Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part Three, Page 24, Image 24

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llfiml oiiiolv 49c l.lthorapho.l ; , Bolls , Toys , Gamers , Books , Fancy Goods. The newest ideas Presents. , the best selections , the most appropriate and desirable Fnm76c to $1.481 $ Pair
Tlio popular RKUIP for olil and joun ; ,
45c to $1,98 $ , 99c DRUMS
1'uiiiiy ittliiijrnphiMl
BUREAUS The Weeden Steam Train , Including track complete , at $2.95 each. From lOcto $2.95 each
From lOc to $4.95. $
the Children at Our Store Boys' Yelocipclcs , $1,95 to $3.95
Fish-Pond Games the coming week , and will
lOc to 99c. TOY TEA SETS
. , ,
In itn Ilrlttnnlii mil ) China from
distribute appropriate Souvenirs lOcto $4.95 each.
Boys' Wheel barrows 25c to 99c
venirs of the season.
Watch for the date of his arrival.
Boys' \Vaflns \ Jjja from 25c to $2.93
Wceden's Upright Steam Engines
EB Pros Target Mmic loxcs
49c to $2.95. $ 25c From 25c to $45 jl | 8p fitejpiiiil
of every description , dri'ssel anil undressed J
IR.OM TRAMS , from SSc to Girl's Tricycles & * $4.95 Icto $14"85 Each" t , ' |
H , MRDY 4 BO ,
Wagon Blocks from lOc to 99c ,
Ice Skates om 50ca pr toSl.98 ,
Latest and Freshest Qosip From tlia
Diamond and the Ring ,
The Fighter's Clint TheJIlusy Uyolor *
The Trnp Shooters Tlio I.nst of the
IludiH unit tlio Oiiscuiuury
IVophly noiuulup.
Doc O'Connoll ana George Dawson moot ,
before the California Athletic club next
Thuriday night. Dawson ought to win ,
although the rnoa scorn to bo pretty evenly
P.llly Ilennossy , tlio Kansas City heavy
weight , bested by Jimmy Lindsay In Boyd's
opera huuso lour years ago , Is mulched to
meet Jim Williams some tlino this month before
fore tho'ucw Ogdcn club. Ho will gotlickcd.
The Uroggnins-Costollo flgbt before the
Coney Island AUilotlc elub last Monday
uight wasn't , ibo torrllli ) afl'tilr the authori
ties all predicted. It was a case of "ono was
afraid and the other dussotn , " and ut the
end nf eighty uiiuvuiuful rounds was de
clared a draw.
Mlko Qticonnn , the ' 'Stock Yards Giant. "
is In St. Louis ami matched to box six
rounds "for sclontitlc points" with a local
heavyweight named Blllv Smith. This fact
leads n Chicago friend of Michael's to observe -
servo : ' 'The rcferco could grow whisitei-s
while wailing for Muo to score a sciontlllo
point. "
F. A. Cool : . \V. F. Thornburg , W. H.
Brown , J. II.Vatlis and L. II. Houson ,
commlttoo on invitations of the nuwly or
ganized Ogdoii , Utah , Athlol'.u ' club , has thu
sporting editor's ' uclfnowlodcmoi.ts of a
uotlco of hit election to an honorary mem
bership. The club has been put on u llrst
chut ) niotropolitan basis and will doubtless
prove a succesa. Hilly Woods of California
baa boon Installed us boxing professor.
Tlio now Crctront Clly club , Now Orleans ,
announces Joe Fioldon and Andy iiowon for
Its 11 rat attraction , the contest to coma olT
this month. The Cyprian club at Plaque-
liiino , La. , didn't ilo u thing to Andy filler
1m late victory ever Johnny Kekort. The
chiD offered a purse of f > 00 and ( Ki per cent
of tlio gale , but aCtor the light was over they
gave Andy $ 'i50 and Kcliort $ > . * > ana ordered
ttiom out of town , A httlo bit South
Umaha , eh }
An ofTort U under way to bring nbout a
ten-round go between Jacuc MoAulilYo and
JMIko Daly of Bailer , who by tlio wuy Is u
.brolhcr of Danny Daly of this city. The
X/'onuy Island Alhloiio club Una been approached
preached with a view to hoisting up n
templing puri > u. And It neodn't be ouu ol
fanciful liguros , either , , for it U said Jack
"turned his box down" on thu last book lie
inudoun the races , and a few modest thou
sands would co mo iu right handy now.
