iano SHE WARNED HIS JACKET Miss Lottie Shloldi Artistically Horajwhips Qcorga M. Winklcimn. " . SAYS HE DELIBERATELY JILTED HER fill Ycnrn1 Kncngoiurnt llroliru nrcntmi Ho Jluil I'ounil Ainitlicr Ulinrincr Ilro Sci rnol. "Holt hntli no fury Ilko ft woman ( worried. " Ami UU Just ni true today as when It was first written many years nan , Tor woman's ' nature doei not chaiiRo with the bi weekly fashions of her elothoi. nnil thus it was Hint the employes ot ttio First National bank mid tno nnssors-by along Tlilrloonth nnd Rminm were troiiloJ to ttio ratlior un usual buluhvnya highly InlorcstlnRspectacle of a hoMowhippliil ! shortly before 5 o'clock ycsteiilny afternoon. ( Jcornu \Vlnkolinan , roralttanco clo.'it In tbo bank , was the victim , anil the wutppar was Miss Lotllo Shields , an omployo In the bindery department of the Omaha Printing company , nnd nicco of Conductor "Hilly" Shleldi , 010 of the olJost and best Itnown of the Missouri 1'iiciliu o.nployos running in and out of Omaha. Miss SUlo'.d ? appeared at tba main entriinco of the building soinowlmt cxcltod und very much out of breath , nnd hurrying to tno top of the landing Just at tno door of the grott counting room , aakod ono'of the clo valor boys to loll Mr. Wlnkoltnuu that BOUIO ono outaldo wished tosco him. Miu slriirk Him ICciil Iliiril. Wlnlcclmaii hastened to comply with the request , but ho regretted it a moment later , for no sooner hud ho poked his hand ihrough tbo doorway limn a healthy , robust nnd full- ( rrown buifKy whip ufTccttonatoly cntwlnod itself about Ills cinniiim , ulilcd , abetted nnd oncouraccd in that Infonnnl nroL-uiluro by a will built , unurgottc nnd I'.NCocdliiRly Irate youiiK woman , who c only verbal erecting or explanation was , "Oh. you coward. " Wbollier or not \Vlnkulnniu recognized himself > > y > biil appellation does not 11utter , but lie stwltjhtwny started to ronly. "Why , Lottie. " ho ojiciilutuil. "you " but ho'didn't Rot any further , for ihoiioxt cut of the whip Illcued all the kinkt out of ttiocast end of his moustache , and realizing that it was tlino for him lo bo ( lows something - thing It ho wanted to como out of the conlllct nllvo ho Drubbed the whip nnd by main force tore it nway from iho I'-nout ' girl , who in tbo sttugglo that eusuou wai llirowu upon tbo stone slopi. WlnUluman started to break the whin in uiocus , but boforu tno Job was half completed the girl bad urUou to lior fosl and was upon him with the fury of 11 wounded tigress. Shu struck nt him several times , but bo dually manaccd to got u good hold of her , nnQ'binding lior arms to bar slilo held enD D la Grim Death , at the fianv > tlnio calling for oino oui : lo cumo out of thu bank and assist blm In the rather dilllcult u Deration of lot- Slio Was ytilto Willing t Tulle. "yes , " hissed Iho girl dellanlly , panting and Helpless but not conquered , "cull out Mr. Davis. 