Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Ifibacy of a K-ndlj Ohortn in Connection
with Evangelical
" "
Trim ChrlMlniilty Appllrit to tlnlly'l.lfn nml
Jco WIIROII Orlvorn Why All tlio
World H > ' . Comrrl ' < l
Itcrnoiiu for Knvlv.iU.
When 200 trained voices blond together In
a mlqhty concor.l of sweet sound nnJ nro
raised in stralno Bounding the pralio of
Jehovah , the Joul tlmt hears und Is not up
lifted Is Indeed sunken , ntid thinlnil thut
receive t nnd Is nut ( { iilcKcncd with n now
Impression of tlio Imuortnnco of Kostiol music
13 sodden.
Evangelist M1I1& appreciates fully inovnluo
of music us on necessary to n prciit
tml. In his usual way of provldini , ' cnrolully
for dotnlls , has shown jjrcat Interest In the
organization of tlio chorus , which Is loJ by
Mr. John P. HUH. ' , the BOM > el soloist. Last
night the choral part of the tncotlni } nt the
exposition hall wns especially uffoct-
ive. fcomo of the eostiol hymns ,
familiar to nil throiiRh long ser
vice , wcro taken up last night by f the
singers nnd given a now meaning. When
the promises so dear to tlio Christian heart
nro clothed in sltnpln words , sot to sluiplo
melody and sung with the visor and o.irnest-
iicssof hundreds of youthful voices , they
plow brighter with the Uop o of ho.ivonly
bliss than over before , nnd tlicro Is a consol-
ntion nnd n solnco In them now even to these
who long have sung them In
church nnJ Subbath school. The
effect Is tnspJritliiB to the highest degree.
Perhaps the roost bffuctlvo plocusuiiR during
the uvcnltiR was "Tho Cliild of n King , " Mr.
Hlllls slnplng the solo purt nnd the full
chorus coming in upon the refrain.
Clirlstluulty in Daily I. He.
The hall was completely filled with people
by 8 o'eioc-k. wnou Mr. Mills bug.iu to
preach , llli test was found in Matthew v. ,
47 : "What do yo nioro than ethers. "
Ho said soinu one hid : sent him a note nsk-
Ing If ho thought it , was a wlso pollov to
keep hinting or s.iylng that soma alleged
( Jnrlstlatis wcro not fonsUtcnt. "I bo-
llovo that tied Is moru anxious
about Iho qti'illty than tlio quantity
of his people. " said the Epeaiscr.
A Christian should be willing to dlo rnthor
thr.u aon sinful thing. It Had been said
that men could not follow tlio grocery busi
ness or keep n livery stable and live a Chris
tian life. It had also boon said that n man
could not bo n lawyer , or nn editor , or a re
porter , or n commercial traveler , or a htol
keeper , or almost any kind of business man
und bo n Christian at the sanio time.
"I don't bnllevo that kind of talk , " said
Iho evangelist , "because I nm acquainted
with men In every ono of those lines of busi
ness wbo ars most excellent Christian men ,
real shining lights. "
The speaker referred to a number of In
dividual cases tlmt illustrated the fact that
men could follow iiuy legitimate line of
business and live Christian lives. IIo knew
commercial travelers and hotel Keepers and
men of all walks in hfo who lived cou'bistcnt
As Appllnil to tlio leu Itnstnrss.
"I Know a man ivho used to drive an ice
wagon , " sulu the speaker. "IIo cot con
verted and nut up a simi in hu wagon that
rend Into thi1 ; : 'Holiness to the Lord. " Ono
or his patrons nsici'd him what hu nut that
sign up for. IIo said that ho had become a
Christian and the company for which ho was
delivering Ice wits netting all the receipts
now. "
The ono vital test of Christianity was hu
mility and inorkucss and a willingness to
lay down llfo if necessary for n , follow man.
A man might profess to bo benevolent and
be despicably mean ut the same time , but no
man could counterfeit tlio spirit of Jesus
Christ when ho looked down upon thobo who
wcro nailing him to tlio cross pnd said ,
"Father , forgive them , for they know
not whut they do. " When that spirit
got possession of a man his life could not bo
misunderstood. The genuine Christian did
not need a tag on him. You could distin
guish a parson who had ttio spirit of Christ
In his soul under any circumstances and in
all stations In life.
\Vlint l Your Individual Ilcrnrd ?
