TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER 1 , 1892 , THE SPECULA LIVE MARKETS Shrtui at Unchangfiil Fijures anil ] Jlg Receipts. WAS QUITE EASY FOH A SHORT TIME December Oi llvorlc * Coming Toil I ) Miulc Jinny Amliim In 'lot Out of 1 hit Muiitli-Cofi Win In I'alr DVIII > iil. CllICAOO , Ml. , Nov . ' -llunior Im It tin' ' John Cuilnhv mill hM following not unl ; bought a m > od deal of wheat today In the pit but KOI , porlnp',2.0)0nOJbu. ) besides on lint Uicy IIOUK.U yesterday In addition to thol illrcot piircm ) e . As trailing In puw and cull Isllloza1 , conllrtn iilun of ttiu latter Item I not lllioly 10 come fro-n llio pr.n 'Ip il . Coinpirod with yesterday's closings , whdn IB TnC lower ( or December nnd do n 'ie to U lower for May : corn , iilioul ' .o higher ; pori 7ic } : lurd. I2'4c. mm rlba7'Sc lower. Tim whom market started at unclrinKC figure's , but with bis receipts In llio noitli west , woik cablci null lower domestic mm liets , with a decided pressure to soil Dceonibo llio nurkPt wns quite uis y torn time At Hide do line , however , t'luro w as some pretty liv ol buying. 'I he fact thitt Dcccmbur dellvorU coino tomorrow tniulo very lu.iny anxious I Kot out of Unit inonUi. This caused uiniMi i eclllng pie'suru of a Roatterlni char.ictc Thu receipts at Mlnno ipolls nnd tlnUith wur 1,02(1 ( curs , ngaluU 6JJ cms. for tlio suuo tin last year nml 4Wc irs twoyoirs ivco. Ilradatiiot's avallablosupplv showed nn h croufc cast of tlio Hookies of 2,107 , D0\ but wi not u weak factor , is 11 showed mi Increase li only WJAJ ( bit. In nil the points outside of tl onielul list. About llio only Item of bull ncv wns the lar o export clear inces The oporllii ns about 'jo to 'iclovci ' , rillod c.isy , solltr olT Jrcoi BO i.ioto. then iidMiiicoO from 'ic t ? iic. ruled fulily htoidy and the eloilitg wi about from \c to 'tc lower for Docuiuber Ui llvnry and from ' , o to Uu louur for M.iy tlin yrstprdny In torn thcrov.s \ a uooil spocnl'itHo di ntiind. us the wotthcr was ro anlcil as in favor iblu for the cridliis and lint sullliu wi fcoiniivvliat iesliIctcil ivlili the demand fair ! iictlxo Tlio ( li'OitMSo In xtocUs w is also Ijnlllsli f tutor. I'rlL'usvro onnllncd within rnnzu of ggr. 'I ho fouturn In o its was tlio ho iv exc'lKiiiRo between Documlior nnd M.iy ill llxcry and nt illtloienocs \ irvln ? from 5u I C ! o. Options closed a shitdu lower. Hoi ? products opuncd lower on Ihulnrgni colptsoflions'U huid , whfio , H.jl ( | her Imil been ostlm itod but there WTS IHe ! linyliu nt the ( loullno. tlio Wtlirht and Cudil oarty lua < lln < ln tlio moxement anil thcro wi a Miiirp uiUuncp. Then llio riiill/lni w. > ory pcnor il anil at tlin clo-.u uomimrcd \ \ \ \ Ikst night , lliuru was u lo s shown of from 7' ' to lOc nil roum > . Prolilbtsoio s'ow. OarKPos to HnlTi weru'JMo for mid 4o for ll-i\sced. Kslltn.itud icuclpts foi tomorrow : When 140 cur : ! ; corn , 14J curs ; o u , U'jcars ; hoj W.001 head Thu IciidlUK fututnj i.incod : ifollows : A1ITKI KS _ - - . . . „ 71 Cons .No 1 .November 43 425s 42 4' licccmlicr 4- ' Mny 48 > fi OA1HM ) " ! i ? IKteuibtr inn fi M JUS . .11i Mn ) . . . . .Ili'l ' WO M , i MM < s I'niiK- n BO II 50 It 40 II II .Innunry 14 'U r > 10 14 hTH K 'I Mny . . . . l.i OJ is : s 11 U7H Ij VI 1,41111- > o > ciiilicr ( I 7) ) IJ 00 II 'J .liiaii irj ' .l l ! > ! ) UJ1- ' 10. Ml ) . . . b .ij b 80 8 W BlIOIlT llllls- .liinunrj 7 81 7 71 May. . . 1 05 7771 * " 7 b : Cash quotations wcro as follows : ri.utlK Dull ; puces noinliitlly unulianzc but weiKcr. WHEAT No. 2 spr'n. . 7P e ; No a sprit : Uailiu : No 2 red , 7Pc. , OATS-NO 2. .IIWIIV ; No. 2 white , IllJc ; > i wbltr , at'Sta-llc. IlTK-No. J 4br. IIAIH.H No. 2 , G7os No a , f o. 1) , 4)aOl3 ) , J\ i , f. o. b. ii jnii' . I'J.AXhKH ) No 1. $1.00 TiMoTil v Hi l.n-1'rlmc , tl n" . I'oiiK Mot" , per bbl. t I 53 : Ian ) , per Ibs , $ ) U'4 ' ; short rlln , sides ( loosi'i. f7 7 > ® 7 : dry salted hhoulers ( bo\cdl , f",2)7 ! 7Ji ; she clrai sl'li'9 ( hoxcili , iVJJfiiS.Ji. \\IIISKV _ Dlsllllcts' finished souds , per K-I bUi\lt ( Out loaf , ri'iiiio ; Rrnnulalcd , I itamlard "A. " 4'5e. The follow liu were the receipts and slit ; niL'tits today : On the I'rodiicooxch ted iy the butt innrkct was ( pilot ; eroimurv13. . " ! - : dil l)3JOc ! , i : gs , llrm. trlotly frosb , yi&lic. > twoilc MnrKi'f. Nrw Yoitk. NoH l'i , ) tn Hocoluts 'in. D icka cs : o\porle , ftO 0 barinls , liK.'JO sacl Oull , uiisy ; sales , lilot ) b iirnls. Cons Mi\i-Oulot , stuuiy. Win : vi Itcceliits. UJ.OJJbu. ; o\pirts , IJ3. liu. ; sales. 5 ft01UJl' bn filturo' . 101,010 bit si Miols oislcit. moduraloly actl\o foi o\po Ko. 2 red , 70ti7c ! ( in stoio nnd oluvati 704fi77o nllnut : 77'i7ho f. o. b ; No. .1 n VUJGrtiC ! niiKraacd led. 7l7Jiici ( No. iiotlburn. h.P'iiSJ'iu : No 2 northern , TUitTU1 No. 2 Milwaukee , 7".fl7"4c : No a sprnur , ' , TJVtC. Options were moro actl\o and 'I'B lower ; openliu weak nnd doolluliu ' u o islei cables , ( oroUn soiling and lontrs to i IIIK. aiUnn liu fioin ' o to ' o nlilrihu n nnd shorts cnvcrliu. doallned > iu on oae Into c-iblus and fciiol n solllnr. It ulltu clih Bwltcliln . No. 2 Di'eomboi , 7ifc"liV ( > , clos at 7biio | ; Jnniiaiy , 77'51377'iC1 , closlnz at 77' Minch , H31 , < 3S8c ) cloblni ; at S iiC , May , b. ' b.lfeC , I'losllIK IUh."jC. UYK Dull : weau. liAiir.r.v-ijniet. llAiii.r.v MM.r In.u'tUo. Cons ltooolpth.JO.uoii bu , ; r\porlB. 20' , 1m. : sales , l.uiii.Oltnm , nt futures , 28.0JO bn , Btiot. hi ots linn , dull ; No 2. ftll'to ' In fii , (2ftl'oiilloat ( ; ; nnci ided mixed , 4'Ka'iJVi ' ; : J. 'Jc. ' Opt'ons were mo leiatcly ai'tlvo , c IH Urm at 'no iiduinre , declining early > < 0 with wheat and cables uasloi , reacted 'iti on uiifavorablo wunthoi reports und in i'learaiices ; llDcomboi , ftO'1'i4' ' > ) 'ac. closhu CO'.o ; .lanuaty , ftl'4'iiil'e. ' closing at ftl' Mny , VP4rwl ( jc % closiiu atftlSc. OATS Uucelpis. : H.IM ) bu. : exports , ftrt I Biios41\ojjbn fiiiiuoi , bl.oji ) hn , bpot , f-p iiiilel , niHinl Ilimut ; options faltly net lirmor : Doeumhur.Ki'iciill'tc. ' eloslim atai1 Jaiiiliiry , .ff'jiuV'rj'jP. oioiliu , : i ? jc ; M iy , 4(1 ( ll'ie. closlnn at lii'.u ; Hpot , No. J. wlntu. 4J'4o : luKoil wi'sturn , 'Hifftteo ; whllu woste au'iHiiRot NO. suiiierti'oi : ; " ( ; . HAV-Demand fair : shipping , OoWcj KI tocholci7WJJc. . llot'rt-Dull , Htondlor ; stito. common clmlco. ISir.'lo ; I'lelllacoist. I7S 4u. bufiAit Unw dull but Urm , no sales ; roll active and llrm. Moi.tssbs Now Orlinns dull nnd Itre.'iil open Knttlo now , RDOI ) to eliolcc. 