THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : Dl'VKMlWll 1 , 1892 , USED THE WRONG MEDICINE Explanation of the Dofeatlant la DavW City's Poisoning Oaoj. MRS. ROBERTS' ' PECULIAR ACTIONS ir.tlrnntcd Tlmt 8ho Wnulil Slio Ilor How t i Spnml Slonc-y to Advantage Otlior Nrl rn hit of Interest. DAVID Cirr , Neb , . Nov. 30. fSpociftl n'olo- gram to Tnc UBR. ] Iloal Interest 111 the Armagosl poisoning case tUU nfter- noon , the forenoon being consumed In the ex port testltnony of Prol. Moullor nnd Urs. French and Lester. Tlila afternoon l > r. Har vey , who attended the deceased , was called , being " .uostlonod only ns to thomodiclno pro- crlbed by nltn contalnlnB arsenic or any other poison. .1. F , McCoy testified that ho was present on the afternoon previous to Mr. Hoberts' death. Mrs. Roberts stated that she aid not think ho would roc-jvor. bho based her opinion on the fuel of hla eating cabbage contrary to order * ol the doctors. Mrs. Henry Hustings testified that she was nt Mr. - Uohorts' pluco on Sunday afternoon. Itaberts die. ) Moud.iy nljzht MM. Roberts said ho would not recover , as ho hnd boon sick two or three times before from oatttiB cabbage afld know U was dan gerous to him. The , witness described the condition of tbo patient , who informed her that IIM wlfo had given him the wrong racdlcino , nnd that since tailing it ho hud n severe burning sensation In his stomach nnd fait worse. Mr. Roberts asked \vitnessln the presence of the defendant to examine the mod lei no. Mrs. Roberts said she had plvon the sick man the wroug modlclno through mUtaKo , The witness identified a small bottle pointed out by Robarts us the ono from which the accused had given him n doso. There was n white powder on the cork that tasted swost. No label was on the bottle. It was nbout ono-thtra the slzo of other bottles on the shelf. The ether botr tlos wcro labeled. The witness left the house about sundown. She saw the defend ant again u Tow days nftor the funeral nt Ulysses with her daughter , noth had now clonks. Mrs. Roberts said , , "See , Flora. I will show you now what n woman caa do with a , pockctbook who has no man to bother her. " On cross-examination the de fense asKCd the witness n number of ques tions ns to her testimony In thu preliminary examination before JudgoUoati with Iho ex pressed nurposo of laying the foundatlou lor impeachment. NIUIA K.Y Moitia.\ui-s. JU'cnrd of OctoUnr TrmisaotloiiR Taken " from ttin HooKtt or tlio Umnittcs. Liixcoi.x , Neo. . Nov. ! ! 0. ISpecial to THE HUE. ] The mortgage iiulohtoilnoss rooora for the month of October was completed nt the odlco of the commisstoncr of labor this . nftornoon. The rocurd shows that farm mortgages to the amount of S'3,1124 , IIS were lilcd during the month and flOTy'J7J released for the same period. The following is Iho record oy countic : \VllKXiit .Mlllllei-Kll , COI.UMIIUS , Nob. , Nov. ! )0 ) , ( Special to Tn Jliin.J The mlstlni ; ir.dtan boy vvho wo thought to have .boon murdered In thl county n fmv weeks since and whoso nan : was supposed to bo Tommy Worldmovo lias boon hoard from. Yesterday Bupariu loiulont W. I ) . JJceitus of the Genoa Itullii school received n telegram from J. M. Uoi mayoof Sloan. In , stating that 'I'omtny hn been thoru and loft on Iho 17th of JJovetnbe 'Xho boy's name. It soonis , Is Thomas Ului li.stnud of Worldmover , a formerly rt jportod , and Superintendent Backus thlnl there is no doubt as to his being the mhslu lad. la BlsmaroUiownship , wlioro the shootln toolc place , coiiildonvblo cxclloniunt worUed up and It was nu uncommonly du ilny tvtiou there was a failure to llnd tl body of the missitijr boy. Nicli llcffn < ( formerly reported ns llolU-iinan ) is ther 'ioro exonerated of the suspicion of commi ting muriior , but the story of the thn Indian boys as to his shooting nt thorn r mains as bolero a matter of veracity b tWeoa the aborigines and lioffnor , Aitdltinti * tn the llinttini : * Aiyliiiu , HASTINQS , Neb. , Nov. SO , [ Special to Ti , lr.K.J The Board of Public Lands at ' .Butlulnes had siBiilllert Its intention to vl Hastings yesterday ufternoon to Insooati ai uccopt the two now \vmi ; of iho asylu and the new kitchen nnd luutulrv , but a to ! erara was received announcing the fact td the board couUn't rom.\ These no\v nuc tiona to the asylum for the Incurable Insni will cost tht ) state of Nebraska about S95H ( ] includlntj iurnlturo. Already the huihlii ulUi lt wltics Is well filled , and It Is only question of tlmo until further additions w bo necessary. An idea as to the size of t Instltutloii may uo trained when It Is stnv that the oloctrio light plant hos n capacity 600 Incaudescoat lamtis. The main buildli now has a frontage ot an even 400 foot , ui although throe stories hlih. with a bui niout , U appears low on account of Its lenpt Wreck ut Anliluiui. ASUIAXD , Neb. , Nov. 3D.-JSpoolal To ! trrats to TIIK BUB. ] A wrooic ooourrod he this uvoulng between No. b from Lincoln No. 9 , tbo fast mall , from Chicago. Uo were golntj very fait. No. 0 was nllttlo Into , but had the right of way. The Lincoln trnln crow thought they could cot nnrois the ( Twitch hoforo the fast mall could coma In , Both engines wore badly broken nnd smashed , each cylinder head being blown off , The mlot of one wns smashed and , the headlight of the other was knocked off , The passengers escaped with a bad shnltlna up. Knglnos were sent down from Lincoln nud took ttio trains to their respective places BothlcniMnos were taken up to the shops soon after the accident. Fitfully Iturni'il lit VitlptrntM : > . VAM-MIVISO , Nob. , Nov. : . [ SpecialTele- cram to Tun llnu. ] This nftornoon while Mrs. J. Si.nnton , wife of u promin6nti busi ness man , was nl work about it gasoline stove , her dress caught ilro nnd bolero help arrived every thread of her clothing had burned off , leaving her horribly burned from head to font. Mrs. Stiinton was nlopo nnd ns the .house is somn distance from any other , she fought the llamesi bravely 55 the remnants of quilts , rugs , etc. . whlcff she used In attempting to smother the llaruos testify. She died nil ) o'clock thU evening. Our of Outfits Itnriicd. ' NEWI-OIIT , Nob. Nov. -Special | Tele- dram to Tun Ilnn.J A car of cattle onrouto to South Omaha was burnon in the trnln be tween