THE OMAHA DAILY BEG : SUNDAY , DEOKMBKR , 1S02--TWENTY-FOUU PAGES , BERLK'SPOORPEOPLE ' How tlio Proletariat Glasses Llvo in Ger many's ' Brilliant Capital , CELLAR LIFE IN A CITY OF TENEMENTS fifteen Hundred Pcofrlo Nightly Huddled in Moyor's Hof , BUSINESS CONDUCTED IN BASEMENTS All Sorts of Industries Pursued in Booms Below Street Level , FEEDING AT THE VOLKS KITCHENS W heron Jlrnl Can llo Unit for Three CrnU llio I'crsHte-iit I'llcinc it t J'pilillor Child l.nlior mul It * Uvunriln Tlio Merlin Now v , Nov. 19. [ SncclalCorrospondonco ot Tin : Unn. | Berlin is u city of lints nnil tbo ppoplo here nro crowilod almost as much ni the Otilnoso nro In Snn Francisco. There nro tons of thousands who llvo In oollnrs , nnd of the 2,000,000 people HvlnR within ttio city llmita only nhout : iO,03l ) Imvo nioro thnn seven rcoms. OI this vast population there nro loss than ! l,003 who hnvo u wnolo house to tharasolvot , nnJ there nro moro thnn half a million who only hnvo ono room In tholr tenements which cat\J3o houtod. The people swarm utiil they Docomo moro crowded every year. You see no llttlo houses boro. The cottage svstom U prna- tlcally unknown , nnd ttio rich and the poor nro crowded together In the same bulldlnc. The dlfToronco lias in the location nnd the character of the room. The buildings nro usually of llvo of six storloi. In tbo t > nso- " mont "you wilt ilud cobolon , butchers nnd grocorymen , while uuctt nround tbo courts every Imaginable trtido goes on nnd families llvo in narrow quarters nnd work at some thing or other to inalto n llvolitiood. On the first floor , If tbo street U a business one , there will bo ilr-tt class storei , restaurants or boor halls , nnd above thoao you may Una n ( Jormnn colonel or a general , or a rich busi ness man. On tbu same Hoar In the back rooms will bo cheaper quarters and us you noiir the top of the houao ttio character of thn tommls falls nud theirnutnbors increase. 'L'hero is n illfferoncoin rate according to different p.irts of the cltv , but there are chcan tenements everywhere und you llnd the poor lu every block. 1 visited tbo other day a single house which contained 100 fami lies nnd in which lived more thnn 1,500 pee plo. It was n building of about 100 feat front , run lit UK back , perbaps , for iM ! fuel nnd built around llvo great courts. There was no yard connected with it except the o dirty courts puved with cobblestones , and in these hollow-eyed uhildion swarmed and old men and women snt ngnlnst tbo wall trying to catch tbo son. The building consisted of six stories nnd it was entered by a passage way in Inc. middle. At the door of this as I came in I saw two young women standing with babies at tholr breasts , and tbo chil dren plnvinir in the icar woio oi all ages and sixes. Ilmlillod In Mojer'n IIof. As I looked at them and the pcoplo about thoin it struct : mu that the building wtia typical of the world. Every variety of lifo was going on among them. On ono side I saw two women laugblne. In another part n young glii nnd an old man were trying to tench n baby to walk , and as I stood there an undertaker c.unii through with a little cofiln , containing a baby , under bis arm and with its weeping mother following behind as tis mourner. This building is known as "Moyur's Hof , " and it Is ono of the largobt tenement houses In Berlin , x Thiiik of It. Hero nro 1,500 pcoplo sleep ing every night on an nrea of loss than onc- hnlf acre of ground. Some of tbo rooms contain more than ono family , und not n few of tbo poorest of the renters luke roomers. 1 visited boino of the tenement * . They Roomed to bo clean , but they were small , und thcro were a couple of ncils In nnarly every loom There were about 100 families living around each court , and these courts wore not as largo as the average citv back yurd. At the entrance to each court there were blllbouids line these vou lind in larpc ofllce bulldlugs In American cities , upon \vhlcli were u-cistored the name * of the tenants and the number of tholr rooms , Upon tbo ground lloor there were lil'.U stores , and I dropped Into a barber shop nl tno corner of ono of the couris and chattel ! with the burbor. Ills loom was about live feet wiuo hy six feet doip , and ho had i sign on the outside of it stating that bh prices for shaving woio 5 pfennigs or a httl < moro thnn n cent , and to out hnir for nboiri doubln this rate. Ho told mo that ho hai often a hnnured customers a day and that hi had double this number ou Saturdays. Hi sold matches and clears nnd imielo wigs n well as barhoied , and ho said , that bis ren for this room was $ -.50 a month , aud that hi slept hero at night. Hunts nio , I am told , continually rising li Builln , and the smaller the Incoino the bigger gor the proportion of rant. The most'of tin laboring people HKO to llvo noarthoif won und a larn majority of tbn people engaged li thq different industries tmro llvo withii twenty minutes of their places' of employ mont. The most of them pav moro thai ono-fourth of tholr income for rent nnd land lords iliul it pays to build big houses nan crowd them rather than to erect small one : A City til Collar Homos. The poonlo hero got so llttlo that they can not think of building liauici for themselves nnd thov axpuct to pay tunt from tholr birt till their death. The