Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1892, Image 1

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Opening of the Great "Waterway Oonven'ion
at New Orleans.
Tim 1'iuliliii ; nf tlm Uorlc t Kirly Oinnplo-
Iliinl nilcrtlli ! Ciintriil r tlio ( Jiixorii-
iiicntlo ll IJrRi-il Whiil tin *
Itrin AruiunptUlicil ,
Nr.wOiii.ttAS- . , Nov. 30. The conven
tion in the Interest of the Nlcarnyuan canal
opened hero today. The gathering Is the
outcrowth of healthy public sentiment pre
vailing nil over the country In favor of the
hastening to completion of un Intcrocoanlo
waterway , which "not onlypromises to yield
Immense prollts , hut which It seems to ho al
most uniformly conceded oucht to bounder
the coutrol of the Unltod Stales govern
ment , ns a political necessity and from a
stratoijlo standpoint. The convention prom
ises to bo abundantly ft uilftil In result , and
boinir of a nonpolltlcnl character aud on-
tlrcly disassociated from the pnvnto corpo
rations ul present engaged In carrying lor
ward tbo project which it is intended to
further , It ought to ho , fiom Its personnel
nnillisrcpresontnUvo nature , n body of great
public \\olcht and \vldo tnlluenco.
The present convention Is the sequel of a
former similar gathering nt St. Louis , held
in Juno lust , nnu whli-h had its origlt- with
the merchants of the Pnolllc. At their i-
Ktnncc , a convention hail been hold in Cali
fornia in March , as a ictuii of which Gov
ernor Murkhnm tcqucstcd the governors of
the various states to appoint delegates to as-
komblo In the Mound ulty In convention to
momorinll/o congress to contract with the
ciinnl company to secure government control
In the completion of the canal so as to loduco
the co-it of construction to a minimum ai'd
limit the capitalisation to actual cost of coa-
ritru'ction , Tbo convention nt St. Louis was
well ut'ondcd mm was presided over by
Hon. George L. Converse. It had the effect
ofnddinii Force to the giowlng public scutl
incut in favor of fedoinl supervision un-l as
slstnnco In the building of the canal , and it
ndjourncd to rcconvnnu at a tlmo and place
to DO determined upon by the chairman nnd
the executive committee.
It wns"ln pursuance ot the authority con
ferred at St. Louis that Chairman Converse
and the executive committee selected Now
Orleans and today as the place and date of
the convention. Invitations were extended
Dy Governor Foster of Louisiana and the
. executive coninnltco of the bt. Louis con
vention to the governors of the vations
i Htatcs nnd to nil the loading commercial or
i ganlinttons ntu : municipalities of the country
[ to appoint delegates to ruprcsent their 10-
I succllvo states or bodies liure. The responses
I rci-clvcd have exceeded the anticipations of
[ tbo promoters of the convention and tno in
dications point to u lar o and distinguished
I convention ,
L it is proper hero to rotor to the present ro-
I latlons bc.woen the government , and the
I canu' ' enterprise. In April , IS90 , n rosolu-
I lion was aUoptqd by the bonato directing the
I committee onforeign relation * to inquire
I into Iho condltiona and prospects ot the
I Maritime Canal compsnv of Nicaragua and
to conslilor and report what , in the opinion
I of the committee , the interests of the United
I States might require in rcspcctot intoroccnnlc
I communication. The committee , compris-
I ing some ol the ablest men in tbo senate of
I both political purtiL 5banlcicd Into a patient
I nnd thorough Investigation of tbo subject
i matter presented for tholrconsideration , and
i finally submitted u report with a bill whoso
pussago the committee reco.nmended. The
honators who signed this report were Sher
man and Payne of Ohio. Edmunds of Ver
mont , Fiyo of Alamo , Kvarts of Now York ,
Dolpli of Oregon , Morgan of Alabama ,
> Crown of Georgia and Kustls of Louisiana ,
I The plan proposed in the bill was dictated
I by the committee and agreed .o by the com-
t l > any , subject to the approval of congress.
I The bcnuto had undertaken an In-
I vcsllgation of the hubjoct because
I of its great public importancu and Inuepend-
I out of the company. The bill was not.
I passed , but it is urged that congress ought
I Hpecillly to take it up and pass it or nn
I amended bill so that Iho company may not
I bo dolnycd In the completion of the work by
I any groundless hope of governments ! assist-
I unco.
I The canal ontnrnnso has no lobby or
I agency nt Washington , nnd the proposals of
I tliu committee wcio not regurdcit ns specially
F' advatilacooub to the promoters of tbo enter-
I prise. The committee In its later report
I uubmittod the documents , nnglnoerlng sur-
I vovs , etc. , upon which llnding tbo report
I was based , and ex Dressed the opinion that
t the onginnorlng and other plans wcto saUs-
I factory , Iho route selected practicable , the
I estimates reasonable , nnd the probabilities
I of traftlc such as to render the uudertaldug
I llnanclally safo.
I There nro two companies interested in the
I tnattor , OHO of which Is the possessor of tbo
I concessions from the Nlcaraguan govcrn-
I inont und the other ot which has undertaken
I the contrcct to milld the canal. The con-
I elusions of the co'umlttoo were unanimous ,
I and U was providcit that in thn event that
I the government Miould undertakii to gnar-
I un lee the bond : of the company It was to bo
I ptolcctcil ugalnst liability by Che privilege
I ol a malorlty of the camtnl stock of the com-
I pony with u right to vote it.
I - , The following stales are represented : Ar-
1 liansns , Aliibumn , Callfornln. Wabhlngton ,
I District dt Columbia , I-'lorlda. ( icorgln. lilt-
nois , lown , Indiana , Konlucltv , Kansas ,
Louisiami , Mississippi , Miilnc , Mis-
I tourl , Michigan , Now York. No-
I brnbka , North Cniollnu , Ohio. Orngon ,
1'minsylviuiU. South Carolina , Tennoiseo.
Tcxns nun Virginia , with a total of : iiG :
I The convention was called to order by
Piosldcnt K L. OJnnthal of the Hoard of
Tindo , In thn Odd Follows hall , which \viis
beautifully decorated for tlio occasion wilh
I the American and Nicttrauguan colors. Pros-
Idonl Odonthol dollvorod the fornml wolcnmo
on behalf of ) ho Hoard ot Tr.uio. City Attorney -
tornoy 10. A , O'Snllivan followed lor the
municipality and Governor Fojtor for the
htnto. Hon. Gcorgo R , Converse , pc.-inn-
nent chairman of the Bt. Louis convention ,
rcplii'd for the convention.
Tliu principal iiusiucss of the morclng was
the appointment ( if the committee on cro-
ilentluls , niter which a recess was tuUon ,
Ono of the lonaliikinnttor.s dlsoussed this
morning was n resolution which President
uinrko oC the board of the Mobile & Ohio
railroad will offer. It provides tnat the guv-
cinmcntgmirantco $100,000,000 bonds ol the
rompany to bo used as n basis for a now nu-
llonnl bank , no party to own more than I. ( ) , ; ( !
muiri's ol stocli , a ppiventugo of tbo tolls to
tie doposltod annually In tbo Unltod States
President Odcnthnl , In opcnlog the con-
vcntlon , warmlv welcomed the ilolcpatcs
from nbroad. Weak miniib might doubt the
piuctlcubllity orHiiccoss of the Nicaragua
canal , but ho wished to say tlrot no feat was
too i/rout foruccomplishmont bv the gonlui
> of America. Upon the American nation had
boon bestowed the means and Intoillgonco to
uuilio iho earth subservient to Un wishes.
ilnn. (9corgo Converse was introduced as
chairman. Ho presonled Rov. i ) , M. Palmer -
mer , who dollvoiod u icrvent pru"er , Hon.
