Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1892, Image 1

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Senator Morgan Urccs Government Aid for
the Nicaragua Canal.
United States lllglit * on tlio IHtlimus niul
the NrcpHHliy l'ir ARicrttnif Ilium
lllstoty of Viirluiis TrrutlM
Kll'fd on Commerce.
New ORMMN * , La. , Deo. 1. The Nicara
gua canal convention this mornloB received
nnd adopted tbo report ot the committee on
further xvork. U makes each member of the
convention n committee of ono to spread In
formation in regard to iho canal and each
delegation to make H written report to
the poivcr which appointed It and that
It organize state auxiliary associations.
That tbo chairman of the convention ap
point n committee of Hvo to go to
Washington to push Iho work tboro , nnd
xvlth poxver to call on whomever it chooses
for aid. Thnt the committee bo Increase' ' . BO
that each state present bo represented by
llirco members.
Srmitor Slorcnn Tulltn.
Senator Morgan of Alabama , nulhor of the
Nicaraaua canal bill , xvas accorded a bear
ing nnd spoke nt length on the advnutaces
of the canal. Senator Morgan said : Con-
Btdtring our resources , our geographical and
ilnuncial relation * , xvo could not fall to build
this canal. Ho spoke of the riches uud
penius of this counlry and said xvo uro indeed -
deed iho grandest poxvor In the world. Tlio
knoxviedgo of that fact ought to impel us to
do that xvork. Karnostcoss , devotion , deter
mination and zeal are always lound In
breasts like ttioso hero assembled and genius
and bn ins lllto ihoso nnd tno willing- hands
of the people hokncxv xvho rauko uu the
genius and brains of this country nould go
out nud undertake this great xvork. In 181(5 ( ,
before xvo had acquired any great hold on
the Pncilic , cxjcpt Oregon , xvhon no part of
Mexico xvns ours , the statesmen of the coun
try oiado n treaty xvllli Noxv Grenada. I hat
might have been considered nn entangling
foreign ullianco , but the pconlo of America
do iiot consider any soctlon of this , liomi-
Bph jro , from the Alinnllcocean to the Pnclllr , loreign country. In that treaty It xvas
provided that the pcoplo of iho United
States should have Iho same trnnslt nnd passage
sago nciws Panama as the citizens of Pun-
umn. There should bo no tolls or dues , de
inurroge orotherxviso. That xvas a very iiroad
cone sslon to us > the inonning of xvhich xvas
that the coast line of the United States xvns
extended ncrnss tbo isthmus of Darlou.
Might it not , happen ns a result of the build
ing of the Panami canal by the French gox--
cnimont that xvo should have tiouhlo xvllh
thnt government if it should llnd it its dulj
in the ptotcction of its own citizens to denj
to thu pcoplo of Iho United Stiles free
transit iicrois tr.o isthmus I
A ( Iri'iitIDOII lo Coininercp.
Senator Morgan said the cunrantoo of
neatrnlity on either slue of the isthmus xvas
n grout boon to commerce. SVo Guaranteed
also to preserve the peace thero. Wo
undertook to do this boc.mso the Isthmus , In its relations , is ideuiltied
so closely xvith the United Stales , and because -
cause tno United States Is jealous of its
control ot the coast lines of this hemisphere.
The aim of our proat statesman ha.s alxvuys
been to preserve the coast line for the bone-
lit of the people of the Uultod States.
Coming doxvn to a inter treaty , this time
with Nicaragua , xvo provide for u transit for
our people , equal right * with the people of
Nicaragua , transit for cur armies and muni
tions of xvar , xvlth other provisions. Wo
further speak ot a canal to bo run tnrouirh
Nicaragua , and to preserve our right to send .
troops along Iho line of travel to protect , not
only our people , but other people xvboso
nonce may bo disturbed , or whoso property
is threalcncd.
Spiakmg of the Clayton-Bulxver treaty.
Senator Morgan said ntovUion had been
made that neither Iho Untied Stales no :
Great Britain should disturb the sovereignty
of Nicaragua whim there by building formi
cations along the canal or in any other man
ner. But xvho questions llio right of Presi
dent Harrison to send troopi to Nicaragua
under the earlier treaty , to protect our citi-
20113 and Iheir property ; nnd the right to
carry troops to Nicaragua carries xvith it
the righl to protect those troops. Ttioro IB
nothing In the Clbyton-Bulwor treaty to prevent -
vent its from golni : doxvn into Nicaragua and
building the canal. Great Britain has never
denied that\YO have the right and Great
Britain never sleeps. The lion never oats
his eye.
Our nights in tlio iMliiniH.
Senator Morgan referred to the vloxv ol
Ihu senate on the bearing of the Claytou-
Bulxvcr treaty toward the question of the
control and building of Ibo ennui by iho
Untied States. The commlituo felt thnt
there xvas nothing lu an abstract vloxv of the
treaty , to stop our construction and control
of the canal , but xvn must be careful and llvo
uii to our obligations to Nicaragua in pro
tecting her in her sovereignty and lu prosorv-
ine bur peace. Wo cannot nlford lo yield out
right of free transit across Pana'im , Nicar-
nuguu , or olsoxvhcre on this continent to nny
foreign government , nnd that xvns the point
which the senator desired to make plain ,
i There could bo no doubl that Great Britain's xvas to ultimately steal llio gront hey
of llio western hemisphere. , Ho uld not
blame Great Britain , but ho did not mean to
bo blind or shut his eyes to her purpose.
Senator Morgan dwelt nt some length on
the Bri'.ish policv us regards Great Britain's
purpose to control , if possible , at some day
the passage through iho Nicaragua.
Senator Morgan snoKonftho treaty thai
bad been negotiated between the United
.Slntcs and Nlcuracun during Arthur's ad
ministration , and xvhich , though havlnc ix
largo majority , did not secure tbo requisite
two-thirds , that trenly xvns withdrawn by
Mr. Cleveland , hiuco then American eitl-
/ens have secured n concession from tlio
rticnrngunu government , and in thut grant
xvo have secured all thai xvo could have se
cured for iho government Itself. When iho
grant xvas made It xviu intended that there
should bo an American canal , controlled bv
Americans. The United Slates could not so-
euro moro man she may require In n com-
tillunoo xvlth the grant made to iho Marltlmo
C11 en I company.
Continuing , ibo senator said If he could
tnuo the members ot congress and murch
them in single llio aionis the \vharvos of
Isexv Yorit and show thorn the commcrc-o
there , and from New Yoru take thorn to tno
far northwest , ami then bring thorn around
by the seaboard and inarch them in single
tile along the wharves of Now Orleans , he
would iiinUo iv si 10 ipor argument in favor of
the canal than than If ho btood on tiptoe nnd
talked in favor ot it for the lost of his. davs ,
If these congressmen know really what tuw
firoai country xvus , and could feel'tho rebpoii-
Elblllty thnt rosiod upon thorn , they could
not fail to furnish another mouth 10 the Mis-
Senator Morgan explained fully the cir-
cumstaticoa under which llio senate com-
miltco hud investigated tno project of
building the cauul. Ho Imd been dulightod
with the unaulmitv of mil d mid nurpojo of
the member * of the committee , xvbu ropro-
sentcd all fccmiuns und political vioxv . They
were united In recommending government
control of tbo Nleuragiir.n xviuorxvny , They
studied the question in 1 its bearings and
they raiUroit its Importuucr , wliilo sutiMied
with the facts and the Urines that had been
l > rosonlii'l ' to the oomniliteo bearing on lit
cost and Us revenues when completed ,
The Suez cnmil charted f-.Vt per
ton toll anil the sonuta romtnuiuo found
thut u cliargo of onlv fl per ton
exacted for tolli at the Nieavnguan canal
would ytold fH.OOO.OCO annually to pav uiter-
oit on bonds ; W.O' ' lKX ) for repairs and
maintenance of Iho canal , tnul fjOuii.Qi)0 ) to ba
divided among tae itoculiolJera , while to the
government no moro favorable conditions
could posslolo ho secured.
