TUB OMAHA DAILY BKEi TIU1KSDAY , DEOEMllElt 1 , 1802. SPEGIRL NOT1GE8. A I > VKRTl'K.MBNTH FOH TIIK4K COI.UMN8 j " . /Vttlllha li'tan until 13 "W p. m for thn nvenlnu unit until 3- ) p m. for tho.mornlnT or Similar cdl * Ml No R < l firtl"mont ) taken for less than 2J cents for MlR the n r t | n rln > n. All ndvcrlUomnnU In tUase columns IM pont n R word for thn first Insertion nnrt I cent n word for each suboqiiont ln crtlon. or H.M per line jx-r inotitii. Tcrmi cash In mlvnnce. IrmUli , figures , Mtnbol * . etc path count n * n word. All miter * tlsoinonU must rnn conincntlvnly. Advertisers , pa liy roijneKtln * n numbered check , can hnvo the letters nddroj Pd to n nnmborcil loiter In ei\ro of 'JHHIIEK. An < wer8 o nddreiicil will bo delivered on the presentation of the chock. SITUATIONS-WAN IED. 1 . TWANTKO. A t anION AS IIOOCKKKPRH , or nl other olllco work , by n youngman 21 yours old. Klaht years' expcrioica. Hcst references. .Address It 51. lleo. " ' * WANI'KI ) . P oIio.V IIY VOUMI MAN SKVKN * torn yearn of no , Jnut llnliho.1 . college ; nor k in [ bookkeeper or stenographer. 8IJ. lloo. ill ? 1 A A YOt'Ml MAN , UIIHMAN. AIII.K TO DO Annr kind of homework , nnd not nfrnld of work , wishes n position. Address S 13 , Hoo. | 85 oO - VTION CIV BSIMNBKII S YKAHd KX nl \ A-BITI , ( lood references. Address a 17 Ilea M8 0 1 * WANTKD-MA LE HELP. _ Yj-WANTKI ) . IN AN OKKICK , lUtKlUT YOtlNO Jjmnn nliout in year * of neo. llo t roforonccs ro- niilrcu. Ono wlio nnJorntrniiU ntcnoernphy nntl | fnrrcil. Adilr a 1' IU. llco Bo * ' TJ-SAt.AltvoU COMM1HS1ON TO AC1KNTS TO Jilinncllolho I'ntnnl ( 'liomlcnl Ink Krnslnu Pencil. 'J lie moi > t mufiil onrt novel Invention of tlio nge , L | KrnnoB Ink Ihoroiighly In two ni-comls. Works Ilko mnnlc. ' 'UO U > . ' ' per cent prollt Aupnt > ni.iklnK ItOporWook.Vo Al'o want tiKOBcrnl neont to tnko cliprvo of territory nnd nppolnl iul > nzonts. A rnro cliBntotonmkoiimnuy. Wrltu fortormn onil enm- tiloofornslim. Monroe Kmsor MfK. Co. , X Ch , I.n Cromc , Wi ; . _ < 8T' 7 } XI AN WANTnno.S8AI.AllV , ONK WHO TAN Jilcnrn quickly. Apply nt ljir.llougl.Ti. < OI1)1I1 ) > AClHNTfl WANTKI ) , 8AI.AHY 'Atl WJJKIC Jly , nt t-lngcr odlco. 40111)11 ) ' 'lj ' .MAN WAN'ir.l ) , tiAliAUV AND UXIM5NHKS. Jl'crninnent plnco , nliolo or part tlmo. Apply nl onto , llronn llros. Co. , Nurserymen , Clilcnuo. t > n il 30 * TJ-AOKNTfl' BNA1M 3.rt ( Til : > 00 DAY 8UIIK. ( Jochcnour , 4513 Charles St. . Omnhn , ' lj _ WANTI'.DIJPHOI.8THH1H18 ! IIHIHKHT -IJwBfci pnlil nnd strndy work Kunranloed. B Itnrpon A Hios. , 151-155 Michigan nvcnuo , ChlcnBO , HI. MKII r TJ-.WANTKII TKN KIIIST CIAS3 COOPKHSTO IJwork on Inril tierces nnd pork bnrrols. stonily employment nil /winter nt good wnuoi. Addresser or call on Western Manufacturing. Co. , LincolnNob TJ-WANTKD , ( MIOCKHY HHIPPINO CI.KHIC JJnnd ( trocory Mil clerk : none but nxparlcncoil men wntitedj roforenecs required. Address H 1.7 , lleo. M7U1I .1 TI-WANT1CD , A K1HST-CI.ASS DHY OOODS J5nlasmnn. profcr ono that cnn tnlk Oermnn. Ituntbonrmtfur. Apply with rofercnco to T. I * . Dntlcn & Co. , ork. Nub. Mlisl 1' T ) WANTKI ) , AN K.XPP.HIKNCnU A1ISTHAC- .Oler. ( llvo rcfaronco mil snlnry wnntod. nddrcss 84 , rnro llco. M744-I * TW < \NTi'JTYOUNr. MAN TO ASSIST. IN AN JJolllco. Must bo quick nnd nccurnto nt flzurcs. nnd Imvo ( jood tofcrencos. Address "SI ! " Pee Olllco. M743-1 Tj irXPKHlKNCKD CI.OTHINt ! HA1.KSMAN J ; ltli cKtnbllithod trndo wuntud for noitncrnlCnn. MB nnd part of Nebrn kn. Addrosa. with refer ence's , Voorhnes. M11U.T & Co. , Lluclunntl , OM75I1 ' M75I1 1 -WANTUD. A l.tVK HOY 'H > I.KAHN DKUll bu lncH. rihermnn & McConnell , ilruKKlBtj. B WANTHD. AN KXPHHlT3NtjKI > UKTAIIj crockery ftnle mnn. Address .Morchnnt. Omnha I * . O. M317 2 ' HUiIOLSTUIIKItS STAY AWAY -NOTK'K : B 'Ironi ' : Chicago unit Milwaukee. . Strike on.AIS3 AIS3 * -WANTKI ) , AN KA'PKHT MAT.I3 8TKNOOHA- tiher. Apply with B.implo of work. AddroJS S 16 , lloo. MSiiU : * WANTKI ) , POSITION AS HAHTKNDKIl 1)Y B nncxporlonccd mnn. Address B 19 , Hoe.M837 M837 * "P-WANTI5D , K1HST CLASS HAIC15H ONK THAT J-Jundorsliinds pnetry work , ( lood wnitcn nnd per- mniiLMit position. Address S 18 , Hoo. M8S8 1 * "WANTED FEMALE HELP. - . LADI158 OH YOUNU MKN TO taku light , ploasnnt work nt their own homes ; tl.OOtoW.0) pur day cnn bo ijulotly made : work sent hy "I' " ' , no canvassing. For particulars ml- dress ( Hobo Mfg Co. , Hox&J31 , Dosloc , Mnsi. Ks- UblltliCd 18SO. MSU'J DU _ ( TI-LADIKH AND GKNTLKMKN , AUK YOU KAHN- .V lni ; f KKI r r iluy ? If not npply : I419 Mason t , , between 1 and 2 p. m. nnd it to 8 p. m , 017 1 * -1 WILL PAY LAD1KS A SALAHY OF $10 per week to work for mo In their locality nt lionlu , llglvt work ; good pny for part time ; wrlto , nlth slump. Mrs II. 1) . Fiirrliuton. box 702 , rhlcnBO.lll. M745-1' _ -A COMPI5TKNT GKHMAN OH AMKH1CAN girl for general housework nt 2J'J S. 25th nvo One that Bleeps nt homo preferred. M3I1 2 * I A COM PKTKNT CIHI. roll GKNKHAIj housoworls nt onco. Apply at N. W. corner 25th etrcot nnd Jones. 7li'i4 ' * , -l A fTliST. CLASS COOK AND LAIINDHKS3 IN v/fnmlly of 2 , wheio housemaid fa kept. $50' ) per week to competent girl.'JQJ Douglas strcot.M83B M83B 2' C WANTKI ) , A OUAI.ll'Ii : ! ) YOUNG LADY AND 'gentleman ' ; to tnku part In plnys. Pnymcnt no- rdlnit to ngrcciucnt. Address H Hi , Heo. MS35 3 TOR RENT-HOUSES. - DKS1HAHI.K I1OMK OV 9 HOOMS , I'Ull- B-A or unfurnished. Pnrtlci ( 'Ohm to Cnll- fornlu. Apply on pruiulBua , 11U South Tenth utreet. 4S7 - HKNT , KINIMIOOM 1IOHSK , MODKllN B-FOIl , " ' 'II Luku si. Inqulro U. D. Wood- north , 1310 ruriinni , ISO 1bHOOM COTTACIK. 