THE OMAHA DAILY tHSK : TUESDAY , NOVGMBfeft 21) ) , 1892 , DEMOCRATS OPEN A MUTEST L * Right of Douglou County RopnbHoan Log- hlatoTE-Eloct to Sorre Qnostlonorl. WHOLESALE TECHNICAL FRAUD CHARGED UpoolllriUIoir. Cover Twelve I'otntii i nd TITO n'nrtli In ( Minim , llrstilcft Hnvnrnl Coun. tty rri-olnot * Tintlinonjr Will Ho Tnkon KnrlyMoxl Month. livery republican , cither senatorial or top- rojcntatlvo on the UoucUf county tlokot. Is to bo made to show oy what right ho holds thocertinoatoof olootlon Issued to him by County Clerk Sacuott In accordance with tlio returns of the olootlon hold on the 8th In stant. Yesterday the ambitious democrats who nro nnxtous to servo tno people of this Btuio In the leclslnturo served tlto uecossury notlco of contest Just In time. The contestants nro Messrs. II. M. Mor row , W. S. Felker , John Nordwail , J. .T. I'otntg. O. jT. 1'ickard , E. J. Soylcorn and \V. S. Wilton nno the conlcstoos nro Mussrs. T.I ) . Crane , C. A. Goss , J. tl. ICynor , A. IjtmnorV. . N. Nnson , M. O. Utckotts nud A. li. Button , on the representative ticket , und Messrs. Max Meyer ntiU.1. ( J. Uronnan contestants , and MOSSM. C. O. Lobrclt nuu C. 11. Ulnrlto contostoos , on the sennlorlft tlcltot. The notlco of contest sots forth the fact that thu contest Is b.\sed on twelve points. It nllosus fraud , innlcotiiluct and corruntlon on the part of the Juiluus ur.d clorus of elco- lion sullicient to uliungo the ro.Milt In every precinct of the Flub , Sixth , Seventh , Highlit und Ninth wiirds In thu cllv of Otimtm ; the Second und Third orcRlncts of the first ward In the city nf South Omaha , and In Jittst Oiniihn , Blhliorn , Flnronco , Jefferson , Valley , McArdlo and Waterloo products , mid both district ! ) ol West Oiniihn precinct , churning liml a fair election nnd count In those products would hnvo resulted In the seating of the contestants by an undisputed plurality ovur thu candidates to whom the ccrtlllcalcs of election have been awarded. hpcclllc ( Jlmrn < ' Alnitn. It Is charged that illegal votes were re ceived ana l eul votes were i-oocted ] ; tiiat Judges uiul clerlts of election fulled and re fused to talto und biibscrlbo to the necessary oath to qualify them to act In Hint capacity in all thucllv precincts above named ; thactbo countv commissioners and countv clerk did con plro , contrive and collude together and creatu nnd formulate a corrupt scheme to prevent a fair olcctlon nnil honest count , nna to that end Ula refuse to give the dumuurats nnd puopVs party men nnv representation on the ulccudu boards ; that the county clorls Uid , us a part of tniJ schcino and illegal compact entered Into with uwors persons unknown , violate ttio law by refusing to have the names of the uumouraiic nnd people's r > irty candi dates printed on the ballots in alphabetical order , and gnvu thorn loss I'uvorablo positions than the ones to which they were entitled ; that persons acted as judges und clerks of election without having been duly appointed or elected ; that certain Judges re fused to swear voters wno naked for and re ceived their aid , or to mark the ballots so prepared by thorn , so as to tnaku it impossi ble to convict them of perjury , nnd making of the judges bo acting canvassers und solicitors inside the booths contrary to the provisions of the Australian ballot law ; that Judges und clerks of election peddled American 1'rotacttvo Association tickets inside the booths in nil the precincts named ; that cur tain Judges did deceive and cheat certain dis abled voters who desired to vote the domn- i oratln tlciiol by preparing for thorn a republican ' lican ticket uu'dor the representation that it ' was the ticket that they desired ; that thny I refused to canvass the vote lu public , and I that some of the Judcoi and clerks \voro can- dldatos for certain ofllccs nt the said olec- [ tlon. \ \ 111 I'roccml to Tuko Testimony. . An Inspection of the ballots and poll books I Is doninndcd , und notice Is given that the contestcos huvo selected W. F. Wappleti as c notary public before- whom to laku evidence- , nnd that ttio taking of ovidoncu will bogln on tno Kith of Dacembcr at 10 q'olook. on the third floor of the Wnro blocK , at Fifteenth and Farimm streets , in this city. Mr. Ulmstcad will tilso contest the election of Mr. Williams to the ollico of county com missioner on.tho same ground , nnd the demo cratic congressional committee Is only wait' Ing to gut a loolc ut the ballots before begin , nlng content proceedings to obtain posses sion of the scat in congress to whicr : Hon. D. II. Morror holds a oortlllrnto elI I oloc'.lon. Tno olllco-hunijrydoinoetats havi ' also Inspected the ballots cast lor member- of the Board of Education , und claim to liiw discovered thnt Mr. Hicks , democrat , re colvod GOO or TOO more- votes than ho w ac allowed on the face of the roturns. Inns much , however , us Mr. lllcwwas 1,500 voiei behind the lowest man who was elected , It ! not nt all likely that contest proceedings wil ' be luslllutcid In this cnso. It is ndmlttcd by some of the democrat ' who hnvo the contest In charge that they di not expect to be successful In . etttlng any o the legislative contestant. ! , with the cxcop tlon of Mojsrs. Morrow nnd Politer. Thi former received within llSJof as manv vote us Button. Locknor was .VJ ) ntjovo Sutlon nnd Fulkor wns Ifi'J ' behind Morrow. It I admitted that everything was