e THE' OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , NOVEMiEU 29 , 1892 , ME SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Advanced Nearly a Cent Yesterday Creating MucA Excitement. THAT CEREAL STARTED STRONG EARLY receipt * nt All Primary Point * Were l.nrgn lltliigliiB H'o Stork I'ur In Kxcrai of Anythlnc Kvcr Known lleforc. CniCAno , It ) . . Nov. 18. Wheat advanced nearly n cent today. Tlio Imtiicsilon seemed to 1)0 Hint snina prominent tr.ulor * In pro visions had mild miira nttontluti to whont of Into tnnn to hot ; products and that there Hilda bo mi olTort to ulvo uliorts n. squeeze. Ik'tUMiis sali'S reduced tlio cnln In price ? to ? o nt Iho close. Corn closed fiom Me to ' .c higher than on dot unlay. Provisions woto buoyant , compared with Snturdny nlxht pork la iip40c. Inrd ' > o and nbs'JJc. Wheat was BtroiiR almost froi.i tlio start , notwithstanding tlio receipts In tlio northwest were heavy 1'ltt cnra against 1,7115" for the coi responding 'lay lust year iiml rubles \\nro ciislur. Hecelpls nt nil prlmar/pointa were larzo nnil thouirli the Increase In tlio visible supply was not co lirco ns for seine weeks past , It sllll allowed u Ruin of tiotuly i,2.V.00 ) liii. , tirltiRlnit tlio stocks up In 7I.OOOfill ( lin. fur In i-xccss of nnv- thliie over known ticfore. In the fucu of this tlio market sold slundlly up. Tlio Ilrmncsi ftccmcd to liodno to the sharp advance In tlio Piovlslon m.irkut mid to reports mint Indus triously circulated that Oiuluhy.Vrlht and otlipr provision operators hud turned to tliu bullish * ldo of whontiiml were heavy liivr . Mltcholl , Governs und sevural largo commis sion holism also Imil ccnoruus linylnx orrtisrs. On nonrly nil the hurt ) spots I'ardrldKUsold u good deal , but tlio innrkat took It ruidlly. l.iito In tlio ( lav Linn s ut bullish news from southern Illinois regarding wheat , Chatnplln brought similar rotmrtR from Kansas. North west dlnnnli'lH's reported n cml'lon ' drop In re ceipts at country o ovntiirs. tlionuli othurd s- puiehcs wore of : i dlll'orunt tenor. The oDtnlng WHS uhniit the HIIIIO : ns bntur- days prices ml vanced from ? ic to Tic. eased olT Uc , ruled llrin. mid tlio closing was about Uc higher for Ilccpinler mid ? , c higher for May , ( 'orn wns liillituticod liy the strength In wheat and provisions. TUeru was not nitieli for sale , nnd iiHshorts were nervous and dis posed to cover , so lets had tUo advantage. Another MrcnsihonliiR factor wn * the ilc- cionso Intho visible supply , and the rains over tin ) southwest were c.xpcctcd to t'heck the shipments of now corn. First prices wcra UnchutiKO I from Saturday , then the mnrkot advanced from ? u to Ic. reacted slightly , changed some , ruled firm , and at the eloso Imd gained from Jiu to ? c A fair business was conducted In nuts , with options closing u fnietlon higher. The coun try bought pretty ftcclv : the heaviest local buying was done by iluldwIii-Karnum and Pclhvartz-Dupco. Tlinro was no Important lull me. 1'rovlslons scored n good avanco the first hour , but It looked as If tlio upward move ment WHS u temporary bulge. Later the buy ing wasTenowcd und the highest prices of the year were miido on pork , while ribs and Inrd wcro nguln put to fancy figures. The advance was not the result of news from the yards tills time , but to open buying on u largo scale by tbc Cuilnliy-Wrlftht brokers. There was n rcnctlon of about 2o ! ) from the lil-ili points , but lliorc was another swirl toward the endwhich loon everything to the top. Freights wcro slow. Shippers bid 2Wc for corn to Hit tfalo und paid Co forcorn toO dcns- luirc. Kstlmatod receipts for tomorrow : Wliont , 2.j cars ; corn , M curs , oats , -U ) ears ; IIOJBG , - 0(0 ( head. The le.idlnR futures ranged as follows : AUTK'I.KS. OI'U.VIMl. IIKIII. I I.O\V. WHEAT No , 2 November. . . 72 December . . . Mar . CJHN Xo. 'i November. . . December . . . Mi May . OATH No. ; November. . . December. . . ? ' .X Mar . > 1K8M 1'OIIK- Jnnunrv . 14 55 1600 14 6& 14 07 Wny . . . . . . . 14 72H 15 UK u r.\ \ 15 10 November. . . 9 25 030 925 025 January . 87JW 9 CO 870 U 00 Mar- . . . : . . . B LO 8 87J 8 CO 8 87H ? 1IOUT 11IIIS Janiinrr. . . . 7 75 7 t5 Wnr.r . I 702H 78i 7 2 7 85 Cash quotations wcro as follows : KI.OUII Dull : nominally unchnnzoJ ; winter patents , Kl.f > : ® .i.DU : winter EtraKhts. : t'i.-O&Lin ; 'eprlne patentR. $ : L75@4.10 : spring straUhts , rJ.7SX5D : bakers , J2.lu@i.OO. : WIIBAT No. S spring. 7x'o ; No. 3 spring , ( Wo : No. U red. We. OATS-NO. 2. 31io ? ; No. 2 white , 3c ; No. 3 white , SItUic. ! : llYK-No. 2. 4U ! < , c. HAIII.KV No. ' . ' , ore : No. I' ' , f. o. b. , IGlbTOo , No. 4 , f. o. b. . : it BGc. ! KI.AX Sunn No. 1. $1.08. TiMOTiirScKli I'rlmc , 1.03. I'OIIK Mo = s , per bill. . Iii.all5 ; ; lard , per ] CO Ibs. , } Di.'JalW ( ! ; ; short ribs , sides ( luosu ) . l".G. > iQ7.7 > i drv suited ahoulcrs ( boxed ) , J7."i ® 7.'J7i ! ; short clear sides ( Uoxedi , $ j.u.riQ8.IO. WIIISKV Distillers. ' Mulshed goods , per gal. . ( t.l.'i. HuoAlt Unchaneod : cut loaf , 5li < 3 > 'ilia ; gran ulated , SUe : standard "A.51Jc. The fulliiMrlii'j were ttiu rcuuipts and shlp- inonts today : AIIIICI.KS. Flour , bbls. V7.0JO W > , OJ'J \Vliuut.bu . I 7UJil SJ.OM ) Com , liu . . . . 1KSJ.OUO S56.UJO OulB , bu . . . . 37UUOO llye. bu , llnrley. 1m. ISB.OIW "I , UK ) On the 1'roduco oxchnngo today the butter mnrketnub quiet ; creamery , ViKt4'.U'ic ' ; dulry , lUi'7e. Kg B. linn : strictly froali. S-.W.'lc. Nu v Yiirlt , Maruet . NKW Yoitlt. Nov. 28. 1'i.ouu HccolptH. 26.0)0 pncliages ; cxporle , 1.8 < 0 barrnls , : ' 5UJO ucls ; dull ; Urm ; saliB.ibOa ! bnrroli. CoitNMKAi.-Qulet : steady. \\IIKAT Keeelpts. y.'flOUO bu. ; exports , 140.000 nu. ; hnlrs , l,7tOuuu bu. futures. M0,0ao npots. , iHkuit.ii lun i : Htuiii * 1 11. i tiuriiHirii , owst E4UoNaS ; northuru , 8J(285Ue ( : Na 2 Mltwau- ken , 7CTOUo ; No. 2 spring , 7i'4il7Jp ( Options were moderutcly active , Irnunlar , MiitWo higher nnd llrrn. oponlnz steady at partly > < c decline on inodcrnto foreign sollli)7. ad vanced ! ® ? with the west ; reacted JSffl o tin latocuslor cables , trading chiollv owlreii- Ing : t\o. > roil. Uocomtior. 7C 15-l77 ( ! ? c , closIng - Ing ; rit 77 { u : JRnuiiry , 7 ! { ® 7mi-IOc. : closing 78 ? ; May. aiNUHIUo , closing BJ ) c. Hyu Btoadyi dull. StoeUs ut grain In store nnd afloat Novem ber ' 'O : Wheat , lU/.MV.Ctaliu , ; corn , 2,147,81)4 ) bu , ; oats.yIilvi'5 ( ' bu. ; rye , liii.aoa but barley. K5- OW bu. ; mult. 17.754 bu. llAlll.KV Dull , . llAlii.l'v MAI.T Dull ; wtstcrn , 70 ( 820. Coil.N-liecollitH , IUOOO bu. ; exports , 38,000 liil sales. Ki ' .o 0 bu. ot futiircH. HI.IWJ hu , of spot. HpotH llrmer nnd dull ; No. 2. fiOi"iOJio In olevntor ; SQA\ie \ allont ; ungraded mixed , Wi 514i ! No SI , W ? o. Options advanced ! i < afic. The wheat anil the west , closing with traU- Inir light ; December. WKQ iJie. closing nt lOTtc ; January , M ? ; < & > I { c. closing at Oljio ; JUy , M454c. ! closing ut file , OATS Receipts , 7t > .uJO bu , ; exports , 53,000 bu. Bales ± i.