Mowport and Hassett , about 7 mlloa west of Newport today. Conductor Hutch- lusou cut the eitr loose from the rest of the train and run to Newport with the burning car but was too late to save the atoc'.t. All that was left was the body of the car and the bnrntcDrcasstoaof Iwonty-four head of c.ittlo. The stock was uwnntl by 0. C. P. Woool of Fetternmn , Wyo. Ttio loss on the oattlo Is nbout $720. < ) cc'i > ln Odd I'dllmvs I'lotit Olllrnrs. OatiKoi.t , Nob. , Nov. 113. fSpaelul to TUB nut : . I At the rosuiar mooting of Hlslng Star lodce No. 7. " > , Indepsndont Order of Odd Follows , hold oa Manday evening , the following olllcors were olnctcd for the next term of six months ! S. A. Snldor , noble ernnd : Dr. S. O. Whnlay.vloo grand ; \V. L. Shaw , secretary ; 0. O. Ovlllng , treasurer ; S. B. Moffett , Easton Hurtle and \V. Uox , trustees. Vorli's MlMloniii-y Mrotlnir. Yoittf , Neb. , Nov. M. [ Special to THE Bnu. | Yesterday afternoon the Women's Missionary society of the First PresD.vtcrmn church held n special praise mooting , which was attended by ever seventy litdies , The tlinnls offering was ? ll.71. "A Mission ary Camplfiro" was the subject under which various "fagots' ' ' wcro read , each of which was full nf excellent thoughts. I'rriiarliiK Jor tlm Ice Scuaon. ASHLAND , Nob. , Nov. S'J. [ Special to THE BEI : . ! Swtlt &Co. are putting un a largo addition to their Ice house. Four rooms ore being added to ttio past ntd : west ends. The co house , when completed , will bo ono of the largest In the United States. It will have a capacity of 100,1)00 ) tons. When the ice sea son is here they will employ from 300 to10'J men. o Slclii ( ! < Ainoni ; Children , Especially infants , is prevalent at all times , bulls largely avoided by giving proper nour ishment und wholesome food. Tlio most successful and rdllablo is the Gall Bordnn "Kafe-lo'1 brand condensed mill ! . Your gro cer and druggist keep It. X , A. I' . It till A. M. All members of St. John's loilfro No. 25 Ancient Free nnd Accepted MnsonS nro requested tn bo present ut the regu lar Miootlnn ; this Thursday ovoniiitf , December 1 , to inuko * urrangotnonts for the funortil of our late brother , Hugh G. Clark. T. K. Sudborough , Mtistor. . _ Charter AiiiatidtiiBiits. The charter amendment cominlttoo tnot nt the city hall last evening .ind did consider able talking , without taking any del'mlto action of particular importance. Action on tha section governing the health aopartmeat was deferred until the arrival of more dollnito information in regard to the wont of the department. The section minting to viaducts was re ferred to n special committee , consisting of Messrs. Howe , Kosowater nnd Connell for revision and submission at u future moot ing , and the section dollnlng the power of the city ever railroads and street railways was referred to the same committo" . An nrnon'dmont was decided on , which , if It becomes u law , will give the mayor and council authority to purchase waterworks , as well as to conttruct and maintain them. This Is in view of the possibility of tbo fore closure of mortgages on the property of the present water works company. The section relating to bondi was referred to n special committen for revision.- A Guru lor Croup. If your children nro subject to croup , always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough , llo.nody at hand. It is a prompt und certain cure. If given ns soon as the croupy cough appears it will prevent the attaoit. For sulc For Tubltlm Home. Mrs. U. A. Folsom , the solicitor for tht Taollha Orphan home at Lincoln , Is still it the ciiy. .vat owlns to physical indisposition has been unubla to perform her duties until today. The Home for the Friendless published an article some days a o calling attention to the fact that a lady was solieltinir Aid in Omaha fur an orphan homo und usinir the nanii of the Homo for the Friendless with out any authority from them. Mrs l'olsonivlshoito say that for her part shi has never found it necessary to use th < name of the Homo for the Frlondlos In nnloi to ralso funds for the Tnbltua home , ns the public knows that the Homo for the Friendless - loss received ever &YJI)00 ) from Iho lasi legislature nnd why' should she use thoii name while her homo Is supported by vol untary contributions and receives no aid from the stuto whatever and is the oul ; strictly orphan homo in Lincoln ! If outol order , tiso Boccnam'a 1'llls. Work oritxpri'tiH Uulilin-.V. ( lAi.vr.6TOS , Tox. , Nov. U0. Wells-Fart : & Co.'s express , which hroutjht a bundl of brown paper from ICoun'.zo Bros , of Nov Yoric to the Island City Savings bunk ol thl city last night ; substituted by robbers fo ? IO,000 good money , brought a similar pacli ncu from a national bank of Now York t Ball , IlutchiiiKS & Co. , which should huy contained > 5UUU. , .Mr. lliii-man Kount/o wan sean 'at the rira Niilloinil lunik lust ovonliu' . Ho stutnd thii he huiniot .been Hindu uciinalntod with th fiiulcif fho takliiK of the fltl.Uju boloiiKlng t : ICount/ii Umv. , unit enulil glvo no Inforina tlou. Ho further sulfl that tlio ahnncos nlno out of ten tmt ) thu compau l lese the iiinoiiuU You can't make n r.o\v arm with Salvallo oil , but you can euro the urulsos with it. S I'nll Unlit-ru Motor Car. Georco Pray , a lad 15 years old , who live at M14 Martha street , was severely Injure In alighting from a South Omaha motor on at Sixteenth and Martha streets at 0 o'cloe Tuesday nveiilng. Ho uns returning from hi work nt Swift's packing liouso at Sout Omaha und uttomptcd to jump from the uti which > vm going at a lively ratu of spom 11U foot slipped as ho struck the ground an ho was thrown under the wheels of th u traitor. > One of the wheels passed ovur hi arm crushing ltiadlyHo was removed this d his homo und las Injuries attended to by itd physician. ID 3- Thcro is a brooch und a pair of earrlag : 3It ItI ivory shark's tooth wlih gold mounting Ie marked "Louisa , " at thu tDllcj station v/ali | , e ing for n claimant. They wore traded to Tenth street clothier for a cap by James I a Uoas , who claims that ho bought thorn froi ill a tramp for 59 contn. 