all rlent litho the Fourth ward , nnil nothing out of th way is claimed in the , Second orThlri wards. ( ifHltl Cooltlllg Is ono of the chief blessings of ovary home To uhvnvrt insure good custards , puddings Oall Hoi-den ' ' " Dram unucos , etc. , HBO 'Eagle" ( jondonsed Milk. Direotlons on thu label Sold by your grocer or druggist. Kll.f.Elt III'Afi Utll'/t l < Ul > I'roiuliiKiit 1'lorlilii .ItiurimlUt SliotVhll in < ; < imir.iiMiBliic | 1'nslliou , GAISESVII.LK , Pla. , Nov. ! iS. A torribl tracody was enacted lioro when Chnrlos II Pratt , a prominent Journalist , lost his llfo a | the hands of Thornton S. StringfoUovs 1 Shortly before roldnlcht shots were boar near the Slringfollovv rosldonco on the nortl I sldo of the square and an exoitoj throng o citizens found IVatl's lifeless body lylni near the front door of StrliiKfollow'a ' rcbi donee. Strlngfollow surrendered and gave fttutomcnt to the oftlcors. Ho raid thuto I returning homo ho entered quietly nnd ns h ' came to the porch no saw his wlfo and Prat I In what ha thought a peculiar position an I drawing hls > ulstol llrod through an ope I window. I'rntt was on the bed. He rollu ( off nnd staggered to the front door. Strlnt > follow ran uruuiul and mot him , painting ' .h ( pistol ul I'rutt again as ho mot him In th | door. "My God. don't shoot. l m killed , " crle I'rutt , as ho struggled to get past , bu Stringfcllow pulled tlio tnggnr nud the ba ! unloroil 1'ratt's heart , killing him Instnntlj I Mrs. Sirlngfollovv says lhat I'ratt came t I the bouso Into In the evening to return hanokorchiof ; that ho ul once l > ogau love ! making and finally picked her up In Ills nrni i and carried her Into the adjoining room an I throw her on ttio bed , she rasUtlng him a ! I the while. Just tbon tier husbnnd came In I nd hoeing them on the boil nnd not sloppln \ to invottljriito tired ivlth fatal results. Thu Jury returned a vtmllct in nccordnnc with ttio facts as stated nnd Siringfollo ) I was rolonsed on his own recognizance. H lat ouco went down town aim sent u frlon Tup to his house for his child , but the arouse liuotlior mot him at the door with pistol I band und bald that the child would onlv li I taken ovur bur dead body. Ttio frlnnd' lol [ at oncp , leaving the plucky woman i | possession , In ( Milan Tiinoi I People overlooked the itnpananco of ponce luonlly bonetlclal offouts und wore satistlo [ with transient notion , but now that it Is gen lerally known that Syruu of P1B will pot I uianontly euro habitual uonstlpition , wull [ informed people will not bur ether laxative for u time , but lluully injura th I-1 ! roil I id I'ulire Nutri. The flro and polioo coniuiualonors la ! I oyoulng grunted annual louvoj often da ) I each e Oftlcors Hoiglotuan , Sullivan an llOOlBU. Chief Galllgiw reported that motor 01 No. r 0 ran over two sootiotis of hose on the morning of Nor. 83 nnd damngod It to the amount of fU. Too itroct rallwny company will par for iho hoio. Truckman l.aux reported having Inspected IH'J basements during lh month nnd served tvvonty-two notices to clonn up. OPKKINQ TUinTEENTIl STttEET. County Cnininli < lnncrii liUten to ArKiilnnnts on KttMiilIni * Thst Tliordiiclifixro. Tbo county commlsslonors yesterday nf tor- noon for two hours discussed the old ques tion of the improving of South Thirteenth street from Missouri avenue in South Omaha to the snrpy county line. In this discussion they wore aided by a numbnr of the inter ested property owners. ' C. S. Elgut'ter , In bohnlf of the South Tnlrtconth street poopto , stated thnt n couple of years ago , when the city of Omaha nnd the taxpayer * In thn south part of the city paid tholr proportion of the money for the grad ing , there was nn Implied contract that the county would do Its shareto extend the itrool to the Snrpy county Unit nnd makeIt ono of the main thoroughfarcs and boule vards leaalnc fro'tn tha city. The property long ttio line had stood the burden uf the axes and the county had done little or noih- . The result was that n street had uecn tarttd without commencing or ending at place. The county attorney hna given l as his opinion , said Mr. Klguttor , that the Itl/ons could pav ono-tblrd nnd that the ounty could locally pay the other two- -birds. Ttio matter had "reached the point .vhoro . the only question nt Issue wns whether or not tbo county Intended to keep laith with the pcoplo who resided In that xirtlon nt tbo city. John Uush stated that the grade that lind boon put In bv the countv was being uam- Hired by not having boon properly protected ; ibat it was being washed away. Great ruts liad been cut Into tbo embankment and 10.00U quaro yards of earth would bo required to IUKO the repairs. 