Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part One, Page 2, Image 2

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Wyoming's Gubernatorial Stnvjglo to Bo
Settled Without Violonoa-
lie l < Xot tnrlliioil to Surrenilot to Onborno
nud C.iHi lipiin thfl Ultlrnns ol tha
Stutoto Urrognl/n thn f.agiil
CiintEssi : , Wyo.Doc. n.-tSpeclol
Kratn to Tun Br.n.J The gubernatorial
struggle still conilnucs , Ihough the lutouse
feeling nt lirst displayed has bson "soiriowbal
ullayed The proclamation Issued by Os
berne Friday wns followed bv one of Bar
ber's composition today Tno latter docu
inont Is qulto longthv nud sots forth bow hi
fell heir to the onico of governor bj
tbo resignation Senator Warren. Thoi
tollo'.vs his slaiement of the present exist
QIICO of his oWclal capacity , which will con
tlnuo until n successor Is lawfully declarci
olcctdd to the vacancy. It then stales hov
Osborne bv strullh and fores effected un entrance
trance Into thu state house nnd ullnmplcd ti
nssumo the duties of tbo oftlco of governor.
The nctloti of Osborno ls declared to bo uti
lawful and nil citizens are culled upon to ro
upoct his ( Barbel's ) authority.
All last night the unpltol was guarded fron
within and wlinnut by armed bodies of mnn
The canltol comitilssloner bail called upoi
Shorlft ICulloy and ho bad a strong force ii
Iho building.
> o Vlnlcncn Attoinptud.
In ovcrv room on thu llrsl lloor was at leas
n couple of men who kept a sharp lookout nl
niglit. After tbo doors were locked POVOJ
friends of Oiborne remained in the rotund
till morning. Nothlntr , however , hnppene
In the shape of violence. Oiborno am
Barber's private secretary occupied the tw
rooms of Iho governor during the nlgbl
Tno secretary wont In the bicu room nn <
foil asleep wnorounon Osborno. quletl ,
locked tilm In. At noon 'today a number o
people , probably Hfteon In number from dil
fercnt points of Iho compass came snunlorin
up lo the capltol. Among them wuroChaii
man Now nnd T. M. Patterson of the Donvc
News who hus been acting us Osborno'
legal advisor. Osboriir had always boo
supposed a prisoner , but wnon this part
reached his door ho quietly opened it nnd at
milted tbo mun.
After n yhort consultalion Osborno nj
polnloa ns his prlvdlo secrolarv Mr. T
Dyer ; a wealthy democratic politician. H
then left tbo ofllco and wont down town nn
hasn't yet returned. Osborno will issue
. second proclamation in the morning in ropl
to Barber's. It will bo chicllv a roitcratio
nnd extension of his llrsl. Tonight over ;
thing is perfectly quint , Ihough quite a nun
ber of mon are about the capltol armed wtt
shotguns besides the shorilT's force Insldo.
KAS it AS * l.l.dHtL.l
Democrats Clulm Thny Will Hold tlio 11.1
itiirn of I'ouur.
TOPEKA , iCan. , Doc. 3. John S. Hlcbari
son , editor of the Wichita Beacon , mild tli
morning that the result of the ofllclal cout
gave the democrats a balance of powo
which wns absolute. Ho claims that So
nlors-Elcot O'Brien of Sedwick county or
D. Hard of Bourbon , will stand with thotv
democrats In ibo lower houso.
According to Ibo olllcinl count this mak
the political complexion of the legislature i
Joint ba'llot as follows : liopuollcans , 7
populls's , 82 ; democrats , t. Kighty-thr
votes are necessary to elect and the foi
democrats could go with there-publicans at
hnvo the exact number required.
O'Brien is a fusion-democrat nnd h
always afllllatcd with the populists. It
claimed by the ponalists thot ho is pledg
to supnort the populist caucus nominee , b
too democrats contend tnat ho _ will insl
upon the election of n nmTgivo tl
nopulisls the slate printer on a compromls
Dlllard of Bournon county is of about 11
same political faith as O'Brien.
Richardson is authority for the stateme
that neither of these senators would vc
under any circumstances for a recalcitra
democrat , and without them Iho ropubllca
democratic combine is un impossibility.
Wanted tliuuItullotn. .
SACKIMENTO , Cal. , Doo. a. Ofllcial t
turns have been received from all , cxco
Alpine and San Francisco countlfs. Th
show that bdtwcou 7.0UO and 10,010 voters
the state refused or neglected to vote form
presldenltnl elector and ; U,0K ( > falloj to vc
for any candldato for congress.
Uoiurns iu the socrjtary ol state's ofll
on luombcrs of the next Icgislau
show that of ISO votes in senatorial Joi
ballot , the straight domncrus will ha
llfty-nine und Iho republicans II fly-two.
nddlllon , there are llvo people's party can
dates , who were Indorsed By thu dumocra
and are oxpaciod lo vote with tbo oil
party whenever necessary , miking ibo lo
democratic vole on Joint ballot sixty-fo
There are two straight out people's pit
assemblymen , one Independent und ono in
j uuit ti > mn\ \ xii > .
Ui'Suornto StriiKglo fur I.lfd In u Kngl
Torrent tn Cullfornlii. .
Fi.EASiXTOv , Cal. , Doo. 15. In format :
has reached hero ibat a family nan
Nlckelson was drowned while trying to f <
n crook. Arroyo crook , upon which Nick
bou lived , swollen by tlio recent rams bug
rising. Nickel ion decided to remove
wife and thrco children , his sistor-in-l
nud a birod man from tholr dwollli
located on u small Island In
rreok to the mainland. The swift cum
of the crock overturned the wagon , throwl
thoocoupanls Into tbo water AIM. Nickels
und a little ( laughter were swept away ti
drowned. The lather endeavored lo s :
ono of his sons , but was himself ovcrcoi
porlsbing with the lutler In Iho swol
slrcum. The hired man , by n dospor
effort , succeeded Iu drawing the remain
son and Mrs. Nlckolson'n sister to Iho la
A searching Party rccov rod tbo bodies
Nlckolson uud Ibo 11-your-old son , but th
of Mrs , , Nickolsou and daughter have
boeu fotiua.
" 11' M.\ltK HIM MAD1
ISxciuc of tliu Captain of u Vi'siol lor AI
litrliif ; H Hey ,
SAN Dicoo , Cal. , Dec. il. Captain Ji
Smith , Just returned from u cruise along
Muxlcnu coast in thu guano schooner L ,
lias boon arrested on the charge of muri :
ing Ucorgo M. Nnalo , n 10earold 1 :
Christopher Hllborry , ngod 1 , " ) , bwoars i
'during a quarrel November US Smith thi
Noalo ovurboard und shot him whllu sit
flliiK in Iho walor.
Caplaln Smllli confessed today that ho
throw tbo boy outot ibo boai , tin only
cuso was that thu boy "wanted to mil
schooner. " Captain Smith said this iu
him "mad , "
Mrs. Noalo , the mother of the boy. Is p
tratcd wlthgiluf , Tlioro U general 1m
nation in Iho oily against Captain Sin
The latter is 111 years of ago nnd uumtirr
The boy's relative's rosldo iu I'ittsb
where lil fattier Is tbo well known aul
ut "The Gatnorlng In Beulah. "
n.iiiUT.i > f > V.IK
farmer * riud It Dlllluiilt to UUpoju or
( Iniln Crop.