\ooo bu , futures , IUO.ODU bu.spot. Hpols ilrmcn moueniliily active , firmer. Options ? fulrlv iiotlvo , llnnor : December , M'BM'.ie. clos- : , - . Inp. M'io : January , y71i4i-'l7ic ? , closln't ; , UTMc : Mny , 4u ? , ' < a 0.o. nosing , 40c , Hpot No. 2. i7o ; pot wh te. IHJo : mixed western " " white , : r < il47c : No. SOlilcasjo.aTo. HAY Knlr demand , llrm : shipping , GmaoJci gooiltouholce.T.MiitiJe. Horn-Dull but steady ; state , common to cholco , ISir/'lui ' I' ultlocoist , 17 ® lu. Huiuit-Haw. ijulft. llrm ! fair rellnlnp. 2 J.'i-lfcj eenlrlfiiKiils IMtest. : isie ; sales. Ui4'JO rolluod , fnlrly actlvo mid tinner. MOI.AKHKS New Orluiinsiiulet.stca lyj open kottlu now , t-ood to choke. Uxaoso. HlCB Kalr ileniand , steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 45Vyc ; January , 44it5c. I'.ons Dull ; fancy , llrm ; western fresh , Illit-To : reeo pis , D.tiiJ pl < ga , IIIPKh yuliit , stonily , I'oiiKQuint and Htendyi old moss , (13.50 C2HU.TA ; new nicks , tl.64614.73 ; extra prime , C.G MKmiT.lO ; cut u.o.its . llrmj ploulod bo.lles. . * ! W > ? ioi pickled shoulders. 8io ! : ploxloil hams , io10'So ; mlddlt's null ; ihort clear , Novcn.ber , t\0i ; lard quiet. Irregular ; west ern tleaiii closeil tlld.iUopllonssales ; , nonoi Di'eomber , I0.ri bid ; January , t'.ua. ' UtiTTEii Dull , easvi wo t rn dairy. 174 woKli'rn criiamury. - 3illio : : Klglti , UIJJc. < ) iiEKBi-l''lrni ; fair ilemund. Pin litiiN-Oulot ; Aniorleun. Jii5H3i5.M. : roi'l'Kit Hull , Urm ; lake. tlt.Ui bll , I.UADOu el : domestic , H'5 bid , 'J JK-Qu.i't ! straltn , : " tlrill li ( Iriiln Trailo LONDON. Nov. VS. The Murk J.auo Kxpress In Its weekly re view of the llrllUUt'rulii trudu Buys ; Fiirmers uro teillnir llttlo whont They rcfuHO to take under JMJ- Rather thnn accept n less prlct\ they Kay they III feed their gralu to their stock. There IIMB liven an nvura u tlrollno of lid. Foroyii wheat Is continually nrrtvjnu turn thm puiihe the stocks of foreign Hour Into the rum I markets , Minnesota Hour lius been ollered in small country towns ntu t-'iilooa u suck of S8J I IN. Tlio prutent depres sion Is InlMOiy iitlrlbulcd to excessive snlp- mei.tsof Calffornlu llarloy IsCil lower. Oats und corn arc unch down ' 'd. Attouay's intiikvt Knirilsli wheat ot ludlf- fcrenKiuullty was dull , American ivhuut was Urui , llugjluu u U iudluuivtu Tory uull. I'lotir M lower. Ilnrlny nnd rye r ere cuch down Irt. Outs worn : id chunper. Corn win stondjr. owing to the supplier not bolnit o - Uninliii I'rmluco .Atnrltot. As muni on a MondKv. the market did not develop tiny very MrlkJns ; feature * . The re ceipts worn only moderate ) and prices not ma terially different from Snturdny , AlTMR-Uood iinuk'9 nro nuotoJ at 1175 ® 4. ! ! , > . Homo very fiiney atopfc might ooMllily reach II. 50 , whim Inoro common stook would eoas tow nslLM. IlANANAS-l'er buncli , tJ.OJJJl.V ) . HUTrKii Thn market rcmnlns practically uncliansoil , A Inrgo proportion of the boat country roll nrrlvln * ' sells nt about lOu , Oc- cnslonul lots of fnnoy Ualry brlni more , and Ittnlghtbo possible to got aomothliiT Rood rnoush to liriu 2 c , but such lots are not ar riving. Good packing stock brings 14s , Cr.tEiiv-i : ) < ar > c. liods Strictly freih eggs Elo , but they nro not very active , nsso many do'lors prefer to take cold atornao stock af.'lc. It la cstltnatod that Dime arc all It 1'JJO cases of exits In storngo In Oimihn. GAME Uee ie , quail nnd siii'rrols | nro enilto Plenty , but 'lucks nruHcurce , Venison Is coinIng - Ing In nttllo liberally and Is Inclined to bo dull. Homo California iilall | U arriving , hut dees nut appear to nci',1 with ns much favor as Iliii common kind , consumers reporting that the ulrds nro t > ut us plump und thiittlmv are la king In llnvor. Sonio cfian .oa will bo noted In ihc foilowliiR iuiitatlons | : I'rnlrlo chleknus , Jl.Ui .l.V.'i ; grouse. JI.'O ' : iiinill. fi..V ) ; snlpp , t .01 : Jack sn nc. Ji.i ! > BI.M ! n ovor. tl.no ; { 'Olden plover. tl.MSl.fn : pnnviia linek ducks. ID.U < al .oil ; led head ducks , il.nj ; milliard ducks. * ( . ' . ' > : blito wlni tual , $ i.OO ; green wing teal , ti.ii@l.75 ; mixed ducks. tl.fiOi Jack rabbits. tl.ntKffl.1.1.Htifilt ; rnbbiti , $ I.'J < &l.M ; sijulrrois. JI.'Ji ; .mtilMi | ) ) Mid , lie' ! , Ilifil.'n. ' ; duor suddlos ! ! > ® lie ) : iinlelopu cafoiissyrt. il hlc ; doorcar- CJIBSO.- " . Iw/SI'.Vi HvaiihcoDiis , il.Witl.SX liKMON. * I'rlci'a nro rnthcr on the down grade In Now Vork as now stock la eommonc- In. ! to arrive. With no great donrind In the west , prices are liknly toco lower Hiiro , In fact they uroii Illtlo winik r here than they wore. Malagas nro ijuotod at $' ' , and Mi-salmis ut JXft ia.5' . per keg , $ s.r > 0 OVSTBIHMarket tiunhan od ; MiJ'tSi ! per can. can.OitANOnS The latest arrivals of Florida oranges are somewhat Improved In quality. Heretofore tlu'vlmvo been iiardly rlpo enough to glvo cntlrn satisfaction , It Is proJlctcd In some quarters that prleos will advuuco later In the soasnn us tno cold weather of last month Is said lo have lessoned iho yield some- wh.'it. They are quoted uttl.T.'i ' per box. ONIONS llmna grown onions uro hold at aboutMe iinil Spanish atll.OJ jior crate. POTATO ! ! * I'r.ces roiualn about steady at 7. 8 tu for homo grown stock and Salt Italics about ttlo higher. POUI.TIIV Tlio mnrUet Is still overstocked w.lh turkevs loft over fro n the Thanksgiving 'ilpmt'nts. There Is almost , no domiiml for lem nnil dcaloM are experiencing a good deal f trouble In finding buyers , ovun at ox- romoly low price * , some stock that had ' ; cun n hand for so no tlmo sold aalownsSc , whllo " : io host could bo had nt SSJilc Uva turkevs ciu quoted at 7QSe. Gco o and duoUs wuro notoil nlMlOc for dressed and about 7c for ve. ChK kens uro not , plenty but prices are iw In sympathy with tlio market on othnr lulls of poultry. llvo chickens are quoted ' " " . ! ic and dressed 7tt8c. Oinnlr.t llliluM and 'I allow. HIDES No. 1 grcon , 34e ! : No.I green slated 34J o ; No. 2 green saltod. 2io ? to ajWie ! ; No green s.iltc'l. 'J.ito40 Ibs. , 4' c ; Na 2 croon altod , 25 to 4J Ibs. . 3Uc ; No. 1 VOHI calf , 8 to 13 us. , ec ; No. S veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4o : No. 1 ry Hint , Co toTc ; No. 2 dry flint , 4o to Co ; No. dry salted , no to lie. Part cured hides oue- alf cent per pound loss than fully curod. SHEEP I'Kl/r.s Green suited , o.ich : iio3St,83 : reen sa'.tod shearlings ( short woolnd oarlv kins ) , each , IWW.'c ; dry shearling ) ( short voolod early skltn ) , No. I , oju'h , .SQlOc ; dry hoarllnni ( short xvooled oariy' skins ) , ' No. 2 neb , Oo ; drv Hint Kansas nnil Nebraska utchcr wool polls , per lb. , actual weight. 