Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part Three, Page 18, Image 18

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Tints th e Report All Along the Line In
Nebraska ,
Now Kiitorprucn , Ornut nnil Smallf
the Kiiorer unit the
C-ipltnl of an Active , 1'ro-
rhRt Nobrnska 1 * having a steady nnd sub
stantial growth U evidenced by the returns
of Tun Urn's correspondents. Prom nil
pnru ot the staiocoma the chsorlnsj reports
of now mill * uud fiotorles , of enlarged
water works nnd oleotrlo llghilng plants , of
rnoro churches and hull * mirt homes , of finer
Mores nnd public buildings , of boot sugar
nnd irrlgalinB operations and of many minor
enterprises. Wliilo there Is no Indication of
n great boom , thc-io rotnrns carry the oloilRO
of a general progress anu a suostnn tlal proi-
peniy. . Could the il uros of nil the cities nnd
town * of the stnto bo gathoroJ the aggregate
of their linpiovoinents would show nn enor
mous nddltlon to the wealth ii'id ' Hro.vth of
the slato. Below Tnr. But : prints iho reports
of Its conotpondonti at n lar o numbar of
widely scattoied paints , winch Indicate the
character nnd extent of the public nnd prl-
vato improvcmonta of the currant yoir nnd
bhow that the advancement h not oontlnod
o nny particular section of the sinto.
I r'rinmit'H I'lun Itprnul.
FIIEMONT , Not ) . , Dec. 1. ' 1 his city has spent
for water works extensions tnls season ? 29- ,
000 nnd voted S9D.OOJ suworago bonds for
work now being done Two brlcli school
bouses two stoilos high have Just been com-
plo'lcd nt n cost of $ " , OJU each , nnd largo
brick additions built to two others.
TUrouph the efforts of. Hon. Uoorgo W. E.
Dorsoy tno government hnj appropriated
$00,000 for a now postofllco und the contract
has boon lot s
The Fremont Saddlery comp-iny has built
n largo thrco-story brick : with n Rood light ,
dry basement , nt n cost of $12,000. Il has
the best nr.d nicest phnt qf the Kind In the
stnto , employes forty-five men nnd wants
root * D. M. Wolty is president. ! !
John Dorn Is president of iho Fremont
Brewing com pan v , which commenced to
jnanufacturo boor liero last spring. The
brewers' Is t"0xll3 foot nnd sovonty-llvo feet
blgu. The malt house Is 5G\100 foot , four
stories of li fly-six root and the malt kiln 1s
mnnty-sx | fcqtblRh. The blowing capacity
is 00,000 barrels n year. The building und
machinery cost $120,000. It is ono of the
largest ntia latest Imurovod breweries west
of Chicago. Tt employs thlity men , owns
tno tracks from Us buildings to those of the
Elkborn nud Union Pacific , and bns an elegant -
gant ofUcc ,
U'ho Fremont Cnirlngo Manuficturlns
company has just completed n two-story
biick addition to its Inigo factory costing
Heoly , bon & Co. have commenced work
On Iboolovntor forthoN\o , t.5chiiciuorcom-
vany , which Is being ouilt north of the
brewery between the Union Pucillc and the
Elkhorn tracks. The front pait of the build-
in c. which will contain the tower , will bo
2-1x5.3 foot nnd nlnctv llvo feet nigh.
The storugo part will bo 114x01 feet and
sixty foot high , und will bold 10U,000 bushels.
Thov Will bo nblo to batiUlo from sixty to
sovo'nty-Uvo curloads of grain pel
day , ns there will bo two places whuro they
may bo unloaded with double stcnm shovels.
Tno building will , bo ontlioly covered with
Iron , mnklng it lltoproof. The boiler house
\\lll bo built of brick und contain a 75-horso
power Corliss slontn engine. TUB company ,
whlott Is the largest grain and lumber com-
ponv in the Btnto , will use ihls olevalor tc
clca'n the grain bought nt forty-olgut other
stations whcro it hassmall elovutors. When
completed It will cost $ J8 000.
The Loomls-Millor aoublo front two-story
c r - briclc bullamg with stone and copper irnn-
ml HITS , ndjalnlup the Commercial National
b-ink bullrtlngon Main struct , wa * completed
onrly Ir. the spring at ft cost of § 12,000 and i ;
now all occupied.
Wcilnnd & Son nro now erecting a two-
storv Drick building with pinto glass front ,
adjoining the bank building owned by lion ,
Georfio vV. E Uoraoy , which will oo oc
ouplcd by them lib n atock of jowolrv. 'l h (
building will test W.OOO.
Hon. O. W E. Uorsoy and J. B. Brooks
nro each having a building creeled on lowoi
Jlnln street ; the former to bo tented , tin
latter to bo occupied by himself with a stocl
of groceries.
The Fremont National bink is having nt
nddltlon 80x52 feet , iwo slortes high , built o
brick , on Iho north sldo of Vhonmm buildlnc
It will conlnin n now slool-lincd vault , burg
lar proof , now Inrnliuro nnd Inrgo piato glas
front ; will bo hcniod with bio un , and wil
cost12,00 ( ) .
A. C. Hull has improved bis photograpl
pnllory wlih a now operailng room , skyllKh
und Plato gluss front , costing $ ll.iU.
Under Iho supervision of J. U. blltt , nrcbi
tect , und Andy BiUbwoll , suporlnioudent
each of whom nro highly spoken of for tliol
work oy Falhor FllzROiald and the buildin
commlttuo , Iho roof is now being uut on th
* DOW Cathollo church In this citv. The build
Inff is 114x51 toot , with two vestry rooms 1
rear , ono 10x20 , the dthor 20x24 feel , will
basement under all. Will cost $15,000.