2si2ljrc. Itiui : tloud ( lomniiJ , ytuudy , i : ( is rirmerii9tcin , frob , 20'yit.T1 Iloculptb , 4 M.l Dk.'ri. llitn.rt lniictl\o but steady , I'diiK-gnlut nml ( Inn , uul mu.its flrnis ir dim dull , liiird nnlnl but lonur ; west Btuam closed at > . < / ) hid : haluu , nn llei nt ( I0.lftt opllons.h ilob , ' . ' 5u tierces ; IJuccinl 1945 ; .lauu.iry , fJ.4.1. llUTTMt-Quua and nnsotredj HUln , : : il4i' ! . UilEi'sn I'lrm , moJeratuly aetlve ; 11 klms , hii1)- . I'm litoN Qitlot nnd btoady ; Amurlc II10 an.w. CoppEit-rirm ; Itilfp , fl2.U0112i : ) . liKAD-DulI und may ; domi'slli(1,70 bid 'UNbtcujy ; utialxlils , fr.LUJ bid , st l.ouU BT. LOUIK , Nov. ao. ri.ouiiDull nnd lo cholcis Jj.l.V3Jij ; fancy. tLwil"t ; v\ fancy. H.OMtll.1 ; p Hunts. WIH.TVunt oil 'Jo n.irly. but rccovoi then dcullned and closisl Vu c below yesl day ; and November. tiio ; Dorum Wtej Jii'iuiiry , ( OliOdO'ici 11 iy , 7iUo. ! " UOIIN Ouili. hltihor at 4lo : options staa Ilceumber , u > Ue : January , : uut ) May. 4 I'ic. OATrt-III MICT : cash , 'Jl'Mfi o ; No > cm Ulct May. a5'4C. KVB-Dnll at 4741 ISo. llAtiun No a ilus. IllUN I.OHCT at ( lie. east tr.iclc. IlAV I'lii'liiiiiacdi pralrlc , i'&Ofi-'J.VJi tli thy , | ioiiHtOi ) ! ) . I.KAli-Dnllj SJ.M aaUod. - vl'l.AX btmi Qulcti II.UO. llurrfcii I'neliau.'od ; croamorv , IGtt koos-l'iuhiinircil nt22ljo. lbliNMllAI.-Qiilvlttl.hS. \\TMiJii. SI end y ; JI.IO. llAiTui.NO AM ) t'ovroN Tii-.a-Unoliuniod , I'utiVisioNS ) 't'ry .ijulft. mth uniy a trade nt pruvlovii iiiotjlon | | ; 1'ork In loin. * UU)40l4.7i. l.nrcl , IU.-'xIiari' . Dry i loose shoulder * , K.i-U : I ones and r K.67 ; bhorts , llQr slrlis 17.00. lloxi-d totH more. Ihil.i moitH , btuon slionldem. * ' lonua and rlba , IMbili ; shorts. Jil'JUl r IH75i mwur cored hiins. Ju.'i.aiJ.'VU. 4,000 bblb-i wheat , 01 liu : corn , IIJOOOl > u t o&ts. 55.00) bu t \.4,000 Un ! Intlcy. ll.OOflbu. . s , . Htui'MBNTS-I lour , 12.MJ ) bW § whcdt , ( W.OOO bn i corn , 41/W oil , ! oati , , MXJ ) bu. ! ryo.8,000 bu ; batlcy , 1,0) ) bn. Oinnlit Produce Thcro was in nlr of niilot porvadlns Iho nrodiico market Trrsli rocclpts were not Inrci' . but there wns an nbjcnco of UIITOM nnd olTcrlnas < 1H1 not inovo in frooty u < doil- crs llko to SOP. Tlinro Is still aconilrtorimo amount of Th inUs lvlnn ? todk. especially tnrkoys , rcmiilnlmt on the m irkot , nlthouKh orory effort io lfolo h.ii born mntln to o o-ui Hup. Oinahi win not the only niarliot that had aTh uiksjlvln ? Klut , but the mme condi tlons. wllho.ily slight variations , we Icnced In all the leidln ; markets exit , us far as llostnn It would appear Ih-it snippers were slow this ye ir In Kottlns In tholr ship- iii3iil9. The early aiilvnls wore light ami the lonsonupnt hlah prices Induced shippers to send In ovorythltu tint they could put their hands on. It was the late hlpmont' that swamped the m.irkets ut tlio country , At lloston the rocolpts of turkeys wore k'rniitor th in over before bv ( VOM p ICKHKCS Ai'1't.M At Now iork thodom mil forapple1 has been light of la'.o. lull as tlio Reason ml- vinces llio position becomes voiy stroiiK ant Iho oiltlooU Is favorable fomtlll higher ptlcci as the rocolpts fall olT. Apples nro plenty al Chicago but they are not looking for nny mor. shipments there as the prices are BO low th it II docs not pny to ship from the east , block' ' In Oniahiarc fulrbut not i ) as to dc press the market and It Is anticipated tin1 when the weather becomes savcro onouali t ( prevent shipping there will be a tcndenoj toward llriunObS. Quotations are : C3oo stnok.J.l.VXiM Ol ! choice lo fiincy. JIOviil.2i IIAJ.AHTlm demand Is mil very heavy a this season o\ceplltu for the liulldiy tiatlr Stock Is nthor green on .inlval nnd docs no ripen upas vviillis ( lurlm warmer weather CJuntillons moI'alr toKoodshlpplm ; stock tJOO'ilM ) pot bunch. , lit rTUt There Is not much to nud rogarJ IIIK Ihobntli'i- irkoU conditions ronmnliii prar-tlc.illy unohiiiiJed The countiy nil coming to market sells l-irgoly at Uttlu raucy grades would SH at ISO nud pos-tlbiv a lijBli as JOe Uroamory butter Is ( juoted at' ' CIUMII.IIUH.S The trade lu cranberrlos till seas m has been he.ivlei tlinii for year past , 'I ha Jobblmt tr.ido In thorn has bee especially ttood This mav bo duo Input I the fact that tlio nil illty of the stock thlsyo i bus been vcrycood nml has given i.oiinr.1 sit faction , thus itlniulniln ; the domam QiitiiailuiiH me : Holland cherry , ? S in PC bbl ; boll and buttle , W OJ : Into Tape Cod , $ J 11 I'lSl.l ttv The ( .rout iiuantltv of. Infurln celery which \vis shipped In for Iho Th.inks irlvlng trade Is pretty much cleaned up now 'I he piospeets are th it future shipments wl I ( of bi'ltot qifillty De.ilor * nro not d penO out UDIMI ICiilaina/oi ) [ or supplies to the o > tent that they oneii were , Al the present tlm ciliiallv good stock Is belli , ; grown at noin : points , especially In Iowa. Quotations at < is-Tlio m irl.ot Is stcidy at 2tc ff strlctlv flush stock. " tsYd storage iroquole at15t."Jc. . (1 ( < MK The rvcolpts of cnmu nio hoivv , oil them Is a shipping ilum ind I'U u unnuili t keep sioeksfnilIv wellclcincd uu Quot itioti nio : I'rilrio chlekiuis , $1 ( liftI riO : sioim Mm. ( | ii ill. lir > J : WIIM , SMIJ : jack su pi tlSf&l'At p'ovor , tl.uu ; coldcn plo\e JI2ViHH : luck due Us , J'J ' 0 l P'.OO : ted head dueks $1 OJ : mull ir ducks H75 : lilitu wlni toal. fiOO : green win teal , tl.YXiSI 71 ; mixed ducks. Jl.iU : Canad cee c , { 30iiT7.1) : small pccsc , $1 Ot'a. > 00 : jac iiibhlts. J40)ia42.i ) : small r.ibblls. fl.J.ltV siiltrels. | S 1.2.1 : antel'ipe suldles. lHflllcdcc S'lndlcs 15 < allio : antclopo e.ircnssouaio. ! . doot c uoasscs , 10Ql2c : live plRoons. JI.2JWI.5 OitArrs There arc veri faw i.ines left o Ihu m.irket u\eopl catawb is and It Is not i" peeled that th y will List much longci. Uhli ago reports that this week will SPO the end ( tholrsupply. Mill IKII Rrincs will bo the Ini Ing fe.itnto from this time on. A shipment < M ) bhls of nrs e\iccled ) to nrrlv o hei this week and It Is limn do ilei were plac : i their orders foi the holldu lr ide. llosrv There Is a f.ilr trade on honey an the supply on thu m irket Is notlu o. Uoc while uiovoi | s quot ud Jit IiitJITc. LEMONS II Is coming time when now Icmnt wld commsnio to move moro freely and lart an Iv als are anticipated at Boston. Now Yoi and Now Ur.cans. 1'or reason lowi prn us ate anticipated after Jantuiy 1. Qtii t itlons are : Malagas , iUOJQ'j.M ' ) : mcsalna S i .1 C47.0U. Oifcitiis 1'ora woclc or o after a holldti Ihtro Is almost luvnil ibly a fnllliu on lull 11 ado and tint holds good al llio picsont tlm A cootl m.iny ret ill dealers laid In heiv stocks for Tli ink3lvliii on account oi tl ehc-ap ptlpcs and ilioso blocks have not bet entirely dlspOM'd of yet. I'r cis remain in cli inged at I VS-'io pel can. OMiiNi I'liorn au evidently moro onloi In Ibis boctlon of the