M & . A. O'Hnlllvan welcomed the delegation In
lichalfof the citv. 'Ihcio ivoio no more
contlnentB to discover , ho suid. Mho only
thlnu leti.was to bilug the extremes of the
earth to one common center by shortening
connn routes.
Govcinor Foster of Louisiana was rom -
m colved with tremendous applatiso. Ho cz-
tenilod , tin bohnlf of the state of Loul.iUnn ,
n most corulal and lieurty wclcomo to the
K convention liodv und to each ol its members.
The quustlon 01 au Inteioccanlo cotninunlea-
I lion by water batxvron the two oceans mid
neios.-i the Itthinup , was , ho bollrvca , no
I longer problematic. The practicability ot
I feasibility of that enterprise was kccogulzud
und admitted. The governor then pointed
I out the utllltv and advuntogo of such a route.
ft Chairman Converse Invited any cl Uen ol
Nicaragua who might bo present to a place
I on tlio platform , uud then ho said ho felt no
I mutt tcply in omo way to ibn speeches do-
I llvered. Ho tuoko of tuo cordiality of the
wclcomo extended by the cltv nnd state. Ho
hud visited hero and with anin/cmcnt viewed
the commerce ot the ercat city. Referring
to tlio Intcroccanlo canal , ho said that llid
United States must build It nnd must
linvo It ,
Mr. H. U. Smith of the Board of Trndo
was elected secretary.
On motion of Mr. Odonthnl n committees of
twcnty-clehton resolution ) , ono from each
ittato represented , was appointed. Thn con
vention then took a recess until 3 o'clocK
p. m.
At the afternoon session the reports of the
committees on rules , cicdontlaln tnd roiolu-
tlons were pro untoil. Judpo John.13. Jones
of Llttlo Rock dcllxorml u lengthy address
nnd then the convention uOjournuit until to
morrow. _
IHA voMt Tiiiw'f.t , tonti.\
Kimthern I'ollco ( ) IIl-or riilntt Tliay II ivc
.Muilo n Viilu.tliln Culrli.
OHATTANOOIH , Tenn. , Nov. 3J. Chief ot
Poltco Ivllgot'o said thlc morning that ho
would keep under survollianco the womnn
who was arrested h-jro with 810,003 worth of
diamonds In her possonlon until the jewels
arj restored to tholr rightful owners. Ho
has Information thnt n gang ot diamond
thieves , some of whom have been nrrmtcd
in Nashville , are wanted in Atlanta , Hlrrn-
Ingnutn , Memphis , Augusta and other cities.
Chlof ot I'ollco Connelly of AtHnln Is ex
pected to arrive here to 'join Sheriff Clnouo
of Nashville. 'Ihoy hope to make some
startling developments about thn ovlonslvo
operations of these diamond thlovoi. Chief
of Police Clncko , In an Interview with the
Associated Press correspondent , says the
men arrested nt Nnshvlllo and the woman
under arrest are connected with n cuug of
thieves nnd pickpockets , tic snjs the lUt of
dlumond robberies In .sovcral southern r.lllus
is largo. The gang worked nxtonslvolv In
Georgia , tlm majority of the robbcrios being
committed in Atlanta.
Train iiohbcrs in * Haul l.urk.
QnrT FM.I.S Mont. , Nov. HO. A spsclnl
to the Glebe says : Tno 'Great Northern"
westbound through passenger was hold up
by three robber * near Malta , a sm ill slulon
east ol here. The massoneer was ordered to
ouon the loeal safe , from which It Is said
only S-Jj was secured , Ho did not know the
combination ot the big throueh safe. The
robners dec imped without molesting the
passengers. _
I'll til I iMiul Ultli U
Cot i ) SiMiisns 1'ox. , Nov. HO. An old feud
has existed between two prominent farmers ,
J. J. Jones und R. T. JJrynnt. Yesterday
Uryant drove past Jones' Held where ho wis
nt woik mu1 dured him out. Ho wont nnd a
duel with knives hagan. Jonai stabbed
Hryant to death and was himself wounUeJ.
Jones was released on ball.
ItitbliLMl un l xproKS Cur.
Dniiinr , III. , Nov. ! IO. A robber , with n
key to the cxpross sufo of the Unltoo States
lixpross compiny yesterday , while the
messenger was absent , entered the express
car on the Illinois , Indnnu & Idwa road hcio ,
unlocked the safe nnd stele Ji.OOJ. There is
no clew to the robber.
'IraIn Knliiii-r * M. v liu I.ynrlioilK
ROMU , ( Ja. , Nov. : ! 0. Sheriff N. H. Ncgcin
who was shot last Friday night by train
robbers at Plainvlllu died l\st , ovonlug. It
> feared thntn mob ot citl/ons will enter tbo
. .ill ut Calhouu whin they learn of the
sheriff's death , toke out the prisoners nnu
mug them.
ii/.v.M.uir n ii.i. 1'HJiir.
Intcroitlng : Hlvorro rnirrcillncs Sprung on
hiiiith O.lkout I'unple.
YANKTOX , S. D. . Nov. 0. fSpoetal Tele-
ra-n to TUB JJnn.J Herbert Hall Wiustow
ot Chicago , author , camoto Ynnkton In Juno
ast and applied for n divorce from his wife ,
Daisy JO. Wlnslow , on the grounds of deser
tion. Summons calling upon the wlfo to como
nnd make answer to the 'complaint was pub
lished , and yesterday afternoon sha reached
the city , accompanied by her mother and
her brother-in-law , S. P. Muford. Slio
denies the churgos , and pronosco to ML-lit the
case , demanding alimony and the o'stody of
her son , Herbert Rowell vVlnslow. The
trial of the matter occurs in March next , und
it promises to bo very interesting.
The JUMP } " Prrp.irliii ; for Trouble
With clio Operator. , ,
Ennr.Tii , N. J. , Nov. 30. ftluch
speculation lias bcon caused among railroad
men hero by the fnc * , that the Now York le
Now Jersey Telenhono company Is putting
in long distance telephones in all tliu signal
towers on tbo lines of the Jersey ( Central
und the orders woio to rush the work. It Is
believed that the railway company expects
the Order of Riilway Tiloijra pliers to strike
on tha Jersey City line in case their demands
are not compiled with and the company i ;
getting Inshapo to fight a strllco uy uslutr
telephones in place of teluzraph operators in
the lowers , ub ihoro is no necessity of having
both. ; Jf > L.i\i > A.voirK/j r/.v / > / : .
The \Vnnt Storm Sineo thn llll//ir.l ot 'MS
MiipH Tnillle.
Low ! < > LVNI ) Cirv , N. Y. , Nov. .13. The
heaviest snowstorm on Long Island since
tbo bli//nrd of IbbS began last night , the
fall being eighteen Inches to two tool.
Heavy drifts In many daces Impede travol.
All trains nro delayed or snowed In. These
from S.IK Harbor nro missing and nothing
can bo heard from them , as Ihoylrcs are all
down aver the entire island. Tbo drifts ute
packed hard.
TnKon MOIIIK liy Her Parent.