WISIISTCH , S. D. , Deo. a. Thora has 1
for thirty days , aud U now , a shortage
cars. Farmer * como from t\yeuty-flvo n
and urnliot able to sell. Thov bavo to ! <
toejr wheat Iu barns , blucksmlth shops , i
liouecs and anywhere. This conditlot
niTutra buyers tuko advantage of and Ui
Oovvn on grades , This same condition 01
, it ) Bristol , Butler , Bradley , Plurropont
WooNfiOCUBT , B. D. , Doo. ! ! . Ttorfl
great laon of cars for grain shlumont Iu
I Vicinity , Two warouousos at Alpou a
tlon' , north of litre , bavo bad to quit bu )
Klovntors hero are rapidly tilling
Farmers uro rushing wbuat to maruo
fear the urlca will go down.
- Virtii < u HnndlU Hill \Vuuu < u und Child
BAN Fuixcuco , Cal. , Dec. 3. Tbo si
hlp Bolglo , which arrived today from C
nnd Japan , bronchi the news that n number
of ChlncHO bandits smoked eighty xvomcn
nnd children to death. In caves near Qunng
Hiiyon. Ttio bandits have captured n
Cblnoso o nicer near Kalhon , for whom they
domnndod n ransom of 20,01)0 ) francs. The
government bcsltnled lo pay the turn.
.U.I I'M.
I'ollrn Think Thny llnvn Il covornil n ,
llriuirli of thn Snclnty In the Ohio City.
CMVKIANI , O. , Doc. 0. Tbo pollea wcro
greatly startled last night by nn attempt lo
murder Nathan Zuokormnn and Charles L.
Kline , two witnesses In the coroner's In
quest Into the killing of Francisco Uarlrzo ,
an Italian with .1 bad record. Carizzo was
shot and killed on Thanksgiving evening by
Patrolman Hill during a bloodv struggle nnd
nu attempt by Hill ana Dempsey to nrrost
him. A mass ninolinirof Italians was held a
few days later and the policemen were hotly
denounced ns killing Camrn without provo
cation. Money wns subscribed to prosecute
Xuckerman and Klmo testified bofot-o.tho
coroner thai Carizzo used a knife ou Dempscy
during the fight. Last night Binjar.zo do
Stofano , 21 years old , who came from Italy
six mouths ngo , wont to SCuckorman's house
on Hill street nnd shot nt him. Kiltie , who
lives next door , appeared and Do Stefano
sent a bullet after him. Neither toil : oftiict.
The police hoard the shots and uipturod the.
Italian after a hard chase. Da Stofaiio tied
n red rng around hU left arm and resisted
Its bolug taken off so llorculy tint It could
not bo tomovcd until tbu station wns
reached. As bo was taken to a call ho called
out , "wait until tomorrow. "
Stofano was bound ever to the common
pleas court today nnd lodged hi the county
jail. Late ibis nflurnoon Zuckoiman , whoso
llfo was nitomplod by Stofiino , was as
saulted Iu the street by Jainoj Liuri , an
Italian 111 years of ngo. Xuckcrmau wns
struck with Laurl's list nud ono ot hi ;
thumbs badly chawed. Laurl was nrroslod ,
The police nro diligently seeking for ovl
donee of Iho existence nC the Mafia hero , but
hnvo not found any.
J'lMfHHtlOXfl J/.l/ti ; .1 ftr.lTA'.HB.V/1.
Mtiimgnrn ol the llotuntlvn Agency I'roson
Tholr Sldu of thu Case.
NEW Yottic , Doc. 3. At ths request of ih
United States senate investigating committee
too Uobart A. and William A. PmUortor
have prjuared a statement tn conncullot
with their tonlmony before the cammltloi
as to the uaiuro of their business nnd th
occurrences at Homestead ou .fitly 0 , 1SOJ
The slalemont wns civou to the press totilgh
nnd roulatns about 1'J.uOO words , and begin
by reviewing the trouble at tno Carnegl
mills iu Ilomo-tcad and Iho causes whic
led lo thu battle batweeu the Pinkortoa mo :
and the strikers on July 0 last.
Continuing thu statement , says that bofor
the PinUortou watchmen had started froi :
Now York or Chicago , the Ciirnogiocampatr
applied for protection to the high shurill o
Alleglicny county. Ho cot.cedod lhal h
would bo practically powerless to hnndt
such a largo strilco and to protect the live
of the non-union ouipiovcs if any attcii [
should bu made to send any such work mete
to Homestead , and even then Iho nironc
refused lo scud mon unless tlio sheriff woul
promise in duimiizo luutn.
Koforring lo llic state of affairs at Home
stoail at Ihu limo the watchmen were sent , i
says : "As soon as Ihe slrlko was declarei
before any Pimtertou men bad boon son
from or Now York , Iho so-callod at
vtsory committee of the strikers , took pos
session of and plucod picket ;
guards and sentinels on tlio different street
and roads and at ttio works. The advisor
committee virtually declared marlial Ini
und look possession and control of the pn
perty of the company. "
In sub.Untitiatlunof this , it quotes ntlcugt
from Chlol Justice Pastou's instructions t
, the grand jury.
Referring to tbo object/ the strikers 1
says : "Thero was only ono vital princlpl
al stake In Ibo contest between tbo Amalg.i
mated association and the compitty , namely
Whether the laller should bo allowed I
employ nonunion men. This Iho Atnalgi
mated association and its advisory comml
too xvoio determined to prevent , by force
necessary. Tno committee refused to ai
bltrato its differences , because Its official
desired to manage their own business , an
moru particularly because twice buforo the
had arbitrated and the Amilgnmaled nss <
elation tiad refused to abide by the decUk
of llio roforeo. "
As to the accusation of the strikers tin
the men soul by the Pinuertoti agency wet
criminals the stalcmont says : "Tho me
wo sent were carefully selected. Moro tha
two thirds were well known to us and ot
superintendents , for they were either in 01
employ at the time or had been previous !
employed by us as watch mon in simili
work. Wo full that these men could I
thoroughly misled for inlugrliy and sobr
ety. Tbo remainder were mon rocomiucnui
to us , arid their written anpllcalious and po
formnnces nro on llio in our ofllco.
"Mr. Powdorly. who Is at the head of tl
Knights of Labor , charged lhat wo otnpli
men of bad character , alihougn ho ttdmltli
lhat none of our mon bavo ever boon co
vlcted of a ciimo. His testimony before tl
Judiciary conimlttoo of tbo house ot ropr
sunlntivcs would huvo resulted in his coi
vtclion of perjury if given in n court of Ju
lice , and its falsity would have been east
shown had bo boon cross-examined by atone
ono familiar with the facts. "
Ttio bnlanco of tno statement , is ilovotod
refuting assertions made bv Mr. Powder
and 10 Iho history of the Puikorton again
so fur us It hivi dealt with labor strikes , o
ginning with Iho miners' hirlko at Ural
\\ood , III. , in 1SSD , Iu all , the agency hi
dealt with seventy strikes , and in near
every Insianco Us moil huvo been assault
and slotted. But In ull tnat limo its m
have killed only two mon ono accidental
and the ether In solf-dofonso.
Snttlril n Uiilnhriitml I.iuv Cum.
Ni\v OHLUANS , La. , Deo. 3. The Timi
Democrat San Antonio Hpoclal says ; T
owners of the celebrated Pala Fox la
grant , embracing 8b,030 ucro In Wo
county , have finally roichod a sottlemc
and agreed upon u division of the oxtensl
property as follows ; The 13,000 acres fro
Ing on the Uio Irand ! river ia lo bu dlvid
between Tnonms O'Connor , who rocelv
18,000 , and Abraham do la Gar/j , win
share IsJIO.OiiO acres. The i.M.000 liumodiati
back of this tract goes to Shorwln & I lam
ton. Of the remainder the Atkinson mini
receive 5.0JO , the Ilobrou minor * iM.OJOner
and Dailo Sanchez 1,000 acroi. 'I'iiu lines
the diiroro'it subdivisions are now bolug b
vo.Vl-'d. -
l.unnch of n Ili l. iU Vimol.