country th in any oi had any Ido i of thlrly diiys ao. Iho duman nothcav yarn ! blocks move slow | In ptevions jo us when the pen o eroo w , larjro onouijli to admit of bhlument belr mndo south. It was a common thin , ' towoi otf a good many onions to p-irtlca who woul take a few In with a ear of potitocs. As i shipments of this kind are ben ; m.idn ih dum mil Is cut olT. Quotations nru : Horn crown. Sjc ; bpanlsh , $1 HO per crate. ( Jit\viRs As noted previously. Tlork oiangus have been late Ibis season and tl Hrst shipments were not ripe onoiuh. Yoste duv a car unlvcd that was of good quilll and It Is ovnoctod th-.t the iju uily will 1 sithfactory from this time on It Is reporti that Ulvpisldoor.mges will bo ready foi m i ket very shcrtly. as they mo said to bo abe throe wuoks earlier this yoai than nsu i They are not likely , however , to cut any li tiro'In IhlM market until afier .laniiary When the I'loridasaro good they HSU illv t il precedence over California oranges. Quot lions aio. riorldas. $ .1 75. I'oi Alois Mocks have already boon 1 ild by the majority of city leuil doilers u from now on the prospect Is tint tlio tra will bo limited In a zicat do rco to the sale small lots from storo. Quotations are : lloni Kiovm , UVi 7ic. ) Utah and bait L ike , 81c. I'oui.Titv The tridowihiiot hei\y. stoc Kcmji.illy minliiK sloniy and ut low ptlci I.l > o vhluUuiiitsold mostly at tic and drrbsod 7iisc. ( TiirKpis were very slow it ( / & ' than htilctly flush stock ml lit bo nuctod atn < ! 4 I , he luikojs soul nnywheru fioin li'itMCtut and ducks wcro < iuotcdav hijJJe for dressi The best bid m idu in u shipment of ll'.cj KLL was be. \ \i-Bn.all fat \oals. 7c ; taiga anil licav 3 < 3 ' > e _ Omaliu IlldKS nun tnlloir. HIDI-S No 1 prcon , ! 'to : No.lKroon Rial 431140 ; No , 2 1 i-i'ii salted , 2'4o to JciliC ! ; 1 crccn suite J , 25to401bs. 4 > 4c ; No. J i-'iii sailed , 2" ) to I J Ibs , , i'4e ' ; .No. I vo il c tlf , S to : No. 2 xeal calf. 8 to II Ibs , 4e , No diy Hint , ( ! c to 7c ; Nc. 2 dry Hint 4u to . ' > c ; ! 1 drv suited , fto to he. I'art uured lildoi oi : h ilfi out per pound lu s than fully oural t-iin p 1'iUiis ( jioen biltod , each .l > ol& Rrocn b t ted slioirllius ( ahoii wooloJ o u skins ) , u ich , \ ' J . ' ' < c ; diy shcirllnxs ( she woott'd oarlv skills ) , Nn 1 , o it'll , riifilO' : d hhciillius ( shurl wook'd ear.y ttklusi. No each , ftc ; div Hint Ivunsis an. I Nehris butcher wool polls , per Ib , actual weight , ( iill'ic ; dry Hint Kansiuiind Nohtaskami rain wont pelts , pur Ib , actu il woUht , SQL diy Hint C'olor ido imti-hor wool nolia. per 1 aitiial welibt , lOQIJ'iu ' ; dry Hint Colorj miirialn wool p.ilts per lb..actuil vvoli ; ! Wib c : diy pieces an 1 buoits , acluil weU 7 'Jo. ' ll.ivo ( D a cut nil , , ib II Is Ululcs-l pav froUhton Ihom TtM.ow AMI ( iiii.Aou Tiillnw. No , 1 , . " . ' . tallow. No. 2. .liW' u. Kro.ibc , whllu A , ! ' . Kroisc , white 11. , P4a ; ru iso , vollow , 'ni isi1 , dill ; , 2'lu ; old biittor , 22 > J < jOi DC wax , pi line , IbltJic ; rmuli tallovr , 1'j'tMc. Munrlii'HtriiiiiuiKtri lal Koinni. M x-.cni'SThii Nov , 'lThu Onar.llan , In commerulal uitlelo siys : The murlcet t iniur. 'Ihoru l llttlo tradu In any of the partmunls. The ro ictlon in intion has duced ptoduonrs who wcru maUltiK o\tro prices lo nmdurato lliolr Iduus The pro-c position nf the mm ktit Is abnormal n dinieult to estimate , Thu iinouitUlntlos Kardlnff the duration of Ihonauos dlspn tlm aC.mlttud douots lujiirdlni ; ihu Amuik crop and th ? uncertain losult of thu Inton tlonal monntary cnnfcrnnco constiliitu iiol ofdllllculty In KUazliu future uiloos. Mai facturorn are not disposed to ontur Into i Kiit'omcnts for the future There Is u bet Inquiry formodlum slilitlius foi Calcnt 'Ihuio aio few transactions , howovur , n coiurillv orders for India are return lluslncbs foi riouth America IH In iclUo So oideri aru holil aualtliu ruiiutlanees 1 ndtaiicod pilcus pnuunt othiM ordurs fr buhu n\eoulcd Homo buyer * aru emu on iiLconnt of Ihu suon Hpuuiiliition In cot and doubts ru uidln ; thu strike. rt Oil .Mnrunt. Nisw YOIIK , Nov. ! iO I'eTiioiiEtiM Mar oiiuiii'd dull and continue i MI ihroi.ulii. 'I radlu i was rather moiu ai-iUc. this bo Hwlluhliu dny. Opi'iiud at cu c ; hUli M\a ; loniat and i liHliir' , SJUo. bwltch clntrKCk were I3 * par cent , al which 1 ic.oxtb were ilono I'oniisylvanl i spot oil si none ; Dcc'umbor opt Ions ili'i , W.UJU bhls , 1,1 oil hilcs , none ; 17chld ; total ba us , lJiOJ3b COTTON -im Oiii-Qulut , Urm ; urudo , U2& TALi.Ott Dull , nominal , UoM.N-Qulut. hteacly. tiMS Uii II. steady. . NOV. a ) , \LuurrA LINSUEII ao per iiuuilcr. C'otlvu Alurket. NKVV YottK. Nov , , ' ! ) , Options opened fl 5 to 11 points hlghur. cluslni linn , aiti point ! ! up : baits , JJ.SUJ hiu'S , Inoliidlngi i cuinbur. JlilIliKftilil.ri. ) : January , J.du'nillil 1'ebru irv. lll.u5Oin.2J ; M iroli. fl' > UVi ( > lU May , Jli.ivViT ) U.10 ; beptemher. ill.ll.lHl.i.tU ) fa HJo.jiilet , llrmerj No. 7l7.00tj.l7.23. SlOUIv-i AM ) I1DNDS. Nuw Yoitic , Nov , W ) . The block miir wasfoverhh und unsettled throughout dny at the opening prices , declined fraetl ally all nroiinJ In Dvmpathy with the lo ib quotations from London , but gubbunucntl Its llrnior tone orev ailed and nn advance of fi io s , 'i par cunt to ! ' per cent ensued. Ann the railwayii. Lake bhoru udvuucodPi cunt , mid Heading and Now I'uffluud fi cent , while American Industrial , Sugal' , I KM tilling ami Cuttlcfeedlni ; , Chicago Dm canh improvfiJ about n point. Moderate purclmso * for Iiondon account had a tendency to 'atrenKthou Iho market. Durlntt the afternoon thn belief tint soul exports will ho mndo Saturday \ra stionpthcnod by the withdrawal ot (100,000 In Rold from the nub- tro.lBiirv bv lloldclbnch , llokolholmcr t Co , ottonalbly for the purpose oC nioorlalnlns the exact w eight of the gold now bolnj pild out by the R0\crnmcnt. flio report of Jay Ooitld' death calncd wide circulation before It could lie denied by his sniK , and a determined attack was mndo Upon the stocks conorally known , as the ( lould favorites. Missouri I'aclllo broke from ft7' to BS',1 nnd Wcilarn rnloti from 0' to 8li ? , Tlio ronmlnilor of the list sympathl/od. bntoiit'ldo nt n few stocks the decline was compiratholy small. 'Ihu general market closed llrm Iri lotto. The Post sirs ! There Is hut ono conclusion to bo drawn from a mirkot such as Jod.iy's. Him coisod for the tlmo to rolloct any thins but the terrors of simple minded sp.'CiilntorH who BOO ffhost In o\cry corner and only await a hint from some professional dealer In scares to l.olluvo lint all Is lost. The followlnz nro the alcMlhgniiCliil'on ! for the lo idlnit stocks oil the Now York tck Kx- chatiRo today ; . 