THE OMAHA DAILY TWENTY-SECOND YEAK. OMAHA , TUESDAY G , NOVEMBER 29 , 1892. NUMHEtt 162. YER\ DARK DA\'S W FRANCE Political Clouds f hlokon About the Capital of the Great Republic. DOWNFALL OF THE LOUBET CABINET PromlrrMll In- Ni-w Promlrr I > r < M | > crl < Tlint the ln\r u- \ slit on J'luliliiRllin rniinim Riitlnn to Hi" Very Itottom I'urU Urimtly IJxcllud. tCopyrlgMeil IBM by J.imoi tSorilon lljnnatll < l'A ii , Nov. 23. [ Now York Herald Cable-Special to Tin : BKI.ITho ministry of M. Loubot hns been ovortbrown by un nd verso majority ctifhty-IHo \ veto ? because It refused to ncccdo to nn autopsy being per formed ou the body of Huron ilo llclnaoh. The immediate euuso of Uio ovci throw wns n speech by M. Brlsson. The cotisctiucnco will bo Hint the now ministry Is lluoly to Do presided over by M. Urlsson , who has before tills been premier. Wo will hnvo nn explosion of vlrtuo. M. Brlsson wishes to pjsn to the bottom the In vestigation ot the Panama ntfulr , and will hcsllato at nothing , 'Ibis Is likely to pro duce tcrrlbloto.ind.ilH , without uny direct prollt for the republic. The mud Is deeper limn has been supposed. M. Prmot , Jadro destruction , charges today for the bonclH of the commission of Inquiry thnt the liuo llaron do Uctnnch roualved lO.UJJ.OJO fr.ines , which wcro distributed among the members of the Chnmber of Deputies. Deputies do in Ilayo and Mnr/oHn dcclnrod that M. do Lossops hud said that It was ncc- cisnry to buv up all the newspapers to avoid criticism. The revelation has had a bad effect on the public. The ministerial crisis will bo ions nnd no ono will como out of it thobcttorin public opinion. The Intermit situation of France , to speak frankly. Is bad. It Is useless to cherish ojluslons. It Is b > lloved that no inombor of the present minis try will antor into the now ono. J.u't.s Sr. Cnur. IMtKSMMl rAl'ItlVI. Gcim-iny'a Vlmiiunllitr Muklti ; : Vnrv l.ltllo Ui-ailMMj with Ills ri.iini. [ Copyrlnlilcit IS.'S by Jainai Oordo i' \ Br.ui.ix , Nov. 23. ( New Yorli Herald Cable Special to Tin : Kir.J : Minister Pholns' aftor-dlnnor speech nt his Thanks- Klvinir dinner nt thu ICulserhot hab been much commented upon. Having started in by praise of ttio kaiser , under whoso wise nnd beneficent rule Americans at , Berlin lived so happily , bi. next sontcnco came as a surprise. After a moment's hositatlon , ho resumed : "And lot us bo thankful thnt wo have - Hlsmarclt.Vhon the monarch of Frlede- rictisruhc roars tbo wliolo > "orld keeps silent nnd listens. " At the niimo of Blsmnrcl : tlioro had been a dead sllonco in the largo banqueting hull nnd then followed the heartiest , w.u-moU npplausoof the ovening. The next sentence was still moro Railing for the presnnt pov- ornmcnt und Caprlvl. When the echoes of , applause had censed , Mr. Phelps added : "And lot us bo thankful that wo do not belong to ii o-juniry that , it forced to Keep up a huge standing army. " Moro scathtn ? comment than the nbovo coming fioin the mouth of a diplomat , could scurcflly bo Imigined. At the prosen moment it can not bo looked upon as olhcr- wise thun the severest uoni'eiuuntioir ' of Cnprlvi und the army bill of Unpr.vl. There was not n word of the government , not a moiitloii.of the kaiser , thu hlehest praise , und of BUmarck n tribute of tbo highest kind ns a power in the world and as a statesman of supreme talent next to whoso gigantic per eonnllty all others dwarfed. It Will lie lli-uiixlulil. Since Caprlvl's speech few seek to conceal the fact that thu army bill staiuU but poor chance of p.iss- ing In its otlgmal form. Ii will probably bo BO altered ana mutilated that when It is submitted to the omiicror ho will throw it out entirely. 1 have tiled to sound two of the members of the fo loral council will IT. has the Dimming of the hill In band. I need scarcely say that thny showed the utmost reserve , but they 1m it to bo understood thut Its demolition would not bo In any way unpopular , and that It wtii ir.oi-o than probable tbut Capiivi's remarks on the ituB-lun nrmainonts thiit had the bad effect. Only a year ago in u ( .pooch the chancellor dcobmia that there were no forces ou the Hussion frontier und that there wai no renton - ton for any fear In that diiectlon.Vliy \ , then , should ho so suddenly become an nlurmlst. The antl-anny partto * tire chuck- line with delight. All of yesterday 1 was again watchoil by n Uotcetivo , who showed so llttlo ability In his mission that I could throw him oft the scent at any tnomont. 1 could easily appeal to the representative of my covornmont to bavu the nuisance stopped , but then I should lese much of the nmusc- munt I have In entirely misleading ihooo irilivo foiK. There ls only ono favor I usu of Caprwi , and that is to allow the attend. nuts ho periodically huppllos me with to be bolter dressed. At present they nocd an entire rotltiliiK from hat to boots ; but 1 bear thut 100,000 marks of the secret RWICO money has pone to mike the urmy hill moro popular , nnd that , perhaps , is why these pnoi detectives cot no no\v clothes , U'IIH Amcry itli IJUnmri-k. 1 have It direct from a court person thai the kaiser is very angry nbiiit ilia intorvluu tunnosod to have bsen given l > v DUnritck to tbo French Journalist Kotix. In spo.iklni ; to an uid'do-cump the kulser used tuo grossest kind of epithets about Oismard : , calluip bin an old traitor , nn ungrateful conspirator , otc It took several hours for him to calm down , For soiuo tlino there wn talk of au inuierla rjscrlpl bolus issued nnd n oaunoil called to co ihldcr thu manor. A clo > o fiiond of Hlsmarak assur.ia mi this morning that thuro was absolutely m truth In the Intervmw , Moreover , that BK uiarcK , lu tullilngto him on the suujoot , ex premed himself qtilU ) dllTerci.t y. The chancellor is straining every norva ti Insure the passujo of the army bill , to ever oimo the ulrong unturiil opposition In th HoIchiitaK and it sevklni ; every posMbl moans to conciliate the contnr , which count up snflio ninety votes , and will probably de cldo the fate of the bill , The center vole which ever \sfty it sees the most udvantui ; arcrutug to the Uathoilo cnuso. Cuprlvl .MiiMni ; rriiiulifi , Caprlvl has recontl ? assured Dnput ; ' Liiobor , who by iho uny U known In th' United Slate * , that he esteems tno Jesuit hlxhly , and bapns shortly to ovorc mo tin avmloii the knlsor bus to their roc.i 1 Th bint thus thrown out baa not bcun taken The ihaiKu'lor will havu to try somj o'.tio bait. bait.Hut Hut the ouanr llor' * pet bill has