10 id Knntii Chun Sidetracked. of OQlccr O'Uormau found at Twonty-aooon ofK > K and Popploton avenue a largo packing cas ido evidently shipped from li. Hardy to II. j oh. - Oji'rtob , Hooker , Kuu. , but stolen before h. gnt out of town. It wa > tilled with toys an UnrUtinas goods. VUUfiu * auu VXUtU * . J. UU1II > VUU UtUBllllC I lit' from coughe. colds , * nro throat , oti should try Brown's Uroia'hUI Troches. So only in boxes. * " " " OPENED THE HILLS MEETING Season of Eovival Oomraanosil Under Di rection of the Notoi Evangelist \ SIMPLE , EARNEST AND DETERMINED UnoMontnllniis ItoRlniiliiR of tlm Anitniilt nt the Uiiltcil-Kv.iugnllcnl tiiiiirohn * on the liiiciiiy .Mr. .Mllln' Short Addrcsii. . An cnroest nnd determined warfare ncalnst sin in nil Its varied and iniquitous forms wna boRun lust night nt Exposition ball by nbout thirty of the loading ovangoli- cul churches of Onmtui uiuior the leadership of Rev. H. Fuji Mills , ovnngellst. If the opening meeting Is to be tnkun ns nn augury of the gonor.ll success of this protracted effort , wonderful thlngi may reasonably bo expected bofora the meetings close. That It pays to ndvortho was shown by the Immense nudlonco that quietly gathered , from every quarter of the city nnd packed the great Exposition hall , to burstlnc. Very persistent though unobtrusive have been the efforts of tho.allied churouos to nttract attention to this series of meetings , nnd to this fact is evidenced an awakening nnow of Interest In church work , rauy uo attrib uted the Haltering size of thu congrogallop addressed by the evangelist last night. As the people outcrod they were mot by prominent business men wearing neat badges and were shown scats with the most admirable precision and politeness. Never before has there bcon scon in Omaha such n complete system of handbag n largo uudi- once in every detail. Uoforo the hour for the aioetinp to open hnd arrived thu chorus of00 voices , under the leadership of Mr. .1. B. Hlllis , had tnkon , n position upon the large tilalform across the west end of iha largo hall. In front of Iho slugors , seated in u single row from end to end , snt thirty-flvo or forty of Omaha's lead ing ministers whoso congregations have Joined hands in this special effort. Among them were Dr. Duryoa , Dr. John Gordbn. Dr. llolllngs , Rev. John Williamson , Rev. T. K. Cramblott , Rev. Frank Crane , Rov. E. A. Harris , Dr. A. R. Thaln. Rov. F. J. Turklo , Dr. Greene , Rov. J. M. Wilson , Rov. ICuhn , Rev , J. A. Henderson , Rov. Alfred Hodgotts. Olfoit Time. Promptly at : ! tt the chorus choir ononod the mooting by slnglne "Sowing Scods of Kindness. " oovcral ether songs of n similar .nature were suns and by 7:15 tbo hall wai iillod to ovurllowlng , every seat in the lower part of the house and the gallery bavins ; been taken , nnJ scores were standlpg. Dr. .1. F. Duryea offered pr.iyor.aftor which the audlcnco sang another gospel hymn. Rev. John Williamson offered another prayer , which was followed by a solo by Mr. iiillis. Dr. Duryoa then made tbo announce mentssaying tlmuhoro would bo an afternoon mooting at the hall every day at ! ! o'clock , an evening mooting every day at 7 : 0 , u morn- Inir mooting every day for men nt tno Young Men's Christian association building begin ning ntS o'clock and n meeting for women ovL-ry afternoon at 2:15 : o'clock at the First Haptist church. Lr. Durycn urged upon the Christian workers before him the great necessity of earnest nnu united work for the success of the meetings , ana then introduced the evan- colist. Mr. Mills said ho was very glad that he had been permitted to open this , his llrst meeting in the state of Nebraska. As a sort of prelude to his sermon ho offered a few remarks by way of comment upon the cxsvi psalm. Ill A ] > praruico nnii .Style. Mr. Mills seems to dopcnd to a creat de gree uoon the absolute truth and , force of what , . ho has to say , and his thoughts nro presented In a manner so frank and slnco'ro * that they seem to sink right into the hearts of the people before him. Ho is n young man , not ever 33 , of medium size , well propjrtionuJ , graceful nnd very easy and : nauiral in every rnove- niout and word. Uo Is light In complexion , bus a finely moulded bead , a tranlc. onon face of extreme earnestness and smoothly shavon. His voice is not remarkable for anything ex cepting its _ perfect naturalness and ovlclpnt sincerity , which lends to bis words their peculiar touching power. Every word nnd look and movement of Iha man indicates that his life is completely nb- borbud in ono supreme turn and effort , and to this is doubtless duo a very largo dezreo of his success. Ho is earnest frank and plain , simply setting forth claims of the gopel and tho'lnlluenjoof the Spirit of tjod in language that might well bo taken as a model of directness. After an earnest talk of fifteen minutes Mr. Mills took up the matter of directing the ushers in tho'work of distributing tick- OIH of admission for the Sunday afternoon meeting. Those tickets were distributed all through the houso. They bore the following inscription : "Admit young people only (10 ( to ao years ) to hear Mr. Mills , Sunday , De cember 4 , at Exposition hull , 10 a. in. or ! ! p. in. Good for young pcoplo not connected with any Sunday school. " Illx Simple Sermon. After the singing of a hymn Mr. Mills preached the opening sermon. His text was found In II. Corinthians , vili. , 5 : "Thoy ttrst cave their own fcelvcs to the Lord. " Ho took up the meaning of giving oneself to God. It was a turning away from wrong nnd a voluntary following after the right. IMO man could bo forced to glvo himself to the Lord. The effort must bo voluntary , bo- causa it was in thu nature of a gift , und a gift in order to bo worth anything must ho Ircoly given. "I don't behove a man cun giva hlmjelt to Gcd simply because ho wlsh > a to escape hull , " said the speaker. ' 'Ho may iret In the right way by fear of punishment , but ho will never reach that point whcro ho is wholly clvon up to God until ho has reached a much higher motive than simply the dcsiro to escape punish ment. " In closing .Mr. Mills said ho nlways began his meetings with himself. Ho took to his own heart that which bo snld to olhors. Lifting his hands and his eyes toward tbo coiling , ho cfTorod supplication in which ho asked God tu look Inlu his own heart and ruako it pure nud utisclllsh. "Loss > of self und moro of Thee , oh , Lord , self