Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1892, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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Bodoly GOES "Daft" Over Tew , Cord Par
ties rml Snob ,
XMcniinnt IliilprtnliiiiirnU Hrlclitcu tlm
Gray Iny Hlgurr Kvnnt * In Sight
Wlmt Ontiiliu I'onplo
round to Do.
Socloty found considerable ) ( o nmuso It ttin
past week , small functions predominating to
nn nlnrmlng extent , yet after nil thcso are
the ploasnntcst nnd most agreeable modes of
entertaining one's guests nnil paying one's
soclnl obligations. The reception of the woolt
wns that of Mr. nnd Mrs. John A. AlcShnno
on Thursday from 4 until 10 o'clock , calling
out n host of swells who have known Mr.
McShnno for yrnrs. Ttierovcro numcious
teas and aftcrncon card parties with hero nnd
thcro ft tnuslcnlo thrown in lo glvo spleo nnd
Interest to the round of Jnshlonnblo frivoli
ties.ThU week the assembly nnd the "Foto
Poudro" of Alls * Uundy will bring out the
\-iiy butlcrlltrs of fashion and set nil hearts
to hentliiLlor the coming of the 1'rlncototi
Oleo club on Mio UUih.
Quo of the Important Questions of the notn-
Ing debutante * Is , who will bring thorn o.ut
thut Is to siiy , who-.vill totlielr partners-lit
, the llrsl assembly ! ' 1 hcso mattcis nio
usually nnnngcd but they nro important.
Who is the l > est nvullnblo partner for her
Jlrst dnnco nnd will no oh1 will ho ask her
for It ) Tim .social Mates nro bolnit made up
nnd tlirlce happy she who can sccuio tor her
first "Tupfdny" porno well known popular
man for her partner. To do so will go far
toward rstnbllMifng her at once , will ninko
her the envy of her less fortunate sisters ,
will t'lvo her an ciso of mind amounting to a
lotus-like ncpenlho ; will glvn her tlmo to
think about over so Important n thing ns her
wimlrotio. To hnvo a tooil partner means to
meet plenty of men upon the threshold of
her season ; In fact to huvo n partner means
to have nil things anil this is the season ot
tbo year to got one.
1'iist Nnptlnl Itrcoptlnii.
In point of brilliancy the distinctive soda
event of the week wns the post nuptial ro
cuptlon given by lion , nnd Airs. John A. Me
) Slinna Thursday evening at tboir residence
on Farnam street Thohouso has undorcono
a decided transformation slnco the summer
nnd it is exquisitely furnished throughout in
I ( the now designs , the decorations being pnr
tlculnrly rich and handsome. It wns i
chrysanthemum reception , those ( lowers o
early winter Doing lavishly displayed nbou
the rooms noovo nnd below stairs. White
und yellow \\orotho prodomlnntlng colors ,
and so closely did the hostess and her re
ceiving ladles conform to the Idea that they
nil cnrrlod nig bouquets of chrysanthemums ,
tied with ribbons of a corresponding color.
Mr. nnd Mrs. McShano wcro assisted In
receiving by Aliss Lonorgnn , n sister of the
bride ; Miss Nash , Mrs. E. C. AleShnne ,
Miss Cielghton and Miss Lulu McShano ,
the reception being from 4 until 10 o'clock.
Mrs. John McShnno woru nn cxqulslto
gown by Follx of Pans of maize sntln , the
low cut bodlcoof which wnatrimmed with
Vonotlon point , the very full puff sleeves
bain ) ; of apple croon velvet , making a strik
ingly pretty onsomulo.
Miss Lonorgnn wns gracefully and prettily
costumed in yellow faille very ciTectlvely
enriched by violet velvet.
Miss Nash looked sweetly prottv in a
. Paris made gown of Roman silk , trimmed in
rnro old point , empire stylo.
Mrs. E. C. McSuano were a Boors'ere-
atlon of reseda preen satin brocaded in pur
ple hyacinths , tbo corsngo cut low und the
battlements trimmed with grjoii velvet nnd
pearl paasscmcnteric.
Miss Croighton , a very pretty young
woman , was in ntromplro costume of baby
blue crepe trlmmod oiTectlvely In pearl pas-
Miss Lulu McShuno , who is making her
social debut this winter , wns most attractively -
ivoly gowned in cream glace silk , the
decollate hodico rollovcd by lilies of the
During the hours of tbo function the Man
dolin club played delightfully , bclnpr sta
tioned In the main hall , hidden Irom the
guests bv u sprcen of palms and tropical
plants. Hofreshmcnts were served in tbo
dinini ; room , the center table being particu
larly pretty. A huge bowl of yellow chrys
anthemums nnd maiden hair ferns occupy
ing the center , flanked by candelabra , with
yellow shades. To assist tno host nnd host
ess the guests were announced , n pleasing
feature of nny entertainment , for Omaha is
getting Inigo these days and society is extending -
tending in over widening circles.
The following wcio nmoag the eucsts :
Governor nnd Mrs. Boyd , Mr. and Mrs. E.
Cudahy , General und Mrs. Brooke , Mr. and
Mrs. Colnutzor , Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Gushing ,
Judge and Mrs. Fitzgerald , Mr. nud' Mrs. C.
Qallughcr , Mr. und Mrs. James McShauc ,
Colonel nnd Mrs. Sheridan , Mr. John A.
Croichton , Mr. and Mrs. Ctinrlos .1. Green ,
Mr. and Mrs. Muir , Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gil-
inoro , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker , Bishop
ScnnncllMr. nnd Mrs. George Barker , Miss
Amy Barker , Mr. and Mrs. Matt Patrick ,
Air. and Mrs. Will Hamilton. Mr. Al Patrick ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garncau , Mr. Pierre
Gnrneau , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Nash , Mr.
nnd Airs. John A. Furuy. Mr. nnd Mrs. O.
S. IJnymoiid , Mr. nnd Mrs. S. D. Bntknlow ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Pnxion. Mr. W. A.
Paxtoif , jr. . Mr. nnd Mrs.V rron Uogcrs ,
' Mr. uud Mrs. J. J. Uii-kuy , Judge nnd
Mrs. Wnkelov. the Misses Wnkcley ,
Mrs. Sharp , Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnginn ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Lunt , Mrs. Colin Mc
Shnno , Mr. and Mrs. John D. Croighton ,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kimball , Miss ICim-
ball , Mr. Frank Murphy , Mrs. E. McMnhon ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burktoy , Miss Burklov ,
Mr. Harry Burkloy , Mr. nnd Mrs. Bon Gal-
icghor. Mrs. McCnskcll , Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A.