"What nro you doing , my brother , to lend
souls to Lhrlstl I know a nuslncss mini
"who has brought 125 of bis employes to the
foot of the cross. I know n luuy who has
been twelve of her domestic servants happily
converted. What nro you doing to save
Boulsl What do yn moro than others ? What
sacrifice hnvo you made )
"A soldier was brought before Alexander
the ( Jrout to receive n rapt Inland. In order
that ho might , if possible , make the punish
ment light , the soldier said to his com
mander : 'My name , too , is Alexander. '
'Man , ' suld the commander , as ho looited at
the trembling soldier , with flashing eye ,
'either change that name or honor It.1 "
With the recitation of this incident the dis
course closed. The evangelist decided to
hold no after meotlntr , but advised the peonle
to go quietly and thoughtfully homo and
fipand half an hour In prayer in their home *
and la ihclr closota.
AiinmiiictMl Ills I'mcnim.
All audicnco of something like 400 pooplp
attended the afternoon meeting at ; ! o'clock.
Half an hour was devoted toslnglnir gospel
songs , led by Mr. mills. Dr. John tJordon
offered the opening praver nnd at the close
of nnother song Mr. Mills entered the hall
and ut once took charge of the meet-
me. IIo read Joroinlnb jclv. , and
then announced that there would ho
four meetings every day. Two of these
mooting * will bo preaching services , ono nt
! ! o'clock In Iho afternoon and the other n * .
7)0 : ! ) In the evening. The other two meet
ings will bo prayer meetings , ono at S0 : ! !
a. m. at the Young Men's ' ChrUtlan associa
tion building for men and the other it 2:1,1 :
in the afternoon at the First Baptist cimrch
for women ,
On Sunday the services will bo of u spe
cial nature. The 10 o'clock a , in. meeting
will bo tor young people llvluc north of
Uodco strcol and the meeting at ! l p. m , will
Iw for young people who llvu south of Uodgo
The Sunday qvomng meotlngat Exposition
hall will bo lor men only , and there will bo
* meetings for women in several of the
Ititvlvula lit Mi-nun of ( Jrucr.
After the nnnouncomoants wcro disposed
of Mr , Mills proceeded to preach from the
text , "Why Should Iho Ilopo of Urncl bo as
n Man Asionuu , us a Mighty Man Who Can
not Save. "
Mr. Mills enld that ho believed that this
method of united effort was the grandest plan
yet Invented for the aavlngof niuii , Ttio plan
wnt nn old ouo. H had been followed by the
Molhodtsts , Iho Kplscopal church tmd by the
church of Komn. ( ! od himself had sanc
tioned the plan of special revivals in the life
of John the Baptist and in the llfo of Jesus
Christ himself.
The church of God had its origin in a re
vival sorvlco , the day ot Pentucost. H.v
tpoclnl revival scmcoa the pooulo of the
Sandwich Islands had oxporlenccdono of the
greatest religious awakenings tbo world Imi ;
ever Known. The Luther reformation was
limply a revival ol vital religion. It oughl
10 to called a revival rather than a reforma
tion. The United States had experienced r
number of great rollKlous awauonlnps. li
ISOO.and again In 1S57 , great religious awak
enmga swept over the country , and thou
sands \roro converted to Christianity ,
AVIioro iliu Fault I. lei.
Mr , Mills thoucht the future looked vorj
bright for Chilsllanlty. 1'ponlo were apt ti
think thai the cavs of great religious ro
VlvaU bad departed with the Whltllold's am
the Wesley's ' , That wna a anstnlco. Mr
Moody had preached to uudluico : of moi
only numbering 1D.UUO and ' . ' 0,000. WliltileU
never dreamed of such an audience of men
Never In luo history of the world hue
Chrlitianlty ouch n hold upon I ho hearts o
men. Tha only rcnson that Iho church o
Christ did not convert the entire \vorh
was the iiidlfferonco of tboso whi
inlirbt if they would bo effective instrument
in the hands of Uod the religious peopli
themselves , The wc-rld would never bo coa
vortcd BO long as professed ChrUtUus won
uo bolter than thoko who miiiio n * profos
MOD. i'coplo Judgud Christianity by lookluj
at Iho lives of these who professed Chris
tlnnlty ,
In closing Mr. Mills exhorted hi * hearers
to shake off the vipers of sin thnt Infest the
tnlhwnjr of Ufo nnd llvo piiro nnd spotless
lives In which Mnncrr might sco Iho truth
nnd the beauty of rosl Christianity. The
meeting closed with tno singing of "Lard , 1
Hear of Showers of Blessings. "
Other MrrtlnR * .
The meeting for women hold nt , the First
Uaptlst church ut 3:15 vnstorday afternoon
wns attended bv about inu earnest workers.
