THE OMAHiV 'DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. "NOVEMBER 29 , 1392. F UM ' ' i " ito i a t to * IU THE OJMAHA BEE COUNCIL PRIPFa H IC'Ki . NO. 1C PKAUL STIlEl ? ? fellvctea by carrier to tiny part ot the city 1MV. TI I/TON. MANAGER. IliiK'ncpiOUlec , . . , . , t. . N" 4.1 Elltor l KA'TJU.V. ! N Y. IMumblnp C04 Council Hlufls Lumber Co. . CoaJ. A marr/laco / Ilconso wiw Issued yesterday to.lmnoa Hunt ol 1'ottawnttantlo county nna 7dn Tinnoll ot Council H luffs. Ihc lovombor term of superior court will cjtnmcnuo to'lny , and Uio doeUol will bo road i.t'J o clock In ihn nttcriioon , Tlio newly orijiinlzod mllltnry comphti.v of thohlun school ha * received Its uniforms nnd the boys mnko a neat apuoariinco lu thorn. The November term of tlio district court , of I'ottaivnUnmlo county will open ittAvocn today , wl'ti ' Judfio II. 13. Uoomcr oittio bench. The funeral of the Into W. L. Utu'cs will occur tomorrow utternoon at 'J o'clock from his resilience , "II South Seventh strool , under the Misplcc * ol the Odd follows. The ladles of nuxllUry No. 17 , Union Vet- rrnn Loglon , nro requested to moot with Mrs. Williams. 5U Seventh iwtmio , this nf- t < trnoon at o'clock on UuslnusH of Impor- tnnco. Clergymen nro requested to cnll nt the Hu'rllnj-tDii hoaUquarters , corner of llroad- way nnd I'ourl streets , miiko ivrrunec- nionts for liulf-fnro permit. , during tbo coin ing year. 1. S. Cnmpboll , who returned from Noel a .vcsterdnv mornlnc. stales thru u tire stai toil In the Dillon ulL'Viitornt ihat-nlucu ynitcnluy tnornliik' iit-l o'doclt. A hole was burtintl in the roof , hut the flames were extluguishud bcforo much damauo was done. Thn tronblo tiotwcon A H , Howe and M. Jj Wttkellt'ld ever n hnr : " which Howe ilalmudVuKoflcId Ima stolen , to nn .vostctilay , so fur us the iiroueoillnKiv tn Juatico HmiimurN court uro concerned. Some sort of n toUlamcnt was miido ana thu MO wns tllstinssoil A conl house In the roar of Gooreo Pull- inan'b liousn nn Madison street , near Knoiii'cr , wai sot on tire bv an Incondlnry yesterday morning nt'J o'clocit , and UiGllroilapirlmunt had to bo called out to extinguish the blaze. The house was tlctnolislifil , but no ilaimipo wns done to the neivliborlnjT tlwellliiRS. U Is the property of 1' . D. Auront ? . John Qulnn , u young man from 1'ncillc Junction , arrived lit the Burlington douot yostcrday morning und xvns accorded a ro coption. The brass band was not tlioro , but the patrol waeon WHS , and in It ho wended Ills way to the pollco headquarters. A tolo- Krnrn tiau been received from the pollco nt the junction MsUlnir that ho bo arrested nnd bold on the charge of boating a board bill nt the Chicago houso. A couple of Me fi'londs were with him , and last evening they worn trying to make n dicker with the proprietor of the hotel for a eottlomont of the cuso on a cash basis. _ 811k Miirkcl AnVctml. Any ono not acquainted with the sillc ninrlcot would nnturally think that silKn [ of till kinds tire udvtincinir rnuidly in i price. Such Is Iho cnso with riuv inntcrhil , [ nncl must certainly utluut , thu price on [ nil silk goods. As umml , wo'ro looking Inflor thu inurkotB , and bnujrht in tiino to JB'ivo the ) per cent : idvnnco on lull kinds ol nliks. Wo intend giving lour nations tlio ad vantiiRo of this pur- Ichuso , nnd place on snlo for your in- iBpcction over 2,7CO pieces of till silk rih. | botin at less tlinn mamifiicturor's price- " Brain , sutins , satin ediro nnd morio , all widths , nil colon * and Iboiuitiful range of lijjht shades for fancy Iwork. Note follow in ) ; nriooa : No. 1 ribhons from lOc to 19o a piece. All silk morio ribbon , piquet edge , INo. 5 at lie , No. 7 at 8u , No. 0 at ICc , No. P12 nt 12ic. One of the boat values wo offer out of [ our larpo purchase is the bargains wo show in satin ribbons , in pure silk , heavyweight goods. No. iiat7c , No. 7 lit 9c , No. 0 at 12ic , No. 12 at lee , No. 10 nt 18o , No. 22 at 22c. i In addition to the two above lines wo have u full ran go of bhadcs and colors j in pros grain with batiti edge at saino i prices. F. W. & CO. , BOSTON STORE , Council Ulutls , la. J'yJK.SO.V.I1.1 > IIS. W. A. Donahuy loft yesterday fur Portland - [ land , Ore1. , after a two months' visit at homo. Paul S. Junldn of the Omngo City Ilnrald | | H the cuust of his fonnur ciassmalo , ' ! ' . U. [ Casady. Mrs. F.V. . Olmitnnil , formerly of C'ouncil I Bluffs , now livlnir nt Halt LuUoX'lty , U. T. , f Js the guest of Mrs. J. W. KoU , lull Tbml | avouiio. Kugono Btupfal ol Hardin township is puf- , fcrlnif from n fall ho rocolvod recently while [ hauling n loaa of wood. T'IC ' day wn * cold i and ho Imd wrapprd hlmsoll In a heavy 'blanket. ' Wuilo bis team was going down a steep hill the harness brolio nnd ho Juinii l from the waon. The blanket provoutod him from saving hlmsolf. Ho foil unaor tbo [ wagon anil both wheels passed ever his I limbs. Ho was badly bruised , but uo ooues [ wcro broken. _ Wt'iitlicr lii'ports. The Indications are for western Iowa I colder woalher. Tliia statuniont is vori- 1 lied by the rush of pittrotiH at the Boston f Store underwear domirlmont in the past week. Since the early trnilo wo Imvo had our stock roplenlshcd with everything noo- j vssary to complete an undor\vear do- partmont. i Wo have a few broken lines that wo are cloning out nnd c.ill your attention [ to the following bargains on our