THE FIGHT THAT FAILED Inception , Program nivJ Oollapsa of tha aJ Strike. HARNESSING NIAGARA'S GREAT POWER An Indii'trlnl 1'rojpnt of llnrqtinllpil Mnsnl tudo Aiprint'lilniCoiiiplitloii I > | ; ! piPlnp- mniil In till ) Smith l.nlinr ami Indiislrliil Nolps , Tlio strike of the employes of the Carnegie stool mills nt Honicstcntl , Pa , , which began Juno .10. ondoil In ( lisaa- tor nnil ilofont for the inon N.ovombor 22. The struggle 1'iited nearly llvo months , nnd wns ono of the most determined struggles between organi/ed Inbor nnd organised capitil over waged in the United States. The contest was brought on by n demander mand/or n reduction of nbout 15IJ per cent nn certain class of work In the upon hearth department * , Nog. 1 and U , anil In the ll'Mnch nnd OL'-inoh pinto mill" . This reduction directly nIToeloil only abouti' < 2. > out of the 'i.S'JO ' men In the Cnrnegio 11omo tcnd mills , but tlio others tooic up the matter as a common cause through sympathy , nnd ntjtecd to stand by them In i"i o of a strike. Tlio scnlo expired uiulor which they wcro worklnjf on Juno ; ! i ) . The ooinpany wanted tlio Amalgamated association , which contrulled the workmen in the mills , to sign the scale at n reduction , which wns to ho renewed on Jniuiiiry 1 instead of from July 1. This Ihu asso ciation refined to do. The men threat ened to strike hhould llio request not bo granted heforo July 1. On Juno 'ill the company locked out all Iho men before they h id the opportunity to Rtrlkc , tu they threalenetl. The wngo question was noon lob I sight of , and the contest for the recognition of organi/eil labor lollowed On the d'iwn ' of July li , the now famous battle took place be tween the workmen on the mill prop- prty and the 1'inkorton force attempting - ing to land and take pOHiissipn of tlio mill. Ihcn followed tlio trying times nt Ilomcatead , the reign of tlie advisory botud , the various scenes of lawlessness there enacted , the calling out of troops , their long and tr.ving stay there , the shooting of Mr. I-'riek by Horgi'inn , Iho dopirturo : of the troops , the arrests of ho Ihnnostctulcrs , the beginning of llicir trials , and now the ending of the gtriko or lockout , which has been pro- rueted about llvo months. Thn secretary of the Aniiilgamated Association of Iron nnd Steel Workers , B peaking of the struggle , bays : "Tho inon have made a nravo light , and iho asso ciation all it could to belt ) them. When it was hopeless to fight longer , wo thought it useless to un necessarily sac rifice Iho men and exhaust the icservo funds of the association. The men were allowed onliro freedom in the matter , and wo did nothing moro then tulviso wh it wo considered the lost course. Our efforts will now be directed toward get ting nil of tlio men as well located as possible , and without further delay. As to the forfeiting of the charter.- the Homestead lodge , that is largely in iho hands of the men. We have nothing to Bay in the matter , as they return to woi'K with the consent of the association and nil are now in full standing. Ijcnolits to nil the strikers will be discontinued. The Amalgamated association will go nhoiul , nnd not lot up one dot in Iho earnest prosecution of its work , as this was only ono of the many disputes thai occur between capital and labor. It is almost impossi ble to give figures at this time on the cost of this btriko , but what seems to bo conservative estimates place it about $10,000,000. Of this about S2oOOUOO weio in wages to the mon. The linn's loss ib thought to bo two or three times that. The uirootcofjl of the troops were nearly 1500,000. Of coursu the secondary loss has been very large , indeed. " At least thirty-five deaths were directly or indirectly caused by the Btriko. Besides those killed in the battle of July 0. many soldiers con tracted fever which resulted fatally , ono eoldicr was shot accidentally by a comrade rade- , another was killed by the cats , ono strikers committed suicide , ono drowned , ono was killed by Iho cars , several nonunion mon died from favor and novoral were killed In the mill and ono was murdered by another non- unionist. ( jlM-llt I'UU 41 * . The mammoth tunnel by moans of which the power of Niagara Kails will no harnessed and made subservient to man's will , Is completed , nnd by July , ISO. ! , the projectors hope lo have tlio machinery in place and everything in working order. Nowhere in'tho civil ized world has any hydraulic work of such magnitude boon attempted Nowhere - where are there wheel pits 100 feet deep and wheels , capable of de veloping T ,000 horse power each , or a total of 110,000 horse power. This tunnel has been the most dllllcult nnd costly part of the work so far , Jt was cut through solid limestone rock , but the rode found wns to crumble PO biidly after o.xpobiiro that iho whole 7,000 feotof the tunnel had to bo bricked 1 up. It is in the form of n hon-oshoo , 2S feet high and 18 fool broad , inside di mensions. Starting at a depth of IliO [ ) feet it Ins n downward s'opn ' or nilch of four fcot In 1.000 nt Ili-bt , liK-reading to seven foot in thu rapids is 1211 foot below the brink of the clilV.-i which form the ravine. Its cross section is 'IG.j square foot and at the speed of twontv fcot a second , with whleh the water wlf.1 rush out of it. there will bo a discharge of about 50,000 gallons every minute. i A view of this great engineering work reveals the fact tnat the main tunnel r has boon driven and entirely bricked in. The largo inlet canal froin the rtvor has boon constructed , This is 1,500 foot long , 20(1 ( foot wide at the mouth niul tnpors up to 125 feet wide at the end , with a depth of from cloven to ( If- teen feet. Tlioro are ton inlets or gates for the wheel pits of the Cataract t'on- btructlon company , over which their powoi house will bo constructed. There nro two gates for the Niagara Kails Paper company , which has the larcost plant in the world here. Thcro are two moro inlets bewcon the pa per company's works and the power houso. These fourteen Inlets at o on the west sldo of the canal. On the oabt side nro six Inlote and two moro will bo built. The extent and constantly of the water power can bo understood when it la ronur.ed that the water service of the great lakes , with the land sloping into them and contributing to the falls of Niagara , has u total drainage basin of ! MOUOO , ( > 00 square miles , uqutil to moro than twice the urea of Great Hrltaln \ and Ireland , -10,000 gquaro miles moro than the total rtruli of Franco , and moro ithun fifteen * times the total area of Swlls-erloiif } , The ITonioshoo falls are ftp.Kjt nigh and 2,000 foot wido. The otfior ohnnnol , In the ut.ato of Now York , forms the American falls , which nra 109 fcot high nt the custom side and 1,000 foot wide , both falls comprit } Ing 3,000 lineal foot of wator. Sontliorii The spirit pf progress tlmt lins in recent ' cent years characterized the south ii ' Illtistrutoil by the giant Jttldos that have taken place in manufacturing. In 1931 only ! . " I,6IO tons of pig Iron were produced In the south about ono-tenlli of the product of the rest of the country in ISM ! the product had ltu'ro'i od to 1,01 1,0)2 ) tons nearly one-third of the oulmit of the rest of the United State' . In 1SS1 the output of coal wns 0,000,000 tons ; in IIHH , 28.000,000 tons. There were forty cotton seed mills , with n cap- Hal of J'1,600,000 In 1SSI , and 200 , with a capital of $ .10.000,000 in 1M)1. ) Other in dustries have incFonsod in like proper tion , and the prospects for still further Increase nro brighter than over. l > oln ( ; < In I nil u 'H I'li'lil. \Vo have 37,000 women telegraph operator - orator ? . woolen mills employ oO,000 hands. The projected labor temple in Chicago is receiving substantial encouragement , and tlio managers mo couihlotit that suf ficient money will bo raised by stock subset iptiois toorccttho building. A woman who npont fourteen . weeks . among ( iorman f einiile factoiy hands 1 with a luck ruvonii ntr n bti'tto ot mis cry and imuonility that is described in shocking. In 1810 the per capita product of man ufacturing operatives w.m $20 , in ISO1) ) it was ill , in 1S70 li , was * ( iO , in IS' ' ) ! ) it wns -J140 re-head : in the Tinted Sfites. ' A union of Ilnliii'i laborers has boon 'ormud In New York city. 'I he primary ibjoct of the union I * the p'otection ol ts mumbers from the exto'tion of ulrones mill "siiido" ' blinkers. The union will meet every Mo'iday ovnning U Kiank's hall , lL'1 \ Vebt'llo'iston ' trect. Wages are going up in the cotton fac- .o-'ios. This is peculiarly ugicoablo in- .elligonee. ( Jrt'on iiianuf.ti'lurlng is iv Ino of Industry which is destined to grow very rapidly in this country in the : iear future. Serious ti'oiib'e c\lsl < in the Journcy- non Mtmicctilto s union. ft arose through n dispute over the dfc-tnhiitlon ) f a sum of 5-11,000 mi-oil by iHM'-stnonts ) f $1 i > er week ioi i 'd on each member if the union , The assessment com- nioiieed in Juno , IS'll ' ) , mill , vas levied to ' lid the jOiirneyni'Mi softstono cutters in 'ioston , Springfield and Providence who wore ou strike. It Is claimed by two- .hirds of tlic members of the union that iil.Olil.lS remains unaccounted for. Now ollleors of thu union were appointed at an indignation meeting. In 1S71 wo produced 'tll" > 2 tons of steel rails ; in 1800 , 1.S71. . ' ! : ! ( ! tons. Our mports of rails wore5l,57 ! ! ! ! in 1871 ; in 1800 , only 131 tons. In wo exported 15,581 tons of rails. A now tibo foralumnium is mentioned > y a French paper. It consistin insertmoi ng a thin phito of iho between ho two solos of n shoo , witii the object of preventing the penetration of dumphen ness , while retaining the warmth of the foot. Throe-fourths of the world's cotton 'i ' op is pioduced in our south ; yet the grain crop of this samoeonth exceeds lU : otton crop. Fifty millions of dollars iiardly repre.