HE OMAHA IU1IA' HUE : llflft SDAY , PEOKMHEK 1 , 1802. THE OMAHA BEE COr NCI L BLUM'S , ( H-lCKi NO. 121'HAKLSTUKBT ftll.ircr. ty f.irrlorto tui7 pirtof tlu Ml ? H.W Tll/rON . - MAN/OKR. I"1" ntsiOniCP . v'o.P ? Mtlit | Editor . No , M/A I'/o.v , fV. . Plumbing Le , Council IlliifTft Lumber Co. . Coal. 'J'lic Daughters of Votoiani had n pleaiant dnnclnu parly Inn evonuiK. I'cnutl to wetl wa olvon vcMciiU" to . .lolitiV. . 'Proud mid frtullu 1i Koaph , both of Omnlin. 'J'Uo Union Pantile lian comnioncoil iisln thu CHS mnnulacturcil ut tliu nuwly elected ( inn plant in thia city" . I'ho fimcrnl of MM. Mary Merrill will beheld hold at 111 o'clock Mils morning Irora tlio resi de nco , y.'iO Vinestroot. Tlio funeral of Mrs. T. Tnlckslun " ' 111 1)0 ) hold nt 2 o'clock llm uftcrnoan Irom thu Klrst Cnptlst cnurrb. Thomas Snlpci anil Dora Johnson , n ruloiod couple from Omaha , were married by .lusticn llnmtncr ycti'nlny. Uiutv Guild will meet ut the resilience of Jvlts. C.-'otso ItllJto , Madison street , this uftcrnooit at ' ! : 'M o'clock , Instead of Friday. The annual inaolliiR of the St. Andrew * society \va hold last uvonlni ? nt Knights of iytliliu hall. Alter 11 o'clock dunclng was \ihe order. Mrs. Mary .1. Cole returned yesterday irom Hpolinno Pnll.iVnsb. . , xvtioro she has liGen spending the summer. She will tnako her horau purmanotitly with her sons at ( lib J Jill IV sticot. llarrIJoloup. . who was seriously injured BOIHO weolis BRO on an Omalm motor , Is re covering slowly , and Is to be removed from the hospital in Oimilia to Ills homo In this city In the near luturo. In the district court yesterday the case of Spoonur against the city was still on trial. In tbls case the iilamtllT seeks to ( jot iliuimccs to property , corner of Kovonth tivonlio and Heventu street , caused by change of ( jiadn. Tno corner stouo of the ( irnco Kplscopal church wits laid yesterday In mi Informal inumicr. A copper box containing mninor- nnda of the church history , names of oHIcors , etc. , was deposited in thu stono. but no ex tended ceremonies \\ere Indulged I-i. The countv auditor Is tn superintend the drawinir of lots to ilolnrmlno ns to thu Ola po sition nf the old records ntnonu ; the now Jus tices. Iloretoforo ttio matter has always Qoon arranged by a mutual agreement bo- twccu ttio outgoing and incoming Justlros. A mooting was hold last evenlntr In the Voung Men's Christian association rooms /or the purpose of onjam/lni , ' n choral union , under the leadership of I'rof. Torrens. Hut llltlo was done toward cffoctlnir an orsani/.a- tion , anil the moctlnc was iidjournod until next Wednesday oventnp. There wls horrid war at the Ivlol house yesterday. The waiters and cooks boc.imc Involved In an all-around scrap which liad its ork'ln in the ovonvholminn" desire on the part of one of them to boss things. One of tin ) waiters thought ho hid as Rood a right to boss ns liU follow , nnti bo renounced allo- glanco. Tlio other employes look sides , but iho loader of the insurgents was immediately nutated by having one of Ills cyos blacict'd. 'I'ho trouble tlion suosldcd , und later on tbn man with tbo frescoed oyowas discharged. Judco McfJioo has dlschaiqou the young muti , Nichols and Mixllold , who wore charsej with larceuy. Tlfo questions involved were close , hut the jutljju thought a llltlo lotnpur- inc of mercy would not bo amiss. The trou bio arose from an attempt 13 Rather a imrt of a crop of corn , In which the youiiR men were IntcrostoJ as partners , aud which liatl been attached to satisfy u personal debt of ouo of them. The oilier thought ho could Kathur hh half and let , the other half stand , mid hired his partner to help him. Whllo thus engaged their arrest was made for larceny. _ In Olilfii Tunes I'coplo overlooked the Importance of partta- ncntly beneficial ofTects and were satistled with transient ction , but now tint it is RCII- orally known that. Syrui ) of Pi s will per manently euro habitual constipation , well ilnformca poopla will not buv other laxntlvus which act for a tlmo , but llnally Injure the system. _ llixtim Store. A lidixl wnvo of prosperity has struck us mid the surplus sloulc is" rapidly clls- apponrhiE to muUo room for tbo im- luensu dlhplny of holiday ! oodsi. A few of tlio epoclalt ) in our Shooting and wash ( roods ( lupiirtmont. Bargains in every dopartniont. MUSLINS. Ten-uont liulf blcnclicil muslin , 7c. Bos } , 10-cont blcauliod cotton , 8c nnd 8Jc. 8Jc.Seo See our now brand of oo unbleached muslin. A good 7-eont unbloacbod muslin , ( ! c. Yard wide line oambrio , 10f. Boston Store , Council BlulTs. Xeut , .Solid lln Such is tbo unanimous verdict of all who luivo examined the numerous build- tugs of tbo well known arobitui-ts , J. ( _ ' . and W. Woodward. The buililiii's } , liour insnnution and oloso iiivosti ationj Tltoy arc cbaruutorixod by solid founda lions , economy of construction , attractive - ivo external appcaranco , CDinploto and onvoniont intornnl arran cmouls. In fuel , they stand the test oxtornitlly , in- tcrnally and eternally. Another 'point in whicii theRe arcliltccts nro making for thomsolvoH a most excellent roimta- lion is Ilia foliabllity of tlioir estimntub. riticj s AND suurmsis : , I'or tlio Ni-\l Tlilny liny * ut tint llv.iiis hlioii .Stnri' . Slioes at p--iees that will nurpriso you. H VANS' S I IOK STOCK -Will bo moved January 1 to No. 28 Main Btrcot , und ( luring the month of Deuoin- bor ho will glvo you priuos on luuthor and rubber irnoils that will STAKTLKYOU. hOOIC OUT For prices in a few days. S.ilo coin- inencos Monday , December / > . See these oil heaters ut Swulno's , 737 Uroadway. _ Don't mnlco uny nrrangoinonta for your holiday ( , 'ooils until you have Been 'the inuny new aud useful articles at I.uiul IJros. _ fiito.