/THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY , DECEMBER 1 , 1802. FRAUDS WERE PERPETRATED How Perkins Oomty Hohool Lands Were Recently Loasad- . INVESTIGATE THE AFFAIR CnmmUilnnnr Humphrey Tlilntci tlio Sub- Jrct Worthy < > t Uomlilnnililo Altrntlon Otlirr CnM'x.Mftj- ifnenrtliuU Lincoln ho\v Note * . Lt.sco.v , Nob. , Nov. 30. ( Hpeclnl to TUB Bnn.1 Commissioner of Public Lands and Uulluings Humphrey was today put In pos- ostlon of the dotnlls of somostartling frauds Hint nave tccn porpotrntotl upon the ulato In connection with tlio leasing of the atuto Bcbool lands In 1'orklns county. Lust month 12,1)00 ncrcs of school lands that bad boon forfeited wore placed njjaln on the mtirUot nna the sale was advertised to tauo iilnco on the U.tth liibt. Largo tracts of forfoltofl lands wcro also put on the market on the same days In other counties. In the nbsonco of iho commissioner of public lands the county treasurer Is authorized by law to conduct ttiQHOlcs. In bis general circular or li > - BtrucUon ? to tbo county treasurer * Inter- ostea Commissioner Humphrey explicitly stated that in all rases where there wcro two or inoro bidders for tbo snmo ptceo of land the land was to bo sold at auction to the ono offering the highest premium above the (5 ( per cent required by law. In nil cases \vhoro the partv who bid In a ploco of land nnd afterwards declined 10 taKe It the land was to erf to the next lowest bidder and so on. In Perkins county the county treasurer cither failed to understand tlio letter ot his Instructions or ho willfully dUrogardod them , ns will bo scon by ruforcnca to u letter lu- " colvod today by "tlio commissioner , an extract - tract from which Is as follows : llo HID FrnttiU Worn Perpetrated. "In some mstancns parties who had con cocted the scheme to lonso certain tracts of land Mil the premium up ns high a 1700 per cent , ami after the sale was closed they came in uncl refused to take the land and pay the nromlutn' , but handed In the appli cation of some friend to louse the same at private Halo. U. II. Prime , deputy county clerk of Perkins county , bid a premium of 220 nor cent on the southwest quarter and northeast quarter of section 10-11-10 , and the same was sold to him at that bid , After th3 sale wns closed ho wont to the treasurer and refused to taUo the land. At the uamo time ho handed In nn applica tion signed ! ) > ' bis wife to lease tbo land at private nti for (5 ( per cent only , and no money accompanied the application. If bo is allowed to Icaso the land at private solo the state will bo robboa of 1231. I bid lOOxpcr cent premium on this % amo land and would have paid the cash for the snmo loaso. At the tlmo of the sale I tailed the treasurer's attention to tno fact jhat all bids on lands should bo accompanied Dy the cash , but no attention was paid to ' .his nnd no money was required. Tuo Moro Similar Cases. "In another case the cioouty county troas- i uror bid a nromlum of 1,700 per cent on the southeast quarter of 10-10-41 nnd H. E. Goodnll bid 217 per cent on the southeast . After the Bale east quarter of 10-10-40. I bad beau closed thev both refused to tnuo I the land at the amount bid. Both , however , | handed In applications to take the land at I private sule. Tbo deputy treasurer proposed I to take the ploco bid upon by Goodall , and I Goodall was to take the plcco bid upon by I the deputy. By the transaction the state I lost between 61,000 and t,5CO. ' ' I Commissioner Humphrey starts for Per- I Itlns county tomorrow raornlnp to Invcstl- I sato the matter. If ho finds the information I In the letter received today to bo correct all I the leases of the Poiklns county lands will I bo hold for further Investigation and In all I cases wburo the law has not been strictly I complied with the leases will bo cancelled. I C.imlp lit tliu State llouBO. I H. E. Mend , a denier In shelf and