WUST SurcitiouVls. . , Dae. 3. The Chi
tophcr Columbus , probably thu inojt uc
worthy lake vosset ever built , was'launcl
this afternoon from tbo yards of Uio Ann
can Steel Barge company. The vessel !
the general appearance of a whaluback t
Is IntoiuUnl to" carry passengers between C
cngo and Ihu exposition grounds. She \
hnvo accommodations for bout'/OOJ pass
II. gow , nuking ber the largest cxours
II.d. steamer nlloat.
e , ] U.irniit
ItMI1 Uontlniiuto Hit IMnis.iut Through
I hn hnttn Todiy. :
WISIIIXOTOS , D. C. , Dac. U. Forecast
Sunday : For Nebraska and South Dali
Fair ; variable winds.
on For Iowa Fair ; variable winds ; slljli
of cooler.
Local Kcoiinl.
Deo. U. Omaha record of tompora'.ura
tof rainfall oomparod with corresponding da'
of past four > oara :
ck IB1) ! . ISQl. 1SU3.
its Miixlniuin toniiiprttiiro . "OJ 48 = "w
ud Mlnlniuni tumporuturo. , U)3 ) VIs in3
A\uraio lumpurature . . 4la 10 = ' \s \
I'ruulpflallon 00 ,79 , i > o
s a
us Statement showltig the condition of t
ta peraluro and precipitation at Omabi for
lk' . day and slnco March 1 , 189J , as compa
i p. with general average :
for Normal temuuruturo
i\cnsafortlioday :
Dollclonoy since ilaroh 1 1
Normal precipitation , , ul I
ill. llonclonoy for tbu day. .01 I
til- Dullclenoy Hlneo March 1 4.11 Ini
Ina Gfouau t2. HU.NT , Local Forecast Ofllcli
Condition of Leading Members of tlio
Present Administration ,
.Mint lloturii to the 1'ructlco of lnw tii
.Miiltitiilii IlliiMciir Soiito iif tlio I'.t-
IICIIKCS Attached to Unoplng
Up the \Milto 11 mm- .
WASIUNOTON . 13. C. , Dec. .1 , fSpoolnl to
TUB UKE. ] "If It wcra not for the prosl-
deal's ability tn practise law tlicro would
actually bo reason for sorlomly considering
1m monns of livelihood "
Tlio nbovo expression , uttered by n mom-
tier of the president's bousotioltl to Tun Bni :
correspondent today , wus said in commotion
with some comments upon nn nriiclo whloli
was tccontly widely piioilshod upon the
subject of President Harrison's proDtblc
savings from tils salary during the past four
years. The writer of the nrticlo tlgiKoJ
that President Harrison Had probably suvoil
or wouU uy thu-1th of March snvo SlOO.OJJ
from the $ ) JO,03J which ho will then have
"I luvo no doubt , " contlnuod the tnomboi
of the president's Imnily , "that , upon tlic
fncn of things , paonlo who- visit the white
house nnd who hnvo kept outinl run of pub
lic affairs lioro , believo-tho estimate ol
a saving of $10.5,100 out of $ . ! 3JU10 salary 1
conservative and roisonnbln. Hut it Is fai
Ironi corroct. Prosidnnt Hairison will g (
out of this house next March with loss than
$50,000 of the SJJJ.OJJ ho will have drawn as
salary In four years. Where hus It cone :
Wall , the channels for spending money hen
arc as devious nnd various us are tne rlvor ,
of the mountains , and 1 might add tha
$1,000 make about us much ot an tmprosstoi
hero as the audition of a drop of water wouU
make to the Mississippi.
l.tttlo Contingent Kiinit.
"An impression prevails that tim _ pros !
dent can llvo , If ho wants to , out of the con
tlngcnt fund oT the whlto bouse. The eon
tlngeni tuna Is n nichtmaro nnct a bugaboo
It isn't sufllclont to kjop up repairs and pa ;
tbo men and women who work bore. It requires
quires close figurine to maka ends meol
There Is a largo foreo of clerks and watcl ;
men about hero , nnd It talios n great neal o
tnonov to do the papering , painting , Iebco I
ing , carpeting , tn pay for the holt ana Ugh
nnd w.itor and a thousand ether things.
"Why , " said he , "do you Know that I'ros ! Harrison has had to pay the expense
of the slables out of hia own pocket ] II
has. And ho has uud no opportunity to pa ;
many of the loirltimato espouses of rumiin
the homo for the public out of the eontit
gent fund. The whlto house has undorgon
n thorough renovution during the past roil
years. from the paper on tno walls
tin1 carpets , painting , etc. , to th
chinaware and almust ovorvthmsj olsi
in the dining room , the kitchen nn
bed-chambors , there has boon now work , uov
things. It required economy hero , then
ovorywhoro. The president hns boon a literal
oral ontortalacr during the past three years
Thcro has boon scarcely a day wl.en visitor
have not been in the whlto house , and muc
of the tlmo wo have bson glad to have nllou
spare rooms full of our friends. Thcro tiav
been manv state dinners , private dinners
luncheons and breakfasts. All these hav
bucn naid for out of tno president's prlvnt
funds. Ho nas made no effort to stint th
position ho occupies when it came to enter
tainincr ; nnd yet ho lias not been lavish , t ]
nas simply triou to bo decent , nnd to hav
proper appreciation of the position ho hold :
Is Xot : i Klcli .Man.
" \Vnoti President Harrison goes out of th
whlto bouse Ho will not bo worth , nil told
$100,000. Ha will not bo a poor man , in tb
sense of having nothing ; but for an ox-prosl
dent , una a man of his abilities , no will bo 1
extremely ordinary circumstances. Ills dt
termination to resume the practice of law c
Indianapolis has not been solely from u d <
sire to secure recreation. His income who
ho quits this house will not bo near onouc
to maintain him with proper dignity. I mea
that he could not entertain his frinnds as h
would wish and keep un his station in 111
unless bo added by nls own exertions to hi
income. The president has bad to carr
many expenses of.i rmvato nature for man
years. He nas oxtondsd n helping hand to
number of persons who have bad a right I
oxnoct his assistance. Helms been reason ;
bly liberal in charity ; bq has tried to uel
the church us much as ho could ; he has cot
tributod to trio camiinijru funds of nls part'
and , without rogaid to the balance no woul
have at the end of his term , he has bad a
eye single to the proper thing. "
Tno speaker , had It not been indelicat ;
might have added that the president wr
put to very manv thousands of dollars o ;
punso in'the illness of Mrs. Harrison an
other members of his house ; nnd when
como to catering to such demands no h :
known no such thing us imoecunioslty. Tl
best of medical skill , servants , nurses nn
nil the comforts \vjilcli mouov could proem
have been at hand. In fine. President Ha
rlson , In bis oiTorts to dignify and honor h
position and bemoan himself ns u tnisbai
and father , has boon compelled by force
clrc ' .instances to expend nioro money th.i
ho will probably over bo given credit fo
nnd it is no wonder that tno statement. ct
bo bonoslly made that ho will leave tl
white house with little moro of this world
goods than when ho came to Washmgti
nearly four year * ago.
S-vluridS Insiilllciont.
