8 THE OMAHA DAILY BKK : ! MONDAY , NOVEMBER 28 , 1892 , ATTACKS ON ROMAS FAITH Roviiwa the Situ- Kt Eov , James Ecannell tition U St , Fhilomerm's Cathedral. CATHOLICISM AND CURRENT EVENTS MrnnRR ilpncm f 1'iilillr Urodnltty nuc lionshtlPM HnnrkiMilnel" UinniM"1' * ' ' Cnlnmnj Mur.-ly tlm Miireli of Anil- clirlfil'it I'liin I'ntlciico Counm-letl. Ut. HOT. Bishop Scnnncll prracbeil aurlni lilpli maw at HI. Phllomemi's cnthcdr.il yes tcrdnytoun unusually laiio coiierecntton Ho uciinn by explaining the sltrnlllcnnco o iho dny Uio llrst Sunilny In ndvctit th bcglunltiB ot a period of n reparation for tli of the bull Rrcatcr mlvoni , the anniversary of ( Jurist. It was a period c.tllln ? for nonl tcneo and KooJorK , so us to socuto ill blessings of Christmas tnno. Ho toforrcd t tlio bp'.ritrf ' nnu-clirl \vhlcli is now abroad to tlio wldcsnrcad evil whlcu Icnultif ? mo iistray , ctiRPniiPtliitf hatred nndcattciln falsehood broadcast. Ho continued as fol lows : "All thli U well Illmtratcd by recon events in this city. Wiltiln the last fo1 , months persons have como hero and hnv Riven lectures In which Catholics and th Ciilnollu rellclunvoro dciiotincuu nud vlll Hot ) . It Is Iho custom with this class of r.oi bens to nnnounco beforehand Hint seine ji tholr 'octuresould ' l.o dullvetcd to men enl and others to x\omen only , th ITU by Implyln that thodtsciosmos to bo tnuJnou these oc aaslons would lioof vuch u nature that the could not with propriety bo mndo before mixed audience. There could bo no mlstal Ing the motive of this aJvurtlsliiR device , o Iho character of the uudlcuco whlc it was meant to Influence and r.\ \ tract. llnndbllls havu been dUtr buted nnnountilng the lectures , ana coucno In Isumtlnce so KIOSS and so rutisiitional thu It should bo evident to all parsons of ordmar Intelligence that the Icoturers were rnoi inoney-inakln ? atUtmturera , without rolifjlo thcuiielves , nnd uithout respect cvun * fc religion. 'J holr object was In oil cases , t the > said , to expose Komanism and to slio1 what minsters of Iniquity Cclhoilca inu' bo. People nuvc been foiind to lout thci lialls ; Cionrymcn. pinfcssItiK to bo men i pcaco and Kood will , hnvo plni-oO pulpits r their diMioial , doubtless that the InlUn might bo enabled to pertolvo the beauties ( Olirlstliin ch.irlty and uo converted to II Christian religion. I'll rim liirnul CriMlullty. "Lareo auubnces hnvo attended tlioso le tiircs , nnd men nnd uomcn clatmliiK to bo li tclllfient nnil respectable havu even pitd Ii the pnvilCKf ) anil the plunsu.ro of listening ni'd npplaudlnp the grossest calutnnli iisalnst their Catholic fellow-cltl/ens against inon nnd women of tlio urentust r < Iliiomant and of the highest respectability upaltm men and wdmea of whom they tlici selves litiow no evil and from whom the r.ovor received nn Injury. Ann Iho men ui the women who attended the o Iceturi thowed by llieir presenro at them and I their approv.il ot what thuv heard thut UK bolluved iho chnrpoi m.ido Hint they t > < llovcd that ttioir Catholic fcllow-cilizei were utility of iho most atrocloi mines that , could bo cluirpcd hpalnat human being. And this thcv bollovcd , n because they themselves had any ovlilom whiilovor of the fact , or Locauso thov hi cvni a rcasonablo suspicion tuat such \v the case , butsoluly nnd simply on thavo of a person whom piobably they never sa bcforo a-id of whoso antecedents thov Itnu nothing good. And ulna tmixcs this ph noiuonon , as 1 may u ell call it , moro oxlr ordinary still is that so innnv of these Itmc nut loi-turers havobeen shcunapcain nnd uga to bo persons of bud repute poor wro'ch who. finding n demand lor nntt-Catho ! " tirades and 'awful disclosureas ) they n called , uiv iviuly to miol Iho dcinuud if on tnov are ivild for their trouble. "Nodoubt a j > ecullar trait of human natu COIIILM into play here. The neoplc who coi pose these uudicncos do not bclicvo in ccrta Catholic doctrines , anil when they near man say that ho loft the Catuolio church t : cause ho could not bnliovo In the infallibili ot the pope , or the rc'il piosenoo , or purgatory , thev are pleased and llattcre and they nra convinced tnnt ho must bn vciy bciibibic ns well Ai : very good man , f ilocs ho not ucrco wltli ihomi And if tells them , us ho is most llkclv to do. that t Catholic church is so corrupt that ho , goc honest nu.i , was fniced to lou it , they tnko this ns anotli proof of his Koodiicss and vcraci or have tlioy not been always taught , t rxlRcnclos of religious controveisy HO quiring It , that the Catholic church t : always been very wlcltfdi Ana If it whUpcioit tUut , not doctiinal dlfllcultics , I less woi thy reasons have forci'u him out the church , he tells them that