1) lU4c ! : ory Hint Kans-ia and Nebraska inur- aln wool polls , per ib. . actual weight , 812c : ty Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per lb. , ctual weliht , KMilSlio : dry Hint Colorado inrraln wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight JMOc : dry pieces and btiCKS , actual weight. SUe. Hnvo feat cut oir , as It Is useless to : iv freight on them , TAI.LOW AND ( JtiBASE Tallow. No. 1. nye ; allow. No. : . ' . IJJW.'io : grease , whlto A , ye ; ro.isc , whlto II , UKc ; cruise , vcllow , 'Jo ; roase , dark , 2',5o ' ; old but tor. 22aio { ; beos- vai , prime , ( ® - . ' ; rough tallow , IsiO.'c ' , Cofftio Market. NEW YoitK , Nov.23. Options opened steady , n po nts down to ft points up. closed ua'roly to-idy 10 to a down ; sales , 52.7.M ) hairs. In- ludlng : November , tlllfin ; December , SI0.50 ® (1.73 ( : January. ) IIUOIO.f,6 ; March , $10.1040 aa.i ; May , $ I5.SJ < 3 5.60 ! September. $ I.i.H5Q 5.0j. spot Kto quiet an'l oasicrjNo. 7 , I17.12H. SANTOS , Nov. - ' . Good average. 11,0 < u rols er 10 kilos. IJeco pts during the week , 11.000 jags : purchases for the United States , 36uJf > URR : shlpinents to the United States , 21,000 HITS ; stock. 2w.OM : bazs. Itio JAN-CIIIO , Nov. 20 First ordinary. 17.7CO els per f kllost'cood second. rS.D rols ; ro- olpts during the wook. 0iOOJ : hairs ; purchases or the United States. 50.'Ul ) ba .s ; shipments o t-o United Stales , 40,001) ) bags : stock , 151- 00 bags , St. l.oult AliirKutx. ST. Louis , Nov. 23. FLOUK Unchanged. WHE T faO over Saturday : cash , li8 ? © 03Mo ; ) ocombor. OUKei May , 70f ( a"0iO. COIIN Cash , stendy at IfMc ; options uplc , iloslnir flnii : November , : iOic ! ; January. J)9ic ) ! ; 'lay ' , 44Ja44/c. ! ( ! OATS HlL'lior ; cnsh. 31'ic ; 5Iny , 35ic. ? HuTTKit Unchanged. Eons Hlglmr at "A22tgc. PoiiK-lllgher ; .lobbing , Jii. : < X ) . IjAiin Noinln illy lower at SJ.'j. KBCBIITS-Klniir , ! ) , OOJ bbls. ; wheat , 109,000 bu. ; corn. 1GsW)0 ) bu. ; oats. fi..OO ) bu. SIIIPMBVTH-Klour. 7.0) bbls , ; wheat. 79.000 m. ; corn. iW.OOO bu. ; oats , 2JUOJ bu. ; rye , 13'JOO bu. ; barley , l.OJJ bu. Oil YoitK. Nov. 28. PKTIIOI.KUM Market opened and closed weak. ' . Opunln' ; prize , high est : lowest , and closin ? , filu ; Pennsylvania spot oil H.I I OH , none ; Doccmbor option B-IOS , ' 5,0.0 bbls. nt Tile ; Lima nil s ilcH , iiono ; 17c bid : otnl sales , l.'i.ucfl bbls. Hollnu ; oils In barre H Iccllnod 10 polnta. CoTTONSUEO Ou Quiet , firm ; crude. 31o : yellow. 3'Ju. ' TALLOW Dull , nominal ; city ( $2 for pkgs ) , ! o. TunpENTi.NE-Qulot but firmer at 3HS < S.'Ko. lliinsin < ; ity AIurkatH. KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Nov. 28. WHEAT Aotlvo and lughnr ; No. 2 har.l , Clii&OiUej No. 2 red : ( JOHN Irregular ; No. 2 mixed. 323lc. ! OAT # Klrm ; No. 2 mixed , SHl < iKtitc , lluTTEii Dull ! creamery , BSifiiOu ; dairy , j Quiet at ! 2e ItuoEii'TS Wheat , 03,000 bu , ; corn , 5,000 bu , ; oats , none. Sitii'MKNTS Wheat , 121.030bu. ; corn , 3.000 bu , ; oats , l.COO bu. Now York Dry Utxiils .Market. NEW YOHK. Nov. 29. The loading feature In the dry goods market continued to be the strong tone of Iho ninrkot ntrl the upward movement In prices. The changes today were : Now Vork mills 4-4 blonobod to iOiiu ; Sow York camlet advanced Ho ; I ) . A T. cot- tonades udvancod 5 per emit ; also light chock cotlonudesfi per cent ; Urlnnoll wldo shoet- Ings 4-4. ivaiiiiu ; & ) to Ho : jeans to IlUc ; Mer- rliouo shirtings prints to5ie ! , losi u small dis count. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Uvurpool jlaricnts. . . Nov. 28. WHIJAT Holders oiror moderately ; led western sprliiir. C ? IJdflds'Jd jior cental ; Na 2 red winter. f.H'J ! il"K lUd. COHN Quiet : doninnd fullen off ; mixed western. 4s IIyd per oimtal. Extra India mess , OOs per llorco. > t'rlino western. 47s 6 I per owt. < K American llnost whlto nnd colored , 5'J per owt. Cotton .MurKut , NEW Oitt.EANS. Nov. 29. Market opened steady , closed quiet : low middling , u 7-lfic ; uood ordinary , 8 I.VlOo ; net receipts , 10,521 bales ; gross receipts. 10.M1 ball's ; uxparts to Great Ilrltaln , 4,7iu : bales ; vales , 5'Jjo bales ; stock , 1K1.M ) bales. Milwniiken uriiin Market. Mir.wAtiKVK , WIs. . Nov. 28. WHEAT Quleti May , 7U ! c : No. 2 uprlni ; , ( i'u. UIIIIN Flrmi No. 3 , 4 c. OATS Steady : No. " white , 3.io ; No. 3 , 3)33Jo. ) HAIII.KV tWc. ltutt r ' Kt.oiN , III , , Nov. 18. IIUTTEti Active , firm at 3Jo. Trtulur- ' OIIIRAIIO , III. , Nov. 27r-Cnun < Ulman k Day to Cook nil I linn. Commission company : The bullish lontlment hi wheat was nxprcs od by liberal uutillc buylnu today , Inlluuncod rnlelly by India ahlpnionts bulng only onu- llfth as large ns last yuan The Increase of neatly 1(00 ( , ' . OJ bu. In Minneapolis tUocks was oirsot by the ( Inner contlni'iitul rallies. May whont lulvancoJ 'ic and ulosud steady nt ? ju bulow tlio top. The short Internal Islur.'o nnd ucrvy , but no loss aigrvsstvo and Inclined to cover on Mtlo broiiks. Com wus very strouir nu i eonslder.iblo addlilons'woro mndo to long lines hold by provision dealers. The elolim was ut top prices asked and the nmrkct lonks llku KoltiK consider ably higher , The tr.do In oats wus n odcruia A liirvu business would have been donu If the short * could nivo otreetol pur- ciuisoi. but holders beom deelilodly In favor of Increasing their lines. May pork advanced f.lo ! oil buying by Oudahv. after which they wuro llber.il boilers of Jan mry pork , bir their net holdliiirK were nruiiab..y Increased ut the close. The offerings ot lard were small nirt prices uurunced from 2-lc to : uo ; with a light trade. Ulbs were iiuet | but gained SOc In lympathy with other products. OIIIUMIIO , III. . Nov. 'b. Konriott , Hopkins It. Co. la H. A. McWhortur : There has boon qullq a dlsplny of bull nimc'lo today for the vnncoil bhnrply In the face ot heurith ncw and eoiulitiouu. Cub M wore lowur , rcculuts luraur lhau expected , export llgt't ninl a good < ncro.i < o In the vMn.o v.iptily , Tlu stronith H piirtlnlly duo to a utipposlt nn tint il > 3 CiHuliy fotiowln/hnvo ncciimulnird a laru'n llnu of lunit atufT. This cannot ho eon- flrmcd. lint Its nlTeot upon the ninrxot , The vmiilrt supply U now about -.Ww.iiu Inner th in n rc.ir'ngo. , ind udr cos from the north west show a further Increase. Sliorts have covered freely , airl tlioro has also been aotno gooJ Investment buying. Corn and o.itf advanced with whont , a prominent onnimltslnn honso bulng a larao iiuycr. Cables were weaker nnd otport * small , A year a to stocks of corn worn about " 1 per ccntot the present stocks. 