Nnsli , Mr. und Mrs. Charles A. Brown , Air.
James Alurphy , Mr. nnd Airs , S. J. Lonorgan ,
Mr. and Airs. Jonn \VakelIold , Mr. and
Mrs. Adnlph Meyer , Air. Alnx Aloyor , Aliss
Alugrudor , General unuAIrs. Cowin , Air. and
Airs. Chnso , Air. Gates , AlUs Dotwller , Air.
Frank Clark , Air. nud Airs. F. C. Condon ,
Mr. and Airs. George Ames. Dr. nnd Mis.
Knlph Council , Air. Ward Burgess , Colonel
Frnnlf Hanlon , Air. E. P. Alullcn , Air. nud
Mrs. Ben Wood.
Tint lliirtun .Mnnlcjili' .
Thursdny evening Air. nnd Airs. Joseph F.
Barton invited a number of irlonds to n
muslcnlo nt their cozy homo on Capitol nvc-
nuo nnd Twenty-sixth , street , the progtam
belli ) ; as follows ;
The Last \Vntcli I'lnsntt
Mr. Mt-Duuoll. i
The Journey is Long Coombh
Miss lllsliop.
lly Moonlight , . . . .Kr. llundel
„ , . Miss Wueunur.
The JlnSKiirMnid llarniiby
Alls. Cmluliy.
I'AItT HfCDM ) .
HnlliidelW Chopin
MlhH Wagoner.
Bnowlluko Con-en
His , Ciidahy.
Entreaty Cl. inlth
Mr. Mullonoll.
O 1'ioinUu Mu , Do Ivavcu
Miss Il.sliiiii.
In muhy respects the muilcalo wns ono of
the plcusanicst events of the seasoil , Uio
guests being all musically inclined ot
gonulno udmlrcrs ot the art und this coupled
with real epimonlnlty Hindu the evening par
tlculurly delightful. There \tasa charming
absence ! ol siltTiicss nud formnliiy uuu the
urt'bts ' who appeared appreciated the char
acter of the amall audlouco und sung mill
played with gonulno feeling.
Air. MfDowoll has a awcot tnnor volco ,
lluutud homowhut as to volumo. but within
its range very cuptlvutlng , and lie uses li
with ( kill , allowing | Hnu tmiuliig. Mb ;
Bishop noor suug us \ \ ell as she did on this
occumcn. She has a rich contrnlto. liuelj
modulated , with a woodliko quality thai it
wonderfully captivating. Shu ulngs wltl
cxqulslto repose and is really one of out
most promising vocalists. To her lirJt iiuui
ber she wu cciupulled to respond to an encore
core , singing that uaiuty bit by Norrls , "J\ \
Crsdlo bout- , " \\hlch U wonderfully wcl
EUitod to hir voice. Miss Wugouur Is a newcomer
comer to Omaha , but is already well knowi u
lu musical circles as a pianist of ability , he .
playing of IhoK'udo tremolo by Gottscball
for an encore to the ballauo of Cnopln'
fchowlni ; line technlquo end a thorough must
cat inlnu. und her uccompanlmouts wen
played uploadldly. Aim. Cuduhy's soprani
was heard to oxcolleut advautcgo. Shu has i
finely cduojtou voice uud her execution wa
JtL * \
Toy Department.
Now Open. Fifth Floor ,
Appropriate Gifts for
Real Shell Hairpins ,
Souvenir Spoons ,
Pocket Knives.
Pe'rfume Atomizers ,
Bon Bon Boxes ,
Powder and Puff Boxes ,
Jewel Cases ,
Hand Mirrors ,
Hair Brushes ,
Clothes brushes , ImL brushes ,
tpoih brushes , nail brushes and
all the necessary articles to
inalvc a complete manicure set
Perfume Cases ,
" Odor Stands ,
Toilet Waters ,
. Perfumery ,
In all the leading cdors.
Purses , 5c , loc , 25C , oc.-
Pocketbooks , 250 , 500 , 75C
and up to the finest made.
Card cases , 25c up to the
Pocketbooks and card cases
Shopping Bags ,
Chatelaine Bags ,
25c , sec , 75c and up to $5
A beautiful line of
Silk Parchment Fans ,
Gauze Silk Fans ,
Feather Fans ,
In black , " white , tints and
colors , plain and decorated
new , tasty styles.
Novelties in sterling silver stick
pins , bonnet pins , brooches ,
etc. Oriental jewelry in pins
and bracelets.
subject of much pleasant comment. So
nken were the cuosts with her tinging that
ncorcs were demanded , to which ho very
raelously responded. Air. Barton , nl-
hough not on the program , wns prevailed
ipon to sing "Out of the Deep , " oy Lahn , a
eng quito adapted to his excellent basao ,
nd ho sang it with all the enthusiasm of nn
Id salt. ICOA wcro served between the lirst
nd second parts , refreshments terminating
, very enjoyable evening , n pleasing dc-
nirturo from the interminable round ot card
inrtles. Air. Ta'Der played .ho uccompani-
nents for Air. AIcDoucll , and it U needless
o say they were well played.
The guests wore Air. nnd Airs. Wells and
Mlsb Reese. Air. nud Airs. Cuuahv , Governor
nd Airs. Boyd , Mr. nnd Airs. Chnse , Mr.
nd Airs. Douol , Air. and Airs. Hnllor , Air.
.nd Airs. Tuber , Air. Wnrrack und Alr.s. Wai-
ace , Air. MoDoxvell , Aliss Bishop , Airs. C.
W. Cox and AlissVngnnr , Air. and Airs.
Snydcr. .
Airs.Vnrron Honors' functions.
Not having a bouso sufficiently largo to on-
ertnln nil her friends upon ono occnslon ,
Irs. Warren Rogers gave two afternoon
: ard parties on Friday and Saturday in
loner of ber guests , Aliss Deerlne and Miss
Nelson. Whist instead of high Hvp was
ilaycd , tbo scores being kept upon rubber
inps from which woio suspended little
vhite and black babies with ribbons about
heir necks , the whlto dolls indicating the
winners , the black ones the losers. The re
freshments were delicious und the guests on-
oycd the afternoons immensely.