Peter Jackson , while nt his hotel In Bir
mingham , Conn. , the other day aim in com
pany with a number of sporting men , was
npproachcd by a rsow Iluvon man nainud
liunnot , Tboiufr told JiicUsjn that he
bad doubts nkxut hl bomi ; anxious to moot
Sullivan ana wound up by saylim : "Why ,
there arc plenty of iilirgors on Webster struoi
that can wnlp you. " With that JucKsou
ttruck thu fellow on tun JHW and knncitoc
him out completely. And ttius cnUod Poior'i
llrst battla since UU return from the Conti
neut ,
Tommy Itran is buck In Chlcaao. Ilo say :
( bat Ins contest with Collins at Detroit wai
a colossal Job , that notwithstanding the latto :
floored him once ho Bubscijucntly uiaJo i
monkey of him , but ibo ufTuir was cut niu
dried and ho couldn't have gotten a tlnclsioi
only by knocking hU man out. Hn further sayi
that It would require , a team of oxen to drai
Collins Into Ibo ring with him for a Jlnish
Hy tbo way , thouoiv Crescent " City club o
Now Orleans bus Increased" tu offer ti
U'omiuy to tlL'biTom Willliiuis of Australli
to 13,000 nud it Is likely tbo match will D <
nmdo. In my opinion Tommy can lick any
middleweight living.
The fistic status is just "getting
Judging from the list of events on. For in
stance , next Thursday night before the
Coney Island club Joe Goddard and Peter
Maher will collide , and at tbo same place , on
the iiSlh , la California , the little crackerJacks -
Jacks , McGralh and Plummer ; Dee O'Con-
ncll and ( Jcorgo Diiwson will meet on the 8th
of this inonth.and a little later Solly Smith and
Johnny Van HeesU Tbcn in January Danny
Needham will try conclusions with Billy
Smith , and on the I9tn of this month Jimmy
Lynch and Johnnv Gorinun will come to
gether in Brooklyn. In emorvo there are
flgnts between Johnnv Griflln and George
Dixon , Jack McAullffe and Jim Burgc , Ike
Weir and almost anyone , Peter Jackson and
the winner of tbo Godunrd-Maher contest ,
Tommy Ilyan and Tom Williams , and others
too numerous to mention.
Dncouur , la. , Nov. 30. To the Sporting
Editor of Tin : Biu : : 1 write you brlolly for
Iho purpose of exposing that big wind bag
and "knocker , " P. J. Grlllln , the man Dick
Moore * o beautifully trounced in South
Omaha last winter. Ho is hippodroming
with Farmer Burns , and they skinned a
small crowd of suckers in a lltllo town nnar
bore last night. After bo loses his
match with Burns ho Intorms the crowd that
ho novel- know thu Farmer bofora , and that
be hlmselt is a better lighter than bo is a
wrestler. Ho also savs bo has been trying
to irct on a match with soma of the top-notcu
heavvwclghts for a year , but cannot make
the nlllo. Ho BUVS bo is ready to fight any
ono. but would prefer to meet Jaclc Davis
of Omaha. Well , last night when ho was
making this "talk" 1 "called" him. and offer
ing to put up $103 forfeit I said 1 would
match Uavls agalast him for any amount ,
Davis to put him out Inside of ten rounds ,
Of course , bo weuiconod , clalmi/il he
had so mo other engagement , and , after
"cbowmg" a while , loft , lie is a big
blow bard and Is always telling what ho will
do to some of the Omaha sports when ho
meets thc'ii. I told him last night that there
was a roplniout of cheip luncb llends In
Omaha who would make him Jut.ip out of a
sixth story window nud advised him to steer
clear of the Gain City. Ho has about two
pounds of nuwhpaper clippings that ho shows
to tbo country Jays , but there are none of tlio
notices hu got lu Omaiia a year ugo
them , JACK Knurls ,
of Sioux City.