'I bo original Inten'.lon , Mr. Uusti said , wns to mnko that n great boutovnrd and n popular drive. If the county did not Intend to live up to its part of ttio agreement , the whole scheme had better bo abandoned and the street closed to travel , i that portion wbirh was Improved wns of o bonollt to the community , .lonn T. Clark was of the opinion that the pcnlntr of tlio street would bo of great bcnelit tp the whole of Douglas county. New Port Crook was but n few miles from ho proposed south end of the street , nnd .ho . government would expend SMO.OOO there during thn next year , nnd all of iho material .vould hnvn to bo hauled over the road and .urough . Omaha. Prank .1. Caspar called attention to tbo 'act that while the pcoplo residing south of / arnam street paid H lorco share of the axes , they eot but little of the money for inprovcments. On account of the county 'ailing to llvo up to Its agreements , South Tiiirtoanth had become almost abandoned nd nearly all the stores were oniptv. Ho , vas of the opinion that if the county tnado nn appropriation sufficient to grade the Ftreot , trie taxpayers throughout the entire nounty would hold up tnoir hands and say , 'well done , good und faithful servants.1 Commissioner Stonbarg felt that the itrout ought to bo graded , but ho did not sec .vliero . the funds wora to come from until Iho next levy was uvallablo. Chairman Berlin said the point was , had he county thu authority to appropriate the inonoy for making the Improvements , when .bo wholnof the street which It was Intended 0 grade wa.i within the corporate limits , of the city of South Omaha- Mr. Stenber * : maintained that the road fund was In rather a depleted condition ana that by the time the next levy was avail able the general fund would be overdrawn ut least $ -,0,000. Mr. Clark threw out tbo suggestion that if .bo . general fund could bo overdrawn in such a largo amount , there was nothing to pre vent the overdrawing of the road fund In a small amount. Mr. Stonoor ? replied that the overdraft on tbo general fund was something that was absolutely necessary. Tbo courts had to run , thn salaries had to bo paid and the poor had to bo oared for regardless of the condition ol the general fund. As chairman of the committee on roads Mr. Williams assured tbo gentlemen from the south side that tholr requests would re colvo attention und that a decision would be arrived at botoro the end of the year. The appropriation sheets wore passed nnd the board adjourned to meet ono week Iron Saturday. 25c for a box of Boecnam's Pills worth a guinea. KOKII Ho Siy : * Ho Was Chosen Aliibitmn's Uovoriioi mill lln Will Contest. MosrnoMiiiir , Ala. , Nov. 23. There Is going to bo a bitter contest over th ( governorship of Alabama after aJ. Koll has boon making all preparations in ul < power to oust Governor Jones. It was first supposed that Kolb would attempt to b ( sworn in on Inauguration day , Tuesday. I Is understood lhat he has abandoned tin intention. Alabama has no law provldmi for u contest over tbo election of stall onicori. The constitution has a in an da tor ; provision for such n law , but it has neve been passed. Such a bill has already beoi Introduced In the bouso. Upon Us pnssagi depends IColb's clianco. Kolb has prepared a very long typowrittei statement. In it is incorporated over cnnrgo which ho could maico. In his slate monl Kolb says thnt ho can prove that ni carried the state by 45,000 majority. HI claims to have earned Pine county by 01 votes , but that It wns given to Joucs b Ilft.v-llvo. Ho claims that In Wilcox count' ' the returns woroliold back tan days and tu' county was given to Jones by n majority o 4MOO , while In roalltv the county cast ou 11,000 votes. Ho claims that In mnnv coun ties the entire caiitonts of the ballot boxe were removed , and strips of newspaper placed In them lu place of the ballots. Koll says ho is cnntldont lhat the bill will pass thnt bu did not think so at tirst. but ttia events of the past few days have convlnooi him It will. Governor Jones says : "IColb's ' charges o fraud are ubsurd. They have abiolutoiy ui foundation , and there Is not ono of then which bun not boon disprovon. There is in doubt but that I was honestly elected. If thought for a inomont that I was not oleotei 1 would not hold ollico. I did not want re election , and would bave resigned after thi present session of the legislature If this con test bad not occurred. When Kolb starlei In to throw mo out , I madeup my mlud t1 stuy , and I'm going to stay. " You need not bo ufrald of the twinge c rheumatism whoa you have Salvation OH. HiillilliiK rorniltx. The following permits were issued by tli superintendent of buildings yosterJay : Samuel Dnllolso. one-story frame eot- t-iuu , Thirteenth and Valley streets , . . . Jl,0 ( Kin 1 1 Thompson , one-btory framu cut- time. Tnonty-elghth unit llrlstul btroots . - . . . . . . 2,0 ] Vuur minor purmlts , , . . , , , , . u ; Total . . „ . . "jj/K u Olffiir Htiiru. The cigar and candy emporium preside over by U. Hleti atO)7 ) North Piftuentb strec was visited by burglars Sunday night , Th usual convenient roar window was prlo open In tha usual way and plunder valued a $ .10 was carried off. Flavoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- Orange Economy In their USB. Roso.etc. and dtllciouily at tha fresh fruit LISCfllS PEOPLE COMPLAIN Highwayman nnd "Ihiovaa Too numerous for tha Pollco. , BOLDNESS OF THE THUGS INCREASING They Miiko t.llllo llir.irt to Tholr lilontttynnil Attack Tholr Vlnlltn * U'ltlimit ItORiinl to the I.ncHtlnn. LtxcoLX , Neb. , Nov. 23. [ Special to TUB LtCE.l The pcoplo of the city of Lincoln never felt tbo need of n larger pollco force more than they do at tbo present tlmo. At present a force of twenty-two m ° n , which includes every man from chief down to patrol driver and j.inltor , U expected to Rimra tbo lives and propoity of n olty of ( W- 000 pcoplo. As n result patrolmen nt night are compelled to take ' .a boats covering more tbun n mile in length. Under these clrcum- Unnroj it Is not strange lhat burglars , snoaic thieves nnd'footpnds ply tboir