8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 4 , 1892-TWENTY-FOUR PAGES , Begins Tomorrow , Monday , Dwembar B and Continuing Until Christmas. A RICH AND ELEGANT STOCK Every 1'nrt of tlic Worlil Ilrnwn on tor Thing * ll'tro nnil llrnutlfiil Snino Spcclnl Ollprliius for llio Opening Week. Monday morning , Dec. 5 , our Rrnnd holiday ealo begins nnd will con tinue until Christmas. $300,000.00 of the most exquisite jewels , watches , art goods , silverware , etc. , from all parts of the world. l-'or this week wo shall offer as nspo- clal Inducement solid L'old 14 karat ladies' watches at & 22.GO , line engraved cnses with n'Rcuulno Walthain move ment. Gent's watches the same style for 82f .00. Do not inlsft this chance. Never in tlio history of Omaha were gold watches Bold so chbnp. Tlio price wo offer our goods at are LOWER limn other dealers BUY. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Diamond rings , studs , lace pins , car- rings , scarf pins , nil sot in the latest ptylc ; prices lo suit the times. Wo are in a position to sell lower than any jo\v- olry house in Omahn , as wo are whole- Bale dealers and manufacturer ) ) . All the latest novelties in silverware , clocks , line lamps , onyx tables , enndola- bras , silk umbrellas , photo frames , per fume bottles. Wo have the llncst stock to select from for holiday presents in the west. DIAMONDS. Wo are constantly replenishing our stock of line diamonds ami other precious btoncH , and can state without fear of contradiction that our assortment of thoFo beautiful corn's is tlio largest west of Now York. Remove nil doubt of this by coming in and taking a loon through our establishment. You will find hun dreds of elegant solitaires and cluster diamond linger rings , ranging in prices from $2.50 up to 81,000.00 each. Diamond lace pins and pendants from $7.00 to i5.OCO.00. Diamond earrings , all si/.csand styles , from 5-7.50 to $ , ' ! ,000.00. Diamond studs , from $5 00 tol,000.00. Diamond collar buttons , from $3.00 to $100,00. Diamond scarf pins , great variety , fromSi 50 to300.00. In addition to our immense assortment of mounted goods , wo have thousands of loose diamonds in all biy.es , from 1-01 of n. karat to 10 karats ouch , nnd worth from $2.00 up to $1COO.OO each , which we can set as desired , us wo manufac ture our own diamond set\ing8. \ Diamonds mends ro-cut or icbot. FIN 1C STATIONERY. Wedding invitations a specialty. 100 cards and plato for this wuolc at 81.25. SOUVENIR SPOONS. An endless variety ; solid silver. 200 dllTorciit styles , from ! )0c ) lo $10.00 each. Como and see the Omaha spoon. We tire llio manufacturers. ROGERS' TRIPLE PLATED KNIVES , FORKS AND SPOONS ; Set of Rogorb' triple plated knives , only & 1.65. Sot of Rogers' triple plated forks , only $1.0.5. Pot of Rogers' A 1 pluicd teaspoons , onlyl. " * * Sot of Rogers' Al plated tablespoons. only $2. Complete curving sot ( knife , fork nnd Blcol ) reduced to 81.50. * 1,000 nickel silver salts and poppers nt $1 per set. 600 line silver plated cabinet frames ntl. 200 line fountain pous at $1.50. 200 line solid gold pens with pearl handles , $1.50. SHEET MUSIC. Only first class music house in Omaha. 1.00,000 pieces of sheet music to select from and all the latest. EMORY GUITARS used by all the celebrated artists throughout the United States. Prices from * 10 to $75. EMORY MANDOLINS The celebrated Emory mandolins have no equalf. Prices from $18 to $50. FAIRBANKS & COLE ARTISTS' BANJOS. Used by all the well known players throughout the country. Prices from 815.00 to $75.01) ) . WASIIBURN GUITARS , MANDO LINS , BANJOS AND XJTIIERS. We are exclusive ugonts for those in struments. Prices ningo from $22.00 to $250.00. A complete line always in Block. MUSIC BOXES. The only complete stoi'lc in the city. Call and examine our various styles. Prices from $1.00 to $350.00. AMERICAN GUITARS. Wo have the only complete line of thcso instruments in Omaha. They are fully warranted to be perfect , prices ranging from 1.00 to $7.00. AMERICAN MANDOLINS. The largest and most varied line of mandolins west of Now York where yon can llnd any make from $5.CO Xo $16.00. LEATHER GOODS. Our stock of leather goods embraces euch as violin , guitar , Imnjo , mandolin , zither , flute , clarionet , drum and cornet cases in all nlylos and prices fiom $1.00 up to $25.00. Also a Inrgo and varied assortment of music casoSf music satchels , music hags , etc. , in leather , prices from OOo up to 812.00. CLOCKS 1,000 line clocks , ever 100 different styles , wood , iron , bronze , marble and Mexican onyx cases , from $2.00 up to WOO. EYEGLASSES. If