Bob Dobbs , who claims Omaha as tils
residence , alter a very successful career in
California , was whipped by James Barren ,
the Australian , before the California Ath
letic club lust I'Mduy night a week ago and U
now onrouto for this city. Ho writes of
his defeat : "Barroii started in to maice the
pace , but I was too quick for him. Wo teen
came to an exchange of blows , however , In
which 1 got much Iho best of It , Ban-on
was short In bin delivery , nnd during ono ot
his wild rushes I dazed him by a punch in
the mouth. I got Ill-it blojd. Then wo did
a lot of hard puinnieling , and at the end of
round I considered the tlgbt us good us
"The second opened with a clinch , and sev
eral moio followed , Ban-on was right at mo
all the time , but 1 pot away by clover feet
woik. All ul once , I don't know how lie did
it , nut lie did , ho caught niu with a pile
driver on tha point of tbo Jaw , audit sent
me out , I didn't think 1 was out , and man
aged to get to my feel unuln , but was blind
and dizzy , und full over nnd was counted out.
Ot course they yelled"'fake , ' but It
wasn't ono of ibo fakes I want tc
over bo a party to nirnln. 1
was honestly , squarely and thoroughly done ,
but ho uan't do it at'ain. I recovered quickly
which added much to the dissatisfaction ol
the crowd , hut out bore they want from llft.v
to 100 rounds , and one man to get his bead
knocked oil bofora they are satUlloil , Toll
Jim lilghtowur that I will leave for Umahi
lu a day or two. and on ready wilbiu a moult
or so to contest with any man about you :
city in my class , "
Cr.irlm Ironi thu I'lut lilt ,
Will souioboJy please kill Dan O'i.cury
The old foasil is gettlui ; too funny for tbl
eurtb. '
Snapper Kava Coonoy denies ibo rumo
that ho will again give up tbo razor for tin
wloroland wants Buck Ewlng and say :
sbo's willing to give ouo of bor best era ]
players for him.
"Laity" Marr U running a hotel down li
Denver. Later advices will probably state
wncrobo Is running it to.
Bill Hoover i * to bo dropped by the Cin
cinnati club. Commercial Gazette. Where
from , the Newport bridge }
Frank liandlo claims that ho can provo
that Price's petrified man is no less a per
sonage tbtin Norman Leslie Baker.
Hugh Jonnlnes is gome to a business col
lege at Mooslc , Pa. He'll coma out , how
ever , In time to play ball in the spring1.
Pitcher Davlos , formerly of Milwaukee ,
now with Cleveland , is studying medicine
this winter. Getting ready to" take It in the
Captain Charley Chomisky declares that
ho will give Cincinnati a temperance outfit
next year If ho has to do all the drinking
Bob Gilk * has cone to Cuba , whnro ho
wi I invest the wealth bo enrnoa in Omaha
last summer , in oranges that is if n dozen
"oosn't cost too n.ucu.
Tony Mullano says ho doesn't care a
inker's anathema with which league club
ho plays next season , ho can raako ones
s much trouble as tbo other.
Cincinnati has laid claim to Outfielder Mc-
3unn of the Southern league and Intlolder
jraith of Butte , Mont. As a claim layer
Cincinnati always was a success.
Phil Knell isn't in it with Cbarllo Dowald
is a strategic twlrlor out In tbo glorloub
ilimato of California. "Smtd" Farrish has
ho honor of bringing out Dowald.
Kid Nichols was at Hotel lilchoileu , Chl-
caco , during tbo league meotinp , that is , bo
iiickod his tooth there. Ho put up at tbo
ndiaim bouse , near the stoclc yards.
You dor Abe would llko to have Joe Qulnn
3ii second next scroll , and is willing to ewe
,5osum almost any sum for htm. If ha gets
ihn Jaclc Crooks will ba carted over to
Trcd P/oftor did not show his faro In the
Intel Hlchollou iluvlni ; the league meeting.
Chicago Herald. No , Freddy isn't given
o showing tils facJ.
Colonel John Kvo Honors was marshal of
ono of the divisions In tbo great Philadelphia
democratic parade tna othar night , and
everybody along the root took him lor
"lovoland himself ,
Ilqrry Weldou of the Cincinnati Enquirer ,
these years a power in base ball circles , is
In laver of radical changes. Ho wants to put
tbo pltchor back on second base und go be
hind the bat himself.
Manager Buckenborgcr prow * fresher and
fresher with ago. When Buck was with
Sioux City be was as bashful as Kata Clax-
ton , now the Pittsbure dallies huvo to get
out extras to run all his guff ,
Cliff Carroll would llko to play In Cincin
nati next season , Well , Clifftovus , I HUP-
posoyou make about ibo thousandth player
wbo would llko to do that very thin ? . There
are few softer snaps than u "sit" on tbo
Hods' roster.
