Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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, . . . .
" in ' ( i in .I .I. in
Determined Resistance of a Desperate Lin
coln Orook ,
Bcrconnt Klniipy Srourri n
1)1(1 Sal l'roioa | In lie T'il < on Allvo
Itcvnlirr * Dmwii Hut
Not iNcil.
r. * , Nob. , Nov. 29.-Spocinl [ to THE
DEE. ] Sorpcnut IClnnoy of tlio Lincoln po-
lieo force luiil a uosporalo light with a croon
last nlcht shortly tutor midnight , and n
n tragedy was narrowly uvortod. The au
thorities iiavo boon after two mon for aomo
tlmo. Ono was a man tiamoil WlncU , who
vms wanted for an assault on a man at
Urown'a rouuurnnt several evening * slncoi
The other man goes bv the nnmo of Carroll
nnd Is suspected of bcliiR connected with the
gang of footpads thnt u operating l' ' Mnuoln
With o much success nt the present tlmo.
Sergeant ICinnoy found the mon caiitiR it
lunch In Uonnott'a reitauraut about mid
night and at once placed them unilor nrrost.
Ho was nlnno and Carroll Immodlatoly gr. p-
pled with him whllo Wlrlok startoJ and ran.
Klnnoy hail all that ho could hnndto in his
man and n llerco struggle cnsuod. Tno men
were tu such close nunrtow that the ofllcor
could not use his club , wtitlo Carroll was
unable to uio the revolver ho had pulled
from hU pocUot. Finally the ofllccr man
aged to pull his own gun , but when ho pro-
Routed "it nt the bully's ' hood thu latter Insolently
lently dared him to 'snoot. Tboro were n
number of reasons for wishing to brine the
rauu to the station nllvo and IClnney put up
his Run and continued the llijut. Finally ho
got an opportunity to use Uls club anO the
man succumbed to the Inovltiiblo. At the
station the man inmlo another attempt to
escape mid was only proven ted from using
his revolver by the prompt worit of Officer
A quiol und happy wedding was celebrated
this evening nt the residence of Hon.V. . fa.
Bummers , assistant attorney general of
Nooruslta. The contracting parties were
Miss Mattlo Summers , sister ot the assistant
attorney general , anil Lr. ) Lolaud II. Moss of
Bt. Charles , La. , the ceremony boiug per
formed by Dr. W. H. Wynn , president of
Midland college , Atchlsun , Kan. The cere
mony took pluco In the presence of only the
intlmato TrJondi of the contracting parties' .
The happy couple leave for Cnicnuo In the
morning- und will malio un extended trip
through the east and south , reaching their
future homo nt St , Charles during the boll-
Green Gravlley , who shot and killed
Chnrllo Thomas last May , was sentenced to
iiftcon years imprisonment In the stuto pen
Judge Tuitln will step down from the
bench tomorrow nnd ba succeeded by Jesse
B. Strode , wbo was elected to tun vacancy
at the last general election.
The celebrated case of Fullington against
Binges , Involving the value of a lot of
gambling Implements which had boon do-
atroyed by the latter when fie was chlof
of police , was dismissed from the docket
Bnniiitloiial Testimony In n Criminal Cnsoat
Dnvlit City.
DAVID CITV , Nob. , Nov. 2 ! ) . [ Special to
THE BKB.J A Jury In the Armagost. poison-
lug case was secured yesterday afternoon
nttor occupying the tinio of the court for
four days und exhausting the regular panel
nnd special venires of ISO names. County
Attorney Hastings has bcon assigned assist
ance by the county board. The only witness
put on the stand so far U Or. A. J. Chamber
lain uf Ulysses , who attended Mr. Roberts
during his last illnoss. Ho wns called Feb
ruary 20 , 1SS7 , and diagnosed the case as a
bllllous attack. Mrs. Hoborts expressed the
opinion that her husband would not ro-
covor. The patient was suffering Irom p.ilns
in the bowels , headache and pain in the
"ht sido. Ho denied having' eaten any-
pt that would causa the nttick , and the
no statement was mudo by Mrs. Hoborts.
TIG doctor left the medicinu usual for such
ases and returned the next day. He was
surprised that they hint not had the desired
offect. Ho founa Uio patlont HUffcriug from
Impttitlon of the bowels , ami , as ho thought ,
bllllous colio. 'J'lio doctor described
the symptoms produced by arsenical
poison and bald they were the symptoms of
tno case of A. J. Kobertr Ho had inquired
particularly at the tlmo of the second visit
In regard to what the patient had boon nat-
inpnnd at the tlmo MM. Uobcrts told hlnj
that her husband had cittcn a largo quantity
of cabbaco u fo\v days oofore : that "Iw had
on former occasions had sick spoils similar to
this from eating cnbbago nnd that tno doc
tors had told Uim thnt if ho ever ate cabbage
again It would kill him. Mrs. Hoborts was
the only person lo vhsm directions lor giv
ing medicines proscribed were given.
The tlmo of the court was taken up this
forenoon in proving too death ami burial of
tlio vicj.lm , the idonllllcatlon of the grave
nnd the testimony of Coroner Hoys In regard
to exhuming the body nnd delivering certain
parts to Prof. Monitor for analysis. The
afternoon wns tuitci : up by the expert testi
mony of Prof. Martin Mcullcr , who made
1 ho chemical analysis of the party. Ila de
scribed tbo manner of making tbo analvsis
and said over a grain of whitu ursonlo was
found in tbo fnrls tested. Many Indies were
pinsent and the court room was crowded
most of tbo afternoon.
llaHtliiK * Nmtft Kotos.
HASTING ! ) . Nob. , Nov. li'J. fSpoeinl to THE
Iii.J Work on the asylum extension of the
street railway line wns begun yesterday
morning , and today the Denver avcnuo cur
lier has boon rounded nnd excavation begun
on Third street. This line will run west on
Third to ICorr avcnuo , them go south to Second
end street nnd tticn west to the bouUvurd
ending to the asylum. This It the I Irs I
ntroct railway trnrlc laid In Hastings foi
nemo time , umoh-of tlio trncic Putli In the
"boom" having been abandoned nnd torn up.
