TUB OMAHA DAILY IHSU ; SUNDAY , DEQEMKEU , I. 1392-TWJBNTY-FOUll PAGES , 23 A NICHE IN FHIfc'S ' GALLERY An Honor Universally Ooncoded to a Womin of Great Doccb. CHARACTER SKETCH OF FRANCES WILLARD Horror * of tlio Polillng HcilTlio I'nvorlto \Vcilllnc rio\vpr \Votmn Inventor T.ilk Alinut Mm 1'nlr Sex uiitl The llfo nnd soul of. the Women's ' Christina Tompornneo movctnont in the United Sfitca Is Franco 1 li Willnrd , a woman of mnrvolous orff.iniy.in ? power , of tlroloas.oitl and unsworvliift devotion to tlio C'ius'j she ropro-iontj , hoinuino and fame h.'ivo lonpud over the bound- nrloj of nations nnd are revered in mil lions of homos. In the currant inimhcr of the Itavlow of lloviaws , Editor Stand sketches the llfo and work of this ro- markahlo woman. " .Sho was precocious , noisy , delicate baby , " Mr. Stead writes , "who was brought up on the bottle , and who could not walk till a ho was 2 yoara old. \Vhcn bho wns ! t the family roinovofl tc Obcrlln , In Ohio , whore , before she VVUE 4 years old , HIO ! usud to bo put on n chair after dinner losing for the ontor- tnlnmonl of guests. The children -foi nnolhor girl , she of the 'Nineteen Beautiful Yours. ' was born to the Wil- Inrds was hrought up wlili a ritriet ro' finrd for truth , but they were allowed U do pretty tmu'h as they pleased , Thoj woio taught to love books , but tlioj were not driven to housework , and tlioj were encouraged to ronrt anil to enquire , Frances WIIB from the llrst given ti question everything.Vlicn llrst toll that the bible was God's word , aho im mediately asked , ' 13ut how do yoi know ? ' and It was ono of the standing dinicultlcs of her uhildhood , how if Goi woio peed ho could permit the ghnsllj horror of doath. Ilor inquiries wen tiover choclicd , but rather encouraged mid hur mother ; h d the aali [ autlon o seeing her daughter ti declared Moth odlst Chtistliln before aho had iittalnei lior 20th year. * * * Frances E "VVlllnrd , oven If aho had been a makei of sepulchresvould have boon a person ulity well worth studying. As a huinai 1 who is , , in intiny respects , unique. As i woman she occupies u place by horsol apart. A besuillful character i beautiful although its beaut ; ' . blushes unseen , and no ono wh' lias hud the honor of Miss Willard' friendship would deem it otherwise tlur a privilege to have the opportunity e introducing her to the wntusl possibl circle of readers. Hut the .supremo in portanco of MibS Willard consists in th position which she holds to the tw great movements which , born at th close of this century , are destined t mold the next century as the movement born in tho. French revolution hav transfigured the century whifih is no1 drawing to its close. 'The cmancipa lion of man and the triumph of fro thought , which were proclaimed by th French revolution , were not more di ; tinctivo of the eighteenth century thn the emancipation of woman and ti : aspiration after a humanized an catholic Christianity r.ro churtcristlc i our own century. Of both those move mcnts Mibs Willard is at this moinoi the most conspicuous representative. " * -4 The favorite llijwor at weddings th Benson , according ; to Harper's Bazar , the chrysanthemum. The altar lioh largo vases and Japanese trees of whil chrysanthemums among the famllit palms , the bride ehooaos the same bio fiom for her bouquet and the bride maids carry pink or yellow chrysanth mums. The groom and best man Inn u largo blossom foraboulonniuro matcl ing those in the brido's bouquet , whi the ushers have an equally largo colon chrysanthemum to correspond wil thoqe carried by the bridesmaids. TI "spray bouquet" is used for these larf flowers , with some of the blossoms hnn ing downward like pront tassels , and i are tied with many long loops and en of ribbpn two inches wide of a corr hponding color. At a recent wedding , when the bride gown was nearly covered with inherit lace and her bouquet was of whi 'chrysanthemums ' , the seven attonda mnidims were .white satin Empi gowns , the waist of natural long given a short olliclt by a g'mllo of ma bun'JB of bilvcr galleon , each resting n fold of satin. The gowns were prineosso breadths , cut down square the nock , the skirt n very short round doml-train edged merely with a narn satin fold headed by silver. Full sh < puffs served ns sleeves and gave grc breadth , over which fell apnulotl of nnpliqiio lace , very wide a very full. The charmingly wav hair hold directly in the back n uln veil made of n breadth of tulle attach by two lyro-shapcd ostrich tips , qu nhort , and nlacod buck to back. T long white gloves were of Suede , a the white satin slippers had tthii stone bucltlcs. Largo bouquets wore palo pink ( . 