Di'.NViiu , Colo. , Nov. 110.-John \\itllums
nnd his young \ufu , Gertrude , were met by
the wife's father , William \\clss , n merchant
of Now York city , and a dotcctlvo , at Colorado
rado Springs yesterday , nnd the young people
ple started baclc for Now York with the
father and the detective. The young conplo
olopcd fiom a Connecticut Dourdlng school
about two weeks ago. Geitrudu was III and
hur husband 1'J. ' They arrived in Uonvor on
Wodnesdav last and obtained u murrlago
license and were mnrrlei' . Gsrtrudo's
father anu n Oalcctlvo hurried after thorn
and came up with them nt Colorado Springs ,
Knch declares that nothing will part them ,
.Mcil.nuKli ) und Kim * linlciixnl on Hill.
Piii nrno , Pa. , Nov.'U. The application
of Hugh Ross nnd John McLuuklo for their
lelouso on bail was heard before Judges
IConn > 'ily and McClung. They were each
ballon In the sum pf f 10,0JO in tha raso of
ticason. In thn upiillcallon for roluaso on
bail hi the murdur case of Hugh Ros.s , it was
douuod ti > postpone hearing 11 until Thurs
day. The ball in tno murder case of Me-
Lucklo was llxeil bv Judge Magco some
tlmougoatflU.OOO. This , with iho hall for
treason mil riot will muko t'J.003 ball ,
Oliver Murphy and Oliver C. Conn wont nls
ball and ho was released.
liu Saw 1'urtlH Miunt C.r.inl ,
Six FIIAVI ice i , Cal , , Nov. 0 In the Cur
tis ( Hal John I ) . Cannon of llumholdt county ,
Callfoiula , leallUd that whllo on the stie'ot
on the night that Pollcoman Grant was
killed Ills attention was attracted to a bcuflio
uotwcon iwo men , Tha shorter of Iho men
shot too other , who fell , uud the murdcicr
then ran away. A I tor the shooting the wit
ness remalucdthcro ho was until ihu man
who hud done the shooting was brought
buck. Ho thought the man brought buck
was tha same ua had run away ,
l , < iol > * I.lKo : ut Inlimlloiml
Nun YOISK. Nov. : w. Too Hoard of Alder
men ha gruateu to Oio Now York Power
company , u New Jcrioy corporation , n fran
chise authorizlr.g It to tear up every street
and avanuo in tha city at will. Not only
that , but If words mem anything tbo com
pany will nut ho rucjulred to pay t'lo city ouo
peony lor the prlvllcgofor ono year after iho
maiiii nro laid This was accomplished by
the DOI IddniAl or intentional omission of t < io
word "period" after the wora " auio" in the
clausvof the frauohlst.
Procurour Gancra'o Bsiunpiiro Protests
Against the ProcsaditiTji of tin Daputies.
Dep irlnre ol HID Unni tilMtnn ol lniiili-y |
Irnin Its CoiiCHit ot 1'roeoiliiio
Uutoliitloii SLTIIIS Iininlnent
I'nctt roiinil ni ItiuikH.
fropyrluhtoil IS32 by .Inmot ( iorjsn It jnnjt'-l
PVIII , Nov. ! U [ Now York Herald Cable
Smselal lo TUB llnc.l The crisis conlln-
\\c\X \ \ The Panama canal scandal Increases.
Procureur ( .loneralo Qncsn.iv de Hoatircpalro
has wrltieu n loiter of solemn protestation
against the conduct of pirltnment. Ho re
fuses to loader his resignation , and wisfios
to bo dismissed from oHlco. Ho thus ro-oj-
tnbllshes the traditions ot the great pnrlia *
menlary laadets1 of Franco , who were iho
defenders of liberty against the king.
The commission of Inquiry conHim-u to
dig In the mire. To Jay It xvas discovered
lhat3U3OOJ ( franci worj dlstrlbutod by the
late It iron do Rclnach in twonty-sovun
checks to newspaper * nnd Journalists. On
the refusal of the banker * to glvo the names
the commission vUliod Hie banks to see
their books. This procedure was absolutely
Are wo comlnc to n rovolutton f 1 do not
knuw. It is sunk-lant to repeat the fuels.
The commission found nt the * banks tlio
number of the checks with thn omomts ap-
condcu. Tomorrow will be a critical ctny.
The cabinet of M. BrUson is now in full
process of formation. JA < .QUS : ST. Cr.iu : .
" LATEST TKtl'l.i ; AI.I.IANOi : .
I'lililli'iUlon orVhat Is \lli > ii'il to llo n Copy
ol Thnt Doriiinont liy n Carls 1'npi-r.
Pnti , Nov. ! IJ. What Is claimed to bo the
text of Iho main portlous of Iho latest triple
alliance trealy la published In the Journal
today. It is not known whether the text is
authorilatlvo , but the Journal , hi an editor
ial , savs : "Wo publish the most Important
document of modern history. Wo do not
state how wo procured it. "
The Journal adds that the treatv was
written in German nnd was renewed in the
above form und siguod by Germany and Aus
tria in May nnd by Italy Juno . " > , 1S91. The
alleged text of the treaty is ns follows :
We , William II , by tlmciaeoof Roil , otc
ntc , : wo , t'rincis Joseph , ete. etc. : wo. Iliiin-
hivt 1 , ill ? , , etc. , by virtue of the rhhls which
hoionir to ns In our lOHpcctlvi ) states , have ,
with the otilect of safeciinrdlng the honor , the
dl/nlty and security of our people , entered
Into tlm following tio.liV :
1'list Consulting the van'ioness of the
urosont po itlcal situation regard ng certain
Ihiiopcan ponuri , whlehlnay hate gloat m-
Inoncoon Iho po ice of Cm one , \\u , after h iv-
.ngtnUun . advice of our inlnMois , promise
mil swear on our honor iiiul on the Holy
restament to toiiou and confltm this promises
nmao and conventions alieady iiuiucd upjn
by us for tlio fuithcr peilnd of six yoai * .
t-ocond We renew the lo.isuu o'f defence ,
whluhouU ! become nlfonslvu In case one of
tlio states should be In d.iii ei.
Third Wo ainco that our tnlnlstcrs nnd
leprusenlntlvus In foiulgn governments shall
nut In accord with one another In icsaid to
uMnrnal policy-
I'ourth Wu , William II. . and wo , I'rancls
) - , pli , ngieo to lend our aid and asslst'inco
tollnmheit I. In ciiirylng out his oMurnul
and colonial policies. We leco nl/o his rlL'hls
and that Konmls to lueonsldci d the capital
of Italy. We. William II. . and we. Uninuort I. ,
promise to lund our aid an I assistance to
rranols Joseph In enirylns nut his foiejln
policy , inoio ospci'iullv iei.irdlng the ques
tion of the ItjIuaiH. We , Kr.inels Joseph , and
wo , Iliinilirit I. , promUoour uld nnd usslst-
iiiico to U'llllam II. In currying onthis foreign
rifth Knell of thesu eontr etliiT patties
ngieotojild thoothertwothrough diplomacy
and uy materially assisting on land and
Mxtli We , the coiitracilnc parties , ngien to
keei > our uiniles on a fooling ilur.n ihls
period of unilursl ndlug.