Among these invited for the nfterncons
were Alr.s. Joseph Allllnrd , Aliss .Tcssio Alil-
ard. Airs. AlcCormick , Airs. Uemington ,
Mrs. Kzrn Allllard , AlUs Alillurd , Aliss Anna
Slillard , Aliss Kountzo , Aliss Dundy , Airs.
WnKuloy. Aliss Wakeloy , Aliss Emily Wake-
, Mrs. Alorris , Airs. Brooke , Mrs. Charles
Hamilton , Alr.s. Chase , Airs. DJU
\Vhceler , Airs. Will Hrdick , Aliss Ilanscom ,
Aliss Hartmun , Miss Welch , Mrs. Hull , Airs.
Charles Dcuel , Airs. Uill Allllard. Aliss
Laura Hoagland , Airs , Lake , Airs. Brad
ford , Mrs. Howard Smith , Mrs. Gaylord ,
Airs. Yutos , the Ahsses Yules. Aliss
Johnson , Airs. J. N. II. Patrick , Airs ,
ClmrlOB Greene , Airs. J. J. Alonoll. Alra. L.
AI. Bennett , Mrs. W. T. Wyman. Airs. John
Penboily , Airs , Joseph Barton , Airs. George
ivolloy , Airs. Used , Airs. Wossolls , Aliss AI.
Bnlcombo , Airs. Paxlon , Airs. Cowln , Airs. S.
j Barkulovv , Airs. Joseph Barker , Mrs.
Biorbowor , Airs. Boyd. Aliss Boyd , Airs. W.
Popploton. Airs. A. J. Poppleton , Aliss Pop-
iilcton , Aliss Alary Poppleton , Ali < s
Kennedy , Aliss Mumcr , Airs. J.
S. Brady , . Airs. Klipatrick , Airs.
Broak-h , Airs. Prilcbott , AIis. W. V. Wood ,
Airs. II. B. Wood , Aliss Knight , Airs. O. AI.
Carter , Mrs. Du Hois , Airs. Slebblns. Airs.
Colputzor , Airs , Lebmer , Airs. Council , Airs.
Benjamin Gullaghpr , Airs. Mr Corn , Alts.
Richardson , Ar ! . GilTord , Airs. Frunk John
son , Airs. Lev ! Carter. Airs. , lonn Ririgwult ,
Airs. Shcrldnn , Alls , Lee , Airs , Swobe , Miss
Alnrgnrot Williams , Mr * . Gnrncuti , Airs ,
Sharp , Aliss Sharp , Aliss Ida Sharp , Aliss
ft ash , Airs , Yost , AlUs Yost , Aliss AlcCon-
nell , Airs. Victor Caldwcll , Airs. Jiimes
Chambers , Airs. J. K. Chambers , Mrs. W. V.
Morse , Airs , C'outaut and Airs. Richard Car
iliiduunml Alr . Uiikuluy llnturliiln.
For Air. nnd Airs. Nathan Shelton , Judge
nnd Airs. Wakeley ontcrlnlnod at high llvo
Wcdnebday oveDliitr , ton tables being scat
tered through four looms to ncconiuipdato
the guests , who were General and Alr.s ,
Brooke , General uud Alr.s .J.C. Cowln , Air.
mill Airs. FrodeiIrk W. Wo els , Air. niid
Airs. Robert U. Rlngwnlt , Air. und Mrs ,
Theodore L. Rlngwnlt , Mr , und Airs. How-
nrd H. Smith , Air , nnd MM. Hoary D , ICsta
brook. Air. nnd Mrs. Charles K. faijuires ,
Captain und Arrs. Afros. Oaptolu and Mrs.
Warden , Air. nnd Air * . Lavl Carter , Air. and
Airs. James 1C. Chambers , Hon. nnd Airs.
W. J. Council. Mr. nnd AIM. John L. Webster -
stor , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colputzor. Air. and
Mrs. Arthur 0. Wukcloy , Air. nnd Mrs , A. O.
Powell , Air. und Airs , Louis Bradford , Aliss
Wnkelov , Aliss KniilyVakoley , Aliss Edna
Cowlu , Air. William Wakoloy.
After tbo conclusion of the games tbo
prig's were awarded und delicious refresh
ments served.
I'luk l.iiiinliuuii.
Mrs. Homco G. Burt deviated somewhat
from the entertainments being given lu
honor of Airs , Nathan Shelton by giving a
pink luncheon on Friday ut her residence ,
UirJ South Thirty-ninth street , which was
quite the ploasnntost luncheon of the wook.
The decorations were ull In pink nnd tbo
luncheon , which was delicious , was served
at small taoles scattered tbiough the cojy
Ainoug the guosU present wcro : Ales-
Dress Goods ,
Suggestive Figures to Aid
_ Christmas Buyers.
$3.75 will buy a full dress
pattern of royal serge , 46
inches , wide , containing 5
yards , a great plenty for the
present styles of costumes.
We have it in all the desir
able shades for winter wear.
$4.50 is our pricc'fora dress
pattern of the new Persian
weave , delicate feather trac
ery effe cfs , neat , stylish and
durabl c ; all colors.
$5,63 buys the best German
mixed cheviot dress lengths ,
ample-yardage for complete
costume , full range of fash
ionable color blendings.
$7.0O is all we ask for a full
dress length of French
Epangline , the latest of the
season's new fabrics and
very stylish.
$8.75 we quote for sufficient
quantity to make an elabor
ate dress of Richelieu cord ,
all wool , rich dark shades ,
plain colors.
$10.00 At this price we can
give you an enormous as
sortment of the choicest im
ported dress fabrics bro
cades , cords , dots , change
able effects. Choice of any
of them in dress lengths at
tlamcs Patrick , Brooue , Wahelcy , Pritchott ,
Ames , R. C. Alooro , Turner , J. K.
Boyd , Ulorbower , Cuduhy , Dr. Bacho. Wor-
don , AlcICennn , Wallace , Jos'opn Alillard ,
Horbncb , Buchanan , Ben Wood , Miss Ken
nedy. _
Tim l.aUK'S KutiM tain.
