8 THE- OMAHA DAILY HKE : TITUllSDAY , DISCKMHER 1 , 18JU , Mail Orders Filled , Tomtfrrow when Boston Stare opens you will find thousands of dozens of eve ry kind of ho siery and un derwear worn by men , wo men and chil dren. You will find them in heaps and in piles , on tables and trays , yes , even -on the floorall at prices nearei8 noth ing than any reasonable hu man being ev er expected to see. MAIL ORDERS IT I I "I . . 17 r SAME DAY . _ r 1 L. L. H LI tSr WE GET 'EM. j l THE AMOUNT PAID FOR. THR- At 4-5 Cents , On the Dollar. THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE BARGAINS AND PRICES , SENSATIONAL SALEX of is0a GREATEST SLAtJGPITElR OK PRIGE1S EVER KNOWN * LADIES7 UNDERWEAR. Children's ' 5OO DOZEN and Ladies' ' SWISS Ribbed VESTS AND TIM : " White MERINO Vests , WORTH 503. IETF ANTS' ALI. WOOI. HOSIERY , DOHA ! ? QUALITY FIHS KliHDRtDS CF DOZENS MEN'S Ribbed Jersey Vests Natural Wool UNDERWEAR Misses' All Wool Natural Gray Camel's Cashmere Hose. Fancy Scarlet Fine Camel's Hair All WDQl Sizes O to SJc. Underwear , ' BLACK Ribbed Vests We llli T.JL- . Scarlet 1 Natural Wool Ladies' All Wool Ribbed and Zephyr Knit Vests MEM'S REAL VICUNA , UNDERWEAR , THE FIHFST QUALITY i MEN'S REAL WOOL Imported Ribbed Vests Gray "Underwear , ' Scarlet Cashmere Vests Ladies' Seamless Fine MEN'S FANCY STRIPED wW Cashmere Hose Natural VESTS Worth Jl.OO. /.adies' / Finest Grade | All fast black. MEN'S E.EAIj IMPORTED All Wool Gray and Whitei Ladies' Cashmere UNDERWEAR COMBINATION-SUITS IMPORTED MEN'S &WITZ CONDE HOSE Worth $2.50. , 'SILK LISLE HOSE. ' MEN'S SCOTCH WOOL This Elegant " " S UNDERWEAR. UNDERWEAR adies ' T" ZLUfr T" , ' s ctur.Tvs ULiACK AMD ITAXOY COLORED Woitli il.30. ombination F\J tOIJIl.D'S fi Ev * Ar * t nr n T , . nnrt Cnincrs uit NATUrAIGrui I. Scarlet SILK. HOSEX UNU Ji.IiKAK U Ualr Uncler\voir WOIJ'L'll $1.5O. Mail Orders Filled. -NORTHWEST CORNER 7T T MAIL ORDER OSTON 16TH AND' DOUGLAS STREETS , / \ Jrl FILLED. ENVELOPED IS DEEP GLOOM / Salt Shipments ( ker t'ao ' Missouri Pacific About Whisb. Nothing is fcnwa. ANOTHER INTERSTATE 'CASE FAILS YTltiirim-s Il.illli ) tlio ( irinil Jury In Its Se.irrli lor Inform , ithm Coiieoriilnij ' Homo Sh.uly I > e ; U-\Rent Krotoli- uiur Is Not IHsciiiur.iifoil. All day lonp yestcrany tlio members of the federal Brand Jury were busy at , Undid ? out how much inloraslod rallroid mon did not know hi a invoa spicj of tltua concarnltiR transactions over tlio line on whicii tboy are employed. If Jay Gould could only discover bow much real Ignorance ) there Is union Ins omployus concerning the business of Ills road , it is milto probable bo ivould forojjo bis Now Mexican trip lonp enough to trot some one nt tlio bead of nftairs in these parts who know just a llttlo bit about rail- rondmi ; . The trouble was all about certain ship ments ot sale from the mines at Hutculson , Kan , , to the packers at South Ouialia , ag grieved salt dealers souinc up tbat tbo favored ones had succeeded In choking oK competition completely , hi tills tboy were olctod t > y the Missouri Pacific , in which Mr. Oooreo Gould , who Is onoof tbo chief owners of the favored silt nil no , win supposed to bo Interested. Tlio transactions complained of occurred In IS'W. Mr. Chain , billing rierk of the Missouri PacilluHt llutuhhiion , UiouKhttno company bad snipped nome salt to youth Om : Ua , but xvas not posltlvo. Kurthor man thU ho know noililifg , and the most Mtilltul ijuoAllonlng of the district nllornuy only served to Increase bis ignorance. Mr. JV. . Kasloy of the Dm- n.onct Unit coiiinany of Hutculnson next dovclopcil a most wonderful capacity for knowing noililng , lie told nil ho know about tbo llutchiiison ( Toinifiiiy ( Uould'a ) , but the best ho could give was hardly moro limn pointers. Mr. Ueorx'o Jonto , who U ugant ol the Missouri I'aclllu at South Omaha , nald that ns