Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Notes from a Private Diary on tlio Sicgo
of Vicksburg ,
lIiiltilliiK Knrlliworks \VtlliKtiiitit Artillery
Tlmt Hill Jfnl : * lfilm's l anil Counter-
mini * I'llVlillo I'lititMini Ilio
The nsiault on Vick burg look place
on May 10 and Z'2 , ISO ! ! , mul on the night
of thc2llh the dioROODonitiona bognn In
larnuht. The union olllc.ora and ontr >
tccrs failed to grnsp .tho situation at
first. Wo proceeded to build works to
wllhstiuid heavy ordinance , wrltos ft
prlvuto in the Now York Timed , forget-
ling that wo had captured almost all of
Gonoriil 'Pemberton'd fluid artillery in
tlio battles bolero ho took position be
hind the worlcs puiTOunding VkUsbm'g ,
nlthough the two assaults proved it to
oven the "mulo whacUors , " who ciuno
closoonongh to view the troops cngnged ,
There were only one or two pieces of
urtlllory used against us in those duys.
Although the night of May ilo was
hardly dark enough to suit , with a
heavy line of pickets In advuncu to lire
in the direction of a powder II tsh coin
ing toward usvo marched beyond our
line of artillery , nrmed only with picks
tuid shovels.Vo wcro the same ollicers
nnd men who had lain around carelessly
one year before utShlloh , with no works
nnd tin onctny in our frorU Wo now
roali'/eu fully how "pleasant" it was
just to liavo u little "mud' ' to pot be
hind. We wore formed in perfect line
and eacli detail wns allotted just so
much to do , the order being jjlvon in a
very low tone as the eaemy's line of
works could bo dimly seen. "Thoro was
no hesitating or hurry to boo who would
throw up the llrst shovelful , but all be
gan together , every shovelful going
between the man and thai completed
range of mountains. One shovel fol
lowed each pick , and , as wo wcro un
molested , wo soon felt quite easy , even
becoming jocular.
Suddenly tt cloud that had hidden the
moon passed away , and "popl pop ! "
" 1ml ! hist ! " came the rlllo bullets
among us. There was no order given ,
no running , but everybody dropped , and
each vied with the other to see who
could hug the ground the closest. The
change was sudden and complete , and
ns the firing ceased in a short time wo
BOOH rolled over on our backs and
watched for another cloud to cover up
the moon. In the meantime we kept up
a whispered conversation , n , kind of tel
egraph , and learned that none of our
detull had been hit by n bullet , though
two or throe had nearly pinioned thorn-
( solves on the point or handle of a pick.
Wo lay so close to the giouna and
everything was so quiet that b.v tlio time
the next cloud covered the moon the
confederates must have retired , for wo
wore at work again and not molested tc
any extent by their throwing lead at us.
It scorns strange , but it is nevertheless
true , that in the short tlmo the moon
was shining brightly on us and the low
conversation in progress there wore
men who actually wont to sleep and
unorcd , though not worn out by hard
work , and only a few minutes before all
hud been excitement. This gave r
chance for amusement , for soon a hall
do/oti sliovols were placed so as to fall
easily , but togolher , at a signal , com
bined with twenty handsful of dirt , on
the plccpor. Imagine that bundle ol
blue cursing until the nip was blue , anil
the laughter and pretended sympathy.
"Are you hurt , Term ? " "How did you
got hit ? " "Therevas no gun 11 rod. "
Wo dug our trench three feet wide
and two foot deep , connecting with tlu
next detail , and so on , until at dayligh' '
as far as wo could see the right and lefl
was u line of fresh earth. Tlio ploncoi
corps during the day foiled trees , cu
them to proper lengths , and brought
thorn to convenient points , so that tin
following niglit wo rolled them to tin
trench , stood them on onu in the excavation
vation , braced them up and then juinnci
over the pile of dirt and shoveled i
against thoin from the confederate side
at the same time digging a ditch am
throwing that earth on top. On tin
inside of this line of works , which wa
built principally on ridges , the grouni
wns leveled oil' , the works lined up will
cane lirought from near-by canebrakes
to prevent the mud sifting through , am
a slop built and braced up. A log orn
foot-in diameter was then placed on toi
of the works and the ground leveled s <
that it hiy snus ; .
As a soloier blood behind the work
they were higher than hia head , an
when on the stop the log protected hi
head. Now , by taking u piece of can
and running it under the log a fo' '
times you could put your gun throng'
and bight M long as necessary wit
comparatively little danger , as the cor
fcdoi ate ball "must como through tha
small hole to injure anybody. Almos
every man hit during the siege wn
mortally wounded , as it wns above th
The confederates could notplaco a lo
on their works , as our artillery woul
knock It oT ! , so they resorted to dlffoi
ont devices , one of which was to bore
hole through their works , use ti
Hpouting lo support the earth , and ( It
through It. Hvory morning our fin
duty to look for some now tricl
and when n ball came too clobo It wt
followed until it hit , and its court
studied until it was pretty well settle
about whore "ho" was. Thou thot
were soon 11 fly union men after that or
confederate. We let him alone , watchc
for the smoke of his gun , and llnall
located him. By shifting around froi
place to place wo finally got BO wo coul
BCO through that hole , when nobod
was behind it' , but when it darkcnc
the next tlmo tbcro were fifty hullo
put into that hole. That casemate wi
plugged , nnd prolcibly the man.
There were ti few instances whore v
failed to do the work , nnd when wo di
pivo it up and pointed out theobjeotlo
able sharpshooter to the artillery tl
liolu was unceremoniously dosed , ai
the gunner would able If wo had at
One morning , as it bognn to got ligb
the onomy'a works in our Immodlal
front looked so much higher than usti
that soon everybody was up and out
BOO , and ingenious opinions were ofl'oic
its to what the confodonttoi had do :
during the night. OHIi-ora were du
notified. It soon developed that son
admirer of New Orleans Jackson hi
conceived the brilliant idea of Unit
the top of their woi'lts with cotton bale
AVe infantrymen were "not in it" tli
time , but the artillery had it all the
- own way ono percussion bholl to eai
bale , up in the nir it wont , and tin
there was a f ill of cotton that loeUi
lilco snow. It was fun for us , ns tl
whole tinny was out. The nrtlilo
from the adjoining divisions bent a ft
Hanking shells ovo" , and every am
storm brought a cheer from us to tl
men who hud worked all night for o
odillcntion. Uncle Stm : and the fatay- ;
homo taxpayer "paid the freight. "
This main line of works was built f
both artillery nnd Infantry. At regu
lar and the best poMtlons were situated
the Imltorics , of which ottr division had
three , ono ol them being n tltlrty-nonnd
rilled 1'arrott , and they" could bo fired
almost as accurately as our musket ? .
Major Taylor , chief of artillery on Gen
eral Shot man ' * staff , used to como
around every few days , morning or
evening , thus escaping the mid-day
boat , and have a little artillery practice.
Vo always turned out in force to look
on , to sco whcro the shell tilt , nnd when
the order u-ns given to "lire" generally
looked over the log , The confederates
adopted for ft short tlmo a style of mass
ing about fifty men nnd pouring a volley
Into the embrasure , the object being to
lilt somebody by chance.
In order for them lode this they had
to expose themselves. Tosaylho lonst ,
it was irritating , nnd wo felt that it
must bo stopped. Tlio batteries gener
ally took turns in this practice ; there
fore there wcro two rosling. Thcta were
loaded with "fuso" ' shell , perhaps L'OO
rillos were pushed under the log , and as
"lire" to the
the order to was given
practice battery wo took the same order
anil bent over a wagon load of load to
lhat massed troop. It in variably silenced
that little band.