you need spectacles or eye glasses , como to us.V"o are headquarters in Omaha. Our "Perfection" spectacles und eye glasses , with linost Hriulllau 1)ohblo ) mid hard , pura while crystal lenses , are the bust in the world. ' Our prices are always the lowest. Solid uohl spocticlu's from $3.0U UD. Fine steel spectacles from $1.0 ! ) up. Your eyes examined free of charge nnd lilted bclontillcally by a practical optician o [ miuiy yoaro' o.x peri once , A put foot lltgtmriintood. REPAIRING. Watches , docks , music boxes and nil hinds of mubical instruments ; repaired by experienced workmen and at reason able prices. All work warranted. Como in and compare with our correct tlmo. MAX MEYER & BRO. Co. , Fnrimm and llHh streets. The Indies of the First Univcrsalist church will hold a b'u/.aartil the church. 10th and Lathro elreols , afternoon and o von lug of the 7th , next Wednesday. ANew Now England supper will bo served from 0 to 8 o'clock. All are invited. Flno art china , plain and decorated , M. H. Bllsi. W. T. Seamanwagons and carriages Poacook U the bast soft ooil. Sold only by Jouoa , 'opooalio po totllco , 'f , Artisla1 materials at Hospo'a. KELLEY , STIGER & CO Our Holiday Handkerchiefs Have Arrived nnd Are How on Sale. OUR PRICES ECLIPSE COMPEFITIOM l.iille ' Unilcrn nr nnd McMlery nnil Men's llcniAtltcliril llntiilkcrclilrr * nt Special _ Trlccn for IhU UTolt Son Our New UreM Trlniinlncs. HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS. Our holidnv handkerchiefs have ar rived and wlJl bo on sale from now till Chrislmis at prices that will eclipse nil competitors. MnUo your purchases early before the assortments are broken. Real Duchess lace hanakerehiefs from 81 tiu to $15.00 each. Heal Swiss , hand embroidered , flno linen lawn handkerchiefs from $1.2o up to $10 each. Fine Swiss embroidered chiffon hand kerchiefs from lo ( ) up to ill. Heat Irish hand embroidered linen lawn hnndiccrchiofs for 2-3c up to $3.GO each. Fine Swiss machine embroidered flno batiste handkerchiefs for ICe up to SI each , Five styles in hand embroidered initial linen lawn and cambric hand kerchiefs at loc and 25c each. Heal Japanese embroidered , scolloped border , silk handkerchiefs at loc , ISc , 2oo , Hoc and SOc each. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY AND TUB LOWEST PRICES. We are making low prices on DRESS TUIMM1NGS To clean up stock. Don't buy anything1 in the trimming line until you have looked through our stock. RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! ! All the delicate now bhudes for art nnd fanny work just received. All silk faille and moire ribbons at le , 5o , 7o and lc ( ) a yard MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS. Our stock of men's all pure linen hemstitched bonier handkerchiefs ij the largest nna most eomuleto wo have over shown. Wo Import direct from Bolf.ist , Ireland , and carry a full line in all widths of hem. SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOLIDAY TRADE. Lot 1 300 dozen men's linen horn- stitch hand embroidered initial hand kerchiefs put up in fancy boxes , half tlo/.en to the l ox , full line of inititls , at 2oc each , $1.50 a box , extra peed value. Lot " 500 do/.on men's all pare linen hemstitched handkerchiefs in plain while and fancy printed borders , spe cial value at 2.3c oach. Lot u 350 dozen men's extra fine quality all pure linen hemstitched luind- koi chiefs in i-inch , 1 inch and 11-inch horn , nt Sic , ! ! for $1.UO. Lot 4 150 do/on men's extra fine quality all pure Irish linen hemstitched handkerchiefs , largo size and very suit able for omm-oiuoriny1 , 4-ineh , 1-inch , H-inch and 22-inch hem , special value ut GOc. v Wo call special attention to out- own direct impoitntion of men's real china silk hemstitched 'handkerchiefs in plain white and tancy prints at GOe , GOc , 75c , Soc , $1.00$1.16 , 31.25. SPECIAL. SPECIAL. 200 dozen men's nil pure silk hand embroidered initial hemstitched handkcr chiots. 1 inch 'hem and full size , at 75c ; every handkerchief worth 81.01. SUSPENDERS. SUSPENDERS. Wo have just received a large and very clioico _ line of men's plain black till silk satin suspenders suitable for em broidering in bolid black and gold mountings at 81.5' ) , $1.75 , $200 , $225 and $2.50 a pair. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Ladies' extra line Egyptian cotton union suits , ecru , at $1.50 , worth $2.03. Ladies' natural gray union suits in merino and all wool at $2.00 , $3.00 , $3.50 , $1.25 , $1.50 , up to$5.50 , worth one- third more. Same stvles in black at $2.25 to iG.OO. Children's union suits , black , at $1.05 to $2.25. Natural gray , $1.40 to $2.2o , according to M/C. C'hildrons'vests and pants , from 15c up according to a'r/.o. Special values in natural gray and scarlet. Ono line of ladies' vests at $1.25 regu lar price $1.05. Another at GOo , former price Sl.tO. Still another at 5o ! ) , regular price 75c. Special values in equestrian tights no from $1.75 to $ I.00. ! Full regular made balbriggan vests and pants a spocialtv. LADIES' HOSIERY. 50 dozen l&dlus' heavy black wool hose , 50 dozen ladies' heavy black cot ton hose , value 35c , sale price 25c. Wo are showing a line nssortmont of ladles' fine black cotton hose in OUT SIX.ES and opera length at 50c. Ladies' cashmere lioso , black , ribbed or plain 50c , worth GJC. Plain at G5e and 75c , worth 75o and OOc. Special sale on ladies' black silk hose , full length at 95c. $1.33 , $1.40 , $2.35 , $2.50 up to $1.50 , Full ! iMnch ( opera pure sill : at $3.00 , value $1.CO. Full 30-Inch opera pure bilk , colors , $4.tO , value S3.CO. Extra heavy line silk lleeced black cotton hose nl 25c 3"c > and 50c. CHI LDREN'S 11OSIERY. Children's extra line cashmere hose colors , navy , seal and wino at 3ac and t")0c , former price ui [ to OOc. Children's fast black cotton hoso. Children's fast black wool hose. All si/.es at 2oc. worth 3iu. Same styles at ! tjc or 3 pair for $1.00 , viiluooOe. Infants' white or black wool shields at $1.00 , worth $1.51) ) . Ladies leggings , black wool , 30 inches GOc and Wo. ) 33 inches 75c and $1.00. Children's leggings at 25c for colors , and " > ( ) ( ! for black Our asiortmont of children's line winter - tor hosiery , ribbed or plain , cotton or caahmoro is the finest in the city. KELLEY. STIGER & CO , , Cor. Furnnm and 15th sts , Nulli'O < > r Oiiiivuntliiii lit Nrlir.lsk i Sluto Executive council of the Nebraska Stulu Bankers' i ssociatlon , OsrvilA , Neb. , Nov. 23 , 1B92. A convention of the Nebraska State Bankurs' association is hcroby called to mcot in the city of Lincoln , Neb , , on Tuesday and Wednesday , Doc. 20th and 21st pro.x. All bunks and bankers and trust companies doing business in the Htato of Nobrnska are ellgihlo for mem bership nnd are ronuostod to send dele gates. Further particulars with pro gram will be.propnrod nnd bent to each ono separately. 4. D. Evans , Tlmmns Bryant. C F. Bontloy. 1 1. II. Dorsoy , C.V. . Moshor , Edward Updike , George E Cheney , William Wallace , members executive council. HKXUV W. YATKS , Chairman. Gcoitau R. Voss , Socrotury , * Holiday goods , Frenzor , op , p. o. Nevr scale KimbaU pianos at Interior decorating ; de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohmunn , 1508 Douglas street. WR , BENNETT CO.'S ' OFFERING Oar Jcwalry Doparlmont is Filled With Special Holiday Presents. AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES Wo IIiivc Watches nt 91r 0 , WD.'Jrt , 83.BO mill on on Up All ( liinrnntccil Alia Clocks ( if i\ory : Vurloljr Clicitp. Watch chains , lOc each. Watch chains , gold plated , Too. Lace plus.very dainty , lOc , 23c nnd upwards. Hair ornaments , very pretty , 5c , lOc and 20c each. Neck chains , very neat and pretty , at , lOc , 25c and upwards. A great variety of collar nnd cuff but tons , scnrf plus , rings and n great vari ety of other jewoiry , all suitable ) for holiday present * , and no ono can toucli us on prices. Largo line of silver plated ware , nil new , latest designs , very pretty and cheap. Rogers Bros.'genulno knives nncl forks , $1.25 uor sot , ' Rogers Bros. ' genuine teaspoons $1.20 per sat. Castors , silver mus.rs , cake baskets and napkin rings , etc. , etc. In this department will also bs found a largo and well assorted line of table cutlery , Including an elegant line of carvers nnd forks , also poe'.fot cutlery. A largo and varied assortment ot ladies' fancy work and shopping bvskots. IN OUR CROCKERY DEPARTMENT Wo have made purchases with ospo- clal reference to the holiday trade in choice and fancy decorated cups and saucers ; Iboautifui nlnlcs , shaving mugs , plain mugs , email mugs for the babies , dinner sots , varied and beautiful de signs. Tea sots , all kinds imaginable. Wo carry a largo line of lamps com mencing as low as lOc. A splendid assortment of hanging lumps $1 5' ) ouch mid upwards. It will pay you largely to examine tills block before making your purchases. OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT Is nourishing moro and more every day. Wo are saving everyone money and everyone seems to appreciate it. In this department , wo carry an elo- gunt assortment of perfumes in bulk. Also in bottles with silk plush c.xsos. Hair and clothes brushes. Largo