nefarious trattio without much fear of molestation , D.V. . Murphy , telegraph editor of the Dally State Journal , was hold up and robbou of Wlmt lIUlo looses change ho bad about hU clothes last evening nt 7o'clock. The robbery took place nt the corner of Twonty-llrst nnd r streets mm was performed by two men , neither of whom tnado any nttonnit to Uls- guise tholr faces. Kdward Eivlnjr went to nis homo nt117 South Savcntoontti street last evonlne ana found an unknown party In the net of ran sacking his houso. Ho grappled with the Intruder Out the follow drew n revolver nnd made hts osonpo. The robbery of the house of Mr. Davis , reported In Sunday morning's BEK , occurred while the entire family were seated nt n table In nn adjoining room. The boldness of tbo thieves is unparalleled , ana unlsss some thing Is done at once Lincoln will bo prac tically at the mercy of every footpad who wishes to coino to the city. Prom fin INilIco Court. Charles Uono nnd wlfo were nrralgnod In court this morning charged with creating o large dimensioned disturbance at their borne nt the corner of First and A streets lust night. Both were full , nnd they made the night hideous with tboir cursings , which they punctuated by frequent shots from a. re volver. Doth were roDfimnndod by the judge nnd dl&mlssod. Harry Hhodes was flncd 131) nnd costs for stealing a sot of carviuc knives and forks from the itllchon of the Grand Hotel , where ho had boon employed. Ho was Bent to the county Jail In Ucfamtof payment. Con Valentino nnd James Uyan were sent up to the county jail ten days for vagrancy this morning. John Smith and a man known only bv the name of "Patsy" were each fined f3 nnd costs this morning for Indulging in nn ninatour singeing match yesterday after- nonn. Two colored men and two colored girls were llneJ $10 nnd costs for occupying rooms together at the Fedowa hostelry at the cor ner of Seventh and P streets. ( losslp nt tlmStnto Houso. The state banking board has taken posses sion of tha bank at Holstoln in Adams county. Attorney General Hastings states that the failure is not a bad ono , but that de positors are pretty sure to get their money within a very short time. ( Jcortfo Unodell aiod nil fciO.OOO bond as re ceiver of the Bank of Inland with tho.cloru of the supreme court this afternoon. C. W. Mosher and U. C. Outjalt nro the sureties. The case of Marvin A. Clark against Lirzio J. Carey was filed In the supreme court , this afternoon. It U a bastardy cave from Doug las county. In the lower court Clark was ordered to pay the sum of $2,112 for J.ho suo- port of tbo child. From this judgment ho appeals. The case of John Drummer against John Hodden wns filed with the clertt of the su- uromo court today. It comes from Lancas ter county. A Four Nitino J'lrni. When you find a four narao lirm you ore pretty sure of an institution representing considerable responsibility. Tbo lirm of ( lass , Harris , Brim & McLain.iioar Dawson , Georgia , Is not an exception. It Is , in fuct , one of tbo most substantial business houses m Terroll county. The following Is an ox- tnict from a recent letter from hem : "Our customers say lhat Chamberlain Medicine Co. of IJos Moiues , Iowa , manufacture tbrea of the best medicines on earth. vU. , Cham berlain's colic , cholera nud dlarrniua rem edy , for bowel complaints ; Chamberlain's cough remedy , for colds , croup nncl whoon- I HIT cough- , and Chamberlain's'pain bslm fat rheumatism. " 5l ! cent bottles of each ol these medicines for sale by druggists. Closml the City Oilier * . Out of respect to the memory of T. J , Conway , councilman from the Fifth ward moat of the city offices were closed yesterday , ' The councllmanlao vacancy in 'the Fiftt ward , caused bv the death of T. J. Conway. will remain unlllled until W. A. Snunilors councilman-elect takes his scat , which wil bo on Jt-nunry . There Is no provUiou foi filling tbo Vacancy by appointment uud ttu v -saw - - i - x - TIT v r 1v i Pimples Blotches * Scrofula \ are all caused by * Impure Blood Be warned I Nature must be as- \ sistcd to throw off the poisons. For this purpose nothing can equal A Nature's own assistant > KICKAPOO INDIAN SAGWA 1 A pure Vegetable Compound of Herbs , Harks , and Roots. Contains no acids or mineral poisons. II U ai reliable M the llitnk of Kntland. All Ilitt It claimed lor It , H wilt do. H.IO i bottle. All UruirtUti , , HKALV Si MIOHLOW , 531 Grand Avc. , New llxvcn , Conn. CURED . . BV ELECTRICITY. . Bred 1O oouUfurour too i * tie Kloclro-MeOical Tboory "id PraoUoa , " II. II. UUSS , Iowa Fal'U , Ion * . city oftlctM * consider the time no chert thnt it would not bo nilvlsti&trJjto call n upcclnl oloutloii to elect n man { Q ' tprvo during the remaining throa weeks of 'tub term. JURY. Iriim Soutlt ) | ) Will Hnvn to ' Alt Pint I lie sr Ki'ii Tndiiy. Seme of the South oRlahn witncsios wnntctl In the fotlfltal rahU Jury InVoatlga- tlon of the Interstate oomtncrco case failed to nppoar ycitcnlnv nftPfnrton In rc'ponso to the fiubpruna Issued oy'thri United States manual , nnd a rodliotjdqmund wns sent lu this afternoon for their u'ppoarftnco before the Brand Jury this moruliic. , United State * Attorney linker sent , x pn to Mr. Foster of tbo Swift Packing company ami ono or two others that If they did not appear this morning bnnch warrants * would bo Issued for thorn ntonco. It Is vorv prohublo , thcro- fore , that these