Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part Two, Page 16, Image 16

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V -
r'I T lnf A AT "RT1QTTlnQQ * n c'lly as lc e ° P c's Mammoth Installment House inaugurated such a
N EVER SINCE . . _ _ . IJJL/VJlllM JD UO11M JL/OO sweeping stupendous slaughter of merchandise as will begin tomorrow morning at
± 1 f | j j g j" if * - * - j * ! _ f - M f r mm Jv.A - * ii * * > fc * - i - x * * ! - * -1 - J- r * i r rv * * * I * ' J " * " " 1- " * * * - * * w * * -w A * * v iii.ik &t. wv wt r v * LEI / % Ilk * V I k A > .S I 1 \f \ \ 111J I 1 L 1 I A C * v
their establishment , to continue until the bulk of their goods are disposed of. In a few weeks they begin their annual inventory of stock on hand , and on account of the
. . * i 1 1 1 i 1 1 * j 1 i 1 i 1 i j 1 1 1 rI"M * * * 1 i
even dealers supplied with large or small lots. Special attention is called to the fact that cVery article , whether cheap , medium or fine , has been greatly reduced i
nothingbeing reserved.
Furn iture.
Chnmbor sultn , former prlco $10 , in
ventory price $23.50.
Chamber sullH , former price $30 , in
ventory jirico $11).60. )
Chamber suits , former price 850 , in
ventory price $31.60.
Chnmbor Hiiits , former irico$2.r ) , inven
tory prlco $ I3. < " 0.
Chnmbor stilts , former jirico $125 , in
ventory $70.
Bedsteads , fonncr price $0 , inventory
price m < ) .
Bedsteads , foimcr price S3. 0 , inven
tory price $1.05.
Spring * , former price $ ! ! , inventory
price SI.25.
Muttrcpbcs , former price $5 , inventory
price $2.50.
Multi-esses , former piipoS3.50 , inven
tory price 81.75.
Folding bcilB , former price $ -10 , inven
tory price , % 2f.60.
Folding beds , form or rricc , $ 2.CO , inventory
vontory price Sit.5 ! ( ) .
Folding BoJs , former price $00 , inven
tory prlco $3-1.50.
Folding bedh , former price $125. in
ventory piico $7f .
High buck antique catio chairs , former
price $2 , inventory price $1.
Wood scat chairs , former prloo 60c ,
inventory price 2oe.
Leather Beat oik : elinira , former price
$4.60 , inventory price $2.70.
Kitebon siifos , former prlco $0 , invon-
toiy jirico $11.76.
BulTets , former price $0.50 , inventory
price $4 50.
Sideboards , former priro $22.60 , in
ventory price 812.50.
Sideboards , former price $ . " > 0 , inven
tory piico $17.50.
Sidebonids , former jirico $50 , inven
tory price $ ! ) .50.
IJining tables , former price $3.50 ,
invcntoiy price $1 05.
Extension tables , former price $12.50 ,
inventory prlco $7.60.
Extension tables , former price $8.60 ,
inventory price $ -1.25.
mgh art extension tables , former price
$25 , inventory price $1-1.50.
Plush rocKers , former price $7.50 , in
ventory price $ . ' 1.76.
Large nrm plush rockers , former price
$10.50 , inventory price $5.60.
Iron bud ? , former price $8 , inventory
price $ -1.75.
Iron beds , former price $12 , inventry
price 50.
Iron beds , blnck enameled , with brns > s
mountings , former pi ice $25 , inventory
price $15.
Brass beds , former price $40invenlory
price $25.
Brass beds , former price $50invantorv
p- ice $30.
Oak pedestals , former prlco $3. in
ventory price $1.50.
Oak pedestals , former price $8 , in
ventory price $ -1.50.
Oak pedestals , former price $10 , in
ventory price $5.
Onk pedestals , foimor price $12 , in
ventory price $0.
Brass tnbles , former price $0.50 , in
ventory prlco $2.60.
Bamboo center tables , former price
62.50. inventory price $1.
Onk cent > r tubles , former price $ .1 , in-
vontry piieo'M.25.
Oak center tables , former price $5. in
ventory price $2.25.
Bamboo center tables , former pricsSl ,
inventory price $2.
