Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1892, Page 6, Image 7

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Blangblor of Innocents la tha Pork fit Wns
tbo Feature !
rroTlslon * Senn to llnro Henclicd n ComJI-
lion AMioro tlio Hull Clique lint Complete -
plete Contriil lient < n l Corn
Ituleil busier.
CHICAGO. 111. . Dee. S.-A slaughter of Inno
cents In the pork pit wns the feature on
'chiuipc today. I'ork. lard nnd ribs closed re-
pcoilvely nt'd'Hc. ' 'Oo and 22'io higher than
Inst nlulit. Whont nnd corn ruled easier nnd
cnch closed nt a Uo decline. The provision
murkct seems to hnvo reached n condition
where the bull clltio | has eo nplcto control
The clique orokcrs bought May stuff nnd
caused on advance , on which they sold freely
for Jitnunry. When the mnrket yielded under
tholr selllns and the sellln-r bv the trade cen-
crully , they rushed In and boiiRhl M.'iv nRiiln
nnd frlishtoned the other soliors Into cov orliM
ntn loss In a hurry , 'llil * innnctivcr wns re
ported three times today. The close wn * nt
llio top lUtircs. 1he > inill stocks of provis
ion ! , tlio nil tnttcn In hops to thohl hpolnlof
the your nnd Ibe lack of nerve on the p.irt ot
fto'.lcrsor all products made It ouby work for
tha mnn uulnlors.
Wheat started about steady nnd for atlmo
bold rather llrm on Rood local buylnp. r.jRle-
ston , Sihvviirlr-Duncoi Kcnncu-lloil.lns and
other ptomlnint operators belnz v\ell repre
sented. Unt thcio becincd to l.o Illtto demind
on which thu Mrcnpth was liHted and lliu Im
provement wns not belli , fluctuations weio
conIItied to n riinc.o of , c-
Corn was we'ik hi ynii | iihy with wheat , the
ninco was from Vc to Uu and the eloso win at
Mo rccovcrv from thn lowest prices. In mils a
number of buyiiiK onlers hod the inaiKct
Ktenily for .1 time. After thcv hiul been 11.led ,
pr'ecs declined 'Jc. ' but roiiilnid ' 40 of It
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : wheat ,
l.V > curs : corn , MUcurs ; oats , UO cara : ho s ,
150UO he'.id.
'I hn leading futurca rnnccd ns follo\\Bi
AIITILI i s. oi'KMMi iTTTiit i i i vturn * .
Dcci 111 tier 7IH
Jnnunry. . . .
Cons' No 2
llKCinlcr 4IJJ 42
.Ininitry . . . 41
OAThM ) !
IHciiulH.r. . . SOW rex 'OVC
Jniianrr. . . llj IIIH an *
Mny sas
I iccmbcr . , 14 CO 1400 14 00
Jnniniry. . . . 11 < J 15 f.7'1 ' , 15 VO
Mny 15 45 lj TO IS J4'
December. . . o MK 9 52W
Jnnunry. . . . 'J U V 'M U ii
Mar V 10 V VJ | < 9 US U .0
Jnniinrr. . . . 82i 8 00 8 20
Mny 8 10 8U2 8 17V
Gusli quotations were as follows :
Fi.ouit b.ilos practically at vcrv 1 „ . . . - .
\VIIKAT No. i ! Bpr.n.7l c ; Mo. a sprlny. .
KQM4e ! : No 2 red. 71V-
OATS No. 2. au'io ; No. 2 white. S5c ; Xo. 3
white , : tt.Jc. !
Rvu No. 'i. 47c.
llAlti.uv No. ' . ' , C7c : No. 3 , f. o. b. , 4jQG5e , No
TI.AX S ( MI-NO. 1. Jl/fi" .
TlMmnvbl.ED-l'rline , 51.00.
1'oiiK Jless , per bbl , Jll.CO : Ian ) , per 100
Ibs , t002'i : short Hbs , sides ( loose ) . * s 2 O
82.'ij ilrv Halted shoulers ( boxed ) . $7.J7l7.r ! > 0 ;
ahort. clearsldcs ( boxed1 , $ i ! > GS.O ) .
WIIISKV lhtlllcts' finished goods , per gal. .
II. 13.
fctiOAli T'nclnnpcd ; cut loaf. r > ; j ® " > ? c ;
grnnnliited , fie : standard "A , " 4'0o.
The following nero thu receipts and ship *
nunts today :
On the 1'roduco etchanco todiy the butter
tnnrUct wns dull ; creamery , < ( ti.2Jc ; dully
l.'ges. tte.uly ; fresh , 2. (
Ni'ir York .MnrKcf.
NEW YOIIK. Dec. a rr.oun Receipts , 30.400
nnekiiBcs : e\poiB. ( OJO Inrrnls. 24.0JO sacl.s ;
Market active , easier : s lies , 13,700 barrels.
OOIIN Mi\i-Qulot : , Stoidy.
WllKAT Itccolpts. IU4.0DO bu. : exports , 80,000
bu. ; bales. 700ojOhu , futures , b.o o bu. spot.
Spots dull , loircr , closing steady No
2 red , 77 (2.71 ( 'Jc in stoiu and elevator ;
7fiJ4o alloal : 7h'470'ic : f. o b : No. J red ,
74Si74tc ! : niiRr.iucd red , 7i'li477i ; : No. 1
northern , EJiis4e ; No 2 northern , 'SUfGS c :
No. 2 Milwaukee , 7'i'iQ7jc ( : No 2 hprlnirri.'U
© 7Jc. Options very dull , ii regular ana ' © ?
loner , elO'tlng stuidv , trading wholly local ;
No 2 rod , December. 7(1s ( © 71ac. clos
ing nt 70'ne : January , 77'ra11c , closing
7Bc ; May , b2'4iab.U-lbc. closing 8. So.
Kin Dull : wo.ut.
11AIII.KV Dill' ' .
COIIN Itcoelpts , 2KI 000 bu. ; sales. 2'tO.OOO bn.
bu. ot futures. 7itKH ) bn. of spot , fcpots dull.
ensler : No 2. . 'iO'5c In olovntor : fil o ;
uiih'railcd mixed , 4UQ."K4c ) : No . ' , 4li' c :
Btean cr mixed , MH' . Opt onsoro dull.
Jttt'iu louer and stotulyt December.riii'J
ili 8ic. closlntt n t SOSic ! .liinunry. ril'ifaril'ic.
closlus at ai : o ; May , ; | , ® > 4c. UOMIIS at
OATS Kcccluts. 40.000 bu. ; sales 110.000 bu
of futiiios. I'.tlOJbu. spot , bpots ( Inner and
quiet. Options ( lull nnd easier ; Do-
crmLcr. Ilii'ac ; Januiny , .l7JBc , clo-tuiK. II'Sc ;
Mny,40 : ( i44 ltc. closing nt 4lPc. , , tpoi No. 2
\Uito , 4.tMo ! : mixed urstein , jri iftlsc ;
white weslein , 40 ® < 8c ; No. 2 Chicago. J7'c.
HAV Qnlct , llrm
Hoi's Dull , easier.
BUOAII Haw. qu ot. lirm ; refined fairly
active. llrm.
MOI.ABSKS New Oilo.ins dull.
Uiuis liood demand , steady.
WOOL ( Billet , firm ; domebtlo fleece , K >
Toxus , lEJj-'lc.
Uons ririncr ; western , fresh. 2sS20Lro ;
colplf , ; i.r > 71 pl > ? s.
Ifliins Dull , steady.
I'OIIK Unlct , linn : cut meats Inactive , firm
mlildlis dull ; short clear , ? S.7ii ; liirdqulut
higher ; ueslorn steam closed at $10.21 ; sales
none ; options Miles. 7 > o tierces January n
| 0 Ki : Mn reh. $ ' ) / ) ' . . closlni at JJ 0.1 asked
llUTTl.ll-Oulol , fnlily steady.
Uiitrpi : Mnrti'i , ilo demand ; llrm.
I'm IIIO.N Steady , quiet ; American , 113.0
Ooi'i'Blt I'lrm ; Inke , JPOO bid.
LEAH Knsv. dull : domestic. Jim bid ,
'UN Knsy ; stral hts , rJO.OJ bid.
Oiniiliu I'lodnco .Mnrkot.