3TT1 MA ON. ll-HOOM J/houso , modoin , 3lBl A Muaon. Apply 8359 Mnaon. -KOH HKNT , HOUSK8 IN AI.lj PAHTS OV .D clly , The O. F. Davis cojupauy , 1MJ3 I'anmni Bt. \ I'OU HKNT , 1U-HOO.M IIOIJM3. 2J15 CASS , / 41.lt ) . Hoed & 8olby , llonrd of Trndo. 483 - , DWKL1.1NOS. COFTAOK3 IiV' AU. D parts of tlly. Kilkenny & Co. , Contlncntut blk , 1A IU-HOO.M IlOUfllv AND HAItN 2J14 KMMKTT JL/dl. ICountio Plnco , 8W , J. J. Glbnoii , U)7 ) Ut Na tional bnuk. 771 O\l \ HUNT. 6-HOOM COTTACIK ON MOTOH line , Apply S. W. coruur Dili nud Douulns. D NBW bTKAM-HHATKI ) MODKHN FLAT3. Kllkcnney , room 1 , Coutlnantul block. M172 1)11 D-HOUSUOFH HOOMS. ALL MODI5HN CON- vcnlciu'cs. plonHniitly located near buslnoas eon * tor. Apply IDJd Chicago St. , or U S. hUlnnur , UUI rorunin. M59.1 D-NHW7-ltOOMCOrTAGH31IATH ; , HOT AND cold wntur , nil modern Improvomonti. Daslrabln location for lumlness man lu beautiful Htnuford Circle. Convenient to Omaha uud South omahi , Apply C , S. UlKUtlor , room I , Now York Life build ing , . M4U1 _ _ T\-VOH HKNT , 2 FHAMK DWKLL1NGR COHNKIl -Uof Dodge nnd 17th nnd 17th nnd Capitol iivunuo ICHvii rooms nuuh , Near now poMuillco olio. teoll.t : . Clark .V Co. M2JJ DH _ FOH IlKNT , NO. 2111 CAPITOL AVKNUH ? D. I modern. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Furnaiu it , . A LAHCK LlbT OF THOICK HOUSIIS , Ustures. Hals , etc , Hoiisus from fiUO per month nnd up. ( H'OiguJ , Piinl , HW Farlinni. ' pv-.NI-NK HOOM IlOUSl' . MODKHN CONYEN. Ji'loni'08 , wnter rent imlil. f.'i.U.I per month , J. II , M'hiH'ler , room 4U Karbnuh block. 11487 Troil IIKNT , MODKHN 10-HODM HOUSK , Al.l , X/ronvc'iili'iu'ea , live tnliiute ' wnlk poUoulco , pirri t cars pn the door. Nnthun Mioltuu or K S. bkluncr. IOH , 1'imntni at. KiO -I'OH HKNT , HOUSH 7 HOOMS , MODKHN Improvements , ' . ' 317 Miiplo ; ul o Inrgo burn ; rnnt roniouaqlo. 6W 'M' NI'.W 0 HOOM 1'IM.Tj MODiniN 1MPHOVH- 4Juiii > t , 1113 H. lllliBt. BI'J V 1) 6 HOOMS , 631 8. ' SUTIl. KKAU I.eavumiorth , Mfi ) t < 1)B B -intlHT-HOnM DKTACHKD IlOl.'bi : , MOD. rrn : 1'ctl ni'lehborhoud , fJO. fc'oicn riiinns und liorn , Park avenuu , 'S. ) , y. lliuts , S30 Ho , Hth trcot. Mtj8 aai I1-K1.AT OK 1 OUH HOOMS , lOOi I.KAYIiN. J/Hirtli utroL'l. MtI7 2 * JQ-HOUSK , J HQUMB , 631 B.SOril. NBAH MCAV- D-A NKW 7 HOOM COTTACi : WITH Al.l.jON- > uulenct' . luqulru nt III ! Vltilou siroot. TV -Foil HKNT , AUOOMKO HOUSH , ALL 4tw > uioduru Impmrt'iueiits , l'u 0h lui. ut once , tw , ISth trt. llr Lt'lttfiitliig. 'OH IIKNT NBAH IIANSCOJI PAHKt Urlck house , eight rooms , south nnd cast front , tlnlnlii'd lu unk , with handtomn manllai , bath , splendid f iirnaou. brick collam , t'lc. , if li.U ) . , ] CI iaut frniuu lioutu , etglil rooms. No. 8:111 Pop- ult'ton uva , Bouth frout , with Uutu , lurnaco , etc. , Jlrlcit house , eight raums.oak finish , with uieo4wth , furnace , oily wutur , cltlcrp , gas , tuwvra.u , brick ucllti' , etc. , f 10.0V. Klevaut hilck house , No. 3CKU Pacldo itroet.'tino of tha ilno t llulilu'd nnd cosiest ulght-ruoui housui lu the city with nil modern , conveniences , Includ- - Inn ck'nant porculaln bath tub , hot and cold wutor , Btatluunry laundry tubs , etc. . no finer loca tion lu Ibo city , flO.OO , TliO obovo lieu c'4 nru all on paved street ! , cou- veulont to ruutor llui'n. In perfectly healthy loca- tloaaad ulcwntit iiulghborliuod. .N. lllclu , Mli N. V. Llfo. UtM 4 FOR ftENT-HOUBBS , : \-FOH HUNT , NKW 7-ltOOM MODKHN 1IOU9I5 , ' npc papered , near West Fnrnain car. Dr. lattlco , Douglaitblock. M831 FOIt UKNT'OUn.NIdHEP"nOOMa. ? -NICKLY rUHNISHKD HOOM , 2010 DAVKN- 'jport. MK8 UNFUHVISHKD STKAM Uhpatcd rooms , ncer llleh school , nt 2013 Duron ort st. llcfcrnnce required. .Mrs. M. 1 > Hntlcdtto HOOMH , WITH OH WITHOUT i-'bonrd , neil heated , 62D North I'Jth street. - * ] 7C4-P _ _ ? 3 HOOMS ON ST. MAHV'fl AVK. , KtlltNlSHHI > 1-jforliousRkopplng , ground lloor. U. F. Mutts. 22) ft-FUHNHHKD OH UNFUHNISIIKI ) HOOM3 Ilitor light housokeoplng. HUS , llth st. 0132 * 7 NKWLY FUHNISI1KI ) HOOMS FOH LADIUg tJor gcntlomcn , Inqulro nt 1919 Dolgo , 617 E SOUTH HOOM , 2l 3 IIAHNKY MSIflDIS * _ _ ? -UOO\t WITH MODKHN TONVKNIKNOKy , Uwlth or without board. To lady or cpntlomap hero no questions nro nskpd , Address s 12 , lloo. FUBNI3HED KOOM3 AND DOAKD. IJ-THi : D01-AN.J39 AND 211 N..I8TH ST. ? -NlCii.V : VUHNISHKI ) SOUTHKAST FHONT t- room with nlcova bay window , All mixlcrn con- 'nnltncai. . iloard ; prlvnlo fnmlly. U2J 8. 2iHh troet. * M751 ! 1 * ? -TWO KUHNKIIKH FHONT HOO'VH. GOOD hontd I7J3 Dodge , ro/croncu rcunlrod , M74l-2t F-HOOM , FOR ONI1 OW TWO ( IKNTLUMKN with or without bonrd , prlvnto fnmlly , con venient to Pnrk nvcnuo cars , . ' 1019 Lenvonworth , n-FOH HKNT. FUUNISAIII ) HOOMS WITH OH without board. 1707 Dodqo street. M8I2 3 b'OR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. n 4 HOOM" , MODIHN CONVKKNINCKS , TO 'J > family without chlldrsn ; 2J31 Fnrnam. Inquire Mil Paxton block. 701 G-3 UNFUHNISIIKD HOOMS WITH CITY water , 112 ; 42J N. llth St. , cor. Cms. M729 6' G 3 UNFUHNISIIKD HOOMS , FUHNACU IIKAT , bntli nnd pns , 1419 Pnrk nvc. 7J3 I * n UNFUIlNlSltUU 11OOM9 FOIl HUNT , 1(11,1 ( Glen due. ' 701 BOAKDING. Filial' tV.ASH TAllfjB BOAHO. THU H Dolnn , : U9-211 N , lEtli nt. CM FOR RENT-STOKES .AND OFFICES. 1 FOIl ItKNT.THIJ 4-bTOllY I1H1CK IllIIljUlNII , JlttKnrnnm it. The liiiUiUmc lini a Hrjproof eo- ment basement , complete stunmhontln > r ilxturos ; wateron all the Uoor , uaa , etc. Apply nt the ollloo of The lleo. 13 1 FOIl HUNT. roUU'HTOUY IllllCK WAHK- Jhomo with trncknito. Knqillro J. A. CrclKhton , U'81st National Hank bhln. 40UIM7 F DOWNTOWN COHNlill Foil UAItlinit SHOP. J-KBtubllshcd trado. Wright & Lasbury , 10tl > nnd Howard , 77J AOENT3 WANTED. J ACJBNT3 WANTKIl IN KVKHY TOWN , either sex ; KOV per day. Send for olrculnrs. Chlcaxo Ticket JIftf. Co. , 83 state bU , ChicnRo , 111. _ M8J4 ! T AOINTS WANTKD , SB TO fie A DAY KASH.Y /Hindu. Send 16c for cvmpln of our now patent Indies' dross holder with full particulars. (1. Slu bert & Co. , 63'J Woatmlnster street , St. I'nul , Minn. STORAGE. r-STOHAOK " CHKAP , CLUAN , WKLI.