Oak library tables , former price 38 ,
inventory price $4.
Onyx ton brass center tables , former
price $15 , inventory price $9.
Onyx top brass center tables , former
price $20 , Inventory p ice $12.50.
Rattan center tables , former price $8 ,
inventory price $1.
Oak hull trees , former prlco $12.50 ,
inventory price $ ( i.f. ( ) .
Oak hall trees , former price $18 , in
ventory price $0.75.
Oak hall trees , former prlco $22 , in
ventory price $12.50.
Oak hall trees , former priro $23 , in
ventory price $14.75.
Oak mirrors , former price 75o , Inven
tory prieo ! 15e.
Oak minors , former price $1.25 , In
ventory price OOo.
Onk mirrors , former price $2 60 , inventory
vontory price $1,2" ) .
Oak plor parlor mirrors , former price
$22 , inventory priro $11.
Oak pier parlor mirrors , former prlco
$28inventory price $10.
Ohovul mirrors , former price $15 ,
inventory price$7.50 ,
Oulc hull chairs , former price S3 , in
ventory prlco $ ; t.
Oak hull t'hairs , former price $7.50 ,
inventory prlco $1.
Oak hull chairs , former price $10.50 ,
inventory price $5 75.
Oil paintings , former prlco $2.60 , in
ventory price $1.25.
Oil painting , former price $6 , inven
tory price $2.50.
Oil pointings , former prlco $10 , inven
tory price $5.
btoel engravings , former prlco $ o , in
ventory price $2.50.
Stool engravings , former nrico $10 , in
ventory price $5.
Steel engravings , former price $15. in
ventory prlco $8.
1'astclH , former price $5 , inventory
1'astols , former price $10 , inventory
price 15. *
Oak medicine cabinets , former price
$2 , inventory price $ i.2o.
Oak medicine ciiblnots , former price
$ . ' 1 , inventory price 81.50.
Oak medicine cabinets , former price
$4 , inventory price $2.
Oak mould no cabinets , former price
$0 , inventory price $ . ' ! .
Corner oak brackets , former price $1 ,
inventory priro 6Uc.
Corner oak brackets , former price $2 ,
inventory price $1.
Oalc clock shelves , former price 75c ,
inventory price > 15c.
Onk clock shelves , former price $1.60 ,
inventory price 75c.
Oak clock shelves , former price $2 , in-
.vcntory pricol.
Fancy wall pockets , former price $1 ,
inventory price o'Jc.
Fancy wall pocketsformer price $1 50 ,
inventory urico 75c.
Fancy wall pockets , former price $2.50 ,
inventory price $1.
Hut racks , fonner price 20c , inven
tory price Oc.
Hat racks , former price 60c , inventory
[ > rico 2 c.
Oak hr.t racks , former price 75c , in
von Joiy price 33o.
Oak liat nicks , former price $1 , in
ventory prieo 50c.
Oak towel rings , former price $1.50 ,
inventory price 6 < lc.
Corner oiU : cabinets , former price 8c ,
inventory price 32.50.
Oak parlor sabinots , with French
plato mirrors , former price $40 , inven
tory price $22.50.
Book sholtos , former price $3 , inven
tory price $1.45.
, Book shelves , former price $5 , inven
tory prieo $2.40.
Oak foot rests , former price $3.50 , in
ventory price $1.05.
Plush foot stools , former price $8 , in
ventory price $4.
Blacking cases , former price $2 , in
ventory price 75c.
Blacking cases , former price $3.50 , in
ventory price $1.50. '
Bamboo ousel ? , former price $1.50 , in
ventory price 05c.
Oak oabols , former price $2.75 , inven
tory price $1.50.
Fire dcrcons , former price $2.50. in-
ventony price $1.25.
Screens , former price $5. inventory
price $2.50.
Bamboo parlor cabinets , former prieo
S20 , inventory price $12.50.
Indies' desks , former price $10.50 , in
ventory price 84 60.
Ladies' desks , former price $15 , inven
tory price $0.50.
Ladles' desks , former price $20 , in von
tory price $12.50.
Ladies' desks , former price $25 , inven
tory price $14.50.
Cradles , former price $3 , inventory
piicu $1.50.