heavy I liardwaro a One , Nob. , writes Governor f Boyd to inqnlru wbothoror not the stuto does not pay u prlzo of $1,000 I to all mothaiM havinp tbreo children at ono birth. IIo says : "I am the Jinppv father of such nn event ana if there 1 li any pt)70 ) I would Ilko it. " Private Sec- L retarv Mairlssoy replied to the father ot the 1 triplets that unfortunately iho laws of tha I state fulled to botow any such prt/o but fjnvo I It ns his own personal opinion that such a I prize should bo awarded. Judge Norval today issued nn order sus- I pending the sentence of Mark May , convicted - victod in Douglas county , until his case I could bo loviowod by the supreme court , May Is given the privilege ot his libortj upon the presentation pf bonds to the amount I ot ? SOO. Butane case wasfllcd In the supremocour ! I todav. It is entitled Martin C. Frank u Rains the Pucillc Mutual Info Insurance company Secrotarv of State Allen is detained u' Cincinnati , where ho wont two wanks ORC f with his wlfn. Her Illness , whllo not alarm I Injr , will prevent her return for several any : I yoi. yoi.Tho Somerset Trust company of Omahi I was Incotporatod by papers tiled at Iho olllci I ol the secretary of state this afternoon. TU ( capital stock Is placed at SiOO.OOO nna the In- corpoiKtorrf mo Edward btringer , John S Kay and W. 13. Davis. Tim CrelRhton Butter nnd Choose factor ; ' of Crolenton , Nob. , was Incorporutod toda' with a capital of Sii.OOO. The Honia of Public Lands nnd Building ! held n session this afternoon to llnlsh up i few matters left over from the roguln monthly mooting , Nulinislcii County Judges Meat. Twenty-six county jmines , loproioiiting n many counties In Nebraska , nave boon hold Inp u Gtnlo convention in this city toduy for the purpose of discussing matter of Interest mm Importance conncctci with tbulr ofllces , and also t tuko stops for piosuntitiR subject of needed legislation to tlio coming session o the leglslatuto. The convention found i , pormanotit organization with the followtn ofllcera : Prosldont , Judge I. W. Laiihlnir o Lancaster ; llrst vice president , Judge F. N Morcnn. Uock ; second vice nrosidcnt. JUOR 12. U. Oenn , Butler ; ohiof clork. Wlillnt Warren , Dakota ; uhiof PalllTV. . H. Dourni Gage. An executive committee or supreme bone was selected composed of the following First Judicial district , J. H. Church , MI malm ; Second , B. S. Uamsov. Cass ; Thin I. W , Lansing , Lancaster ; Fourth , U. 1 DicKnibon , Huit ; Fifth , M. Newman , Suui dors ; Seventh , Uoorco H. McKee , Thuvoi KiRhth , William Warren , Dakota ; Thl tcoiith , Ueorgo Conn , Keith ; Fourtocntl James S. West , Dundy ; Fifteenth , F. ? Itlor un , JJoclt , Today's session was tnitcn up entire ! by u discussion of the objects to ho attulnc by the organization. Quo of tlio main ol Joels of the association U to cot some nutlo from the legislature making the prautlc uniform throughout the stato. At preset tbo statutes a ml books aio silent and cac Judge must , mnKo uU own Bjstoni , The r bull In many countlos has boon itnpcrfci locords , H Kuoplui ; up Ilittlr ITmtul Halt , H The fi-stlvo burglars nnd footpads n keeping up their usual gait lu spite of tl fact that the regular season closed sotna tin nfro. At Iho reuldoticu of D. T. Hunt ut 2f Potter street thov forced opim tl front door unu rausacked tl bouso. Flvo or six people were asloi in the house at the time , but the fact tin they remained asleep probably accounts ! the faol thai the tulovcs got away with tv suits of clothes and an overcoat. Tuoy ttu inado thnlr otcapo , leaving Colonel Ilui snug In bed , \vhcro ho remained until SOD euo could come down town und got him a Bihar suit of dolhos. The tiouso of Mr. Keysor , a brakeman i tha Hock Island , was nlbo entered. The were tovoi-al ladloi present , but Mr. Keys hitusolf was not at homo. Tha burglars * < cured J'J'J In money , but loft