1 w.mt 10 ti-11 him what ucou- ardly ptipnv you are. Call him out hero and lot him hear iho whole story. " Cashier DJVIS was waited upon by the in- tcnsoly tickled elevator youth and told that ono of his men wanted to see him right away on the landing. Ho huiried out , and taking Su tlio situation at n glance , assisted Winkol- mati lu putting n couple of yards between bimsolf and ihodomonstratlvoyoung wieldcr of the whip. And then ! Tulle nbout words 1 What a vronstmgl She scorched Mr.VinUelman until ho was on thd nolntof going out nnd buying her anew now whip , and offering to tie himself to a post until she imli worn It cut on him , if she wouldn't say any more. It lasted for nearly quarter of uii hour. ft At last Wlnklcman got an opportunity to dodge through tno heavy doors nnd ho qulektv improced It. Ho hud life enough left to evidence a decided fcollnc of relief when he saw his un welcome visitor turn and walk down the slops aud out of the building. She turned south on Thirteenth street , de clining to tnUe a ear nn the ground that she iicedcu the wallt to quiet her nerves and re gain her self control. % She lluil Wnlteit \Vliililoinaii. . It was then that she was risked for some explanation of the exciting occurrences of the preceding few minute" , but she could only exclaim , "If lie hndn't held mo I'd linvo made him smart , and I'll do it yet. Oh , the coward. What lias ho done ! What hasn't no done , except what ho ought lol Mo has kept mo waiting nnd waiting for the past EIX years , engaged tb him all tills time , and now boh going to marry another girl. She won't get very much when she gets him , I can tell her that. "I don't Icnow who she is , but I wish I did. I would tell nor what I Know , ana tbcn wo would see how Mr. tieorgo M. Wlniclonian would como out after all his cowardly work. She lives out pear Hanasom park , some where. When did I hoar tunt ho was to marry her ) Lain night , und I didn't sleep u wink nil mgbt , I was so mad. Ho hold mo so tight that 1 could not rnovo. I had n grip like n a an ox , I'd ] ust lilto to make him smart for wnot bo has done , but ho don't care anything about it , whllo I must stand it because I'm u girl. He's a nlco man for Mr. Davis to take uuaer hU wing. Isn't hel Air. Davis thinks bo is all right , nnd pays him fir > n month nnd bo hns been gelling n raUo for the last two * or ttiroo months. 1 liopo tbo next raise ho ceti will ha out of that built. I'd publish the whole thing In tno papers u I had ttio money , Just lo let ncoplo know what kind of mnii bo Is. "Ho liom me waiting year nfler year , because - cause ho wasn't in clmimbtnucos to allow him lo marry. Nloj oxouso , wasn't U , ivnon he can marry now on less salary limn ho was coiling oul nt Untie n year or two ago I I \Vii6 only IS when ho asked mo to marry Him , and ho lius mnda ulaughlng stock of mo after watting so Ion ? lo Hnd that ho isn't going to marry mo at nil , for all my old chums are married , and everybody knows that wo uuvo been engaged all this lime. llou Ho .Jlllfil Her. "Ho didn't oven have tbo manhood to como to ino and ask my forgivonosi for throwing mo over thin way. When 1 was out at Terrace - race , U. ' ! ' . , lust year ho was to como out and marry mo nnd bring mo homo. lie cumo to see mo , nnd Oh I the lies and lies Hi fit ho tola inc. , After ho CBIIIO homo ho wrote and Bild that ho afraid that bo ' vyas didn't care ns much for mo iia liu tuought he did. I was dumbfounded , nud I didn't answer it , and then In n foiv days ho wrote again and said ho was 10 sorry for it , und bogged mo to give him ouo moro chrtnci1. He suid that no du not care what beeamo of blui if J refusal and 1 believed it. Yes I did , and ho made HID bcileve nnylhlne he tnld me , oven to denying Iho stories , Urat 