SoNcnlh ( a ) In euso of conflict hotweon
( leiniiiuv. Itimsla and Anstilava agree to
nioblll/uour nrinlos anil diicluro war against
Uiii-sla , nctln ; In h Minony with the sialT ot
tlio ( Jennaii army , fl.ily meannhllo mobllb-
1ns her army on the rrcneh frontier. In cuso
rmncbbhoiilil side with Kimln , It.iiy will de-
olaiu war iiKalnst I'lancc , her army ontorin ;
that conntiy , her base of opurutluns being
( h ) In ca u of conflli't between Germ my and
1'raneo It ily will not as uliovo Indicated. In
sneii ovunl Austria would inoblll/e her army
nn the Knsslan frontier nnd iloolaio wa
iiealnst Itiissla In case the latter should Inter-
fuio In the conflict and slilo wltli I'l-ince. hi
Mic-h case Austria would act as Indicated
In | r < ii itph : ( H ) . -
( c ) In i' iso of conflict bot-veon Austria r.nd
Russia , ( Jorninny U to her army and
decline uar ugalnst Kiis ia , sending tuo iinny
corns Into Austria. Italy would niohlll/o her
army on the I'rmich fiotitler rind act as Imll-
ejlii'l In jrir f'rapli ( a ) In cuso I'raneo sl-otild
assist Kussla.
( a ) Incase ot conflict between Italy and
I'raneo In Km OIK ; or In the colonies Corniiiny
would molilll/i ) liar unny and'iict conjointly
With Italy , whllo Anstrl i would inobllf/o hur
army on the Itusslan frontier , luadytoas-
iissiimi ! the ollunblvo In cuso Knssla should
slilo with I'ruiivo.
illelitnVo promlrto and snrnron our honor
to maintain the utatu iiio ] and tlio peace of
ICnropu that has lesultecl from the xtilut ob-
> ervaneo of the ] iiOionL treatv by IIH and nil'1
inlnlstors , and lo safest ! ird the suuuilly and
honoi of our status.
Micnoil anil sealed bv uieh of the eontricl-
In parties. TIIANCIS .losmi ,
Wu.ri\M II.
. .
Tuts treaty , lii HIP usint in IIIIHII. strill hn
Kept secret , and the p u lies thoiuto cunfonn
tu the Clauses Ilieieln conlnlnuil ,
( 'Ai'Hivi ' , t'lmneellorof the I'mpirr ,
Iti'iiiNi , 1'iesldent of the ( Jjiinoll ,
' ( ho paper publishing the above Is not the
Pout Journal , hut n shoot recently estab
lished. The story u ridiculed bars us u pure
nii'itiissr.D TIII : DIIIC. : : vrs.
Arrlililsliop \ > 'iilHli'4 Hculiirntloii
the llnusels Ciiufureiiee.
DiiL' ci.x , Nov. ! I3 , The delegates lethe
the mouotary couforcnco nro greatly
interred In Archbishop Walsh's declar
ation In favor of bimetallism , tha
adoption ot which ho advocates as nccs.i-
sur.v to save the Irish tenant fiom ruin.
Sir G , L. Molesworth , nn Irish landlord ,
said to an Associated press corrospondoul
this cvcnluir : "ArchbishopValnk Is right.
1 have contended for years that tbo Irish
dlfllmlty is greatly duo to thg appreciation ol
gold , iho value of which hat increased
TiJ per cent MIICO 1811 , The Irish farmoM
contract to pay their rent In gold , and now
owing to the Increased purchasing power o :
the sovereign , they must luisa moro produce
in order lo earn iho rent mnnuy , The re
ductions made In Ibo ro.Ms in lLo past gener
ations have bnon inadequate to meet the
olfllculty because tha reductions buvo no
ue"pt pace ultu iho appreciation of gold.
Thu adoption of n oimutullic monetary ttan
dard would load lo n allcht rlso In the prlcns
nnd n snvoro fall In tUo rates of Interest
which would result in Increased commercta
activity throughout thoworkl. "
AT Till : V.lTIOAJf.
ItiiinoriVIUeh lli\u .Uniutnl tliu Holy
1'alher AIucli Dltplrasnrc.
tCuijrlKlit | > > it nt ! lir Now Vork Asioclitej l > run ,
ROMK , Nov. 8J. Telegrams from Nov
York n few days nu'o announced that the
Unltod Stairs government had declined the
proposal for the appointment of an America !
legation to the Vatican. This rumor , wulcl
has caused much displeasure at-inn Vatican
and especially as the holy sea never onci
thought of such a proposal. The pope , when
ho read Iho nnnouuuomout , said ; "People
suppose 1 imvo uleus 1 never thought of. I
appears as If they ik-eluned to imbroll mo
ulth Ibo good and great American pcoplt * . '
lintliiiolillir * I'liui llelntfil in hcoret ,
Nov. 30 , The commltt o to
cpprt on Rotbsclillrt > ns laul bofnro
ho monetary confcrehco hfId two long sos-
Ions ycslcrdny. Itv'ileltbaratlous wjra nb-
olutely secret , oven } the members ot Iho
onfcronco otttsldo ot the commltteo not
icing informed of thd prosrois undo by the
lomiiilttee. The results wl.l not bo made
tnoivn till the commlttoa reports to the con-
erenco J
The conference dlrtjnot moot todav. The
ovt session will ha ion Friday , when It Is
ixpoctoj the report 6n Rothschild's schema
iy the commlttoeiwlll bo ready
I'ulillo limull to I'nincr ,
I.ON'POJT , Nov , HJ The Vienna correspond-
nt ot the News refers to n sensational ind
ent that occurred IM the Austrian Rolchs-
ath yesturday. Ono of the member * In n
pecch MPOUO of.Fni'ico ns n republic of
hlovos uud swindlers. The rcniaik e-unod
n uproar and the spoattur was at once called
o ordei by the protldcnt of the house. It Is
xpectcJ that tlm French govoinmont will
nil the Austrian government to account for
ho Insult.
Vrstoril.ij'H rrioccdlng lii tlio Trial of the
Cmluent OUIiie.
Nsw YUIIK , Nov. ; ij. At tha opening of
ho Hrlggs irlnl this nttornoon , Ur. Francis
> rown road an objootiou to iho trial proceed-
tig , on the ground ihnt tharo was no case ,
ns the prosbvtcry haJ dlsmlssoit same
barges now prsjonted after n hnarlug on
November 4 , ISfll.
Thorn was an animated debate baiweon
ho membjiM of the commlttoonnd , Dr.
iriggs' adhurotits. Dr. Hrlggs said in an-
wer to Iho statement ho was thought
o be familiar with scripture nnd standards ,
hat he had studied those volumes for
wenly-llvo years' , but he was not familiar
vlth tholnlolleclual processes of Iho prose
cuting commlltuu. Ho could not bu asked to
agree to answer all iho interpretations of
tic'o uooUs which Iho committee might
tdopt. "It this evidence Is admitted , " said
ic , " 1 shall insist ) that the whole scripture ,
hu xvholo ot thn standards , ii'id ' Iho whole of
ny works bo road. 9 [ Great applause fol-
owcd thls.l *
Dr. Rnggs waived * the thlcd nujactlon and
\lv , Itrown uinved'that thofouith nbjoctiou
10 sustained , objecting to the relevancy ot
all proofs Irom Ihti scriptures , confession
tjind catechism. This , after nn amendment
enquiring the removal of proofs from tno
specifications to tbo chargt * , was carried , and
mother point was.sqorod by the defendant ,
D * . iSouthworth Ihen moved thut In view
of Dr. IJiiggs1 obJecUon to the offer of whole
sale evidence that the clause in the cighlh
charge , offering tno whole inaugural address ,
ho whole scripture nnu the whole of the
'lOibytoriun stiinaatds DO stricken ouU On
roll call the motion was declared lost by two
votes. f
Dr. Briggs asked that nn oxcsotlon bo en
tered In his behalf on the record.
Adjournment was ( ulton until tomorrow.
ISov. Snlith'it Trliil fuller IViiy.
CiNUivs rr , * U. , .Nov. 3J. The charges
igaiust Prof. Smltji , having been decided
sulllclcnt In form and effect , the liial proper
jegan todav The prosecution hojan by pre
senting two published articles by Prof.