'iotil silos of stocits tod'iv were 411.00 sliaios. liiL-lndliu : " Alehlsoii , l'W'tUlilcim \ (5 is , H , JI2 ! Urlo , l2i2V InUo t-horo. L',110 I.onlsvlllo , . Naslnlllp. 5.701 ; Missouri 1'iicinc 17.4W ; Northern I'licldo iiroforreil , U41.1 ; NUH England , 3 MM : Hoaillnc. M tn ( ; st I'aiil.-'D , H12i L'nlon I'.iolllc. 111.211) ) , Western Union , 10,811 Vow \nrk Money Murlcpt. New VOUK , Nov. .W Musnv ON Cu.t- rirni , i.inuliiK from .1 to fi por-oont : last IIMI : i per Lent , and closlm ; oircroil at .1 per cent. 1'iilMB MHICANTII.I : l'M'i.ii .VJO per cunt. bTriiMsci I\UI\MIE ; rirmltb actu i business In btuUors' billat if I RV jai S1\i 10 OJilty bills nml and $1 f-sfftLbs'i for demand. ' 1 ho clos MS iiuot.itlons on bonds : 1 Inniivtnl Nines. NEW YOIIK. Nov. aj C oarinn's , S120'J77'I7 ' ( u ilancob , $ JJ 4.7 M. I'Aitu , Nov. v ( ) Three par cant rontos , 9JI 2. > o for the account. IlAiAiMOHf , Sid. . Nov H ) O'o trims. $2,073. 010 : balances , ? IU.,24J .Money , U tier cent. HA\VIS.XA. Nov. . ) ) . Spinlih ( ? old. fjnl'i ! 2..V > ; OYulian a. quiet ; siu u. nothia done l'iiitAiii.i'iti\ : . . Nov. ai Oleirlii3s , $11 , 4ll'Jl : balances , * JIU14S Jloney. 5 per con MEMPHIS. Tonn . Nov. H. Clu irlnjts , $ jOi ! > 7.l : biliiuos , $101 , 4SS. Now York o\ohanj soiling at pat. NKW Our CANS , Li. . Nov. a ) . ( Jloirlni $ J iVSS7l. New I'ork eYchin.n , commciclu $1 50 par ii.OJO discount ; bank , pir. HOSTOV. JIiss . Nov. ,1) ) Olearinss. $17.8)1 ) 2Us halan-cs $ l.0i"i. 7. Mondv , TJi percen I'.xch 111:0 on New Vorl , , p ir and 8u piumliin The o\ch in0i for tliu month anfoiinteJ t llVUirt.slfi : bilaiicos. ilSiM.2J < J. CIIIOAOO. 111. , Nov. , ! i. Otoirln.'s { 10 , ISIOI Now York u\eh inse , 21j prcinluin. hiorlln ovjbau o , stron ; : at * ) Si3 ! for slMy-dav bll and $1 ha1 J for demand. Money eisy ut Ui percent. f > T Louts , Mo. . Noy. a ) . Glo irlnss , JI.UO rr > S , b ilancns , tlli.Ui ) . C.oiriius this mom tlOVKHnm. biluncci , i I.USJ.OJJ Clu irlnss fi ccirnsponJIn month last yuir. fH..Mi- ! ! ! balances , if 0,2li'U7. Incroisa , $ ! ( ' . hJ.fiJC K ) ' : pel cent Monov , qulot , ( < ® r per con I'xehan o on New Vork , p n. MVK h TOOK -MAISKMS. M\iMii ) > ur Closeil mill 1 inr Snppllns .11 I'liLcsVcll .Miilolnlni d. OsntiA , Nov. ao ItccelptH for the east thr days fool up I2ij ) cattle , 2M U ho b , and 1 , ; bhcpji. ajrilnsl it , l-lcatlle , 17'ltl hojsand ' . bheep the liril h ilf of I ist wock. I'hu folio. Inittible Klvusthu .N'ovuinbjr receipts , wit comparison : / Cattle Hojs. fchco Itooolpts for November hJSM IJJ.JI7 21,1 llecelpta forOetohei UJ.OI7 ll.'ih.4 n.4 Ito ulptsfor No.-cmhor'lll ( I ,7W 14J'Ur ' 1 ld Itecolpts past 11 months Cb'.iui l.ini , lil IT.'i.l S-iino II months "f IsJI 'jltf.'HI 1,111,011 IVI.J Incioaso thlsic ir. . . .1I7.IBI 10 > , : iJO 15 , ' . The cattlu mirketwaa not Inciv ROI bhupu. Ueculptf wuio llbuial and made i very largely of very ordinary cnttlu. The were absolutely no k' lo cho eo beef eatt huio altlion h Ibusn woiu in Rood dumand in would havosold atrUht uioiiudsloadv pilci On the shut fuil aul half f m u up the bn k of the ullorinxs it.ido e irumuly dull and ptleus ml of : > u 10 lOc lo t Iho latter 0 d all llio way from ji.Dio J4 ' 1 huro wcru a few nesloniH on balu and tin bold nt shaded prim's from SJ.'i ) tojf i7i ) . liu < lies- , was dull thiiin huiit and qullu a ft e ittlo wuio still In Iliil h at thu olo'c. A bout half llio fu-h toculpts neio cons ai m ted Moo , ; , llujera all had Rood mile but took adv.iut iRjof the llbui.ii olfdrln. ts and m. uli ) their imrjh i o > at piiciiias a in Is liom ' 10 to lOu lo\ur III in Tilesd iy. KMIOI 1- Mini wuro at from i 'itoK'7 > , the hull : i IIU fiom 41.70 toi..Ti. Hulls , oxen und st IUH ivr IU Ki'iu'ially iinchapjed at from il 'ID to t. ' . It Cominoii yctrll IRS to choli'o veal cahubu id at f rum tl.Oilo riO' . uo - Tlic stoakor and feeder ti.ulo w i simp o , Mat. The yaulJ were full of ilium , and wl IIl ru ulurdoalurii loaded and no uiRunt count lts demand , iradlnu wan vuiy dull nnd on t ts lii ; is of rihadud prices , In Ronoial prh i- in led from I5i : to2iu lowoi th in aeuk iu iit bill's wuro at fioni liuo to Jl Ci , tnu bulk , it from I. ' Ji lo JJ.NJ. Itoutuauntuthu siles ; il.ul inirssisii' il No Av , I'r No , Av. I'r. No Av. I'r 10 U2.1 fl 01) ) 11 H74H2i ; 21 II T , ill ) 10 in aoi 12 1118 a .Li 21 II'K ) ,10 10m OJ7 j 10 2 : IJM .1 4J 1 18 4 d Is .1 10 1'J I ' 11 J a M JU IJ I 40 Isni nil ) .111 1. Ifl'll ,1 OJ 41 1(71 ( 4 I ilia J20 ID 1IOJ JUJ 4 Uli 42 , COWN H f > 74 I 25 Ul 1 73 21 , . OJ3 20 nt 1 1 W 1 2i 1.-7J 1 7.1 18 Uli 2 I it. 1 8JJ 1 2i 10IIJ 1 7i 18U 1.2J 21 14 I 21 811 1 71 U 2 I 1.1. . 1 21 h'JO ' 1 71 J2 , . 2 1 fi IS IIJ.I 1 4) 10 H I 7i 1 tl ) 712 1 M ) 1110 1 71 LO U.U 21 IX , 7S.1 1 A ) uw 1 73 1 Ui ) 21 Hi HID 1 .10 1 tU Ib 77,1 1 50 1 8) ) fiUUil 2 1 1C. bOJ I'M h24 1 M 21 i ) 4 21 1.1) K. b'.IJ ' 1 hJ 111 2 I 1C.ttd uio 1 SO K.A 77n 1 UJ 111I I ,1)1.1 ) 22 twj 15) 51 UlJ 1 UJ II 7411 22 ttd lam seventjseven jearso and have hid myaeo renew at least twenty jears by thei of Swift's Specific. Myfc _ and Ics to my knee was ill tunning sore ( or two 5 ears , and physicians s : ot It could not bo cured. Afttr taking fifieen sm bottles S. S-.S , there Is not a sore on my limbs anr hive a new lease on VI ? ft DC * Al I YEARS OLI et of jour wonderful remedy. IRA F. BTILI-S , he Faluier , Kansas City u- uur ur ura WONDBUFU a IS A HEMKDY-especiallv I in S.S.S. old people. It buijds is . . . t lie general health lilt er ) on iuo blood nuiu free. ur SWIFT srciFie COMPANY , is- isud Atlanta. Ga M 7JO i M I 03 l .no zsi m 031 i M CV3I I 0) 4 M7 221 4. MO I OJ I 0) ; i sm 221 10. ino 10 , ,071 200 4 1172 2 21 a v < 3 i / iK.1150 200 n 102.1 2:11) 2i ) . ffJ.1 i ci 4 MS : i KI G 2 ai 22 Ml 1 C5 is ; TH 200 ' to im t M 2. , 1113 2 PU 52. IMJ ! J'4i 12 fisn 1 01 " 2 OJ a nn 241 i ! 8. . 1112 1 70 nn 2 01 1 1410 241 11. , 8J3 1 7J 2.1. , SOJ 201 4 1J11 251 2i nin 1 70 II 1123 2 PJ a 9V ) 210 10. . ! > , m 1 70 2UII ! M ) 2 OJ 1..1IOO 27J 1. . 833 1 75 01(1203 2 CO I1UIKSII1. 13. M ) l a- n . 731 2 a 1 . 830 2 5J 2 . aci i f.i ' 4 OJ 1 . 113 500 a . 17il 2 V ) i' no 4 21 1 1JO nee 1 . Ml 4 CO 1.-I03 4 61 8 . US 500 4 . 07 4 CO 141 4 5) HULLS. 830 l M IU3 1 71 1 IHO 2M ( 8'K ) i 01 1675 1 81 J..IIV ) 200 . hOJ 1 7.1 Illlll 1 PO 12.W 1 71 11.0 1 ! > J 1 I720 260 isoi 1 7 % 1130 i ni 1 100J 1 73 KM ) 1 10 1 10.1) ) 2M bTOUCt.llS AND lUFOEUS 10 57,1 3 00 1 710 2 40 20 1170 271 77. UJl 200 2) ) ' 2 60 I' ' 0.1 2 71 2a 510 2 01 It I"1) " ) 261 ii Old 28) ) 2J Mi 8 11 IHO 260 11 into 28) 2 2.1 0113 2 id 20 10 ) 28) 20 2 21 Oil y GO 4 2W Ml 2 55 1,1 , S70 211 ,10) ) Ml 2 115 II 110 II 807 C.V1 2 43 1. , 8)3 ) 27J Id gji 11 15 1U 410 2 40 WKSTEUN \TTI.K. . No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 27 sirs TV. . blO ? l Si \OMINO CATTI.C. 1 feeder CO ) 2 flJ l feeders , . 