1 heard About his going u ice another girl. "Thou he wrote and asked mo to send him back the ring and his letters , und I haul itia I would grind them honoath my foot before _ would do that. That no coula do us bo pleased with my letters and I would do the tame with bin. If hu bad askcu my forgive DCSI I would think u thousand times more o him than 1 do now , and wouldn't bavo dom i anything , but hu mount to deceive mo up it ( he last minute , and when 1 heard that hi tvas to marry that other girl 1 Just couldn'i Itund U any longer. "My folks know all about It , and EO do his and when his brother vrai asked It ho.wss going to hit AToddlng. ho snul ho would rather go to hli funeral , Just because of iho way ho has trontod mo , Ilit ) that other girl shan't have that ring. Ho want * It Junto giro to her. out ho shall never see It ngaln. [ Just wish that I hnd hud some one there to iclp mo , nnd I would have mails him smart , mt ho will never suffer as 1 have suffered. I would sue him , but that wouldn't hurt him mv , for bo hasn't goc anything to lose. " The hysterical How utopnod for a moment , moisture gathered In tbo bright brown nyc , the notlto form heaved , n see bunt from tbo tightly closed lips , and hastily turning away : ho cr of-str ckcn girl hastened toward homo n tbo gathering darkness. ( rlnclpnli In tlio Affair. MUt SbinUls bonnta with the family of Judge K. 1C. Long , l.'i'JO South Seventh ave nuc , nnd Winkottn.in resides nt l'-0l South Ninth street. The latter w.ii found In the b.tnk cnmo time after Ihn horsowhipplnir , Hu did not care to dhuuss iho matter , saying simply that Mils Shields' actons spnko for her , nnd ho bud no Ucslro to go Into detnils for the bcnrht of the public. Mr. Davis did not dcslro to say much about the occur- rencp , saying Unit it was simply n little per- sotinl"matter. Ho denied that Winklcmnn hnd wtutigcd the Blrl , lilit admitted that ho hud promised to marry her and said that be did not thlnlt that the wedding would .alto plnco. I'roahlent KounUo looUoi glum and snld nothlne. The tenants of the building nil here a loalc of curious Inijulry , and nobody nnpeaicd to ha perfectly satisfied nnd su premely bnppv hut the elevator hey , who had to wink hard and bite hU lips to keep fiom lauahlnir aloud or from savi'ua somp- thing lhat would not tend to his tnatcilal well-boliitf- ir is TIII : ttKsr. Tlmt InVliy 1 Itcciiinnicnil It. Chntub rlnln'B cough reined v give * tbo best satisfaction of any cough niodicmo I handle , and n > n seller leads nil other uroparallont In thU market. 1 recommend it because It , Is tbu best medicine 1 over handled lor cougns , colds and croup. A. W. IJaldrldffe , .Mlllorj- villu. III. i\.vr ou suuni Via til"Vubntli Koutr. ' The short line to St. Louts nnd quick- lHt ; rOllt.0 BOlltll. Only 117 hours to Hot Springs. Oiil'y HO hours to Now OHciiiid. Only ISS1 hotirb to Atluntti Only fihourd to .Jiickt.oiivillo. With corresponding fust tinio to all points east nnd south. Kutind trip tickets to Hot Spring : ; ! , Now Orleans , Ltko ; Charles , Gulvuston , Stn : Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Angeles , Ssin bViui- Giseo , Mobile , .Jacksonville , Tiimpn , Hit- vnntiiiiut all the winter resorts of the Fouth nnd west. Uecliniii } , ' chair cnrs free to St , Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman IjtilTut sloopinj , ' ears on nil trains. Uairgiigo eireclccd from hotels nnd private residences to destiniilion. For tickets , sleeping cnr accommodations and further information call at Wubnsli ticket olllco , loOU Farnam street , or write , 0. N. CI..AYTO.V , Ajront , Omaha. A A A UI ' . \ VKM.N TJ. D.in'l Sully'splay'The Millionaire , " which comes to the Rirnatn Street theater Thurs day and Friday nod Saturday matinee , De cember 1 , ' ' and ; i , is u particularly catching sort of a comedy-drama. The composite Pitrts offer what so many pieces of Us kind uck , an easy tilting in of each character's Ines to the trend of tbo plor , but ' 'The klllllonairo's" authorship everybody knows jcanclcr Klch'irdson's pun evoked ii places he stamp of genuine worth on the whole , ind in thu hands of Mr. Sully and his sup port , iho piece becomes one of those graceful iresonuuions which slriko a popular chord ; tret uocnubo iho lines have a Mcrling ring , nnd then because capable pcopla handle thorn. "Tho Milllonnite" is replete with the clover transitions from iho contagious Irisu \ it which the star Is noted for , but In the .ransliiou one docs not have left him iho un- ileusnnt aftertaste wlilcn attend other comedians' effort to nsiunio the Iragic. The ilot Is keen cut and interesting , and besides t points ; i moral which is not lost on the nudloiico. Saturday night "Daddy Nolan , " he liibb doaicstic comedy. Mr , Sully as Daddy Xolan , Much br.s been said nnd written this sea- on ancnt Iho costumes which Margaret Mather wears in her revival * of Bulwur's : haniiiiiir loiiinncc , "Tho Lady of Lyons , " in. which thh fair star is to be seen at , Uoyd's now tlit'ntcr Friday night. These costumes , nccording to report , wore all made by Felix of I'aris. expressly for Miss Mather's revival of the piece , nnd cost nor $10,030 lo make and import. One of Ihe.so dresses Is a plain black velvet lobe , rich In tuxluro and heavy In malcrlal , vyhlch is Irlmmud with almost priceless old point lace. Hy far the most bountiful cnstumo of all these worn bv her in thu. play U the wedding dress. Tliis dress is mudo of the most cxpennivo white satin. 'J.'ho feature of Ibis Is , however , the hand- painted Mowers , which utmost cover all parts of iho skirt. The bill for tomorrow night's opening Is John Tobln'a "Honeymoon. " Miss Mather will close her Umatm engagement in Shako- spoar's great tragedy , "Komeo and Juliet. " This mornlni ; at 0 o'clock the bale of seats for the entire engagement will commence. Tlui Cnivhoy anil hiiiu\v Rlny , The city councilmen who objected to the painting of tno city seal in the council cham ber in the nlcovo at the rear of the presi dent's ttosk will bavo to submit , as the work has bcon ordered and the picture Is com pleted. In appearance it lays ever the tile seal In the rotunda , as the figures of tbo cowboy oadthosqimwnro more strikingbeildes hav ing bolter colors. Heal estate. Bargains only. My word is cood. W. G. Albright. 6Ul-i-iN. ; ; Y. Life bid/ II.