-I , 1111 Pnrnam Etrcat. 4'JI STOHAGK. YOUll T1UORY OH CAHUIAGB M carefully looked after. Clean , dry , airy room ISth und Ilnrnoy. DruuimondCarriage.Co. 199 1)11 WANTED-TO BUY. T WANTKI ) TO 1IUY SOMU 8 PKH C'KNl Hirst mortBagcs , Hoed & Selby , 311 Hoard Trade T WANTKDT. ) HtJY.KUHNlTUHi : AND HOUSl ! holdiiooda. 1120 Dodge. M310 Dl'J TVT WANTKU , VACANT LOT IN VICINITY OF I.T Pcdford i Inco or Hodlck park In oxchnngo fo : clears. Omaha lot and cash. Fidelity Trust Co. lidl Puniam. m HO FOIl , SALE-3TTUNITUIIE. O-FOIl SALK AT A IIAHOAIN , OFFIClt Oil bank furniture , nlso good burglar and lire prpo' snfo. Inqulro American Savings bahk. lljt ) fOIt SALK. A COMPLETK PAHI3 HANCiE , O I cheap ; , 70G B. 18th street. 7U2-.W .FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC , 1 > FOH SALK. A NI5A11LY NKW DOUIlbl ! spring express wagon , horse , harness and buggy ; nlso n nearly now sot of crcnmery tools , consisting of butter worker , churn , llowo scale , truck , etc. , nil will bo sold nt agree sacrifice. Address G. 11. Tjschucfc , Hoe entice , or call utU37 : Mlamnstroot , where goods can bo seen. I-W1LL BKLL HOItSK , UUGGY AND HAHNKSS for $10.00 , worth $100.00. Must bo sold nt onco. Address S. 9. Dec. M757 4 I -FO18AL13 ! , F1HST CLA < 3 81NG1.K FAMILY carrlngo horse , gentle , funltless , weight 1,300 lus. , aluo family carrlngo. 'Jlfl N. 25th nvo. "CD 1 * FOR 3ALE-MISCELL ANEQTJ3. Toir"8A"L13 CIIISAP. A 85-VlOHSi : POWKH nulomatlciMiglno ; ulsa ono 12-hona power up right englnu ; both In good repair. Inqulro of Font- nor Pilntlng Co. , Id07 Howard street , Omaha , Neb. MI45 FOIl SALK , BANK F1XTUHK3 AND CASU- ler'scngo complete : altto 2nafcsnt it great bar gain. Apply Van Cott , jonolcr , 14th and Farnam. FOH SALK , TVPKWH1TKH OALIGHAPII NO. 2lii good condition , $10. M. O. Dnxon , 120 N. I5tu st. - 073 -FOH SALK. HASK IIUHNKHINC AND pipes , also parrot nnd now cngo , chonp , Partlos leaving city. 12J N. 19th St. 731 3) * T > OU sllLOLDt ( KrooUTANs -iXw. Cnr. Dodge and Fourteenth streets , Can bo rented for balls , parties , societies , etc. For dates upply 905 Now York Ltfu building. M723 d i' ULAIRVOYAWTS. S rullublo business monlmu ; llftli year al 119 N llith. 497 _ S MHS.Illt.M. LKOHAVl ! , PHOPHHTKS3 , DI5AD trance clairvoyant and llfo reader ; tells your Hfo from cradle to grave ; can bo consulted on all nttalrsof life ! has the celebrated Kgyptlan breastplate plato to unlto the separated nnd causu murrlago with one you love. Como ono , coma nil und bo con vinced of her remarkable powers. Olllca * nnd rosl- dcnco417 S. llth St. , hours 9u.ni. to 9 p. in , .Strict llfo chart nnil pnoto of your future wlfu or hus band sent through mall for $3.00 , rhart iilono $ i.OT. All letters coutnlulngi couU In stamps prilmptly nnsHored. ,707 2 JUASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rV-MAHSAUH THKATMKNT. KLKCTItO-THKH- 1 mill baths , scalp nnd hair treatment , manicure aud chiropodist. Mrs.Post , Dllii ) : b 15th , Wltnholl hlk. . m _ rp-MSli : . riTOWH. MAGNHTIC HKALUH. 205 X Douglas block. Cor. ICtli nud Djdgo. 1U747-5' T-MSIK. UAHbON , 1151 DOUGLAS ST1IKKT. HI ) lloor , room7 , mnsjugoi alcohol , aulphur and coa baths , MOI ) 1 * rp-MA PAMH SMITH , l l OAPITOL AVKNUK J. Hoe in it , ,1d lloor. Massugo , alcohol sulphur ii ml sea baths. MOlif 2 , LAitui : , MASBAOK , no s. ISTH "BT. .3id lloor , Hat I. V.'O 1 * MUaiO , ART 'AMD ' ' L ' ANOU AOE. ( I. F. (1KIJ.KMIKC1C , II AN JO TKACUKILN W , cor , 15th and llarnoy , llarnoy street outrance. 843 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. AV-LDANSON IMPHOYKD AND IINIMPHOVKD ' ' cltyproperty3lkiundu ! > ivnid9il to 7 per ouut. No dulnya. > V , Furunni Smith & CoI5th nnd llarnoy 607 \Tr-MONHY TO 1AAN AT IOWKdT llATKs ! ' ' Tbo t ) . K , DuvU Co. . I'M I'.iriium nlrout. WJ1 \\r ClNT AL LOAN & . THUS1 CO. IIKK IIMHI J' Mi W-ANTIin.Sri.OAN ANDTIHJST CO..B15 N , Y I.lfo , lundi nt low v tii for clfjloj security on Nebratkaor Iowa farm * Or Omaha clly propurty. \\r-l.AHGli LOANS JJADK O.N OMAHA , LIN IT coin. Connctl lllulla builness property ; C pi- Boat. AUo mullloan . ( Jcor.o J. Paul , liili Fornaui S7o-d.l5 \Xr-MOHTOAOK LOANSLKSSTHAN I I'UU JI Including all charges , CliarKW , Italntty , Omaha Nat bank bldg. 601 Yi Lr-I.OWBaT JHATKd. FIUKWTY TKUaT COil V pauy , IKi Faiuaiu BtroaU MiKU \ orMONBY ' 10 IXAN ON IMPHOVKD CIT1 propurty , low rate , A. C. Fruit , Douglas blk. \lT-V- * HAUU1SOS.8W N. V. LIFB. -"oillSAP MONKY , 8KB U. W. 1' . COATEd ICI4 Farnam. " ! M \V-7mVATUMO.VKY , 1ST AN J i ) il J IIM V""C loans , loir rata . Aim Moorj. UQJ bllr Mi -1 ANII St-YKAH LOANS ON CITY ANI > FAH ) uiortgmct. Uuoa A Solby , Ut IJjura of Trade MONEY TO LOAN-US Ali BHTATB. VVI'KIl CKNT MONUY NKT TO nOHHOW- ' rronOmah plly prnpsrty. No pitrs clinrjni nf nny kind. Why pur high Mtos ? Manor U choup Vou cr licet fall bonofll of low rates from Ulobo Loan nnd Trust Co. . | f > lh aod lloilgn. MJ frr-OMAHA HAVINGS HASK MAKBS VT onr nl ( KlMont loirjit mirknt rntM. I < onn < mnrtolnsnullorlurxasunn for short or long tlma. No commHslnn H chiraod and the Inin nro not sold In tha oist , hut cm nltvaya ba fonnd At tha bauk on the corner ot UUi nn.l Doujlai streets. tf/3 WluArttn'ATT.ovN' ' ? , RTO : PKR non lillllon.il churnon far camtilMlon nr nttor noy'sfodi , W. II. Molklo , First National Hank bid ! Ml MONEY LO LOAN CHATTELS. x DO YOU WANT MONBVJ Finnt.iTY LOAN OUAHANTRW co. ( HOOM 4 WIl'HNKI.Ii HL'JCK , SOUTH 15111 COHNKIl IIAHNHY BT. WILL LOAN YOU ANY \ \ \ ' SUM LAHUB OH SMAIA , FHOM \ TEN \DOL1.AHS\ \ \ UP- WK MAKK LOANS ON FUHNITUHK , HOilSKS , CAHHIAtlKS , WAHHIIOtJSK HKO. lPr3 OH IMJIl- BONALPHOPKHTY OF ANY KIND. / WIIA / DO WHUL / TO /TOU /ON /I KIIIST / FOIl. > / / UUKTKKMS WII.tr tKiT VOUK Al't'HOVATj. Von en n | nir tlio monef tmok nt nr tlmo nnil In nny iimoimt you msli , niil thn radiica thu oail of carrylnu tha loan In proporlloa to nmoitnt you pay , II' VOU ewe n balnneo on your furnlturo or otlior ponon.il i > roiorly | of nny kind , wo will pny U oirforvoii nml carry It in lonz m you ilailrj , vouOANHAVi ? vouiiMo.vnr IVONH noun KUOM THK 11MB VOU MAKK Al'l'I.lCATlON. No publicity or rumovnl of property BO that you not the unootiotli money unit proporty. 100 x1)0 VOU NEU1) S1OSBYJ TUU OMAHA MOUTaAOH I.OAN CO. will lend you nny sum which you wish , smdll or InrRC , nt the lowest posMblo rates. In tlio qulokoU pni ltilo tlmo nnd for nny lemttli of tlmo to suit you. i'oiican oay It tmclc In such InsUilltnnnl * ns you nlHh. hun you wlili mid only pay for It ns lonj ns jou kooplt. You can borrow on llOUaBUUIit ) I'trtlNlTUllB ANMJ TIAN03 , 11OUS15 ! . WAIiONS AND CAUltlAUlSd , . WAiiKitotrsi ) iiKUKipra , ou 1'UlldONAI , . IMIOI'KUTY OK ANY KIND ON T1113 DAY YOU ASIC VOIl IT wltlicut publicity or ronljval of property. Itempmbor Hint you can \nr \ nny pnrt of the loan nt nny tlmo nnd that orcry doll.tr ixil'l lessons tli3 cost ut carryliiK the lonn. lloforo borrowlnff olaowhcro cilt nnd see ns and you will tll.d It Kronlly to your advantage. OMAHA MUlirOAOB LOAN CO. , Doom U , Crolshtnn block , III South 16th street , next to postoflleo. TUB JIjDBST , IjAHWKST ANII ONf.V INCOUPO- ItATCU LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. - r PIUTCIIAHD , 61 DOUOI.AS Ut.IC. Ill & DODO10. L 6U X MONKY LOANED C1U5AP AT YOUll OWN tlmo. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Douglas Bt. 517 X MONKY 3D. l . SK ) DAYS. CIIUAP UATICS nnd easy payments , on furniture , pianos , llvo stock , etc. . without delay or publicity ; cash on Imud. Dun Cn'un , room 8 , llnrkor block. 619 X WILL LOAN MO.NHY ON ANY KIND OF 813- eurlty : strictly conlUlonll.il. A. U. HarrU , room lContlnontnl block M2 r ClIATTUL LOANS , mi N Y. IilK2. MOIIH1S. L. 4S3 NO' BUSINESS CHAl CES. V FOIl BALK , AT A VEHY LOW FKIUHK , T UK i cnllro state Interest In ono of the heaviest pay- Ins monopolies now buforo the public. It will snvo Si percent of the coal bills of everybody nnd pro- duuo bJtlor results. Kverybody wants it nnd will have It when noon. A Jargo business e n bo done ntr.nco In overv county. Full particulars by mall. Address Q. K. 1C , It. . ) L St. , Lincoln , Neb. MJ.I3 "V FOIl SALIS OH KXCHANO13 FOIl A G.OOO JLfarui or unimproved Nell land a tlrst class stock ofdruesnnd nccni'sary fixtures that will Invoice about $10,000.00 , In Omaha Nob. , well located and doing u good cash business. IS. V. Haley , Crete , Nob. Srt IF YOU WAST TO DUY Oil SKLL A bTOCIC Y of Roods qulclc , address with stamp , Vnn Pat ten's ljuslaeja exchange , Board of Trade. _ . M162 1)11 * V-ron SAWC , wur.T , ISSTAIILISHKD IFAHD 1 ware business In town of 1,000 Inhabltnnts In central Nebraska ; will Invoice $ ' , WJ. Addro n box 5 , HastliiKS , Nob.n 573 ' Y-PAItTNKIl WANTED , ACT1V1 ! I1USINK8S mnn with eniiltal , br mnnufncturlnx chemist. Preparations well Introduced. Address S 8 , llco. * V FOIl CSAL13 , SHCOND-KANI ) STOCK' OF JL stoves , fnrnlturo. etc , In lllalr , TJcb. . cheap fo- cnsh ; will Invoice about $ JOO ; sp'.cnild chnnoo fo mnn with small capital ; rent , S6 ; good location , Address Hnllor Music Co. J1S10 0 Y-FOH SAJK OU KXCHANGK , A GOOD 11USI ness with the real ostnte In Omnbn. Good rca sons for selling. Address 707 New York I.lfo , Omnhn , Neb. M815 l)2il A FINIS 3-SI'OIlY IIHICIC 11LOCK , 2SX142 , O T O street , nenr the Hock Island depot , for sale nl ahnrunln. Will take equity In laud. Apjily to C LovretU , t ) street , Lincoln , Neb. MS1U2 * Y FOH SALK , HOTEL AND HKSTAUHAN doing good business. Address Box 60 , Clnrlnda , In. M8IJ b' Y WANTED , ACTIVE INTKRKBT IN GOOD business , have * aBh nnd real ostato. Addrc * with particulars , S 14 , llco. B27-2 * FOR EXCHANGE- - OMAHA HKAL i:8TATK FOH MDSB. , actual vuluattou. Money to loan. HoxilS , Omalm. FOHKXOHASOBSOU HAHQAIN3 IN 11KAL o , call or write , Alex Moore , lloe bldg. ' 110 Z--IIIAVI : AIJOODFAUM WHICH i WILL KX- clmnKO foi-u stock of ucuural morcliandUo. For particulars address t , U. Coryoll , NellKli. Nob. C3J N30' rW ACHHS Ob' CLKAl' . LAND IN OSK Ol ) ' /-J the best wlntor whoit districts la Knnsis to ox * changofor 11) or ifi-acta tact near Omaha city limits. Will pay cash dllleronca It property Is good. Address , giving prlco aud location , O . ' ( ! , lion olllccs. , MiUJ Z-I OWN 100 FAHMS IN NBHHABKA , KANSAS and Dakota. Will neil cheap , or uxshaneo for merchandise , horsej audcattlo. Addrosa box 7' ) , Frnnktort. Ind. MB01 r/K.OH THADI. OU SAIiK CIIUAP , A YOUNG uliorso , ask nt M03 DoUKlns. UJO W -I 1IAVI3 VALIIA11LK IMPHOVHD AND UNImproved - Improved farm lands to exchange for South Omaha or Omaha property or for tarnis within SU miles of Omaha , Huvooiuiof the best of stock nnil Kraln farms. 