TUB OMAHA DAILY HUH : MONDAY , nHOEMBER fi , 18)2. ! ) 8PBC1KL NOTICES. A nVIUlilSKMKNTS FOK " TIIKS V COI.tI.MNf. A win ImtnVf-n until 12 TO p. tn. for the ctenlna nnd untlls p , m , lor tlio indrnlnK of Sunday cill- No RrtTorttwtnPnl taken for loss than JJccntii for Iho first Infcrtion . All ndf orlloprm nu In tlipfio column * 114 renH \rnnl for the tlr.-t Insertion and I rent n wiint for rurh siibtequi-nt ln rtlon. or II W l'r ' line per tnnntli Tcrnm rath In n.lvAtieo. Initials , IlKiirc * . nymtxiln , etc roichconnl as a word. All advertise' iiiontsmud run tonnoctitlvi-Iy. Aitvcrtl Pt .hr re- micntlng n m.tnlirrtil chock , cnn hnvo tlio Idiom rrtdrr-ifpil to niinmbprcd letter In r.iri-nr 'litr. IlKr Answers xn n.ldrcMfd will bo delivered on tlio l > rr enintlon of tbe check. SITUATIONS WANTED. _ A 'WANTP.n , 11V A"rOMt'BTKNT "MIMll.K- , 'VnKcd wumnn , n fltuntlon ns cook orupneriil homework Addrm * . 37. lieu. Mftl fi * sni'A'iioN WANTED v A fnrnltiito man. ISycnrs experience In now nnd Di-coml linnil rnrn'turo ' nniUtovcsi upo-ika Knu- Huh. > csndlnnvinn nnd Oornian. Address H 33. llco ottlcc. MJ'7 ' 8 _ _ _ * A 'WANTI.n I'imiTION AS IIOOKKKKI'I'.lt (111 /Vrlcrk Vomw man speaking nml corresponding In Knirllsli nml liurninii lanKitatii' * nnil nliio con- Ypr nnl with rrrncli. Lame experience In oinco unit nlioon thorond. AtlilrpyS. ! . Hco. MM" ' * VlTl ATIOX WANTKI ) IIV KXl'KUtKMJKI ) A nnd cumpotcnt lady utenoiiraplior , Komlniiton operator HofiTcncon fiirnlnho > l. Modrrnto salary. AddrosaO 19. Mockman olllci ) , South Omaha.Ml . Ml WO 0' WANTKI ) , A SITUATION AS ASSISTANT A bookkeeper or trnvollim falmmin. by nyounn man wltn hcsl references. Address S 21 ilco. 8U 3 WANTED MALE HELP. J- MAN WANTHDO.VSAI.AUV. OXH WHO CAN ilcnrn quickly Apply nt IMHOoiul.li. < OlDll ) WANTED , SALAIIY PAID WHISK rofilPO. 4iJHIH I ) MAN WANTKI ) , HALAUV ANM ) KXI'KNSP.H. J-'I'ormniiciil place , whole or p.irt tlmo Apply ntonce , llrown llros. Co. . Nurserymen , ClilritKo. Ml d 21) ) ' - SNAP ! $ .1.0) TO M DAY SUHIC. Address ( iocbenour , Ij'.i ' Charles et. , Omaha , b. AI577D2J' 1J-HALAUY OH COMMISSION TO AGF.NTS TO J 'handle the I'nlent Chemical Ink Kraslni ? Pencil. Ihomost n-efiil and novel Invention of the ano. Krnxos Ink thoroiiKhly In two seconds. Works like manic. 2.0 to 500 per cent prollt. Aurntt ninkluu f.V ) per week. Wo also want n Konornl aiient to tnke chnrKii of territory nnd nptiomtsub nuents. A rnro chnncoto niiiko money. Write lor terms ami n snm- ) do ot ernnlng , Monroe Eraser MtK. Co. , X 3i > . La Cronsc , WIs. ' 75 J-WASTKIl , KIHST.CIjAS3 COACHMAN JApply W. II. Mlllard , Omaha National bank. -WANTI-HALKSM1'.NTOCAHHYSIIH : | I.INI. JJof our popular cluars nml place pnmplo lots with premium * . HlK puy. Wille quick. Dlxlo ( Icnr Co. , Winston , N. O. Mf-t ) * > WASTKIl , KXPHIHKNCKD ritOCKLilY ANI JJulnsHwiiro salesmen. .Address. atalliiK oiperl cnce.tonns traveled to und full particulars. Only those ImvliiK ostnhllBhed ioute will ho considered. Hurley STyrrsll , 43 amlH Lake street , Clilcutro. n-WANTKD.OHUAX17.KIH Mll 1'IIIST CLASS .lllratcriml order ; life nnd endowment clivses ; exclusive territory and tilit pay ; n Hire chance. Apply nt unco Kratcrnlty , WIJ tSxcliantiO hlK'd. , Iloston. Muss. MIUI ! > - . riiiKiUNI'.HAL IIOIWI.VOHK AT 171 C-C1HI. DouiilasBtrcet. Mra. 1C. Upjiowuter. _ 6jt I-WANTKI ) . A ( illlljTO DO OK-NIIIIAL IIOUSK C work ( nil at 3IK > South llth street. 'Ml 6 * C-WANTKI ) . l.ADIliS Oil YOU.MS MILS TO tnkullKht pleasant work at their own homes ; fl.OOtoM.OI per day rnn tin quietly iiinila : work sent hy nirll : no ciinvusslni ; . Kor particulars nd > droKSdlobo MfKto. , Ilox&Ut , Huston , Mu-n. . Ka- inbllshcd IS3I ) . MW.i 1)11- ) FOR RENT HOUSES. D FOll UKNT , NINIMIOOM IIOIISH , MODKItN convonleiuen. TJ11 Lnku t. InqulroC. 1) . Wood- woilh , lilHI Farnnni. 1W MODKUN FLATS. Tl-NKW STKAM-1IKATKD J Kllkenney , room I , Contlnnntnl block. M172 nil - FOll HUNT , a KUAMK DWKI.LINCS COUNKIt DFOll of DoilKOontl nth and 17th nml C'ailtol | nveniio lsvon rooms each. Nenr now poptolllco blto Sco II. t ! . tlaik & Co. Sll'il 1)18 ) -FOll UKNT , NO. S 13 CAPITOL AVKMIK , ) J modern. ' 1 ho O. K. Duvls Co. , 1505 Karnnm st. I'.U ' T\-A LAIttiK LIST OP rilOICK IIOUSKS , L/storcH. lints , ete. Houses from fjx ( ) per month nnd up. ( ieorpu J. Pnul , 1CUJ I'arnain. iI7-d-l5' ! i 1-4-NINU HOO.M HOIJSI3. MODHItN CONVKN- Jleuccs , wuter tout paid. J2.VOO per month. .1. H. Wheeler , room 417 Kurbach block. M4S7 VFOll HUNT , MODKUN 10-llOOJI IIOUSK , ALL JL/eonvi'iilenees , llvo mlnulos' walk postoKlci- , hlreet curs paHH Die door. f > ( linli fhelton or IS. . Htlntier , IUI4 I iiriuvia et. i'-"J DKTACIIKD IIOUSK , MOD- A ern ! hcst nelKhborhood , $ W. t'o'en rooms und burn , I'ork avenue , K3. tj. 1llntts , SSU So. 17th treet. MIM il''ii D -HOL'SK ' , 5 HOOMH , S'Jl H. IOT1I , NBAll T.15AV- enworlh. MOIOC * \ A DI'.SIHADI.K 1IOMK OK U ItOOMS , Klllt. 'nlsheil or unfurnished. 1'nrtles irolnu to Call- lornlu. Apply on premises , 111' ' riouth Tenth et. D [ B-1IOOM CO'lTAdt , 8113 MASON , U-I'.OOM liouse , modern , Ulut \ . Mason. Apply UU5S MIIHOII , r\-l''OH UKNT , IIOUSHS IN ALL PAHTS OK JL/clly. Tlio O , F. Davis company , 1303 Ku ruiim : bt. 778 D I'Oll HUNT , IO-HOOM IIOUSK , 2 CAhS , JIO.W ) , Heed .tSelby , Hoard of Trade. 77'J T v 1'LATS , DWKLLINtiS , COTTAOHS IN ALL J-'partsof city. Kilkenny & Co. , Continental blk. 7bU 1"FOll lll'NT , 6-HOOM COTTAOK ON MOTOll JJllne. Apply S. W. comer''th ' and Duuttlna. 781 TV-IIOUSK OK II UOOM8 , ALL MODKHN CON J.