High chairs , former price $1.75 , , jn.
vontory price ! Hc. )
Children's folding beds , former price
$ (1.50 ( , inventory price $3.7-5.
Ollico desks , former price $20 , inven
tory price $12.50.
Ollico desks , former price $10.50 , in
ventory jirico $5.75.
Ollico desks , former price $25 , inventory
tory price $17.50.
Childrons roc' < ors , former price $1.50
Inventory price Ooc.
Childton's rockers , former price $2
inventory price $1.20.
Cano seat arm chairs , former prici
$1.50 , inventory price $2.
liuro'ius , former price $12.50 , inven
tory prlco $7.60.
Carpet and
Drapery Department.
Body briissols. former price $1.50 , in
von lory pii-'o OOc.
Brussolb carpet , former prieo $1.2- !
inventory price 08 .
Brussels c'trpot , former price $1 , inventory
vontory prlcoloc ,
Ingrain carpet , former prlco 40c , ii
vontory price 13c.
Ingruln carpet , foi mer price OOc , ir
vontory price30c.
Hug cnrpot , former price 05c. invoi
tory price 2Io.
Hum ] ) earoot , farmer prlco 33a , invoi
tory price 15c.
All wool stair carpet , former price 05
inventory price 28c.
CJood stair curpot , former prlco 30
in vontory price 15c.
Ingrain border , former prlco 4llc , i
yontory price 23c.
Linoleum , former prlco $1 , invonto :
ice 3 < Jc.
P1'Oilcloth , former price fiOc , invonto :
ice 25c.
PrChinu miutln/ , former price 40c , i
ontory price 15c.
Naplor matting , former price 05c , in
ventory price -10c.
Cocoa matting , former prlco OOc , inventory -
vontory price 48c.
Art hqnares. former price $060 , inventory -
vontory price $3.
Fine skin rugs , former price $3.60 , in
ventory prtco $1.
200 Smyrna rug ? , former price $1.50 ,
inventory price UOe.
500 rugs , JlOxOO inches , loimor ; price
$ J.75 , inventory price $1.25.
1,000nrds all wool ingrtiin remnants ,
former pr.ico c , inventory price 35c.
500 yards ingrain remnants , worth
Ooo , inventory price 25c.
500 yards China and Japan mntling ,
former price Ho ) , inventory price lOc.
Door mn.ltformor ) price 76o , inven
tory price 2-5c. '
Hassocks , former prlco $1 , inventory
price 4e. ! )
Hassocks , former price $1.75 , inven
tory price Soc.
Silk mixed curtains , former price
$7.1)0 ) , inventory price $3.75.
Portieres , former price $0.50 , inven
tory price $2.00.
Luco curtains , former prlco $2.25 , in
ventory prlco 800.
Lace curtains , former price $4.75 , in
ventory price $2.25.
Irish point lace curtains , former price
$8.75. inventory price $4.23.
Chenille drapery , double width , " former
price $1.60 per yard , inventory price O'Jc.
0-4 chenille t\blo : covers , former price
$4.50 , inventory price $ l.jO.
Tapestry table covers , former price
$3.50 , inventory price $1.25.
Tube ! scarfs , former price $1.75 , in
ventory price 75c
Mantle lambraquins.forraor price GOc ,
inventory price 20c.
Lace bed sots , former price $4.25 , in
ventory price $2.00.
Lace bed sots , former price $7 , inven
tory price $3.75.
Lace curtain loops , former price 35c ,
inventory price ISc.
Drapery chains , former price 25c , in
ventory price ! ) c.
Rug fringes , former price 35c , inven
tory price 13c.
Curtain poles , former price 35c , in
ventory price 15c.
Brass polo trimmings , former price
iOc , inventory price 14c.
Brass towel racks , former price 35c ,
nvontory price 15c.
I jink oilcloth binding , former price
5t > inventory price IOc.
Brass oilcloth binding , former price
Oc , inventory price 15c.
Bed spreads , former price $2.50 ,
nventory price OOc.
Eider down comforts , former price 810 ,
nyent.ory price $1.50.
Comforts , former price $5.50 , inven
tory price $2.25 ;
Comforts , forinor price $3.50 , inven
tory price $1.75.