police regulations re quire that the rooms shall bo of a certain size and within the lust few your s the now house Imvo boou doing Letter as to their coila lodgings , Tha older parts of tbo city , bou over , have many rooms which nro not nt a Solitary , mid It Is astonishing how man l > toplo ! lvo tiara underground. Tncro mo moro than 1UO.OOO men , woino nnd children who are living In collars 1 JJurlln today , and a number of these Imv rooms In tiiclr cellar tenements which cannc bo heated. It must bo remembered that th surface of Herlm Is lint and-tho ( all as t drainage is very litllo. Tbn result Is thu these unboatcd collar rooms uro dump , an us they arj in the heart of the city they ai very uiihsullbful. It Is wondurful how much business Is don In collars In Berlin. About ono-half of th linmnnso manufacturing of Germany is don In the shurjo nf house Industry , that Is b people taking thu work from factories t their ou n houios or making so mo product < their own In thorn. A grout many of these collar-rooms fori the \\orlclng places of tbn pcoplo by day an their alc ( > plng places by night. Many i them are so in QUO that n draft cannot 1 sent through thorn , ana when It U router bored that som-j of them are six foot bolo the ulclou nlk it will bo easily socn that the are not lit for the residence * of human b lugs. I have visited nuitqn number of the citli of ( Jcrmany and I find that this Hut svsto pruvulu In all the largo towns. Hatnbur wtTlcb lm buen so badlv hurl by the choler Is u whitcd sopulfticr. It has beautiful bull Ings , but some of the streets are so nuiro Ihut you could hardly dnvo \\agou-lond hay through thoin , and thuiu are thousani of cellar tououiQiits. There are u numhor houses UUTO tthlch Uuvo liumlroil * of faui Hot lu thorn , and ( ho sumo u tiuo of LiMps nnd Droidun. Moro tbuu half the pcoplo In Lolpslopi lost than $100 u year for tout , at these people llvo In quartern wno they cannot Imvo mete tlihn iv heated rooms. The city hu gooa bulldu regulations , It is true , but'tho poplo niana to cat urouuu laom , und this 1 * 10 in near every ( Jerraan city. Part of the Lei pa regulations uro that every living room shi bo ut least iilno feet high. But tbo hone uro crowded cud the poorer the quartern t ! uiorO pcoplo jou tlua lu thoai. Even tl hull * nro lot out to night toilers , ft nil the stofloi of how woman ami tnon of different fnmltloi nro crowded togolhor inslnulolootru tucscnu as bad u picture as I found In some places In Hussln. At n Voll < 4 Kltchrn. The people hero are nllvo to the condition ot the working classes In this respect , nnd not long ago a member of the Uolatistii ; ; gathcroJ n largo amount of fuels nbou' the homos of the working people hero , and from these verified statements some of tno uoovo figures are taken. Us nor u were colloctoil from all the laboring centers , nml It is on the basts of these that movements Imva been undertaken to ooltor the laborers' comllliou. Here In Uorlln meals nro served to poor people at almost cot prices , and among the collar Institutions of iho city are the "volks kltebons , " or the pooplo's Kitchens. There nro n number of these , and they nro managed by the ladles of Berlin , who superintend thorn nnd who take turns In managing thorn , They have pooi cooks an ! they foctl nun- drods of pcoplo every day. In thorn you can got it ( tinner for about 5 coals , and n bowl of soup or of rlco costs you 3 cents , whlloyou can got n'llrst-ctass iup ; of colTuo for 1 cent. I visited ono of these the other day. Two nice looking old ladies stood bahlml a cli > an , white count or , and ruck of these were great boilers of soup , with cooks presiding over thorn. The room was , I ] ifclg , about liity feet long anil not tnoro than twenty wide. It was , In n collar , and It wa-t divided up Into compartments for women and men. At the entrance there was a o.uhler , who cavoyou- chccio for what you wanted upon the pay ment of the money , nnd you walk boon to these benches in the loom , where you can sit down nt long taolos and oat. r I luld down it cents nnd bought a bowl of soun. It was innilu of beans nnd contained nearly a quart. I look a bowl of rlco of about the samoilzi1 , aud I sippad nt u l-cuut cup of coffee nnd found it not bad. Kverythlnu was us clc.m ua could be , and the class of pcophi who uero outing appeared respectable. One of the old ladies told mo that they often fed as many as 1,01)0 ) a nay , and that they gave suppers as well as dinners. They s.tld that thu in stitution paid Its expenses , and that it did not try to make money. Nearly all the vcgotablo stores of Berlin nro in cellars and there nro numerous ! lsh stores , especially these which sell dried lUh , below ground. 1 am surunsed to see what well dressed people coino out of tnoso collnrj nnd how well the pcoplo dross on ttio low wages they receive. Wage * in Ilorllu. The average wages ol common laborers throughout Germany rnneo from ? 