four ladiuj' go watches unmolested on the bureaus of II several rooms. The ladies all bclluvo th they wcro chloroformed , us they felt , the c foots of the drug lor some tlmo the next da Lust ul ht two thut's , ono u white mi and the other a negro , niado a dcsporato i suult on Bam Lee , a Cuinoae laundryman V U N street. They bad a bundle of ololh and asked for a ticket or check. Aft thejr had recolvod it they aikod for drink of water , aud M sooa ui t Brass and onyx lables , wn Draperies , Parlor chairs , Curtains , Hall chairs , Portieres , Reading chairs , Silk scarfs , The Policy of Price Doubled Our November Trade. Turkish rockers , Silk pillows , Fancy rockers , Largo comfortable rockers , Rattan chairs , Gilt chairs , Rattan rockers , Corner chairs , Child's chairs , Divans , "Kids' " rockers , Sofas , "Kids' " half high chairs , I , Leather lounges , Corduroy lounges , Cos turners , Cretonne lounges. . Mahogany parlor chairs , Rug lounges , Nothing better can be found for a home present than an article of furniture , Maple parlor chairs , Tapestry lounges , Our stock , this season , is by far the largest we ever carried and our building at present 11 all chests Inlaid parlor chairs , , is filled to its utmost capacity. Gilt parlor chairs , Hanging hall racks , Having been obliged to buy a new slock during the months of October and November , Standing hall racks , Parlor lamps , we found many factories whose fall trade had been light and we bought new stylish goods in Umbrella racks , Imported shades , many instances from 20 to 40 per cent discount. We therefore have many decided bargains Chiffoniers , Curio tables , throughout our store. Brass beds , Curio cabinets , Having adopted a policy of marking all our goods at a low margin of profit in plain White iron beds , Fire screens , figures , customers cannot possibly make a mistake in price in buying here. Maple bureaus , Easels , Goods bought now will be held for Christinas delivery if desired. Maple chiffoniers,1 , Hanging medicine cabinets , All goods marked in plain figures. . Shaving stands , * \ Large wide chiffoniers , Blacking cases , - * Small chiffoniers , Carpets , Charles Shiverick & Co. , Wardrobes beds , Rugs , Folding , Parlor cabinets , \ fcf Sideboards , \ I Side tables , China cabinets , Furnitiire Carpets Draperies. Buffets Dressing tables , , , . , Bookcases , Cheval glasses , ' ' < T Secretary bookcases , Dining tables , 7 120f61208 \ , 1210 Farnam St. Ladies' desks , Parlor tables , , ali c oti/ Men's home desks , Card tables , Music cabinets , Hall tables , -I T SVt 1 OC tl J - U accommodating Celestial wont out to n con venient hydrant to pot a fresh supply they commenced to ransack the plnce. Lee re turned before they ban discovered anything of value , but his cries for help alarmed them. Thov both turned in and gave him an onthu- slastio thrashing. They then cleared out , after fallinc to llnd anything worth carrying away. I.oncnstnr Comity ShlpniontH , The ouUhlDtnonts for Lancaster county for the year 1891 hiwo llnnlly been reported to the "commissioner of labor and the showing Is as follows : Cuttle , 409 cars , 8.180 head , S327.200 ; bogs , 703 cars , 47,380 head , $380,010 ; norses und mules' , HO oars , COO head , SSO.- 000 ; sheep. SO oars , 0-tOO , head , ? 24,000 ; wheat. 15'J cars , 7(1,000 ( bushels , $01,000 ; corn , 2,084 cars , 1,04'J.OOO bushels , 5200,500 ; oats , BUcors. 