Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1892, Page 5, Image 6

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Jay CouM'o Dcntli Has Hail a Slijlil EiTcct
Upon the Bptoulatlva Market. '
iirfiLln | lloll.lrtj-I.lnrn IliultiPftt lint Him-
lul li < Ml In Viiliiinn Niillcnuhlv Clearing
llciinn MntciiHMituViilI Street fern
n \Vorlc IttulncM Notes
NEW VOIIK , Deo. 2. H. U. Dun's wcoklv
review of trade nays ! The bcclnnlnfj of gold
exports In November nnd their expected con
tinuance Urn week , the donth of Mr. GouUt
nnd the iinfnvornDlo reports from tlio silver
conference have somewhat nffactod nil specu
lative innvliots. There nro nMo some symp
toms of ilimlnUhod activity in business , nnd
vrhllo manufacturers ore generally occupied
with orders taken some lima ape , tharo Js
more complaint that new orders ao not come
forward ai wns expected , \vhllotlio volume
of trade is still very Inreo It Is not surprising
that there should bo somewhat loss nctlvily
durlni : the remainder of the year , except In
holiday lines. A sot-bocK in speculation
would be by no means an unmixed avll , but
then ) nro no Mans of n disturbance at pros-
cut , thouKli money markets nru woiklne a
Htllo closer.
At Plttsbunj pig Iron Is In Rood demand
and nil ths mills nro well employed. The
trading class Is Inr o at low prices.
At Cleveland the dry goods trade Is excel
lent and oilier business fair.
Tlio carriage trade ai Cincinnati falls 10
per cent below that of last year , but the
grocery trade is larger than last year , mm
collections nro satisfactory.
At Indianapolis trade Is very Drlsk In holi
day goods and confectionery nud at Detroit
larger than Instyonr In all Hues , with general -
oral collections good.
Chicago reports a good wholesale trade ,
with satisfactory collections , but the return
of currctiuy from tbo wet is small and
monay Is strong at 7 per cent.
Monuy Is In very active demand at Mil
waukee nnd business fairly good In spllo of
dump weather.
Coldur weather Is needed nt Minneapolis ,
whom collections are only fair mid the Hour
market dull. There and at St. Paul trndo Is ,
on thn whole , good.
Slight declines In some lines are soon nt
Omaha , though wholesale trudu is satisfac
At St. Hauls business shows much
Rtrcngth , with especial promise In holiday
lines , nnd at Kansas City trade Isquito satis-
Tnclory , thouch receipts of cattle and grain
'all off.
At Louisville the outlook is considered
favorable , but at Llttlo lioclt business Is
At Now Orleans trade Is rather dull nnd
cotton lower , with heavy receipts , whllo re
ceipts of sugar are large , but the demand Is
At Richmond business Is equal to last year ,
tobacco manufacturers are active and money
is plenty.
Broads tuffs have boon stronger , which Is
natural In view of the very low prices ,
though western receipts of wheat have
boon 4t > OUOOU bushels in four davs , against
Atlantic exports of only 824,000 , bushels. A
rlso of nbnut 1 cant in wheat and oats nnd
thi-oe-qunrters oflcontln corn , resulted
from modornto transactions , but hogs and
lard nro slightly lower , and calTce declined a
quarter ; cotton rose to 10 cents , ana re-
noted to OJf , sales ngain exceeding all
records , boine 2,500.000 balus for the week.
Iron U weauor , with pressure to sell some
southern brands. Copper has Hold largely at
12 to I' f cents nnd lead is lower. Coal is
fairly uctivo and bituminous is scarce and
dear. In dry goods the season has bcou one
of unprecedented activity. A general boom
ana advance appears in cotton. Exports of
merchandise from Now York falls $5,277,000
below last year. In November , nnd ere proba
bly 810,000,000 lower at cotton Boris for the
Bamo niontb , but , even with this decrease ,
the excess of exports over imports must have
boon heavy.
The business failures occurrlngthroughout
the country during the last s.oven days num
ber L'liO. ns compared with n total of " 20'J last
weokjforttio corresponding weak of last
year the ligures were ii'M.
iutADSTKiiiT' ui\n\v OP TISAIJU.
Cotton , Nnrtli unil South , Takes n Decided
Ailv.inco Other I'Yutnrcs.