The mooting \vas led bv Mrs. C. S. Dean nnd
the topic wns " 1'rnyer for tbo Holy Spirit. "
The women's mooting this nftcrncon will bo
led nv Mrs. Dr. I-1. 12. Coulter , topic , "Now. "
The morning mooting for men nt the
Young Men's Christian association building
wns well attended nnd the snirit manifested
was onoournclng. These tn otlncs will beheld
hold every morning excepting Uundny , at
SM o'clock.
The meetings for women nt the First Bap
tist church will ha hold ovcry afternoon ex
cepting Saturday.
On .Saturday evening there will ha n moat
ing for pastors nnd riwidav school oflleora nt
the Kountzj Momorlil Lutheran * church.
The mooting will begin at * :3J : sharp.
front N < i l > c-rtr
U. F. Moore tt Co. . prominent druggists of
Nowberc , Ore. , say : "Since our customers
lm\o tocmno acquainted With the good qual
ities of ChninburlMn's C'ouzh Remedy wo
scll'but llttio of nny othoi kind. Chamber-
Iain's medlciiiL's nil'ijlvo good satisfaction. "
For sale by druggists.
ICnjmnml tlm M'.IP.
Another chapter In the history of the old
Flagstaff mine law suit wi s disposed of by
Judeo Sanboin of Iho United States court , In
St I'aul yostorJay afternoon.
In Iho original trial nf tha cnso a judgment
for 505lyO ) was rondcrod ngalnst Irwlu IJavU
nnd In favor of A. S. Patrick. Then thn
plaintiff attached some 10.OUO acres of land
in the western part of the state and adver
tised It for salo. D.ivis secured a temporary
restraining order , which hold until yester
day , when the case was argued and uu in
junction granted.
1'erfoct notion and pjrleot health result
from the use of DJ Witt's Llttio Early KU-
crs. A perfect llltlo pill.
A I'.iylui ; liucstini'iit.
The Guarantee Invostnion * Co. Is a .com
pany incorporated under the laws of the
blnto of Missouri. U has adopted the Ufo in
surance principle after n Ions consideration
ni the best method upon which to issue its
bonds. These bonds nrc for Sl.OUi ) each ntsd
nro matured und p.ild precisely In the tiinio
manner that n do.ilh claim is met by nn in
surance company , with the very Important
exception that thn owiier of the bond isnA \ \
the § 1,030 while still alive. On the part of
the insurance cotnp.injr , thn policy holder
must necessarily die to u-jtioht his heirs.
These bonds nro sold at the general oRices of
the ( .luaiantoo Investment Co. all over the
country upon the following tc-rms : $10 upon
signing tno application und § 1.23 per month
until such bond is matured nnd pild. It is
not by any means a. rare occurrence In its
history that the payment of ? JO or SJo has se
cured the holder of the bond HIP 51,000.
These bonds nio numbered nnd dated , and
nro soli ! In regular successive numbers.
Should the No. i'Jl , for instance , bo matured
mid nald , the next one to bo retired would bo
No. ( JU5. The multiple u is uscj In every in
stance. Certainly it Is very patent that
with ; ,000 bonds in force , nt least ono bond
Is paid every month , tl > o ! 25o from each p.iy-
ment being devoted to cxpnnsos. Write to
.1. O. Unlbot. president and general manager ,
'JOSI to 211 ! Adams Express building , Chicago ,
111. , for further infoimation.
Ilolidny goods , Frcnzer , op. p. o.
A siccinl mootinfjof Ciit-il : ] loJRO No.
3 , Ancient Frco and Accepted Masons ,
this ( Friday ) evening , December 2 , nt
7ItO : for work in the muster Masons' do-
{ jrce. Mutnbers of Nebraska lodge No. 1 ,
Court No. 11 nnd St. John's No. 2-3 , and
sojourning Mu > ons , nro cordially invited.
By order of the master.
JOHN BAMFOHD , Secretary.
Heal ostatc.
ttiirgains only.
Myvord is nooil.
\V. G. Albriijht
621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid ? .
Attention , ICnl his Tumplnr.
The members of Mt. Calvary com-
mandery a o hereby notified to bo pros-
cut at their iiHylum on Friday , Decem
ber 2(1 ( , 18 ! ) : ! , ui 12n : ; p.m sharp , to act
as escort , to St. John's lodfje , attending
the funeral of Sir Hugh G. Clark.
Train leaves Webster dopotnt 1:15 : p.m. ,
returning at 4:80 : p.m. Per order of C.
commander. EliiiX K. LONG ,
Vln tliValiisIi Kciuto.