\VD.N : : IIKO.S. Cnul. | , ,1,11'kuts anil Cotton llrcss ( louita TiimiirriMV. COTTON UHliSS GOODS. . ' 12-inch wide chevrons , nil in dark styles , fancy printing , reduced to 7 o yard. Others are asking 12e nnd Ific for these same chevrons , while you can buy them at Ilaydons' 7Jc yard. : ! G-Inch wide Hictuuia suiting1 , lOc yard. Amohlfoau teaslo cloth ; dnrlc etylos , only f > c yard. Uedford cords , fie nnd 7jo yard. Verona suitinjjs. f > c. CLOA1CS AND JACKETS. Unprecedented burpuliiB. Fur jackets $10.00 , reduced to $7.50. Fur jaokotH JLinO , reduced to $ ! ) .Uf ) . l-'iu- jackets S1S.OO , reduced to $12.00. Fur jiioKots J20.00 , reduced to 815.00. Plush coats. Siv.es ill , 0. S8 , price $10.00 ; worth 815.00. A $ J0.00 ! plush coat , all si/os , $11.00 only , A $2f > .OU plush coat , nil sizes , $ il.r ( > 0only. A * ; io.0l ( plush cent , all si'/os , 420.00 only. Continuation Halo of ladies' tailor imulo hulls and wrapursnt | prices never before equalled in the city. IIAYDtlN I3HOS. W MJW MBVW * M > * W VW W W - r W The onlyj'urc Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. U ed in Millrns of Homes 40 Years the Standard. I Go < nt tntlc > III ttio sooofon or n C/ir/ / tniic/i to / > c < ; oi/ro < / nt t/i/i < / no--iu/i/ J7il J/io o-x- l > or/o ice nriil rclliililllty or -RAYMOND . . jirino mifof , tv/soror more ciirnfjoircsoiif t'nti l > o nlTcrcv/ . Client ) Jewelry will iittt tic * c.T/itxc ) < f I'orsn/o "lint ti wry Illtto innrioy Juo / u /.v t'xpomotlvtlt / lfl\'C CtltlrO Hilt / Sfflt'fHI t fCIIC > | -IIIC//HIOC. / /s oom/nfr. C. S. RAYMOND , S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY , WORKS SUCCESSFULLY. " CLEAN HOUSE WITH "The LTTHTA SPRING , situated in LONDONDERRY , New Hampshire , which has become so widely and popu larly known to the profession , has ; v- ceiitfy doubled its Cfi/xiciiy for bottling this excellent mineral water , by cnl.irg- ing ils works at Nashua. "The wilier visitfit both the spring and the tattling establishment the fast summer , and w.is bui prised lo hear of the quantity of water which was being shipped. The profession and llie pub- //Vliave learned\a \ look upon this loattr as a specific in many ailments iu which the hitman body it fifir , hence Ihe great demand which is made for il all over the country , New Yoik and Chicago beiiiKthe largest distributing points. "The cases in which we have found it useful have bten cpccially those in whicli the uric acid diathesis was evi dent. " hront New York MeiUc.tnimriLdltorlal ( ) . Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , , NAPIU'A N H. . 'lias. n. I'crlilus , SnllliiK ARts. , Boston , Mass. Paxton & , Gallagher , KCtifi for Oiniilii. : Dr. Edison's FAMOUS PILLSAND BANDS and OBB : ITY FRTJIT SAI.T reduce your wo'ght without dieting ; ros the causes of obesity , such as dyfpepsia , rhoumat'sm , norvous- nesacatarrhleiJnoy trouble ; keeps you healthy , and-baautiflss the com plexion. CnirAr.o ItOAiin orTmnr. I i Rain write yoir to say I liuvo lost 13 nuiKls , rniiUiiiK 42 ixmiuls Io > t In ID ucoKs by lnff 4 lottles of Dr. KilKon'h Oljuslty Tills untl n'tiiirlnz tils Ohoilty litiid. : Very truly yours. ( JiiAin.r.s H. Kiso. Prof. HAM : . ChlciK'v Vulvctslty , wKtcs to tlio ClilcaKo llurulO. K'pt. 18 , 18 tt ! L'ori ilunl moil slioultt nay -oino nttenilon to reducm ? tliuir wulslit Whuii it man Is troubled with iliminmtlsm. Uyspupsl.i. Klduuy troubloor no ; vousncss thuicdiicluK of weight Is slower , until tlio Obcolty 1'llls ha\o cured tlio disease that unused obesity. Tlio lillU soften und buuutlfy thu slciu of the fucu. I am at llhorty to cltu n citso In point , Under my