OMAHA DAILY BK12 : SUNDA-Y- -I , 1802-rWENTY-KOUR PAGES. \ ' IMIPROVRMEXNT TI-IR , , ORDEXR OR THEX A.GEL- " If THE SMITH gREMIKR TYPEWRITER. The increasing business of the Smith Premier Typewriter Com not set the Copy f ° r Writing Machines for 18 years , pany has made it necessary for them to build an ADDITIONAL , FAC but is today The p..Ai-1-iipi-and by its Many Valuable TORY which will give employment to 9OO men by January 1 , 1S93 , 1 ILllJlCl and Practical Improvements and a daily output of 125 Machines. leads all others and is now acknowledged by the Best 'TN/npwrifpr The War department order for 150 SMITH PREMIER TYPE Experts to be the only True Model of a 1 y JJCYVI11C1. WRITERS was given after a decision by government MECH ANICAL EXPERTS. l _ . We court inspection and comparison with other 14 of these machines are in dally use by employes of machines and therefore there is nothingto hinder anyone THE OMAHA BEE. from-fully satisfying himself as to our claims of A large number of the business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs use these machines exclusively ; we UPERIOR1TY. will furnish the names of all these houses to anyone in terested if they will call. Our old quarters having become too cramped Free ed for our increasing business , we were com pelled to remove to Cut this out and send it to us with your OUr NBW Where everyone name and address and we will send you by return is welcome. Quarters Stop in and see us. turn mail , our catalogue and a souvenir. We will be pleased to show you all about our machine , even if you are not intending to purchase. E SMITH PREMIER Li v7lVll ill 11 al jl 11 lrfl i MAYHE1W , Manager. Removed to S , E. CORNER FARNAM and 17th Streets. Examples Showing How Profitable Farming Is in Nebraska , ' \IGURES \ PROVING NEBRASKA PRE'EMINtNT Two Men Who .Aro I.nrgo 1'iirinoM aiul 1'cuilrrs ( Hrunecl Up ( Her 813,000 ill 1'riiilts This Yciir Muny Other Cnsim Following tlio Icnil of Tnr. BHK In showing from fncls nnu figures gathered by Us corrc- SDonUouts that tanning pays iu Nebraska , Mr 3. H. Buchanan , general passenger agent of tbo Fremont , Ellthom & Missouri Valley railway , lias been collecting reliable sta tistics from ftrmcrs in ibo hllctiorn valley , sbo-.vlng that Nebraska is ono of the groat- cst , iftnot the gicatost farming state In the union. This Information , \\hlcli bus been obtained by men in tbo employ of ttio Elkhorn - horn , gives some idea of tbo wonderful fer tility of tbo Klkliorn valley , \\hlch contains BOICO 1,200 square miles. I'liittiTini ; Jtt'htillH In Anuilopo County. Messrs. Huffmin & Kollins nro largo fnrmors and focdors near Ncll li ( tboir post- office ) , Antebpo county , and report their crop us follows : 760 aurcs corn. 53 Uu. per acre , 21,030 bu. , ati'Su $ 9,753 100 acres oats , HO bn. per itero , U.OJl ) bn. , utaso , X 40 ncres rye , 30 bu. per acre , l.'UO bu. , ut 7Uo . . . . 840 100 acres millet. 'Mi tons , at ill l.-VU 1,500 tons bay , at $ i 3 , < UU Total { 17 , ' 15 Cost of labor and usoot loams -1,01X1 J'or thoyeai's work . Jlll.015 A "Jlnrrllilo i ; iimplu" In Knn * < < iiuiity. Mr. V. IJ. Tonlck of Verdlgro , Knox county , reports icsults of bU farming : SO acres of eorn. bushels , worth 'JOc $ iGO Uacri'sof wheat , KM buHhols , worth $ l. . MD 10 acres of outs , MO busbuls , worth ! * . . 1-i U acres of rye.IWU biibhols , worth Wo. . . 1U5 75 ncros fiirmpil . , . J 1,5'fl Nut o.XKMisuof above . 15J Not results . $ 1'aso MndiHiiii ( .iiunty Siiiiipln l'"iu niliii , ' . P. Shivers , Tlldon , Madison county , re ports : K5 ncres oorn , 4.S.VI hii'licls . tl.'JKGu 6U acres outs , V.WJ ImslioiM . ft'.i.tM I'O acres wheat , 575 bushels . , . ' 's'.uo Bold for . JJ.1..7.00 Pa. d for hired belt . 