There was a V-shnpod fort In our Im
mediate front , nnd Major Taylor do-
cidcd ono morning lo see what was in
side. The Parrot t battery opjnoil on it
and literally lore the point out , i o that
the iiiHldo could bo seen. It simply
a higher pile of mud nothing in It
and would hnvo boon a splendid place
to sweep our lines with artillery had
they had any to usa One sergonnltluit
morning showed his Yankee ingenuity
in sighting his piece by making a
wooden wedjjo and di Iving It under the
brooch with'a wagon hammer , as the
screw that was nvulo for the purpose
had been broken by the recoil of the
gun early in the practice. During the
forty days slogo onch battery along the
entire line was required to throw asholl
every half hour Into the confederate
lines night and day.
Ono morning at 1 o'clock thcro was a
terrlllcartillery pr.ietico , and we ceased
work and sleep'to le.irn why. We soon
discovered all abnit It , as we were or
dered lo get , ready for an assiiUlt if this
artillery tiring had any olTcco on the
confederate troops , our lookouts to bo
Ilio judges. From all they could sco it
din not disturb anybody behind that big
pile of earth. To us tha display was
iiiauiiilicent as long as it was dark , par
ticularly the fuse shell , as wo were behind -
hind it and could see the fuse burning
as it sind forward on its errand of de
struction. When il burst there was no
harmless lot of stars la fall , as in fire
works , but every piece mj.uit maim
ing or 'death to whomsoever it
hit. A shell lired into the confederate
works was waited , as it only made
a hole to bo filled up again from the in-
aide , but if il burst about on a level with
the enemy's works the pieces scattered
and might hit somebody , the pieces con
tinuing forward.or in the direction the
shell was fired , never coing backward.
Another beautiful display wo had
were the mortar shells firoil from the
Mississippi river boats Thc&o were
immense in sixo , and at night wo
watched them as they rose highoc and
higher in tlio air , every revolution
showing the tiny fuse burning , and
finally bursting away up ever so high ,
and there was a cloud of lire spreading
out and finally disappearing. After it
had disappeared wo could hear the noise
of the explosion , nnd some minutes
after wo could hear the second explo
sion , which came from the morlar from
which the shell was lired. A confeder
ate told the writer afterwards that if the
shell did not explode , but fell , it mink
into the ground deep enough to form a
well. Those shells were lirod intention
ally with such heavy force aa to pass en
tirely over the city of Vicksburg and
burst between the city and the confeder
ate line of works inOur fiontx Many
burst prematurely and wrecked bouses.
Tlio confederate camps were dives' close
to their lines of works , und compara
tively few wcro hurt in proportion tc
the amount of lead and iron thrown at
Tlio main line of works being com
pleted our engineers next laid out
innumerable lines of "saps , " and they
were dug so as lo communiculo wjltli
each other and were as intiicatc as | the
btrcels of Ooston. An o dorly could
carry uispatehos from the division on
the right to the one on thn. loft without
belli ; : exposed and any man who was
surprised by the close call of a bullet
wns required to report the same and it
was remedied. These saps led direcll.v
to pur little picket forts which were ir
hailing distance of the confederate
lines , and many talus wo had wilh llu
latter until stopped by positive orders.
Many men would have shaken handi
could they lutvo reached across th <
works. There were regiments 01
opposing sides recruited in the EUIIH
On:1 : picket duty was very severe as i
was for twenty-four hours and wo weiv
required lo keep up an incessant fubil
lade in the direction of tlio confederate
works day and night. Our shoulder
would ache from the "kicking" of tin
muskets , and besides wo could not boi
the use of lirin ? at nothing. But mill
tary orders tire military orders am
iniibt bo obeyed.
Those little forts were open at the
back so that wo could plainly bo seen 1 > ,
our line and if driven out could not b
held by the enemy. The duty in thosi
picket forts became monotonous to suel
a degree that it was unusual to BOO i
commissioned olllcor in them. A sergeant
goant was considered bulllciont and h
simply called on the different corporal
to bring his detail to the front and the
tlio noncommissioned olllcer knew ful
well ho had got to lire or his dotal
woultl not. That western army was
peculiar ono and an olllcor had to bo on
of the boys or resign.
\Vo were on duty there every day
ono day in the picket forts and the nox
in the works , Kor the purpose of mil
ing our sips : , after passing the pioltc
forts , were very eloso to iho enemy
works , in fact , in plain view , but the
were to closely w.Uohcd thai if a cot
federate looked over his works to so
what wo were doing ho wits lucky if h
lived to try it ngtiln. Sulllcient know !
oilgo had been obtained , howovorsfor th
confederates to make an old-faBliiono
V-shaped ovoairough of two board !
strongly placed together. This the
pushed over tholr works and pointer
toward our open sup. Next tnoy place
a fuse shell at their end of the troaeli
lighted the ( use and lot It roll into ou
hap , whore it exploded ; but wo wor
warned , and no ono was hurt. The
cheered , and wo "tigered. "
\Vo ceased work , retired to our stor
fields , built a gabion ten foul long b
three , carried it to a safe distance , an
at night placed it on end near the poll
of our sap , filled it wilh earth , and the
upset it in front of our excavation. ' ,
looked like a hugo boiler , and it wi1
nonoxplosive , but put a. stop to oxpl
slvcs , as wo only had to roll it alien
and work behind it. They rolloJ a fe
shells at it , wo cheered , and they thre
Iho useless trough into Iho moat.
Quo morning , alter working sim
midnight , and rolling our gabion ahoai
wo found jubt out of roach a po.ich trc
with four ripe roaches. Wo wanU
them , but-liw is sure death to try
got them. Kveu a hand wonlu hui
been shot oil' . A Michigan lieutonati
having charge that night , cumo out
EOO how the work had progressed , I
> r also discovered the fruit and it mm
him hungry. Uo disappeared nnd coon
returned with two cano poles Fitting
the small ono into the larger ho took
olT Ills boot , ( astcnod the strap into the
end of the polo , reached out ttndor a
po.tch and milled It off , the poach drop
ping Into tlio boot. The ponchos were
soon in the lieutenant's possession , nnd
wo all had ti taste of the fruit , but the
bootrwns almost useless.
During all this tlmo our quarters
were not neglected. On the sides cf
the ndgo wo leveled it Into galleries ,
mndo berths of cano poles sewed Into
mats with bark , Mid lilted into forks
driven Inlo the ground. They were ns
comfortable nnd cool as a spring bed.
Four men to a cot , ns two worn always
trvay on duty , loft two rubber blankets
for proleciion from rain or sun ,
while Ilio olhor two were for
actual duty on the line. Food
wns bountiful , more than wo could
cat , and wasted , burned , except colToo ,
which accumulated until wo had bugs of
it. Wo were on duty every other night ,
in fact , two hours on and four olT almoU
all the time , yet with this continuous
artillery and musket llring , day and
night , wo slept and ate well , nti'l Ihero
was hardly such a Ihlng ns a sick call.
Wo didn't have time , and , with the ex
ception of now and then a litllo "growl , "
Ihoro never was a heallhlcr or happier
army In existence.
In Iho hitter part of Juno wo began to
mine under Iho V fort in our front , and
by the fourth day wo discovered by the
sound that Iho confederates had antici
pated our scheme and were mining to
blow up our mine. It was a race. Wo
mined jijst fast enough to keep abend ,
as wo could hear their picks and thus
tell where they were. Wo were told by
the usual "grapovlno telegraph" that
the mine would bo exploded and an as
sault made on July < 5 , nnd on thocvening
of July " wo little thought of any change
until that assault should bo made
On tlio morning of July . ' ! , as soon as
it was llirht enough to discern objects
any distance , wo were greatly surprised
lo see a number ol small white Hags dis
played along the works in our front.