alroad bjcu causidttrably ultorud la the oouuel cd tbat brings in further UiQlculllcs. J 0a ; rtyi MIOQH to the powerful demands c } the radical party , ho will offend the con servatives who are wedded to tno three years system , nnd they cast seventy votes. Probabilities now point to the possibilities of the bill bolng very much trimmed nnd altered In piminir. The ponoral bellof Is that in such n form the knlsor would not nccoptit. Herr Ulchtor , In hli brlghtlv called Frcls- Zcltung , combats the bill nnd dcnlos tbo posslbllliv of It being passed nt nil. Ho may bo right , although I doubt It , nil iho moro no us 1 was Inform d tills afternoon th t the right wins of the progrcssMt party will vole for the project , having bsoa bo- pulled Into so doing by promises nmuo b.v the chancfltor. Snrrv fur ilo lcson. | \Vdilo the kaiser wn.i on tils way to Erhrdo chlo-.3 with Grand Due Vladimir , the subject of the Pamuna scandal came UD. The emperor said very kindly. "I um very sorry for this poor man do Lusscps , who t respect as the most celebrated and worthy modern Frenchman. Ho is certainly Iho victim of n bid lot ot hungry speculators. His hand" are clean. Ho has been oxulodcd. Lot us hope ho will got out of It all right. For the roil , lot us hope liU reputation will bo safe. " A largo portion of the brass hero speaks In the most ( Littering terms of do Lusseps. Sumo ttoriln ( iiKslp. Some tlmo ngo a telenrain from Homo was printed in the U illy Ohroniolo to the effect thnt the center party hero was going to nd- voc.vto the princtplo of urbltrAtlon and dls- nrmamonl ; that tha pope had strongly up- proved of the project und hid accepted the presidency of tbo organization. This seoniad scarcely possible , but If true It was of high importance. Accordingly I have scon three deputies of the cantor , nil well informed. Not ono of thorn knew a word of It. So I may safely say it is Inaccurate. Tno great Ahhvardt casu will bo com menced tomorrow morning with Caprlvl nnd many of the foremost generals as plaintiffs , together with Loowo , tbo gun contractor. The trial takes place baforo the Moablt criminal court and will probibly last live days , 'iho extreme penalty In case of con viction is iwo voars1 Imprisonment. Drawers and stock brokers nro becoming intensely excited ever the proposed naw taxes under which they will suffor. The brewers hold that the iiubllc and middle men won't pav any moro of their money foi1 beer than they do now. The uUernativo will bo to brow cheaper and worse boor or loio houvily. They clto nn effect oi a tax on English beer a few ycnrs ago , the result of which was nearly all the small browora are ruined , while the big ones prolltcd by their loss. OX .MONT IIL.1NC. IMnnsTor the Ilrrctlon of an Oluorv.itory Tliurn About Ciimpli'to. Puns , Nov. "S [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Bnn.1 At todav's sitting of the Academic dcs Sciences Prof. Jaiisson , the well known astrnnomor.prosor.tod a model of the observatory which is to bo erected on the top of Mont Bhuic , at an altitude of 4.50J motves. The building was erected at Monton lust year , then taken to nieces nnd the ma terial carried up by guidoi. Oao-half is uow at Cirundo Mulets , ntan altitude of 3.0JO metres. The other half has boon carried to nn nltitudo of 1.5JJ nnd deposited at the foot of thu rock which forms the summit. Plot. JmisBJn spoke in the hichest terms of M. Eiffel , who has boon ono of the larg est the funds , and caused ijulto a sensation tiy praying that while so much Punnmii mud was being thrown none of it would pencil ate to the acadomy. Experiments have proved that the fro/on snow , such as is foi-nd at the top of the mountain , ii an excellent - collont builJlng ground. The porters have already carried moro than 1,800 loads. The orico of porterage H : i francs ivr kilogram mo. In consequence of this high tariff , Jansson estimates it will ho cheaper to rnnko the cupola of aluminum than ot steel , as origin ally Intended.Vhon open the observatory will bo accessible to the scientists of every nation. or I'KKL' . Cltllttiu OIlli'lOHY itlilii ; ulth .Mm Ii n niliuy. toil Hi.1 by Jnmoi ( Jordo i lljn lott 1 Vvi.i-uiUM ) , Chili ( via Galvtmon , Tex. ) . Nov. 2S. | By Mexican Cable to the Now ork Herald Spsoial to TUB Hen. | The aupolntmont of Uunovaro by Peru , as minister - tor to the Unilod States , Is lugardod bj Chilian ofllcinls as an attomnt on thopnitof Peru to endeavor to enlist tbo svmpithy of the United States to urovont uny dispute with Chill. Ofllciul circles hero look forward with hope to the assumption of ofllca by Cleveland , whoso forolcrn policy hers Is DO- liovod to bo opposed to any Interference. They hope thai representations made by Cunovaro vrlll bo carefully investigated. \VIII > ol ObHtniuC Trnlllr. tCoiiyrlcUloil 18JJ by Jn-iitii Uor Ion lljanott.l PAIIIS , Nov. 3. [ Now York florald Cable Special to THE Uun.l Tno Figaro pub- llshos an Interview with Monchlcourt on the subject of the Hornld's Luutorburh Inter- view. Monohicourtsuystha toner of Lamer- bach's ' sutQinouts imply that the Panama railway Is to be closed for Intoronaacio traf fic lifter next March and only open for the travelers In the isthmus U nn iibiunl rumor prcnably duo to tbo failure of the tallwav und the Paclllo Mall to ugroo to a ronowul of contract. Thu Panumii ruilwav will do r all that U possible for thoPaelflo Mill under tno conditions host for American ana European commerce. nn ; O'IIA / / . > /i. % v ox Haw a New VIM I ; A nut I'rnpuius tiiHui-uri ! SALT r. Mt , U. T. , Nov. 23. [ Special Tolo- Kiain to Tins BIK. : | Another u&pirnnt to fume nnd fortune and tbo world's champion ship Is U. Fountain , n comio elocutionist ol Now York city and a psdnstrlan tourist. Mr. Fountain is wnlUIng from Now Vorlc tc San Francisco , the distance to bo covered between September 20 , ISO'J , and Janu * dry i , 1SW , ns thu rojult ol n f5.000 wngor with Frank Fuller , c Now Vork sporlliia mnn. rountaln arrived hero loday. So tar such good time hns been made thnt he anticipates reaching San Francisco toy Christmis day , when ho wall receive the wotld chumplousblp bolt , boiide ; about forty silver medals whi'eh b-avn bpin : H presented him by iho citizens of different I owns niiil cities. Seven men arc Kcuplnu track of Fountain on his Journov aetoss tin coniluent , so there Is little danger of hU taking aJvantugo ot railroads. Tha wor.l hardships were endured In crossini ; the desert , whcro ho suffered touch Imrdnhii from thirst. Crossing