counter - [ tor : Ltuilcs' nnttiral and wliito vests , LV"c | I < Ulioa' ( ribbed and plain vesta and pun to , \ eold for fitlu , nt 8u ! ) each. Ividios' mod- [ iuin wuight white vests and pant : ? , a | bargain at iillo ouch , GOIII'B heavy gray shirts and drawers , old fotxiii'o ' , to close at 2 > o pauh. rxainlno other bargains in Gont's un- Idorwoni1 , COo , 7nul.0 ! ( ) and $1.60 each. [ Ghlldron'H wliito iindorwoar from lOo tc | : i5c , according to sizo. Childron'B grny underwear lee up- Lwtird , Other nunllUoM in natural wool , lentnolH hair and reds , Ask to POO Indies' ' blaoic equestrian Itightsiit $1.00 , $1.03 , $2.50. LudioH' and iSBCH1 union suits from 8o ! ) to $3.60 a [ bilit , in white , natural and black. V. W. fc CO. Boston Store , 'Council Blulfb , lu. Council PrmHMKtlnjjH , The ully council bold u meat- It ug last nviMiliiir , with Mayor | prosullng anil Aldonnen Jennings , Mnyne , j Pace , Kuitlh uqa Tlbbolls nroient. Various contract * far slaowaltis , puvlns Icraulnv and nowcrs wora awarded to Join | c , LOP. Ktinuon ft liuber. John Hummur , iJohn M , Hnrdin and John. Hldnkle. It Tne cbalrtnaa of the poilou coniuilttoo was [ nllowed $ ! 00 for currout exponsiis for thi [ month. Honortoftho judlclur.v comuntteo on thi [ oftlco of city solicitor was Illfcl. f Two special usscsnuont resolutions foi uavlnc done by bv Tiionms Unlvin and M. A , iMonru wvuro uUnpted , and ( loads to th < I amount of f J.OCO were ordered issued to paj | for thu worn , _ Bee those oil heated at Swalno'a , 731 \ U roud way. _ 'j c i shares capital stock CJtlzoiis Stut < I bank for snla 1C. H. Shuafo. Best day botinl in tlio city , $3.50 poi wnek at the Scott house. Coul and wood * , best nnd choapos Missouri hard wmul in the city ; prouip c jUvory. II. A , Cos , No.1 Muiu. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Thrilling Experience of Two Woman With H Cup Full of Goal Oil , BOTH ENVELOPED IN A SHEET OF FLAME. Narrow i : cnpe of .Mrs. Mnrk niut Her r Itiitn t'rnni a I'.ilnlul Do.itli llotli I.udici It.tdly llurnril A 1'ec'iillar Accldunt. Mrs. Stack nnd her daughter Koto , who reside at 1400 South Scyonth strict , ro suffering from a r.Uhor ( { uoor , though none the less painful , accident wlilcti n\pponod : to them Sunday morning. Mrs. Staoit , whllo galling broiiifast , plckod up n cup lint stood on the inblo In Ihn Itltchen and pul ll on the bulslovn , under thu Impression that It wns Ililod with water. It turned out nftnr- wards thai the cup hail bocu tilled with kerosene , but MM. Staclt did not Know th.U until ll cxplodod nnd seol the bhuing fluid all over liar nnd her dnugnter , who was witn her In tbo room. Thov were Immediately wrapped In llnmcj , and nearly nil the cloth- inu was burned oft thorn before "Iho lira wns extinguished , They were both very badlv burned , bul Dr. Macroa. who al- tended thom , stilted that ihclrtujurlus would probably not provo fatal. Mrs. Wlnsiow's Sootliing Syrup Is the best of all remedies for children toothing. 25 cents u boltlo. Tor 10 Diiy * Only. 2oO cnsos of rnnneil yoocls to bo sold roKimlloss of cost for ten cluys only nt DIOWII'H O. O. D. , commoncitu ; .Monday , Nov. 158. Onlifornia oouuhcs llM , 10e and EOe per earr Ciiliforulaiiprlcots , lie pur can ; California egg plums , lee pototur Cali fornia ytvon K"K-1 ( p'uins ' , Inc pur can ; Califoi'iifa grapes , 15o per can ; Ca'i- ' fornla wliito oliorrlos , 2ic : per can : C'ali- fornla bliiclt cihorrio" , lu ! ) par ctin ; Ciili- fornla rasburrlus ] , ± io pur can ; Califor nia poir.- : > , -de DM- can , custom pein-'hes , lUupurcan ; eastern pooro , lUc ; per can ; 2-lb. can I ) ai-klwiTlos , 8jo per cun ; U-lb. can r.iBpburrios lOo per can ; U-lb. cun strawborriua , lOc Dor can ; 1Mb. standard corn , Klc per can ; l-lb. ! can slttndurd toiiiutouH , 8io per can ; 2-1 b. can POMS' , 7jc per cnn ; 2-lb. can string beans , 7jo jer can ; 2-lb. can wax beans , 7ic per cnn ; 8-b. ! can baked boati. * , IDo no"cin : ; Frcncb peas , loc per can ; sal mon , lOc per can ; Rjillon can uuplcs. 2Ic ! ; oil mit-dincs : mustard sardines , Tic. Remember this sale Is for ton days otilv " at Urown'sC. O. 1) . , Council Bluffs , la. Gentlemen , tbo finest line of fall goods in the city , juat received. Uoltor , the tailor , 310 Broadway. CIISIIH 111 Court. The snag that the district , court ran up aenlr.U ninolocn days ago and has boon in dustriously trying to grub out. ever -Unco , succumbed yesterday. Tbo iwo parlies to the suit of Dr. O. W. Gordon against Hob- erl Haiti got together and offoctnd n snttlo- monlof some kind th.U roaultcd tn the ease being dismissed. The case of E. \ . Spooner against the city of Council BlutTs is now on trial. In U Spooner sues forl'J33 damngos on account of a chance lu Iho gr-do of his properly at the corner of Seventh street and Seventh avonuo. Petitions for divorces have been tiled in two cases. In the llrst , Amy M. Dolllg of drove township as its for a legal reparation from Hlcharu Bolllg on the ground thnt he wns arrested under Iho name of Diclt Doris and is now sorvine u term la Iho Missouri penitentiary at Jefferson City. In the second end , Daniel I'ulmor of Oultland is plaintiff anu Sarah E. Pulmor dutenJant. The ground alleged is desertion. A similar case ooinmoncorl oy Mw. Pulmor two yours upo. but It was dropped before coming to triul. 