Firing immediately ceased , except in
General Ostorhaus' front. Ho was on
our right and had given notice that he
would not rocognU'.o a truce Hag from
General Pcmburlon on account , of a
truce violation by the confederates early
in the Vicksburg siego. The men who
were sleeping awoke , and soon Iho en
tire Yankee army was looking over tlio
logs instead of utuior them. "Soon the
confederates were doing the same , and
ns time passed both nidcs became more
confident , and in an hour wo were all
either standing or silling on top of our
respective works looking at each other ,
nnd the men in the picket forts were
t liking to the previous night's enemies.
Hundreds of inon left the main line and
went to Iho picKol lines to talk , and by
t ) o'clock some of the confederates from
Missouri had fonnd old friend * in our
ranks , were invited over , accepted , and
wcro soon in our camps gorg
ing themselves with food. On
their return they took all they
could carry. In other words , the Iwo
armies , noncommissioned ollicors and
privates , fratcrni/.cd and were shaking
hands , eating and talking of Iho flieuo
as happily and friendly as if old friends.
13y noon orders were given lo put a stop
to this and it was done to a certain ex
tent , but there was not a confederate
who blept that night on tin empty
July 4 was a bright , beautiful morn
ing , and about 0 o'clock the confederate
regiments marched out between the
lines , stacked tholr arms , unbuckled
their cartridge boxes , and hung them
on the bayonets of their guns'about
faced , " and marched away from the
guns that had held us there so long.
One would nalurally Ihink wo were
happy , and wo were , but at Iho same
time'there was not an exultant cheer
given as those bravo men loft the guns
and their regimental colors standing
alone. The only cheer given that day
was when General Grant and staff rode
over the surrendered line of works.
The rest of the story is well known. paroled all the prisoners , and us
fast ns they signed they were at liberty
to go whore they pleased. Tlio after
noon of the 4th of July was devoted to
inspecting the works wo had lirod at for
so many days. We did not wonder much
why wo could not lake them. Uy dark
wo'wore again in our quarters to cook
and rest , as wo were to march immedi
ately against General Johnston , without
oven being allowed to see the city of
nft MAD TIIIHTIINwivis. : : .
iilitl lluil .Miln Gives Some Death
itril Aihlce. |
A stranger about 40 ve.a-s old com-
milled suicide in n boarding house in
Los Angeles , Cal. , a few days ago. lie
left a' remarkable lotlor in which he
said that lie was a member of ono of the
largest and most prominent families ol
this county , whos-j ancestors came irom
Jamestown. After confessing to having
cotninitlcd murder , the writer days :
"During a period of about twenty-one
years I liavo beep married to thirteen
different women. In every case , except
the first , nu- sole motive was to secure
money , not love or nlToctlon. i have
three children by the first and ono bj
all the rest except throe. Ono of the
women to whom I've been married hue
$300,000 in her own right , three others
had from $150,000 to WuO.OOO and nonoo ;
the others was worth loss than $10,000.
"My rule generally was to live will
my wife until I got the money in mj
co'ntrol and then I was olT for now lloldi
lo win another fair brldo.
"I always had plenty of money anil
went in the best of style , and onlj
operated In and among the aristocracy
of the country. In this sphere my vait
and giddy victims were easily captured
nnd it was often a case of 'lovo at first
Bight' with them. 1 have some hesita
tion about leaving a statement , but foi
bcvcrul ro.isoiiH I have decided to do so
"First , these around me , of course
know nothing of my intentions and an
perfectly innocent of what 1 am abou
to do , and this statement will rolievi
them of any suspicion.
"Second. Il may bo a warning to eomi
good women , who are too often icady ti
lecoivennd entertain sltango men o
whom they know nothing moro thin
that , they wear a bilk hat , display a lo
of diamonds and toy with a gold-hoadci
cnno. Beware of this class.
"Third. If these would-be detective
and officers of the law will pay more at
tcntion to Iho clafB of men whom I wan
the women against , I can assure then
that they will succeed in their btislnos
bolter. I have often scon a poor , dirt ,
and ragged tramp dragged to jail , whos
only olletibo was to bog ti quarter or i
dime to buy" much-noedod meal , whll
perhaps half n dozen of the worst criml
nnlK In < the country , lilo myself , wor
lookers on , but in the guise of gentle
men whom Mr. Olllcer would scarce !
dnro to look at , much less attempt t
arrest. "
ToUl l ur < ot CITIES ,
Corr.4poiiilrnc tollrltod.
133-IOS Dearborn Ctreot. CHICAGO.
13 Wall Gtreet , NEW YORK.
e 706tat 9t.i BOSTON.
Compared with Friday NiglTtrWhcat Quota-
tations ClosedLower ! Yesterday.
Tlipni Wns Some. Itd/tUrlng / In l'orl < Townril
the Close llpMilflnj ; til It Dccllno
Considerable Ai'tlxtty 111
CincAOO. til. . Dec. : t. Some small chips were
knocked off the loadlnjt quotations today on
'Clmn2P. Coii\iircl | ; ( with lust night , xvhoat
closed 'jolowor. Cjrn lost'io : pore U elf lOc.
Who it receipt * In tlio mirtlixvest wore nttnln
liberal , 1,01 curs , nml rablus easy , lint
the heavy o.xporto , 4,531,0.10 bit. from both
coasts during ino wcol < , against 3,4U'i,000 hii.
thoptpvloiiavpok , had n tendency to chock
the sullln ? . I'luutuatloni ucro within ? o
Corn holilorft showed n BOOI ! ilpdl nf ills.
coiirnRpincnt , nml there was fico liquidation.
Tlio receipts \\oro ; u cars over the esti
mate , nml 8.1 irr.tdod contract. The Vioathur
west ( avoriihlo fur markoUn ? . The close.
\ > as at the lowest point for the ilny.
Outs heavy and dcelliiod sh.irply , In-
fluuneed hy the free lliiililiitlon | of December
ami the wo.iknoss In corn. I'lnul prices were
llin lowest , and wcro ; 1o under last night's
quotation' .
Notion Morris was u uuyor of a coiulilor-
nblu ciiintlly | of pork nnil latil during tlio
first half hour of the session. On the result-
IMC advance thcro wasrome roillxln ? , nnil
tiork wisolfored down 1 e below yesterday's
close. I.uril nnil libs leftoff unchanged.
Kstlmatod lecolpts for Mondav : Wlicnt ,
150 oats ; corn , ' . ' 50ciusi oats , ' 'JO cars ; hojs ,
4i.00l ; ( hi-ud.
Tim lo.idlus futures ranged as follows :
llcruniliur . . .
.tnnimry 7.UH
Cons No 2
.lannury . ; > <
Mny 4i
OXTS.No 2 4iSO
liupumber. . . sou SO so
.Iiiiuinry an * SIM so3W
Di'conilicr. . . 14 ro U OJ II 01 14 00
.tiinmiry 15 75 ir. ; . ' IS I7 > 15 M
May 15 8J' ' u 8 : > n 15 4714 15 Mfc
December. . . 9 M n TO ro 9 60
.tnniiury. . . . 9 M1 11 72lj ( II 55u ' .I 51
Mi.y U ) u 2JH , u : .
SHOUT llins-
Jannury. . . . B 31 8 .15 8 15 R17't '
May S 22'-i ! 8 um K U7
Casli quotations were as follows :
I'l.otw-\Voalt : winter patents. $3.50(3:1.9,1 ( : :
winter sir.uts M.2)ffit.4J ! sprlnj : pitonls. ti.73 :
( Itl.lOj sprliiu straits , flT5tti.iri ; ; bakers' , JJ.IO ®
JJ.4 > t.