1'rovlsloas have been strong all dny with good speculative buying. CiiiCAnn , Nov. 58. K , O. Iogan < tOo. . to Duncan , llolllnaor & Co. Wheat opened at * * Xc , sold up to 7lHift70tC nnil closnd at TD'dW 70 > { c. Tim trading has boon llbcra1. pirt chanelni Decombcr to Mny. The loon ) crowd wcro dncldcdly bullish from the onenliu until the close , when they sold to ro.luco thn line to ho carried ovor. Thu reason for their bulllslinoia scoins to bo based more on the fact that two largo operators who of late have been snojoi-ttiil In their iHVltlon on the miirkct , wcro on Ilia bull side. Tno selling WUH ntrtlally Dy tlio ciimmlsslon houses , who have a northwestern trade. IiooKInx at tha receipts at oluhl western points It Is noticeable what n very lanu pro portion It received bv Mlnuunpolls nnd Dultlth , compiled ID other markets. The v alblo a'lpplv ' Incroaao of l.'ii'.UJ ) bu , was s Ightly less tliHti oxpectud , Thu tendency to the tnnrkot la upward. The iMsh deiuaiid pood. Corn was nctlvo throu bout the day. The buylirwaa very coiieeutr.ited and wo be- llovn for people already long and who hnvo conlldencu In the ccrual. Demand for cash nrllslu good ; charters. 40.0/0. / Oils strong , considerable changing from December to May. The largo ntojk of No. U mixed oatn prevents a higher market ; spot demand good. In pro visions sharp buying and bulling by local longs gave the product the early ftrength. Iator as prices advanced shorts became good buyers , strength In grain had Its Inllucnco. STOCKS AND IIDNDS. Securities Yrslorilny Wcro Somewhat ririniT Tlinn n Nnliiritny. New Ynittf , Nov. 23 The slock market , tnkon altogether , was somewhat llrmer thnn on Saturday. Whllo a majority ot the rail ways closed practically unchanged from Sat- urday'a llnal duotntlona , the hiarkot for those securities showed more rouupcrjtlvu power than on that day. Sovor.il sharp attacks wcro made at Intervals , and at the lowest figures the decline was equal to from ! to ? j per cent. Subsequently Now England advanced from 413 ; to 42 ! { and the remainder ot the list Improved from ! i to ! per cent. The rise was duo us mucli us to anything else to the fact that bankers who usually ship gold exorcised themselves ns bointr In doubtIP to whether nny largo amount of yellow metal will bo for warded to Kuropo by this week's steamers. Just previous to the close prices reacted from ! i to Vi percent from the hlirhest. Tlio indus trial gruup was strong , especially for Sugar , DIstllllur and Cattlofccdlng nnd Load , which advanced from 1 to I ? ; per cent. All of these closed llrm except t'ugur , which reacted to Saturday night's prlco. Among the special ties Evansvlilo k Terre Haute advanced 5 to 148 , reacted to 14ft and closed at 147. General Kiootrlo wus stronger than for some days past and advanced from 104 to UMi. Colorado I'uol and Iron common and Color ado Coal and Iron development stocks , which nro to bo exchanged for Colorado Coal and Iron nnd Colorado Fuel under the terms of the consolidation of the last , two n tuned , were trailed In for the first , time today. Colorado Fuel and Iron opened at ( V > . declined to Kli ! und rallied to tt4. Colorado Coal and Iron de velopment opened at I ! . ' ) ni.d Inter sold up to G4. ! The old Colorado Coil and Iron was trong anil In demand , sollln" up from 40 to 1H and closing at 40X- The general market losod r.ither weak. The I'ost says : Loss tnnn usual was hoard odny of the gold export scare , because this rook's shipments , should there bo any , will o withheld for Saturday's Havre steamer. It rns noticeable , howuvur , that Purls oxchuniro n London today fell below the irold shipping olnt , which might , conceivable with any urthcr burdening ot sterling , bring London nto our own specie market. Thu followingara the eloslngqcctct.'cnt for ho loadliiir stocks on the Now York' Etcck Ex- hangc today : \tcbl3on . SO Norfolk & W. lid. . : ; .i \dams Kxprens . 1S1 Nortb Aracrlcur.Co. l'j ! ( Mton. T. 11 . 83 Northern I'acHlo . . . 17W do profcrrcrt . 160 do preferred 6Q1J . .incrlcnn f.xpross. . HO ' . P. lien. & Gulf. . . 1U Ualtlmora , V ulilo. . Di North.vostorn. . . . . . 115 ! < Canndo 1'nulllo . W do preferred..r. . 142 Canada Southern . . Wi , ' ( N. V. Central 1035i Jontral 1'ncltlc . 23 .V. Y. A N. M 42K : hc3. .tOlilo . Ti Ontario \Ventorn. . . 1SH Chicago Alton . 141 Ori'Ron Imp 20 u. , OrcRO n N nv 72 Cblcnuo Oua . Si O. a. 1. . . & U. N 20 Consolidated Ons. . . 120U Pacific. Mall 26W C. C. C. &St. r , . BOW 1'porla , Dec. t K. . . . UK Colo. Conl.V Iron. , . 10J4 1'ltUburg 154 otton Oil Certlfs. . 4IH rullmnn I'alnco 190 ) cl. Hudson . 130k Heading 63 ? H U. IAW . 15HJ lllcliniond Tor Sft ) . Alt. Q. pfd . 62H do preferred S9 ; > . &i\v. co . es lllo Qranrto West. . . 25 do preferred C5 Krlo . 54J Hock Island 7'JJi do preferred . 67 St. l..Ab. F. Istpfd. . 76 FortWayno . 153 St. Paul , 78 fit. .Northern pfd. . . 13U do preferred 121W C. & K. I. pM . 100 St. Paul & Omaha. . . 48tf Hocklim Vr.llej- . 2S do preferred 118 Illinois Ccntrul . 10'J ! ( Southern 1'iicltlc. . . . 85 St. Paul & Dulutli. . 40 StiRnr Hennery 103 ! < Knn. ATex. pfd . 2l4j Tonn. Conl ft Iron. . 37 ' .ako ICrlo A West. . Vlt Texas Pacific. 9K do proforrcd . 75 Tol. * O. Cen. pfd. . 75 .ako Shore . 130 Union racllle 37JS Load Truht JU. S. Kxprejs 67 : .oul . .V.Niiib 7UV. ! . St. I , . & 1 l.ouls. i .Sow Alb'y. 24 do preferred Itye dnnlmttun Con 12Hii\VellB-K ( rKO K.xp. . . 145 " Western Union 87H MIclilKim Central. . 107 WUuolliiK , t I * E. . . . Missouri I'licUtc. . . . 67K do iirefcrred 02 Molillo .V Dido IHJJ Minn. A St. I , . . , 15 Na livlllo Clinlt. . 67 II. ft It O llii Nutloual CordiiKO. . US Cenornl Hlnctrlo. . . . do proforrcd mm ( Motional Unseed. . . S'J N. J , Central . liiyj Total sales ot stocks today were 2I9.00D snares , Including : AtcMson , IL',411 : Canada Southern , ! )00 ) : ( 'lilcaco G is , < WO ; Erie. 3,53) ) ; Louisville & Nashville , II.OOO : Missouri I'aolflc. 8.2S. ' > : Northern 1'nclfie preferred , 4,0.10 ; New England , X'O.lllj ; Koudlng. X'.OJOSt. Paul. 12,000. Now York Money Market. NEW VOIIK , Nov. 28. MONBY ON OAtr- Firm , rauzlng fro-n 4 to G percent : last loan at 4j | per cent , and closing olTurerl at 4' ; par cent. ' IMiiMB MEHUANTIM : I'APKU : > © ' ) per cent. SrKiiM.s-o KXCIIANOE Klnn , with actual business In bankers' bllU at $4.M'/J for GO day bills ana and ti.KTi fordomnnd. The closing quotations on bonds : U. H.4srcK 1H Mutual Union Bn. . . 110 U.S. 4i coup 114 N. J.O. Int. Cert . . . 1IIW U. S IHnroK 10J ! < Northern 1'ac. Uts. 118'J I'aclllclis of'jj , . . 107.4 Norlhorn Pac. 2ndi , 112 I.onslann st'ped ti. HILJ N. W. ConBols 137 Missouri Us lOJl * N. W. Deb. 5s 103 Tenn. now net ( ! . . , . IUIJJ St. U , t 1. M.flun. 6 S3/ ! Tonn , now Hot 5s , . . . 