1'Ilos of people have piles , but DjWitt's \Vltcb Hazel Salvo will euro thom. Good board and room $4.50 per wotik at tbo Scott house , 22 and 21 North Main street. _ Holiday photos , cut prices , Sl.ftO for cabinets , for 30 days. Cotta o jfallory , Uiley's old stand. _ Corn Tlilrvps Ciiiiluroil. James l > , ixton,1 who runs the union stock yams and has a cornlluld near by , claims to hnvo suffered considerably ot Into from Iho ntVtices of his nolghbors , each of whom had un iuou ho was entitled lo as much of the crop .is ho could carry off with him whenever - over bo visited the llulu. Yoitorday two of I'uMun's men wcro walking through the Hold In the hopa of II nil Ing something , ran across two women , Mrs. ftlurj Larson and Mrs. I'oterson , each with bor apron tilled with corn. At sight of thu men the women dropped Iholr booly nnd made a run for their respective homos , whither tnev were fol lowed by thn improvised dotccllvns. An in formation was Hied in Justice Hammer's courtTcharging the women with tlio larceny of 200 ousnols of corn , ihut being thu amoun't Paxton claims to have lost , and they were arraigned in court. Tbo case will bj hoard this morning. _ If you have pnos DoWllt's Wllott llazolt salvo will Htircly euro you. The A. D. T. Co. bus added two now hnclfs to its'foi'co and will answer c\lls : \ at all hours , day or ni ht. Telephone , 179 ; olllco , 8 Main street. T. D. Kinp & Co.'fl Partafjas cijjnr hoi pod to oloiit Clovoland. It's the i co ord breaker for the vour. Sudden Dt'uih. Mils Kittle Ulcason dlod very suddenly yesterday morning. Sbo hud bean suffering from consumption for a loog time past , and hud been west a number of Umoi In tue hope of bciturlng neruolf , binco nor lull re turn s no has boon fooling butter , mid especially t.o during III ? past two wuuks. Yesterday morning bho arojo at 7 o'clock , but as she stopped upon the Door shu fell over unconscious , A physician was sum' moned , bul slio xvns pronounced dead , hci death having occurrou as the roitilt of or- ganio be.irl troubio , Shu was L'l years ol ago , The funeral will tune place tomorrow morning ai U o'clock from St. X ivlet' ; Catholic churoh. and the ronialns will be Interred In tbo Cutholio cometary. Perfect action and psrfeci health rostili from the u e of DJ Wilt's LUllo Early Uls ers. A perfect little pill. lur thn Child. Juduo Smith rendered u decision ycsterilaj In the eass of the State acalnsl K. M. lisloa ol Neola. ThU was Ihti case in which Kite : wus chtrged with being Iho father of n chile thai seemed to have no other father avail able , The court found Kstoi guilty and uo crcoil thnt ho pay $5. > U toward the support ol tlia child for the next nine yean , the ? 15 ) to bo rmid this year and thu remainder lu gradually decreasing icstallinenls. Constipation cured by Do Will's Karlj a Risers. r Day vt Hess have a force of mon work inon the roads through the Kluir tract , liny llvo or ton acrua there while it is clioap. _ Coal and Wood. S.ickett & Preston C28 Hroadwiiy. Telephone 1. Davis fordrufjs ana paints. Ucil .Spvtnmii. Burglars entered the store of lW. . Spot ro uu it Bra. on South Main street una l ifth uvonue Sunday night. When Ib place wa * open ml yesterday morning It wa found lo have boeu broken Into through th rear oelUr door. Too lurt'O double dee leading from the .entrywnv into the collar had been fastened bv n heavy timber trotchcd across Insida A saw had been stuck In through tbo crevice between the two doors nnd this tlmbor had bean sawed In tn o. Just how much was Ukcn nnunol t > o told. So fnr two pairs of trousoM , n fast and a lot of sblru and gloves have bocr. missed , And Still Tlioy ( Joinc. Per several months passed tuo Women's ' Christian Temperance uolon of Neola has bcon engaged In war against the saloons ot that plnco. For a tirao the ladles seemed to have had the best of Iho light , for not a saloon was to bo found acywhoro In town , nnd , according to the tales told by mon who ought to know , the only wiy for n stranger to get n drink was to take ll wltu him when ho cnturcd the city gates. xOf late , however , the saloons havacommenced nn effort to re gain their grip , and last week oae of them wenl so far as to open Its doors and adver tise thu latest bar.'iilns In delirium tremens nt low ilguroa , Yesterday afternoon u peti tion was tiled with the county clerk demand ing n writ of injunction aualnsl W. C. Adams and K. Patleo , tno proprietors ami owners of the pure in question , to prevent Iho main taining of u nuisance nt Iho plnco tn question. "Hou Iltii-1 nt Dohany's opera house , ) ccoinbur 1,2 and 3 , with Saturday ntitineo. L. P. Jttdson , civil onglnoor,32fiB'way. DomocratH In the hunntr. COUNCIL Bi.urrj , la. , Nov. 23. To the Editor of THE BBC : Your Washington cor- rcsuonuent assumes thai * the dmnocrntlo party will hava a working majority In the United States sonato. That party , ll is Iruc. .vlll . noi suffer the loss of u single scnalur by .ho recent elections , bul it must guin five momberi In order to glvo It ouo-hnlf 01 the cnute. which Is forty-four. In the present senate the strength of the party Is thlrlv- nnc. It has gained otio In Nsiv York , one n Wisconsin , and evidently ono each in Wyoming and Montana. Provided that Iho ast two stutcs named elect democrats lo suc ceed Senators Warren imd Saundora , the [ lumocrattu party must sccuro ouo moro enator to give ll one-half Iho sonato. No- vudnill