Marshall Pain he froze both feet so that with dlfllcully ho continued his Journeyer uuys. Wbun < overlt U posslblf Mr. Fountain \\lro5hi ! whoroa bouts to Now Vorit every t\\entj miles. Ho claims $100,000 will cbanuc lianua BS tbo result of his tour. IIiiinc triKl Mrikcru lli'lnc lti < .i > iiiiliioil | , Ho iits re AD , PH. , Nov. ' . ' 8. Many of tb ( nonunion uior. taken at the Cuniepiu mlllt diirlutr tbe ilrikv roaliro that thuy will have to giVHplaco to the returning utrlker * end nro leaving before tbuv ara f Mauy of ( be old mou r bolug P'l ittpi TIT ntn'iM i\n III ( > IP\T CABlNlil MIMSTLRS RESIGN Panama Canal Scandal and Its Effect oil Irencb OfDcinls. DISCUSSED BARON REINACH'S ' DFATH Dclout of u Ooxi-riiniiMit Motion CIIIKPS tlio .Illnlstry to ICr lKti An IntnrontliiR Debute In tliii Chamber nf PAIIIS , Nov. CS. In the Chamber of Deputies today Marquis la Fcrronnaycs , of the right , qiioaliouod the government on Unron Halnach's death , nnd expressed sur prise that nolhlng had boon douo to discover the truth In reference therewith. Ho re ferred to rumors that the burial was only a sham nnd lhat the coflln did not contain the body of Baron Uilnuch , He demanded thnt the coflln be exhumed and examined as to its contents. M. Hie ml , minister ot ) ustc3 ! , nrose and snld that ho regretted thnt such accusations had bzoa made. It was evident that the In tention was to brlug discredit on thu ad ministration. There were protests from the right. M. Rlc-ml continued , ho.vor-cr. Ho snld thnt the usual formalities hail boon observed in the burial of the linron Hoiuach's ' body. Doctors had cortltled that death wus from natural causes. A post mortem could not bo ordered without previous Judicial Interven tion. Ho was not prepared lo Intervene himself , as no crlmo had been committed. The parliament committee was powerless to order an autopsy , and bo declined to Insti tute Judicial proceedings , as it was the duty f the Judges of Instructions iu the Panama anal prosecution to cause a search ol iaron Helnach's bouso If ho thought it ocessnry. Ho concluded by asking that M. a FiMTonnuycj question bo put In tbo orm of an interpellation. He declared that or himself ho bad acted strictly from u sense > f duty. Ho hud not considered that ho was lompjllcd totako Icgul steps. M. Bnsson supported M. la Forronnaves' cmund and said that tbo ofllcial seal should ic ufllxed to Baron Hemach's papers , as it hould bo imperative that llio truth should 10 discovered. [ Applauso.l Ilo concluded ly moving u resolution of regret that these lupors hud not boon scaled immediately on ho doalh of the bnron. Pronncr Lioubct arose and declared that hat which M. Brissou requested was illegal. M. Brissou protested. M. Loubut continued by saying that M , Brlsson's words could bo interpreted only as 'ndlcutinc a want of conlidauci } . and ns the iovornmont's intentions were regarded with uspicion. ho bad nothing further to say. Great commotion onsuod. When "order ivas restored M. Loubtt simply declared bat ho rejected M. Brisson's resolution. M. Maujan proposed that there should bo added to M. BrUeon's resolution un ex pression of confidence in the government. There was anplnuso from the loft when M. oubat interposed lo buy that , dospllu the ivishcs of tho'Chambor , ho could not agree oven lo M. Maujan's motion. He could ac cept nothing but tbo simple order of iho day.Thoro There was great oxcitornont , and by n vote of 4'i to 321) ) the Chamber rejected the premier's motion to pass tbo order of the duv. Shortly after the minister * left the Cham ber the oHleiul unuounconient of their rosig- mtion was mude. After the vote rejecting the premier's re quest bad been taken ull the members of the cabinet lull , the chamber in a body am Id the crentest excitement. The chamber then proceeded to adopt M. Brisson's resolution of regret that the Baron It Jinueh papers ha ( not joon healed immoisiutcly after his death the vote standing .TJ.I to U. Afler this uctioi hud been tuko.i the chamber udjjunicd unti Monday. UOTIISCIUMrn I'KOl'tfMTIUX. lluciiMicnt Snbnitttcil by Mini to tlin ? Ionc tury Co.ili-ri'iioL1. Biiu'sci.Nov. . 23. The documant sub mitted by Alfrad do Kothschllil to the mone tary conference today said in part ! "I foe that n L'oUl standard in Bugln-id is the only possible one , ana if wj consider that hat whole commerce and a great part ot lhat of other countries Is oirried on by bills o ox chnnco nn ijondon , which nro naturally payable In gold , it must bo ndmlttei thnt the world eenei-Allv ttansaets businos on a gold basis , nnd thut n double standard with the exception of a very moillhed form lioos not exist oven it : thuso countries pro fessiiiL' to pay in either motal. Whatevc international agreement sboulu bo mudo um whutovcr ratio should bo established , gou afono will Lc chosun as tl.o favorlto inudlum nf scaling lurira debts or making largo ro mlttanccs. It would bo impossible to roim largo sums of silver abroad , owing to th bulk. Cold would bo sent , oven if It bad t bo bought at a premium. " Koforring to the depreciation of silver h bald Iri addition : ' 'Germany's action in 1ST ; aiiditbo action ot Italy , Kuasiu and Austria in massing gold is conclusive proof o tbo appreciation of the great Kuropoar countries of the advantages of a cole standard. I cannot deplore the nbll ity of Indian cxnorlors to send wheat to England , simply because it Interferes with iho British farmor. I hold that nDcat allll ) shlllincs , Instead ofir > shillings is a blosslng rather than otherwise. However , I think that the fall in the pnco of certain commodities is duo to overproduction , chlelly owing to the development of new i onions nnd to the increased facilities of communication , enabling products to bo placed at low prices In European markets , "Apart from other considerations , It seems to mo that n universal arrangement of the currency question is lniposlblu. As the wealth and thn sources of expenditures of no two countries ni-i ) alike , it would be impos- fciblo to carry ou the traila of the world ou n sound stable basis If the debtor wore allowed tbu option of paying in which ever currency suited him. Although I hope Unit , I huvo shown thut bimetallism is linpojslhlo in England , the question arises whether or not it Is possible to extend the use of silver , thereby stopping a further fall and its disastrous consequences , whereof It Is Impossible to foresee , I thcroforo submit the pioposal , not as un absolute , lasting icm- ody , but as u pullatlon. " "If you approve the plan" continued Mr. Hotlischlld , "you can make u supplement to It in nny way you think proper baforo sub mitting U to the governments. I think that such an urrungomont ulll give gennral satisfaction. 