There wns not much Improvement In tin
way ot activity In the market , the dullness o
the PIIBI few d.i.\s continuing , Ilnycus weri
coiiHplcuoiih by their ahsciico. Thu fresh re
colptsvcro not heavy which placed tlio irmt
ket In bettor shape to eiKiurc the lUht trade
As to prices no osscntlal chaiiKo will bo notei
In the following quotations :
Arri.Kh 1'ri diet Ions of hlchcr prices fo
npples are roinln ; fiom vmlous sources. 'Iln
followln : from Niagara Tnlls Is reported b'
thol'rodiuo Iliiliotln : "Apples are iroins : ur
up , UP In prices , nnd the coiiimlSH on men am
clnruKobrul.urs arociowliiK Iniliplorciich day
Already In the west the market for prim
fruit Is sioiidlly i'dv nolni ; , KnnsnsUliy , M
Joseph , Oninlin. and bt. I'.iul ar
p nyliiK t rom .73 lo $ l.tO ! tier bhl. As hlKh n
S.UO per bhl wnsolTercd foriiplcs nnd bplt/cn
burcK In Denver , The nuniponn nuiiUot j
xcnoncd UH unusually strum : . " Quotation
ot Omaha nro : Uood stock , < J.50tt4 00 : cholc
to fancy , 4 CO1 2.\
HANA.NAS Quotations aroi Pair to goo
lilpplm : htock. i.MHO.'W per bunch ,
llUTThlt Thu situation Is unchanged In th
local butler mnrUel. A tow s lies of cholc
lolected 10 1 co to tno retail Undo at IbiWOi
but the bulk of tlio receipts i iliu only liiMGi
Creamery butter la limited at ; tc , *
UitANliKiiitiKS-Ouutatlnns nru : Hell nn
cherry , J-.OJ pot bbl , ; bull and bule , fo.OJ : lut
' market was not very active a
Kiu for strictly fic-di slock ,
GAME On y ono month remains In which
will lo lawful to kill doer , and hunters apuon
to bo inaUIni ; the most Of It , In MIIIIO state
the buiison olosnii on December 1 , 1'ialr
clilcknns , JI.KxajfOi Krousu. { 4,10 ; quill
ll.2.'dt.W ! : fciiluc , if .0) ; jack snipe , f I. :
Ctl.Wi p'ovur. tl.OO ; golden plover. 1 '
WI50 ; canvas buck ilucUs. lUOOU'.O '
red head ducks , tl.Ot ; mallard duck
IJ.7S ; hi no win : te l , tiOO ; croon wit
teal , U. fit © 1.7. . ; mixed dnul.s. tl.Ml : Cuiuu :
.pccbo , I UXi7.'i' ; small cecse , } 4X'100 ( ' : 1nc
rnbblta. JK 4'"i : small rabbits. ll.r < ai. : > >
tqulrrolF. tl.2. ; aiitelopo s iddlcs , KiSISc : dei
saddlot , I' IUo : antoloiio carcasses. 0311) )
deorcnri'iibbos , KOI''c ; live nl uons , il.23Ul , !
'nuiT 1'cr louo. .
HONBV Uood white clover is quoted i
l.tMobB MnBilnns , choice , IS..V000 ; fane
OvsTtiis-rl'ricos remain uchunicd at K
Wo | , or ciui.
ONiONf-Quolntlom are ; lioniCKrawn. 83
FpnnUh , tltU percrntu.
OliAMlts rretciit quotnllou here U KL75.
I'OTAKH.S Potatoes itiototiiK Impor.ed in
this counliy frum 1 u ope In spiteot the fni
that the duty on them In 5o IUT bushel. Tl
local innrknt remains unchou cd. Quot
n ro : hoiiio-urow n , Ciit7io ; Colorado ui
r The murUot Is ilow aud u
intnfaotory. I'rlces are low uud it
tbo Imjruru do uot taka th offvrlu
rcelf. TntVpyn nr * > tlio nlowMl nftlo of ( iny *
hlniti I hey nro quoted nt SAOo. OITO nnd
lucks movort tnoro f rooty nt to for drcitod.
) rrn od rh Pkcn , 7Si'e ,
HWRKT I'riTATOKi-l'lioIco Mtufntlno nnil
Illinois Atock , M7.V3I OOperbld ,
TAMiiitlNK4-A few tnnierlnfs hnvn nr-
rlvrd nn HIP tnnruot nnd sold at J3.00 per boxer
or II SO per liilf bor.
Vr. u-jnot itluni nroi Smill anil ( at , Tel
i\rgo nnd heavy. iHHe.
Omnlm Illdi-i nnd Tnllow.
llini : No. I croon. 3 < io : No I Ereon slMod
4a4Uc ; No. Zircon iltod.2Uo to 341'tp ! Mo
lorccn ntilloil , 2. ' > UilO lb . 41401 No. 2 eroon
silted. 2' > to 4) Iln. . a'io ! No. 1 vosl onlf , 8 to n
lb , c | No. 2 vcnlealf. 8 to Ibs. 4o : No. 1
dry flint , Oc to 7c ; No. 2 dry flint. 4o to not No.
I drv stilted. fie to tie. I'nrt cured hldoi one-
hnlf cent per pound le than fully euro I.
fciu.Ki1 1'nt.Ts tlrccn silled , each : ficail.- . > :
preen sn'tod shoirllnas ( short woolnil oirly
iklnsl. uich , rvJlilC ! dry shcirllnzi ( abort
woolod carlvskliui. No. I , etch , MilOo ; dry
shoirllnn ( short woolod early skltui , No a
cnch. Sc ; drv nint Knnsis nn 1 Nebriikn
butcher wool pelt * , per Hi , nctunl weight , 1)
! 4o ! : dry flint Kansisnnd Nobrnskn tnur-
ruin wool pelts , per Hi . actual weight. PSr.'c :
dty Hint Colornilo butcher wool polls , per lb. .
actual wcliht , I0l2'ic ' : dry Hint Colorido
murrain wool pelts per llx. aclunl weight
dry pieces and buciu , actual wcUbt.
Have foil cut olT , as It Is molcn to
piv frt'lchton them ,
T lt.ow AMI OitP.A K Tallow. No , 1 , RSics
tallow. No. 2. : tai' < o. ere isc , while A , 3Jjc ;
Kro.isc , white H , .I'Xc ; ttruise , vollow , , tc ;
cronip , dnrU , 2Ue : old butter. 2j12Ve } : Uoo > -
wax , prime , KX2 c ; lonjli tallow , 1'iQJo.
St l.onli .Mlirkrt" .
ST. lnrt . Dec. 2. ri.ot'it t'nchnncol :
choice , JilV/12 li ; fancy. $ . ' .wil..7i ) ; extra
fancy , $1.0 © ll.'i : patents. $ .ia" > il3 " \
\\IIIMT Dash loner , GS\ei options about as
ycRlerdiiy : DcLumLer , OS i6SSoi January.
tie , Mav , 7B' ' c. ,
( OII.N Loner : cub. MI C : options , Doccm-
ler. : is'i © ! ) " { ( . May. ii'i'iH I'.cr
O\TS-.USI | , hlKhor at Jl'ic : May , lo.ver at
llt'TTHt thichaiiuod : crouncrv , COaJ.'e ;
daltv , l-r/fcc. (
I'IIIH Lnwur nt2l'Se. '
I'ottK-ln lob lots. fU 00 ; lard , fO.Vi.
ItKCUI'TSI'lour. . 12,000 bills , ; wlinnt , H.OOO
bu. ; com ) , OOJ bit. ; oat . 1.1.00) bit. ; rje. none ;
hnrlev. none.
SllliMicsTS-riour , 7rOJ bhl ; wheat. 42.000
bu. : corn. .Il.fUO int. : oit , 14,00) bit. ; rye , flue '
btt.T bai.c ; . 0,0) ) bu.
KIIIISIS Clry MiirUrts.
KAICS S CITV. Mo , Dec. 2. WntiAT Wnakor
nnd lower : No 2 h-ir.l , CIKfflHc ( { ; .No. 2 red. rse. ,
i DUN Wunkur und loivur ; No 2 inlM'd , 31 ©
OAT < frlnadv : No Smlxod. S'l'llWOo.
llt'TTiii : Sto-iily ; ( .roaniory , 2JiJJbc ; dairy ,
NBJIHe. at ISiT.lOo.
HrcKtl'TS Whe it , 77.UOO bu , ; corn , 11,000 bu , :
o its , none
Siiit'viuMSlieat , 77.0DO bu.i corn , 00 ;
oils , none. - _
Il\ci | innl Mnrlcct .
Ltvcitpnou Do1. 2. WHI\T ; Steadv : de
mand fair ; holders otror moderately ; red
western s | > rln.r , ( Is l'idli ' ( d per cental. Ho-
ci'lpt" of who it for the pnst thrco days 216.00)
icntiiK Includliu 212,0 0 American
( . ( JIlN Quiet but steady ; demand poor :
mixed weatein. 4s.l'4d ' uerccr.tal. Itocelptsof
American corn for the past three days 14,1,400
cent ils.