elect n ponullst or It will return Slew.irl who has como out us u pipulist. If the California legislature is democratic Iho lBinocr.icy will have , upon Iho oittcnito above given , forty-live suuntors. I Jtreul viins.isund Nebrasuaas unknown quantities How \vlll the senate probably stand leaving the last named blatcs outslilo of an estimate I I.NVESTIOATOII. Mrs. P. II. tent Mo. 2 , Daughters of Veterans , will fjivc a calico ice bull Wednesday uvuning , November 30 , at Koyal Arcaimm jiarlors. lliiiicconiliiodntlllc Thloveii. Oftlcer Kasilale , who patrols the south western pnrl of Iho city , made a creal oaten yesterday raorninir about 4 o'clock. In running througb the Wabash yards ho came across threa mon who had been stealing grain from a car. Ho courageously thrust his revolver under their nosea and they fell prostrate upon Iho ground. Supposing that they would Ho tuore until ho could make arrangomants for taking thom to the pollco station ho ran across lots to the Hock Islund dopat nnd turned in the "riot" call. The patrol wagon loaded to the guards with policemen , wont to the place design- nt3d , but of course the Ihlovos had skipped. Thirty snclts of grain worn louud lying on tbo ground , and thrno moro were found in the house of a man named Ke.irns. who lives in the corner of Ninth street and Twenty- llrst avonuo. _ "Hen Hur" ' house at Dohany's onora , December 1 , 2 and 3 , with Saturday matineo. _ Itiiniiil Over lor I.urcrny. Justice Swoanugon heard the case yostor- dav in which W. B. Maxtield , W. D. Nichols , P. B. Biglcy , J. U. Bigloy and W. S. Glad- win were charged with making awuy with 100 biuhnls of corn that bad been levied upon by Special Constable Wesley in satls- faotien of a Judgment againstMaxGola. The evidence went to show lhat tno corn crop had been claimed In equnl shares bv Max- fleld aud Nichols , und that alter the levy hod been made , Nichols , with Maxfield's ussist- tance , decided to taite his half whether or no. After a hearing they were both bound ever lo the grand Jurv on Hie ahargo of larceny , and their bonds were fixed at 7100 each. Tbo other defendants were discharged. Don't mako'any arrangements for your holiday fjooils until you have seen the many new and useful articles at Lund Bros. ll'K.lTUKlt t'OHKC L * > TS. ItVIII llo ralr mill Wur.itur Throughout Nebraska TiMlrxy. W\siiiVOTOX , D. C. . Nov. 23. Forecast for Tuesday : For Nebraska and low.i Fair ; warmer , except stationary toraperaluro in the western purtions of Nebraska and Kansas ; southerly winds. For the U.ikotas Fair ; colder In the west colder by Wednesday morning ; variable winds. Local Itncnrd. Ori'ioB or THE WnvniEa BUREAU , OMAHA , Nov. S. Omaha record of temperature ana rainfall compared with corresponding day of paal four years : 16tt2. 1691. 1&90 , 13S' ' ) Maximum tomporaluro , . 45 ° 15 = 47 = " 1 ° Minimum tomporaliira. . 27 = 2 ° Kl = > 07 ° Axor.igo toiuporaturo . . . Hi0 ! 0 = 40 ° 103 I'roelpltatlon OU T .00 .00 Statement showing the condition of torn- pcraluro and procipilntlon nt Omaha for Iho dav and slnco March 1 , ISOas compared will : general avcrato : Niirmnl toiuporaturo : il = KM-usslvo fur thu day 1 ! = Dolluioncvsini-u .March 1 2ut = Nnnunl prrelpltiitlon U4 Inch Dotiulonoy tor tbo day 04 Inch Dullclunuy Hineo Muruh I U.lll Incliuj 10 HUNT. Local Forocaat Onioial , Notorlnut Ueperali H Arrested , CiiATrANOooA , 'I'onn. , Nov. iiS. News from Piedmont , Ala. , says ihailbo notoiious Connor brothers were arrested yesterday about fourteen miles west of there. Throe detectives und u posse of citizens made Iho capture , but only after a desperate light. In which u woman took part , pouring scalding water ever the nltaculng party whllo the tnon tired Winchesters and slxshoolors , Ttio Connor brothers uro supposed lo be the mon who robbed the mail and express car nf the Knit Tonnoiseu & UoorgU truln near Pied mont October III , Their arrest has caui > ed great excitement in the vicinity. Prohihly u VcHtnl Went Diiwn , SiXTA Citu , Gal. , Nov. 23. The heaviest storm of wind nnd rain for many years pre vailed hero last nlubt. Hockels were seen bpliig soul up some olslanuo oul at sea , sup posed lo bo from some vessel la distress. They were seen after 10 p.m. HOME RULE j BOHEMIA A Movement Dcrljiiutl to Ailvanca the Prin ciples aLLiberty. MEETING OF THE J VIONAL COMMITTEE Variety or MnttoriiLl l 'Iiitnro t to Ilitho- lulnni Cntiftlilartfil' llnil tnrlpoictl of Suininni't of''tlio 1'ro- Iho national ] c of the Uohsmlan- American Homo Hulo association held an important meeting in Chicago last wecK. The coininilteo roprosctits the sentiments of thu hundreds of thousands of Hohcmluns who enjoy In America that liberty and equality domed them In their native land , nnd who duslro to nld in b-jticrlng ttie condi tion of their countrymen at homo. It is In Jtt , essence a Bohemian homo rule movement. Consii'.ctnblo business of an important character was transacted by the committee. Kosolutlonsttcro passed urging parents to spud their chllilron to gymnasiums anu secure - cure for t Lem athlotlo Instructions. Messrs. Zdrubck , Snajdr and StullU were appointed n committco to order books from Hohomla which will BO to mnko up H historical library that the national committee will maintain. V. Snajdr , editor of the Bohemian paper In Cltveland , who recently returned from iiu- rope , reported to the