Tlio Gorman Orphans' homo on East Mill
tary avcnuo Is nearly couiplelod , at a cost o
$1'JUOO. | It is n handsome , imposing 1111
substantial nnucluro , nnd Iho citizens , n
well us the Luihcians , hnvo just caubo to b
proud of It.
The Congrcgaiional people lm\o complete
n nlco parsonage for Iholr pastor , Uov. \ \
II. Buss , costinirnbout $1,000.
David K. rrnnullti , with May Dro3.wlnK
sale proccis , has built nn elegant rosldunc
nt a cost of about ? l 1,000.
Among many other now residences may b
mentioned ihoso of J. J Hawthorn , four co1
tagoa , all icntcd , and Ihoso of S.
A , J. AlboriH und Mr. Shephard.
Mlllipr MIIMH dri'.it itililoi.
WlMiuit , Neb , Doc. 1. The public Im
provoiuont most worthy of note made I
"Wllbcr since J.uiuniy 1 was the reniodolin
of Iho Interior of the Sillno county cour
lioiiso , nln cost of ever ? lf)00.
The Impiovomonts by prlvilo outerprls
liuvo been the moat ottonslvo of any year 1
the history of llin town ,
A now Blonm flouring mill of 330 bnrro
per day cnpncitv h u been built und U oi
orutod by W. H. Mann & Co. , roprasontin
nn Investment of gau.ooi ) .
A Inriro now brick opera bouse was bull
by niohtarlk Broj. , rosiuiBiJi2UOJ.
A line largo biisinesn block , with 100 fee
fronlnpo by 111 * fojt long , two storioi nn
basement , divided Into four store room :
was built by Alhopt Bock , August Junciucl
mid Malloil Ai Mulluli , goiiornl mnrcliandlti
nnd Frank Junouch , hardwaie dealer , ih
block costing fibOUJ ,
A brick bulldlnc , wllh carved sluno fron
ono story and bisomont , wns but up bv Job
Uattn , lujunr dfalur. nl u cost ol f 1,500. ,
Joseph F. K > les , lumlloul of the Wllbo
bouso , U makiug-n largo addition in liU holi
building unU remodeling tuo inlorlnr of it
old part , ImprovLMiiciiiu which ulll co :
Wcncll Vltdn , ( jooreo Berger und D
Elder biu'o built i rlrato icsldcncos costin
trf 00niidup\ard < each , and manv Impiov
in cuts o ( jci i.1' vuluo have barn tnadu.
Hoxt spring Hon. Tulws Carter will mal
a two atnrv uddlllon to the Stale bank blot
to bo used for a poitofllce ,
'Ibora h consluciablo capital litre to I
vrsiln Dulldlng , but tha trouble Is the d
eliabjo buslnoti lols are held by nonrc :
dent parties who icfusa to sell at prlc
within thn bounds of UMSOU.
till Klroii .Iliiilnt ; ForiMird.
CIUDIIOV , Doc. 1. This jcar ha * b cn
moat important OHO in the history ot Clin
roa as regards public Improvements. U
Tory flno sjstom oi water vorks , whl
cost originally Wi.OfJO , U being changed In
a natural prcsauro or gravity uvs'.oin , at
expense of $30,000. Whun this Is o i
plated Chnaron will have ono of the llac
s\ , stems of liny city in Ihos.uto.
An Kaiton clectrio llcht plant has bo
put in at an expense of about f 10,000. It h
Leon In operation now nbodt three rnont
and glvos tbo best of satisfaction T
plant U owuwJ , by a local stuck , compau
consisting of the following well known basi
nets men : A. C. Putnam , J , S. Itomlno , J.
D. Bacon , T. A. Coftoy. C. J. Davis , F. O.
Mostongor and .1 , I ) . Boya.
About t5OuO hat boon expended upon
street Improvements nnd soworagoimdor the
oniclont supervltlou of our city marshal ,
Charles Wilson ,
HntitrcRA Went In fur I
HOMIIIGOP , Doo. I. The nmount of money
expended on public Improvements in Hoi-
drego the past year Is nominal , but private
enterprise has boon active.
There was n. slock company formed hi
JJnrch last , called the Phelps County Sugar
Boot company , for the purpose of n demon
stration in n innctlcal way that the soil nnd
ellmntoof 1'holpvsounty were adapted to the
growth and culture of tbo sugar beet. The
company was composed nt the best buslnow
men in the city. C. 11. EshbaiiRh wns
elected president , T. M. Hopwood vlco pres
ident , A. S. Frlckon treasurer and ! . A.
Snydcr secretary. Twenty nctos of ground
were rented und planted to sugar
beets , which bavo nil boon harvested
and snipped to the Oxnard sugar factory nt
Grand lilnnd. The highest test mitcio from
the hoots w as li ) percent , the lowest trst
14 8 per cent , tbo average test ot the twenty
ncius being Ilia per cont. There were ton
nnd one-half tuns of beets grown to the
ncrr. nnd they brought W 50 per ton. making
f.'i'.VJper ncio. the twenty ncies bringing
the tmmlsomo sum of $1,150 , so piovlng tnnt
Nobraslci soil nnd climate mo well adapted
to the ciowih nnd culturn of the sugar
boot. These engaged In this experiment
feel highly elated ut their success , nnd n
largo acreage of sugar beets will bo planted
In tills county the coining \enr.
ildi city iiiini < iliiii < : stud.