-'vcnlcnceH , iilcasantly located near business con * tor , Apply ISJU Ihlcaxo it. , or I. . H. Hklnnor. li'.U rarnura , 7b i B-NKWT-UlOM COTTACKS ; 1IATII , HOT AND cold water , nil modern Improvements. ! ) eslrnblu location for business men In beautltul Stanford Clrclu. Convenient to Omaha nnd South Omahu. Apply C. S KlKUttur , f I. New York Life bulldlni : . D-KOIl HF.NT , NKW7-HOOM MQDKUN IIOUSK , nicely papered , near West Kiirnam car. Dr. aiattlce , DouBlmi block. M821 I "VFOll ItHNT , IIOUSK 7 KOOMS. MODKItN -I'lmprovemouts , 3317 Muploi also laruo barn , rent reasonable MSUI b * lVOIl HKNT-MY IlltlCK 1IOU8K , NO. 870S J'Fnrnuni uticiv1. complete with every conven leuce. Wnrreii M. Honors , lltil Kirniiu at. M Bi'J TaltOOM HOU\Hi ! rjTV. niSTKIlN WATKU" , J 'M. Corner Klh anil 1'acllle btreelBl Ull i- | -\-KOIl IliST : JJKa N nth si. . 7 roomx , city water , sower. [ 111. liiij : N. llMli st. . 7 rooms , itty water , sewer , ilii. r.'l'i N , .tlth , 1 rooms , modern Improromcnts , KO ' 'i'U7 I'rlrlrk live. , : i rooms , f'l. Ohio and .ilrl. 3 ID-room , 'i two story and basement mont brick houses , ull modern Imp. . I'liuh f 18. btirtver A O'l.'omihoo , IJUJ Kurniini st. IV KOH lll'.NT , KIX-IIOOM COTT\K \ , DK8UI.V I'olenolxhborliojdi also furniture for snlo. yi I'leicont , M'J7i li nroll Itr.NT , KLKOANT 2-rlTOUY 8-llOOJI house , ull modern Improvements. 103 N. ! i.ld. M'X ; 6 5 -KIV1-MIOO.M I'OTTAIHS i'O SMALL FAMILY 'niinlruSJia Capitol ave. MUSU 7 * T7 KoHtljIsXT , NOMINAL HATH tJNTILSI'lllNli J'larKe , connnodlous liouie , ull conveniences , i few blocks from postolllcet paved t recital cliolci nulKhboiliood. Imiulro at MW .V. V. Life bld'it. Dwi COTTAOH. CITV AND CISTKII : water , small l > nrn , 1223 North 2Uth , runt 113. 8453 * FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOMS \ ? .1 IIOOMS ON rvriirs AVM , , n. Ufoi housakevtiliiK , crouiul iloor. U. K llutt , H. 17th 4iUdla TJ-N1CKI.V KUltNISIIUD HOOM , 2010 DAVKN Jiport , M5T8 " | 7 NKWI.Y Kl ItNISHDII ItOOMS r'Oll LAD1K yjornentloiuen. Inquire ui lMi ! ) Ji.lio. ; MI T ? . SiOUTH "llOOM , vlii M3IO 1)15 * E-KUHNIbllKD AND UNHJIINIHIIKD 8TKA3 lienled rooms , uoar Illiih school , ut013 Duvoi portst. Uefurcnco leiiulrud. Mrs. M. IJ. -3 KU11NISIIHD HOOJIS KOIl HOUBiiKKl'lS ( I Jfor man nna lfo. Iteut taken In board , 310 ; mu sis _ _ _ EKIWNIBIIKO KOOMS. WITH Oil W1TI10U toard , writ uoalctl , 630 North 1'Jtli slreut. MS'.O t > > _ _ _ E-.NUUCI.Y lailNlSHKII UOOM tXJIl ONHlTiitt tlomau at UJ'J N , VUth ttrcet. M'JtU tl > TKOirLUl I ITllOUSUlvKKl'lNO 8 KUIINISHK : rooms. ITIf lluiliiu struct. M'W o * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOAR ! p-THB DOLAN.2WAND Jll N. 18T11 bt\ U I -UOOM. roil ON 15 Oil TWO aUNTLKMtS ! 1 wltu or wliUout board , private family , coi tenlunt to l' rk avenue cars , bull ) L avou ortli , -l'UHNISIIBU UOOM WITH 11OAUU IXI1 TW KDiillenien or two ladles tn inlvato family , I . lt nl locution downtown ) uo clilldreu. fcW , li oBc , Uttfl FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Ijl-roil UKNT. FIJIINISIIKD HOOMS i ? without hoard. 1707 DodIO street. MPOT C * V-rOHHKNV WITH 1IOAIU ) , A ITHN1S1IKD 1 front room suitable for two gentlemen , 1019 California street. ' 87J 8 * i ; . v KI tv 7.A wiBrTi AN nsojfi : f.v F u iYjJiiTiKi ) I front ruoin. Accuinodatlons nrsl-clais. 6SO.V. l. - NICK KIIOST IIOOM WITH AI.COVK : oust J' view l , hath , etc. 711 North 20th. M9IS 1 % I"IL - IlirstllAllLV FrilNISIIKD I'ltOST . . . . L w Ith board , modern convonlouoos , renvinnblo. cjchnmtcd. 113 ; Hnrney. MWI tl i ' IJH.VISHV.IROOMS ANI ) UOAUD , 5 < JJ ] I. Dou Bias street. M10I 17" 17011 HUNT , IMIOOM HOUdK WITH HATH AND 1 tnmlcrn convenience. KJJ N. 23th street. In quire nil. II HI d * FOll UKNT , DUSlTlAllT.il itOOMH ANI ) boatd. 3OS. HHIi m. MIO. ) f UNFUHNISHEU ROOMS. 1-3 L'NFL'HNISIIKD HOOMS WITH CITY 'wnlcr , $13 ; 12.1 N llth St. . cor. fr.n. Mii'J S1 / - < t HOOMS. MOhllltN OONYBXIKNCK3. TO V-Ifntnlly wlthnut clilldrun ; 31)1 ) rnrnnm. Inquire < V ! I'axtun block. 783 " ' - - 'I UNKrilNISIlBO 1100M3 POIl UKNT , lillJ _ > llodne. _ MlA * - l IIOOMS AT 1302 CAMKOIIN IA &T , 00. J2J -Knit HUNT , 4 NtfiK r.AIUlK UOOM H. CON vpnlent to business , l nqulro nt SJ7 So. 2'Hi Mruet. ' BOARDING. Flll-T fl.Ari-t TAIILE 1IOAHD. THIS H Dolan. tW-311 N bthst. I5.V ) FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. 1 FOll ItKNT. IVUIlSTOilY IIHICK WAHK- house with trnckauu. Kiiqiiiru J. A. Creluhtm. St'3 lit National Ilnnk liIdR. 4UUIH7 j FOIl JIKNT , fill : 4-STOIIY lilllCK lIUILDIMi. J'.111 ! Fnrnam t. The bulldlnx has n llreproof ce ment basement , complete stuiunheallnu llttttrcv ivntcr on all the Moors , KIIS. etc. Apply ut tli j otllco of The Ifoo. -'IS ' 1-DOWN TOWS COIINKU KOH HAHHKIl SHOP. 1 ICMnbllHhed trade. WrlKht X l.iisbury , lIHIi nud Hownrd , 773 f ONI ! FdUHSTOHY IIHICK HUH.DING * l KKI1T J wide. UJ7 llnrney ittrect. * . S74 Poll HUNT , SUIT OF OKFICI2 HOOMS , VP.HY I ilcnlrnblo location for n doctor. Wl South 1 : < tli trcot. MW 'J I -FOll UKNT , TUB HF.bT COIINKU IN WAlIOO , l.Nob. , sullnblo for n Inrce general mrrehnndl o Block ; the best opcnlnit In the state for n live party with capital. AddrcsjJ. A. Letter , Wahoo. Neb. MD1W I0 STORAGE. MSTOItAOK ; YorulJOv Oil CAItlll AGK carefully looked after. Clean , drr , nlry room 18th and Hartley. Driitumond Cnrrlaxo Co. 1 J 1)11 M -8TOHAOH CHUAP , CLHAN , WHLL3 , 1111 Karnnfn street. 7Sii WANTED TO BUY. IST WANTKI ) TO lll'Y SO51U 8 PHll rBNT llrst mortguitcs. Heed & tielby , 3JI llo.inl Trade. AND i hold goods. IT.M DodKC. M3IO Dia JllAHDWU15STOiC ( WANTKI ) ; Ji.OJO CASH. Van Patten's K.vchnnijc , Hoard of Trade. 831 8 * KWANTKI ) , S Oil il ) ACHES AD.IUININU CITY. fiish for bargain. (1. M. Nuttln er , Chamber of Commerce. 8S.i ! 