Harry Stuloj , so savs the Times-Star , is
putting in tbo winter In Illinois , That will
relieve u good many Nooruska ranchers who
wcro counting on getting a good portion of
it bore , but ns Hurry is nutting it lu Illinois ,
that bottles it.
Lang , of the old Kansas Cltys , now with
Oakland , Cal. , had his nose broken and was
on illy spiked in tha mouth last Thursday by
bclne stopped on by Charley Doolloy , That's
what ho gets for lying around nhoro hois
apt to bd walked over.
It look-i more and more ns If the gcntlo
blue grass zephyrs would have an oppor-
tunuv next spring of disporting themselves
in and among tbo labyrinths of Gus
Sotunelz' whisker * . Ho will bo Louisville's
manager , In which event Jon Walsh stands .a of eating pie once more.
Mlito Kelly envies tlio largo purses that
uro being otTorud to the lighters. Ho savs ho
would confiont to being hit witb a moat
cleaver for $10.000. Philadelphia Proas.
Yes , and Jack O'Connor says he'd llko to
wield the cleaver for the f mall end of it.
Washington's young inflelder , Joseph Sul
livan , is equally good at third base or short
tleld , una Is ono of the strongest and most
accurate tarowcr * in tbo profession. Wash ,
inglon Poit , Of course ; Joe's just llko all
the players you've ' had durlug tbo past foui
Comlskcy , at tbcclos.o ot the season , was t
sick man , but nuw ho has ttkon on ai
least twnnty pounds of llesh , and bis com
nlexlon U as clear and rosy a : n school girl's
lie uovcr looked bolter iu big life. Sportlnc
Life. Have your photo taken , Commoy. and
send mo one.
John Ward has got back from tbo wilds of
Canada full of boar moat tied looking a trifle
frosty. Ho thinks there is still something
living on the other hide of tbo bonier.
Urooklyn idiclo. It is hlsrh time Monty
was discovering that there is something liv
ing on this side , but himself.
Manager Pat Powers is in favor of uiovine
the pitchers bade and expresses tbo opinion
that such u change will iuore.iso the interest
In the game by removing the burden of play
from the biittoiy and distributing the work
among the othnr seven players. Now York
Herald. "And the manager , " Patrico
should have added ,
Umpire Manassau of tbo California league
fin nil Catcher Spins $ . " > during a recent game
and after the contest Spies evidenced his
disapproval of tbo umpire's conduct by
smashing his faco. They were sepantea ,
however , before any dnraago wus douo.
'Frisco Chronicle. Well , don't a smashed
face count anything out in California !
Base ball news is as scarce as lion's tootli
these cool November days and the voice of
, ho magnate Is exceedingly low in the land.
Matters are at u standstill and the club
owners nre anxiously awaiting the coming of
pring , gentle sprins ? , when they will bo at > lee
o try the new schoinos they propose in
order to keep tbo sport off tha rocks. How
veil they will suocend tno future can nlono
determine. Meanwhile magnate and player
can only wait. Ed K. Uifo.
Manager W. H. Watkins. formerly with tbo
champion Dot rolls and Kansas Citys , nnd
recently a resident of this city , has been
sinned by Von dor Aho to guido ibo Drowns
brough next season's campaign , Good for
Watty , bo can give some of the ullogou man
agers of tlio aav cards nnd spades and boat
am out when it comes to olovor work , ana
'or ono I'm glad bo is back with the big
oagno. 'Member thatboxof cigars vou sent
mo , Watty ? Yesi Well , I'm still living.
Cincinnati Is probably tno llrst club in the
eoguo to settle the question of traveling
inlforms for next season. Coninilo tins
asked for dark blue , but dark blue they will
not bo. Ho ratber liked white stockings to
complolo-tho combination , but , after discus
sion It was deemed wise to stick to tbo red ,
.bo color that lias been Cincinnati's slnco
, ho davs of 181 ! ! ) . Columbus Journal. Com-
nlo cnrtamly ought to bo satislled with rod ,
lean remember the time when tbo Ueds
were thankful that they had soclis nt all.