1 boilovo that our American friends will find It acceptable. 1 sea no objection to silver being made a legal tender in England ! I bcliovo tbiu tbo proposal will bo well re ceived In India. The bulk of iho population will rccoaiuro thut no material alteration is suL'Kostcd , wbllothn merchants and bankers will know lhat the uxchongcu are given n stability which will remain undisturbed dining u period nt llvg.yoai-a. TnMab'.u ' cxfluuiuu moio than deprecia tion is the i-lui'f factor in India. The gold market will also bo relieved , us only Kuro- pcau appeals will oo madtt thereto fo'r a long limit , and us South Africa is increas ing Her output of gold , tbo m-- ruiiKOiupnt suggested will enable Uuasla and Austria to complete puichases without unduly interfering with the money market. If the confticnco adjourns without having accomplished anv aellnlto result , U will cause a fall In silver frightful to coa- template. It will cause a uioneturv panic of which It U Impossible to foreign the fut spirading effect * . I allude to India because the cessation of the Indian demand for silver or material decline In the specie owlnis lo iofiUlutlon woula materially affect not only the savings of tiundi-cdi of mlllloni of pcoplo but tno vuluo of silver genorully. 1 therefore hope for your ultimate approval , as although it may bo urged that couatriof o. so Interested i Eifcland nnd India lira Isposcd to inuko snttrinccs , I yet bcliovo tint what Is best for 'the world conernlly iust prove best forlr dltldunl Interests. " Tbo Russian UdtBgnlo M. Hnallal moved bat tbo proposal bo referred to n small com mittee to consider TI ; Jnvlcwof the oiro- luous statements of the British nnd Belgian ircss regarding the bonfcrenco , bo desired hat the commlttdo bo pledged to secrecy , nd thnt this report give both tha views of majority nnd inlmSrltv and bo submitted be- ore Friday if no'slblo. The Uutch dclcijutc , Herr Brcltr , seconded tic motion , nnd It was unlmoj&ly adopted , A cornmlttco of twelve wns appointed , in- eluding Sir O. Freeman , British ; Ouilford j. Nolosworlh , H. W. Cannon , Unltod States ; M. Povlllo , frnnco ; Signer Slmouollt , Italy , nnd M , Hilovltch ntul Alfred de Uotli chlld nnd other members. The conicrcnco adjourncil until l-'rldnj. t has been nrrancdd to sit twlca dully. The American dclccatcs nuthorlze the As- oclutcd press roprfsontntlvo to state that hey nro thoroughly Rntislk'd with the ttu-n of event1) uud conMJer thnt Kotlischild'i * Man anil today's action of thu conlorc-nco amply Justify tuo convening of thocoferoncc. CANADA'S I'OMCY. Slr.lohn I'liomiMiin , thn N'mv I'roniler , mill MM I'lilii l Action. TOHOVTO , Out. , pfor. 23. Tno World , n conservative papornnd In the confidence of ho government , juas the following spocl-il rein Ollnwa : Sir John Thompson has nkon up tha promi&Hhip with tha firm do- erminatlon to dUobargo its dtillas , und with no Intention of abandoning n political career or using politics ns n stop to the chief Justice- hip. Ho I * into the game for all it is worth. As to Slr.lohn'3 policy , llrsl and foremost , it will bo a uolici' strong in the direc tion ot bulldln ? up the Canadian dominion. It will bo pronouncedly nn : lonul In the way of carrying out our ntornal relations. Sir John Thompson has , so It Is admitted on ull hands , unequalled abilities for matcliln ? American diplomacy in iho Bering sea matter , In the llshericj disputes , in the question of canals nnu he is the most competent man wo have on the subject of trano rotations with our neighbor. * nnd our still closer rolatio is with England , Sir John may bjoxpaclcd to declare himself in no uncertain words In favor ot u progressive policy of Industrial and commercial develop ment. Ho has no Intention of abandoning , but rather of strengthening , the national policy of cncou-agiui ; homo manufactures , of Ueoplim our own work for our own poop'o ' , and malting Canada solf-ielinnt. Part of this usllcy involves n vigoious plan for the settlement of our country. On the two paramount questions , then , of our Internal relations nnd of the development of our country , Sir John will tnko a strong Can adian ami nattoiiHl stand. As to the details of the cabinet llttlo can ho said other thuu thnt Sir John is to bo prlmo minister ; Mr. Foster , minister of trade and cominorc ? | ; John Ha ( ? art , minis ter of railways and canals ; Mr. Ouimet , minister of nubile works ; Mr. Tuppor , min ister of fisheries , and Mr. Ualv , minister of the interior. For the , others there may bo u shifting around , the retirement of some of the present minislors-ntid thu introduction of new blood. The ex.ict composition of the abinet , however , \vjll not bo known for some days yet. HAUL ) TI.Mii 1V1TII HIS UAIt. UmpcrorWiUliim'rtCold HUH Brought About Ills oiil Trouble. LONDON , Nov. 23. A correspondent sends from Merlin information concerning tbo na ture of the emperor's oroscnt indisposition and its connection wtyh tbo chronic disease ' of the emperor's e'ar. Il is believed that the "cold" from ( vhich JSmporor William , suf fers at prcsout'ds u renewal ot the trouble with his onr. The jihysician-lu-ordinary lo his majo-ity noUnltn only tbut the cmoeror suiters from' ott.rhoji The emperor's physician says that , the tympanum of the ompcror's oar Is broken by a protraetad suppuration. By constant onio the court pbvslcians uro ublo to give the discharxo from tbo car free ogres ; . By this means und occasional treatment to relieve the pain all serious danger to the patient's health Is avoided. While the emperor's pnysicinn has made these admissions , men of higher scientilio reputation wtio h ivo been called for consultation within the last two years do not beliovu in this theory of a bc-nign illness , but recogniza In the case n niuliguunt dis ease of the oar. TliruatH Iriini1 ri-ilalg. r square. LONDON , Nov. 23 ; Trafalgar square was yesterday the scouc of another animated gathering ot socialists , anarchists uud un otherwise motley crowd which required police supervision. A Frenchman , Guerin. sui-i-ouiulea by n crowd of foreigners , ncld his trroand for a while and denounced Iho exlindltion of Francois. Hosaid thnt if Ihe English government handed Francois over lo Franco nnd ho came lo harm , London would hoar