variety of the best toilet soaps made , all of which would make useful holiday presents. Wo have a special drive in toilet soap that is a wonder at 2c a oako. Also one largo cake at 2c $ each ; they are great bargains and are really toilet soaps , NOT LAUNDRY. In our drug department wo are still GIVING AWAY quite a line of hot drinks. "CHERRY CORDIAL , " "Extract of Beef , " Beef Bullion , ' ' etc. , etc. You are welcome to try a cup any and every time you are in our store. Your appe tite may bo pear or your stomaeh out of order ; ono of our delicious drinks may be just what you need. At any rate it won't cost you anything to try. Got a cup the next time you are down town in our drug department. IN OUR STATIONARY DEP1V Wo arc making , special prices on everything. Box paper containing 21 sheets paper and 24 envelopes for only 5c , really worth lOo. ' Packages of 25 envelopes 3Jc each. 24 sheets paper ( note size ) 3c. Webster's dictionaries in t vo sizes lOc and 75c. We have a largo variety of picture hooks for the little ones from ic each up. You should inspect this depart ment , wo can save you monev here. IN OUR FURNITURE "DEP1\ Y"ou will find many articles just what you have been looking for. 3 jiockcl bamboo splashers 25c. Childs' plush bent , solid oak rocker $1.38. Tapestry rocker , OSc. . Now line easlcs just received , 93c , $1.25 , $1.75 , solid oak. New style hat rack with glass. You must inquire about this. Only $1.75. Largo assortment of pluh rockers and easy chairs jut received. Wo also carry in this department pictures , Jap napkins , shades , curtain poles , table oil cloth , etc. HOLIDAY' GROCERIES. Olives ( very line ) per quart , 25c. Armour's boups ( all kindc ) , 2oc. Ox tongue , delicious to serve cold for luncheons. Luncheon beef ( very fine ) . Boneless pigs' foot. New crop ruisens , currents , seedless raisens , citron , lemon and o ango peel. On our bocond lloor will bo found our holiday toys , everything you can think of , blocks and games , dancing mules , all kinds , beautiful musical tops and church chimes , music boxes , dolls in endless variety. Our customers toll us our prices are away below everybody on every thing in the line of holiday toys land novelties. Wo have a big stock of black boards , hobby horsoH , shoo llies,6eerotarios and desks , revolving olllco chairs to match desks for boys , magic lanterns , iron and tin toys , etc. , etc , Now all those goods are going to bo sold tit Bennett's popular prices. You will make a mistake if you don't look ns ovor. WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS Now till 8 o'clock , so if you can't como during the day como in after t > u- por. You can make small payments on articles and wo will put thorn aside for you. W. II. BENNETT CO. KIIII-\ ; ; , vruiiit : & GO. i\tr.i : npculiil. v4000 yards of line all wool DRESS GOOUS At a great sacrifice. Flno all wool HOMESPUNS , Sunorior all wool cheviot , FANCY SUITINGS , plain mixtures and fancies , plaids and stripes , recently sold nt OOc , .r > " > o and 50c. This entire lot will bo offered on Mon day , Tuesday and Wednesday . AT lOo YARD. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , Cornet1 Fnrnam nnd loth ats. M. II , Bliss still nmk'ja a specialty of Rochester Imnps ; p-ices lower that last season. New picture frames. A. IIospo. Ami 'iiiiAin'it u itii.niK cur. The 0:45 : ] ) . m. Burlington train for St. Louis otters , in audition to bplondid sleeping cur service the added advan tage of having a well appointed dining car , serving breakfast and lunch. What's moro , it is the only train between Omaha , and bt. Louis which provides its patrons with this conven ience. The next tlmo vou go South try the Burlington's UJ5 : p. in. train for St. Louis. W. F. Vulll , city ticket agent , 122U Furnam street. _ Samuel Burns continues his vase sale another week. BEMSON BROS , Enornnm Saho'fHDrosj Q)3di'ftnd Silks 20 Pont'otit Discount. WE OFFER BIG INDUCEMENTS MONDAY Also Kccfer iTtckfrtn for Iititlcft mill Clill- ilrcn All Wlutnr lnrinnnn In n Illc B.ilo Monrtfiy.-CtimMR mill KI < 1 Gloves. Commencing Monday wo will offer our entire stock of silica and dress goods at 20 pur cent off the regular price. A dress pattern Is ono ot tlio best pros- only for a ludy , and this 19 an excellent opportunity to gut ono at ono-llfth loss than it is worth. worth.CLOAKS. CLOAKS. Lidics' tan cheviot rcofor jaekots , ill inches long , worth 80.50 , tomorrow S3.50 oach. Ladles' tan cheviot rcofor jackets , with oppossum fur , full shawl collar , only $0.50 , reduced from-flO.OO. 38 ehiluron's all wool roofer jackets , In navy blue , tan and brown , worth $1.01) ) , $5.00 and $0.00tomorrow choice of entire lot * 1.C8 each , all sizes , 4 to 12 yeat s. 75 ladies' winter garments , consisting of seal plush wraps , seal plush jackets , brocaded Fusa wraps , nil satin lined , worth $20.00 to $35.00. Choice of entire lot tomorrow , $5.u ( ) . 