1,330 ncies , half In "Inter wheat and rye , nnd 2 0 head of tlno stock , nil clear of oncum * brance , to oxclmniro for real estnto an-l iniubt pay some cash dllluruncj torduslrabla property. Do- rcrlbo your property carefully , prlco , ota. Address box 737. Oiualin , Neb. MCilH 1) 5 -WHAT HAVi : YOU TO THADi : FOIl 4-YKAH- old mart ) . Unoil driver slnglo or double. M. O. Daion , 120 N , 15th st. 1.72 y WHAT HAVK YOU TOTHADK FOIl A SMALL /Jliouso nnd 8lxl57-foot lot ; Incnmbranco , jiiSO , four yours at 7 per uent. 1' . K. Darllix , Darker blk MC3J 1 y-roil KXCUANHH. OMAHA PUOPBHTV'-IOU A/proporty In sontuorn California. Call or ad dri > s. with full particulars , U. LTGreon , room 48 Darker block , Omaha. _ _ "J'J ' y A 1040 ACIll. STOCK HANCH CLKA1I. TUB uIdeal place for feeder orstocker to exchaiiHefor Illl.UiiU stock of Konorul mcrcliuudlao. Is'ubraska Kxchango , lice Ilutlillutr. JI810 7 Z-lWAOHUfl PINK ILLINOIS LANDS FoilU.UJO stock of merchandlso. Nobruku Bxcliuugo Co. , lleo Uulldlng. MBI07 , r/-l20 ACItlM OK OOOD MISSOUUI LANDS /-Jclimr , Jor Omaha resldoncui will uojiimu BOIUO Incumbrnnco Nuhraaka ISxchangdCo. , lieu Hullj- , liitf. M1MU7 V-171 IIBAII OK HOHBKS , CONSISTING } OK 75 fJ muro * MclKhlng t.UOOtol.soO oiich.i ) ; 1-year olda , 052 nndS-jenroldi , This Is nil Ilnu stock' Will ox * change for unimproved Nebrnska lands. Nebraska Kxchuniio Co. , ilco bulldlnif. 11810 7 Z-CLKAH IlliSlDKNCH , WOIITH $1,800 , AND cash for a I3.0JO . slock of hardwuro. Nubrnska Kxchnngo Co. , llco building. M8IU7 V CLKAH LAND AND CITY PKOPKHTY TO f-l uiclmnea for business or line resldunca prop erty In Umahu. Nebnuku Kxchungu Co. , llco build. Ing. .MBU 7 r/-'JOO ACHKS IN FI.OIIIDA , 70 AG1II93 OK WHICH A/are oriin otrove i wu t const. Illicit winter ro < bert In the world , to cxclmiiKa for Ojuuliu builnog or residence property , Nobrunka Kxchango Co. , lloo bu.lld.lur. MilU 7 y OMAHA PHOPKHTYANI ) 15,00000 CASH K01I /-'IIO.UU ) otock Kfncnil mcrcuuudUo well locuted In Nebraska. Nabrrnka Uxcuauco Co. , lleo hulldlnir , Mem 7 I/-CLKAH NKHHASKA KAHMifl AND CASH /Jfor uoncral merchtiiidlso. Yulue , f.S.UUU to tlO.OUO. Ncbrusku Kxchangu Co. , lleo building , Jiiaw 7 V-7 LOTS IN A liOOD NK1IHABKA CITY AMI : 'JIWM to 85,010 cash to cxclmugu for ircneral mcr. ehaudUo , Nebrneku Kiehantto Co. , lluo butlnlni ; . t , MlilO 7 FOR HA-C-K-RCAl. ESTATE. ATA 11A1U5AIN , ! IMIOK'K LOl'3. Mils } fog It ! each ; moru adjoining 1C deslrod. ICu.t fruntit B.W.ooraer loili nnd Arbor Flnett location itu city for rsuliloaco. Illockfrom lltliHi , motor lino. Cbarlus llunlcy , 10J1 C.Q. llnli St. , orauUv Mvil OIO A.HIIIJ IlKAUrlFUI , VAtil.KV AND SKCONI „ : ubeticu laud la liastera Nobrnkn , gently uudulftt liig.ilcliott ot toll , IID9 orchard , good buildings living water , thma ami ono-half wlie-i from goot nmrlul ; good ncliool and cliuroU clou by. IVIot f. IOipuracru. ) Land In th ) vlolulty nutllu.foi IWJJUntnl IIJ.U3 pjr ncra. Farm will roadlly rent for IVXI.UI per your , cusli rent. Addre a * ' , lUrrl son.uij N. Y LifB , Ouians. MOIf MANY FAllili r'OH SALK VHItV OilKAP easy terms. G u. W , 1' . Conies , lil ; .t'uraam i SALE-RHJCTf ESTATE. iron BAI.H tut WAlifC'iiTjooi ) jxiTtiTiN ? iifb JL ricn nnt nddltlon nltliln 1 HocVK of motor lino. Will toke good uprlElitplitrin r will tell equity Inlets lots Tcry ctienp. Address nlUiiiico ii I , lloo Oltlca. 715 1IA1KJAIN. A FKW f.KnY FINK I.OTH IN - ndd. nt nbaraaln ; nnly S mln. Talk from licit line or streetcar in Omnfra. Addroji K. .1. A Co. , Hfiloiift. I. | t tit H3j * _ _ ATllOOtX ) PHH AOIIB , AIHKWfiA.Sll 10-AOHH tracts nonr Oninlin ; comoiitilck , before thay i nil soldi also 40 ncrco Teryilw for eitsli. WrlRlit & l.asuury , ICtli nnd Honar\ | , _ 610 1 Jv1JAI. . K8TATK , I Jv iiarKfttni only. . . , My word 1s Rood. W. O. AlhrlRht , ' ' MI-2:3 New Vork I.lfo WANTKI ) , CITY PHOPKntY AN CAS11 FOH farm. Wanted. Ncli. for ( Icorsln land . Wanted , Tu as land for business property. Wnnlod , bouso near pr.rk for lot niulc.i lu \V nted , purclin or8 per cent 1 1,300 morlKago. Wnntcd , tenant for 2104 DoiiKlns. Wanted , purclinorr for 10 percent mortgage. Wnntod. Omnhn for le Molnes lots. \Vnntc'd. Columbus , Ohio , torOmahn property. Wnntvd , Omnhn for Florida property , Wanted , business property cboap. C. F. llnrrlson , 1'ia ' N. V. Life. 7731 I.OI'3 AT A I . .1U1A1N , JL-blocks from motor line .ion on , Douiilni Co. , will sell less. Wm. U. Nlornmyor , Doomor , Nob. _ 751 ! _ 9WOO ACIU'.S CLKAH LAND FOH SAM3 IIY THK Mnwnnr , Several largu tracts , would make n tlrst class Investment to hold for tlio rlso In price. Might oxrhango soiuo uf It for ItiMda property In Omaha or South ( imnlin , or ncru property or n good farm near Omnhn. If you wish to oxchnngo do- sctlbo lour property , prlco , etc. Address box 737. Mli.i ! DM _ _ _ ,14 FT. DAVKSPOHT , HUT. 14TII AND l.'iTII , J'fl.tWO , worth double. I'laco for holol , warn- liouso. or small maiiufncturlng , Will build nnd lenso for long term , rfil ft. cast front , Park nve. , Improved. 51,500 , worth f7.UOO , ( ill fl lot Lotto's ndd. , Improved , f 1,100 , worth l.fiOJ. will tnkn clear lot ns part pny. oOft on Corby , bet. loth nnd nth , G-room liouso , Sl.hCO ! o y toruisl worth $ J.5W. U. U. Wull.icc , 312 llruwn blk , lUth nnd DoiiRlni. 7 52 CI3.SOC , 11ANDSOM11 HANSLOM PLA"I" LOT. 4p Jj,5 ) , choice Farnam st. lot. . ' .iiUii , cliolco lot nenr Mr. Yntcs. Sl.MW. cliolco lot , Lowe u\u. J2.SJU , cliolco lot , Lowe nvo. fj,7. > 3. choice lot.near the park J.'i.COJ. oust front on the park. S3.CUO. corner on the park , fiU.WO , bargain onSOtli KU S'.UKJO , choice properly on ICth 8v O. F. llnrrlson , UI3 N. Y. I.lfo , 770 I FA KM OF 219 ACHKS , BASTKHN NKllltASICA , SH mllps ot ono of the best towns In the state , well Improved , ndaptcd to corn , .wheat or fruit. Hnvo Inspected It personally nnd know It to bo chonp at U3 per acre. C. F. Harrison , ] ' - ' N , Y. Life. ASPLKND1D CHANCI5 TO OBTAIN A NICK IIvo or ton ncro tract close to Omalm. 