I'nAfc. Canadian , SsSKd per cental.
HM.K Kxtr.i India moss , ( iisUd par tierce.
S 2Js Jd per cvvt.
Oil .Mnrltct.
opened llrm nnd devclotcd strcneth ns the
dny .idvanccd. The mnrUct closed strouc ,
openltiK. TiS'io ; hlzhcst , ril'Bc ' : lowest. tUMj ,
and closlnc , 54' c. rennsvlvanl i oil spot sales ,
none ; January option sales. 28.000 bills ; Lima
oil s ilcs. none ; 17c bid : tolal sn cs..8,000 bbls.
CuTTON4Liil > Oil , Quiet but llrm ; crude.
ICIe : jollow17.lbc
TAW ow-Quiel ; city ( J2 for pk s ) , 5o bid.
HOSIN Dull , otrorcd freely.
Tunrii.N TIM ; Quiet , weak ,
MllvuiuUct' l.r.iiu M-irkrt.
Mli.w fKEifts , Dee. 2. WIIUAT Bleady ;
M-iy. "JSc ; No. 2 bprliiK. CO ic.
OoHN No. J , 4.'c.
OAib fctoaay : No. \vhltc.33o ; No. 3 , 3J5 ! ©
iu t.hv-03e.
i. * ; c.
Gotten .MilrltPt.
NKVV YOIIK Doc. 2. Options opened haroly
sto.idy ut III to 'JO points IIOVMI. closed flrri
.it r > to ID points up : salts. 17'iOJ Imps. Includ
ing : December. ( Id r < ftll.,0 ( : : J innary. $10.00 ®
lfi.1I'ebiu.uv. . JlVt < Bi : > " > : M irch. SliTS ®
IWi ; April. t.580 : Jl-iy. ( HIM ® 5.80 ; Septcm-
her. 51" ) nan .Vi ; Octobci. Sn.j.vai3.4 : > . bpot
Hlo. quiet but steady ; No. 7. $17.00.
Cotton .Mai not.
Nrvv Oni.FANi. Ln. Dec 2. Mm Let onsy :
middling , u 7-lCc ; low inldillliip , b'-lOo ; coed
ordinary. 8 1-ldc : not receipts , 5,755 bales :
cross receipts , d.-'Ot balua : exports to Great
Ilrlt.iln , .17 : ba cs ; to the continent , bVi
hales ; coastwise. 5ft balei ; sales , 3,100 bales ;
slock , V.0,2i7 bales.
American ItcrrifjerUor IJeof.
T ivcui'ooik Dee 2 , American rufrlaorator
beef , foteauarters , 33 d , hlndqu , rters , 5Jid
pur lb.
I.O.MIOV , Dec. 2. Amcrlcin rcfrlsor.itor
beef , fiirenuiirter' , 2s , 21 ; hlmlqu.irlora , 'JsJJ
! ! s Ed pei s lb. bj the carcjss.
Tr uler ' Tjllc.
CIIICAOO , 111. . Doe. 2. Cnnnielman A : Day
to Cockrnll llros toiniiiUslon compinv :
I'rovis gns furnished the I'hlof attraction to
lloor traders tod.iv , as tlio totil slocUs ot all
kinds of hoi products , contrails nnd other
wise , are only M.000.000 Ibs , as nRiilnst III-
i'OiUJO ) a joar nso , nnd the prospects nro 11 it-
IcrniK for n poor run of hops In January. The
Ciulnhjsshnvv tholi faith In hUher pr ces by
eli-uuliu Iholr .lunu.iry holdln.s line Mny w sdull ,11 ul he ivy tlm moat of UK
dav iillhoiuli a larto au.-io.'ato of triilliu
was done by shorts The net decl no of 4i
was atrlbutable to bolllni ; by houses with Now
Voile cniiiiactlotis. l.oi'il shoiti coveioil
freely .tl the decline. Coin was fe.iturolen'
and timing unusually lulit. 'llio niarUci
closed o islcr In syml ) ithv w th whoit. O.iti
woio hoivlly poundotl by lloor traders \vhooX'
peeled to fotco .1 l/rcik but otlciln s prev
k"s , unl biiycrs mure niimeroiis it the decline
and the attempt to coruur early sales c.iusoi
tlm closing tally.
.Veu \ < irU Mlnlnir Ouiifitliun.
Nnw Y < UK. Dec. 5. The follow In j uro tin
elos.n. : mining qtuilat'ons. '
.tlr. Gould's Dcalli Had I.Htln KlUct on &c
New Yonic , fioc. 2 Conslclerln ; the doitl
of the most nctlvo manipulator of c unp.iU-i
In the stock m irkot In the annals ot
street thoiUojk oxch injo today w.iHsliuii
liuly free from oxcllonicnt. Not only wer
the llnclnutlnni In prices comparatlvol
small , but the volume ot buslnos-i tr ins.tctci
was less tbnn Is often trans ictud when ther
nro no spoultil events or Inllnonccs to stlinu
late IridliiK. It has been hlnlcd all nlnnj ; b iI
acottaln caiitlnsont ot Wull stret ( spccu
Intora that the death of Mr. Gould wotili
throw the market into a stuto of p.inlr , n
tint the marKota for Houiintlos won I
nt bo violently illstnrboJ. K\actl
the contrary oocunod toiluv- The m.irkc
wavered for n tltno and the hulls nmdo SOY attemuts toKot prices to .1 lower love
hut on nil the rtuctlons buyln ; otdcrs at
1 cured foi lar/u ninonnls , nnd c.ich doclln
was followeil by nUliur quotations than hn
been previously current. Kven tlio go-cnllc
Could blocks Yielded hut slightly , In Hi lUt Amerlc in S.t.'iir declined 170 , bu
as : i rule , the looses were small , 1 his was a
thu n on < siirprlalliK bccaiiso of the out-am
ment of ll.WO.OU ) no d for blilpinont tol.uiopi
Itvv js lu.irnod Hilbiciiucntly that I.O .UJO hu
been withdrawn , Kurilthu ! afternoon
much llrmoi feelln ? piuvatlud , an'l as tlio da
cltow to u clo o bpcculatlim became ulnio :
hno > nnt. Thu market closed Htron. . and o
the adv unco thu H tic ? nvuru alod D05u :
listed mid 01,174 anlUteJ sh.kren ,
The I'ost siiys : I'coplo who loaicod toJn
for n general cataclysm uf prices on the new
of Mr , tiouid's de.ith nn'l thuru wuro bom
. ' 5 Hoih people mot a crcvluus dlsuupolntmen
0 : The nuvts wnt published In W.illstreot befoi
" t tbo opculiii of tlio stock market so that thci
Is was nn l.ick of iiutlco lo the contliiKon
InMi Hut the operators who bu.-iin to oxnerliiict
Mi found nn unexpected situation , Thu pn
0 ; hears vvuru doing nuthlnz. There wi
IT nutanlii | of solllnonleis from that trnd
c ; tlonal "oulsldo public" wh ch is supposed t
null frantically to "liquidate" on the clou tin
a famous capital ht. Instead of thU ,
ut \Misdlscovured Hint commission brokerswci
waiting unxlously for llio Gould btooUs , m
by any menus to s-'ll , hut to buy on all e :
tremo couic&slotiB. In other words , tl
Front bulk of speculators , profess onal 111
unprofet'sloiiiil. euemcd to huvo grusued tl
io t Idea Unit btool.s would bo taken hoarlly undi
BomuboJy lbo'ti munlpulatlon and that tlu
the market would bo u li.indaomo purclun
to Hut nu discreet room trndur vvalkB with h
ct o ; en open Into such n trap ns this. L.irly nt
he timid belters promptly recedoJ , nnd thu nu
u- Kot as u w hulo presented the \ cry unrommi
lUl spoctni'le of Ihu sensation long looked forwai
to , with periodical tit * of dUmay , followed , i
n * lu nnnouncunicnt , by a ilriu , motlonlem U
'i be tul lowing are tti ole lug quctttlCBt f
Ihnlnndlnff utocUion ttio Now Vtr.r ntcck ICx-
chMiRO todnyl *
lotil silns of SHOCKS todiv were 427,003
ilinii'e. InilililliM : AU-hlsnu , 10.5J' . ' ; Chluico
OHM , 27.010 : I > lo , 10.411 : l.uillsvltlo Nash
ville. P..17i ! Manhnttnn , 4,7IOi Missouri I'nulflc.
Hl..un ; Nnrtltorti 1'aclllc prctcirrd. ir.87 : ! Sow
Enal-ind. .II.-.80 : UriillnR. l .mo : Ulohmond
lormlnnls. : i'ilo ; ! ? t , 1'nul. I1.4JO : Western
Union , U'3C : Union 1'iiulflc 10.0JO.
