THE DAiIAr COUNCIL W.t-TPS , - NO. ia IMAKL : ly rnrrlut to any utirl of the city. H.V. . TII.TON , - MAXAUKU. TI.1,1.1 ' IIOM.S I HIIIIMS | OHIre No41 fVKlt , , i-dltoi. . . . No.'JJ Mi\TW.V. K. Y I'lumblng Co. HlufTs Lumber Co Coal. Imitations ate out for. i tea patty at tbo hi me of Miss Angle WIckham this nfternonii in honor uf her guest , Miss Jcmdo Keating of Portland. Ote. Ht I'.ttil s guild will bo entei tabled tomor row afteinoon at U ' . ' 0 o'clock at thu resi de nee of .lohn Hcnnett bj MIsHennett , the MIssrs Hcslej , Mis ISoweisawl Miss Uow- tnan MlltsSibolleld was tin own fiom the book nnd laildir tiuck S.ittiidnv while miming to n Hie fiom the uppci Hioailwaj cnglno house and badl.v bittlsed W U Powcis the ! elcctik Ian at the cke- ttii light powei bouse. tieatJ.v lost a thumb a few nights ago while at woih 'I he Insulat ing tovi ling ol one of the w ins bud become ' xvotn nfT and he ai i ielintall.v laid his hand I upon tin nakidite - lie le-ceivul a shock | that iitntlj took him ott bis feet ami but ned | Ills tbumii to the bom > . Jf jou him piles DeUItfs Witch Ilttwl salvo will sun h cme , vou A tidal wave of piospority has struck UH nnd the bin plus stock Is rapidly dib- iipcating ] ) to nmko room for the im- ineiiHU dibplaj of ludidfiy good" . A fovv of the specials in out sheeting nnd wash goods department. I3argalns in ovoiy department. , MUSLINS Ton-cent half hluac-hcd muslin , 7c. Best 10-ccnt bleached cotton , So and PJcSee See our new brand of 5o unblcachud A good 7-cont tinhleaohed tnublin , Oc. Yuid vvldo line cambric , lOc. JJoston Stnte , I ouncll Ultills ! ) I unbleached bheotiiiy , worth 0e , for ICc. lIMne'h blenched nntl unbleached pil low case muslin 10e. ! ) - lbo'tv.L'oo . sheeting , 20c. Other vvidtbb nnd qualities less than iminufacturors' list. Ahlc foi' aoft Impel inl brand sheeting , .fine nnd soft , ! ) ! width , only "M. Dod- ton Stoio , C'ounfll HltilTa. \VASHCiOOIJS. GG-inch prfntodfahcoUng1 , Hold for l"Jc , to close , ( lie. Ono c IBO seersucker , good quality , worth be , to close , fie , 100 pii'ccs homespun outing Ihiniiot , Vv'oilh 15e , to elubc , FJc. . Two cases heavy T.vcoon tops , Inrly soltl for Ifie , to close tit lOc. I'rinteel Bcdfotd cords , fcold for lOo , to co with other barjjniiiB at fie. Hoston Store , Council BlulTb. BOSTON STOHK , Fothci'itiK'hnin , Whileliuv ic Co. N. B Store oneti every evening until 0 p. in. Satin dajs , 10 p m. , until Christmas. Dnvifa fortliuys unit punts J'/JttMJ.N II. I'.llt.ltllt.H'IIS. Aliss Hv.i Dtitibcruf Ctcbtoti Is tbo guest of Mis .1 U Atkins Mis H M Osboinc i vibiting her d.'tigb- tiTiit Srbujler , Neb Miss Mamie Chapman has gone to Color ado Sptiugs to spend the winter. lloiaeeHv.tns Ic.ue's this vvoi'lc for Seattle , \vbcio he' exports to settle peiiiiaiicntly. Miss ICellv of Cblcaga Is tbo guest of Miss Korluve'll 1 lie latter v\ill ciiteitaiu n tea pinti this nfteinoon in her honor Peifee t uetloii nnd pcifevt licalth tesult from the nseof DeWitt'sl.tttlo Katly Hiseis A pel feet little pill. Lot. ) , in block i0 ! , Beers Sub. , Coun cil BlulTs , if taken this week. Address Lock Box ( Jia Misbouii Vnlloy , Iowa. Kntoririsu | I'luco Being frequently urged to sell small portions of my farm , I have at last de cided to pint " 00 ncioH of Enterprise I'laco , familiarly known as the Scott fat m , and to begin the Biilo at once in live nnd ton aero lots. I have placed the MUIIO in thu hands of Grcctishlulds , Nicholson & Co. , who will act fn tlio matter as my o.\elusivo , agents. Fiuit growers , gar'deiiots and these who vintit the conveniences of a city combined with all the nd vantages Tf ) the richest fanning land' aio now given a rate op portunity to djo so. _ M. To l iT omens tie-i : tdi. Tlio following oniccis were elected by the Abe Lincoln Post , d A. If , S.ituiday night 1'ost commander. (1 W Cook , S V. com mander , Joseph Spauldiug ; . ! V commander , ] lot > . iuaiteimaster | , .1 , .l.uoh.v ; e haplain , O. W Ciotdon , smgeon , M II. Chambcilin , ofilcor of daj , H S D.twsem ; olllier of guaid , S .1 Dalb.v , tinstci-i. ficorgo It Miles , J H AtUins and Finnic CinVi ! ; dcle-gnto to de- patlnient encampment , .1 13 AtKins , altein- ate. .1 r White. The following ottlcei's weio elected bv Count 11 Hlntfs lodge No 270 , Ancient Older of United WoiKmen , last Fildav night Master Win kman , Andiew Mi.Millan : foie- man , S AVilletts.ovi'iscer , Dr PW Houghton - ton , teeoidei , O. D Wheeler ; llnawior , William Aind. tecelve'r , Chat Ies It ; guide , D S Pile ; inner wateh , T. A Htovv- ii'lc , outer watch , Ch.n Ies Spies ; trustee , A H Kudeiton ; medical examiner , Dr .1 K1 White. Constipation cured by DoWltt's Kailj Hiseis For the no.xt tivo weeks , in order to close out stock , MUH Riigsdnlo will Bull j till mlliiiory goods atuty grout reduc tion. Tim null ! of tliii Illoni-r. Tbo organist of ono of the fashionable chinches of this tltjhas a ay of sitting down upon cliptlous ciitlcs in n genteel way that Is vetj pleasing to overjbody that known ol it with the jKissIblo exception of the victim At tbo close of .vesteulay moin- ing's services she edged bet waj 1111 to him. ii. nnd with a sweet smllo , said " \ir. X , 1 don't lllio the way j on played that last bjiim , whj don't jou plaj the hjmns fastcrl" ' Oh well mi dear , " was the icplv , "that wasn't m.v fault , that was the limit of tlio blower 1 daru s ij' If vim had comu up and plnjcd and 1 had gone behind thu oigan and f mulshed the wind , wo should bavo got along all light " And the .vouiig lady U