ho is the v tlm of calumnv and portosution , and at 01 ho become , tor them the uurtvr ns well the smut. " | : MICM ! " Nuns Uim lilciiMl. "But It is in the case of that class of p sons railed escaped nuns that wo are c fronled with n condition of things truly w dcrful. iSomo parsons have strange idea convents , and there uro these who havi conviction that no convent is complojo wl out a dungeon or prison of soino'lilnil which young Mid innocent women uro forci -onllneU ami nude to suffer untold horro Anyway , they are well persuaded thit ct vents are full of wickedness. They ilicmsch Indeed , have nnver seen a convent duncci nor have any of their frlor.il or accjuai mices ; nor have Iho parents and friends the nuns and nupllsho live in tboso in tutions over BOSH or hoard anything in tli but what was goouamlodlfying , though ll nro frequent visitors , uio allowed to c verso witli the Inmates and to visit all nn of the establishment as often as they ctio to do bo. Hut the dungeons and the \viclr ness exist nil the same In tlio cherished liof of SOIDO persons. They will have it "Wliut rlBht have pcoplo nnvbow , t ] think , lo go and nhut thonuolvcs up hi u c vent and pretend to bo better than it. neigh born I There must bo Boiiiothlntr underlying the wliolo buslnoss , if onl.v could bo found out. And now appenu woman who tells her ho.uers of hnr mini loua OSC.IPO from u convunt nnd of all ilroadful things she saw and had to su while ihero , of dungeons and r.icln i crlmos without number , and mikes horai cncn cup full of hnrrois , for she luiows \ whnt they want. Ana every xvoid of I wicliecl trash U behoved In hello of 1th tuidlty , In spite cvcjn of the linpojslbllUy its Doing true , ana it Is ucllovcil lor no o't reason than bciuuso It Hatters cliciibhctl prejudice. And iho i who would oxoso [ the luipoituro ' not tie thanked for hU pa "Ho will bo treated llko Colonel Stoii New York journalist an J a Protestant , \ sought to verify thu htntewonts of the n rlous Maria Monk. Kov thU purpaso Cole Stone uant co Mnntroal , where Maria M said she had lived in a convent , Ilu\ fully Investigated Iho rasa ho proved i dustvoly thai she was never In thu coin at all , know nothing of It , and thut 'awful disclosure1 wcro pure fabricate For this sorvlco Colonel Stone was tro ; by many people a ? nn enemy of the Chris religion. "l.lborty ol Spi-orli. " "Very significant , too , Islho/cal nbowi a certain class in demanding that tl strolling lecturers bo not molested in tl work of villltlcatlon. Lot us buoposo the citizens of anv oUior religious ilonom tlon were attacked ns uouuvobeuu ; that ! worocbargod bysomo udvonturcrwltti hi disloyal , dishonest , Immoral. Undoubted great outcry \\oulil bo made In the press In tbo pulpit , every indignant cltlion wi cry , 'Shime , ' and tlio calumniator would driven out lu dlsgracs. Uut let n few foe Culhollct liuvo iccourko 10 violent moas forgoltliit ; in their Indignation that n lug btirves better the purpose of the cnl niutor and lintnedUtolv loud and at protests uio huard , and tno civil author are called upon to bafoguard llbertv tpouch and liberty of the press , Now , I a Dad rule lUnt Joes not- apply cnuallj to ull classes of tbo community , tbo anarchists of Chicago have I taught , that liberty of speech has limits , am ) Uio nowtboy * of Oranna loai only n week aeo at the bands of tbo po that the liberty of the press does not n that thov could distribute printed attack tbo character of urlvulo cltlient , llu unknown auvonturor must bo allowed to utterance to the foulest calumnies aga latrubldlng citltons and to distribute i cent literature , If oily the tinrsons nltncked are CathollcH , kocanso , forsooth , hborlv of ipocch nnd llbertv of the press must be up- h ld at all huztrcls. Npod wo bo surprliod that rellclous scopllclim and Infldollty are making ho.tdvvn when such thing ! nra done lu tbo namoof the Christian religion ) tup * Itnli1i > ii IHrrnlty. nm not coinplixlulngof thU Hatn of arUlrs. I nm not con.iuring nny one. It would \13 \ as rcasonablo to llnd mult with the snow * of winter or iho heatt of summer. Cnuso ; produce their efforts : nnd the effects arc ns natural and M Inevitable In the one case as lu iho other. Nor am I regrettlnc that things nro ns I have doicnbed them. I nm situ pi v describing a state ol affairs ; ] nm pointing out what Is undoubtedly the ntlltndo of a poitlon ot out fnllow cltirond toward Catholics nnd luc Catholic I'hurrh. nnd I am doim ; so because nil this Is full of slgniflrani-e for us. 