-ont tlio value of the over ncreasing bin pmeiits from llio south to the iiovm and west of early fruits and I'ogcttiblcs. A table piiblitihu'l trives the gross earnings of the Full River mills for the Twenty co"porntions. repre senting a eajiilal of Slo.020,000. have earned J2ii27Ct ( ) ) , an siver.igo of lO.Ki ior ) cent. Unusually cho ip cotton has icon iho important , factor in the boom in this biiiiness , as gooilb have not been particularly high until the last three months , though there has been a steady demand , and the market has been cor . nered biuco August. Ignorance of the moms of noWltt'i Little ' 1'nrly Hlaori Is n misfortune. Theio little ; ) illsroRulalethnlIvorcurohoailixclio. dvspep sin , bad bro.ttu , eonsuntlion nnd biliousn03- > . Con in's lllnKoiy. I Tlio beautiful allegory , of which so pathetic a use was undo by M. Renan in his "Recollections of My Youth , " is ' thus translated , tlio translation being written by Mr. l ! . H. Pitman and 10- vis-cd by Madnmo Kenan : ' "Ono of the most popular legends in liriltany is that relating to an imaginary town called Is , which is , supposed to liavo boon swal lowed up by the sea at some unknown lime. There are several places along the coast wh'ch nio pointed out as tlio site of tliit imaginary city , and tlio . ' > flbhot men have many strange lilies to tell of it. According to them , the lips of tlio spires of the churches may be In tbo hollow of the WMVO.S when the sea is rough , while during a calm the music of their bells ringin out tno hymn appropriate to the day rises above thownteis. I often fancy that I have ' lit the bottom of my heart the city of Is ; : with its bolls calling to p'-ayor' ' ro- ! ealcitrant congregation. At timoh I halt to listen to thesa gentle vibrations , whicli scam as if they came fiom iin- " measurable depths , hlco volcas from another world. Hlnco old ago began to steal over mo , I have loved , more es pecially during the raposo whicli sum mer brings with it , lo gather up these distant echoes of n vanished Atlantic" n A Sure ( 'tiro Crnnt. | como lifteor. miles to my stors to cot. ( Jlmmborluln'3 counn romodv. * Many of them , line tn.VKolf , nro never without it la tliolr lioinoj. Ic uurnd my boy ot n severe a'.tauk of rroun arid , I I'.nltovo , sovi'il his life , If. l ) lton , Lnrav , Uusscijl uonntv , IC.ui This toincdv Is a certain cure for croup and , bu If used ns snon as iho first symptoms apnoar , bu will prevent Itio nttack. For s.ilo by drug gists ! llotr Hi ) U'liniuii Kill Tliiut' . ' I Washington Star : Tbo guileless man wlioasko 1 this foolish question got hU aiibwor from a womnn , who , with her I husband , two children and two serv li ants , lived In a house with nine rooms. Having kept n ntnlluticnl account for ono year , she g.ivo the result r.s follows : Number of lunches put up , 1,157 : mo.'ils , ordered , ! ) ll. ! ; desserts made , 172 ; lamps filled , H'JH ; rooms dusted , 2,2)0 ; times dressed children , 78(1 ( ; viblts received , . 870 ; visits paid , 107 ; books loiul , 8S ; paporh read , 53 : ) ; stories road aloud , 2.11 ; games played , 5129 ; chui'ch sorv- ' " vices attend'cd , 12o ; artlo'es mended , 1.2iU : ; articles of clothing inado , 120 ; fancy articles made , 50 ; letters written , 120 ; hours in music , 2uj ; hours In Sun * day bohool work , 2DS ; hours in garden ing , 11) ) ; &ick dnjHIf ; amusements at tended , 10. ] isido6 the above I nursed two children through measles , twice Ili2 cleaned every nook and corner of my fur house , put upsovonty-fivo jarsof plaldcs and preserves , made coven trliis to the dentist's , dyed lOtihtor oggs. polished sil ver , and spent seven days in helping to nui'so a friend who was ill , besides the ihonstuid and ono duties too small bo mentioned , yet taking time to pur form. y You don't want a torpid liver' ; you don't want u Dad complexion ; you