51.73 Not results , . IS,03i.S3 K.I in pin nr Kurmlni ; In htiintiiii County. Louis Smllhburgcr , Stuntoii , In Btauton county , reports us a lesult of his farming : 40 acres wheat. HID busbols . . t 15iicroioal , 450 bimliols . . . . HS.BC W acres corn. ' . ' ,4iU liiisliuU , . , . hiu.ui IJucrcB mlllut. 'ill tons . SO ttcrca otler ) buy , 40 tous . I'.UUC WorK nil performed by lured help. . . , Not results . . . $ Ciimlnir County Suiuplu A. Chauibor , West Point , reports ! 8) acres wheat , 15 nn , per nero , 5.'i bu , bold , tut worth 6tlo bn ' ' not pur t . 02.5 ( 125 iioics corn , 41 bu. per afro , 5.OJ . bu. , cost to raise It t > par uciuorth 1,530.01 60 hogs , worth * U purbuad iiK'.o ' 70 bead cuttle , worth t.5 per head 1,7'iJ.u. II.OIS.S Tool : homestead In 1607. Had nothing ti start with. Had no children largo ouougt to help. Would soli out for fJO.UOO. Hobert Hanson , Wet Point , reports ; " . caino here In 18S3. Hud SUM. Now csngci { ( ,000 for what 1 bavo. " Fred NltzVojt Point , reports : "Came hero In 1B07 , Had no money after paying my homestead foe. Can sell out now foi IS.OOO.1 A buinplti lu IJoilfu Cuuuljr. John \Vltt , Scrlbuor , Dodge county , re ports bis orop raised , sold and not results as follo-.vs : 3. > arros wheat , S2. > busbolss HO acres corh , Ti. U bushels : 4i ! ncrcii oats , 1,440 bnsbuls. bold nil fur 83,214.00 raid for belp and expense ? COO.UU Louring mo for tbo year's work $ , ' ,011.00 From nn Average Kiistorn Xclirnnkn Kami K. M. Twaddall , Irvlngton , JJouglas county , roporta bis crop , sales and not re sults as follows. Write mm for verification : Sixty acres corn , 4.500 bushels ; 40 uercs oit , S.UUI liusbo's ; " 0 acres rye. fiOU hnshals ; 10 acres Oarluy , 403 bushels : , I ! ) acres hay. 12J tons. So ! . , all for. . . $ 2.TOI raid for help and throahlns 3bJ R not $ 1.VJ84 Ituport Ironi Uuric Couniy. Many farmers > n Roclc county have gene into the buy Business qutto extensively. The following 19 n fair average of what can bo made from 100 aoros of land : You can cut UJO tons of choice hay that will tell on nn nvoraco for $4.50 a ton on board cars nt either Bassott or Newport. It will cost to cut , bale ana loaa It about Ji.fiO a ton , this lo.ives about flilu profit oil' KiU acres of land , mauo with loss labor nnd Jqss ex pense than almost any other crop. Wheat nnd other small grains do well in Uoclt county , nnd In ttio southern oortion some of the best corn llclds shown In Isooraslca are found , and the ctop is mostly solu to fccUors m the immediate vicinity. Itcporn riiini Holt County. James Brook , Atkinson , Holt county , mar keted ever D.UOO quarts of strawberries fron. a hulf-acro patch , which brought in over 5100. Air. Brook makes a specialty of all small fruit. Ho has had thirty years' oxpo- rlenco , and says Holt county is best adapted for small fruits of any county ho has over lived in. John A , Sliivmakor , near Atkinson , Holt county , has tnKcn first pri/.os of vegetables at nil prize contests ho has over entered , which have ooei' In Chicago and Philadel phia , by largo seed houses , whom ho con- tojted agaliibt tbo entire United States , CliiMn Kn initli. The following reports are given as received , with nutnos and postofllco addresses , to enable any ono to verify thorn : O , P. Lowe , Nora township , Nuokolls county , has : 100 acres of cnrn.5r03 bushels , at .1 Jo.$1,500 00 : iu acres of o its , tlJJ hiihlui 8. at'o . . . . aw uo JJ acres of wheat , tilO biiblio a , at 50o. . . 