of it again in n very forclblonnd revolutionary way. ' The pollee hero broke up Iho meeting Uud compelled Guonn to move on. Friends of Francois state that they have collected enough money to moot thu expense of nppoal from the decision which grunted iho extradition. Dillon little * Co Aiiti-riirnnllltcd. Di'iiMN , Nov. 23. John Uillon spoke nt a meeting of ar.ti-Parnollltos in County Uoa- common. In the course of his speech ho challenged the Parriellllos to show that they had received ono dollar from either America or the British colonies In support of their cause. Hu maintained that the full sym pathy of Irishman abroad was with the anti-Parnollites ; Only u IYu12Uinioii HIHVK. BUKNOS ATIIHS , N.OV. 23. Municipal oloc tioiiH wore held today in the cities of the various provinces and disturbances are rc- porlo-J frp.n sovcrnl places. The most serious disorders occurred ut Bolivar , wliero iho poltco and n mob had un encounter in which it is rnporlod several noltcaim-n were shot. htivirnV < uiliui- Inliniim. . \ 'IFNSwov. . 23 , The weather in this city yesterday win bitterly cold , the mer cury fulling 1 ยง = below the freezing point. The people In the poorer quarters buffered Intensely from the cold. The free soup kitchens were bosluged by crowds of hungry women and children. Ci'liiinaitil null tiui Usual rittht. LiMEiiiCK , Nov. .a. TUo celebration of the Parnollito victory1 Iu thu election In this city resulted in a serious light between the Par- iicllltos and anil-Parnallitos. The skull of un unti-Parnollito named ICeozh was frac tured , The police had great ditlleulty Iu ro- sturlnr order. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Trjluff t holVB lliu l'riilli-iii , LoxiiON , Nov. 23. ' To the various demands - mands presented to the government by tbo organizations of then.netni > loved workmen of London , Mr , Gladstone has sent a formal reply In which ho say. that tbo government Is considering tuo'whole question. Alt llud tuTuko O.ltlK. QUEUNSTOW.V , Nof,33. In accordance with the now omlCfratlon'taWof ' the United States all of tbu oialirriuits booked for passatro on thuCunaid uteamsblp Auranta took nn oath before n magistrate loduy that they were going to Jnlu rulutlios ; In America. roiliiili-rcil lii tlm 'U LO.NDOV , Nov. 88. The Brltlalt steamer Cltta dl Mesia , paying between Mcdlto - ranean and Blacic tea ports , founUnrcd yesterday mornlug elirhty-livo miles off Cope Spartimontl , Italy , ' .Somo of ttio crew hava arrived ut Messa , ; William Again Iu UooU Ilt-alth , BKIIUN , i ov. 2& Emperor William has apparently entirely recovered trom his recent Indlspoiltion , Ho loft Potudatn today for SilosU , where be will hunt on the estates of iho priuco of PKs9. Wlieu Parliament Will Sleet. LONDONNo ? 23. U Is oniclally nnnouncea that parliament will m > ot for buslnosi oo January 31 , ON THE AMENDED CHARGES Er. Eriggs Awin Arraigned Bofora llio New York Prcsbytorj. HE DEMURS TO MOST OF THE COMPLAINT .Sltcctllriitlnitfl AllrRril to Truim-cml on IVIilcli HeVii * Trli'il lie- fore Cnitntft to tt'lilrh Ilo Taken i\copttum. : Niw : Yoitic , Nov. 23. The mombars of the Now Vork presbytery assembled this after noon for the pin pose of trying the amended charges ot horosv ugalnat Prof. Charles A. Hilggs. ThochniKC.s nro eight in number and touch mostly on the denial of the verbil Inspiration of the scrlnturo nnd the possi bility of salvation , nsklo from Iho saving b'lato of the scriptures. Moderator Bliss asked for the privilege of mnuinuiin announcement , llnsniuthat the objections of Ur. Brlggi and his oxproised purpose to carry his objJCtlons to the synod should not bo IntorpeU-d us obnructloiib to tbo trial , but in an honest expression ot con viction , lla also snld that ho ballcvcd iho prosecuting committee was equally conscien tious. At 3 o'clock Dr. Brlgijs began to road his answer to the ch-irgcs us unnndoJ. The re sponse was a most exhaustive summing up of his defense , nnd it required two hours for him to conclude. Demurred tu tlin Trlul. After stating that he bad no personal do- slro to delay the actual trial of tha chnrno against him on Its strict merits , Dr. Brlggs showed that It was necessary for him to net as his own counsel , and In this capacity ho had no right to p.isi ever technicalities or to allow the presbytery to os'nbltsn dangerous or illegal precedents. Dr. Brigas than miulo Ins flrst demurrer to tbo trial of the pres ent charges because the charges put in bib hands on November' ' ) . Ib'U , wcro litmtly disposed of by Iho dismissal ot the charge made on November 4 , IS'JI , and that the pres bytery could not lecally clto him n second tlmo lo answer to charccs which they had dismissed. The second objection which Dr. Briggs raised wns tu the order nnd regularity of every proceeding in the presbytery in any nction tnicen against him since iho dismissal of the original charges in 1891. "But It is not for me , " ho said , "to advise the piosbvtery what course It should pur BUO. I have done ray lull duty In filing these objections. I have only this further work , that , If the presbytery ancidos mo , I shall proceed , under protest , and with ho reservation of all legal lights ot securing such redress in Iho higher courts as may bo icccessary. " Ills Sec-mill I'nlnt. In the second objection ot his protest , Dr. JJriggs dealt with the Irregularity of the counts to the original chorees. Ho pointed t that amendments to charges by the law of the chuich are restricted to change in orm und not to changes in substance. Ho then snla : 1 objoet to the amended charzcs that the nature of the ol-ijlnul clnVtfes has been chaiiRoJ. The flur esc tiled atten tion tobovoral iliK-tiint'S taught by tno wlm-li u o , 11 Is claimed , in con II \\llhtliost md aids I'hounly duett I no or me sl.indarJsulthvlikli conflict wt : < alltvd was 'tlio eaiJinal iloo- irlno thai tlioseiliitinoii of Ihculdiind new test uneiils uio lliu only Inf.illlblo rnlu uf faith and nru.ii Ice. ' Tlu" o amended charges illoKti \\ithiilnucs-eiitlaldoetrliiebot the Wt'stinlnsti i stnmlurds. Klrst 'i hut the holy st-ilpluro Ismost ncces- fecoml-Thai llio holy srrlnturo Is the rule uf faith mid practice. I hud Thai holy scriuturc Is the word of God. written 1'ourtli - The holy seiinturo Is Imniedliile'y ' In the spirit nrtli God Is true , omniscient , ami unchunzublu sixth rimts'-rlpturoovUcni'os itself to bo the woid of Uod by th-j coiiienl of .ill thu parts. Smcnth Tint the Inf.illlblo rule of Iniur- pn't-it on ofbL-iiptiins M tlio si'tiiiiiiro