco , Io02 Fiirnnm stioot , or xvrito , U. N Ci.AY'lO.V , Agent , Omaha. CUTTING SHORT ON CASH EcgcnU of the StAte ITnivorsity Oomplain That Their Income is Insufficient. MAY HAVE TO LIMIT THE ATTENDANCE lon to tltn LrRlMntitro Thnt thn 1'rt aint Tax Mill no Longer SuHtco for tliu Urgent Needs of thu Institution. , Xcb , Dee. I [ Special to Tun IJiu ] Theio is nothing moio grattfiiiiRto the pi ido of the fi lends of education in the state of Nebraska than the mnx-elous sti ides being made in the doxclopment of thoKtalc unixcisltj xxltliln the pist two jiears Tim growth ( if this Institution , now the k'ader of its class in the xxest , has been icinaikabl } rapid stnco the beginnlnir of the l > i esent decade The- biennial icpoit of the lei id of Uegcnts submitted to the goxcinor txxo xeats ago shoxxed that tbeio xxeio ICiO students actualh' In attendance. This did not include piix'.ito students xxlio simply took insliuction in music and ait The biennial lepoit , xxhlc'h xxent lo Ooxeinor Uo.xd jc'stenhii , sho\\s that the actual at tendance at the piesent tlmo Is ttil ) The in- cieaso Is in all depirtnicnts of the univer sity ' 1 he icgentsexpi ess their belief that xx itbin the coming txxo je.us tbonumberof students in actu il attendance xxill haxo in- ei eased to at le'asl l.WHl and an attendance of 2,000 is among the possibilities within the nest four jeais With thcso expectations loallrod , the state xxlll bo confioiited xxlth a giax-e icsiTonslbillty in Iho wax of finnishlng the moans to can1 } on the xxoik In all the do- pal tmcnts ; tlio riniiiicrs. The folloxxing iiai.igi.iph fiom the lepoit xxill indicate the extent of the lesponslbility which doxolxes upon the legishitmo in carIng - Ing for the unix ei sit j : " ' 1 ho unexpected gioxxth in mnnbeishas not been accompniletl by an eipi il gitmth in icxenues It xvas supposed that at the time the thice-eigliths ol a mill tax xxas ( 'ranted that the assissment loll of the state xxoiild liso xxith sulVelent lapiditj to fuinishall the funds nect ss ui for unlx-eisity ( imposes The fact seems to be , houexer , that the asspsmenl lollfor Ife'U is not as laige as it xx .is estimated ( at the time ) the assessment loll for IMS would be App.ucntly the lexc- nues of the unixoisltv .ue hit leas ing and aio likely to ineieaso by onlj $1,000 a joar It xx ill bo seen at a glam < o that it is neccssiij for the ic-gents to adopt a Aery maiked change in the linineial jwhcj it the institu tion is not to aibiti.uilj limit the nnmbci in attendance Iheiej'ents baxe met this dif- llcullj b.x asseiting tb.it tbej tnnno longer eiect buildings xxith unix ei sit v lexenncs Uuildmgs must heieafter bo pidxided fiom thostatogcneial fund This is the policy pmsued bx excij other state in thu xxest , mid should haxo been adopted hcio jeais ago " ; Till il The leading cbuichcs of this city haxo 01 g.umed a foimidable campaign against the hosts of inliiit.and | . thegenei.ilongageinent xxill tommeneo next Satuidaj oxening , and the exangclieal foices xxill be inchaigeof Hey J Wilbur Chapman , noxx conducting seixiees at Uiio , I'a. Dr Chapman has 10- eently"attiacted much attention in icligious as xxc'll as secular chcles in Iho east and comes to thu xxoik heio xxith a icput.ition of haing "a gentle , pel suasixo manner , a floxx- of feixid , unfailing language , a fund of strip- tuial knowledge , a iit.li oxpoiience and an inexhaustible stole of apt illustration. " Piop.u.itory seixiccs ixill bo held at the