The curbing of paving district No. 8 will
bo completed by the end of this week ,
although a largo part of this district will ro-
inuln unpavrd Until soring , The contracts
between district No. 2 and lha part of the
third which is completed , which nro pnvotl
with Hastings brick , nnd tlio St. Josopn
brick cmplovod In dlst-lut | No. 1 , show thnt
the homo bricks nro moro. rofular In shape
and much less dnfcctlvottmn those Imported ,
Ducombcr 13 Adams county will bo lit
years of ago , nnd the Adami County Old
Bottlers as30ciatli.ii will mot tu Allen's hall
utJuuiuta to coltibrato the day. A baskoi
dinner and Interesting rcmmlsccnci at early
Ufa In Adnms county tire included In the
program published ,
Whllo numbers of the democrats of tin
city uro scrambling for the appointment us
postmaster , nnd bouio speculation Is beiiui
Indulged in us to who the next oulcluls in
thalnsano asylum may bo , It is liitortminf
to note that Postmaster j , } i , Heurtwol
holds a commission which docs not cxiim
until March , 1S03. Blmllary , Dr. Johnson
nnd Steward Campbell of the nsyluin won
appointed by Govciuor Boyd for aix-ynai
terms. All these trontlomcn claim tha
unless they cuooso to resign , they can cnlj
bo removed by having charges profcrrci
IS- against them ,
Iv Tno Hastings Gun club hold Its rogulat
loml-montbly shoot yesterday , The badgi
was won by Uantz of Junlata , who will noli
It till tno next moot. A live bird shoot between
twoon Judge J. H. Fleming mid G. H. 1'rnt
was won bv the former , nnd u target mate !
between W. B. Mi-Klmier nod J. II. House
man was won by McKlunoy ,
Itfuuit uf u Spree ,
CiumtoN. Neb. , Nov. -Special ( Tele
gram to TUB Uiu : , ) A mecnaulo uamoi
Bwccnov dropped dead on tbo depot plat
form.Just as the passenger train was pull
Ing jato the station today. Ho bad been o
a pyOtructcd spree for the past month an
lii.Adoath probably resulted Irom it. Ho wa
nut ranger nero und hu lint uiimo Is un
r , Neb , , Nov. 29. jSpecial Tele
Br m to THE DEC.Frank | Harrington , so
of J. B. HarrliiRton , sbot hloiielf iu bis root
this morning nnd dentil ensued Instantly , '
For several weeks the young man bin bcon
despondent over business nffalri nnd It is
rumored thnt disappointment In lova made
matters xvcrso. The deceased was 20 years
of ago nnd bnd bcon ossocltUod In business
wltb his father up to nyonrnfjo , whonnbuM-
r.oss disaster loft the voting man Insolvent ,
This , together with the return of his letters
from his n man cod , led to Iho tragedy ,
llplii ) > rd n. rint ; of Truer.
Kr.AiiSRT. Not ) . , , Nov. 20. | Special Tele-
cram to Tun Dr-r . ] Tno independents who
tiled a notluo of contesting the election ot
John Wilson for legislature nnd Norm
Hrown , county attorney , dtiplnyed n fag of
truce this afternoon and harmony prevails.
They oUdentlvdld notoxpcotnuv retnlln-
lion on tlio part of rcpubllcann. H was ns-
sorted that John Wilson pledged himself to
support W. Li. Urcon of this citv for United
States senator , but ho denies U emphatic-
Injured Ills
PurTMOL'Tii , Nob. , Nov. 29. [ Special to
TUB nKi.1 ! List night tibout ' . ) o'clock
Sammy Huffman , whllo fooling around n Job
press , had the thumb of bis right hand
caught in the cog wheels and badly crushed ,
J'lIK DK.lTll ItO 1.1 , .
Itcv. Or. Scott , thn I'rcslileiit'/i Agpil Fallicr- , liissi" Auny.
'WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 2'J. ' Lr. ) Scott
died nt 4:10 : p. m.
Itov. .lobu Withcrspoon Scott. D Iwns ) born
In lloivcr I'oitnty , I'cuiHvlvnnln. .Tumi 2. , HJO ,
mid was JJ vc'.irsold. Ho nion of Uuor u
MeHlroy Scott , u iriM\o of Ituoks county.
Aftorilio w.irho wnnt to Heaver county to
talfo charge of a rrosbvtorlnn church. Dr.
Scottcrnd'uitcd from : i cnllngo ill U'lislihiR-
ton , I'M. , .in 1 subsoiiuontly look a post gridu-
nlcuonrsonl Yiilu. Aftarwmli ho nccolitcil
u prifi' sor-ilili | In tlio colloio from which Ho
gr.ulnalcit , which position l.o hold for two
yours At-thls time liu married M-iry N'uul
nnd iicc'oplU'1 ' a pnifuadiirsliln In Miami mil-
vurlty nt Mlnml. O. , In 18W Whllo thcro
' tbruo chlldron worn liorn to Him ICIbiiliutli ,
nflurwards Mrs. Lord. Uiiollno , nflorn.trds
Mrs. Harrison , and .lohn Neal Scott. A iiuni-
liorofyo.trs lalur Dr. Hcott founded the Ox
ford. < ) . , Kum.ilu colloRO and In ISM licuanio Its
presldoiU. As ho ndvancud In yo.\rs Dr. Scott
nave upcollugo work and. ooinlni ; to Wnsh-
Inglon , hu was ippolntod to u clurkslilp In the
Interior dc | iirtmunU which ho lielil until
1'ri'sldont Ilarrlson'H Itiau unitlon , wlinn bo
ruslKiiod and took up his at thu whltu
Tlio end that nad b en awaited with so
much dread nnd anxiety , all the forenoon ,
came at 4:10 this nfter'ioon. The aged in-
vulid passed away without a struggle , as
quietly nnd us poncoiullv as a child falls
asleep. Uo had been unconscious for noun
and was unublo to rebngniza the weeping
frtonas at bis bcdsldo. Stimulants were ad
ministered , but onlv served to defer the
inevitable. Tha president und his family
nro vorv much prostrated at their borouvo
ment. Too whlto housu was closed to vis
tors today and the usuiil semi-weekly cab !
ot mco'.ltip was omitted.