4 .I ) no ti.l'M UO Cost of raising , etc. , seed corn and pliintmg i'iO 03 Cost of raising , ute , see.I o.its and putting 5260 Send and nutting lii ou 1'ald hlicd help 7,1 M ) I'aiit tn.Nes oa quintet section. . IB O'J ' / 1 50 Net icsult ono year flfl4 ( 50 The Superior ( Jattle company , Superior , Nnckolls county , bus : IWO acres of corn , 15,000 Inihliols , worth$1.503 00 Cost of labor , buud , uathcrluoto I.UjO 00 Uoliirn from year's work tJ,15t ) 00 A Nut 1'rollt of 7.Fir.l ) . John Sturgeon of York , York county , thus answers an inquiry : Yes , 1 have a good arm. I bavo : 1'J'ncrcsof corn.7,100 bu. atirio t s.y& 4uiuresof wbuat-,0)0 bu. . at 5c 1,0-0 50 ncres of O'lts , " . ' .i'Sj bu. . at .V < i. ' 4M lUUucrusof timothy anU clover liuy. , . . . 1,030 14.U70 I fed durln ; the winter of 1S01 4JO litnul of steuib and oxporteu them to Jilvnrpoo' , Lii ? , , roaluln ? In clour j piotll J 3,5:0 : ) My ho'p in carlnir for this cost mo 7-M My net proflt from my farm WAS , t 7,550 DIIWV * County. Dawes county , lying next to the cxtromo noithwesti-rn couutv in ibo state , and tbrougli tbo center of which runs tbo Fre mont , HlUborn & Missouri Valley railroad , being B kc < i to conlributo inforinailon ute Ibo success of farming , replloi : William McCaulley , postofllco U'bltnoy , bad forty acrei ot fall wtioat which yielded 1,0'J-J bushels. A , boadlx , postofllco Crawford"Dawos county , raited uoout thirty acres of wheat ; had forty bushels to the ncro ; sold it for 70 cents per bushel , S.itlHllcil With Cherry County , Tbo following ronort is clipped from ibo Valentino Republican : "Dnar Sir At your request I v/rlto you a few lines in regard to wbnt I have been doing In Cherrv county for the last eight years. Tbo first five yo&rs 1 was horn I raised plenty to live on and plontv to food my stock , and Ivas well batislled , as it takes about that long to got n start on n raw cl&im. In 1SSO I sold about $ " > 00 worth of stock and uratn ; in 189J I sold f'JOO worth of block nnd cram ; in 1S01 I sold ? 1.4i2 ( worth of stock and grain. When I came hero I iuyi ono team , three coxvs and fd in money , and filed on a homestead and trco claim. I now have GIO acres of land and aboutl. 000 worth of stock. I have put improvements ou my claim to the amount of 51,200. I don't care about laud advancing In prlco , as it is good oiiough for mo , and 1 am uointr to got oil of it I can. Yours trulv , J. E. A Xew Imlimry In Holt County. A now industry lu Nouraska reports as follows : A largo chickory factory has just boon opened for business nt O'Neill ' by Buzzolman & Hazlot. This is n now industry for this county that promises well. Messrs. Bazjel- man & Hazlot have just harvested 100 ncros of chickory , wblch will yield six tons to tbo aero at the lowest estimate. They also con tracted with a few rosponslblo Uncs for 100 acres moro. ngreolng by contract to pay the farmers 10 per ton up to September 15 , and from ' optonibor )5 ) to October 1 $ 'J ; from ana after October 1 is per ton. At n ulauco ono can sco Unit this wtll In lima bccomo n great maustrv in this country , as soil and climate In Holt county soo-n to bo rjartiou- lurlv adapted to tbo raising of this root. Mr. Hazlct says that they will put in over 1,000 ncros next yoar. The faolory will employ Lwonty-llvo hands to manufacture tbo chlok- ory for tbo market. Hun n ( lorn County. John' Moss , baundors county , furnishes the following , I had : IK ! acres of corn . 7,050 bn UO acres of oats . 1.8JO bn Sold all for . iJ.llJ,5tl ! The total expenses for the year were. . 775.00 Net proflt for the year's work . $ . ' ,475.50 Cluy County. Henry Holme ! , Harvard , furnishes tbo fol lowing , I baa : < acres of wheat . 1.215 bu 40 acres of corn . 1.40J bn 25 acres of hay . M tons Sold all for . JU77.70 l.ild for help . 