still undecided us to what ho meant C. F Mooio&Co , piomineiit druggists of It nvl > t > iK Ou < , sav "Slnco our ciistoiners bavo beioiin > aenu tinted with the good qual- ilk's of ChamliciIain's Cougb Heinedvwo sell but little ) of anv other kind. Chamber lain's medkines all glvo good batlsfaction " Tor sale bj diugglsts T. D. King & Co.'d Partagns clgnr helped tooluct Cleveland. It's the too- 01 d bronkor for the vear. Gonulno Round Oik , Radiant Homo P.1J , Stqwitrt stoves and ranges , sold oxcluslvuly by Cole & Cole , 41 M tiin. For wnrmlnu' fittest ehnmbors , bath rcoins , etc. , our glib heaters tire just what you want. Look at them. Clean , convenient cheap ! C. B. Gas and Eloe- II iu Light ( "a Day ft Hess have u force of men work ing on the roiulu through the Klein tiact. Buy flvo or toil ttcrua tuoro while it is cheap. \F\VS \ FROM fOnfll 11ITFFS tii Hu 1 IVUJ1 V/uutlvlu UljH 1 u Olover Imitation of a Oomct's Flight Given by a Wild Motor. NARROW ESCAPE FROM AWFUL WRECK ( 'i rrl < nrm of tlir ( ' .inductor rti tlic Cur l.oino ut tlic Top of a | Strrp ( IruiloA IViitliil ltuo. A long yellow sUonk with u tread of light running thioiigh lit ifitter was the plie- nomonon that atlt.ieted the attention of the i people Ihlng on .South I'nst street last evenan , Ing about 7 : u ) o'clock H was accompanied | by a roaiIng sound , and when picsentlj- the streak brought up with a thud against the eutbstonu in fi-ont of Hamilton's ph trmiicy on upper Hro.idwaj the spec-tatois wctu pie- . paicdtobullevethat old Hlela had at last ' atthcd to plaj Its desttuethe engaecment | pA little Investigation , howexer , showed that this was a mistake The stieak .is motor Xo 'Jil that had been traelimrat the late of 17o miles or more an hour , and it WHS bv tin ) meust lombinatlon of fortunate circumstances that lives weio not lost and piopeitj desttii.\ed lij wholes tie 'llic motor had been In ch.irgo of Conduc tor \Vestfall and Mutotm.ui fUaut Shoup When tlic A anhcd at tbo end of the line on South I'iist btieet , neat the onliame to the patk. Slump left the cai , telling \Vest- lull ho vvns going to get n . diink of water. Wistful ! ii-veis ( < d the tiol- j ley , ilninge-d the hiMilllilit , and a moment \ later lo'isi-iied the brnUi' liftergiv Intr tbo cub- toimtij two tups of the' he > H ns a signal to i stall 'I ho I'iist sticetgtade Is n steopone , i and tin * ear stalled nt onee on Us Joinncv towiud Uioulwa.v Slump , seeing that the r.irlind stnrteel , veiled \Vestfnll to stop , but \\'pstfiill , evident h fiiirhtene'd out of his wits , found it iimvrniriit to fall off the teat pliufoim Just at that Instant , not HKIng the idea of tiavrllngdown stl cot alone Pioin the stalling plum to llioadwav. a distame of about 1 i < MI feet , theio is a dcsicin of < ight.v fe. r , and U mabe iinag In'tlie lime the cm titilted the eniM'on UioadVMi.x It was going at .1 tenilie ate An Omaha tiain.vith both cat sillied with passengeis. was just lommg down JUoadwa.x b\ the Methoillst < huiih , while a Fifth avenue car , also cair.vhig passengeis , Mas coming up stieet about 10(1 ( feet fmthcr down A few seconds 1 itei and the car would lilc would have been inevitable A-Tlt was the tiinavv.i.v inr slid in between the two , left the traelv nnd landed on its side with n erash against the eutlistone on the noith bide of Breiadwn.v He-fore it stopped it biokooAfoui telephone polrs , whieb weio the only things that pievctited it from tun ning into lloughton's stole and piob.ibl.v drmolisbing it A few minutes later a lite broke out , i-ailsed bv eoals dioppliu ; fiom the stove onto the side of the ear The Ibemeil fiom the upper Hioadvvay-engine house tbtevv a stie.ini of water nnd the bln/o was. soon ex tinguished Snpoiintciident Stone stated last evening Hint the vvieek was due to a imsmidcistand- ins , but the cinploves of the line all unite in tbenpinlontliat itw.ib.i inisinulcistanding that will eo-t one if not both of the men theii plaees To nn oidmar.v man tipatieo It lool.s llKo the veiiest e.iiikssuess on Westf.ill's p.ut , and the met that be had been on the toad onln lew we-eks is a vir.v\etise . for bis cndangeinitr do/ciib of live-s ami humlieds of dollats noith of piop- eiti. Piles of people hnvo piles , but DcYVitt b " \Vikh II.t7el s.ilve will elite them snocs oui.vrii : TH IN iviit. I.oolc ut hnnin of I\IIIIH' : I'llcrh and Then J\iiiiilMO 'Iio (101)114. I Januarv 1st I will move to Main street and 1 will need all the room in the new stoio for the lartrotoclc 1 have bought 1 have a iino stock of fall and winter goods that will bo sold this month at pi Ices that will please ) you. Remem ber this is no old "tag end" of a poor stock , hut „ now goods ami new styles , and everything in the house will ho sold cheap. 1 have never advertised a special dis count sale or annual clearance "fuko"of any kind , and when I show \ou the shoes and quote -ou the prices you can satisfy yourbelf jou are securing bar gains. Hero are a few of thorn : Meu'b hand sowed French cuU shoes $7.00 , reduced to $ o 00. Men's hand sowed cork sole calf shoes redtie'od to $5.50. Men'b R. 1 { . bo\ too shoo S3.00 , rc- diiccd toW50. Men's calf welt shoes $1.00 , reduced to $2 50. Men's 0'ilf and dongolu bhocs i3.00 , reduced - duced toiS.OO. Cheaper ones in proportion. 1/ulics' shoes and blips. Laird's bund turned and welts but ton and laeo that sold for 80,00 , $7.00 and * 8.00 , for ? 