100 ladies' short and long jackets , odds and ends of our stock , worth $5 00 to $10.00 , all in ono lot. Your choice tomorrow only $2 00 each. 48 ladies' short winter jackets , not' one-fourth cost , tomorrow only $1.00 eat'h. eat'h.Misses' Misses' newmarkots , with mid with out capos , worth $3.0J to $12.03 , tomor row $2.08 each. Ladies' seal plush sacquos in small sixes , 32 and 31 , worth $2u.OO , tomorrow $10.00 oach. oach.BIG BIG CORSET SALE. Lidios' French woven imported cor sets , also Dr. Warner's Coralino 3.3 ! corsjts , wo"th $1.01) ) and $1.25 , tomorrow only half price , ( iSe pair.- Ladies' imported genuine C. P. cor sets , in white and drab , regular price is $2.0U and $2.50 , tomorrow less than half price , only $1.00 pair. KID GLpVES. Tomorrow wo shall place on sale om en tire stock of ever 200 do/.on ladies' genuine Derby kid gloves in tans , browns , gray and black , which have sold at * 2.00 and $2.25 ; choice tomorrow 75c pair. Bo on hand early if you want them. Not over thrco pairs to any ono cus ' tomer. BENNISON'BROS. The greatest bargains in watches , jewoiry and silverware this weelc. Gold lillod watches $3.75. 14 K gentleman's watch , full jeweled , adjustable movement , $28.00. Gentlemen's watches , Elgin move ment , $21.00. Boss lillod cases , warranted 15 years , Elgin , Wa tlmm or Springfield move ment , $0 50. Duebor Hiledciif-o , warranted 20 years , railway Hampton movement , $21.50. Ladies' solid gold watches , Swiss .movement , $0.2-5. Ladies' gold filled cases , warranted 15 years- American movement , $8.50. Ladies' | 4 K gold , filled watches , set with genuine diampnds , warranted 20 years , 814.50. ' ) Ladies' 14 K solid gold watches , Elgin , Walthain or Springfield movement , $17.23- Boys' silvorino watches , good time keepers , $1.75. Souvenir spoons , 2Sc. Solid gold band rings 89c , worth $2.50. Solid gold baby rings Oc. Rogers' triple pinto 4-pieco tea set $4.75 , worth $10.00 and up. Solid silver souvenir spoons , OSc. Kogqrs'quudrupplo plato 4-pieco lea sot , hand engraved , $7,25. Rogers' knives and forks , $1.25 per set. set.Nicklo Nicklo alarm clocks Goo. Sheet music lOc a copy. Out of town orders solicited ; prompt attention guaranteed. SIMON BANK , 114 S. iOth St. , Golden Eagle Store. Kxtrii Sppclnl. 4000 yards of fine all wool DRESS GOODS At a great sacrifice. Fine all wool HOMESPUNS , Superior all wool cheviot , FANCY SUITINGS , plain mixtures and fancies , plaids nnd stripag , recently sold at OOc , 553 and 50c. This entire lot will bo olTorod on Mon day , Tuesday and Wednesday AT lOc A YARD. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , Cor. Fa-nam and'lStli sts. "Pearl top" and "Pearl" glass chim neys will not break from heat , M. II. Bliss. The old reliable furniture house of Chnilos Shivoriclc & Co. recovered from their recent lire like magic and put in a complete now stock. Most firms would have dragged a ( ire sale for months , but Shivoriclc ife Co. decided to sell their lire stock in thirty days , and they did it. Th' ) goods they n-o now receiving a-o the llnosD ever shown hero , and they are making prices that cannot fail to attracl the altontion of the trade. U ( iocsVcHt. . The Burlington's 4:50 : p. m. train for Denver reaches Unit city at seven liio following'morning ' , carries slonp- ing , reclining chair , smoking and dining cars , and makes connection at Denver with all Hues for Salt Lake City , OL'don and the P.ioitiaconst In speed , equipment and convenience of leaving tind arriving time it. 's ' unequalled. W. F. Vaill , . city ticket agent , 1223 Fariiam street. Samnol Burns at the solicitation of ills friends will keep opuu evenings until 0 o'clock ) unlil Christmas. The Parihh AiU "society * of Trinity cathedral will hold a bale and luncheon In Ramge building on WednesJay and Thursday , December 7 and 8 , from 12 till 2. Luncheon , 50 cents. Louis Vorrot , nainlre &or nt Ideal hair store,2K ( ) S. 15th , 3d Hoar. Tel. 1018. Till ) Appro lull "I ISiulu'H Coinot makes no dilToronco In the buporlor service of the Burlington route. Two magnificent express trams stlll lo'ivo Omaha for Chicago , at 4:46 : p. in. a.id 12:10a. : in. daily. The special Omaha s'eopor which goes out on thnlattor Is ready to receive p-.ssongors any time between 0 p in , nnd the hour ol