committee that ho found n keen Interest In the World's fair tnimlfrslnd oy those on the other sldo , nnd that many had bignlltod their intention of comiiiL' to Chicago next yoar. A bureau will bo established to furnUh Information lo all vlsltiug Bohemians. OlllcorH mill TMrlr Duties. Since the Ijst rncotlng of Iho committco ono mcmboi , H. Oplc of Xow Vori : , has died. The vacancy will bo Illled by the executive committee. Another vacancy , caused bv the resignation of Frank Choura of Woodvillp , 1'a. , was lllleil by the nppplntmet.t ol J. R Hprosty of L'lovoland. A resolution wns passcu petitioning the establishment of n chair of Slavonic ] literatures nnd history cither In Johns Hopkins university , Cornell , or the University ot Chicago , and u rommlt- tee was appointed to confer with Join , L ) . Hocliofollor ot Cleveland in rogaru to the matter. It win decided tosoiul a teloarain to Antono Dvorak of New YorltcongiatulatliiK him upon his appointment us director ol the con servatory of music of thnt city. 1'resldcnt-olect Cleveland will bo nsltcd bv formal petition of the committee to appoint a Bohemian-American as consul to Prague. H was decided , owing to the great amount of work involved In the ofllco of secretary , that tno executive committee should bo em powered to select a suitable person to suc ceed Prof. 13. Simo'ic of Iho Iowa State uni versity , who Is unable to glvo the worK tbn lima It requires. The oflico will then bo made a salaried position , and Its Incumbent will also taito charge of tbo business innn- apemenl of Iho Bohemian Voice , published lu Omaha , Iho authorized Journal of the com mittee. Discussion as to the feasibility of continuing the publication of the Voice re sulted in a unanimous decision that It bo continued. An earnest effort will bis mudo to put the paper In the hnnds of every American-Bohemian mid place It on a pay ing basis. It will bo orilarged and sent out in n handsome covtfr , as becomes u mo.ithly macszino ol its alanulng. For H Stilted l ) y. To the committee on resolutions wa ; re ferred a motion to establish an nnnunl memorial da.v to bo observed by American- Uohomians as "tJerman day" is observed by ; ne Germans. The * day will bo one of the ihreo ereat , anniversaries In Bohemian his tory the inartvrnqui of John Huss , July 0 , 1415 : thu battle of AVbito Hill , November Ib , 1020. or tbo birth of Johann Aiuos Comenlus , March 26 , 159 . It u proDoblo that the llrst anniversary will [ ) e the ono selected , as it recalls one ot the most signiticant davs in the history of Europe. Tno lasl aTTto is Favored by many from the fact that Comonlus laid the fouudalioa of , the modern school system. | )3y The commltioo ouco bogm preparations ' tions for the cstabllsh'mcnt , of an immigra- Lion bureau at New York. TUo object of this bureau is not to encourage immigration from Bohemia , but , to aid Bohemians who have just arrived in t his country In their search for homos. Will ( iatlierStaUatlc * . II was decided lo Issue a circular from the Volco o 111 co to every Bohemian colony in America requesting them tosand in complete statistics on immigration to America. This will bo n work of some years and tbo results will bo published In book form. The Put- nams will bo asked to ada the "Story of Uo- homla" to tholr "Stories of the Nation's" series. The manuscripts of three exhsustivo histories of Bohemia are now In the hands of the committco , and If none of them prove satisfactory some standard history of the country by a Bohemian will bo translated for English renders. Mussrs.druuelc , Snajdr and Stulik wcro appointed to colloci a polyglot linrury on all that In HIIV way relatuK to Bohemia and its people and the political history of Austria. Thu library will bo sn Omaha. The following resolution was adopted : Wo , cltl/cns ( if the United Stutos of America and rnernUcib of the national committee , do hereby renolvn In our Busslon hold In tlio city of Chicago Novo.iibor"i-"U , 169. . upon the fol lowing : First That wo sympathise with the llohc- n.itlon In its present struggle for hoinu rule. Second That by unlto 1 nnd fearless notion of nil tlio r prosonttttlvch from thu lloliomliin crown lunus the e mso would bo much ad- vuncod. Third That It Is neco inrto defend with porsuveriinco thcsa liialli-nahlo rights which \\u luivi ) Inherited from our ancestors , roiirth That wo oxpi'uss our tli'inks to Onlc 'atus I'.lm Mis3irylc : and I'.icaU for tliulr elTniittvo work In the Austrian doloiiitloii ! < . 1'lfih That this resolution shall bu pnb- llshod in the NaioJnl l.hty of I'IMKUC , llubu- jn I a. All the ofllcors were ro-eleotcd for tbo en suing year. They are : L. J. Palriu , presi dent , Cedar Hapids , la. ; John Uoalcky , vlco president , Omaha ; U. Slmok , secretary - tary , Iowa City , la. ; Anton Klohasn , treas urer. 4710 Russell avenue , St. Louis , Mo , ; P. B. tfjrubok , librarian. 15J West Twelfth streci , Chicago , III , Tiuu the zeal for na tional f rceJom nud the prospects of boundless prosperity for n lilmratod Bohemia took shape In the convention of IS'.K. Adjourn ment was taltuu until July 0,1SU3 , atChicajio. IX F.i VUlt itf JJIK VUMt'AXlKH. I'indingfi In Iho Triiiiiii > Unuurl 1'rclKlit As- inrliitlon CHHI * . Toi'CKA , ICas. , Nov. 