341,000 bushels , ? S2DOO ; barley , 5 cars , 2,500 bushels , $1,12" ; rye , 39 cars. ] ! ) ,500 bushels , SIIi.GOO ; barlov nnd ryo. 5 cars 2.r > 00 liushols , 81.573 ; llax , r.2 cars , 20,000 bushels , S.1bOO ! ; Hour , 27 cars , 1,050 , barrels , 317b20 ; hay , 01 cars , 1,153 tons , 55,7(10 ( ; tnixeu stock , 5 cars , $3,000 ; building brick , IGcuis. SIC.OO ; poultry , I car , WOJ ; ice , 093 cars , $11,940 ; stone , ! ! ir > cars. 831,500 ; seed , I total number of cars Is 0,001 , tbo products being valued nt SJ.nfi.fiM. It mav bo stated that the above figures do not include the manufactured products shipped from this county , as tbo commis sioner was unable to secure them In tlmo for publication iu the blonnlal report this year. They would increase the total very in atori- ally. Still After .Mr , Uonllttlu. Mayor Weir Is still after the o.ilr > of the absent member of the oxclso board , Mr. John Doollttlo of Lincoln and Chicago. U will Do remembered tnat several weeks since , the worthv mayor lamovoa Mi1. Doollttlo from his position oti the board for the reason that he was not n citi zen of Lincoln. Tbo city council refused to htivo It thai , war nnd decided tnat tno only w.ty Mr. Doollttlo could bo displaced from the board was by the preferment of written chareu3 nnd n duo trial in ncooidauco with the provUlonn of the chnrtor. The mayor has accepted that view of the case , and at , the meeting of tbo coun cil hold last mctu bo caino for ward with tils cliaruus. Ho alleges that Mr. Doollttlo has boon cullty of misconduct In oftlcu , In that ho hai removed his rosldonco from tha city and has lioen crossly noKllRent ol his oftljtul duties. According to the opin ion Klvon by the city attorney the cliarKeh must bo heard within ten days nnd n nor- sonnl notice must bo nerved upon Mr. Don- Ilttlolthln ilvo days of the hearing. No tiinu has boon sot for the hearing of the clmrcos nciilnst Mr. Doollttlo. Tbo case Is a continuation of the atrugulo between Mayor Weir and the council over the control of iho police forco. U tbo mayor ovoutually triumphs ho will roorcanljsa the force. If ho U defeated the foruo will lomalu practically us U is. In either event Lincoln will have to struggle along with a polioo force entirely too small for the needs of the city. Thcro is no complaint now of the carelessness or lack of vitllbnco on the purtof the present forco. The dupartmont is doing ovorjrtblni ; It can to suppress law lessness , but the foroo is cntuoly too small , TnU fact Is unlvorially conceded by the friends of both tbo mayor and the council Ic the present contest. Improving tlio Wuter Sfitam , The water works system will bo Improved br the immcdlnto construction of a ncn\ atandpipo with a capacity of 500,000 gallons at the comer of Twenty-third and Boutl r streets. The Improvement was authorize ! , by tbo oity qouucil last ovoeinR am work will bo commenced as soon u : the necossarv contracts can bo lot. Tbo nov standplpc will oo 100 feat lu holjjht and Iiuv a dlamotor of twenty-five foot. It will b ten toot higher than the old pipe at the I street pumping station aud consequently I is estimated that the pressure in the busmos portlou of the city will bo double what U I at present. The pressure now Is scarcol , forty pounds , but Commissioner Porclvu states that tlio naw pice will Rlvo a pressur ol t l a t ulaety pauadi. The of the new standplpo will enable the city to do away with the necessity of operating the F street station , and tbo saving to the city in consequouco will bo nearly $5,000 pe'r annum. Heard In Lincoln Court Iloomg. The Lansing theater imbroglio is settled and no receiver will bo appointed. Henry Oliver , the applicant for a receiver , with drew hU petitioa tals fornaoon und the case will bo dropped. The SS.OOO damacro case flled against Colonel onol Billy IJatr by O. F , Atwood was dls missed this forenoon for lacu of prosecution. AUvooa had sued Barr for damages to that amount , alleging as tbo basis of the suit that barr had accused him of stoaliucr several ar ticles from the Bnrr block. The Badcor Lumber company today re ceived a verJ lot awarding It a Judgment of $ , ! l > 7.5'5 ' against the Missouri Paciflo Railroad company. The amount was claimed by the lurabor "eomnatiy for switching charges duo it under nn agreement with the railroad. The city of Lincoln today oonfcssod