witnesses will appear. The records of the Missouri iMelllo frcUht ofilco ut South Omaha ami the records 'of the Swift I'.icKln , ? company ihowlnu the receipts of sail nrc wanted In this Investigation anil the district attorney believes hn cnii compel the pontlcmeu having churco of these books nnil brlnj ; In tlio desired Informft- tlon. Mr. Kd Uildivhy , C. R Moves. Mr. Foster of the Swift comnnny , Mr. Sholmor of liutchlnson , ICan. . unrt half a clozon others nro the principal witnesses desired by the prosecution In this cnso. The grand Jury has completed the work of Investigating thu clmr > ; cs lodged nvalnst eleven of the prisoner * now In JMl charged with crimes ugalnst the United Stales gov ernment , and Indictments have boon found lu every caso. Other oiscs will bo disposed ot as soon ns the witnesses can bo produced bfnro the Jury. Hills of Indictment hnvo boon found ngnlnst L.ivo ) Cuslow , Charles Holdnn , Grant Uuughman , all counterfeiters , also ngnlnsl Fred Mousse , tbo clothing thiot who got away with the wardrobe of Lieu tenant Mnrqunrt nt Fort Omaha nnn was captured in Guicago. Then thpro urn n numtjor of Indlvidunls ngnlnst whom bills hnvo been found for violations of the laws regulating the sale of Ihjuor ant ! tor tamparltiR with the malls. This batch of bills will probably ho unmtod In today nnd Ihon tno decks will bo clear for the Jury to tnlto up othur mutters. The Interstate commerce case will prooablv occupy the attention of ttio Jury for a day or two. Mnrrlago I.l The f olio wl ng marriage licansos were Issued bv County Judge teller yesterday : Name and ndclioss. Aso. .1 Simon ( lOldbors , Dmaha . " , * i I Sarah Oolil , Omiihn . . . 22 I fioorgo Howard , Ncoln , I u . 21 1 Maria Chapman , I'crsla. la . IB I ( ioort'oVislilmton : Hlnnkcnshlp , Oimilia , 4R I f.oulsu Moore , Oniaba . 'Js Are the Mosii.Sensible WINTER GARMENT rABgB WARMER and CHEAPER Overcoat T Cloak The Omaha Rubber Co. , 1520 Farnam Street , Cor. lJth. Om iha. Lady ulurk In nttt-mlanuo. SPECIAL SALE fK. llrlus this 'nd' to entitle yon toppuclul prlco PEKMANKNT SIDKWALK RESOLU- TION. Oounull Ch.imhnr , Omnliii , Nob. , IS'JJ. ' llo It resolved bv the uliy council of the city of Omaha , the Mayor concurring : flint pormatioiithldowulks lie constructed In the city of Omaha an dtwUnatoJ nulim. within llvo diiyn nftortho _ puhllmtlou of tills resolu tion , or the personal survjuo hereof , as bv ordlnancu la authorized und ruiiulrcd ; Buch sldowalus to h laid tnttho puruianimt gr ido Hi established on thn pavoj streets Rpeellloii liuroln , and to bu constructed of utonu. artl- llclal Btono , lirluk or tllmu' , accord In ; to spool- Ileatlonfloii ( llo In thoollluoot thu Hourd of I'uullo Works , and under Its Hiiporvlston , to- wlt : South side of Dodpo street , sub lot f In lot 2i Oupltol addition. | iormnnoiitgrado. ( > fcutwldo. South ado of Dodpu street , east > foot inoro or lessor sub lot n In lot L' , Capitol addition , porinnueiil Krado. H fcut wldn. Koutli sldo of Dods-'o Rtreot. won S * > fcot more or loss of Hub lot 4 In lot U. Capitol addition , jicrmnnent Rrado , li foul wldu , Norlli tdduof I'ouiilnlou uvoniic , lots 11 to M Jnuliislvu. lilojk , " > , hiiull'u nddltlun , purinanent gride , 0 fcut wide Kaat sldu of Twunty-nlnth iiveiiuo , lots 14 to U Inclusive , block I' ' , Ilnm > com I'laco. normi- nuni ( 'rndf , I ! feet wide , .South sldo of Leiivenworlli street , lots l.'i 10. IT. IH. III. block 1(1 ( , J-o.i\cn\Yui tli Ituslnuss I'lucu , criniinuiit gradu , H fuot wlflu. tontli sldu of I.eitvou'wurlli htroot , eroi-iliic M. 1' . or llult I.luo rlihtiif way In block 10. lo tvoiiwortli HnalnoiS I'lacu , pormaiiont grivdo , 11 foul wlilo. ' ( And , bo It further lesijlvwll That thu llouid of 1'ultlU : Works he , and U horuby iiulhorl/od iimf dlri.-eted to unnso a cotiv of this resolution to Cp imblUliod In the ollloial pi per of the city for ono weolt. or bo survu'l on the owners iir flhtd lots , and ttiut unless inch owners slmll vwlthin llvo days aflor the pnhllcntiou or SBtvlcu of such cony construct mild Hidc-wulks j s liuruln reiiulrcsd , thut the lloiird of I'unllo NVorki ouuso tha same to liu done , the costrof-construutlnx Huld Hldowullifl respectively to l > u itssessod itKalnnt the run ! ustutu. lot orpart-of lot In front of und abuUliiK such bldulvalkh. 1'asiud Novomtur llth uuiR-Jtli. 1802. . .v. Acting I'ro ldjva of thu Council , 1'rcsldunt.ot din Ulty'cioiinoll , Atteit : ( ' H1N OHOVW. j-'uj Approved : fj.pri I' . , Mayor. NOTIOK TO OONSTICUOT SIDKWAMfS. To thpuwuorsof thu lot.s , parts of lots and roul ostuto described In thu above resolu tion You ami each of you are herohy notified to construct permanent sldtiunlus as rcijulrud by a ri'solutlon of thu city council und mayor of thoclty of Omahii , of ivhluh thu above U a copy , I'V , lllltKIIAIIKKK , Chalrnmn Hoard of I'ubllo Work * _ p ialin , eu. , .Novoiubor-Jstb. I8X' , n'JUdTt II W Wl WAlut all the Iruln ol KVIIJ1. WKAKN ShIIKIIH.IIT. ; . KTf. , t cum > unir Ilium In ' . ' | men gilli'Kl.V uad 1'ICltMA- NKKT1.V UOIIKII. Vull ruTUKXaTIL'tml tonti Klren Kievurr pnrtot tbuboilr. -wilt cend ( w onrvlr FHKBio or imllerur the A Friend NVIslics to spcnk tlirough the ItefftstcriA the beneilclnl results liu lins received from n repitlnr mo of Aycr's IMIls , Ho says : " 1 wns feeling sick nml tired nnil my stoinncli seemed nil out of order. I tried n number of rcmedlr.t , luit none ficpmcd to give mo relief until t wni In. dticed to try the oltl rollnblo Aycr's IM1N. I have taken only one box , but I feel like n new limn. 1 think they nre the most | i1ciMnnt nnd ensy ( o tnlie of anything I ever used , being HO finely siignr-coatcd that even n child will tnko thoni. I urge upon nil who nro of a Inxntlvo to try Ayor's Pills. " Uoothbay ( Me. ) , Itegifter. "Hftwcoti the ngt" ' of live nnd fifteen , I wns troubled with n kind of salt * rhi-itm , or eruption , clitolly routined to thu legs , nml especially to the Ix-nd ot the knee above the calf. Hen- , running sores formed which would scab over , but would break InnncdiaU'ly on mov ing the leg. My mother tiled every thing she could think of , but nil wns without avail. Although n i-liild , I rt-nd in the imperil nlioiit thu licnuflrinl effects of Aycr's I'llls.nud porsitniU'd my moth er to let mo try them. With no great faith In the lesult , she procured nnd I begnn to tisu them , nnd .soon noticed nn ItiiptovrniiMit , Kncouruged by this , I kept on till 1 took two boxes , whan the sores disappeared nud have never troubled mi-sliK-e. " It. Oliipninn , Henl Kstato Agent , ItoanoUe , Vn. "I suffered for years fvoiu Htomneh nnd kidney troubles , causing very severe p.ilns in various parts of the body. Kotio ot the remedies I tried afforded me any rjl'uf until I begun Inking Ayt-r'e Pills , nnd wns cured. ' ' Win , ( iudi1iiid , Notary Public , Five Lakes , Mich. I'rcpaied byDr.iT.O , Aycr&ro. , LowellMass. Sp'd ' by JJrugglMn ijvcrywhvic , Every Oose Effective HAYER.STROUSERG-.M'FRS.4IZ B'V/AY. N.Y.I N'otlco. SealoJ proposal1) ) will ho received at anj time nu or before 2 o'clock p. nt. of the Kill il.iy of December , IHO. , lor thn printing of nil bills for the leuUluiuro with such mutter a ; may ho ordered bv either lionso thereof , to hi printed In "bill form. " which la shown am designate : ! asol'ias ono (1) ( ) under the printing laws of thoKtiitoof Nobnirikn. 1'or the printing and blmllns In cloth coven of one thousand (1,000) ( ) copies each uC thu hlcn nml reports of tlio nuilltor of public accounts Irausuier , secretary of ttuto , commissioner o public liuuli mid buildings , tuiil tmro.iu o labor ami Industrial statistics ; ; iml llvo him droil (500) ( ) copies each of the titcmiltil re-ports u the attorney zonurul , superintendent cf nub lie Instruction , state librarian und adjutun general ; one thousand ( I.UUO ) copies rcpor state huard of tniiispoitiitlon for ltJ ! ) und flvi thousand ( fi.OOJ ) roples report stuto boird o agriculture for IB ) ' . ' , nnd nil other report * uiu documents thut in ly ho ordered printed In the luiilslai lire , uxcopt such us may enter Inti und form n part of the journals , which clas of uoik Is known and dnslxnatcil us olus three CD under the printing laus of Nohr.isk i Thu 1)111 ) work , o.veciitcd under class one slmll lie. limited lu small pica typo , on p.ipo foiiitL-on (14) ( ) Inches long by elK'it ' und onc-liul ( bl { ) Inches wide , slnilo pnxo : papnr to 1) ( JS ) pounds double cup to th ream , und except the tltlu pace , each pair shall cent tin not loss tliun twenty-live ( 'J. lines of nolle ! matter of seven ( Ti Inches li lungth , und the I Inns shut ! bu Kiici'e > s'vcl ' ; numbered , with a blank only In o ich spaei between the lines. The title pane of said hills shall contain no less tliiui eighteen ( IS ) lines us above , witl three ( II ) Inches additional space allowable fo dlspluy title ninttor , Kiicb bid shall state what the bidder Is will Ing to do the work complete for , per ptue : , fo the throe hundred ( .IUO ; copies cuuh hill , als thn price for additional huudieila that mayh ordered of the uumo bill at the -nine tune a the original three hundred (100) ( ) luclmilligram position , p tper. press work , sltu-hlnc. foUlln and nil woru or material entering Into th worn rcdiilrod. All work executed < ndcr class ono shall h delivered in good oruur by thocon'r.icinr i the ollli'o of thuRi-rrotnry of stuto within tine duvs after the rceolpt of thuordorby said eoi trictor from the uhalrmun uf the coimulttc on printing , In either brnncli of the luKUlnturi All workuM-ciited under class ibrce ill ) fhu' bo prln'uil In lonj ; primer , brovinr und non.i | loll [ ty | > o , on paper to bo nine Inches loin h six id ) Inches wide , sliulu puge. p.ipni' to li forly-flvo H'il poiinds-to 110 of i wonty four by thirty six hlto book. Kiteh bid un dur liluss thiuo Hhall HtJtu wliat thu bidder I willing to do thu work complete for , per ptm : on pauh report or Item In thocl.iss , Incliidln compnsltlon , paper , pres-work , stltchln.-.fold l.ig nnd nil nork fir material outurlni ; Intoth work requlicd. Galley and page proof miu bu furnished when rcqi Iroi by the otllcci-s i the o.seoutlvo dopurtiuunt or Iho chalnnan t Iho committee ou priming , lu ullher branc of the Icglaluturi ) . Work when eoii.pluled t bu delivered free of expunso atthostatu liousi 1'ropos.tls for nork lu itach of the ahoy classes will not bo consldoiud unless the a tin bu accompiinlc-i ! by a bond In iho sum of IIv thousand < 4V/W ) dollars with two or more sun ties ; thnt In case the party nroposlne for sue contract shall ho awanluJ the sumo nnuh pin ty will , wlthlu Uvo (5) ( ) days after thu award t him of such contract , outer Into bonds for tli faithful performance thereof , us provided b law and thu Iho terms of these proposals. 