'JS. At the opening of the federal circuit court In this city todav , Judge Ityner handed , down bis decision in thoTrausmlssouri 1'VoIght association case. Tbo action was a ault lu equity Drought In the namn of the ynltoci Staloa by United States District Attorney Ady , under Iho di rection of tbo attorney gonernl , to dissolve the TransinUsourl ussoclutloa and onjola tbo railroads froio further participation tn It. The case was argued at Cboyenno last August , Tbo court's aoclslon wus In fuvor of tbo railroads , dismissing tbo complain ant's bill. The Judge held thcro , was nothing Illegal in tbo contract botwcon Iho railroad com- pan.os composing the Transjilssouri assocl- alien ; that the contract wus not In restraint of trade or against' ' public policy , and that there was noibing'ln ' the contract , whiou de- prvud ( any of the companies concerned In It of' the exercise of all their corporate franchises. Tbo court also held that Highest of all hi Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. the act of July 2 , under the provis ions of whluti tun bill of complaint k drawn , wns clearly not Intended by con press to apoly to railroad companies or com mon carriers , but was onlv Intended lo apply to rotnblnillons , conspiracies nnd trusts In restraint of trade similar to these trust * which hiid boon formed bcforo thu passage of the bill , citing the * tocl rail trim nnd others as examples of the hind of combinations or trusts to which the net wns Intended toai < oly. District Attorney Ally haul in nil Interview thnt he should Giipenl Iho case. "It was Impossible - possible for tlio government to prnvo rates nt competing points nro unreasonable , " ho said. "On the contrary , the lowticss of through rates has made an excuse for higher r.itos locally. Hut this was not the real question Insisted upon by Xho govern ment. If the ( act that facilities are Improved by a combination and that prices nro reduced Is a defense under the anil-trim law. then none or the ti-jsts and combines of which the pcoplo complain , such as the Standard Oil trust , the surar trust nnd HIP boat com 1)1 no Is obnoxious under I thntlnxv. His a fact , well know to every body , that the Standard Oil trust has im proved the qualttv of llznilng Hunt and ha * lowered the prlco Such a construction practically annuls the nntl-tlUU law. "Tho real ohlect of 1 nut lnw , ni 1 insist , Is to prohibit thesp great combinations of capi tal which , tmmah Uiov mav reduce prices at the commencement , tonu to monopoly in the productloi , and dlsttibution of the prlmo necessities and nro daniiarous to the welfare nnd poroctnuy of the republican Institutions. The court holds ihnt Iho mill-trust law iloos not npnly to tr.inii ) associations nv railway companies which nro t-overned by the Inter state commurco net. This Is squarolv In the fucoof tno vlnws oxpro scd bv Sanntora Sherman , Edmunds nnd Vest when the law was framed. 1 shall nnpenl the cnso. " l'ur rll U liitiM'pitlPd. Umc\oo , III. , Nov. as. Kx-Sonator Har well , who is onthuslastlo over Iho accounts of his friend CJonond Dryonfurth's rainmaking ing experiments In Texas , said this after noon : "I am moro Interested In the plans of Louis Ciaolhman , the Chlcaeo inventor , who has , I thitiK , lound a morn certain method of producing rain than thnt of the explosion of uynamlto. Ho releases liquid carbonic acid giis nt a height. Tlio intense cold produced Is bound to prcjlpilato whatever molsturo there la in the Mr " Vlsllil- Supply of ( Irulii Nn.v YOUK , Nov. as. Tlio visible sunnl.v of grain slatumont shows : Wheat , 70,7(15- ( 000 ; corn , I'J,0 : , { )00 ) ; o.its , S.O r.O'JO ' ; rvo , l.'bS.UOO ; b.irluy , ' . ' .T 111,000. Nature should bo assisted to throw ofl'impuri- CURES tics of tlio blood. MALARIAL Nothing docs it BO well , so safely POISON or so promptly as Swift's Siicciflc. LIFE HAD NO CHARMS. For three jeats I i trouble , ! with matttUI poison. which cautei ! my appetite to fall , flnl 1 wjt creatly re- ducctl in flcvh. Qitil life lost all its chirms. 1 tricil mer curial ami potash teni'1i ( * < , Injtttnoe-ir-ct. I cuuMcet ho relief. I thentrk , ! Hf ' " f ? # J A few bottles of lot J wonderful nicUicmellVNilSfC' ' . * niaitc a complclo and permanent cure , | ) o 2t 2k ffl a rid I now njay better health than ever. J. A. K1CH. Ottawa , Kan. Our boolr on Rlood ami bLln Diease > mailed free. SWIPT SPECIFIC CO. . ATLANTA * & * : A ontNHA A BOX " > &i ( TnstolosB-Efifoctual. ) run ALI , QiLIQUS and NERVOUS DISORDERS , Such as Sick Hcndnchc , Weak Stomach , Impaired Digestion , Constipation , Liver Complaint , ami Female Ailments. J5 Covered with n T rtcl s A Soluble Ooitlng. g Of all ilrtiR-qlsts. Price 25 ccntin box. New Yolk TVrvnt. i5 < Canal SI. c mi ; INSTITUTE. n 1-1 AT Ir \ 'i INFIRMARY FOli TREATMEN1 - OF ALL - UcBtfiicllltk'i , iiruritm I'll roinli-ii f > 1 1 MU IrottnuMit orovcry form ofulioiu rtfi.ilr- Imi muillc U or niMlcil Ire it 110 it Wfccili ( oriwitlont * . i r I mil nt'on Ixuj. m I'dllHI llltlOIH III thn W01U \Vrlto forclrcnlnnon ilcfnrniltlvsiiiil tirA ot , truv e1. . clnt" f/'t't , i'ir ii > iru < of iilno. ; iillui , tunnri , c i < i-i-r , cut i rili , hroicWK liilisl.itloii , cluo'rlclty , pir- H | > MI , uilluiiiy , kllnuy , tl.illur , o/u , , 9 < i.i mil biluii'ltmsuMlmlo.M'rillimi A SI' KIM AhT\ . . lloolcoa llnenn of Wonicn I KBi : . Wi'liHvnlit ly iiiMo I n lyltu-lii ila iinrlmi'iit for women ilnihu Cii.inncmenl , "Irlnl/ pnvntp. Only llcllublo .MolluM liut lulu mmu k Mieclnltyof 1'UIVATK niSKASKS All Illooil Discu i'11'ioo'iifnlly Iraitiil. 