Senator Morgan waj enthusiastically
cheered upon the completion ot hU addrcsi ,
and wai honrtlly voted thiinlcH for the able ,
Interesting nnd Intelligent manner 'In which
ha hud discussed Iho question. Ami , fur
ther , as a mark of honor to him , thu conven
tion took a rccoas In orJcr that the dslciratcs
mleht Individually greet him nml pay their
compllmnnts to him. Senator Morgan will
relLrii tonight , being compelled to hasten hit
departure by tlio Illness of a member of his
Ilcsfiliilloim Snlimlttoil.
Judge HUcc , chnlrmnn of the committee
on resolutions , submitted the following re
port :
Whereas. In vlow ot tlio f tct Hint the terri
tory of the Unltu.l Htmos reiiuhot ncross In
the front of both stdni of the nortlicrn lunf
iif Hit ) American continent : thai the d stance
bv wntm-front the Atlantic to thn I'urlllc Nldn
of oiirrounttv Is moro than 15iiiu ( mill's ; thut
to nuiko tli s vnymto wu must pass over
Imnliu.iUmnt sens nnd tliiouch uvury knn n
vnrk'ly of clliniitoi that u inure tlirn.ul of land
* nuixrut"t tholwo oceans ; Unit tlio sovurliiR
of this ihrc-ad and nponlni n nnviignhlo water
ulinnnul iii'ioss the Uthiiius nf Mcaragil'i
Mill nnllo thu Atlanllo anil I'aulllu
and shot ten tlm water route from mio side of
thu fiintlncnt to thu otliur K'.iH-O ' miles ; tl'iit '
thu I'ae.llo states lire now roiuotu from tlio
Atl.intlf sc.ilioird nnd tlio older nnd more
populous purls of tlio country than Is Kimipo ;
tin ; construction of the Nicaragua canul will
iMicnur.ijri ) elosor rotations with our sister re
publics of ( . ' and Smith Ainorleiii the
cost ot lraisirtallon : ) ) of freight uatl nnd west
from the Atumtio to the I'nellle oceiins will lia
ehiniiivned more than one-half ; that us ix
ineasiliu of nilloiiil : : ilcfi'mo the mtiklnsor
this c.inil : will lie ot Imk'llnltoly
greater value to the American re-
piiiillu than thu building nf furts uml the
iniilntalnliu of nrmlcs ; that by Its construc
tion our navy can bn coir.'Utitralcd : it itnv
Amorlcnn poll. In ono-llilrI of the time and
with out1- third of the OMIIUIISU that U now re
quired ; tliMt the lario and numerous eoallmt
statloiH will thus bu dlspcnsutl w th ; that the
I'liollli ; ocean. llh Its incrotiH'n. ' coiniiierce ,
Its Islands and AslMlle tr.iclo. will ihus con-
tilliutu to oui'wu.iltli anil cnliriu : our mur-
ki'tv ; that In Iliia 1x1.0 of commt'r. iiutlvllv ,
\\liun the most ehlluhti'tieil iintliins of thu
v , ( ultimo seeking and eiuntlir ; now nnrlu'ls
for their uroditils , tlio lO'cnl , aim Is to shorten
thud 1stiini'u and ohcnpon Iho urli-oof trnnspur-
tatlon friiin tlioiuodiicertn Ihofoiisiiinur ; that
to MK'iTSitiulv la'uoiiiiillsli this and main
tain llio vnrleJ IniUislrles nilovor the coun
try nd KOI mttkets for mir Ami-iloan miinu-
facturuil | irnlucts : , the hliortvst route by l.ind
anil sea mint , bo croatiM : fiat waler trans-
Dortallon Is the chcauust transporlatlun ; Hint
us America Is a great producing oountrv It
comuetcs with a'll other countries tu the
world's m.rkels , sxnd thus Inspires tholr
ilvalrj ; that inonniehlos of the lustorn con-
llnont nrojoiilousof Its nonilorfitl urowtlt and
splendid Industrial achlpvomoiits. thit the
time Inis eiinio when Amorli'u should prcpnre
fornnd gnnnl iigilnst tin ; nuccss tv and ilan-
erof the future ; that II would be both un
wise and unpatriotic for this great ropubllo
In lioaco.ilily and qulnlly permit any fornlmi
power to elt'ier open for thnmsoivos the gates
of AinurlCiin commerce or dose tlios gates
upon ii" , and ht'tico the American pooulu
should build tliis , control It when built ,
and ,
iinlurscd : by liotli rurtlcn.
Whotcus , Ilothof tlio great parties
of Ihlscountry In tholr Inst national conven
tions oApre-sly cti'lorscd the bulldlim of th.s
canal , nn I both candidates for prfislilrnt hear
tily approved said declarations nnd which
has revolved the approval of morn than nlnu-
tcnthsof Ibo American freemen , thcruforo , bo
liesolvcd First , That It Is the inramoiiut
duty of th's ' government to nld in the con
struction of tiu ! N'learii.'iian canal ,
Second , Th iit this convention six'i 11 urzoiipnn
ir ri-ss to give such llnanclal aid as will Insure -
sure the speedy uoinpletlon of said canal at
the iiiliiliiiiim cost Ihuruof. taking , proper se
curity for auv credit u.edged or money ud-
Viineed for this imrpose , and retaining such
control and supervision of the same as will Insure -
sure the puaceful n o of the uront onteriirlso
to thu commcrco of the world , and at thu lo\v-
et DOMSibio rules.
The resolutions wpro adopted nnd the state
delegations handed in the names of the now
members of tlio executive committee. The
selection of representatives froai each con
gressional district xvas loft to tno state mem
bers of each conimitteo. Tha atato pre
sented u speaker , who suoko good words for
tlio canal.
Ucsolutions of tunnks : wore 'passed to tno
hosts , odli-crs of the convention , T. T.
Wright of Nashville , the organizer of the
convention , and others.
Chairman Converse was added to the com-
mlttcoof llvo to yo to Washington and ap
point the rrst ot the committee later. Three
chejrs wore given for Nicaragua and Costa
lilcii , and upon motion of Hon. WillardVar -
nor , three cheers for UK- United Slates was
also given nnd the convention udjourncd.
HIIV. Futlinr Corrl au Ucllcratus Ills CrltU
r Is in of tlio ( Inriuiiii i.itli' ; > llo Cnn rusH.