judg ment in the county court in favor of J. F. Lansing for $125 on account of grading damages lu front of his property on 1C struot between Eleventh and Twelfth. The case In which Farmer Halo sues the Union Pacific Ilallroad company for 5 ,0l)0 ) amagcs will bo hoaru without a jury , both Ides tohitj willing to trust the case to the couit alono. The ofllcers of the Lancaster County Fair association toduy commenced suit against A. S. Williams and S. W. Buraham for S100. They allege that it cost thotn that amount to lofcnil an Injunction suit brought by Wil- ia.uj to prevent the removal of the fair from -ilncolu to Hickman , Lincoln In ISrlcf. Patrick Dobbins was this morning son- .cucod to ilvo days imprisonment in the county jail for Indecent exposure. John O'Sboa , the railroad man charged , vlth stealing an overcoat from Tom Draper , ivas lined $ j aud costs by Judge Waters this 'orenoon , The case against M. Adler , the pawnbro- tor , charged with havinpr received sovor.il stolen watches , was dismissed today for lack of prosecution. There wns nothing to show , hat Adler had concealed iho watubos. IIo bought them In duo course of trndo and had displayed them in his show windows for sev eral wcoks before they wcro discovered. Tha tnuual coucert of the Lincoln Oratorio society will talto place on the ovonlng of De cember 0. It will bo the loading musical event of the season unU several hundred of the best musicians in tbo city will partlcl- into. J. N. Davis , who was ycstotday reported .ohavo engaged In a dtfllcultv with'Chris Bauer , was connected with the affair ouly us a witness. Thora Is a chance In ono of the oldest law firms In the city. Lamb , Klcketts & Wllsoo , who have boon together for moro than ten voars last past , luivo dissolved , and MrV. . J , Lamb , iho senior mom- bar of tbo llrm , has associated with him Messrs. Adums nnd ticattof this city and tha linn will hereafter bo Lamb , Adams ft Scott. Messrs. Adams and Srolt are man of high standing , line local ability and wide ox- perlonco in the practice of tno law , The now llrm will bo a vary strong ono. Flavoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- Oransro Economy In their use , Roso.etc Flavor as delicately deliciously as the fresh frmi * HEALTHFUL , AGREEAnLE , CLEANSING. for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds'Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei Anotr unl comntoti Trait nant , con'l'tlm o Bappodtorloi. Olnl-nunt In ijipiiilji. alia lallav ndl'lllt n 1'ailtlra Cura tor Uxt rnil , Intornil bllndorUlao'llnjlto'ilru. Ciirouio , Hoa.'ntor llorjll- UrTl'ilui. Tttls llumj.lr hi > nuror bJon known to /tll.llparbox. Uforli ; oontbr mull Vfliftuaorlro-u Ibtiterrlblu illsaao iv.ui u written uu.iriutJ ) li poBltlTolygl'on wlttii ) uixoiur rafunl tliaruanariC notcuruilSaaJ > tini > forfriu Bampla. Uuarantai lioaei bjlvulm &Co. l > ruzxlii < , "solo Aa 16U-u a DouL'la * MtrojtJ ou.ho. Nob. Tut t's Tiny rills net iwlilndly nil tlio irlillcl , tliu ilollcilu fnumlu < ir Inllrnii old ugo n.s upon lliinljjiimui in.in. ' \u tune ) mill Btrm > Ki | | to tlio nmk oiiui li , Illinois , l.lducyn anil liluililvr P. J. CREEDON Architect AM ) liuiidcr. Iwtshtocnll tha nttonllon of my frlondi. former patrons nnd the inibllo tn the fact that I liuva uvu'n gone Into Ijuslnesi. J GREEDON , , , Architect and Builder , ROOM 617 , NEW , YORK LIFE BUILDING. . - . - . - . - . - . - AVH - M1.1 - ? - ' - . - . - . - - - . . , FARNAM ST , THEATER.POJh& . TONIGHT. Tlio clover [ ) AJ'I SULLYn& n rKli Actor , * " * - OC/tf./ ] 0t , , Cotlllmny , i'auSSol The Millionaire SATUKDAY NTGI1T , DADDY NOLAN FARNAM STREET THEATRE , ri'Ks 4 NUhts CommoDcln , ! with Matinee , Sunday , Dec. 4. ANDERSON'S COMEDIANS- In the Gro-uest of all Muslc.it t'arco- Cnmodlos. BOWS MlsS MATIIKH'3 THEATRE.MlsS THEATRE. TARRWHU * Thursday. 1 r.'dnv and H.itnnliiy. Uee. 1 , ! 