Secretary Tracy lives In a modest tbrt
story bouse , ono of n row on ttio north si
of 1C street , near Fourteenth street. It
turnishcd handsomely , but not luxuriousl
The secretary wus in the reception roc
when Tin : liisi : representative called , roa
ing his newspaper. Ho had just lintshcd 1
luncheon , which ho nlw.iy.s oats nt home. .
llrst lie bositalod to express an oplnli
about the dosir.ibilltv of olHce-holding. Fl
ally ho said : "It is altogether n question
n in tin's wllllngnoss to mane personal sac
llccs to his country. The salary or u cabin
olllcor ? S,000 a year Is bogg.irly. A po
man nuinot nflord to accept a cabinet po
tlon. Ot course , there Is great honor oo
nectua with the place. But , tlioro Is-grc
loss , The cost of living in Wasbin
ton Is very groat. Do you Know tb
story about the cablnot afllcor who want
to rent a house In Washington ! No ! We
ns the story goes , bo went to see the bou
and tbo Udv who was showing It to tilm tc
him that the rent would bo $ fl,000 ji yei
Ho pondered for n nument. 'I assure jo
Mr. Secretary , that tiinlia not unroasonaul
shosaid. 'Un , I do 'lot question tbut , '
replied , 'I wasn't thinking of that. I w
Just wondering what I would do with t
ether two thousand. ' "
"You worn ono of the seven cabinet c
cors who Intended to resign I"
"Wero tboro seven I "said the secrotn
"Who was the eighth I I have not maOo n
canvass of tlio cauinot. It dee not MI ;
much dlfforanco , though , slnco the elecll
Yes , 1 lutondod to resign. I could not
lord to stay hero for four yean , It Is not
much my expanses lioro as the loss of bi
ness in uiy orofesslon , "
"You nro going baok to the lawj "
"Yes : I shall return to practice. Tba
us detinue n plan as I have mado. "
"And the story that President Harrl
was going Into partnership with you "
"Was inado out of whole cloth , " said
secretary. " 1 have always known that
president would return to Indianapolis
practice law. "
"Can you glvo mo an idea of what It cc
a ctblcot ofllcor to llvo boiol"
"It has ooit mo n great deal moro tl
$15,000 a year , " said the secretary , "
stiica the burning of my house I inivo 11
very quietly. Wo did not go out for a y
and after that I knew ' .hat my stay 1 ;
would bo snort and wo did not attempt u
thing. The expanses ot a household thai
are not everything. A cabinet ofllcsr is
poctod to contriouto to all borts ot thing
PO politics , cuurlty thorn are continual
n- mands on hU purso. No , I could not li
n10 utaycd hero after March 4 ovcm If tbo pi
iu dent had benn ro elected ,
Dnr Oillce-IIoliUnj ; I'uy.
! = > TIIK HUE renrcaontatliro found Heciol
! = > I Husk seated at nls desk iu the Apricult
B'l uopartmont. When asked If onioe-holi
Jll pulu , hosalu : "Vou will llnd It pretty 1
03 to get satisfactory answers to that quest
I fear. Vou see tuoio urou _ grout IB
things to bo snWm both sides , for And
against , nnd people.nro llaoli to got those
two turned nrotihuMOno ot the unpleasant
things , tor Instnnitj.Wbout n cablnot ofllco u
lhat tbo salary Is Inbonimonsurnto with tha
unavoidable oxpon cnd a man has to , draw
n little too heavily on his other resources ,
which U nit very Wolf when Uieso resources
are pretty Rood , liutYathcr vexatious when
they nro but inoJWrMo. But Indeed1 ' and
the secretary thoughtfully slroltcd bis board ,
"tno most unploastnhfeature to mo of hold
ing high ofllco llko tills Is the necessity ot
tolling people you tftVi't plvo them place * .
Tbo pressure for'nVpolntmcnt is constant
nnd I am often obliged lo say , in cases too
where I know thovjiWltcant can do the work
nnd that ho or slid ( s m want , perhaps with
no broad in the boilVVj that I hnvo no place
to give.Vo have 15.0 employes In tbo seed
department , mostly woman , whnso wotk is
not Killed nnd whoso plnoos do not como
within Uio civil service rules. Tliov work
during n part of the year only nnd draw n
per dlutn pay. 'Iho nrpllcallous tire most
nuincrouH for Ihoso places and I hnvo bad as
many as a hundred In a slnglo day.
"Ihu ntlinctlvn feature ot this dcpnitrucnt
wns the fact that there was something new
to bu done hero. Under llio commissionership -
ship this oftlcu hns gallon Into n rut. In-
dcud , I was luclinml to doubt whether It
would bo possible for mo to lift It nut of that
rut. nnd for that reason I huittntcd about ac
cepting tbo place ; but I dually made up my
mind ill it I could nccomplUh something , nnd
90 I came noro. 1 have had , on the whole ,
gratifying success , though tlicro nro still
some things which I should llko to lluish up ,
nnd 1 have olhor things l'i view which I
should llko lo gut started and put on a good
footing before f leave. Of course , I came with the advantage ot many years' ox-
pcrlonco In public Ufo no small advantage ,
I can toll you. "
The secretary smiled * . no continued :
"If I had been a gruun hand I would have
had a good deal harder tow to boo ; nut 1
have buon in public Ufo twontv-flvo years -
almost continuously since the war , Foi
four vnars Ias complrotlur of our state ,
Then 1 spent six yours in congress Then 1
was governor for seven voars. Just before 1
came hero. My experience as aeongros ,
man und ns ono of tbo canimllluo on agricul
ture gave tno great advantages. When i
congressman eitno into my office to see me , 1
could nut myself In hU place. I know how
bo felt and what ho wanted. Perhaps lha
is Iho reason 1 have not had any trouble will
auy ono .slnco I came to Washington ,
< VII1 Itc-timi to the farm.
" \\hero am 1 going ! I shall go back to mj
homo Iu Wisconsin , to my farm In Vcrnot
county. It will seem pleasant to mo to b (
among my own people again , to go back It
my own lown and sit. on a box iu front ot
Ibo sloro and lalk with the old farmers frou
thn country. A man can't know nnd under
ntnnd the people unless ho gees among thnn
and links with them. 1 llko to do that , ant
when I have tallied with some llitrty or foil *
of ono class and Hud out what they Ihlnk o
things anil what their condition is , I cm
form u pretty good idea ot the condition o
Ihu clas- > which thov represent. It was Ihi ;
which gave mo such conlldenro in the re
election ot President HurrNoa. I hnvo no
found n single man in the farming class o
people who was dlssati.llod with the admin
istralloii. nnd I have tnllced with n groa
many of them. It was the labor vote thn
boat us organized labor , which votes as i
unit. Tnat class .scorns to bo dissatislici
with their share of benolits under our pros
out system.
"As 1 said , 'vhilOjI jjiavo the sratilicatioi
of feeling that I UAVO liccn able lo uccotu
plish something \yiijla iu this ofllco , some
thing insuring tangible results to tha clab
this department rcurqjents , tnero is inucl
to bo aotiu yet nnd tjioro is a broad field hen
for a man who takes , my place , provided In
be the right man ic , the right place and tha
bis heart be in his work. "
Postmaster Genqral , Wanatnakor has beoi
busy with his annual report for twn weolc
and he has been , donlod to all visitors. Si
1ms Secretary Elkins.- , But their views 01
llio subject of ortlcojholdlng are well known
Mr. Wanamakcr mndq up his mind some Urn
ngo ihnt ho would return to Philadelphia t
resume the supervUjOji of his enormous b'usi
ness there as bnou-as hu could do so. II
would have resigned gpmo time ago if ho hn
not boon under llrt } irom the partisan pros
nnd if ho had not- hat ) a strong interest , I
pushing the platisifor a postal telegraph , fo
a house coJipctionj. pd for. . other improve
mcnts in the postal syveo wnlch. bo haslai
ooforo congress frotn titno to tlmo. Mr. E
kins hns had the honor tlio cab
not and bo wants to free himself from th
restrictions of official Ufo and got hack to bi
homo lifo und Ms business interests in Wes
( ilovo Contest nt thn Athletic Oliih Jtojni
I.nst Night.