1 KOlTs AT AT \ " " ii A Uf ! A I fN , " " O V F 1C B O It hank furniture , also KOod hurvlar nnd tire proof safe , luquliemerlcan Suvln s bank , V5U 0-KOll SALH CIIKAP , A DLACIC WAIA'UT liookcaee and desk roinhlncd , a bluck walnut sideboard and 'a cheery bookcase , nil Mrst-claH * furnlturn and as KOOdjii new. Address for ono week 821 , lice. MS'.ll ' 5 * FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS ETC 1J KOH SALK. A NKAlll.Y NKW DOIJULK sprlnuex t-phswayou. horse , harness and bUKKy ; al3oaiieai > new set of crenm , ry tools , consisting of butter worker , chum , Howe soalo , truck , etc. , nil ulll be sold nt n Bros Bacritlc ; . Address ( ! . II. Tzschuck , Ilec otlli'e , or call ut < ) U7 .Mlaina street , where Koods cnn bo seen. Ml' 3i MISfyELL ANE OUS. -SALKm'KWHllUAP 2ln KOOd conJItlon , bill. 21. O. Duxon , I''U N. I5tb at. KTi r\-KOH SALH CIIKAP. A S.VHOHSK POWBU vxaiitomatic en eno : also om -lior. J . o power up ht engine : btjth In oed repair. Inquire of l-'est ner Printing l.'o. , UU7 Howard street. Omnlia , Neb. TBS MISCELLAMEOUS. R-KILLINC. PUOP03ALS KOlTA"KILLING OF oIJ.II'JO ' cubic ynrds , moro or less , will bo re- eived till noon , December Gth , nt room .11)2 ) CCIIKUO bulhlliii ; . Wo icsurvothc rl ht to reject nny or : ill bids , A. M. Colunerl. MSKI5 * E-liVll UKNT , l.AltliK 1IALI , KOlt SOCIKT1K8 , momiiKs or lectures. Apply ut'4IM ' Doilu. CLAIRVOYANTS. _ " S \IU9. NANNli : V. WAltllMN' , CI.AlltVOYAN'r" : rcllublu liualunia meillum , tilth yenr at 113 N Kith. IS'J ' S-JlllS. lilt. M.I.KRIIAVK , I'llOl'HBTKSS. DBA ! ) trnncu clairvoyant nnil life rumlur ; tulln > our Illu fruin ernillu to uruvu ; can tiu runanltuil on ull alTiilrpof life : lini the o Iwbratoil K yptlun bruuat pinto to unllu lliu Bopurutod nn < t cnuao iiiarrlaxo with iinn you lovo. Ciiiiui one , cinuo ull unil bo curi- Thicuil of her reniiirkuhlo powora. Oltlco anil rosl- ili'iu-o 117 S. llth at. , lionrj ! l a. in. to'J p. lu. Strict llluchuit and photo of your future wlfo or luii- blind ucnt llirouii ! mall for $ I.IM , chart nlono JJ.OO. All k'lliTS contulnlni ; 1 cunts In stumps promptly unuwvrutl. 'JU5 It ! * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. : . STOWK. M.VRNKTII ! HKALHIl , 201 DouKliiB block. Cor. Itith and DJdgu. m ? . ' ! ? * TI-JI.MK. CA11BON. US ! DOIKILAH dTIIHKT , III ! Moor , room 7. masja e , alcohol , sulphur and sou baths. .MSiX ) S' fli-MADA.MIISMlTII , W.C.U'ITOI. \ . AVKNUE i-1 too ni il , : ( il lloor. Ma sn e , alctihol etilphui und M'n baths. M ' .i 'J * fp MMK. liAKUK , MASSAOK. 411) ) S. 15TII HT , 1 Srdlloor , II H. MUM B * PERSONAL. U-CDTTIIIS OUT AMI IMIKSK.VI' AT COWAN'S iilioto btuillo , Jl'3 Cumin ; Mtrot't , uinl you will bi entitled lu I'Jcablr.ut plintunof yulirsolf. a.Mlntlnlah pllt iMlneil eunU und one BxlU tor framing for H.49 wlthniil , IhlH fl. for ten iliiya only. Mho buit thlni out lor holiday pri'nunH. .M''T ' : ! 0 * MUSIC , AKT AND LANGUAGES \r " ( iTr.mJu , iSfii isciciiTi N .ii iri'lTCcTfrTftrNrw * cor. 15tli and llarnoy. Ilatnuy atruut entrance. lilt V-TIIOSK WHO ATTK.N'DKI ) TIIK HI1C15N' > oxhlbltlon of ducorati'il china , at the nornor o llh and I'arnuiu will dutibtloa * bo luturested ti know lhat tbeHtuJlo In opou In the tmmo build Inn. roonm IIund ! 17. and ready for pupils nnd 01 clurg. JIWIS * MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE . . . , . , , , , 1-1 . . . - .j.rIQ.I i-ni-r- - - - 111-1 \\7VIjAIKit3 LOANS MAUK O.N OMAllA , I.IJ * * coin , Conncll HlullM buslnoH propertyi 0 pc scat. Ainu Biualllouiib. Ucor.'e J. 1'uul , 1U15 Knrnan \\r-MONF.Y TO LOAN ON IMI'UOVKD C1T li properly , low rale. A , C. Fro it , Douglas blk. 7ii7 \V-LOANS ON I.MI'HOVIID AND IIMIMI'UOVK ' city pnipertr.llKKiiiid ) upwardsUio7 per cen Ng delays. W. l-'iirnaui smith X Co. 16th und H urney ' 7UU Air -7 I'lIH CENT MONUY NKT TO IIOHHOWIIH IT on Omaha city property. Noextrn eliarnes i uny kind. iS'hy pay hluh rules ? Money Is cheai You cnn get full be mi tit of low rates from lilot Loan and Trust Co. . 10th und Dodv'e. ' * > \\r ) MAIIA HAVINGS HANK MAICKS LOAN I * on real estuto HI lowest market rules , Lour made In smalt or lar o sums for short or lou time. No commission Is clmr.'O'l and the loans ar not sold In tlio easl , hut can always bo found i the bunk ou the corner of Uth nnd Douglas street 7'J * \\r-ANTIIONY LOAN AND'JIHJST CO. , U18 N. \ li Llle , lomli ut low rules for choice security u Xcbruskiior Iowa farms or Uuinhacltr property. 7W \\r.MONKYTO LOAN AT LOWKST IIATKH The O. V. DuvtsCo. , IWi Farnau stroot. 7'J1 ' r. r.N N 11 Wi W C. K. HAHIHSOS , D1J N. Y. 1 TOi I \V-HKAb USTATK LOANS , 6 TO T I'KK CKN' 11 no additional charvrs for oomiulsslon or alto nay'a fees. W , U. Mclklo , Frst National Hunk bid D \V MOimiAOH IXANS I.KS3 THAN 7 1'K i cent Including all oharnes. Charles W , Haliiuy , Oiuaba Nat. bank bld ( . 793 \ \ T I.OWJWT UATKd. riUUUTV TUUST CO3 M puny , li/3 ( Knnmm strnei. M'JJi WrPIIIVATH MO.-fKY , 1ST AND1D MOUTGAI ] loans , law rates. Alex Mnoro , lioo bldit. 801 W 1 AND a-YK A U LOANS ON CIT\ AND FAlt ; Heed i Selby , 3H Hoard of Trail TrailWi Wi \V-LOANB ON CITY I'llOl'KHTY , 0 AND 7 \ 1'K It cunt. E. K. Hlntur , IMP ! faruuui , MO. M ! J3- In _ MONET TO IXAN , LAND TO SKI , houses to rnt. Uvorge M Ccatss. Mlf-'S MONEY TO IiOAN CHATTELS. X-WII.l. LOAVMONBroN AST KIND OF SK- rutltyi slrlrtlr confidential. A. K , llnrrls , room I , Continental block , ! K > xDO YOU WANT MO.NEl THE FIDKLITY LOAN ( ItlAttANTRK CO. . UOOM 4 WITHNF.LI , I1LOCK. SOUTH 15th COItNKIt 1IAIINKV ST. MAKK LOANS ON FUUNITUHK. 110HSK * . CAKtllAflKS , WAUEUOU3K IlKCKIPrd Olt 1'KIl- iONAI.rilOl'ElirV OK ANY KINO. J. . _ . . . _ LILJ - . . ! _ . 1" . . - _ ' 1 / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / /YOU / ONUS FIH3T / FOtt / ( WHTKHM * WILL MKKT YOUIl At'l'llOVAI. . You can par tlio ninnoy luc * nt iiir tlmo ml In nny ninuuiu you with , nnd tlms rediico tlio coil of. cnrryliu tlia loon In proportion to amount you pny. IF YOU own n l > : iHn < ! 3 on your fnrnltiirn or other t > er ormt property of nny kind wo will psy It oirfor yon nnd Mrry It m lon n * yon de lre. VOUCAN HAVrt VOUUMONKVlVONK HOUR KHO.M 'I'ltK 'MMK YOU MAKK AI'IM.ICATION. No imbllclty or rumotr.il of property so Hint you not the use of both money nnd property. 