dnn'twant n 14 bad urolith ; you don't waul u boudacba Then uio Do Witt's Uttlo Karly Hisurs. tuo famous little pills. llnelo B ui I'uyj l.utv Iloro nro the yearly amounts received by homo of the loading rulers of the world ; Knipuror of normally , 1.1.741,178 Kiuperorot Austria . . , , , . , < ,4'J i.bJ ( Kinperorot Hnssl , KITU,4U ICliiKilf Hli.iln | .W.8 ) U Kliiicof Itnly. , S.b'is.a.'O Oiicen ( of Iroat llrltuln I'reslcleut of Kranro , , l'n > ld utof the UnlUd btatm , . , , . , . ( uOJ ( THE SPECULAilVE MARKETS Drcoping ; Prices Mdrkcd the Olosa of tbo Week , CONDITION OF THE WINTtR WHEAT rrinir Itrportnil I tin Crop Very Snmfnotory OMcilncn of Drrcinliorrre L'uu - nnlly Ilctny i : porlii friim Until C'ninUeiiln I. lbitr.ll. Cnir.uio , III. . Nov. n-froopln ) : prl c ? m.irUcd tlio do-to of the Nonk Tondtht , com- linri'd with lust , wheat U from UJ to , lower nnd corn -in rUlitb , wnllo provlskiin wltliln b.-ill nn lionrof th c osa dropped u pnln lliuy bail sooiiiod o.irllor. There was u Illtln llrni- ncs-ilu at the start , d no Ini doly lo brisk bnylir ; by London , uml prices l-npiovud u trill , but nn the adv.tnco tbo * cllliu bpcaino ' nnil , thuro buliu little buliiili news to support thu market , llu pik-o cr.tdually foil off. 'I'hc Ipcnlpls in the northwest won EOIIIT- nns rind 1'rlmo reported thn condition of the winter who it < sillsfiictoty , Thn olTorltus of December weru uiiiHii.illy hou y and did inili'li toeau i > tlio , is Iho dlseounl on .May wan at 0110 lime no irly 7o. Chiujln ; ? Djei'tnliprto May \\asiMrried on very otlon- lively , \\all.or \ nn > i Wreno th ingod fully 7iiHj ) ) hn. The oxjioils from holh ou.isls were Illjotal , .iinonntliu > < > lUUVrOfl hu. Ul.03 hu the provlous wool , and I.M'.oo ) hu fur the corrossMiidiu. : wjjK. I ist ycir. The nillahlo stocks in tlin Hulled Mali's unl t'ntutdi nrru rn | nrtpd tit 101 nj'.OOJ hu. H win estimated that the Mslble supuly would Hhow an IneioaHoof ahout I.OOO.OOUbn to I.1M.OJ1 hn. 1'ho opening was uhout the i.iino as ypstorilny s. uio-ttnt ; 'nihhrliiM - , do- i-lliied > , ' c. tlmti rallied \c , aij.iln became wu.iu. pi-lees doj lulu. fro no lo 'it- ' , i ulpil stu idler .mil llio olmlnsrvis ' o IOHOP for Dici'iiiheiurn i4e ion or for Mav del very. I n ' HI 11 I rid in In corn woio at aim it jcslor- diy's : dual II uii'- , hill soon so'd oir Ve. lu- lllli'iiocd sumo hy t in nrllim of who it. At Iho dee lui- the iloinan I Improved and the lots for Moud.iy cumin , ; Ilirht at l.'Su irs. ri-aeted. let n-rrliu the early briiak , ehniued hul lltt'i- ' . rii'edi-itv ' and ohm > d about V lover Ti.ulln-4 HA < jnostly of a iiMlnm ; In oils tliorii w 11 u little oh insln. : from Deei-inhor ' to.lauinry at I cent , aud tu M.iy at .Ic. I'rk-es hid ' - 'it-i m c , and Ihoclosu w is u.i y al from ' c lo > o dcu.lnofiom yeiteiduy. rrc\litons Bhnncil duel led stienjlh for , i tlmo. bli'ever , pri'sinn ibly noting for Ciidnhy ,'o huyor ofIiiy pork ami at times nio\lslons tjoiior.illyvuro \vuro nought freely hy liro1 hroltor-t who usually u-t for Armour. A ilho of I shilling tu l.inl in the lilvoipool market started prlcci up for st-tnlo and Iho on- - tire m.iikul rospon led lo it ndvaneo of , -ia per lull Ihs In ho4s. Ditrlnir the tattui part of tliost'Hslou pili'os ( luellned on larger offer h'oz and a rodnccd dnm mil. The estimated hoz supply fur tlio eomln : week favors only mmlei jtouuVrlnxs In maikcd contrast with the enormous ireolpts for