'jrp'illltli I'otsomroiuoVL'l fron tli'i iyiti > n wltlui ll nu'riirr. Nu IliMturutlvi ! Truit iiunt lor I/M4 of VIl'Vli I'OWl'.il. ivrviniunili'o tn visit lumiy lu trui'.ol nt ho nu by corrcipim Itiiieu. All c i u ir.i lie ill I n runlliloiiUil. * lollcliiJ'orl H'rn ncnt < ii It at m ill of cxiir'ni. i'Ciiroly ti.ii-tel , nu in irki to Inilli itu " > lenlior sctnlur. < lno | iur i I U Intcrvlo T prjlor.'Jl Cnlliinilconiii.ini or no ul Illi ory of > our catj , tti I wo will sjn I In | il un wr ippor , our. pnnis Tn MFN h"K' : "PIMIVIVI-O s.u DUUn IU IUC.IV , fM or fjurvon | , , n < ji Inipotcncy , ! * yiliills | , Oloet .i I V.irU ix'le , ll > ii'iji ' ilracuX' Appliances for IVfor ultte * nut T.unoi 1 Wily m laiifnctory In 1 10 w > f 1IEKUHM1TV , At'l'l.lAXl < K , TlttJSdKi , I5MS3P HIU WATTKUIKS AND IlKt/W. Omaln Helical anil Surgical Institute 26th aud Brcndway , O : uuoll Bluff j. Tcnralntue3rll3 fro-n eo.itcrof Ou v'n J I sni cuunll Ululfi fluctrlc muniII. . u. Qiui t t\inntlrirc AttoriloJ's nliiwI'rac | - . Ollll OclUllulla tlco In the Htato mill fcdor.l courls. Hocxnis 't. 4 anil & Shuijiirt llunro blOL'.c , Council II luffs , l.i The autuuiti Is the liuio to paint , und ono coat brightens nml preserves houses and buildings and adds much lo the vtiluc anJ bo.iuty of your property. Would Yoo Like to Buy Paint at Wholesale We want to sell you paints nnd everything used in piiintincr \vholesilo : nnd , ess. The Irst boiled oil you boufjlityou probably paid 70u a prnllon fo > - it Wo will sell you ono gallon or 100,000 gallons of any brands it10c. . Now wo have caught our attention , road the rest of this and compare these straight c.ish prices. St. Louis lead , 7c per Ib. Berry Bros. , hard oil , 5 gnl can , Omaha lead , 0c per Ib. $1.00 per gral. Jopliu lead , OJc per Ib. Berry Bros. , hard oil. 1 can , $1.75 Cheap lead Go Ib. per . Other hard oils , from $1.03 to $1.50 Linseed oil , boiled , 49c per gal. Linseed ol1. taw , 40c per gal. per gul. Paint oil , 35o per gal. Mineral paints , dry , from He to ! ! c. Barrel price , lie per gal. less. Mineral paints , ground in oil-lc to Go. We ? uariinlco to be ns good as nny mixed paint. We will bell you at $1.2 per gallon. Has never boon solt'i for less 'lluinSl. 50 per gallon. As good a paint as other dealers sell you for $1.50. Wo will sell you at Sl.OC or gallon. Our Barn and Hoof Paint Wo will soil you at 75c per gallon. LOWEST pRIGES ON ALL KINDS OF 3LASS. On nil other goods our prices are equally low. COME AND SEE US AND BRING THE CASH. C.B. PAINT , OIL AND GLASS CO. 1 and 3 , 4th St. MasonicTemple. A plain business talk. To corns to the point at once , let us Infer thnt you war new clothing. We know how you I'eel and what you wan Whether you have little , or * a snug sum to spaivj , you desire to get for the amount you spsnd the bast possible return lor your money. In this you ara right , and METCALF'S IB the place where you will get it. The pretty styles of suits and overcoats nt $8.OO , $ B.OO , $1O.OO , $12.OO , are something mu3h superior to suits and overcoats usually olfare'4 at those pricss , being made better than ever , and the fit , style and finisn are extraordinarily good. Winter days fast approaching , will remind mother to take an inventory of the young hopeful's wearing apparel. We are ready to supply his needs , if it's a suit , trousers , over coat or a shirt wnist. Our pricss are noted for their modesty. Complete stock of hats , caps , and furnshmg goods. Mail Orders solicited. METCALF BRO'S ' , BOS Broadway , Eisman building Council Bluffs SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS. EMPLOYMENT. A impll mmtj M llio W O. A. hoi rltM.cHir iilli utoiinonml Ptli itrrot , mint bt ncpnra nml Wrcnri old ) ofuood mornl cbnt o- tcr. Applr nloncc. \\fOIIK Wdtilot.'iTnctirTrtior ot in , nho will ninXff htmsi-lf ii.Vfiil In hop of Horn. AiMroti 1.V7 , llcconico. Glllli WANTIill AT 1'KIIMANKNT plncp. 3S North Tlh lrcct. HOUSES AND IiAKP8. _ I/AltM nnd cltr loitnt. Mimcr lOAnpit on stock niul grain. UoM p tntr > fur < nlf. lirr ) > | | | nK unit iMiMtiP'ii rcnlib Monojr limiicil for local lnTC tor , A ' 1 o lc. 1'cnrl ulrrcl. 1'Olt i\CUAMlK-A : litre hempen 9. 7th Mroot , i noiui.tli nvpnup. clpnrof onpintilirnnpo , for horn * In Uninlin , llnimciMii I'lnor or Knitnuct I'lnop tiro- \VlllputliifJMJillttorpticB. . Uroenshleili , Mcliolum A lo. _ 0.1 ACltl ! fruit nml enrdcn f'lrm ' , nror city. IM per .irip. line HW t rrp farm , f.tJ ppr noret I.IMJ nora trnrt , adjoining N'o'irtiki town ( IS per ncrei tnrti1 Hit lit fntin Hint city pioporlr for ale John- fun A \ nn 1'nttou \\T A WDOHA CO IIITO oiiT | of Hie llnp t fnrm ii .in loiitlmnttTt ion a Tortile Cull ittul oo us ; ; v Mnln Mrccl. 1'Olt IJXrll ANllK ( inoil I room honno on Bomb. ' -t li MN'i'l fi > r Iniiil Itru'iiMilcliK Mi'Iiol-onS Ci l.MIl ll"-ST | ) i fol onlrijilnumniM : I till ,1 in .iwi'llliiii , 1,11 I'nrk I\TP. . IU. ' . room drvllliiK , iil'.ililh an' . } ! 4. ? t ( > iu tltu'lltnu , is/.1 tlrimdnnr , f < 0. iU lotini < lnplllni. , ' < > llPMIon nt. , 51. S riiom dnrlllnt : . : iU ATnnun ( ! , IHiKV li room dnolllui ! , Ill ) N. IMIi it. , 116 M. i ; room itnri'lllnii d3U Arpiiuo II , llf. roinn Onpllliik- . Mill I Incnln HTP. , Ittl.SV 1 riiiiiinlnplllnit SOJ llnrmunr ! . . 