1.50tol n week nnd Iho mass of working men hero , both skilled nnd unskilled , do not got moro than from 2. > cents to SI a day.Vhon ono- fourth of this is paid ( or house rent nnd the food of the family purchased there is but little loll , and 11 la a wonder to mu how the people can buy any clothes ut nil. I nm told , however , that many of the pcoplo have several trades and that they do" work at home , outsldo of their hours of labor , and all the members of n poor man's .family do something to increase tbo family income. There is a law against children being otn- plo.xed In the factories nnd iliov have hero a compulsory system of education , but thosn are evaded to n considerable extent ami children uro hardly able to walk b'ifore they do something. Llttlo girls are taught to sow almost ns soon as thov can handle the ncodlo nnd good sowing ( Hrls who matte buttonholes - holes hero consider themselves well paid when they make from tJ to $1 u month. GUIs who sow upon shirts got nbout these same wages and the greater part of such sowing girls wortf nt homo. There nro n number of chiluron who mine n living in Germany by singing on the streets of the cltios during vacations and during the pans of the day when they nro not in school , I caw a clerical old man going nbout with such a choir of boys the ether uay. Ho was dressed in a long ulster xvith n capo which came down over his arm * , and ho carried it little singing book In ono hniiil. Ho bad aboti' , a tlo/.en little fetlowa ranging from 10 to 12 years of ago , and he m irched with these from house to bouso mid from court to court , stopping at each and having the boys siug nopular songs whllo ho kept time us tholr master. Thcro was no instrument to accom pany them , but the Illtlo follows kept uor- fect time , nnd at the close of the singing one of the ooys wont around with u toy bank into which the bystanders put pennies , and such coins ns were thrown down from the windows ho picked up and put iu. I followed this old man and his obolr through several of their street concerts , und I was much saddunoa by the look of the chil dren. The bovs were hollow-eyed ana palo , and they seemed to have no spirit nbout thorn. They neither smiled nor laughedand the old man made ino think in some way of Pagin , the old Jew who trained the thieves In "Oliver Twist. " 1 asked ono of the boys as to his wages , and ho told mo that ho got twelve marks a quarter , oruboutl a month , llnvo ulrcudy spofon of iho little boys working on thostroots , nnd you will seldom sea a girl of any ago id In. She Is taught to knit as soon us she ctvi hold the needles , and When she is watchine the children she work" industriously tuvnv nt her stocking , htrcot IVddlurrf. Spcauiug of the Berlin stroat sights there is no place in tbo world where the people work , so hnrd for a penny und whore botli > woidon nnd men glvo you so much for sc 1 llttlo. At every corner you llnd inou will red caps who nro known as dlontsmon am who will carry a letter or n parcel to almos' ' any part of Berlin for 0 cents and you pas' In every block women loaded down great Uvo-bushol basitotsof moat nnd vege tables which they nro carrying homo fron the marknt for about the same rato. There are flower peddlers ovorywlioro untl there tno old fellow with toys who soils turkey : and monkey * fhodo of wood und pamtcu u ridiculous colors. Whllo visiting the stock exchange th ether day I dropnoa into n buor hall foi lunch and was suiting nwnyviili u jrea mill , ' of boor between my bites of chcoso am rye wlieii ono of these fakirs came up bosld mo nnd laid down on ttio table i microscope. As ho did so , ho nskoil mo If did not want to see what Ulnd of cheese nad boon eating. I held It up to the lleh nnd I snw lu It through tlio microscope , do/on hundred-log bugs as big as the Urges potato blip , each ono nf which had borribl horns and great teotli. Ho laughed as shuddered nnd pushed the cliocso back-am then adored to sell mo the mlcroicopn for 1 ! cents , but 1 was disgusted at having in ; meal spoiled and refused. There nro many queer things about th newspapers , anil few of iho Ucrlin journal hnvo largo staffs of reporters. Tlio loca news Is uoout the same in all papers , nnd none ono thinks of trying to make n scoop , ns It I culled , or lo have iho news In advance of hi follows. The odliors of the morning paper Icnvo tholr olllcos ut t ) oclock and tbo panor s nro In press ut U , By 12 o'clock oven th r printers have gone lioran. and when ( Jcnoi. ; ii von Moltko died at 11 n'olocli ono night so in iiy time ago there was only ono Berlin news y paper that Imd a line nbout It In It issuoof tbo next morning. The announcement n mont of tlio dentil wus published In No\ n York nnu oUowliora in full , but the Gonna o nowspaponi right here nt homo know neil hit ; about It , o Know the Vnliio of itd Tbo newspapers here publish items froi ito their contemporary journals which the o should Imvo bad themselves , saying that th other paper says so and so , nnd there is n o life in Benin journalism. Tbo papers hav o not a very largo circulation and they do nc o make u great deal of money. The biggest i y thorn sells something like 100,000 copies , an o this paper makes flUT.UOO n year and > f it docs wonders. Men who wrlto for tb papers nro moderately well paid , and editor : n in-ceieh gat from ft,000 to f\UOO u year. d Tbo Germans are good ndvortlsorj , an thora scorns to bo no reason why the napoi Bhojld not do bottur , Kverythlng under tti nw sun is put in the paper in the sbapo of a w advertisement. Ana there Is a great deal < > y social tiOKs that wo publish for notblni a- which Is put lu here at so