A most enjoyable social occasion was the
leap year party given by the ladies ol Vusta
chapter No. ( i , of the Order ot the Knstcrn
Star. The affair was lavored by n beautiful
moonlight night , and full v 200 couples cn-
Joycd the hospitality of tbo evening. The
daiicinir was continued until n late hour und
in the intermission a delightful repast was
served. The guests wcro received by Ales-
dmnoi Kato Lane. W. S. Strawn nnd A.
Whltmursh nnd Aliases Dolllo Pray. Alay K.
Powclf , Emma Anderson , Stella lieochcr and
iSmma Wildo.
The guests wcro :
Alcssrs. uud Mcsdnmes L. II. Korty , Goorco
Bennett , C. B. Hortor. . F. P. Thornton , T.
II. Todht'nt-jr , W. L. Allison. E. L. Say re ,
Thoirus Battcrton , I'arr , W. S. btrnwn ,
Cobb , Willlum Hav ; Alesdanlos Whltmnrsh ,
Baxter , D.illov , Whitney of 'Superior , Nob. ,
Rogers , AlcKcnron. Livingston , Potlit of
Council BlulTs , Powell , Pierce , Laue ;
Allsfos Wilde , Scott , Coombe , Norris , Kane ,
Rcdtlcld , Androon , Scott , Powell , Coombe ,
Validi , Ivons , Baxter , Sayro. Anderson ,
jjaker , Wollenhaupt , Blum. Vojt , Jahn ,
Heimbolt. Polio , Rosengrcn , Ahlquist ;
Messrs. AlcCoy , Pcrrigo. Alorso , Schneider ,
Doe , Briggs , Bartlett , Davis , Morton ,
Brownlce , Woodard , Wilde , Ackermann.
Wnitmarsh , Hochoford , Robinson , Stil
ton , Newton , Davis , Nason , Pinncy ,
Knouso , Strykcr , Covcrdalo , Brlzei
Air. nnd Airs. Spofford. Air. and Airs. WcothJ
Air , nnd Airs. Suckotl , M- . and Mrs. Jcnson ,
Air. und'AIrs. Newell , Air. nnd Airs. Wright ,
Air. nnd Airs. Brunring , Air. nud Airs ,
Alyors. Messrs. Cusoy , Simpson. Pope ,
Flannlgnn. Parr. Wcston. Baker , Younger ,
BaliiufT. Urnningcr , Strati/Ian / , Tush , Pelle.
Ahlifuist. Kolly.
\V ' t < Tllrlil Itiul
To the reading , "Dr. nnd 'Mrs.
Williamson dcsiro your presence nt the marriage
' riage of.thoirdaugriter , Elsie Alay , to Harry
A. Westoillold Tuesday evening ; Novemner
29 , at , their residence : ! ( I7 North Twcntv-llfth
street , " over 100 guests responded ,
At 8 o'clock us the swcot strains of the
wedding marcli stele through the rooms the
bridal party doccndud the stairs to the
parlors below. Ur. nnd Airs Williamson
leading tto procc&blon , followed by the ut-
tumlfltits , two llltlu fairies , Aunio Pugh and
Archie Cable , then the hrido nnd groom , the
groom's mother , brothers und sisters. Ribbons
bens stroichcd ncross und hold in place by
tno sister * of the bride kept back the crowd
nnd thus reserved u place for the bridal
The ceremony was ucauliful nnd
impressive , but wbon nt Us clo a
the couple knelt to rccolvo a father's
blessing every heart Joined with heart nnd
voice In tno scot , solemn words of old ,
"Tho Lord Bless Theo uud Keep Thro. "
The bride is the oldest daughter of the
house , nnd Is loved and esteemed In social
circles , nnd Is bust loved by Ihoso who know
her wrll. The groom is well known in busi
ness eiiTles , nnd bus been nmployrd In the
oftlco of Boggs A : Hill forsomo ycnrb past.
The bride looked lovciy , drussed In cronm
colored silk inado ontrain. trimmed with
The presents wcro beautiful , costly , orna
mental , useful and numerous ,
After a dalhty lunch borved in the dining
loom tbo Impov ccuplo took IORVO of their
friends , amid showers of rlco uud good
wishes , nnu went lo their own homo , JliO
North Twenty-sixth fctrcet , wusro they will
bo ut homo to their frlonds after Dccom-
bor 15. '
_ _ _
Tim ( iuiMirii'li 1'arty.
Air. and Airs. D. II , Goodrich , who nnvo o
lovciy bouso at 1117 i'aru ovenue , throw it
open Wednesday evening to n number ol
young people In honor of Aliss Alabcl
Pratt , who will soon leave for ber now home
in California , wtilthcr bur family has precede
code ! hor. The uouso was daintily decor
uted with rosoj , chrybuiithcmuins ontl
smllax , and Airs. Goodrich uddcd to ttu
charm of luo evening by contributing bund
painted scare and table cards , which were
exceedingly pretty , und much discussed bo-
cuuso of tbnr artistla exceilenco. Air ,
Clapp won i tin Drat prlzo for tbo men , t
silver panel ) , Mr , D. V. Sholos the second , t
silver fctnmp box , wbila Air. McDougali car
ricd off the consolation trophy , an aih ro
cciver. AlUs Aluud Bryant won tuu ladles
lirst prize , a cut-glass bowl , Aliss Graci
Campbell n handkerchief case , aud Mm
Alooro the cousolatlon prlzo , CUD am
caucor ,
The guests were : Air. and Airs. D. V
Ladies' Handkerchiefs.
A ProdfgTous Variety.
In every conceivable style.
Machine jmbfoidered , hand
embroidered , drawn work ,
hemstitched , ' plain , printed ,
old ILnglish and scrip initials ,
cotton'linen , silk , and the fin
est French cambrics.
Tomorrow we offer at
special price a lot of
Chiffon Embroidered Hand
At 35c , 40c and 50c ,
worth almost double.
Also another lot of
! Silk Embroidered Handker
chiefs at 35c ,
around town price SOG ; very
desirable as presentation gifts.
Children's Handkerchiefs ,
25c Box.
Tomorrow we sell 100 boxes
containing 3 handkerchiefs ,
printed borders , in a neat il
luminated box , all for 250.
The crowning bargain of all ,
however , is 100 dozen em
broidered handkerchiefs which
we offer toniojrow
at loc each. .