liM-if ii'hl ; Thut Ilia prot-uisi-b of icik'miillon me llmltod tu the nmld. .Mm- That tlio MI IN of ImllovorM nioiit their dcuth at uni-u in mo porfi-ct in Holiness Cuii-tiiluu-il'l.v. | Pl.ot us cnn&Idoi Iho list chir.o flrst , This Intiuiliii-i" . n nuw eh.iiu. . untidy : my lo it-bin ) ; i.'onllLls nhli Um esiriitlul ilutrliio. . tlial tin' ' iD'il-i of hi'lrcxeis ,110 at Iholiilmith nt oi.eo iiiuilo porfeet In holiness. " 1 wiilvo liiviibjeulliin to It .mil I ciinunt togututl.ul nn thu ui hth uf t liu iiroaeiu chaivos. C'hi'r.'es ono and two a iooln ille ln. cun- lllut with lliu ( luetrlno uf the holy serlpturr-8 and of the stindiuiN. "Tiiut thu hulvcniituro is most necoss n > . und lliu lulo ot fallh and prnulleiTun chiir o svus llmlteil lu cnntllct with "tho i-niillniil ( lhat thu holy si-i Ipture Is the i niluf fiilth und practice , " If these IHO uhui es ha I llinltrd tluimsnlM's to tlin urmluul doctrines they would bo In primer fiu-m fin trliil , but thuy usscit nn addi tional essential doctilnrn.imulv : ' -That the holy horlpturu Is most necessiiry. " Tills chuiiKus the nalui'o of the elmn-'c , und you cannot lozully allow It It Is my rUht to In sist that this now ulmrxu lie stilckon out. At thiusiini ) time I am ontlioly lu bo tried on tills chiirge as a buiiurato cli.n n , If tliu pipsbytt'ry bo deslios. ThUyou may no- eominlsh ellhur by btoiiklni up i-hnr i" > onii und two Into two charges , or by rullni ; that a vote shall bo t iknn on o.u-h of thu tuo Items and chutes one und two iep.n.itoly. Tmn-icuiiiU tliu I Imvo tlici siino olijuotlon to chur n ilnnc , Tlneo olloiisome ullu 'od in tint , eliir u. iiuiiiely : ' my loauhlnxd uio In i-onilic-t wllh llio cs'onliul ( liu-innos ! ( I ) "That hey bcrlpturn .s the word of ( Joil. written " ( HI "That holy seiipluio Is linmcdlrituly 111- Hplicil. " and CD "I'hat holy m-ilpum > Is the rule of faith and pi-ictlro. " Oiny I ho Hut of the tin eo was In tliu 01 K-inal Hiiocllleiilloiih. The thirl was In thoorliiln il olinr e , ot uhlun IhuHpeellluatlon WIIH ap.nU Hill the siicoml U un entirely now elmi e , und on thut account li.uibL-enils iho n Hum of the mllnal charge , ( 'liarii's llvu anil s'lnro open lo more stirl- onsobjni'tlon. Thny uru nuw ehiirgei and. thurtifoiu , transcend the nature of the orig inal i-hni-'o. Tno uhiirgcs rem-iln to hn eon-.Uloioil. namulv , four und suvea They uio no\\ elmr 'L . Ohar o feuvun is nlso u now i-hurio I have nnntliur otijautloii lo oh UKIH six und seven. They ehui-Ku \\llhteaehliudui- ; - tiinoahleh I haveexprusily illbol.iiiued. The ruaulng of Ur , Ilrlggs' demurrer was concluded at 4 o'clock. tin' Dmiiiiri-nr. Air. Lauiper of the prosecuting commlitot ) submitted an answer to Dr. Itrigg-i' objec tions. The spaakor attempted to dhow HIM fallnoy of the dofendant'b slntuinunt that iho gonorul nature of the charges was cnunged in the amended report. Ho also claimed that the changes thut had been made were effected In the interest of conoisenrm und for the purpoao of mooting the objections raised by tr. Hrlggs at his proviou * trial. A sensation was sprung by Ur. ( Jeorgo Alexander , a moment after Mr Limpar had lluhbod speaking , The muter of the Uni versity Place church inovod thai , in conso. qucnco of the objection mndu by tha accused , tuut tbo fouith uud sovouih charuos of the amended report bo stricrfun out. The motion was seconded by Dr. Drawn of the Union Theological seminary. Ur , Sutton'lmn'odlntely offered ns an amendment that the obj ullonk of Or , Urlggs were not wall taken , This brought Ur.'nn Dyku to hU feet. Ho assorted that the amendment was out of order , inasmuch as it wus not portluJnt to the motion. At thin Juncture Ur. f < vou be gan an argument , Intended to show that Ur. Hn 'S * hud never rotruoted Iho statement of his address and that tno t'wo chargoi. were founded on that odd row. Ho was Interrupted by Ur. Paxton , who choutca : " ( JIve us a itodsnn and s'on tl-le Jjaw > crMcCooU of the prosecution com mittee restored quiet by proposing tbat tlin consideration of the motion bo postponed until tomorrow. In the meantime the com- mlttoo may consider tbo beo'.lcm ] uud by tbo defendants with whatever concessions It win consistent with duty to give. A recess wn taken until 3 o'clock tomor row afternoon. . VHMIIIMZ Tlin CoiiRfritlonitl ln\r tlitliii : Upturned In Now York Oily. NKW YOHK , Nov. 'J3. The subcommlttco of the Interstate commence commlttoo thU morning rcsuraod the 'investigation ot the Hnniltngcoal coniblno Prou1ont Ollphnnt of the Uolnwaro ft Hudson Canal company took the stand and told of the amoanu of coal mined by Ins comp.inv ntid the sections of country In which It wns sold. He de clared , however , tint tbo company was not connected In any WHY with the combine , nnd wns r.itbcr opposed to it , Ilo. however de clined to submit a statement ot the com pany's ' prices month by month during 1SW. S. U. Maekov. n relnll coal dealer , testified that the Poniisvlvantii company chnrgcd retailers (15 ( cents to SI per ton moro tliN year for coal than last. He uromHcd to submit n comparative statement of prices this year nnd last. Ho said retailers were uot making as muni as In IS'.M. ' Secretary Holdcn said there was an In formal agreement entered Intent the tide water meeting. It wn thu natural outcome of elrcumstanuas , that the output during the winter months was loss than during lliu HUinmer months. This was duo to the weather and other causes. On some sizes of unthrat-lto coal there had been on ndvanco of from f > ( ) to ( ill cunts this year ever the prices of last year ( Ib'Jl ) bv the Pennsylvania Coal compiny. This ad vance was occasioned by the nuar npptoaeh t the dninnnd to Hie output at thu minei. Congressman Patterson Now , is not this lonr approach of the domund to the output jccasloned by the resit-lotion put on the oui- liuttWitness Witness Not so far us ourconipauvls con- corned. This year our output Is 1,50J,0J ( ) ons ever that of last year , the largest over known. Congressman Patterson Now , why is It hut these companies dp not compote , that Is , 1 there Is no concert of action f \Vltness-\\oll , lam awaio that for our product we cannot got moro money than can omo onoolso for his nroiuict , if it is the < nmo ns mine , ua prices arc rcgululcd ac- cordinuly. WHnosa nilinlttcd thut the producers of anthincito coal so'.d their products ut n iini- orm price for the sumo quality of coal. It wns alsp true , ho said , thai prices were lixod by the executive olHcors of the various