ana iif Thee " ho 9 loss of t > u * i. uuu moro * * * ± uwt n u repeated in a tone that seemed to Jlnd its way to every heart In the vast assembly , Ho then pronounced the benediction and the choir sun ( j as the immense audience passed out of the hall. Mrs , Wlnslow's SooihincByrup is the best of nil remedies for children teething , 5 cent ! a bottle. B. Ffly Mills Is n guest at the Dcllono. A. N , Conulln of Ashton is in the city. State AuditorBonton of Lincoln U in town _ T. C , Shaw of Grand Island U at the Mur ' ray. ' S. D. Ilorton of Grand Island Is in the J city. r Andy Kcrr of Beatrice is a guest av tin A read u. J.V. . Dowcoso of Lincoln is a guest at tin o Millard. os s William H. Buss ot Fremont Is stopping a 0tt the Pnxton , tt William Ahrcn of registered a the Arcado. Jauioti Vilcu , jr. , of Chicago , Decretory o the Omaha 1'ackine company , la at the Mil- lord. " li 11. Penney of "tdjltngtoti u n cruost nt thoMUlnrd. { j' Mntt. Dujphorty dl.Ipgalnlln Is slopping at the Mlllard. Georjro . KmnltioftKcnrnoy Is stopping at the I'nxton. , 4- , U. A , Murphv hnd'fwlfo of Hoatrloo tire guests M the Murray pi W. II. Moid , nn Ijlsilranco man from De troit , U nt tlio AJercbri' ' Attorney Giorco'M56Brlon loft yesterday morning for Sioux CttY. Hov. Ucorco W , Iartlti of Kcnrnuy Is registered nt the AllJJnjd. Toblni Castor nndUviro are registered nt the Murray from Lincoln. Dean Gardner wont-to SU Paul last evenIng - Ing via the Northwestern. Frank P. Ireland , ox-mavcr of Nebraska City , Is n guest at the Millanl , S. J. fltzsimmons of Kruntng Is In the city and is registered at the Dellono. H. K. .tones , the ICenrnov' dry goods mer chant , Is Btommig at the Arcade. 13. M , Corroll of Hebron , editor of the Journal mid stuto senator-elect , is at the Mil- lai-d. .Tohn Uwyor nnd wlfo , of llentrico nro nt the Murray. Thov nro nerompanlod by Mrs. .1. li. Btichnnnu of the same city. .f. W. Nlnr of St. Louis , who is Interested In the construction ol the interstate ) bridge- , is iu thu city and Is stopping nt the Mercer. Mrs. W. N. Nason , who has bcon at the Lincoln Park .sanitarium * Chicago , for some time past , returned hoinu tills tnorulng very much improved Iu health. H. K. Orcor ot Kearney , member of the State Board of Agrlculturonndex-Columbian uommlsMoner , Is in the city. Mr. Uroer is putting In his tlmo Just now travel ing about the state and tolling the members clcctof the legislature that Oakley of Lan caster Is the proper man for them to support for speaker of the houso. CHICAGO , 111. , Nov. DO. [ Specinl Telegram to Tun Bni : . | The following Nobraslcuns registered here todny j Palmer S. N. Kohn , Omaha. Wellington Grove Porsoy , No- braiko. Victoria C. H. M.U.son , Omaha. Great Northern J. S. Knox and wife , Omaha. New YoitK , Nov. 30. fSpocial Telegram to Tun Buu.1 Plsrson D. Smith of St. Ed wards , Nob. , left the Windsor hotel to sail on the steamship Latin of the North Uormau Lloyd line for Oromon. .Lincoln : p. Egan , Hoffman. Council Bluffa : L. W. Tullots , Westminster. JS'obnuka : U. .1. Oioard. Hotel Bnrtholdi. Sutra ui" .ir. DlllllRDttC. Ex-Pecretiiry Illaliu ) Is rapidly rocovorln ; ; from Uy an order of the mayor every dlsropulablo house In I'ltlsbnrir. I'a. , has bison closed. 'I'he OcorRlu Central r.illraad Is havlntron- blo with Its unslneoM , tolo r.ipUur.s , condiu- tors and llruiuon. . 11. U Martin of Chicago has been nrrcstivl nt Wichita , Kan , for usiiu the malls for fraudulent purposes. , ' e The democrats of N'exv Mexico have already held inculin. sand tllsuusaud thodlatnUntlon of federal patronage. Ono of the Spo.irvlll6 , Kan. , bunk robbers lias boon shot and niort.iliy woundaJ at Or lando. OK | . , Dy a sheriff. W. 11. Spofl'orrt. anpolntod by coinjross toln- vcstltrato the sluinsiirti-jlio lar o oltlcs , has begun his work at CIUruio. Sprlnslluld , Mo. , waritatho-croil Warner ob- Korvntory , which Is 1,0 Ui moved frotn Its pres ent quarters at Uniralp. J. V. The lon'doforro.laV u\iont In the Oravos mnrdor case will bo IIDU' , | boToro tha suiirutuo court of Colorado nuxt itjondav. The coverumont rulntivkKuM have eoin- mciiL'odtho last of -jcr.iis of o\orlinoiit-j | la the vicinity of San j\itj { > iilu , lox. Two men wore haitxiMiViil llonton. LH. . for tlm murder of a wonion. , lit Jiiimnt citizens ooiild not wait for the law to tfiUo Its course. Ono hundred and Jlfty tnloiranh o ei"5 < or.s on the llnuof thu Cen'ttjil railroad , between Atlanta , Ua. . and SaViihiiah , aru on a strlku. Tl'o ' Denver , Colo. "Chamber of Coiiiinoreo will purehasu the .Mjriliit ; K\flmn o bnlldlna World's fair In tniffluur to do credit to that nation ' ct „ 'Tho doctors 'In 'attcWintd Sdhtltor Glo- sorjof IjbuUlinir ( ! > WHb lV'lyliiTilnnll'MUilV ! ill ut Hot Springs Arlc. , state that ho l.s ll.ible to dlo nt any moment , . Acnvn-lnocciirro.l 111 'HoV 'v. ! ! tunnel , at Uliiok Hawk , Oolo. , IhiDrlsnnln ? nlno men. Ihoy dun tholryny out , however , without any of thom rccelylnz iho sllSlito t Injury. Chleaco thlcvcs'aro trowlns bolder. Tho'r latest move linn been to rob the dead bodies on thoeoolins ? Hliibslntho niorjuii and to do- undo that ufuwsomo place of all Its furniture. Hon. Ilart * Myors. ox-speaker of the Koii- tuoltv lo isliituro nud n prominent inoiiilior of the Covln ton. Ky..Jmr. was today indlotod by a grand jury for offerlns a bribe to an al derman. The fire In the Mlllpnrt Coal company's mlno near Masstlllon. : O. , which Htartod a. week a.o. is still miming steadily. tUtlioiiTli the company has fought It without Inter mission. The sficrllT of Northampton county , Vlr- Klnlii. has served Mr. Ciovolairl with a sum mons to appear Jeforo the clmicory c-oiirt at Klchinond to slvo testimony Iu a case before that tribunal. At Kolsom , N. M , Tiicslay a in-in of about /oarsofa''o was fojnd dead on thu railroad truck. Tlio remains we're Identilled as these of a man named Tnoinpson , thought. to bo from llrldoport. Conn , OIllclul returns of the vote of Color.ido show tint the total vote wus u , ' ; ? . " ! . Of this the popullsts-domourats' presidential doctors ro- oolvod.V..Osl , the ropublloins 3S.01I and the Indepundcnts I , II" . A tierce ( Ire Is raging l'i ' the Bontli&rti port of lacomaVislt. . . with the wind blowing u alu. Hart's larcro saw mill