\.ti , m.iiuc.ii'iis , Consrcssman Tom llowninn has Iclt for XVushlngtnn to clear out Uls desk und inalco icndy for his farewell. C. II. Deere , M. II. Kosonflold and J.V. . Uood of Deere , sVells .V ; Co. , ut Muilnt . III. . lire In iho ritv , uiiosts of Lucius U'olls. L'lmrleaVobberol iho Minneapolis br.tncli ot the same noubOjjs also In the city. I'rniiiNiHbcri ; . C. F. Moore & Co. . promluont druggists of Nowboiv , Ore. , say : "Slnco our customers have becoino acquainted with thu good quid- ltlc of ' ' Chamuorlaln'H C'ouzh Koinedy > va Hell but little of any other kind. Uhambor- Jain's modiclnoii all clve yoou salUfaction.1 ' For sale by ururelats. JMM-TS , Nov. j-,0 , 1692. An election ia hereby ordered in Co. C. . Third Hotf. 1. N. ( ! . , lo eloi-t iv captain to illl vacnney caused bv the rcolynation of Otptaln I > , J5. Diilloy ; suit ] oiootton to bu hold Dec. r , 180J , between the linui'H of U n.'in. and 8 p. in , Hy ordoi1 of O. H. Williams , Lluut. Coind , Davis for drills and paints Tcnsh tires oapltal stock Cltizuna State bnnU ftu--sale. M II. Shoafo. Day it IIoss liavo u foroo of men work Ing on the roads through the Kluln tract. Uuy flvo or ton ucros there while jtisi' T. 1) . King & Co.'s PartagiiH eljjar liolpoil to elect Clovchtnd. It's the ice- ord broivltor ( or the year. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Fata of an Llaho Man Who Hat a Gentle man with Whiskers. HE LOANED HIS MONEY TO A STRANGER Anothpr Vprlllciilliin n ( tlio Cnn MnnN Aili . . ' sr-.Mr. llntlcr'n Cinillillni ; .Nntitro nml III * I'ccnnl.iry l , i < llotv llrVni Tiikuti tn. o Hntlor , nti tiUho P.IM , Muho , 1'ciitlcmnii nliout ( M year * of nyc , wns rm tiis way licino ttomVnoonMn , wlioro lie Iiml liut'ii visiting hli joa , aid yesterday stopped oT ( for u Htilovhllu to loa'c around Council n\uK \ * . On Ids round * lie cfttoo ncross a rnnu with wliHUors , who claimed in bd from lilitho nnd craved the jilcaMiro of tr.ivolhip b.ir.K homo wltli Mr. llntlor. Tito Inttcr was glud to-iiava cjinnany for tlio rest of the Journey , nnd ho ngrcou with the Rtoiitcst of l > loniure. They loamcil around the oily for luvlillo lo ulhur.vlion the man with the whlftkcis raid ho Intended to buy f > ouo : trhiliuU to tiiUo homo to thu i-hlhlrcn. It wns a.wnv ho hnd , and the children would to lorilbly disapnolntod If he iMJn'L tlo It , hut ho hadn't n cent of inonry.Vould Mr. Huilor loan him some money ana taite a c-licck hu linu wttn him for security I IJulltr only hnd ? M > 0 , but tuo bevvhlslccrrd liullvlil ual was no hoi ; ; ho would tnlto only J > and let his Irlutid hava thu ( i ) ( 'ant * . The inonoy and clincl ; chungcd hands , and u few mlnutua later Iho conlldunco mnn left him sUnilinir on I'oarl street wlillo ho ran into the Mer- rinm lilojlc on n llltlo Hum of InHtness. The in i nut o.i Icnclhoncd Into nn hour and still ho did not return , wliun litltlcr instituted In * ( jiimei nml founti the true state of ullalrs. fortunately ho had bnnsht n throucli tlcltot when ho started from Wisconsin , so that hu will h3 ahlo to ( jet homo by exorcising n little Judicious uconomv in natroni/.lii Iho iioniiut boys nloni ; the route. "ChampaRno that has the least alcshot Is a stimulant nnd restorative , " suys lr. I'uvy. Use Coali's nxtra dry Imuorlal. A Nr\r Snliirli Aililfd In Coillltll IfiifTM Ollrrliiu hiiiTinl Atirai'tlo in anil Ail- Mintntii. The nnnouncomcnt will coino wltli urpriso to ninny that Mr. M. Toft , who onto tlmo aj o tmrunio tlio owner of the olubrutud Scott fnrni , hus decided to lad "UO : nros of it , und put it upon tlio taruot in live and ton ncro tracts , the ulo to open at onro. The move la ono f the ino t iinpnrttuit ones wliioh Las taken phtuo for suvurul oars. H is the result of u quiet jut steady growth and intirciisinp ; domiiiul for Mich property. The prop- rty has become well known uudor the mine of | ' ] nterpi-iso Place , " and it oeins Hint those wholhus chrlstuned it nust have hnd n tip from prophecy , for i promises to bo in the truest soiiho an 'enterprise" atlendcd by all tlio success nd porinniionco which tlio word implies n its fullest and best sense Those ; , \'ho hnvo not visited the place in n year r BO will bo burpiiscil to learn thiit It las already advantages of a villa < ; e. "Jhureli und school wivileges arc al ready cstubiished , there uro two daily nails , the Omaha , and Council HiulTh sapors are delivered thcio at an early lour each morninp and arrangements nro bcin completed for the establish- nenl of a postollico on "Knterpriso Place. , ' As all know , the tract is ono of tlio most beautiful aiul fertile - tile in all this region , a porfeet garden , which has been the envy of many , and which now bein thrown open to the public will bo rn\t- \ dly seized and huttled upon by those ilosiring to combine the advantages of the richest 'agrifultuiMl region in the rld with the convcnioncefi of city life nnd city markets. Unlike most such enterprises instead of forcing the prop erty onto the market and creating a de mand afterwards , the demand in this : nso haw preceded the decision to place it on the market. The advantages of location nnd the well known desirabil ity of the land have created a demand , and the owner , Mr. Toft , recognizing this htiH yielded to it. The offer to sell in