Smith , In whicti bo ( ( tscusseil the ordination
vows and froadom ot opinion among inlnls-
tet3. Ho doclaros'"ihcrein the nbiurdlty ol
expecting an ontlroconformitv of views
among ministers aod/aays it would oo sim
ply an Itpposslbfliti ? for every minister to
: onform to oven the views of n majority of
the general assembly. Ho savs in such a
case iho minister 'cannot bo expected to go
to another'church" , 'iw.he ' may be'uuablo to
tine ono in ontirq acCorci with his views , and
to break awoyi and iouna another church
would bo schismatiu.'nml ' sinful. Thcro are
lee many Beets already. Testimony on the
ihst charge was pot all in when access was
talcnn. 4
Prof. Smith admitted that he wrote the
articles ultod and said bo had no testimony
to offer in defense ,
Dr. Lowe of thb prosecution urged him lo
offer something by way of disavowal of what
the committee had charged tnat his articles
tuugnt , but the defendant stood on his rights
ana said ho preferred to disprove the com
mittee's charge and'not todlsuvow or to give
an Interpretation. Ho htHd that the com
mittee's interpretation of his luncuago was
not warranted. This being Iho Issue , Mr.
Lowe made the opening argument.
Prof. Smith replied with brevity. Ho
complained of tbo ambiguity of the charge ,
which might mean to cbargb him with dis
loyalty , iho denial of the discipline or a denial -
nial of bis vows. Whllo a majority might
not convict htm of Any ono of Inojo charees ,
this ambiguity allows any one who liniis htm
guilty of any one ofthese charges to vote to
sustain all the charges.
The closing argument was made by Dr.
McKibben of the prosecuting committee. He
was careful to say that the question was
sltnnVy whether from the testimony adduced
bv the unmraltlco Us Interpretation of which
Prof. Smith has taught , is correct. His ar
gument followed closely the language of the
articles dntatliag Iho commltlco's position.
Adjourned until'tomorrow.
ArehliUlion Iviuirlck'g Co nljutor.
ST. Loins , Mo , , Nov. ! ) D. Bmicios the
question of the selection ot a coadjutor for
Archbishop Konrjclt , the suffragan bishops
at their meeting December in , three names
will bo recommended , from which the pope
will select a tUhop for the dioccso ot bt.
Joseph , which has nuvor boon occupied slnca
its creation und IB now governed bv Bishop
Hozan of ICnos&s City. The conference of
suffragans will probably also recommend to
Helm the promotion of John J. Hennessey of
Dubuquu to the nrohoplscopaey and the cro-
atlon of now seas ut Sioux City and Des
Illghnr I'rUiui for Oranges.
JUKSOXV , Fl.i. , Nov. . ' 10. With the
ornupes beginning1 to move there Is great
anxiety In Florida regarding prices. Last
year growers averaged only a few cents ever
SI n box. Ttia supply exceeds < ) , 00,000
boxes. This year , tbero are nbout only
11,000,000 boxes in sight and experienced
dealers are of the opinion that prices will
rule much higher. ' ' 1 think growers ought
to avarugd one-fifth. ! ' said u prominent mom-
bcr of tbo Flood a Fruit exchange , last , oven-
ing. j
Claims' n Million unil u Half ,
Los AxdKt.KS Nov. ISO , -Mrs. Adella
Frenman of San UK go has filed suit hero
claimingthctowuors liip of about $ l.r,00OOD
worth of the bejt pr iperty in this citv as the
only holr of U as ton Oxart , her iathor , who
ulod hero in 1BS3 , eavlntr the property In
question. ShacLtiins that through the
treachery of htfr lawyer n false will of her
tat her was pro ITU pd. The will does not
monllon Mr.s. Frcqulan , and under California
law an uumentionQdt uoir inherits as if there
were no will.As no Is the only heir she
will Inhoilt ult , I
Itctimm Irum liunsas.
-mt * , , ICan. , Nov. 30. Thobtato board
ot canvassers uai | completed the ofllcml
count of the votq fdown to the legislative
tlclcot. The count * shows the election of
utao Weaver ejectors by majorities avor-
aglag 4.SS7 and onq Harrison elector by 1)30 )
majority. Cabboll , iho defeated elector , was
beaten on account ofu typographical error
In thn certifications , The count shows the
election of iho ontlro pcopla's parly state
ticket l > v majorities ranging from M.SOO to
8.0)0. ) On cougicssinen the llvo populists
are elected by maJ6ritlos ranging from 1,500
to 11,000 , The republican majorities ran go
from 83 , In the cano of Funstou , to : i,000 , In
tbo uaso of Broilorick. Jerry Simpson's
nyijority is J.TO'J. Tuo count of. the logls-
latlvo ticket will bo begun tomorrow.
Nancy UIIIIKI' ext
Nuw VOIIK , Nov. 30. There is every pros.
pect that Nancy HanUs , the queen of tbo
trotting turf , will RO aguinit tlmo ever u
regulation track in , Iho rlciully of New Yoric
novt summer. Negotiations uro being tnuuo
with Uud Doble. J. Malcolm Koroes ar
ranged with the famous ralnsmaii lo trot the
inoro unothor yoir and If poinblo to roilucu
still further her prtfiout rocora of X :0i. :
Commissioner Raum Submits His Report
nnd Makes Es'.imUes.
IntelMtlne ( lo l w liv tlio fconiinl lnnnr ot
the Vriir'n VVorlt IVnsliinrrt nl tlm
HIP lipinliitlon nnd tlionrul
18IV ! Ilitplilly Deel
WisntNOTOv , D. O , Nov. D3. The annual
of Comrobsloncr of Pensions Green
IS. Raum shows tbero were on the pension
rolls Juno ! ) J last , STtf.OUS ponslonew ,
nu Incrcoso during the , year of 1 { 19,103.
Thoio were nddol to the rolls ilurlne
the year UJilur ! now pouslonors nnd , lr
ponslouors previously discovered were re
stored to the pjiision list. During the year
S5mi ) persons droppoa from the rolls. The
total amount expended for pensions
during the was tiaii.OHS.UI'J. '
l < or tno p.rcsonl llscal year $114vr > lOJO )
is appropriated , nnd , talilni ; tno cot. . of pun-
slon ullownncos during the first four months
of this ilscal year , on ihls basis the
committal ) estimates that n doll-
cloney nppropilatlon of ? I0.50S (131 ( will
bo necessary to supply the noodnd funds. An
estimate of $103UOiOJO is submlltod for the
next llscnl year. The commissioner says ,
however , that U as many pennlon allow
ances are made this i year as lust ,
this will not bo enough , Under
4ho dcpjndont nnd disability nets O.'O.ll.'iT
claims were Hied of which 403,859 have been
allowed. Pension payments under the law
to September UO amounted to $7(1,494 ( , Mil. The
commissioner hearilly commends iho dlsa-
bllity act.
ITnl.uonililo Comment ,
Tha commlsstonor admits that slnca the
passapo of that law thcro has been n great
deal of unfavorable comment upon the pen
sion system in gonctul , anu that it has boon
said that Iho country Is In ( lancer of being
bankrupted bv extravagant nnd undeserving
pension legislation. "IJut , " ho comments ,
"a casual consideration of the great change
in the mode of the lives of these men nnd
the conditions to which military life in
timoof war subjected them , must sugcosl
that the strain upon Iho llfo powers
of the soldier was so great as
to make permanent - Inroads upon the
vital forces , which would nccjssavjly result
in iho development of n multitude of ail
ments and disabilities beyond Iho roach of
medicine. It Is this class of citizens who
now constitute the great body of those who
are on Iho pension lolls. Good health nnd
Iho ability to perform labor were tholr
capital , when they were In a * great measure
depriveil.of their moans ol support. A very
largo proportion of the men who carried the
muskets have bson unable to keep up with
their neighbors who icmalned at homo in the
great struggle of life , nud the claims of thcso
persons for nsslstanoo from the government
rests upon the broad foundation of Justice. " Cases of the Year.