has boon doslroyud and thu llro has communicated to tliu lumber yards and surrounding buildings. I ) , I ) . .Mayo , Konoral n ont ot the Olo'io ' K\- pruss company , formerly known as the Honver t'c Ulo ( Ir.'indo Kxpross eompany , will bo up- polntuil Jnniiry I as the cenoral a ontof the Adams Express company In Denver , Co'.o. The testimony Klvon nuforu tlio e.oii ros- slonal eoinmlttoo Invo tl .illn ; Iho Hoailliii coul coinblnii at Now i'orlc was of the usual kind , most of the wltuc-wos nrofosslns ( "on Isnorancu of the cxlsteiicoof suuh u , tiling as a combine. Oovernor McICInloy of Ohio Is asked to pre vent the xoaroUry of state from Issuing a commission to IR Ohlo.Mir. who w-is oluited In the Htiirk-Wavno ilistrloi to Illl Iho nnux- plrod term of , IUin O. W'inviek , do-juaseil , as member of thn preat'iit congress. oniulul roturiM from all connt'ios In Mlnno- Botii show a ro nblleaii plnralltv on tlm ulou- toral tin < ot over tlm democrats ot : . " . ' , 157 anil ovur fusion of 15 , v. ) . Kor governor , Nelson , ntpublloan , rocclvod 1311. ' . ' ! ) ; Luwlor. demo crat , UI.GOU ; Uonnolly , populist , 'M"U , M. Urlsson has not nsyot Hiiccoodod In formIng - Ing a new cabinet for Kratiei ; . Ilnona Vo tit ura. a Central American town has bcua almost complotuiy.destroj'ud by lira. The London O'hroulolo" Hmiotiiicos that a formal roconclllntlou has .lipoii .piregluil be- Uvflcn. Mr. ( ilutlsloiw nud Mr.L , ibpnoliurii , Thu Itpthsehllll plaiL'w'lth foW'iiunlflo'i- | - tlong BOOIIIH Ui lueL'L ivlthiVhu , fnvitr of n ma jority of the doloay tau l-ho llniiJolU con ference. ' ' § } ( Kx-l'romlor Mc'rfclerfJtttfl rneolvcd an Invita tion from Ontario tout to Dart In tlio annexa tion innvomunt , buttirt.Jdvors the indcpcnd- unco of Canada , , Tostlmony lieforo the cominittoo of the Pronuh tiliamuor.litfiHtilxiiilint thu I'amima oanil snamlal wus of u.fiUMy bonsatlonal na ture . ImporiantdUc Uri3i ! were niiiilu. W , C. Nicholson a pVytjlnunt | elvll oiiKloeor In the City of AloxluoHiiis.hcnn tirruslod foi attoinptlm ; to hliiekinial W. 0. llrady , an of ficial of the MuxIcafriJcntrul Kullroad uom- uuny. . ! 1'roparatlons for tlio IiRiiitrnrnttori of Ooa- oral Oiav. as proshlent dftho Kemihllu of Mox- It'o lor another torifj/qro ttiidur way at tlio City of Mexico. llu-.U'lil bo Inaugurated toduy , pV * Bix minor permits & 5 ! feiratlng $ 1,175 were issued by the supcnPiundent of buildings yesterday. -alO Piles of people hayo'jniai , out Witch Hazel Solve will c'uro them. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Qov't Report. a I. L it i ) r ' i Id IIT1Y I 11 ft t\\Tl Pn TMf I lit t fp'lin WILL HARNESS THE PL AT IE Finns of nn Omnlm Oompany to Put tlio River to Work , GREAT CANAL SURE TO BE BUILT I'rcllmlnnt-lr * lliivo Ilrcn I'nu-tlcnlly Com- lilnliiil mid ArratiKOiiiuiil * to Oomiuonvo tint Actiuil Work Arn Itclng Mudc Ultut the Projector * Aim At. It Is stated on authority that ought to be reliable that at last the preliminaries nro nil arranged nnd that the great I'fatto river canal project Is to bo carried out In accord ance with the plans of Us designers nnd the civil engineers who for months have been at worH on it. It is understood Una thu arti cles of Incorporation are already drawn , and that within the next few days the onlsrptisu will bo fully and successfully launched. It will be backed by Omaha capitalists , nnd the report has gotten put that this backing include * names that will glvo thu entcrprlso nil tbo thuinelal support that It needs nnd furnish all the capital that may bo uccctsnry , ever and nbovo that which may ba phxu.'d ut the disposal of the company by popular will. The interested parties have thus fur kept the details of the proposed enterprise closely to themselves , but it is known that It coin- pro li und 9 the building of a canal from the 1'latto river , nt- n point near Fremont , Just east of the Loup fork , to another point just west of this city and vithln six miles of tho- business center , caching thu luttnr point nt an altitude of IG'.I cot. ' 1 here the power Is tu bo used tu turn dynamos , und will bo thence transmitted by nioctriety over wire to all nans of the city , o furnish power lo consumer * in any nnd all clnds of manutucturiim business that need t , by turning electric motors , largo and small , whothei It bo an eighth of a horse- lower or equals the power of hundreds of lorses. Uhcru It Will lie. The prSposed route to bo traversed by the canal has not yet boon determined upon , ns there nro three now In view und the engin eers nro nt present engnged in surveying' another. This will not only enable the com any to select the ono that Is the most foasi- Jlo from a topographical point of view , but will prevent the property owners along the routo" from holding tholr property a ; an ilmoit prohibitive figure end have the pro jectors at their mercy. The length of the various routes range from thlrty-llvo to forty-three miles , nnd the maximum esti mated cost U $ ' 2.0UJ,030 , while it has oecn loured that , it could be satisfactorily built for ? l,500,00tt. Tno canal will bo seventy feet wide nt the top , fifty feet wide at the ootiotn nnd ton feet deep , and will furnish n power of 20,000 horses. 'The entire consumption of power in the city nt the present time , including the I'loctric car lines , water works and the South Omaha packing houses , together with every manufacturing or ether industry , either great or small , amounts tol0,00 ! horse power. The power to bo furnished by the canal could bo increased by simply widening H , as tno engineer * estimate that the supply of water at iha Platte would bo sufllcient , oven at low water , which is tnkon ns the basis iu cstlmatiuc ; power , to furnish -10,001) horse-power. The surveys already made have shown the Bchcme to bo perfectly practicable , as thu point at which the water is to bo tnkun from the Platte is over " 00 feet nbovo that at which it is lo bo delivered in the western part of the city nnd would give n sheer fall of 100 feet after allowing for all the full per mile that would be necessary in order to give Iho water ns great a velocity as oossible without washing the banks. It would ho necessary to brine ttio water across the Elkhorn - horn river and valley , and the plan provides for nn