CITV , Doc. 1. Public Improve-
monls In Nebraska Citv during IS'J-J hnvo
boon confined almost exclusively to street
paving. Botftoen $00,000 .ind $75,000 bnvo
been cxpcndbd In this work. Item hardly
ho linlshod this season. The material used
is briclc nt homo mnnufucluio.
Considerable money has ulso boon spent
In jjradltit ; und many horoioforo unused
streets hnvu been put In good condition.
Although the NobrnslmCltvstnich factory
was begun in IS'M , It \\a not completed and
lu operation until tins jenr. 'Iho plant cost
in the neighborhood ot f 100 000 , ana the
stockholdois represent Ion times that amount
of capital. I'lomlncntamong the share
holder aio Hon. J. Sterling Moiton , Carl
Mouon of citv , lion. John C. Wat
son of ihis citv nnd Joy Merion of Chlcaeo.
'Ihis Institution bids fair to become ono of
tbo most impoilnnt in the city.
The past year his also witnessed great
Improvements in the cereal mills , the pack
ing houses nnd the distillery.
Oscnolii'd lUggo t llooni.
OaCEOLi , Doc. 1. Oacoola has hnd the
Inrgest boom the past year of uny In nor his.
tory. A. O. Monson lias built nn opera house
costing ? 15,000 and put a second story to his
store coaling 51,000. ThoOscoola bank has
romoucled its building and built it all over
outside witb pressed urlckntan expense of
S.5,000. Wilt blokes' brlfll : store building cost
$2,000 nnd the Do Witt-Kunpp warehouse on
the sijunro S-,000. Tbo Oddfellows have ic
nndoiud their lower store loom nt un ex
panse of $300.
Quito a number of nice residences have
been built and remodeled. Among them nro
the folio win ir :
II. r. Henderson $300. !
l.auycrM A. Mills 2MJ
11. A boott -.5) ) ,
1'intiU I'imiinor -.UOi
\V.H.\\oedun V <
Inmcs btonart li" > 0 (
Hen O. Oampbull ] . - " > Jt
Mrs BeoboN llvory barn bis been covered
with iron at a cost of $1,500 , nnd the GrumJ
Army of the Uor-ubllc hall has boon remodeled
modeled nt nn ouilav of $000 Thla makes
the improvements foot UD ! o $40,800. and il
is estimated bv some that they will not fall
sbort of 500,000.
Import u's llrst Itutlroid.
IMI-EIIIAL , Deo. 1. Impeilal has expended
during the past year In bulldiuir sidewalks ,
crossings and improving streets about ? 1,000.
The year has boon ono of unparalleled
growth for our citv. The railroad reached
us August 15 , and since that tlmo our town
has doubled in population. In addition K
the depot and other railroad improvements
two line elevators have been erected , one
using a gas ongmo and the ether steam ,
Dozens of now houses have boon erootod and
sovc'iul moro nro unacr way.'rt l.ront Artesian Woll.
NioiWAiu , Duo. 1. The puollo enter
pnsca of Niobrara for tno year beguiDlns
with January nro qutto encouraging. Thf
How of the artesian well was struck Januan
2.2 at a depth ot G50 > toot , eight-Inch pipe
nlllhowav with a pressure of sixty-Hv <
pounds to tbo square inch , the cost ot which
was $ .1,500.
A bovonty-flvo barrel flouring mill wai
completed September 1 and receives It
pocr from tnl well. Both well and mil
belong to the Niobrara Mill company , com
prtilng most of Iho cillzons , but mainly bj
W. M Bnrnum , prosidout ; F. Molson , sec
lulniy and treasurer ; B. Bade , H. E. Bono
steel , J. S. Loncor , S. Diaper. U. G. Bnyhi
nnu i1. Opoceusky. The cost of the coiicon
wns t8,50U. ,
A system of water works U now in prog
rcss , which will bo owned nnd contiollui
by the city , though through an nrrangomen
with the inill company tno walcr supply wil
DO furnished fico to Iho city from Iho arte
sian woll. which > vlll foico Itself Into i
25,000-gullon reservoir for ordinary puinoaes
but in the event of Uro the dlroc
piessuro of the aitcslun well wil
bo used upon tlio main pipes. Flvo block
on the mam street will bo laid with pipe tbi
winter with llvo hydrants , and two nos
carts with 700 fool of lioso will bo roadv fo
nso. Cost $1,000 This Is considered th
least costly plant for its s\a \ in the .state , am
the light ruunlns expenses will bo no smal
item , slnco It req'iltos no boaiil of wuto
commissioners lo oat up the piollls comln
from various HOUICOS.
A largo llvory barn , 40x18 , " 0 foot bigb
with carriage shed ixK * footIs , being erocte
by II. D. Pulon anu will bo completed D (
comber 1 : cost $ .2,500.
F. Nelson , vlco president of the Nlobrnr
Vnlloy biuk , bus Just completed n rcsidcnc
nt a cost of S.J.50J.
' 1 ho Xiourura cnmiln ! * factory contort
plates making about J 1,500 Improvement
next splint- .