That means' just half-price. '
So that all may have a chance ,
we limit each purchase to half
a dozen ,
Sholos , Air. nnd Air ? . IJnrnnnl , Misses Jessie
Clark , Mnudo Bryant , Grace Campbell ,
Mauct Koeco.jAluyiSWnllnce , Dot Wallace.
Alnmlo Alooro , Nelle ( Alooro , HattioTatum ,
Alabel Pratt , Llz/ie'f Pnrrotto ; Alcssrs.
Chnrles Ogdun , Clapp , Victor , White ,
Stockton. Hetn , AlcDougall. Gould , Doilz ,
Joseph Baldridgo , Charles Georpe.
Fnr Air. : i ( l .Mrs. Sliflton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Powell entertained
very delightfully Tuesday evening in honor
of Air. nnd Mrs. Nathnn Suelton of Annap
olis. Ind. , who ate hero renewing old usso- j
The following were Invited to moot the
real guests of the evening :
Air. and Airs. W. J. Council , Air. and Airs.
J. L. Webster , Air. nnd Mrs. Uichatd Car
rier , Air. aud Mrs. George Stobbins , Air. nnd
Airs. b. n. Uarkalow. Air. nnd Mrs. Hownrd
Smith. Air. und Airs. II. S. Jnyuess. Air. nnd
Mrs. B. AlucAllister. Air. and Airs. F. A.
Brogan , Air. nnd Airs. J. J. Dickey ,
Air. nnd Airs. C. F. Cntlln , Air. and Airs
Warren Switzler. Air. and Airs. Fred Lowe-
Dr. nnd Airs. Crummor , Aliss Crummer ,
Kw. J. P. D. Lhvyd , Alrj. C. AI. Powell ,
Airs. 10. B. Nichols , Air. aud Airs. it. H.
A 1U.\T I'llOat J'slfilN.
L\ll fun Acv > Yoil ; UcntltL
Tbo novel raantcau do visile shown in our
illustration is inuJo of violet coloro'l silk ,
with the cuflh und collar of sablo. Its dU-
tlnctivu feature is the curtnio nrrangumcnt
of jot which promises to become very fash
ionable.- , i <
( 'i'lclir.lll-d TluucVoiidrn U
Air. nnd Airs. G. L , Hello celebrated their
wooden wedding itj u1 pleasant iiunnor Alon-
day evening ut tuelr , residence , 2)5 ) | Grace
btreot. Music , high five und other amuse
ments kept the guccu till nftur midnight.
These present were : Air , nnd Mrs , Will
lain White , Air , mid MM. Ubnrloj Hello ,
Air. und Mrs. IK S. McDonald , Mr. and
Airs , Willlum Sliil'iuons ' , Mr. nnd Airs. H. N ,
Nichols , Air. und Mis. F , A , Squires , Mr ,
nnd Kra. V. B , , Lndy , Air. uud Airs ,
J. B Sheldon , tAlr. und Airs. John
White , Air. George Frazlor , Mrs , Al. J.
Greou , Air. BerlGrcun , Airs. John Soretisou ,
Airs. Will H. Huy.Miss Edith Kwolfel , AlUs
Webb , Ailss Aloud Corey , Aliss White , Aliss
Liilio Hello , Air , qUnrles Whlto , .Mrs. Al. J.
Wither , Air. Bon IIolJo. Air , Bert Buy , Air. J.
Holm. Air. Charlie Hello , Air. Theodora
White , Air. C. H. White of WuuUecan.
Tln-lr t'ryitlul AiinUvrmiry ,
Fifteen yours ago on Tuesday Mr. and
Airs. Samuel Rccs were married , and in
honor of their crystal anniversary their
pretty homo , 7UO South Twenty-second
btreot , was thrown open to a boat of old
time friends , who enjoyed tbo opportunity
Immensely to renew and talk ever old asso
ciations. Flowers , chrysanthemums , palms
and smllax- were artistically grouped about
tbo room , the presents ol crystal being dis
played on the sideboard in the dining room ,
and they were handsome , qulto a number
being cut class. There wus a big old-fush-
ionod punch oowl wulch Invitingly held out
inducements to the guests to come and par
take. Then there were refreshments und
everybody went awny very happy. Arnou ?
these present were ; Air , and Airs , Al. H ,
Bliss , Dr , nnd Airs. Jensen , Air. and Airs ,
Black Silks.
Money Saving Quotations
for Christmas Buyers. !
$12.00 will buy a dress pattern - " !
tern of our black royal
armure silk ; nothing more
durable , rich , lustrous , and
will not split.
$13.SO buys a suit length of
black faille Francaise , ample
quantity for a stylish cos
tume. We highly commend
it for its wear resisting
qualities. „
$19.80 gives your choice of
two weaves bengalinc and
peau de soic both warranted - I
ed to give perfection in wear.
Colored Silks.
$12.00 will furnish you with
an ample yardage of our
standard grade faille Fran
caise to make a complete
and stylish costume none
better ,
$15.0O gives you choice of
two fabrics nc\v \ and wear
resisting sufficient length
to make either street , recep
tion or evening dress.
$16.25 is all we ask for the
most desirable silk that is
made ; fashionable , beauti
ful , lustrous , in fact the silk
most in 'demand at the pres
ent time ; $16.25 gives you
all that is necessary for the
most elaborate costume.
J. H. Evnns. Air. nnd Airs. William Preston -
ton , Air. nnd Airs. Al . U , HLsdon. Air. and
Airs. D II. Goodrich , Air. nnd Airs. L , . A.
Garner , Mr. and Airs. Jay Du Bois. Air. and
Airs. Alexander Atkinson , Mr. and Airs. Ed
Haiioy , Mr. nnd Airs. J. K. PbillLus. Air.
nnd Airs. Norman ICuhn , Air. and Air * . L.
Al. Utieem , Air. nnd Airs. Frank Urown ,
Air. and Airs. AlontCruig , Airs. Frank Fuller ,
Air. J. F. Fair-lie , Air. C. 11. Uushman , Airs.
A. Hice , Airs. Salomji JJowmnn , Mrs. Vir
ginia Unrileil , Miss Hutlio biinons , Miss
AI nrv Simons. Aliss Georgia French , Alias
Dora Ilnrnoy. Aliss Al. Pratt , Miss Luvorn
Burnnsiry , Aliss Gertrude Goodrich , Alias
Tennio Anderson , Aliss Lydo Anderson , Aliss
Jouiiiq Al. McICooc.