com panies upon the reiiort of their respective representatives nt the tidewater and western neotings. It wns true that at those moot- ngs it wus gene ally ncrosd upon us lo what ho output and prices should ho for uivon nonlhs. There wus neither forrai'l action nor contract. Similar prices were llxod , but lotahvuvs adhered to Peter UoWlti , coal Jobber nt lit Uroad- wav , tostllled that ho bought coal from the companies , in the combine , lie hud no rotlblo in golting all thn coal hs wanted , lie could not givb the commtttoo n list of prices for ls.Ul , as ho haa no data. Ho bought coal Horn the different companies at IliTorent times , bomo months ha did not buy , in v coal at nil. 1'hu circular unco of the produc is nnd the actual pnco was closer this year than formerly. John U. ICorr. vice president of the Now York , Ontario Ai Western company , tosttllcd til at bis company did not produce uny coal : they merely uetcd as common carriers for coal producers along the line of their roads. Mr. Dixon was recalled. Ho touillocl that his llrmsimpW noted as sales agents for the pioJuccrs. ilo sold 511,000 tons yearly. A member , of his firm attended tha tldawalcr and western meetings of the anthracite coal companies. They based their prices solely upon the supply ana demand. They come pretty close to the circular prices K. P. Saywnrd , editor of the Coal Trade .lunrniil , when sworn as ; i v/ittiess , remarked that ho hopoil the committee would ask him Eomo intelllpent qtiest'oiis , so ho would be able to give them intelligent answers. Ho bad not heard in.y inictlict-nt questions asked yet ho said. "Now , let her go , ' said Mr. Say ward , Congr.'sinian Who caused Siyward to somewhat modify his manner by roqucstiiii ; him lo conduct himself with soinn degree of niopnotr. Witness said Ins paper contained what purported to boa corioct list of prices. In milking up n statement of pi Ices , he said , it must bo taken Into consideration that the price quoted is not utwnys the piico ob tamed. Witness was excused nftor beluc five min- ntos on Iho wltne&i stand. Ho told Iho committee mittoo thut if thov wanted to got u list of prices they had better po to tbo chambers of coinmcivo nnd the boardb of U ado in Iho various cities. U. 13. HIV , azcnt for Cox Bros.'s .t Co. . testified tbat the linn last yciu- mined about ' . ' .OoO.OOO tons of mithruclto coil , Thov had contracts with the Ue.iuing r.iul Lohi : h Vul- lev rouos to carry coal. Wltnoos testllled , n a roprosentaiivc of the linn mimeu , ho ut- tonUoa the delegates. , und wottcin meeii'igs in 1MI1. The most of tlui tirm's product was , brought east over the Now Jersey road. Witness dnscrlboa the tide water meetines , nn had Mr. Street. Tno meetings , ho f > ald , were Informal. Prnrtlcally the cir cular uricqj wcro the roiult ol the coiu-onsiis of onlnion urrivcd at at ih so conferences. The coal mining business , \vitne.s said , so bad at present thut they were not ( 'citing interest on their investments. Tha oommitloo then adjournoil , to meet , in Piiiladolnlila tomorrow. Jt cxnoots to re- bumo Its soasiou hero on Wudnosaay or Thursaay. . . . - - - O * i - n y < mi.s'i > Iiidlcaiiiins TJiut a V.iluulilu Ioiln HUH Ili-t-n Llll'Ot * * - ! I- ! * KVIM.K.S , Wvo. , Nov. , 'Js. | Special Tole- grain to TUB Br.E.I Today J , O , iCinUtn lot Iho coulract to sink u sliaft in thn Anaconda lotJo four miloa north ofest Knwlins , It assays copper 10 per cent iuid Bllvor twenty- six ouni-oj to thu tun , An eastern syndicate ) eceurcd an Interest und liirnUhod thocapital. Work will he punned an rapldly 111 possibio. Tlil uiscovoiy Is thought to bo thu mother lode for which prospouting has bccu'dono for ever twenty youis , Cllllxui Coiiiily'n Volii. Ciicie.SNi ! , Wye. , Nov. 'JA [ Special Tele gram to Till ! JJii.-Tbo ] ( . 'iiiivnssing board completed the luturns ot Carbon county this ovenln , . ' , Thu vato la i Harrison , HO ; Clnrk , ropubilc'in , for congress , fi ; Osbornc , dumo- crnt , for governor , SS'J ' ; Claik , for sunroino Judge , III , Tbo democrats elect county cierir , thrco commissioners , ntsenscr , road bupervuor , four members of iho honso nnd ono senator. The republicans got thoshorllT , attorney , treasurer , coroner , suponntonilont ot schools , i-leik of the dUtrlct court nnu Burvovor. The final count of iho Carbon county vote makes the legislature rnpubhcan by ono ma jority on Joint billet , which will ii.stiro the election of u republican to tha scnato. It is said , ho\vevcr , that democrats and populistR who buvo control of the lower hoiuu will mi- Heat u nntnlior of the republicans elected tut- fore coiisoiitlng to meet In Joint session , * o ns to elect u domocrmio or populist sonuter. Them Is also a hitch ruKurdlng ir. O bomo Inking lilF. place iti governor for whirl : ttifiro is nn provision under llio Htntc ronbtl- tuiion. It Is llkciv that the inuttor wilt hnvu to bu buttled by the courts if tbu lOjilr.liUiuG uuoj not PUBS u 1)111 providing for the ilifll culty. I'l.ilHo I'lro In siiulli Jlakut.i AunnnEi.s' : , B. p. , Nov.'JS. A praliio IIro w&3 Ltartod u few duyj ago by a spark from an engine on the ( icttysbui- l''orrost City rullioad. All efforts lo.stoptliu kproailing of the Jlniuo ? were of. , no uvntl. Thu lira swept over n large tract of country on thn Missouri i Ivor , burnlnu out u niunbor uf Koine of whom IOM quite Jti ViMiU'iitr ot Ociii wtHUP r , At SciUtamntui : Airlvad C\t \ > t , fro-r Noiv Vorlt , At Ueuoa Arrived Fuorat UU-narcli , from New York for Naples. Av Now York ArrlVca-NgrWml * * , TRUE TO HIS OLD FRIEND Judge Rothrcok Exphias His Interest la Bagley , the Express Robber. KINDNESS OF YEARS AGO REMEMBERED Hit her nl ( liCIMMIM ! Itrrtlcmlril tlin liiw JurUt DmIm ; tint \Viiriuul the n Ii Nut rtirgoi- lon IIU Drlcllse. Cniixit KUMIH , 1.1. , Nov. 