The Nlobrnrn Mill company Is now Jlnui
ing for nn electric light plant , the dynamo I
bo lun by Iho nitoslnn well power nt th
mill , about $ . ' ,00l ) to bo invoslod in tbo star
A sjmlicate has purchased foity acres c
land boiduimg iho citv , and Its members ni
nosmiaiinillli different pirlics to go i
with them In the erection of a union brio
block of ton htotes. 1 hov claim lo ha\o sui
ccodcd nnd will begin in the npiiug to but
buck The investment will usgre0'at
It Is anticipated that no < ct season $50OC
worth of Improvements will bo trudo hen
Nlobrnra'a immonsa banks of chalk rocl
clnv nnd ocher uro alto nUrictlng consider
bio nttonllon. nnd artcMun well power is r
longer ii malter of doubt.
l.tiTJ llnli\Illo lliiiMa Occupied ,
UiBiirnir , Doc. l.-ltushvlllo lias mai
aubitanllul Muiprovomonts both pjbllo nn
private during the past year. TUH crowt
has bucn healthy. No building tins bee
orcutud nor ontot prlsu undartakon except
demand or necessity llrit uxbt.'d Tlicro
not an unoccup'oJ ' hiioltablc abode In tl
pUc'.1. Tbo prof pud for un increased nmoui
o [ buildlni ; nc.xl } cur , c-tpcclnlly duollh :
houses , is very guoJ. Foilowlnt ; uro tl
moro important Improvement : , of a publ
nuiuin SIIILC January 1 :
Tin-locrt.on of the Itushvlllo roller ml
was secured for Ibis pui.o ! by iho onoiey <
the Uuslnesi Man's nssorinllon and II
liberality of our citrons. The town donate
$ l,5iH ) and cnloroil Into a contract wlihThomi
H. Nutt to build uud opcrato iho mill. M
Nult has dnco nsscciate.l . with blmsy
O-uniy TicaKurcr Huirv HuuiiborKor m :
F E Walker , und the flun Is now the Husl
villo Milling I'ompa'iv , The mill Is u su
Htantlnl Ibne-story eiruuluroubuvoa twelv
foot basement , has the latest and best ii
proved machinery und will havo.n capacii
of 10) ) InrrcU per ilay. n is now ntjar !
complctcul and wilt cost $14,000.
UushvlHo Agilrultural uud TrotUut' ass
elation grounds wore completed In tluiu
bolu n very yuccestful fair early In Uctobe
Tlio en pi tnl stock U flO.OOO and f8,5JJ wi
oxunded | in fotnplotlng the ground
Tbous-ioclatlon ofteied lu pioiniunu $3.5
and paid them all tu full. Tl
o Ulcers of Iho association are M. P. Prtusse
prpMUunt ; J. E. West and H. J. Stanchllol
vice presidents ; C , Ji. Mays , uccrolary , at
K. II. Shepherd , troiuuror. The directors
nro J. H. Jonoi , .7 11 , Povorott , James
Alexander , N. U. Hixrncs , C. H. Uvans , Ilrockmnn , O. V. Fnrraan , C. B ,
Jackson nnd W. H. Strotholdo.
The Norttiwestorn hotel , now nearly
finished , Is a a bstnnlwl nnd Imnthomo
two-story frnmo structures nnd will cost the
cronrlotor , K B. Hovt , f.1,000.
Thosoml-xvcoldy Btnndftrd butldlnrr wns
finished oarlr Hst spring nt n cost of tWO.
E.j. . Heath Is proprietor.
VV. N. Foru's blnUumllh nnd cnrrlnRO
s iGp , croctod nt a cost of $300 , is a two-story
frnmo building.
ri.utMnouth iVjuciiiK Awny.
PurMMOtTii , Dec. 1 Public improve
ments In i'latlsmouih hnvo not boon whnt
they should , although about $ S,000 has boon
spent on tha streets.
The school bourd has erected a building
nt n test of ? ! 0,0l)0. )
Two blocks of pavement nro now unrtor
way ar.d will probably lie completed before
Jnnunrr nt n rest of ? 7,000.
OvorS , " > 0,000 has boon spent by different
pirtle * for residences.
R M Rlchoy , O. C. Pnrnoll nnd J. M.
Crnip ana the city will build next year n
city hall and opera housa combined at n cost
of MO.OOO. _
NoNon Krunvprn from 111" Tornnilo.
Nr.i.sov , Dec. 1. Thcro has boon con
siderable Improvement In Nelson during
the past year In buildings ot n substantial
quality There havj boon two good blnoU-
stnlth shops erected north ? 500 each. ono larijo
fiama llvory bain , ono two-story bIok
store bulldlnc. and ono one-story briok store
building , both of last of excellent quality.
There are about six now lUbHnntlal resi
lience' , costing from $1,500 , to ? J,000 each.
The pirt of the town wrocltod by the
cvclono In March has boon almost com
pletely tobullt , nnd Is In much better con
dition than cvor today.
A now Presbyterian church , costlnR
S3fiOO , will soon bo completed. Probably
JoOjUOu would bo a reasonable estimate of
the monov Itivostad in Improvements In
buildlnir , etc. , during the past jcar.
Aiilinru Up mill Doing.
Atnt/nv ) , Doe. 1. The following ls a
partial list of buildings completed bore dur-
ine the year : First National bank , bankIng -
Ing house and ofllces , $18,000 ; Joseph Con-
loy , two-story Drick stow , $ -1,500 ; Miuilsy &
Ctummel , store bullalng , $3.500 ; H. Cooper ,
store building , $3noO ; William MatUiolson ,
blaousmlth shop , 51.500 ; Mrs. M. Poult , resi
dence , $1,000 ; Thomas Clark , residence ,
82,000 : B. N. Butress , residence , 81,200 ;
Jacob Eilsmuu , residence , $1,500 , ; Uobort ,
Gtllan , rosidoDCo , fJ.OOO ; C. U Phlpponnov ,
reilUonm , (1,000 ; Elliorl Case , bouso and
barn , SJ.GOO ; II. Shurtllff , residence , $1,000 ;
li. W. Drvor , residence , $300 : Mrs. .1. C.