The Colllhiir ol the I'rini-ctnu ( ilro OInh.
Arrangements have finally been made for
the first appearance In Omaha of the Prince
ton Glee , Banjo and Mandolin club Decem
ber 29 at Boyd's theater , AIllo. Uhcn , wno
was originally booked for that night , relin
quishing it for n cmmdoration. Tno club
numbers some forty-five or fifty young inon
and is this year under the mnnago-
mont of Herbert Al. liogers. ono
of the Omaha colony at Prince
ton. Tbo local Alumni association has
the matter in charge and will sea to it that
nothing Is neglected for the proper ontor-
tnining of the young collegians. Tbo opara
house will bo profusely decorntod with the
Prin color , colors , ns will ul o the ball room
at the Alillard , whuro the voting men will bo
entertained by the Assembly. A list of forty
patronesses is being prepared , nnd the visit
of the club made as much a society event as
I'lnynl I'roKri'HHivu Clnrh.
A very pleasant surprise was given Air ,
and Airs. Allou nt their rosldenco , OOS South
Thirtieth street , Tuesday evening ,
progressive cinch bolng pla > cJ. Airs.
Sadie Wright carried off the lady's
prize nud Al. Hypinski tno gon-
tloinin'd , while 'Mrs. Kirklund of Council
Bluffs and C. E. Brownloo c.iptureditho
consolations. Delicious refreshments were
sorvett lator.
These present were : Alosdnmes Rhodes ,
Henderson , Oshorno , Toozor. Wright , Ham-
lin , Brownlce , Kirklund ot Council Bluffs ,
Alvison , Hamilton , Aloyors. Allssos Christensen -
tonson , Hurtsnn , Alvison. Alcyera , Ida
Hogori" , Alinnlo Uogers , Kollerty , Cooper ,
AI. Prultto , Kmmn Prultto , Shoots , Born-
stoln. Mossrs. Itypinsltl , Hamilton , Botch-
told , Cooper , Uublcam , Kollertz , Uuibin ,
In Honor of Aim * Tnrkiir.
For AlisH Alagglo Tucker of Crobton , Iu , ,
Aliss Alyrllo Stewart gava n pleasant high
five party Thursday evening. After a num-
borof gnmoj were played and prizes awarded ,
rofroahmouts were served.
The guests were : Air. nnd Airs. Smith ,
Airs. Gardner , Mrs. Brice , Aliss Tucker , Aliss
Anna nud Bertha Carter , Emma Allison ,
Lena lutrict , Gussio Edwards , 1C in ma Carl
son , Lou Thompson , Gertrude Smith , Kutiu
Brice nnd Mossrs. Kd ( iinglinir. II. ti. lUch-
umn , Forest Tucker. Frank Fisk , George
Hulls , I-ouio ilondorbon , tlcniy Carter ,
Lewis Pule , .fesbo Thompion , George lor-
inan , ( icoreo Ciardnor , Grov , Cluster , Toin
Wilding. Housor.
In lluiinr nt a T ( > | i < ikiii. :
Air. anci Airs , C , 1 . Hogors gnvo n pleasant
nud social high llvo pnrtv Thursday oveulug
in honor ot Miss Nellie Hoger of Tupoka ,
ICiinsas. The ovuning wns spent in playing
progressive uliiu llvo , nu elegant lunch being
served at inldnlgtii. The winners of lirst
prizes were Aliss Ida Wheeler und Air.
VVilliam Blocdcl , whllo the boob > pri/os
were givori to Aliss M , ICerr and Air. K. 11.
C illuming ! ) .
Tbero were llvo tables , the cuesta bolng
Alra. I ) . P. Marsh , Aliss Ida Johnson , Miss
Lena Hulls , Aliss Al , Kcrr , Aliss Com Alorso ,
Aliss Ida Whcolor , AlUs llultlo Johnson ,
.Miss Ada Stickloy , Aliss Carne Porrlne ,
Aliss Nullio Itojors , Air. W. S. Wideuor ,
Air. Willlum Ilonn. Air. E. Xitzniunn , Air. J.
E. Alursh. Air , H. P. Sutorlus , Air. William
Bloedel , Air. Ed Houn. Air. It. U. Fucho ,
Air. E. H. Cummiugs , Mr. W. L. AlcCoanoll.
I < IU < nllil.Sorliil Cluli.
Tuesday evening the lirst of a series of
dancing parties by tbo Idlowild Social club
was given at Idlowild hall , Twcuty-fourth
and Grant streets , with very ploaaunt re
sults , Owlnp to BOIDO inUunilorstundlng ,
tbo roxt party will bo given Tuesday of this
week , and then fortnightly thereafter ,
another eoclal organlzati6n imvlng tbo other
Tuosda'ys iu the month.
The following guesm wcro present : Misses
C. D. Baldwin , Alublo Lewis , Faunio Ueyou ,
Ladies' Suits.
C'icneral mark-down to slim-
ulatc quick sales' and make
room for the daily arrival of
new styles. Cheviots , serges ,
Scotch mixtures and other
popular fabrics compose the
assortment of cloths.
$20.00 suits arc now $15.00.
$27.50 suits arc now $20.00 ,
$3 o.oo suits are now $22.00.
$37.50 suits are now $30,00.
Higher priced suits at even
greater reductions.
Ladies' Jackets , $7-5O.
Black and navy cheviot , 34
inches long , shawl collar of
black opossum ; tomorrow
$7.50 , actual value $10.
Ladies' Jackets' $10 ,
Made of heavy black chev
iot , black astrakhan shawl col
lar , full length ; this week $10 ,
around town piice $15.
Ladies' Jackets , $1O.
Plain black clay diagonal
.the material ; durable , ncit and
fitted without cost to you.
Actual value $ 13. 50.
Ladies' Jackets , $10.
Black storm cheviot cloth , 34
inches long , piped edges , side
slashes , popular for style , for
weight , for fit and price ; only
As prices go around town ,
$13.50 would be a fair price.
Your Attention
Is called to our large assort
ment of misses' and children's
Newmarkets and Gretchens.
No prices lower than ours.