WIICAT No. 2 Hprltr , " . 71'4C ; N'o. I ) sprliiK.
C'JiiGl'jij ' No , 3 red , 71'40. '
t'OHSf No. U. 4lc. !
OATS-No. . ' . 'Wiro'ic N'o. 2 white , f. o. b. ,
35p ; No. auliltc , Il'J'iS
KYIS No. 2. 40V4e.
IlAitMsr No. 2 , C"c : N'o. II , f. o. b. , 43ffir ( e , N'o
4 , t. o. b. , il. > S4"iOc.
1'r.Ax SBKII No. 1. ? I.OS > { .
I'OIIK Muss per liUl. , ll 00 : Ian ) , per 100
lb . . S'J.'iJ ' ; shortrltK sides ( loose ) . > TS
8.33 ; drv salted sliquders ( ( bo\cd ) . J7.50a7.C2'/j ;
short , clear sides ( boxedi , W .riJ@S. > . " . ,
WHISKY Distillers , ' flnNliod goods , per gal. .
$ > .
btlOAH Cm loaf , ? jc ; granutalcd , 5e : stan-
clard "A. " 41io , ,
Tlio followln : were the roeoipu and slilp-
nii-'iits today :
On iho Produce exchange ted ly the bnttor
marketwas tame : creamery , 20ii2)/4" ) ' ; dairy.
isa'7c. Eggs , ( juicl : strictly fresh , 2. © ic.
Oiniilia I'rodiivt * "Minlu'ts.
The week cliised'tliill ' and fealiuolcss so far
s the produce market was concerned. The
ecolpts wore not large , but this was olTsot by
bo fact that thoio was almost no demand fur
iinytliing. Such buyers as there were on tlio
narket bought very sunrhiEly. There Is ono
hingtoonconrago dealers and Unit Is tlio fact
hat the murKPls are pretty well cleaned up
.nil that retail stocks must have been reduced
ery maturl.vlly .luring the last half of the
AITT.ES Quotations at Omaha are : Rood
took , ? ; t.f)0 < tt4 01) ) : choice to fancy. HOO@4.2.- > .
ItANANAS-Qnotatlons are : K.ilr to good
hipping stock , IJ.UUOJ.W per bunch.
llUTTEit A few s-iles of choice selected roll
EO to tno retail trade at 182Jc. but iho bulk
3f Iho receipts iirln ; only HSfllGc. Creamery
jutter Is quoted at .Cc.
CitAKiiuiiltii : Quotations arc : Hell and
cherry. $ i.O ) per bbl. : " bell and bugle , f'J.OJ : late
'JapoCod. tO.M.
UKijUiiv Quotations nro : IlOJJllSj.
Kens Tlie market was not very active at
: : ) u for strictly fresli stock ; cold storage ,
' . ( Wf.-V.
LiAME Pralrlo chleknns , JI.COSI TO ; grouse.
$4. I'D ' : quail. il.2.'il.riU ; bnlpc , JI.OJ ; jack
81.2 (31.50 ( ; plover , 81.00 ; golden plover , $1.25
Ql.M ; canvas back ducks , JO 0 ( SI".00 :
cd head ducks , $1.00 : mallard ducks ,
? ; i.7.r > : blno wliii teal , $100 : green wing
teal , } I. . ' < QI.7 ) ! > , mixed ducks , Jl.iU ; Canada
geese , W.0ii7..ri ; small geese , JI.Xiar ( > .dO ; jack
rabbits. it.UUQ4.U ! ; small rabb ts. tl.yJ3H.00 ;
sijulrrois. Jl.2."i ; antelope s id Jlcs , Udil'ic : deer
saddles , ] 510c : antelope enrcassoOBIOc ;
deer carcasses. 1012e ; live pigeon * , f l.-r > itl.55.
OiiAi'i : KituiT Per bo.UU. .
llo.suv LJood white clever is quoted at
1.KMON8 Messlnas , clioicc , ? 3. . " > C(5.00 ( ; fancy ,
ec.oj( (
OYSTIMS Pilcca remain unchanged at 1110
: r > c per can ,
ONIONS Quotations arc : Homegrown , BJC :
fapanlsh , Jl.Utpor cralo.
OitANis ( Present quotation hero on
Kiorlda or.ingcs la 13.75.
POTATOES Qnotiitions are : Homegrown ,
C.Ti70c ; Colorado and Utah , Sfie.
Poin.iiiv Tlio maiKot Is slow and unsatis
factory. Turkeys tire thu slowest sale of any.
thing : they are quoted ut i-c ; gceso and ducks ,
ba'Jc for dressed : dressed chlo'iens. be.
SWBBT PilTATOEs Cholco MllSC.ltlllO aut ]
Illinois btocK. $ .1 7.'i I.UJ per bb ! .
TANiir.itiNiis A few tangerines have ar
rlvcd on thu market and bold at JS.UJ per boj
orSI.50 per hilf box.
\ KMiQnoti'tlons nro : Small and f at , 7c
largo and noavy , tl'
i-ivi : STOCK .M.YKKIT.S : ,
How ItcpplptH Ciiinp.irp Cattle
onsly htnidy lloK' " .Itili'll I
OMAHA , Doc. : i. This Is the only niiikot litho
the country of any consequence lo bhow i
Kill n In luuolptjot all klnilH of stock thU yo.i
ovurluat , Chicago slio s u docieaso In boll
IIIIKB and shuep , wlillo Kiinsns City shows i
til ( I cur ( Mi su In hon Under the cliiium
stances the lljiuos are a source of uiatllk'ii
lion to nil friends of tlila marUot , Koeolpttia
Oin.iha have oeou IIH follows :
C ttlo. llozs Shcon
Hecolpts the past wools. . . I'V.'ll ' IW.I7S ' ,
Keeoluts wenk provlu.iii ) . . 111.19 : iotl7'J & > . )
Simo week last year 12,511 51,72" 'J' !
Iteeulpts for November. . r.0.281 12J.2I7 r.'l,08
llBcelpla for October. . in.o.l ? llft.h.U l.'ija
ItO'olpts forNovuiribor'fll fi ,7.W I42.c.i.7 i(13 : ) (
Kocolpls niiHtll iiiolilh3..Cb'.lin l,47P.iM : 175.01
iinnio 11 moulds of lhUl..a.Ui3l ; 1,311,031 159,15
Increase this your. . . . . . .lli'.lBI Kis.iiX ; ) tr > , riO
In the calilo market tlio pail week Iliictu
allons have heon loiv | ami unlniportant ( iooi
miitnrod calilo coiiVlnuo to soil ai a be DID
inluiii. Dill otl'onni'H of this o'asu c'onllnuo do
cldodly llmltod , Tlio halt fat and short foi
ralliocnnlliiuo to.scl | very unevenly and mi
biitlsf.iclorily , but tie | linprovcinont In price
May depend upon the way yo i treat I lie warn.
Ings wfilch nature elves , A few bottles ol
S , S , S. taken nt the proper time may Insure tjood
health for a jear or two. There ! oreact at once , for it
that nature be assisted at the right tlme.R
never fails to relieve the system of im I
purities , and is an excellent tor.lcalso.
He Wants to Add His Name.
" Permit me to add my name to your many other
certificates In commendation of the treat curative
properties contained in Sniffs Specific ( K. S. b. ) It
is certainly one of the best tonics I ever used ,
"JOHN W. 1MNIEL , AndersonS.C. "
Treatise on blood and skin diseases mai'ed ree.