live and ten aero lots will bo quickly taken ndvnntngo of by those who have been watching and waiting for just such a rhaneo. There is rather a scarcity of such property in this "vicinity and 'tho superiority of this particular tract will 1'iuiio it to meet with a ready s ilu , lo bo followed by an equally certain advance in price. Mr. Toft evidently means business , for ho yesterday closed con tracts and completed arrangements by which Greonshiolds , Xicliolsyn & Co. arc given the oxclu-ivo sale , with au- tbority to plnco the property on tlio market forthwilii. Coul and wood : host and cheapest Mibsouri hard wood in the city ; prompt delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 1 Main. Their I Apncuranrcs Indicate that a considerable proportion of the rusUlentb of the southnrn pnrt of Iho city nuar the railway tracks cko out n precarious livelihood by dodarlng divi dends on the carloads of grain that are loft , stimdhiK on Iho sidetrack * , or on the htand- iiiR crops loft In the corn Holds. A cnso is now pondlni ! before .luduo Hammer In which the defendant. ! are charged with stcaltnc u lot of corn from James I'axton. A large lot of grain was found Ivlng on the Krounu near the Wabash tracKs several days uco , It bavlas ; bean dropped there by the thieves , who were Irlffhtonea awav by a no- llcatuap , who threatened to arrust thorn un- lesb tlioy wont olT ooforo ho cot the p-atrol WUROII , Vostcruay Vf , II , Hall , who lives u o.i i- the t.'acltJ , was arrostoj uu the cbar o of larceny , n numtior of nacits of ttioi'aiu ( being lound lilddon in 111 ? tiousj. lenoranco of tno meriis of noWitt's Ultlo I'.arly Risers is a misfortune. Tlio.io little ptlUrognlutetlm Hvoruuro hoactajho , dvsptip sia , bjd broatn , cons'imtloii and I'm1(1 ( My * Only , 2COO cases of canned goods to bo sold regardless of cost for ten days only at Hrown's G , O. D. , coinmonciui ; Mon'dav ' , Nov. US. California nonches 1-i , 10c and COc per can ; Cilifornlaapricols , lOc porciui ; California egg plums , 15o per can ; Culi- fornia green gage phi inn , lOo per can ; California grapes , I'M per can ; Cali fornia white cherries , 2Ic ! per can : Cali fornia black cherries , 10u per can ; Cali- fnriihv raspberries , iJilc per can ; Califor nia pours , -Oo par cin : ; eastern pouches , Kii ) per can ; oitbtorn pourfc , lUc per can ; 1Mb. can b'aokborrios , 8tc per can ; tMb. can raspberries lOo per rim ; 2-lb. can Btrawborrioa , lOo nor win ; l-lb. ! can fitnndiird corn , Klc per can ; iMb. can sl'andard tomatoes , Sio par can ; 1Mb. can noas , "jo per can ; 2-lb. can string beans , 7i > pur can ; 2-lb. can wax bu'ius , 7jo per c.in ; U-.b. ' can baked beans , lOu per can ; Frenoh poau , lee per can ; sal mon , 10j per can ; gallon can nuplos , S2.Sc ; oil sardines , -lc ; inugtard sardines , 7Jc. Hcmomhur tliis'&nh ) U for ten days only nt lirown'dO. 0. 1) . , Council Hlulfs , Iti. I'rult < ir/i r > ' * .Urctlnf. The uunuul mcotliiK of the fruit growers and gardonora In the vicinity of Council IlluiTs , will bo held on .Saturday at1. o'clock. It i * Blvon out that t'nJ ' raeellnt ; will hi ono , of tbo most Important for many reasons that i has been hold smco the organization of the I association , A varied und inlerestluK pro < cram will bo random ) , and U U uxpcctcit that the attendance will ba largo , as there i * now ieroral huudrad tueu euK e d In tUe of fruit and vcpotnbles that find tnarkoti In Council HliilTs nna Omnhu. Amonff thoquc.stlont Hint will coma up for discussion \\lll bo the Important query. "VVhst Were Iho Causes for the Knlluro or the Apnlo CronThU Your. " nml Iho tllsrus- slon will bo I .HI by H. C. HavmonJ. P.x- Alderman Wood will clve the "llcasons Why ( Jrapo Urownrk Should Oroanizo , " nnJ .Secretary U. O. Williain.i will talto "A He- trosncctlvc Vlow ot Our Society , " nnd plead for bolter attendance. After the transaction of the routine His- ! ne s iho odlcers for the now year will bo elected. _ Itnv. Sj-lv.tnns l.nno Of the Cincinnati ! M. 1C. Conference rnakoc n good point when he says : "Wo bnvo for years used 11 cod's tiarinparllla In our family of llvo , and tlnd it fully equal to nil that Is claimed for It. Some people are creitly pivjmllctd ncalnst patent nindlclnc ? ! hut hotv the patent can Hurt n mcdlclno and not n machine is n mystery of mysteries to mo. " Hood's Pills euro liver Ills. CI.IAV : smns. : \\luit SnrKcnt Siin < 1 want to any to the pcopln of Council UlitlTs that when morclmnts have lo resort to hurly-burly cales nudadvcrliso to soil goods at loss than cost because they cannot compete with legitimate business , that I uiri strictly In it. We ought to mnko a profit , but it wo ciinnol , 1 will lotall good solitl boots and shoes , the bom makes , at lo.'s price than some ( Icnlurs can buy them. If yon want shoes go to Sargent's , the old Phillip ' shoe store. NO FAIC13 Oil ULIUHAH HAI.HS , hut sLclclly llrst-clafs goods nt lower prices than nny shoo house in tlio citv. I Je mo m her , Sargent will not bo undersold , 41U Broadway , A Coition \Vrilillni ; . A pleasant event took plnco last evening that was made the occniloa of many hearty conuratulations to one of the most ounnablo pionocr cituuns nuu hu wife. It was the liftioth wcuding niinivorsiir.v of Mr. nna Mrs. .1. LI. Smith and their ulcrunir. homo nt T S Kirs' iivcnuu was crowded w.tb relatives nnd frlondi to assist them In celebrating their golden wedding About IIfly guests wuro prosunt , ull the chiklrjn aim many ( jrnmlcblldron. They wore married In Oltutmva. la. , and for moro tlinn thirty years tbev have boon residents of Council liluffs. Many hand omo presents were made , nnioug other things S.VJ in gold coin. Hoth of the old uaonlo are halo und luartv uiut glvo abundant promise of thu enjoyment of many moro years of peaceful nud happy llfo. A Sura Cure lor Croup , farmers conio Ilftoen miles to my store to get Chamberlain's cougu rometly. Many of them , HKO my sol f , are novcr without it in tholr homos. It cured my boy of a stivore attack of croup nnd , I heirove.'savod his life. K. Ualton , Luray , Hussult countv , Ivan. This remedy Is a certain cure for croup aud , If used as soon as the ilrst symptoms appaar , will prevent the attack , l-'or sale by drug- glsls < SIIKUTINCS. 