1 can oner lor quick naVe during tUo coming week : , Flvo acres , West Omnhn , elegant tract , only S2.1W ) . , Flvo acres , lust outsldo city limits , with cottage , S3 , aw. Ton ncros , near now fair grounds , West Omaha , with smnll cottago. only K.50U , Twenty acres , splendidly I'tlnptcd for small fruit , only fTOpor nero. Forty ncrci , splendid tract , only llvo mlles from po totllce , tilSA per aero. Till * land Is splendidly located to recclvo the bonotlt of Omnlm's future growth. It Is oiilx twonty-llvo mlnntos'drlvo from tbo pnstolllco nnd tlftocu mliiutos' drlvo from South Omalm. Flvc * > r ten ncros will glvo you n nlco homo , sup port your family , und If properly taken care of , in fr.ilt or vegetable gnrdonlnu will pny each > ear moro than the salary of the best pnld mechanic In Omaha. You can work In town nnd furnish your children pleasant and promote employment right athomo.and whllu you are doing this the city Is growing steadily , and the Ifrst thing you know yourncres will dlvldo Into loli Hint-will bring SJUO to f400 each. Any ono wnntuiz a first class place for VT Pmnll fruit nnd vcgetnblo gardening will do well to call nnd see mo nt onco. Goo. N. Hicks , Hooui 3XJVN. Y. Llto HulldlJg. Omnhn , Nob. ui MSU 4 AN KLKOANT HOMI ! 1 > JH SALK-I HAVE Just completed onn of tUixlmndsomcst cottages In Omalm , neiir llanscotn park , substnutlully built throuKhout , with olcgnnt batlt.room , porcelain tub , runrblo wash stand , hardwood finish , spncluus porches , splendid brick cellilF , etc. Location and neighborhood nrc the finest rn' the city. Cnn glvo Immediate possession. If ycVil wnnt n benutlful homo at a low llguro cnlli'hnd BOO me. Gco. N , Hicks , U03N. Y. Life llldg. . ' 7J MS13 4 LOST. ] ' ' LOST , PAIK OK OULI > ' ' ; HPncTACLKS. 113 twccn 21et nnd Davanpo-r.tjnnd 23d and Cass'st Call nt 2218 Cnss nnd receive rjjivuril. 7UJ 30 * DOG LOST. YOUNO. DllOiw. SCOTCH COLL13Y. white breast , blackish tnlt Howard paid 201' Capitol uvcuuo. * ; i , b23 30 TOST , FKMALR MASTIFF)1 ) ABOUT MONTHS JUold. Ilcturn to. N. P. Swanson 1701 Cumlnn street , or lU'J North 2fltli , andtoculveeward. . 821-2' LOST , DUCKBKIN IIOKSK , WHITKSTHIPDOWN nose , spavin In hind foot , saddle and brlrila on' lofton NundZCth st. I eave word. Nels Johnson , L and 41st St. , South'Omaha. MS1I 2 T KFT IN IIANSCOMH ST11UKT CAIt , PACKAGE -L/oontiilniUK toilet articles and small gold sleeve button. Lcuvoword at 810 l.oavonworth st for re ward. M641 ! HORSES "WINTERED. TWILL CAH13 FOR A LIMITSD NUMBBIt OF JLhorscsntS 1.59 per head per month , hbrfeos sout for nnd returned without extra ohargo. 'Addrasi M.J. Wolch. Urotiin , Vob. 74'J 1 H ORSKSFKD'ANIJ CAKED FOH , si MONTH UP. O. U. Cans , P. O. box I3j , , bouth Omaha. - 70DJ3 HOHS1CS MADE A 8PKCIALTY. cave word at Cotton's livery stable , corner Cnss aud ISth sts , or address Frank llalloy , Ilonoy Crook , la. , S2a-li NOVELTY MANUFACTURERS. OUK KLKCTHD-PLATING PLANT IS THOH- oughly equipped to plato , polish and bull In all kinds of metals ; wo nro ulso well tlxod to do all kinds of light manufacturing In motal. Lnrgo ordcra BOllcltcd ; work guaranteed Al ; wrlto for cstlruntos. Chnso Manufacturing Co. , Lincoln , Nub , Makers of "Noblo" nnd "Lincoln" sowing machines. M137 DM HAIR DRESSING. 1 WOULD 11K PLISABKOT01IAVK MY OLD CUS- Itomers ns well as new call at Xl lirovrn block Miss May Hatekln , halrdrosslng and nianlciiro , recently with Schadoll , mllllnary , oto. 20J D7 * DRESSMAKING. ENGAOKMKNTS TO DO DHKSSMAKINO IN families eollcitod. SllssSturdy , 20J1 Haruuy St. 6(3-1)22' ( DR. C GEE WO The only tastily uraduat3l Chlnoio phyilcl.m otghtyoari' study. Too yoir practical oiporl- once wllh nl ) known Oljnuoa. Troals sucoajtully ulbliroulocisoi glvuii up by oil ) or doctors Cill and sea him or writ ? for question blank. Do mt tlilukyourcno liopjluu bjciusg your doctor till i youiio. hutlrytliaChlnasodKttJr with hit navr anl wonderful romoilloi. andr j > < tro nuiv bouarluuiU i purnianontouro wh totuuF-uaotors oionut glr ) . Herbs , Hoots and PlinW Muirj'n romudloj till medicines. Thu world hli wltnasi , Oiu thouiail tostlmontals In thrau yoarJ' prttoiloi. No Inlurlo J ) decoctions , no narcotloi , uu > rpolaa. Hatlonil troatmcnt and permanent Following casoi Bucconfu/tfiitroatol / nnl cured. Given up by other doctoral ult t Tlioj , Coughlln , 43lj Harnai street , o'ironlorhoj. matlsmt ! years , kldnoyuiid , Thoi. Culvert , 12th nnd 1'iirtum straeti , doUIIItyln,1lgaitlon , losi of ftoii'lU nnd vltillt/ . Took mudlclnu for yo in bury At no rallaf , M , U Anderson , U21 Cuvltiistraat , catarrh , aGtlimnnudbrouchltla of tlfj. 3 yo.ir > staadlux lln for sale the following V > rbp rol romotllBi at fLOOabottlo. slxbottloi forJfOa , for tba curj ol AutUmn , Catarrh , Slot llndAOha , IndUaitlon , llloodPoUonlng , Hhoum-itlvpf.Fomala Woikaam Kidney aod I.Ivor CoainlaiuL * io agontt. Sole : only by CUlneio Madlctua c3 7uupltal , il j ) , Jl OOiea , 161h apJ Califorjli' Sti Qan'n , Neb DR , R W , BAILED [ Tueth out , - ' vi if ) Ii ) L-ltOlt ItlVO.T Hunt ' 1EETH JJXTItAOTED WITHOUI PAfi OK DANOEK Al'UJLLSETOli1 ' THE I'll OX UUDBB3 POP so.oo. . Porfoot flt guarantool Toath oxtraotol In tlioiuornlnp ; . Now ouas inserted lu uvoulu of 6:11110 : day , Bfo apeoliiiens of Komovaulo Hrlflzo. r 8i308)0olinun9of | Klexlulo lOlostlu Plata All work wurrantocl ui roprcxenteil. Ullluc , 'llilnt Kioor , 1'axtoa Illoi'f. TtIclioiiB | ) 10S5.1UlUn.nl rnriiamSJi 'I'uko Elavuto.