New YOHK , D30. 1.-H3V. FiUhor Patrick
Corrlgan of Ilobouon aanounces in an opoa
letter to the editor of the Freeman's Journal
tonight ho has been summoned by
Bishop Wlggflr to stand trial for letters
written by Father Cbrrigan "in opnositlor
to the anti-American spirit of tbo late Gor
man Catholic congress held in Newark nnd
Us ntlaen uuou the public schools. " In the
course of his statement , he says :
"I am opposed to txvo things : First , the at
tempt to Germanize America bv moans of the
church , mid second , donunctiitinn of the puo-
llu schools ns abominations. .V.y criticism is
substantially that which appeared in the
editorials of some ot the great dallies , one of
which concluded the loading article in thcso
words : 'What we arc justified In saying is
that they who took part In those proceedings
ere bad citizens , and dangerous In proportion ,
as they are powerful. '
' 1 criticized the congress m a body. The
congress insulted American IntclliL'e'neo by
denouncing thn public schools the most
cherished institution of the land as abomi
nations ; ' it insulted tbo American church bv
denouncing some of our most distinguished
prelates , i did not sucak of Ill-hop VVIggor
in his capacity as bishop of the diocese , but
simply as a member of the German congress
over xvluch ho presides every year , outside
of his own oloccse , to thu great mortification
of his own Knijllsn-spoaklng flock. My op-
posltiun to ( janmiFloyUnrmcots the approba
tion of Americans Generally Judging from
Iho unanimity of the pressdully and weouiv ,
without distinction ns to politics or religion.
"Archbishop Corrlgau and Bishop WigKor
wore not on spjnklns tcruw for yours until
CnhciiKtoyUm united them against Arch
bishop Ireland and Cardinal Gibbous. "
Father Cortlgun sayo , In conclusion : "I
received two weeks notlco of the coming
trlnl , and whcu I asked : x reasonable exten
sion of ttmo was peremptorily refused. This
slioivs how imoorfcct is our taulaiivo logisr
latlon and how completely It places the prie. t
at the mercy of the bishop , "
TU rKxawx .i
Suvli u Hill Will I'roli.ilily l'.is < tlio .
MuNTOOMUitv. Ala. . T > 3t , 1 , There was a
bill inlroducscl in Iho legislature yesterday
providing for an annuity of ? 53'J for Mrs.
Davis , widow of Jefferson Davis , during her
life. The bill met with much favor. It will
undoubtedly bo passed.
Bills continue lo pound railroads , Ono In
troduced yesterday prevents railroads , steam
boats or common carriers to form pools to
II x rates , The penalty Is n line of not more
than fl.OOO.
The convict question excites much In
terest. Tl-o fooling that the lease system
must bo done away with grows stronger
each day. Figures ura presented to the Joint
meclintr of the committees on penitentiary
and criminal administration and show ah
i-xcesslvo death rate convicts
nnioni ; em
ployed in mines , being no loss than 0. 10 per
1VI | Dmvn 11:1 : Kluviitor Slmtt.
Henry -Tnlnion , a uoy who lives with his
uncle at Twenty-ninth and Ke-gor streets ,
South Omaha , cawo very near loilng tits llfo
yesterday. About 5JU : ! in the afternoon ho
fell llvo stories down an elevator shaft In
Swift's packing bouse. Late last night the
boy was { till living , but was not conscious
and hud not spoken filnco the accident. Ho
sustained n comminuted frncturonf the right
leg oxtondine nearly doxvn to the knco. Ills
splnols CPI til nly affouted l > o , because ho
cixunot ir.ovo Ins left- arm nr leu leer. Tun
doctor thinks ha may rally and that hn stnnaa
a good chance of recovery uu ! ii he | g inter-
ONLY WATCH THE SCANDAL in Paris Conten on the Gnat Pan
ama Canal Invjstigation ,
Krory I'riitiilnrnt or t'npcr In
tlio City ttrrctvoil .Mnnoy for Advocntliii ;
tlio liiitci-prlse Son-citlmial Ituitiora
Coiiccriilni ; Huron do Itelnach.
tCnpyrlKhtcil IS'Ji by J nines ( Ionian llonnult.1
PAULS , D-c. 1. fNoxv York Herald
Cable Special lo TUB Btin.l Tno I'.xuauta
canal scandal continues xvlth such vlolchco
that no ono U Interested any longer In Iho
ministerial crisis , which , hoxvovor , sllll Lists.
No oao xvlshoa any longer to became n cabl-
not minister , n now phoaomenon In Franco.
Today publication was made of the Ust of
newspapers xvblcn. hax'J received money
from Panama canal sources. The list In
clude ) nil the important nowspibci-3 of
i'uris. The general o Dili ion Is that this Is
n scheme essayed by the deputies lu order to
turn public attention nxvay from the cham
ber , bui. it Is likely to fail of Its object. The
difference is great botxveondaputles accepting
money lo vote in the way demanded , and
Journals accepting money to give publicity
to un enterprise. This latlcr feature has
entered for the last thirty years into the
customs of French journals. Tlio customs
are deplornblo , but they exist , as these pay
ments were made according to Iho scale of
prices of almost public nototrloty. I do not
bcliovo that the scandal xvlll succeed against
the press.
Another thing xvhich appears moro serious
is the affair of M. Antonio Proust , u deputy
nud a friend of G.xmbatta , formerly minister
of tine arts. Itnppoara to bo proved that ho
rccuix-od l.OUU shares In the Panama syndi
cate. Another grave fact , according to ro'
liable people xvho tell the story , Is that Baron
de Itelnach had for visitors on the eve of
his suicide n very xvell known minister
and n deputy also xvoll known. All
three worked together burning documents
Irom 1 o'clock iu the evening to midnight.
'J xvo houri later H iron de Hlnaoh xvas
found dead. If this facUls correct , no ono
can guess th'o gravity of the situation.
It Is certain'that a general reorganization
of things as they exist xvill ensuo. If the re
public survives It is because there is no onu
Ihero to take Us place. JACQUS : ST. Cuttu.
JKISII ritiHvrs IN i-
C'liiiipllrittiinis Cnmcd by ISUlmp Xult.v'H
I'iistin-al Atiilic Dailtt. Uimnsy.
LONDON. Dae. 1. U u stated that Michael
Davilt doilros to rosizn his place in parlia
ment and to run ntrahi without priestly as
sistance. Butlmdor the charge } of undue
clerical inlluonca ho xvill cot bo permitted lo
accept the Chillcrn hundreds.
The D.illy Noxvs hints that the unseating
of Mr. Fullerlon on account of Bishop
Nulty's unxviso pastoral must make Mr.
D.tvllt uneasy.
The Times says : "This Is a point ot tome
importance , for it Is to the vote of the Irish
clericals thut the Gladilono gox'ornmcn t
oxvoj lls precarious llfo. The voto.s of the
Irish clericals noxv dominate the policy of
the British homisphoro. The South Meath
petition has shown us something of the
poxvers xvhich in turn dominate thorn.
The Chronicle saj's : Tno result In South
Meath may ba useful to : he Iruh party if It
trachea thorn to curb thuir priosu and lo
unit iito O'Connoll in renudmling poliiics
from Homo. Bishop Nulty tried to ntd Mr.
Davitt , and it is feared that Mr. Uavitt will
bo unseated. At thn same time , xvo must
nvotv that it xx'o begin to lacula the thorny
subject of splrilual Indication xvo shall linii
our-selvos involved in all the troubles of cou-
tlnontul politics. The opinion prevails in
Dublin Ihnt the MeCixnhyitos nro certain to
ivgain the South Moalh seat by un increased
majorily through un election "on the nexv
rop.tiior. Iklr. Fullcrton xvill bo debarred
from silting in narltamcnt for scvcu years.