Mttiiyof our AOKNTS nrn riKM.INU from IWO t
| iur luouih lion't ' ruiutln lillo , or worn fur unm
w Ku , nhcn jou niliilit bo makloif wore mone
lian la .uuiiuar Amilr for term. , All.SUl.l
OUK12U CO , rilj S. Will ht. , Omaha.
the t\to days hn ? almiit rcfovrrcd Iho ric-
ollnnof thooarly tmrt of the \took Shlpppra
nnil incculnlnrn liavo shown n tpiulcncy to
tnko hold , hut the lornl < Iomind hm unon RO
ur.'eiit nnd o.i turn m rkptn so iinoortaln Unit
tholr tiitrolm c < have not been vtiry oxtoniivo
no fur. If nnythlnff cow nto fi-.llni ; rnthor
bolter than toward the elo o of Inst week , ut
nnv rnlo doccnt cowi nro brliiKlng very decent
IlKurcs Jiint at incurnt.
Tlio utocknr nnd frodor trndo lm Ijocu In-
rtlffcront. Tor seine ron < on or nthor thn conn-
try ilninatid lias liccn very llinllcd. olno say
this l on aci'oiint of the Inability of feeders
to tccuro Htock hoes to fol o\v \ thn c.ittlc. The
past day or two , howovor. IIIIHIIICHS plvknd up
n trlllo , but on the urnural run of xtockcrs nnd
foodots prii'csaro from l.'ie to'J.'ie loner than a
week or toil d.iyi nco , whliothlu rouitli steak
cattle aio practically unniorcliantable.
The neck chxod with only a fair run of cut
tin. OITorhnzs Included all kinds nt citt o tint
prlnelpally the uonitnmier klndt Tliero was
tiitooil duiiuiml and on the iri-iitiral
run of stock prlc'os rillod strong. On the licit
ciiltlo dealers could tint como to s itlsfaetory
terms , but about ovorvthlnv oUe sold In Rood
so isoii , Common to fair t.OUJ to 1.'HO-ilt , n.i-
tlvcs sold at from ( Mi , hllotalrto
vnry itooil sold at from J.I.'J. " > to fl.nj ,
Cow -ttiilTsuld stroiis to ndlnip hlRhor than
I rld'iy , Ueeolpts were not \cosilvi > . 'inn the
doniand wi,9 brisk , i\troinosilciofpoor : to
Kood eows npro at from to J..M ) . thu bulk
nt fruin JIIH t V..Dl. Qullu a fun bulls
chiiiiRcMl hands al fully stoiilv pr.ees from
frdmJI.W : to Ji.l . 'I lint ov us no clian o In
tlio o.ilf mSrkot. Good to cliolcn voali sold at
from J4. ( t to $ Vii. ) with ooinnion l-irpo calves
and vonrllnus at from { ! . ' -V > to ) ' . ' . 'ii.
limitless \\asnot very llvu.y In Rtocltcr.s
and fnedcrs. Tlierp porhapa a sl.htly
lniirov | d conntry demand , hut prk'os nero
not iuot | < iliy advancod. As usitiil llioio xvas
prnctlcally no oulli'l for common thin fitock
c.itllp. They could not bo moved nt any
lipleo. Halps at from J''l'i to f I I. , but
thulinlitot the decent stull sold at fiom J..S5
to tl.m.
HotM The wonk's supply Ins boon about
O.cUil heavlor tlinii last xvpok iiltlmtizh nearly
15,000 uliiirl of Iho reCL'luls for thn eorro'tioii I-
In ? ook last yoar. The inaikta lias lluutu-
ateu KoiiH'Wlmt , tint there his : been a uond
strotu inidortono and any break was ipilcklv
followed by a tally and that In Him by u
furllipr advance. Condlt ions ate not notlee-
nlilvcliiumrd I'lio shlpiiln and sponl'itlvo
demand ouuliii : comiiarattvoiy Illllti lljjuro
wlillc all liH'nl houses eoiitlnup froj buyeid at
alltimea I'rlvoifor the "eon clo o ISo to "flo
lileher limn last week and ! 1 ! : n per owt.
lilKhnr tlittn a > oar aKo. Thelitumuu iininlii-
\ciyevonlyat ptesunt. about II llu. lieav or
Hum 1 ist month , and ono IIRO. 'I'liti
followlnc talilo slums tlio aver leo xxulphtuf
by inonlhs for tlio past , six years !
OIToiln s uio sllshtly inure lllisral th in on
lststK.itttrdiiy. tlio KiMiur ,1 iiutillty irood. fully
up to this monuu. Coiiilltlons favored tlio
sellers. Tlieri ) wns no slilppln iir spcculiitvn !
ilciniind tiseui | ) ! of , lint with L'lilc.r o iiunU'd
loc lilKhor nil local buyers aturtotl out itftor
tlio lion's nn I u brNk. Hi in intirivut tlio re
sult. IJooJ to cliulco liiitclier nnd heavy
weight hess sold tnr uly lit I''K ' ) to $ . " > . ! ) ' ) , with
cuninion to fnlr ItKlit nnd tnlxotl liii s nt from
J. > SO to T. > W. HuMnu- was brls'fioin start to
tlnlsh Mini the | icni wcro cleared hy 11 o'clock ,
tlio hulk oT the liors sulllii' ' at from $ * > .S. > to
IMH. asiilnst J5.75 tof5.i-r > rtldny , $5C' to ? : ) .T.r >
on last tfaturdiiy nnd fL.'O to SJ.tii on the cor-
lUbpondltiK Saturday lust your.
Hui'.Tcr Thuio were no sheep n-eclved toduv.
Ituycra for lueitl houses all want seine Knod
muttons und there Is a very fair dumand tor
stock sheep. I'rk-cs In Konoral aio ( juotably
Rleady. i-oiui-inlxod unlives hold over from
Friday lirought il 10 and a bunch of stnulers
sold for CIO. 1'alr to goil natlvos , $ l.rill.7."i :
fair to KO'idTo < terns , il.'ViJt.'iO ! common and
stoi'U Hhecu , } . ' .i5'rOI. . " > 0 ; yood to uiiolco 4U to
UO-lu. liiinhs , SI.O.SKi.SO.
I'lilc.- , ( ) I.l\c .stcx'lt 'MnrUpt.
CIIICAOO , III. , Dec. Il [ Spcol-il Tulorain to
TUB Ilr.E.1 Thuro was a vuty lltht run ot cat-
tip , and tlioyvoro all winte I at fully 1'rl-
day's prices , or lit an advancoof fmtit fie to
Klc on Thnrstl'iy's ( | iiotiitlons Sales wuio on
a b.islh of fiom ? l.uo to ili'S for In fin lor tci ox-
tr.ico'vs , heifers and bulls , from Sl.lIMo iLII'i
forstockcrs and feeders , and from f.lOJ to 55.OJ
for common to extra dressed beef and shipping
stcieis. The calf market wis : se.mtily sup-
nlled and wns stionsat from $ l.7."i to J'i 2.T.
Trices ranso ; I from ta.V ) to ) for pour 11.lit
anil n.txcd btulV to fiom 31.U5 to Si-liOfor VIT.V-
prlnio medium and heavy weights. Very
few ot the nll'urliiKS of medium an I hoavV
uclzhts went below S.VJ. ) . and the tmlk
brotiihtfrom fG.00 lo M.'M. Thoao lljtuics In
dicate nn adv.inco on Friday' * prices of from
Bo to lOc. nmliltis an advancu for the week of
fiom 23c to : cc ) per 10) ) Ibs.