The short line to St. Louts and quick
est route south.
Only 37 hours to Hot Springs.
Only ! ! ' ) hours to New Orleans.
Only 08 } hours to Atlunta
Only 52 hours to Jacksonville.
With corresponding fast , time to nil
points east and Foulli. Round trip
tickets to TTot Springs , Now Orleans ,
Luke Charles , Giilvcston , San Antonio ,
City of MO.\MCO , Los Angeles , San Fran
cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha
vana and all the winter resorts of the
south nud west. Reclining chair cars
free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit.
Pullman bullet sleeping cars on all
trains. Uacrgago checked from hotels
and private residences to destination.
For tickets , .sleopinc car accommodations
and further information call at Wabash
ticket olllco , 1502 Farnam street , or
write , G. N. CLAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
Frescoing and interior decorating ; de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lehmann , 1508 Douglas street ,
A. K mid A. M.
AH Master Masons in- good btaudincr
are cordially invited to itcTOinimny St.
Jolin'n lodge No. 25 in performing the
last gad tites over tlm rmnnins of our
lalo brother , Hugh G. Clarke , at
Florence , Friday iiftornt'on , Deo. 2 ,
1802. Special train loaves tlio Webster
street depot at 1:1)0 : ) , and aprons and
gloves will bo furnished on the train.
T. K. SiTDiiOKOircm , Master.
Nollco of Coiixunllon or > 'oln\islii Sin to
Kxccullvo council of the Nebraska
State Bankers' association ,
OMAHA. Nob. , Nov. 2:5 : , 1892.
A convention of the Nebraska State
Hankers' association is hereby called to
moot in the oily of Lincoln , Nob. , on
Tuesday and Wednesday , Doc. 20th and
21st prox. All banks and bankers and
trust companies doing bublnes.s in the
btate of Nebraska are eligible for mem
bership and arc requested to send dele
gates. Further particulars with pro
gram will bo prepared and faont to each
ono separately. I. D. Kvuns , Thomas
Hryant. C. F , Bontloy. 11 , H. Dorsoy ,
C.V. . Moshor , Kdwnril Updike , Uoorgo
K Cheney , William Wallace , moinbcrs
cxccutlvu council.
Hr.NiiY W. YATKS , Chairman.
Giouar H. Voss , Secretary ,
Rudolph Cornoar Moots With ft Fatal
MM Skull Crinliccl tlciipiitlin l.o.ul of llrlnln
A 1' und DUtr OK | HK Arct *
ilont .liiitso 1'owl or tins it
I'ccttllitr Cixo.
Tlio utunl dally fatality occurred la this
city yesterday- Rudolph Cornoor , who lived
with his parents at Twenty-second unit
Marcy strots , was driving n heavy load of
brick along h street , noir the east approach
of Iho viauuct , abaut-t o'clocic In tbo even
ing , when ho IcanoJ forward to-bit ono of ttio
horses , lost bis balance , fell to tbo
ground and was Killed. Ills fall
ing frightened tbo team and caused
thorn to Bpilng forward , the wheels
passing over his head crushing , It
until the br-itns oxuilcd , hilling 'him In
stantly. The body presented a most sicken
ing sight ns it luv on the back In tlio midolo
ot llio street , thu blood having run for several -
oral feet down tbo roadway ,
Uhlcf Heclcolt was notilloJ , who sum
moned Iho coroner by tolonliono and tbo
body was removed to Drawer's ' undertaking
rooms. Coroner Maul caiuo promptly and
after consulting with a brother of tbo dead
man , who had been lustily called , derided an inquest was not necessary.
'Iho dccetisrd was n partner oi Una Unmet
In tlio manufacture of oriole ut Twentieth
street nnd the It. & M. tracks , Omaha. Ho
wns n single man , M voars ot age , and was
supporting an agril f after and mother. OUR
Ilamcl , who resides nt lOlil Dorcas strcot ,
Oin.Uia , was soon at the scone unit Old all ho
could to assist tlio grief-stricken mother.
'two llttio boys , George Hnworth and
Frank Corcoran , sow the accident and told n
straightforward , intelligent story concerning
it. The deceased win a Dane , a member of
n Danish society , and was nn in
dustrious , honorable man , striving to
support , his aged p.ironts In comfort. The
team ran ucross tbo viaduct nnd was caught
near the 11. & M. depot by Councilman
13ruco nnd the depot men. The bilck was
being hauled for n Inundation for tha old
white farm house which lirst served as nn
exchange building , and which is again being
Slightly .Mi\ml.