'Iho at' tlludo of tno world today toward the Catho Ho church Is precisely what ll has been anv time for Iho last 1V)0 ) years. The calumnlo < poltcn against her todav nro substantially ho same Hint wore hoard lu the ( lavs 01 scro , and In them nro fultlilcd dnllv tin iropticelos ipolton bv tlio Uivinu loilnder o ! hoCliristlan lollgion. "To us who know tlmt wo nro the victim1 f n cruul Injustlcoand who are conscious ol ho rectitude of our Intentions to us who an aught by our holy religion to love Justice an d hate Inlqultv , nay more , to love oui snctmes nnd to pray for these who persccuu nnd cilumnlato us they nro a salulary ro- nlndcr that , as St. Paul sa\s , 'oiir wieullnt s not iigatnst lle&h and blocd , but agalns principalities and powers , ngumst tbo riilcn of the world ot this dnridicss and against tin splr.lof wUltcdncss In the high places. This Is the lesxou jou ro to learn , Uu cnro "ul too , that the charges made against yoi ihall bo m.ido unjustlv , tie ciirc ul , too , not to halo votir nolebbor nor ti iVish him harm , oven Ihougli ho should do ilro to harm > on , forsavs St John , 'Whoso ever batcth his neighbor Is a murdoror. Many of these who would Injtiro you nr limply deluded , ctilpablv so perhaps , oil icvertholois dcluOcu. Doubilc s .sonu o lliotn meau well nnd thlnic thcv nro dolntr scrvlco to Cod. Hemember that vou Father Is their b'nihcr and that the ouoin , who U scoklnir your spiritual ruin , Is scoKin 'hairs also. ContiHptH , ratlt'iioii nnil I'oi liriininrp , "For the Ulsijrftco brought on the fal nanm of this city , you art ) In no way n sponsiblo You have comported yoai-iolvc with groit dignity in tbo most Irving ell cunistanccs. And if your follow citbon should , for n while longer , permit you to I nssnllud by cilumnv and forgery , and I charged with tno crimes buggosied by tli ' dlsordored inviglnatlom of an unsa'vor class , I um well assured that your bohavic will be , as it IIP.S bean , \\atlby of all praisi I repeat it ; you a-o not accountable fc this foul opiuomlc ; lot others look to tlm \ou must , carrv your cioss ; but have i misgivings about Hie futuiv. You will I the K'lincrs ' in the OIHI. The final victoi vull bo tholis who contend for tuith nu jiKlico , and have all manner of ovll tbiii ; salt ! acainst them unjusJv for Chust's sal : 'In this worlu you shall have dUtross,1 i ; said to his uisciplea , 'but have conlldcnco. have ovcrcomo the world. ' " lioccbam's Pills arc faithful friends. Not I cr. Hetcwith I iiiiiiotinco to my nnil the publii' in uonoral that from tluv ( November ° S ) Mf. .T. II. MeC.ibu no longer connected with my Inisinci anil hiis no riirht to tuko o filers or mitli collections for 1110. JOHN Unit \ xi.vie. . Praclicitl Furrier , It'JO ij. loth SL. A Nebraska boy born and brc-d is "Uilh Ovgor , of the Djivey As Stone Furnltui company. The t coords out at Woopin Water show that ho was christened Wlllia in IslU. bet not ono of tha thousands wl know him would recogni/ehun by that nan ; nnd it Is doubtful If hu would rmnmubor himself without stopping to think twice. I removed with his parents to PlalUmou \\Uilo very young , nnil ruceivod his oducatti Hi the public schools of that place. I loft tno high scln when Hi years ago , and came mis city to ent the employ of t Him witu which has over > inco be connuctod. Ho 1 can as a sulosin in tlio rotili nopi . . 'iient , on the sin Uo and in ono 10 very bulldtn ow occupied na ilrm , ami all iotir ycais' ( pcrionco was mn purchasing "ngont , which uosition ho h tilled for the past twelve yea jiut ll must bo remembL'rcd that tno po1 lion is not Iho same as it was when ho to it , for the business of tnohousohas lucroas until it now amounts to moro than $ -.V)0,00 ) ( 3 ear , and ho docs all the buying. t'a years ago the concern incorpora'tou , nnd \ tJyffcr became one of the company , of whi he Is also the secretary. Wncn not absc on his flciut annual buying trips , which quire about two months out of evorv vo no is glvini ; his po utinl attention to t lonauet of the business hero , and wlion tin s n hotel to be fuinishod or any other t loal on "I5IIU" Ojccris the man who dro u tooth brush and sp'ira collar button in carpetbag and Mips : out to look after The company has conirautoJ for n mamine new MvMor.v building Hint is to bo creel on upper Farnuni street at n cod of nca ? 