'hrysantheiniuns t'ngod wi lilac. The men of the bridal process ! were very long English frock coats black worsted , dark striped trouse white scarfs with pearl pins glvon the groom , nnd shoes of patent loath Some of Iho number were pearl 1 gloves , while others were tan-coloi i gloves of undressed kid. Pink ahrys , thomums were used ns boutonniorcs , Iho ushers , and white by the groom t ' best man. * * * The folding beu is no doubt thoughtless persons considered a ni important invention , but It may bo qi tloned whether it is not the most di I aging of all modern appliances. It ' , [ inndo smaller rooms possible , in r opinion of the Now York Lodgor.nndt [ means loss air. less light and m crowding , lint the folding hod is established fact nnd evidently has cc to stay. , Tills being the case , it mil bo well to arrange it in thn enfost i f' most economical fashion. The fold bed sot into the wall is probably ! newest feature in this article of fui turo. hut ns a rule the plan Is so fai nnd the conditions fo unfavorable t ' nothing but objections can bo urgoc thorn. > If a bad Is to bo sol into n recess in > wall the entire sirnco should bo li ; with zlno with soldered joints. ' . edges of the joints ghould bo turned I against the face of the wall and a r u row molding nailed on. Hoforo putt > in place , the back of the molding she bo thickly covered with soft putty , every urovleo and crack should bo c : [ fully stopped. If this ia done it is ] > hiblo topnisorvo sanitary conditions I freedom from insects , IIB thezinoi bo vashed and , in cases of infectious oiiso , thoroughly fumigated. The t ports for the bed can bo put in v niotnl couplings tightly screwed do 1'alnt and ' varnish are eaon to insect llfo and many e > will not harbor on smoothly \ I nlshcd surfaces The open. f ] > ' , In woodwork are their favorite hau but clean polished wood they do fancy. Uoavy tubuUintinl coupll holding a who niiittroes provided \ supports to keep the wire at the prc A . "V level whtlo In UBO would bo tnoxponalvo nnd a1) clonnly ns Buch nrrnngomont could possibly bo. All oumborsomo and complicated boxing woodwork and up- bolstering are simply a nuhnnco. No bed that U kept tlfrhlly closnd into a wiillbox nil dny is ( It for the sleeping place of any human being , but the fold ing bed , even in its very boit form , is an evil , and although it is a necessary ono'ovory precaution should bo taken to mnku it as tolerable as po-tslblo. To facilitate homo dressmaking , I am going to tell you a little as to the quan tity of slnlT needed for various articles of attlro , says a writer In Cnsscll'n Mag- aalno. Five yards of double width ma terial will make nn ordinary dressing gown. Five yards arc tincdcd for a pet ticoat with two narrow frills nnd two and a half of wide woolen stutT , if a foot frill Is needed. A dozen yards of calico must bo reckoned for half a dozen chem ises , nnd nine yards for the bamo quan tity of knickerbockers. I do nnt recom mend the following plan , I simply toll you that it is much adopted. Many women wear no under linen save woolen combinations , and ever these , in cola weather , full llannol drawers and woven woolen petticoat budlces. They reduce the washing bill in this manner consid erably , 'or ' with sovornl of the now preparations woolens can bo cleansed nt homo most spoedilv. Dressing jackets tnlco two and a half yards Six yards of serge , double width , are required for a winter dross : three and a half yards of bilk are needed for a satisfactory blouse. Some of the blouses imported from Paris fasten invisibly at the back beneath a small box plait , which allows the trimming of lace and. biby ribbon to fall undisturbed. In the front. Wide culls of lace giving u dressy appearance , enhanced by gold embroidered senorita jackets , are to bo recommended bec-iuso they ii"o notllkoly to go out of fashion , , aml the untarnishahlo gold is so well worked it can bo adapted to other decorative pur poses when the original object Is of no further use. The Empire style is the prevailing ono forovoningdress scanty hkirts and extremely short waists. It will have its following , but will bo worn by some and ignored by others , for it is trying and requires the best of good dressmaking. * Mrs. Ella Noilsor. Galllnrd was in her youth a belle of the aristocratic eastern shores of Maryland , but later distin guished herself as an inventor. One of her first inventions was the amusing automatic toy sold on the streets as the "Irrepressible Conflict , " biing the fig ures of an Irishman and an' African en gaged in n Ilerco light. She also in vented the eyeless needle , which is al most universally used by surgeons , and , is useful to many other people. An other and more ambitious olTort resulted in the musical top , which plays a full tune while spinning in the ordinary wav. From none of these inventions- did