New Yoilt Moiuiy .MitrUet.
NK\v VOIIK , Doc. 2 MOMJV ON Ou.t.-
En y laiiirlnc from 3 ti > S'j ' per cent : last loin
ut f > per cci.t and closing at ft per cent.
I'litMi : MKHCANTII.K I' IT.II .1 ® ) per cent ,
iTK.iu.isa IXtllAMlK rirtn , VYlth nctuil
business In bankers' bills at M SV } < 3 > 4 85 > for
fiDduy bills and l 8'4 ' for demand.
' 1 he elos iu < iuouttons on bonds :
Lonttnn Kxeh.itiKU ( juotiitloiiH.
fCop > rlshte.l IS . ' Df JnmoiOonlon Il nn3tt1
I.o.Mio.v , llof. a [ Now Vorlc Herald C.iMn
bpeclal to TUB Hut : 1 Stock markets nro
unsuttled. but most lines close more f.iuir.iblo
than has boon the casn lately. I'nndi nro
stoidy. Indian rupee pnper h is Riven way
? < d owlnc to the wenl < ne s In sIHer. 1'orclRn
iocrnnieut socuiltlcs are Irro nlnr. Home
r.illw.iys. however , are tolerably firm ,
but duilin.s liavo been restricted
oxceut In the cifioof Ilrlghton dcforrul , which
has been larvclv dealt In and closed 1 ! > per
rent hk-hor. The aiiiintineoiiient of the ( loath
of .lav Gould nroanoed only a temooiary bad
effect on Americans , when prices conerally
C ivo wny , but dur tu the latter p irt of the
afternoon the tendenov decidedly lni | > ro\ed
t-omo iloscsp of OrmueBs prevailed at
the close , an I In place of a fall , nio l
dcscrl ) lions mark -i recovery of ' 8 tc
U per cent. The decline In Atl.intlc llrsl
morlvago H reduced to 3 ( per cent. C inndt.u
lines liavo not been so well bupportod. Gram
Trunk preferences ha\o plvon way 'B to ' :
per cent , Grand Trunk su iranteed ' 4 po
cent. Money was quiet , and short loins Ii iv <
lieon obt ilnod at < i to Pier | cent. The ills
count market was quiet , two .aid throi
months' bills Leliu qi oted at2'i ' to 2i pci
cent. Note ? .
KANSAS CITV , Mo. Dec. 2. Clearings ; 81.0D7
NKVV YOIIK. Pec. 2. C oarlnss. * 09,417,1.13
balances , J7.0I4.407.
I'Aiilf ! , Doc. 2. 'Ihreo per cent routes , 03
37'jf fet the account.
OMUIA , Dec.C cnrlngs , J1.170'J10 ; saini
uny List week. 4l,277,7uS
HAVANA , Doc . ' . Sp inlsh sold , uri'ittijt1/ !
C.hanic. . q ulct. SUKIII. quiet.
ItAi'TiMoiu : , Aid. . Dec. 2 OlcarliiRS. JJ.OSO ,
715 ; bahinces , i"il" , " > 07. Jlnnov , r > percent.
1'iiiijimMMiiA. I'a . Dee 2 Oloarln B. $10
6 ! ) i,9i l ; bal incos , ji.l7tSU ) . Money 5 percent
MhMl'UliJ. Tonn , Dee 2. Clo irlints , SilO ,
070 : balances , JUO.D8I. Now York oxoliiliizt
at pir.
Ni.u Our BANS Li. . Dec. 2. Uloarhu" . JJ.OW.
f2fi. Now Yorl oxch in o , commercial , 81.50 pu
$1,0 OdUcotint ; bank , jur.
bT I.OUI" . Mo. . LVp. l.-Cloirlncs , $0117.045
b ilancps , $ OJ" > ' . & 0 Money , quiet , MJ" per ecni
Kxchatue on Now York , J."c discount.
Ito TOSMass. . Doc. 2-Clearrnss , SM.'WI ,
; ! ! . ' ; baianco' , $ . ' ,217 , U ) . Money , (1 ( per cor I.1 1
Uxch in.o on Now York , par to.'io discount
hr. Louis , Mo. Dou. 8. r.llznbotli. 41 > G43c
AniDrlean .Noltlo. .ISITic : Hlmelalllc.
draulto Mounlnln. illH fiT.'J" ) ; bnall : Hope
0 cUil.00 : 1'at Murphy , 4'i ' < iiOj.
Oinrtr.o. III. . De.2. . Ulcailnzs , J23.4I5.00
New York oxehin e , 'J i i premium. Siorlln
ex h uiic , < lnl ; sl\ty-dav bills , fl.S'i1 ! : ilc
maud , Jl.bSSi. Money stoauy at 5iQ'J ! ' pe
Cuttlo ActUonnil lllubpr ! lof ; < 111 itonil 1)1
niiind and ISntler I'rlepi ,
OMAHA , Dec. a Ilocclpta for the east rtv
days foot up III.4M cattle , lit. IV7 ho s , nnd 3 , .
sheep , igulnst l..lin cattle , ' . ' . " > .491 IIO.-H and 2,0
V bheepthocorrojpondlnitflvodayHof lust ueul
d ' 1 ho ran of calllo was surprisingly Huh
o tboro belni ; considerably los * than IMI oars i
fresh caul' ) reco vod. There wnb a peed lee
iV dnmand and a very fair Inquiry from Hhlpuer
V The murkct ruled net ho with pilces on tli
I- .uncriil run of stcor from * > a to lou hUlier tha
Id yesterday , A bunch of llnlbhod lr > ll-lb ) gtcei
wont tea shippnrat $ )0\ hut the bulk of Hi
ird olTorlnes holiuon the half-fat or.loi wcnti
d nrouiui JI.2" ) to * I7. > A string of very fa
v wesloriib broiuht { IM It was a retiMinabl
; t satlsfaclory tr. do throughout and an curl
cloarancu was elTectnd ,
The general run of cows sold about a din
1. higher th-in Thuisday , There ucro enl
! about Iltleen loads on sale , and they change
h iidt ) rnidlly at all the way from JI.'J'i t
10.d S..ri'i ' , with the bulU of Uio ( lucent offerings :
.d from il.HJ to t..U. , iixon and stags wci
id nctlvo and linn at fiom f 1J.'i 1 to $ ; , ' . Con
10 inon to cholcj veal culvei. bold , at from Jl.'j I
There vvnsvcry llttlo llfo to the trade I
Mocuors and feedois , The country doniiii ;
was Unlit , and the regular dealers ollls
id I'rlcos , lion over , ruled about steady , vvlt
ida tnidliu very lar-'uly at from $ iJJ to $ , ' .7
y Uutircai'iit.Ulvo Bales ;
> t IlllKlSCI ) 1IEEF
No. AV. I'r. No , Av , I'r.
0 I1C J.IV5 40. ll-a (
2 U'I5 JIM 64 116S 375
a 1J4 3 55 1 101HJ S 75
4J .1ICU J OJ : i'.K'71 4CJ
or 1 3. . 170 8 4 , . 133 60
SM 9 A ) 1 1JO 600
SO ] 3 10 iffi
tI t Vf..JlfO I CO J 1BX CO
I M li.1.1 ( ) I 7(1 (
2..1040 I : l.i OJO 1 73
11 1VM I C3 T 1301 2 S3 11..IMS 2fiO
ft. 1420 1 W
"TAG ? .
1. 1210 1 f.O i.,1200 5 10
I. 2 CO n. . fs ? 1. KOO
I.r 8 00 10. . 7.ia 2 3) 1. . Ml 250
r 200 R. . 4k } 8M 2.1. . BIH 2 M
' . ' 10 3 coo a 31 10 107(1 ( 270
10n JO ssa 1. . 41) 2 40 47 1001 270
n ft i n n _ IS. , C'4 2 40 o. in i 281
8,1 OJ5 2 a 240 i. . oo UIO
IIU.KKIM AM ) SI'lltNUF.113.
No. . I'r No. . Vr.
.1 cow nnd calf J.'S 00 1 cow nnd calf SM 00
1 cow .ind calf 2(1 ( 00 1 springer . . . .22 00
I .cow ntiil ealf ! 1 no 1 sprltittcr MOO
1 cow nml cult 2300 1 springer 20 OJ
inuto CATTt.r. .
No. Av. I'r. No. At. 1'r.