leading thuichcs ox cry exening this xxeek and a gcncial effoit will bo m ido to enlist the chuith people of the citj in the pioposed icxixal. Lincoln's I.atoht Collect' . Thciu still remain .1 foxv hilltops around the city of Lincoln not occupied by uiiix ei sity or college , but they aio going fast The latest candidate for a location is the GUI man I uthcian college. The piojectoisof the in stitution pioposo to eieit a building costing in the neigbboi hood of $75,000 , and thex haxe foi sex cial d.ijs been looking oxer the ad- xantages of bexeial sites ollcied. The ono looked upon xx ith the most fax or is on Hast O stiect , on a tiact of line land midxxax be- twecn the ncNounal college and Coiner unlxeislty. ' 1 he location of the institution at this point xx ill doubtless insuio the ex tension of the sticet i.iihxay from the Noi- mal college to Hax clock xia Coiner and Wcs- loian unix ct suits It is undei stood that tlio only competitor for the institution is the citj of Hastings , which has oiTeied a line site nothing less than one of her p.uks and a consideiablo bonus in cash. Ji\lno Si ells : i Dltoico. \Void has icaehed this city that Vf. II Irx'ino has commenced suit for a dix 0100 fiom his xxife on the gi omuls of adulteiy , the cor- icspondcnt being the late C 13 Montgomery. Befoie and dining his llial in this tity for the minder of Montgomery hxino gaxo his fi lends no indication of bis intentions tow.ud hisxxifu After ho bad been acquitted ho studionslj icfiaincd from any icfcienec to her , and main of bis fuends heio llnalli ac- eeiitcdthobelicfth.it after sulllucnt time bad clajised he xx ould again take her to his home. His case w ill bo tonducted by Judge Po\\eis I > ailiiKTIil < - \ < -8 ut Work , Theoutljing picclncts xxeio gixcn a taste of Iho excitement that the people of Lincoln lux e been cnjoi ing for some time past last night. After 10 o'clock last night txxo men cnteied the house of V II. Miller , lixing in West Lincoln in cc inct , Jlx'o miles fiom this city They demanded all the monoj Mr. Miller bad , and xxlien ho failed to pioduco it asipiiikly as thoi thought bo should , ono of the fellows Hied a shot at him , the bill nar- io\xly missing his head. Mis Miller got out , of the hoiiso and stalled lei un for a neigh bor's place , but she xxas followed bx a shot fiom ono of the men , the bullet sinking her in the check and inllicting a slight llesh wound After getting what llttlo mone-i Miller had the follims dopai ted. Txxo boms later the postoftico at l mciald , n little toxxn six miles xxest of this city , XMIS enlei ed b.x Uxo men Tlio building contain ing Iho poslolllco is also occupied by a gen- eialsloio The lobbeis bccincd about 100 xx 01 th of plunder and niado off with it. A posse xxas at oneo oigani/cd for puisult. Perfect nouiishmciit for Invalids is fur nished by Cudahj's Hex lliand Fluid beef , the condensed liquid essence of lean beef. Roiil estate. linrppiiins only. My xvoid Is { rood. W. G. Albriyht. 621a N. Y. Llfo bid ? , Holiday goods Fron/or , op , p. o. AVaiiiiiniild'r'i * l.ut"it Drill , Nrxv YOUK , Dec. _ 4 A Ilionkljii real estate dealer , xx ho has been tiding for some tliimtobu.x somoxMluabloinoiieitj in Pulton sticot , sixa that ho was acting for Post master Cicncial .lohn Wanainakor , x\hom ho icpicscntcil as going to open a big atoio In Hrookl.xn similar to the one. ho owns In Phil adclphia. What follj 1 To bo xxithout Ucocham's pills f j Onlj Onit OrKiuil/atloii Xou. I Ntxx Yoith , Dec \ The rtuJi ( jiialllled u'picseiitaUxos of the hithcito eonlllctlng Baking Powder : Tlie only 1'ure Cream of Tartar Poxvcler. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used iu Milli-ns of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard , ortlcrn of Comnuirrinl Tolcfirnlicrs | ) of North .Amorlfn nntl th vtMir the OrtlcT of Coinnipr- clnl Telt'prniihorsurf the United SUtcs mot In this city totluy Ai n result of this moot- IIIR It xxnsnKrectl.thiit the Intcrostsof Itoth nssoclatlotisshoulilliomeifrt'il , nntl Hint the oitlcr of CointncrclnlTolc'pinphprs of North Atnorlcn stionlil bo ifc-ofrnlrcil ns the only oipinlzutlon of c-oinincrcliil tcle > grahcrs ) on this continent. An Imnlimlilc Itrinnly for ColiK Slicrlff HaiMtnna of Tyler county , West Ylipinl.i , xxns almost in-ostiatcil xx Ith n colil xxlien he hennii UHlnK Chamberlain's Cou h Uomeily In spc Man of it ho sa.xs ! "H K'ax'o mo almost instant rclle-f 1 Uiul It to bu an Inx-aliinblo icinedy for coltls. " Forsnloby tlrilggists. .sot/3// * I.W/H/CM.V c'o.w.iffvsio.vifrs. : Tliry Arrho In Nc Yorlt to Stltlo nil Inipiirtiitit Stilirct. | Xcxx YOHK.DCC- The ste'.iiner Vigilant la anlxc'il heio today fiom Hra/lll.in polls and brought to thiscltj thiooof the Hi.i7llt.iit eomiiiissloncis xx ho in c < to scrxo In the' se'ttlo- ineiitof tin- missions .mil houndaix' fase , xxhlch b.x aii ( oe'inc'iit bt'txxe'e-ii the ) Hi.ulllnn Koxcinine'iit and theArfrontint' Iti-puhllc isle lo be- left to the dpiision of I'leslile-nt Ilaiii- sun The coiiiinissiiiniis aio Captain .loso Unllobut , lr n Olxmphlo and Cioiu-ral Aifjiiie-iii. 'Jlieluttei is aitoiiipanic'd bx his xxifo and four sc'i'xants Unusu il lomtcsic's xxeio \tondud to the lomiiiissloiit'ia hi the eustonn inspectors miller onle-is from the Tieasurx dep.iitinent The Vlsfiliniili litid an cxcntfnl tlmo on llin tiipon uix'ntmt of the iliaianllnu | laxxs of Hemth AmoiliM She xxas not alloxxed to stop at Kiotlo.laiiciio and hud to 1:0 to tlio qniiantino station sinrial hundiod iniles axxaxTlio lound tiip from this city took sux-onti-txu ) tla.xs Tlio old it'llublo ic'ine'dy for e-otiRh. cold , cioupaiid sine thioit. Dr IJulTs Cough Sjiup , should bo Itept in exc'ii homo. Sotiu ; Doubt < if Ills ( lillll. Coivximx , S C , Dec. I. 'lhe pxecutlon of tbojomiK nef'i-o boi , W.ulo llalncs , but foi Deceiubur ID , in this city is oxe-itlii ! ? a deal of inteiest inasmuch aa thcuo a seilous doubts of his guilt. - Ipioianc'o of tlio moi its of DoWitt's T-lttlo Hiulx Ulse'is is a misfoitune Tbesp llttlo pills H'jiulato the llxer , cm o head it-he , tlxs- pcpbl.i , bad bieath , constipation and bilious- . i > . % o.x c// / ; . \ i A. At the Uojd , this , tomoiroxv and Wednes- daj oxonimjs , "Iho Still Aliuni , " anil Little Tuusdaj , "tholheiiian's mascot. " At the r.unam sticot , tonight , Tuestlay and Wedncbdaj excninps , Andorson's eom- inedmns in the "Txxo Old Ciouics. " Wedncs- da > matinco At tbo 13iou ] theater the Uurton Diamatic tomp.mj in "Bmi'OiUs " Also CMOIIU , the- f.incj daneei' , xx ith other nttiaetixo bpee'ial- tioa. A Cure for Ciiiup. If jour ebildien aio subject to cioup alxxaxs Veep a bottle of CliambeiIain's Coii'h ( Kemedj at h.inil. It is a. piomptaiid eeitain cine If gixcn as soon as the tioupi tough appeals it xxill piexent the attack. Foi sale bj diuggists. M. II. Bli83 pajs ho xx-ill close ox-crv ox-ciiinK1 this \vtolc on account of the RexLiy MHla ilicetingb ; Saturdax- The skin ought lo be clear ; there is nothing strange in a beautiful face. If we wash with proper soap , the skin will be open and clear , unless the health is bad. A good skin is better than a doctor. The soap to use is Pears' ; no alkali in it. It is perhaps the only soap in the world with no al kali in it. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. Here's the Idea Of the Non-pull-out Bow The great watch saxcr. Saves the xxatch from thieves and foils cannot be pulled off the case costs nothing extra. The bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down Inside the pendant ( Etcm ) and ills Into the croovrs , firmly locking the bow to the pendant , so that It cannot be pulled or twisted off. Can only be had xxith cases stamped xith tins trade mark. Jaa. Boss Filled Watch Cases are noxv fitted xx uli this great bow ( ring ) . They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as. much , and are ginrantecd for twenty years. Sold only through xvatch dealers Uemembcr the name Keystone Watch Case Co. , PIIILADELF JUA. KENNEDY'S CAUTION , BIST IXDIIBITTEIIS ONLY INBOITLES " * Wyr S , H \\ini BITTERS T1LU1E MARK MBI1S DR. R. W. BAILEY Teetu Fil ed Wifi- out 1'aln by the Latent Inven tion. Tooth Extrnctod Without Pain or Danger. A Full Scl of Teclh OD Rubber for $5.03. $ I'irfoct nt kunrantcpil Tuclli extruded la the iHirnlnf c v , ono Inserted In thu vTtnlnv of tuiuo ar. ar.bco epotlraemof lli'iuornblo I'rldne fci-o pcclmcn > uf Huillilu Klabtlt I'lnla All work Miirrantixl an ruproi'iittnl Offlco Third FloorPaxton Block , Telephone H5 I'.tli ' and r'cirnam t-li Take elevator or ( ( airway from 10IU bt cntranco 'IS TUB GRIP COMING ? i\prjllilne : tmllriitr * It * > ppotly Apprnnrli \Mint tlio Indication * Are Concerning It Alirnml , lloports from Knropc which urn npppnrltiR In Iho | 'M > OM Miow Hint Ilio grip lim lirokon out InnninM violent form In Knulnml , nmt tlio ImlUMIcm iiro Ihit It li comment-Ing Us foi till nnnuil tour of the world The pliyMolnns liero In America report tnnnj people nHTi'tlnu from rniptoin hl'h lnll"Hto thn conilnc on of tlilHemtiloicmirito. XXbllo tVrc iimjr nut yet bo nn epidemic , there1 nro enough C M unit enough mlmn ca o toilemiiml Iho creMe't care ( inrt rmillot. The p-ororb , "In tlmo of pcico pripnre for nr , " I * ono of tlio mrnl vnlunblo "nylni ! * over lit- teroil. The nrlp , with nil It * tiiiiloi | nntnpM , with nil It * otloti nc , with nil lt < ln igorn cnn be prevented If tnttunln tlmo , nnil If people properly propnro for It 1 liero l but nno way to prepiua for fie roinlnc on of the grip nn I tlmt I * to tone up thn yntctn , budil tip the enerule * strengthen tlio life anil thu < uvolil In nttnck. br liplrw lliorniiKliljr propnred for HIIMII Thli cannot , lionet or. boilonootcep Invionny 11m wnj-Hb ) llitMi rcirtoiiiiM > iiru Himiliint Mlmli wit help tlio vital fnrccv IIIIMMPO tlio rlrcnliitlon ATnl strenitllicn Iho llfutti'iiernlly 'Iherol dimmer , but nun piuo luoillrnl Mlmulnnt htin Ml lo Ilio niitll n norlil or tlio Amorlrin people Innt minnitiint IMS turn before the public for > onr * mil 1 * pxrreillniiljr popular with botli men nml women It li lutrjr' ) 1'nrij MultMil ki < > It | , n it ninrllniry whl io/ . but n pilio mcillcliml one. In popularity l nomli-rful , nn II H due iiillrily to the fnrt th it It l < unpurlor In c\ery ny l-or pre\eiitltiK tlipinnilnjcnf thoKrlpll It iinequi c I , fur it fortllh i th3 vtoiu to n lth l in I Usnttnik' Cnro ulioitin l > o Inkt-u tlintnoilruial tor procer cM ! you otnn oilier nlilikoy whli.li he limy cliilni lobojmt n Ko il. 