1.00 and $1.50. A line lot of cloth top laeo and buttons in extension fcole , for SI.0(1. ( Theao goods htivo not De n out of the factory a , month. Ladies'p.irty slippers in bron/o oope calf , patent leather and 8iitinstho finest line ovut carried in the city , and all this fall styles , 85.00. 1 00 , § 3.00 , i educed to $ . ' ! .00 , S .OOand * ! . ( ( ) . A lurifo lot of $ J.OO , W.OOnndIOO shoes that will bo sold at bed lock prices. UCMKMBim EVANS WARfJANTS Every pail lie noils , and you will llnd everything exactly as rep Cbonted , Don't overlook the bai'g.iitib for $1.00. See those oil heaters at Swnine's , 737 Broadway. iti.s : in u ISDII : ) . Ulnsu ol u \ < r ) SiKn Mfnl Itilii III lutt-i- cnts of Clutrlt ) . The Hon Hur pantombne was finished Sat- unlay night , when the last of the four en- teitalnnients vvns given at the opera house. It was a piolltabloventure , the total iceolnls for tbo tlueo dnjs being sonietlilng over § 1,100 The oxaet amount e'ilimot bo mimed Just now , ns the accounts hnve not been stiaighteniHl up Half of the net lecelptH go to tlo { Women's Chi 1stin ! association , and out of this amount lias to bepikl the hull lent , advciUsing bills , and other smaller expenses , w bleb , it is thought , will k'.tvo a total profit to the assoel.ttiun of bomething like f. " Those who te > oU p.ut In the cntertaimrent deserve n gieat deal of ctedit for the milli ner in whieh thev exe-cnted their boveial pattb To mention uiii one in paitieulnr might seem lll < o lelleetlng on the test , whereas theio is not ono who poifojineel but deserved bonorablo mention Tbcio vvcao borne , bow ever , vvhobo paitb calle'd for eon- sldei-.iblodr.inmtieiibilitj , nml the wa.v in which tlici met thoemeigency called forth complimentary remniks. Mibs Anna IJowinnn , in the patrof Ksther , pie'sented umlotibte'dly nne of the most natural nnd gt.itoful ehinnctcis tlint np- peated on the stage * , nnd the way in which uhho ilisiHit-ed of an cllh IOUSL usher , who In sisted on her nexcptlng n boque't In the inldbt of a Joticbhig be-ciio ovidviued a pieb- i > neu of mind its i.tio us it waa tefieshlng to the audience. Mr. Geotgo Mauio us Ben Hur also did some Aerj'cieditablo woik , nnd tbero was probably not ono In the atidkneo thai thought he could have excelled him In thu domestio or ho scenes , muc'h us ho might have liked to try Tbo iiudienco was tteated to an nmusing bit of bv-phiy in the last act Saturilay night Mhen'Jhold and another dead gamu spoil enteted the palace of Ideineo In search o Hen Ilur'bgoio. Dining thu thtto pieced Ing pcifounancca ' 1 homas Mutcnlf , who tool the part of Chord's ccmtauloii , bad bcei compelled to submit toTill scvrM of liulipn ! tics ! nt Hen's hands , nnd llmllv have his broken Satutilnj night , however Mr Metcalf eleterinined to hnvo some revenge , and ho put the imiictilnr Hebrew through n course of Corbett-SulHvnn spnirlng that seemed to the spectatois to fell- dpi It tv mutter of porno uneertninty nlilch of tlio two would go off the stage with Ills neck in n sling After n long round , whleh the lefereo declined to Interrupt , Thoid's companion turned up bis toes nnd 13cn Hur vvas telloved of a moitnl anvletj Miss Olltt Cook as Iraq , tlio ig.vptlitn ad- vrntmoss , Miss Mniy Damon and Miss Ad- die Shoi man as the mother nnd sister of Hen Hur. nnd Mis .1 J Gtnvatte ns the servant j Amuih it re also vvoithy of favorable - able mention , while UV Divcni > oit. H F. Ilitttunhaucr nnd Hemj .Inmes made three verv : mi eptable wise men 'I he pileste ses in the grove of Daphne danced with a giaceful abandon that pleased the audlciu e highly ' 1 ho drill of the naiads and the dances of the gondollcts the gi.ues and the Arab maids weie wet thj of especial mcntlnn Altogether the entertainment vvas one of the most picas ml that bus over been given in Council IJIulTs The inain drawback vvas tilt studied Impoliteness of ceitaln membeis of the executive staff , who stood at the outer eloor of the opei a bouse during the matinee pot foi manco Satuidaj afteinoon and in sulted the ladles As tbev ate not residents Jjf Council HlufTs however , their actions tu- llcrt shnpU on their btinglng up You don't vvnnt ii toipld Ilve-r : .votidon't want a Kill wmiploxlon , joii don't vvmit a biiil bientli vnu don't \vnnt a lio.iduibo 'llun u c- IVVltfs Mtllu i.nli Hise'is , the famous little rills Ttnsh nros capital stock Clll/cnsSlato bunk for sale. K II. Slioafc. Cunt ltiii ! ilni III Vlllllnety At Mrs. ITcilTerV. Koh hats , which hold nt il. ; ! ) , now 7oo ; foil hats that sold tit $1 50. now ! )5c ) ; felt hats that sold at $110 ! ) , now Si.oO ; felt lints that sold tit M.CO , now * ! 2.oO. Jf ! > per cunt discount on all trimmed I , . poous. Ilolieluy photos , out uncos , SI oO for fiibinot1 * , for 30 tlnys CotUgo gallery , Kilcy's old stain1. . itnidv tn iinilii. Air.iiipe'inents me belli ? ni.ide Tor the crea tion oC a lieu liuildinj. for St X.iv leu's .11 adom.v Me'iition was in.ide in these toluinns some time njro of tlic fne-t that the buildings now oeruiili'd b\ , tills Institution 01 tin1 e'otner of rlfth .ne'mio and Seventh sticot vvcte1 be'e omhif ; too small , and It lias now boon dei-ided to InUo a now location and cici't tlioKon a bulletin ; ; \\Uiih will be sultiiblo for the needs of thu institu tion for many a to coino at the lucsenl tate of ineiease 'J'hu location is on vvhnt is Iniown us the Wie' trait , noilh of thecitj on niirhth stiect , ove-i looking tliu Missouri il\er , Omaha and the noithwcst- e'tn ] > .tit of Tonnei ! HlnfTs It is one of the lincst ' pliiLis that could bo stleeted , and the f.iirt that the Rionnd is now beinji hioktm shows that the building \\l\l \ in oc. coil with all possible i.ipiditv 'I lie buildhiff vv ill be of hi ielt. four stoi ies in heliihth , and will lost about s.0K ( ) ( ) It will ( onsibt of a main building f.uhitftho vustith a fumtapoof about iK ( ) leet. and two \\hifis The estimate of the niehitoet is it uill IH commodate about ir > ( ) ] iti | > ili It w ill be used for bo.mliiifr sibool inn poses , while the piosent building will bo kept for tin1 pupils who icside in the citj siiinclliliii ; Coiiil. I ha\o sold and used in inf.unilv foi sev- cial Chnmbetl.iln's Colie , Cholot.i and Di.tiihexM leincdy , mid Imvo found it one of tlu1 most useful and satisfactory lemcdks I ever handled C 11 Lewis , dt tig-gist , bait Lake Citj , Utah. L P. Judsonchilonfincor',32SB'vvay. Btiphter than fjas , cliciipar than elec tric light and as beautiful as n ureain those wew art lamps at Lund Ijros. Scott housp ; good oo.trd ; low rates. The A. D. T. Co. has naded two new hacks to Its force and will answer oills at all hours , day or night. Telephone , 179 ; ollioo , 8 Mtiin street. Clmuliinqnii I'rnirrimi. The following will bo the piogram at the Ch.uitatHiua eitelo at the Young Men's C'hiistiun association looms tit 7.30 o'clock this evening : TJie lTnlti'd Plates nnd I'oiolcn 1'owpis , e linptoislv to \\II Inclusive Mis. llattle Itose Calli.i- , eh.tpti'is I tel Ini'InslM' . . Mi. I'.itteisoii Inllneiico of ( itci'k Aiebllicluie and In- elcbtedncss of the Untied btatus Uov- cinmi'iit .Mrs , llolonhreler Wet Ill's ( olumhlnn Imposition and GrouK mid Aini' lc'iiiociaeles..Mr. I. . A. Oiay Visitors and Cliuut.iiiqu.ins imited. Mis Luira MacRiidu , sceictary Coal and Wood. Snckott & Preston , G28 Broadway. Telephone 11. Gentlemen , the ( most line of tail goods in the city , ju t rocoivocl. Uoitor , the tailor , 310 liioadw.ty. Coal and wood : best and cheapest Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 1 Main. fiUI'lll OM.lll I. YiiuiiK I'l.'d < M Imildl Aliestid on a f'li.irKi * . Tied Silimidt , the l-.vear-old ! ! boy vvbo is nllcgcd to have broken tbo skull of Clayton Sjinons , bus been m tested and leleased on bonds After dcnjing the wheieabontb of the Lov for two ihijs , his pnicuts delivered him to tbo poliee Ho had been kept in iiiiitiu'near his parents' lesldeneo Chillies s , father of the wounded boiu a cliid-lie.uted iii.innnd shows a disposition to leal leniently with voting Sehmidt Ho was limited with ahs.iult with Intent to kill 'I ho wounded boy was icstliig easy last ilfe'ht. Xolcs lllld I'l'isnii.ilH. 3. Manner , a tonper , will stand up in police mitt this moiniiur tomiswci to thechar'oof ( Dt'Jnjf drunk itiiilirfsoidurlj. Ho is a boaidcr nt the I'einnar hotel , wheie he caused a dis- tut banco jestenlaj H II LavMuiRC. cnpinepi for tboNobi.iHUa Central company came homo se.steiday. Tliu tiifrinec'iiiiK ( Dips has been disbanded. A daughter bus been bom to Mr and Mrs John Lane of Albtight. A nuiuber of members of South Omaha lodge No lii ! , Ancient Oidir Unltid Wotk- men , mutat the icsidento of C. W. Miller Katutdiiy evening to bid ( 'ood-lnoatid fed ! speed to I'aM Master AVoikman H C1 Uilll- 1 < er. who will make Coloiado his homo in filtme. U'lio p.irtN piescnted theii lelirim , ' olliier u gold ] > .ibt master's badge , C Miller making the piesentation sjioivlt South Omiihii thuiehcs weio well filled \esteidnjattlieseniies both moining and eu-iiiiig , iiotwUhstandiiigmanj attendul the Mills' meetings In Oinali , E.irl.1estorday moinlng Wilej II Hetk- ett , the deposed chief of | Klko , appealed at the station and went tinough the foiinalitj of tinning oxer his sUir and l.-ejs Chief liiennan happened to be out and .Mr Beckett m.ido the tiansferlth the Jailer and went homo a pihato citizen. Mr. and Mis J N feoimneis and the Misses Anna and Minnie Itlnes of Platts- mouth weio Sundajibitois with the family of Dr. Giggins WHILE PLEADING FOR LIFE Story of the DeliberAtq/jHimler / of George Ncalc.i HOW CAPTAIN SMITH SETTLED A QUARREL L , i Dot tlU of n Tragrdy im llonrd n "dimmer In the I'm Illn ( ) < ( DfNotlic Alnr- de'rcr l ) * lrrsi \ Mitlu * u Sis llirtio. Cal. Dec. 4. Cnptnin Snm Smith of the stennict Lou , vvlio inurdeied a boj named Qeorge Xcale on his si homier by thiovvlng the lad ovetboaid nnd shooting' him if bo svvnnt"ln the water , wanted to mnke a confcssionsvesteiday , but UioofUceis would not allow him to Willie Sllbciry. the boy who narrowl.v escaped Neale's fate b.airicelng to conceal the imirdotcd buy , tells the following storv "After I tmncil in 1 was nwnhcne'd from n sound sleep b.vavoiee er.v inn , 'Don't slioot me , Sam ; for God's s.ike , don't kill me ' 1 wits seated utmost lo donth , but did not erv out 'Hie voiee was tlint of George nnd seemed to come fiom under the stein of the boat Then itgtevv fainter , its if he weie dtlfting nwny ftom us. I cicpt ( pile kly up the companion wny nnd saw Cap tain Smith , bis title In bis hands looking over the line Geoigo e'allcd out ngniu. Sam. tinow mo a lope ; won't jou help nie ( Mj ( ! od ! won't jou help me ! ' Mml VVIillr I'liiidlug foi Ills I.ITe. 1 Sam did not sav n word , but Just held his i tile aimed in bis hnnds 1 dtew hirk half sick ns be shot nnd then glanced out ngnlu to } see him icload ills lillo.whlch he had Hied j into ! the watci when- I saw ( ioorgo Heating Sam saw me then , nnd ns uneom eined ns possible 1 asked him shooting 1"a 1"n lie nnswcii'd. 