NEW YOIIK , Dec. 2. Bradstreot's tomor
row .vill say : The features of the week are
the exceptionally favorable position of the
cotton mills north and south , the heavy ad
vance In the nrlco of print cloths 1 > to
4 11-10 cents t&o outlook fur a further ad
vance to G cents uyard caused a buoyancy at
the southern dcposltorios for cotton , and tbo
reaction in asking prices for some grades of
pig Iron of 25 cents per ton in northern mar
ket * , and of 50 cents per ton of stool billots.
Four of the A ugusta , Ga. , shooting nnd drill
mills report a largo business and good profits
( luring last year , and this with tbo outlook
for continued strong demand. No reason
able advance in the price of cotton can now
curtail prollts materially , for , ns raoortod to
Brndstreet'H , mill owners nt tno south evi
dently have ralr stocks of low-priced raw
In reply to our Inquiry ns to stocks of low-
priced cotton on baud at eastern cotton mills
or contracted for by them , our Boston cor
respondent writes that cotton tjoods manu
facturers have stocks of 8 cent cotton to
carry them to April 1 , and contracts for
enough worlc ut from 8 to 1U cents to neon
them busy until the middle of Juno , 1S9J. A
few mills hnvo contracted uboad for ao entire -
tire year.
Wool Is very qulot , with prlcoj barely
( toady and no speculative fueling In any
direction , mill owners buying for wants
only. Our Australian
taxings are only one-
half of those u year ago. Cotton has reacted
Bomcwhat from recent highest quotations ,
duo to realizing sales. Opinion sou tuns well
as north has been expressed thut short cot
ton crop estimates may bo discounting tba
reduced yield too heavily , Some cotton
fabrics , oven prints , nro less active than
print cloths ; woolens nre quiet ,
Philadelphia worsted spinners report busi
ness dull , The advatioo In ingrain carpets la
maintained. Throughout the Boutli , as Indi
cated by advices from Unlvoston , lilrmitig-
bam , Now Orleans , Augusta , Atlanta ,
Charleston , Richmond and Momphli , fancy
groceries , IIreworks and other Ctirisunn's
apooliilllos nro In demand , with other whole-
solo lines relatively qulot. There Is a good
demand for rice , which is lower. Mercantile
collections nrti bald to be good generally , ex
cept nhero the cotton crop is exceptionally
liuitlmqro and SU f-ouU report falrfllllng
orders from the south. Dumber Is firm and
In goon dumiina nt till markets , notably DOJ-
ton , UuITiilo. and Chicago. At thu llr < st
named city enormous sales of ( orclirn Indus
have been madonnd shoo manufacturers are
buying leather freely.
Coffee Is tinner sluoo the raactlon , and is
tending upwards ,
Cieiiernl trade is brUk at nuffalo , whom
the luke and canal season has been protiuibia
and leeelpls of Canadian sheep and lambs
have lii-oii full.
At Montreal general distribution trade
Will not bo quite so uollvo now that naviga
tion has closed and , except with dealers in
holiday goods , business Is expected to bo of
nioaorato proportions until ufter the now
Shipments from Toronto Ir. wholesale lines
are fairly uctivo and prices are ilrm. The
demand for heavy wok-lit dry goods has In.
creased , n has that for dried fruit and solo
leather on eastern account.
More.\cltatlaiiTlinii 1'rlrnt Show Una | loeu
1'ult by llmilor * .
NBW YOIIK , Dee a. UrJdnroot's weekly
review hay * : Speculation for the past week
was outwardly dull , narrow and profiuslonnl
to udogrca Donoath the surface , however ,
Walt street was experiencing a greater agl-
tatiou tban appears in the Holloa fluctua
tions in values , wnlch constituted the ustual
trading for tbu greater portion of the time.
The market bus , In fact , simply been wait
ing for Button of Importance to develop.
Mr , UouldU illceii aod death rank * tint in
affect upon the sentiment of those operator *
who Indulge In sny activity.
The projpoot of gold shipment on a lnr o
tcnlo has also bean n prominent tnctor In ibo
proceeding * , \vtillo tha news from the silver
conference was discussed with nn Interest
Hint shows how keenly the street npprcclnto *
the bearing of tlio ilnnncinl nnd currona.r
problems that confront the country upon Iho
ultimate course of values.