Comforts , former price $1.60 , inven
tory price 05c.
Blankets , former price $5 , inventory
price $2.25.
Blankets , former price $2.50 , inven
tory price $1.10.
Pillow slips , former price 5oc , inven
tory price 25o ,
Bed sheols , former price $1.25 , inven
tory price 03c.
Pillows , former price $1- inventory
price 6c. ( )
Pillows , forinor price $2 , inventory
price OOc.
Pillows , former price $3.50 , inventor ;
price $1.50.
A A grade feathers , former price 75 <
per pound , inventory price 60c.
B B grs1 do feathers , former prlco 50
per pound , inventory prlco 2-3c.
Parlor Furniture.
u its , upholstered in Lost'si
tupoUry , forinor piico $75 , invonto
prlco $15.
Parlor suits , upholhlorod in bos
crush plush , forinor price $ (13 ( , luvontor
price $39.50.
Parlor suits , upholstered in best plus
or tupustry , former price $50 , inventor
price $20.60.
Parlor units , upholstered in plusl
former price I31) , inventory price $10.51
Patent upholstered reclining chain
forinor prlco $30 , inventory price $14.51
Hattan couches , former prlco $15 , ii
vontory prlco $7.50.
Parlor suits , overstuffed , frlngei
brocutollo or tapestry coverings , forme
prlco $200 , inventory price $125.
Solid mahogany parlor suits , forme
prlco $100. inventory price $ ( iO.
Single lounges , former price $7.50 , ii
vontory price $1.50.
Single lounges , forinor prlco $12.5
Inventory prlco $7.23.
.V Chenille couches ( Immlsomo patterns
former prlco $18 , inventory price $12.5
i- Bed lounges , forinor price $12.50 , i
vontory piico , $8.60.
Plush bed loungesformor price $17.50 ,
inventory prlco $10.50.
Plush bed loungos.lormor price $22.50 ,
inventory price $14.25.
Silk tapestry bed lounges , formnr
prloo $30 , inventory price 918.
Leather louugi's , former price $30 , in-
veiuo/y price $18.50.
Plush divans , former price $12.50 , in
ventory price -iO.2,3.
Plush divans , former price $15 , inven
tory .price $8.5' ) .
Silk tapestry divans , former prlco $18 ,
inventory price $10.50.
Fine upholstered rockers , former price
$13 , inventory prieo $7.50.
I Fine upholstered rockers , former prlco
' $17.50 , inventory price $0.25.
Silk tapestry rockers , former nrico
818. inventory price $11.60.
Plush gonls' easy chairs , former price
$13.50. inventory prico$7.75.
Plush gents' easy chairs , former price
$10 , inventory pi ice $0.50.
Silk tapestry gents' easy chairs ,
forinor price $18 , inventory price $11.60.
Plush reception clmirsj' former price
$0 , inventory price $3.25.
Plush reception chairs , forinor price
$7.50 , inventory price $4.50.
Silk tapestry reception chairs , former
price $11.60 , inventory price $0.
Brass reception c.huirs , former price
$9.50 , inventory price 83.
Hattan rccoplion chairs , former price
$7.60 , inventory price $4.
Halt in reception chairs , forinor price
$9.75 , inventory price $5.23.
K'lltun corner chairs , former price
$12. invoutory price $ (5. (
Rattan corner chairs , former price
$15 , inventory price SS.
Brass piano stools , former price $12.50 ,
inventory price $0.60.
Plush piano utools , former price $14 ,
inventory price 87.25.
Gilt rockora , former price $10 , inven
tory price $5 ,
Gilt reception chairs , former price $8 ,
nvontory pcico $3.76. -
Plush rockovs , former price $18 , in-
onlory price $9.50.
Heed rockers , former price $3 , invcn-
ory price $1.40.
Cano rockers , former price $3 , invcn-
ory price $1.50.
Carpet rockers , former price $3.50 , in-
ontory price $1.75.
Music cabinots. former price $20 , in-
cntory price $12.50.
Music cabinols , former price $0.50 , in-
cntory price $3.50.
Book cubes , former price $12.50 , inven-
.ory price $0.23.
Bookcases , former price $20 , invon-
.oay nrico $12.75.
Bookcases , former price $35 , inven
tory price $20.