SeciotnryVdnainakor saw the president
bis morning , Mgr. Satolll , the papal legate ,
ccomniinicd by Archbishop Ireland and
lov. Fnibcr O'Gonnuu called nt the wblto
louse to pay their respects to the president ,
mi were unable to soohlm. Theehurouinen
iad a chat with. Mr. Ilalfonl and left a mcs-
ago of sympathy.
The arrangements for the funeral are com-
ilotod. A brief religioiis ceremony will bo
old In the east room of the white botiso
Thursday afternoon. During the evening
the body will bo removed to the Pennsylva
nia railroad station und placed on thu train
on which it will bo taken to Washington ,
Pa. , where the interment vylll be made ITrl-
duy morning. The remains of Dr. Scott's
wife are burioa at Washington , hU former
The president nnd his family will accom
pany the remains to their last resting placo.
NBW YOIIK , Nov. 29. Alexander II.
\Vynnt , iho famous landscape painter , died
this morni".g of softening of tbo brain.
Iion.iN'-l'OitT , Ind. , Nov. 29. lix-Unitcd
States Senator O. L. Fitch died hero today ,
aged 82.
xmrn OF
Povoro storms nro raglns .lions the north
Atlantic coast. ,
Tbo Nicarnciiii canal convention will open
today nt Nuw Orleans , La.
Vieslilont-eloot Olovolnnl baiBocl 12(5 ( ducks
while out. hunting on Ilroadwator island ,
United States senator Gltiion of [ > ouhlini ; :
la lyhiK ilan urously 111 ut Hot Springs. Ark.
J'lim-s IViKarty of San Kiam-ltco shot and
wuiuulud Ouorxu hunts and then killed blin-
Patrick nnn Is In Now York. Uo will sail
fur Vulp IIMISO today on ibo I'ucllto mall
stc'iinor City of 1'ara.
The annual report of Fociotarv Xoblo Is
coinplutcd at.d will bo irlvon to thu press for
publication Monday no\t. \ Moscr , nynuiiii man of Mount Car-
niol , I'a. . fired u Dtstnl Into : t crowd of youn. ;
pcoplu. killing Mlb3 Witchlo.
W. Mirmaduko and J. h. Wllllims. tlokot
scalper- , , have boon arrostnd In Washington ,
1) . O. . forHollinx stolen lluuuU.
Ilenton , ICun. . has had an ulcutlon for uost-
masu-r imd.l.iek llunnQtt lun ueon nunod as
tbo aholuu of thn town's people.
A $10.000 \ur > ss robbery Is reported fioin
Clalvestoii. Tlio oxpre s conijianv wliluh will
suffer the losi Is Wolis Kar o & ( Jo
John Marshall was killed and William Miner
seriously nounileil whllo trying to i-su 'nn from
the California state pi Isou at ban Qnoniiii.
It was Hi itud at Jay Oould's residence tint
the current reports of Ills Illness were fakes ,
lie was sttd to bo enjoying bis usual health.
Aullnir Secretary Hpiuldln- aiitlnrl/.od
the entry at Ualilmoru of the. hte.nner
.uin eliwliu from liroiucn with UJJ p.issen-
Thomas llayps. who was servlni a llfo sen-
tpni'utn hint ! Sin i. N. V. , for murder In the
second diurvo , lias beuu pardoned by Liny ,
urnor Klo ur.
The "Hoys In Itluo" la luimed as an orsun-
l/atlon. bavlnu Its birthplace In Kansas , and
composed of old soldiers , mombor-i of thu
pooplo's p irty.
Thostrlkms Inthuolty mills nt I'lttsbnrs
are determined to continue their Il.-ht. Uo-
purlK of another strlko ut llouiojlo.ul uro
\\lthout foiindat on ,
That lumpy Jaw can be cured lias boon
proved bv olllulals or the bureau of
industry , who irivo recently treated suucess-
fully a number of cases at Chicago , in.
TliUhtiltot K. 1) ) . Ilowuls against tno N'ew
York Accident Insurance coirnuiy fort..sio
N oeeopvliu the attention of the Unlleil
btatusclicull couitat Kansas Uity , .Mo.
In an allocation near Nashvl.lo , Tumi. , between -
tween Mi on It 1 , nvson and a y oiuu m in n.nneil
.Ninll , the tiluir.lf attempted to Icill him ulth n
knife , and waschot and killed by the latter.
'J'hu grand jniy In busslon at bt. . .losonliHo. . ,
has 'i\nscd a hemutlon by Indlet us
uit'ii nndomuii pionilnent In society In Unit
city foi rcntliu hoiMiis for InicnuiMl purposes.
Now that tlio olni'Uon , lias p'lsaoil , tliu llgbt-
Inu factions pf illy deinocr.uiu party In
Kntuas inu i-ndcavorjiig to natch no po.ieo
nnd iiKruoon.tho distrloutlon of the patron-
ace ,
Fred S. Smith nnd J. U. Morris held up In
truu western style , tbo cnshlur und uierns oi
thu 1'armuis National bankof Allorton , N , J , .
Miourod i..lOi ) , ran half u b.oekand were cap
The secretary of tha Interior has sonttolo-
gr.ims of dtsinlhsil lo twenty-nine special
admits of the government land olllcn. Tlili
action was niailo necessary because of Instill- !
dent aupioprlatluns.
.Mr. I'nul Olbler of tbo I'nsteur Initlt 10 ol
Now Yoik SUUH today that his ton pitlonu
Who nrilMid on tiunduy frotn Uaiivlllo , Va. ,
mo all In thu host of health and no Kympto-i a
of hydrophobia have uppoarcd ,
MUs Annlo Oust at , u young wonrin of
Siirln.'flulil , Mo , has contrlhutud fourteen
pieces of her cutlelu Inordur to luako nosslbk
Iho hiiucusa of a ktirgliiitt operation whicli tut
been performed un bur brother ,
The I.eavoiniortti Uup'.d Transit railway
has bi-cn Mild by the sborllf to ( V U. I' , 1'Ipor.
triiiitco for W , 1' . I'litnaiuof tlio
btrout CarcuniiMiiy for JJ7.0JO. Thu mile -w.i
mudo undur ex ocntontu satisfy a judgment ol
Josuuli Tilno. un Italian , was found lying li
tbohtiout In llovboroiub , a nubnrb of I'lillu'
deliihla , 1'a. , with bj | huail no.irlv cut oil' , lie
had Qiiarrolled ltl | buvural of his counlry <
men , Doinlnko U irellllo , for whom tint pollci
ate ; searching , Is bei.ovod to he the inuidoror
Ouo of tbo le.uliiuNow Von : Ilrnm , pioml
ncnt In gold oxports. guys H will not ship un ]
cold ted ty , ahu twoothora stutu that they di
not tblnU there will pt ) uny exports this week
One hoiue with 1'arU comiei-tlons , howovur
will piotiably tteiid boiro gold on f uturdny nn
loss the blurting pNOluilijO market tuUos u , de
elded turn downward ,
Tlio Hmilau govcrninont has doolilud to ta :
spirits and naphtha Inprdurto meet the do
licit in the revenue.