departure. Unequalled equipment of sleeping , reclining chair and smoking cars. \V. F. VAIU , , City Ticket Agent , 1223 Farnnm St ATTACHED BY HIE CONSTABLE All Zundor Bros. Shoss Which Were At- tachol by tlio Constable , SOID TO THE BOSTON STORE * Flnril Men's Shoe * , XtiniloiV Tin- c t I.ndlcft1 Slio"i , ZtnulctV llrxt Shoe * of All KlniU on hnlo how nt a rent-fill Sucrlllcr. AT BOSTON STORE. Tills is still ono moro 'of Boston Store's great cash purchases , and another proof that Boston Store always gives you double value for your money. Think of it The best men's shooii that Xundor had , shoes thai Xuudor sold up to $8 a pair , in kangaroo , Cordcran nnd French calfskin , hand sowed nnd line welts , Boston Store will sell you tomorrow at $3 , $3.50 nnd $ I. All the men's shoes which the cons table attached , which Xundor bold at $1.50 and $5 , Bojton Store will sell at $2.50. All the men's shoos which the consta ble attached , which Zundor sold at $3.00 , Boston Store will boll at * 1.50. ZUNDER'S LADIES' SHOES LESS THAN HALF PRICE AT BOSTON STORE. All the ladies' shoes which were at tached by the constable , which Sunder sold for 85.00 and $ ( i,00 , go now at $2.50 at Boston Storo. All the ladies shoos which were at tached by the constable , which Xundcr sold at $7.00 , Boston Store will sell ( or $3.00 , $3.25 and $3.50. And so on right throutrh At half Xunder's price or less than half Zander's price. All Xundor's bcht shoes , which wore attached by the con stable , are on bale now at BOSTON STORE , The greatest bargain shoo dealers in the world , N. W. Cor. IGth and Douglas. Ciilllurnla Itrui sum * . Pullman tourist sleeping cars are run daily on all Pacific coast trains via the Santa Fe route , the shortest line to California. The oars are furnished with bedding , matrobbes , toilet articles , etc. Porters are in attendance. Second-class tickets are honored on those cars. In addition to the daily Bbrvico the Santa Fo Route runs special excursion parties with an agent of the company in charge , using thcso tourist sleeping cars , and leaving Kansas City every Sunday noon. For further information and time table of the Santa Fo Route and reserving of sleeping car berths , address E. L. Palmer , passenger agent , 1310 Furnam street , Omaha , Nob. TJII : .nousi ; UKY < ; oois co. .Shoe l ) | iartinoiil. Now is the time to select sliopcrs for a Christmas present. Our assortment is complete and prices never so low as > now. Monday and Tuesday wo will sell a dongola hand-turned button shoo , in opera and common sense toes , for $3.25 , regular price $5.00. If you are in need of shoos hero is your opportunity to get the be.3t at : i normal prico. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Latest bhcai. music at IIospo's. Samuel Burns is overstocked with china dinner sets and to give his friends an opportunity of making a nice Christ inas present has placed twelve of them at $28.00 , formerly $15.00. Mo < l * rn Woodmen. Omaha camp 120 Is still to the front. A largo number of now npplicatlous were ro- coivcd last Wednesday night , and four can didates we res adopted. Tills U not up to the usual uuota for this camp , as tha number admitted at most meetings lately has been from twelve to liftoon. The head camp moctmc recently hold in tilts city lias iuvuUeaouiioiv enthusiasm amont. the neigh bors nnd has brought the objects and bene fits of thu ord > r moro prominently to tbu put'lio notice. With the Impetus thus se- curci' ' , Omaha camp hopes to have 400 mem bers in goou stauolug before the close of the year. Ono of the wisest piccss of legislation enacted oy tbo head camp was that limiting ths ajo at , which members may bo received , to 15 years , instead of fit years , as hereto fore. This insures the perpituitv of the order , and the continued minimum death rate. KAhT Oil SOUTH Vln till ) Wulmsli Itcmtc. The short line to St. Louis and quick est ronto south. - Only 37 hours to Hot Springs. Only 30 hours to New Orleans. Only 3SJ hours to Atlanta. Only 52 hours to .Jacksonville. With corresponding fast time lo all points east and south. Round trip tickets to Hot Springs , New Orleans , Lake Charles , Gnlvcilon , S.ui Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tnmpn , Ha vana and all the winter resorts of the pouth and west. Reclining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman buffet bleeping c.irs on all trains. Baggage checked from hotels nnd private residences to destination For tickets , falooping car accommodations and further information full at Wabash ticket olllco , 1502 Farnnm street , or write , G. N. CI.AYTO.V , Agent , Omaha. Jl UK .V. MMernf Jlo Itifnnf I'm it tit'rl'iU limJJlf u CS'ifx ; each mMltln Kit tl'l' , tfn PHI ! ) . LAW norn to Mr. mill .Mr . Hurry haw , u son. inr.ii. Aiittccioj trclliieiiirlcai u ul'.r thle lui < tJtflj rent ; rneh itililltiiinal line , ten rtnlt. C'OHNKKU Kiulolnli. med Illyoirs , 7 months , on Dye urn bur I , IS. * . ' . Funeral f-ervices at hU late residence. 