Socrotu' ies , former price $32.50 , in
ventory price $18.
Chollonioi's , former price $15 , invou
tory price $9.50.
CholTouicrs , former price $27.50 , in
ventory price $17.50.
. Wardrobes , former price $13.50 , in-
rontory price $8.50.
Wardrobu.s , former price $22 , inven
tory price $12.50.
Wardrobes , former price $25 , invon-
; ory price $15.
Silverware and
Clock Department.
Nickel alarm clocks former price
$1.60 , inventory price 75c.
Onyx novelty clocks , former price $1 ,
inventory price $2.
8-dny walnut clock , strike and tlmo
iormor prlco $8 , inventory price $3.75.
8-day walnut clocks , strike and time ,
former price $10 , inventory price $0.
8-dny parlor clocks , forinor price $12
inventory price $0,50.
8-day parlor clocks , former price $15
inventory price $8.
8-duy parlor clocks , former price $18
inventory price $10.
8-day parlor o'.oo'ss ' , former price $25
inventory price $13.50.
8-day parlor onyx clocks , former prlci
$30 , inventory price $16.
Brou/.o iliruroH , former price $5 , inventory
vontory prlco $2.60.
Bron/.o figures , former price $7 , in
vcntory prlco $ : i.50.
Bron/.o flgnros , former prlco $8 , inventory
vontory price $1.
Bron/.o lignres , forinor price $10 , inventory
vontory price t-3.
Stool knivoa-anil forks , former pric
$1 60 , inventoryprico ? 76c.
Stool knives wid forks , forinor pric
$2 , inventory pulce 81.
Stool carving hot , former price $1.5 (
inventory prico75c.
Stool cnrviugj pel , forinor price $2.51
inventory price $1 23.
Steel carvingiROl. forinor prlco $3.51
inventory price $1.76.
Steel carvingv ot , former price $1 , it
vontory piico $2.25.
Silver plated itonspoons , forinor prU
$1.60 , inventory prlco 75c. t
Silver platout teaspoons , former pri (
$2 , inventory price SI 25.
Silver platodltubloHpoons , former prh
$3. inventory price $1.2o.
Silver plated tablespoons , former price
$1 , inventory price $2.50.
Silver plated knives and forks , former
price $2.60 , inventory price $1.23.
Silver plated knives and lories , former
price $3 , inventory price $2.50.
Silver plated butter kuivos , former
price $1.50 , inventory price 75c.
Silver plated nut crackers , former
price $1 50 , inventory price $2.25
Silve'r plated castors , former price $5 ,
inventory price $2.50.
Silver plated castors , former price $8 ,
inventory price $1.
Silver plated castors , former prlco $10 ,
inventory price $3.
Silver plated pickle castors , former
price $1 , inventory price $2.
Silver plated pickle castors , former
price $1 , inventory price $3.
Silver plated pickle castors , former
price $ S , inventory price $1.
Silver plated cake baskets , former
price $5 , inventory nrico $2.60 ,
Silver plated ciilco baskets , former
price $8 , inventory price $1.
Silver ijluto.1 cake baskets , forinor
price $10 , inventory price $5.
Silver plated tea s > cts , former price
$15 , invoutory price * > S.5 ( ) .
Silver plated tea sols , former price
S18 , inventory price $10.
Silver plated tea sols , forinor price
$22 , inventory price $15.
Silver plated .syrup cans , former price
$5 , inventory price $2.50.
Silver plated syrup cans , forinor price
$8 , inventory price $4.
Silver plated berry dishes , former
priceS , inventory price $1.
Silver plated 'berry dishes , former
price $10 , inventory price $5.
Silver plated butter dishes , former
price 53 , inventory price $1.60.
Silver plated butter dishes , forinor
price $4.50 , inventory price $2.25.
Silver plated child's mug , former
price $2 , inventory price $1.
Silver plated child's mug , former
price $3 , inventory prico$1.50.
Silver pluloi1 ice pitcher , former , price
$15 , inventory price $9 50.
Silver plater ! smokingsctformerprico
$5 , inventory price $ S.75.
Silver plated napkins rings , former
price 81 , inventory price 50c.
Silver plated bon bon baskets , formei
price $3 , inventory price $1.50.