Will Vote tur thn Army Hill.
BniiLiN , Dec. 1. During the debate on the
budcot today Dr. Uuhl , loader of the national
liberals , said bU party xvould vote for the
demands of iho Government for money for
military purposes so fur as compatible xvlth
iho vital Interu.Us of the army bill , to the
full extant it xvns impracticable. In the
course of his speech Dr. Buhl complninod of
the Inadequate snuro Germany has token In
the celebration in honor of the four hun
dredth anniversary of the discovery of
Chancellor von Caprtvl said Germany had
boon xvorthily represented nt the Columbus
fetes at Genoa and Spain.
Herr Lelbknocht. socialist loader , in his
speech urged that the militia system be es
tablished lu Germany , and that the political
morality bo Improved.
ttojcftod tlio ItolllSfllllcl Plin. : '
LONDON , Dec. 1. A special correspondent
reports thut the committee of thti Brussels
international monnlary conference decide
Inst nlch t ngnlnst Hotlischild's scheme. This ,
however , the correspondent says , Is not taker.
ns a himotalllst defeat. The committee xvll
noxv proceed to decide upon n combined
Itothschild otv.l S'jotbacr'd !
nui : , xvitb mod-
lllcatiuns nroposcd on behalf of the Latin
union , It is expcotod that majority nnd
minority reports xvill bo prosonlod toraor-
roxv. The prospects for an early agrcemonl
by the conference uro considered rornoto.
tuiiti fur .llciiiuy.
Sr. Pf.Tiiiisnntn , Dao. 1. The Bourse Gaz
ette sas tbo Russian government has dis
patched an onlcial to Paris lo receive from
Iho Crcolt Foucior the unplaced portion ol
tha last issue of S per cent gold rentes. This
ofllclal will also obtain from Berlin bankers
tbo gold deposits , notice of the xvithdraxva
of xvhich xvns given by the Itusslan govern
ment tit the beginning of Oclobor. The
pupor adds that the government. Inn decided
not to withdraw any moro ( fold during the
.next fovv month-i.
Allilrn nt Silliiini ,
I.OXDOX , Dec. 1. A dlspntoh to Iho Ex
change Telegraph company soys : Noxx-s bus
been received from Samoa to the ofl'oct tha
tno native Insurgents have attacked Hnglisl
residents. Orders have tjcun telegraphed to
the commander of tr.o Australian Equadroi
lo send IboxvarshlpSlngaroma loApiu , with
oul delay.
IJmicluirvlllo Tlirt'iitoiiH to | ( CKIII. )
OTTAWA , Ont. , Doc. 1 , It is rumored that
Premier do Bouohorvillo of Q'loboa has noil-
Hod Sir John Thompson that ho xvill resigi
In the event ot the appointment of Mr. Chap
laau , minister of customs , nu lieutenant gX'-
or nor of the province. There is no contirma
lion of iho rumor as yet.
XX'iirni Iti'Of ptlnn I nf ( 'uprlvl.
LONDON , Dc. 1. The Berlin correspond
cut of iho Tunes , coi'inionlln on yoaler
day's debate on the budget in the Itolctutng
says that Chancellor von Caprlvl'i dlgnilioi
reply to Herr Kleiner's attack xvas moro
xvarml ) received than was tbo speech Intro
ctuclau the bill.
* Sovi'iityl'oiir llv * XVi-ro I.uit.
LONIION , Dao. 1.--A dispatch from Nag.i
sakl , says i > evcntv-four , lives xvcro io > l hx
thu stnkint ; ot the Jupuncso xvurjhl
CnUhlmaruktiii as a rokitlt of the colllslot
with Iho stcftmor Uavemm , ropDrtod yoster
Alllurll'ln flriillli AkHiirliitluii ,
Cirv or Mexico , Dao. l. The iVmorlcai
Health as.6oclatlou U holding its auuual oj
Ion hero. After spoccnes of welcome and
rcsponso various papers touchitig on gcr-
nano subjects xvoro
\Vrrrk on tlio isrrtttlitli Const.
Dusunn , lljc. 1. Ajsovero gala hns been
irevalllng over Scotland slnco Sunday.
Troir. xvrockaifo drlflcil eshora at Ullapool , U
s behoved n large ( Serbian steamer has been
_ _ „
Settled AVllli > ! . fiirniMl.
LONDON , Dae. l' . The creditors of Mrs.
Charles Stewart Var-uoll hixvo accoptvd ! n
ilnn of settlement by xvhich they xvlll ro-
celvo tliclr claims In full xvlth Interest.
.V < HHU.U J-'Ult TIIK
Oltlchiln 1'urjlinr Thulr tjity of
ItUri'piitublD ( Jhiir.irturi.
PiTrstifitii , I'a. , DJO. 1. Never before In
the history of l'ilt , burg was such n teono
witnessed ns xvas ennctoj In the city hnll
this ntternoon. At- lea U Hi ) Inmitas ot dis
orderly houies xvho have boon ordered to
cave the city by tonufroiiv riftjtMoon gath-
orcd in the mayor's o.lloa. They \varo ot all
grades mid conditions of tholr class of so
ciety ,
As onrly ns 1:31 : o'clock the xvomon com
menced passing Into the hall. The scene
xvns n most unusttnl oao nud n largo crowd
xx'as ntlr.xclod. Tno xvomon inul.stod upon
soclng Mayor Gourlev and xvhon hn made his
LXppo.xranco 'ttioy xvantecl lo know xvuat they
xvoro lo do.
Mavor Gourley m.xdo n spsoch lo thorn.
Ho said : "I am very sotry for you. 1 sym
pathize xvlth you from the bottom ol my
heart. 1 did not close you up for the thirty-
two months of my tornt for ths reason that I
did not think It xvould help thU evil. When
the ministers of tno city , xvlvos , mothers ,
sisters nnd brothers came to ni3 to Insist on
the laxv being enforced I hnd to issue the
otder. 1 took nil the rcspotiitbillty nud 1 do
not knoxv what you can do. 1 have nothing
to offer you. 1 do not hollovo In hurrying
you out into thu strcols llko dogs. Some
consideration should bo given and ton days
xvould not bo too long a timo. "
Misa Cora Hastings than stopped up and
said : "Somo of those xvomon , in fact , n
great number of thorn , llvo iixvay trom horo.
They hnvo no money nnd no friends , and
xvhat are they to doi"
"That I do not knoxv,1' said the mayor ,
"out. I xvlll try mid see xvhat the ministers
xvlll do and lot you knoxv bv toraorroxv nflcr-
noon. "
The mayor xvns very vigorous , and told
them that they xvould have to see Chief
Broxvn about extending the order. The
women went to Chief Broxvn's ofllcc , but the
chlof wus out and they departed.
They xvent down Smlthlleld street to
Fifth avenue , xvhero they attracted u great
deal of attention. (
The ministers of'tho city propose to at once
take care of the xvomen xvho have boon
ordered out of thoao houses , although no
special mceting has be6n called vet. At the
headquarters of the United Presbyterian ,
.tho .Methodist Episcopal , the Bapllsls nnd
ether mintslerial associations , it xvas learned
that the care of the "fallon" xvould bo the
solo subject for discussion on Monday , nnd
actlvo steps would bo taken to provide
homos for those xvho xvould lead moral lives.