The only man wbo came before Judge
Fo'.vler this morning was n seedy looking In
dividual with ouo oaipty slccvo nnO a desire
to talk to the peopled party over the tele
" " saia ho "has the '
"Say , judge , , people's
party got n telephone In Omaha i"
"Tbo people's party 1 Mo. Who do you
want to talk toi"
"The propiictor. "
"Well , 1 am the chalrmin of the pooplo's
party county central committee , nnd 1 nrn
about as near the proprietor us anybody.
What do you want to know ! "
" 1'vo got u lot of fiirnituro that bolonirs to
them and i want to unow where to luke
It to. "
After cxamlnlnng a paper closely for a full
ininuto , the scokur ulior knowledge exclaimed -
claimed , "O. it's the people's party install
ment house that 1 want. "
"Woll , the people's ' party tins boon accused
of a good ninny things , but that is the first
time 1 have beard of It being charged with
running an Installment house , " replied tbo
jud o.
A trlanco nt the panor showed that ho
vanted an installment houso.
To Improve the Tiilupliono Service.
Lance Lane , the Omaha tnnnujrcr of ihs
telephone exchange , was in South Omnba
rcstorday with a view to extending the facil-
ties in this city. Mr. Lane made u thor
ough , examination of the company's business
: iero ana the largo increaio convinced
lim thnt the business demanded In
creased facilities. Under the recommen
dation of Manager Lnno a territorial
switch board will be put in at the central
Gallon , in addition to the ono now In use.
This will necessitate the employment of nn
additional operator , nnd will "greatly tacili-
tcto botli territorial and local work.
W. L. lolluud. the local manager , says
.hat during the past month ho has added a
arger number of subscriptions than in nny
irovious month , nnd tlmt to ttio laraoly in
creased list of patrons is duo the contem
plated increase of facilities. The now
switch board will bo manufactured usprcsslv
'or this exchangeand consequently will not
JO In position for some time to come.
Aliiglc City Xutos.
Fetor Andersob , a Uano , U ia the lockup
with a cnso of Jim Jams.
Eugon Picknra went on duty last night ns
regular watchman at the stockyards.
The Pleasant Hour club will glvo their second
end lion at Blum's hall next Tuesday oven-
W. D. Derry took out n permit yesterday
Tor n frarao cottage on Sovonteeuth nnd
Mllroy streets , to cou &JOO.
Tbo explosion of n lamp in the Lister
block caused the llro department to nialto u
splendid run , but no llro followed the accl-
Chnrloy Akofor has sold his mont market -
kot on N street to Wright & Smith , tbo new
proprietors taking possession vcstorday
John A. Holland , formerly connected with
tbo Omaha Telephone exchange in the
capacity of inspector , has been promoted to
manager of iho Crete exchange at Crete ,
Ofllcor Krooger took n crazy man from the
too of a moving freight train in the yards
yesterday evening and sent him to the
county Jail. The man was well dressed , but
was evidently n morphlno iloud , ns ho hud u
hypodermic syriugo wnich bo useij nuit'J
The South Omaha Tnrno hall , which
formally belonged to Balthus .letter nnd
stood nt Twenty-sixth and M. has been pur
chased by a salooniceepor nt Twentieth and
Brown , nnd has been moved to tco now loca
tion , it will servo as a dance hall nnd bleat
ing rink ,
Hugh M. Carpenter , nn engineer nt Swift's
packlnc house , while ndjustlng something
about n pumn yesterday , had the middle
linger of his right had caught In the machin
ery und iilmoit torn frum tils hand , Tbo
wound is iiiltu serious and painful , but
Huch says ho thinks ho will go to work
again next week.
Enterprise lougo , No. 70 , Knights of Pvth-
ins , bold Its annual election of ofllccrs last
night for the ensuing year. K. A .Carpenter ,
chancellor commander ; 1 . J. Hanson , vlco
chancellor ; J. H.Meyers , prelate ; T. O.
Uuur , muster of Hnanco ; U. U. Fisher , mas
ter of oxcncquer ; C. A. Millar , master at
arms ; Colonel A. L. Lott , 6 , 1 * . Ilcdsos , C.
O. Collins , trustees.
Ignorance of tno merits of Do Witt's ' Llttlo
Early Ulsori Is n misfortune. Thcuo llttio
pills regulate thn llvorcure headache , avspop
bia , bad broatb , constipation and billousno3s.