190 i'-lO YOU NKKU.MONKV > TIM ! OMAHA MUltnUCK LOAN CO. will lend you nny sum which you wish , snnll or Inrite , nt the lowest posMblo rates , In the quickest possible tlmu nnd for nny length of tlmo to suit you. You can pay It bnck 111 sucli Installments ns you wish , when you wish nnd only piy for It ns loan ns fceoidt. You uan borrow on OL'SMIIOU ) KUIlNirUllIC ANII TIAN03 , 11OIISKS , WAMONS AND KAlllUAOKJ , WAIIKIIOUSK IlKCKH'l'd. Olt I'KllSONAL IMIOI'KIITY OF ANY KIND ON TlIK IIAV YOU ASK KOIl IT wlthcut publicity or ri'nuvnl of property , llemomher thnt you cnn pay nnv part of the loan ntnnytlnmnndth.it orery dollar paid lessens tha cost nf carrylnu tlio loan. Ilo ford borrowing iilsmvhere call nud aao us nntl you will fliid Ititreatty to your n'lvnntase. ' OMAllA MOIirOAOK LOAN CO. , llooni II , Crolnhton block , 111 Houth 15th street , luixt to postolllce. TtIK DI.DKST. I.AIUIHSr AND ONLY INL'OItt'O- ItATICD LOAN CO.Ml'ANY IN OMAHA. DM .r-I'lUTCHAHD.M DOUGLAS 11I.K. 1U& DOIIflU. "V MONKY T.OANKD CIIKAI' AT YOUIl OWN - < Vtliiie Nebraska Loan Co. , lllltl Dotiutns Bt. 807 IX ) , UJ DAYS. CIlKAl * ItATKS mill uasy pnrments. on fnrnUiiro , pianos , llvo "lock , otc. without ilt'lny or publicity ; cash on linud. Dulldreun , room a , llnrkur block. 831 V-CHATTKL LOANS , SIM N V. LIKn. MUllltlH. V < si : Nii- BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-KOll BALK. AT A YISHY LOW KlUUIlli. T HH entlro stnto Interest In ono of the heaviest pay ing monopolies now before the public. It will save 25 per cent of the coal bills of everybody nml pro- ilueo better results. Kvurybody wants It nml will have It when semi. A lar o tmslnoas can bo done nt c.nce In every county. Full particulars by mall. AdilrussG. ! : . K. . lirj I. St. . Lincoln. Nob. Mlij : Y -H YOU WANT TO HOY Oil SMLL A STOCK of itoods quick , address with stamp , Van 1'nt- ten's bnslnu s ujcchauii3 , Hoard o * Trade.MI82 MI82 1)11 ) * \7-K01l I SALIC , 8KiOND-HAND : STOCK OK -1 stoves , furniture , etc . In Illiilr. Nob. , cheap lor cih : will Invoice about fjOO ; sptendld chance for uinn with snmll cnpltnl ; rent , Jo ; no oil location. Aililr. ' a llnller Mu le Co. M61i ( 0 SALIO Olt U.VCHANUM , A GOOD UUSI- nc swllh the icnl estate 111 ( nnnhn. ( iood rea- Huns for solllni ; . Address 707 New York Life , Omahii , Nub. .MSI. ) DM V I'01l SALK , 11OTKL AND 11USTAUUANT J. doltiK KOOd builnCM. Address llox 51) ) , tliirlndii , lu. . M8H li' Y-AN IN Olt I'O It ATI ! . I ) COMI'ANV 1CNKAUKI ) III wholenulo nnd niaiiiifactnrlnK busl- nebs wNhliiK to Incrcnso Its capital , will consider oilers of purchnflo oC stuck from partloiof Rood KlnndhiK. Would prufor millliiR stock to two par ties who would with to till nctlvo pn ltlons with thehoiiBC. ( lood bu'lness ruforonces expected from patties unknown to us. Address S 23 lieu.S795 S79-5 Y' ' AN 1NTEUKST FOIl SALU IN A VKHY 1)15- ulrablc , well establlshod nnd prolltublo liusl- ness ; llrst cluss In every respect ; only a few hun dred dollars required down , t'ornu Interview and full particulars nddress 8 25 , lleo. MS'JI ' 5 * VFINIS 11US1N KSS Ol'KN I N ( FOR MAN WITH J$5,000 cash niul some property. Must bo n uushcr. Sebrnsku 12.\chanio tjo. , lloobultdtim 1'03 ' 9 \Y YOU WANT ONK OK TUB I'lNKST SAloons - Y loons that U maklmti fortunu , $ lUiH ) cai h : a Hue hotel , $7.UUO ; $2,4'jl ( ciinrciunln. Lotsund build- IIIKS paying nn Interest. .1. C. UUhop , rioueur lIuslncsH Agency , Hmrldun , vVyo. Y-KOll SALB , A NICK , CLBAN STOCK OB1 boots nud shoes , Involeonbout 3..000 , will tnke one-third to one-half In Kood land , balance cnHh. tf ! . , euro lice. MDJU S * \7-FOH SALIC , USTAIILISHKD CKOCKUHY X business In Rood location. Splendid chance lor yoiiMK businessman with amnll capital. l''or par ticulars address liox 1301 Lincoln. Neb.MHO S. Y-KOIl SALK , A DltUO STOHK IN A LI VIS Nubrnsk a town of I.UUO. county aant. Invoice S..SOO. fnsli biiflness , $18 UU per day. Must hell nt once. Aildross , I'hnruiiictst , 423 North 24thstreot , i-uutli Omuha. 67i-3 * FOR EXCHANGE. V CI.BAll OMAHA IHCAL KSTATK Foil MDbl ! . , / -'iicluul ' valuation. Money to loan. Her rISO ACHKS OF _ CLKAlt LAND IN ONB Olf /-'tho best wlntor'wlueat districts In Kansas to ox- chunjio for 10 or 20-nere tract near Omaha city limits. Will pny cash dlllorcnce If property Is good. Address , giving prlco and Icc.itlon , O 20 , lloe olllces. aos Z -FOIIKXCHANOIWOH IIAHOAINS IN HBAL cstnto , call or write , Alex Moore , lleo bldtf. 118 r/-l OW.S'ldO KAHMS IN NnnilASKA. KANSAH * Jand Dakota. Will soil cheap , or nxchan d for merchandise , horses and cuttle. Address bor 7i , Krnnkfort , 1ml. M8U1 f1IAVK VALL'AHLK IMI'IIOVHU AND UN- / Improved" fnrm lands to exchange for South Omahn or Omaha property or for fnrnia within 51 lea of Omahu. Have ono ( if the best of Block am ! in farms , 1,390 ncics , half In winter whunl und ryo.andt ! ) head of fine Htoclc , ull cleurof 10011111' biuncento exchange for real eslnte anl iril ht pay komo cnni ! dllforenca fordoslrablj properly. Do fcrlbo your property carefully , prlca , etc. Addrosa ' X7J7 , Omuha , Neb. MKI'I DJ3 y-FOIl KXCIIANOK. OMAHA 1'ltOl'KKTV Foil ' property In Honthorn California. C.ill or nil ri'fH. wltli lull piitlcularfi : ! | O. 1. . ( iroou , room 4g Darker block , Omalia. TJ'.I ' A 1010 ACitl'J STOCK UANCII CMAlt , Till Iilcal placu for feiulcr or Btocker to uxclinn pfor flU.WU stock at ui'iiDrnl niurclmiulUo. .Nplirankc chnnKe , Hue llulhllnj. M8IU 7 /-llUACHKrl KIN15 ILLINOIS LA.ND.S KOIU.f.WJt ' -'stock of moruhandlse. Nobrakn L'xchaii Co , lleo llulldlnn. Mal'JT y-120 ACHKS OK OOOD MI8SOUIU LANDi / clenr. for Omalni residence ; will as4iimo Bdmi Incuinbrnnce. Nehruskn Kxchango Co , lloo llullj Imr. M8 U 7 Z-171 HKAD Ol' . IIOIISKS , CONMdTINO OK 7 mures welKhln LUOJ to LSiO ench , : ll l.yoar olda G. > 3 mid 3-year olds. This Is nil linn slock. Will ox chaiiKH tor unimproved Nebraska lands. NebniKki Uxclmiino Co. , lleo biilldliu- MBIU 7 'fCLIiAlT LAND A.M ) CITY I1HOIIKIU'Y T < fJ oxchantro for huslnoss or line resldenco prop crty In Omaha. Nebrutku lixchanKi ) Co , , lice build lux. MB < U 7 y-soo ACHKS IN KLOUIDA , 70 AoTTmOFvTTTci ' -'are ' ornni ! ! ! urovus ; wt'st coast , llnut wlntor resort sort In the world , to excliaiiKii for Omaha btislncs or reslik'neo pioporty. Nebraska KxchaiiKu Co lleo blilldlim' . \HIJ 7 rOMAHA I'HOl'KHTYAND . r/ J.VOOO.OO OAbll KOI f-ltW.Wtstock } uenural nioreliandlse tvoll located 1 Nebraska. Nebraska Kiehanno Co. , lloo bulldliu MJIO 7 V T LOTS IN A IJOOD NK1IHA3KA CITY AN / SljOJO to J.VUOO oahh tonxclmiuu for general mei chandlso. .Nebraska Kxchango Co. . lieo bulldlnK. MS40 7 y-KOIl TIIADK , WILL TAKK ( V.HAU VACAN' ' ' -/lots. / Illock of tlau In KOod order , sewer cor ficctlona , new nuttr closctn , city water , pave btrcet , on motor line , excellent locality , cottiiKo 1 rear , enciiiubrnnco ll.UUU nt Uperce-iit I uterus 1'rloj JI7.0UU. nil In raie. Anics Heul ICstato Auency , 1517 Kurnnui st. 651 7 rCLHAH IIKHIDK.VL'K , WOHTH 11,800 , AN f-i rash for a fJ.OJO Block of hardware. Ncbrnak Hxcliuni. ! ) Co. , lloo building. M8IU7 _ V-KOIl TIIA1IK OH 8ALH CIIKA1' , A VOUN Ahorse. Asknt HO ) Doimlus. MM3 6 * V-CLKAIl NKI1IIA8KA TAltMS ANI ) CAM ! /-liar uoucral nierfhnndUD , Value , HJOO ( to JIJ.OO Nubrueta Kxclmnito Co. , lieu bulldlnK. ilSIU 7 A I.UT ii.\iw ; in n. i. . IIUUKIIS ADD. T X Omaha , house coat U. Kl ; clear of Incnmbranec will oxcbiuiKU for eooil California property. S"i braskii KxchuiiKO Co. , lleo bulldlnK. .KXI 9 y-KoiiKxciiAir.K , OMAHA I'IIOI-IIUTY AN /-Jcasli for llrsl'Class hotel from ilUOUUOlo t'li OOJI > I. mm hous ,0 rooms , N. 2Uh , und IttlxKi o. 15th , total UfyjJ.OU , for Netirnska ( anils. Flu T. brick hloek , t2J.OUU.OU , In good county seat , rents fc Jl.tOJ.O'J. ' for wild Nebraska lauds. 1OU1 Nebrask If. farms for > ale nnd luchank'u. Clear and lucui berud Omuha propeitr for farms and wild land. 1 I' , Hinder , I5IU Furnaui. Mgij u * Ell f/ rii xciiAt MO-ACIIU KAHM s /Jprorud , In Webster Co. , Neb. , for stock of furn ture. linrilwure or larm Implements or both. i : . Itluecr , MMQC * 8TOHK IIOILIUNU , CJ All JK , for land. Also Omalin property I trutlo for land. " "Williams i Mlttun , McCuguu bull Inif.opposllo post ullh'u. Mife3-5 IM lo. y SO ACI'.KH CLKAlt IN WISCONSIN , I'ltIC /-JI15.UO per aero , to trade for R lamer farmln Ni braskaVlllloiiis A Mlttan. room 813 , JlcCnm ill building , opposltu poftonlce. Mga ! 6 Z-WANTED , NKHItASKA LANDS Oil ITlJi ouandlto forcooii town lou lu county seat I eastern Nubrasku , Addrvsi 3 'il , Una. IIVU i > FOR SAIiE-KBAI. ESTATE. 1JKAT. K9TATM. TA : Jv inriialni onlr. My word Is good. W. ( ) . AlbrlBht. MI-2-3 Nrw Vorkl.lfo , 810 T.'OIl SALK OH TIIADK. mifSOOt ) I.OT3 IN MT L t'lonxint addition wlthln,3.Jilock of motor lino. Will Ukr-ROOd upright ntmlalrtf will sell pqiiltr In lota very cheap. Addre.it nt ones d 1 , llco otilcfl. " 15 AT A HAIIOAIN. A PKWViKllY | FINK IOT IN J VlltlBua ruM. nt nhnrnnlnr-'n'rtlj 5 mln. wnlk from Ilelt line or street cir In Omihi. Addrost H. .1. , V Co.nlenn , I. STI Im- ATA 1IVIK1A1N. 3 CIIOH'K I.OT3. font /V. ench ; more nilJilnlneUi lVlreil. Knit fronts ! . W.corner 10th nnl Arlvqr Flnmt location In cllyforreiMonce. Illock ttbVi llthSt. motorllnj. Chnrlca llnnloy. 1011 so. lOtUktu , imili < v MJI1 > V. 0 AOIIKCMUll LAND KOH SAW5 1IYTI1K ownnr. cvernl lorffo tracts ; nroiltd innki ) n tlrsl plnM InviMtinent to hnlil for tlio rho In prlco. Mlitht uxplinnuo ! < ompoflt rorlnsldo properly In Oninlm or South Omalm , or ncri > property or n ( tooil furtn ncnr Oinnlm. If you wish to ( mMmntfo ilo- crlbo your property , ptlcu , otc. Address hot " 37. Mlt ! 1)35 1/OUSAI.K. VAUM9. ON 1C THOUSAND VKHY 1 bpnt fntmi In Nubrnka nud Ultra , ? IU. til , Sl.'i. $20. IJO nnd up to JjJnndJilO porncro Ccmilnabnr- irntns. Kn y tonnit. ( * nll for ptrtluulnrn. lloizu .V lllll , ronl estate. IW-t I'nrnani street. 97ii 8 l.MSK lltrjINKSS I'HOI'BIITY. WOHTIl JlO.flCU , 1- now rtMitPd. foraalochenp. linnil cash payment , hnlaiipi ! to suit nt low rnto of Interest. Party must lenvoclty. Nebraska Kxchnnno Co. , Itco btilMhm. WWW FA KM 10 ACIIK-I , t0.1D ll-UOO.M and barn , nearly 20 acres In nil ! all kinds of frulli 3 miles from I'lullsmouth ; btK tmrunln. K. K. Illnjier , 13111 Karnani. MttjO \VANTKD-STOCKS OF MDSK. FOR LAND ANI ) cash. K. F. Illnuor. 1A1D Fiirnnm MUi ! ; I3 ITU LOTS IN TIMS nr.AUToK TIIKCITY. JLfor land and cash. li. F. HhiRor , IJl'.i r'nrnnm. SDxIIR HOtJSK , 10 HOOMS. 2IST AND DAVHN poit , Sl.ViJO , worth ilil.roj ; will sell ' 'j feel JJ.WW , lii'xSD.VJ ! ) ( ) . Houses nnd lots sold on monthly nny. mcnts. K. F..lllnKCr , 13IU Fivrnam. MMl AllKAL HAIIOAIN , TWO N1CI ! UIISIDHNCU lots near motor for $ 101 on monthly payments Wllllntus A Mlttnn , McCiiKuo bldu. , opposlln post olllca. M'.H ' ! t > \t9 \ Al'llKS WITH GOOD Ill'll.DINGS AND 1 crovc , l.'i miles from Oninhn , $10 W ) per ncro. K. 1) . Wend , formerly llutchlnson , V Wend , 1534 Doim Ins street. .MUVJ& * \\rANTil-WNKHS TO LIST OMAHA I'HO it erty , ncrcnKQ nud farms that nro bnrKnlns. either for sale or exchntiRO. K. r. Itlncor , ISll ) Fnrnnni. MU.VJ 13 HORSES WINTERED. OHSIW FKD AND CAHKD KOH. $1 MONTH IIP. (1. G. ( inns , P O , box I'M , South Omnhn. 7C3.T3 \\riNTKIll.\G IIOIWI'S MAIIH A 81'KCIALTY. ' Leave word at Cotton's livery stable , corner : ass nnd llth Bts , or address Frank Ilalloy. llouoy Creek. In. & ' . ' 3-/ ( HOUSES WINTKIIUI-8'J MONTH ; ( IOOD CAKIC anil t'll fed. Clnus Grnbbe , 5 miles nest on .eavenwortti street. MM" 15 * DRESSMAKING. E NCAKUMKNTS TO DO DHKSSM AKIN(5 IN families solicited M lsj Sturdy , 2UJI Harney St. W1-D22 * \VANTKD , KVKIIY LADY TO KNOW THAT ' she can learn live professions free nl 7.H N. 4th , South Oninhn. Wo tench yon ho\v to cut Knr- iieuts to lit without trying on. Wllli or nltlmut onius , seamllsH K.irmonts. Madam Aberly , repro- hentlim Prof Delnmorton , Paris , i'mnco. Hopro- ciilatlves wanted. 