immense uauoduct for that purpose. - To l-'urniHli Clienp 1'owcr. The object of all this outlay is * , o furnish cheap power , nnd It Is stated that it could bo funusued for half what'It now costs , ovoa the big corporations , tbat use from .100 to 2,000 horse power nnd have the latest and most costly devices for saving fuel and power. The projectors are confident that there would bo no difticult.v in soiling all the ' power that thoy'could furnub , even after the canal was enlarged to its fultbst capac ity , as it would offer nu attraction to manu- incturlng enterprises all ever the country that could bo'oflorsd by no other city , and they count that It will do more to build up O D ah a in live years than could otherwise oo the ease in a quarter of a century. It is claimed that this would bo the largest water power in America , next to Niagara , iFORHITY EiasticS 6 rrussss , Crutch 5 j , Batteri3j , Medical Si AUE & PESFOLD 114 S. 15111 St. , Next loPost oKlcj , Wn will ( anil > nn the marti-lmn I Fmicli rri-r-irutlon C'ALTIIUS ! " ! < < . anil n l''C-ll Ulliuiilitt'iIliuk I'AI/rilO.S ' will It - nin. your aifitllli , hlronull' "itJ ViKUi1. t'se it and f > airfTtatifitd < AUdroao VON MOHL CO. . H.l > iui rlf JJl-nU , llacloull NO. : w5i. : An ordlnuiu'o ordurlni ; thu k'r.nlln ? of the allnj In h i ok r > \ from 17th Htvuut to Ihth sit-out , and dueutliu tint board of pnbllu works lo talsu tlm necu.ssary al ( ; | to uausu said work to bo dono. Ho It or.lalnud by thu ulty conuoll ot the city of Oinalt i : Section I. Whereas , pornianont Krailos have houn L'stahllshod upon , and apnr.'ilsur-t Imvo houn dny apnolntuil bv IHW , lonppralsu llm damaguioatihcd by Hie Kradln ? of the alley ti bloui < .M. from 17th Htrcut to irith strvot. nnd have rnported mxliinrijtos to thoclty connell which na formally adoptud tlinsuinu ; wlinru- H , pruportv owners , nipni uiitliiL' moru that t.hri'i.-flfllis ot tlm propurty aliiittlns on mild portions of the alloy nhovospuclllcd , huvo pi > - tltlonud tlio cltv connull to liavu HHI | | nllfy U'raddil to thu prcbcuit mtabllsliud crailo , wllh- oiiinliur o 10 ihuulty , nnd that thu cu = t ho ttiiiilo ptiyahlo In ton ccinul InstalliiiPiits therofori' , the alloy In Ijloi'k.'il.ftoin litlt htroui to liitli titrcol , hu and horuliy Isonluruil KI'.HU-I to the prusunt ustablUhuil Kru'le- ' rieetlon a. That iho board of pnbllo worl U liurnby dlroiito.l to mku thu noeosa iry niop-i to diiiiso Huid worn to bn done. Koutlon v. 'J'h at thN oriinunco shilt tulco ulTuct and boln fore from and after It-i pass- as.ri > . I'asiod November nth , lfi ! > 2. .I01IN OUOVE.S. Oitv Ulurif. 13. I' . DAV1H. rro.-tldonl Olty Oouiicll. Approved November sMftWAJKMIS ] JKMIS < Mayor. SKWER Healed projioiaU will ho received hv the un ilorslsim-'d iinUl 1)3' ) ' ' o'cl < ick p. m. Uo&cinbcr lUth , IMIV. for thu oonslrnctloii of sowprs li Kowor dlatricls : . 'o-i. 1T and Kii. In the uliy u Omiilin , nn pur ordliiaiicus NosHi" ) and .1171 r nuUlVL-ly | , lu'cor.llitu to plai a did sppoltku- l Ions on li o In iho otllco of the lion nl of I'nhllo \VoiKs. Kach itrojlusul to l.o Hindu on pilntui blanks fiirnlshud hy t ho hoard , and to bu no- coinpuntni ! by n corllllud ohuck In tlio sum o tMjinyablu to thu city of Omaha ut , ovldonco of Koud fiilih , The hourrt nisorven the rltfht to rijcut any or all bid. , and Chnlrmnn of thu Hoard uf 1'ubllo Works , Omaha , Nub. , IK'Cbiuter 1st , Ib'J. ' . POUNHMASTKU'S NOTICI1 Impouttilod on the -ilh day of November twoealvts about 0 iminths old , If not ru- deoiuml. nuld oalvos will bo kold Uucumber htb , ut IU o'clock a m. , at puullo miutlon , or Lea vrnworth struot , butvvfum ' 'lit und -'c struuts. In thu alley. JOHN ril'pUUU Dl-dJt i'uundmuncr , nnd oven thnt li not holtiR dovclonoil to ft laiccr extent than U propo.ifd lo do hero. Minneapolis develop * only llUOfl ) , horsepower nt low wntcr , mid Its nscr nro frcqunutly compelled to resort to steam , 111 * chiltnuil that the canal could ho built nnd put In nctlvo operation In n your , but doiihlo that tlmo Is allowed hv the engineers. It I * itntoit that iho public will hoar from the Incorporators oulelally before the end of the yoar. nnd that facts nnd ilguro * will bo nro- sciitod that will itniko the people who have been rlillmitlne the Idea of n 1'tatto river canal open tholr eyes. Yesterday tnorninc the lioprd of 1'ubllo Wonts had mi ot ho r session , tin time of vhich was devoted to comparison of the ml- ministrations of Mnjor Italcomuo nnrt Major iirlihntiscr ns chnirmcn of the board. Iu oviowlnptho work of his predecessor Major ilrkhau ! > cr "rodo unattended nnd rode all nlont1 , " while Iho criticism of Iho present ORimo was very carefully looked after by Major Unicorn be , auly n'sswoil hv Mnjo'r ' Fnrny , who for the moment laid o'sulo his ole of profoislonal peacomaUcr. The fail ure of the chairman to lay bolero his col- ensues the pav roll of the street commli- slotier win tbo bono of contention nnd drew out considerable warm comment from both sldoi. Individual opinion ? bolnj ; nlivd with n rcedom narrowly usoaplnu rocklussncs4. . ' 'innlly the opposition inujors passed a roso- titlon ItiHtrtictint * the chairman to comply vlth the law , whleh notion Mi | oiUirlt - iMiscr charnctenzei ns n d d Insult , and hen amid n delui o of iiyrotoehiiioal orntory tlio members separated. Wishes to speak through tlio Ucgistcrd the benunelal results lu has rocelvcd from a regular use of Aycr's Pills , Ho says : " 1 was fcullnj ; sick initl tired ninl my stomach sufincd nil out nf order. I tried a number of roineilii-.H , but none seemed to give 1110 relief until I was In. thleed to try the old reliable Aycr's Tills. 1 have taken duly one box. lint 1 fool like a new man. I think they are the must pleasant and easy to take of anything 1 ever used , beitifj so finely sugar-coated Uwt oven a child will tnko them. I tirgo upon all who are of a laxative to try Ayor's 1'ills. " Boothlmy ( Me. ) , Hegister. "Uutweon the ngta of live and fifteen , I was troubled with a kind of salt- rheum , or eruption , ohieliy confined to the legs , and especially to the lieml of. the knee above the calf. Here , running sores formed which would seal ) over , but \vottlil break iinmi'diutt'ly on mov ing the leg. My mother tried every thing she could think of , lint all .wan without avail. Although a child , I read in the papers about the boiiutlcial effects of Ayer's Pills , and persuaded my moth er to let mo try them. 