Tlio supply of hois which inclnded the 0,000
loft ever from yo"ter > lay was divided between
local and eastern buyers at from J1.7. > to $ . ' > . ' . ' . " >
for cull and light plEs , from I5.3J to $3.00 for
pooi to ] irlmo lots aver.-v.dM7 fiom I5J toK )
Ibs. and at from j. " > .7. > to ffi.'J. ) for poor to cholco
inodlnm and heavy. Thcro was one or two
trides > atn.w. :
The sheep marled was steady at from J1.53
to : > 00 , culls bollln ? at from 81.00 to KM. poor
to fair sort at from S2.7.'i lo J17. > and rood to
cholco at from 4I.OU to W.OO. There was also an
nncbaiiKcd market for Iambs. They wcro In
demand at from J'I .V ) to i."i.7."i.
Uocolpts : Cattle , l.OJU ; hogs , U,0)0i sheep
Both tlio method and results xvlicn
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , nnd acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac-
ccptahlo to tlio Btomnch , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial m its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have inado it the most
popular remedy known.
feyrup of Figs is for Bale in 50o
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not liaVo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
. Ami nil tlit > train o !
KVII.S. wuAK.sisi- : : inniii.i ry inv. ii , ' i o
rmuimnr Ilioin la men lH'UIA \ miU I'l.HMA
idvc'ii to every part of ilia hoily I " 111 t > cail ( u
cnrely paciiaill KltKB loimr nutlorer th3 | ire crlii-
lion that curoit mu of thuio truiiLihii Adar , ' , 1. .
A. HUAI > I-Ky. llAflM ! CIIBEK , MIOII.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornaria.
llcel Cnttlo Ho nml Hifup market In tlio wcjt.
Wood Brothers ,
toutli Omaha Teh-phono 1157 - Cliliayc
JOHN 1) IIAII MAN , t , , .
MI > n „ ' " ! f
WAI/l'lll K WOOD. ,
Market ltriorl | * by inull and nlro cliccrfnlly tui
nUUi'U upuu application.
Perry Bros , & Co. , -
l.lvu ttOk t'uniiiil > luii.
ItOOiu 61 KulmiiKU llulliHim , houlli Ottltba.
Tck'J'huuv ' 17o7.
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Omaha Tent-Awning Wolf Bros. & Co. ,
COMPASV Tpiils luvnliuv tnrpnul *
ln curpMof nil kiln ! * ,
noiisi : rovnitfl , lids' banner * dp Send
1113 Fnrimin M. for eatiioKiip .Jt" 1C.
Bemis Omaha Bag M. 0. Daxon ,
Importer ! nml ininufM Itloycles solil n monthly
Hour niicks , btirlnp' ,
twlno. p.iMnenti 12. ) N isth
Morse-Coo Shoe Company ,
II IK' ' llownr.l Mto'l.
l'nctory cornclltli nml Douulnn Streets.
\Vpiiro mnklniclo oirlO' | to oa h tm > or . nnl nro
' il.iK urcuo.i. . wlilch I , ti'i > < .nlenlile
nllh niori limits.
KIrkenilall , Jones & Araer , Hand-Sewed
COMPANY. Mint : I'll , hunt *
ml > nu'nM It n in n nnil niM'i-r k'iMMlv IMt-
Ittitihi'r ! "hoo Cu 110'- 1.IIU llnrno ) M
1IUI-IIUO llnrno ] St
COM , CO < E.
Omaha Coal , Coke & ' Eagle Cornice Works
l.IMI ! CO . hunt nml Mill ] Mfr cnlrnnlrpil
ion ! , S 1 ! i or. 11 tti unit I rdrnlc * . wlmloN run * ,
Ms. inulallU- Bin liflilr. clc
Illll-im lioilKi-M.
M , E. Smith & Co. , li Dry
i o
Dry KOOII | > , notion * , fur- Notion * , i tMiK furnMi-
MMtliii : uo'uii ' , i n tier our. lltli anil
lltli inn ) lt"M\ii M < . llnrnoy M
Omaha Upholstering Beebee & Rnnyan
CO , upliolitoreil furni I UUNITL'lli : CO.tirnco
ture. 11.12 IIOI MilullM ?
M. WlioU'inloonl ) niul I.Uh Ms
D. M , Sleele & Co. , j Blake , Bruce & Co. ,
IMl-l'-'US.lonceSt. , 10th anil 1 lumpy Mi ,
Uainlii Oinnha.
Council Chamber , Omali i. Neb . isni
lie It resoived oy Ihn city connII of Iho oily
of Omaha , the mayor coticurrlna :
That wooden sidcwaUs bo eonitrnctol In
the city of Omaha as do-d nato I bidow , with
in llvo days after tlio pnblleatlon of ttils nno-
Intlon , or the person i | service tluieof , as bv
orllnunce Is anthorl/o 1 and reiiulroJ : sucli
sldow.ilKs to bo laid to thorado ( on
the streets speelllod herein , and to bo con-
ttrtlclo.l of pine plain ; of such wjdth an 1
thickness a nil bo laid upon joists of .such
dimensions and In sin-h manner as Is pre
scribed by the specifications on Ilio In the
olllco of the boaid of public works and muter
its supervision , towit :
\Vesr sld of 2s th avenue , lot 111 blrek .T II U
side addition N'o ' - ' , piesont rade , ( i foi't wide
West side of 2sth avenue , lots 10 h 7 block I
I'roJ Dellono's addition , present Kradc , 0 feet
West side or.Nth avenue , lots 10 s 7 block : i
Fled Dellono's addition , piOiont criulu , U feet
Kast sldo of 21st stieet , lots 2ltoil : Inold-
ve. V nton placo. present tirade. I feet wide.
Westslrle of 21st street , lots I to h Inclusive.
block 5l W.lcox's second addition , present
grade , 4 foci wide.
West side of .10th street , lot T block 4 Hillside
NIJ 2. lopalrad or laid , 1 feet wide.
west si loot : t Id street , tax lot 14 , section 21-
13HI. . present . rnili * . 4 feet wide
West sldo of : ci I street , lot 1 block 2 Iteod's
flfth'addttlon. present grade , 4 foot wide.
West side of .lid street , lots 1 and 21 block 4
Heed's fifth addition , present grade , 4 feet
West sldo of Ktil trenl. lots 1 niul S block 1
Isaac & heldon's addition , present grade , I foot
wi c.
West side of olid street , lots 1 and S block 8
Isaac & Sultlon'b addition , piesent gr ide,4 feet
Wc'stsliloof : t id t root , lots 1 and 8 block II
r.sai.o & s'oldon's addition , present grade , i foot
West s'do of .1.1.1 street , lots 1 nnd 8 block 1
Isaac & Soldon's addition , present grade , 4 feet
Kast side of : ild street , lots 1 to III Inclusive.
W A Uedlck's add. lion , present giade , 4 feet
Kast s'do of .Tld stieot , tax lot 12. section 21-
l.-ii : , present grade , 4 feet wide ,
And be It fiiither resolved :
That tlio board of public works ho and here
by Is authorized and directed to cause a copy
of this resolution to bo publlshoJ in tlie olll-
olal patior of the cltv for one \yo'l < , or ho
Forved o'n the owners of s ild lots and unless
such owners sh ill within live days after the
publication or service of such copy construct
bald sidewalks as herein loqiiltol , th it the
lioar.l of public works cause the same to ho
done , iho cost of construct ng said sidewalks
rospcjtlvoly to lo assessed aiahist tKoioil
OBlate , lot or part , of lot In front of and abut-
t'ngsnch ' sidewalks.
President Cay Council.
Attest : JOHN OKUVR- .