1 MO i'nutli S3il Uroot. on fcuii- diiy ut " o'clock , Interment bpiliu UHI cemetery. P.inUh Hooloty All members are ruijncsforl to meet lit Wiiblilnutoii lull ut I o'clock toiluy fur tlio purpose of utti'iullng tliu ( uiiei.il ser- vlces f our Intu biother. UtiUolph Cornuur. 1 > , f. lloln , president. BOSTON STORE CARPET SALE Wilton Velvet , Mcquotto , Doily Brussels' Tapastrj nnd All Wool Ingrain Onrpats. AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES Never llnvn Cnrpou of Such rino , < ! rn < lc HeoiOtTrroil nt Siirh l.nw Prices You Smo SOo In SI OO on i\ery Yitnl , Nice Incrrnin carpets in pretty pat terns for loc , 2oe or "oe a yard , worth up to Cue a yard. Splendid nil wool ingrnln e.irpets In ever twenty ililToront designs at GOo 11 yard. Thcso ingrains iiro sold usually ut $1.00 ii yard. 10 rolls pretty tapestry. Brussels carpet that will wear for years atHe , 50c and OOc : regular viiluo in other places about SI.00. Now for sonic extra line carpets and BOinu extra big bargains. WILTON VKLVKT CARPETS , such ixs would cost you 81.7o , and cvon $2.00 utany curpot house in Ainoriov , In the most approved designs and perfect arils- tie colorings , are on sale at OSc n yard. GENUINE COQUETTE CARPETS , Such as under ordinary circumstances only the very rich can afford , and worth fully $12.00 a yard , are o.Tored at OSc a yard miring this sale. Superb all wool ait squares in any size you want , largo enough to cover any or- d nary room , at 7oc a square yard. Do not mistake those art squares for the much advertised cotton-mixed ones. These are strictly pure all wool. BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas. Real estate. Bargains only. My word is pood. W. G. Albright. 521-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ? . co. r.\trl SjH'cl.U. 1,000 yards of line all wool DRESS GOODS At a prcat sacrifice. Fine all wool HOMESPUNS , Superior all wool chnviot , FANCY SUtTINGS , plain mixtures and fancies , plaids and stripes , recently bold at GOc , 65e anil 50c. This entire lot will bo offered Mon day , Tuesday and Wednesday AT10c A YARD. KELLEY , STIGEtt & CO. , Cor. Furnum and loth sts. filIIl\rJtEClt.ii \ > IfiTO GOOD LUVIf. How mi 111 Wliifl Blew Uom'BOV. . st real or Into u I'tirtunc. CHICAGO , Til. , I > cc. ; i. Captain George W. Stroator , a hardy old rnurinor of tnorent ( Inkos , proved todav tbat. a tnnn can bo snip- wrecked into a fortune. Five years ago his schooner , the lluaatun. was driven ashore on a stormy niutit at the foot of Superior street. Bemp n believer In Kismet , the captain propped up his boat and resolved to take up permanent habitation .there , converting his boat into a house. The city objected , as ho was on its prop erty , and ho moved the boat a little north. Then ho encouraged the dunmlnu of dirt around his uousu and was soon entirely sur- lounacd by dry land. The- next move was to record a survey of the land and claim it as his by squatter sovereignty. This was in Ib'JO. Then the trouble bopan. N. K. Fairbanks , the lard macnato , Instituted proceedings to oust the captain , claiming that ho had bought that portion ot the lauo shore with all riparian rights before the cap tain's nilvoiit. The captain converted his house into n fort , armed his wife and when an attack on his property was made , drove oil the intruders with shotguns , incidentally shootinp u counlo of them , bill not fatally. Although Air. Fuirbank Is a multi-millionaire , no has not , up to date , succeeded [ n recapturing the property , which now comprises about f > 00 feet on Superior street. Today the captuin sold for $ .10,000 n lot 50x100 to Jacob Hino. lie still lias151) ) foot frontage left , and at tha puce bet by the sale , tha wlinlo tract is equal to'iUO.OJO. . The livij years since the cap tain's bhipwrcck bavo bnon worth $ .50,000 . a year to him. .SomctliliiR I'ioucl. I have sold and used in my family for sev eral years Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrluui remedy and have found it one of the most useful and satisfactory remedies I ever handled. C. II. Lewis , druggist , Halt Lnko City. Utah. ArreKt ol u NotOrloiiH lluncii Alan * Ciiicvco , III. , Use. If. The famous aged bunco man , I'M ward Uico , who Is 01 