Tliulateit advlcei from S'ar.ioa nro to th
cITeet that ovoryihln U < mlut , tliu Lululli
rising bavin ; subsided. '
London1 * nnomiilnyud workliijmon hav
huld another moptliu in Tower Mill , Itwi
addressed by thu soulullut , llaeert.
London 'Irnthsaysi "Uls - onerally iinddr
stood thut thu butrothul of I'rlnco Ueorjsu o
Wales to Prlneust May nt Teuk will bo olll
claliy announced after the ituulvenary of tb
death of tUo duke of Uiareuou. "
Resolutions of Respsct A'loptod by the
Council for the Deceased AUorrain ,
Mayor llpinls Olijppts to u Nmnlinr of Side-
\rullc ICcsnlutlons nnil N HiM.tiilni'il-
l.onjr DUposoion on tlio 1'rcipor
I'ny lor IHectfon Oltleorit.
The council cbambor had a doitli-llko np-
pcnranco 'nt thu mooting hold last nk'ht.
Tbo desk ami chair of the Into Timothy J.
Conwny , member from Iho Fifth ward , WON
draped In mourning , nnd ns sooi : in the roll
wns called tbo spuclal committee , composed
of Messrs , Lowry , Howcll nnd Prince , re
ported the following memorial nnd resolu
tions , which were unanimously adopted :
I'PHOltltlOllft 1)1
Whereas , It his uluisrd tliu Almighty , 111
tbo wisdom of Ills Inscrutable nays , to call
from our midst Timothy . I. Conwiiy. nn lum-
ored member Of this body ; tliorc-
fore , hu It
Kusolvud , lly tins oily council of thu titty of
Uniaha , thin It Is with sentiments ot piofounil
uuiut and slneeie sorrow tint wo have
leal nod of the untimely taking on * of our lain
friend und brother. In thui'lrcloot tils social
acquaintances he will lonit ho remembered us
n Kcnlal companion , nn nnusiiln.In , ; , but
pr.iutli-al nnd capable business man. lly these
of his moro mttmato ac < iiialntt.neus , bis noun
companions , Mr. Itonwav was altt iy lin.irtlly
wek'omi'd as ono \NIHUO bright , humor an 1
BII. rkllnj roparto stumped htm as "u follow
of liilliillu wit. "
As n munibor of this council , at a time when
thu shadow of public mistrust fell upon bninu
nnd the toniMio of ionium was lend In com-
pl Intof othurs. novordld the sllKhtest whis
per of dishonesty dare assail the fair namu
und upright record of rimothy .1 Conway.
As lliL-'Kroatest of earth , as of the moro
liumlilo no prouder oniony can bo pro-
nouni'eil no n.oio bonorablo or ublo tustl-
moiiy of true worth and muiihooil can bo en
graven us an ah din : monumentof honorable
leineinhrniioo among men than the simple
record tells the touching story of a son's con
stant support und mindful devotion to an
ngud mother.
Whatever of outosv his pinoiyrist mav say
ot Timothy J , Conw.-iy , notlilnz they may
utter can spc.ttc so ulortuuntl ) of bis truu
worth and merit as the silent to ir of the fended
od mother , whoso declining days worocom-
fortnd und brishtunod by his affectionate ro-
tnembrancoaml provident care for-hor slluht-
est mints.
Around tha licnrtlistuno of his o'd homo , the
family circle , saddenud by hs ) suililun do.ith.
will iccall with llttlii ! ; uptnosi the truth 'ind
boautv of thu lines on every p igo of bis homo
life :
"Ilow o'or It be , It seems to mo ,
'TIs only nolilo to bo uood ;
Kind hearts uro moro th in romnots.
And ulmplo f.ilth Ihafi Nor , nan blood. "
Hesolxod. That tins eounell evtund to the
mumbuis of Mr. Coi.wnv'n family Us noaitfolt
svmpaMiy In their sud iioroavcmcnt , nnd as a.
silent recognition of Its appreciation of his
work , It Is further
Itesolvod , That a copy of tboso roiolullons
bo spro.'iil upnn the of thta body , anil
iilsnthatii copy bo fonvarduJ to lilsrsorrow-
In. ; family.
\Vlthlielcl IllH Appral. .
Tfto mayor withhold his approval on four
sidewalk resolutions , his reasons being that
tno several wards in which the walks were
located had exceeded tto ulloUmont nmdo
d'jring Ibo oarlv part of the year. All of
he vetoes were sustained.
Boggs & Kill were relieved from nny tax
.hat may uriso from tbo otjeningof Twonty-
; lfili avcnuo from California to Hurt stroot.
The city engineer was instructed to establish
the grade and to present bis prolllo to the
The contract for pav'ng ' Seventeenth ,
street , from Furnam to Dodge , was referred
"or tbo reason there was no certificate
Btio wlncr that theru were funds to pay for
paving fhe intorsoctlon at Douplas street.
W. IT. Sweozywas exempted from paving
any assessments that may nriso from tbo
opening of Twonty-llftU avcnuo , from Cali
fornia to Hurt street.
The bill of tbo now Omit'ua Thompson-
Houston l-Mectrlo Light company , for the
month of November was presented and re
ferred. The bill amounts * .o ? 2,4S % . ( 1. Dur
ing tno month there were liantud IbOlnicps
at fl j and eighty-seven nt § 140 per year.
Thn bids for removing the election booths
to the city storahpuao were referred to n
special committee. Tbo committee will con
fer with the mayor nnd the city attorney
and will enter into a contract with ono of
the bidders.