Figure it any way you please , the future
popularity of the uiinio depends upon its
liaving more Ufa injcclod into it and being
an equal coiitostiuouvnonatiaciE und defense ,
which it is not now. Putting the pitcher in
the center of tbo diamond ( whether that bo
Llio present sz < > ' or enlarged ) solves tbo
problem. Sporting Life. Yes , that Is tbo-
opinion of u large majority of tno best
posted base ball moil in tbo country , und
must be so , still it is bard to sou how uny
improvement la itho way of interest is pos-
slblo on a good straight , bard fought game
as it is. Where is the spori that can touch
As exFOcttd , or salorv limit was odootod
and hereafter no club will go ever lu,000 for
Us team , and Ills generally understood that
but ono or iwo teams will go this high , the
expected average being about $ MlOU ( ppr
team. When Hits taken Into consideration
that the Washington loam began tlio Hoa ° an
justo'osod with a salary lisl of $10.00) , the
reduction to say $20,000 is quite suriling.
The Boston club's list reached noarlv § > O.OOJ
nnd a cut to 10,000 will be a big item. The
oiypr clubs will also reduce and It Js esti
mated fully $100.000 will bo saved imxt year
in the matter of salaries. This is most im
portant and gees to show that the mairnatos
uro determined to got in the game and ro p
sonio nf tbo golden fruit wnlch'has boon for
several years absorbed by tbo players.
In casting about for a reason of the decline
in base b.ill , the ilcklo tomnoramont of tbo
American people must be taken into account.
Itdoosnot requite n great stretch of the
imagination to go back to the roller skating
craze , when ove'.y hamlet bud its rmkand tbo
Investor bucaino rluh in a day , as It were ,
But the very cruia added tovoat off its
novelty , and garrets und colluru now
hold ( ho discarded rollers. An au
thor who li famous ono year Is for-
cotten the next , u fad taken up this week Is
dUcardod the noict. The bicycle Is now on
tbo top wave of popularity and is ox-
pcctod tn increase lu favor , Base ball held
tbo boards as tbo leading outdoor attraction
for many years , but seems to bo golni ; into
that fatal decline which has been tbo deatta
of other sports. Overproduction has ueen
the reason that these sports ceased to bo a
novoity and became a drug , und what was
fatal to the otners may bo what has been
fatal to basa ball. But tt will cuuhoi again.
It , is the only game after all. Sportlnc
\MilHi > orini4 of tint U"li ( > ( ] .
It \vhisnnrod Hint Omiha is soon to have
a full-Hedged bicycle factory.
No more club runs this season ! Will you
bo in it next ? Of corn-so you will.
The Omaha Wheel club hold their raiular
monthly business meeting next Tuesday
The Tourists took tboir regular Sunday's
spin last Sabbath morning , their destination
being Florence lake.
The Tourist Whcolmon will hold their roz-
ular monthly business mojtinc Thursday
ovonlnc of this week ut the regular placo.
The total meual mileage for the Tourist
Wheelman will bo published In next Sun-
aav's 13iiit boms too long'by for this issue.
Tills beats the record. Jaino ? Ktbortsoii
of LfUuriston , Scotland , aged 7J. has ridden
2,7Ur > miles on mi ordinary bloyclo , weighing
sovor.ty-two pounds , during the season.
Tno Omaha Wheel clnoliousa ojgins to
assume Its wonted appearance these cool
evenings , the boys prafori'i ' ? to spend their
time around the co/y grata tires nnd In
tno billiard rooms to roaming around on
their bikes.
What's tbo matter with getting up a big
theater party for some evening this winter !
Make it u general ono , every wheelman in
town boi'lg invited. Thera never wns a
more successful tlieator party than the ono
given last year in honor of James T. Powers ,
If Mr. L. E. Holton's plans mature , wo
will have on nnmour tag-of-war at the
Jollsoum shortly. Tbn tiitf-of-wni' will bo
jotwccn several of Omaha's fast amateurs ,
who will run several heats each , evnuly , tbo
tournament to list for six evenings. All of
; ho race's will ba run on safeties , providing
.ho turns In the present track can bo raised.
As a result of the recant election of tlio
Mobrnska division , League of American
Wboolmen , the following gontlcmon now
mill responsible otll.-os In the division :
3hlef consul , A , U. Porilgo , Omaha ; Harry
Dannlg , vice consul , Fremont ; C. B. Isico-
detnus , secretary nnd treasurer , Froinont ;
James E , Kborsolo , roprosoiitullvo , Oinnhu.
Now for a good list of loaiuo hotels , active
and cnorgotlo local cousuls nnd a general
boom for the division wo can stand it.