It must , however , bo noted tbnt the linn-
sols conforcnca was Inllucntlnl mainly BO far
ns It directed sentiment. It 1ms boon goner-
nlly bollovod Hint tbo Catherine would bo
negative of results. The foot tbnt the only
serlo.n proposition for an Intcrnntlonnl
agreement on the silver qu.oM.lon came from
the English delegation , nnd was submit tea
by n member of the Hothschlhl family , wns
eminently calculated tn create surprise ,
whllo the utterances of the gentleman In
question , Indicating plainly thnt failure
to accomplish anything at Drussols would bo
followed by danger to the finances of the
world , tonil to cronto tha Impression that the
possibilities of n successful result had been
undor-cstlrnntod. The
fnvornblo Impres
sions duo to thU circumstance were , however -
ever , not lasting. It was qulcnly realized
that the do Rothschild proposition that HU-
rope should purvhnso iTi.OWi.OOO of silver n
year for live years , Involved the real conces
sion on Iho part of.Knglana , whllo It would
commit the United States for that period to
the coiiUniir.ncooI the purchacoof $51,000,000
worth of silver. I'ollowcd up by Intimations
tbnt the American delegation nt linmols , re-
gaming the suggestions as Inadmissible nnd
by the outspoken condemnation of banking
authorities hero , the fpollnp that the confer-
rmco would nccotnplloh nothing , and that an
ngilntlon for congressional action on the
present silver law must bo experienced , became -
came general and resulted in anticipation of
CIIAIUMI : iiotisi : STAI KMINrs.
Omitlm Another ( Jiioil .Showing lo- !
IIOI-IH frnin Other Ottlr * .
NBW YOIIK , Doc. 2. The following table
compiled by Bradstrcot's gives the clearing
house returns for the week ending December
1 , ' 1S'J3 , and the percentages of Incrcuso
or decrease as compared with the corro-
nponding week last year :
Ooiiiliiliin of Cuiuxli. :
"IlanJsoino is that handsome does , " nnd If
Hood's Sarsupanlln doesn't do handsomely
then nothing does. Have you ever tried it !
Now Sued on a Notu Uo Mo lfctcil ta Pay
Ulion Dun.
Hard luclr , hko a grim phuntom , seems to
bavo a desire to follow some inua to tuo and ,
and from proscnt indications Itv/ould look as
though Goor-go M. U'lnltlomaa was n star
member of this class.
Only a few days ago this young man was
called from behind the desk of tbo First Na
tional bapk and horsc-whlppcd to n finish by
n yount ; lady whom ho had JIUeU. To n sym
pathetic nnU forclvinn public it might seem
that that would bo humiliation unct trouble
enough to bo showered upon one man's head.
Since thou Mr. VVInUloman has nursed his
sores nnd hoped bis woes wcro ut an end ,
but ho Isn't bavin ? uny good luclc of that
luinl. Now ho has boon sued by 0. II. Wai-
worth , nnU ho will bo called into court to ex'
jiliuii why ho has not paid a $ 'JJO note that is
long past duo.
Dr. Bull's ' Cough. Svrup has always boon
Uopt up to the standard. It is tbo same it
was forty years ago , the best sold.
Street ICiilMviiy lit Auction.
Sheriff Bennett has advertised bU Dilution
Place cloctttc street railway for sale. The
sale will bo at Iho east door of the court
house nt Id o'clock on the morning of Occam-
bnr 14 , at which time and pi nco ho will sell
two miles of tracic and two can.
Schemes of a Few DomocrnU anil Indo-
psnilcnts Discussed ,
On i Would MUo tn Orgnnlzo tlio Scnnto
\Vhllo the Othnr Could Control
tlio llntuo Units of thn
LtscoLN , Nob. . Deo. 2. [ Special to Tun
Br.n.J The democrats of this city who have
bcon able today to skirmish around nnd flnd
out just what was done nt the conference
last evening , are tooling considerably elated
nt the prospect of organizing the legislature
and electing a United States senator of their
own political faith. The corrected list of
democrats nnd Independents wtio had boon
Invited to participate In the deliberations of
Iho Joint confcronco Is as follows : Dumo-
cra A. J. Sawyer , Vlotor Vlfqunln nnd J.