Tno Omaha Athletic club inaugurated it
winter series of boxing con toils at the clti
rooms on Ilarnoy street last ovonlng , with
scientific contest botwcon Billv Lawls (
Australia and Aaron Shorroy of this cltj
Tno contest was at citchwoights for a purs
ofSio'J , ? 300 to the winner and S5J to It
The men wera both in fair condition , am
faced each other In the ring at
o'clock sharp. There were Uvolvo round
in ull ot which the Aubtrallnn was the a ;
grosser , and in the work bo cut out , 1
quickly showed thai ho was nn oxceoditigl
clever man. A good judge of dlslnnc
bhifty ns u Corbott , and one of tbo most a
tisllo upper-cullers ever seen iu this uock i
ino woods. Sherroy dm not neom to bo i
himself , and his cltorts were in poor co
trast with his action in former meetings. /
Die tormliutlon of Iho twelfth round tl
rofcreo awarded I ho contest to Lewis , wt
was a clean mid undisputed winner. J
every detail of o'Tenso ' und defense hu It
measurably outclassed tils dusky opponent.
Tbo attendance was good , embracing mat
of ibo city's best known business men.
was ttio most orderly , , manngod , most sail
factory affair of the Kind ever pulled off
Torn Won.
Nin : tSKt , CITV , Neb. . Doe. 'I. jSpecl
Telegram to Tin : Bun.J The ( .rnmo cf fo
ball between Nebraska City High school ai
Peru Normal school today resulted in vl
lory for the visitors by a score of 10 to
T'jo Peru team Is much heavier ihan N
braskn City , out the locals fought well , ni
ronBldorlng the fact that Ibis is their til
game , did woll.
Pintu , Neb , Dec. n. [ Special Telegram
THE ur.ii.l Tbo blnie Normal school lee
arrived homo this evening at fi ' 50 from N
braska City , where ihny played me Hli
school cloven at that place nnd won a v
tonous game of 10 to 0. A crowd of studor
met them ut ibo depot , and when the rosu
vioro announced Iho Normal yell was glv
fro-a hundreds of throats in honor of t
loam's vlclory.
( lorninn iiiiil'llriiKiiii Miitchcil.
Nr.w YOHK , Doo. ! i. The match botwo
Paddy Gorman , ho' Australian wolti
weight , and Johnny Ueagan of this cllyv
i arranged todav. The men ore signed by t
Conov Inland Athlatio club to light for
purse of V-JOO M.'JOO to llio winner and $ .
to the losor. The light will talto place Jc
nary 20 , before the , , Coney Island A'.hlo
I'ottyVlll Shoot.
OMAHA , Doc. 8. To the Sporting Editor
TiniHi'.i : : I accept Mr. Fuller's chnlloi
to shoot him n cilia match on tbo II
Match to bo shot otij the other side of 1
Is ' rlvor. f. ' Si-oo.v Hii.t
n Klllod llor Ailiiptuil Child.
WitM-snuno , Va. , Doc. 3 , This place
greatly excited oyor a tragedy. MM ,
Spies , a prominent ao\ioty woman , Is uni
arrest charged with the murder of Lcn
child , \Vltnos
Starr , a 5-yoar-ola adopted
ewcar that Mrs , Snlcs treated thn child w
n the utmost cruelty , frequently beating b
id that , yesterday Mrs. Spies assaulted iboct
idr savajely with a sbnvulracturlng her sK
ido from which she died In u fmv hours. Wl
: o ofllcora uttomPtod to arrest tbo woman
rn fled but was captured in hiding.
* ' Kllll ofa l.lbcl hlllt.
I . 'nu > uroi.i8 , Ind. , Doo. a. Tbo trla
/e the lluol null of Bill Hitter , piohibll
il loader , against Leonard Iltnkle termlna
this oyonlng wltn a verdict for tbo dofe
ant , About the time Hitter's name '
mentioned for the prohibition nominal
a\ \ for president Hiulilo Issued broadcast a
aiR cular in which bo denounced Hitter i
rd scoundrel , unwortbv of oonlldonco. '
rdn amount of damages demeuded by Hitter
Ex-Prosltlont Unyos Roviow.1 the Pnsl
Work of tbo Association.
An It Ktlnts Tndny It U iin'Olntnrln In thn
1'iitliwiiy ol Ainorlrun I'rogrrss
An liitirpslliig Vlow nf
thn Slttmtlon.
IULTIMOIIE , Ml. , I3JO. ! ) . The counnll hall
of the Acadomv of Music was well Illlod to
night when Dr. .lohn Morris , chairman of
tbo local committee , called to ordar the
session ot the National Prison congress.
Cnrdlnul Olobons made the opening prayer.
Attorney Ooncrnl Pee on behalf of Uio
state and Mayor Latrobe for the city mailo
addresses of welcome. To thojo the prcsl-
dontot the National Prison nisociallou , ox-
Piosidonl Uutherford U , lluyca , losponded.
Ho said :
"An nblo man of largo experience , " sr.ld
Mr Hnies , "has said nine-tout us ot our
convict. ) hnvo been made criminals In char *
nctcr or intention , if not In ovorl nuts , buloio
they were 'JO years ot ngo Tlioro fore the
tiaining of the voting Is the most Indlspens-
able dutv uud chief business of every gener
ation. Hut plainly , immigration , ns it
exists today , Is tbo lion In the path of the
progress of Amorlcn. High authority places
the number of criminal uud defective chuscs
in the United States ut ono In 100 of thu
total population. Consider tbo nwful
M ulllc'atico of nu incroiso of our criminal
population , in u slnglo decade of many tnou-
eaiidn , by immlgraUon from ICuropo alone.
Formerly the love of liberty and the laud-
nblo desire to bolter tholr condition , wcro
the leading molivos ot Immigration from
Europe to America. Now employes ot largo
bodies of mun wauling cheaper labor , the
agents of steamship companies , speculators
In land In llio thinly soilled states , stimu
lated by their greed for gain and , worse than
all , tlio increasing efforts of Iho European
communities to send to America their
chronic paupers , lunatics and criminals ,
have given lo Ibis question u gravity that
has not before belonged to It.
Iti-piiDlliMin Institutions ffol ITniloi stood.
"Tha full intent nnd moaning of republican
Institutions seems not lo ha yet fullv under
stood bv a great , many good people , even .In
Ibis country. Tlio old world lucus still pre
vail nmong us. It is thought , tint tlio gov
ernment here , ns in the uopotisius nbroad ,
ou ht lo uurform nil Ibo dulios , or n Inrgu
share of Uio dulies , which rocioty owes to
It-solf , or to its members. The tendency ot
power is always to the hands of thu few to
Irresponsibility and despotism. Tlio indi
vidual member of tbo organizations isgiadu-
ally sui orseded nnd supproisod iu tbo sup
posed interest of the organization Itself.