In this connection an employment agency
xvill be established It the Methodist associa
tion can provHii.
JJundrcds of the xvomen In't today for
other cities , many trolng to Wheelmu , Cin
cinnati , Cleveland , Columbus and Chicago.
Several said they did uot knoxv xvhat they
xvould do xvhen they reached their destina
tion , x-orv few of thorn had moro than enough
money to purchase their tlckots , nnd they
feared that-thoy xvould bo refused udmis-
slcn to liousoa In otheccitlos und that they
xvould bo dependent Ufon charitable institu
tions forsupport. Three or fear slalod thai
they had homos in attier cities and proposed
lo co back and reform und BOO if ihoir
parents could not ao something for them.
This cvenmu n delegation of lltteen or
twenty coloroj prostitutes called at the resi
dence of Kov. Dr. McCrear.v of the Third
United Presbyterian church and asked for
protection. Ilo hnn been a leader in the
movement against the social ovll and promi
nent in the Sunday closing ctrusiulo. Ho told
the xvomen thnt .ho could do nothing for
them. While ho xvas tallsing a largo crowd
gathered about the hojse and Indulged in cat
calls. The women then began to sine
' Nearer My God to Thee , " but the sound of
nn approaching uatrol wagon caused the
croxvd to disparso.
UT L3in\l'S KKIV
I'rrparatlons Cnmplctod fur tlio I2ructlon of
u Mi : Mlllopul , ISnililln .
OTTUMXVA , la. , Doc. 1. [ Special to TUR
Bcc.J Ottumxva Is to have a city hospital.
The Mary Thrall Bible class , as Incorpor-
alors , have filed articles of incorporation
: xnd the worlc xvlll bo prosncuto'l vigorously.
Tnoonlcers are : Mrs. H. D. Emory , presi
dent ; Mrs. F. A. Fulton , vlco president ;
Mrs. II. C. Chambers , secretary ; Mrs.
Suujucl Mahon , treasurer. Among the trus
tees nro the capitalists. T. D. Foster , J. B.
Sax , A. II. Hamilton , J. W. Kdgerly , J. J.
Smith nnd Major Samuel Mahon. A hos
pital costing fiO.OOO xvill b3 erected.
Tha branch ol the Santa Fo road from Fort
Madison to Uttuinxvn xvill bo completed December -
comber 0 , and xvlll bo Inaugurated December
7 by an excursion of 400 business men from
the various towns along the Una to this city.
Tbo industrial exchange has tiilten slops
toward el'iuorato preparations to entertain
Iho guests , nnd an intorostlng time is ex
pected next Wednesday.
IOXVII'A Knllxviiy Commlnsloii.
Dis : MOINUS , la. , Doc. 1. The loxva Ilail-
xvay commission , m Its annual report , devotes -
votes considerable space to the inlorprcta-
tlou put by the Kupramo court on Iho laxv
governing Iho duties and powers of the com
missioners. The commUbion always held
that xvhon Its decisions or orders xvoro not
complied xvitli by defendant companies tholr
reasonableness btioulU bo dotonniiiod by the
court. This vloxv xvas sustained by earlier
decisions of iho courts , but rcuunt decisions
hold thnt It Is not the province of the court
to It.qulro into the reasonableness of the
orders , but upon the roasoimbloncs ) of the
order as established by the proceedings be
fore the board.
Wcddmy ilelln ut Iunlii : > . , In. , Doc. 1. [ Special to Tun BKI : . ]
The marriage of Howard Mitchell of
Chattanooga , Tenn. , and Miss Ada , iho
accomplished and 'Bttracttvo daughlor of
Dr. vnd Mrs. A II. JIazloit of this place
were married yesterday , Hov. Mr. Dudley
of the Methodist KpUcopal church olllclatcd.
Immediately utter jthol ceremony iho young
couple loll for n southern visit.
Killed liy tlip Flint .Hull.
OTTt'Mxx'.t , In , , DJC. 1. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BIJH. ] Whllo the passengers of n be
lated Hock Island train worn crossing ttio C
trucit tonight the fust mail dashed in , killing
Henry Jones of Kldon.
Kllsirorlli Wyatt , it Jloinlinr ol llio ( iaiig ,
ruptured lit Iiiilliinii ,
ST. Louis , Mo. , DSO. 1. Blljworth Wyatt ,
0110 of iho moil ilfsperato moaibera of the
notorious Dalton civhg , xvas captured by i
JVHSO t.oar Terre Hau to , Jnd. , this mornlnt' .
.Sheriff Dlxou look } ho bandit west tonight
The state of Kansas oilers u reward ol
fl.'JUU icr the desperado for iho murder o :
Constable Itolfour near Greonsourg , ICau. ,
on July 4 last , and there uro nine Indictments
nvoinst him at Guthrie , OK ! . , for his meal
ing and shootlntr , uud thora Is uUa n reward
for him In Texas on various phurgos.
Wyatt , although a momb.'r of the Dalton
nan : ; , missed the CofTo.vvIllo bank robbery ,
being on cl'icr depredations at the tlmo. Ho
was one of the tnohi , desperate folloxvors of
BobDauon. His arrest caused great ox-
cltcmi-nt at Corxvlth , xvhoro Wyutt hns been
siuyiag for the past foxv xvoo s.
Now Vorlc ICxcli.iutfo < juul tloii .
Nn\v YOIIK , Dec , 1. j'Spoelal Tulpgrara
to THU BUE.I lixohango xvus quolod aa fol
loxvsj nuicngn , J5 couts promlumi Boston
0 coins premium to 5 cents uisoouul ; fat
Loub , vie coins premium.
Conference of Independents and DcmocatR
Hold nt Lincoln Yesterday.
independent * rrofois to llo Anxious to Alii
lliu DriniiuriitR In Organtr.lng liotli
llrntirlirs of the Locli
Doubtful of the Ito.iult.
N' , Neb. , Dec. 1. [ Special Telegram
toTnii Bcs.J In spite of the repeated do-
ilals of prominent Nobr.xslu democrats , the
couforanco betxvoon doinocr.xtlo and Independent -
dent leaders came off lu this : ity thlsovenlnp ;
Ust as It had boon advertised , and U was no
> ault of the gentlemen xvho engineered the
schema thut it xva * practical ! vn lizzie. It
xvm easy to BOO thnt somathing xvas In
the xvind all day , from the fict
that so tunny prominent democrats
und Independents "hnpcened" to b'i
lu the city xvlth no pirtinular business lo
call thorn hero. John I'owors nud Logan
McUoynolds put In an nppe.iranco at the
Lliulell this afternoon nnd xvoro soon fol-
loxvcd by W. A. 1'oyntor of Albion , W. L.
Green nf ICearnoy , B. F. Alien of Wabash
and others. Then Wolfe , Blake , Thoini > soii ,
L.2C3O and other local inuopondont xvheol
nones dropoo.-l in c.xsually. At the Lincoln
Lho tiamoaof Dr. Kolpor of Norfolk nnd John
Shcrvln of Fremontnppoarod on thorogister.
Ono ntut all de.iled any knowledge of u con-
feronco. A. J , Snxvyer nnd Victor Vlfquain
pf this city xvero especially blissful in their
ignorance of any contorenco.
'k'lioy Itscd Strategy.