0-1 unbleached sheeting , worth 20e , for loc. -inch blenched and unbleached ptl- , low case muslin lOc. i-l ) houv.y Me sheeting , i20c. Other widths and ( juislitios less than iii'inuhusliirors' list. A.'ik for soft Imperial brand sheeting , no and soft , 9-4 width , only lioc. Boson - , on Store , Council BlulTs. WASH noons. 30-inch printed shooting , sold for liljc , o close , ( ijc , Ono ctbo : flcorsuckor , good quality , ivorth 8c , to close , fie. 100 pieces homespun outing flannel , ivorth loc , to close , Sic. Two cases heavy Tycoon reps , rcg-ti- nrly sold for loc , to close at lOc. Printed Hcdfoi-d cords , sold for 10c , to eo with other bargains at oc. LJoston Store , Council Bluffs. 130STON STOKH , Fotlicriugliam , Whitolaw < S : Co. N. B. Store onen every evening until ! ) p. in. Saturdays , 10 p. m. , until Christmas. 'I3on Ilur" at Dohany's opera house , December I , and . ' ! , with Saturday matinee. Scats now en ealo ut box ollicc. L. P. Judson , civil ongincci'.ySSB'rt-ay. I'liiii-rnl orV. . I , . The funeral of the late W. L. Biggs tooli place yesterday afternoon , services bouijj conducted at the residence , corner of Sev enth stroat and Seventh avenue , by Jlov. b. iVIoxandor of the isouond Presbyterian cburuh. After tbo survicng at the house me remains were taken In chiuve of bv the moinbors of the Council Ululfs lodge No. U. Indepenueat Order of Odd Follows , und es corted to Prflrviow cumotery , whom the usual services were performed by thn lodge Urco number of fnendft of the deceased were present. IT IS Tin : KKST. That IsVhy I KiM-ommciii ! It. * * Chambnrlaln'b couch remedy gives the best siUsfactiuti of nny coughmndicmo I huuulo , and as a seller leads all other Dropuratlons In till ; market. 1 recommend it becuu < , o it Jt the nest medicine 1 over handled /or coughs , colds nnd croup. A.V. . naldndge , Millers- villo. 111. Siccliil | .Mllllnnry For this week Miss H-agsdalo will hnvo a sale of trimmed hala at $2 and io. Now is the time to get a birgaln. IJntorprisc riiicf. Being frequently urged to toll &nmlN portions of my farm , I liavo nt last decided - cided to plat UOO acres of Kntorpi'iso Place , familiarly known as the Scott farm , and to begin tlio sale at once in llvo und ten ncrolots. 1 have placed the tame in the hands of Grecnshlelds , Nicholson & Co. , who will net in tlio matter as my exclusive agents. Fruit growers , Hardeners and those who want the conveniences of a city combined witli nil the advantages of the richest farmincr land are now given a.raro op portunity to do bo , M. TOFT. Holiday photos , cut prices' ' , $ l.r > 0 for cabinets , for HO days. Cottage gallery , Hiloy's old stand. _ Coal and Wood. Suckott & Preston , 028 Broadway. Telephone 1. Tlio A. D. T. Co. has added two now hacks to ltd force ami will answer calls at all hours , day or night. Tulophonu , 171) ) ; olllco , S Main street. Gentlemen , the finest line of fall goods in the city , juat received. Hollar , the tailor , ail ) Broadway , x "Bon Ilur" at lohiinys oporn house , December I , t ! and H , with Siituiduy matlnco. Tickets now on sale at box olllco. Klint at Shortly after I o'clock yesterday morning another attempt was inudo to taurirlarlzo Spotiunn & Bro , ' utoro on Main street. STP . IS AN HONESt REMEDY. IT DOES WHAT 'TSAYS ' IT CAN DO. IT DO S CURE , IT HAS CURED THE WORST AND THE PAIN STAYS CURED. Two fellows 'vcro OUbovcruJ by Ofllcir l'.n cldlo worlilne at tljofcar door , nud on his approach they slartca luml ran HP llred twlco at tholr rccedlnc forms , bill so far as known did not hit olttidf of them. Drnw Your Olvu Conclmlcin. Mr. .1. O. OavciiDort. maniiqcrnr tno Fort Urngc Uedwood Co.'Ft < llrnBc.UHl. , tins this to av of ChamborlalnlA Couijli HomoJy : "I tiicd It for n severe rail ] and cough and ob tained Immediate rollof. In the Port HraK Hcdwcod Co.'s Biorj9.\vo have sold lnr o qi.nntltlcs of Chambcr.rtlln's medicines. " For sale hy Scott lions'1 , gooAn oinl : ; low rnto3. i > Killed lljit l-J-dliiniiirr llln l. VmniN-u ; Nov. , Nov. 3'J.--\Vllllniu ' Hughcn nnd ICtUvnnl Nentlo were blown to mocos In the Kcno.shu tunnel f the Slorra Nevada ml no. In the fuco of the tunnel they had prepared several holes for a blast. H U thoucht they exploded n cap or dropped a cnmllo Into a box ot powder while llrlnfi the cartridge. % o ft.iiiiHtthlni ; ino < li 1 have sold and used tn my fanillv for sev eral yoara Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera aud Dlnrrluui remedy and hnvo found it ono of the most useful and allsfuctorv remedies I ever handled. C. It. howls , druggist , Salt Lake City. Utah , I'nlrdillil .Muyllol lllsOlil , loli. Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. ! IO. There Is no room for doubt at prasonl that Charles S. Fairchild - child will accept his old portfolio , according to Iho llorald. The tender of the portfolio to Mr. Kulrohlld Is said to hive b.'on made a day or two after tno election. Perfect action and portoct health result from the use of DJ Witt's Llttlo Karly UU- crs. A perfect lllllo pill. 'I hu I'lrr Iti-cnril. Uii : Moi\i : . < i-Iii. , Nov. HO. The electric llfjlit plant of the lies Monies Water Power company was destroyed by lire tonight , leav ing a Inr o portion of ttio city In darkness. Loss , * UOOOU ; Insurance , fS..OUO. An lii\alii iblu ICt'iiinily liir CnliN. Sheilft Ilnidman of Tyler countvVost VlrKitilu , was almost prostra'ed with n cold when hu bcpun uslnp Chamberlain's Cough Ucmcdy. In speaking nf It he says : "It Kavo mo aliiiun instant rcllof. I Hurl It to bo nu Invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale l-y druRgists. Kolli Will Nut Intorfrri- . MOXTOOMEUV , Ala. , Nov. yj. IColb has decided not to attempt to bo sworn In us Kovernor tomorrow. . Therefore there will ho nothing lo disturb the Inauguration of Governor Jones. NOMUHO , Iowa , April 10 , 1SU1. Dr. J. 11. Moore , Dear Sir : My wlfo has used about six bottles of your Tree of Lifo and thinks that she has received greater benefit from it than any medicine she hus overtaken. Yours truly , L. II. UWKI.V. Ueu'l Agent und Troas. Weal Coljcco. Slnco recoivltiu' the above testimonial , I am In receipt of a letter and clieck from the Hov. L. II. Lufkin of Toledo , Iowa , April 25. to send Uov. J. W. IConworth. CrostlioeT Kan sas , six bottles of Moore's Tree of Life. For sale by cirugci * > ts. So-uitnr Cilhsou't Cnnintloii Her Si'iiivus , Arx , Nov. ! ! J. The ron- dltlou of United Slates Senator Gibson of Louisiana who is lyluu very ill hero of nlTec- lloti of the hcatt is practically unclianged. V'ou don't want a torpid liver ; you don't. want n bad complexion you don't want a bud breath ; you don't want u headuclm. Then use De Witt'd Little Early Risers , the ' famous little pills. , ' v NIMV Vnrlc i\cliiii : : - : , ( .iiiot.ltlons. Nr.w Vonic , Nov , HU. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEU.I l xuhango was ( juotod as fol lows : Chicaftn , OJ cents premium ; Boston , par toS cents premium ; St. Louis , par. ; An Honest pill is tbo noblest work of ihe apothecary. OoWitt's Little Karlj Ulsors cureconslipatio.1 billousuais and sickaoad ache. Ocfuultor lor Ji'urt.v Tii uniifl , Vicioitu , IJ. C. . , Nov. lit ) . U is reported that the agent of ttn Bank of liri'lsh Colum bia at Nelson is a defaulter for 10,00. ) . Now Bocalled remedies spring up every ilay like mushrooms ; but the people still : llng to Or. Bull's cough syrup. "WORTH AGHIWEA A BOS. . . " vy - - -w - - V - vvv. - w- [ Complying with general re \ - , BGECHAM'S PILLS . \ Swill in future for the United § , S States be covered with J \ A Tasteless and | \ Soluble Coating1 , ' | completely disguising the 5 taste of the Pill without in any \ Jjway impairing its efficacy , t ; S I'rice 2 $ cents a Ba r. 0 ? New York Pcpot 36 ? Canal Street. 51 * % . " " > ? v r * * * * * * * \WK < > otvNr ' - ' ' M4 > . W. PAMI Tlio CooJ Samaritan. W Years' JSEADItU OF DISEASES OK MEN' AND WOMEN. PKOl'KIETOK OP TUB HICHHAI. SAKY OF .I ' /treat Ifa following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head. Throat , and I/JOffa : DU. cares of t lie Eycand . 'jir , Kltsnid Aioplezy , Heart I > ! * enve , I.Ivor Uoiuiitaliit , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Dsblljty , Montnl Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , niabcte. , Brighrs ni'casc.Ft.Vitun1 fiance , Ulieuiiiatisin , r&ral > sls , White Swelling , Scrofula , revcr Sore * , Cancers , Tumori and Fistula In ano removed without the knife or-drawina n drop of blood. Woiiipn with her delicate orpr-ns re stored to liea" h. Urqiay cured without tnppinif Special Attention B'v ' ° n to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 85O toSBOOforfclf ft * nny Venereal Dis ease I cannot euro without moroury. Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or no pay. lUiaorrholdu or I'lloa cured. . THOSE AVHO AUK AFI'LICTED Will tavo life and liundreda of dollars by calling on oraig \ DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. Tbo only Physician who run tell trlmt nlll a person without akkln ; ; u ijucitlon. All crirrcfiwndonco slrletlyconfidential. McUiolu' eeat hy vxprcna. AdJrcJ-a ali l ltcra to GW PanglBM,0 , , , , , 88B Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . ! tlou in tliu stiitu mid federal cnoru. itootna SjC-7-S-f , block , CouucllUlulI * , la. Concentrated x on one counter. We have placed all the clothing in any way damaged by smoke from the la < , e Ar ? , on one counter , where are some of the , Most Astonishing Bargains. Especially is this true of the OVEXROOATS. Full cheviot sack overcoats , with and without velvet collar , in gray and brown. Before the fire we sold them for $4.78 ; Now Fine chinchilla overcoats , in blue and black ; yoke and sleeves lined with silk , with an elegant cashmere lining on the balance , Before the -were smoked we got $12.BO , now All our kerseys , meltons , Irish , frieze , all sizes and imaginable shapes , some worth $18 , any of them worth $1O to $12 ; on ac count of smoke Beautiful Shetland frieze ulsters , in three different shades , long shapes , big collars and double breasted Our Oxford gray ulster { ( without lining , douoie faced , 54 inches long , full length , is very desir able at $7.6O , but the smoke makes it .tn no length of time these snap bargains will be gone , so if