an employe or , the company ho was not expected to know what the crand Jury wanted to know , and the nest nJToris of Mr. Bulior ut cross oxiitinntiiuiR only served to maUo this feature of Mr. Jouto's testimony innio prominent , Mr. Howard Shinier , u wholcsato Bait dealer 'of ' Ilutculnson , was KIVDU u cliauco to toll tbo Jury with what studio.l p ralstonco hu attended to his own nttairj and lot these of tbo mil- road company aluno. In tbo afternoon Mr. K. A , Uudaliy slated to the jury that bo was Sciulto willing 'to mibinlt , tbu waybills of the suit shipments showing the number of pound" in each car , but ho was nlrald the fact that tlio bills hud been burned something like n year and a half ago would render llioin of very llttlo service asovldcnro In this ease. . And this closed the testimony for tbo day. It ls possible that the case \vtll otid riulit hero , but one or two moro railroad men and packers- may got a chance to ilium the Jury off today , ACCM Krctcluuor of the Interstate Cloniinorco commlsjlcm ays ho Is list iilseouragnd at the outcome of tuo case. Kailure to convict is the result of n defect In the law , which con gress can easily remedy , and ina moral of- feet of tbo Investigation Is good at loast. John J. Jacobs , manager of the Montana lottrrv. picailod uot guilty to the charge at utln tlin uinllt it : furthering the business of a lottery. _ Ai'mulnir ( tin KlUlinrii ul DUorliuliiiitliii ; . I.umbor daalars now set tip that the Klk- born , dlsrusan\lne \ the rights of Omaha In thy matter , is discriminating In ravenof St. 1'uul , The trouble Is tbo result of the rate shoot Usual ou ( jcptcuiburT , 1B'.I ' ] , un wbioh the rate from Chluapo , tlio busing point to points in Ncbraslia cast of Lon Pine shows a Ulfter- l of 4 couts. At Alusworth the I ) , ft , M. ! u competition , und the rate beuvecu the roads is the sumo , 02 cents , tbo sum of two locals. This discrimination In favor of SL i'aul has caused much dissatisfaction to local dualori and tain of boycottinK the Ellihorn is hoard. Freight Agent MorehDUSo of the offonduip road says the whole trouble Is the result of the fact that tbo lumberman don't Know just what they do want , ana are therefore very bard to satisfy. A I'utir N.tnio i inn. \Vhon you lind a four uamo lirm you uro prettv sure of an Institution representing conIJerablo rosponslbllily. The ilrm of llass , Harris , Urun & McLain.nonr Dawson , Cicorgin , Is not an exception. It is , in fact , ono of the most substantial buslno s houses in Terrell county. The following is an ex tract from a recent letter from 'hem : "Our customers say that Chatnbcrluin Medicine. Co. of Uo > Molncs , Iowa , manufacture tbroa' of the best medicines on ourHi. viz. , Cliam- ucrlaiu's colic , oholora and dinrrntua ram- cdy , for bowel complaints ; Chamberlain's cough remedy , for colds , croup and whoopIng - Ing- cough ; and Chamberlain's" pain balm for rheumatism. " .Id cent bottloa of each of these medicines for sale by druggists. MurclnintH Hotel. iTho Merchants hotel luis boon pur chased by William A. Puxton who will in thu future give it his pursonnl atten tion. No effort will bo spired to plouso ils former patrons nnd .to mtiko tliia already popular hotel ; u moat bospitablo house. Margaret Mather will open her season of thrco nights and a matinee nt Boyd's new theater tonight. Outside the Interest that always attaches itself to the coming of Miss Mather , orn star of bar known ability , there Is'a Hood ol sontlmont in this visit , as It marks liar tarowoll to tbo Omaha local stage , her positive rntlromeiit to private Ufa being sot for Uocorabor 10. Her Jullot , liar Loan , her Crotchon , her Jullann , her Pauline , her Nunco Oldliold , her Joan of Arc , her Ij.uly Macbeth and her Esmoralaa are generally consliicred to bo matchless , She has not in her whole repertory n plav in \vhleh sbu