Tbls is tantamount to faying that the arbi
trary will of despotic leaders has taken the
place of llio legitimate aim of the organiza
tion. Ono reined v for this evil Is found
in voluntary associations of citizens in-
toicstcd in tbo welfare of their
loss fortunate follow men , whoso
intelligent discussions nro open , free and
public whcro llio pru-ts and Its roprosonta-
tlves are always welcomed and where the
effort and the tendency nro to counteract
that indifference to the condition of the poor
and needy , which is , at least , the eneuiv
most to bo dreaded in 'u Jroo country.
r.umoly : the apathy of good citizens
witn respect to the evils which do
not seem directly to concern themselves.
With n vtvid seuso of respoiibibilllv
to the unseen and constant and living pur-
purpose to aid our follow beings especially
those who must ncedouraid wo shall surely
llnd the lurgoU measure of gratification und
happiness that belongs to this stage of cxls
tencc. "
A largo number of Iho wardens of the
country are delegates to the congress.
Priuco Isonburg accomp.mied Cardinal
Gibbons to the ball nnd sat by him on tin
MiTunr.i.i. .ixj > II.II.KY itL-KLKurmt.
lotrn Mntn Traviillii"iiic'is ( Astoclittloi
Hold un Hiulnrm hosslnn.
P.E3 MOINEla , Doc. it. At the mectiiif
of tbo Iowa State Travelingmens associa
tiou tbU morning President W . T. Mitchell
and Secretary I. 12 Haley were ic-olcutoc
for another year. President Mitchell do
livcred nn uddtess of no interesting char
acter. Ho explained the remarkable growtl
of the association and assuied the member !
that the prospects are unusually bright foi
thu organization's future.
The secretary's report for the year ondinp
December 3 , IfcOJ , wns submitted as follows
Now member admitted . WX
Members lolnstatud . 'JO
Tjtalnow munibor-ililp . 'J,45
host dm ! IK th'o your
On annual ifdus , IsW , and assess
ment No. U . 225
On assessment No l.'l . 1M
Deaths i uportod . 'JO
Mumberihlps cuiiculed . " 0
Huslgncd . "
, . 40
Total lo-- >
Increase . U-M
Munibui > ihlp Documber 5 , 1SJ1 . fi,44
I'rcsont mnniborsbip . 8,30
Number of nppllcatlona rejected
( lining the j-o tr . 47
Numberof weekly eluliiis paid. . . . ufll
.Number of ( loath claims paid . 2
A % 01 ago n moil nl \\ooKty claims M'l 01
Niimborof ol'ilms rolucteil . . . . \M \
During the year ITsS butlons have booi
puichabcd tit a cost of ( ! " cents oaoh. Totn
cost. 5.1,1(12 ( 70. These badges were nil soli
nt 75 cents each , realizing ? liU. ! A no
profit , of fl7s.SU , which appjari in tno treas
urer's report , ns will behorealtor submitted
Two hundred nnd forlelght application
are now on file in the secretary's ' olllco nti <
will bo acted upon bv the incoming board o
directors. Tbo entrance fres on the abov
uumbiir of up'illc.Ulons appears Iu the ui :
nual financial statement.
The treasurer's report :
IJec. a , baliuco on hand . , . $ 1,403 (
Membership fen . f 8.10(100 (
Annual duos for Ib'J ) and
Ib'JJ ' . fi.OM.00
Assessinoni No. IB .
r o. 1:1 : . n.iiu.00
AdvallL'u assessment 7'JJIOU
H'f'd by cqm , on ptusant for
Dr. llan.iw.ilt -2120
Interest on bunk deposits. . . jJ.Viu :
Ituttons . . , Il'J'9 ' '
fcaluof fiirnlluro 1.00
Tolal $ J3OI"
Peu. a.
1'ostago * Il8a85
rr'.htliigind stationery . . . . lttJ.lH (
Olllco furnllnru and sup
plies , ' "KI
f IJultons ' "J.rd
i\presaao. : (
Q .l.inltor
I.lJlit . Hll.l
Dr. O. 1' . llun.UMilt . H7.UO
I'ustolllco box rout . -1.00
LxnuiHoof ami u ul niuutlng ,
Ib'jj ' . .W.'JS
I'ei > sof nioillciil oxiuuliiuri . lll'iS' )
OlliiJO rout . asjo )
ToltssraniH . it 3
Altoinuy's feu . " ' , , !
Insurniicu .
Money lofiinded on l.oys. . . . -00
I'roioatlui fuos . . - - 10H
Mutiny refunded expelled
mumliurs . S-ou
Hxponso of InvuhllgiifliiS
ululmn . ' -M
Salarof boorotury and
tn-aiirer. . . 4.2IOR5
Wuukly liicioniTilty . 2Ai' : ' ° i3
Toot Josi . 1'J.iU.OO
lu ) tlilui-C4 . 10.UOU.OO
Hufundod to uppliu-anls
llulanco on hand Dec. X 1601. '
Total .
Ttio association concluded its meeting tl
ovoningA number of minor changes
the constitution were imoo , Tbo matter
a 5,000 , intcrchnngoablo tuiloairo book was i
( erred to a camimlteo for future action.
Coinliit Itctivct'ii ii Stnorunil a Ilurir.
Hi'Hixai'ii'M ) , O , , Deo. a. A mad steer a
a young boise were lot loose jostcrday In
\ . Tavonor's pisturo nml the two nmmnls
fought n torrlfli ? b.ittlov The horse kicked
) iio of the stoer'n horns looio. Tlio Imttlo
nston for ever half nnhour , the her o finally
locoinlng weakened from loss of blood mid
'ell ' .o ibo ground , The slccr tuon dashed
ts horn into the hone's stomach , dlsom-
bowollug Uiounlmal ,
r.v.ingollst .1IHN oirrri Somn
I'orToilij's snrUrr * .
A congrogntlon of Sunday school workers
nml ministers met HvangoliJt Mills at the
[ Coutit7o Memorial laithoran church last
ilcht In a spoclnl service preparatory to the
Sunday school program for today. Mr.
Mills advised the superintendents nnd
luichcr.s to nbindou nil foniiiilllltis in the
in ml ay schools today , put uslilo the lossou
oa\Ms nnd the ordinary routine of basket
collections nnd spend the hour In talking
with tbo children Individually about ihcir
soul's salvation uud about tbo desirability of
becoming actlro , earnest Christians.
A flur the address Mr. Mills nnsworod n
number of questions , and then Iho S.inday
ti'hool woikor * of each I'liurch lonrcsontcil
at Iho tncciing bold brief coufcrnru1 H in Oif-
fpront parts of the church for Iho purpose nt
formulating a special plan for conducting Iho
Sunday school exercises toil.iy.
Tim ( 'inItncor I ,
Si \NTOV , Pft. , DJC. ! 1 Ulm Park Nioth-
odlst church , just tomnlotod nt n cost of
$ ? 03,000 , was burned this morning.
Minni.rsimitoi i.n , I\y. , Doe. ! l The busi
ness of HID town of uumborland Cnp ! ,
Tonn. , was desU-ovcd bv lire last iilgliu
Loss , $ , nUJi ) ; liisunuici. $ H1.0JJ.
Mvii < ov , Inn. , Dee ! ! . Incendiaries last
ulcht lltod u half block of buildings In the
wo turn purl of the city nml also the main
building of tbo Consolld Mod Tnnlt I tno com
pany , nil of which wnro destroyed. Loss ,
SI 1,000 ; Insurance , $1,000.
Wi - < T Sii'iniiuu , U'H , Uec. H. The Northwestern -
western coal dock ilro Is growing worse.
Fir 3 tugs are nt work todav. Tbo Ilro Is In
Iho cculer of n 7."i.000-ton pile nt.d is dinicult
to got nt. The loss is iilready f'Jo.OOO nnd
may reach four tlmot that iimouut.