'Ji [ Snoclal TolcBrnm toTnii nii-lud'o : | .I , Ii. Hoth- rotMt , chief Justice of the supro'iio ' court ol Iowa , today explained lilt visit to Daven port in the Inteiust of HiiKlcy , the express robber. Ho said most of thu statements pre viously made were correct but soiuo ncodoil explanation , Ilo siiln : " 1 wrote to the county attorney und foreman of the grand Jury under the belief Ungley had not yet bcou linilutcd. There was nothing In the letter * requliliif ! nn upolo y and they were perfectly proner In ov ry rosnoet , and I did ; not say I re retted having wiitlon them. L did sav 1 khoiiKI liuvo not written thoin hail J Knoiv.1 Uaijloy hud been Indicted. The Implication thnt 1 was omti-avortng to In- dlico public ollk-ers to disregard thole duly is wholly without fouiulution. The fact that 1 ain Judco of thu supreme eoait Is no reason why 1 should reuse lo manifest sym pathy for a neighbor nnd frlund. The law miiuoi three tnuinbcrs of iho court u quorum for the transaction of business und it is not nn unusual occuiicnco that for sliftlcicnb reason some ono of the Judges tnkos no part In the decision of u cnsu. 1 do not desire to see IJagioy escape punishment If ho is crim inally responsible for his act. It Ungloy bo tried 1 oxnecl to bu ptoiuiil at the trial. His old father i.ursed mo ihroiigh serious Illnesi during the war nnd it ho unu his aged wife arj to undergo the huinlllallon of seeing their son sent to the | ieiiltontiury I will bo Ihero to tender thnni ueli sympathy ns I nni capnblo of , not as lawyer , nor ns judge , but ns ono who has known Ilium Intimately as neighbors and friends for many years. " IIMUI I'lirtui'iH Mtiliiillnl. i C'rnvii Kvi'itis , In , Nov. US. [ Special to TUB Uii : : . 1 Llghtnuii * rod swindlers have Just succeeded in roping In unothcr lot of lowu farmers to the tune of several hundred , dollars. This time they dropped down hi Taina count } wliero they secured tno signa tures ol three or 'our substuiitiul farmers to notes for from > IM ) to $1100. Thi-so fellows IIBVU been very uucrcssful the past Hummer und hnve sulndli-d Iowa farmers out of Irom , WO.UUO to { IIJ.OOl ) . The sjina game wa worked in nln.ost cvorv instanco. The swindle wus in seeming the signature of the fminer to u compllcutod contract and ono which he was not expected to understand , the aoscilptlou being in the wording of It. So ninny points nnd braces nro ugroed upon as necessary to rod the oinlulng. The agent gives the farmer to understand that ho is to nave the rod free , by paving n certain unco for ono point nnJ brace , llut the contract is so worded and nunctuuted that it binds the fannul * to pay for each point nnd brace and it figures up from ton to twenty times as much as the farmer Dlsmlssi-d In Dirtfjruri1. Four Donnfi , la. , Nov. -Special [ Tele gram to Tin : BIK.-A ] sensation wns caused hero todnyvhcn PHucIpal Schell nnnouncod lo tbo pupils of thu hlch school that the assistant prlnclpil , Irving D. Martin , had bscn dismissed In disgrace from the servlco of thohchool. The n-asous ulven ' .vcre , first , his glni-iug liicompcteiiuy , and secondly , the fact thnt he was ( 'hen the position on the strength of letters of reeommemlutiontt that proved lo have been forged. SVhen Martin tiled hU application ho backed it wltn most exceptionally sliong recommendations from some of iho most prominent Iowa school boaras. His application wns nccoptcd over tunny others .snnplv on account of these documents , without iiivcsllgatlna their Bouulnobs. When his Incompetoncy bcgnn to bo noticed , lottora to the puities referred o brought prompt response ; , that the names md been forged. Martin confessed nil and ondoi-od his resignation \\licn confionicu vlth proofs of Ills Built. Cniupi'lli-il lu I'.iy HID Unlits , Criuit UU-IIM , la. , Nov. 28. [ SpoclnlTele gram to Tnu Biin.J F. Nolf , chlof clerk of : lie Arcade hotel , uttcmptcd to Jump the o-.ui today und Icnvo his numerous crcd- tors to inouin. Hu sent his trunk to tno depot nnd uent to a bnlhroom. One of his cioditors got on his tinelc with u constable , f01 ecU open the batliioum door , und as bo was u single nmn , touk ull his clothes from iilm. After makiug dire throats ho liromitcu to pay the bill if thov would ro- .inn nun hl-i ttoiiiioiB. The news BOOII spread nnu his ttunk was ullnchud nnd ho eon depleted u woll-lliled pookotbuok by paying his honest debts. \Voilcol limn HerM > Tlitcups. Ciimii It\i > ui . la. , Nov. ' ! > . [ Spuclul to Tin : BM | The country in and about Whut Cheer is In a fovcii h state of uxcltomont over iho bold depredations of a gang of horse thieves which bus been operating In this part nf the stmo for the past lour or llvo weeks. Horacs and bugirioj are being run out of Iho couiilry b/ this do < tcn. The thieves are unusually successful in tholr work for , notwithstanding Iho fact , thut iho utmost vicilnnco is bding excrcisted oy tlio farmurs , this gang contiiiuii iholr operations , and so far without detection. Will rin.iii iiiH.mlty. D \vusroiiT , la , Nov. 'Js.--ldpoclal Telo- gruui to TinUi'.i : . ] I'ho linn of defense of CJoorgo T. Ua loy , who robbad the Unltod Stutos Express coinpjnv of ? 100,0 ( ) , ) Is tolor- ubly certniu to bu inrunlty , Judge ICothrock of the lowu bupi'Jino caurt hat bet that movmmmt uoll on toot und tbo attorneys nro collecting nil piuulblo ovidoneo in Unit dime- tion. Duirloy was to huvo been uallod to plena toilnj' , but this lm > . been daforrud until Thursday. _ Cudaliy Itiollii'iii'Sow liilnrcit * . Hioix UITV , In. , Nov. 'Jb. ( ripcclul Tolo- grum to Tin : llii.l'L'hodeal ; ; liiis been closed by ivhich Cudaliy brother * iiotjulro an intur- uit In the Union Stock vards horu , nnd the oxtonhlvo pucklng plant hoiutofoio operated by 1C. Hurliniann & Co. ( Juduhv brothers tune uosbesalon Doiombor in. Thu plant luw n daily cupncity for -1,1)01) ) ) I Klllnillillu Mnallni ; it Itlilc. la. , Nov. tS. ! - [ Spoelul to Tun flii.J : : August Johnson , son of Peter John- Ron , u fiirmtir living leu inlloa from horn , whllii sttillng a rldo on n Chicago & { North- wustein freight train hetwoan hero and .Moliioiia was Kirnck on tne head by a bridge timtor und liiKiantly Killed , inn Diirhif Illuhuaynian HnIiU l' | > Oiiit ul Um riiuxt. , 111. , ISov , US , Thn mounted high- woyinan who hai luicn nraatlng trouUlo In the uortlioni ituburus cf the cliy transferred the kceno of his ooeratioiiH to the extreme auburbs , Out there the lonr > bnnult has uUon poisnsilon of the roads ana novoriv smites every nuo who meets him. Tcdny l.u uvcn eompolled a 10-year-old girl to give up jnnui small chaiuo. ; Several citizens contributed to bis support ( luring iho iluy and this evetilntr he stcppu'J p. bug y In which were seated William HJUII nnd Policeman Jobn Keofo. Uynn gave up all liU chnnii ) nuu the poll re in 1111 KAld Im had nothing , 'Iho highwuymaii pro&ontbd hi * revolver und told the policeman - man to unbutton tils ovcrcoit. jio did ao , Jlpa ! ; . Ini ; bis unlfcrm. "Ob , you ure n pulicficnn , uro youl" iald thh hlBliwayiiian. " .lunt hand over your re volver , " And the ofllcor IVBS forced to com- plr will ) tbo duilut' fellow's request , tie f l no hn eotujiloUij' oluueu bit woulU-bl C ft