General Vifijualn. bollovlng that matters
had ranched that stiigo when , to use his oxvn
famous and furoriUs uxprosslon , "Wo must
iiso strategy liciv , hoys , " earnestly Informed
Tnc BEU roprosentatlvo that there xvas to bo
no mooting und that after the theater ho
proposed to go homo , xud to bod.
Subsequent developments rendered It possi
ble that the general xvas oaslly found. Tlio
independents hold u caucus'at the Lindell
early in the evening , which xvas attended by
I'OXVOM , Loose , McHsynoldi nnd I'oyntor ,
thejo four and no moro. Wolfe xvas invited
hut xvas suspicious and failed to slioxv up.
The quartet appointed n committee consist
ing of themselves to moot the democratic
The democratic moot'nfj ' xvas held in nn
office up stairs iirtho block opnosito the Ma
sonic temple. There xvero present A. J.
Sawyer , Victor Vifqualn. Dr. Helper , John
Shorvia and J. u. Dablman the latter from
Chadron. Later in the evening Messrs.
Powers , McHeynolds , Grojn and Leeso
made tholr appearance.
The coafaranco xvns informal and unsatis
factory. The quartet of independents
agreed that the thing to do xvas for the Independents -
pendents to assist the democrals in organ
izing Onth branches of the legislature. They
agreed that it should bo done , hut cautiously
expressed doubts us to their ability to de
liver the goods. This xvas all that'iho con
ference accomplished , nnd the result1 ! xvero
painfully meager compared to all that might
have been expected from the oxtraordiuury
efforts made to keep the affair a secret.
Lancaster's Cnmltilntn for .Spo.itccrT.illcs of
the ricclslutiiru'ii 1'rojpoctn.
lion , II. II. O.iltloy of Lincoln xvas in the
city yosterJay in the Interest of his spoaker-
shlp boom. Ho said thnt ho xvas very xvol
satlsliod with the outlook , and that If the
matter xvas to bs decided at tha proaent tirno
there xvould bo llttto doubt ixs to the out
come. Ho reatlzod , howex'cr , that a mouth
was to Intervene bsforo the opining of the
legislature , and said that there xvas time for
the mombaM-elect to chungo their minds
several times in the Interval. Ho exprassed
tha belief that ho XXMS an available man for
the place , but said that if there xvas a rouuh-
lican membor-olect who cnmo nearer tilling
the bill and xvhostood a oottcr chance to capture -
turo the necessary votus outside the party
ho xvould promise that man live votes from
Lancaster county.
Ho felt that the party noxv had an oppor
tunity to redeem itself and mnko n showing *
that xvould commend it In thu estimation of
all good citizen ! ' , and lie xvas especially de
sirous , whatever micht bo iho action of the
house in the election of a speaker , thut tbo
locisluturo xvould hold a short , actlvo busl-
uois session , extending but little , If any , beyond -
yond the necessary sixty days. Ho boned
that the session xvould bo devoted to the con
sideration and enactment of food legislation ,
uaa that the senatorial light xvould bo of
short duration. He said that ho did not
think that n maximum rate bill xvould bo
passed , but ho xvns satisfied that tboro xvould
bo some railroad legislation. Ho thought
that it xvould cover ibo shipment of farm
products , but ho expressed some doubt as to
its going beyond thnt , as no said that there
xvas no complaint about the rates charged
for the shipment of merchandise , unless It
was In ono or two localities.
Another thing that ho believed and hoped
that he xvould see xvas a material reduction
of the force of suparnumornrlos that xvas em
ployed by tbo last lojlslaturo. Ho thought
that all the xvork could bo done by n force
not exceeding 150 persons , instead of 2 5 ,
which was the number mat had ostensibly
been given employment in the txvo houses
by the so-called reform legislature of txvo
years ago. Ho xvas in favor of hiring com
petent , capable people , and requiring them
to do something for their monov , but ho xvas
opposed to hiring a lot of employes and put-
tlni ; them on Iho pavroll a month before
there xvus iinylliini ; for thorn to do. and Haiti
th era xvas no excuse for employing ix lot of
clerks of committees at the start , ns xvlth u
foxv exceptions there xvns no buslposs or
pnpors in the hands of the eo'mnittooj dur
ing the lirsl thirty d.tvH. Ho niuu that ho
hoped to sen n disposition to transact busl-
neus on business principles.
hi , Louis' Crnat Whisky IlUtlllnry Noxr Con-
trnllril liyiliu Coiiihliu- .
ST. Louis Mo. , Dee , l.-'Tho Conlrul d
tlllery of this city xvas formally turned ever
to Sarauul Woolncc this afternoon , This
completes the deal Involving the Central ,
llio Nebraska of Nebraska City , nnd iho
Star nnd Crascont dUtlllcrlos of 1'okln , 111. ,
the last tbrco nnmcd nnvlng already neon
turned over to Mr. Woollier. 'J'o n reporter
Woollier said this evening that ho xvas buy-
Int ! for "himself nud friomU , " refusing to
an.sxvcr u question us to whether or not ho
purctinscd as the agent ot the Distilling and
Cattlefeeding company.
Concerning thu transactions , nn evening
paper stivs ; "It can nnxv bo elated xvlth
most absolute certainty thnt the net'oilntiotib
xvoto niHilo on hohnlf of the Distilling
and Cattlefeeding association , or the
whisky trust , nil statements to the contrary
notwithstanding. This assertion Is mudo
upon reliablci information received from the
vicinity of the trust headquarters. Thut
thu trust htiould endeavor 10 conceal this
fact from the general public and from the
very people xvlio are matting the purchases ,
npcd nxcllo no comment. A linn selling
tholr business to the 'trust' could corn-
maud , and xvould naturally expect lo re
rolvo n much larger figure than xvould bo
obtained In disposing of It to a private
party , How successful Mr , Woolner has
been In ihK may bo scon In an acknowledge
ment that be bought iho dltferfcut concerns
'ch'cnp.1 "
Ill- ; Dunn ? ! ! * .
GIIIC.XOO , III. , IHoK. ) . S. Ellsworth , o
Chicago capitalist , has begun sull lor dam.
ai-es ugnlnsl C. J. Ivos , prciidont and gen
eral cuporlntendmil of tbt < Burlington , I'uaar
K'ipids & Northern railway. He tuks for u
vocclrcr uud un accouuiiui ; if tU'lr
Ho claims ho nnd Ivcs mn < lo n secret pnrtncr-
ship in land speculations nlong the line of
the railroad extensions , xvhcro Ivcs , tis presIdent -
Idont , had poxvcr to locate toxvn sites. .In.
land , hoxvovcr. of keeping faith , Ivcs , it Is
nllogod , located on lands owned by the com-
mnv. In xvhloh Ivcs , ns n stockholder , cap-
tired the lioi.'s share of the prollt. Ells-
vorth claims thnt SlOJ.OOOat least Is duo him ,
AM . % A. is t.iMiai..irviii : .