ST. Lofis , Mo . Dai. H. Plro last night
destroyed the door und snsh factory of the
Hoffnor-Lothiiior company nnd u lurgo wuro-
house adjoining. Loss , SIOO.OJO ; fairly well
insured ,
Idld Un IliKir.s ) | rsi'd by I'ollrr.
UIHUN : , Dec : i A great meeting of Ber
lin's unemployed was hold yesterday. The
police had UUon grrnt precautions to preserve -
servo order , us u similar mooting had re
sulted In last winter's riots. A number of
speakers used Incendiary linu'iiaL'o and were
warned by the police. A no nttontluii was
paid lo inu warning Iho assemblage was
ordered to disperse. All present then
formed In procession nud marcned hiclt to
llio city. At tlio Koenigs stras'o a disturb
ance uroio which wns suppressed.
rj/fM > A.iI'.ut mil. 1 1' us.
U. W. Hrowu of Fremont is Iu the city.
S. M. Lewis of Rilrllold is in the city.
M. H. Weiss of Hebron U at the Murray.
W. C. Mnsscy of Geneva Is nt the Paxtou.
H. M. .Logan . of Amswoith Is a ijuoat at the
( Jus Norbor ? . the Holdroso attorney , Is in
tbo city.
W. U. Thomas ot Framont wns in the nity
C. T. Horton of Scribner is stooping nt
the Dollooo.
Ira i ) . Mawton of Kearney is a guest at
the Millard.
M. M. Parish of Himlolph Is registered at
at the Arcado.
Hon. W. A. MclCeighnu of ttod Cloud is
nt Iho Paxton
T. Ai. Marquott of Lincoln was ul the Millard -
lard yestetdav.
Frank L. Ilathuway of Lincoln was at the
Murray yesterday.
Colonel Hoover nndY. . 0. Koohlerof Blue
Hill are in the city.
Hon. .1. ( J. Tale of Haslings registered at
the Millard yesterday.
ILL Ware of Plittsmouth is in the city ,
stopping ut the Murray.
Hon..I.C. Watson of Nebraska City was
n Uollono guest yesterday.
Hon. Lorenzo Orounso , governor-elect ,
hns returned from the eist.
Xach T.wlor , hold cleric at the Paxtou ,
is continod to his ( jed by sicltnoss.
William Daily of P.-ru , cx-UniloJ States
marsh il of this state , is in the city.
Mr. H. A. ICiton nas returned from a two
week's vUit nt his old homo at Alton , 111.
George P. Dean nuu C. II. Murphy of
Grand Island aio logistcrod at the Pnxton.
Charles Frojnlv. of Sidnuy , RlierifT of
Choycnno county , was at the Aivado yoater-
Hon. Alt Haybjt of Beatrico. attorney and
democratic- loader , was at the Paxtou y ester
Hon. D. II. Mercer has returned from a
tri pof several days , in the western part ol
A. L. Hudson , a Sioux Ci'v attorney , is in
tbo citv tbo guosl of his abler , Mrs. T. P.
Captain Cormnck of the police force is
quilu sick , und last ovonlng was repjrted
slightly worse.
Frank It. Morrissov , Governor Bovd's
private scciotnry. came UP from Lincoln
yesterday , and is stopping at ttio Dollono.
P. O. Heulund of Holdrege , who Is to bo
Eugonu Moore's deputy In the slat's auditor's
ollico at Lincoln , wus in the city yoslcrdiiy.
W. C. Vaudnrvoort , head clerk ot the rail
way mail service , loft yesterday with hia
wlfo for Grand Island on a combined busi
ness nnd ploasurn trip.
Senator W. I1' . Sounders , wife and son ol
Helena , Mont , were In Omaha yesterday.
They left last evening for Washington' as ibo
senator desires 10 ho prasont in hU seat ns
soon us possible nftur thu opealng ol the
Major J W. Paadock left yesterday after-
loonlor Washington , whoio \vitlspcnu the
lext four weeks , with thu o cuptioIl of a few
lays In which bo will look after business in.
crests in Boston nnd n llytug liip to bin old
mine In northern Now York.
W. J. Pmnborlon of Pairbury , who repro-
scntcd .loffcison county In llio legislature
n few your ? ago , is at the Millard. Ho was
it tliut limo one of Sonalor 1'addocMi's sup
lOrter.s und is now in favor of loiurning that
'onUrmuii In the senate for a third U'rm ,
At the Mercer : Andrew C. linxon and
s'ster ' , Now Vork ; 0. Halter , A. li. Fluid
K. Williams nnd II. Porter , Chicago. The
lopovvltig from Iowa : .1. W. Holland. M. I ) .
Dscsoln ; George F .ronkins , M , I ) , ICookuk :
W. N. McNaiiBhton , M , U. , Vlllisca ; F.V
Illott. M. D. . U-sd Oak ; H. 15. Miirkam , M
D. , Clurlndn ; .1. A. ItawU. M. 1) . . Crostoiii
C. W. Cornell , M. D. . Knoxville ; A. L
Ollvo , M. D. , Corning ; .1. I ) . McCiearv , M
D. , Indinnola ; C. W. Stowun , M. U. Wnih
inctou ; Joseph ICophait , Wubitor Ultv.
NHW Yoitic , Dan. I ) , [ .Spnnal Tolozrnu
to Tun HUB. ] Omaha : J. Gratlon. Ilota
Savoy. Council Bluffs : L. W. Tullsys
CIIIUIGO , III. , Dec. II. fSuecial Tolosraii
to Tun Bi'.i'.l Tlio following Nobrasltniii
registered horotodny : Kohmd Henry Gib
son , Omaha Great Northern Mrs. F. ill
Gray , H. H. Billow , Omaha. Grand Pucilli
John C. Allou , Lincoln ; Kd McCormlck
IAHMI. inti.rrriiit.
Tliroo minor iiemilts , iiBfiregatlng ? .Vi"
were issued by tbu superintendent of build
lng& yesterday.
Last night the pollen nrrostcd J. 13. Squire
for passing a counterfoil dollar utn grocer ,
at Twenty-fourth and Charles streets.
Proportion Miulo ft ) tlio Now York Oon-i
tral Company and lUjjctod. I
OfltnlnU of the Uomptny Conlorrlng To-
gudirr liter tlin llrqnct < it tlio DrUors
\Vlint SniH-rlntiMiilrnt Hiirliiiiuin
or llicllilr ,
Niw : YOIIK , Use. H. Tlio ofllelnls of the
New Vork Central Hallway company nro
roticoiit concerning Iho visit p.iid to them c\
Tnursdny by n cominlltoo of locomotlvo ou
giticors. Thi ? ui.wllllncnoss to speak lt-
interpreted bv many ns un Indication thn'
the rolutloiis ot the coiupany and Its Dnglni *
drivers are severely strained , Such facts ns
have leaked out In rogird to the incotrt
lug would seem to corroborate this vlo\vj
of ttiu sltuutloii. Previous to lnt Thurs
diiy whciinvcr a moinber of llio biotharhooi
snld Unit ho had a grievance against the
company ho sought redress by complaining. ,
to the lodge with which ho was cotinucicd , Tnr
loJgoould then send otto or moro delegate ,
to the m.-.ster muchnulc , and If ho wiw mm ol
bio toiidjust thedllllculty sat U factoillv , tnli
was rofunxd to Willium Buchanan , suucrln
tendunl of Ihu company's rolling slock uud _
multvo poucr.