Silver plated bon bon baskets , former
price $5 , inventory price $2.50.
Silver plated bo'n bon baskets , forinor
price $7 , inventory price $3.50.
Ladies' ' Japanese pin trays , foimor
price $2 , inventory price 81.
Ladies' Japanese pin trays , former
price $4 , in von tory price $2.
Ludies' Japanese pin trays , former
price $0 , inventory price $3.
Japanese paper knives , forinor price
$2. invoutory price OOc.
Japanese paper knives , former price
$3 , inventory price $1.50.
Crockery ,
Lamps and Glassware.
Decorated parlor lamps , former price
SI.50 , inventory price 75c.
Decorated parlor lamps , former price
$3.60. inventory price $1.75.
Oxydinod silver banquet lumpsformer
price $0.50 , inventory price $3.75.
Piano lamps , former price $12.50 , in
ventory price $7.50.
Piano lamps , former p-5co $15.50 , in
ventory price $8 50.
Hanging lamps , former prlco $3 60in- ,
vonlory price $1.05.
Hanging lamps , former prlcj $3 in
ventory price $3.50.
Hanging lamps , former price ? 12.50iu-
vontory prieo $7.60 ,
Bird ctiges , former price 75c , inven
tory price 3Sc.
China cuspidoros , former price ? ! , in
vent > ry price 58 < j .
Patent foot-rost cuspidoro" , forinor
price $2.75 , inventory priool,75 ,
Fiber cuspidoros , forinor prlco $1.50
inventory price 75c.
Toilet sots , former price $3,50 , inven
tory prices $1.03 ,
Toilet sets , former prlco $0 , inventory
price $3.2-3.
Dinner sots , forinor price $10.50 , inventory
vontory price $5.5J.
Tea sots , former price $0.50 , iiivonlori
price $3 75.
Glass cream sots , former price $1.50
inventory prlco 76c.
Glass cioim sola , former jirico $2 , inventory
vontory price $1. „
Glass goblets , per eot , former prle
60c , Inventory prieo 23o
Glass tumblers , per set , former pric
3-3c , inventory price 15c.
Glass berry dishes , former prlco $1,5C
inventory price 75c.
Glass berry frultn , par hot , formo
price oOo , inventory- price 30c.
Glass pitchers , fornur price 75c , it ;
vontory price 33c.
Glass wino bets , former price $2.60 , ir
vontory price $1.25.
Glass collerya , former prlco o'Jc , in
ventory prlco 23c.
Glass vinegar emits , former prlco 03c ,
inventory prlco 37c.
China cake plates , former price $1.10 ,
invoutory p'-ieo 6Uc.
China bread plates , former price $1 ,
inventory price 48c.
French bread and C.T.KO plates , former
price $1.50 , inventory price 83y.
French decorated fruit dishes , per sot ,
former price SI.75 , inventory1 price OOc.
French decorated vases , par * utfonnor
price $2.50 , inventory price $1.05.
French decorated vnses. per solformer
price $1. inventory price 49c ,
Cliocolnto pots , former price $1.25 ,
inventory price l3c. !
Chocolate pots , formar price $2 , in
ventory price $1.25.
Cracker jars , former price $2.50 , in
ventory price $1.2-3.
Cracker jars , former price $2 , inven
tory price $1.
FiOwor pots , former price IOc , inven
tory prioo 6c.
Knglibh doeorutcdSKnnor sots , former
price $21 , inventory price $1.50. ! !
French china decorated dinner sots ,
forinor price ? 35 , inventory pries $27.60.
Fionoh china decorated tea sols ,
former price $15.50 , inventory price
French china gold-band tea sots ,
former price $15 , in vontory price $8.23.
China puddin ? sets , former price $2 ,
in vontory prieo $1.15.
JurdinlcrH , former price $1.75 , inven
tory prlco $1.
J.vrdinlors , formar p.-ico $1.50 , inven
tory price 83c.
Umbrella stands , former price $3.50 ,
vontory price $1.75.
Umbrella stinds , former price $ I , in
ventory price $2.25.
PI ush and Toilet Sets.
Toilet sots in plush boxes , forinor
price $2.60 , inventory price $1.23.