101 cows . . . . US' * 221 15J feeders 1042 270
1 cow . . . . MJ 2 43 53 cows . . 1035 245
78 steers. ,117J a 51
( .feeders IOCS 270 21 ulcers . . .127.1 n 10
lions The fresh supply wns somowlmt
llishtcr than on Thursday but about I.MO
henvlcr tlmn last I'rlduy supplies so far thU
week cotnpired with last show nn Increase of
close onto 8,000 head.
Iluslncss was brisk nnd prices frnmRo to lOc
htPhrr than Thursday from stint to llnUli.
I huio was a moilcrato shipping and specula
tive demand and this VVOOK thu coed local do *
nmnd miiilo u llvulv tiade. Good to choice
butcher nnd bo ivy hois sold laruely at fiom
$180 to181wlth a eouploof prlmo loads at
J11IJ. T.iir to Rind II.lit mil mixed bo's sold
mostly nt from S175to iM O with a luid or two
of very common stulT as low MS tl "it. The mar
ket closed stronir at the advance with nboilt
everythnzout of Hist Irimls hv II o'clock.
Traiilinr was largely nt fiom $173 to $1S3
against from S3 U > tol.7i Thursdnv nnd ftotn
1.1 CO to tl Kin week nso. Hoprosenlatlvo ' '
TIGS AND nouun.
R .1. . . . 00 22G
bin r.i' OITorlnERwcro fairly llbcril. nnd , na
usual , somewhat miscellaneous In
actor. The dcm.ind ws good and the
irado nt fnllv Bloidy prices. Pair to eood
natives , $1.5. ) ® 1.7.1 ; fair to Rood westerns. 11.21
S4.MI ; common and stock ulicop.'H.l.'O ' ;
' - ( iod to choice 40 to 00-lb. lambs. Jl.0.350.
Keprescnt nttvo sales :
No. Av , 1'r.
1U Colswoldla-nbs d4 8303
Shucks 100 300
111 n.illvo owes 02 4 OJ
IIU nitivo mixed UJ 300
Itcrnlpts null Disposition of Mnoic.
Oniclil laoelptsnnd dlsposlllo i ot stock as
shown bv tlio books of the Union Stock Yards
comp mv for the twenty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock p. m. , December1S3J. .
, IIFCbll'TS.
Ill , , Due 3. The EvcnliiR Jour
mil reports :
OvtTi.c Ucconits. 0."iJO heid : shlpmonts
4,10) head : miiiiiot ictlve , stioiu ; choice t <
extri natives , Si.OOft'j 10 : others , ? , ' 8 ffl4 80
stocKcrs , ? 1 7J3.I ' . ' 5 ; i ow , 51 0 ( g , i.00.
Hods Kccclpts 25uiO head ; bliiuiiicnts , P.IO1
bond : i larkot lOc hlKher ; loiiuh and common
Jrt > JJ75 : pnckliu' and slnpp'ns , W bJ UlO
fancy honvv. Jl.l > 30'"i ; butchers and mo
dlumb , JJ.80.00IUhl ; , } i jXffiib'i ,
bliuiii' Kocolpls r > , iO ) head ; shlpmonts , 1,00
bond ; market ution.on best Ki des , other
null ; wothors , $ J.75000 ; wi'stein , Sl.li4.7j
Texans , i4.2JI.-"i , Limbs. JJMiij.7J. ) (
Ni-vv VorK I.ini "itocU M.irliot.
Nrvv YOIIK , Dec. a I'.rhvi-s Uccolpls. 3. TO
bond ; market very dull , 2' ' < & 4 > c Ion or : niitlvi
steers , J3. . " > © 0) per 10J Ibs ; very choice , J" > r >
GOOi ; Co'orados. fl , 0 < 31.00 ; bulls and covv
UI.000.1.UO : ilressod Leaf slow , © ' ) per pound
Shipments , 5) ) bcovos and 1.5)J quarters o
I.- . bcof ; tomorrow. 1.2./0 beeves and fiO ) quartet
1. of hoof.
OAI.VR * Itocolpts , 1,500 hold : market ( Inn
veals. } "i COftS 21j cr.issors , $ . ' .jrti..75.
t-iirri1 Hecclpts , 4bO ) bo id : ohocp steady
8.1.lK4.71S : Itimbs III m , { " > .l" > (3l'-"ii ( dressed mm
ton stu idy , 7G8'Sc per lb ; dressed Ir.nibs llrm
31 biS'i'iC. '
In lions Hecolpts. 2,030 bond , consigned direct
0- nominally bio idy.4U0.10 per 10) Ibs.
Knn. us City f.itii Muuk Market ,
colpts , 4,400 : shilinieiits , 1,700. Mnrket fo
send steers. .VSI'Ju higher ; others dull , Hloady
Itcprosontatlvusnlrb : Hnlppliu sti'ors , fdlf.t
5011 ; stoakors nnd feeders not quoted.
Hods Itciulpla , 0.4JO ; shlpnient" , 400. Th
vo market fori-'ood hogs was Ac hL'lier : cominoi
U5 steady , oloslnaatrons. All crudes. JI.7"i.OO
ik. SilKFi1 Itecolpts. 510 ; shin ncnts , .T.7K
it.of Tlio m iruct was unchanged. Muttons , $15 ]
of il Iambs , 8150. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rs , nl , I.onU I.IVH Slncir Miiiiiot.
be 5r , I.ouis. Mo. Dee , 2 OATTM : Hecolpt'
in 2,700 ; hh pmontH , 3/0) heail ; miirko
ITS bolter ; natlvn stuuis , tl.0 1.10 ; Texas an
he Indian sloers. IlyCtU.11. .
at lions Kecoipts. 2.10J he.ul ; shipments , 3,80
ilr ho'id ' ; market lOo hlKliur ; ho ivy. * 1 OJS ( .OU
JV lucking. tUixailBSj ll.'ht. {' ' < aiH ) .
ly hill El' Itocolpls , 11)0 ) head ; hhlpmoiits , 10
bond ; market hteady ; natives , fJ.OO ; chotu
muttons , * 1.50. i
teat AV. U Hosocrans , an Elmwood barber , hn
at sold out.
ron - J H Ilrnyton. n Ilincroft publisher , hn
nto been succeeded bv J. W. llurtsbcr or.
HtiKhos iVSandbora of Oiuahi hn\o forme
In n partnership tor the purpose of conducting
nil pholosraph nailery.
.h. In 'ho rceont Aviburn lire the followln
th flni s wuro burned oil I : 1) . i : . O. lioni : , hlnuk
70. sm th ; U. W. Hay jmmpa. ute.j II. W. Dro e
tinner. j _
Ho I Traveler , toKe Ueecbnms I'lllslt
yo u.
rininri ! for a New Iniliuti.v.
Charles U. Trognltz of Sidney , sheriff c
Chojciino county , Is In the city. Ho is vcr
much interested in developing the manufai
Which n.itaro Is constantly Riving in the
of bolls , pimples , eruptions , ulrirs , etc. 'lhtn
thnw that the blood Is contaminate d , and BOIII
aa Ut.inro iinmt he given to relico tlio troubli
Is the rumcdy to f orco out thceo po
tons , and enable ) ou to
"I have had for years a humor In my Moot
which made inn dread to ehav e , as email polls i
phnplca would bo cut , thus causing the tdiavlngt
IK ) aVreat anne } ance. After taking thn o hotth
my face U all clear and gniooth as
klioiild heappctlto bplcndld | , Bkt
I well , anil fid like runului ; a foi
all from the use o ; H , H , H ,
CIIAS. HEATON , 73 Laurel st. Phila.
Treatbo on hlood and skin diseases mailed f re
bl'EC'U'lC COu Atlaotx Ga.
turn ot rotif ) nnj livlno from the fiber of
"aoupweed , " which prous wild In Uin woil *
crn pnrt ot tbo itntc , nnil hn tins sotno of the
dbor nnd also tiniiiplc.i ot the twlno tni\t
has been nmdo 'from It , ns evidence ot what
tuny ho mmlo n paying Industry with but llt
tlo outlay. Ho insists thnt ho U Interested
Iti the manufacture ot rope regardless ot tha
bcnrlng that it mny hnvo on M oOlcinl posi
Tha "No. 0" Whoclor & Wilson , with Its
perfected tensions , unpor niul lower , is the
only locUs'.ltcb machlno tint mnUosnn olnstlo
scnin. It Is ttiodrcssmaUer' . * tnvonto on thnt
nrcounU Said by Goo.V. . Lancaster ft Co ;
514 S. ICth stroou
Tuxlng TlioirClty Property Outnltlo Their
The city council nhould hnvo mot ns n
pcuoral bonrd of equalization ycstcrJny
but uhcn the hour for coavcnltiR rolled
around only Chairman Lowry nntl ttirco
other members wore ptosotit. This number
did not constitute n quorum nnd the meeting
went over for the dny.