D. Cnihoun , of Lincoln ; J. A. Dahlman of
Cnadron , .lohn Shorvlu of Fremont , Dr.
Kclpcr of Norfolk , Gcorgo Marvin of Boa-
iricoand A. S. Campbell of Hastings. All
were present at the mooting last night but/
Marvin nnd Campbell. The Invited Inde
pendents were as follows : John II. I'nwora
of Culbertson , B. F. Alien of Wnbas-h , W.
L , . Orcoii of Kearney , W. A. Poyntor of
Albion , L.og.m McHoynoIds of Fairmont ,
William Loose , J. V. Wolfe and J. M.
Thompson of Lincoln. All were present ut
the pow wow lasl night.
UnU ; of tluiireoiuont. .
The matters at Issue were quite generally
discussed , nnd three lines of action were
laid down. First , the two parties will unlto
to organize ttio legislature , the democrats
being given control of Iho senate and the in
dependents the house. The legislature undnr
control , Iho next Important step agreed upon
was ttio passage of a railroad bill establish
ing a maximumrato | and abolishing the state
board of transportation. The last was the
election of u united States senator to suc
ceed Paddock , but by common cousout nil
discussion of the senatorial question is to bo
deferred until ufto.- the legislature Is organ
ised and the two partners to ll.o deal find
that they can work together successfully and
In harmony.
The probability of the Independent mom
bcrs-clect abiding by the agreement was also
fully discussed , and the entlro list wns cure-
fully gene ovor. All nro looked upon as re
liable but two members. These 'two , it wns
ndralttcd , mluht be counted upon to ] om
hands with the ropubllc-uis. In order to
uvold any possible danger of n failure to
curry out the general pluii agreed upon it
\vr.3 decided to scat cnougn of the contest
ants In Douglas county to glvo the combina
tion n majority outside of tha possible defec
tion of the two doubtful members.
Will Hold Another CuururcnRr >
It was decided to hold another joint con
ference at the city of Lincoln on thu overilntr
of December 31 , at which It is expected every
democratic and independent momber-olcct
will bo present. At this meeting the officers
for tbo two houses of the togislatufi ) will bo
decided upon and all arrange men is for the
organizattou perfected. In fact , It is pro
posed to organize both houses at this meetIng -
Ing on Now Year's eve , so that when the
legislature convenes the following Tuesday
there will bo uolhine to do but simply form
ally ratify the action of the joint caucus.
In the meantime- state central commit
tees of botb parties will bo expected to meet
and select members for a jolnt'stooring coin-
mitteo to take entire charge of the work of
carrying out the plans of the combination.
Not from a I'limuchU Standpoint.
"I do not recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Ceraody from a linancial standpoint for wo
have others In stock on which wo make n
larRflr protlt , " snvs Al MagginI , a prominent
druggist of Braddoclc , Pa , "but because
irmuy of our customers have spoken ot it In
tbo highest praise. Wo sell moroof it than
any similar preparation wo have In the
store. " For sale by druggists.
Idler Hodden the Ci-ils Will Case In
f vor of tlio Hull's.
The heirs of. the estate of William H.
Craig , tbo Kansas City millionaire who died
some months ago. win iu their suit with tbo
trustees of the Wesloycn university of Lin
coln , this state.
During the month of January , 1888Vil -
llsra H. Craig wrote to Rov. C. F. Creigh-
ton , president of tbo university , that ho
would glvo the sum of $25,000 for the endow
ment of Ibo Cbarlos H. Fowler professorship
of Christian ethics , providing tbo trustees of
tbo university would Ilnd some other party
who would make an endowment of $30,000.
This was acceptable to nil of the parties con
cerned and there was a hustling to secure the
$50,000 from the eastern frtaudsof the school ,
but It was apparent that they did not suc
ceed , for later on. at n mooting of tbo
trustees they approached Mr. Craig with the
proposition to talco hU gift , when turned
over , and apply it in paying oft some of tbo
debts that had been incurred , lie fore such
an agreement was reacbed , however , Craig
died , nnd the halra refused to pay the money ,
holding that by tha university trustees
changing tbo terms of their acceptance , tlioy
bad waived tbeir claims to the donation.