Mrs. Giiillard reap a return worthy of the name. She was not discouraged , however , and has boon busy pcrfoctinn other inventions. Among her recent patents are a folding basin for travelers , a folding llatiron , a novel bird cage chain and a musical fountain , whicl : renders exquisite music while throwing a stream of water from a buauti till statuette with such precisior that not a drop escapes t ( spoil the carpet. Her most importan and valuable inventions are sure to wit the blesci-i of her own box and also o the mules. They tire n dross shield nm si "sweat blind" for lints ( both fa superior to anything now known ) , and i carriage lolophone. Mrs. Gaillnrd hn also invented a lock and key and n inu sical paper wolcrht. The lock and ko ; invention enables any ono by aim pi ; looking at the key to determine whetho the door is n.ifoly locked or "not , th locking being registered on the key The musical paper weight has a calendar dar attachment , nnd is in the form of stem-winding watch , The face of th weight indicates the day , month an your. In person Miss Glnustono. daughto of Knglnnd's premier , is tall and ritho ungraceful , a defect which is intcnsille by her "carelessness in the matter c dross ; hut one forgets the want of grac in the ehiirin of her face , which , withon hoinsr really Irind-oine , fascinates by it oai nest expression , says a writer in th Ladles'Homo Jon nal. She wears he ' 3 hair brushed from her face in rathe 3o 3d severe stvlo , and coiled in a knot at th o back of her head. Her fprohoad Is lov " it but well shaped ; her "mouth r.ithc ' 0h lurgo , with full , expressive lips. Mis 0y Gladstone Is of n very retiring nnturi y having a great dislike to publiclt ni of any" tort , ana is by n nin menus the "strongmiuded" womn n whom ono would expect t idw find at the head of a college. Althoug w her views on most subjects are o : rt tromely strong , this fact only serves I it intensify her individuality without di ia traeting from her sweet and womanl id nature. Many ot the qualities whic sd have endeared the "grand old man" 1 rt these around him reproduce thomsolvt id In Ills daughter , who resembles him i to character ns she does in apnearanc 10 Ills personality hns sot its stump upc ido her ; her nature bears the impression i o- his. Another loss important subject c oof which her ideas coincide with these Mr. Gladstone is a great belief in tl > u virtues of strong exercise , and she is i of indefatigable walker. Among the deaconesses recently coi r. sccratod by liishop Potter \viib Ml r.Id Id Newell , a lawyer In regular practice : ad Now York with a lurco ami romunor n- live IwsinosB. For several years , sa nL.y the Now York Sim , Miss Newell w nd employed in the patent olllco in Was ington , whore eho was first attracted 1 the intricacy of the law as nppll by to patent cases. Lutor she cirt ) st a largo salary in Now Yo JS- from a firm that made pate inns law iv specialty. Having th ns mastered the patent law , oho was a ho milted to practlco In the United Slat lis courts , and was frequently consulted re young patent lawyers who had hoard anne K , Kewell without knowing that the , no stood for Kato. Usuallv , after props lit ing her brief , she employed male cou nd sol to appour for her in the courts , b nt ? not infrequently the judge , tired of t ho argument of the dull counsel , order nt- her to appear and enlighten the coui Ity \vhloh she did in well chosen and el itit quont language , supported by referent to to appropriate legal authorities. ho There hns boon quite a revolution od nightdresses of late. The old must ho ( 'owns , mndo to hang loose nnd strata ) Ut from the neclc , have glvon way to i loveliest concoctions imaginable China silk , trimmed with all the olat lid ration of a tea gown , with frills , jabo nd fichu olTectB beribboned and borutll re- UUo the most otnnto wrapper. Tlio me OSnd orn robe do nultiti mndo of palo pi nd China silk , trimmed with accordc iay plaited nifties and a largo jabot of t UsU - crimped Bilk edged with laco. T U > - ribbons are fastened at the nock , n Ith ; passing under the arms are tied at t ni. side , and the alcoves are also tied w ! los ribbou. rts ir- It is pleasant to read , In the midst COf all the tulle about woman's Inhuman its , to woman , of the graceful court < not shown by Grace Greenwood to n girl porter whom she mot at a recent roc is : tlon. tlon."It [ > or "It ia u great pleasure to inoe young girl that Is just ontorlng the work I have pursued o many years ; " and nf tor a little she addoil , laying -her hand on the girl's shoulder : "A re cording nnpoll" _ Tlio l.ntrxt Bonnets remain simill with close sides and tiny old Dutch crowns. The old-fnshlonod moss trimming la loylvod , and is shown in mixed colors and