much per llm Engagements nro generally announced in tl FS newspapers by tbo parents of the brldo on in also by the groom , uud tnoro uro a Iim R.i inR. number of matrimonial advertisements , i , which men and womea state their goc dw qualities aod nstc for husbauds and wive def bomotlmcs men udvortlse , staling that tb < of have a daughter whom they wish to got ref lib of , and In ono year there were 400 advo of tlscments In ono paper of persons soouir ilia bettor halves , Murriages nro also publlshi ia in the same way , uud tboro 1s a llxod ra for binhs uud deaths. IV ThoUoimnns uro very proud of havlt Hire children , and it Is generally expected that rove son or u daughter will maUo his or her a vo poaranco In the nowspipor columns luunoc atoly upon bis appearance in tbo worl KO Thcro Is always numbers of death notlct and tbo oilleiul advertisements of the cl amount to something , AdvertUeuiontn 111 patent meolclnos have as much promlucm OS in the Berlin newspapers aa in ours , uu ho altogether tbo German is a very good udvi ho User. PIUNK U. "DEAR LITHE ISLE OF MAN" Where the People , Thonjh Undar British Dominion , Uavo Perfect IJonu Uulo. - FEATURES OF THE MANX CONSTITUTION Orry Iho Viking frniucil It Nine C'ontiirlos Aeminil Tndiy It Is Antlroly Opnrnnt \\Ts Mint llo rinitlly Ap- | iro\cil 1 > y ttio People. ( Copyrlaliti'l , 1931.1 Wo of Man , Nov. 10. "Djir llttlo Isle of , " Elian V.innln Vog Vooa , h the fold tlllo by Its natlvoi ot ono of the most diminutive nnct Interesting Island countries to bo found li the civilized world. It Is n sturdy llttln bit of so.i-glrl land , sol in Iho turbulent Irish sea almost equidistant from Engl-iinl , Ireland nud Scotland , forever withstanding tno llorcoH ot ocean currents and the-wildest uf ocaan storms. The hardy llttlo nation Inhibiting it has coaolossty bid dollauco to the m.iolstronu of conlllcilng interests - torosts of man nnd governments socking its thrall , and from almost prohlstorlo llmo has presorvoa so remarkable n national ludo- pandanco that to thl ? il.iv It oompruo * prac tically the only folk oa Hrltlsh soil Mio enjoy - joy the full uannflts of solf-gnvornuiont. Jlrlolly told the llttlo M'inx nation has had three periods of history a porloJ of Collie rule , ono of Nor o supremacy nud one of British dominion. In the tunth century thu Vikitijja camo. They haJust ( overcome Ice land and established their Nor < o kingdom there. Wlipn they found the " llttlo Isle of Man" they made short work ot taking complete possession. The women wuro dnrk- halrod , falr-sklnnoJ nnd blue-eyed. Tlio Vikings were freckled nnd bloaohod as to hnlr and eyes. Ttio Manx nation of today sprang from the union of these handsome Collie women and these hugo freckled men. The latter were led by ouo Orry. Ho Is called King Orrv now. Whether ho was a sea rover or the son of n Danish or Norwe gian monarch does not matter. Hut ho bo- oarao king of Man and the Isles. Ilo was great without the tltlo. Ho gave tbo Mnnx- men tholr tlrsi constitution. It was qulto llko thuthlch had Just boon clvon lo Ice land. It was a good ono , too , and thn proof of U is that with llttlo change it has existed to this dav. ConnUtullun , King Orry divided the Island into six shin shires. Thsy nro the Manx "sheadings" or representative divisions of the present timo. Each sho.idlng olectca four men by a popular vote to a Inwraiikinir house called the House of ICoys , probablv from the Norse keiso or chosen men. They were the people's dolegntcs , Just us tuoy are loday. Then King Orry gave Iho church u shnro in iho government , but pro- vontoJ its supremacy. Ho established n Tomvuld court where church ami state sat together. Iwo lawmen , called deemsters , ou for the north nnd ono for the south , wore appointed. Those woio equivalent to the IcoUndlo "speakers of law. " These romam unchanged. Orry then had built , after the manner of the lava law rock of Thlngvolllr. nn attillolnl Mount of Laws. The House of ICoys sent up laws to Iho Tynwald court , or the latter sent them down , Assent in joint session And the klug's sanction concluded tbo m.iklng of law. But laws were never operative until the king , the court and the House of Kovs naa convened on Tvnwnla hill und promulgated thorn bv rending them tlrst in the language in which they were written , and second in tbo languagi of the people. Every essential feature of this patriarchal ' nnd rop'ruscntatlvo government established early in iho tenth ceuturv exists m its origi nal simplicity today. The Manx are the only Norse nation loft thut can show so close and strong a binding to tno days of the Sasas through nn unchatlgoa governing system. Ana the folk-of this llttto Iblatid are the only people acknowledging complete British dominion who nro In no way inter fered with from Westminster , nnd who en joy tbo actual practical blessing of homo rule. rule.A bravo and bloody history has the llttlo island from King Orry's time aown to its unreserved cession by Its then rolcning duke tothocrown , for a consideration of . 