Are you interested in the improvement of
the country roads throughout tbo land. ' If
so call around at M. O , Daxoi's or A. . II.
Porrigo's stores und put your name down
on tbo petition to con gross for the establish
ment of n road commission und n school
whore roud improvement Is t audit. Petition
lists are boiiii ? distributed all ever fan coun
try by that hustliag Chicago ovcllug paper ,
"Tho Bearings. " ' .Vlien . the lists have all
been filled they will bo collected and for
warded to Washington. Omaha should bo
represented by overwlieelmuii In tbo city.
For Just turao hours iho Tourist Wheel
men owned thomagnlllcont Hotel Dollono on
Wednesday evening , November ! )8 ) , the occa
sion bain ? the annual banquet ot the popular
road club to celebrate tbo closing of tlio
riding season a soaso'i which has boon the
most successful of any the chin has known
since its organization. Tlio bmquoi , HS Is
the custom of the club , was given nt the
very last called run , this b inir the second
iho club lias given , The club had looked
forward to tbo closing of tbo bo.ison for sov-
ural weeks und in uiitldpaliou of the nan-
niiet which was forthcoming , arrangements
bad boon made with Mine Hoit Used of the
Dollono by tbo entertainment com
mittee several days bofora the ban
quet was announced , The committee
when approached only promised a good
time , but the ilfty club men who assembled
In the hotel pailora HUlu dreamed of the
glorious food lime tu store for them. The
affair wu > the most brilliant of this year's
ovcliug events anil was a botittlng wlndup of
the season. Immediately preceding the
banquet the club InauU'oU-in a llvolv llttlo
spin of about ton mlloj , tlio captain and
lieutenants piloting the club on their way.
\t Iho hotel tno oftlccrs Informally dls-
baiuloil , the club and the pleasant called
club runs lor 'OJ were nt an ond. Tno club
men wbo had taken part in the run were
then ushered Into thi tastefully decorated
und olegantlv furnished parlors , where other
clubmen bud already assembled , A short
mubioal program was then listened to In
which Pi of. Shopp and Uoy II. Walker dt -
tlntulshed themselves. Shortly after 9 the
big doors to the dining roam wore thrown
open and the cyclists fathered arounu the
festive board , such a spr2ad ! all the deli
cacies of the season , served by the hotel's
cuntlemanlv corps of waltrrs , to which the
merry wheelmen did ample justice. Tlio
"Tourist Wheelmen" punch bowl was ono of
the features of tbo evening. Toasts were
proposed ana drank , mingled with merry
josts. Short spocchus were tnndo by Captain
Pottor. President flarnum , Messrs. Daxon ,
Schneider , MooJy , Cullv and others , nnd tbo
pleasant hour whisked away before tlio
feasters were aware of it. After the ban
quet the club adjourned on nvisso to the par
lors again wbero tbo balance of the evening
was spent In masic-aud doncinsr. As the
clock struck twclvo , the jollv fellows bid
the host coo'd night and wended their way
toward their Homos , each fully satisfied that
the banquet bad baon n gr.tnd suec3ss aud
that the popular proprietor ot tbo
Hotel Dcllono was a pnnco among hosts.
The club will always , to a niun
cherish a warm spot In tbuir hearts for Mr.
Uood and his hostelry. The committee who
bad tbo affair lu clrirgo deserves THai-go slice
of credit for tbo rovnl minnor in which they
attended to Ihoir duty. Not a feature was
overlooked or spared to make the occasion a
success. The Rontlomon composing the com-
mitloo were W , M Barnuin , J. F. Cully , II.
B. U'hltohouso , E L. Poltor , George Sancba
nnd John Hyncs , Amoiigthosoproaent were
noted Messrs. F. D. MooUy , W. F. flojrole ,
.1. W. Stiydor. H. B. Alorso. E. T. Yutos , L.
E. Holton , E. F. WnlKer , Max Keichonberg ,
M. O. Daxou. Lou Flosohor , A. Borclum , H.
Hall , W. C. Uou.t. G. C. Dodd. H. Hoyn , U.
II. Walker , W. W. Conoran. II. Alountofor-
ing , Harry Mulhall , H. E. Tnegnr. Cb.irlos , W. F. Church , J. L bulllvan , Prof.