'A biid , ' nnd 1 dicw down 1"S into the bold Piettj soon I he ltd Sam talking , pictending to be nnsvveiing Geoige lie said , 'Ob , onlj a hhd , ' and 'iCo. 1 missed It ' "When dajlltrht came I got up and went and sit near Sain 1 Knew 1 had mv life In nn bauds Sam still bad a lille iu his hands and ns he looked til me , 1 feated ho would Uill me Ittied to smooth it iner ami after this lics.ud ' 1 ve been diinUin , : for nine davs 1 intended to tbtow .volt uveihoaid and icpoit voti went hunting ina b'.Jrt and got lost in the sin f . \n\loils In CIIIK rill Ills Ci line. "I told him 1 would do all 1 could and m.ijbo Ciioigo had not been diowned. that weiould leJKUt toinethimr tlint would ben good e\euse L i 'We w ill IK it , ' I said "He took me at mj vvoul and loiiiinenccd to clean up in the cabin weto spots of bloodj linger ni.nks on Ge-otgo's bunk These 1 Sim washed off and I helped , but I left one he did not see. Uhcie was blood on Sam's tiousers " Silbeitj had evidently passed thiongh a teitible expeiicnee , but be innate slitcwdness whieb stood him well m time of danger To this nnd his nerve , he. owes his life 11a Silbctij'stvs the onlj low boat tbev bad nbo.nd broke lot > se ! 'nd the e.ipt.iiu thought the bojs eut the lope , knowing that the vessel eould not eontiituev the collection of guano nfter the loss of it , but would be com- pelleel to ictuin to l.ineL- ho loss oeeuiied lif White Koek island , on the lower Mexican eoast. but the e-apt.uii bad not teeoveted fiom his linger when ifeM\lj home nnd seized Ihe-llibt oppoitunltj to juovokc aiiiiatiel witli Xeale. JAY GOULD'S WEALTH. INtliii'iti sTIiuli ) lij Via lulls Ncu Y < iil. Nruh- I'npiiH of the Miignuli'N I'lirtuiie * . No one jet knows tile total of the foituno which .I.ij Gould left No step his been taken townid Opening the will and the sev eral safe deposit vtults in which his ptopettj of a pciMuial sort ib local eel cmain untouched and untouchable tntil the administrator or executor eoines along under the authoiitj1 of the com t. Jhe estimates.mado of his v.ealth aie inlet- csting nnd inn in lotind ninnbcis fiom > 0 000,000 to frlSO.OOO.lXK ) Hete mo the llguies ns the New Voile moiniiig papers of baturdaj h.n e them. The Tt ibtinc s lid : Theio is nn ttgicement among se\cial men who have means of estimating Mi. Gould's wealth that its aggregate value may bo placed aiotind $100,000,000 A few estimates eattj the value higher , while the consciva- live view would put the sum at J60 000,000 or $ ' .10,000,00 Hussell Sage estimates bib fiicnd's estiito at S100 000.000 , but Washington Connor is said to have plaeed bis estimate at a eotisidei.ibl.v smaller liguie Another man who sonm know ledge of Mr Gould's an.iiib said jesteidaj that Mr Gould had an niinual income of $ "i,000,000 nnd that consld- ci ing tlieehniactcr of much of the piopeitj held bj Mr. Gould it vvns safe to sav that his iiiiome must beb.tsoil on a piineip.ilofjlOO.OOO.OOO or mote Allowing ior the difTcteiieo in estimate made bv those persons who should know tbo facts , it is be lieved that the following table picseiits lo ns olosej-n dcgtee as possible the cmieiitalue of the ( iotilel estate and of its ptineipal eon- stitucntb. Estimated value \\i-sfciu I nlon Mock $ 2Jooiuoo ) Miiih.iltiint.tncJ > 14,0iitiO ) ( ) MNstiiiil I'.icllle stock ri.tldO.lHK ) llssonil I'liclllcsiftcm lionds . . . 2I.O)0Ol ( ( ) ( ) ) t'nliin I'nrlllc stoeK , ( ) ( ) ( ) , ) ( ) I'nlon Paclllc bondsoi note- ' -.OiiO.ouo \\tihnsli stock 3)0IUO ( ) ( ) M abash bonds D.OOO.OOO Tt\ltsA. r.iclllcstoiK 0,01)0,01)0 ) Te' A. Paclllc bonds 0,00(1,000 ( Olhoi ientitles 1IIOIIH)0 ) | ) ) Hi ; il CMitc , ele . . " . -I.UUu.OUl ) Total JIOOOOO.OOO The Ilctald puts it thus : The estimates of Mr Gould's wealth langed all the way ftom ,000,000 , to ? ! ( ) , - 000,000 "How iniiih was lie v\oitb'"I asked a bankei , who Is suppobcd to bnvo known bomething of thn mail's airniis "How mueb w.isW H Vnndci hilt noith ? " hoicpllcd "Gould vvas woith twitonsmueli. Hovx much I don't know , nnd nhat docs it matter whether it was STO.OOO.OOO or $170- 000,000 Either is a bum that no man appie- cinte Let it stand at thlb , " lie icnmikcd in conclusion "Juy Gould made moio monej than vMib ever inudo bv any one man Inn lifetime " Hut men nill discuss , and beio is n e onsci v.ttive Wall stieet estimate I' Wcsti'in I'nlon , nt .r ) H7ooonoo SJO.OOO 000 Mniihattnn.iit IM ! > & .liIO ( IIOO It'Jd.OOII.IlOO .Mlssouil I'nelllc , nt l > 5 11,000,000 i.Kl.liuo.dOO ( I'Mlmnti'ib mlsce'llan- e'Oiis bonds , at 00 27,000.000 'JO(100 ( ( HID ( i-htllimftd ) ml-'l- liliuiiilshlocks , at f > | | , . . . 10,000,000 Hi-ill i stale- . . 1,000,000 I'e'isonnlpiope'ity ' Total . i'U.HWHMM ) Mr Ciould'h piopeitty may execed this enotmous llguioby several millions or it may not equal the sum , but there Is sc.ucelj a man In Wall btieet nho places it m a longh cbtimnto mueh less tllltn ? 1MKK.000 ( ) , ( ) Ills annual income has boon estimated at . , Tbo'llmcs jop'ortert' Ksthn.ites which bate gene ns high as j.If > 0XH,00l ( ( Inn o been plenty Them have been as muiiv which put the winningsol , laj' ( inuld in the gtent AVall stieet game at as little as tWIKXXX ( ) ( ) lint these liguics .no a good waj fiom thee olTuicd bj tbo mci : who have had tbo be-st oppoitimltits of luainlng the fortune was Among the b.inkcis and broketa jesteidaj the lowcbt ebtim.ites ranged lo Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't ' Report. O tlio neighborhood of $ ( V,000,000 to $ TOKXPO ( ) < y , while the highest were' iloso to nn eyn WMKX ) ( HKI Nine teiiths of tbo cal e illations imidc were between tbeso limits Among the opeiittots who have bee > n closest td Mr vat lous times , Kuisell Sapo was etedltcd with Inclining to estimate towatils $ UHlXKtHK ) ) , while Washington K Conner looked with favor ti | > oti the tnoto modest llgures of SCiTi.tXKI.IKiO to * TOCKXIXK ( ) A favotite istlmate vvas J75 000.000 The Sun estimates tbo wealth as feillows : Mr Gould's prefeienco was entirely for stocks , nnd when In active business ho sold wl ha ten cr bonds came into bis possession as fast as he could Had or make a imiikel for them It will be seen from the table that follow s that fullj one-half of bis foituno h in thico stocks Westctn Union. Manhattan nnd Missotni 1'.it I He His estate when in- ventotled will show about as follows : Par MnrUt Seetirltlos. value. xnliie. J Ue tein t'nlon stock ? 