ix'lvlco Mr. Arinniir used : iu Kdl lliuid and I ) bottles ot I'llls und loit 3 ponmls In 0 weeks. Ulhor pallonls havu boon oquully ruccessfuL Mom O , A. PCOTT. Ucvcnno Culler llamlln , writes to thu i.'ori' ipoiidunc Dcp.irtinont of the Now Voilt isiindiiv World : Tliruo yours ace I wol hed I'GS pound * , hill uflor uilni ; l > r , KdUon's iiopulnr Obesity IMIls and Halts I reduced to IC'.l pounds Mini easily at this wuignti 1 saw how inuoh oihur cnrruspoiiilunts of your 7ituil ! , > lo papers wotu tenollllod anil wUho lo o thu lr.'s treat- inont a trlul. Dr. Krtlson's Obesity Fruit Salt is the best and simplest remedy for rofrnlating the action of tlio liver that has been dis covered. The printed formula on the label of the Fruit Salts shown their value to HUlTorora from excessive fat or lloah. Bund measure at Nos. 1 , 2 , 3. Price $2.50 to ! ! ( i inches , and 10 cents extra for each additional inch. Pills $1.50 a bottle , or throe bottles for $4.00 , oiionch for ono treatment. Obesity fruit Salt $1,00 per bottle , You can buy the Pills , Bands and Salt direct from our toros , or by mail or ox- preps. t&VCorrespondonco nnd goods forwar ded in plain , scaled packairc. NOTJCJI Dr. rCdison's Kloctrie Dolts nnd Fluff or Rinijs are sold at our stores. Send for our special Electric Uolt Ciivu ? lar , scaled. Electric Holts $1,00 and up. Insoles 50 cents per pair. Kor Sale by Urugfjlsl.s. Wholesale druggists of Now York City who carry our goods in stock : Charles N. Crittonton & Co. , McKesson & Ttobbins , W. II. Sohloirelin it Co. And other leading houses. LORING & CO. , Proprietors and Gon'l Agents , 42 F West 22nd Su , New York City 10 F Hamilton Place , Boston , Mass. 11 * East Wushlnjrton St. , G'hlojfo III. Cut this out nnd keep it , and send for our full ( eight column ) article on Obesity. GLOVES' J.RE FOSTER'S ' PATENTS , OK LICENSED UNDER FOSTER'S PATENTS. BEWJJIE OF IMITATIONS ! THE 'LADIES' PERFECT . , .SYUINGE Tlic'Only Por/ect Vaslna nut ) llt'ctal Hyiinsu la tlio World , Is the only ovrlneo cv tmc'nlcd by which razlun Injuuloni cnn bo n.lmlnls tend % vitliuut Ipaklnj ; an 1 iolllim tlie clotlilnB" nr in- ccssltallim the uo of u voi * pcl.'aiiil vrhlch run uli. ) bj li'Cil for rcctnl Injection ) or InltiHtlun. son1 iinniiBii nrr.n AND HAUL ) UUllUKit s ) * ! : ! , Price S3.OD. Mailorders jollelta I. llieAloe&PcnfoWCo. 10th Street , NI\TTO : rosTornicr Ppliyslcans' prCRCrlptlon nrcuratvly prepared utlow prices DR R , W , BAILEY Teeth TllloJVltli Ollt ' I I I / i 11 J Ij VtOSt I'JVO.l- Hunt TEETH EXTUACTHD WITHOUT I'At Olt DANO13U li1 TUB I'll OX ItUilHEH POU sr .oo. Perfect ( It nnnrantoo 1. Toath oxtr.ietod In the morning. Now ones luserto.l In uvocilu. ; of s-iino diiy. Hen spcelinonsof Ho nnviiUto Rrliljo , Beosiioclnion-iof I'lexililo Ul-i tlu I'latJ All work wiirrniitoil us ruiirD-iontod. Olllcc , 'l lilrJ Kioor , l'.i\tuu Illuic. Tclcplioao 108 : > . KHlir.il F.U-.M n Si Uuko Elovulor nr Sti rw ty fro u IH i Strco tentranci. DOCTOR : ) i , tlio tirntn ml of ul ! foilrisof PBIVATOE DISEASES. nun all Weakness anil 1) ) Knnlrrof with lo--iot vourHUu. ninbltloii. unil-vluillty. ElBlitooii yoanof tlio cixidt rtiinuiUiililtihiiccasi In ilio troilmonl of this ulusd u ( ( ilse ej. which U urovu'i hy thu univoriiil toBtlinony of tnou- sands who have haan uurod , Write ( or circu lars UIK ! quoatlon list. 4tii ml ' DEFORMITY BRACES Etast/cS toiijs. Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Syringes , Medical ME & 'lOTOLD WS. 15I11SL , Kext loPost office. Recognizing- fact that the Holiday trade will soon demand great quantities of goods m ) our r line , being heavily overstocked and wishing to give our customers the benefit of low prices at a time of year when our goods are most in demand , we'have concluded to CUT PRICES' all to pieces , without regard to cost of articles mentioned. The goods offered at cut prices arc the same quality and purity that we have always sold , and we guarantee their absolute purity. We handle no imitation goods of description. A . any glance at. the prices given below will con vince customers that we have done as we said , * viz : CUT PRICES ALL TO PIECES' QUOTED Pn'c California Sweal Wincj. Regular prices. , ' ! 0oI0c and fiOc | > er . quart ; Sl.-'o , $1.50 and S 1.75 per gallon. Port , till now reduced to 2oc per qt ; 90c per gal. Sherry , all now reduced to 2oe porqt ; DOn per fjtil. Angelica , all now reduced to " 2oc per qt : UOc per jjul. Muscatel , all now reduced to 2oc per tjl : f)0c ) per gal. Blackberry , all now reduced to L'oc per qt ; UOi ; per gal. Sweet Catawba.all now reduced to We norqt ; OOcpurgal. Madeira , all now reduced to 2oc perqt ; OOcpor gal. Malaga , all now reduced to 2oo porqt ; OOc iicr gal. Toitay , all now reduced to 2ju per qt ; OOc per gal. Piire California Sour W\w \ , Regular prices.-UOe , 25c and -I0e per quart ; GOc , 81 and $1.25 per gallon. Claret , now reduced to 12Jc per qc. 45c per gal. Zinfandcl , now reduced to 20o i > or qt ; C3c per gal. rileshng , now reduced to 12c per qt ; ' 15c per gal. Sour Calav.-ba , now reduced to 20c ] ) or qt ; GJC per gal. Pure Califoruia Branily , Itegular prices' ; 75c , $1 and SI.25 per quart ; 82.75 , 525 { ; and ? 3.-50 per gallon. All now reduced to ( ic ( ! per quart ; f2. ; 0 per gallon. Implied Poi't Win ? , Regular prices , 75c , $1 and SI.25 per qt ; $15.50 per gallon. Now reduced to OOo uer qt ; $2. 0 per gallon. Sherry Who , Regular prices , 75C , 3-1 and $1.25 pos- quart ; SS.fiO per gallon. Now reduced to liOc per qiuir't ; J2.SO per gallon. ImprlG ยง Tlirec Star Hennery Bra dy , Regular price , $1.50 per quart ; $1.75 por"gallon. Now reduced to ! > 0o per quart ; $ ! 5..50 per ' gallon. St , Louts Export Beer , Usual prices. 25c per quart. Now reduced to 12ju per ( [ iiart ; paclcoil lu jilaln box , 1 doxon quarts to ti box , 81.5U , packing I'hariro 25c ; total , $1.75. MM aim Jaiua'ca Run , Regular prices , $1.25 per quart ; s,50 ! per gallon. Now reduced to ( illo per quart , $2.25 per gallon. Gins. Regular prices. Tom Gin , $1.00 ; Do Kuyper , SI.25 ; Crystal , 51.10 per quart. Now redudod as follows : Ilooth Tom Gin VOc per quart Do Kuypor Gin Me ) per quart Crystal Gin JiOc jior quart Tom Gin SL'.OO par gallon London Dock ( Jin 2.20 per gallon Hyo Malt Gin 2.iO ; per gallon Cherry Bounce , Apple anil PcacK Brandy. Former price $1.25 per quart ; $ -1.00 per gallon. Now all reduced to 70c per quart ; $2.60 per gallon. Imported Bass Aic. . Dog Head Brand , 20c per .pint ; $2.00 per dozen. White Label Brand , 25c per pint ; $2.25 per dozen. Imported Dublin Stout. Dor/Head Brand , 20e per pint ; $2.00 per do/ten. Imported Rhine Wines. Old price SI.00 per quart. Now re duced to COc per quart. Imported Claret Old price 31.00 per quart. Now re duced to < JOc per quart. Imported Champagne : Pommery "Sec. " Sl.oO per pint : $2.75 per ouart. Piper JToid.iicok "Sec , " $ l.y.3 per pint ; $2.