Toilet sets In pftiah boxes , former
price SI , inventory price $2.
Toilet feots in nliibh boxes , former
price $0 , inventory price 63.
Combination piush manicure sots ,
forinor price $8 , inventory prieo $1.
Combination plush nruiicuro sots ,
'o-'inor price $10. inventory price $ -3.
Ladies' plush work boxes , forinor
irico $2 , inventory jirico $1.
Ladies' pluah "work boxes , former
irico $3 , inventory price $1.50.
Indies' plush work boxes , former
irico $4 , inventory price $2.
Plush collur boxes , forinor ji.'ico $1 ,
nvontory price $2.
Plush collar boxes , forinor price $ .3 ,
in von tory jirico $2 50.
Plush albums , former price $1 , inven
tory jirico $1.03.
Plush albums , cabinet sixes , forinor
[ irico $8 , in vontory price SI.
Plush albums , cabinet size , Iormor
[ irico $10 , inventory price $ -3.
Ladies' work baskets , former price $1.
inventory price 5o. ( )
L-idies' work baskets , farmer price $2 ,
inventory price $1.
Laities' work baskets , former jirico $3 ,
inventory price $1.50.
Ladies' work stands , former price $1 ,
Inventory price $1.75.
Ladies' work stands , former jn-ico
S3..30 , inventory pi-ice $2,25.
Ladies' work stands , forinor price
$8.50 , inventory prlco $1.
Stoves and Ranges.
Ilc'iting Htovo ? , forinor price $5.61 , in
ventory price $2.03.
Heating stoves , former price S7-.60 , iu-
yoiuory price $ l.2" > .
Laundry btovos , forinor jirloo3 50 , in
ventory price $2 75.
Full nickeled heating stovo.s , former
price $13.50 , inventory price $9.25.
Base burner stoves , former price $23 ,
inventory price $15
Base humor Htovos , former price $31 ,
invoutory price $21.60.
Cook stoves , former price $12 , inven
tory price $7.50.
Cook Btovos , forinor price $20 , inven
tory jirico $1(1. ( *
Hruiges , forinor price 333 , Inventory
price $10.60.
Ranges , former price $10 , inventory
price $2 .50.
.Stool ranges with high closets , former
prieo $ (10 ( , inventory prieo $ ,51).50 ) ,
Stool ranges , former price $70 , invon.
lory price $17.60 ,
Parlor cook stoves , former prlcoI ( ) . > i3 ,
Inventory price $11.6) ) ,
Parlor cook stoves , forinor prlco $18 50 ,
inventory jirico S12.50.
' - 23L * Invoutory
Klbowii , forinor ji'-ico ,
jirico 13c ,
Stovepipe , former prioj23c , inventory
price IOc.
Dumpers , former prlco 2)c ) , Inventory
jirtco IOc ,
Pipe collars , forinor prlco lOo , Inven
tory price 3c.
Xlno boards , former price $1 60 , inven
tory price 7i'a
Furnishing Goods.
Granite saucepans , fornur price 80o ,
inventory jirico 4"jo.
Granite preserving kettles , former
price 83c , inventory price -lie ,
GrnnUo dish pans , iormor p ice $2.25 ,
inventory jirico $ l.t'5.
Granite fry pans , former jirico OOc , in
von lory price 61)0. )
Granite pudding pans , former prlco
75c , inventory price 3Hc.
Granite pie tins , forinor price 35c , in
ventory jirico ISc.
Granite tea kettles , former pric-o3.2j ,
inventory prici * $2.
Granitu cusjildores , forinor prico$1.60 ,
inveiuoiy price 7.3c.
Granite dippurs , former price 75c , In
ventory prlco 33u.
Gninile wash bowls , former prloo 75e ,
inventory pri.'ooSo.
Grunit'j water p tils , forimr price $2 50 ,
inventory nrico $1.50.
Granite rice boilers , fo.'inor price
$2.75. inventory iirlro $1.75. '
Blue uiul white KUICO jiaus , former
price SOc , inventory prlco 42c.
Blue and white dish jians , formor'
jirico $2 , inventory price $1 25
Blue and white preserving kettles ,
former price 860 , inventory price 48o.
Blue and white fry jians , former jirico
OOc , inventory jirico oOo.