110 , OUO , In 1825. System of Government. The system of government is Interesting from its simplicity. Electars must bavo a property qualification in the bboadings ol jntToccupancy. or jKS ownership. In towns voters must possess a Alt oceupanoy or ownership qualification , and this sum gives nil women unmarried , widows or spinsters , tbo same vested right ; a neht which , although vexing to women suffragists , is rmoly exercised. Tbu island is divided Into ten electoral dis tricts , comprising King Orrv's original six sheadings of Glanfaba. Middle , liushcn , Avro , Uarft and Michael , a.tcu of which loturns three repiesontutives , Iho citv ol Douglas wllh three , and tbo towns of Ham- suy , Peel ami Cnsiletowp , the ancient cair ital of Man , with ono oach. These twenty , four representatives constltuto the House ol Kovs , corresponding to our house of repre sentatives at Washington. Tboro Is an upper bouse called the council whoso powers uro similar to these of oni Bonato. It is composed of the lord bishop ol the uloceso i ( Seder and Man ) who bus a but no vote In the British bouse of peers , the nttornoy-gonornl , tbo rcceivor-gonornl , tbo two deemsters or judges whose onicos almost a rolio of IJruidlsin , are precisely a : constituted by the Norse King Orry , tlu clerk of tbo rolls , the water bailiff , the arch , deacon and vlcar-gonoral , over which tin licutonnntgavcrnor { , a crown appointment presides. The doomstors or judges who have author Hy to determine all causes , subject to anpea to the government staff , uio still required t < take iho same curious oath ns when the nn clout "Breast Laws , " these not reduced tc writing until 1417 and orally handed dowr fiom ono deemster to bis successor , prevailed vailed , They swear "by this book and b < tbo holy conlonU thereof nnd by iho woii o j dcrful woiks thai God hath miraculously wrought In heaven ubovo and Inthoeartt baiicuth in six days und seven night ! * * * without loquost of favor or friend ship , love or gain , consanguinity or aftlnlty ouvy or malic" , to execute the law of tlui isle justly betwixt our sovereign lord (01 ( lady ) the ulng ( or queen ) and his ( or her subjects within this Isle , and betwixt imrtj and party , us Indifferently as Iho herring'i backbone doth llo In the inldst of the rish. Tjnuiilil unit Nt. John's Clinrcli , Members of tbo House of Keys aio oloctec for seven yoars. The governor may at unj time dissolve iho house , In case of pormanon opposition to tbo council , when , as In Eng land , "an appeal to the country" Is taken Council and ICoya vole separately , Concur rent majorities of each are required to pusi measures ; nnd these measures , which dl < not formerly go Into operation until promul gated from T.vnwnW hill , now go Into elite on receiving royal assent , which 1s soldon denied ; as thoao clover patriarchal folk kooj a well-conditioned lobby In attondnnco 01 the House of Peorsat Wostmlusier. All Manx laws are called uols of Tyuwald and the Tynwald court may still , as l,00i yeais ago , bo hold ut auy ttmo iu spools session at Tyuwnld hill , but must as thai convene yearly for the promulgatlor nf the laws , though , legally , they ma ; have already goao into effect. Thl , ceremonial has now become it natlouu a. holiday called Tynwald day. U is hold 01 10 tbo 5th of July , or on the Uth , if the Gil fdo happens to fall to Sunday , Undoubted ! : o 40,01)0 ) of the W,030 Inhabitants of Man nr Ind unfailing In attendance , nnd the coromon ) d always attracts thousands from Lancashire s , Ohosblro and Cumberland m England , 'J The Tynwald bill is situated just west o IU the coaler of the Island between tbo citlo IUI' of Douclas aud Peel , anil llos In the romai : I'll ? tlo pass between tbo Cairn aud Ureob ? d mountains , Traditionally it is said to hay to been fanned of earth brought hero la cart uud creels from every narUhof the island. Two hundred yards from the bill , called I n Manx Crouk-y.Kolllown , or St. John1 church hill , is the Imposing church of S I1 , : John , tbo gift of tbo crown to the Island , j a. u a splondld odllloa lu the early decorate 13 , style , built of South Barrulo granite , j ty. wvi * erected In 1617 on the site of R forme of church built In 1C99 , which was lUelf pri CO coded by a temple to Thor. At the eoutl J , west corner of the present udiuco U ir- strange Uuulo monument quite a thouaan yours old with au almost Ulcj.'lblo imcrlptlc nonliving that "Inoshur onRrnvoil these Hunos , " nnil the Invol In nil roundabout Is callad the Currngb-Ulati. or "tho eray bog or swamp. " " Ulinre tlio 1'onpln < Vftyrnrn Ihn l.nwu. The Tynwald niounto itself , to which n brand graveled pathway loads from the en trance to St. John's chunttf , li n curious nrll- lloUl construction. It 1 } fc.jrt feet iu cirouni- fercnce nt the b se , nndrUes by four con- contno platform * to n hfcinht of about tuolvo foot. On ino uppermost of these aland the governor , lawmakers , olllclals nnd church dignitaries of tbo island during tbo promul gation of tbo laws. Until quite rccont tlmos tno entire text was readvboth in the English nnd the Manx Inngua oai ,0tit now only the titles nnd side notes ara r < nd aloud. A htico canopy shelters the mount , hold In place by seventeen ropes let Into rings In ni many slonos ut the bottom of the bill , or ono for each parish of the Island. Proceedings nro bjgun nt 11 o'clock In Iho forenoon by services in St. John's.Vlion those nro ended a stately ofllclal procession to Iho mount begins in tno following order : Three policemen , Iho six coroners , the