Miirrliigti I.lcciiica ,
The following marriage llconses < vcro Issued
bv County Judge Eller yesterday ;
NUIIIOnnd uddie s. Aso ,
I William II. Itluclcioii , Omaha. , : )7 )
I Slntlin llolino-i , iJinuliu as
I I'rnnk H. Hnbliison , Uiniilia Si
I Alluo Jlitchell , Omuhu j ;
I DiivlilU. Middloton , Oiiiulm ; i |
I Kinlly SUetchley , Omaha -M
If you nra bilious ! Take Beocbams Pills
The only 1'uio Creaui of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used ia Milli'BS of Homes 40 Years the StaudarcL
Wishes to speak'through tlio llcffliter i\
the beneficial insults lie hai received
from n regular use of Ayor's I'llls ,
IIo says : "I wns feeling sick and tired
and my stonincli seemed all outotlirder.
I tried a number ot remedies , but none
sccincil tu glvcitno relict until I was In
duced to try the oltl rcllalilo Aycr's
Pills. I Imvo taken only one box , but I
feel Hkc a new * man. I think they are
the most pleasant and easy to take of
anything I ever used , being so finely
sugar-coated that even'a child will take
them. I urge upon all who nro
of n lasntlvo to try Ayor's rills , "
Uoothbay ( Me. ) , Itegister.
"HcUvL'Oti the ages of llvonml flfloon ,
I wns troubled with n kind of salt ,
rhfiim , or eruption , ehlclly confined to
the log * , and especially to the bend of
the knee above the rnlf. Here , innnlng
sores formeil which would scab over ,
but would break Immediately on mov
ing the log. My mother tried every
thing she could think nf , but all wan
without avail. Although n child , I read
In the papers about the bonelleinl effects
of Aycr's Pills , and pcr.siiadcd my moth
er to let mo try them , With no gieat
faith in the result , she procured
and 1 began to use them , nnd soon
noticed an improvement. Kncuurngcd
by this , I kept op till I took two boxes ,
when the sores dtsnppcaicd and have
never troubled mo since. " II. Cliipmnn ,
Heal Estate Agent , Hoanoke , Vn.
"I suffered for years from stomach
nnd kidney troubles , causing very severe
pains in various parts ot tl.e body. None
of the remedies I tried afforded me nny
rc''uf until I began taking Ayi-r's ' Pills ,
nnd was cured. " Wui. Goddard , Kotury
Public , Five Lakes , Mich.
Prepared bylr.l.C. Aycr&Oo. , I.owcllilaao.
tio'd ' by Druggists Ever ) uhi'ic.
v itou
Catarrh or
SUA Klieunntisiii
Chronic ,
Consultation Free
Tor thcTrontinant ( if
Chronic , Private anil Nervous Diseases ,
PII..E3 , FISTULA , FISSURE Pa-nvuientl/
Cured without the use ot knife , Hjjnura or
AH maladies of n privnto or delicate
nature , of either sex , positively cured.
Uull on or iiildross with statnp foremcui.Aus
rniin HOOK AMI HU KITO * .
DLSearlcsS Swnss , ll9SsuAh.l ! 8llroeu
Nu.xt door U ) J'oitulllco.
Recently said in an interview : . . .
"From the time of. introducing LOA'-
DOWDERRY'm my hotels its sale has
been one of constant -increase , this in.
crease being 100 per cent , greater the
last year than in any previous year. I
believe mor.e people arc now drinking
LONDONDERRY than all jtlier
waters combined. . , . I cannot say
too much in its favor"-
Sold wherever water is sold. Largest
water bottling establishment in Amer
ica , if not in the world !
LondondorryLithia Spring Water Co , ,
Chas. II , I'orUlii' . eclllns Ajjts. . lloston. Mass
Paxton & Gallagher ,
A outh for Oniuliii.
Anon anl Cnmnlali TroafiuT , Cf > nilitlnj o
Boppoiltorlui , Olnlmil la < m > iulai , ulio InlUt
nndl'llli a I'aiUlm Uura tar KiUniil. Intornil
bllniorUlooilliults'iln j , Cnrouio , llooi..itor llorjll-
laryriliii. Tnli ll nalr ln > iiovor IJHIII known to
fall.llpjrbux , U fortt ; ajntby nrlll. Vfnt aullorfruu
Ihlsturrlul'j UUoiu'vri : > u wrHti.n uirin
po lllvoyuvo ] | i wltUO Dual ur rat in I tlio ii.
notcurdil Soul nU'iip forfrj'j ijani.ilj. ( J
lnnoJtar Kulm .VCo. . Drj/Eltu , Solo Afu
Uih un4 Uouuiai troou. Nub ,
I'ropiisul lor ] > ntnbnr nml Ci'inriit lor thu
City of Oniuliii.