Continuing , tha report s'ates thot during
tbo past Ilscal year 2 4,017 cortiflcates were
issued in original cases and 79.731 In incroasu
claims. Commissioner Raum is of the opin
ion that the adjudication of these claims will
bo substantially completed at the close of
ISO I , when the highest number of pensioners
ever to bo on tlio rolls will bavo bcon placed
thcro. There are 4IS'570 ' ordinal claims
pending , pf which r.uihbor 109,000 are appar
ently complete. It is important , both for the
claimants and the government , to dispose of
the , original cases us .s'oon ns possible'ns first
payments date from the tiling of aaelurn-
tions and are at Iho average rate of $11 a
During the year first payments were made
In 41)1)-lOIl ) ) cases , reoulrmg nn eicD'inditura of
543,144,107 , includlPzi.VU.-'U original claims ,
amounting lo f J7.8bl,28S. The avoragn value
of original paymonls was SlUI.-o.'t , and of
orlclnal payments under the disability net ,
$127.19. The aggregate annual value of the
87(5.003 ( pensions on the rolls Juno : ! 0 , 1S'J3.
was $110,879,807. At the close of tna fiscal
yuar there was u balance on hand trom
Uio appropriation for punslons of $ J.SS9,714
and a dotlcicncy in Ibo appropriation lor
payment of fees and expenses of examining
surgeons ol iOr > , CO ( ) . The number of claims
of all kinds pointing October 1" , lb9J , was
788,0(11 ( , of which : iV3,4jl : were tilled under
the disability act.
( [ evolution ity 1'enxIniiPi's ,
Thn revolutionary nnd 1S12 war roils uro
rapidly dwindling. Only twenty widows
ana two daughters of revolutionary voter ins
are on the fo'rmor roll. The survivors of the
war of 181'J on ino rolls now number onlyv
1G5. against 284 u your baforo.
Mr. Raum closes with a comparative state
ment of Iho work done under thy Cleveland
and Harrison udministrations , llo Bays :
"Tho lotal number of original crrlldcntos
issued from March , ISs'.l , to October HI.
ISO- , was 520,505. and the total number
of pension certificates of all classes
issued during said period was bio,018. ! while
during the period from March 4 , 1SS. " > , lo
October ill , IbSS , the numbur of original cer
tificates Issued was 1S..7I ) ' . ) , und the total
number of certificates Issued during this ported -
ted was 403iS3 ! , being nn axcoss of original
certificates issued during the period of your
administration of 3)1,790. ) and an aggregate
excess of all classes of cortillcatesof 483,003 "
The avoruij/cost to the government oteacb
certificate granted during Iho Cleveland administration -
ministration , the commissioner says , was
ttl.35 and during the present admlnislrallon
at J10.41 , und ho adds : "Tho work of the of
fice was very far In arrears when this udmlnl-
Aration took charge of the bureau of pen
sions , while today tbo business is as nearly
current as it can be made , "
Onn of the Intents of the JleKinley Kill
Nollei-iililo on Iho Itiinleca.
U'ASlllN-fiTos , D. C. , Nov.Agent : Tin-
do , In his report of tlio operations of the
division of special agents during the last Ils-
cal year , says that smuggling of dutlaDlo
merchandise across the Canadian aud Moxi-
cun frontiers has largely Increased slnca the
passage of the tariff act of 1893 imposing
hlfh duties on all agricultural products ,
Horses and oattlc. as wall as tobacco und
olher marcbundlso , nro smuggled from
Mexico , Publio feeling Is hosillo to
the enforcement 01 tno ruvonuo lawn.
The principal articles o'f cluadtn-
Una imponallou fiom Canada nro
wool , clothlug , live anlnuus , csgn aud opium ,
The suggestion made last year is renewed ,
that the rate ot dutv on opium bo reduced to
II or i u pound. No duty whutever is now
collected upon Canadian opium , although u
largo proportion of the product of some thir
teen or fourteen factories in British ( Joluin-
uia ilndu its way Into the United Status.
Mr. Tlnclo condemns tha practlco of cre
ating now ports of entry In thn Interior of
the country with Immediate transpartnllon
privileges. The records show that there are
tuelvo ports of destination under the Immediate -
diato transportation act which did not ru-
celvo a Binflo shipment of murchnndlso lasi
yoar. The creation of tuoso ports was nol
nceaed or JustlQed from a business point ol
view. During tbo year the expenses o :
maintaining Ulty parts exceeded the uionoy
collected therein.
Cnliliiot Tiillu Over Ilio Mi'ts.i . - < .
Wtsiiisorov , I ) . C. , Nov , U3. President
Harrison , , in view of the exigency of the
near approach of the session of congress ,
called a special meeting of Oil cablnot today
toAusldor recommendations In bis massage
It U now his Intention merely to'touctt-on
ouo or two points which ho hud In mind in
elaborate , and bo expects to have the docu
ment ready for presentation to conuross
Thursday , Thu llcrlni. sea casu and tha
ilnnncial outlook were also conndered at the
cublnot meollng today.
\\urli ol the l.iln H.m.fH ,
\VAbuisaios , 1) . O. , Nov. HOTho anntia
report o ! Genersl tiupartutondunt Kitnbal
f thn llfo saving service unices the follow-
ng showing ! Tno oitabllshmont embraced
t the uloso ot the la t year in I
tnllons. Tliu nniubsr ot disaster ! to vessels
within the Held of operations during Iho year
va ; ) 'I7. There were on boird thcso vessels
, r > 7u person's , of whom S.WJu were saved and
he rest lost. The number of shipwrccited
lorsons who received succor nt the stations
vas 747. Ths vuiuo ot the vessel ) involved
n disaster was fo.riU.l'.O nnd that ot their
Irenes J-J.oOJ.OO.i. maklni ; a total ol property
m nlod ? < , ' ! SIr.7. % Ot this amount $7,1:11- :
OO.'i was saved nml fl-lTIllJI bit. The
lumber of vo scls totally lost wni sixty.
Tornn ot tlm 1'iiuiicr Auri rliirnt.
W\siiiMn iN' , O. O , Xov. .U.-TheChcro-
ieo commHslon bus sotit to the socrjlar.v of
ho interior tjMo ncMonifnt recently con-
liulod with the confederated u mils of P.\w-
cos in the limian torrltcry. ly ! this agree-
icnl iho Indiansconcoitn the rcstdun of
S,0'M ! aero ? after they shall hayo taken
hcrofrom tholr allotments. The govern-
until plodqot Itself to continuo the annuity
f $ .10.000. The liullins nro to
per aero for tlielr surplus latuU.
IIM.M1 'ID l.\\Cll JIAl'IIUli.
VllrsnilVllo Poisoner In Danger at il-
ne.v-lim n.
SIIINDV , la , Nov.JJO Wuon the circui
ourt convened vcstordny Slicrlrt Tuto
brought William Mayher , the alleged wlfo
loisonor. Into court. Last night the shorn !
vns notified thnt n mob hid baen organl/od
IThnrman with the intention of lynching
Mayhor. The shot Iff at once put n strong
uard around tUo Jail nnd will maintain It
utll Iho Irlal UonUcd. Advices from Tnur-
tnn are to the effect that a mob Is likely to
erin nnd proceed to this place at any tlmo.
louu Tooplo MtlndliMl.