\Vuon the estate reached the probate court ,
the trustees were on hand with tbeir claim
for the $ . ' 5.000 , Bcouln ? to estaplish tnolr In
terest lu the s'lmo. Tbo hearinc1 was had
> omo weeks ago nnd yosteraay Judge Ellor
banded down bis opinion , In which ho hold
that there was no agreement over entered
Into and thnt for that reason tbo trustees of
the university bad no claim against tan cs-
A Cure for Croup ,
If your children are subject to croup ,
always keep a bottla of Chamberlain's Cough
Ko.nodr nt hand. ' Itl Ua prompt and certain
euro. If given ns .soon as the crounv cough
appears it will prevent the uttauic. 'For sale
by druggists.
"I regard the Royal Baking Powder as the
best manufactured and in the market. "
Author cf "Common Sense in the Household. "
Cherry Pectoral
lias no equal for the prompt relief
nnd speedy euro of1 CoWs , CoitRlis ,
Croup , Hoarseness , Loss of Voice ,
Trencher's Sere 'i'liront , Astlitun ,
JJronclillI ? , Li\ Grippe , nntl oilier
derangements of 'tho throat and
lungs. The bcst-known cotigh-curo
tn tlic world , It is recommended by
eminent physicians , and Is the favor-
Ho preparation with singers , actors ,
preachers , nnd teachers. It soothes-
the inflamed membrane , loosens tUo
phlegm , stops coughing , and induces
tnknn for consumption , in its early
stages , checks further progress of
tlio disease , ami even in tlio later
stages , it easc-s tlio distressing
cough and promotes refreshing
sleep. It is agreeable lo tlio taste ,
needs but small doses , and does not
Interfere with digestion or any of
the regular organic functions. .As an
emergency medicine , every house
hold should be provided with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
"Having used Ayer's ChcrryTcc-
toral in my family for many years , I
can confidently recommend it for all
the complaints it is claimed to euro.
Its sale is increasing yearly with me ,
anil my customers think this preparation -
ration lias no equal as a cough-cure. "
-S. W. Parent , Queensbury , N. B.
I'rcnarcil by Ir..I O. Ayer&Co.LowellMMS.
Hold by all Druggists 1'rlcr Jl , nix bottles , S& .
Prompt to act , sure to cure
for Farmers , Miners.and F chanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Sips of Heal ,
You don't have to look
twice to detect them bright
eyes , bright color , bright
smiles ,
bright in
every ac
tion. SCOTT'S
Disease is
overcome EMULSION.
only ivhen
weak tissue
is replaced by the healthy
kind. Scott's Emulsion of
cod liver oil effects cure by
building up sound flesh. It
is agreeable to taste an'd
easy of assimilation.
I'repnrert liy Scott A Hownc , T ? . V.
nicnt , n speclllefor Ilybtorln. Il/ilnui ) , Fits , .Sou
nilKla , HiMiliclie , XorToui 1'rualrailon cutnuil by
llipior or tubiii-oi ) WiUufulnois. Alcnlul Depro
alun , Softnoa nf tlio Drain , ciiuilni ! Insanity , mis
cry , ilccny , ( Juath , 1'riiiii.iturii Ulil Age , Jliuronc'.sn.
l.osa of I'uwor In oltliorHOX , linput ncf , I.oucorrlio
mill nil 1'oninle WcaknrMCH , Involuntary LU BL .
bpcrmaturrlica COIIBL < I by otur-uiorllon of tlio
brain , 8olf-nbutu , OTer-luilnltfonou. A inontli'fl
trontnient fl.UforfV by mull , Wu Riiarftiiteu ilz
Ijuxcs tn euro , Kacli onlur forfl | IOX M with Si will
Boiul wrlttnn Kimrantco tu refund If 1104- cured ,
( iunrnntoo l uo t Duly by Thcniluro F. LowH. dru -
Klt , BO Iu nKi'iit , Bciuthuast corner lotli ana 1'arnam
bta. , ( Jinalin.
in the treatment of all farms of
nna all Wuaknosa and I ) senior of
IX/TTTlVr wlt" Ios of courage , ambition.