'With no great faith in the result , she procured and I began to use them , and soon noticed nn Improvement. Kncouragcd by this , I kept on till I took two boxes , when the sores disappeared ami have never troubled mo since. " H. Chipnian , Heal Estate Agent , Hotmoko , Va. "I suffered for years from stomach and kidney troubles , causing very sevcro pains in various parts of the body. None of the remedies I tried afforded me any ra'-'uf until I began taking Ayer's Tills , and was cured. " AVm. Goddaril , Notary Public , 1'ivo Lakes , Mich. Piepaicd hylr..T.C. Ayer&Co. , I.owoII.Mass. So'd ' by t > rnggleta Everywhere. Every Oose Effectsva WE National Bank. U. 8. DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , ( ajillnl $103,033 Surplus $ (53 ( , OU J craccrnnnilDlrcctori Honrr W. Vntn. ii R. C. Ctmliliu. vlcu prjililjni , ( ! . rf. .M.iurlOJ < V V .Mo t > , Joint ) , Colllm J. N. IL t'atrlcX I.U.TJ ! . > Uccd. cualilar. IRON BA.Ni-i : . AN OKD1NCK NO. H.r > l. Anunllnanoo or.lnrlns the 2rilliir of Daven- unrtstieut frinn uilh Htreut to USth street , : ind illrciillii ; ; tlm lioiril of imnllo iioricn to take the nivi'ssarv Hlups tou.iuso salil worlc to bo done : Ho ItnrduiniMl by the City Connell of the city of Onuiha : Hoc-Hop. \Vlieroas. . irarninnoiit xradeshnvo heon Mlabllshud iipun , nnd aiipr.ilaors have lcL : ( niluly appotntud liy law , in iiiriso | ) | : ! the dumuKR.scansud by tlio 'railliinf liviiiiiiirl ) bliout from i'.r.ln Ntreot to 'istli . .tri'ni. mid Imvn roporUMl iii > duiiiiiKes to tlio city council.wlik'h IIIIK fnnnuily adontoil the sunn' ; iin-l , wliurn.'is , ) irouirty | owners , miirosuntln tnoru than thri'P-lli'lhs of thu isrnpcrly iiLnfTlin onsjilii jiorllniH of thu hlivi-i ahuvu Hpocllluil , liiiv < < ui'tlliono I th" i'ily ciiiiii1 : ! ! to havusalil street - r nli'il to HID prusont usl illi-ic.l ] ! irulc ) \vlthoiil uliarzn lo thu city , and tint oo-'t ho inmli' iriyiiblo In i < 'n Insi.-illi.ioiii . thoivf.jrrt , D.ivptiiKirt utioi't ficini Mill sttvot lointli stn-iit.iHi and huroby Uorduruil jjrudud to Iho | iriunte < tulilUliuil srnde. Hci'tloa : . Tlmt niu ho-u-.l of pnlillu worli-i ho mil hui'L'bv is ilr-ett'd ! to taUo tin ; nocu.-i-ia- ry slop-.tooaiisosill : worlc lo ho Suction 'I. That thU ordinanui ) shall Tiiue olliiut nnd ho In foreo from an t itfior Us 11.1 3- n''o. 1'assed Novoiubcr J7tli. IS ! ) . ' . JOII.V ailOVFH Oily ( Jlor'c. H. 1' . O\Vrt . I'MH ( ii-nl. U.ty Council , AiiDroved Navutnlxu1 i'/d. / WJ. unouiiic i' . iii-nii . Mayor. NOTICUOP ASSKSSMHNT Ol'1 ' DAM- ACJISS FOUGKAD1NO , To the nwnuiH of nil lot.- , anilirtsof | lots on ulluy In h ocl ; . ' > ! from 21x1 toJud htrei-tt. .You : m > hurohy notillvd thu iimior- slKHUd , Lliri'O illnldlL'lo-ilu f ivnlinlcli'rn of tlio city of Oniah i. n ivii bi'i-n duly iiiipiilntnd liv the mayor , wiili iho . 'ipjiniv.ilof HID city ooun- t'll Of SIlHl UllV , lO HHiUlH tllO ll IliliU'l'H to tllU iivvnurii n'Hpnutlvcly of the property nlVrnioJ by tlio ur.vlln of siidalUv , dccliiin : ! nucus- nary by ornlnnnwi No. : ilii. : p-issud .Novoinhur 1st IS1. ' , npproviid TVovciiiliui- . lv. ) ' . Vou nro furthur nuillluil Hi it liuvlti i no- cuptoil nail iipiioliitnunt mi 1 duly iiunllliud us required hy law , will on Uin l.ltli dny f Dpceinhor. A. l > iv.i.1. ut thu hour of Oo'oiouK In the foriiiio'in. nl thu ollkM of Slmvnr & U'llonohoi' , I4./.1 / l'\innin i. , wltliln llu torpor- nto limits of hii'd oily , nu-ot for thci nurio-iu | of comldoriiis an. ) makliu lh nsn-iiiiiiiiit of ilutiiaffu li > the OWIHTI rc'jH'iuhpiy nf F.IIW nronorty nlfuetod hv hifh iir.idlin. . takSns into conclilonitlon Hiieclul hfiiiillls. If iniy. Vou urn noilllud to Innresont ut , thu tlmo nnd iilticu aforo-iiihl nnd mil ; > o any iiblocilon to or Btatciiiunt't iMnuiernlnir S'lld iis i * < ni'iit uf diii'iuitus n > ; you may I'onMili'r propur. . R nr.o. .r. PAUu li.V. . iJllisuN , ( 'oiiiniltti'u of AppraWor * tltnuha , Nob. , Nov. iMlh. I9i. nUUillOt I'I-OJIIIHHU lor ItniuiivIiiK ICli'Ctlou IIo'illi , Healed prnposiils will bo reeuhiiil nHho coinplrolloi'sollU'i ) up io4 D.'tu. . Drcuml/iT f , Idi ; ' . for the removal of Iho ulfi'tion tool hi tu KluriiRO house und tlm ronlalmr of the k.iind Ob nmy budlreotdd hy Hit- council for immit the next elections Hiiuli nluullon booths lo hu tnkuu nparl. rctnovud to the pi ii' < > of btora'if | , rotntnod us r < ! itilro.l | und put tojuthur In a oiiroful. urounr. nnd workinntiUku iiiiinnor , tlm contractor upon KM rupliininu siil I boulhu lo tna'iu all ruiiulri uccuksary to put the KUIIIU Iu good order , except painting. JUKI to keep the sumo In Kood ordur until utter the oluu- tlon. The contractor uliull rncolvoQiio-tlilirt of thu cuntratst prleu whf Hiild hoothB nro norod , 11 nd two-third * ImniL'illnto.y iiflut Iho ulnctlon for whluh thu samu t-liHll bi < riiulur < * d nnd put In ardor. A certllli'd clioclt of llfty dnllufi ; ' . " In rcipilred to iieriiuipariy < : uch bid. Tue r.cht In roiiorvoil tn ruji-ct nnyur all bids. Tlir.O. Ol.BKN , UUAIIA , Doccmbur 1. 18D. . Oo mm roll or. WHAT A UTTL1J YIU , DO , A Vow suggestions as to the Qru.U EfTactH > j of Llttlo Tnlnns. , Alltl'opHrnwlltifiToy < rfitniiFlinnn ; iinra A little nrglPO of toin < i lnli > loi1nt/TO jr lo.'iit lo ft OlMdtorwlil h miM lmp.ilr your lilo ' Allttlo VMilncM to n frl o < r trcnltmi m-tr citiuo J ) mi Ilitlo effort nmt nmy rp ult Innntoul R IVI , V A llllln nttptitlmi to tlm rlRlit thliiit nt tlio rlRtiu" . tlmpmty result In KrfnttliliiKa to you nt ttia proper } ] tlmo. .1 A Illtlorlilll nmy iccm trlilhip. but It nmy to the tlr t symptom of | > nujmniiln , | io ll > io , ttontli. A little | < ninit | ntlcntlon wlirn you tlrst fool clilllyg , I'liynllincnm the Ilittti you should iK > , nnl Oo nlijj niii't ) . A lltlloinirj iiipillrliinl sdmiilnnt MVcn promptly will titIvonHiiy the chill. rc < toro Iho circulation nmlj wnrm tin1 MooI. A llltlnuMlortlon will show yon thnt only n pure , ] imilleltml stimulant will answer ninl tlittlliorn Is hut | outwlililil < Duff ) " * l'iiri .MiiltVhl koy- A tltUoflrniiivMvrliuii UuMlruiulH or ( jrocor trip" to foil you somu so-ralloJ whiskey which hm no ] Hit'ilt , dl > nv < < you ninrh iiiiiioynnco nnd | > i > rlm | > * l | > ri'Jcr\Otnir hc.tlth. A llttloroiKtnnt ooftliH ir.iro mcillrlnnl illnni lilnt llll nilttioliiiiirlu-aUi | | ! nnil krop you 111 i _ uontllllon lo n- < l the n.ttlcn t h-inci's of the ttpaiori 1 n ' 1 ( unit n ( M < f a 1 tot ins of PRIVATE BISEASES.J nnd all XVuaknow and I ) sordcrof "I\/T IJ ? X'T with lussot conniKo. ambition. ] 1VJL 1H 1M and vitality. Mightucn years ofl the most rumurttithloimocas * In ] the troitiiinntot this ciimitt illsiMiui. whluhl Is proven hy iinivor-iai tuitliiinny of HumJ saii'ls who have boon ouiod. Wrlto forelroii-j lars und iiinstun ] ; Hat. Itu unit i Ms. . 