all popular shades. Lirpo plaids are fashionable , and dresses are mndo cithorontlroly of plaid or In combination with velvet. Whi to- felt hats are trimmed with lirgo : bows of bright red velvet and aigrettes and dagger of line jot. A black velvet hat Is trimmed with mapontn velvet and a cluster of magenta and yellow roses , with black laco. There is a very strong rivalry as to who will produce the "ooH and most ap proved dross for wear on the wheel. "Cork soles for women'1 nro adver tised. The presumption is that when a wotnon hns a corlc solo , her heart is light. Little girls' dresses with velvet yokes. shirred waists , full sleeves and velvet collar and culls are preferred for ordin ary wear. Fashions for little plrl ? scorn to have absorbed all of the good points for which the costumes of their mothers and older slstors have boon noted. Colored kid slippers and shoos are embroidered in steel , gold or jot , and red shoos have black patent leather toes and very line jot embroidery. Pompadour brocades and velvet or satin-striped corded sllits are used for handsome evening toilets foi' dancing , teas , receptions , etc. No girl fools wholly satisfied with bo ng culled a daisy now. The young man who hasn't ontornriso enough to call her a chrysanthemum has no ical occa sion to apply. The linings of seal nnd fur trimmed cloaks are unusually gorgeous this season Palo brocades , gay tartans , brilliant silks nnd high colored satin effects arc common. Fur , velvet and galleon nro scon on oino of the newest Imported garments. The use of these materials on the same dross is perhaps open to criticism- they are sometimes used , nevertheless. "Ho wrote some versos on her gowri , " siys : an aspiring pooU This leads inov- ilably to tlio conclusion that if only ho used ink to write thorn , and the gown itself was calico , ho got his verses into print. Some very pretty laced- boots , with extra high Spanish instep , are made ready for winter uses. These arojrraco- ful in outline , with a moderately high heel and with room enough in the shoo for the wearer to walk. Short tea-gowns are maao for youth ful wearers in quaint and pretty fashion , the Empire style being a favorite with a round waist slightly low-cut in the nock , and full sleeves banded and ro se ttod from elbow to waist. A pretty night robe has a turned down collar plaited Into wide rovers ; n front and trimmed with rows of inser tion and Valenciennes lace ; this is trimmed with deep frills of Inco , bor dered with lines of infinitesimal tucks. There is a revival in whito-arid-gold china , though it is not the white with plain gold bands of our grandmothers' day. White , powdered with gold stars or llccks , or plain comers , with clouded gold margins , are modern olTocts in the combination. Immense Empire bows with buckles of sparkling Irish diamonds in the cen ter uro sot upon largo round .imts of line French felt or volvot. Other large Alsatian bows of ocru-tinted guipure lace have an edge of narrow dark fui along the selvage side of the loops. A ctylish model for a winter c' oak IE made of a beautiful shade of blue Gor man broadcloth ; the wrap is long and in close redingote shape with Carriok shoulder capos , edged with very nar row roll of boayor fur. This wrap lias u rich plTect but it is by no means un ex pensive ono. ' Turbans of magenta , blue , golden brown and pray velvet are edged with fur and feather trimmed with foathoi tips and ( lowers or with vohet loops , wl'.h a "diamond-dusted" Magyai aigrette in the center. Very becoming are these turbans to youncr faces , bui flowers aad fur seem incongruous. A pretty reception dross is of rose pinl bsngiillno and white laco. The trainm' skirt has a , panel at the siJo , which is closed at intervals with ohiborato jew > clod ornaments. Between these orna inonts pulls of the lace show through. A soft girdle of silk is fastened at one side of the waist with rosettes. The full body and puffed sleeves are of lace The wool ground of many stylisl striped fabrics is of genuine serge , and an nrlistlc otTcct is given b ; a Hut , woven stripe sot next thn shngg ; raised ono and HO cleverly arranged tha it looks lilco a shadow cast by the boUlo stripe. Uornoo and Alpine chocks hnvi a complication of bars and lines whicl are like plaids in tholr Intorlaclngs. Notwithstanding the fact that th popular gloves for the season are ii novel sliauos of green , violet , blue tini other ugly heavy coloiM , matching costumes tumos for the promenade , very man ; women cling to the Sucdo and glac gloves of tan , almond , and light brown for the reason that they can bo appro prlatoly worn with a costume of an color and always look well. Flame color and tool or apricot ar beautifully blended in now shot silks fo ovonlntr wear. A