IVliZflN and vitality. Eighteen years ot
tbo tno t romarkahloaucoass In
tbo treatment of IhU oUsj of illsoaiu * . which
laurovBi by the univprsiil testimony of tnou-
snnds who have been eurud. Write forolrou-
l ra and iiiidstlon Hit 4tli unit I'.iriiaui
t9tv. , UiiiafiK , N b ,
R 7p A l" VA 5 tJuTs "re u"l a
ILo rtomjuli , lifer iiu IxJweli. iiurl * J
| t e lx t inrJlclneknnuuforUllouif J
HUM , coiiftlpatlun. dy ii U , fouIZ
: < J ? 8ybrentli \ , lituJacbB , Lowtlmru , low cf
i far aip Ut , iLtuUI urpn > ioii ( iMlnful
f H K dl ntioa , plmnlc . Ballovr ciiuii'ldx. '
Impure Woodor a failure \ > 1 the lowiUi , liver cr lu.
J teaiiit-i to pc-rtarm their proi r funrtluui. Itrxuii
Jlflreo tapriT-eatuiirAroteiierluidbjUkltwoneaitcr *
Ttaonm ' &l. Jrlcu ly mall. 1 tfrofli KUUI lelSc. ?
I lUI'ANB CUKUAUL ( ! o.7ueprucabt..Veir Yort
Prospect-its of
In the preparation of Tnr. SttsnAY HKF. the
( Tort Is in a do to attract nnd cntcrtnln nil
lassetot readers. " 1'lril uf nil , the News , "
irt then brlzht , crisp , clrnn.hnlesomo features , of which n prospectus fol-
otvs :
low People Live in Berlin :
Prank Carpenter In hit llorlln lottar
gives Rraphle pictures of everyday Ufa
In the Herman capital. Ilu gpouKs of
the crowded tuno'iirnl homes and of
tlio ih uiMimls who llxo In collars. Uo
vlslte.l one liouso occupied by 1 , . " > 30 pee
ple. Ho cnys : "As T Ico'cod nt them
nnd the people about them It struck niq
that the building was typical of the
world. Kvcry variety of Ufa witt going
on unions them. On one side I saw two
\\nmon lunching. In another P'irt n
young irlrl and nn old man were trying
to loach a buby to walk , and sis I' ' tooil
Ihoro nn undertaxcr u.une through
with a little colllii. containing n buby.
under his arm and with Its weeping
mother following behind us Its mourner.
TliU bnllilln ? Is Knjun as 'Meyer's
llof'nnd It Is one of tlio lurscst tene
ment houses In licrlln , "
Progress of Nebraska Towns :
Special correspondent ? throughout
the state tell of the year's Improve
ments , public and private. In many of
the growing , progressive towns. These
reports will upon the eves of prospec
tive Investors nnd will bo load with
Interest by every good citizen of Ne-
The Hard and Soft Coal Monopoly :
Facts and ( Inures which tenil to show
thnt the ucoploof Omaha ate piiylnx
o.\ prlies for soft coal as well
ns for anthracite , owing to e.sccsslvo
railroad tolls. With rich and Iriex-
liuustlblo ( Oildopolts within two hun
dred miles uf Oinuhn , her people pay
more for transportation than the coal
cobts at the mines.
How the Isle of Man is Governed :
An extraordinary loiter by Wake-
man about : i people enjoying solf-Rov-
crnmcnt. The remarkable feature Is
" found In the fact that the present sys
tem was Inaimuratod by KlnR Orry ,
who gave Manxmen their llrst consti
tution , which , with all'-'lit modifica
tions , ovlats and Is In force as It was
ever 1,000 years nco. The letter Is In
valuable to students of history.
The Latest Feminine Gossip :
Loaders of f.ids and fashions arc con
tinually doing somcthln ? now nnd
talk ng about some innovation. TUB
SUV'PAY UKK will present the very lat
est Idoa.s of the loaders of fashion.
The Season's ' Fashionable Flowers :
A chatty spcclnl nrtlcle by a down-
oust writer who s'lys innoni other
very Interesting tllliiR.s that I ho swells
have decreed that \\hlto plnlo , violets
niul roses shall be the fashionable
lloweib this season.
Bonnets for Evening Wear :
Tbo l.itost designs of noy-up mil
liners. Valuable hints us to how every
woman may bo her own milliner.
About now costumes. A .suggestion of
the return of tlio hoopsklrt.