years old , while be.irdod and looks like a clergy man , was arrested hero toJay just alter ho had made the acquaintance of J. L. Kap- stcad , a wealthy Montana ranch owner. Mr. Unpsteud is on Im way to Uormany lor a visit , alter having made a Iprtuno In the west , Itlce mot him at the depot , and learn ing the woitornoi's plans , proposed to go with him. Uico .said ho could gut passes null meant to cross the water in a few days anyway , lie was about to lend the Montnna man to his "otllco" when ho was Interrupted b > the police. You don't want a torpid liver : you don't want a bad completion , you don't want a bad breath ; vuu don't want a lio.iduclio. Then USD Do Witt's Little iCarly lilsciv. , the famous Httlu nllH. liliuillflml Hit Sun Dingo Nnlrlili1. Dl/riioiT , Mich , , Doc. . ' ! , An afternoon paper says the woman calling herscf Mrs. Lottio Anderson , who committed suicide in San Diego , Cal. , several days ago , is really Miss U/zio U'yllio of this city. Five weeks uijo lasU Monday fcho wont , out , osten sibly to go down town on an errand , and never returned , There U suld to he u mun Involved in the case. His nnmo Is . ! . ( ! . Loncliold nnd he lx said to liavo eloped with and married tha girl , U. F. Moora & Co , , prominent drnjglbts of Nowberg , Oro. . bay : " .Since our cunioiner * huvo bccoino acqtiultitoJ with the good qual ities of Chnuilierhiln's Couuh Kennedy wo sell but Hum of any oihoi kind , ( 'lnmiber- Iain's inctllciiirb nil give t'uou Hullifucllon. " For sale by druggists , The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. Ued in Millrns of Homes 40 Years the Standard. ROBBER GOODS GIVEN AWAY' . A Pnlr of Ladies' Rubtera Qivjn Away to Every Customer ns Described Bolow. DON'T ' READ IT AND YOU'LL MISS IT Vou Should VlUt OurStoro Np t Week i ml Sco the IliirBnliMllhrii In Our Spcolnl SuleViUcti tlio IMIly Come to llio inanufacturcrs and snvo money. Wo tnnlco n spocialtv of all kinds of LADIES' ' RUBH'ER GOODS. Things you cannot got oven in a drupf Btoroiou will llnd liuro. and a lady clerk to all on you. Special sale next week from 0 lo 10 n. in. HOT WAT13R BOTTLES. ALL NEW Keep foot warm and stop pains. Every body needs ono. 1 fit U < ] t 3 qt 4 qt fi qfc ( iu ( | O.H- 7 < V 8)C $1.0 < ) Patronize homo industry. Our poods made hero. Special onlo next voi > k 10 to 11 a. in. BULB SYRINGES. FUES11 GOODS. No. 1 No. 2 No. 01 No. 02 No. 001 No. 002 25o 30c ; i5u 40c 50c COo Special s-ilo next week 11 to 12 a. in. FISHBRAN'l ) 15ULI5 SIUNGES. . No. 8 No. ! ) No. 10 No. 11 No. lo No. 10 75o $1.00 $1.2' ) $1.25 $1.35 $1.60 Special sale next week , 1 to 2 p. in. FISH BRAN I ) FOUNTAIN SYRINGE3 No 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 Wo have a few fountain syringes In pasteboard boxes which wo will closo' out next week from 2 to 3 p. m. No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 -5o ! i5c otV 75o Special sale next week , 3 to 4 p. in. MACKINTOSES. LADIES' ' GENT'S. ' WARMEST GOODS FOR WINTER. ) Prices a fraction of the value and todi1 low to mention. ii Wo give every person next week , 4 to1 . "i p. m. , PAIR LADIES' RUBBERS FITTED who purchases $1.00 or more of our' goods not on special sale , or $2.00 or more wet th of goods on bptvlal salo. WATCH EVKNING BEE FOR MORE-.1 O.MAHA RUBBER CO. , Ciuiilotn | Nou Miiclc il 1'iiriiltiiro. All goods marked low in plain ligurca. CllAs. SlllVliltKK &CO. , 1200 , 120S and 1210 Fnrnam St. Now china for decorating at HOSDO'S , HINDS. Our styles are the latest ] and dilfcront from thosal town uy others. Prices the lowest. Pur Capes , Fur Mantles. ) Seal Skin Jackets , Children's Cloaks. , Ladies' Dresses'/l ready ir.nde. 810.00 , worth.1 | S25.00. See them ritrht no\T ' while wo have your ai/.o. CLOAKS.SOITSJURM 1519 FARNAMST OMAHA * Opposite PJ. Y. Life Building EWEIRY In the store , at Your Own Price , i No accumulation of old' ' stock , all new goods tin's son , at your own pjicc. For the next two weeks will close out our entire line * of hair goods below cost. All'j ' ; first quality hair. POSITIVELY Retiring from Businesgh Therefore Everything O-O- Opposite Po.tof'fice , MOUN V VER NON j PURE VIRGINIA RYI3 1 bu } { to call the attention of the puh- lic lo the above papular brand of pure- rye whisky and rounootftiUy ask a com t\ \ pnriBon with tiny other brand of pure rye olforod in th i market. It is fur punorlor to any other whisky anil I ( 'uaiuntcu B ab-ioluto excellence la llav or as it ns Itf. purity mid Its wholo-j. BoniuolTowoll The public is invited to call and Vcts.it Henry Hillor,010 N , 10thSt , faralljr wine and liquor house , Esmond hotftl hlock.