cap tains of the seventeen parishes , the clorirv , the four high bailiffs the House of Kojs , thu council , thu sword-bearer carrying the sword with point upward , nil followed by the lluu- tenant governor with his chaplain , rurgcon to the household nnd tuo chief constables. All tilled onieluls comprise ibis ancient Tynwnld court. The court Is llrst "fenced , " that IK , now ns lu the misty days , all per sons nro warnoil "upon lyfo nnd iym that no mnn make any disturbance or Blirrlng in tlio lime ot the Tvnwahl , moreover no rising inuko in tbu King's presence upon pain of hanging and dr.uvingo. " This "leoclng" Is done by Iho coroner of Ulanlnba sheading , who from 1m- inomoritil custom ju boon chief nt the six sheading coroners of Mm. 1'bo Manx coroner ner is called "toshliiBh jioavcy , " or "chief man of the Inw , " nnd his functions nro simi lar to thoia of our Bhortft. .Moro Hutu u TlioiMiiuil Venn * Did. When n syllnbus ot the now statutes has been road bv iho doonuiur or judge of the north , tlio pro csslon loturns hi tat. John's. The two crunches of thu legislature sit apart , the council in the chnucol and tbo kov.s In the south nlslo. The promulgation of the laws Is nttesled , when Iho governor , by mes senger , rcqucsls the attendance of the keys. The two bodies then sit in joint house , nud a largo amount of annual routine government business , such ns receiving Iho accounts of state colleges , asvlutus nnd road fund * , es tablishing i tiles for maintenance of public Institutions and the appointment of commit tees , Is transacted. Hero is n coromonv moro thnn a thousand years old. The whole of the llttlo Manx na- Ion Is here Just ns In King Orry's timo. 'ho great impressivcnoss of tbo suono is not nly In us nntlquliy , but in Iho proof Ihnt lore nro n people who , while respecting tholr government nnd rulers. In this sacredly pro- orved custom thus annually serve notice ipon their rulers that alter nil thov nro Mill mt the servants of tbo people , ami that the icoplo shall over remain gro.ucr than tlio hlnir or things created to serve them. And his is the amno sort of Intelligence which tmcric.m people are colng to make clearer and clearer ' .o their own public servants iu good time. If you-voro much in England us I have > ooti vou would oocomo very fond ot tho' 'dear llttlo isle of Man , " truly not ns n ilanxman lavas tl , with un exultant and tin- ularablo devotion , for that could not bo , mt In the luvlllo wnv' vlilch comes from oeling you hnvo found n spot glorious in the lerolsm and traditions ot > iiU people , Bpcc- rally fair iu us su.i setting as n glorious oao cut from a resplendent bed of bapphlro , and weird und louder in. its mountain slopes , rlcns und streams ns tbo'misty carries of Scotland's north. * AH been I rum tlio So.i. Becnuso of this I often- , run away from 'nullah mainland to thwto sweet und nosplt- iblo shores. It is but n few hours sail to ilan. j'ou are scarcely out of sight of ling- and when Manxland comas in view. Twice : have sailed entirely nround this little gem of the Irish ss.J. Frotnlinyquarter at which you view it , its onllie length , which is but .hirty-livo miles , its greatest ureadth which s but twelve und its Jtlno , bold face from sea-odgo lo mist-crowned poalc nro always completely In view ; always suggesting , re- vraltng , utmost thrillincUn their marvelous lanoramie cbaugcfulnesa and over so rug gedly noble , so solemnly .palm , so tcnaoily sweet and silent , that through your roasting eves your heart is st'-ongoly stirred and stilled. There is not another picture llko it rising above the boundless waters the throbbing bca ojidlossly threading its circling fore ground as with u gloaming delicate thread ol pearls , Tuon n purple rim of shade A-herc iho blue waters ripple upon tbo ahlnglo or murmur beneath the cavernous cliffs. Then n higher thronJtng of rou and white aii'l green where iho towns and hamlels , massed imong mvrllo , creepers and sycamores , looli back upon upland nnd down upon soa. Then , rounded hills nllamo with porso , fold on fold of green nnu puce , molting into dreamful lieights among Iho lender clouds. Change less , this is the over-changing picture as you "npproach it wullo your lioart-volco , if nol your toiifuo , can only articulate , "Mystic , radiant , redolent Isle of Man 1" EIXIVU L. WutEMtx. FEROCIOUS NOKWEOUA.N WOLV.SS ADespernte Il.ttMo Which Kusiiltod lu tin Doatlt uf Thrno .Mini. I hnvo li'intcd ' coyotus on tlio wostorr pluitis ana wolves in Canada und tin northwest , nnd I hnvo iilwuys thouphi tliut n coiillict with Siberian blood hounds would bo as terrific 113 any hut Tor rottl work there ia nothinc like a pnuk of Btarvinjj Norwll wolves , says a writer iu the Sportsman' ) Review. It is BOirothint' hoyond tlu iirwginutivo ability of the Ainorlcar liuntoi1. Althoutjli wo were told thai wo mipiit possibly moot an attack , we hntved the rijlo , however , all heiiijj wel armed in case of nood. Wo procooduo about twenty miles without any soriou ; incident , when , just as wo were . a little fro on crook sotno twontj yards wide , u Btntngo Bonsatioi soumod to take hold of out deer they bhlvored and tromhled ani ] the iialrs on their backs Flood on end "WolvesI" yelled my driver , and IK hojrati to lash tlio door , ono of whicl : promptly