While the nicctiuj ; TIB < called for the pur
pose of cqutilizluR nil of the taxes , the busi
ness of the dn.r , or thnt which would have
come up lor consideration , was the equalizing
of the tnx nsson'cd niratim > , the rnllroads on
property loft oft the lists bv the wnrd nisos-
sors nnd outside the rlght-of-wny. There is
n law requiting the city clerk to list for
assessment nil such property , nnil nftcr the
linrd work of suvcirnl woeus Cltv Clcrit
Lil'ovcs hiul complotoil the tnsk nnd bad his
nssc&smcnt tcadv for the action of the board ,
Thu property omitted by the assessors nnd
listed by the clerk is ns follows :
Itillrmd * . vihii'
I rn Ion 1'icldc . giMWi
Oiniiha Itopubllcan Valley . 11M13
( ) m ilia A. Suitlnvusturn . . " ' . -II
* ) ni ilia A. Nurlli I'mlto . 6,011
rrenionl. nikhorn vt Missouri Val cy LtSS
Otniih i licit Mnu . II.1"
Chlciiio , Mllwiiukcu A bt. I'niil . ll.1 !
Hlou\ Oily A. 1'aclllJ . K > J
Moiix Ulty & Northern . 1W < 9
Omiiht & . Northern Nebraska . - '
Unuh i& NottliHcatera . 1.010
Totil . TMVXII
Citv Clerk Qtoves slates that llio assess
ment ii somewhat less thnu It was last , > ,
wlilch Is caused by llio fact thnt the nssc3 > -
incut on the surrounding property Is less. In
some instances tbcro are lots along tha track-
DRO that have n vuluo of ? JO,00) nnd nro as
sessed nt only $10" ) . nil ot which lo ids Mr.
Groves to DJ moio thoroughly convinced tha1.
Omaha should have n cllv nssossor who
could and would list nil of the taxable prop
erty in the citv.
An Intalimbto ItcmiMlt forColdi.
Shcrlft Hardmnn ot Tyler countv , > Vest
Ylrcmln , wns almost prostra'cd with a cold
when ho began using Chamberlain's Cougli
Uemeuy. In jponkiny nf it ho says : "It
gave mo almost Instant rcllof. I Iinil it to bean
an Invaluable lomedy for colds. " For sale
by druggists , _ _
or TH f.
Joseph Garneau , Jr. That 0,000 nppro-
prlution for the proper ropiescnttition of
Nebraska nt the \Vorld's lair has its dlsnd-
vantages. Quo of them is that every ono
whom I approach for assistance knows tnat
that amount has been appropriated. It
looks llko a big amount lo them and
they want a sllco of it. Now 550,000 is a
largo amount , but it won't do everything
nnd it won't glvo Nebraska tbo kind of an
exhibit it ought to bavo without the actlvo
co-operation of everyone who Is able to help.
The same trouble is always present at fairs
of any kind. People scorn to regard them as
a money innldnir Institution and nro look
ing for n chance to pet something out
of them. I huvo Had exhibitors ut our slate
Inn1 corao around ana demand pav mcnt for
the pumpkins they hud on exhioitlon and
which they jid uot consider wortb. taking
H. A. Smith. Tckarnah The jobbers of
Dmabn nro talking homo patronage anJ
think that wo country merchants ought to
irlvo our trade to thorn instead of going far-
.licr east to buy our goods. This is all rlptit ,
jut , the jobbers' tbonisolvos must taka some
ouliis to hold the trade and not put nil the re
sponsibility on u < . I cnmo down hero to buv
a snuiH bill and went into n jobbing bouse.
As I entered the employes looitod up from
their work with a sort of a "what-aro-you-
doi'ig neru" expression on their faces and re
sumed their work. No ono asUed if I wanted
am thing or offered to direct me. I full as if
I Ima gotten Intosomo place where the pub
lic were not wanted find got out again as
soon ns posstblo. I went into another Job
bing house ana there was no ono ir. the front
of the store so I wont baclc to the ofllco and
nbkod if there was" ntij ono around to wait on
me. "What doyouwanU" came from a clerk
who did not even look up from his work 1
answered his question. "Third lloor , " ho
growled , tiexcr once looking up. I wont to a
thud jobbing house and there a ccntloman
mot mo ns I entered with a cordial "How
arc j ou ! " and showed mo to the department
who'ro I wtntcd to po , introduced mo to the
salesman , who gave mo a cordial handshake
nnd nskod what ho could do for tuo. That ii
the kind of ticalmcnt that rnule. a man feel
nt homo nnd lllio doing business , but the wnv
that 1 was treated at the lirst two places
that I called gave me a chill that I have not
gotten o'ui' yet ,
Piles of penplo have nitos , but DaWltl's
Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them.
Notice of Convention of .Nebr.inka ht.iti
lSunors' : Association.
"Executive council of the Nebraska
State Btinket's' I'Ssoolation.
OMAHA. Neb , Nov. 23 , 1802.
A convention of tlio NebraskaStntc
Bankers' tibsocintion is hereby culled tc
meet In tlio city of Lincoln , Neb. , on
Tuesday and Wedno-iday , Dec. "Oth and
Ulat prox. All banks and bunkers and
trust eomnunien dointr buainoos in the
btnto of Nebraska are eligible- for inoin.
borship und are requested to send dole-
gates. Fnrtliof iMi'ticulars with pro
grain will bo prepared nnd faont to eacli
ono separately. I. I ) . Ev.tns , Thomas
Bryant , C. F. Bontloy. II. II. Doi-soy ,
C. W. Moshop , Edwa-d Up.llke , GOOI-RC
E. Cheney , William Wallace , members
executive council.
IlKNitv W. YATKS , Chairmnn.
R. Voss , Sccrolnry.
Shut the itoor
1) nilgai * comes
oftcjitst through
I in [ i n it ) blood.
Keep your Wood
lu older , nnd you
krtsp In hcnltli.
Tor this , nothing
i equal * Ur.I'ierr OH
Ooldon Mcdicul
Discovery. It invigorates the liver , puilflca
nnd clinches tlio blood , nuJ ions.cs every
organ into healthy action. By this means
it cures , livery jiai t of the system fecN its
influrnco. Dybnciisli , Indication ,
isis ie-ws , Scrofulous , Sun nnil hcalp Dis-
ivcu Consumption ( or Lung-bciofiiln )
is in its earlier stages , nil yield to it. It's the
only Liver. Dlood nnd Lung Itciucdy that'a
t/niiuintceii to beiicllt or cure , or tlio money
is refunded. Trj iiig terms to tell on but itra
a incdlcino tbuV cnu cm ry them cut.
Can niiythlng elau , at any pi ice , Uo really
as i rump f
"Oolilcn Jlodicnl Discovery" contnlns no
alcohol to Incbriato , and no byrtip or bugar
to dernngo digestion.
It's n concentrated vegetable extract ; put
up in large Ix > ttles ; pleasant to the tusUi ,
uud equally good i'or adults or children.
Union Stock Yards Company
Hest onttlo , hos and sheep ni-irl.ot In the wei
Wood Brothers ,
fouth Cinaha Telephone II > f. Ohloiji
Market reports by mail nnl vlro choerfullj
eg furnUhed upon.appllc.Hlon
it 2-
Perry Brothers & Company ,
l.lvo Slnj' < Commission.
Uooin ll Lzolianzo llulldln : , UautU Oinah :
Tuluphouu 1707 ,
Sralol propos-ils will lie rccehcd nt any
linr on 01 licforo - o'clock p. in. of tlio 11 h
1 iv of December , ! ! ) . ' . for tlio prlnttiu of .ill
Jills for the li'L'UliUim' with such mutter us
innv bo ordered bv oltlict house thereof , to bo
irlntcil In "bbl form. " utilcli Ii shown und
lesljjmitel as clu3sono ( I ) under the piloting
.tins of the st.ito of Nebraska.
I'or tlio printing : ind bliulltu In cloth covers
of nno thousand (1,000) ( ) copies onch of thu tilcn-
nliil reports of tbo uuilltor ot puullc accounts ,
tre.isuror , secretary of st.itc , coininUslonor of
[ inhllu InniU nnd buildings , and I'.nroinof ,
abor and Imluslrl il statistics ; nnd Iholiun- I
ilied ( * > 00 | copies u.ich of thu blcnnl il teparts of i
the attorney concril , superintendent if pub- i
Ilo Instruction , si itu librarian und adjutant
general : one thousind ( I.OtO ) copies report
st ilo board of transportation for Itlti und 11 % u
thousand l.l.OOi ) copies report state bo ird of
nRrlcnlturo for 18U , and all olhet reports und
documents that in ly lie ordered printed by
the legislature. OM.cpt such as m iy enter Into
and form a p irt of tlio ? , nhlch class
oforlc Is Known and designated us cl.isj
three (3) ( ) under the printing 1 ius of Nchrask i.