Edna Dovoe , Uonplo AleDonald , Al.vrtlo
Smith , Viccio Walker , Allnnio .Walker ,
Peters , Kuto Tucker ; Alessrs. Gcorco
Sanchn , .1. F. Cull'Ed P. Walker. Guy E.
Hooper. AI. 7. . Baldwin , G. F. Colemnn ,
Sauford Doyoi ; , Hishcl , Tritman Duller.
Moody , Horace Hoitrich , C. King Denrnan ,
Henry Hill , Tom Urounainau , J. H.ICastinnn. ;
Wlml Omilm : IVupIn AIM ; Doing- .
Doan Gardner wont to St. Paul this wook.
Mrs. J. E. Damn returns today from Chi-
Air. and Airs. Gcorgn A. Joslyn are in New
Alri. Shelton Is the guest of Airs. Donlso
Aliss McCllntock of Oklahoma is the
guest of Mrs. John Wilbur.
Mr. nnd Airs. Henry Newman loft Friday
evening for New York Citv.
Aliss Doano expects to visit Aliss Hargis of
Louisville nftcr the holidays.
Aliss Bnlcombo and Aliss U'akcly nro
guests nt Happy Hollow toilny.
Bisbnu and Mrs. Goorco Worthtngton re
turned Thursday from Now York.
Marshal B. U. Slaughter and wife lolt
Thursday evening for a short trip to Chicago.
Mr. nnd Airs. N. P. Hulst of Alilwnukee ,
are tbo guests of Dr. and Airs. Alorcer.
Air. John I. Kediclc leaves today for Cal
ifornia , where ho expects to spend the win-
Airs. T. ,1. Rogers loft last Sunday for St
Louis , culled tbcro by the illness of her
Airs. Will Wood cnvo.i charming card party
Tuesday afternoon iu honor of Airs. Henry
Air. and Airs. Andrew Rosowntcr nro now
ocoupvlag their now homo ut-HS South Thirtieth -
tioth street.
Air. and Airs. O. S. Eleuttor will bo at
homo to thulr friends lor the present at 1711
Douglas htrcot.
Alra.V. \ . 10. Clark will ontortnln the Bon
Ami club Alondny ovonlnc at tboir Park
nvouuo residence.
.1. H , Ailllard , ono of trio Union Pacific dl *
rcotor.s , hus gene cast to nttond the funeral
of Air. Jny Gould.
Alhs AInbol Cnrdwell , formerly of Nor
wich , Conn. , will spend a foiv wooUs with
Airs. J. E. Preston.
Aliss Bryant or Mllwunkoo and Aliss
.1 en nio Clark of Papillion are the guests of
Airs , Gcorgo Kolloy.
Dr. P. S , Leiscninq ; nnd familv , 700 South
Eighteenth , lonvo for California Tuesday ,
DeconiDer 0 , to resldo.
Airs , C. O. Schlarsticn i-oturnod homo
Thursday from n two months' visit wUh
relatives in St. Louis , Alo.
Aliss Pratt will bo the guest of Aliss
Tutiim until she loavoi for California , which
will DO about lccoinbor ) ID.
AllS3 Jackson and Aliss Doollttlo , who hnvo
beoii guosU nt tlio Deanery , loft for their
custom homos on Wednesday.
Air. nnd Airs. Will Hector will occupy Air.
J. J. Gibson's houau during tlio uuiouco uf
Air. and Mw. GiUson this winter.
Mrs. Shunk of Chicago , who has been the
cuobt of lier sister , Airs. Benjamin linker ,
left with her son on Thursday lor California.
Airs. O. AI. Carter gives two card parties
during the holidays , iho first for , Air , nnd
Alrs.N. Barkalow , tboscuond for Aliss Curter
AI..s. G. DoWItt , nccomimnlcd by 'in r
dnuL'litor , lolt on Friday nUornoon for Colfax
Springs , whuru she nopvs to rogaln nor
Mr. and Airs. J. A..Alonroo returned
Friday from Chicago , havliii ; ocou nbsent
about two inoiilliB traveling iu the west and
Airs. Ada Sifford and Miss Jean nio Grls-
weld of Lancaster , O. , are the guests of Mr.
and Alra. Sandy Gris'.vold , J7 1 JuukBou
Mr. John N. Frouzor hns returned from
bis llvo months' transcontinental trip. Ho
reports having had an excellent tlnm und is
locking wuil.
Aliss Kountzo and Air , Charles ICount/c
returned yesterday from Denver whltlior
they hud gonn to uiicnd tbo coming out party.
of Aliss Lina Kountzo.
Mrs. Dr Sponsor gave a very pleasant
dinner ut tlio fort on Friday. Misa Jlal-
couibo , Alls * Uoano uud Air. ( jtiuy were
uuiong these pruiuutfrom town ,
Air , nnd Airs. Arthur C. Smith hnvo returned -
turned from their honeymoon und Imvo gouo
to houEokeupliiR In Air. i'rult's liouso , which
Air. Smith bos beautifully furnished for iiU
Air. niu1. Airs. W. Uoirors cutert&lned at
dinner mat Saturday uvonlng , Miss Nash ,
AIUs Nulaou , Miss Dcoriug , Captain Crow *
IToy Department.
] Now Open , Fifth Floor.
Family Bibles , $2.50.
Containing the old and new
testaments , translated out of
the original tongues , and with
the translations diligently
compared and revised ; and
embracing every passage of
scripture in the largest cdi
Better ones at $5.00 , $7.50 ,
$8 50 and $12.50.
Bagstor Bibles , $3.50.
The most comprehensive
teacher's bible published a
marvel of completeness.
Better ones at $ .1-30 , $6.00
and $8.00.
Indexed $4.50 and $7.50.
Prayer and Hymnals
These we have in scperatc
volumes also combined vol
umes in great variety of bind
ings ; our prices range for sin-
trie volumes ,
Prayer Books SI.OO to S4.OO.
Hymnals 400 to $1.50.
Combined prayer and hym
nals , 750 to $10 oo.
Catholic Books.
Complete assortment , large
variety of newest bindings.
Key of Heaven , $1.25 toG.5O.
Key of Heaven , epistles and
gospels combined § 2.25 to ,
$4. 50.
Ben Hiir.