101 tit. L. AS. F.Jon. M 1Q-J Tcnu , new uet3a , . . . 71) ) Kt. 1'nulConsoln. . . 130 CnnadnBo , ' 'nils , . , , 101 St. P.O. AP. Ills. . . 117 Con. 1'Bcllle Isls. . . . 103 T. P. IO. . Tr. Hets , fl II. AU. ( i. IbH 118 T. P. It. ( J , Tr. Ilcts , 27M II. Alt. O. 4g 85H Union Pac , IsU. . . . 10TU Krlo2nds 100 Went t-horc 101 M. 1C. &T. ( Ion.Us. . BU | I ) , It. 11 7 ? i M. It. AT. ( iun. fta. . 41 h Iloston Stock ( Jiiotatloim. UORTON , Mass. , Nov. 28. Thj following are the closing stock qtut illous : Atcli. & Topeka . . . S H Kmnklln JlOBton , t AllKiny. . . 205 lloiton .t Mnlno. , , , 175 OBOOOllV , C. . II.&Q W ? Qillncy 142 FltliliburK U. It 8) -until Ku Copper. . , 6 Hlnt& I'ero M. pfd " Tanmrnck. , , JC5 11ns . L'ontral Annlstoii Lund Co , . 25 Me.v. Ctm. rein HH ! lloiton Imi it Co . . 5V N. V. & N , Uniiland , Weal h'nd I.ana Co. 17J Win. Cen. coin 10H lloll Telepliuno 20U Allouei.M.Cu.now ( ) Uj l.miiBon Btoro 8 . , , 16 Atlantic 11 U M 8 lIOBton & Mor.t . . . . 5 H. All. C lit , Cnluiuut A ; llccln. . . 29) riimnclnl Ninon. KANSAH OITV. SIo. , Nov. M. Clearing , 2,009- NBW Yoittc. Nov. 28. C onrltus , ! 8C,489,000 : buluncca. , t.il.U77. I'Aiit , Nov. i'S. Throe per cent rentes , Mf , 80o for the account. OMAHA , Nov. : U Dlnarlnss , { 1,170.810 ; aamu ouy last week. ( | , | I7UT , HAVANA. Nov. i'a-8pansli | cold , ta. Excliuuue , ijitlet. 5 per cunt ; suitaroulot. llAl.TiMoni : , Mil. , Wov. ' . ' . (3 , cnrliua , 12,400 , 61H ; baliincua , lfsl7\i)7U. ) Money , 0 nor eo.it , 1 IIII.AIIii.l'lllA. : I'll. . NOV. W. OloillllKk' , } 12- C11.8II : balances , ei.W-'iU'4i. ' : .Monov. S tier cent. LONDON. Nov. : 'H. Amount of bullion gene Into the llunKuf Kngland on balance today , Tonn. , Nov. 28. Now York cliiin.-o bellliu at pur ; uloanngc , bnlances. fllil.OIT , CINCINNATI. O. , Nov. 2S. Clonrlms , Jj.osy- 7.W. Monov , USO per cunt. New York ox- clinngo , ' 'viii'Wo premium. NEW OUI.KANH. In. , Nov. 2S. Olo.irlngs. tl.T I.HT * . ' : New York oxehiingo , uoiumerulul t\.U \ ) pur 1.000 discount ; bank par , ST. I.OUIH. .Mo. . Nov. iw. Oluurlngs , tl.CTB- 744 ; bulnnoes , $ Cli7. | .Money' niilot , l/ii7 per cent. Kxcaaimo on Now Vork , &c discount. MORTON , MIUH. , Nov. 23. Clearings , tlS.'JI- Si2 ; bulunies. tl.O.1 ! ? . Monev , 5 per cent. Kxcbaii''oon New York , unr to lOu discount. NKW YOIIK. Nov. i'S , [ bpeelnl Telegram to THE llKK.l Kxoliunge w.is ijuolo-l us follows : Ohlcnuo , flic promluin ; Itoiion , par to lOo dis count ; Kt. Louis , 25e discount , CIIICAOU , lll..Nov-'A , - lliuiK clearings today , f3 ,017l'S ' : < , Now York oxeliiunte , OJu premium. Sterling oxi'linngc , firm ; li.b Ji forslxty-dav bllU , tl.bS for bight draft. Money , stiony , C7 per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ I.lVi : NTOCK .MAKICIiT.S. Cuttle Trade Kuthor Dull Attempt to Hour ling frier * I'aiU. OUAIIA , Nov. M. Receipts today were as wus to uauxpouti ) I liberal of cnllloand light of hois und sheep. There were fully I..VJJ moro uuttlu hero lhau uu lu > t Monday und the proportion nf western r.iiiJfl o.itttn < rns ftomp * what inrjcr than n iml of Into. Thouonoral dent illfforent from ih lof 8ttiir < Ujrv.JloUlar nf ftooil imtlvn beef Meor : olther nut-iviM nr wenterm found the ninrkot fully teay | whllo on the Konorrv ! run of KtUIT Kollor-fiWoro rohipl.ilnltuof n dull , weak trade. ThCouVMilo donmnd w.is better tliin : iiinnl nnd nothing really KOIV ! wont n bcgtfliia for a puncjin cr. Une bunch of cholco l,4Vb | | bcevoi brojiahtfo.oo , but the ordinary h nf tutted nnd , short fed slcors soul at from * l.4i ) to JJl.oo. while crnmoM wont nil Ihn way from ? .rti tlflwn to Sl.OX Tha bulk of the western cattle'.was ' cows. Tlio steers were moMI/common AhdSold ruotind M3J. llit > l- nuis win rather on tie } dull and dr.iRRlng or der throughout'buliiionrly everything tit all ttfcoful changed liuniln before the Jlosc. There wore cltme onto oliilily loads of cows nnd mixed stockirccelvod today ntul the mar ket wm slow , with prlaos rullne 5o to lOo lower thnn Saturday. KMrnmo sales of poor to coed cows and hulfuri were tit from tl.SS to ? 2.4n , the decent sinlMnrizoly nt from $1.83 to J2.2. > . llulle , oxiiii nnd BURS were cenornlly llrmor at from Jl.r > 3 lo H.l't. Common Inr.u calves and yearlings lo cholco voiils sold at from $ i..tto8i..V. r The fpoilnr trade was very null , Kouulnr dp ilors wcro the only buyer * , but prices ruled nbout steady nil around. Kourcaontntlvo sales ; tntnssii ) t No. Av. Pr. No. AV , 1'r. No. Av. I'r. ' . ' . 107.1 $1 no 1..1.VJ ) $ : no CiucAflo , III. , Nov. 28 , [ Special To'ojram to TIIH HUB. ] Only n very few times nt this stage of the henson have as many as 20,0 K ) ent ile arrived lu Die space of twenty-four hours. That WIR the estimate for today , and It was a iilcuor supply than could bo liniidlod to ud- vantuiia The surp'Hs , however , w.is of the common and medium sorts , cows , bulli und iinllnlslied steers : These hud to go lower. The poor priidusof chipping steers were In domiind at full prices ) 'lucre were no more of thorn than i wuro ; wuntod for thu eastern nnd export trade. The oloso of business found "Iho ynrds well filled wilh common and poor sluff. for which no sallsfaetory bid could bo obtained. Quota tions ranged from ,11.no , to tl.tiO for cows , heifers und ImlU..85 to : > .a > for common to oxtru Bletir. . mid at , from J1.G5 to 13.49 for itockors apd.feeders. . The few loads of ToxBscatllo offered were taken on a basis of from tl.iu lo 83.40 fur cows , and from ! ,23 lo 1 for Moors.JJ'ho calf IIIUI-KOI was IlKhtly Assistance. So do you if you nro Buffering from loss of appetite , had digestion , weakness , or if you uro conval escent. Tnlu ) Johtum IIofTfl Malt Extract. It will build up nny weakened constitution and aid diges tion and nutrition. Bo sure to get the genuine. You would not tttko counter feit money ? Don't tufco any imitation of Jolmnn noil's * Malt Extract , The "genuine" must have thu signature of "Jolmnn floll" oa the neck of every bottle. Eisner & Mendelsori Co. , Agents and imi > orlera of mineral waters , U Lor ! 'lay Street , New York , implied and wns firm forgone ! to'vholco light nrdliim wolghlsat from 4.M to | S.SPorno onriiolionvy calves were neglected at from 1 , 75 to la I'rlcrn for good , heavy nnd medium wMrht KISS were qulto Urns If nnythlna n lltllo trongor llrm "ntur'lny , but It was hard work o set that day's prices for light nnd common otigh mixed foti. The rnngo ot iiuotntlona was from ? VGjl toOJ for medium and henry intl from A 4o to70 for light. 