Cook , residence , fUOO ; ftlrs. J. C. bbllTor ,
residence , f. > 00 ; W. II , Haltb , residence ,
$1,500 ; A. Halladav , residence , $ bOO ; Mr.
Cecil , residence , $300 ; J. J. Loach , roaldonco ,
$1,500 ; Thomas Hlnui , residence , $3,000 , ;
John Huff , residence , $500.
* bcluijlur Is KiilurprlHliiR.
SCUUTI.ER , Doc. 1. The improvements in
this citv worthy ot mention are at follows :
Bchuyler has added water worm nnd
electric lights nt a cost ot $23,000 for the
former and $7,500 lor the latter. The water
wofls compUse-v a 100-foot standnltio of
50,000 gallons capacity supplied by u system
of thirty-two drlvo wells nnd u seventy-five-
foot boi cd u ell through two numps of 530-
OUO and 7.10,000 gallons respectively , which
nro driven by steam from "ono of
n pair of bollors. There are live
miles In all of ion , eight six and four-
inch wooden mains ana thtrty-ono fine
hvdiants. Thoio have been four extensions
of the sstoui , that of104 : foot to ttc
cemetery being the principal ono. The elec
tric light machinery is In the sntno building
with the water works machinery. Tne
same boilers supply steam for pumps nnd to
run the two dynamos , each of 1" > 0 lamp
capa"ity , which uro driven by a I'Jd-horso-
power high speed ongluo. The city uses
ion are and GOO incandescent lamps. There
are txvo oommorolal nro lights and 000 in-
candcsconts. Both plants have civcn satis
Among private enterprises are John Jan-
celt's opera house and J. U. Sprechor's block.
The now opera house is a line buildincClixlOO
nnd two stories high , built at a cost oi
$23,000. The first floor has store room * , uvc
23x100 and ono ! 23x 10. The main hall Is 4073 ,
at the end of which Is a stage thirty fee I
deep. Adjoining the onora bouso are a banquol
room , 33x40 , cloak , toilet- waiting nnd diess-
ing rooms , all provided with modern con
veniences in tha nay ot light and wator.
The management devolves upon E.
S. Cloyor , who has an unusuallj
well equipped stapo and line scenery
which nro shown bis audiences by ttio glim
of 200 electric lights.
J. C. Sprochor's block is intended to be
( JOxbS and three stoiics high , 23x00 being
unbuilt nt present \\incr to a defective title
Two rooms , oali 23\d ( ) , and ono of the sami
buo having a basement , are built up om
story , to so remain till the entire block cat :
bo built at once. The cost of the preson
structure- S'J.OOO.
Orcclcy Ccntei's I'roHpects.
GuEFi.r.Y Ui'NTin , Doc. 1. There Is i
movement on foot now to build a largo brlul
building to be used an a hotel and postofllco
This is to bo done by the Building and Loat :
ussoc'mtloii. If tbn building is put up it wil
probablv cost not less than $3,000 to $10,000
A first class hotel is badly needed hero.
AIIIU Imp ] otm ItH Illirhuiiys.
AJM\ , Dee 1. About $3,000 has boon expended
ponded in this citv for puollo improvement !
this yoir , cblully in building and oxtuuuini
sidewalks und in grading strums.
Albioii'g lliillllnis ( mid Huttor.
ALIIIOV , Deo. 1. About 82,000 has boon
used in extending tbo citv waterworks.
The First National bank has erected a nov
buck building at a cost of $9,000. It is tbtr
ty-ono foot by ninety , malting the banl
building have a front on Fourth sticot oi
fifty-four feet und on Main street of sixty-si ;
foot. The now part of the buildlnir is ocoj
pled by Gunthor & llann with a largo atocl
of furniture and jewelry.
The Crouch Milling company has orcctod i
now mill costing $30,000 , ulth the best nni
latest improved nmchlnorv , cauaclly of 10 ,
bat rels per dav. It Is the largest mill In tin
countv. The same uompMiy erected an ole
vntor nt n cost of $1,000.
The Albion Butter nnd Cgg commnv
manul'actnrois of im'tallon ' ctoamory butter
mudo from butter bought of farmers , con
template. ) putting in n sopurutur croamori
\\iUillio latest Improve louts , with skin :
ming stations in about tin oo or four dllYci
cut parts of the county , tlio utvum to b
biought from the skimming stations t
Albion whoio the churning Is to bo done
The company has handled in the last twolvi
months over $3 000orth of butter nnd oggi
and is a gtcat help to the farmers.
Urciuliii ; < ic > rlnj , " .
GhitiNO. Dec. 1 The amount invested 1
thib city during 1SU3 will not tail short c
Sn.OW ) . The Goring Milling company ha
expended $15,000 in crc'ctlntr nnd iuruUhin
n largo i oiler mill ot suvonlj-llvo barrels ci
pncity. The balance has boon expended o
scvoial business bulldines , two Imudsotn
chutchof nnd a uuwuor of icslooncc. ] .
Il baa bcun n healthy Near for this city
The county nt largo hat also witnessed
great deal of building , the sod utid log house
nnd barns giving \\ny to moro subumitli
trnmo structures. Anumtiorof school ciii
triots In the county have bulb good
hou&os.VoiKUgolng on upon three coir
Jrrlgatluijouiials and several sraulli
A Snwlnif MiKlilun I'roo.