1)0I'OU ( ) ' on a site that Is worth Just about ntich moro , and which will give them 12 , Bijunro foot moro llnor space than Is uTnn ( ! them ut the proscnt location. Mr. ( iyt narrled uero clirht years ago , and is to iitcnta nnd purposu * an Omaha "uoy. " " las never dabbled in politics , anu it" will readilv Mirmisml that hohasattbudodstrlc to huilnobs , or In would not. luvo bi whcio bo Is today. r Dyspoplta's victims Hud prompt and r J manoiit icllof In IIood' S.ir-nipirlllu , wh t tonoa the stomach and creates nn uppctlli 11 IMon : son n 0r Via tint NVitli.ihli Hunt , ' . The short line to St. Louis and quit cat mute Bouth. Only tt" hours lo Hot Springs. Only U ! ) hours to Now Orleans. Only I18J hours to Atlanta Only < Y honra to .Jacksonville. "With corroapontUug fast tlmo to ] Hlnts ) oa.st nnd houth. Hound t tickets to Hot .Spriiiff . New Orion LnUo Cluit'les , Ciiilvoiton , San Autoi iMty of Mexico , I.os Au oles , Him Fr clsco , Mobile , .lackboiiviilo , Tainp.i , 1 vuiia and all this wlntoircbnrts of 1 houtli mul west I'ei.'liniiiH : I'liuii'i1 ( reo to St. Louis , Toledo nnd Uotn I'ullmiui liullut bloopinj , ' cars on trniiiB. BatfKitj-'o uheclicd from hot nnd private rcsldoncus to ilcstiniitl ForticUots , ilooplni ! uarai'commoduli and ftirtliur iiifoniiution fall at Will ) tiuliot olllco , 1 )0 Furiiiun street , write , CJ. N. CI.AVIOX , Ajront , Onmht Iloul estate. HareruliiB only. Mv word is \\f. G. Albright. Wl-'J-a N. Y. Life bid" , FORCED TO DROP THE PLAN Promoters Abandon the Boot Sugar Devel opment Gompnny Scheme. DIRECT RESULT OF THE LATE ELECTION < \ ci'iicl > inry ol 'Ormcirrnry Mnins : ttin Cut- line Oil nt I'rotrHloii lo Home liutiistry In tlii ! " 5iit.ir I\iio-l.cllcr I'roiu .Mr. > iiiiilliuortli , A loiter just received from Kiiplrxud bj Mr. llcnrv Utbson of this city , contains In formation tlnil will bo of much Interest to n proat tniny NabiMsu.i puoplo , espaciilly the o who were intcrostcd In the plan pro > poicd by the Hcol bugnr Iov lopinont roni' iany about u vrar ago. Messrs , \\.Southworth of tbo South' \\orth P.ipcrcoiupiny of Mlttlnoaii if , Mass , and A. (1. ( Duystcrs of New York worn the intno movers In the plan , which contcni < iluted the erection of a number ot bool sugar plants at various points In thl ! state , wllti a great rollnerv al Omaha , to rollno the product ol all the establishments. It wns bcllcvo'l ' thai this plan was butter by far than tbu ono lhal ed lo the uuildlhR of the plants now in ojicr atlon , as It would enable the projectors to pal up a plant for Slf.O.OUO instead of fiOO.OOO as is required for a plant complete with a r * flniniC department , and It would also placi plants within thirty or forty miles ot anj farmer who mlpht desire to raise the beet ! for this purpose instead of compelling hln to ship his product 100 mites or even moro a Is now necessary. The plan nlso conlcm plated tno ownership of a majority of tin stoi-k In each plant by the fanners thorn iiclvcs HO as to allow them to control the bus iness nnd at the same time lo instiru a suppl ; of boots , nnd they were to ba allowed to pa ; for tholr stock cither In cash or bcots. Mr. bouthworth went east to raise th money necessary to the successful stnrtln of the enterprise , but owini ; to the falltir Just at that time of the Now York bouso c Field , Lindloy , * c Wiocher , through whlc ho had expected to no/olmto the deal , h was tumble In gut It , i.ud wont abro.td to in tcrest forcisrn capital in the consummatlo ot tbo project to which ho had devoted B much time , nnd over which ho was so ei thuslablic. It is of his trip to Kuropo and it rcsHlls lhat Ihls loiter has to do , an Jicro It Is : Air. Smtlliudrill' * l.otlcr. LOXIION , Kntr , Nov. 12. Mr. floury Oil son : My Dear Sir 1 desire to toll you m position in rocaid lo the boot suear industr in which you know 1 ind so deep an inloros You will roc.ill mat with Iho failure of Fieli Llndloy iV ; Wiccher , whom wo were ilcpoiu in on to ohuin iho capllal for the Hot Sugar PcvL-lopmcnt company , itvas not po siblo to secure the necessarv capital in No1 York. While I did not feel junlllml in gi\ IHR anv further encouiftRomo'nt to those con inanities In Nebraska to which 1 had pivr expectation that the Heat Sugar Dovelopmei company would supplement their local cap t l with stifliciunt aid to secure the ostabiisl Ing of factories , I had by no means abanuonc the hope nnd purpose to uvend such aii cither by Iho capitali/ms of the Heel Sup Development company or through sonii fori of orcanl-'od capital to plvo such aid. I thtreforo made it the mam object of m stay In London to put myself on such torn : with capitalists hero that when I had con ploted arrangements in America I could coi inand their contidencj. These arrangomen necessarily depended on the probable polii cal support of iho present national county o sugar. 1 had arranged to visit Nebraska this wl tor , m company with the gomloraan wt would have chartro of the Now York ofrtc nnd also taKa some zontlenian who so u joyort Iho conlldenco of London canltallsl that liU roprojontitlons would conunar their financial interest lu tbo devtlopmci company. The results of the election have left n without arguments to piosont. The state i Nebraska h is expressed Its readiness to aflil ate with the party that , from all I cr gather , is plongbd to the repeal of the pro oat sugar bounty. 