thu uorrnsnotidlui ttceU of IMil. I'rlco change * were eon lined within a r.inco ofOi - . I'lelahtsweio u'ow with vorv little vi sel loom olTeieil. Itatcs were tlrin , 'J's cents being paid . for com lo HulValo. , l.atlmiiti'd roeelpts for Monday : Wheat. KI5 cars : cornY \ ujri ! o its , I'D e us ; hojs , ; i"OJU hoiid. Tlio _ loading futiiies inuzcd us follows : " " "TTiTirTTs ' [ Willr .No 2 ' JI'H . . . . . Cons No. s .Novcml > cr . DoiiMiibcr . M.iv 'A ' I s No 2 .NoVL-inbsr . . December. . . Maj MISS I'OIIK llict-niber. . Jnnuaiy . . . . May .Altll- NovPinber . .Inniuir ) . liny SHOUT Kins- .In nu .try .Miiy. . dash quotations worn -is follows : ' ( .onii-Duil : wiutoi tntuiiiii. JL-voiiW ; rliitui - > tr.iihts. : $ -541 I 41 : spiliii patents. ' .jftQI.ID : spring straMiU. fi7. > ® I.5J ; bukers , \\IIE\T No.a Hprln- ' . 7l' ® 7Jo ; No. : - , ijcioriN : srpd.Vi'aftr-'o. rout UlRlier : No. V. 4''cNo. ; : i. I. OATS -No. X' . : iU.No. ! . 2 white , Xic ; No. I ! nliltu , .H :4'c. ' KTK-NO.'ic. ' . 11itt.KV No. L1 , ore ; No. 'I , f. o. b , l SSSc , No , f , o. b. . . ) Vav > c. I'IA\ .Siii-No. : I. ? l.08' T4l.03'5. TlMoinvHuRD-I'rline , U'-c. I'ouit .Moss , per libl. , tl'.l 0) ; Urd , per IPO bs . f'iiJ' ( ' . . : Oi Hhorl rb | , sldos ( looxc ) . f7 4) ® , drv saltt-d sbonlers iboxodl. IT. : ) ' ) ® " . . ' ! " ' ! ; ihort clear Rides ( bo\od > , i * O.'iTtH. 10. Distillers' finished goods. , il. l.l'i. per g , t'tichanzod : eut loaf , r.'sS'i ' o : crau- ulateU. Vic ; slanriitrd "A."S'ii- ' . Tlio folluwlnz era tlio rcca pts and - > lilp- inonts tod.iy : AUIIll.CS. I itECi.n-r.s SIIII'M .N IS Diiur. blilx . iVliuat , bu , . 'orn. bu . . . &ta , bu . . . llyi" bii . . . . larloj , hn . , Ou the Pro.liicuc\cli IIIKO to I ly the butter iiinrket WHB easier ; crivunery , Wit 'lo : duiry , ' ' IBi&J'c. I''ssa , liriiii nrlotly frosli , yiHWila. St. l.iiuu Miu-Krts. ST I.ouis. Nov.'il. 1'i.orit I'n.'han-'cd. \\'IIK > i Cash ii'lvanrod lUo hut dropped 'ui' . i'1'Hlns ' utliS'nc ; oiitionsiit-ulliioil slowl > all liy , I'losliiK 'BO ' iinilor ve terdav ; Dei-emht-r , We. s'i.'j , lnniiury , 'tl e ; M ly , 7V ( ! > > G\o ; .luly , We.COIIN COIIN Opened ' ' 'il'ac oil , nartlaily rocov- oieil lalor , hut . wo.iUeueil airaln ami closud 'H ' ' 40 holow yt'SH-ril'iy : eash , li'l'so ' ' : Dccomhcr , I'.aih' .laiiu-irv. ; . .IS'jOi ' Alny , tl''au. ' DATSSlow and lower ; cash , JIo ; .May , 3l * c , Uu-i.iilorM"e. ; IUIII.SV .No sales. IIUAN I'll in ; f.liiQOi'e. IIv Unchanged. I.KAii-l.owor ; * JS3 forsoft Missouri ; ! ,1.V > si. eil for ehomleal : spulter , dull tl.iTJi , p . | 'll\nEKl ! ( Jlllut ; II.U7. I'OIIN .MiHi-Jnlet ( : JUS. Wlli.siv Mo.nly ; $1.10. llAIUIIMIM ) I'OITON TlKS-tJiiollaniTOd , I'IIUVIHIO.NO Dull and wllh only a uiiinll joh Irudu at pru\ Ions quotatlum. of ' 'tBCKli'TS-l'lour. . ' .UJJ hhls. ; , ( iJ.OOO . ; eoiu , 01,000 hn , ; oiits. i..OOJ hu. ; tyu , ill none ; hurley , mini ) . 70i bbls : whciu , .u.noo on ; corn. lii.OOJ nu. ; o-its , lU.UOJ bu , ; rye , 4'JUO ' ; buloy , ' 'J.OJj ' bn , lo Omiilnt lllilumiiKi I allow. Minus No I union , , J'io : No I xruon ilutud 4Til'tii No. i ? reou sailed. S' o to 'liil'te ' ; , \o L'reou sallo'l , -'i to 4' ) I hi. . 4l.iNo. ; . 