115. \ riuiin iliTtMlliiu , Itntitiltt I'liM'o , 115. . ' > muni dni'lllni ; 6.H Myn tpr rt. . III. t'n > m d 'Iliiif. lu.Mard I\VP. , (1.1 I ronm unnlllnit. .Ml MyiHlor ! . . ll.'iX li roniii dtu'llliiii , llrnlmiu uvi > . . II J. I ! loiiiu ilnplllntt , l.'Oii vtli nv ' . , HJ. II lunin dnpllliit ; . Itnlililtl I'huo.1. \ . \ \ I room il'ivl'liiK. ' di.'i I'nrk nvu. , fr.'O. A-riinm iln-plllntr.rtJII Avvniio A. tit ) . , , ' < loom ill oiling. 1,11 N. iHi nt. . $111. 'i rooii il t > lllni ; , Wl V. Till at , fit ) . 4 ri'dlll dHL'llllik" , HlliSill ATP. . $ I'J. ' li room ilnollltiK. Mli 4lli ! . , fill. 4 liiilni ilvrpllliiir. I4t Vint1 st. S.1. i , mum ilnpllltu , 2.ff lithnrr. , (10. c-riMini ilvM'llliiK IMAAvenna II , fli ) . i ! rtiom ilHi-lilim , I'.rj ; fth nvp. , Jlu li riinm ilnl'llliu KlHI Avrnno A , $10. f > ronm il > vi < llliiii ( irnhnm nvu , n tr Itliih , JX 4 loom IIOIIMV KlU-o ' .Mli ft .flu. 4 rnoni tluiitlloir. 7 1 A\uniio l > , $ . fi-room dv > < llln , ' 'il.2 A vcnluII , ? S. li riMim ilni < llliu. Vial i > t. nnd Avi'nuo M , H , ' > i no m dniilllut ; TJi.-o. ttid nt , fs. A loom ilwi'lllnif IH10 ATIMIIIP Ai. 4-riii'in .Iweliliik' . V. N. Ht nt , f I. 4 mom ilnolllni : . lill 80. Ixl it , M. ! HHIIII ilui < lllnir. SID ) Arannn A , } 5. /i loom , mlM. | | . Vl',1 ' 1'itli nvo , $1. 5-toom ilHclllni. "US AMMIIIII I ) . ? i. : rooin dnnll'ni ' : . I4i > l Avrutiu ll , 4 > . 4 room dnollliu. ' . ' 2I1I Atcnno 11.11. .1 room ilivi'lllni ; , Slil o i.tli it , $ V 4 loiim il M'llliiK Wl I'ark nvj. , > I2. 7-roiim ii\cllliik' | . Sit M > n < tur it. fiV h room ilni'lllm ; . ; : , WiiililiiL'ton nvu. , SI ) . 7 room iluollhi/ . : 'i.'J Till nvo. , IJd. (1 ( roii'ti ilnc'llnj Si > VMIIIO A , ( II , 4 loom ilui'llliiK r > . ' ! S < l nve , "piano , " IU. fi-riioni OnHllnz. 1 M nrp. A , ( III. 1'i-rootii ! welllii4 Ml lith nto . $ W * li room ilnvlllntf , "il.l linklnnd nvtv. f II. 3-toom ilwiUllm , ' . Ill .V. Kill t. . fit ) . 1. H. Miunlo , rj.ilii uicjnt , Droaitirar anil Main RI reel. In ( .Vntrnl null IQJIotn ! > ) lotn In Mnllo't'n nd I , 35 Inttt In lliyll.ii \ t'.ltnmrj' KJ lol In Miiyiurs Ihl HO lots In l'iitt ! < r , V C'obb'i. VI loin In ltor'A H th. lA Iot9 In llopr H nil 1. r.'louilii llliilil.-iild n Id. 18 lot In lliitcliln on'H nil I 4S loin In Tnrli-j'N mid. 1.1 lotn In IIMillo'H nilil. I''O lots In XVrlk'htS ul I. Hi liitn In I'icrcu'n ndil. l.oli In nvury ad lltlim lo the city clionn for css'i , or nn puymont * * . lull mil HPU 111 No trontilo to nluin propuity. ( Iroonstiluldii , Nicholson A C.'o. ( i\t Ai'ltlN upper llronilwiiyi npli'iiillil pl o for wihittlmcioap | ! tor vnsli , or will uvclmnjto for InipiuviHl ro-ililcuc , ) iiro.iortIn Council lllutln. ( iri'i'iislilcldi , Mviioliun & Co. A Its I'l CT nml Ilium fiirm ami rlty properly jVtioiiK anU MuU. I'uioy , V Tliomna , Council Illiilli. DANOINd SCHOOI , . MINHA\ It , A. pnrlora , plilldron. 4 p. in. ! iidnltH. 7.KJ : p. m hoi't.ilii itucoml und fonrtli > .ondiiE.Up. in. .Mii lc riiriilshuil pnrttui nnd clutx. Aililros < U. A. I'nrlura.Couiicll llhills.orlO.'J Kurnum St. , ( Inmliii. W , 1 ! . LlinmbcrH , Inilrnrtor. MI3OELLA.NBOUS. AltllAOK rcmovrd. rcniool | > , vnnlti And G rhlmnujs ulennud. K. I ) , llnrke , city bldg. AV11.I.liny toi-ciiBli , fiirnltiiro , liouscliolil Kooil.i , It rnrputi lor ni : ur 4-lo < im liouse Adilrc : ) ! BS5 , Hue , Council llluiTa. 17O11 t-AI.IC. clicMii ] , or In i'Xi IIIIIIKU 'or ' Iniul , ml ca- i. tulillslicit tiu3lnv i. Aililrvm I' . O. uirIUJ , LOtni- ell lllutfs. In. I/M.I.INO WA.VI'ICn- I nml tn let contract for J HIIInK I'.v lot on llruniln'.iy ami bcvuntuuntli nt. Apply to l.vuiiHnl Kvuii'lt. UST f3M ( A 1,1 , IN ONK IIOI.1. HT A I'lSUSON nlio fnlk'dto HiKiint | tliti Kpi'Clnl bnrKiilu oneroil liibt ni-uk li ) croen lilvlda , Mchol-oli \ Co. , No. l > 31 lrouluu'Ihu ! llndui It knuttii1 liu belnk'a Ohm- V.OIHI iiinn nbo mm nl-o unoUKh to pick up the prupurt ) . L'OliBAIi : A binnll ililry. 1'ieonn , Cutli or.U * XijLfUvul \ \ Uu : AMMIIIU 11. 4j The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Eipericnto. EADKIt OF IIISEASES OF MEN AN WOMISN. IT.OI'I'.IETOK OTT TIUS WO11M'S IIUUltAL DISl'EH- SAKY OK MKDICINK. /treat the fat/owing Diseases i Ctitarrh of the llewl , Throat , and Langs ; Wfc cnaoaof the Kyoand ICar , Kits aid Apoplery , Uoart IHsensc , Llvor CoinpliUiit. l.'Klney Complaint , Nervous Doblllty , Mortal Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. DiabetesIirlElit a phcaao , EtVltiui' rMnee ; Hlicuiimtlsra , I'tirnlyBls , White Swelling , Scrofula , Fever bores , Cancers , Tumor * and Fistula In ano removed without the knlfo or drawing a drop of blood. Woman with IHT ilellcato onwna re- Btorcd to health. Droiay cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private End Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 80O to SUOO forfeit f"r tt y Venereal Dlo- ease I cunnot euro without mercury * Tape Worms removed In two or three hours , or u pay. Hunnrrholila nr I'llco cured. TIIOSI ! WHO AKK AFTMCTBD Will envo life and hundreds of dollara by calling on or usini ; OR , G. W. PASGLC'S HERBflL MEDICINES. Thu only I'liynlrlan wlio can toll wlmt allH a jiurMmvlllinut asking a cjiimtlon. All corrcKnilenco ] ) nlrlctlv confidential. Mcdlclttf ] cent by exprLta. Address uli letters to 586 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Improved Safely Elevators , > KIMBALL BROS.