pretty dancing tolto showing these two color-blondings I made up In Empire fashion , with hug sleeves and deeply aruhod yoke of uoli en-groon volvot. dotted with tiny moc rubles. The points of the yoke noarl loach the belt of the s.hort waist , bet . front and back , The silk skirt Is vor cllnginc in olToct on the front and Bide 13 and extremely full in the back. Atwli of the beaded velvet finishes the skirt i the horn. ' Talk Alioiit IVommi. Mrs. Lcaso , personally , is a woman i modest and charming address. Florence Nightingale is still livmi 72 years of ago. She is seldom soon. Maud Thomas , a former student Nownlmtu , England , has started a pra tlcal technical school In drcssmaklni millinery , cooking and nursing. The recent death in Concord , Mns : at the ago of 00 years , of Mrs. Lidir n Jackson Emerson , tno widow of Ualp n Waldo Emerson , snaps an almost fo it gotten link between this generation an 10.n the past. .n Nlnoty-flvo per cent of the women js - Wyoming availed themselves of tl s , privilege of voting for president th ) d your , although some of them hud to rh 1'lc seventy miles going to and roturnii 'lc ' from tfio pollf. In the llvo Swiss universities of Bast lo , 0 Borne , Geneva , Lausanne and /.uric id during the past summer eoinlstor , tl number of women students was 224 , 10 Lh whom 167 were in the medical deput vnonts , aixty-two in the philosophic ; and 11 vo In the law. ' of Several accomplished young women a ly earning good salaries in Now York 1 coachihg"8ooloty women in the topics the day , the now books that are bolt talked of , now worlcs ot art that are trading attention , and iittoresllng nt cities even in more "erlous linos. BONNETS FOR 'EVENING WEAR How Every Woman Mdj Bo Ilor Own Milltiur. TWO 'PRErTY COSTUMES IN CLOTH Very l.nlr < t lllnt * IJpOCjvnil to Intercut nuil Instruct the AVnninn > > f I'nslilou The 4 * rf " Kavr .Mnmlurc Wlrrlnc Tlio Cram for lllJr Itrnili. [ Coprrt hill , iS3.1 I'm sum you \vnnt n root rirolly , cheap rntn hat , onu ttint , wllP stand i.lmost , any thing , and yet onu that will not look shabby nnd ugly If ttio rain you started out In should hnppon to suddenly cense ana the sun should shine out bright ) ; before you roachoil horao. Thli sort of Ihlnt ; happens very often , even tlicso winter days , Well , then , Uko n large nicco of very tlilclc felt the color you want , anil cut It perfectly round ; then wire Its oJgo , Now tnko It nnd TIIEATT.n CVrOTC. put into tno ImcU pnil side of It such proity curvoa and plaits'as taslo may dictnto Una at may'become you. Curvn it slightly down ward at t ho sides over tlio cnra so that it will lit your head. Take tlio plocos of full that are loft ever , and inalio seine pretty loops ana ends to trim the front. Buy a few fancy quills there are some very pretty oaoto bo had that odd a wonderful piquancy to tuo plain tint ana combine with your felt trimming. If you want to introduces ii little astrakhan , all right. It maj add to the good effect ; but if you use only ttio quills ana tlio felt , and com bine ihom taitofully , you'will need nothine moro. Such a hut costs dlmost nothing , and will stand any weather or tro'atmont. EvonliiR hats are pajtjlgfllarly dclicato and beautiful this wlnt K 'ho MR ones of light colored foils n'nd jvers are all ono mass of palo colorlnpar-pjjjvclveis , in prmco of Wales tips , In InciiamPnna braids. The small hats have no crowns. They have only three or four line wires Tflt a brim , covered with a palo shade of velvet , a few loops of velvet m front , a couuldbf aigrette * orn bunch of line llowors , and striags. The crown is omitted altOR tbor , so that the elaborate coifturo may 1340 unhindered to any height desired. I saw a very dainty ono | ho other evening Two small twists of piiikSvulvot rested on the lady's bead. At thW/front were a few fathers of some soft creamy lace , nnd resting between Iny a tiny fur head of beautiful fawn brown. Tbcn'a little tiara of brilliants crossed the lolds of lace. Another had a ruche of black lace all around In place of the velvet ouna , and u bunch of pale hluo tips In front , with ono black aigrette and two bjggoldplns. The lady's palo bIuevbodTcaiwis"nlmoH hidden by a lovely Marie AntoinoU.Qflchuiumoussclino , do som. edged with mco , that was caught oa the shoulders with standing bows. Have yon seen thonow miniature polerinoJ They c.ill it polorluo in 1'aris , but It's moro Illto a big collar with a boa bunging from it. It t < made of u little bit of a shoulder capo , a capo that ] ust reaches Iho shoulders , but doesn't cover them. This capo , usually made ol blacU velvet , is trimmed with white Mongolian fur. From the capo rises the highest rolling collar you ever saw ; also in black velvet , and also trimmed with white far. Then two