Scnepp , W. A. Kmgsluy , King Domnan and
lohoi-h whoso names could not bo loarnod. It
WHS noticeable Hint some of the old timers ,
men who fostered the club while it was an In
fant. were absent , and tbo same was much
regretted. It is stated that tno club will clvo
a series of eii'.ortalnmoins during tbo winter
laiiiMiiK I , in-ill Sports.
Tbo Omaha High school foot ball team is
qullo a team. So far this ( all they have
played live tramos and won four.
In the corn husking match botwoou Harrv
Hall and Joseph Jamns nt Sloan , la. , last
Tnnaday , foi'SiTm slilo , . fames woo , busking
lib bushels to Hall's lift.
Friino Mnggioll , formerly manager of the
Ml Hard billiard parlors , this city , win u con
testant in the Ive.s handicap billiard tourna
ment at Chicago last week. Hoinadoacloun
score lost every game ,
The American Sport Publishing eomnany
has the sporting editor's thanks for a copy
of the second issue of Hie Albloilo library ,
"Indian Ciubs und Dumb Bulls , " a useful
little volume giving full Instructions lu the
manipulation of those instrumunts of pbysl-
In HID riold , uil ( lit I ho Trap.
Largo installments of goisso came In from
tbo north last week , principally Cauudas.
A great many squlrrals , both fox and grav ,
are reported la the ilmhur ibis full lu north
western Kansas ,
' 1 ho weather pormltllng , W. E. Nuson will
jjivdu Ing llvo bird shoot on iho grounds
ncrobs Iho rlvor Christmas day.
John J. Iliirdin , ore of the best field shots
in the -\03t. bulged llfly-cltlit ; qunll in a
day's shoot up near Jackson , la , last weak.
J. ( ' Used of this city was beaten In ullfiv
live-bird nice ( or > . " > 0 aside by Cuptuin Adrian
Anson at Burnsldo , near Chicago , last Wed
Henry Iloman and Bob Wells havn been
timkini. It uncomfortable for Bob Whilu
hereabouts durlnc the past fo.vdays. Thuy
have brought in several handsome nags.
General John K Broolto , Captain Aydrs ,
Lieutenant Quay , of the Department of the
Plattunnd Jobn K. Collins und Al Patrick
returned last week from northern Wyoming ,
whom they have been after blir game. Thov
were vary successful , killing u lurgu uuuiboi
of door nnd anlelopj.
The wholesale netting of pickerel anil batt
continue i ui Honey crook and oiher auja ,
cent Iowa waters. It is high tlrno some one
of the gun rlubs of this city or Councl
jilnffi gets after llioio Ecainns and glvo >
them u taste of the law . By Ihoir iiofariou <
work they have absolutely ruined nil upori
with lino' und rod.
fl Jobn L. Ilroworbas put up $100 in sup
port of a challenge for a
mutch with any man 111 the world , Dr. V. P ft
Carver preferred , for the world's champion- i
shin anil Sl.0'10 a side. The much is to bo 1 *
at : > 00 birdi par mm , llftv , slxtv or oightvft
yards fall , wltiita 1UO miles'of Now York ; ' '
city , between Fjbru-iry I and April 1,1893. '
At the shoot at Bunisido , near Chicago i
last Monday , In the live bird swoonstakos
Fi-uiik Parmeleo of this city tier ! Charlie
Budd. Uollo Hoikes and M. C. Suiford on'
liflean stralcht Kills. Tea Ackormjn ot1
Staiiton , this stnto , wont out on his first'
shot , tuo bird getting away from him. Jt. .
the succeeding matches Tuesday and Wed- '
ncsdav Parnioloo took first or second In,1
every uvont. J
E. D. Fulford and J. A. H. Elliott havoi
sinned articles for a series of llvo inntctios to
bo shot this month. Eieh match will bo ut
103 llvo birds per man foSOO n side , wltn.
an additional § WO a slilo for the best thro
out of live , a tolal of $ .2,403. The places ana W t' '
dates of the matches are as follows : Kansas , '
City. Daoombar 17 : Indianapolis , Dorombcrtj
111 ; Plttsbure , Dooombor 2J ; Wllllamsport , '
December 24 ; IlarrlslmiT , December 0.