The superintendent of the city ball asked
for another Janitor. Ills rerjubst was re
The petition for tbo opening of Fourth
street over the Burlington ri ht of way was
The sunetlntondont of the city hall wns
instructed to soil the old Hty furniture now
in the basement , of the building.
I'mtokoil a I..oii Dfsetihslfii .
Mr. Munro oftoroA n rpsoiution tha1 the
Judges and clerks who/served at the recent
olr-ction bo allowed JO each , for their serv
ices.This provoked an nlmost endless diccus-
sion.Mr. . Steel thought that the city nnd the
school board .should confer and agree upon
what amount t houlJ bo paid.
Mr. Prince said that if there wns a city
election then $0 was the umount to which
each Judga and clerk was entitled.
City Attorney Cornell held that there wns
but onn election , and that tbo loeul fee was
. which the county had paid.
The resolution was- adopted and the comp
troller was Instructed to enter the sovorul
amounts in the next appropriation shoal ,
The cltv treasurer was instructed tomvost
such special funds as could ba v.sod for that
purpose in taking up nnd Holding for the
bonollt of the city , the grading bonds unsold.
The council concurred in the resolution of
Ibo county commissioners and decided to
open Woolwortb avenue nnd Hickory strojt
through tbo DougUs addition.
Tbo oightv-aighlspccml oOlcors who served
nt the booths on election day were allowed
$ , ' ) par any. Mr. Lowry protested , saying
that they bad put in thu simo number of
hours nnd wo'-o entitled to the same nay as
thu judges nnd clerks
The sum of S + per d ly was allowed the po
lice olll cors who visited tno polling places
on election day. The amount was for horse
hire. _
An oipctrlo light was ordired nt the Ham
ilton street viaduct.
The citv oloutricinn ordinance ; was called
up , but owing to the lateness of the hour. Its
consideration was postponed until Thursday
itk'ht , when the council will moot to con
sider all matters now in committee of the
Uoiitost Coiniiip.iiCRd by tlio Domncriitu Not
Thought to lie .Seriinn , .
Referring to the contest started by the
defeated democratic candidates for the legis
lature , County Clerk Hncliott said ho had
complied with the law iu putting the names
ou the ticket in order , so far as
the first latter of the last natno was con
cerned. Some of tlio democratic candidates
hud kicked about the matter on election day ,
their objection being based on the fact that
the clerk did not go farther than tbo flrat
letter of each name In his oDiciul classifica
tion. Concerning tlio election boards , the
clerk said they worn ns good ns could bo had
for tbo money. Men whoso abtlitv is such ns
to onubia them todraw § 100 lo ? 15'J psrinontb
would not servo two days and ono nlgnt on
an election board forU , and It was useless ta
tixpaiit lU So long as the olty nnd county
could pay no moro than they did , tboy would
bavo to put up u 1th what could , bo bought
for tbo mcnoy. In malting up the election
boards duo care bad been shown in securitm
tbo bon material available , and one puny
hud suffered no moro than another from the
selections mnoo.
Ono or two of the contostoos were soon ,
but nonoof them expressed auy uneasiness
a to tbo ultlmato outcome ot tno affair. I'n
fact the gunoral opinion seemed to bo that it
wi.s n bluff.
William Olmstcad bus ( Hod his petition ,
contesting the right of G. U. Williams to sil
ns the county commissioner from the Thin
district. Tha case will bo hoard at the February
ruary term oi tbo district court.
llonui IndiiHtry .
When the directors of t'uo Manufacturer *
and Consumers' association met yesterda ;
nftornoon Mr * . K. A. Stewart of tbo laaioa
i uxnliary board of the World's fair was In
traduced by tbo socrQtnry and addressei
the . body on the topiu of proparlni
au exhibit of Nebraska manufactures ut tbi
great fair mimnipr. She spoke ear
nestly on thn subjact for aomo momenta.
The members at Fremont reported they had
chosnn W. II. Uoynoldsnstholrinombcrottho
board of dlroctorvA communlcution from
the Adnms jStnre * f > company promising to
Clvo Omaha Ilrm-Uh chance at the company's
printing was rcndi i ,
The remainder of thn mooting ivns riovotod
to the dlscussiotuiffjfhooxnosltlononloTprlso.
President Page rbpqrtod that novornl po sl-
tile sites hud been suacostcd nnd the Horn of
ways nnd means was tlioroURhlyConned over
ngnln. v , .
llo Steals n IlnrAo jinil Til : < o Iho Itnad 111
Trno llichu.tymiiu Mylr.
Some ono tried last nlirht to imitate the
daring mounted hlghwnVmmi who hits boon
operating sosucccsstully In Chicago lately
by .stealing n horsonnd trying the Dick Tur-
] ) ln net on a couple of Omaha's ' law abiding
About 8 o'clock ' last evening William Pier-
son , n livoryrnan In South Omnhn , rode ouo
of his row ponies down to u chop house nnd
hitched the ntilmal xvhilo ho wont in to
got n .picco of cold turkoy. When
ho came out the pony was gono.
The Omaha pollen were not Hied bv tolopbono
and later in the ovanlni ; recovered tbo ani
Tha daring horscthinf rode direct to this
city nnd when ho reached the corner of
Twentieth and Ilnrncr streets stuck n pistol
into Iho fnco of Sth Thompson , wbo lives at
4.110 Patrick nvonuo , nnd domatutod his
monov. Mr. Thompson donlcd having nnv
money nud n sourch by the robber piovod
thnt ho told tliotriuh. JtitupinKon htslinrso
tbo robber galloped rapidly to Fnrnnm street
nnd west on that thoroughfare , whllo Thomp
son galloped Just ns fast to waul town and no-
tilled the police. Ho told tils story to
Olllcer Glover nud tlio policeman inn up
Fninam to Twenty-ninth strout without soo-
Inij the manoa horseback. Ulovor then rode
down Fnrnnm to Twelfth and there near the
corner lound the pony standing noartbo curbstone -
stone unhitched. Tbo animal wns sent to the
police station mill the owner notillod.
About midnight Ofllcer Bloom nrroslod n ,
man on lower Tenth street who answered the
highwayman's description with the exception
of the hut. When soarcuod the prisoner gnvo
his name ns Frank Haynouso nnd ndmlttctl
having como from South Omaha. Ho had n
revolver , billy , a gold watch , mid ? fil In money
on his person. The noltco fool pretty sure
that bo is the man wauled.