long bands of velvet , about four inches wide , are fastened to the collar in front and full loosely therefrom to the uround. First , however , the velvet Is turned ever at the top several Inches , before - fore it Is gathered to thn collar , so that it forms a little jabot. The outsldo edzos. the bottom and the top edge , which falls ever , are all trimmed with fur. Five little tails hang from the bottom. Then there's the now Medici collar that doosn'tstop at the noclc , but extends Itself Into a small capo , just covering the shoul ders , no moro , and fittinp snugly ever the coat or last season thut you're trying to in vest with a Jaunty , fashionable ulr. If the collar has a lur edge , and ii small hoad-and- tall boa round it , you will bo far from un successful in your attempts. An outdoor cosiutno , an entirely now ono , I assure you the material is cloth , gray blue cloth , combined largely with tan-colored cloth. The skirt ( lures at the edge wo'ro getting nearer the hoopsklrt dally , you will note aad has a llounco of tan , headed with murlcn sable , and plulied at the bottom In very deep oolnls. Below the hips behold another band , the facsimile of the lower In every respect. A little farther up sea a corselet of tan color , headed with fur and edged with a point of whlto and silver Pin- broidory. Then look upon the bodlco proper in blue , cut open and low la front , tilled In with a tan chemisette. Sea a tan colliir edged with sable , and tan alcoves with blue nulls , aad lol you have caught tbo drcsa In Its ontlcotv. Would you look upon another ] TbU ono Is palo prav made of line cloth. A small velvet - vet border lluisbes the slilrt. There's a pocket such a blessing on ouch hip , out lined with three black velvet banas and fast ened with a largo velvet button. In front , beneath a full waistcoat of black surah , tbo pray boiiico crones , nnd Is carried ever to the lelt side In a square llap that buttons there. Over the wamcoat falls a black vel vet cape , short , and turning back in front In big rovers lined with glowing crimson. Tlie red gives the effect , it brings out ovorylhlng In the gown that U pretty , and adas just the necessary touch of color. , Iy the way , the Kuulim Is not altogether dead. It dies hard , It rouses itself occa sionally and starts up will ) something ot it : old strength , making no snail Impression on these that stand urouiulr Its length con tinues to grow , both nlmvo the waist and below , The lor. ? waist'iino or the Hussian forma a complete contrast'to the short bed Iced Empire ; and it Is.dillloult to bellovo , when ono sees two women standing sldo bj side , ono clad in an Emplra and the other ii a HuBstan , that they arflaflctually ondowci ! with similitude of form. Homo pretty Kus sinn blouses have fur collars , fur edges am fur glrdlos , as well as ejbow puffed sleeve ; caught In a band of fur. The Hinall ncolc boas are , ouch a comfort are they not ) Ttioy canbo , bought for si little , und thuy'ro so veryoecoramtr , For al tbo alleged kohnesf. and sympathy of womar we wear those little fur'iibads without a bl of compunction. Wo puonbora on our huts coats , till ever our powi/w.on our boas am mulls , and never feel , M , all remorseful a the amount of additional pan | our latest fa < has brought into the world. Wlioro's the society that started the crusade against tin wholesale slaughter of tbo birds ) It ouch to add a now branch to 11 $ work embracing such a reform. The use of birds lias bo coma loss popular slnco so many fasnlonabl- - womna pledged themselves to wear no morose so that tbo society has been able to res somewhat from Its labors , Hut bore Is ai opportunity for It to strike out in a nov direction , Would the world of women stand by thorn Or will these poor little fur heads bo'huntei down uutil ihoy are utterly cut off , untl they vanish from all tlmo from the face a this world of ours I EVA , A. SCIIUUERT. There are about 2,000 members of th Daughters of the American Ilovolutloi in the country now. As u mutter c I fact , most of thorn nro great-grand daughters of thu American rovolutlor J of course ; Soap To keep the skin clean is to wash the excretions from it off ; the skin takes care of itself inside , if not blocked outside. To wash it often and clean , without doing any sort of violence to it , re quires a most gentle soap , a soap with no free al kali in it. Pears' is supposed to be thq only soap in the world that has no alkali * * * in it. it.All All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. If yon 1mvo I'rocklos Is nnxl your fiico Is lo Ulrty. Godliness. How to Cure Freckles IN 3 DAYS. MME. M. YALE'S FREGKLR WILL DO IT. Since llio bCKlnnlngoF tlio world pretty rnooi Inva been spoiled with freckles iiuil tin ! imut beaiHIfu