Tlio duck season for 1S9.J may bo said to *
bo virtually ever , still the Into bilmy woa- '
thofju-.tiiloi tno bliof that some good bags '
of mallards in ly yet bo made in favorite ,
localities , ono of which Is along tbo Logan
In the vicinity of Bancroft and another on tbo
lilkhorn river. Those Imrdy birds , as winter
approaches , leave tbo open lukos nnd marshes
and resort to the b-ink protected streams ,
and good bags have bjon made on both the
above mentioned rivers us Into as December
M. Dm ing tlio past woo it some linn milliard
shootinir was hud at Uoioy crok and Itlvor
Sluux. The main Hl ht of birds has nasaoil
well to tlio south , but bslatod stragglers
tmv tot afford much sport. The gunners ,
just now , however , sbein to prefer quail1
tmntinir , and many of them are having rare
OMAIU. Nov. : i-To Iho Spirtliu R lltor of
Tin : HIB ! Will you plo no nniwur tbn foliow-
liu In Kiinil ly's piper : A huts the aeu In
low In i-ullln'4 Tor Ilia dual In unv g.imu ot
c.irils. II bets It Is not. Who Is right'/
Ana. B.
loiVA Uirv , In , . Nov. Ml.-To the Sporting
IMItorof Tun HKIJ : To eloi'Hlo a wasor plnnsn
answer the following question in hiimluv'v
IlKi : : W is tlio llinlr bill team In tbo No-\
brabka slate lea -
Ans. No. ,
I'IJOIIIA. III. . Nov. III. To tbn Sporting
Editor ufTui ; llr.i : : Will vou klnilly Inform
niu In your next Nsiioof Tun HI'.MIAV llr.u
which uiiH game In a two-bandiid giiiiio ot
sinon-iip wlion bdth are tie ? A cliilins doiilnr
trots gamo. II elatins Iho man llial uulH the
inosi other polntu mils uamu. Also toll ma
the iia-tloHt way In make money. < \ L'onslanti
Ans , ( I. ) The iinndealor p&ts iramo on i
tie. ( - ' ) Uot u lot of good mud , some'
broken glass arm old scrap Iron , nils
equally and shake until In a Iquid form.
Add a pliub of wall and spices to uisto , tbon
sot In a cool place ever night. In the morn-
hit ; you will lluil It bus turned Inlosolld cold ,
That's tbo way I make my money.
( loiliioN , Veil , Nov. 'II--To Ihn Mportlng Til- '
Itorot TUB IILI ; : In nliiylntfciihhimu ihu fol-
lowliiK pl.iy was iniiclo : A jilayuil an lire , II
played a ilinice. A pi ivoil a llvo , II plnycul it
ti-.iy. A an ui-u , II a four and did not olalrn
aiiyin'n ' r. A N ild lliut a run Intil linen iniulo ,
mi I u.intoil lu puv It , tint It elnliiii-d Hint no
run liu I IICIHI in iilo. Would Ilku your duels *
lun. .1. D Vim iinok
Ans. B makes a run , going back 11 3
SOUTH OMAIH. Nub. . | ) H. I To tbuHpnrlliiK
IMItorof Tin : ItKi : : Have buun luutriu toil liy
HIII iiiuiuber1 ! ol tlui HIIX Alb olio club lo ru-
iiinsl | of you a copy of the uniiiiitnt on and
hlawn of homo iiihlnllii club If yon have
ilium , lu i ; isc you h.ivo not , then plu i * In
form where wo may proouru s.iiiu1 .Martin
AIIH.-\Vrlto \ Provident ( J. W. Amos , Jr. ,
, J iho Omuha Athletic club.
OIIANII ISLAND. Null. Dee 1 To Ibe Hport-
\nx \ IJlliiir i f Tin : IIKKI I'luaso Inform mo
inronjli Tin ; Ilia : whoio 1 jnoeiiin tlio
American hliootliu iibhoultitlon latui for I mi f
IrupV Also In a ilouli e bli' I iniilch 1 kill both , , 1
b rU with my Hint burro ) , what 1 inn n-biill/
HUH W iivur tieun done In u leO yard Hiulntf"
T.V. . Woodura.
Ans. ( I. ) Address M-iJor J M Taylor ,
room 181 Stewart building. New Vorki'lty.
( J , ) "No birds , M. ) No.
Hon. Hlutt Smith , Dos Molnoa , la. , own *
the fi-year-old stallion Onward Boy , 'Js.lO.tlini
wai. given the above rt'coril at Knoxvlllo. li . ,
bv ( loorgo Whitney , Ho it by Onward.'JiJ&li ,
dftin by Aliucnt Boy , bou of Alinont UJ.