Cotiiillratlniis Which tluvo ArUcn Slncn tlio
Torcui , Kan. , DJC. 1. Thostato board of
cntfvusscrs this morning attempted to xvrostto
vltli the Ccffev county loglslatlvo tie and
ound Itself surrounded by muuorous com-
Upon this tie rona thoorg.inlzitlon of the
louso. The ofllclal count shows thnt Iho
owcr hou. u vvlll stand : ropubiicans tVJ , pop-
illstH ott , democrats ! 1 , Indcpuiidcnts 1. Tbo
ndcpendunt inclslnlnr li : Wilson ot .Moado
countv , Ho Is a ropubllran , but xvjs clecteil
jy populist votoi against tha republican
lomlnuo. Ho Is nn Intimate Irlend of Jerry
Simpson nnd the populists claim him fo'r
hi-lr caucus nominee , and also on the house
organization. With the Coflr.v county , tie
Iccldcd in tboir favor the republicans xvould
invu sixty-three voles , enough to organiza
ho liouso.
In thu discussion this morning soma mem
bers of the board souniod to think it xvas tin-
constitutional to decide the tie by casting
ots nnd Governor Humphrey held that the
jonrd xs not nuthorizsd to pass on constl-
tullonnl qucolions.
Chairman IJrlorioathal Instltutofl Injunc-
Ion proceodlngs this morning , rcstralnlnc
ho board Irom issuing n cortiilcato of oloc-
lion to DoWItt , the republican elector ,
xvhoBO election xvas duo to tbo fnct that the
mme of his fusion opponent xvas Incorrectly
muted on the tickets in two counties. A
contest xvill follow nnd ihe opinion seems
general that the populists will win their
In iplto of thu advipo of Governor Hum-
ihroy and Attorney General Ivns that such
i course xvas unconstitutional , tin board do-
ormined 10 decide tl-.o ColToy county tie by
ot. For this purpose the board voted to go
ate executive session. Attorney General
vea ( populist ) thereupon wllhdroiv trom
ho session , staling loat he docllncd lo bo a
> arty to rafllms anybody into the legisla
ture. bo ho republican or populist.
Having gone into executive session clgh-
, cen slips of papjrof equal size and perfectly
similar in appearance xvoro plucod In u Int"
Jpon txvo of Iho slim xvoro written the
mines of the contosti.g conuidnlcs , and it
vas agreed that Iho cortiilcato should bo
ssucd to that candidate whoso name should
irst bo draxvn from the hat. Oi : the eighth
slip appeared the name of Mr. Ballington.
ho ronublican member. The certilicato xvas
tboreloro i 3ucd to him.
When Haskoll countv xvas reached , al
though the returns showed that Koscuthal ,
ho populist candidate , had received liV- votes
o lyn cast for Tubbs , the republican candl-
late , the county clerk , 111 cerlifyluir to llio
eturns , had rovoriud the llguros showing
.ho election of Tubbs. The board decided
.hat it could not BO liubind the cleric's cor-
titicate , and declared Mr. Tubbs to bo
The other distriota xvero quickly canvassed
and the comDlutlon of thu count , bosidoa
.hoso mentioned , shoxvs no changes Irom
that published heretofore. The republicans
loxv linvo n rnajoril.v of two over all in the
oxvor house , and xvlll bo ublo to organize
that branch of the legislature nnd to unseat
jnouirh populist members to overcome iho
.attor'a majority of ssven in the senate ,
Bboulo they to desire. The fact , hoxvover ,
.hut the populists coald also do some unseat
ing in tbo senate may deter the republicans
from adopting that' in the house.
fntonicv..lni ; l
Tot'EKA , Kan. , Doc. 1. Tbo State Temper-
nuco union has adopted a resolution in favor
of state agents .for the sale of intoxicating
liquors. John A. Murray , xvho introduced
Llie present prohibitory "laxv , xvill frame n
bill to bo prosonlod to the next legislature
incoruoraling Iho state agoncv feature. The
fundamental idea In the bill i.s the basis of
thu people's party doclrino , und the indic
ations point clearly to its adoDtion. The
resolution roads :
Kusolvcd. That It Is llio Idea ami Intent of
the prohibitory laxv lo cut elf all prollls In thn
sale of liquors , and only to provide plurus for
llm convenience of tin ; pODlilo In o'tilnlnn ) ;
lldiiors under the oxcoplcd conditions naiiii'd
In cliu liw. : Therefore , wo earnestly vciiuost
the coming legislature of the state to so
ainund thu prohibitory law ns to put tlio vile
of lliiu | > r for tlio expected purposes lu the
linnas of aconts of the state who shall have
no financial prolit from the sales , bo they
many or few.
J-'IMUll ( JWll'UT.
\Vliat tlm JIliinoiipoIiH .Mill * Ilnvo ISctiii
. IiiiiiC Thu ForolRii JIurlicts.
Missiui'oi.ts , Minn. , Dec. 1. Trio North
western Miller says : Although consider
able tlmo xvas lost last week through a
Bhortnco of xvatcr , the Hour output nearly
equaled thut of the previous xvock. Thu
production xvas 18,315 ( barrels , agiinst
180,790 barrels the xvcelc before , ITy.O.IU tar-
rois lor the corresponding tlmo In 1S91. The
flour market is nrolty dull , and It Is hard to
sell flour , except on n consumptive basis , ami
then exceedingly loxv quotations have to bo
ii | ail e.
Kx port trade continue * dull. Orders are
on the basis of ! Ms lid to5s for paient in
London. Export shipment. } last week xvcre
W,160 , barrels , against 1)1 ) , you barrels tlio preceding -
ceding xvcuk. London quotations , per ' )0 )
barrels , c. I. f. , arc , natcnlii , . * i.s ' , ) dn ( > s lid ;
bakers' , ITs Uu ( jlb.i ; loxv uradea , llstl'Js. (
iXloVVIIKIIIt ( if Ullttllll.
Nnxv OKMSANS , La. , Doo. 1. The mox-o-
mont of the cotton er ) ns glx-on by becre-
lury Hosier of the Now Orleans Cotton exchange -
change issued today shoxvs the amount of
cotton brought into r.iu'ht lor Novombcr xvas
1,500,000 bales , For the llrst tlmo lu that
muiiili since IHS5 the duilcionoy in the quan
tity marketed , xvhlrli at the close of Ocinbcr
xvas tjTII.SO. bales , as compared xvith last
year , and IVJIV.W , compared xviih.llia year be
fore , x\-ns increased to 11M.'J05 ! under the
former , OT.'i.U.'il under the hitler. Compared
xvlth three months to November ! ! 0 , inclu
sive , in IbsD , the 7llll ! ! 'i crop year , the de
ficit -131-l'J'i balos.