'Jt,000ooo ! 510,110,000 Manliattaii railway stock. . 10,000,000 Mlssouil Paclllcsteu'k 1 ' O.UIO.OOO Mo Pacllli' liomls 15000.OOO Ti'Mis P.u'lllc bonds. 1.31HMIOU ' 10000000 1 loo.ood Mlsci'lltinunis'boml * no ooo ooo 10 oiin.oiHI lush and ivnl e-stato I , OOO OOO liiiisioo ) ( Totnls ji tti $7r > HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATEH. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hand ? , Wound : , Burns , Etc. A Deligh-ful Shampoo. fUSM2 ! ! SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wcitoi when jou are buylns gloves for driving or street wear , remem ber ( lint Ilutchliibon's < uo the , best for w car. 1 he reputation ho lias gained In the past ! JO > cars for and that nro stilish nnilpcrvlcc- ablc , Is such ns is cnjojed bj no other mitiufiuttttcr. Selected ekinsonly aio iibcd. If 5on want to know moio about gloves that nro liaiidsoinclj uitido nnd your dealer cannot supply } on withiIatcbinson'sClo\e3 ! write to liiui for bis illustrated book about gloves. I twill Interest jou , lislied ISC. ' . i C. HUTCHINSON , - Johnstown , N.Y. PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. Council Ch imhcr , Omnli i , Neb , ig'i ? . la 11 rcsolvotl bv the city eounoll of the city of Oimilm. the Mayor e'oncurrlii. : Tlint poriminontsldo iilK bo eonstrueted Iu .heclty of Om.iha as desUnuto 1 bulow. nitliln ivo days after tins publication of this resolu tion , or the perioii > l survlcu thcre'of , .is by ordinance K antliotboii and re'iiliod | ; such slauw.ilKs to bo 1 ild to thu permanent KI'ido is est iblUhed on tlin puod stl cots specified tiereln , Hint to bo construetcd of stone , nrtl- llel il stone , lulek or tllinu' . uucoidln to spool- llcntl'insoii Illo In the1 ofllco of thu llo ird of I' 'ml \ , under Its supervision , to- f-outh sdo | of Dodge slrcot , sub lot f In lot 2 , upltol addition , penn incut pi. foot wide Ninth s do of Doiljro street , eint""i fe-ot moro or less of sub lot f In lot- . Capitol , addition , urmnneut grade It feotwldu fcouth sldo of Doiltio htroot. ost2 > feet more or Icssof sub lot 4 hi lots. ( Japltol ueldltlon , lioim.incut grade. ( > rout wide. North bide ; or I'opploton incline , lots 11 to20 ' . blok.Minll's addition , permanent do , d Tret vvlilu. Cast sulo or 'Iwonty-nlntli avpniin , IOH ( 14 to IT liielushu , b'ex'k 12. Iliinscoin I'luuc , poinm- ncnt.Kr.ide , d ftot vvlilu South bldu of l.i'avenwortli street , lotn n 10 , 17 , IS , 1' ' ) , block Ifi , Lo-xvenworth Hiiblne&a I'luee , crinanei t. Krndc. ( > re et vIdc froiithsltlo of I.eavonnoith street , trosslns M. 1' . or Kelt I.lno rlaht of vvuy in liloolc III. I.oivcnMoith lliislnuds I'latc , pcimanont. , h foi'tlaa. . Anil , be ) It further rpsohcd : That the Houid of I'ubllo Works be , and Is hereby uulhorl/ed and directed lo CHIISO i copv or Ilils resolution to he published In tlio olllo al p ipcr or the city for 0110 neck , or bo served on thoounorc or K ud lots , and that unless such ouiior * sh ill within II vo days nrior the publleutlon or sorvleo or such copy construct b ild sdiuiill.s us lieiolu rcq thnl thu Do nd of I'jiblloVorl < s cause the siiiiio to be done , tlio u > H of ci > ii3irii"Uii0' s ild sidnWiilliH luspectlvoly to bo asso soil uj ilnst the iu il est ite. lot or Dirt or lot In front or mm abuliln biieli slUow.ilUs NoxcmLoi llth nnd JJth.i1 < i'U Acting 1'resliiWit or the Coimtll. n r. DAVIS I'rcsldont of the1 Oily Counoll , Attest : JOHN UUOVTA Ultv-iMerlc Approvnd : OHO 1' . IlHMH , NOTIOi : TO CON'TUUCT 8II > r.WAI.IC3. To thei owners of the lots , pa-ts or lots and real oatuto described In the aboxo resolu tion You and each of yon are hcrobv notllled to coiiblrnct iicimaiiunt sldunullcs IH ieiiilreil ] by n rnsolntlou of tlio city council mid nuiyoi of the city or Omnlij , of which the nbovo h a tony. r.v iiluiciiArsnic. Chilrin iu Hoard or I'ublluVois Oinalm , NunNo _ _ eiiiber ' 'si b. 1SJ.J. iiS'iJ't To ull o\Miers or lots or pints of lots on Tnonty-fcTlirth Ntiuut , from Dodge alrout to C'fthbHtrceil ; Yon .irt > hcrnby notlllod tlint the iindor- alcned , three ) ills utorestud frueholdorH of thu city oroiniih i. liuvu licon duly appointed by thu nuiyoi. with tlioappiovalof thocity eouu- cil of hnld e-Ity. to nssuss the duma u to the owne'ri ruspotthnly of thu ptopi'ily ulVcctnil bv Kradlnx Twenty-fonilli CJHIi ) htro t , from btiiint to I'ass street , deeliiud nueeb- saiy bv ordlnanio Na .1,11. ' , .No1st , 1ST.1 , anpioxed Nov. Tib , Ib'i ' , ' Yon uiu furibur notifhtd , th it bavin * ' ac- copteds ild appointment , and duly < ] imlllod ! as riitilruel | by lu , o will , oiithouth d iy ( if Di'ieinber , A D. IWH. nt the bom of II ) o'clock In tliu formioon at thoolllco of U W. dlbson , room -I H. Now York U fu biillillm ; ulthin the corjioruto limits of said city meet for tln > pnr- poioof