1'rlcci nbovo , 'i.flO for light and J.VM for hoi > vy were not oachod In ninny Instances , nnd ynt the larg * 'st ' p.irt of the forty odd thousand IIOKS in gitlo changed linn Is nhovc JS.tW. The frc h occlpls were nbout ZS.OOO nnd Bomotlilng llko 000 were hold ever from last week. Tbo sup- ily wns gronter thnn expected , but between lilppon nnd pn-'korn n pretty good clcnrixnce was mndo. Tlio Evening Journal reports : OATTI.E lloci'lptd. 19,500 hoiul ; ohlpmcnts , .OOJhend : mnrkot opened strong , clo pd wnak ; best natives. J5.004MSBOJ good. $ I.2.VUI.03 ; others. $ l.f)03l.1l ) ! stackers , $ | .5oa2.GJ | cows , HtHis'-itecolplP , : i\0d0lioad | shipments , 11,000 loan ! market strong on hotxvy grndcs , light uwr-n rough nnd common. J5.WS5.CO ; heavy packing nntl shipping. $3G.tt5.li3 ) ; butchers' and nodliim , JV7.Vft3.ooi Unlit , M.40HM.70 ; skips ana ilgs. JI.2JI olpts 11,005 lioiult slilpniont , 1,0)0 toad ; best nmrkct stoadv to Inwort itntlvrs , LWXS.1.3) ; weslorim.S4.2yi8l.70 ; Texans , Sla : > 1.70 ; lambs , HeerlpU mill Ill pixltlon ol Murk. Ofllclal rccelpta and dlsposllloi : of itook rm iliown by the books of thu Union Stock Vimls onip.iny for the forty-eight hours ending ut PO clock i ) . m. . No vein her 28 , ISO.1. Head Cam. I lend Cam. Mend. 191 I.74G 2. SO. ) 121 .11 DISI'OSITIOX. nuvEiis. OATTI.E. IIOIIS. HIIEKI' . inmlin Popklng Co 24 833 rim IS , | | . lliiiuiiiond Co. . 24MS 111 Hwlft A Co 1.M4 K77 1 lip Cuilnhy I'nckltiK Co. . 1,314 it. ncckcr.t I ) . ' Vnnsniit , . air > U-ii Itothschlld II. A N Andrew linns isi " | ice.Slilp'm | mid Kccd'rs : i . "ft over sue 121 Total. . 4,777 2.8li 121 Now VorK 1 1 vn Stock \lurlmt. NEW VOIIK , Nov. i.HKKVKS Hccnlpts. 4.MO ( liond ; market nctlvo and iOc higher ; nntlvo Hteors. f l.rofi > Vi ! ) ; scrubs. $ J 7U't.t5s buMs and cows. $ l.25a-.7.V. | ilrcssod beef sto.tdy at 7K51UC ; uhlpmoiits tomotrow , ( > Mi beuves. O.\l.vi : Hoci.'IptK , l.COO head : market Rte.'iily : veals. * * . ( rtS.OO : gnusors , J2.t'0id ' .02i ! : western calves. $ 'J 75Bi'.b7 ! ! > . SIIKII : > AMI IMMIIS Itecolpls , 14,000 hmd : market firm : sheep , Ji.0ua5.uu ; Inmbs , $4.7. < ( i& fi,25 ; dies < ted mutton steady at 7BS'/o : ilrnssed li-.mbs llrm atfciao'Jc. lions Receipts. 11,800 head ; market weak aUi.loao.OJ. Kuiitni City l.ivo * tuik ! Market. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Nov. 23. OATTI.E Ho- colpts , nOMt s.iltimenls , 'J.IIJO. Mnrltot actlvo. steady to.VrflOo higher : shlpplnz steers. M.10 ® 4.H ; Tcxans and Indian , J'.bJiSi.M ( : ; slockors and feeders. $ I.O' , < it3.I5. Hoes Hecetpts , U.300 ; shipments , 0)0. Thu narkot wns active and 5c higher. All crndes , J4.505J5.OOl bulk. $5.30VG3. SHEEP Itccolpts. : ) , IW ; shlomonts , 200. The iiiHrKot was unchanged. St. I.mils I.lvu StoeK .Market. iT. I.OUIB. Mo. , Nov. 23. OATTI.I : Hecolpt1) , 3,000 head : Hhlpmcnts. 2.50J bead : market fltendy ; nutlvo steers. t'I.OO-IiJ.10 ; Texas and Indian ntccrs. $2 2(2-1115. lines Hucolpls. 4,500 head ; shlpnionte , 2.703 liond ; mnrkctnc lower ; heavy$5.4 (25.70 ( ; pack ing. w.85\fi5 : light , ja.aoo.iBU. SIIEEIItccolpls. . : ! 00 head ; hlilrmcnt ) < t. 230 load ; market otcndy ; natives ruiigu$3.0lS4.50 } ( ; ; Toxans. 5..7 < a3 75. You don't want a torpid liver ; you don't want a Dad complexion : you don't want , a bad breath ; you don't want u , bcadacho. Then use DsWItt's Llttlo Enrly Illsors , the famous little pills. .1XXU l/.V CUM K.V 1'S. The return cnRacomcnt ot Daniel Sully in his eroat railroad drama , "Tho Millionaire , " at tbo Farnatn Street theater Thursday and Friday ovcnlnps , December 1 and 3 , and Saturday matince.is nn evcnltbat will doubt- lojs draw out an audlonco which will test the capacity of the theater. Last season Mr. Sully was troeted with every mark of ap- oreoiation and approval by largo audiences. To these who dcllgnt In artistic dramatic work , with all iho perfection of grace and beauty that can bo given to it , there Is pleas ure and interest In tbo farewell engagement ol Margaret Mather nt Boyct's ' now theater the last half of this wool : . In the first place , Miss Matbor Is herself well known , and then , too , the plays she is to present hero are models of their typrs , and universally ac knowledged as standards in tbo field in which ouch belongs. There is about "The Honey moon , " Jobin's comedy , which Miss Matnor is to present Thursday night , and Saturday afternoon , a peculiar fund of pleasure , inas much as it is in itself replete with wit and humorous situations. The character of the petulant wife has no counterpart in the English drama , unless , indeed. It DO that of Katharine in "Tho Taming ot the bnrow. " The inaugural of Wonderland and the Bijou theater's now hill last night was en joyed by a larffo audience. "Hazel ICirlte , " wnllo defective in several dotuiln , seemed lo bavo louchsu the richl- spot , and Hanoi and her father , Dunston Kirke , wore compelled to appear before the curtain. These parts were well taken by Fanny Mtithlns and J. u. Williams. In the vaudeville department everything was up to Ibis favorite resort's high note ! } , the slack wire miracles of Pin- inondou sort o' capturing the cream of tbo applause. Sip. Uarcla , the saterio soloist , was a source of much enjoyment , whllo the Forests , in tncir now musical treat , scored an unqualified success , bully , the old IIav- crly mlnstrcr , was at bis best , and Davis and Gormalno , Iho rc-enpagod Irish comedians , and iiebnti und Dakln , the lignt sketch artists , worn very clover and very funny. Katie Emmatt and her excellent company will oloso their present Omatm engagement tonight by giving the third performance of Con T , Murphy's Irish comedy drama , -'Kll- larnoy. " this evening at Boyd's new thealor. Miss Emraott's company Is Oy all odds the cleverest that bos ever appeared In Omaha in an Irish lira ma , nnd Includes sucli well known names us George C. Boniface , Frnzlor Coulter , Uobert McICair , Thail Shine , Miss Ilaluos anu Mr. Sackett. An honest pill 1s the noblest work of Iho apothecary. DoWitt'n Uttlo Early Klsors ouroconsllpation , biliousness and slckhoad ache. A new man can 110 iiiiulo , out of one that's " used- up , " bilious and dyspeptic. It's lone by Dr. I'icrco'H Golden Medical Dteov- cry. It start * the lorpid liver into healthful action , purifies nnd enriches tlio blood , cleanses , re pairs , and strengthens the Bj-stem , nnd re- htoroa health and vigor. As nu nppistizing , restorative tonic , it nets nt work ( ill the processes - cesses of digestion nnd nutrition , und builds up flesh and strength. It's the only Blood nnd Liver Remedy that's yuaranienl , in every case , to licncflt or cure. If it doesn't ilo all that's claimed for it , the money is refunded , liut it keeps Its prom- sos that's the reason it euu IHJ sold in this wnv. wnv.You only pay for ( ha gondynu Ret. "Discovery" strengthens Weak Lungs , nnd euros KpltUng of Illood , Kliortm i of Brontb , Broncliltis , Sovem