'J uroun to ' Kiiliud. Vl to 4J Us . ; i'iNo ; , 1 yo il c-alf , 8 to 1 * > . Ilia. , he ; No. y veal "nif , H to 1" > Ihs. , 4t-i Nu. 1 ) ilry Hint , bo to 7e ; No. a dry Hint , 4e to Sc ; No. drv sullod. So to 1,0 I'.irt uurnd hldoi one- ilf per puiind let tlmn fully emu I. nun 1'ni.r Croon Silti-d. on-li inoQM.'J ) preen salted she < irlln.'H ( shui t woolnd early eklnsi. uioh , lY/H'm : dry shearllims ( short nonled enrlvsUiu1 , No I , uah , .Vitl'k1 ' ; dry hhe..irlliiL'S ( shiirt woolKil early Nklns ) , No - oie.h. no ; diy Hint KUIMIS mil Nuhruskii hntehor wool pelt * , per Hi. , iietunl wol hl , I ) ftll'ic ' : dry Hint K.ins m and Nuliniskn inur- r.iin wool potts , per Hi. actual wulKht , .siHU't1 ' : : Mini Colorado Imtehoi wool polls , pei II ) . . tlo uctuill wol lit , KKitl''i'iii ; dry Hint Color.iiln murrain wool units per Hi. .ictniil wol ht 'vloll'e : iliy iilece i an I huoiis , aelual weight , "i&in. lluvu fo. t out ( iII' , as It Is useless to pay frolcht ou tliom TM.I.OW AM ) ( IIIBASE-TllllOW , NO , I. ri\0 ! tallow , No. a , .Ifij'lUoi Kioase , whit | < A , JIVui $ . ' TOISO , whlto II , .IUc ; uroise , vullow , , lc- ; crouin , durlt-He ; old liutiur. "t 'JVio ; Uuos- wm , prlmo , loS''io ; roir'li t.illowU.'o. | . Omaliu I'loilnrn lurliet. Ari'l.ES Porno iloulers ivho huyo ( food keop- stnuU nn huiid sny thai they nro In no hurry to oloso out their siiDpllos as they look liljhur prices In llin nuar futnru mil will mulio mnnoy hy hnldliu , ( > oud anulcs are ijuotud al IITS'iil.'JV Sumo > ary fancy stook mlKlit no4slhly rench > l ft ) , whlln moro com mon itook would co us low ng KM. GAME 1 ho market Is fairly well t > uupllo'l < with KIImo at llio prosoiii tlmo. I'rulrlo chloknus , ll.fioisl SS ; uroine. il.oO ; uiull. JI.7S ; 6k snltip , t .01 ; Jack snioe. $ l"J < tl.M ; inoror. fl.UO ; iroiduii plover , II "SSI .M : i-anvas biek diu-ks. I70@ei.ii0 : rod dnukCI50 ; mullurd iliiel.rt. $ .IN ) ; liluu wliu lual. tl.73 ; Kroun wliu leiil. t ! . > ) , mlxoil IIICH | ! ; , tl/iO ) lack rnbults. B. 0)fH.2miiiill ; riihh ts , fl/.iTCI.M ; ( ] ulrrel . ll.Vi antelope xidillcs , Mitirmi doer saddles iintolopo c ircassc * . Oiclii'j ; di-orcar stos , U4M''o ; live pleeont. JI..Wtl.M. HAN-ANAS I'oi bunch , tv.oxil'iftj IIUTrun Thu reeulpti nro moving klowlv BONDS Total WANTED K.ur. ot CITIES , COUNTIES. SCHOOL. DISTRICTS , WATER COMPANIESSTtR.R.COMPANIE8 tc , Com | Kiid iu-e lallcltcd , H.W.HARRIS ftCOMPAHYiBankers , < 1 ' ' 103-109 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. J 18 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 2 70 Stole 5t.i BOSTON. T./U - - nnd there I * n lroTji .tem1cn < 'y for Mock * in 'iininlate. dooil rrimiirv roll inn UP lii < l at I Ml Me. i : HIS Tlio imrkrt' does not 1iow much rliatuc. The nimitilini ! iirLn .iiiDC.its to bo about 'J.lJ for -mi'-Uy fro h itoeU. I.BMijvj-l'rlei ; * . nra t tlier on tna down cr. uio In .Now Yoil ; IIH IIOH stoi k l common - in. ! tonrrlvn. Wllli tin crcnl detuinil In tlio wc t. prlcn * arc llki-ly to tto lower Imro. In f ict Ilipy ar < < u llttlu wmker lioro than they wrrc. MaliiKiK urn ijiuitod at UUJ < (1 < ! .5' . anil AUislnixi nt Jl/xaT.V. i .MAI.UU Oiui'M-l'erlios. HfiOailOJ. . Pi > Tvrni.Prices ! rnm.iln uuoiit Mcndyat i.vaSiefor Immo Krtiqrn < itook and 9alt l < ikos nlxiiit 10 hiRlier , rni'l.THV1'ho loiiHn ; n.iinstlnu with com- ml iloo dmlcr M ni.ttto ! < lu uliu tlio stock loft over frotn Th uiK * lvin ; s'ilpmout Thp nmrlinl Is irlntto I vrlth Hio lurkpy-t anil luuv Unit HID liollcl.iy li piMed nncnn wints tboni. l.lvotiirto ! > < i , which form tlio cre.ilcr imtnf t bo surplus stock , bo ncld fur n time , but IhodressudtmittbKdMpnscdnr I'oi ililsrcasun dro uil Mild as low us HID n\o , mid Ijoih could bo lind ni s-g , ! 