gnnlnil li'ilslll hi ) roculvuil at tlif olllcn of
tluiclty uuniptrollor i u to 4 p. in , . Dui'diutiur
0. 161) ) . ' . for tlm fiirnlhliliu o ( liinibur anil co-
in.Mit Tor lim vuur iWlforthoclty. Tlio comp
troller will fimilnli ilaiiUd ( or tlio bids on
liinibur , lui'l ' only bids will bo coiihldcruil
inailu nil such bliuUs. All ccinonta fiirnlslmil
will IKIVO to htiiiitlltliu lu-it ot the ciiy iiiiijl-
nuor. i.i : < 'li hlijilor l.s roiiuiiuil to onuliHu u
coi tlflcd uhculc of * tiu ( , Thu rljbt Is rubcrvod
to nOiH'l any or sill hlils.
Omaha , Nov. SO , Xh'JJ. Tllf.O. Ol.SRN.
N''sUOt Coiiiiitiollcr ,
Tlio Only Perfect VaKtn'i lli'clul birlnuo lu lliu
U Iho nnlr nyrlneo OT
Inven I IK ! br which VUKIII
Injvcilniit can tiu iiliulnl
li'rcU wllhuut Uiii'ilna iuil
tiilllni ; thu cliithliu ur iu-
lessUullni ; Ihu use of it vu -
fol , unit which tun uUi tu
iiH'il tor rcclnl Injociloiii ur
sorr IIUIIIIBK ntir.n
Price S3.O3.
Mull imleri iulcltul. !
llieAloe&l'cnfoldl'o. '
IBth Strset ,
' | ire * crl ptiun
courutoljr ii:3ur | oJiitlutf
f you ore In position to take
advantage of the laws re
lating teD
D ta'on up aplo2 > o
f you nave mada an Invention
en which you desire to
You should communicat3
* with the
Bee Bureau of Claims
Tlio object ot thh bu-cau U lo give
every ] ) crson holdiiiff : x logitimatcj ehiim
ngninst the jrovornmunt the ndv.uitii'je
oaresidonL'O in Wtistiinjjton , whotho.-
he li 'o in Toxtts or Alaska. It doon
more than that. Nino-tenths ot the
population of Washington would bo
helpless if nslccd how to go to worc ! to
kccuro their rights through the depirt-
inonts. TiiE BISK Bureau ot C.uitnj
gives the advantage , not only ot per
sonnl residence , but of thorough finiil ; <
iarity with all the machinery of the
government. It
Absolute Security.
You do not knew whotho-tho 'ivj-j a
W.-ishingto'ialaiinagoiitwill ehoai you
o.'not , although on principle. "
you would naturally suppose that ho
would. Hut you know that the San
Francisco Examiner , tlio St. Paul Pie
ncor p.ess and the Omaha BK cannot
nlTord to cheat you. They guirantoa
this Bureau , uira their loputtition
fa talced upon the honesty and ability of
its inn n igotnent.
The buroiu omployos attoi-noya who
nro Expert Specialists
for each ot Its department } .
Ita Indian depredation utsos are caro-
ully wo-kod ui ) , with all ths ovido'i3i
required by law , and argued before the
court of claims in such u manner as to
bring out moit fiivo.Mjly all the 033 ja
tial points.
Its lund cases nro htndlod in strict ac-
coi'dnncn with the rules ot the Conor il
Land Onieo , HO tint no delays o.1 com
plications ensue in the orJorly settlement -
mont of the cl linn
It * pito'itcvsaj 'irjso ! manajfol as
insure the utmost possiblu bonollt to tlrj giviiiT1 him Uu broidojs
protcclion his ideas will jmtify.
Its poiision c.1303 tire dbpaaoJ ol with
ho lo ist pas-ilb'.o delay und oxpansj to
the veterans.
Don't lofraln from consulting thn
bin onubecttuso you are nf raid of tlio cost.
Its costs nothing to get inform itlon.
Aslc as many questions us you plo iso ,
and they will bj answoral p.'omptly
cheerfully and accurately , without
Bee Bureau of Claims
Room 22O ,
Bee Building ,
Omaha , Neb.
Cures Colds
IlurruU of It.
llumu ( iiiiurntor.
euro in lloiuu.