alippud ou tlio ice , fell dowr und Unified liiinaolf up in the Iiarnc3s thus Horiously impudliig1 our covotctl progress. "Lloys , " said 1 , "t.ond ovori huilot liomu. " Just at tills moment sb iiorco , hungry wolves came galloping toward ua about twenty yards away. Tlio deer regained his footing and away we dashed. Wolves can run as , fast against tin wind ns with it ; so .uati the door , Lu they had a heavy sleclj.JJvo people and i foot deep of fro/.on , ciliated snow to contend - tend with. Wo hud now run about 1ml : a mile , a wolf dropping once in a while but on they came in ijjpfcaslng nutnben ou our Hank. You wonder , perhaps why I did not shootn Woll. I will tel you. A running ) wolf , while the shooter ia in a ! # ad behind tlu trotting deer , is .dillloult to hit I had only 100 A partridges am Icnow it would bo ijniulnoss to wiisU them If the drlvof vould only atop but that wan impossible , tin ho and tin door were frantic fro ' /right. / At tliii moment ono of the wolves jumped upoi the doord Hank , aiJfl' ' was nromptl ; killed ; but this kind of game could no last long , so I projiar.ed to dismoun some of our pursuers. * ; Straddling th daahboard , every time a wolf jumpoi for the deer I nhot at it , and hit hard o killed nbout BOVOM , Jusi at this moment mont , as wo were making progress in ou defense , our door , who had hurt his hi by the fall , cumo to a stop and th rear sled dashed into us. The collisio was frightful , tumbling and spilling u all out , and the confusion was groat. culled out to the driver to Bavo the dooi us wo wore instantly H'irrounued by th maddened , bountifully furred wolvo : Door , driver , wolvoa and we travoloi wore soon in a torrillo melee for life Just us I hud bojrun to despair , all i once the wolves thut Is , tiioso tin were allvo ran away ns fust as they hti corao. Wo Imd lost t\vo guides , on driver and three door. Broken How wants another railroad , a pi vaio normal school uud electric lights. The World Is n simp , and somn nf us hnvo noble parts t < i piny. lint tlio hoartluH and most sonorous npiiluu-e Is nrvumeil to tluno who > ? ln It by deeds of love and morcy. I'o HE1AL 'THEX SIOK and sulTi'rliie U HIP noh'ost mission of a it'Miprous-heaMoil man , ami In the en roof Nervous , Chronic -AND- Private DISEASES. Tln < s tinrlv.tloil .mil iviiliicntly stie- oe-tsful Hpoclalsts , th famous have earned the lasting pr.-illtmlu ot unnnnihrtud thousinils irlmni thov have restored 10 porfool health and vigor. They can GUR.K YOU of any of thee dellcato soxtial mnla- dlos so common to both so\us. Penil 4 cents for a copy of ths'r lllus- Ir.tteJ now book of 1JO pains. Consultation Free. C.ill upon , or address wllh stami ) , Drs , Bells & Belts 119 Soul ! ) 14th Street , OMAHA , - - NEB. Anoir nal Coraatoti Trott na-it. conilHln ; o Bnppoiltorlai , Olnl-njat la Otpmtui , uljo lallat ( inill'Hls a I'ailllra Uuro lor ISvti-rml. Intirnil bllndorllloolln Us'ilnj Oiirouio. Itoojntor llor.iai- tarylMloi. Tul * lie uDly h n nuror bjoa known to ftll.Slpjrbot li forij ; njntliy mill Wliysunurrrom tillsterrlblti Utioio wlia i n Aflttin tijrint3J li uosltlvul ) Ut3iii vlti ; II DJXOI orroruil tlunion3f It iiotourovt.So.U stijip forfrju Simpla tliurinta lisaoUbyKuhn , tCo , Druliu , bo lo Aitan'.i.corn and UuuuUj itroeti u uiit. hub. nn. c. WHSTS NKIIVK AND HRAIN THKAT mcnt , n spcclllu for llyaturln. DIzzlnctiH , Hts. .Sou rnlKlu , Heailichu , NervoiH Prootrntton ciunetl by Iliiuor or tob.tcca. Wukufiiluetii , Muntul llupre HSlon , botnc > 9 of the Ilruln , c.unltiK Inennlty , 111(9- ( cry , ileuny , tleatli , I'reinntura Olil ABC. llnrroiie . Loss of 1'owor lu oltliorNUY , Itupotenur , Luucorrlioii alii ! nil 1'ci in a I o Wt'uknensea , Involiiiilnry I.OBHL-I , pcriiintorrlu'a caiiseil by o\cr otertlon of Iho brain , Sclf-tibuaL * , over InituUonct ; . A inontli'H trL-atiiicnt SI.Ufor5i , by nmll. Wo Kimrantt'u BV boxes to cure onlcr fOrO boxni Hllli fi will pent ! written Kinirniitco lo refund If not curott ( iuarantro lisuo I only ti > 'I liriMluro F I.ovvln , tlriiK- Vlst , EOlo AKent , nouthe iat corner Ibth alii ] rnrnam btd . Uniilm. ARE YOU SUFFERING FttfJil Female Weakness , Catarrlior Rlieumatisra : i Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases. IF SO , OAtjTj ON Consultation Free I'or tlio Troatnjut ol Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases , MALB ANU rnMALC. ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DIS EASES. ORGANIC WEAK NESS AND DISEASES OF NO MATTER HOW LONGSTAND ING OR HOW OFTEN PRO NOUNCED INCURABLE. KTERVOUS DEBILITY PILES , FISTULA , FISSUBE Pormaneiuly Cured without the use ot hullo , ligature or caustlo All malntlios of a privnto or dollcnto nnturo , of oitlior sex , positively ourod. Uull on or lulilrcBs wllh Htutiip forcnicui.AUS FIIKI : HOOK AMI nrcEii-is. Dr. Searlestf Seinesll3 ss \ , Neil iloor to Totollleo. . Ij Mamma Uses SANTA CLAUS "for Cotcs ) ) | \ ) I A $ Do 05 tt > you ! SOAP CHICAaO.lll. Without money nnd wlllio To the You are not u ell , and tmo no money < > ! tltnu to suoa dnetor. Cutout thu nan.o pi luted hero. UH'ANS Clir.MH'M. CO.