The total number of bales brought into
sight during the thirty days of Novombjr
xx as l,47ti"U'J ' against J.9IV ! ' 73 in November
1801 , nnd I,01jtil7 ! in November Ib'JJ , u do-
nronsu from last year otUJ \ > 'M ,
rn.iXiifKnitKi > ,
lltsavy Invrstiiimit ul'u Ninx Hnulli Dulditu
( ; i > rpiirailnii ,
DnAiixvooii , S. D. , Dec. 1. fSpecIal Tele-
gr.un to Tin : Bin.j ; Another big mining deal
xvas closed here today by iho transfer of
txvclvo claims owned by the Florence Gold Silver Mining company to the Welcome
Mining and Milling company , n corpo
ration recently orgam/ed xvlth n largo
cupitul lor the puroo3u of build-
in U ore reducing at SpoarJKb ,
Luxvionco county , uud operating sillclou.s ere
mines. The group transferred covers nn
area of 11U ncres of ground on xvhich n gooj
deal of prospecting hns boon done xvlth the
diamond drill as well ns by shafts and tun.-
t t'lg , A number of veins of gnld-boarlng ere
have been disclosed , and it is bullcvrul tlio
new owners xvill IUUKO the vonluro prolllabio
irotn Its Inception , 'j'hu ground Is locutoil
bcixvccn Fontall und U'hitetail croons In
Bald Mountain mining district , nnd the
price paid for U xvas S-iOj.OOO.
ftolllnuK'iit ot u C'olulir.liril Will ( 'IIHH ,
Bxx FnxK 'i co , Cal , , Deo. I. The supreme
court of Gjlii'oriila toil ly uflli'mod iho dools-
ioa of ljrobato Judge Coffer , llndlnt ; Florence
Ulytho lo bo the bclniss to the ostiitu ol
Tnoinua Ulylho , deceased. The contest over
the estate , which consists of property ii. tlio
business portion of the city , noxv valued ut
uoout j.'i.OOU.OOO , oogan July 15 , 18SO. The
must prominent iMnimuiits xvero Florence , II-
tegitluiuto daughter of Blytho , xvho iiunc-d to
show that ( .bo hud boon acknowledged by thu
dccuasuJ to bo hix daughlor , and Alice ICdlth
lilylhe , xvho cluimed to have been rnarrlud lethe
the intlliouulro by verbal ugrcouiunt.
Oonsuiuption'o Talal Bands Entangle tbo
Ills Strrnt-tli Uoinit Supped by llio InKlilliiill
iiicniu'limciils : : ui tlio Ii-oi\d ) DUcaio
'llio llrliu Itc.ippr's Visit Ciin-
niit Ho l.unj ; Dclnjfd.
Niw : YOUK , Dec. 1. [ Special to Iho
Western Associated 1'rcss. | It htis been
letcrailnod that Mr. .lay Gould Is mifforlnif
of consumption , and , that ho is doubtless
low in his last illness. Last winter ho wont
o n tnoro gonlnl climate , nnd It was hopad
untri recently that lie might be nblo this
vlntor to get away from New Vorlc
0 some locality where the ntmosphcro
3 moro bland than hero. The development
of his trouble has , however , prevented this
coutomplalod removal , and Mr. Gould now
ics nt his Fifth avenue homo lu this city
groxvlug weaker dully. Mis ontlro family Is
vlthln roach of hurried summons , unit his
lorsonal mcaical attendants in close attend
De-tails Hard to Oct.
To seek details of the sick room would bo
1 fruitless effort , for such information U
rigidly held within the family circle. Thnt
Mr. Gould has , ns has baon rumored sultered
lomorrhncc , may or may not bo true. It.
natters not.
The health of the great financier has many
lines in years gone by been the subject of
sensational and designing rumors. This
vritiiig , however , deals with no rumor , nor
* It designed to nrouse sensation. Mr.
Gould is low with consumption , llo is wenk
and oaoh day his physical forces loss oppose
he advance of the disease. His life may bo
irolongod for some days , but his days nro
well nigh numbered , and the limit of his
ivlng may bo said now to have boon nnr-
roxved almost to hours.
At. midnight it xvas stated that Jay Gould ,
xvas unconscious. An hour later it wna
stated ho xvas in the snmo condition.
Circirgo < ! iiuldViirrlrd. .
It was learned tonight Hint both George
Gould and Dr. Munn , who for years has been
Jay Gould's physician , xvoi'o greatly xvor-
ried. Young Mr. Gould Is said to have
stated that it xvas a mistake that his father
did not start some tlmo ago on his trip to
the soutlixvost , which ho has boon con
templating. Mr. Gould , however , docs netlike
like the Journey ho has boon forcud to take ,
and kept putting oft going until ho bcoamo
so ill 111 at he could not go.
There are indications that the physician
anil family had fear of dissolution in mind.
1'ho alarming symptoms in Mr. Gould's cnso
are hemorrhages of the stomach. The llrst
of these Is said to have occurred on Novem
ber 211 , since which time there have bcoa
ncvcral. Because of these hemorrhages Dr.
Munn Wednesday called in consultation Dr.
Janoxvay , who spent a good part of Wednes
day nnd yesterday in Mr. Gould's room.
The patient is also sulTcrlni ; from uouralglo
pains in the head , causing sleeplessness.
Thnt Mr. Gould has comparatively llttlo
physical strength is declared by everybody
xvlio has scon htm during the past few
weeks. At a meeting in the Western Union
building not long ago ho xvas thin and palo
and standing or sitting , ho bout ever as a
man xvhoso forces are rapidly lessening.
.SurrouiidtMl liy ills Family.
The members of his fntnllr who nro near
Mr. Gould are his sons. George , Edivord ,
xvho xvas married to Dr. George F. Shrador's a fo.v days ago , and Howard ,
xvho xvas to have accompanied his father to
the southxvost , Miss Helen Gould , who Is
suffering from a severe cold , and Miss Annlo
Gould. >
There xvero many callers at the house last
night , but thu Information given to thorn xvas
only the meagre , "very low , " ivltn which they
xvoro forced to bo contented. Across the
way , in the Windsor hotel , the Wall strcot
men , xvho nro well acquainted with Mr.
Gould and his sons , admitted the belief thnt
the great capitalist and railway king was
really in danger of death ,
R. H. 11. Clark , general manager of the
Union I'nclfic railroad and n xvnrm personal
friend of Mr. Gould is ut tbo Windsor. Ho
came to Noxv York a foxv days nijo to consult
xvith Mr , Gould , but ho said last nluht thnt
ho had not seen him for some tlmo ana know
lltlto about his condition.
Uussoll Snjrosaldlait night : "Mr. Gould ,
has not boon strong for the pjst three years
or moro. Ho sutlers from bilious attacks
about txvico n year und these attacks are
followed by nervous prostration. Wo buvo
no reason to ooliovc , however , that tbo pro *
sent attack is moro crlou4 than the provlou *
ones , What he needs is absolute rent. "
OrcruxcrliMl lllniKUir ,
"Thero U no doubt that Mr. Gould over
taxed himself the xvook before Thanksgiving
by attending meetings down town throu
days in the seven , George Gould told mo
that alter his father's last trip doxvn town ho
xvas compelled to go to bed , and ha ba ? re
mained there over since. "
Itov. Jjhn H. I'raxon , pastor of the 1'res-
bytorlnn church on Forty-second ( street ,
which Mr. Gould has attended regularly ,
xvas n vlbltor to the mansion tonight , and
Mrs. George ) Gould drove down from her
home at Sixty-sovcnth strcot and Fifthavo- _
nuo , remaining for some time ,
Mr. Gould's condition at 1 ; in a , m , wan
said to bo a little bnttcr than It xvaj nt mid.
night. Dr. Munn xviis xxlth him.
Nnw foias , Doe. 3 Gould XVUB nllvo at
IlsU'j , but very loxv. The family ha * retired
for the night.
TlMi Dun III Itcill.
Wii.KiiHiuimr } J'u. , Dao. 1. Kx-Uoveroor
Hoytdtud this ir.oruliur.
LiMibrei : , I'a. , Doa , l.-Geortro W.
Hoiifiol , collector of nilorual ravcir.ia for thu
Ninth district under Cleveland and father of
At'ornoy General IK-usel , died tlm
at ( jtinrryrillo.