'Ihero Is nothing wlilc'i cnn tulip Its plnro If you Inxo riocUos Is III'M your fiun l lo Dirty. Godliness How to Cure-Freckles IN 3 DAYS. MME. M. YALE'S LH PREGKLK WILL DO IT. * -lnco tlKilinginnlnanr tlio norlil pretty f. roi hue In I'M " | Mllnl with fri'iklc nml Ihn ninsl IKNI alia coiniilcxloiralilililc'limiby thii'annMjlitly Ulutiilalnjs LA FRECKLA In tlicnnly curroxpr I'lionn IKCOMTO ) | < | by A1MK .M XAI.II , tliu nurl 1 liiinc 1 lit uity anil Cu iipiexlnn Muilmtt xtntu X ale hti-4 troali' 1 crouiil hull ot Liirupo. liiilk'iuf tin ! XVIiItu llnuiu an I thu ccli'bi lilies ot Ilio wnrlil XX rllis her In tiiullili luu Shu tun tunkn jou lie iiiltrttl iho cjin > uu\c > ou > ounx itkiilti rlurn KI ly Imir to UH niittiritl color Nuil > u u > ul nothing tint im'illclnihucu iluvc < lii | > mnr Ini-t.tlll nut > our Mllikeli tliu t. ruro > nn ol nny s'llti bluinlsli.i nil foi lic'r tnnitni * ML nitv line c it III bi' miilk'l j nil f no All of xtmp. Valet rc-ini illoj will bo slilppcl ) iiu fiom ( hlciU'i , or you inn net them Irumjour Uiufgl-t lie will eel them for > o I flotnjnnrdriicffl't on Mondny nn Itot n boltlo of l.ti Irteklii , tuko It homo mil uppl > IL itcor lln ; lo ( Urn tluns on Xloiuhn , 1 u idiy uiufeJlllHtn > , n li on iMinilay ) on llf not linvoii frocHIc Xoiinoin pic\ltin will nuns porti ct iisnhciiallttlubiby. 'IIlls in absolutely ti uc I'tlcotlUJ Mme. M. Yale's Temple of Beauty I-iG Stale Si. , 1' . S- Cor XI M i- ; iiCiiEO. _ HI X l.i : s i al LJ ' . 52 uubloUciuty Uook 1 roc The abox'o brands of prootls for siilo by The Boston Store , N.V. . Corner Iflth and Douglne. Tim Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. Tlio only perfect ( .Innl nnd rtctnl nj rhino In the world Jt IH tlio enl > ByrlriKO or or liivcnti'il by which vnul nnl Injections mil bo ml nilnlHli'ii il without leak I nun IK ! fOllhiK the cloth IIIK or ncivBHltatlni ! 11 o UBO nf n i Bhfll hiiM which cnn UM ! > bu IIPIM ! for rectal InjcctloiiHur Irrlk'utloii bl' ( ) 1 lirilllHU Mill , II AM ) II A II I ) bllKI.I , Xlnll nidi r nullolloil TlioAIoe&PeiifoldCo. , M \ rID I'ovion irn I'll ) hl < limb' iiri'ecrliillonH nrcuintuly prt'iinrt'il ul low prltLi ARE TROUBLING YOU ! XXVlIoinn uiul li ivn tliuin oxamlno 1 liy o ir Oitluiuti | nunfcluir t ) mil IfnuiUMUryllllul wlili aiiklrot nur 'I'KlthM'llON M-KIT Xl'i.r Snr l.t I ! < llVi hi ; tlio hoit In tliiMMirlil If ) unilo nut nuul cliio < wo ivlll li Ilinii no mi 1iilvl u > cni wliul Inilii UDliI ) M-j'e-iACi.Vs or KVI : ( Ji.x-isr.s muii i'ii i ! 1'lnlii vniuliii , bliiunr wlillut-liisHCM , fur proluctln Uio t yea , lruiuftK.ii pair up Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. I'llnimil an'l riftaODth Street b ColdsSTANDS KING. Cures Colds 3 Catarrli SAI i mi ! A ! S llarruli of H I MIII.UIMIJM. 111:1IlKrilllMi All. WKI.COMI CurmM.UXUI S uirsliiondiili Prostration. llimio ( iimurnlor ( urtmit llouiu Valuable-OAVGEX HOOK" Free. Call or wrllo Till : bl'KCIHC O\VjK.S CO , , bulloil'J ' sillily b J i ii irs ABOUT , this time of the year , the fore part of December , . , that Johnnie suddenly grows good. He keeps- hhnself neat and tidy , goes to school regularly , is never lute , takes an unusual interest in Sun-vi day school , and is so angelic as to really alarrr his parents. But Johnnie knows his business ; it's nothing serious ; he's just begun to think" about Christmas , that's all ? he'll