1 an not question ll wisdom of thoao who have thus lout the aid to retard tlio fiovclopment of Iho be sugar industry in their sttto. I can only recogni/o U.o cold fact that Ni braska nas thus nhoun herself unwilling i RIVC political support to tno ovldentlr coo to-end llnanclal nld of the govorninetit to tl development of the beet sugar indnstr That this eld Is ovliienlly lo end. with ti results of the national elci-lion ns the cau of such dlacontluuance , is my only roas for wllhdraiving from my purpoio lo assl in oeet , sucnr development. V\ ill you , then , give such publicity as v i.-in to this nusuranco that 1 have abandon Iho cffiuts , which I have lea so many Nebraska to believe would be In co-oporati with theirs , solely because of Mio ovldc change of national policy la regard to t sugar bounty I Cordiallv'yours , II. W. SoiTiinouru , fet ! I hit ; Douii to I'usrs. Circulator LawU of tbo ( Jhlciso SunU 'Sun made an effort Saturday evening to i out of jail , where ho was sout in default payment of a line for $75 autninisturud In I police court for the stile of t > > o seurrilt sheet. He went before .lud o Scott will petition for n Imboas corpus writ , hoping pet his release nnd secure tlm nostponrai of the hearing of the uaso. .ludjro Huott i fused to ( jr-int nny oostponmuit of the e. but offered to coino up from Sharpy com Tuesday ovniitnc ; nnd bold a nlKht session hear the arguments In the habeas carp application. The attorney for Lewis was i anxious to hare the case cotnotoun IminodI hoaniiK and did not want to take an anp as he was loss anxious to go before Jut Davis on the * trial of tbo case. Ho will lu lo do ono thing or the other today. .SOI/7 IJ 0.11 lll.l. Idea \lonc. Mrs. J , K. Morrison , poor woman v lived alone opposite the Ueeil betel , died j torday at 1 o'clock. When her condition canio critical. Chief Beckett , uallotl tbo c physician by telephone , but tbo woman d ihoiUy after. Superintendent Mahoncy A noltlled and took rhargo of the body , I husband went to Texas u short tlmo agi cngiico in work , Intending to send for wife aa soon IIH lie could draw n month's p A telegram was sent to him but bo oould bo reached , \ mimt.'Their Ucinl. J , ( ! . Ciittbrin and wlfo of Newton , parent ? of iho man Killed btbe train at Albright crossing K a tan ] ay afternoon , rived in tha city yostordiy. The inqn was postponed until today it It o'clock. 'J nuinoof the deceased was Ueorgo rf. Outli and not .lanios or John as tlio nun have U. Lewis ( iutbrlo visited the tine taker's rooms yesterday in company with brother's widow , wbo bad up to that tl not hcen ibu remains. The poor ivonun \ overcome \vilh eriof. The bodv will taken to Xuwlon for burial , leaving I evening on tbo llycr. MiiKit ) Lily ( iuvHlp. A telephone msssaRo from tlm central i tlon at Omaha was received lute last o\ Ing to tbo effect that a little plrl fi years bad been found , who claimed tier numii Ijaul and tbat her parents resided at T woi four til and M. South Uiuuhu. A there bo llfih jres nii- llin- ry 1108 Of t 1s Hut icon ita nod llco , lean > on I an b'lvo Thc only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder , No Ammouiu ; No Alum. ude- inst Used iu Millias of Homes 40 Years the Standard. search failed toluliscovor any ono ot tlmt natnu In the vlclnitjx The Itnnrd of TtMo mcotlner wlilch v ni n > nottncod for Snltirjliiy evening had n * llm nt- ten dan co. Thn l > o nl WAS ieor nr.l.od , now officers oloeiod nmllm ilniesot for a future meeting. jM.wr ; . < n A nt't.i , Fiunr. Mad Srnnrft U'ltiifuxoil In it l.lttln Mctlcnn Town M py People Injiiroil. NKW Om.fuss , Ila. , N'ov 'J7-Tho Pica yune's Saltilll , Mca. . special snys : "Tho tunyor of Artcga.anilown forty miles southeast - east of hnrn , nrrlvaiuthls morriing and rolatus Iho thrilling ctorjvof nn nccldnnt that oc- currrd ht Artega yesterday , and the object of hU visit Is to secure medical nld for the unfortunate victims. The fall festivals opened In Artcg\ : this week , ihe feature of whicn was a bull fight , The great event of the week was postponed until yesterday , when four wild bulls were turned Into the ring at onco. About I o'clock , whou over ! t,30J spectator ! WPIO present , the bull lighters took Iholr place * nnd Iho animals \vnro lurnoil li to tlio mvna. After working no the bulls Into n fttutuof ( rony , the mamlalor attempted lo kill Ihu tlrst bull. Wounded , but not fatally , the bellowing and wild capers of the wounded anlmnis stampeded tlio others , nnd Ihoy mailo n united rush against the batricmlo made for the protection of Iho spectators. Tlio ban kudo gave wav , mid Ibo bulls rushed franimnllv Into the crowd , tossing pcoplo rlebland left. It the height of the excitement the seats collapsed , and fully llfty people sustained broken limbs and severe Internal Injtirios , wbllo a iiumbor of olhcrs were olhurvviso injured. The bulls killed ono person and wounded ton others. Wishes to speak through the Jlcyistcr il tinbc'iii.'ikinl roaillts ho has reroived from a regular use of Ajet-'s IMIIs , Unsays : "I was feeling sick and tired nnd my stomach seemed all out of older. T tried a number of remedies , lint none sucmt'il to give me relief until I was In- dared to try tliu old reliable Ajcr's Pills. 