- Stairw ty fw ii 111 * Streu toutrautyi. RULE Mamma Uses SANTA CLAU fet clotlies * v - 1 Q ManmaDe Do 0510 yon ! USE ; l * &BJABi.e JIT THEGREAT LIVER STOMACH REMEDY furcs nil disorders of ( ho Stomach , Liver , Howcls , Kiilonys , IMailibr , Norroui Dlsmscs , Lois of AppotUc , llontlndip , ( 'onstlimtluiu t'osllvouatii lnllg ll > i Hit- ousuc's , Fever , 1'llcs , Ktianil rcitloi'3 thn system less llalitn to cotitr.iot tllso.U3. DYSPEXPBIA. IIADWAY'S 1'IfjM are euro for ihU ooitplalnt. Thnjr tone tip the Intornat socretloni to hoiil thy notion , restore strength to tin stomaoh. nnd enable It to perform Its function ! . , 1'rlco 25o a box. Sold by nil druslsU , or mailed by KAUWAV 5s OO , , IB Warren Street Now York , on receipt of prlso. m m H H m ra mm vtmrnmtimmm w m m B VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , jFor Thirty Days only wo will offer our otitlro stock of Diamonds nnd Chrlstuias Jewelry and Silvorwtvro at loss than manufacturer's cost. Fourteenth" and Farnam Streets- win move Jan. 1. to N. W. Cor. 10th and Varnain. ' SAFES KOU B/ , -TUB siioimisr im w-ounij is via .the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Raihva , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at ? 105 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago 319:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F , A. NASH , Gen'l Agent Truths Are JOinotlmcs brousljt homo to us In a forolbto mnnnor. when we are suddenly inudo to reill/.o : Hint honltu la do- Btrnyod , aud that wo uro victims of sonio Nervous , GhroniG Private Disease , or seine form ot distressing nnd clan gorous sexual maludios. Hut nnd joy talco the pluco ot dcgpalr whoa wo lourn that wo onn bo UR.EXD by placing oiirsolvos nndor the skill ful irnatinentof thosa Klnfis lBt3 , tlio nblo and successtul With whom consultation la always free to nil implicit tilt ) In person or tlioau who cnoloso u Hiunip for icpiy. Fonil 4 cents und rccolvn free n copy of Ui9lr valuublo now Illubtrutud book 119 South 14th Street 1 1NED. OMAHA , NED. 1)11. C , WICST'S NISIIVB AND HHA1N THUAT inont , n spoclllo for Hysteria , Dl/ilnum , I'lta , Nou rnlgln , Headache , Nurvuui Prostrutlon ciumul by liquor or toUuvoo. Wakafulnunu , Muntul Ilciiru- esioii , Koftnuss of the Ilruln , causing Insanity , nili- eiy. dwuy , death , Prumaturo Old Agu , Hiirronoss , Lugs of Power In either no * , impotency , Luucnrrhoi anil all I'omalu Wenknosius , Involuntary I.OSIL'I , Speriuiitorrli u cuu od by ovor-oiortlun the brain , Sulf-ubu f , uver Indulguiiaa , A inonth'H treatment fl , Ulor't.i , by mall , Wp guurnnttia nix boxes to cure , lluch order lor 0 hoxui with fi will tend wrlttun guuruntpu to rotund If not ciiro-l. ( iiiarautou Ubiiod uuly byThooduro P , l.onls , ilnu- glst , solo ugcnt , sOuthuust curnur ICtU and Faruum cts. , Oiuuha , 3OOO BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT GIRLS ! Then , roMir.il , that 1,0(10 , by mudlcnl statlitlcs , DIKOFCONBl/MIM'lON. ThoNCen of thin UI.IU1IT nru laid ut tu porlod butwooti iiiiii.iiniiii and WOHAMIOOII. The oncrvotfd ny.tciu nuudi i\fHA : l.II'K. OXYilKX , Inlialiid.lsHKAi.l.ll'EniidnruSdTlI. SPIICIFH' U.VVGKN'ls CO.VCKNTHATK" O nlN ! vllallty , It gives zest rind nppotltp , mnkus pure , rich lirxjiil ) . coothos and heels thu diseased hand , throat , and ulcerated lungs riioiiSAKlis TKHlirr 10 1IIK Trials FREE TO ALL. Cull or Wrlto for "OXYUKN UOOK" li'ltliK. SUITE GtO 6HEEIY BUILDING Omaha , Neb. Homu < 4cnerator. 4cnerator.DEAF CURED . . BY ELECTRICITY. . Fend JO tantitforour 190 pure 'KIcctro-Metlli-al Theory and Practice , " 11. II. JIUSS , lena Knllj , loitn. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA < Improvements Boiug Miuln bj tbo Union Block Yards Company. EXPENSIVE SYSTEM OF * SWITCHING Ho Ono ortlm HPU nnil Mint Cnin < the Country-litgpiitnini Do * vice * \Vlilch Will llomlor Accl- tlcuU Alino.it linpoHUIilc. The new nnd clnbornlo system of switch * IHR nnd intertoelilne rnilroail trucks , adopted nnd now buhls built by ttio Union Stoclc Ynrd * computiy , l to bo the moil oxtonstvo thing of the Ulnd lu use west of Now York , Tim Interlock tug systutn Is not. ontlroly now , having boon In use for soinn yours , but the t'lunt now bo I ni ; built by the stock yard * company hits ninny now features hover yrt used. All the mntorlnl for the track work Is on the ground nnd n force of thirty or forty men at work , ns brlclly stated in TUB UEB yesterday. Kugluoor W S. KliiR , who hns oliargo ot the wortt. srty it IB expected that the track will nil bo Inlii by the tntddlo ot Jnnunvy. As soon Hi the frost loaves the ground In the spring the concrolo nnd tnnton wortc founda tion of the stfinnl tower will ho put hit nnd the cntlro works coniplotoi ] as fast as possi ble. The tower will stnnil immediately north of the Unlpn I'aelllo depot , nnd will t > a of sunii'loiit. holfiht to enable the operator to ovurlook tlia cntlio yurds. Thnra will bu clghty-throa levers in front of the operator lu tlio tower , the position of which will show him ut n Rlnnco the exact position ot every swltoh connected with the system. The nmohlncry 'will bo oporntod by means of the lovers , connected with liydrmilto nnd olcctrto a'ppllnncos , There will ho thioo trnulcn attending from nenr the Union Pnclllo depot to n polift under the TJ street vlnduot , the middle ono ofvlilch is designed for incoming or out going trains wtnlo the other two will bo used for switching purposes. When a train from any road U approaching , the movement of the lever nccossnry to display n clear signal , also Interlocks all rail connections with that truck , rendering it impossible for trains to Interfere or collldo , Thcro will bo nn outer and inner signal so that should nn engineer Ignore or fall to sco the outer ono ho would still bo warned t > v the second ono , or in case both fall to stop him ho will meet with n de- mil arrangement which will ditch his train , Ono of of the most Ingenious and , nl the snnio tlino , practical workings ot the ur- iT.nL'oment lies in the fact that all signals nro at danger [ formally. Tnnt Is , itl'cqulrcs a mechanical ouonulon to display a clear signal , nnrt lu case unylhlurr breaks ubout the machinery thn danger signal Is automati cally dlsuliiycd. Agnln , not h switch can ho operated or changed except by the umn iu the towor. The plant complete will co < t about ? 