Is more otton hulled with delight than m "The Honeymoon , " which is to bo given tonight : there ) U not ono of the romar.tlo school in which she Is given such a wealth of opportunities for clover wnrk us in "I'ho Lady of Lyons , " which is to bo pro- Hontod the second night of her stay. To nJd to these features of ploa&ura she is listed to iipptmr Haturduy iveninir In Snakoiunaro's meat love tragedy , "Komco und Jullot. " The sale of beats has been largo. A favorite attraction In Omaha comes to Iloyd'a new theater next Monday , Tuesday nnd Wednesday nights Joseph Arthur's nomcdy drama , "Tho Still Alarm. " The play is well known hero and has always attracted favorable. aUonlloa. Thu caslo U said to bu fully equal to any demands. Ono of the clover shows'of last season was the "Two Old Oronles , " presented bv the Anderson comedians , These artists will pay tholr annual visit , appaarlni ; ut the Kurnam Street theater Sunday , pocombor-1 , giving a matinee and evening performance ou that day , and remaining lscomDor 5 , 0 and 7 , with the usual nmtmeo on Wednesday. ThU company is at present playing a big engagement at Kansai City nnd every paper in that oily spealts of the performance In the most llattorlng manner. The performance Is rnported butter than over and every thing connected with tbo enteruinrnent Is now , bright and highly attractive. Anderson's comedians will present several now candidates for popular favor and doubt * lots they will bo BUflleioully strong to at tract unusuallv largo audiences oven for this extremely popular houfo. Nut from n riimnclul .MHmlpuliit. "I do not rocommoud Chamberlain's Cough Cemody from a llnaucial ntandpalnl for wo have others In stock on which wo raako a largnr nroilt , " savs At Madglnl , a prominent druggist of Uraddoclf , I'a , "but because nmnv of our customers hnvo spoken ot it la 1 the highest praUo. Wo sell moro of It than uuy ilmllar preuaratlon we have In lha tcro. " Tor ealo Dy druggists. THE DEFUNCT NEBKASKA. AVIiiit the 1'ollcy Ilnlilors ot tin ) Otil Jnsur- Niirnnco Ciiiup my Mny I'-vpocr. A patron of Tin : Bun wno holds a policy In the defunct Nebraska Insurance company has sent in an inquiry as to the probability ot there bolng any pay'msnt made by the receiver coivor for the company to pollry holders of balances duo thorn. As an answer to this or any similar in quiries regarding the affairs of the defunct Inftiranco company the following communi cation from Mr. A. U. Wyniau , receiver for the concern , Is printed herewith : "Under the otdcr of the district court of April ! ! 0 , ISO- , the receiver Is endeavorlne to settle the accounts for premiums paid and premiums duo , nnd for that purnnju sent to each of tlio policy-holders u circular in ac cordance with sucli order. Polieyholders were required to accept or reject the settle- raont ai proposed , prior to October 12 , 1S9J. Reports have been received in the majority of cases and the receiver is proceeding with tbo adjustment on the oasis sot forth. The great number of policlos'outstandlng , num bering Boino 12,000 , necessitates much labor and care in adjustment. "An erroneous impression seems to bo In tbo minds of ninny who are entitled to a re turn of premium paid , that , upon Jlling of tbolr claims tboy would bo entitled to re ceive the amount , and ninny Inquiries In con sequence uro being made of the roccivor , to which ho is unable to ronly on account of the CXDCIIBO attending such replies and the hindrance of necessary work of settlement. The order of the court simply provides tbat the receiver shall report , to the court the amounts dun , to hj paid in fuller or in part in duo course of distribu tion. Tbo report will In duo tlma bo made , and the further order of the court taken. In the meantime- receiver stntos tbat while every endeavor is bolng made to collect amounts shown by the books ot