LnnfililurliiK lend inuUbu Iho assiss- mi'iitof ' daiiLipo to thu ownurs icspeethuly of Hield jiroptrlv , nirecUd by .said ur iiilnt ; . taldn Inlo iiiiisldcriitlon Hpuolul benollls. If any Yon are notllled to tie pn sent ut thu tlmo nnd pi ice iifornsuld , nnd make ) any objections toorstiitomi'iitsconcernlmr fcitlil nhsubsmunl i * as jou may e-oiiblde'r iioin r. f \\M I , MlltlV'CH , uifi-dtnt To tnu owners or all lots , n iris of lou and ro il ostnto nloiu' tbo alloy la bloelc 1 , Kount/n's 4th nililltlon rio n tith Htooe-t to lltb hlreot Von aio lioioby notJIlo 1 that tlio nml'r- hlRiioJ. tliicodliiliitorustoil froolioldois of thu e'lty of Unmha , bavo boon duly iippolntoil by ilio mayor , with tlio approial or tlio city counuil of Hiild cHto iibse i tho. dnmtiiju tel l bo ownorh lOipeetUely of Ihu properly af fected by tlio Kr id In. of the alley In block I Konnt/o'B Kh additionfiom 10th street to lltb hireet , ileelared nuee sirv by ordlniiieu No. : i.8l , nibsod October lit , Id'J- ' , approved Octo ber 4tli , ih'B. Von are furtbci notided that hivlnzac- e'eptod Hiild npuoliitiiiont. nnd duly iiunlllloil nn rnjnlred by law uu will , on the lutli duy of Uee-ombeir , A I ) . Ifclf. ' , at tlio hour of ' .lo'cloek Iu the foHinoon , at tboolUco af.lolin P. I'luoU , Ml Chumbor or ( oinmuroi' , within the eor- ) mr ttollmlta or bildtltv. meet for the pur pose ) of e-onslderlii ) ; nnd ni.ildn ? thu nsbesi- inent of clumu o to tbo owners reispoutlvoly of B ild ptoperty rttlectttcl by Riild change of cr.ule Into oonsldor.tium special bunullts. If tiny. tiny.You art ) notified to bo priMint ut thn tlmo nnd plucu aforesalil nnd miiUu uny i let 01 hi itunienls concurnln- said iissuksinuiit of lUmuires us you muv eonslder propor. JOHN r n.Aoic , It W. ( JlllsON. Omaha , Neb , Nov. ITJid , 16'Ji u''i S , A , PIERCE & CO , , 100 Main SlrccE Our motto : A better boot of shoo for the price paid Hum any house in Council Ululis or Omaha. Today we place in our corner window : " 00 fairs ladies' kid button shoos , foimor urlco $ 2 to $4 , ycjur choice for $1. 200 p.tit s ladles' ladles'htiml turn but ton boots , all now goods , opol'ii and common sanso lusts , widths A to K , former price $ , ' 1.60 to $1 , all go at SU.6U U'o hnvo nn iinmcnso stock of Indlos' cloth top button nnd laeo in patent Up * and backs. Plain opera nnd common fcnso lasts ut bed rock prices. Our stock of men's and hoys' , misses' mid children's shoes \s \ the liu-pest anil host wo over carried and will ho sold nt our well known low pi ices. Tlio only place for roul , genuine lmr gains In boots and shoos in Council H lull's or Omaha is S. A. IMHRCICOs Great Bargain Shoo Store , 100 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Works. C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. fy , OJcnninrr nnd l e 'OK GOODS OK i\'KUY : DCSCIUI'TION. Omaha olllce , Io21 Fiirnam St , Te'cphono ' 1.521. Com.cil BlulTb ollioo and works , cor. Avo. A and " ( ith St , Telephone lilt ) . Sonet for citculais and price list. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS. All Kinds of Dyeing and dunning done In : hn hUhcst stj lo of the art. Paded and st " ilncd rubrics tiiiulo to loot , .is rend ns no . \\OIK promptly done an I dellvuml In all puts of thu eoiiuliy. bend roi juieo list. C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor. Dreadnv. . ne.u Noithwcstctn Depot , Counollnils , In. Improved Safety Elevators , KIMBALL BROS. W. C. HSTEP jFuneral Director , Embalmer , 114 Main Street , Council Or tint IJiiiiiirllnhlt I'ohlt l\-L < ly < 'uio < l / > \\f/iiiffifhf ( > f/iit lit : lliiliiVH' ( iolllVII S/JCU'/I/ * ' . It cm bu Klve'ii Iu n tup of rollfuor lea nr In food Hltliuut U" ' knowliMlt'i ! of thu pntlcni Itlniihpo lutuly linnnle ii uml uill died n periimmnt mid Hpi-edy lure1 nhclher lln > pnllont U n iiioilernte drlnkir 01 nn uliiihullu nri'ik It linn In on Uvcn In thuiipundB of cam nml In e\ cry limt.m u n | Jt'rfe ( t turu luif. fulloned It never fiitl 'I lie ontein oneu InipriKiiuti d lth tluisl > iltle H liiteiiuiiH nn nttur linHi | lt'llli ' > for tliu ll < | inir niicilic | | to iijilht I.UI.IH.X ; Sl'l.l'll 1C e ( I. , I'ropt Iliulnniitl U is pnpe t.ouk of puitUulum trie 'lo lie Inul tit Kiilin \ I o Utti UK ! I oiiKlim Kt > \\licilimle Illnkc , llrcHu & to , uiid Itlelmnli'uii lirui ; Co , NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOUOKAD1NO , Totbo owners or nil lotnnd pirUof lots on alloy In b ock fit from " 1st to . 'nil streets. You aio hereby millllcd th it thu unaor- slsnud , thieo dlHlnlurmto freeiholdiirsor tliu eityof Onmbi , mivo been duly appointed by the mayor , null the iipprovalor tlio city coun- t'll of suid ulty , tiiiisscHi thu diuna.'ca to tlio ovvnorM respectively of the property iilfertud by tlioKradliu of Hildnllur , duclnrud nocus- siry by eirrtlnuncu No ItllJ. piiBsod November 1st IsJ. , approved NovomburUh , ! ' ' ' . You urn further notified that bavin r no- ecptud I appolntme.iit anil duly ( | iinlllloil as requited by law. wu will on thu 1 Ith ebiy of DcciMiibni. A. 1) IsU' . ' . tit the houi of 1'Jo'uioi.k ' In the forenoon , at thu otllca or t-hrivnr i O'Donohor , liJJl'arimm HI. , within thueoipor iita limits of H.ild city , mtul foi tlio purpose of conslduiliu nnd nnikln. the assoFanuint of ilnmauci to thei ounem rukjiccthviy of said propurty nlfectud by Hii'-h jrr.ullni ; . t a It In Into Ion special benclllH , If anv. You nro notitlul to l > o present at ihii time nnd placu nforusuld nnd mnku any objection to or statements coiicurnlns t > ild asicai you may tonililer proper. 