6.17 2 110 niccw 'HO 181 12 cows . lisi i Si 47 cows till 2 12'i ' 7 cows 10 S 2.1.1 .Ihilfers 1IM 2V ) Ostcor * . KMI III1) 4stcor . inc7 a ro 4uui\es i2j n oj 'J IOMS . 81.1 IM 2 cows . UJJ 1 r.l P. onus . H tl 181 1 cow ' 1)0 181 1 cow 8GO 1 81 a steels . 1'jO a 5) 2oows . 11)10 ) 1 10 COI.OIIU'O CATTI.r R fecdors . 1071 211 17 feeders 1181 2-.10 2J feeders . flu 251 M leeis . UMrt I 7i ) It ) steel s . It'll ' 27.1 2Hlcors . 14J.1 2 M 0.1 steers. . 1J-JI ,1 IO Hods Itccclpts wcro atrnin heavy , ] ,06i heavier than on \\oclnosdny , 2.10J more HI far this week than last. The L-i'iiunl im ill\ : \ of thoofioilnps was fair , hut h udly up to tin recent tivcniKC , I lie mnrkut w is dull nni loner front the st ul. At the oprnlm ; nileo ruled about a nickel louor I iiesda.- , bin by the close wcro a hlj : dime hUhur. I hen wjs only a iiomlnil shlptjlnt dumam nnd L'udnhy was out of thn mm kct entirely , l oed to cholco butcher am heavy wuUht ho s sold at riomSl.70 tots 7" with some of ill < besl at Ji 77 , 1'iilr to cooi lUlit and mixed bo s sold lat ely nt fiou 5'id.ilo fi 70 wllh ono vcrv rommon mlxe I lo u nl ii.G < > Trade was c tirlcd over Into the after noon , bin fully IJOO hozs vvoro still iiusold a the close. The bulk of llio tradinir was a from 11 01 to Ji 71 against $ \71 to Si J Tucsila' ' and } J.7U to $ i 71 last \Vedncnd iy. IMGH AM ) llOfOII. i .410 - : i ftj a . OD a 7 ; i Tlieshocuin irKot wasbto uly actl on Kood killernnil slow on stockers Ii ; logool natives , $ I rOQ4.7j ; fair to cool wo cms J.l-.ifll * > J : common and stock sheep , } J © IW : KooUocho'ee40 to in-lb lamu$10 ftOJ. Knpicsentative biles : No Av I'r , ID ) ui'stoin wethers , grassers . IS { 4 13 Kori'iptR lind Hup ) sltlon oi tuck- . Olllclal roeclptB nud disposltlo i of sto-k i shown uy the books of Iho Union StocU Vai romp inv fortho twenty-four hours ending 5 o'clock j ) , m. , Novembet 'M , I = 'J. ' . DISPOSITION. t'lileiiffi ) l.lvnStock Miiilict. CuirAfio , III. Nox. aj LSpcel ilTolozram THU llhf.l L'nuy uio pllliu the ho i lu th uuok a little too Humorously to bu ronsUto with Urmncbs , Ted iv's nirUalH wore at lua 1 , OOJ he ul Kioalur than a majuilty of II U ido had counted on , about 4r > , l bhowln up Add to tint niimbur thu 10,1 left over fiom Tuesday aim ll will bu been t N ijiply leached ratlmr foimldablo ptojx tliin-w Itmalu sullois woik-kiicnu nnd oi boldenud buyers to make dmnuidH foi co cessions , Opening sales did not sliuw mil Something i lost v * hen > on ui Dr. SIIRD'H d tjiirli Homed ; It'sCntmrh. T \vor t cases ylol to Its mild , fcootl ing , cloansln ) nml healing ptoj ertles. No mntfa'ri how kid jour case , or c how lonj ; stnmUng , you can bo cured. It tnrablo cases cio mio. It's worth f-WO t , if you lmo ono The manufacturers < Sju Sago's Kuinotly are looking for then They'll pay jou that amount in croh. If tbc can't uno y u. It's a plain fcquurooffer fioi a rcsiwnstWo business bou e , nnd inoy nr it. It Kcms too ono.sJdcd , too much of risk. It would bo vdtb any other mcdicir behind it. It onlyiRoos to provo what's bac said : Inctirablo ouos nro uno itU 1) Baco's Coturrh Heincdy. Other M > callwl rcmcdlca mar palliate t ( a time ; this curr ? for nil time. ly ! its mill Hoothing , c'lcansing and bcaling properties , conquers the won.t cases. It rcmo\esolTci feho Ineatli , Ios3tir Impainpent of thu sun of taste , Binell or'hoarins , aterin or wca eyes , n hen causal by tbo violence or ( 'atarrl us they all frequently mi ) . Ilcmody bold by druggists , only & 0 cents I'ropobal fur the riirnlHliIni ; of htatlonu I'rliitlni : an' ' I.IIIniKniiiliinf. f-o tied bids will be leeched nl the ofllco Ihu city lomptroller up to 4 p.m. , Dcuunil b , leUJ. fur thu tnrnlshln : tothocity of btatli ury , booku , prlntlnx nnd lithographing ) MH. llliuiKS for uldduri furnlbhed by l lomptrolIiT , nnd only bld < mndo on si blanks will oo considered. H icli blddur niilrod to enclose a certified chuck of t. The city icscrjos thq right to rojuut tiny nil bids , Omaliu , Nov. 20 , 1630. THEO. OIiSEN. N-'t-dUt Comutnillei I'roiuiiil lor Cotvrlne rttcMin I'lpn lu C ' Hall. Boalod proposals will bo received at the flee of the city comptroller uu to 4 n , m. , I cumber C. Isli for the covurlng of tin ) Bte pipes In the elty hull , aumplusof ilinpropo : covertnK to uccoinpauy cucu bid. Kuch b dur U rciiulrod to unclose a cortllled iliuck tlOU. Iho rlL'ht Is ro nrtod to reject liny or bids. TllKUIHHtROLbKN , tomplrollu Omaha , Nov. 2A. , Ib/J , N > ii rtl Pbnncio In valuei. but nn hour Inter prlcon had eiscd off as nbn\o noted , though It finally closed flrm at tint rodua- tion. The hUhost nsuro reached wn S1.01 Not manv ilc were niado at hotter than l\\\ \ from IV71 to J\0t vnrrtrlnit off Ilia nulk. At the dci'llnci bnyots took hold very freely but the pens were not cleared. The eiosn wns linn at fiom JVti to $ \ > -0 for poor to prime light and nt from } 5fiO to JJ.OO for vorv common to prime medium hoi\y wclRhlH , Thoqualltv was not so gooJ as for Tuesday. rhu cittlo m irkot prcsnntod the same Rrnural foaturct ns for fonui days im t. Choice slilnnini ' and ovport ntcrts continued In aclhoilemind and iiHlionuh the olTorlngi woio moro liberal tbo recent advance was sus tained , iMtch crudes ns tire not lit to BO for ward were In hra\y supply and they could not lie nimoil.nt foimur prlco . The ccneral market for cows , bulls and common lo fair steers wns fiom lOa to llu lower than it the clo o of last week , and was very dull. At the ole u It was simply Impujslhlo to llnd IniyoM ntanv price toi ail tbo rubblnli the pens con- talnod , Thcro worn in nny trades nt from } l.r > C to f Ui , n nil lots of old cows were offered at lower lluiircs without buyers yales were at fiom } l tu to 112.'I ho outsldo prlco WHS oh- l lined for l.7 Doiintl steers tint were In o\ory way first cl isa. 1'hoy will probibly KO to the I , on don nnrUot for the Olirl tnia trulu. The bulk of the day's work was dunt nt from $1 5) ) tofMn for cons and bulls and at f roni M/JMo II Si for ituurs Hocelpt" , 2.1,00 ' , The i\onliiK .lourn il leporls , tUrri.c Uocetpti. 21.1 wi hoail ! shipment' , MO ) head : innrkct IdiVJic lower : Chrlstinii ! bpo\c * . J.\7VitV ( ' . ' > : coed to i-bolco. Jlli'd l'i ! others , SJ.soai.iO ; Tcxans J IJW.VJ'i ' cows.JI.Oi tt2 r > . . Il0l3-locolp ( ( , 4I.OC01iund sIilpmenH , C,00 ( hoiuli i inrkot uctlvo , 'ijtluc luvroi : touch and common. iMOQlMii heavy piekln ? and ship' lliiR. ) * , i.VM\'M : fancy ho ivy , WOVi butchers and mediums , $ * > .7.vLMiiJiHortoJ p llrrotpts O.W1 hold ; shlpmuuK OK bold : maikct dull , mnnln illy lower : it itlves $ .k 3- ID : wcstmiK. ) ! 