Original editions , cloth bind
ing. $ i.35'Per volume.
dor , Air. Frank Hamilton and Air. 1C. Chnrloal
Barton. I
Air. U. F. Smith nnd Aim Pearl Bovcoi
were married Thursday evening Dc-i
comber 1. at the residence ofl
the bride's parents , 1010 California !
street. Uov. Chnrlos W. Suvidgo olllciuted. I
The young people of the First Universal-I
ist , cimrch "gavo n "crazv tea" In tuoj
dining hall or the church , Friday nvoiilnir.l
Docomuor L' , "from ( ! to II o'clock. The novel \
method of serving tlio tea inndo It very into - q
to resting.
The many friends of Aliss BolloFUnn , who '
became such a great favorite in Omaha j
society of young paoplo whllo visiting Aliss j
Weaver last winter , will bo sorry to hoar ot I
the death of her mother , which occurred i
last Saturday night at Hockford , 111. J
Lieutenant Colonel J. B. I'arko , Second I
United States infantry , nuii Airs. Parko urol
bidding goodbye to their many friends at !
Omaha and Fort Omntia preparatory to golngJ
to Columbus Barracks , O. , which rccrultlugj
depot Colonel Pnrko is to command ,
Air. nnd Airs. D. H. Whcolor , jr. . enter-I
tallied n pleasant few nt wlnit Tuesday I
evening. These present were Air. nnd Mrs I
Warren Hogers , Air. and Airs. Will Hcdlck , I
Air. und Airs. Louis Bradford , Air. and Alra. 1
( Jharlcs Douel , Air. and Mrs. O. W. Hull , 1
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnso , Aliss Dcoring , Aliss 1
Nclbon , Air. Fulrfield. j
Judge nnd Mrs. Duudy entertained Ibo4
federal court olllcers nnd their wives qulto j
iiiformullv Ttiosiluv evening. These present I
were Alr.'and Airs. Elinor Frank , Mr. nnd
Airs , Scipio Dumlv , Air. und Alri. Bon
linker , Air. John I. Hedicit , Aliss Ulchurds of I
Wvoming , Air. und Alra. B. Blnunhtcr , Aliss I
Slaughter , Aliss Uundy , Air. und Airs. Now-j
man. - 1
Aliss Nellie Bennett , 811 South Twenty- ]
sovnnth street , entertained very pleasantly
on Wednesday in honor of her guest , Aliss |
Currlo Chambers of Jaclcnoi.ville , ill. After j
ton , cards -vern played bv Air. and Airs. Valll , 1
Air. and Alr . W. it. Bennett , Miss Sharp , j
Aliss Ida Sharp , Ml1" Wiikuloy , Air , Heath , j
Air. Will Wnuoluy. Air. Will Crnry , Air. \
Howoli. i
Mrs. Harold GliTord's lunchonn on Friday ]
was oxqulsitu in appointment and beautl-
fully served , n luc.t which the following j
ladles will vouch for : Airs. Cha o. Airs.
Ford , Airs. Victor Ouldwcll. Airs. Hitchcock ,
Airs , John Wilbur , Altss AlcClintook , ATrs.
II. Caldwell , Airs. Uann Lander , Aliss J
Downs , Rliss Mil lard , Miss Anuu Allllard , i
AlissSloublns , MM. Irvine. 1
Air , Victor Hosowator has boon awarded n j
fcllowsuip lu Iliianco In Columbia college I
with ? TiUO a year and tuition free. This U J
mi honor that tins rarely been bestowed ]
upon n western Uoy , nnd may bo considered J
us n very binli compimient , Air. Hose- ]
water's recent papers on economics havoJ
attracted wide attention , nnd have bconl
copied lu lending pupow of the country. j
The executive' committee of tno nowly"
formed University Club have decided to hold J
the Iliht annual Ijiinquol of tliu club on the l
ovciiing of Decombur U'7 , nt the Marco r holol. ]
It is expected that the tmnijuol ulll bo n very i
bclcct ulTnlr , and thai it will consolidate the 1
ortrnnl ation of the club. 'J'lioru iiro many j
college men in Hits olty of whom u considerJ J
ublo number are noHvely interested In the j
formation of some org'inLation wlilch shull I
bring tliiiin touelhur In n inunnor likely to ,
recall old colicgo limns. Tno euinmittcu con- <
blstsofH. 1' . Lewis , G. J. Cornish. U. 1C.
IJiown J.V. . llfoatcii nnd Victor U Bender
Tlio following members of the Park
Ayenuocnrd club woru entortumod Alondny
ovonlng DV Air. and Alls. Ken linker : Air.
arid Mrs. 1C , Al. Bartlett , Air and Airs. I ) .
H. Goodrich , Mr. nnd MIH. Cluflln , Air. and
Airs. Al. Illihs , Mr. and Airs. HU&HO.V , Air ,
nnd Airs JHiiko , Mr. unit Mr . Purvis , Mr
uud Mm. hlioio * , Air. und Mrs Guonro W.
AloHcnth , Air. nnd Mr . Urnlco. Captnln nnd
Airs. H. H. Palmer , Air. nnil Airs , iConncily , i
Air. and Airs. Tuluni. Ths hoiii.0 wiu
prettily decorated with I'lirysunllioiriuinu ,
nud the prl/os wuro awarded to Airs. J L.
Kennedy , Airs. I ) . V. Sholos , Mr Hmtlb mid ,
.Mr. Tutuiu.
The Omnha Biuo Book for 169. ! .1 itus Just
como from tlio press of Chnso & ICildy aii'J
presents the hnminomo typogruphicui niipear-
unco for which the work of thli
lirm is noted , The work follows
the ntylo cbtatilUhcd In former
years nuU emnracoi the iminos of nearly
throe thousand heads of families nnd their
residence nddrciisos , lo which nro subjoined
the names of other persons living at th
same addruieus. Whllo urliltrnry social
llnoi have not boon drawn , tliu P'irpoan ' of
this work 11 lo nfford u convenient reloronc"
for mnltliig up social luts nnd for incrcbunts
addressing announcements.
A pleasant urprUo wns given Airs. W.
N . Nason Frliluv ufternoon nv Mr * F. A.
iCunlstoii , 3b31 Blnnoy utrnot , on her return
from Lincoln Park sanitarium , Chicago ,
wbura sbu bus bueu uuder treatment , wit )