Seal lults Stolen frurn Furrier blinkcrt
tliintpcptpiltv Koturned.
Sbukort , the furrier , doing business at 407
South Fifteenth street , was the victim ot
ono of bis employes' grcod for gold the other
day nnd consequently Is hustling around In
rather an excited frame of mind. Some two
months ngo Shultort missed four seal altlns ,
and could not account for their disappear
ance. Ho koptu watch on several ot his em
ployes , but could not discover tbo thief.
Yesterday the story of the skins
light in rather u pocular way. During the
forenoon Mr. nud Mrs. Wcinberg who are
engaged in the manufacture of cloaks nt
'onth and Dodco sjrcots entered tbo furriers
toro and Inyine doivn tw.o skins asked what
t would cost to hnvb tiom ) made into n cloak.
Un glance ShuHcrt 'identllled the skins ns
art of Ills' missing' Stock and oxcitodlj re-
narkod to Hiltlind Mrs. Wolnborg
hat they wort thieves. At tbo
amo time nud i before tlio in-
ocont purch isors of-tho skins could reallzo
vbat was up , the front door was
ockoa nud Ed : ' Kurzman oun of
ho clerks hud. peon despatched tone
no pollco station 'fqnn officer. But ICurz- had n truilty'c'dlsconco | ! ana did not eo
iear tlio Jail , but r veled as fast as motor
: nrs could haul' him toward Iowa. An
lour olapscd , and as rjo ofllcers appeared Mr.
shukcrt himself rushed to police heailqunr-
ors and told his title'of woo.
Tbn Wembergi liripearcd before Judge
Jerka und told ho\v " ( hey came to bavo tbo
kins in their po's'sds'siou , nnd ns their ox-
ilanation was sallsfncto'rv they were allowed
o depart. It sceinVlhttt PTurzman stele four
skins , vnlucd-m , a Trfd" fiaH'ned them for
. )0 , nnd in tlmoti ura wcru sold to the
cloak makers , wbo BT not Know that the
gobds ind been stolen. fc
A do5crlptiou'of the runaway clerk hns
icon sent out nnd the police oxpcct to cap
ture bim before ho qots very far away.
lntn-i ) tmi in IJvHkinum i Ollfstlon ,
[ Copyrighted 18'J3 by JamojiioMoa Ilcnnstt.l
VAUMHMSO , Chill ( via Oalvoston , Tex. ) ,
Nov. 29. [ By Mexican cable to Now York
Herald Special lo THE BEE. | The decision
of the Now York osurts relative- the In
unction against the Panama Hailroad com
pany brought by the Pacific Mall Steamship
company is anxiously awaited hero. The
ofli-rers uf tbo South American Steamship
company say they xvill give bettor and in
creased service in conjunction with any
American line if the Panama Kiilruad com
pany will tfivo them the facilities.
I' ust uery Sick.
George Faust , whoso trial for tbo murder
of Laura Day will como up in tno district
court today , will hardly oj atlo to
: < \iust was seen lust night in jail nnd ap
peared to ho n very sick man , besides being
nearly tiightcned to death bv the np-
iroach of bis trial. Ilo is sufferinij tor-ibly
'rom lung and trouble , and It will
probably bo some time bcforo no will bo able
o appear before the bur of justice- answer
for tils crime.
Three minor permits , aggregating" S12. ,
wore Issued by thosuiierintendout of build-
'gi yesterday.
Anna Bolden , colored , was arrested last
night for grand larceny. She inveigled n
jarbcr employed ut the Winds r hotel to her
013111 nnd stele a diamond btud worth $ ' . ) J
'rom her visitor. Tbo police locked the
woman up nnd recovered the com.
Flro in a fcod store nt713South Thlitoontb
street nt 1 o'clock thU morning called out
the down-town apparatus. Ten dollars will
cover the loss , whllo wiakltig the run one
of the lend bowes in tno big truok fell on tha
frost-covered pavement and was sltghilj
i' , / t.i tin.11'us.
Bishop John P. Nowmnu nnd wlfo nro Ir
II. A. Thompson of Thompson. Boldon A
Co. returned yostordoy morning from m
eastern trip.
Ocorge W. Blake of Lincoln , chairman of
the people's party state central committee
was in town ycstevdiiv )
Uonnty Judge KlJfcr Vcnt to Ltr-cqln yostcr
day wbnro ho will niu'iul n convontlon of tin
county Judges of th Jijato. *
Walt Mason has luft'Oiivihn to tnko a po
sltioti on n now ilonibcratlc paper about to be
established at Wnsbinglon , 1) . U.
Mrs. Shomp nnd'MtV. Dr. Fntts of Plain
Hold , N. J. . nra vUfling Omaha friends am
visited Tin : UIR ycstonlay nltcr.ioon ,
Clarence E. Brown ; late of the Omahi
Printing eompni > yl > in'tlio rallroud pnssoncoi
service again and is Uicatcd at San Fru ,
o.sco. I , j
Yesterday Mr. J-H. Martin , representing
Josupli Arthur's sqpgationnl drnran , "Tht
Still Alarm und Littlo'-Tuedday ' , " arrive J litho
the city.
Watson I3lekrell./je ; rotnry Husk's nssist-
nnt in tbo buraau of nnimal Industry of the
Uopurttnant of Agrlculluro , was in the clt\
yesterday on ollicbl'Uuslncss.
J. W. Hadf3rd , formerly n wnll known
grain man of Poncti und promlnonl poliliclat
ot tha state , but a resident of Chicago foi
suvoml months past , Is at thu MillarJ ,
William P. Kuttcr ovf lljttpr & Turner ,
leather munufncturers of Ndtv York , ha
boon In the clly for * Jfvt dav * , thu truoit ol
bis brother , FIMIIU ri ; Huttur of TUB J3it
CMICAC.O , III , , Nov 2t' . lSpocial Tolecran
to Tun Bii : : J The following Nobraskati :
roslstorud hero totlav : ( Jrina Pnpllic F. U
Her , U. U Cnshins , ' , A. H Jaequith and wife
Omaha ; A. O. Watson , Kearney. Victori
L. 1) . Oruuc , Omahu. Auditorium MI
and Mrs , O L. Goodwin , Omaha. Urea
Northern Phil Htlmmel , Onmba.