About Winter Sports :
Tbe sporting department will present
the sporting news and gossip of the
The Local Four Hundred :
Society events of the weok. mora-
inunls of leaders , general personal
melitlon with coming events foro-
Thirty Minutes With the Magazines :
Kvtructs from tlio oest things In cur
rent inaKU7.lnes , forming a very nt-
tractlvo symposium. Along with Ilila
Is an ospoL'liilIy Interesting special ur-
tlclo bv Kdward K. lul ! > , wiioso weekly
"iMtorary Loaves" huvo for moro than
n year cant lined tlio bast literary gos-
Last Hope of the Buffalo :
The slnusliterof the American bison
Is n dlsznicefiil story that hurt been
told azaln mid ugiiln , until the trasoily
nf thh nohlo ruco has become a famlllnr
tale. Tow Kcnoral ro.ulcrs , howovor.
know vhat there Is a possibility ot the
rosurrocllon of the rnce , and thnt
Omaha men are working oarnc-aly to
that end. TinSU.MJAV : HIK : will toll the
of "IlulTalo" '
story Jones' adventures
In cuntiirlns wild buffalo
, and will re
view tha progress madii In ilomestloat-
Ingand brooding the monarch of the
plains. The bison Is liolns broken
lo drive to yoke Illio the ox , mid his
fur Is being woven Into clothl'ig soft
as Iamb's wool , Tlieso a ro but incidents
In thu salvation of the buffalo which
a story ot absorbing interest.
The Independent Farmer :
Asa faimlng state Kohraska Is pro-
olnlncnt. This has been sliown by sta
tistics compiled by TUB llin : the past
year. TliK SIIMIAV UKK will present ex
amples of the prollts of sumo of thu In
dustrious farmers of Nebraska. The
article glvea a fair Idea of the real
value of farming land * .
Theosoplipy's ' High Priestess :
the Ufa and work of
Annie llesmit , who will soon visit
Y , M. C , A. RailroAd Work :
Growth of the religious sentiment
among the men who handle the tralllo
anil trains of the uorld , Omaha' * part
lu the work.
For Sale by All Newsdealers ,
Great December Clearance Sale-
Sale Begins Saturday Morning !
Boys' Short Pant Suits.
. .The sale starts Saturday morning
- with 500 Knee Pant Suits in hand
some plaid cassimeres at $ 'J.OO each ; sizes from
6 to 14. These suits retail everywhere for$3.50.
SKATES FREE-Barney & Berry's Colum
bia Skates free with every suit.
$5.00 Suits for $3.25.
O C Boys' absolutely all-wool Cheviot
L-JJ""Suits , cut double brcsted , in sizes 6
to 14 , at $3.25 , sold all season for $5. Columbia ,
Barney & Berry Skates with every suit.
Boys' Overcoats
Handsome plaid Cape Overcoats ,
_ _ aes 3 to 8 years , at $4.25 ; worth
$6.00 , BaVruiy & Berry Columbia Skates with
every coat.
3oys' Overcoats
A A We will have on sale. 350 Cape
UU""Ovcrcoats at $3.00 each the remnants -
nants of this season's work , in ages 4 .to 8 only.
They are awful cheap. Columbia skates with
each coat.
Boys' Wool Turbans
50 dozen of Boys' Eiderdown Turbans
just half price on Saturday -25c
each.Men's Departm't
Bay Ulsters and Overcoats oifr DB
GBml36r Clearance Sale-
Men's Chinchilla Overcoats , $5.00.
Men's Wool Diagonal Overcoats , $8.00.
Mon's /Rlnrk / Rlvstnn Wbol-Linficl Overcoats f worth
O ) , $1O.OO.
Men's Brown Ke.sey Overcoats , wool and silk lined ,
at' $9.00.
Oiir December Clearance Sale means busi
ness. Don't miss it.
aiict Dourlcis © ts.
or Thirty Days only wo will offer our onllro steak of DHmonda nnd
Christmas Jewelry and Sllvorwaro nt loss than manuftioturor'd coat.
Fourteenth and Farnam Streets-
Will move Jan. J. to N. W. Cor. 10th awl Karnam. HATK.S I'OIl 8AMX
The Keeley League of Iowa
Will bold a convention nt Dos Molnca , Docotnbor 201U nnU iJlst AH who
bollovo in the cause are urged to bo pronont as busiifcss of importance
transacted. CHAIRMAN , KKKLKV