1HJ.I 5 * NOVELTY MANTJFACTUKERS. OijTTTLKCTMr7n'7Ivr7jri onvlily equipped to plnt' j poltqh und bull In nil Llndsof metnls ; wo urj nl.uV jvnll ll.xed to do nil tlnds of lUht minufacru'rli ) ) ! In mutnl. Largn orders solicited ; work Kulirnntce.l Al ; write for istlmale * . Chase .Manufactlrrlni : Co. . Lincoln. Neh. tinkers of "Noblo" and "Lincoln" sowlnsr m ichlnes. .M137 D1J HAIR DRESSING. 1 WOULD UK PLHASBDTOllAVK MYOLDCJS- Itomers ns welt as now call at 502 llrown block Miss May Ilntokln , halrdresslu nud manicure , recently with Schidell , mllluiory. ete. -Ml 1)7' FOUND. 17OUSD A lilt USSR It HCAIIK. OW.V1III CAN have same by cilllng at 1731 Call fornla and pay Hit for this nd. " ' 1WI 3 LOST. IOST A KKMALE SCOTCH UKI'IIUHD DO(5 ; Jovrner will bo rewarded 'tiy rctiirnliiK snma to Win. Walker , Boiithwcet corner llth nnd llarney xl MIOJ 7 * TON For Sale , Kent or Exchange. BJBSTin tlioVorlcl. . N1ECEATH STATIONERY CO. , I'nriioin Stroof , Omiilin , A'o/ > . RR1LWRY TIME GRRD Leaves UHICAflO IHJHLlNdTON .t Q. Airlvcs Omiiliq Depot 10th und Mason StB. 4.15 p m Clilcairu Vestibule f.ll'l n m ! l.W a m , . .Chicago Kxpress 11.3:1 : a So J.lUn m Chicago Kxpress 4.25 p m O.M p m . . . .Chicago , V Iowa Local C.OU | ) 111 Leaves lUUIlLlNli'toN & MO. ItiVKH. Arrlvi-s Omaha | Depot IDlh and MUHOII SH. | : Omahn 10.15 am. Denver Kxprosc * 4.uf > p m 10,1ft n m DciuUrood Kxpress 4 0. ' ) p m 1.50 pm ! Denver Kxprcim U.Xj n m IHI p m Denver Limited 1-J.MJ n m 0.50 p m Hnstlnirs Local H.'I7 | i in S.l.'i am . . .Lincoln Local ( Hici'i'tSnnl. . . II : H 11 in Leaves K. C. ST. J. & < . . II. Anlv es - Omnha Depot 10th und MnsonSU Omuhaes y.a n m . . . .Kunsus City Day Kxpress . . . li.uO p in ' .l.4.ri p m K. C. NUlit Kxp. via I ) . P. Trans II10 n m ; u.j p m bt. Louis IC.vpru.i3 fi.10 n in ' Clolnx CHICAGO. U. 1. A : I'ACIITIO From Knot. Union Depot 10th A. Marcy Sts. Knst. 10IX ) 11 m .Atlantic KxpresH. . ii.SU p ra 4.40 p m .VOHtlhulu Kxpross. 1.10 p in ii.'i : : p in 8.51) u in ( JolllK "OillCAliO , It. I. \ I'ACIKUV I Krolu West. Union Depot loth and .Marcy Ma.l Wo t. lO.'U p in Denver Dialled. 8M H m , , Kamas City ( Kvcopt Sunday ) lIfJlTN l'ACTKir7 Union Depot loth and Mnrcy Sin. 7.5. ) a m Ucatrlco Kxprass. * l',60 a in Denver KxprosH , 2.i : > pm Ororland Klyor 4.15 p III llluoMriia&lirinsbjr ISxloxSiin ) li. I'j p m I'uclllo Kxpross fi.ii : ) p ni. Onialui I U. 1' . depot nnd Mnrcy'la. . | Oiniilia 7.0. ) pml. . , CliU'a o Kxpri'ss , . | 'J.t5 : a in ll.liO ami t'hlcaKO Kxpruas . . I5..V ) p m , Loaves I iilOL'.Y I'lTY , V I'At'lKIO lArrlvoi Omahal Depot , lOlh and Mar-Sta. | Omaha 7.U ! a m I Sloiu I'lty I'assoiiKitr lIU.'Up ni S.35 p . _ . , _ . . , . . . I'aiil ICxpro s IIU.O'J a m LcnvrH I HifTuxTTlTY ' . .rPAriFIlArrl ( von' Uinnhnl Dopot. 15th and Webster Sts , | Omaha TTOJ plnl Stfl'inifLimited I 11,21 a"m LenvcH I OMAHA , t ST. LOUIS. I Arrival OiiiuhiilU , I' . Ili'pol , IDtli nnd Marcy 3t .I Omaha 4.00 pml bt , I/iiU Cannon Hull jrja.'i p ni Leaves | V. K.'i MOM'ALLKY lArrlvus ' ' -imliffffhstBr Sts. | Oniulni ti.OU am ' ' ' ii.Oi ) n in ( KJf , Kat. ) . . ( x''Mon. ) 5.20 p in & . : JD p in . . . . /Norfolk / ( K. 10.23 a m u.Oi ) p in .tit. Paul lt.2.1 a m Leaves TllICAOO li NoirfffwT'.BTKIIN Arrive * Umalin JiJSl'J1 uI'Qt. lOth'lijiJ ' Maroy Sis. Omahn "r.W iTin" ( Kx. Hun'y ) CnrTSiriVnusonHer. 9 51) ) p ni 10.4U a m HU5 p in I.O.'i pm . . . ' .Ull u m . KuMcni"Kljei' . i.i j pm I > 4U p in ( I'x. biin.Kliln. l D . IKx.Moa ) Ji.so iim _ Loaves . ' , I r.i3i 'lI. . . 1'ACIKlt1. I Arrives Omuha Depot IHlinml'WuU tjr8t . I Omahn " 1.10 pni 7.00 a m 10.W ) p m . LiulHr o.Uj p in 5.10 p in t 'J SO a m Ixiuvos I OMAIIA & h5vjSTlL'IS. " | T\rrl"ves Truiinfurl "nlon Dejiot jjijricll Illulfs. I'lj-unstei ' ' 4.4J p ail _ " _ - ' ' _ ' ' ! ' _ now L'iL | T | 5 pTii Leiivrs Pi 11TAToTTL ( f.-X I'AflVft'rTA'rrTveT Traiufer : Union Depot. Council Hluir . iTinnsfoi iT.Vmii . . Mfc'ht ICxpross I 8.30"a"n 10.2U u m , . .AtluntiuKipross I A5i pit t.55 p ill . . .Vektlbulo l.linlli-il jl'.M 'in Ixiiivos I K. t' . , b'l' JOIi.t C. II. Arrives 'Jinnsforl Union Jiepot , Council HI nils. I Trail sfb llToo nml . . .KnnsnscTly Day Kxpress. . 4.M pTi II.li ) p ml . .Kansas L'lty Nlulit Kxprers . . , . . .u u u 10.IS pni.f | 1. Louis lixpress li.'JQ an Leaves ILIlirAGt1 , IIUHL'.N A , yUlNrY.IArrlvin Trujisferl Union lio.i.ot. Council Hliitts iTruiisfei 1005 a ! . . . . . . . . . Kxprtss . T.i 5.CJ p u 10.13 pin I . CblciiKO Kxprom . ( I D.2J u I. u . 1'fei.toii Ini'iil. . _ . . . . 1 10 411 u u LciTf os" j oT5xTiTV 4TIAY I I'l I' . iAirvea Trannforl 1'nlon liopol , Couucll nlutH.Trauiifi'i _ _ | 7.45 u ml. .Sioux Clly Accouiniuclutlon.To.OU | p it A LEJSl 'i"8.1' * ! " J'jl"'t'BS ; ! ii-lV-JlJ u " 1 .oil v i r jell i tiA tai i NOIt'i'lTWKriTKUN ' I Arrives' 'l'run fer | Union depot , Council llluils iTransfci It.3d Clilc > ai ! < > . . . , . . , . . „ . . 4.M p m . . .Voitlbiile Limited. . 