complexions Million up by these unslclitly blemishes. LA FRECKLA In llio onlr euro ever known Dlscinrred by MM1S Al. Y.M-K , the worM-fnnicrt Benin > ami Complexion bnertallHt. .Mine. Vain han treated uriinnail liiMid- of Kuropo. Indies of tlio Wliltu lltm o.in : I tlio celohs titles ot tlio world. Wrltn her In conllilonco. blui c n timko you beautiful , Hliucun nmko you yountf ncaln. Turn Bray Inilr to Un rritiiml color. Noilyo used nothing but ini'diclne. Miociu develop your bpftt.Hll out your MinUtm client , rnreou of any skin blemish , bcnil tor her faiuoui llenuty Hook. It will be in.illcil you free. All of Mine. Zulu's remodloi will bo shipped you from ChtciiKo , or ) ou can eel tUem from your druggist. Ho will tot them for you. Go to yourilruj-'clst on Momlny anil net n bottle of La Freckla , tuko It home nml npply II tira > rllii to directions on Momlny.Tutsdny niul Woilne'dny , nnd on Sunday you will not huvun ireckle. Yournim- plevlon will bo us pcrlcct uswliea a little baby. This Is absolutely true. 1'rlco Sl.OO. Mme , M , Yale's Temple of Beauty , 146 Slate St. , r. S.-Send for M M K- VALH'S val MaiIDepl.52 nnblolleauty . Hook Free. FOR FAT FOLK. Dr. Edison's FAMOUS PILLS AND BANDS and OBESITY FRUIT SALT reduce your weight without dlotlne ; cures the causes of obesity , such as dyspepsia , rheumatism , nervous ness , catarrhkidney troubles ; keeps you healthy , and beautifies the com plexion. OiiiCAOolioAun I'Knln write you to say f have lost in jiotiiius , iniikliiK' pounds lost In 10 wculcs by asliis 4 I'ottlus ' of Dr. Killson's Obesity 1'llla nnd wcnrlnsr hlsOboMty Hand. Very truly youra , ( JHAHLES II. KINO. i'rof. HAI.K , Chicago University , wr-tcs to the Uhlcazo llcralO. Sept. 18 , 1SJJ ; Corpulent mou should nay some attention to rcdiiolnx tliolr wolsht When a man Is ; roubluil with rhouimillam , dyspepsia. Kidney [ rouble or nervousness thu reducing ot wolKht .B slower , until the Obesity 1'llls have cured thn dlscaso that caused ohcslty. L'he pilla soften and bnautlfy tlnvskui of the { aeo. I am at liberty to olto u cast ) In nolnt. Undot ny advice Mr , Armour used nn Kulson Obesity Hand .iiid ; i bottles of 1'llls unit lost 2. ) pnunda .11 fl weeks. Other patients have been equally ruccessful. Limit. G. A. PCOTT. Revenue ) Culler Ilamlln writes to tltg I'orriMponiIiMicK iJupartinem nf llm Now Voik giinclnv World : Tliroo yoari ace I wolRheil KGS pounds , bm afturtislnz Dr. Kdlson's popular Obesity Pill' mill Halts I reduced tn 1C' ' ) pcinniU nnd naallj Ifeop at thin wnlsnt. I saw how union othui corronpniidunthpt your valuable papurs won l.imollltcd aud wl.slio to otho Ur.'s. treat inent a trial. Dr. Edison's Obesity Fruit Salt is tin best anil simplest remedy for regulnlinj the ucllon of the liver that has boon ills covered. The printed formula on tin label of the Fruit Salts shows their vnlui to sufferers from excessive fat or Hash Band measure at Noa. 1 , 2 , ! ! , Prlci $2.50 to 80 Inches , nnd 10 cents extra fo each additional Inch , Pills $1.50 a bottle , or three bottles fo $1.00 , enough for ono treatment. Obesity Fruit Salt $1.00 per bottlo. You can buy the Pills , Hands and Sal direct from our atoros , or by mull or ox press. CSfCorrospondoneo nnd goods forwat ded in plain , sealed package. NOTICK. Dr. Edison's Eloctrlo Belt nnd Finger Rings nro sold at our stores Send for our special Electrlo Belt Clrct lar , sealed. Kloetrlo Bolts $1.00 and up. Insoles C cents per pair. For Sale bu IJruonlsLs. Wholesale druggists of Now York Clt who carry our goods in stock : Charles N. Crittonton & Co. , McKos on & Rabbins , W. TI. SchlolTolin & Ce And other loading houses LORfNG & CO. , Proprietors and Gon'l Agents , 42 F West 22nd St. , Now'York Clt' ' ' 10 F Hamilton Pluco , Boston , Mas' 84 P Eaat Washington St. , Chlogo II Cut this out and keep it , and send fe our full ( eight column ) article on Obesity. He nil | if In MlfuddrrAM-il luiu petit vrlopu for vulutilile luroruintloit i KurJIuffdlrr. h'J'H V lUIIT < : i Ull rorrt poni1ctit'e fuuOdtntt ITvi , t UidAt-U , U SAVE YOUR TAGS. TO THE CHEWERS OF PLUG TOBACCOS , WE OFFER FREE Aii Elegant 300 Gold Watch FOR ' i'S. This wntcli Is stem wind nnd stem sottop , 18 size open face , n flna American movement , with patent dust proof snfety pinion , and. guaranteed to bo u first class tlmopleco in ovorv respect. A Handsome 50 Silk Umbrella FOR Tags. This Umbrella is gents' sUe , 23 inches nnd 8 ribbed pnragou frame , With fine handles of natural wood and ' attractive silver- trimmings. A Fine 4-Bladed 25 Pocket Knife FOR This knife hns beautiful white or sing handle , 8 or 4 blades , solid patent back , and is mndo of the very bsst steel , combining highest quality and durability. These brands are well Icnown nnd give perfect satisfaction