Coughs , find kin dred affections. Don't bo fooled InU ) tubing something clsn , said to lie "just o-s goal , " tlmt the ilenlor may make n larger prollt. There's nothing ut all like the " niscovcry , " SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Ile t enttlc. ho ? and sheep market In the west COMMISSION HOU8B3. Wood Brothers , fouth Oiuuha Tolophoiio IliT. - Chicago JOIIN I ) . IIADISMAtf. I . , . . . . l n „ . WAl/1'Kll 15. WOOD ( Wfl. Market reports by mall an J wire cheerfully tnrnlahcd upon apiilloallon. Perry Brothers & Company , Live HtujU Commission. Uoom M l-xchiinxa Hnlldlir.bautU Omaha. Telcphuuu 17J7. OMAHA fors and Jolliers' DiMtoiy AWNINGS AND TKNTS. Omolia Tfint-Awnloe Wolf Bros , &Co , COMPANY , Tennli , nwnlnm , Urimn- HOIISK COVKI13. lin , covers of nil kind . fl ( ji , hunnt-M , Pto. Snncl Ills fnrnamSI. ' 7038. Ifith HAGS&TWINKS. | UICYCLHS. BcmisOiiialiaBaiCo M , 0 , Daxoa , Importers nnd mfr < . Hour 'toM on tnonthlr tucks , tinrlapj. I\rlnc. cnu. 1JJ N. l. > tti fit BOOTS AND SIIOKS. Morso-Coc Slioc Cinpiir/ / , . - llow re. I-iirtnry corner llth nnd IMinil. < ! trai > K \ \ 0 Rrn miiklnif chup prlcoi to ru li tiiiyor , nn 1 uro telling nclnsi nrminH which Is very wild merelinnli. iios & Amer , Hand-Sowed Ooiiipinywholo ( nlo inf's1 Slum ronip.iiir , bofit" , Aaonli lloiton llnbhnr pinj | < nnil ruhber coo 1 * . , ll.W nnd Uio lUrnoj IKMIInrnpy stroet. strpi't. COAL , COICK , OOUNICt'3. OmahaCos1CokcUnio Co Es lc Cornij ) Works Itnrd nml soft conl. < > , K. Mfrs , KfOvnnlfp.l Iron cor. ICtb and cornlco , window tups , streets , niFtnllo nkylUht * . me. 1110 , 111 ! DodKO-sU Dili' GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co , Kilpairielt Koch Dry Koods , notions , fur Dry ( loodi Co. Notions , nlililni ; pood' . Corner cents' ( ilriiUhlni ; goo li llth nnd Cur. llth nnd llnrnoy PURNtTURK. Omaha Upholstering Co , liccbc A Iliinyaa pliolstnrul fnrnltirj. Knrnltiiro Co , , ( Ir.icj m lllll I10l4lciolii ! strjj' latliatreut. GROCEUIHS. I DKUGS , ETC. D. M. StCClC & 09. illakc , Brace & Co 1201-120'i.Inncs treat , tOth nnd Uir-iif itr oat Omaba. Omaha. Signs of Heal , You don't have to look twice to detect them bright eyes , bright color , bright smiles , bright in every ac- ' ' tion. SCOTT'S Disease is EMULSION , overcome only when ij1 n TT weak tissue is replaced by the healthy kind. Scott's Emulsion of cod liver oil effects cure by building up sound flesh. It is agreeable to taste and easy of assimilation. : Prepared by Scott & Downo , 3. V. All druenlsts. nn. c. WEST'S NHUVK AND IIIIAI.N TIIHAT mcnt. n specific for Hyutorbi. Illulno , nte , Ncu rnlk'lu , llcuduelie , Nervous 1'rontrntlon cnusod by liquor or tobacco. Wakefalnens , Mental Depre- sslon , Softness of the llrnln , riuulni ; liiBanlty , nil - ory , cieciiy , dentli , I'ri'matiire Old Ape , llnrruiioiis. Loss of I'owor In either ex , linpolencr , Ioiicnrrlica nnd all 1 uniuhi WeakneHHCH , Invulimliiry l.Obt eii , SperiiintQrrlien ciu ed by ovcr-eiertlon of the brriln , solf-ilii i' , over Indnlijeni'e. A nionlh's treiitnient 81 , liforj , . byninll.Vo Kiinrnnteo nix hexes to cure. Knell order torn boxes with ti will Hum ! written gtmrnntrn to refund If not eared , ( iiiarnntea lioiicd only by Tlieodorn r. I.pwlii. ilrug- Klbt , pole n ent , uouthcnst corner 1Mb nnd Karnnm BIS. . Omiilm. - National Bank. U , S , DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , NEB CnpHitl 7. . . . $100,093 Surplus $ (55,0 ( ! ) J Officers nnd Director * Henry W. Yntoi , prjilrtant [ t. C. dishing , vlco prusldcni , i B. MnurlcaV V Morse , John i , Collins J. N. IL 1'atrlci , l.oirU 4 Itced , eashtor. TMGi IH.ON BANK. To nil owners of lots or parts of lota on Twenty-fourth street , from IJodgo street to You are h'oroby notified that the under signed , threodisinterested freeholders of the eliy of Omaha , have been duly nppo nted by the mayor , with thoappiovnlof thoclty coun cil of said city , to assess the damage to the owners respectively of the property alToctod by grading Twenty-foilrtb ( tilth ) htreot , from U'odgu Htroot to Cas * street , declared noscs- bary by ordinance Na : i.l. : ! ' , juibsod Nov. Int. lbr. ! ' , approved Nov. 7th , IWI3. You iiro fitrilior notlllcd , that liavlnj nc- copted said iippoliitiiiunt. and duly < iualllled ns rciiulrctl by law. wo will , on tbohtli day of Deecinbor. A , 1) , 1BU..1 , ut tliu bonrof 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at the ollleo of It , W , Ulbson , room Sin , Now York" l.lfo building , within the corpnrnto llmlls of bald city , incut for the pur- pou of considering nnd making Iho aatesa- nient of damage to the owners rcseetlt'oly | ) of fiuld iiropLrty , ntrocted by hiilil graulns , tnkln ; Into consldcrutlon special boiiellta. If any. Von nro notified to be present , nt thu tlmo nnd place aforesaid , and make any objections t < iorstaluiiioiiUcoiiccrnliigHalda damaged as you may consider proper. ' ' ' ' W'M. G.'HIIKI'V'HU , To nil ownorn of lots or p.irlH of lots on , lnok- Min street from Tnlrty-slxlh street to Thirty-seventh otrpot : You nro hereby notlll'Jd that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of iho oltyiif lliiinliti , have been duly appointed bA the iiinvor , wJth the npprovnl of the city councilor said city , to assess the dmnnirii lethe the owners respectively of the uroperty Hlfei-tcd bv Krnilliie .InokkOii ctroet from Tiurty-Hlxtlistirut to Thlrtyi > evcntli slront , deobirocl nueussiry ny ordlnnnoo .xii , JM ! , pushed November 22 und ispnrovod Novcm- Vou'arofurlhornotlfled.lhathavlnKaccoplod Bind uppolniinent , aiU duly iju illllou as ro- qitlrcu bylaw , wo will , on iho Mb day of December. A. I ) . 169. ' , nt iho hour of II o'clock In Iho forenoon , at the ollluu of It. W , ( illiion , room 211 ! . Now Vork Ufa building , within thucorpornlollmlls of sitld ulty , meet for iho pnrpoio of considering and muklng Iho assessment of damngo lo tna owners re- spootlvoly of halu properly , affected by sucli srail nf , ' tukliu Into eonsldorallon tjieelal benollls , If nny. , . . Vou IKO notified to bo prosnnl , nt Iho lime und plnce nforusuld , und muko uny objocllons to or slalernoiils concerning fciild uBsedsmenl of dumub'cs , as you muyfonslder proper. W.M. b. KIIKIVKIL JOHN W. llOIIIIINS. Omaha. Ngyemlicr ' 6. IhU. . N28dlOt l'r < iii ul lor tliu I'linilHliliii ; in'aiiilTu miry I'rlntlni ; unit Mlliocriiiililiii ; . Honied bids will be received ut the office of the city comptroller up to 4 p.m. , December 0 , lbUS. forlhe furnlhlilirx to thoclty of Htallim- ory , books. Printline nnd llthojr.ipliliig for ) b'JI , llluiiKb for bidders furiiUhud by tbo L'omptrollur , nnd only bid * iniidii on tuch hlnnkK will no consldurod. l.uch blduur ro- iiulrud lu enclose a oerllllnJ chock of I-J'J. Thoelly