Orrrnla. . , Nov. : -Sp2cIal | Tolf-
grom to Tin : Hnn.j An important nrrcst
vns ma'lo at Fulrlleld today of a man bv the
inrao of Howe , whom nn nrtinstlluto of Chi-
njjo claim has swindled It out of a largo
itnount. Tha lustliuto Is engaged in the on-
arging of plututoi and employed Howe ns
gonu The pictures sell for from $10 to f 12.
ml when nn order wna taken and
noporly signed Howe got his cotnnus-
lon of ? J. Ho did n land nlllco
business in this city and the Chicago linn ,
ifter paying liberally for commissions , began
o suspect him. Invostlziulon proved that
10 received so many orders from the liict
hat ho olloied the pictures for n smull frac-
ion of their regular cost , nslcod the buyer to
advunco n smull sum of money us an ovl-
lonco of good faith , pocketed this money and
ecoivod his commission from the houso.
'ho institute claims to have been swindled
out of more than SI.OOJ In this way , whllo
tibscribors for pictures , must bo out ns
nuch. A man nntnod Klllott wiib also ar-
cstcd nnd Is aliened to bo Howa's accom-
1 lie lie Tort l > oilio.
FOIIT Daunt : , la. , Nov. ISO. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun BCB.J The business portion of
ho town of Gowrlo was gulled by tire this
norningT The loss , is estimated ut SoS.OOi ) ,
vllh about one-third covoroJ by insurance.
I'noso who have sustained 'losses are :
kelson A : Son , Victor Nelson , Jaeouson
SIstois , mlllltiory ; J. A. , lohn on , baotsmd \
ihoes ; Lai-son As Mollenhoff , furniture ; A.
J. Uondstrum , jewelry ; Joseph Hanson ,
loots and shoes. Some of the stocks were
saved. The fire originated in the Johnson
sboosloro Irom a defective lluo.
At Clmrles Itiijs' Koraiur Homo ,
'MAt.vuiix , la. , Nov. ; W. [ Special to Tin :
3m.J Charles Hays , who is under nrtost
n Omaha charged with the murder of Mayor
Miller , Is very well Known hero. Ho was
lorn and roared on n farm near town. His
at her died nnd was buried hern nbnut three
vcars ago. His mother owns some proportv
icro , but now livoi with a daughter and two
son In Oregon. Charley was hero October
8 , staying sovcral days. HP was known as
in inveterate era in bier , nut no ono thought
ot his committing murder. Ho was thought
to bo too cowardly for that.
I'or ( Dtiflgi-'H Murder Tliu I.
FOIIT Doiiac , In. , Nov. ! i3. ( Special Tele
gram to Tim I3r.i : . ] The trial of Thomas ,
Jaffoy , indicted tor the wilful murder of
lidward Bucgoy , opened hcroboforo Judge
Weaver today. The crlino xvas committed
list March. Unffny shot Uugoroy on the
street while the latter was waluing with
Mary Murphy , a girl with whom Gaffey was
violently In lovo. Five of the ablest law-
yens in Iowa have been retained by Ciaffey ,
ind will base their defense on the grounds of
Will Silo Mnruurot Jluthcr.
CEDAU Uirii ) , la , , Nov. i0. ! [ Special Tel
egram to Tun Hun. ] Manager Slmmonds ol
Greene's opera homo has received a letter
from the lawyer of Margaret Mather , th&
uctiess recently married to George Pabst ,
sayini ; she would not fill her engagement
uero December 12. Manager Slmmonds will
Illo suit for aomagos if she falls to iceop her
ciigngctncnt. A number of managers will
attach receipts ut Marshall town und Des
Found UiiconHehms In thn Street ,
Ciiit U\i'iiis la. , Nov. . ' 10. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bcn.j Mrs. Freer , wlfo ot
ono of tlio Instructors at Cornell college ,
Mount Voriion , wasTotind lylngoi thastrcot
late last nightman unconscious "condition.
She nas not yet regained consciousness , and
it is Juarod sno cannot llvo. Whether ntio
was assaulted or mot with an accident or
was taken suddenly III Is not Known ,
( ( moral Joints' Claim * .
la. , Nov , ! l'J. Gjneral George
W. Jones , who was once United States
senator , now 'n ' his bOlh year , departed for
Washinglon to present to congress claims
against the eovornmcnt arisini : for his serv
ices in the lilack Hawk war and as Minister
to Uoirota unaoi1 President Buchanan , Con
gress last winter pensioned him for service
ns uruuimor boy in Iho war of 1812.
liiHtiintly Killed ,
Gun \u Ril'liB , la , , Nov. DO. ( Special
Telegram lo Tin : Dec. I AH unknown man
crossing the Chicago fe Northwestern traclt
near this citv In a wagon today was struck
by n train and instantly killed , The ra
in dns were brought hero lo await identifi
cation ,
ci.ubisn n Dounn.
Itnn nu tliu Sloiio Clly Hunk ol .Jollet , III ,
Otlior UiiHint'H * Troulili' . , III. , Nov. 30 , Tno Stouo Clly
bank , a private institution , suspended pay.
ments today on account of a run , caused by
shutting down of the compiny ,
ono of the departments of the big wlro fonoo
Industry. The bunk Is operated by H. Fish
d Sons and was thought to bo ono of the
soundest financial Institutions in iho stain ,
The failure is u heavy ono.
AI.MA , Mich. . Nov. 0. Nathan church , In.
tercslcd with Hills In tho'fiooumsoh and Ilti-
uca hanks , which both foiled , made nn as
signment today for the benefit of creditors.
.Moti'inrnt * ot Oman
At Jliemorhnvon ArrivedHavel , from
Now Vork
At Now Yoik Arrived Massachusetts ,
from London.
At MovllloArrlvndMoravla , from Glus
cow. f
At Liverpool Arrived .Naro.ilca , from
Now Vork.
At Genoa Arrived --Fuurst illniiarclf
from Now Yorlf.
A M'iilniill' < ( .liaiiiplou In l > i ti .
Ni-.w VOIIK , Nov. in.-MUs Virfe'lnltt
Puiiny , the * jilonot. ' ! ' In the movement to ox
loud the poislbllltloi of omploi'inent for
women , is living in this city In Pitifully dos
tUutu clrcumstanres. Sue has anflcroc
much from sli'-kness and poverty , for the. bus
never realized much from bur boon > Hho I
now living In two small rooms in iho teno
mcnl house , .No. Uo'J ICait Sovenlyllri
Wreck on tlio Missouri IMclfu R\llroad
Ncor Arkansas Qltj ,
Niirrew Ksftpr * Irom Mutant Death Tlio
Car * Hull Dimini Slri'ji | -.i
mid , lrf "i-ftrojril-l.lsl elI
I InC.i
AIIK tx-MsGm Am .Nov. :
, , u. The north
bound Missouri Prtelllo passenger Inuu ,
Icavlnr lici-o at 12:15 : p. m. toilny , jumped
the tr.iek about one nnu u half miles from
this city. Tlio bagpuqo oiuanil two coaches
left the melt. The coiah no\t to the b.ig-
gage cur rolled down nu embankment ot
about twelve foot and turned over , buliit ; u
total wreck , nnd Injuung twelve or llftoait
IMstcnmirs. Among thosa Injured wore :
1) ) . O. I ' 01111:11 : of Arkansas City , slight cut
on head. v
Jrttoi : PIN-IIIU. of Ar'.tnim * City , slight
bruise on faco.