50.0J Not proflt . . . . 41.3J7.50 Slicruliin County. D , I. Tuylor , Hay Springs , reports as fol lows : Had 10) acres of wheat . 5010 bu " 0 acres of oats . Ki ) Uu lOacrosof mlllut . Iti tons Sold all forJl.JHK.OO ; nald $1,200 tor tbo liind it grow on , onlv a short time ago ; did all the work myself ana palu nothing for help except threshing. hloux Couuly. Sioux county reports that there are 600,000 acres ot land open In that county yet , ex cellent water , good roads , line climate , no countv bonus and as good a wheat country tu the Jim rlvor valley In South Dakota. Aniniif ; tlio Local llnmomen. William Burgota of Ore to Is ono of the leading western brooders of Engllih horses. H. I. Leo of Topeku has sold Turk , a son of Corriundor , to Georeo Wolfe of tlio sarno city , G. P. Baldwin ot Liberty , Nob. , U ono of the enterprising ana progressive stockmen of tbo stato. Hrlttou , a stallion ot Clydesdale and Mor gan blood , owned by J. 13. Murphy , Uttca , Nob. , oled October 25. The Wynndolto , Kan. , association has gene up tbo Hume , There are 7,000 worth ofijudgmcnts stanulng against It. Sotb P , owned by John Koitonon of Pair- bury , U tbo siroof Courlos P , 2:30 : , ownoa by Uoorgo Tolloth of the aatno place. ThoTocumsoh , Nob. , Turf olub will make material improvements upon Us balf-mllo tracu before the opening of next season , Wlnilow Wilkes , S0 ; ! % IB now the ex- cluslro propertv of Thomas Callopy of this city , nnd bus just arrived at bis owner's stable after bis short but brilliant campaign in the south and cast m the hands of Oil Curry. Hobert Rysdvk , 2l3Vi , is proving a slro of speed. At the St. Joseph recotinir two of his colts entered tbo list in winning races Liiza K. , ' ) :2iJ- : < pacing , and Uuy , 2iO : ! trot ting. The former is 4 and tbo latter 3 years ola , and both out of the sumo marc , HOJ Koio , bv Jester D , & 0'JO , a son of Almont I ! ! ) . When Robert Hysdyk made bis record ho wont tbo mlle without a skip and without the usual accompanying runner. Ho is a ' horse of almost perfe'ct gait. None of the got of Lord Hussoll that bavo taken fast records have been paeon * . Alter nate , a 1-year old bv htm.tthiit is owned by H. E. ana C. C. Wnitacre , Lclghtou , la , has shown u great deal of speed at the lateral gait. At Independence in October ho showed n 2:18 : clln. but wj ? not driven tor a record , as ho is tboucbt to bo gocd enough to win some ot tbo big stakes next season. The dum of Alternate is Alga by Princeps , second diun Miss Fnnnv , dam of Fugleman , 2:2S3f , t > y Hamlet , third dam by Bricnoli 77. Too Dos Moincs driving park has boon ' leased for ono year by D. H' Mills of that city , ono of the moat wldj-uwaka nnd push- in ? breeders in the west. It has not yet boon stated what Mr. Mills intends to do In tbo way of meetings next year , but there is no danger of a future fiasco , as bo is n clear headed manager ana will not try to blto off mbro than ho can chow. This track and buildings are really as line as any in tbo western' with such a city as DOS Moincs to draw from matinees nnd bi-weekly races ought to pay well throughout the summer. Ed. Ooor.s , who has bonn driving the horses of other men so successfully for a good many years , proposoi to own a good oi.o himself nnd has purchased u son of Onward , u 2-year- old colt called Amcrlcus , and the prlco ho paid , $15,000 , is quilo a bunch of money. The L-olt bud shown an exhibition milo In ti:15'4 : ' before the silent rolnstnan purchased him , and If nothing coos wrong It takoa no very prophetic person to toll that some of the : i-y car-old stakes ot next year will be credited to him. He is bred