80000. ; Wnen completed tlio Stocu Yards company wilt bo prepared to' handle promptly the im mense business which has , from the first day the stock yards were opened , grown. so fast us to render It Impossible for ml operators in all hues to ucop up with the procession. OrKniil7.nl n Coin puny. A corporation , organized undnr tha laws of the state nnd styled the Excelsior Elootvio 'blgnal ' nnd Manufacturing company , has been perfected In this city. The oulcors' of , the coripany are ns follows : President , \V. N. Babcoctc ; vice president , S. King ; secretary and treasurer , B. E. Wlcox ; board of directors , \V. N. BnhcoekV. . S. King , W. S. Coon , M. O. Cook and J. II. Van Uuson. The now company Is the outgrowth ot a business previously carried , on by Uoolt Brothers , wbo owned four valuable patents on electrical appliances , which they liavo sold to tho'corporutlon , and 'which covers an automatic , Jlro alarm and a system of .train telegraph nnd danger signals. By uie.iub of the tram telegraph through trains are brought in constant communication with tbo dispatcher , while the jrain is iu motion. The r.nturo of tbo nutorantio lire alarm system Is such that uy equalizing a block of hljh buildings the decrease In hnzard will materially rcduco the Insurance rate. Thuso patents nro all orlglual'with the Uook Brothers , now.mcrabers of the corpora tion. tion.The company will in a short tlmo buvo a minlaturo plant In operation in the basement of the new Singer block where tbo head quarters urn located. As soon as possible a manufacturing Plant will bo built , when ovorytuing.connoctod with the baumess will bo made right hero in the city. ku Development Coinpnny. D. J. O'Donnhoo Is in this city detailing the plans of the Nebraska Development company ns sot forth in Titc Bun of Juno 20 , and endeavoring to interest citizens In the project. Tno plan Is looked upon with favor by South Omaha people , and already the big concerns hero ) mvo either subscribed Jiborr.lly or declared tnolr Intention of doing so us soon us it can bo properly laid baforo olHclaUr of the various Interests represented hero. The Cudahv Packing company hns already subscribed SI.OOO , and the other packing companies and the Stock Yards company are only waiting to decide what amount to glvo. Quo of the greatest advantages of tbo scheme from an advortlslng'Standpoiht Is the fact that No- urasua Is the only state In tha union having permission to enter into the distribution of prepared articles from the stuto' building , A. Jlnlu Ciinuil , James A. Halo , formerly superintendent of the pork department ut Cudahy'a , but now ponoral rannugor of the new Cuduby plant at Sioux City , hns taken his departure for that place. On the evening prior to his go ! ) ) ; ? , all tils old foreman called on him at hla homo , and , as a token of regard mid also as nn ex pression of tosret at losing tholr superior , presented him costly gold-tcailcd cano and gold-mounted opera glimosr Mr. r.nd Mrs. Halo onturtalncd tholr callers In generous style , appreciating highly the cbm- plltnunt paid tlioin. _ * < UjJfotoiii The fions of Vetornns nro preparing for a ball to bo given i'u the near future. * * S. S. Kus > of Ouulnnd , Iu. , to in the city visiting with the family of JJr , Stewart. Mrs , O. 1C , I'adiloclc wont to Pcrclvnl , In. , voaterrtny to attend the fuiiorul of her aged undo , Allen KoKors , Cornelia Carpenter , the litllo daughter of 13. R Carpenter , who hus been very sick with scarlet fuver , Is now convalescent. NCH ! Lunduron , a prominent Sweda politi cian of this city , has planned for a trln to his native country. Ha uxpeots to Blurt next woelf. I South Omaha is defendant , in n suit In the district court 'jrounht by thu 1C. W. Now- fomh Lumber comtjuny to recover a bill ot ? 5UU for nidowalk lunibor. Tlio JohnS want on cane for soiling liquor tvltnout u license , which was to have been hcurd in Jiulgo Fowler's court yonurruny , was conlinucd for ono week , i The Uniforp ; rank , Knights of Pythias , will glvo an exhibition drill In connection with the co mint ; ball. The ball Is to bo a brilliant affair ana the drill will add much to tha Interest. Attorneys Gurley , Kstcllo anil Strnwn were circulating among the people yo.ntcrduj Gathering information uud opinions with ro r.'ard to tbo Mlllor casu. Thu men urrcxtdl Ijuvo retained tbo utt-ornoys named , Kdward Burns Interfisrea in u cattle trade otthoyarJa In which W. H. Adams WJB in terested , UKing loutt nndobsceno lauguogo , Adauit had him arrested for disturbing the pearo and hu was lined $5 and costs. Huph Lnndy Is an Incorrlglblo lad whoso father tins Invoked the authorities tonasUt Him in holding the boy in cheuk , Ho wilt proonbly i > u snnt to the rofoim school , Thornvival meeting at the Methodist Eoitcopal church , which bnvo boon , in pro- grost during the weak , are being well at tended. Hov. Mr. flawson , the pastor , baa been assisted by ministers Irorn Omaha. Misi Uraco lilchardson will five -a party In honor of the senior class pf the High school iu her homo on Twenty-llfth und J slroata. next Saturday ovonliitf. The company will not bo confined to tuo class , a larno number of invitations having been given , fiomo of Mlsa UlchuvdKou'f Council Dlulfj frlendt will bo