you want one you mus'tcome quick. Columbia Clothing Co. Cor. 13th and Farnam. To come to ths point at once , lot us Inror that van wan new clothing. We know how you real nnd what you want. Whether you hnve little , op n snug sum to spai'3 , you cle ire to net lot' the amount you spinel the b3sl possible return for your money. In this you are right , and METCAUF'S is the place where you \vill get it. The pretty styles of suits and overcoats nt $ o.OO , $ S.OO , $1O.OO , $12.OO , ara somethi-ng mujh superior to suits and overcoats usually olfsred at these priG3s , bslng made batter than ever , an .1 the fit , style and finish are extraordinarily gosd. Winter days fast approaching , will remind mother to take an inventory of the young hopeful's wenr.ng apparel. We are ready to supply his n.33ds. if it's a still , trousers , over coat or a shirt wnist. Our prices are notscl for their modesty. Complete stoclc of hats , caps and furnshmg goo .Is. Mail Orders solicited. 9 508 Broadway , Eisman building Council Bluffs ORDINANCE NO. 3:5 : Jl . All nrcllnaneo oniorlns tin ) pr.ullns of Or-ind nvi'iiuc1 , froinilTtli s ieot to 4id street ; I'ow- lor uvcniic , from ! ! Stli Rticot lo 4Jth avuntiu : l.'Jtli , hticot fruiii ( ininil itvonuii ui Aiuouv - i > iiuo : 4Utli ftticcl. ( ruin ( ir.iiuloiiuu to Siniitfiiii slreut : Utli uvoinu * . from firanil : iv- I'niie to Hnraauo slroul ; nml illioelln Ihu lioinl of ( inljllu worUs to takotliu nocubsiiry Rtops to iiiiiso siilil woi'K to lie dono. Itoltorliilno.l livtliocliy oouuell of tlio ulty of Oniuliit. Sautlon I. Wliuroas , iioniiiinenl Kr.nlns havu liL't'ii ustulilUliuii iiir | > n , nml uiipruisurs liuvn hoi'ii duly uppulntotl by law , to uppr.ilsn thu ilitina rs c'aniJ by Urn ni'.inliis of C-iind in nn in1 , fioiniili : Hlrout to * istreol \ : 1'owicr uviniiic. from IHth struct IDlutli uvuiiiio ; . 'S''tli ' Htn'nl from ( iranil IIVIMIIIU to Ames nvuiiiiu ; intli Atrret , from tirjiid iivenuu to Sur.-iKiio btreut ; 4 tli HVIMIHO. from ( Irand avuuno lo SpniKiiOhlieet : and liuvc rupnrtnti iiodamiiRus to the i.'liy council , nlilcli lias fonnally u'tiipl- oil tlio same ; nml , wlicrutis , propurtv on nuts , roprescnlliri moru limn tlirue-llfllm of the propel ty alinttln on Ha'.d porlluns of the Htn'ots and nvomioH above bpoi'lllod , havu petllloiind the city uoiinull to Inivo said Ntrcets and iivunuus utadtid to thu pros- cm established xrade. wltliont cliar o to tlio cltv. : ind that tliu t-ost bu undo piiyablo In tun eijuiil InsUllnimits , lliuro- foie. Grand iiveniii' , from ath street , told htroct ; I'owliir avenue , from : i th t-trcot to I'HIi aveniio ; it'll 1 1 stiuul , from ( irand uveiiim to Ames avuiinu ; JOlli strcot , from lir n 1 nvenuo oSiraueslreul ] ! 101 h u venue , from ( JiafVI tv- Piiuot. ) Hpracmistreut , bo and liernby Is < > r- deied Kriidnd to the prcsi'iil established pradc. bcHHiun' ' . Tb ut thu bo ltd of pulillu worlb ( 1)3 and hereby Is dlroutod lo tu > o iho nueossary mops locaiisusald < to hu dono. . Honlloii il. Tli at this ordln.uit'u Hliall taun ulTect und be In forjo from un4 aflur us ai o I.ll3sed November Ulty CJlcrk r. . r. DA.VIS. - I'rusldont Ulty ODi Approved . ; ! : . . | . Mayor. rr < i | > < iKil for tliu I'nriiUliliiL' of lliirttv l'mi\ \ tar thu Oily ol Oinaliu , ScaloTfbldH will bu rcvulvcd at the olDco of thu t'lty coinutrollor up tiH 11. in. . Di'eeml'or Clb , 1K.C , for tliu furnishing of hor.o fend , for thu city , for thu roar IhJ.I. ICaeli bidder to cnulonuL'trtlflod chock of $10. Thorliihtla reserved to itijutt nny or ull bids. Umuhti , Nov.tilh , l * > ! r- rTIIKODOHR Or.SKN' . N''Sd Ct Cumptiollur. POUNDMASTKH'S NOTIOR Iniptninded on the''ltli day of November , ono dark Ifliy pony. Intvlii whltii spoion forelieutl and mo white hlirl feet If not loJcemed huld borixi will hu sold on the 5th of Ucuuuibur , at 1U a.m. , on I.eavenworlli , between ' "fct und -"a Blruotu , In the alley , ut Dubllo auction.t Jl-d3t roundinastur. To all owners of lots or p uts of loth on . ( iiok- HOII Htteei fiom Thlity-slxtli btrcct to 'I lilt ty-Bovoiitn sireut : Yon are boroby notlllijd Hint thu iinilor- fllKnud , thica disinterested frcuholdcrs of the city uf Umuli'i , have bocudnly ainiointed bA' the nrtyor. with the approval of the ulty council of Bald city , to &HJOSS tlio dumaun to the owncis reijeutlvuly ) of iho uioporty ntluptril by liradinz Jackson sttcot fiom Tnirty-nlMli Hlieut to Thli ty-biivcnth btrci't. dec'aii'd noocssiry Dy ordliutncu No. iUii. ' , pas-oil Novcmbor 21 and approved Novem ber I ! . ' . oil uiefnrlhurnotified.thathiivliijaccoiiuxl said uppnliiliiiunt , and duly ( pi illlloil as rn- iiulrecl by lawvo will , on the tlhdav of lleeoinber. A. I ) . IH.'I.1 , tit the hour of 11 o'clock In tlio forenoon , ut the ollluu of K , W. ( fllboii , mom 'Jill , Nuw Vork l.lfu building , within the corporntulimits it said city , muut for tliu purpoiu of consltleriiii : and making Iho asspssinent , of diim.iKc to tno owners rc- fapuotlvoly of Hutd property. nlTuetud bv Btieh trad ML- , taking ; Into eonsldorntlou t-iiocl il boncllts , If tiny. Von aio nollllod lo bo present nt the tlmo and plat'u aforesaid , and makii any objections to or stmoments roiiuurnlnj'said iisMjasinunl of daumxcs , us yon may consider proper. It. W. UII1HUN. WM. ( i. HIIUIVr.lt. . .JOHNV. . UOIIIIINS. Omalin , NovBinbor . IfrSJ. NWd Ut To all ownois of lots or pirts of lots on Tnt'iity-fonrth btieel , from Dude ; btrcot i lo ( 'ass PireiH : Von mo hnroby not Hied thut the iimlrr- hltniod. Ihi-i'n