Valuable -OXYGEN HOOK" Free.
ti il' ' .Sab
J'riiposul | or . \il > < 'rllHtiiff lor tlio City ol
Souli'.il lild will bo received at tlio office of
tlio city coiniitrollur up to 4 p. in. Duconiber
G. IMJ. . for Hi" ollltilul mlvorlUliK of tluiully
for tlio ynur 1SU. In iionoriluii u wllli hcctlon
Wl of UIH charter Kiu-h bidder to encloio u
rvrtlllcd uliuuk of iiuo. Thu rljlu u rusurvcU
to reject "
any { , Co.npt.ol.or. . .
Omuba , Nor. i'0 , 1M .
Can walk into a clothing store in broad day light or in the evening -
ing if you prefer to and plank down three common every
clay "hard to get and easy to spend" American- dollars with"
an eagle on one side and the "Loddcss of Gibcrty" the oth- " ' |
cr and walk out with a brand new overcoat on your back * i ,
that belongs to you fits you looks wclfon you and feels * ! (
'j-niHy on u cold day , { sTany wond'c'r' that J.hat clothing store , , , "
can hardly handle the crowds as fast as they come ? Say is1'
it ? It's a fact that you , .
a substantial heavy chinchilla overcoat of us tocla } ' for thrco
tloll xrs ; you can have it cither single or diub'c ' breasted - "
velvet collar sateen sleeve linings heavy twilled lining anclH
Canton flannel pockets ; and you'll be two dollars richer than , ! , , !
if you bought it somewhere elsj. For a live . - dollar . * - . . b'll we ofler'nj
you today
that you never saw equalled for less than c'ght dollars in all
your life. This coat is made of solid heavy chinchilla cut" ]
extra long lined with double-weight serge sateen sleeve lin-1
ings velvet collar and double-stitched scams. If you'd ratherl
buy an ulster than an overcoat ,
is quite so comfortable on a cold day we will sell you a great
heavy chinchilla ulster double breasted cut good and long '
lined with heavy plaid cassimcre for five dollars and seventy-j
five cents or we will sell you a gr ; cr TrTce " ( ior Trcc2c)1' ) '
ulster double-breasted lined with heavy plaid llannel for
cjghtfifty that's worth an even dozen dollars. If you want to
buy one of those elegant overcoats that we're selling for nine
j,1 ,
oday they're going fast. They're in Kerseys Chinchillas- ? ' }
Cassimeres blacks blues browns smokes modes tans * * ' 1
double-breasted single-breasted plain linings plaid limners1 ! .
flannel linings cassimere linings velvet collars self collars' ,
full satin sleeve linings fourteen-dollar garments at a nine-1
dollar price.
Furovcrcoals ! What fur ? 01) ) , dillcrcnl Kinds ot fur , "fur" liltlc Money ! ' ]
Ask your shoe dealer for the
ibW / JUB 5u
equal. Price lists and discounts sent to dealers only. Big stock ]
on hand.
O ITI eili ei ,
Do you use Whisky
at ITigh-ctasA
Leads all others in Sold only
Places and
Purity , Quality , Bouquet , Drinking .
. Drug
Age and Smoothness.
for Thirty Davs only wj will olT'i * 0111 * oatiro sto'lt of niamoaJs and
Chr.stnias Jewelry nn J S.lvorw.ii-o ut lu i th in m tnufacturor'd co t.
Fourteenth and Farnam Streets.
\Mil iix.M > .lnii l.toN.V Cor loth und I'miiani. BAKKS TOIl HAM
The Keeley League of Iowa
Will hold a convention at Dos Moincs , Doconibor 20th tinU 2UU All who
bcllovo in the cnuso at-o urRod to bo present as business of Importance will ho
transacted. . CIIAIUMAN , K10KLEY LEAGUE.
( "NorvoSoocJs , "
( PII cunrmitrr tu ruro All r.orvoiu clln'u es. imrli uc vilotte Mcuiorr ,
llijit til Iliulii 1'uni r. Ilnitilurlic Wuktilulnot , I/M Muubund. NUtitlr Kuili-
felon * . Nt'rvoumiCJii. I/atntulunilclr'.liu : und line ut pnwer of tbo tionpratlro
Orcai ! In ritiiorfcr cau o I liyovcrciptllon , rontliful rrrnnor cjco ilr
u > u f lobnwu.oilnn | ur MlmulaiiK wlilcli eoon K > ml in Inflriullr. Cuniuiup-
llouivnuJiiinnlly. I'lilupC'tiiTenlonrftocarry In vent iiockut. VI perimck-
Biii. With cv ry imnlerwn otveauvllun irantti toturt
xo. tirrtjuini the mono. Circular nu . AddntAiirvot.f dt' < i.CblcuoutjiU *
For sale In Omuhaby Shopman & MoCormoll , 1515 Dodge street ,
- -