Our Impiovod pak or walnut $ U" maclur
lac-iid In jour homo to use , without coot of
cent lojou. cut tnu ndvt , out uudbcn
nith nddres ? today. Addtcas AUuh Aloni
faUuilngCo. , Ctlicatio , III ,
F. A. Stanlovof Plainvlow wa * found den
In bed the other diy in n house whom lie he
been living ulono. lie lind not been sec
nltve 8Inco olucilun ut > y , mid had probabl
noon dead foraomo tlmo. Ho hud beou wuil
lug at Hindolph anil uvorybody bupposod h
wn * at that town. It U * uppj$61 to DO a cua
of tiuiiildc , ss u bottle otsir } chulnu bat ou
chair Loildo him ,
IC'in. ' , Juno 15 , ' 0) ) ,
Mr. J. B , Moore ; My Djar fair Ibj \
been subject to sick tiuadacho nil my lif
Over two ; > oais ago I bo itn using "Mooro
Tree of Life" for It and nuvor Had a case o
sick beadachn since , except when tti- med
cmuo was at ono cndof iho load uud I at II
other. Ills worth moro than monov to in
I hoirtily reeouiond it to all sulfcrors <
headache. Truly jouw ,
jouwV. . \V. LII.B.
Pastor riHt Uiptlst Cbursh.
Bocolleotions of Oaptain Bourke aud Ilia
Against Qntza ,
rrcnmturo Obituaries ot Iho I'amaus
Iroopcilullniit Sortlcci in Vnrl
< MM InillniiVnrsIntcrcfltliiK
Iciiilnl9cancc § ,
During the past two wooka tlio friends
of Captain John G. Uourko were iima/ed
Jlo rend in n number of papers flattering
obituurios of the gallant troopor. The
cause of these pronjiituro tributes wua
an uufoundod report to the effect that
the captain was assassinated at Sun An
tonio , Tex. , while testifying at the trial
of ono of Gar/.a'a border rufllanq. The
Report was promptly dented , nevertheless -
less the incident created much excite
ment In Omaha , whcro Captain Bourke
spent many ydars and Whore ho led to
the altar ono of Pmahn/sfalr daughters.
A writer In tlio Press of Philadelphia ,
whore Captain Bourkq.wns born , gives
an interesting sketch of his career on
the Texas border. "Karly In the GO's , "
10 writes , "Uourko gradtintcd from
Vest Point. Ho was ti member of the
i'iftconth Pennsylvania , or , us it was
jotter known , tlio Anderson cavalry ,
anklng as a second lieutenant. In 18b7
10 joined the Third cavalry , then sklr-
nisliine in Arizona under direction of
onoral Ctook. ItMIS there that
mot Captain Efurko. Crook
nado him * his uido and placed
mu'h confidence in his ability and
' 'Tho bloody wnr with the Aunches
vas soon in progress and for four years
vo fought the red men until thoy'woro
ubdued. Bourke was a splendid lin-
juist and frequently acted as an olllclal
ntorurotor between the Spani&h-spoak-
ng Indians and General Howurd , who
initcd General Crook's command with
iis own.
'I have many recollections of Bourko's
usefulness in such a capacity. lie was
i witty man and a clover story toller.
Some of his Bparo time wns also pasbed
n writing articles on military topics. I
) oliovo several years ago ho wrote a
book giving Ins experiences in the
army , lie was very popular \\ithhis
associates and comrades in arms. When
it Omaha with General Ciook ho was
nairicd to the daughter of lion. John
illarbach. .
'When the Indian troubles in the
Yellowstone country bioko out , Captain
3ourko was ngain with General Crook
ind participated HU Iho light on Koso-
> ud river , \\lion&in.inp Bull hold our
'orcos back and then drew away only to
annihilate General Ouster's ' 'band of
iravo men.
"About two years ago when Captain
Bourke was dot < llod to join General
Stanley's command , then regulating af-
ahs along the McMcan border , and iho
chuso alter Garza , the outlaw , gave him
ample opportunity to bo of excellent
'Capt'iinBouiko'schioi prominence as
a United States army ollleer dates from
, ho Gar/.a guerrilla warfaiowhich grow
lorn a spasmodic uprising into a con
certed revolution against the Mexican
; oeminent. . The tsolf-styled "rovolu-
aonists" in Captuin'Bourko's
were , own
angungo , "bandits * * * who have
a porfeot organisation , a good system of
signals , know the country thoroughly
and , being without unifoim , can turn
themselves into innocent ranchmen and
goat herders in live minutas. "
"It wns on December 2 ! ) , 1891 , that
'aptaiu ' Ilardie of the Third cavalry ,
stiuck a camp of about 200 Gnr < : a fol
lowers in dense chaparral near the
ranch of Garcia , Gar/a's fathor-in-law.
Captain Brooks' Texas rangers and
troop A , Third cavalry , and a force of
deputy marshals wore the American
vanguard. These attacked the bindits.
who reined. Captain Bourke , as Cap
tain Hurdio says in his ropoit ,
along as a volunluor.
" 'Those bindits , ' savs Captain
Bourko's report , Scattered in the clmp-
airalat sundown , and I do not think
tbcv ' will light much unless they got in
the'toilb. '
"Gaiva , meanwhile , ioali/.ing that his
'causo' wns looked upon with suspicion ,
tried to rehabilitate himself \\itli the
natives on the Mexican side. This ro-
suUi'd in a temporary accretion of hie
force. The people made a scant living
herding and working as agricultural
labotoisand were easily induced for : i
time to join the revolutionary standard
of Gar/a.