1 havu taken onh om > Imx , hut I fvcl lil < n now man. I tliinK tliej nro the most pleasant and easy lo take of anything 1 uvurm \ \ , being so llnt-ly Biigai-coated that even a child \ \ ill take them. 1 urge upon all who are of a laxative to try Aycr's Pills. " liouthb ly ( Me. ) , lleyistcr. "Hutwccii the iiRcs of Iho and fifteen , I was troubled with o Kind of salt- rheiiin , at oiaption , chiull.v conllned to the legs , and ( 'specially to the bend ot the kni'o above the calf. Hero , running soies formed w'liich would so.ili over , hut w ouUl break Imniedlntely on mov ing the leg. My mother tiled cM-ry- thiiig film ronld think of , but all was without uviil. Although a i lulil , I lend in the p.ipei.s almut the bi-nelinal effects of Ayer's 1'ilN , nud persuaded my mutli- ur to lei mo try tin-in. With no faith in the result , she procured ami I began to use them , and soon noticed an improM-niunt. Kncouiaged by this , I kept on till I took two boxes , when the sores disappeaicd and ha\e sievor troubled me.since. " 11. Chipman , Heal Kstato Agent , Ko.uiolce , Va. "I hiiffciud for yeatn fiom htomach nnd kidney troubles , causing \ < ry severe pains in various paitsof tlie body. Mono Of the remedies I tried ufiimled me uny rsl'et until I.began taKing A > i.r't. I'il3 ! , and wascured ' ' \Vui.Oodd.ini , Notary Public , Five Lakes , Mich. 1'ro-iaii.d tiy'Dr .T.C. AVcrJtC'o , T.oncllMaaa. Sold by Urn1'1"tt , ' \ where. Every Bose Effectiva Truths Are fomotlmcs bioiiKht homo to ns In u torclblo manner. lii'n we are suddenly iiiuili ) tu rejil/u ( hit hoallb is do- ntioyoO. and that no aiolctlms ot "OHIO Nervous , Chronic Private Disease , or some form of ( llslmsslnjj and iUn- Korons huMiul inuliidius. . lint I-IOPEX and joy talio Iho place nf dc > p.ilr vhen we le 11 n that wo can hu CURKLD hv phioliiK niirsoUca nnilur the si,111- fnl tieatmentiuf thusu UlnK -puulal- - li.ts , the ahlu uoil siicuexsf nl With uhom consultntlon Isalwivsfioo to all apnilcnutx in person or thoio uho cnuiosu a stamp for rep y Semi t cenw nnd locolui fioo a eopy of Hi 3 \aluablo lion Illnstialoil book Of l-l ) 1IU.J09 DPS , Belts 119 South 14th Street , OMAHA , - - NEB. TH ' 1/111S' / I 11IIL ' 1 lie Onl ) 1'iTlurtut' I HI ll UriMllI > > ruiJO lu I \\uiM. 1& lite only kyrliuo e hiM'iHt'il ty which \a l lliK'lUnn ran hu iiliiiu ll'll'll \ > HlHMIt tim'illix It IM Ullllf tlio cUit'llil. ' nr I ( eMiiiilhi/tlio iKonf a vi > Cl. nml Mlilih f 'i ula i loixtior rttti.l inju I knu InluHilon i-ori' III I1IIKU III I AMI IIVUI ) III Illll bllii.U : Price S3.OO. 1 lie Aloe Si Tenfold t IBlh Straat , NKATTO 1'Oil'OKrii : 1'uUnlcnnn pru.ctipth ai-ciuuti'l/ | reil at 1 DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDICINAL' USE FUSEL Thm grp.it mudicinal whisk * ? is nsp dally vnlu iblo or pa nr hal co.ds , pilp cildTIH ! n'.lml ' uon-vry troubles Thfgr p Is pnrtatn to niipca- jaln this sf.isoa , nnd a wist ? man or wo nan will ward elf Its a.iproich. In no way enn thN b better ilou > thmi by tbo MS of this p ire , malt v.-hlsU y. which Is tha best stimulant In thMinrUet. Do not let your druggist or groc rso 1 you miy other whiskey whlH ho may ( li in to he " . | UH ! as gooJ. " It li not tr it1. Scud tor pirn > hlot to , TIII : nrrr\ ji.vi.rIIISKIY t ; ) , lloelii-stri , N , V. DOCTOE , : MeGKJSW. In tlio treatment cf ii'l fotn s rf PRIVATE DISEASES. nnd till \\'o iliiiHSM anil I ) soidci of wlili lossof courano. aiiililtlon. ami vitality Knjlileun yoiiM ol the most ri'inuiU tlilo siict'csi In tbo troilmont < iC tli s uluii u ( umu.iiUB. which Is urovi i hy the uiuvors tl testimony of tuon- sniulsnlio liuvo buou uurcd. Wrlta for olrju- l r anil question Hat. Itu mid I'.trn tin MN. , Oiimlm , N l > . DEFORMITY Trusses , Cruicli33 , Batten's 3 , Sy ring 3 3 , Medical Sin ifsi , ROE & PESFOLI 114 S. 15ti ! St. , Ncxl tol'osl ' oliicj. National Bank. U , S , DEPOSITORY - - OMAHA , HE : Siirjihis 5 , DO CfllceM.indOlriM'tori HeiryV YUai. iirpjldjt ll C. Cuflilnif vlco preiMenj , i' . < . MiurlojV V MorHe.JolnH , Colliiii J. S , IL L'atrloc , howli > Heed , cnshlor. TL-llS I-RON 13A.