0111:11111 : , N | > , The Mercer. Omaha's Newest HoteU COR. I2TH AND HOWARD STS. (0 1(001115 ( nt f..iMI ] ior ilujr. ' &lllooms ) ut Jt.UII : per ilny. "l ) llronis with llnth iitM.UO poriluy. 10 llooms with llnth nt Si.M tu KI.W per dny. O1JENI 11J AUGUST 1st. Modern 111 Kvi'ry ItfKprrt. Niivvly l-'urnlHliud Throughout G. S. ERB , Prop. \V. . ! . l.iunli , ( Juorno Ailami. . .MfrcilV HP 1'ros. Lancaster Co. llnnk. Motiiry I'li Lnral ) , Adams Attorneys-at-Law , Lancaster County Dank liuldlng , LINCOLN , - - POEORASK ; ilnny ol our AOKXTS uru SKI.UNU irom J200 IVJ S.Oi worth ( if ARI1QID AUTOMATIC STEAM COOKERS per niumli. Ilun't ruin tin lillu , ur tvorK lor Niim wilt's , when yon n.lKlit bo making moro iiuiri(3 T linn In summer. Apply for torntti , Alt.N' U OKKll ( .U. , I2U7 H. 20tli bt. , Oiiinlin. DISORDER ! _ _ _ _ Ami nil tli3 train KVI1.H. WKAK\iH4KS : , Dl'IIII.I IT. lOTt Hint ( . uimmny Ilium In IIIPII , " H KIA finil I'lCltMAl NKNTliY < 'l KKI ) . Full 8TIIHXIJTII nnil ton ! Klvcn tn OVITpart of thu boily 1 wilt cuiul ( sil cuioly pai-jto.ll I''HK1 ! 10 any midorur the pro < cri | lion that cnruil mo of thi'iiu trunblf-i. Aildru 3 , 1J T1ON. Council Chamber , Oinahti , NuU. , IS ! . . Hu It resolved bv the city council of the oil } of Onialia , the Mayor concurring : , That purinanoiil.sldowutks liiiconstrnctoil lid thoclty of Omaha at designate I hulo\v , wltlilij llvoduys afli'i tlm piibllciitlim of ihls rusolu-L ton : , or tint personal survi.-o I hereof , at bvj ordlnanco U iintliorl/.oi ! and ri'iinlred ; HIK' shlowalus to bo laid to thu permanent gr'U n.siiitiibll ! > li < id on thn pavoil Hlruots spccllloiq linrcln , and to Im coistrnuti'd of stonn. artlf ilclul stone , hrlclcor illini ; . aucor.lin'to spool ] llcutlons nu Illii Iu thuolllcuof thu HoaidoH I'lilnlv Works , and under Its Kiiporvlsion. to- ( wit : * t-oiilh Riiloof Dod 'ii bliei't , Hiib lot r In lot ! Cnltol | | nddltlon. po ni.iiiunl grade. ( Ifrutuldul .Si.tilt H du uf IJod i'Htroi ! ) , oaiit" . ' > font morij or li'Niof hiiblot fl In lot - ' . { 'apliol adilltlonfl iioniiiinciU ( jrailo. fuot wjilo. 1 Kjiilli Hldiiof Doilcohlri'iU. vvustS'i feet , raoril or lu-s of-Hiih lot I In lot - ' . I apllol iiddlllon.l iiuriniiiiciiCKradi' . ( I fuutvldi - . North nldii of I'oiiliiDioo avonno , Jots 11 to SJ5L ln-lii-lvi' . Ijlin-lt ; 'i , SlinU'ti addition , permanent ] cr.nlOi lifcut wldu. * \ Kim H do of Twenty-ninth aveiiun , lots II lid 17 Inclusive. lilocU fJ. lluiiscoin I'lacu. IIOIIIKM iioiitaradi- ( fool wlili- . J .Siiitlh Hlilu of Icivvcnworth stinot. lots l111 IT , IS. Hi. bloc- ! , I.cavi'iiworlh lliislnu'.i 1'laccl ' eriniinoi l Xltidi' . li fri't wldn 1 until tilde of l.i'iiveiiMortli hiroul , crtusln : ! M. r. or IJi-li I.Inn rluhti-f tvay In block li | l.oivi'iiworln ItiHliu s I'lii'T , pctinunun ] cri-ile , U ft'i'l wide. An I. hu It fiii-lliur ri's ilvn.i. , , . Tlnil the lloaidof I'uhllr WorKs he , nnd H hi'iuhy iititliori/Pd ami dlivi-trd to uiumu conv of tlil-i ruooliitlun ti.'li | ' ) hcd In til ollluiiil | i.irir | of thi ) city for one wniU. or Itil HurvoJ 011 thi' oiynur * of H'ii'1 < " s , and thiij nnlois Mirli oiviiors sliill ' ' Itvn tlavl lifter iho puhllirut oimr ( .orvl'-o "t snuli oopw eoiihtriii'l R'tld HiluwnlKb us noruiii riuiulM/l / ] that Iho Hoard of I'nhlluV.rltH ) CMIINO th. | winio lo be done , thu co i i.f . ti > iru 'tins : ilil BiilovvalKH pcctlvoly to ) > o .1. L-s utl ( mains' ' ] tlio ioalostatii.ini lu-u-tit of mt in fronto ) and abittiliiKHiicii HlditwaD. * I'maud MovL'tiiLcr llth uti'l "Hii I1- . T. .1. Jiu\v h\ ' Acllii ! , ' Piciiliii-i.i'if tint ' -'oniii'ir , ' i : i' . I > A > l I'ro ! > "lc"ljiiiV ( ! ; vr ; AtcS , , : ; ; { ; - Auprnvmli aiiu P in * \ * . . TO ( UN.-Tltl'l'T BluhWIJ nnMof 111'1 low , pa t-i of loU nml | Oktaliidubui'llicil In Ihe .ihovii r'- brti- | Vou ami oacli of you ure hrn-r-y iinMllutl t' eoiiHtincLniTniHiii'iii Bldi-wii'ivK us rufjiitn i n.v u reuoiittlou of tlm flly ' " 'iinull anil mayor oi ihi.c.tyoromahi. of wli iIi ; 'lip above | , , i-opy. I. > ' IIIIIIUIAI s l It. chr.Ii mini lloanl nC rulill"Vor a Oinntui. j < i'i > . .Js'ovimljm''Sli. | IS'C ' , iu" ' .i To the Ktoclcliolilcts of Iho O'.n'liila l-ani and OitUliil.'o. ' . Notlco Nil. ri'Iiy | 'lvi-n lo KIl.-llOHIl-K ( | llf tllU O/lll | till 1,1111(1 Illl I t 'l ' i-oiiip'i/iy thill Iho upnt'r\l : iiini'Jiil n ' 'i'i o iid | conipny xvlli l.o Imld nt tno VII f i-unipuny , In iho ully of Unrflri. t.i 'i liruhliii , onVtdiiii : duy , Ui inVf > ' ntli ! < ! . at ttto o'lilook li. in. , for the p ixu oli'ttlnziMriCtor ! ! ) of ilm company " rvi HILumsiiliitf yoir , and fir ( In. < ni < i a"llU | o uny und -ill other liiiiiliii-f > ii of ( . 'very If Iml t'M cht.rnotur.llmt niiiy I'D prc mil" I ' " < " > metallic l'y llntiibsuiulilud Mto kh r.PWAilli ! ' . IIAWJIIINU : , .lONATIMN AllCU ttoLTUliiryi . . .i Umahii. Nidj. , Nov. ly inr. ' , itM rrnpo ul lotliiinilicr mid L'ciuiMil IT city or ( iinuiiti , Sealed I ) UK will ho ropnlvivl ut ttio < > lll"0 of | therliy roniptrollur t n to4 p in. J i"0n uer | ti. IKi.1. for thu furnishing of I" ' bcr nniJ < * iiu-nt for ilm vourlS'jafortlici"iy T lie i" > iiii- | Holler will fiirnUli Itlunki for lht > 1 1 H " < } t Itiinhiir , nnd only bid * nl'l ' ' ) c'ink'dcruil ] mailuonsuc'lihl-jiilc * , All ron'cnU fur ' li'ill | will have to stiinil lltn ton of tlio oil" i-ii IICIT. jauh : hlddi'i U r'tquirod tc oii"'ri' curl. lied cheek of HW. ThurUlit Is -icm'dl to rojvel any in- till hU. ! Oniuhu. Nor. JO. IbOi. TMJiO. Ul.SI- , ComptrolUr.