'llio lilll worU. uxccuted under cl.isi one ,
shall be ji inted In btmll plci type , on n ipor
fourteen ( II ) Inches long by clc'it ' and ntie-luilf
( b'i ' ) Inches wide , single pise ; piper to bo
tnonty-cl-ht ( 'B ) pounds doiiblu c.ip to tlio
renin. nnd except the title pazc , oich paito
sliull cont.iln not lo-s than twenty-llvo ( SI )
lines of solid matter of seven ( ? ) Inches In
length , and the lines shall bo sun-ess vely
numbered , with a blan'c on y In o ich ay ice
botncen the lines.
The tltlo paie of slid bills sh.ill com iln not
less tb in eighteen ( Is ) l.ucs as above , ttltli
Ihreo O ) Inches space alluw.iblo for
display title matter.
Kicli bl I shall st.ito what the b ddor Is willIng -
Ing to do the worrf complete for , p r pise , for
the tbrco hiiurirol ( Ml ) coplis e.u'li Dill , also
the price for addition il bundled : , that m iv bo
ordered of thn b uuo bill at thu "aim ! lime as three liundicdlCO ( ) Inclmilntcom
position , p ipor. pros \\oik , stitchlni ; , folding
and all v > orl ( . of mulurlal entering Into thu
woric rcniiliou.
All worli.u\ccuton i nder cl iss ono sh ill bo
dollvured In ijoort order bv the con r.iclorto
tlioollifoof thosei'retjry of state \vltlnn thrco
davs after tbo receipt ot tbunrdor bys ild con-
ti.ictiir fYom the ch.iltman uf thu coininlttco
on printing. In ollliorbranchof tbelo lsliilurc.
\\orUe\eeutcd under class ihrcoi.1) ) sh.ill
be'prltre 1 In Ion ? prlmci. brovlei and nonpi-
lell lpo , on p ipei to bo nlno Inches Ion. : by
slv iji ( IntlicH wide , slnrie p isu. piperlobo
forly-fl\e ( lit pounds lo 110 learn , of iwuntv -
fqur bv thirty sllnto boolc Kieh hid un
der class thrco sh ill htato h it tbo bidder U
wlllliiK to do the xuirk eoniplclo for , per p.uo ,
on each report 01 Item In IbocUss , Including
composition , paper , press work , stltchln..fold-
I if nnd all nork or material entering Inlotho
work required. O illcy and naso proof must
bu furnished when require ! by thcolllcurs of
the oNuCUtlvu dopartnicnt or the eh ilrinan of
the committee on pilntln , ' , In olthci branch
of tbo IcKlslaturc. Work when COM plotud to
LudelheiLd fioo of expense .itthohtalo liouso.
1'ropos ils for ncirk In tiicn of thoabovo
classes lll nut bo consldeied nu i > i * tlio n nno
uo accompanied by a liond In the sum uf live
thousandiHtOi ) doll uss 1th tuoor muro biiio-
tles ; th it In c.iso the p uty tiiopoiln ; forsucli
contr.ict shall bo an nt Jo I the s imoHiicli mi-
tj w.ll , within II\o.1)d ( lys aftertho awaid lo
him of Mich rontr.ict , outer Into him Is for the
faithful poifor/nanco thereof , as provided by
law and llio the terms of the o iinipoi IK
1't posuls sliu'l ' bo m rkeil "I'mjiosils for
public printing" and uildiimcd to tlio htato
boird of pr'ntlnx ' In caroof tlio socratary of
stiite , Ii iicoin. Nob. ,
Contr ids nn clabs ono (1) ( ) as above specified
Oonlrattt tin class Ihreo i.l ) as above spoclllcd
will lie awarded In whole or In p.ut IIB the
boiinl rimy elect.
hamplei of the work to bn o\oculod under
chiss oiiol ( ) and thruo ( .Ii may bo seen at thu-
olllco of thu set-rotary of st Uo.
Uontrictson above cliisios ono ( II and thruo
01 to run two i' ' ) yoirs fiom Dcccmbei I'l , IK ) , ' ,
except the tcports of the bu ird of triinspurtii-
t on and st ilo bo ird of a-JiIuullnic , thu I iitur
lo bo comp mod within blvty dajp after the
uwiirlliitjof llio conUact.
'Iho btito pi intliu board reserves the rubt
to reject any or bids. , , .
1ON ,
Hoc'riitniv of State.
1 J , K. Il I I.I , ,
Stito rrlntln'Hoard > ti Mjitu "
Andltoi I'iiUlio Aciounts.
Mncoln , Neb , Nov. Il , ISA' . nlTd-'Ut
Fcaled proposil will bo rec'ohol by the
nndursliiiiod until 1:11 : o'clock p in. Douuiubur
Uth. Ibj ; , for llio following klnda of p ivlnnnui -
terlnl , v\r \ ;
blirut nsphaltniii ,
hioux Tails or otliorran 1 1. 3 ,
t'olor.uloh.inlstouH ,
Woodruir. ICniHis , stoio , atU
Vltr lied brad , , , , ,
All uicirdlii ( to spcoinpallons.
I'or pnluj the alloy bolwcon list and 32nd
aviinnos , frum rarnamHtioiil to PoiUostrooi ,
cotnprUcd In street Impnnemont dlslrlut No
40) ) , in llio city of Omaha , oidcrcd Impiovod
bv ordlnancu No'l ! ' ,
Kadi bid tonpiulfy a prlco per sqiiaroynrd
for the p u In i cnmpldto In the iillnv
Work lo ho lone In aecoiduncu tvllh plnns
nnd spo Illcntloiib on llio In thu olliiu of llio
bo rJof pubilo works
llucli proimsil to bo undo on pi luted hlnnks
fnrnlbliod bv Uio btiarJ and to ho aeioinpan-
loJ by acurtllltd check In thobiimuf * wo pay
ahlo to thoclty ofOmnha , as an ovldunco o
pond faith. ,
The bo ird reserves the rlsht to reject any
Clinlrmin of tlm llo-ir I of 1'ubllo Worl.s
. n..i-'iJ.-J
Omaha. Nj\ombur2i ( , liJJ. - -
No I lie.
To the stockholders of thn O allnlii I/ind
und Oattlo Co. . Notlco Is hereby nl en to the
stockholder of the U/nlUla I. ind and Cattle
eonili my that the nunornl uniiu il muutlria or
bald lomp < ny vvlH bo hold at tno olllcn of bild
eompanv , In thocltv of Omihi , btitc of Ne-
briibkd , ( in Wodnotdny. Dccriuher Hoventli.
1SW. nt two o'clock ii. in. , for llio putposo of
olecUnj , ' directors of ( .In ) comp in.V to HITVO fur
IhoonnuhiK yuir. and for the transacllnn of
any and all other btnilniss of oxury kind and
chrinctcr that may bo presented to nuch
meetlni ; by thn iiMtmihlod htocUhohlorH.
' ' I'rcBidunt ,
KnxtAiin 1' iMvuti'stK ,
JONATHAN Ann. hccrutrtry.
Owuhu , Nub , Nov. 1'J ' IbW. n ! att
Hector 4 Williclmj Co. l/lico' ) < & Mm.
Corner 10th an 1 Jackson 1 > ei\or ! * In
Mroeti inooliiM tool * ,
14)1 DOI itroot
W. A. I , . Gibbon & ft. , ,
Unit. , -
pi\pj MI-UK i
plovid , mittens nth
and llnrner
IL Lea JolinVaeHcll \ \ \
lUrdtrnodtnmbnr wool Impnrlfil Amcrlpnn Tori-
curpptianipirqujt lintMnunt .MII.T\uk
tlonrlnff tiydrniilio eanonl nal
Pth nnd I > OUZM ! yuliicy whlto line
1'rick & HcrlerL I. ( Me ! to &
li n11linor la Importers nnd Johhors of
1001 Karnim at. mllllnury notions. Mall
nr lor4 prompt
iMS'K i4inth llth ot.
PAI'KIt. I OILs , .
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co.
Carry n full itock of
printing wrspplnit an UP fined nnil Inbrlctttnr
"tlllnx pnper , cnrj pa , Oils , nito KrODOt Oil
per etc
Da\iilCooi'Co \ ! ,
Wholesale oy tivs , fnncy
eolery lias lutli alrool
Branch & Co.