< HMIS ; A. SMITH , employe , cut anil bruises
on face.
MiOn. ; . TiM.viior TMUr St itlou. shoul
der nnil chest crushed , proinuly fatal ) v hurt.
TuBI.IMI Arnnoi : HMUIOU for the YHZOO
& Mississippi Vultoy railway , nnUlo badly
A. IX Pu i : of ( .Srjonvillo , Mt . , slight cut
on forehead and brutsod lops.
Tiuir.i : : 010111:11 : MIN : , nnuio * unknown , wore
cut anil bn.Uedoonsiilorably , Two were sou I
to the Missouri Paelllo hospital nt St. Louis
nU are fatally hurt.
Sovorul others rocolvod slight scratches.
Tlio cause of the wroclc h supposed to bo
ho giving way of tioj , allowing rails to
'i.v ritucur. ,
'rushed itml .Miuiu-lcil lloulcs < ; .trrln < t on n
l.ouomotlxn'a Co c.Uelinr.
I'i.Miut , is. Y. , Nov. : -\Vllliam Conk-
In and wlfo. Kdward lllnnch.ird and wlfo
nil Mrs. Muggiu Pins , roturnliiK'Sn a wngoiix
o their homos in Southnort from the city ,
vero struck by an express train at the Erie
rosslng of Pennsylvania avenue tonight.
. 'ho oiielnonr says no did not
enow Im huil struck anyone until the
rain hulled at the station noaily half a inllo
roir. the crossing , nnoru were discovered
on the pilot of the locomotive the irhastiy ro-
mmns of three crulied nnd mangled bodies.
I'lioy worotlioso of Mr. and Mrs. Hlanchard
anil Mrs. Conkllng , The UcaU body of Mrs.
'ills and the mangled form of Mr. 'Conkhnff
till allvo were picked up about Ilftoon yard *
rom the crossing. All of the killed had
heir heads crusnod. There ,1s great indiguu-
lon heio" ever the fact- that the railroad
crossings , of the city are not guarded at
night. _ .
- A.
'it : t Accident to a LMrtjc of rlciilclcer *
Nrur Di-urrr , Colo.
Dcxvcit , Colo. , Nov. 'lO.--Fivo miles south
of horn at about 0 o'oloeic this evening , as a
ricmcKltig part ? of flvii were returning to
ho cltjjn a wngon , the driver uttcmptca trt
cross the railroad track In advance of . %
Chicago , Rock Island & 1'aclllc ttaln. Tha
attempt was unsuccessful , as tbo onglija
struclc the wapon , throwing Its occupants In
all directions.
MU8. Mi QUP.AUV was Instantly killeil.
MIS * SA\\YiU : fatally hull
The following wore seriously injured :
Mus. Ki.i/utr.Tii FORD.
Joi : b.uuEii , n lad of S vonrs.
: UMM * .
Itccvnt Chni : | ; < > ii , TrniiHlfi * .mil I'mlougll
Orili'ieil l > y tliuViir Drp.irtmunt.
Wtsiii.siiTov , D. C , Nov. 30. ( Special
J'clograin to Tin : Bii.j : The loilowinglraiu *
tors in the Fifth cavalry nro niudo : Capta'u
Albert I ) . Woodson , from troop 1C to troop
M ; Captain Robert Landon , from troop. M to
troop 1C.
Too leave of absence ; granted Captain
Charles A. Dompioy , Seconu Infiintry , is ox-
IcndcU ono month. Leave ot absence for six
months on surgeon's curtlllcato of disability ,
with Ciormlsslon to leave the Department of
Texan , is grnntod Second Lieutenant Dela-
raoro Skorrott. Fit-it artillery. The
leave of absence granted Major Louis
T. Morris , Third cavalry , is extended
thrca months. I'ho leave of absence granted
Second Lieutenant Joicph C. Kox/l'lilitoenlh
Infantry , is extended two months , The or
dinary leave of absence granioil Cautaln
Francis . Mansfield , Eleventh lufantry , is
extended ton days on account of sickness.
Lieutenant Colonel Lewis 11. Carpenter ,
Fifth cavalry , will proceed to Fort Riley and
tenort In person to the coinmandinz ufllcor of
the cavalry nnd Hunt urtillor.\ school ut that
post for duty as director of the bubschool o
Captain Henry 1' . Birmingham , assistant
Burgeon , Is toliovoa from duty at Holsu bar
racks , Idaho , to take olTcct upon the expira
tion of his present leave of absence nnd will
then ronort In person to tlio commanding
o 111 cur HI Fort ( inuit , Ariz. , for duty at that
post. Veterinary burgeon C. 1) , McMurdo ,
SoventWravnlry , h roilovcd from further
duty air Fort Hill , old. , unit will report
In pursou to the cnininfinilins oltlcorof Fort
Blmndan , 111. , fnrauty nt that post. Para
graph it of spocUl order October it , dlroctlnc
Major Robert M. O'lt-sllly , surROOn , to report ,
for duty ah attonillni ; surgoan in tliln city on
December in , Is amended to direct him to so
ronort on January 15 , IS'JII.
Captain Yt'lllUni li. Cordon , ordnance de
partment , will proceed from Cold Spring to
Siindy Hook proving grouud , How Jersey , on
business in connection with the test of a dis
appearing gun carriage ,
The extension of leave of absence granted
Roronil Lloutonant John rf , Murdoch , Twenty ,
tlfth infintry , Ib furthernxtunilc'i onotnotitii. '
Captain floury (1. LHchlleld , Second artil
lery , having been found physically dlsijugll-
lloJ for the dutlus of mujor oy reason of dls-
nullity incident to the service , U rctlrod
irom actlvo sorvlco as major of ortillory
from Novomoer 'JS , the data from which ha
would have been promoted to that grade by
reason of seniority If found quailliud.
u i.iiinit ruitii.v.iir.1.
Siuitlimly U'lnili Will IIIDW nuil It Will 110
I'.ilr In Vi'liiiiilc.i Today.
WASiuxfiro.v , 1) . C ! . , Nov. DO , Forecast
for Thurbdav : For Nebraska and Iowa-
Fair , toutbnustcrly winds.
For the Dakotas I' lr ; northeasterly
winds. nl itntiiiil.
Ornru or TIIB WIUTIICII HtriiK u , OMAIM ,
Nov. ! 1J.Otnulm rorord of temperature unit
rainfall computed with corresponding day ot
pant foiir vuars :
JW ! . loOl , JMO , IRW
Miuliniini ti'inptraturo M = M9 ivi = 61 °
Mliilninin toinpunitiiio : i ) = 2) = ' 'I3 ' "J3
Avoriiao loinpoialiiri ) . li ° 4)3 ) 4J3 IHi3
I'lOUlplliillon W 01 ( JO .DO
Ktatcment Hhowlng the condition of tern- "
pcr.ituro and precipitation nt Onuha for the
duv und si n co Mnruh 1 , IS'JJ , ua compared
with general overuse ;
Nunnal teinnor.itiirn 'M °
Ilxcufb for the day . . . . . 0 °
liolK'Icncv IIIPU Jluri'h 1 , , . U49
Norinul | iirclilutlon | , . . . . . . . U4 Ino'i
DiMi'Iency fur lliti iluy , , " 4 Inch
JJullcltnty slneo M.ircli I 'J..U lnch *
GioitUK.lO ; llu.NT , Looftl Forecast OfUclal ,