wherever sold , asve onlv manufacture fine plug tobacco. Try them. them.Any of the above offers sent promptly on receipt of the required number of tags. This offer will continue after January 1st , 1800. Write your name nnd addreos plainly and mnil to PERKINS & ERNST , Covington ; Ky. NOTICE What some of the dealers of Omulia [ who are handling PALM LEA1T TOHACCO ] say : OMAHA , Oct , 23 , 1891 ! . To whom it may concern Wo the undorsijinotl dealers of Omaha , are handling PALM LKAP TOnACCO , and will say , wo find it in quality equal to any pound lump wo have ever handled. When sold to n customer ho will call for It again. The deal connected with It ia a square one , and tlio host wju have over seen. Fur ther , wo cheerfully recommend it to any dealer who will take an interest in show- in" it. .T. P. Tar ploy , H',20 DoiiRlns St. T.V. . Ponnoll , 1SOG , S. 13th St. R. Costello , SOG N. Kith St. Von KroRO & Pnhl , 17th and Clark St. Viors Bros. , 019 S. 13th St. F. .T. lllb.ik , 1821 Clark St. M. F. Tinuns , i22t ; N. 13th St. J. P. Jorpe , mi N. 19th St. .lohnson Bros , Park Avo. L. A. Mlack , 1000 N. 2Jth St Fred Armhrur t , 1907 Vinton St. Ktiuolph Uoal , 1000 N. IMlh St. W. D. Edwards & Co. , SGlh fa Farnaiu Chas Ulnz , 8U N.14th St. S. Omaha. II. S. Stilt , 1115 S. 10th St. Ilonry Lciagc , 2812 Leaven worth St. And many others. THE , OF OMAHA , ABSOLUTELY INCANDESCENT FIRE PROOF. ELECTRIC LIGHTS PERFECT NOT A DARK VENTILATION OFFICE N THE BUILDING NIGHT AND DAY ELEVATOR 68 VAULTS , SERVICE , DIRECTORY OF 'OCCUPANTS : GROUND FLOOR : . , . , . OMAHA HEAL KSr\TE AND TIMJST GO. .i KKUItiSUAT- II UAMPIinijIi. llotnnda Oluiir ; < J IMHEUTV TIUIST OOMPANY. JI1JIK JfcOAr.OHI ) . Hoil I Till ! UKK IMUIari ROOM AND MAIljINQ & CO. . Uoal , KOO.M. FIRST FLOOR : in : OMAHA jinn COUNTING itoo.M. Ad- . IUAN13 I , . HRBVF.S .t CO. , Contractors. viTtUlnit " 'l Biib-LTlptlon ] ) opartinonts. WnflTKRN UNION TIIhRURAl'H Ol-'KlUB. AJIhltlOAN WATKll WORKS t'OMl'AN V. OKNPRAL LOAN AND TRUHT UO. SUI'nRlNTKNDr.Nl.1 UliK HUILIHNCJ. SECOND FLOOR. H. A.U'AGNKR , State Aientfur Unlle.l HtdtOi Mutual Accident Asioolatlon. TIIK KQUITAltl/r Llh'i : AS3URAN03 30 DH. 01IARMW RJ.Sr.WATRR. 01KTY Ol'NICW YOIIIC. 1'HOVIDKNT bAVINOri UKC , of Now Vorlc OHKISTIAN SOinNCH AbSOOlATION. jiAHaAuiuiHKTra MUTUAN UKU INHUR HKH I1UUHAU OK CLAIMS , ANOU COMPANY. DR. 11 , I ) , 1IIRNKV , No-ioitnd Throit. OMAHA KIRK INsUHANOn IS GRANT CULLIMORi : , Oculist and AuriaU UUltllAU , 0. HAUTMAN , Iiispeetoi. THIRD FLOOR. KS ORANT , Contractor for 3t rout tviidbldo- 1) | { . 010AH H. IIOKI'\MAN. walk I'avoinunt'i. ' UNITRI ) SPATES Ul'V : IN3U1UNOE 00. ROIICRT . I'ATIIIUIC , Law ' of Nnw Vnp'c. . cointp ' NO. ' i. . I ! . \V. HI MIIU A I , . r.yUlTY UOIIRL' NO , 'J. . . II. H , I.UAN AND IVVH-iTMENT GO , LAW . . COURT NO. I. HI ANDAHI ) AOt'IDKNT. INdlMANUE OO. W.M. SIMCRAU MANHATTAN LIKfi INriURAVOE COM K 1C. PATTEN. DuutUu I'ANY. ANOUO-AMKltlC'AN MOIITUAQB &TRUSC M. U. TRAUKRMAN Atlornoy. UOJIl'ANV. FOURTH FLOOR. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL MKK 1NBUR- HODKI''KH ' ti KOWjraU , llniiiinonil typo- ANOI2 COMPANY. V. M. KMIS , Aroliltoct. l\yrltoM , PATUIOK I ANl ) OOMPANV , Ownoru I'HNN MUTUAL LU-'E INSURANOi : COM TUB . of Ihintlm1 Plac-tt. PANY. JOHN ] , ITIIKMI'niiiiHiiur. ; HAinTORDLIKE AND ANNUITY INSUR OMAHA ( ; OAI , ixniANiii ; ( : . ANCE COMPANY. ] , ! ' . I'.ICr.NUKIlU , I'rosco Painter. . A1KMOOItlv , Itiul KjtuDaud l.o ins. WE11STKR& HOWARD. Insurunoo. UMVCUSAI4 00M * AND UKPOUTINil wns'i IRN : CAHPRRVKJK ASSOCIATION , AUKNOV. i ANDRKW ROriEWATER , S.mlUry BTAPl.KTON r.ANI > CO. J. L. IILACK. Civil Kiulnoor , JOHN It. IIAMII/roN&OO. , Insurannn. KIAOAN : LUMIIKK t.o. I'AOIl'KJ MUTUAIj MI'K AN1) AUOIUENT HOPKlNa .V SMITH , filouojsraphors. UR.J. W. HOLLIUAY. J. K/HAOKKNUKIKJ , ManufucturoM1 Asent FIFTH FLOOR. HEAD QUARTERS , U 8. ARMY , DKl'AItT- ofmi' ; pAVMAarnit MENTOI'THE PLATI'E , asoniuoa. PAV.MA8TKH , ' COMMANDER. nEl'ARTMKNT ' ' . ASMM'AN I' QUAUrnilMAHTEB. GENERAL. ADJUTANT fNSproroKsMALi : < AUMS PUAorioa. INSPECTOR GENERAU JUDGE ADVOCATE. oiuur or OUDNANOR OH1EK QUARTERMASTER. jN ; iNir.uoi''i' : ' < ioKi { . C111E1- ' COMMISSARY OK SUHSISTENCE. ? Aiii.s-ii-oAMP. ) : : MEDICAL DIRECTOR. ASSISTANT SUKUnON , SIXTH FLOOR. 0. P. I1EINDORKK , AroliltooU I * 0. NA8II , i.oaai. . HAMILTON J-OAN AND TKU3T 00. REED JOll PRINTING CO. EDITOUIAI , ItOOllS Of THE IHUOompoii : U. 8. ARMY PRINTING OFFICE * . I UK , Htorouty pln iinU ( lulluy rounm , MANUKACTURERi AND CONSUMERS A3 M. A , Ul'l'ONOU. , Heal Uutiitu. BOOIATIDN. T.A DAWKS. , J. It. 01IR1STION. IIAItliU ) : HHOP. SEVENTH FLOOR. THE ROYAL ARCANUM PARLOR9. A few more elegant office rooms may be had by applying ot R. W , Baker , Superintendent , office on counting room floor