OUIntuiiislcil fiuclioldi > i * , of HID cliy of Oinuli i , Jut vo hui-n duly appointed hy thoiniiyor , with tliu ipnrovul of thocliy conn * ell of said oily , lo iis < i'hs the ( liuniiKu to Iho nttneis ri > pccilvuly of the properly utlu"lrd hy trading Twenty-fourth OMlhi blrcol , from Dndisuslriiul toUdH * Hlrret , doclaml noi-iih- Hurjr lyordltiiiiiL'u No 'l.ir. : ' . p.ihsed Novunibnr 1,1 : ! - ' , miiiroved Noveinlier 7 , Iti'Jl. Von am ( nrtiivr nollllol th.it having nu > cojiled siild iiiiiolniineiii | , und duly iiii.nlflod us toqnliod hy Invv e will , on thchth day of Ijuiuinljur , A. D. , h. ) ' , at Ihu hour of 10o'clock In thii foionoon. iitthu olllcunf It. W. ( ilhion. room'Jin. Nuw Vork 1/ifo hiilidlnf. within Iho corporate limit1) of saldelly.i ct-t for the nut- liotu of considering and niiiklnr Iho iiHicss- niuiit of dHinit ; o to the ownori rutspoctivuly of sild propel ty. allcutcil hy hitld iT.idln . tali- iiiu- Into consldnrutlon hpitcial hi'iiDllls , If any. Von are notlllui. In ha picscnl at Iho llrnu and nlnci ) nforu uld , nnd nuikii any ohjocthnu leer sutoniunlh coiiedinliri bald insiis-iinent of damages as you in ly uonsidur pioimr. II. W. ( JlllrO.V. WM. ( i. SlllllVCIt , liKOHGKJ. J'AUl * rropokitl lor .Idtf-rtlHliig for ( In- City < i | ( linuliii. Eoalud hills will bu rccolvntl nt thoofllcoof llui eltv eoinpirollur up to 4 p.m. December a : * ' > . ' . for thu ollljlul aihorlUlnv' of thu city for thn year 181) . In ucuordaiK-o with Auction jtl : of thuiihartur Tach bidder to cnclosu it rertltled ehuek of tiuu. The right i reserved to rujeut any or all bids. . TIIKO. OLSUN , Uomptiol nr. Onuhs , Nov. ac , IWJ. NiilJ NOTICES COUNCIL ULUFKS. _ _ KMI'LOYMKNT. \\rAMKIl V rnpll luitin l I'mv f A hos" ' * | illal. ciir Clti ntrnnoinvl Vh ( olrpcl nni'l ! > " Irlwoon i mnl : ) ronri eMi i > t cuuil inornl clinrnc- irr.rl'ly ' nt iincc. " \\roHK WiinliHl.lir BftlTo her of I , wlm nlll > ' niNko lilm clf useful In 'ioiiot U > l.rj. it 1"lt IIM'IIMK A nlco homcioiiS Ttli vL.v , , ni'at tlh axentip , rlc.iro ! m-iniilirnnrp. for liom H'ninlii. tli\n \ roni I'lnon or Kminuo IMaro l rn. Jorrnl Will inn In tJ.S ) ) itUTeroaei ? . UrooiuliliXl'i , .Molml uii .V I'o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / 0 Arm : fruit nnil ( runU-n furirt , ticixr cltr , f ; > 3 per wane , linn III- > ITO urni , $ wr ncr-i l.wj ni-r linct. niUolnlni : n No rnikn limn , $ l ) | > rr ncrot iHtcp tut uf Inrni niulclty iiroi'orty ' tor np. | .lolui- ion .V Van I'nltrn _ T A. WOOD \ f ( ) have mini } of th ln onlhTpiiotn lo a forsulc | nnil MI j ; > W Mnln Mrcct. 1'Olt K.XC1IA.Nli-iooiU ( : ( room lieu c on SoulIT J fill slrrrl forlntul ( IrifnilitrliK Mcnol on A I o I.MIt HK.ST ilioral'owiiizilnriTiiiR ' < * I lOrnumilHPllliiK , I.HI I'nr < nT .SU. i-roinn ilnclllnc. tilOMli nv < > . f U * mom ilnrinni ! , IS : : llioiutnnr , 1:0. 10 riKiiii il"i'llnc | , .1 < 5 llpnton t , ( Ai. t-riiiini ilurlilna. Sll ATOIIIII ! (1 ( , fli..tV r ron in itnolllim , 110 .V. IMli > t , tliiU i ! room ilttt'llltiB. bW ATOIIIIH II JK ' room ilwallliiii. Mill I Inroln HTO $ UI IV * mom ilnolllitE WJ llnniHiny nt. . $15. : rnoiiKlnpllliiji. lltliMtt I'lnro. tl\ . : < mom dnclllna. 'I.M .M > n > lL r M . $11. . ' . loom ilnrlllim. H'J < : ) nl nvp. , ti ; < ( room il pllliiK. s.'l MjTiisii.r < i. . $ U.U. ( i room ilwollliiR , ( imliini IITO. . Hi. r morn ilnrlllni ; . 15utii > ili vo. , fin. I ! room itnellliiK , llnWillt I'lnro. SIJ.V ) . 4 room ilKvlllnit. litt 1'nrk nvp , ! U.M. ( > loom ilirollliik' . SIX' ' I AMMIIIO A , $10 fi looiiKlnoMliitf , 131 N ( .Hi t. . III ) . fi room .IwplllriR , saX. \ . Till l , f 1 1. ruiiiiiiHtilllnvi lU'iSlh nvp , $10. i.-ioMin ilHcllInt , tM Uli t , f 10. 4 rooiiulivelllMjr. us Vlnp M . ! . " . ( i i iiom ilwc'llhii , S I * Hi HTO , $ ! U. ri-rooiiKluplllriz 1WS Avoinid 11.510. Ir room ilnrlllnir I'Jirflli uvp. , ! 10. it room imclllnu , 'Ttt ) AVIMIIIO A. } lfl. f > 1-1,0111 ilwvllliK. Crnliam uvv . IHMT High , t.V < room lioii c. iaiso. jnii m , ; iu. 4 mom ilircllliib . rtlApiun \ < l > . $ s. fi-room ilnulllni : VtiW Avcniio II , $ s 11 loom iluolllni : . Slit it nml Avcnno , MH . 'i room iloulUni ; . Tll'l ' xo .Sd t . } < < 'i room ilnt'lllni : . .7Jli ) Avenue A. f. . ( rixunilnclllim S > > \ S. Nt l.t ; . 4 room ihM'lllnv. till So. Ul t , 51. . ' room ibvi'Hllii'UJJ Avi-nini A. < 1. fi room ilwHIInir , L'l.i lilli n\o . il , ft- room iluelllnir , .WS A cinie I ) . S ! . * room il\TulMnc. HOJ Avenue I ) , ii 4 room ilnolllnit V3I.1 AM'nuii II , SI. .1 room ilnillliik2Ui : o. i.lli > t , fi. 4-ioom ilnollliik . VOI I'nrk iu\v. f 13. room ilivollliuril MjrnnU'rtt. IJ'i. r , room ilwrllliiK , < \Vinhliititini \ nvu , ill i room ilncllliit. . ! il illl UNO. . J 'S tiUHimtlnclUni : . .SH > vcinia.fll. . 4 loom tUri'lUiiir. l.p > . 