"Gar a's scheme , backed by a large
amount of money , contemplated the
declaration of a lonublic under the con
stitution of 1877 ns Boon as the northern
otrotch of Mexico had boon cut off by
military cordon 8. This design wns
pleaded by Gar za in extenuation ol
many plundering expeditions. The base
of operations was on the United States
side of the Rio Grande , in Texas , and o
concerted movement upon Mexico wag
what it became necessary that Uncle
Sam's troops should prevent. There is
no doubt that the antiDinclement in
Mexico gave the constituted authorities
of Unit .republic much concern for u
"Meanwhile Captain Bourke was fn
commard nt Fort Hlnggold , along the
line of hostilities. Captain Bourke sent
to Assistant Adjutant General Martin ,
at mililnry headquarters in Sun An
tonio , Tex. , for good guides nnd bcouts ,
"This loquost was complied with , anil
an aetho campaign of strategy wm
opened by Captain Bourke , in cooperation
tion with other detachineniH , moving
separately , under command of Ilardit
and others. The revolutionists novel
alTotdcd a chance for open battle , but
divided tlicmsohca Into loving bands
which had to bo hunted out in luin.
"Onco Captain Bourke , in a dienuh
ing iain , led a bcoio of his men ulont
tlio stoop docUiltyj.of the Kio Grande'i
banks opposite TaimvulipaB. Dismount
ing utlast , UoeausCjpfjtlio iiariowncsso
the way , each maniMlowod jlho olllcoi
into a clump of buHhuii , whore . piotcctcM
fi om the Btorin , lhu > moveinentu of i
struggling gioup.h fitcd around n tin
built boncath an orerhanging boulder
could bo watched , "liis gang proved t <
bo professional buiuliti , oporatlng ii
Gnr/a's numo , aiu)3 ) when they hm
crosacd into our , ttiiritor.tlio ; . wholi
liartv w.i9 feurpiibod ilnd captured. "
Von don't nerd to sacrifice thu Ih en of you
KULclonoi wlien
Dcphtlierid anil Membranous Croup
wlllcniliiii.'i-l tlui iiolulilxirh md of jour hmno
Tlriots.i HIIIU simolllo uisdh-uiu 'j'U I'1) ) I !
Vi K I'cunl iislniiof Ihniii , mid tlicru IH uUu i
hiiro bpOrlllu nii'illi'lnu for
Tlio Cure of Thein }
uhi'ii they h IVK not fiiu.beyond IHIIIKUI rc-acl
\\rltuii )
IH. ) C. SIC , I , In Crete , Kc ! ) . ,
If In net d of iiv'r" Iniviil , und ) ( iu lll Un
lluit li i irmitmi 1,1 u Huel on in ui > jDir.'ux
iinii nt id * -n iN uiiri'd linn u bue
i Hiiliini il
> ilr3 * ) > ) l.vlv4 ! umlkcn
. 11 * f > * Jl * , Ibltaf , I
Recognizing the fact that the Holiday trade will soon demand great quantities of goods in
our line , being heavily overstocked and wishing to give our customers the benefit of lo v prices
at a time of year when our goods are most in demand , we have concluded to CUT PRICES
all to pieces , without regard to cost of articles mentioned. The goods offered at cut prices are
the same quality and purity that we have always sold , and we guarantee their absolute purity.
We handle no imitation goods of any description. A glance at the prices-given below will con
vince customers that we have done as we said , viz : CUT PRICES ALL TO PIECES :
Pure California Sweet Wines ,
Regular prices. 80c , 40c and COc per
quart ; Sl.M , $1.CO and 31.75
per gallon.
Port , all now reduced to
2-lc per qt ; 90c per gal.
Sherry , all now reduced to
"oe porqt ; OOn per gnl.
Angelica , all now reduced to
25o per qt ; 90c per gal.
Muscatel , all now reduced to
25o per ijt ; 90c per gal.
Blackberry , all now reduced to
UOo per qt ; OOo porgai.
Sweet Catawbaall now reduced to
5c uor qt ; OOc pur gn.1.
Madeira , all now reduced to
2oopcrqt ; OOc per gal.
Malaga , all now reduced to
25c per nt ; OOc per gal.
Toitay , all now reduced to
25c per qt ; OOc per gal.
Pure California Sour fine ? ,
Regular prices , 20c , 23c and 40e per
quart ; COc , SI and $1.25
per gallon.
Claret , now reduced to
12jo uor qt 45c per gal.
Zinfandcl , now reduced to
20c per qt ; 05u per gal.
Riesling , now reduced to
12ic per qt ; loc per gal.
Sour Catawba , now reduced to v
2Uc per qt ; 05c per gal.
Pure California Brandy ,
Regular prices , 75c , 81 and $1.25 per
quart ; $2.75 , $ .X25 and $3 50
per gallon.
All now reduced to OOc per quart ; 82.30
per gallon.
Imprtefl Port Win ? .
Regular prices , 75e , $1 and 81.25 per qt ;
63 50 per gallon.
Now reduced to COo nor qt ; $2.30 per
Imported Slierry Wiie ,
Regular prices , 75c , 81 and 81.25 per
quart ; $3.50 per gallon.
Now i educed to COb per quart ; $2.30 per
Imported Three -Star Hennessy Brandy ,
Regular price , 81.50 per quart ; $1.75
per gallon.