-15 per quart. Dry Monopole , $1.10 per pint ; $2.53 per quart. Mumm'fl Extra Dry , SI. 15 per pint ; $2.05 per quart. California Champagne. "Eclipse Extra Dry , 70c per pint , ' Grand Vin "Sei'/-lOc per pint ; 75o ] ) Qr quart. Cioldcn Gate "Sec , " 50c per pint ; OOc per quart. Imported ( linger Ale. 15o per pint ; $1.50 per do/.cu. * Venezuela Bitters. COc per quart ; > 1.75 per gallon. Key 1W Clear Domestic Cigars , Key West Cigars , rjecalla Graciosa , per CO box $525 ] Kothehilu 4 701 PaneteUa 4 6CJ Conolm Especial Iv.xtra 4 tJ , Concliii Lspocial 3 G i U. C. specials a si ] tegalia lioliiii , Kxlra fine 3 { ' | Alboitus 4 ClearHayaia , White Sonl , per 50' box S2.t | Domestic Cigars , Grand Royal , per 50 box $2 ' \ Pure Stock , par SO box 1 Wo handle Uio Gunuino Nevada , Br/o Nevada Porfoetos , per 60 box 3 WHISKIES. Here is Where We Do Cut Prices , Washington , pur gallon $ ] Adnins , per uallnn 1 JolTordon. per fiiillon 1 KlUliorn , per gallon 2 ( ilonnioro , | ior gallon 2 Pop Corn Whisky , per gallon 2 Imperial , per gal Inn 2 Athcrton , per gallon 2 Monarch" per gallon 2 11. P. Pepper , per gallon 2 T. H. lllpy , per gallon 2 ? J Monogram , nor gallon 3 ( Jf Kentucky Club , per gallon ! ! 2i\ 13c'll of A'ndoi-bon. per gallon 2 fi ( Boon & Knoll , poi- gallon 3 " " Old Taylor , p'r gallon 4 Edgowood ( old ) , per gallon 4 5fj W. J. Fra/.ior. 1ST ! ) , per gallon U II American Club , per gallon 200 Old Pioneer , per gallon 2 2J Tea Kettle , pel- gallon 2 01 Silver Wedding , per gallon 1 71 ] isklc1) ) ii Qnart Botilcs. Cut lo Following Prices , ITorniltiigo , per quart , 18SO 7Bd O. t'C. . . pur quart , 1SSO Monongaliola Hyo , per quart Maryland Uyo , per quart , 1871) ) 75c1 CJnclcenhoinior , per quart , 1878 . 7C Hluo Grusc , per quart , 187-1 . 75 Oscar Pepper , pet * quart , 1880 . 7/5' / ' ( jibdon Hyo , per quart . 40 Jockey Club , per quart . fift JiiH. K. Popper , pur quart , 18SO . 76 Uond & Lillnrd , per quart . 75 XX Private Slock , per quart . CO , ' Instructions to OUt-of-Town Customers : * We assort * bottled goods , putting in just such an assortment as you may wish. We do astrictly cash business. ' Do not send in an order without money remittance , as goods will not be shipped until monej ; is received. . . . . . In sending money to us remit by posloflice order or bank draft. Personal checks will be accepted. . . Express companies will not receive wines or liquors for shipment U U. - U. .bo to avoic delay send money with order. We malce the following charges for packing : iiach package of one doy.cn bottles or on < gallon iu , 2 c extra over quoted prices. IMPORTANT From now until the ist of February our out-of-town orders arc very mcrous , and while we try to pack goods and ship promptly , we are sometimes so crowded thai orders are delayed ; hence we advise customers who contemplate ordering from us to order a few days ahead so goods will be sure to arrive when wanted. No attention pa.d to orders un less money is remitted. Los Angeles , Liquor and Cigar Co , 1313 FARNAM STREET , OMAHA , NEB , . VWf ft '