-NK. Nutlets SenloJ proposals will bu roool\od : it in time on or l < uforo 'J o'cloi'U n. in. of the lit liny of Decumtlur , IV.i. . for thn pi Intln. of .1 bills for the legislature' unit Mich mutter i miv bo oiili'tcil liv olthi'i honsu tlicieof. to I printed In " 1)111 form. " which K shonn at ilcslstnitB I us ol'i. > soni3 ( I ) nnilur tliu pilntli Inws of the Htato of .Niihi jska. I'oi iho pi'lntln ; nnil hln Iliu In cloth cove of ono t linns mil ( I.OOJ ) unnlfs uiu-h of thu llu nial rctiorts of the uiilltoi of pnullo ui'counl tro.isnrur , sct-iutury of stnto. coniinHslonor puhllc lands and building , mill hnm.iii labor mill Incliintrhil statistics ; : iml li\o hn ilioil ( .Vl'J ) c'oples u.icli of thu hlcniitul luports the attornuy uuiiur.il , biiDcrlnti-nilont cf | iu lie Instruction , state llhr.iilau anil iiiljiitt none nil ; ono thousand ( l.ot'O ' ) coplt's icio | hluto bo.inl of transportiitlon fin IMliund II tliDiisnnil ( " > , UOo roplcR report stuto hnnnl lurlfiilttiro for IBJc.1 , mill all other rpporl HI ilounincntB thut ni ly ho ordered printed I the Ic lsluturi' . t'i'0ilncli | s may entur In nnil form a pint of the .Innrnuls , "lilch oln of uorl ; Is liiionn anil drsl niitnd us uli ; tli I co ( HI nnilur tlio minting I IMS of .Nclranl. . Tlio hill woi U. t'XiMMited niiik'r uliisa 01 shiill he iirintod In sum II pic i t vpn , on nap fonili'on ( H ) Inches lnn hy i'l 'il ' and onc-ln ( Vi > liR'hcs wide , slnjjio P.IKC ; p ipur to twonty-i'l-'ht ( Jsl pounds tlotiblu cap ti I n'ain. anil i'M.Tpl the tltln pnz < ' , u ich pa ; xhnll L'ont iln not Irss than tnitnty-llvn c lines of uolld MKiltc'i of i-uvun ( Ti Ini-lu's JuiiKih , nnd thr llni-sshill ho stuit'iiisivo nnnihuroil , with n hlanli on y In inch sp u but Keen the lines The lltlup.itft ! of s.ihl blil.-i sh.ill i-oiituln n lc s than i'lhicuii ' ; ; ( IM 1 ncs us aho\o , ul threix.'ll Ini'hnsudilltlon.tl sp u'o nllov , ahlc I illsjiliiy tltlo in itlur. , , , 1. mil hi I shall Htato what the h'dilor U wl \i\ \ \ ' to do the woi ( complete for , | I < M P 11:0 , f thiilhieo InindruJ I it'll ' ) eoph'S nai'h IMll.nl tin' i.rii'n for iiddltlonal lninlii'd ( Hint in.iv orderud of Iho same hhl at the i > amo tinin thoorlxluiil thriM' hnnilredi.UU ) Ini'indln coi poiltloii , piper , prt'ss uorl. , suu'liluc , lotili anil > ll wor < of matoilnl entei.nx Into t \voru ieiiilioil. ) \\orko\ecutou nilur el'iss ono shall ilellvurcil in teed order hv Iho con riielin the olllco of thobcmiiniynf bin HI within tin davH nftor thoiecnlptiif Ihnorditrhy said cu tnctor from tha chilli ni'in ' nf thn commlll on prlntln , ' , Inolthci hiAiichof thnli' lslittni All norkoxeontt'il under rlans hit'oilli nln he prln'ed In Ionprimot , hrov < > i ind iionji it'll type , on D'lpiT to ho nine Im hi"t I'm , * slv tdi liitlicH wide slnild IIUKC. pupi'r lo forty-live ( I'll JMI inds to no IIMIII of iwont , four by thirty slv whltohooU. I'.iuh hid u dcr cliiss thruii shall slain nhut tlm hlilder unltirtodo the worlf I'omplcto for , PIT ] ia ; on riii-h ropoi t orltem In tlio cl. isInelnill toiupnsltlon , pupur. press worlt. stltchliu.fol I iz nnil ull work or material t'lituiliiK Into ) voflc rcijnliod ( i.illny and nnu'u pronf mn lie fnrnlshuil Hhcn it'iii lioi h > ihnolllueis thr oMTiillvo ilnpirlii'i-nloi ' the I'liaiiman the conimlltee on pilnthu , In it thei bran of Ihe lD lslnliiro Worli whim con ulutocl huilollM'lcii freu of c\ponse .it Ihu stall' lion I'lopouls foi worU In i"U'h of thuahu' elas-i-3 ulll not ho rmnhloicd nn ess thu su he nn'ompanli'i ! hy a luinil In iho HHIII of II lioiisiindifi.UMMlollais with two oi mom em ties ; th it In uaso the parly niopoiln ; for MI corn i act shall ho atutr.lu I the same in > h 1111 ty , | , \vilhlu Ihei.xil ns ufn I tlm ait aid him of Mtrh eonlrirl , outer Into bunds fort ralthfnl poifonnaiK e llieri'iif , as piovlili'il i law ami the the terms ol thcan | in > posul > . 1'r pnsalH shall In in ike. I "I'mpos ne f pnbllu prliitliu" and addru-.oil to Ihu sU mi.iril of prliitlns in can of the sierutary .stuti' , liliu'oln. Ni'l ) . ( 'ontraclh on i lass onn ill aubov o Hptdli ulll lioinvtirded as a whole. I 'out i iii-l.s on clam t hire i.li rn ; il n u npui'in ulll ho awarded In whu.u 01 Jn unit a t hoard may elect - * -.uiilih'J of the uoil. tu hu executed uml i'lassonol ( ) and tlnue i.Ii may bo hven ul I olliconf the heerotaiy of t lie. 1 1 ntr.ifts on al'oto el.ihyi s one il > and Ihr il ! to run tttiM''l juus fiom li ) > i'iut > ul I.I , I- n\i'pil | Iho reports of the hoard of transport tlon and htato bo.ird of ui lonllnrf , thu lalt lo hocomp'.etuil \ , Ithtn klxly d.ijs after