Now reduced to OOo per quart ; 83.50 per
St , Louis Exnart Beer ,
Usual prices. 2"ic per qunrt.
Now reduced to 125o per quart ; packed
in plain box , 1 do/.en quai ts to ti
box , $1 50 , packing ehuriro
25e ; total , $1.75.
Mcflfom and Jamaica Rum ,
Regular prices , $1.2-3 per quart ; $3.50
per gallon.
Now reduced to GOe per quart , ? 2.25 per
Regular prices. Tom Oin , 81.00 ; Do
Kuypor , $1.25 ; Crystal , 81.10
per quai t.
Now rodudcd as follows :
Booth Tom Gin 70c per quart
Do Kuypor Gin fcOc per quart
Ciy&tal Gin ! iOc per quart
Tom Gin $2.00 par gallon
London Dock Gin 2.20 per gallon
Malt Gin li 30 per gallon
Cherry Bounce , Apple and Peach Brandy.
Former price 81.25 per quart ; 81.00
per gallon. Now all reduced to 70c per
quart ; $2.50 per gallon.
'imported Bass Ale.
Dog Head Brand , 20c per pint ; $2.00
per doyon.
"Whlto Label Biand , 25c per pint ;
$2.25 per do/on.
Impound Dublin Stout.
Dosr Head Brand , 20c per pint ; $2.00
per dozen.
Imported Ithine Wines.
Old price $1.00 per quart. Now re
duced to COe pur quart.
Imported Claict.
Old price 81.00 per quart. Now reduced -
ducod to 50c per quart.
f. Imported Champagne.
Pommory "Sec , " $1.50 per pint : $2.7C
DC r a 11 int.
" Piper Uoidsieek "Sec , " 81.35 per
pint ; $2.15 uor quart.
Dry Mononolc , $1.40 per pint ; S2.55
per quart
Muimu's Extra Dry , $1.45 per pint ;
$2.05 per quatt.
California Champagne.
Eclipse Extra Dry70c ' per pint.
Grand Vin "Secr'40e , per pint ; 75o per
Golden Gate "Sec , " 50o per pint ; OOc
per quart.
Imported Ginger Ale.
15c per pint ; 81.50 per do/.on ,
60o per quart ; $1.75 per gallon.
Key W tor Havana and 1
Domestic dial's. '
Key ffcsi Cigars ,
Kctralia Graciosa , per 60 box . . .S5
PanetcUn oO
Concha Especial l-Xtr.i OQ
Concha Kspocial 01
U. C. Cspaci.Us 5- >
Hotjnliu Uolna , JXtia line 55)5 )
Albot tus 55
Clear Haw ,
White Seal , per 50 box $2.25
Domestic Cigars ,
Grand Royal , per " > 0 bo$2 75 I
Pine Stock , per SO box 1 7o
Wo handle the Genuine Nevada ,
ai/o Nevada Porfcctos , per 60 box 3 40 |
Here is Where We Do Cut Prices.
"Washington , per gallon $1 10
Adnmb. per gallon \ . . . . 1 .
JelTorbOii. per gallon 1 75'
Klkhorn , per gallon 2 I
Glomuoio , per gallon 2 lijj
Pop Corn Whisk y , ) ) or gallon 2 2v
Imperial , per trillion 2 20
Atlioilon , per gallon 2 00
Monatchj pur gallon J 25
It. J' . Popper , per galloi 2 CO
T. B. Hipi , por.g.illon 2 75 ,
Monogram , per gallon J 00 , .
Kentucky Club , per gallon 125
Boll of Aiuloison , per gallon J .r > 0
Boon it Knoll , per ga Ion 150
Old Taylor , p jr gallon 1 00
ndgowood ( old ) , per gallon 1 55(1
W. J. Fra/ior , 187 ! ) , per gallon 0 10
Amoi lean Club , per gallon 200
Old Pioneer , per gallon 2 21
Tea Kettle , per gallon 2 00
Silver Wedding , per gallon 1 70
WMsklK in Qnart Bottles ,
Cut to Following Prices.
Hermitage , per quart , 1880 75o
O F. C. . pur quart , 1880 ,750
Monnngahola Hyo , per quail 76o
Maryland H o , uor quart , 1871) ) 76u
flucla-nboimor , per quart , 1878 75o
ISlno Grass , per quai I , 1871 750
Oscar Pepper , per quart , 1S80 75o
Gibson Ujo , per quail -10o
Jockey Club , per quart 5o ( )
.Ins. C. Ponpor , per quart , 18&0 7oo
Bond & Lillard , per quart 75o
XX 1'riviito Stock , pur quart 000
Instructions to Dut-of-Town Customers ;
We assort bottled goods , putting in just such an assorlment as you may wish.
We do a strictly cash business.
Do not send in an order without money remittance , as goods will not be shipped until money
is received.
In sending money to us remit by postoffice order or banlc draft. Personal checks will not
be accepted.
Express companies wilUnot receive wines or liquors for shipment C. O. D. So to avoid
delay send money-with order. /
We make the following- charges for packing : Each package of one dozen bottles or one
gallon jug , 25c"extra over quoted prices.
"IMPORTANT---From now until the ist of February our out-of-town orders arc very nu
merous , and while we try to pack goods and ship promptly , we are sometimes so crowded that
orders are de'ayed ; hence we advise customers who contemplate ordering from us to older a
few days ahead so goods will be sure to arrive when wanted. No attention paid to orders un
less money is remitted.