make up for his good behavior right away after it. are about as sensible things as you can possi bly give boys lot' Christmas. Of course , , you'll get your boy a-drum-an'-a-watch-an'- " a-gun-an'-a-steam-"injine" and a lot of other. , things , but you ought to get him at least one" sensible present. Now is a good time to buy too especially toclay. We've had a great * quantity of good solid heavy fancy cheviot , all one quality all one colo. " all one pattern a handsome , stylish brown plaid made up , into suits for boys. The suits are with knee pants and * are to fit boys from five to fourteen years old. The coats are made with corded plaits and halb lappel backs and the pants have the Excelsior - ? sior patent waist band , The overcoats areMn ; sizes up to ten years cut good full length i1 have detachable cape "wear-good" linings- % and are as handsome.as a picture. While they ; last it can't be long we offer you your choice , either suit or overcoat ] HOLD UP YOUR All who want reliable information in regard to the weathof during the winter will please signify it by holding up one hand ! Those who have no hands may use both lungs and vote "aye" or "no. " Unc'e Sam is a fighter and a grand old man ; bulr' ] forecasting weather is not his forte. I was going to say-some ; thing about Rolled Soled ArtiesExcluders and NEW JERSETi RUBBER goods generally. I must say the rolled soles ar. about all that people who read the papers will buy. They co. no more on Tun Niw JIRSIY : Co.'s goods than the old styl ; do on other makes. Ask for New Jerseys and take no othei. Their SPECIALTIES are not equalled. I carry THOUSANDS OK CASK ; of these goods here in stock and shoe dealers can get them My "House" is a home institution , about all I have is is Omaha , and I lie awake nights trying to build myself and tlv ! city up. No goods sold at retail. Lists and discounts fur ( nished to dealers only. ZAOHARY T. LxINDSElY , Illl HARNEY STREET , OMAHA , NEB. your system Need a Stimulant ? Ef so , use RYE , AMERICA'S PBE SEST WHISKY ? For Sale at all High-class Drinking Places and Drug Stores. If your Dealer docs not keep it , write to DALLEMAND & CO. . CHICAGO SALE. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , POP Thirty D.IVH only WJ xvill oil tour ontlrj stoI : of DI imontla nnd C linstmiis Joxvolry nn J toll vorxv ire nt losi th in m inuf.icturor'n cost. Fourteenth and Farnam Streets' \\lllinoxo Ian 1. to .NV C'or lOlh anil I imam kAI Ks 1 OH 131G tttrool , Omnlia , Nob. The eminent kpiilullnt lii noriou' chronic privutu bljml km and urlnnry dim inn A renulnr an IHirnlruiluulu In iiii'illiliiu iixllpluiu in uiul i trl lilt u tot ulioiv , la Mill I ml I Ha Hh lliourenti tt nuo ' " ' iB'TlorveCcods , ' the noiulerrul rimucj/ U ( old with a writ' 'in uu riinlrr to rura ill norrout riUia t9 , luch ai XViak tlumorr. Itotilit Illttiul'uffi r. lluidaclic iViikefulnun , I.o t ManhooO.NlKlitlr Ktnls. rlons Nirvoiune/s I.as3ltudualldrilni anil Iocs of power of lliueiini.raUvt > Orv&ne In C'itliomczr4iuiwl liyovtr erorllon , } innlitul irrort. or i'iccl l lieu of tiibr.cco opium < ir rllmulonu wlilcti MIUII lua < t la IiiflrmUr. LoununiiH r. Iniunlty. 1'ut miroiin nlcn , tocnrrx In TI t pocket. SI perpacl. 'asohy uiaillifi ! | * < i. XVIili uvery tmnlor wn olicn < frtltn gwnnttt Incur. * iiiiroKn > b'i' iHtneeiNo vrrtjundtbeuwncv- Circular free , AildritBAcri n * . ; ) Co..rMcuKu , 111 For Sale in Omnbii by SLiormun & McConnell , 1616 Dodge Street.