3 and. ) . Matinee b.-iturJuy , MARGARET MATHER. Assisted ] > y u Competent Compiny , In the follow lnuruportory : Tnurs'l'iy Nl/ht and bnturduy Matinee , THE HONEYMOON. Kildny Nlsht , THE LADY OF LYONS. Saturday Night. ROMEO AND JULIET. Prleos-35e. Me. Tif. $1.0) and SI.r.O. Hex sheets upon Wednesday. I/ONDERLAND / S and BIJOU THEATRE , TIITWJ5EIC I-IAliEllA KIRKIS. A.NU THK COLUMBIAN SPECIALTY COMPANY. M \TINKKt : hVKMSnHI ' 'Oc all li.irta of I UneorrKd l'nriiiut | enH , .133 tilt ) homo. I Hmurvocl lliltuuy noTH , 2Ja LADIES1 PERFECr SVHINCJH Jim Only 1'trfuU Vnglni nnil Ilictul byriiuo In tliu \ \ orlil , Is ilia nnljr irrltuu or Interned by which MUIII hiJc'illiiMH inn lin niliiilni lercil without luiklim mil xillliiK tliu rlntliliu or n j' restituting the u o of u vut- fcl , nnd which run ulii ) bo ut cd lor rLCtuI Injection * or Irrlk'iUlon. Borr utiiiiiuii iiin.n AM ) JIAHI ) UUUlllSIt Prlco $3.OO. Mall orders jollcUol. UcAloe&PcnfoldCo. IBth Stpaet , NKXTIO I'OSTOKKIKOB I'p'jyilaim' IMIV' i * . Ion ncojratuly | irourel | alow | irat u" 3 RIP eiB * BUUE s Iu" o . I liu i.tuDuuli , liver anH LuiviK I url-X Vfy tliulilwHl. BIX' tutu uwltiriilualtl I thn Ix ht iiiullUiio know n fur l.lllou * J liana , luiulliiatluu. Uj > i p la. foul ! ' brvutli , buiJuUn. liourlliui u , loiu 1 1 Utc. u.eutal Ucpnvlou , idluf ul fUlon , filmiik.1 , Billow ciiinilci , iuuli > t.ryill/4.aMrciiultlUKiroci * Impure tlood.ora fr.llurrt'ylhu l uia li llnrurln tottne * to | H > rorni Uiilr | iroior fuuctlbiu. I'lrwiu J " -Ui'O tounruitliiKarubcnenttxJli ) tjjMm" iii'crurJ TCuch miiil l'rl(4t br itibll. 1 iTruiM. it i tMiiplH , 1 < * . 2 Idl'ANS till > ! faAL , CO , l frirucufct .Ntw YorL J Worth more than standard value , worth two for one for the World's Fair , and more than that to you. We are selling half-dollars for a dollar a-piece. You get a Original Beautiful in in Design. Execution. A Work of Art in itself. We devote the entire amount towards developing and ennobling the People's Great Fair. Souvenir and Rare Coins as an " " " Investment. Coin. U. S. 5 Goldpiccc 1822 U. S. 1804 Silver Dollar U. S. Half-Dollar 1796 U. S. 1802 Silver s-Cent Pteco U. S. 1856 Eagle Penny TJ. S. 1793 Copper Cent ( Amerr ) Queen's Jubilee s-Sovreign , Eng. ' . French. Napoleon's loo-clay sfr. , King William Coronation , Ger. 1861 German ' "Peace" Coins 1871 This will be the best investment you ever made A World's Fair Souvenir Coiti A National Heirloom for only $1.00. Under Act of Congress we have 5,000,000 Souvenir Coins , of the denomination of 50 cents each. That the money may go as far as possible , and that all the people may have a chance to pro cure these artistic and patriotic souvenirs of their own Exposition , we have resolved to offer the whole issue for sale at 1.00 each. Apply to any Bank , or send Post Office or Express Money Order , Bank Draft , or Registered Letter for as many coins as you wish , with instructions how to send them to you , to f TREASURER WORLD'S * COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. CHICAGO , ILLS. DrDO 13l6 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent i > odnllntIn norvoun. chronic1 iirlvnto , Iilr > ( i1 , kln aiul urlnarr < JI oa e . A roiuUr un4 ru- glitcrutlKraduutoln iiiuOldnoHI dliilonitnun urlltlc.alt > tliow , li mill tr > mUii < wllli tliu uranium uocvii luturrli.luiit mnnliouil , omliml i'uknu i , nltflitlomeiuml all form * of prlvntuilUvuien. Nu iciurujrr mjl. . Now trtutniocit lor lo ior viltil powi'r. I'urtlut uimbUi to visit mu mnj' to troiluil ut liuniu tijr ujrrdipmil. inco. Mi'Jklno ' orlnitrumtMiunmt l > > mull or cxprun nucuruly tmtkoil , no nurk * tu InJIcalo LU itunn or cuJur. Unu iicnonal lutorvluw prjfurroJ. Coniultutluii frjii , Co rei o i luuco otnuiy iirlvulu. Uu j ttvrlcsul Ulv ) > vnt Irou. Ouitu Uour Uu. m. to'JiMU. ba ' * * | ltu. ) m.tu ; j iu. tiuuil ut.iioplot rjplr ,