I au.ir.lin ; of thu cunlJait. The state piintlns boiird re ints Iho iU efr Uirv of hinte J t : . ll II , I , . ' Auilltoi I'nhlie Accoiui , N U , Nor. it , IbW. uliilifl WHEN YOU Can walk into a clothing store in broad day light or in the even ing if you prefer to and plank down three common every day "hard to get and easy to spend" American dollar ? with an eagle on one side and the "Loddess of ( . .liberty" the oth er and walk out with a brand new overcoat on your back that belongs to you fm- yon looks well on you and feels a cold day , is it any wonder that that clothing store sail liardly handle the crowds as fast as t1iey comc ? Say it ? It's a fact that you CAN C4ET a substantial heavy chinchilla overcoat of us todiy for threes dollars ; you can have it either single or d mb'e breasted with" velvet collar sateen sleeve linings -heavy twilled lining and Canton flannel pockets ; and -you'll be two do lar.s richer than if you bought it somewhere else. For a iivedoll.ir b 11 wo offer you today ' AN OVERCOAT that you never saw equalled for less than e'ght ' do'lars ' in all your life. This coal is made of so'id heavy chinchilla " cut extra long lined with double-weight serge sateen sleeve lin ings velvet collar and doubVsti'tchccl scams. If you'd rather buy an ulster than an overcoat , "FOR NOTHING is quite so comfortable on a co'd ' day we will sell you a great heavy chinchilla ulster double breistcd cut goo.l and long lined with heavy plaid cassimcre for five dollars and scventy- fiyc cents or we will sell 3011 a gnind ne7e " " ( rnoT"ireec ) ulster double-breasted-lined with heavy plaid lla'inelfor eight fifty that's worth an even dozen dollars. Ifou want to buy one of those elegant overcoats that we're selling for nine dollars. f3inn TT > UrJLj J. JL JL o day they're going fast. They're in Kerseys Chinchillas- Cassimcrcs blacks blues browns smokes modes tans double-breasted singlc-breasccd plain linings plaid flannel linings cassimere linings velvet collars self collars full satin sleeve linings fourlecn-dollar garments at a nine- dollar price. " * liir overcoats ! What fur ? Oil , different Kinds of fur , "fiir"Iittlc .Money ! Pair Directors Have 5,000,000 Souvenir Half Dollar Coins in their treasury , the gift of the American people by Act of Cougiess. The patriotic and hisfoiic features of these Coins and their limited" number , compared with the millions who want them our population is 66,000,000 have combined to create so great a demand for these World's Fair Souvenir Coins that they are * j alieady quoted at large piemiums. Liberal offers from speculator'who wish to absoib them and leap enormous profits , have been rejected for the reason that This Is the People's Fair = = We Are the People's 5ervants = = and a divided sense of duly confronts We need $5,000,000 to fully carry out our announced plans , and We have decided to deal direct with the people- To whom v/e are directly responsible --among whom an equitable distribution of these National heirlooms should be made. The World's Fair Offer to tlie American People : That none of our plans for the people's profit be curtailed we must icali/.c fiom the sale of 5,000,000 , Souvenir Woi Id's ' Fair Fifty-cent Silver Coins the sum of $5,000,000. This means $1.00 for each Coin , , i much smaller sum than the people would have to pay foi them if pmchased. through an indirect medium. Every patriotic man , woman and child should endeavor to own and cheiish one of these Coins , as they will be valuable in fntuie years a cherished object of family pride. C' i Remember that only 5ooo,000 Coins must be divided 66,000,000 , people. These Coins could be sold at a high premium to Syndi World's Fair cates , but we have enough confidence iu the people to keen the price al a Uoljar Souvenir Coin for each Coin , as this will make us lealize $5,000,000 the sum needed to open the for a Dollar. Fair'b gates on the people's broad plan. Hnw In fipiGo to your neaiest Bank and subscribe for as many coins Him i.u utu as jounced for your family and friends , These Sub- TIlB Coins Agents of the World's ' Columbian Exposition will give you their receipt for your money , as delivery of these coins will not begin beforeDecember. . There is no expense to you attending the distribution - bution of the Souvenir Coins , as we send them to your local bank If for any reason it is inconvenient for you to subscribe st'nd Postoffice 01 I.xpiess Atoney Order 01 Registered Letter for many coins as you wish with instructions hoto send them to you , to TREASUHER WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. CHICAGO , ILLS. Oric' ! wilt tie in ( lie Order In wtucli they urc Kecelvctl Douglas Sireet , Omaha , Neb.