1'r posulH shall b < > m irked " 1'roposils fc tMiblln printIni" and addressed to the stilt board of printing In care of thu secretary c Htnto , Ijincoln , Nub , 1'ontractB on clnbs ono (1) ( ) as above spoclllc will bo awarded as a whole. Uontincts on clusn thri-o ill ) as above specific will lie awarded In whole or In partnb tl : board may elect. Samples of the work to be u.xotiutod iindi class ono ( I ) und three CD may bu seen at tli ollico of the secretary of utulu. Contracts on aUnvo classes ono ( II and Hire CD to run two O ye ir.s from Oecembor lit , IS'i ' except thu reports of thu board of transport ! tlon und state hoard of agriculture , thu liitti to bo complotnd within fclxty days after tl awarding of the contJuct. 'Ihn Htuto printing board reserves the rlgl to reject any or bids , JOHN AU.HN. Kooretory of titato. ' ' Btitu I'rlntlns Hoard > Statn'Vr'oaauror. 1 THUS. H.1IKN I'ON. Auditor I'ubliu Account Llncolu , Nub. , Nov. II , IHir.1 , nl'd ut To the owuurs of all lots. Purls of lots und ro ostuto along the alloy In block 1 , Kounm 4th nddltlon , fiom iDth hteci't to llth Ml nil You uru hereby nutlllud that thu undi xigiiod , thifuilUlnteri'steil freuholdera of tl city of Omaha , havu beuu duly uppolntc by thu mayor , with the npproval of the ell council of sali ! oltv. to Ubscst thu ( JumitKo i thu owners respectively of thu propurty a fectod by thu grading of the alloy In block KounUu's 4th uudlllou.froin lOthstreot 10 111 siroel , declared necessary by ordlminco N ; rj8'J. passed uctober 1st , IS'J. ' , approved ( Jut bcrUh , iBi/J. You aru further notified that lutvlni ; a copied said Appointment , iintl < lnlv iiiiiillflt 11 H required by law. we will , on the iuth duy December , A. I ) . Ib'.r ' ; , ut thu hour of Uo'clii. . lu thu forenoon , at thu oiHi'U of John F. Kuu | ! > Uliumbur \ of C' < jnunorco , within thu co poruto limits of said city , incut for the pu pate of considering , and nmklnv thu HSSOI muni of duinaio to the owners respectively sail ! properly alfectud by said chuiiROof gra tulilntf Into consideration spuulul bunellt any. any.YOU uru notified to bo present at the tli and plucu aforesaid and miiUo any objootlo to or stitumciits concurnln said ntaunsmu of damuscs uajoU4iiay uonsUtur proper. JOHN R FliAUK , It. W. ( HllsON. JAMKatiTOUKDAh Omaha , Neb. , Nuv.'Jrd , iblii u''id Concentrated * on one counter. We have placed all the clothing in any way damaged by smoke from the late fire , on one counter , \vhoro are some of the Most Astonishing gains. Especially is this true of the OV EROO ATB. Full cheviot sack overcoats , with and without velvet collar , in gray and brown. Before the fire we sold them for $4.76 ; "Now Fine chinchilla overcoats , in blue and black ; yoke and sleeves lined with silk , with an elegant cashmere lining on the balance , Before the .were smoked we got - $12.5O , now All our kerseys , meltons , Irish frieze , all sizes and imaginable shapes , some worth $16 , any of them worth $1O to $12 ; on ac count of smoke Beautiful Shetland frieze ulsters , in three different shades , long shapes , big collars and double breasted Our Oxford gray ulster c without lining , , clouoie faced , 84 inches long , full length , is" very desir able at $7.5O , but the smoke makes it In no length of time these snap bargains will be 'gone , so if you want one you mustcome quick. Columbia Clothing Co. , Cor. 13th and Farnam. 13i6Dotiglas Street , Omaha , Neb. DR. C GEE WO The onlr l < u llr urAduatJl Cldnoss phrilclnn , lBht oitrs' sluiJs Tea yoirs praotioil otporl- once with nil Known dlitusus. Trcnts Buci-mfully ! illolironlooiHj > Irjn up Uf ot ! > ar lUclori Utll nnil neo hliuor wrltj fur quaitlo i tiluii. Do mt 7OUHO. buttrrt'iD lllihuso iloitir vrltli Idi H3.r 11 1 ironilurtulro noclliis. an IrJJ-iUo n-i r liauu H s a 1 1 i pnriuannntciirunrlntut'ur dno'-ort ciunat Kir : ) . llerlii. Kooti nn > l I'li'ittnitnrJ'3 rj.ujdUiliU ni'illclnos. Tli' ] worll hl wlfiait. O D tliomnl Icntliuunlulilnthrju yai ' prtctlo. .Volnjnrlii M ilococllont , no nirc'tlcj ; ' , nu truutmuntuml pcrinunuiit curj. KollowlnB pnei iuifC5 fnllyIrottJl nnl enroll , ( liven up by nlliorilci'Uiri ; Thus. Couelilln. 411) ) II irncf itroct , e'lronlsrhii- m-illBinOymr.1. Uliliioy anj llviir tro'itilai. Tlioa. Culvert , l.'Ul unj I'arnun strjj'.i. uemril dulillltj. In ll.'jitlun , Ion uf trJatll aU ; vltilU/ Took muillrlua for yon tint int no rjllj ( , .M. U Anilcnun , I Sjl Ounilnt stroat , mtairli , astiiumiinil bronclitUs ot nfiojn ) itumlliu Hni for nil3 tins follonlnz prppir3t rninoilloi nt Jl.uun tiottle. fir boltlui for f i.'W , IDr tlr ; euro or Astlmm. Otarrli , Mt IIjilio'iu , ImlUaitlu n , Illood I'olsunliu. ltlio.imitUil. KiMiul'i WotlsilBin. Kidney mid Llr r ( 'oinplaliit. No nvent * . onlr ! > r C'lilnoao .Mudlctna Uo , L'apltul , ( IUJ.JJI Offics , IGlh an ! Calironh SU Oiu'u. Neb 3OOO BJBAUTIFUT. BRIGHT GIRLS ! TlKin , I-OSIIKII. Unit ! , < , by liiccllcnl ntntMlm , mrfUKCO.NM'MI'riON ThuHUUlis of tlila Ill.KlUT rii lull ) at tint porlml hotweim ( iilil.lluoil nml WOMANHOOD 'lliueiii-MutiM > tom nui-iU i\Tlt.V : i.irf : . OXVCKN. inhilol : , IHIIKAI , i.inmnilHruvoni. HI'.iCII''l ( ' ( IXYIiK.N IH CIIM'KNrilAlKIl OXVOIJV vllulily It tlvi's 7i-it nml niiulllii | | , ninVcn piirn.rlcli ni.cioii. cootlii's inn ) lici'ln tliu dlHunnfil hoiul. iliruut , nnfl iilconitoci innub-TnousAMis TKsnrv10 -jni : L i ItT Trials F EE TO ALL. Cull or Wrlto for "OXVO13.X JIUOK" flllSK. MtJ NJnpnjf Ss Trqull/Ulliu | / iiaj vii vu. ) WcHitis11 SUITE 510 SHEELY BUIID1NO , ' t-t- - - Hjtf'ftvlgr , . Omaha , Neb. llnniuiunurutor ( \Vo will rcud yon the marrpldin Kirnrli rr pnrution CALTUO3 fiff. and n Iftral cuarunur IhuV IHl/I'llOS will Itfiilorti > i > ur 3it-.illll , Mrtiifill auU Vigor , f'f Hand favi/salisf.ed , Address VON MO ML CO. . Pile tnirliu IjtnU , tlaiiomlU Oklo. DR R , W , BAILEY Teeth Kllloavita ouo 'i i i/ . In Ijitust Invo i- I lout , rm-.Tii ixTitAOTCfi : wiruour I'AIN OK DANOKlt AFULI-SHTOK TKRrilON IIUIIUBR I'Oll inn.oii. Perfect flt KU-irantool. Tooth oxtrictollu themoriilnu- uw ouuj luadrtuJ In uvouln of fc4iuo Uuy. Boo Hpuuluioiu of Uumovuhlo llrlilsa. Bouiuoolniuuxof I'lexlOlu hi utlj I'lut ) All work warranted us ruurttuunuul. OlllCf , Ihlr.t t'.our , l'axuu Iliujc. Tt-lcplitJiia 108. ) . IGllian I 1'ar.u u S U 'luko Clevuto'or rin rwy Iran Di i ' btrcu leutruuci. WOODl N SUK\VA I.K RESOLU TION-CONS mrcTioN. f'ouii' 11 O'liiimhor , Oiuitli t. ll ) . 1 02 llu It rcsoivod oy tlio oitv roun til of tlio city of Uiuiiliii. thu innyor uonotirrliig : ' 1'lint , wnodcn slduwalits liu constructor In tliii city of Oniahti us doslu'iiiitu 1 liolow , with in llvo ihiys nftor tliu iiuhllciitl.muf tills , nno- liitlon , ortlio porsou'n Aprvloo lliuroof. as hy orlliiiiiu'o Is aiithor/ol ! mill icqulred : auoh sliUswiillis to ho mill to thu grudo on tlio streets sporllluil herein , and ' .o hu con st HU : toil of plnu nlani ; of sticli wl'lth an I thii'kuusi a ml ho laid Ujiou joists of suoli uliuo nslons nnd In Hiiuli in.uiuor ita IH pro * sorllicd liy the apui'lfluallons on 11 lo In thu ollico of thu bourd of publlo works and under its Hiiiurvlsion. towlt : West Hidofjsih avunue , lot iihlnolcU : Hill- bliln iiildltloii No ' , prusuut gradt' , lifeut wide. West side ( if ' 'til h ILVCIIIIU. lots IUH T hlook 4 1'rud DollouuV .iddltiou , jiruiunt cratle , ( i foot wlilo , Vi' sldo ofsth uvomie. lots 10 B T block It 1'iod Dcllouo's iiddlt.OM , liKHout 1'railt' , ( i foul wide. KnRt sldo of Ulst hlropt , lots Sltolll Inclu- hlvu , V iilon iilnuii iirusont vr.itlo , 1 * feet wlilo. WesiHidu of "IhlHtri-et , lots I to H Inclusive , block ' , ' 1 W.lrox's second addition , present Kritdu , I foot ul'lc. \Vust si 10 ot : iuth slrnnt , lol 7 block I IIUI ldu S'oS , ruptilrud or Ittlil , I foot wide. West sl.lo of Hid htroi t tux lot 11 , eocllon 21- l. > -ii. : iiicsotit urudu. 4 foot wlilo. Wust sldoof a.11 wtiuot , lot1 block 2 Itucil'n llftli itdOitluii. prusuiitKradu , 4 foul wido. NVi'sLKldo of .id : Htroot , lots 1 nml1 block 4 Iti'cd'H llflh addition , present rude , 4 foot uldo. Wust side of IKiil l rent , lots ! mil ] H block I Nuartil boldou's nddltlou , prosunt ni < lu , < foot \\l . Wcsthliloof Xld htruct , lotit I an I B block 8 [ Hiiau & Huldon'a addition , piuaont pride , J foot wide , ViVst sldo fifllid iitrt'ot , lotv I ami B block D Isai.o tt iolilou'H addition , [ irusunl Krado , 4 toot wldu. Wests do of .tld Ht rout , lota 1 nnd 8 block If , Isano & Seldoii's addition , piusuia < raUt > ,4 fco : wlrti1. ICiiHt Hldoorild ; btrcut , lots 1 toll ! Inuluvlva. W A KodlcU'B udd tlon , iircwiut Ktadu , 4 fooVl wldu. KiiHl Rldu of ICIcl Htrcot , tax lot 12. noctiou SI. n-it. : nrosunt irni'lo ' , I fool wido. And bu U fuillicr resolved : That thu uoaril of pulillo Hor'fH li and horo- hy U nutlmrl/ed and dlruutod to ciiuao auopy of this resolution to bo imbllshul In thooill- elal paper of the ullv for onu wuuk , or bu ported on tlio owners of Hild lots anil unlnni t-iich owners shall wlthlu llvo dayu after thu publication or scrvh'iiot sueh ropy ooiiatruct hitld Hiduwalks as hurtiln i-eiiilrol. | ; tint tlio board of publlo works cause lliu amu to bu iloiio , the cost of uonbtruutliiu sitld hlduwalki ruspuctlvuly to lo : usscsauil against tbo ratatu. lot or purl of lot In flout of uud abut- llnu'sncb AldL-wnlkH. President Oilv CouncIL Attest ! .IU1IN O1COVK- , aity Cleric. Approved ! OKI ) . 1' . 1IKMIH , Mayor. TO CONBTflUUT SIDKWAMC8. To thu o.vnors ot the lots , parts of loU unil roul ust ito described In the abuvu rusulu- lion You and each of you am hereby iiotlllud to construct woollen HldowalltH an reiiulioj by a. fit resolution of the ulty rcunull und mayor of tl'o city of Uin.iha. of which tlioabovu Is a U0'y' | I'V. . ItlltKIIAUriRK , Cluilrniaii lloarl of I'ulilioVoika. . O.-ntiha , Nub. , Novumbur "rltli , ihu irjd7t Manr of our AUKNTH nru SI-II-I.I.M. Hum JUJ It * .UI ortli of ARNOLD AUTOMATIC STEAM COOKERS pornimitli Dun't ruiiuln hllu , or ork lur muull wnuus , whun you uJulit I'U ' iiriklnu inoru inonur than In uuuiuinr. Apply for U'lmi , AUNUI.II COOItKU CO. , 111 ! H , .Wil St. , Umaliu. RIPANS 7 A RULES rtuu.aluj > . ihe bU > mu < h , liver und l-owiU. l'url-2 ' f thu MotM. rt < * Atv > and ttf.x t-iul jj . . .id Iot inruli tne knot * n fur l < ill < 'C * T /i.OMi , wjiiitttiiatiou , tl ) i4'ii > l fuull brtwth , In Milage. bertliurn , low uf 4 dljfifttton , pfmplw , wallow cvuniilt'X * tun.uiiil errry < ltisoriultlutf froui { Impure Wood , or a fbJluru by uiutoiuUj.Jtrcxuriu t vlluM U > i > erfurm tbfiriironcj funrt(4 ( < b . IVn iiui * T If If f n to * * * Uinottt jtl bj tALluif oueof ter z T t rh nifuil. I'rlt-c br ( null. 1 urtm , it t MUui > lof IV. * J ItH'ANH O1IKMIOAL CO. , 10 > > pruo hk..Ncw York t