Blue and white jnulding pans , former' ,
price 75c. inventory piico 38i\ '
Blue ii'id white pie tliiH , former prico'j
2 > o , inventory price 18o. *
Blue aiid while tea kettles , former-
price $3 25 , inventory price i-1.75.
Blue and white cusp'do.'oj ' , formar
price 31.50. inventory prieo 73' ]
Blue and white wash bowlos , former , |
jn-ien 7oc , inventory jirice 3Sc.
Blue and. white w it-jr pails , forinor ,
p'-ieo ' $2 60 , inventory price $1,50.
Blue and white rfco boilers , forinor
price $3 , inventory price $1.0-3.
W.ish boiler ? , former iirico $1.75 , ,
inventory jirioo 76c.
Copper wash boilers , former price
$1 50 , inventory price $2.50.
Copper rim wash boilers , forinor jirico
$3 , inventory price $1.5 0.
D ; iry pans , former price 20u , inven
tory price 5c.
Pudding jians , forinor price 20c iiivon-
to.'y jirlcc fie.
Dripping jians , foin.or price 0 , in
ventory pi-leu Re.
Gridlos , f ormor prieo 33c , inventory
irico l-3c.
ipidoi-s , price 59c , invoutory
irico 18 c.
Ton kettles , former jirico 73c , invon-i ,
ory price -lOc ,
Niclclo ten kotllos , former p.-icj $2.69 ,
nventory price $1.50.
Copper range tea kotMo , former jirico
11.oil , Inventory price 7.3c.
Somb b.-uslics , former price 20c , in-
enfory price So.
Stove brushes , former jirico 50c , In- \
ontory price 20c.
Cotton niop4 , forma.1 price < i5i3 , invon-
vonlory price 23c.
Mop sticks , former price 2 < 3c , invon-
-ory price I 2c.
Wash boards , former iirico 35c. invon-
; orv prioo 12c.
Wmh tubs , former price $1 , iiivontory
irli.o15c. .
Hico bi > llor.s , f-ji-mjr pncj OJs , iuvcn-
.orv | > rico 6c. ( )
Tfomo roaster and baker , former jirico
! ! . ! ) ! ( , iiivontory jirlco HI.
Wiilllo irons , fonjur prica $1 23 , in-
, 'ontory price (13. ( '
Coal hoJs , forinor prlco 50c , invon-
ory price 2o. }
Cuke turners , former p-ico 23n , inven
tory price 10 c.
ColTco mills , former price $1.2-3 , iuvoii-
.ory jirico OUu.
Flour cans , former prlco $1. 0 , Invon-
.ory ( irico 5'Jc ,
lire id boxes , former price $1.25 , in-
'ontory price ( iOu.
C.tko boxoj , former prlca $1.23 , inven
tory jirico ( i'Jc.
\Voi > d wulor pills , fornnr prlco 23o ,
invinlory price 13c.
Tin water juils , foi-inor price 33c , inventory - ' ,
vontory price ISu.
Hod cod ir w.itor puls , fnrmjr prioa
$1.6' ) , invoutory prlco S3c.
C iivlm/,0'1 ' water pulN , former jirico
( lie , invoiiKK-y price ! lbj.
Dish p ins , former pi'lco flOe , Inventory
| ) rlio ! 2(1 ( c.
DUli IKUIH , foriuur price 06c , Iiivontory
jirico .1.3c.
( ' .ike moulds , fonncr jn-lco IOc , in von
tory p'-ico 18c.
( 'alco moulds , former jirico 15c , inven
tory price 15d
Oil ouiiii , forni-sr jirlcolOo , inventory
price iiOc.
Glaus oil caiiB , former jirlco ( IOc , In
ventory price 23i' .
Spire cabinet * , former jirlco $1.25 , in-
vcntoi-y price ( I7o.
Spice i-iibiiiots , forinor price $2 23 , in
ventory prldo1.2o. .
If the Goods are not
On a Bill of Ten Dollars Satisfactory and as
lars SI .00 Cash The Cheapest Furniture , Carpet and Stove House in America , Represented , come
to us and we will
and $1.00 a 131Q-1317. Farnam Street allow all reasonable
Week. enable claims ,