the company to bo duo to It , any collection is attended with great diflluulty , hi nearly ovcry case the correctness of the accounts bolng disputed , or offsets to notes oraccouiits claimed , so that from the general assets It cannot bo hopau that muoh can ua reuli/.ed for creditors. "Tno main reliance for the bonollt of cred itors must bo on the favorable result of suits instituted ngalnst the stockholders who retired Just prior to the failure ot the com pany and against the National Hank of Com merce of this city for an" amount of ; ; . " ) ,000 carried on Its booUs to the credit of tbo com pany up to within a few weeks of its full- uro and then canceled by the retiring stock holders and tbo bunk , Tlio result of these suits , which are being prosecuted for the receiver , and of ether suits to bo Instituted can not , of course , bo now stated , " Constipation cured by De Witt's Early Illsers. The folio wing marriage I Icansos were Issued bv County Judge Ktler yesterday : Naino and nddrois. Ao. I llunry Ilolfmlster , Omaha . , . ' 'U I Katlu Drelbm , Onulia . . . . . L7 I Krnuit Krud S.nlth , Omaha . . LM I 1'u.irl lloyce , Omaha . 17 i Trance IE. .Inloan , Om.iha . 30 I llcnru.i I' , 1'rluUsau , Omaha . ' "J i Alfrocl I , . West , lleiinln.lon , Neb . i'.l ( L'oinulla A. Gorton , llunulnton , Neb . 2J .If you have piles DoWltl's \Vltoh Hiuelt salvo will stithy euro you. Funcrnl services of Mr. Iluffh G. Clurlc will bo held at St. Mary's church , Florence , at U o'clock p. in. , Friday. The remains will be escorted from tlio house to the church by the Frco Masons , where church services will bo held , after which the Masons will escort the remains to Forest Lawn cemetery for intonrieiit. Special train will Icavo Webster depot at 1:13 : p. in. , tintl return ing1 will leave Florence at1:30 : p. in. Dr. Mary Strong , 2o04 North 2Uh street , hus returned from the oust. Notice uT CmiviMitlon cil Nebraska Stnto Hunkers' Assoohltliin. I'lxeeutivo council of the Nebraska State Bunkers' association. OMAHA. Nob. , Nov. 2.1 , 1892. A convention of the Nebraska State Bunkers' association is hdroby called to meet in the city of Lincoln , Neb. , on Tuesday and Wednesday , Doe. 20th and 21st prox. All banks and bankers and trust companies doing1 business in the state of Nebraska are olifjiblo for mem bership and are requested to send dele gates. Further particulars with pro gram will bo prepared nnd sent to each ono separately. I. D. Evnns , Thomas Uryant , C. F. Hontloy. II. jr. Dorsoy , C. W. Moshor , Edward Updike , George K Cheney , William Wallace , members executive council. IlK.vitY W. YATJ : , Chairman. GUOKGI : It. Voss , Secretary. < ; iMiili'tn | Niuv Mock ol I < 'iii-iiiturc. All goods marked low in plain ligurcs , CHAS. SiiivimcK : &Co. , 1200 , 120S and 1210 Far n am St. Real estate. Uargalns only. Myvoid is good. W. G. Albright. 62115 N. Y. Life bid ? , Frescoing and interior decorating ; do- Rigns and estimates furnished. Henry Lulimann , 1508 Douglas street. IA.M' ou suum Via Ihn U'alniHli Itoiito. The short line to St. Louis and quick est rnnto soutlu Only 7 hout'8-to Hot Springs. Only 30 tioues'to Now Orleans. Only 38J houro to Atlanta. Only 52 hours to Jacksonville. % With corresjionding fast time to all ] ) oints east tend south. Hound trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles,1 Galvoiton , San Antonio , City o ( Moxlcoi Los Angeles , Sun Fran cisco , Mobile , Uuckbonvillo , Tampa , Ha vana and all th'u winter rohorts of the south and west. Reclining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman ballot stooping cars on all trains. Baggage checked from hotels and private residences to destination. For tickets , hloeping car accommodations nnd further information call at Wubnsh ticket ollico , 1002 Farnntn street , or write , G. N. Cf.AVTO.v , Agent , Omaha. Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum , Used iu Millr.as of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard. ARE YOU SUFFERING rite J Female Weakness , Catarrh or Rlicimutism | g Chronic , " Nervous or : / Private Disease ] . IP SO , OATJt. ON Dr Sgarles & Searles Consultation Free For thu Trontr.vJiit of Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases , MALI : AND KKMAI.E. ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DIS EASES , ORGANIC WEAK NESS AND DISEASES OF NO MATTER HOW LONGSTAND ING OR HOW OFTEN PRO NOUNCED INCURABLE. NERVOUS DEBILITY PILES , FISTULA , FISSURE Permanently Cured -without the use 01 knife , ligature or "caustio. All maladies of a private or delicate nature , of either tex , positively cured , Call on or mlilifbs with stump for cnicui , Alls I'lthK I'OOK AND IIHCKII-r.s. Dr , Scariest Seines , Next door to I'ostolllco. You don't have to look twice to detect them bright eyes , bright color , bright smiles , bright in every ac tion. SCOTT'S Disease is EMULSION , overcome when only weak tissue M is replaced by the healthy kincl. Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil effects cure by building up sound flesh. It is agreeable to taste and easy of assimilation. i J'ruptrecl by Scott * Howno.JJ Y All drurelil * . jrioruriinct Habit C'urrci In * ( tovucli * ) * * fti | > uy Mil cured. Dr. J * Mi'plivuto * JLvbaaiuu. cu MOUNT VERNON PURE VIRGINIA- RYE I bog to call.tlio attention of tlio pub lic to the ubovo popular brand of pure rya whislcy and respectfully asls n. com- parlbon with any ether brand of pure rye olTorod in tills inarUut. It la far superior to any otlioi1 whisky am1. I gua rantoo u nbsoluto uxcollenco in llav or as it as itb purity iiiidltswln.lo- some oll'owoll The public is invited to call and ' .ct-4.it. Henry Hillor,01J ( N. 10th St. , family wlno and llouor houao. Esmond hotel block. Can walk into a clothing store in broad day light or in the cven-i ing if you prefer to-- and plank down three common every ] day "hard to get and easy lo spend" American dollars with ] an eagle on one side and the "Loddess of Giberty" on the oth er and walk out with a brand new overcoat on your back ] that belongs to you fits you looks well on you and feels , "bully" on a cold day , is it any wonder" that Jliat clothing store can hardly handle the crowds as fast as they come ? Say is it ? It's a fact that you CAN GET a substantial heavy chinchilla overcoat of'us today for three j dollars ; you can have it either single or double breasted -with velvet collar sateen sleeve linings heavy twilled lining and Canton flannel pockets ; and you'll be two dollars richer than if you bought it somewhere else. For a five dollar bH we offer. you today AN OVERCOAT tlat ) you never saw equalled for less than eight dollars in all your life. This coal is made of solid heavy chinchilla cut | extra long lined with double-weight serge s.vtcen sleeve lin ings velvet collar and double-stitched scams. If yoAl rather buy an ulster than an overcoat , FOR NOTHING is quite so comfortable on a cold day we will sell you a heavy chinchilla ulster double breasted cut good and long lined with heavy plaid cassimere forjlye dollars and seventy- five cents or we will sell you a grandTrle/e ( not freeze ) ulsliur "double-breasted lined with heavy plaid flannel for eight fifty that's worth an"even dozen dollars. If you want to buy one o"f those elegant overcoats that we're selling for nine dollars. GrET IT o day they're going fast. They're in Kerseys Chinchillas * Cassimeres blacks blues browns smokes modes tans double-breasted single-breasted plain linings plaid linings flannel linings cassimere linings velvet collars self collars [ full satin sleeve linings fourtccn-dollar garments at a nine- . ' , ] dollar price. Fur overcoats ! \\liat \ \ fur ? Oh , dlflcrenl kinds ol fur , "fur" little Money t