"I'licre never wis n case , " said Mr Buch
anan this evening , "where trouble was not"
sottlou lo tbo satlsfacllon of all parilos , "
B-il thocourso pinsuud on Thursday wni
dllVoronl. Instead of n delegation'from u <
single loJgo duslriuij the roilrosa of soinu
griovnuro , real or fancied , Mr Buchanan-
wns visited by it representative of each of
the thirty-live lodges of the organization , nucl ,
the doli'uatos bud formed themselves. Into
wlmt Utov called a boird of ndjustmont ,
"They came to mi' , " Mr. Buchanan said ,
"and prosenlcd a proposed contract bot.voen ,
themselves and Iho cotnpiny. I gave them
mv decision nnd they retired to consider It. ,
An hour later they returned and asked If I
should objuet to them submlilltig llio pro-1
posal to President Depow. I replied , 'Ctfr-
lalnlv not , ' and thiiv look Ihulr departure. "
This was ull Mr. Buchanan would say.
When bo was nslied what was thn nature ol
the proposition m.ulo uy llio board of nd <
Justtnent , ho replied evasively ; "They look"
tholr paper away with tlicui and 1 do not tc
moinber Justwhal Ihoy did propose. " '
The suporiulend nt then went on lo sa\
that ho could not sou tbo use of a board ol
atijustmont to either of the parties Inter
osled. Mr. Buchanan denied omplmllcalh
that the engineer * were compelled to side
truck tnelr trains for any protraeloil time-
aml that the men wlillo ihus Idle wore link
paid. lions positively denied that any tall ,
of striking was indulged in at the mectlnpj
and bald that llio rumor thnl , the brother-
hoed would unite with any labor organiza
tion was without the slightest foundation. '
Mr. Dcpnw was closolcd with several ol
the directors of llio company for three hours ,
this morning. Mr. H. C. Duval stated , how
ever , that no reference to the trouble with
Iho engineers was made at llio meeting. .
.Morn Trouble IVurrd ill Oo il Cri-i-lc.
Cn.\iT\xoou , Tonn. , Dec. li. A specif ?
from CoalCtvok says a serious outbreak maw.
occur among the miners In a few duys. Jf
strike has been declared nt tbo Black Dhn
moud mines. Tlio union men hold a inootln-
dcmandlng the discharge of tlio noiHinlod
mon. Tno innuugonu'iit dlscliarccd Eoveh
of the union miner * who hud boon proininor"'i
in the meeting , and that brought about 0. ?
slriuo. If the strikers do whit thoj throali (
Ihoro Is likely lo bo anolhor war. Till
leaders who lied to IContucky when Iho crlto i
ramo In August have all returned ntidwa1'
the publics highways with Imminity ni"
tuaito turoats of wnat tliuy intend lo do lie ; . . I
timo. J i
Doi-H Sol \Viint till' Olllco. i
PiTisiiruo , Pa. , Dec.William Wcyhi * \
ox-president of the Amalgamated associutloi i
deiiii's onct1 for all thai ho is or will bo n ear '
didalo for tlio position of president of l !
American Federation ol labor.
I.oral I'lij Kicl.uiH L'liMiK.inlly < ! rrot iv Num.
ln-r ol rrofrsHlon'il llriithriin. |
A parly of Illinois , Iowa and Missour
physicians and s irgeons are Journoyiii'
westward ever the Burlington and arrived I
Omaha at 4:30 : o'clock yesterday aftemooi
The party travels in a spooinl car und is on '
trip of pleasure and rorrcni on from profej <
bional circs and duties. Those comprlsin i
tlio party are a llnu looking lot of 111111.
Tho/ loft Burlington at ( J.10 yubtcrdi. n
inoining. '
U'lion they arrived ut thn Union done *
vustimlav iiticrnooii Drs. Bridges anil Will , ,
more of this city wrro tlu-io to icceivo an )
oscoit thorn up town. The visitors wci
taken to the pharmaceutical Inbrntory i
Morrnr , Whltnioro it Co , on Howard slreei
where tbov leinainod for some timu JookinV
through tlio institution. Tlioy left Ihoro an ; ,
stopped at thu Meicer for a snort lime , an' ' ,
from there .scdttorcd to different portions o i
tha city , as individual Incllrtition dlrccled.
At'.I o'clock llio local physicians gavn ai'
liifo.inul reception at the Paxtou cuf ,
to the v'sitors. ' A very laic " .
nnnibor of Omaha's physicians greeted th
strangers and extended the hand ol wulcom <
nnd hospitality. Many old clisamalos mo
for the limo in years and renewed ih .
friendship commenced with the dav.'niiig o
manbooil. The reception wns a very modes
nffair , and was simply a sincere Nnbraslc
greeting to honoiol Rtieats. i lioro was in
attempt at spoocliimdiing nnd but ligh
rolrosniiionts were Hcrvcd. This made tin
occasion none the loss enjoyable , nud H wut , .
ate uuforo the rccoullon was ond.
'j'ho visiting phvsicmns ate lor Iho mosv
part , acquainted with thu west and como tf {
Nebraska with a proity thorough odiicnlloin
of the greatness of tbu state and its possi-
biliMo0 , Their Impression of Oinahu Is vcr ) "
good , and FOino of them oxpinssu.l surpris
allindingso llvo and bustling a city hw
with such magnificent btructuics nnd fin
residences und many improvements liol
public and private. They homned to enjo. '
RUilit-sdcitigatid vlsiled all patts of Mio city1
The visltlni. ' doctors vull lu.ivu this moriii1
ing at , 10li : ! over the Burlingtcn lor Hri
Springs , S D. . arriving there Mondiij
niornliiuat 8UO : o'clock. They will tlm
m mo personal investigation of the fiunou
inlnoriil water , and uuvoto Ibelr limo t
sight-seeing and pleasure.
In thn parly aio llio following physicians.
B. B. Boudry. Osknloos.i ; W. O Br.idlov
Galoiburg ; It. D. Bradley. I'norlv F. 1'
Braultnll , Shcimndoah : M. M CampUull , Ai
bany. Mo : C. W. Cornell. Knoxville : C. II
Dewilt. Glonwoodi .1 M Danljii , Glonxvood
W. T. Kclcluy , Fort Madison ; .1 W Fiirm
Ron , Oilumwa ; .lohn Gieun , Council Bluffs
F M. molt , lied Oak ; A W. Hoff. DC
Molncs ; J. W. Holland , Osceolu ; W , M
llorno. Mount Ayr ; Gcorgu F. Jonklns , Koo
kulc ; 13 W. Lee , Omaha ; F. B Living
ston Plultsinoulli : II. ( J. Markbnrn , Cliir-
inda ; .1 D. McCU-nrv , Indlniiola ; M , N. Mcj
Nuughton. Viliisca ; H B. Montcomnry *
( idlnov ; A L OJivor , Corning ; .1. A. Kawli'4
JruUon ; 0 , W. biowurt , Crcsion ; D. W
Swiggarl , Hamburg.
Duulilo Mnrdi'i liy it Itolilmr.
K.u,1:11.11 , ? * < - ! . , Doc. it. In Moore counm
Thurbday ulgnt , n robber entered tbo liuust
of Dr. MolJonald and found thu doctor's twc
oldrrly Bitters in tlio sitllnz room , Ttio\
buioamtd mid ho fired , killing ono and ( nor
tally wounding the oilier. Tlio doctor , at *
elderly matt , cnmo lo their nsaistiini-o , Tb
robber hold him up , robbed him and en- ;
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't lie-port
i is
* 1
10 I
f.y f.IS
: o
cr ,
n ,
7. i