- NK\V YOU 1C 1'nstolton a pciitnl curd. Wrlto your imn tiiiniu in the other shin n ( thu card ; put It In thu 1'o-it UllliM' , ami by loturii mull yon will got a loltur und some inndlcliio thntlll ilo vou pooJ. Try It nud lull ycur friends. PAID OM / * * " 3 J BROV/W .G.U'J C BARTON DEPOSITS APJ7fU-SJQQ.OQG.03 13i6 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tlioomlnont spcclnlhtlii npr\on , clirnnlo' iirlvnlclilooI , sUn nut urlnury illsoison. A rojulur nndc- RlstorotlirailiiHtL | In iniMlliliu1 , in illiilonnisiin < i'rtillcntPliun. . Is U truiillnu nllh llm im u < > n SUCCCMI inlnrrli , lo l nmnlioml , i < iulnnl nuiiKiic * " , nltilit hi' i > iiiul-Hll ulnrlviili'illsomes o mercury iisoil. .Sii In mine-lit tor Iim ofltnl power I'.irlle * unn'jlo tolsll mu limy lo tie iti-il nt liomu by uorrcnponil CIITO. MoiHtliioorlnilrimieMH-ont li ) m ill or uvpn-st - > pciircl > puikuil , nn nrirks lo Indlcitu coiituuti nr unilvr. Oiui pcrsoniil laU-rtlow iirulurrct. Unntnlt itlnn fn'r. Co rospoiiJ-uci > "trlPtly prhnto. lloolt yaiurluiuf I.llu ) Hunt free. Olllio hourtin. m. to Up. in. Himdiiyi lou ia to i'J in uiul stiimii fur ru.ily. DR. C GEE WO Tlio oalr lojrallr Krailunt3l Chlnesa phyilrlan clBtityoirs' 8tuIr Ton yoirs prAoticil o\iorl- | onso with all Known Ul u.uoj Tronta sutossfulb nililironlooisiH nlvon up bjr otbor Uuctori Oill anil uuo him orrrlti3 fur q'liutlon ' blank. Do n > C llilnkj-cmrc no lioiulou bjouni yo ir iluutorOlM yoiino , buttry t'ia Chlnoso doctor wltli liti now a 11 woridurfulruiuutllCJ , amlroojlvo no.v b iotU < ml i ponnaneiitcuru wliilottiar iloolori c-annoi ulV3 Jlerba Hoots ami 1'UnM nnturj's romudloihli im-illclnes Thu world Ills \Tltnosi. Uiu thoiisanl tc-allmonlnU In tlirsu yon' priicticJ. .No l'iurlon | : tlvcuctlona. no narcDtlci , 1)0 ) pullO'i R.uloilll troiituicnt iui'1 pornianunl curj FollowInK canon Buooosifully troatol nnl ciircil. < ! lrcn up by ( itlianloctom : Tlio ; CoiiKlilln. IU { Iltnioy etroot , ohronla rhoj. nintlmii 0 yonrn , klUiny mul llvur trojblm. Tho-i. Culvfjrt , Uth nnil rtirnun Htrjjti , uonsril AoliHIty.liiJlKOitlon , lom of ntron th nn-1 vlt.Ult/ . Took modlclno for yo in but nnl no ralluf , .M. U Aniluraon , 1J1 ! Cumliu ntroot , civlurrb , astbui'uum bronvhltl > oC nrioou ye.ira stJinlliu JIas forsilo the follo lnu propirol romo.lloi nt fl UJnbottlo , sin bottlui forfi 03 , lor Iho euro ( if Antliinn , Cntnrrli , Hlak lluiilncho , tiulUJitlo n , lllootl I'ol onlnif , ttho nuntlHni. KtiuiitdVo4kaoia. . Klilnuy nnd I.Ivor Compliant. . No luunti bold only by Chluoaa Moilliluu Co , Capital , > IUJ.JJ ) . OIDco , IGlh ( ml Calitoi Sti Ihe Complcilnn WMlrai ttio 8ka ( li n tlurk Itf- n nn rimplc * , Itliickliiudi N t 1 rrcklt * 'Ian I lv r Ht l n t \ \ rlnklei llift otily | reparation ( h t ri ulnrvi a tnntliful frf H pIK-nrnnrr | rnf U > tl Wi HMiitf l rri * . ( cui lune | 02n niAintM > H , U KUn.Ht.lolurulu. Ogtnu HRiitcJ , DR. SNYDER , . THE SUCCESSFUL OBEQITV SPECIALIST UW.A'lciiMnpli'.Orfitoii.Mn. Wolptit Ileforo trcaV uiuitr."jib.i. ; uftirtrcatiuiut , liwlba. TliofolInwhiB persons hn\o Inkcn treatment cfl Dr. dnyitor , wllh . . . lays of notulit 111 KlMin .bi'low , , Tin [ > y iTlllchocrfull ) answer nil lngulrlo * It Htampa lire IllLlOdL'll. Wflslit llcloiu A fur Loss. Mils 11ACIII.I , ' I' lion , Iowa . . B-'ilbs , HTIbi. 17KIU Allts AI.III : .MAPI. I , tlrcifon , Mn .SSO" luS IB1 ! S II Col'l , Omro , WIs , .310 11B ! SlMiov VAN WINKI.K. tranklln. Ill . . . . .lil 2J3 Mns ( luiiiur nu.i-Mvv , ft lllilwcll ( nl . , . .278 100' i\tf. \ SAH MI lUiiM ft , III ! to I Ifili at. ,\on ortli , Kits . . . .25" 170' ion PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. Tioftamnu. no inromfinfeiito , liurmloH-iniiil no ba mioiU Htrlctly tDiilidfiitinl , rorj-irculuru tiadtva tiiaoujalB mldroaa with Cc. iu atniujts , * DR.O. W. F. SNYDER. ftfcVicker'a Theatre Bltlg. , Chlcanq li > . The Latest Nothing Better. Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding Invitations ; Reception Cards arc sent , at reasonable prices , anywhere in Ihr. United Slates. Send for samples , UEETOA1LF STATIONERY OOHPANS' , ( Ijiln Colil/s Library CO ) 1.16 Wabasll Avc. , Chlcnto. mnniTTnn HOME A OO THI5 ' Qm v B F- NEB SS &RE iUSK 3MAIillf'11' ' by purchasing goods made at the followin Nebraska Factories. If you can not find what you want , communicate with the manufactures , as to what dealers handle their goods. FURNITU IE DTfE WOBK3 ClIAS. BlUVlilUOK OMAHA STKAM &OO , , Dvis WOHKS. Furniture , Carpeti anil Cleaning unl ilyolnj ot l < roi > orlei uvorr doiorliitloi 15J1 llowirj Strjn. MATTHES3 WHITE LEAP. TJIH OMAHA MAT- GAUTUII WIIJTK Til IC33 CO , LHA Oo. Mallruiioi , fJU'nr oil lows unil ojiuforb > tt rorruiloil nnil t ! "tlu rn , Totr.i 1) only. itrlclly piiru nhlluluuil 1JOJH1 NlLliuliu HI. l.'as t Onmbii. . GOODS. SADDLERY. OMAHA MAIIKH UlCOS' SAWH.HIIV Co. Mnniifncturlni nnil job buri of all klnli of btocic iadjlut unl lUit rubber "Hill llnni' liarnixiuapjoUUf , llJf uooil > . li."jF.inuiu ! St Ilurnar .roV ) BYHUP. SOAP , J'AOK SOA I' C01C. Julllei , I'ruiorrui , Mined Muuufaotiiran of Hull/ MoauuKl Aiul | lluttur , hjruin , Mulaioi Jlf buullinuvutilh tit BTOVJS . _ _ jrnuNics. All klua of "Uivo repairs fl. on hnnil , ( Jnnullil ) . II. lore * ruptlruU an I MTi trimii , Iru/ellar ttoroJ Jiiuioi ununuuil MI H , I31U M. liH Dju l SEWINU MAOHNKH. NlC\V NOIII.U Ulld LlKUO/.N / Two of tlio Lett uiuclilu on thu market 11 uu old lo tuu Irada Lliutu illw' . tu Uacv