7tt n\o . "iiJ uo. " $11 , fi-room ilni-lllni : ITH nvi > . A. t\i. \ n-ruomwolllti : _ ' . .i.'l lilli nvu , Jli n room ilnolllni ; . At i lnl ) > lnnil u < , Jl' . ' . , ! -room ilnulllnir. Ill N. < itli pi . f IJ. I. KMimlp , rant u nKi'nt , ilroiln.ir ami Malu ft-crl USTHACI'Miml loan * . Knrm iiml cltr prolorly | t nni ! i-ol.l. 1'u'oy A 'lliom.is , Council llliitl I\\ltM nml city loinii Moni v Innnctl on htoclc nml piiitii. llpiil ( utHlo fur Kiih' . DwollInK and luihliics" rfntnlB. Aloner lonnvil for local Investors , l.tiilitcuTo lc. S.tS I'curl Mioot. lotn III < 'nntrnl tub. 100 M flux In Mullnn'H lull. : t > Inli In lln ) IISM A I'.ilnm'V l-Stolf. In Miiiip > l t. 3U lotIn I'cittcr A IJohtJ's. SI lots In lloor'i s Ib. 15 lots In lleor'H atlit , VJlot ! < ln llliililniMnll. IS lots In Hiilrlilnioii'fl ail I. 4fi lotn In Turin ) 'rt nilil. ii : lots In IllililloVaill. K'O lotn In Wrliiht'i ml I. Hi lots In I'Scrco'R mid. l.ol * In pvory ml Illlon to iho city chonp for pai'i. or on payments , mil nrnl * i'0 ns No trouble ) to pliow property. dn'cnililuhlH. Nloliolnvii , V Co. /'l * AI'HIIS upper Ilinnilway ; gpliMiillil plooo for ' 'plnttlnc : uliuup for ra'li , or will cvc'.ianrfo for Improve,1 runUlcnco pronorty In Council llllilla. . Mcluhon , \ Co. A.N'II rill'IT laml : ilcliett nml iiioul GAHDIIV I'CMiitllul trncl In 1'ollnrultauilo calmly : tea lOnti'rprho IMnco ; flvo or ten arru lots. ( Irecn * ' 'I'lili. Mi'hulson , \ . fo , Wl " DANCINO SCHOOL. MONIIAVS In It. A purlins , rldlilrim. 4 p. m. : niliilln. tSO p. in. Sui'lil * iiM'im.l nnil fourtli Mtmilay.Vp. tn. Miifclo fnrnlslii11 partlns nnil clnbf * AilitrOH. II. A. IMrlorvroiuicIl llhiIT. , < irii. | ! rnrnani n. . lliiiiili.i.V. . U. lliaiibarn , hinlritftiir. 4 MISCEfL AN13OUS. G AltllAGK removed. ce | > oi > l < . vnulli nml clilumoj'u cloanoil K. 1) . Unik" , city blilg , I 7OHSAIiK. clioiip. or In e\fmim ! lur land , nn i-v - talillilicd liushicis. Aililrcn I' . O. but lilJ , Couti- ( II llhilK In. irMLI.I.NC WANTIlll-- ! want tii li't oontrnct for J tilling by lut on llruiilna } anil hoventrmitu t > l , Apply lo l.ocmanl K\ot 'tt. 10-vr-f.tM AIJ , I.V O.MS ItOU , IIV A I'KIISO.V Jnliu fntltMl to Minp ut the Apoctnl ImrKnln iiltureit htpt nook by ( Jrooiiflilotili * , Nicholson \ Co. , No. Ii2t | Iliiiiiiliviiy. 'Ilic llnilcr l < known' InbrliiK n ( Jlon- , udod mnn ho wan Tilsu ununiili to pick up tbo properly. 17OU SALK-A Biimll ilnlry. ilcowi. Caib or payment. 13.1) AMMIIIO 11. Onialia Mcilicil an ! Siii'ici ' ? IMSTITTOS. W& m | ? , TA , ft iiy & INFIRMARY * KOLi TI1K TREATMENT -OF ALL IIVttftClllMlH , ItllpiritlMIII llJlUllJI ( I < Il tioitiui'iitol overf'ir.ii iif .lisu HJ rj i llr- hi.inudlnil nr Mir lcil Hint no.it. [ ( torts furimtlciiti. lioirl mil Mttu i liasj , U3jt a , J ( ( IHIOllHllHH III lilliTH.I. . \Vrlln for rliciiliirH mi ilt'riinnlili't.in.l bracoi trill * Ck.chil ) V'ot , riirriitiiroinriiiliid. plloi , tinnnri , can. cilvrrh liriHii' HtH , lull il.itliui ici , , , uloclrlrlty , nar. ill ) * ! * , u.illi'jiiy , klilnuy , lil.i l.ljr , o/o , .ir , Uiu imi lilnmluii hill iir.rl'jiil ii.ii'ratliMH DISEASES OF VOfiEN Bo T,1 , , Wuiiiun I'llKU. tVnlinr lnt9lr ) ml lo 1 .1 Ijliu-ln ilo. purtuicnt fur Wiiiuan during < i.rlncraoiit. strlstl/ hrviilu. Onl ) ' Hollublo .Mo'llcil ' Itiititiuu m tklti4 ( pcclitlt ) t tJ'UIVATK J'UIVATK m.SIOASKS Alllllnnil DlKLMi'mneonKfulljr Irailal. Srti'illltll I'nlHoiKrniniiru.l fmm ri > i nyitii n wlt'ioid innrjirr. Nuw Ituitiirallvu Tru4tiui > nt fi > r l < i i ot VII' M. ro\VKM , I'orsoiiiiniuli'o ' In vlill 111 milu trRitel lit liiinia liy eiirru iuiii'luat'O. All e.iuininlo ; : itloit toiillilcntlnl. Mullclniiiiirlnitra naali i.iat h/ null of t'Tini'ss.H'ciiruIr imcko I , nu nurki i < i linll.utu 001- tents nr MJM lur. IIIID | ivron nil lat.irvl.iiinililrrj I. ( 'nllaitilcmiiift IM nr fo/nl lili'ury nTyuur niu , ml wu iv I IM. ud In plum Wr pliur , < > 4r tn MFN " " " { : I'm ' iu wen , , .M , , r N0rroi , , Sj-pinlh , ( jloot 1111 \'nrjj 1 | vlo , r.'li i iju j | llrtn.C'9 , piillniiro' ' * for Hi'fiir.idtloi irjl Tra-noi Or.ly iiiiinii.-ictory In la , ) woituf DKroilMlTV , AITMANI'K < , TIIU.SSKIIMJCl' . IIIU IIATTISUIKS A.N'I ) 111' /I'd. I . Omaha Meilicil and Surreal InslHuto 2Oth nnd Brosdv/ay , O .unoll BlulT ? . ToiiinliituoH rllo fr , > n canturof O uiUnji nirj iounll llluffsoluctrln muuirll u. PROPOSALS FOK ( Mt A 1)1 NO. Sealed propos'tU will ho rt'o uvcd by Ihu mi- dersluni'd until I1U ; ! o'uloeU p m , . llouomliof lillb. | HX' , foi uratlliiK Davenport titled ! , from Il'llli ' htieet tolisih Hticot ; lir.ind iivt > iini ) , fioiu : iitli blivct to i > d Hti-uut : I'owlur aviiiuio , fie u Il-il 1 1 Mrunt to 4ilh iiU'iinuj li.th Mreot , fioni ( iiutiil a venin toAtiuii n venue ; lUlli Htreot. fiom ( irand avcnnu lohpruziiu htruutitilth uvjiiin. fiom 1,1 rind iivcniiKlo prtitniihtioet ; iho ulluv In block W. from I'tb mivut to IHtli kt i eut ; 'Illh client , from Dod 'i ) street to D v- o iport htieut : Deciitnr hliojt. fiom "Illli strout lolllslstiuef II urn Hum si reel , fioai 4'itb sticel to weal cltv limits ; Aihor Hlreul , I'lom Idlli ulrtmt to IMih sttoiii. Intheotvof Omaha , In accoidaiK'o with plans nnd HDIC llciillons on Iliu in thu olllco of iho lloaid of I'libilo Works. Kach p-op is.il 10 bo ncldiioii prlnlod blan.ia fninUhuil by the board , and t ) bo ae.com- pank'd with .1 U-'rtillt-d i hooU _ | u Iho HIIHI ot r ui , inivab'n to Ihu city of Omaha , UK an evl- (1-nciiof com ] faith. TliH hour I ICKOIVCS 1 1 u 1 1 ih I lo injncl any or nil bdi , , n 1 to walvo ilflccts. I } . \V. IIIKKIlAI'SKIt , Olialrman Hoard of I'nhllo Works. Onialia. Neb. , llu-umnui 1st , I 'J. , - ill-j-S-O _ Nuiid'f Tbo I ncllli' i\prets : Coiniiany , Oflk-o of tbo I'ri'-dih'iit , ( > m.iha. Nub. , lijojinber 1st , l li. ; Notlcii In hureliy glvun thai , iho annual ini < ot > lux of thuNtockliolduiuof tliu eompany for the election of director * anil thu IrniiHiiutloii oC Mich other hns'iioss as may pioporly coma hu * tori1 II. will bo huld at thu ollleu of thu com- iiiniy , Ao HOI Ifurnuy utiojl , innaliu. Neb , , on , Jaiinaiy . .th. IS a nt II o'clock a in , Hy order of thu lloiirl of Dlrofloi' , i : . M. MOKsMAN , rres V. HEC.ua . ,