2ViM.n ; fed 1'oMns f l.'Wttl.hJ , lambs , i I Ma" ' I" . NIIVT Voiu l.ivn sloi'li Miirlit-t. - . . . Yoitk. Nov. P. llr.KV i.s Kocolnts. 2.0'li head. InoliidliuM cats forsalu ; nrirkot Urn foi choice , lOc per 1 HI Ibs. lower ; I'omiiion ti medium Kfiidrs : uiiho stcors , 111 < & .71 pel IDOIbs ; snubs , UlOftllii ! Colorados } ! 00 bulls Mid coivs , ( JOOJI'J21 | : dicssed beef Bffi'l'io ' ' per Hi ; shipments today , ( i/iis qnai tersof beef ! tomorrow , 4iJ quarters of beef I'At.M1Uocolpts , n u be ids nnrl.ot llrm veils. 5fflSu pin 111 lin s piasters , JJ.JIQJtt' western calves ? J.7V < M2V. -111.11' AMI I.VMIU-Ki'eolpK , ! ! " Imid sheep stoadj i lambs , ikt ; pc-i II ) hlzhcr sheep , tlUOUiOO pui 1UO Ibs ; lanib" , i' > iVQfc.Ki diessi'd muttons steulv at 'fiiS'ie ' per 11) ) diessed Umhs , lit m at ijin c -lions Itecolpts. 7 s'i ( ' ho ul.i'onsltfiii'd dlroot iiomin illy btc ulyit $ j' ) per 10J Ibs. St. Imill l.lvn stoi'lr .CT. lotts Mo. Nov. ,0 - 'Iviii.i Receipts : i,700 noad ; shipments , 1"OJ hnid : miike iltllet ; full lo KOO ) uatlvo stueis , JKMuJino rholi'o. * l 7uill ; nnd Indian steers $1 lifcf 100r.tiucvcows , } l 21CJJ.n Hods UocoipiV , uSJ ) head ; shipments , 1.20 held ; miirKot lOu lowoi : hoivv , $ .1 , ijt3.r.7j p icUInc , $ .1 ajc31.70 ; lUht. Ji.lWtiO ) . Slit ci' Itecolpts. 400 head ; slilpmunls , fu he id ; iiiarkot uni'h lusted ; fair to Kood na lives. < J OJ(3I.21 ( ; eholeo , tl 51. \VKsTittN -Markotliif ; of Hues Inrrciisr-d Consldriabl ; Slni'o l.mlleilt. . OisrtNN vrr , ( ) , Nov. , W l poclal Tclosran to Tin. lint. . ] Tomorro.v's I'rlco Current wll siv : The m ir otlnof ho a has nioiloralcl' ' Incioised. Tolil pickliic in the wast 1 .I5J.OJO for the vvocU agnlusl .ll'i.OOO last vvoeu and 5.11.'WJ ' 1 ist yo ir. iiKKroijato I.'JJI.OOO sine Isnvotnhei I , azulnst 2.U10.000 a ye ir a o , I'lomlnciit placescompiro as follows : ttnslniMK ICili-rit , Mrs A. K. KKJOS has closed out her tnlllli ety business at Alnsworth Mollno . 1) ) ivls comuany of Stella h INO In corimratcd with capital stock at P'.UOi. ' Masters A , Morris liu\o succeeded .1. I1. Met dry as ptoprletors of the lunch counter t lilneo.ii. North < : ilv < t.n > < iiotb. . North ( jalvoston Is the name of a ne\v li clustrial point situated 14 miles north of ( ! a veston proper. It is boms tlsvclopoa by tl North Oalvcston ussooutlon , whoso loci UKO'tis rrankliti R William ? , Omaha. : has railroad and water facilities and ndvan ages of climate and location which insuio b returns , cither to the investor or the settle Call upon Mr , Williams today. , . . , , - - - f. p. p p Pimplt es Blotches are all caused by He warned ! Nnlure must lie as sistcd to throw- off the poisons. I or tins purpose nothing can equal Nature's own assistant A pure Vegetable Compound of Herb's , Bar'tj ' , ami Knots. Contains A no acids or mineral poisons , It Is in rrl'itlitt ' in the HinV nl' I'n.lmul All Hint Ijclnlmultir 11,11 lll do. tlwu F tattle. All dniKlMi. /A HEAM A IlioEtow , 511 Crand AM. . , New ll.ncn , fonii. To the nuncrs of all lots , p iris of lots and lu ustatu alon thu alluy In block 1 , Kountri 4tb addition , from nth Hiuuut to lith htm You mo hereby nollllud tli it thu und i signed , thiuo dlslniorcsted fu'wholduis of U uliy of Omahn , hive buon duly appoint ! by the mayor , with iho approval ot Iho oil councilor Mild city , to assisi thu daiuiui ] the owners ruspuctl\uly ot llio property a fuctud by the Knidliu of llio alloy In block K'oiint/o'u 4th ntidltlou.fio n 10th btreot toll hiruul , di clurod nuucssaiv hy oialnanco N a.'d ) . n issod October 1st , ISO , ' , approved Oct bur 4th , 1 'J2. Vou aru further notified that li ivliu a coptud hiild npDolnimunt/ / I duly iinalllli n H required by I iw , wo will , on Ihu loth day Dccumhur , A D , iwi' . ' , at thu hour of no'clo lu the forenoon at thu olllco of .lolm 1' I'l.ic A5I ( 'haialmr of ( .oinmerce , within the cu por. ito limits or sildcltv , meet foi Ihu pu pose nf comlderliu nnd m ikliu tlio asses niont of damuiru to th' ) nwnurs inspuullvoly fi ild property illccto i by o il < l cli.injoof k'ia taking Into consideration speulal bcnullts , unv. Vim are notified lo bo prcsont at Ilin III und place aforesaid and niaku anv objoctlo to or stitomc-nts concornin J said ussujsmo of damages ub ) on mav lonsldoi propel JOHN r n.Auic , It W ( JIIISON. Omuha. Nob. , Nov. 2ii : d , Ib 2. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Compan SQUTII OMAHA , Ilmt rnttle. ho ; and bhoop mirkot In the wi COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers , routh Omaha Telephone II > T. Uli lei JOHN I ) . IIADISMAV WAI/riSK IS WOJII Market reports by mall ani wlro cheerful fnrulilicd upon application. Perry Brothers ie Company , Live Uooai il i.'xchnngo liulldliu , tiautU Oiaal 'luitphouu 1707. OMAJHA : jurors' and JoHors1 Dbtory _ _ _ * L , cos AN ! ) TKXTd. Wolf M , &CT C'OMl'VNV Tonnl ) , IIWMIM | . tatnm- .IOVI5U9 lln , riirorxir nil Kinit , . , liimnr no Si < n I 1119 Knnintn st. ' 1,111 J : UJS. lit i UAGS&TWINMW BciiiisOinaliaBaiC'f ' M , 0 , Daxo , Inii'Otlcrsnml mfrMlrnir Jllcyclf i > n on tnmillilr t \tlno pinuMH'tt \ N iMli st .DOOT.S AN'I ) SIIOKS. MOK3-COC Stl03 Clip/ / , llr' llnwarl Sr i > i l-niMnr ) coruur Illh nn 1 Dotulnt Mra5l \\niirftniililiiiMlaoiprtFixMoi1 ! lniyr mil nro sellliiKivilfiM nfiMtM whi h H vcri i Hnbi w Uli tnvri limit Notice. PsaloJ proposals will be received at an } time oil or before 2 o'clock" p , in. of the 1,1.1 d iy of December. Is ) . ' , for thn pilntlui : of al bills for the If lblaturo with such mutter a' mav be ordcicd by olthei hoti e tboieof. to hi printed In "bill foimMileli Is shovvn am clesUn ileJ as eluss one ( I ) under Ihe pi In tin , I iws of the state of Nebraska. Tin the pi Inline ami bin Iliu In cloth cover of one thons ind (1,000) ( ) copies each of the bleu inal reports of thu audltoi of ) iullk' accounts trensiuer , 8ccietur > of st ito , uominlsslonor o public IKIIIU and building ? , .ind biiru ui o labor and Industrial statistics ; nnd live bun drod (101) ( ) copies o ich of theblcuiil ilieporlso the attorney zoniral , uperliilomloiit cf pub lie Instiuctluii , state librarian and adjntin pcneral ; ono thousind ( I.OUO ) copies n-por state boird of tt.iiHportiitlon for It-' ' llv < thoiisinl ( i.OOi ) copies rupert state boiid o iiKrlculturo for IHU , and all other repot t im iloeumcnls that m iy bo ordered printed b ; tbo lo isKituic , exeppl such as may enter Int and forma pirt ot the jouniHN , which elai , of woik Is Utiown and designated as el'is ihrcn i p under the pi Inline 1 i\\s of Nebr islcn 1 ho hilt work , executed