I'roiliiec. frnlli of
IIinli ojalorj
Jas A. Clark & Cx
llutter. chcn - > . o < ; i
Jirsoulli UUul.
OraahaSloYcllcpjirW'ki ' M.A.IiS'jroV ) , & Co
fctovo repairs nnd water Mnnnfictnrors of a h ,
attnchnionti for any door , bllndi Mill
kind of toro in-ilo mouldings ll.-incttof
llco. Ut'i and liarJ itl
Coniu-ll Oh imbcr , Omih i. Neb , 1R03
lie It reboixcd by the I'll y conn-11 of the city
of Omaha , thunriyoi concurring :
That , noodcn sldun.iUs bu uonslructol In
Ihu city of Oniah i as dotlgiiato 1 below , with *
InlUudays after tlio publication of this rnso-
lutlon , or the person if service thereof , us by
orilnanco Is iiulhoruod and icqnlroil : such
sidewalks to bo laid to tlio grade on
tliosticots spoi'llled herein , and 'o ho con
st titetoil of plno iil.inl. of such width and
thickness a ml bo laid upon joists ut snob
dimensions nnd In HIIh in intior as Is pro *
scribed by the spcctllcallons on llio In the
olllco oCtho board < if ptibllo worUs and under
Us supervision , toivit :
\ \ esl slil > of'Sth ax i nno , lot II ! bli cU IIIIIU
sldu addition No. , picsent giade. U foot ntdo
\\estsldo of Wlh ax entio , lots 111 S 7 blocks
I'lOil Uellono'tf addition , pro-.unt grade , 0 feet
West side of : Mli avenue , lots IH ( 7 block 8
Trod Oetlono's .uldltiou , pioient grade , U foot
Kastsldo ot1st street , lots .ItoIU Inclu-
bl\e. V ntnn pi ice prc < tul gride , t foot wide.
West sldo of " 1st sin et , lots I lo h Inuluslvo ,
block U'l Wllcox s second iiddliljn , present
griido , 4 feet nlile.
\Vost slcio of .liltlistt cut. hit T block 1 Hlllslda
Nn2 , rep ilred or laid , I feet nidi.
West side ( if .Lid fitrei t tax lot II , section 21-
13-11 , present r.ide. I feulwldo
West side of Ml street , lot i b'ock 'J Heed's
fifth addition ptosontgrailo , 4 fe t wide.
West sldo of J d struti ! , lols I and ' . ' 1 block 4
Heed's fifth addition , proaOUt giadu , 4 foot
n Idc.
West side of ! d street. lotsind 8 block 1
Isiac.xioldon'b addition , present grade , ! ( cot
wi o.
WcstsMonf Id street , lots 1 anl 8 block 8
[ naao i Suldon'a addition , yiodent pr ide,4 foot
Wostsldoof II Id-it reel , loll 1 and 8 block 0
Is ute & soldun's aildltlonpicscnt grade , 4 feet
nldu. , -
Wests do of Tld street , lots 1 and 8 block t
\ me iV bcldon'-i addition , pro-cut giade , 4 feet
East blilo or aid street , lols I to.'ll Inclusive ,
W A Uodlcli's add lion , present giade , 4 feet
i : ist s'do of .Tld strcot. tax lot 12. section Si
ll-III , present grade , 4 feel
And bo II fuitboi ro oUod : tlio of public worUs bo and bore- ,
bv Is ititlioilred and d looted to cause atopy
of this icsolut on to bu publlsbo 1 In the oltt- p inoi ot the c Iv for ono nook , or bo
tcrxed on tbo owners of sild lols and unless
such owners slull w thin ll\o dnys after the
publication or bflrvb oof Mich copy construct
Mild snloivalUs as heroin icqii'rul ' , th it the
board of public vvoiks cinso thu simu to bo
done , the cost of constiuct nx s ild sidewalk *
respo"tlvuly lo Lo assussod u-.iln-it tl.n
estate , lot or p irt. of lot In fiontof and abut *
ting such MdcwnlUs.
Passed lxov..d.
nlfAVI | ?
I'rcsiilcnt I' tvCouncit
Attest : JOHN ( jKOVl > ,
City Olorlc.
Approved : GKU 1' . IlIZMlb ,
To the ounurs of the lols. p irlsof lols and
roil esl ilo dubJiIbod In tlio iibovo re-olu-
Von and each of you are hereby notified to
construct , vrnodeii sldovv illcs as required by n
lesoliitlon of the elty council and nmyorof
the city uf Din ih i , of wh ch thoabovo In a
C0 | > > '
I' . W. IIIKIvlIAUSp'.l ,
Chairman Ilo ir I of I'nhllo Woiks.
Onialn. Nub , Novoinbi'i 'JHlli. 1s' ' n'Jld'i
llnltcd States Iirilan t-oi vice , I'lno Kliljo
Agency , South D.ikoti. Nov. HI. H'Ji
ho.ilod nropoiilR. endorsed "I'roiios.ils for
lumber , wlnJo.vs and hinln no. " UH the ca o
may I e. and addressed lo the undersigned at Hlilxo agency , bomb Dakota , will bo re
ceived at this iiicuiiur until I o'clock 11. in , of
December 0. lb1) ) ! , for fiirnWiln , , ' and dullvor-
In at this asHiicy about VJT , ! ! ) feet assorted
liimbei.rd ) pairs strip binges , ' . ' ( I ) door locks.
hrn window siibh anl P.'i ) ) poiimlH awsortoa
nails , a full list mul description of which nny
bo obtained by applK'iillim lo the undor-
h fl'ldd'crs miiHt bt ilo Bpojlllcally the kind and
Iirlco of uucli urt.clo ulluiod for do.lvcry
timltir acontiiitt , . . . . . , .
All articles n hen ilullvcied will bo subject
tn n lUld Insiiuctloii
The right Is reaiirvml lo reject any or all
bids , or any pirt of any bid , If douinud for the
Lost inlL'U'Sl o f the service.
nnrh bid must hum' imp mbvl'liy a cortl-
Ilod ohct'K ordrift upon BOIIIO I'lilted Katc
dopohllnry , or miHout nitlonal I link , In tlm
vlclnltvof thornsldimcoof the hMiler. iiiudo
nav iblo to thoordiT of llio commlsilonor of
Imll in alTalrs , for at Iniist f > per cent of tha
amount of tbo proposal , which chock or draft
will ho forfullul to thn United htitcslno.iHO
iniv tliidnr or blddcrf rocidvnu an iiwanl
hball fall to piompt y uxocuto a ojiilract with
guild and Hiillluleut Hiiif'llotf , olhorwlso to bo
nstiirncd lo the Inddvr.
II < M ii'-eomnan'od by o ihh In lieu ot a certi
fied ihcik will nut buconsUorcd.
Tor fnriher Information apply to Captain
( i U Iliown , U b. A. , Aclliu United Staloi
Indliiu uout. NltfdJIt
Tli 111 I ovMiurs of loiH 01 p .ru of Ion on
Tttonly fourth street , from Dod o slrout to
. ,
Von .tin herrfby notUlud that tlio iindor-
hliiiiud , Ihreo dlmnteresttid froohohlors of the
city ( if Omnlm. have boon duly nppo ntod by
the ni.iyiir , with thoapprovalof tlmolty toiin-
cil of Huld city , to IIBHU-H the diiinaco to llio
( iwiiers luipotllvuly nf llio piopcily alleclod
bv ) ; radiiuTHunty-fiiurlli tSlth ) ulroot , from
OoilKO hlront toi s htrcot , dLUlirod noeut-
fcary bv ordlnaiico No. S. II. ' , passed Nov. lul ,
Ihi. , mi pro MM I Nov. 7ih , In'U. '
Vou urn furihur nntilliid , thnt huvlnsM- ,
coptcds.ild iippolnliitiint , and duly nualltlua
as required by law. wo will , on the nth d iv lit
December. A. 1) , IhU. . at the hour of IU o'clock
in the forenoon ut thu olllco of UV , JJIbsoii ,
room Sin. Now Yoik I.Un hulldlnu. within tlio
corporate limits of mild oily , meet fur the pur-
posoofcoiishkrlnK "nil waUiu the IIMO -
miint of ( la-ninci ) tu th i o nets rcspottlmly ot
( .aid property , atfcoted by mild Krauliiif. taklnit
Into umuldoratlni ! upculal bonulllii. If > ny.
Von are notlllod to bo present lit the iiino
and place iiforosuld , und m.iko any objoctlonij
toi > rsUioiiiiiil cniicriilliiiiulUusHosiiiuiiLoI )
damaseb us you muy i-'oiifcldor proier. |
H. W. ( il Khli. . .
WM. 0.811 ItlyiJIL