C.ty Clerk ,
Approved : GDJ. P. HUM IS ,
To the owners of the lots , p iris of lots an 1
real cst ito described In the above icsolu-
Yoii and each ot yon am hereby notified to
construct wooden sldow ilks as toqiilio I by a
icsolnllon of the oily council and nriynrnf
the city of Om ili.i , of which tlio above is a
p. w. uiuiviiAUsnu ,
Clinlrman lioar.l of rnblnj iVoiks.
Omaha , Nob. , November 2ith. 18'J n'.Md't
'ropnsulh lor Iti'ino\lllj- iii : > rtlnn Itiintbi , '
Sealed proposals will bo receive I at thu
compliolioi's olllco up co 4 p. m. , December tt ,
Jh'.1 ' ) , for the icmoval of tin- election booths U
atoniKO house and the roplncliu of the saint
as may be directed hy tlio council for use at
Hie nexl elecilon ; Ktieh I'lecllon booths to be
taken apart , removed to the place of storage ,
returned as rciiulrol and put toiotber In a
eaiefnl. proper , and workm inUko nuinner ,
tlio contractor upon so roplaclna sail booths
to mauo all repairs necessary to put the name
In good order , except palnthii ; . and to ken )
the bame In seed order until nfler the elec.
tioii , Tlio contractor shall ircolvo ono-thlnl
of the contract- price when s'lld booths an
stored , nnd two thirds Immcdlnto'y nflei tin
election for which the same shall b loplaeei !
niul put In order. A certified check of llflv
dollais JiOils required to accompany uucl
bid. The light Is reserved to rejei't any or
all bids. Tlir.o OlSi.N. :
OMAHA , nccombor 1 , 1S9 ! . Comptroller.
To tlio stockholders of the Ogallala I.'Uii !
and CatlloCa : Notice Is heroliy given to tlu
btocklioldeisof tlio Ojallila Land and C.iltli
company that tlio uonural annual meetliii : ol
said comp iny will bo hold at tno ollh-e of s ilil
eomp.iny , In the cltv of Onriha , stale of No-
brasldi , on Wediiesiliiy , December bovcntli ,
Ibli , ' . at two o'clock ji. m. , fur the purpose ol
olcctln ? directors of the company to s-rve fin
llioensiiliu yoir , and for the transacting ol
any and nil other business of nvory kind anil
clmiactor that may tie presented to suel ;
mectliu bv the assembled htocklioldors.
'KuwAiiii ! ' I.AWiir.Ncr , President.
JOSATII AIIII : > . i-ecruinry.
Omaha. Neb. . Nov. I'J ' bJ- .
hhurlll'H Sale.
1'nderand by virlnonf an oxoaiitlon Issnoi
by I'r.niU \ \ MOuros elerk of thedlstrlct conn
within and for Douglas county. Nobraslia
upon a Judgment u-ndorod bv ( , il I court ai
liufeptomber term , A. I ) . IW2. In.favoi of tlu
Merchants National lunlc of KansaH City
MHsoun.'unJ aualnst the Molropulltan Cabli
Hullway company of Omalia. Nebraska , 1
have I u v In a upon the follow Indcsrrlbtt
pioporty us tliii properl" of the silil. I hi
Metropol tan Cable Kill * ay company o
Omali , Ncliraska. to-wlt "I'lacK und road
lied , Including tails , ties , i.nti-H. frngs , I oltn
spllrec , wires bw.tchea , r n cu , trolley wlics
erobs wlnn etc. . ulc. an lo .erylh ng pertain
lii'toa.iUl track and the operating thcreo
as an u'.ectrlo motor line of bitld III' '
Metropolitan Cablu Httllway companv on 4 ; tl
aildon Dolgo street as cxdndell.ooilinui \
Hianuo.lTiiiruruuoil avonuoandllkonavenu
or street In Dundco I'lueo or adjKcent thcroti
In Ilio county of Douglas iirul 8tulo of dub
rasna. " "One car honsn ( fraino bul.dliig 01
poits or tilopkb ) located on lot 14 , block
Dnndeo Place. Douglas county , Nobrihka. '
"Two motor p ibiOiiKur earn numbered rosiioc
lively two (2) ( ) , and thieo ( h. "llecord bnoli
block corlillcutu book and tual of bill ! com
puny. " and also "tlie Irnni'liUo Biantdd t
bald oompiny , whlcli Inclndcb all the rltflu
and privileges sueiued thereby. " and I wll
on thumb duyof Dectrahor. A. IL , IB'Ji ' com
19 o'clock u. m. of btildday <
Rector \YiHielniyj \ Lobeck Linn ,
Corner 10th . i L Imrilirdro iinil
MiiUncluoti nirclinnlc tool ,
t-trgetJ. I ll04liuiiKlnjbt ,
_ _
_ HATSjJTO. _ Il _ _
\il \ L Gibbon Ko7
\ \ liolrrnlo
llnt . rnpj , triiw Kooil" .
Clnvo . IllHIlMH , .Stll
niut llnrnoy Ms.
John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. Leo ,
Inil'urtcil ' Aniorlrnnl'ort lumber , wooil
Inn.I fincnt. .Mllirnu- nnd | mriiivt )
Vo ' ctMiu'ii ! niiilUaliioy
iitn Hire. t'tli '
Prick & Herbert , 11. Oberfeliler & Co. ,
nut Jobbers
ilp Itqiionlrnlori < i miiil'irn tuitions.
Mnlt ur.U-M | mnil. |
li l fnrnsni St. VWs-'U 1 th M ,
.Carpenter Paper Co. | Standard Oil Co. ,
Turn ifull nod of
I'Miiiliii.wrni'lni ' | | ' ! nnil ItollnoO niul liitiricnllng
"ilt'im ' | iiiu'r , tnrd
tt.ipiT. oti . ell , nxlo HPIO , i-to.
King & Sraead , David Cole & Co. ,
Mfr < ' K .V. S" pintu , Wlmli' i\li' nyilerrfnnojr
nlilrtH nnd oM'rntls.eta ri'li-M , i 11 lutli st , ,
Ml-dlsS llth M. telephone i M
Branch & Co. , Jas. A , Clark & Co. ,
1'ioiliire , fruits of nil
puultr ) mill pi
.117 > Mill
Omaha Stove Repair M , A. Disurow A Co. ,
\\MUK- . Move ropatrw Mainlineuri'rs ! of nusti ,
niul wntur nttacliinu'ilH ( < ir , lit i n it 3 niul
fur nn > kind ofBluvo iii.MiMinsK lumicli of-
in ulc , 1VU7 Duuulut M lln ) , 12th nnil l/iud hlv
Ihn east front door of Ihn county court
house. In the city ol Om ilia , si li s il-l pronorty
at iiubliu auction to tlio Highest and l.est
bidder or blddprs for cash , to satisfy said ux-
oculloii , thu amount due llioreon bolus forty
thousand , four liiiiulicd forty-six and Ol-lou
dollars ( ft UI'UH ' ) judjment. an.l steen anil
IlS-Ino dollars < ? K > . : iS ) costs , wilh Inlerost on
Bald amoiritH from tlio Huh day of Sontomhor ,
lUJ. ! and tlio accruing costs on jiuU'dment
and execution. UlXJUlil ? A. IIKNNKCT ,
i-licnlVof DoimliisOnnity. Nebraska.
IjAKi : . HAMILTON As MA\WIU : , , Attorneys.
Omaha , Nobr.ibka , iJeuember 1bii \ \
.Not ire.