Notice All dalcffutcs to district ni
sombly No. 120 , Knij'Uts of Lubor , ur
requested to nttoiid u spnulal incutlpi
this ovontnifi Novoinbor ao , ut8 o'docli
M'tllto Tlllbroote
Son ot
ayer Tillbrook
of McKcesport , I'.i. , hnd n Scrofula bunch under
ono car which the phjMcau laiircdnnd tluMiit
became a running soio , nnd was followed by
ciyslpclns , Mrs. Tlllbiook gave him
food's SarsapaE'BiCa
the sole healed up , ho became pcifuctlycll
nnd Is now n lively , lobtist boy. Uthor parents
\\lioso children stiller from Intpuio blood
should piollt liy tills example.
"HOOD'S PILL8 euro Constitution \ > j
restoring iiorlstultle action o [ tlianllni3iit'iry rinal.
If you liivo Clnnnl'ness
1 rcuMcs Is IIPXI
your fnoo Is lo
IHrty. Godliness.
How to Cure' Freckles
Shtco thohoslnnlnKof the norhl pretty fnco liara
icim Kpolloil wllli frccklps and tlio must iM'
: uiuplcxluii9lilitiluiuipby thusui
In tlio onlr run- over known. ll oovoreil by MMI5
M VA ! , ] ; , tlio worhl fnineil llunuty ami Coinplovhin
- porlnll t. Minu. Vnln bin trcnliul rniivni I liiMnt-
( it Kuropi > , In lli'iiit ibo White Mouse , nn I tlio rch'lii
Itlei ol the world , \\rlto IIIT In uonlUU'iu'O. H'm
an maxn > un beautiful. Shu I-AII inakis jua
iinln. Turn ray Imir to Its n itural color. Natty , )
: imlmulling tint mo Heine. Siocin ilcvclO | > ymir
ust , nil out jour sunken chest , euro > ou iiduiy nkln
leinhli.uiiil Mr liur innioiis llt'ituty lloo . It will
t'O iniillol you froo. All of MiniYiilo s rcmcilhij
ulll t > vilppcl you from < lilcnio , orou can not
: licm from jour tfruKKlst. Ilo will KOI Uieiufor > oii.
( Join ytmrilruipl't on Monilnv nn t cnt n bottle of
iKrt'cktii. . takt ) It homo an I apply It arcorlhu td
llrt'i'tlDiiton Momlay.Tutxilar \\VhiuJny , nml
in Sun lay you wilt uot havt'ii frurklo. Vounoiu-
ili-xlon will I oas purluct as when n little biby. Tills
bsoliituly truo. 1'ilco Sl.UU.
Mme , M , Yale's Tempi ] of Beaut/ / ,
146 Stale St. , I' . S.-Soml
' for M Jl K-
Chicago , HI. VALB'S vat
Uoolv 1'roo.
, M Weakness ,
Chronic ,
Nervous .or
Consultation Free
Tor tlio Tro.itnjnt of
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases ,
Cured without tliu iibe 01 Unite , l
All maltulics of a private or dulictito
niituro , of either st'x , positively cured.
Cull on or mldresi wltli htiiinp
Dr. Seatles & Seines , ll3
No.xt door to L'oslolllue.
.B .
for Farmers , Miners ant ! Hianics ,
Cures Chafing , Ctiappcd Hundi , Wounds , Durna ,
Etc. A UelighTuI Shampoo.
cpsciall1/ Adapted for Use in Haid Watca
* *
1520 Farnam SI. , Corner 16li. !
Lady clorki In attundunce.
walk into a clothing store in broad clay light or in thccvcn-
ng if you prefer to and plank down three common every
day "hard to get and easy to spend" Ainerican dollars with
an eagle on one side and the "Loddcss of Giberty" the oth
er and walk out with a brand new overcoat on your back
that bclpiig's to you -fits you looks well on you and feels
'll illlZl.011 Il co c a ' 's ll any woncl ° r that that clothing store
can hardly handle the crowds as fast as they come ? Say is
it ? It's a fact that you
i substantial heavy chinchilla overcoat of us today for three
dollars ; you can have it either single or double breasted - with
velvet collar sateen sleeve linings- heavy twilled lining and
Canton flannel pockets ; and you'll be two dollars richer thin
if you bought it somewhere else. For a five dollar bill we offer
" " " "
you today
that you never saw equalled for less than eight dollars in all
y out : life. This coat is made of solid heavy chinchilla cut
2Xtra long lined with double-weight serge sateen sleeve lin
ings velvet collar and double-stitched scams. If you'd rather
buy an ulster than an overcoat ,
is quite so comfortable on a cold clay we will sell you a great
heavy chinchilla ulster double breasted cut good and long
lined with heavy plaid cassimcre for five dollars and seventy-
fivc cents or we will sell you a gr"ancl fric/o ( not freeze )
ulster double-breasted lined with heavy plaid flannel for
eight fifty that's worth an even dozen dollars. If you want to
buy one of those elegant overcoats that we're selling for nine
/pJTpnn 11 Trn
oday they're going fast. They're in Kerseys Chinchillas
Cassimercs blacks blues browns smokes modes tans
double-breasted single-breasted plain linings plaid linings
flannel linings cassimere linings velvet collars self collars
full salin sleeve linings fourtecn-dollar garments at a nine- ]
dollar price.
Fur overcoats ! filial fur ? Oh , different hinds of fur , "fur" little Money !
'Without moneynntl without price. '
To the
You are not \voll , anil h. vn
jnonoy or tinio to see i iloc'or.
Cut out iliunitino prlntrd hou1.
I'n-loltoii a postal c.ird.
Wilto your onn u.uiiu : > ii the
nlliur sUlcidf thuo.ud ; put It In
tliu 1'ost ( ) llk'i > , nnil by rotiiru
mull you will gat ; i lotlor anil
hiiniu mudlriiiu thit : ivlll do von
iMiol. Try It ninl toll ycilr
. | A PAMI'U : Uri'lIIlM UIIAIIA , NKII. NornmlK-r'JJ. 1802. „
< ; n.N I'l-KMAN : I scp by your ( iiiiioiinnimonts tli it you , uo tro uln ( a liirw nil nbor of !