rciervos Ibo right to rejeot uny or oljJuli'ii , Nov. 80. Ib3i TIIKO. OI.BIvN. Ned Ut Notice of tlio Sitting of tbo Ulty Council it u Itimril of i : < | imll/nUon. To the Union Pacific Hallway Company , the Omnha& Itopitbllcan Vnlloy Hnllroad Coin- pay , thu llurlliiKton & Missouri Hiver Kill- rend Company , the Oinnha & Southwestern Hnllrond Company. Iho Missouri I'ncliU ) Hnllwny Company , the Umnha Holt Hallway Company , iho Chicago. it. I'uul. Minneapo lis tVUmahn Hallway Company , the Fremont Klkhorn & Missouri Vnlliy ICnllwny ( Join- ! pany , the Umnha nnd North 1'lntto HalhvnyJ Company , thoi-inux City & 1'nelllo Hallway 1 Company , iho Omnha nnd Nni-lhwesttrii I Kiillwnv Coinjinny , nnd the Sioux City nnd I Northern Itailwny Company ; Omaha , nnd ! Northurn Nebraska Hallmnd Company ; J I I Von Mini each of you nro hereby notified ] Hi it In nccordnni'o with suction 'U clmptxr 121 j of the complied stntiilcs of Nebiiska : for 1SUI.1 cnlitlcd "Cities of the niotropolltun cliiss/'J the city clerk of the city of Omnha has ndilo II to the ! is-C'H-incnt rolls of bald city of l&IM , nil' Blorohotisu * . warehouses , simps nnd other' ' binldliiL's within the rlshl-of-wny r alone orl uiliacent lo any Hide-truck of each of snldj railways.used lorthu purposes of rent by youil respective companies or purposes other thinj : . the ordinary operations of s.ild comimnlcs.1 I nnd not aupeiirinc on said assessment rolls ; ! I nnd also all lots nnd lauds outside your rc-1 spectlve rghts-of-wny. ! which sala right-of-J way only Includes 53 feet of lands nnil lots ! I abutting on each sldo of the main tracks off I nny railroad ; which mild addition and ns oss-l mi'iit thereon nru on file In the olllco of thof ' oily clerk subject to your and encli of your I I Inspection. And you nnd each of you are furt I ther notified that the city council will sit us a. board of i'iunllznllon | nt the olllco of the city clerk in thorliy ballon l-'il lay. Ihc2nd day of December , INU , from 0o'clock ii.in. toft o'clock p. ni , . for the purpose of oiiuitllzliiK the pro posed levy of tnxes on said property nnd cor- , ; reeling uny errors therein , and of hearing all , coinpinliils that , the owners of property J bo to bo taxed nnd assessed tuny make ; Raid1 tuxes nnd assessments being levied accordluu\ \ to law for general taxation. Omnhn , Nob. , Nov.'Jlrd. 1SIV1 ii24d8t JOHN GKUVIi5. City Clork. _ PROPOSALS FOR HUILDING MAi TKUIAI.S. tJnltcd States Indian Service. Pine Kldgo AKUIICV , .Sinitli Dakota. Nov. ill. I83i Sealed propos-ils. ondorscd "Proposals for ! Itimhur , wlndo.vs and hardware , " BH thocnsn ] may I'P. nnil nddrossi'il to the nndorslirncd ntJ I'mo Itldiio agency. South Dnkolii , will bo ri--1 eel veil ut. this auoni'y until 1 o'oloelc p. in. of4J Duccmbiir I ) , l&fli. for furnishing nnd dullvor- Inz at this nguncy about -)7hiH ( ) ) feet nssortoUi lumber , 311 pairs htr.ip hinges , 81 ! ) door locks , K'i > window s-ish nnd I0.r > ' ) l pounds nssortud nulls , a full list nnd description of which iniy bo obtained by application lo thu undor- Hlddor.s mnststiito spejllleally the kind nnd prloo of ouch article offered for delivery under u contract. All articles when delivered will bo subject ton rigid Inspection. The right Is reserved to reject uny or nil bids , or nny purl of nny bid , If deemed for thu test interest of the sorvlci' . CKItTIKIKDUIIEC'KH. Knch bid must bo accoinpaiilnd by a forti fied check or draft upon some United Staled depository , or Nolvimt national bunk. In thu vicinity of the residence of tlio bidder , inudo pavablo to the order of the commissioner of Indian nffalrs , for nl lenslS tier contof the amount of the propoi.nl , which chock or draft will bo forfeited to tha United Ktatos In onso nny 1-lildnr or hlddur.s receiving nn awnrdl Nhnll fall ID promptly exi'f ute n o-jnlrucl with good mid giilllclont Htiretlos , otherwise to be returned to thn bidder , II.da accompanied by cash In lieu of a certi fied check will not bo considered. Kor further Information apply to Captain O. U Drown. U. H. A. . Acting United , Slulm liidlun nont. I'ropomi lor Lumber und ( /'enunil. lor City of Oiimbu. Bealod bids will hn roculved at tlio office of. the city comptrollnri.p t H p. in. JJoeomoor ] . 18 ! ) , ' . fortluifiirnlHliln * of liimbor and ce-1 niitnt for tliu voar IHJilforthuulty. The eoiiip- , trnllor will furnish blanks for the UIiU oiil lumber , and only bids will lia conaldoredJ inailuon such bUnkn , All cnnionts furnished ! will have io stand the teat of the city ongl-1 neor , Kach blddor IH ipiiutroil to unuloso til certltlr-d check of Jioo. Tliorlght Is reservoi to rojcctnny or all mils. , , , _ _ , . , „ , , . . Oniulia , Nov. SO , IbO'J. THr.O , OI.8UN. N''SJUt Comntrollcr , Notice , To thn stockholders of the Ognllala Ij und ( Jntllo Co. : Notli-o Is hnriiby given to the stouliholduruof tliu Uiillilii ! Lund and Uuttiii company Hint thu gBiiunil annual mooting ofT Hiild comp.iny will l.o held at tno ollloo of Bild : company , In iho city of Omaha , stuto of No-1 brnKka , on Wednosdiiy. Dncomber Rovontli.I IblKi. at two o'clock it. in , , for the purpose of J elect Ing dlruolorn of thu company to servo furl tliocnHiiliig yoir , and furllio traiiHuolliig ofi any nnd nil other business of every kind iindl clinnictnr that may ho presented to inuhl meeting by thn iimninliluil Htovkholdurs , KIIWAIIII I1. IMWIIKNUK. I'rosiaent , JONATHAN AHBU Hecrutnry , tJiiinha. Neb. . Nov. I ! ) ISW. n'.MJtf rruiu | al lur Covi-rlni ; nt ; tin l'lpe in Cllj Hall. Sealed proposals will bo reoolvod at tlio of- flcuof the city comptroller mi to 4 11. in. . Du-J cumber 0. IMtt. for iho covering of the uloaml tiliicH In thu city hull , biiiiiplt'sof tliii ( irop I'oveilng to nccoiiipiiny OUCH hid. I.uch dor Is iciiilied | to euuloju a curtlflod I'huck ot 1100. The rlL-bt Is rusnrvod to reject nny or aid bids. TIIF.UDOHKOI.SK.N , Coinulrollor. . Xuv. VO. 18'JJ. ' NSSjOt _ rropoHU lor Ilio riiriilHhlni : "f lloMJ I''e Inr tlin City of Oniiiliu. Healed bids will bo reuolvoil ut tlinofDco ofi Iho I'lly eomplrollor up lo4 11. in. . fici'inberj Clb , lh'J2. for lliu fur.iUhlngof horio fi'od. for ! the I'lly. for Iho yonr IH'JJ. Kticli blldortol cnelosuouitlll'id oheok of l 0. Tbo rlit ) la reserved to reject uiiy or all bldu. Omaha , Nov. 2ith , ik'M. ' - . . , , . . . THKOOOItK OI.SKN. N8Sd Gt Complriilliir. rrop' ' al lor Advorllitlnt ; lor tli Lily ui ; ( IlllUlllk. Sealed bid ? will hu received nt Ihoonicoofl the tltv comptroller up to 4 p.m. Uwcen ibprl u. ihUi for the olll-jinl inlvurtlHlux of thiicllyl fur tliu yutir ISU. In uouonlim.'u with Huctloal 13:1 : of thu charter Kuch bidder to ciioliihu l ecrllllol check of IW. The ilxhus re erved lo rojuct any or all bids. TIIHO. Ul.SKN , Om-jlia , Nov. 80 , 1M. 1 .