H alol proposals will be received at any
time on or lieloio 2 o'clock p. in. of tlio Ulih
d ij" of Dccomlier , 1VJ.1 , for the printing of all
bills for the legislature with such matter nt
may bo oideied bv olther IIOIISQ theieof , to bo
lirlnted In "bill form. " which Is shown and
designate ! as el'issoim (1) ( ) under Iho printing
laws of the sinto of Nolir.iska.
luir tlio printing and bin I In , ' In cloth covers
of ono thousand ( IMl ) conies oaeh of the blon-
111:1.1 : reports of Iho andllor of public accounts ,
lioasinor , Bocrotury of slate , eommlsslonor of
public lands and buildings , and Intro.m of
labor and liidnslrlal statistics ; nnd llvo hun
dred ( .VJ ) ) copies each of tlio hlunnlal reports of
the attorney general , superintendent cf puh-
llo histiuctton , .stato librarian and adjutant
general ; ono thousand ( UUO ) ) copies report
state board ot transportation for IrilJ and llvo
tlior.sand l.'i.OOj ) roples report state boird of
agriculture for ISJ- , and all other report ! ! and
doummmtn lhat m.iy ho ordered printed by
tlio legislature , except suuli MS may enter Into
and forma part of tlio'journ il ° , which class
of xx ink is Known and designated as class
ilirco ( il ) under the printing l.ixxs of Nebraska.
The bill work , executed under clns.3 one ,
shall bo printed In small pie i typo , on napor
fourteen ( H ) Inches long by clKlit , and one-half
( s't ) Inches wlile , Hlnglo page ; p.iior | to bo
twenty-nielli ( ) pounds double c'ip to the
ream , and except tlio lltli ) pane , O'ieli IKILM
Hhall cent iln not loss thin iwonty-llvo (35) ( )
lines of solid mailer of seven (7) ( ) Inches in
length , nnd tile lines shall bo success vely
numborcd , wilh a blank only In o ich space
between iho lines.
Tlie title pane of said bills sh.ill contain not
less than eighteen ( IS ) 1'iies ' as above , wltli
three ( II ) Inches additional space allownlilo for
display title in ittor.
K.icli bid shall state wltat the bidder Is will
ing to do tlio worn complete for , per p.iire , for
the three hundred ( WOi copies eaeh Dill , also
the ( jrlco for additional hiindieds thai may bo
ordered ot the sumo bill at. the tame tune as
the original Hirer liundreduouilncludliiucoin-
poslllon , piper , press uorlr , stitching , toldlnc
and all worn of material cnteniiK Into Iho
won : leuiilioil.
All woilco\ecuten ndcr el.iss one shall bo
delivered In good order bv tlio con raclor 10
tlio olllco of the sorrel urv of state within thieo
( lavs after the locelptof t lie order by said con-
ti.ietor fiom tlio chairman f liio iMmmlltco
on inlntlir , ' . In either branch of the legislature.
All worn executed under eliiss sliall
lie prln'ed In long primer , hrovlci and nonpa-
leil tvpo , on papci to ho nine laches lung by
tdx ( i' < Inches xvlde. Hlu.-lo page , pi.pertobo
forty-flvn ( I'll pounds to 110 ream of twenty -
four bv thirty six xxliltu hook. Mach bid un-
ili'r I'lahSlhreo shall siato xxhat tln > bidder is
willing to do tlio work eomplote for , per page ,
on each report , or Item In ! hoclss. ineludltiK
eoni)0sltlon ] , puiiur , piess work , atllehln..fold-
l.ig and nil uork or entering Intoihn-
woiU leiiuhe.l. . U.illey anil Page nnmf must
lie furiilslieil wlien leq' ' Inn liv tln > oIllcei-H of
thoKAOUinlvo doparliiHinlor the I'liairnmn or
tin ; committee on pilnliii/ , In olther liranoh
of thu leKlslutiiio. work when con nieted to
biHlellvercd fieo of expense atthoslalo houso.
I'lopoiiln for uork In eaeh of thoahovo
classes will mil bo considered iinlens the H imo
ho aeeompanled by a bond In tlio HIIIII of llvo
t liousn nd 14"iOlKi ) dollars wllli two or 111010 suro-
tlcs ; lhat In ease the pai ty nioiioilii for such
coiitiact shall thu sumo mioli nur-
ly will , wltliln llvo (5) ( ) U.I.VH after tlio award to
h'lin of such contract , enter into bonds for Iho
faithful peiformaneo thereof , as piovided by
law and the tlio terms of those pioposalx.
1'r posals sliall bo m iked "I'liipoiuu for
public iirlntlnu" and addressed lo the state
board of printing In care of the socrutary of
slate , Miipnln , Nob.
t'onlraclu on eliiBS ono ( li as ubovo spocllloa
will bo awarded as a whole.
Uonliftclh on class lluvo ill ) as above spudded
will bo awarded In whole or inpailaslho
board niny elecl.
Hiiiupli" ! of tlio wnik to bo o\ooiilod under
class ono ( I ) and tineu ( II ) may ho seen at tlio
olllcn of tlio soorolary of Ht.ite.
Contraction above clashes one II' ' nnd three
Cli lo run two i2) ) yo irs from DePember 1.1. IKii.
oxccpt the icports of Ilio board of transporta
tion nnd ht.ilo hoard of agriculture , the latter
lo bo completed within hlxiy days after tlio
awarillnu of the contJ.ict.
'Ilio htato piinttng Ijo.ird reserves the right
to reject any or bids. ,
JN | ( A | < | jN <
SiiL-'ictuiv uf State ,
) J. K. HIM/ ,
fitto I'rliilln ; Hoanl \ foMfi r ff
Auililor I'ublic Accounts.
I.lncoln , Neb. , Nov. II. lbJ2. nl7dMJt
United Plates Indian Service. I'lno HliUo
AKoney , Konlh Dakoti. Nov. Hi. Ihltt
healed pioposils. einioised "l'ropo als for
lunilier , windows and li.inlw no , " us thu eino
may Lit. und addiesiHiid to Urn nnileriiiined at
1'ino UldKu nuoiii'y. r-'oilth Dakota , will huin-
rol\cdal tldH atieney nnlll 1 o'clock p. m ( if
December U , IHU.1 , for fnrnlshliii ; und ilellvor-
tuz at this iiKimcy about -'JT.MM feet itssortdU
lumber , AD pairs Htrjp hliiKca , L'Wdoor loekx ,
K'n window hash an I 10,5'M pounds assortoil
'nulls , a full'list and desuilpllon of which iray
bn obtained by application to the nndor-
Illddors must Btiito spuulflcally the kind find
price of each article ollored for do.Ivory
iimldr a conirnct.
All itrtluleu vrliPii dellvorod will bonubjool
to a iUld Inapocllon. , .
The ilKhtU reserved to reject any or all
bliU , or any p irt of any bid. If doomed fur lua
bubtinturuMtof ihosurvlui * .
llach hid must bo acooiiip'tnlinl by a cortl-
llud check ordi ift upon no.iio I'nitcd hlulen
depohltory. or nolvimt national I nnk , In tlio
\lclnltvof tluircstdencuof the bidder , mini"
puviiblo to the oidcr of thecommls uiiiiir or
Indlun atralrn , for at leasts wr c'-at of ihu
amount of Iho piopoi-al , which che"k or draft ,
will bo forfelurj to the United hi ilex In uaso "
any I Idder or bidder * lucelrlnv an awara
khall fall to promptly uxecnto a e mlra' ' ' ! with .
( 'ood and vulllclunt tuipitlos , otherwUo to bu ,
rotnrnud to the bidder. . , , 1
11 di u'-coinpanled hy cash In lluu of a cortli
fled chi'i-k will not ho considered.
Kor further liifoiiiiallon apply to 1'iplaltt i
O , U llrowu , U. S. A. , Acllui Uulto'l ' fcU
ludluua eut. NlbdJU