01:0. : j. It.V. . Committee of Appraiser * -Jth. Ih'Ji ' nifldlUt 1 o nil owiiorx of lots or p trta of lots on .luck- kim htreel fiom Tlilrty-slxth street te. 'l hlrty-sou'iitn rtraoti You nru hcreiby notlll'sd tlint tlio inidor- blgnud , tliroe elumtcrcalod fruoboldcri of tlio city uf Oin hn. huvn been duly appointed bX thu mayor , with the appiovul uf the ulty council of sild ctt > , to assess tlio dumau'i ) to the owners rcspectlxuiy of the uroperty iilloi'led by KradniL' .facKson htiect , from Tliirtv-hlMh street to Tlilrty-suvonth street. dec. and necussiiy by onlln uieu No. pis-id Noycmboi'anil approved Novum- Ul'l "i. \ on .ire furl her not ! Hud , that liav his nceoptoel stid appointment , an I duly qn illlluil as re quired Dy law , \\o VMH , on the Mb day of lleeumbet. A. 1) ) 1 9. ' , at thu hour of 11 o'clock Iu thu foicnoon , at the ollluu of H. W. lillison , room -Hi Nuw York l.lfo bulletins : , viltl'ln ' the corporatullmlts of s ild cltv. meet fni the pin IIDSO of eonsldurln and mnltlns the assessment of dam IKO to thu owners le- bjioi'tlvolv or said piopuily. nlle'elud bv such erud im. taking Into cimsliloratlon special be notlts , ir any Yon aio nolllled to bo present at the tlmo .mil place afoiesald. and mal.u any objections to 01 statements ( onccriilnx s ild assessment of dumiigos , UH vou in iy eoirildor ptopor. ItV. . OI1ISON. \VM. t ! SliKIVKIt. .1011 NV. . ItOllltlNS. Oinali i. November S. IS1) ) . ' . Special Notices CQUHniL BLUFFS. X pupil nurse nt tliu W C A bos- > ' pltiil , lor I th HVIIIIIIU nml "tli street limit bo In ttre'cn 'U anil It > eiirH old , ol KUUI ! mural olinrao- U r. Appl ) at once fill. VHVIAK KHS WAS I'KD-'lnci hand uorkiuen. V'ljriiiik I.o _ liiJM JJuiirt tre'e-t Council Illnira. \\r/vN'l HI ) A > OUIIK man 18 to ' - ' ( / jojr or IIRO to > i do olllco work and li nrn lioukki'i'pliiK .Vluat bo ro.dt ) nnd apt In iienniaiiHldp and llirure'B tind of Bond Inihlta If jun dun t poHHCm tliese reiillni | * nentfl lUm't wn tu jour tuiio ! | | ) llox .1)1 ) , Coimill Illulli I i AND LANDS. | , 'OI ( KACllAMii : A nidi homo ( in q 7tli itroct , i near ith n\emie. ilonr iife'iicunibrnnco , fur liuinu n Oin.ihn llaimi ( nn I'l lou ur Koaalzo I'laea pro * lerrecl \ \ III put In i.'ij ) illllcrjiico lirounihluiU , McliiiNim , y Co l iTiri'AeTlAM.L-dood I room IIOIIBU on Hoiith i Mil Mri'i'l fur Iniiil l.rou inliloMi , Mcliolnon .V Co Ali"l \Clt nml lo inn r.irm nnd t Ity prnporlr bmiKlit "ml bulj 1'imoy \ ' 1 human , Council /Altvt nml elty In ina Mouoy loaned tin otoci nnd itrnln He'll citulo fur Haiti lnvellirf nnd ifliu u rentnU Vloauj lo uieil lei locul Invontun , unceei .V luwloM6 I'fnrl Htri'et rwiotH In Lniitrnl Hub Wl lot Iu Mullen mull J5 lutn In HnylliiH , V I * iluurj' f.'lou la Muymi l t > U lotn In Putter A I'libu' * VI loin In Hour j a ill 15 lutH In llpor'H add ' . ' .MotKln lllKhl lUilaiM lt > luta In Hull lilnion a mil < iot ! In Turlcy'n mid H lots In Ithhlluuaill 1201nlnliirlKlitHinll Id liiU In I'lerce'H mid l.ols liunery aihlltlun to the city chcnp forcas'i , or on pi ) menu i all nn I nou us Vi trnublu to hhoiv prupoi ty tiroi iiHlilnIdH Kl ( liolMOn iV Co ( 'Vt M His ; llroiuhrii- iippur llroiuhriiiplundld plooo for UpliitlliiK , i lioiip lor i n'l , nr will uxe'li mjo for hnpioti > il riinlilencH pronurty In Uuunull tllulTa. l.ri Lilhlilulili Mdi.l ( in .V I _ / IAUDKS AM ) llt'Jir liind : rkliett nnd moit v'heiiiitllnl trad In I'oltnvattiuiilo county ! tea rnterprUe I'Hio , ihu m lun iicro lula Ureun- BlileliU Mi liolmin A ( o , ii.'l llruinlwiiy I DIt HAI.H 1(1 ( IK rei I mild fro n ( Ity , pnrt tint 1 l > tr , plomllcl for KI-MIHU Aildreja ; UI Mtutbiuuu Etriul flty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'olt III M III I ( iiiiidl Illutfii two njduiidld utoro -L inilldlnuH , No l.i | iiinl lij llroniltvny ono new lOom'--'irlliU feet null Halite I aii'l ' fpleMidlil loeutlun for i\FJ \ noilH , elulhlnjf ur L > onln and ttliucH 1'uy Jc JlchH IIUl'IllH \ \ T } . WAN I ten arrui nf land within llvu inllein ot ill ) lion l ( lire lioiv ruiiKh II I' lirecu * dN Mi huUun , V e o _ I ? VI HIII'ltlHp I'liiio fur finlU nr tiiirdniii , i-Jiiiljiirliaii IIOIIHB. lineayie lots twe-iity inlnutui Iruin motor line ( .n eiulilcliH , Mi liolnon & Co. Iti 1AUVIS to erdi.uiKo foi ImiiHua inn ] lulu or /oiid V ae nut lotn ' 'I IK rex of nlcj unnlun lunil fur miluat f > J pe'r utii ) lolumion \ Van I'ottoii , 1'ltl II I'AltVI Improxil n inllu iind a half from thu IIUKU Illco ) ! ueruM 't room huiinu , ntuulu , itc Will i > iLliiuiiti | liiriuHliI net-In Council llluit , dree' ulileliln , MLliulron .V ' o r. " < 'ACiri.i , SW mile i fioni dly , will ( .oil at cut If J tiiken thin neiuk l.ri ciulileliln. Miliol on X Co , O.MIII.V \\MI.VIt-lur l milo new IIvo- room IIOUKU huth room tlorlrlu lluhli , ull mmli rn liiiiroveiiiieiili | < nnu bli ( . < from motor , A moilel homo drcenthliildi , Mlliolnon X I u. t ) ehlllKNCr. lot < ) fuel front. Hvo Iduek * from IV liluomor xihool , ullcri il lor mlo , for thin vtuuk iinlj t IjJJ Ore illililulila McluU'in A Co , MISCELLANEOUS. GAItllAl.i ; iciuoicd ribBpooU , vaults ana ihlnmoyt clomoil I. I ) liurkw , city bldtf , I/OII HAI.IC-A mull lUUy. li COIY t'unh ur purl i IKJIIICJII IJ.tJ Avtnuu II DANCING SCHOOL , MoNHAVn In II A p'lrlom , clillilron. p in.i iidultH , 7 W It iu huelaU nuuini ! find fuurtU Aoiiloy ! Vp m Aliulc furnlthccl partlcn unit elulK. Addre It A l'urlur > , Council UluRMirluA tt. . Uualia W , U. CliftuiLetm , Inttructur ,