'pi-oplu ' fioin it 1 p'irtiof lowi forum Iiiiuii | , Miiiililnu | nnd Tub u-uo ll.i'ilts. ' and lintt youH
. .Inn u thu iroiiulnu Ktio uv prup ir itloiH : iUo thut you li ivo lint il imi-oinnio.l itluns for all F
Will yon klnilly in ill inn Illnr ituio tli it will null tlm I in.inl'ltin . fnrihuron Tliiirul
[ uro m my In this xu'linn of tlioalito who li u-u boon uiirud , ana I .nn irro itlv Inlornstn I In I
liNwork. VoiiM\ory ruipuolfully , JA.MIH u- . I
flrnac luri/
il - &
Tin ibovo brauilJ of jjlovtss lor silo by
N. W. Cor. Ltitli and
.Nil ! Ice.
To HID ntockholderi of thn O/tnllitln f..u l
anil C.ittli'i Notlfi U licrcoy ulvi-ii tc Uio
bto-Uliu < lon' f thii Uiall iln l/im ! .in J I'.itt'u '
coiiiiiiny tliu v : ( moral IIIIIM il iiiuotln. of
hiild 4'Kinp ay I > 1 ' i > Hold .t trio nru | of a ild
cominny. In tlio cltv of Ilin ihu , statu of .Su-
liriinU'i. \\uilii0iil.iy , Doccinlit-r btvviitn.
lair ' , it two o'clock j ) in. , for the piirpo'.ii of
oli't't.n illri'Utonof tliucoiniriny to ! > rvo for
tliuciH.i.iii yoir , uncl for tln < tnuni llii of
nny mi i oil oilier itiislncsg of ovi-ry Iclnil .md
th rncioi 'lint in ly l i prcwnii-l lo sunii
Hireling ! > v Un IIHHI'IIIIOI | ! | ht'ikliot'lors. .
1.1IH Mill I' iMUIIliM K , l'rOS. < ioilU
JONATII AllBUbl'ITIItnry. . . . .
Omulm , MJ ! ) , Nov. Itf JjJi u'JJJtf
Wnlt rump iintl l | no tliiuii oxiitnlnu 1 liy o ir optic
In iinf i Iwrtro mil iriii > i iry. Hi ol mill iniilriifl
our fl'.Ufl ' I HIM h.-Ci . r irl I't . , II'll ( JI.ASSJ
till II y liffi In lui' \ \ nrul If > m < ! > nut nnu I Kli ! i3i ]
wiMUll lully.iu < anil n IVIHJ ynu wli it tn ilo * IIIli,111
HI'I'OTACl.l.S nr IJVK l.l/AhM'i I IIOM II.JI lU'.I
I'liiht.Miiiiko , liluiMir wliHoKliissos. fur
jriw , liuiii.'i'cu j'lijr ui. |
Jewelers anil Opticians ,
I'n rn.iin mil I'lfti'i'iitli h
To tin * nwuorn of nil loin. iKirts of lots nnil ro ill
( "tlnto tilling ihu nlluT In lilook I , Kounlzu'iil
4lli Hililllliin. from Mil htuuct til lltli Utructl
Von mo hviuby n iiilluil tli il iho nndir-i
HiKiiuil. lli iMidiiliiiurfiitMl fri'iilioldura of tlio ]
city of DnialKi , Imiu bron duly nppQlniuill
by ihu iiiiiyoi , with ihu approval of tlin cltyj
( oiinuil of H.ilil oil v , to lissom ihu diumiKo toJ
thu ownur- in IIDU lively of thu propurty nf-l
frcteil by tlin Kr.idinj of tlio nllny Iu lilo-k I 4
Konnt/'Vs llh iiidltlon.fio n lUtli slrout In lltlil
hirri'l. drclnriiil nucussitiv liy orillnanuu No.l
ii.'Si. iiiingod Ojtobur | 3 | , iiVi. npprovcd Octo-
Ijcrltli. W. ,
on inn fiiillicr notifliid Unit li ivln ;
ci'iiU'il Hiild | jiolntnioiit | , nn 1 do v < i i.ililluil I
; : ri-'inlri'd by law.u will , on llm I"1 ! , d.iy ofJ
lUii-iniitir. A. I ) . 1W. ' , at til" hum < if iin'cfiii-k
In llir foii'iiuon , at llioollli'u of Ji'iin 1' ' I HICK ,
' .v > i cli.nnlJiT of ( oiniiiuruo , llh i > tin ) cor-
! Diir.iln Ilinlli of Hilildtv. infill ! > > tlin pilr-
IIU4I1 of uoiiHlilorln nnd inikni UK nx ' *
) mi-lit of ( lunnii-'u lo llioownuis unit uvuiy ofl
n ill inoiiurly niruutud by H.UI ! cii.iii.-i- > f ui.uliij
lulling into con .di.'r.ttfuil Mpui'Kil lH'ni.'lltn. Ifl
nny. f
Von iiru nntlllud id bo pri'M'iit ' at Uin tlnml
nnil iiiui'u nfoi-uifulil aii'l iniiko miv ooiocll'i.'H '
to or bl tliniHMituotuurn n'Niiid utii" > ' , i
of duinuvC4 us you inuv I'unslilrr proper
.KJIIN K n.Ai K ,
U W ( JIfl-UV
_ Oiiiuhii.Nob.Nov.siV.i. _ _ isJ. ii-'JI
l'i-u | > ukil lor AiltntUIni- till ) Uly of ]
toiilnd lilJ * will bu n-cDivi'il nt llio ulllco of 1
I bo cilv coniplrollur up to 4 p.m. llocuinnorJ
n. IHI. ' , for tliu olll ) ui iiilvurtbln ; of Hit. olly
for tliu yuar I K. In iicuordnn'o w'lti ' noctltui I
IE : | of tfiiicliurlur Kiu'h blddur lo enulii'u J
curtlllu.l clicuk < if ifioo. Tlioilxbtinrcsun'i.Ml '
to rujuct any or till hld . . ,
TIIKO. Ol.bKN , tomptiollir. ;
Onubu , Nov. 10 , WO. NiWIM