pretty ner.rlv right , his dam being by Dictator , second dam by Hlackwooa , third dam by American L'lav , 111 , and fourth dam the famous Burch maro. Western Resources. Mutt Williams has accepted a position with H. N. Moore of Rod Oak , 11. . nnd will bocln hU duties the first of next March , Matt Is the gentleman that had out this year the gray horse , Mori'urius , and the chestnut stallion , Joo. In his string next season will bo Onota (2) ( ) , 2:2 : : % by Shadoland Onward , her full sister n your younger , n yearling by Woo'Jllno. dam tho'dnm ' of Onetti , a 2-voar- old bv Monte Carlo * , dam a full Mater to Charlstou , and tlio Lord Russell stallion , Oblspo , that has heretofore uanu counted a trotter , but Mr. Williams will nut him to pacing , ns ho has an ambition that way , Mr , Williams has been in Nebraska for many years and his many friends wish him success next season with his now string of campaigners , 3 0 uti ir.i/f. Some JnlorrMlniT Fiintx About n Gulnhra- toil Ca o of Nutloiml Import. WASIIINIITO.V , /O / } , , , Dec. 2. The death of Major ( Jcnoral Pope of the regular army re moves another principal llguro In an inter esting cause celobro , that for many years after It was apparently closed engaged pub lic attention. When , nt the second battle ot Bull Run In August , 160ttio ! confederate armies under Lna mid Stonewall JacKson outmaneuvercd and beat the union army under Pope , ono of the union corps commanders , Uoneral Flti John Porter , was trioa for dUobodleuceof order * , misbe havior before the enemy , oto. A lull court martial of thirteen general onicoru found him guilty and ho was cashiered , This con- touce , as is well known , is about the most severe that can bo vlsltod upon o military man , both because of the penalties and their enduring character , Knr yours Porter was before congress trying to get that sentence sot aside. General I.ojrau , in tbo senate , \vus probablj bin ablest and bitterest oppo nent , though it was alleged that Pope furnished much of the data upon which Logon woraod. For It was tacitly admitted that Porter's reinstatement would reflect m no light degree upon Popu himself. How ever , after a light , wbioh for poriUionca nnd tbo length of time occupied Is unpara- lelod in the history of the army , Porter suc ceeded. It appears to bo a sort ol a homily upon tbo mutaolllr/ human affairs that both Logunund Pope should now bo quietly sleeping uudor tbo daisies , while Porlor is an officer ou the retired list of tno army. i am not sure that , the proprietor of THE BKE did not , accompany the party who wont from Omaha to attend tbo mooting of tno Society of the Army of the Tennessee at Des Moincs , la. , in the autumn of lS7r > . Pope made the most brilliant speech made during the festivities of that occasion , though Urant'b , on tlio subject of tlio public schools , made a greater sensation. Grant's was de livered In the afternopn at the opera house , while Pope's was umdo in the even ing at the Danquot. 1 remember that Giant , who was seated on the stage , arose , adjusted his glasses , took out a paper and read his speech in a tone hardly uudiolo even to Uioio sitting fn the front rows. It was suid to bo the longest speech ho had ox or made up to that time. POOP , on the contrary , delivered his offhand , without notes and with tlno oratorical elTeot. Ho uf- terwarus gave the writer of those notes a printed copy of this speech and explained that it was n custom of his whenever bo was to make n speech to nlways write it out nnd commit it to memory. Ho never , so ho said , attempted to matte a speech unless ab solutely prepared and know exactly what ho was going to sayBolltnat ) , who was then Grant's secretary of war , was also ptcscnt on tins occasion , nnd ns ho antici pated belncr Iowa's next United Stale * senator the speech ho was to muko was expected to bo the oration of tbo hour. Whether it wus because Pope's brilliant effort took tno wind out ol hi ? sails , so to remark , or on account of a severe cold , possibly by reason of both , tne secretary's ' sucoah disappointed hU frlouds and felt fiat. By many it was thought that his , failure on this occasion caused him to bo unsuccessful lu the lutcr nnd more important nmttor. At all events the Iowa legislature elected Kirkwood or some ono else , Uclhmm not even making n good show at the election. It wan In rngard to this fuilura nn the part of Boiknap's friends that old 7ic\i \ Clumulor , tni-n seoro'lary of the Interior , propounded this conundrum at Grant's next cabinet meeting : ' Wliv , " nskod the irreverent veteran fiom Michigan , "was Bolknan'H race for thn son- atorsbip from Iowa Ilko bliairliii ; n plgi" "Glvo it up Well , then , because thorn wus a blanked sight of noise nntl mighty little wooll" Grant Is said to huvo laughed at this rather rough bon mot till the tear * ran down his choolts. Grant had u good deal of dry humor la his own composition. At tbo Dos Moinaa re union nbovo referred to several officem were acting in the cupac'ty of escorts of honor to his carriage. Tuoy were standing around tbo barouche wbon ho alighted. Just at that moment a rather seedy looking veteran , full of patriotism and whisky , pushed ibo officers nsldo and forced his way up to the General nnd grabbed him by the bund , saying , "Why , general , 1'vo not seen you since I saw you at the battle of Sionenock ! " The gonorul shook the hand in u perJunotory son of a way , at the snnio time slyly remarking to the officers as UJ passed , with the least appearance of a sur- donlosmiio on his slolcal face : "I wasn't there ! " My recollections of this great man are limited to the above mentioned occasion , several official visits at the War department after his presidential terms hod expired , nnu one evening at the white bouse during his last term. General Crook and I had boou invited to spend the evening , informally , at the executive mansion. When wo arrived , in response to our cnnu , Mrs. Grant received us and said that "Liss" would bo down in n few minutes us the children had insisted upon finishing a game of ouchor In which lli'oy thought they had tbo great general beaten. Wo were not long waiting wbon ho came , accompanied by bis llttlo antagonists , who were hanging on cither band and his coat tails , still discussing their piiino of ouchor In tbo most lively manner. All my previous ideas of bis importurabllity , his taciturnity , his stoicism and stern man ner wore dliaipatoU by tils playful conduct vltli those children and bis unrestrained and genial good nature during the whole evening. I dount if any of bis little com panions were over (1 ( years of ago and yet none of them were sent away. It was a de lightful evening and none of bis great achievements have over boon as attractive to mo as was this irlunpia of him , when be had surrendered to the baby hands that seemed to hold his heart lu ttiolr childish grasp. THIS WEEK -ON- FN'S SI ITT' ' .LL/1M O O LJ 1 1 * -AND 8H ' SUITS AND OVERCOATS CHILDREN'S SUITS ; AND OVERCOATS : J. IJAMBERGKR , Prop. Do sure of street nut ] nuinbor. I'1 1317-1319 Douglas Street. Mail Orders will liuvo prompt attention AVOID . _ . , , -ll' YOU HAVK A III MO USOH NI'.KVOUS COI'KKK r&l If . /s ITKMI'KKAMKNT ( BEST AND GOES FARTHE6TJr Is a most delicious substitute , not only a stimulant but a uourluuor mid Highly Dlgontlblo.