1.'JO p w , . . . Kutte , n Flyer 7.W p IU t Sun ) Allmulc.Mull ( Kx Mon ) 7.15 a inijifx buii ) Carroll ! ' > , ( r.i 3uu ) 'J.'M p u MADE ONLY BY I N.K.FAIRBANK & .CO. CHICAGO , Is ( ho immo for n variety of inflammatory affections of tlio joints. It maybe bo ncuto or chronic. Acute , or IntUmnmtory lUionmalisut is likely to roour at intervals. Chronic. Ilkouiniitisin mny hfgiti ns n slow clironio tlisiwo , or may bo acute nt the stnrt anil bccomo chronic after nrnlo attacks. llhcutnalisin is among the most common of ilisaxscs. Very ilangcrous to lifo under certain circumstances , no ilisonso is ordinarily moro dcslructivo ot comfort and happiness , moro wearing and debilitating ; none moro thoroughly incapaci tates for labor. It is a "SECTION OP TUB DAY OP JUDOMKXT. " In these who hnvo the rheumatic tendency the blood contains an excess of ttrio acid , and it is this which product's irritation in the nITortod joints. A general cnuso is fonnil in some previous or contemporaneous disonso or an inherited ten dency. The various causes produce , first , n congestion of the liver , then n dis- 5 ordered blood nnd finally the rheumatic diathesis , or that condition of the blood which is the immediate source of rheumatism. But , happily , by modern science nil thcso conditions can bo changed. The disturbing cause can bo expelled from the sys tem , nnd in every instance suffering may bo promptly allayed. The disease need never gat into chronic or gouty condition if promptly and properly treated. Experience has demonstrated that mere outward applications nro worthless. The disease has its scat in the blood , nnd nny successful remedy must deal with the acid which poisons and inflame * it. ATH-LO-PMO-ROS is a strict ly scientific preparation for doing just this thing. Uy direct , simple nnd scien tific action it operates on the blood , muscles nnd joints by taking the poison out of the blood nnd out of the system ; it invigorates the action of the muscles nnd limbers the stillness of the joints. It reaches the Liver nnd Kidneys , cleansing them from irritating substances , nud if followed up after the rheumatic conditions ccaso it will restore the organs to regularity nnd health nml stop manufacture of the poisonous ncid. This remedy , which has had such unparalleled success for Jnany years , is not nil accident. All forms of rheumatism linvo yielded to its iu- . fluenco , oftentimes the relief coming fco promptly as to appear almost miraculous. It has cured the most obstinate cases , leaving the patient frco from all fatiffcrfng nnd discomfort. Testimony from these who have been for years sufferers would bo incredible were it not absolutely vouched for. Soiuo of this evidence , together with iuvnlnuulo information concerning rheumatism and neuralgia , will bo sent to nny address on receipt of five cents in postage stamps. SVrito to THE ATHLOPHOROS COMPANY , New Haven , Conn. Ath-lo-pho-ros is sold by all druggists nt ! jl per bottle. Instantly stops the most cxcruclntlnK pivlns. It never falls to elm case to IlioitittYrer ; It Is truly the great CONQUERER OF PAIN , and has done more coocl than nny known remedy. For Sl'IlAINH. IIIUJISKH. UACHACIIK , PAIN IN TTIK CIIKST Oil SlDHy , IIKADAC1IK. TOOTIIACHK. or nny ether external I'AIN ; a few nHpllca- lltinH , ruhbod ou by hand , act llko magic , causing Iho pain lo Instantly stop. Kor CONGESTIONS INFLAMMATIONS , UlllU'MATISM , NKt'HALiIA , l.II.MIIACO , SCIATICA I'AINS IN T1IK bMATjL OF T1IK llAflc , moro ovtendod , loiv-'or ccntlniind nnd rnpcntoit aiiillcnllons | are necessary. All INTitHVML IM1NS , DIAIlltlKK \ . DYriKS' I'KllY , COLIC. SI-ASMS. NAIMKA. FA1NTI.NO fl'KLLa , NKHVOtS.NK.S- ! , SLKISI'I.IHSNICSS all rallovod Instantly and itilcKly | cured by tuklnc Inwardly 20 to ft ) drops In half n tumble r of vrutor. With HADWAV'S 1'ILLS there la no bolter t UIIK or 1MIKVKNTIVK OK FEVKIl OH AOUIC. Sold by All Dru.'ulst ; 50 cants 1'er Hottlo. The Keeley League of Iowa Will hold a convention : U DCS Moiucs , December 20th mid 21sU All who bcliovo in the cause are ur ca to bo present as business of importance will bo transacted. CHAIRMAN , KEKLEV LEAGUE. "BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT. " GOOD WIFE ! YOU NEED "Improvement is the order of the age. " Wo ncvor orpcctert , In our most annKiiIno mo ments , such nil Increase In our n.ilei ns commenced on the lot of September. The Smith Premier TypeWriter Writer U liuvlm ; enormous sales which uro wlilo nnd far-reachlni ! . Tlioso are the reports no nro receiving from our many branoh olllucs. Send for.iv descriptive cuUilofjua , Smith Premier Type writer Co. , I7tii anil PamamSts. , Onuln , XcX R II. MA.VnK\V THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. JOEDAR RAPIDS U"PE3MOIKK3 Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. in. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. J. KKED WUIPPLE , Recently said in an interview : "From the time o introducing LI DONDEHRY'm my hotels its sale has been one of constant increase this in. crease being 100 per cent , greater the last year than in any previous year. I believe more people are now drinking LONDONDERRY than all other waters combined , , . . I cannot say too uiHcli in its favor , " Sold wherever water is sold. Largest water bottling establishment in Amer ica , if not in the world ! 0 Londonderry Litliia Spring V/ater / Co , , NASHUA N II. , ( Jims. II. Perkins , HullliiK Agts. , llntton , Mim , PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Distributing1 Agents. DEFORMITY BRACE'S Elastic Stockings , Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies. ALOE & PENFOLD , 114 S , 161h St. , Next to Postofflce. THE INGENUITY OP A r. | > tnll < ullli Drllculo TonU of Ilia Own Mmiiifurlurr , GtistriTo K. Kindt , Inventor , motnl- ltir > rlst , Rold-boalor , wntclunnkcr , sinot- tor , cnglnoor nnd Itn nut , hud just boon sentenced to five yonra' linprlsouiuont for conspiracy unit forgery , says the Now York Advertiser. "Uiul ho hon estly followed nny of the occupations ho wiw iniijlor of , " said Suporlntonilunt Hyrnes , who kno\va \ him well , "ho might h\vo : boon wealthy in.stcadof the | > ; \upot < ho la after forty years of otl-no. " lo w l-uriiliu-s were us bold us bo. Kvuii now , wlion Ion } , ' past GO , ho Is us resolute lu orinio us ho waa a score or moro years ugo. Ho is known io every wldo nwnlto tic- teutlvo III Iho Iniitl , and besides an uu- cnvlnble record In Cuimdu , ho bus "smiii-P jobs to hla dit-erodlt lu tbo secret uivhlvcs of the pollt-o burentia o ( several J-'uroiioun cities. Ho alwayii worKed iilouo. This ui-couut.s for his frequent escnues from piiulabnioiit. Ho otifo snid that bohnd suproino contempt for the stupidity of tbo cracksmen bo know. Though bo 4ciik. | < Kronch , Itattau , tiorinun , Spanish , Duteh and Kiigllsb , wltli a atronp I'roneh aecont , Kindt calls Uohciuiix blfc native land. Tbo police say ho is a Frenehmun. That bo la proud of his exploits waa proved y an autobiography wbloh was found lu his house when ho was arrested. Ho Is the inventor of tlio lover duple- lock , now in use in till the Canadian and some of the prisons in Great Britain. Kindt also devised u now nickel and stool alloy twist for small arms. Ilo invented u olouk attachment , by which a number of prisoners might bo 1111 rdod by one man. Another discovery of thla remarkable erook is an tuitomalio scales , whlob , at the saiiio time , weighs and llgtiios the cost of any article weighed by It. On 0110 occasion , while eonllnod in the Trenton penitentiary , bo proved his matchless skill in dainty mechanical work by foi'iuiiiff a case for one cambriu nccdlo out jf another. Ho tempered the one used for the case ; aud tbo thread-joint holding the cap at tlio eye could only bo discovered with a micro scope. Tils burglar's tools , tbo tliiest over inaunfaotured , were mtich'sought after by burgltiis of this mid other coun tries. Ilo also invented many now tools for uriicksinoii. His tools were lighter , stronger and inoi-o highly finished than any others. Thcso house-breaking implements were nearly nil made while he was in prison , 'llioy were carried out by croqks who visited him. Ouco ho finished an uncommonly line and large lilt of tools for a. gang of notorious Now York crooks , but tboro were bo many now tools , which tbo purchasers had' never seen before , but did not know bow to p , that they accused Kindt of palming on" fake implements on thorn. Ilo wns known as Cuslavo Kindt , alias French 1'Yank , alias Kraal : Leroy , alias [ 'Vouch Gus , alias Isadoro Vcarahall , dins The Dutchman , alias 1'Vcachy ' , ilias Otis Marchollii. Kindt came hero from 1'aris about ISoS , and after robbing the Hitfo of IJeekinaiu Van Uipor&Co. , in Pearl street , of Sld.dOO , bo lied to Havana and tbenco to Hrav.il. In ISOtt bo appeared in Now York again and was arrested for tbo robbery referred to. Ilo escaped through insufllciont evidence , for the next two or tlir.ee yiars bo committed burglaries with im punity. His work was so bold and yet so now in execution that the balllcu" police - lice began to believe they would uovor bo able to nab him. They suspected Kindt , but bo was too adroit to leave a clew to connect him with any of tbo burglaries. His work clean cut. lie was oven careful to remove , all traces of work. Ho nuido it a practice to gather up and carry away witn him every scrap of wood , glass o'r iron bit out by his tools. In these days it was tbo rule for thieves to divide their "swag" with tbo detectives. "L'Yonchy" never stood 'in with the detectives. Thus they not only lost their share of the spoils but were unable to connect Kindt with any of tlio robberies. In 1808 IJonton & Merry- weather , manufacturing jewelers of Newark , were robbed of goods valued at 810,000. They had no knowledge of their loss until the safe was opened r > y the cashier. It had been gutted and ro- locked. Only the linn and the cashier know the combination. Tlio cashier was above reproach . The police could make nothing of it. The Pinkertous , who wore then employed , lixed the crlmo on Kindt , who was employed na an assayer by tbo concern. This gave him access to both olllco and works. Ho was paid $100 a wkee. Ho worked in a metal room , with a door opening into the counting room. Ho bored a hole through ihc woodwork , and , putting a powerful magnifying glass into the orilico , peered ttirough it until ho cauglit tbo combination of the safe while being locked and unlocked by tlio cashier. Ono night ho returned , unlocked throe doors with false keys , and , t > y using the com- blnulion he so slyly obtained , opened , and , after gutting the goods , rolockod it. Next morning bo was nt work as usual. Ilo was arrested , but there wns not proof enough to convict him. While in jail ho made a compromise will ) the linn and was released. In 18(1 ( ! ) ho was sentenced to ton years in Sing Sing for robbing the store of \Vhcolor it i'arsons in Hrooklyn. Two yearn later bo escaped from the prison by sawing through tlio bars of his cell and tawing the looks out of tlirco doors between him and freo- dom. Ho made the bitwH in prison , su- croting their in a tooth which ho had deliberately hollowed out for the occa sion , The solMnlllotcd torture sent him to tbo prison hospital , though of- ilcials of tliii * penitentiary never sus pected the caubo of tbo ailment. Ho remained at liberty until October , 187i ! , when ho was arrested for robbing a jeweler's nhop in Hackonsac.k , In this job ho , in less than two bourn , cut the Bldo out of a Hfifo , from which he took jewels valued at $6,000. Kindt was Hont back to Sing Sing to porvo out his unoxplred term for the Urooklyn job.Thoro There ho devoted most of Ills pparo tlmo to the development of tbo duplex lever lock , by which a slnglo key could unlock all or any part of the cell doors of a prison. Ho olferod the lock to the prison uuthorilios on condition that ho should go frco , The proposition was laid before Covornor Tildeti , who ro- jcctod It. In lB7.r ho again escaped. This time he sawed out of hia cull and scaled a wall by moans of a string .of loops of wire drawn by himself. Ho lied to Canada , where , after committing burglaries in Hamilton and Toronto , bo was cauglit and accused of robbing u Jowolor's shop In Montreal , Before ho was "nabbed" ho had shipped Ihlrty-sovon valuable diamonds from Montreal to his daughter in Now York City. "I'Vonchy" was sentenced tea a term of three years for tbo job in Mon treal , where ho Introduced bis lover lock , which lias since come Into general IIEO in prisons of the Dominion and England. Ho wus rewarded with a par * don after serving a twolvo-morith BOB- tent'o.