nmlor el is * om shall be punted In sm ill pie i lypei on p ipe fourteen (14) ( ) Inches Ion ? by clK'it ' and onc-hal ( s'ti Inches wide , sln 'lo p ije : jiapor to h ( pounds double cap to th I'Cim. and o\cept the title jmxv , each lut' shall emit ilu not lo s than twonty-llvo (2 ( lines of bOllcl tuattor of xovon (7) ( ) Inuhes I length , ind the lines shill bo suui-essivol' ' numbered , with a blanlc uniy In e ich sp ic between the lines The title pa2c of said bills shall contain no lc-s thiiii olrlituen (18) ( ) 1 lies as abovis will three ( I ) Inches additional space allowable fo dlspln ) tlilo mallur. naehblJ shall' st ito what the blddci Is will Ing to do the woi t complete for , per p i .re , fo the three humlro I ( Km ) copies each bill , als the in lee for addition U hundreds that m iy b ordered of tlio simu bill it the pamo tinin a llio orUlual three hiindieiKiW ) ) Inclmllnircoin position , pipei. pro's \\orl , , btttchlmr. roldln anil all uoi * or matoriil entering Into th worn rcddlrcd. All worl , u\ecutc t ndor el-iss one shall b delivered In uood order hv Iho con i.ieioi t thu ollUoof thuscrrol nyof bt.amItlun tlin : d ivs after ihoiocolptof llmorderbys ild con ti icto- from the chairman of the commlttc on print InIn 1 1 tlicr la anchor thcloslslaturi All ttOikONucntcd iindor olnss three i.U sh il bo prln ud In Ioii2 piliniM. bievu > i and nonji i icil type , on IJ PCI to bo ulno im-licu lim b > * 1\ to liithes will. ' , slu ilo paKe , p ipei lob f or tylloi4i ) pounds to no iram , of In out v four by thlity bltthilo booli. li luh hid uu der class thieo sh ill st.ito > vbat the bidder I willing to do tin ) unrU lompli'ln for , per p r-'i on each report or Item in thocl..hs Ineliidla composition , p ipoi , proai worl. . btltoliln/.folil 1 IK and nil uurk 01 material nnteilni ; Into th work ieiiiliod | , 0 illny and n ijo ( tuoof inns bo fnrimhcil ulion icqulrol liv tbeollleois c the < > \LCtitlo departmiMit or llio chali m in i the conimltli'uon piinlln.In oil her brain. ' of the K'BlsUturo Wet It when ton ploted t bo doll \eied fteo of expense atthostato housi ridliosils foi work In r icii of Iho.ibov classes will not \ > a ooiit > ldoiPd uti'pis the sun bo accompanied by a bond In tin ) hum of ll\ thousand f" > , UM ) dollaiUtli tnoor moio Niirc ties ; th it In cane tlio p n ly nroiunln , ' for site contraet sh ill hoawai lot the s uno nucli 11:11 : tv uill , wllliin tl\o ( It d ivs afti i the uw.ud t htm of snt h tonlriict , ontur Into bonds for th faltlifiil porfoiinanco llnircof. as provliud b , law mid tint llio terms of thcio piopos.ils. I'r posalu hhall bo m rkfd "Piopouls fo public printing" and addies ed to llio htat lioird of printliiK in caioof the secretary o btntc , li iK'iilii , Nob. Ccmti.ic.ts on class one I ) as uliuio sioilllei | will bo atv.iidcd as a whole. Until rni'tit on class tin co i.W ns a box o specific' ' will bo awarded In whole 01 In p uLab th lioaid m iy olci't S-ampn'S of the wnrK to lin CNCculou niiuo class ono ( I ) and three d ) may bo seen at Hi olllco of Iho secret iry of si ito Contrictson nl'no ul ih i's ono ( I ) ami thro ( llo ) run two t2) ) joirs from Di-ciMnbci II , IM. ovcnpl llio loporu of tliu bo inl of transporlii lion and ht ito bo ird of a.'ilcnUiirc , tliu latlc to hecdinp'olml wllhln fclMy dais uftot th iiwariln ; of thu't , I Im htilo limiting Ijci.ucl nison es the ilrili torJPctanyorb.dS. . Nii'ti'torv of State. i .1. r. ii iiii < , Hito I'llntins Ito u d V Miit'J I'r1u"sl'r".r' ' . I ( J. l J IIO . II lll.N , Aitdltoi I'nblio Account JJncolu , Neb , Nou , ibJ. ' . nlTUJUt Notli o of Iliu Milting of til n I'lty Coiinrll ii u Hoard ol I im ili7iilloii. To the I'nlon r.ulllo Killway fompmiy , tli ( Jin.ill i.V ICcpiibllcnn'alloy Itnliroad ( on pay. thu lliirl'iijton ' A. Missouri K > 0t IUI IIMII t'omp iny. llio Omaha & ( imllitti'slur Unllroul Compiny. the MISMiuM I'liclll Hallway Coinpiiny , the Omaha Hell It iilun t oinii iny. J-lin I'hk'iuo. r-l. 1'inil , Mlnnnapi llsXOnuii-i liillwaj Comp iny , thol lomot KIKhoiu & - Missouri Vnlliy Hallway Unn iJiiny , the O naha unit Nollli I'latlu Huliua I'ompiny , tho.Soiix Cily X I'nolllu Itiillu.t 'oniiiiiiy. Iliu Omaliii and Noithuuxlu Uullway t'oiniiuny , and Iliu Monx OH } an Noilhcrn llatluuy t/'ompany ; Omah i an Northern .Nulir.iska Itallro id Compain ' Von mid each of you aru hiiiuby notlflr th it In necoidaiiio with soc'tlon 71) chant ir I' of the compiled Mtitutia of Nobr.isUa foi Ki entitled 'I'lur * of thn miitr/ijiolttan el < * , the city clotU of the elty nf Omuha hax uditi ; to tlio aHsus inpia rolib of buld city of IfM. a Btoiuhonsus wiircihonsc's , HIICIIH nnd otlii bnlldln.'a within tlio tljlit-of-\uiy nr nlon. i nUJuciiut to anr Hule-trick of o ich of bil raflwavH.nsud lortho put poses of rent by yoi rthpisilltocnmptnlcx or pur ; UVUH other ilia the ordlimry op uilons of Mild rmnimnlo il ml nut , iiuiioinnf on Hald ahsesiiiiunt loll nnd also nil lots ami hinds ontrtlclo your n Hpectlvu ri/hlb oNway. wlilfh tald tiulit-o way only Ineludoi ft ) feel of lands nnd lo abutting on cnoh HIO of the main tr.uka i uny rallro id ; which Huld addition an l infon mi'iit iliurcon ate on llio In the olllco of II oily eluiK Hubji ct lo your anil n.ioh of yoi Inspcji'tlon , And you nnd oiu-h of yon aio fu Iher notlllud that the oily louncll will si ) us boaid of fiimlUiitlon | al llio ullii o o ( thiitll clcrUin the city lull on I'll lathe 2nJ day i Dccumiiur. fromUo'ulock ' loft o'o 0 ( p. in. , for the purpobo of oiiiiiill/lni ; thu nr pohL-d levy of taxes on mild inoperly and co utcllnit any nrrors theiuln , nnd of ht'arliu n ( ( inipliilnu Hint thu iiunurs of propcil bo to hu tiixucl and us > < osi > ed limy muhn ; m lux us. mill aiiusiinents bulni ; luvtoU uccurdll to law for general taxation. Omaha , Nob. , Nov.'jn.l. Is'li jiJldBt JOHN OliOVKH , City CltrU. HAUmVAUK. licclop i Wilhtlmj Co. I yiefV ft Lim. Corner lOlh Mul JncAion DO-XIOM In ImMwvo n"i slrcoli iiirrlitiilpM tnol J 11)1 ) Doiulfti tired IIATS , IH'C. WJ.UfclUK 1nt ci\n | , xtrntr Kooil * . HUlTIH. llllttCH' . Hill Mini llnrnp ) it LUMHJHl. llleo. T WaTcleiT Clias. . Mo wool ItuimrlcI Viucrlcnn IMrt- I in If IIMII Mil ? t iltii , I hrilrinllo c-IIH.U nal Pthmid liouflai whltolliu LIQUORS. MILLlNli.'tYJ 1'rick & HcpJsrL i , obcrrciiiwTrjT laiportfrs nml Jtihl r < of 1001 Firnim su nillllnnrr nntlons MMI cr.lon prntnpi .W lv.oatli llth nt. PAIM'.U. Carpenter PiipefCoT Stdiidanl Oil CoT Cnrrf n full ntnck of printing trrnppln , ; in 1 Itoniuvt un.l tillirlcitlnj nrltliiKpnper , cird i Ulll , HVlUli CI10 I'U tier elu. OVIUIALLS.KTC. I OVtvTnKS. MA Cole iCiJT" \ \ holoaivU * oriti fn fnaojr ci'lcrs u is lutli itrott tolupnonoil. ! I'UODUOK COMMISSION. BranciiS Co. rroilucc. fnilti of \ \ \ MnJi ojatori Jas A. ChrlU Co. lIlltllT. 0 > ll > 01 < t < ) poultry i\ml iMJ .lUbgill'i Uthn. srovr UKPAIUS SAStI M. A. Disttow & Co i < J Alri nitl'iratcr Mnnafacturori of saih , . ' iittnrluncnU for nny iloori. blinds na I I kliul of itovo in > il niiialctln. ] llnnc'ioC i UT ) DouxUi lloj , IH'i nn 1 Itinl t WOOI1KN SIDEWALK JIRSOLU- TION'-COXSTHUCTtON. ( " "oil neil CJliambor , Omah i , Neb , Itnj He II rosoiml hy thn eltv c'oun ' 11 of the city of Omaha , thu mnjorcnncnrrln ; ; : 'that wooden sldowuUs bo constructed In the clt v of Omaha as iluslmiato 1 bulou , with in ll\u days after thu publication of this revo lution , or the person ij service theroof. as by orlln.inco is aiithorbod ami iciiulrod : Hiielt Hlilun ilks to bo laid lo the Krado on the streets spoi-lflod heroin , and 'o bo i on- atntctod of plnu plank of such wllth nml ililrUnus * a nil bo Inld upon joists of suoU iilmc'ns'ous ' and In sneh m inner as Is pio- scrlbod by thu apocllic itlons on lite In thu olllco of the bo inl of publlu woi\s and under HH snper > Ision. tnwlt : \\esl slil > of--ttli ' iiNcnuo , lot 1.1 bluer , II Illll- sldo addition No 2 , prusuntKiadi1. II foi't wldo. \ \ c' t side of 2Mb avenue , lots IDS 7 blouk t Pioil Dulluuo'n iddltton , prn > oul giado , o feub Wlllf. \ Vilslilo of Sbtli avenue , lots 10 S 7 block a 1'iod IJullono's iddltlou , pioiunt Kiudr , o foot wldo. Kast sldo of 21st street , lots 2) ) to .11 Inclu- Mvc. V nlon placo. piosenl iri ulj , 4 feet wldu. West sdo | of 21st street , lots i to h inclusive , block 21 Wllco\ second addition , present Krado , 4 feet wide. \\Vatsldoof.lOthstrcet. Iot7bloclc4 Illllbldo No 2 , repaired 01 laid , 4 foot wide. \Vestsl locif Ild bttoit t.iv lot II , section 21- 11-1 1. piesent iiradiis. ! feet wlilo1 \\ost sldo of J.U sttoet , lot 1 blofk 2 Kocd's fifth iddltlon. picsonl criitlu , 4 foul wide. West sldo of fid street , lots 1 nnd 21 block 4 Herd's llflh addition , picaont K ratio , 4 foot wldo A\ost side of .Ud strcot. lots ! nnd 8 block t Is inu . M-ldon's addition , pri'idil Kiadu.l feet West sldo of ild street , lots 1 an I S block 8 Isaac boldon's addition , inosrut pi idc.l feet West sldo of .I'd tit rect. lots I nnd 8 block 9 * . ' Kane X soldon's addition , pte ont Krado , 4 feet Wests do of Ud stioot. lots I and H block 1 Is me * . Million's addition , picsont ii adi',1 feet Kast sMe orild : street , lots I Inclusive. W A Hcdlck'sadd lion present rfiude , 4 fuet ] . , ist s'doof ' HM stieot. las lot 12. section 21- r-n , iiiosent prado , J feut And bo It fnithci rosjljcil. That the bo ird of public nor s bo and bore- bv Is intnopi'il ! nml illrectcil to c uibo a copy of this resolut on to bo publMii'l In thoolll- clil iiuiiT of the cilv for ono woelt , or bo toned on the owners of s ild lots' and unions .null o A tiers sb ill within Iho d ij's aflor thi > public ition 01 set vl ( oof Mich ( opy colistrnut i. ud snli'walki as herein leiiuliol , th it the boaulof public wniki cause llio to bo done , the cost of conslrni't'iu bald sldpnulki icsiiu ll\oly to l/o assessed azalnst tl o rual CM I ite , lot oi put of lot in fiontof and nbtit- tlmisneh slili-w , lilts. , . I'ri'sldiMil C tvrouiiclU Attest : .IOIIN OKOVI.- . OKOVI.My CMork. Approved : GIX ) . 1' . llinil.S .Mayor. n TO roN.srituur SIDKWAWCS. Tot ho ouni'rs of Iho lots , p utsof lotsnnd mil oitito doscilbod In tlio iibnio rcsolu- 1 mi mil each of jou n in bcioby notllh-d to construct wooden Hldunulks as ronulio I by : i losoiiitlon of Iho city I'cunoll nud miyiirof tpo oily of Omah i , of which thoabutu Is u C""y' I' . W. WIlKIIAU.-nU. Ch ilrnuin lion 1 of I'nhllij Works. 2'itli. IS' ' ) n."iil7t _ Pjtl'J..Nij ] ' _ . November 1'HOl'OSALS FOH UUIJjOJNU MA fnllid , tites ; Inllan Hnrtli'o. I'lno AKC'iiey , f-onlli Dakoti , Nov. Ill'J \ ! . t-oilod nioposils. omlor-ed "I'loposals for lllmbei , wliido.vs and h ndvvaio , " ns thn anne may he. and atldroihni ! lo the iiiiiliirsluiicd at - I'liio Itlduo iiKoney , boiilh DaUola , will boreH reived at ihlsnifoin'V ' until I o'clock p. m of Docembei H , Ih1) ) ' , for fiinilshliiK and ( lolUiir- liiu nt this iiKoney about . ' )7wli feet assorlotl lumbei.fill pilrs htrap hlmros , aildooi loekH. S5 window Mihh and III.DII puuiiiU iihsoitod nulls , a full list and desuiliitlonof which irny bo obtained by application to the uiidcr- b fl'idilors ' nui tstiio pBillloilly ! the kind and mho of each ailtclo direicil lot doIvory iindnr a conliact. , , . 1 AH articles when delivered will bo subject 'I ton ilxld Inspoctlon. The ilshtU lum-rvinl toi Jcct any or nil < bids , oi any psrl of any bid , If doomed for the , Duch lilil mutt bo acuompanlod by a lertl- ( Indi'lmck ordraft iipon MIIIIU 1'nlted hliite ( lopotltory or ooltnnt natlonul liank , In tlio \klnltviif thn resldoncoof Iho bidder , niaUit imv ibh ) lo the order of thu onmmlHslonor of Inillun ulfnlrs , foi at IO.IHI 1 tiui cent or tlin iinioiint uf tlin proposal , whluh clioju ordraft will bo forfclloJ in the United States In C.IHO nny I Iddor or bidders lucelvlni nn award hhall fall to promptly oMicnto a luntract wltli Kood and siilllchint sun-tlDS , ulliurwUo to bo ruturned to tlio bidder. II ds acco nimnlud by cush In lion of a cortl- Ihid clii-eU will not boconslJorod. I'm further Information apply to Captain d li. Drown , U. ri. A. , Aclin0' Uiiltoil ' latci Inillun afuiit. MhdJIt To all nwnnrs of lulu or | urH of loin on Tttunlyfourlh street , ttoni Dod u ktiuut U > ' ibSHroe Von urn hereby notified that the nndnr- slKiiud. llneo dls'ntercstod fioc'holdcuB of thu city of Omuha , have been duly tippn ntud by thu nriyor , with thu approval of lliucity cciun- cll of Buld city. In iiBbuns the dumnxii to ihu onneri lOBpectlvuly of the pinpulv allicted by riidlti Twonly-fourth iJHh ) Mropt , fioin DiHlKiiHltunt toCass btrcot , diclliud nuitM- bary hv ordlnanco Na .I.'IIJ , passuil .Noi. 1st , JW. , unproved Nov. 7lh , Is ) J. Vounrofurihor nuiifluU , ilnit Iwvlna o- ceptudHiild Hppolntmunt. and duly iiiallllul | ( n rtiUlrod | by luw , wo will , on the Mb liny of Diucmbcr. A , 1) . IWU. at thohoiu of in o'clock In llio forenoon nt the iilllcw of It W room 21(1. ( Now Votk l.lfu liulldlnif ltbln the Lorpnratu llmllu of uithl city , mci t for thu jinr- pciiiiof coiuldcrliiK and malUiiK the abbi > s- inont of ( lainttgo to the on ncrs n'spcctlvi'ly ' of KU | ( | ptopcrty , ulfuctcd by said Kiiuilii . ttiklin ; Into tomddurullon Hpeulal benulllH , if any , Vou are notlllud to bo prceent at tliu llmu nml place uforusalcl , nnd makn nny objuctloim tooriiluteiiieiitiiconcoriiliil. aldiii' 0'iiniuntor IIUIIIU CH an you uuy colll''l'fvl"nlt1lL' ' ' ' | | , | , ' WM. o. hiiinVr.u , u2G-aiOk OUOllOKJ. I'AUU