'o. Hecso HIII ) duck's iinitril | ntiiboutfo fet ilros o.l. t'hlekvns were not Millions plenty us other Klndiof noultry nnil wcrnniinted nt nbout slpuly prleitutl I * nt ( i VR.'So for I\P | ' iO ' \ anil T'iUi-c fc.r ure ? eil. CMsTl.iH-'lho - liolldiy trade nn nyMoM win inrsp 1 I'rlcHi hive not chnnitod very recently imil thov nroitlll quulod at I.WH.which N a very low prlco isennipnrod wlilmthar mar- l.ut-t. Advii-i-s - fiotn Hiltlmore .110 to llio ef- foe tint nyslois are vm-y fo.iccoon IholieJs find consequently hlah ' at that point b'overo cold or very Mtormy woithor would bo nit | to produce an adviineo Oiusms-Tlio : lale t arrivals of I lorldi or.itiRi-f Improved In iuallty. ] Iloretofoie thpy liixu bonn hardly rlpn onoii h tuRlvpiMitlro ualNfael'on. ' It | < pro Hotel In somniiunitors | irlec < n III iidv'inco ' l.iler In the season as Uio cold vvuilhor of lust month Is n.ild t ( > bavo l < - - , pnoil tlfti yield some- whal. They tuo unoted nlf 175 poi box. S't-iv York Mnrki-K , Niw ; VOIIK. N'av 'JiX I'r.ofn Korpltttn , I..M ) ) IMPkiiKOs ; u\orle | ) , 1 ' . 'Ml n.irniK ( Utfl : riuiet hut ( Inn ; s-ilis.OQj ! u.irrcK Low J.'OOil..T'i uvtrn- > . ' ! wlutpr when low sr.ailcf.MiVtfc U'T.i " : fair to fancy , 5. ' . T.I a I. M : intents , f ; 4" ! Mitinesolii clo.xr , * . ' . . " > < nt,1 1 ; MI ilcliU. i lulonlt. . tLSiiaiSJi i > o nilxtiiios nnd dullj jcliow orn. J.'T.ia'-J. wost- \Vnr.\T Itucnlpls. UT..m lin : yxpnif , 110.12 ; Int. ! salp-t. ( iW.iwii tin. futurus. "pits n mo. Spots dull niitl noiiilnallv liiuly No ' . ' , ( ' .iC in store and I'luv.itot , ,1'u ' ulloat , " 3iB sVif. . n b ; .No. iiud. rj'tciNo 1 - nortliorn. Ho | : .No . ' nortliotn. lie : No.3 Mllniiukcr , TCc > . .1 - . ' : ' o. -.prlni : , : io. options opuncd vtu'iily at 'Ho on niodcr.itu fori'U'ii snllln. . nd- . ' i XKii.'oil ' , con Wall htiuul bin Indrtilnud i. & 'fe wild llio nust and ro ill/liu. plnilni ; sti-.idy wUli ' a dull tunic. No 'J rod. Dprnui- . - . , . . - . . .i ? at 77i' ; .luiiniy , fs'/iift ' . , . : . closing at 7s".c ; May , bl'iiMiclosing / at M o Kir. Dull , slondy ; western. VW i" . IUKI.VV ( inlet . ; western , BVBs'o ' ; No. 2To- ronto , , iltfs , . UAIII.KI lUl.T Quiet : western. 70S3o ; city made Can uln. $1 0)31. ) 5 COIIN Itdcelpts , no.U ( ) hu. : exports. l 013 hu. : sales , nifl o bu ot tnures - ' < . ( ) bu. ot spot , spot dull : No. 2. fljj.e In elevator. MUo Options were dull. " Miry 1" lowci , elos- lii { ste.iuy , Deeumher. 10 i\i * . closlnc i at 5ic ( > ; Jauuiiry , .11 < & ; \ > ic. closing at M'tc : May , M''S.Vii.r , closing at Kl ie. Otis Kuculpts , ui.'jji bn : exnoiIs , 2.57(1 ( hu Saies I.Vj.Ojj bu future" . 24.030 bo. ipnt. Miots linn but iiulut. Dutlonsaull uml easier : Jiuiii- ' - nry.-'l.'ae . ; Mny. < 0'e. p jt No. 2 wh'te. 4)4c | ) : May wji.ti rn)54Qs ) 71iu : white , 415170 ; No. 2 "via * " ' 'lrili : shlpplns , OU51e 1 " ; B')0 ' ) > to eholec , Ilors-Qulotliut sto.idy : stato. common to choice , 18' ; I'jcltk'i-oist , 17 ® JL' . SriiAit K.iw. lin.i. . null ; fair tollnlnir , S fi-lfie ; ceiilriruicilsUjlosI , : % : rolluoJ , fair demand : oir , l'i3Pp ; mould A. 4 . - - ! ® , : stundaid A , Ill-IC.ftPj ; confeclloncrs' A. 4'J-tdi ( , l io , out lo if. : i7o ; oru-.hed. 5iju ; now- dered. 4 I.IV& \ Kraiiululed \ , 4 ll-liu"ic ( ; L-nbe- H-lbitc. Mnt.Asshs I'oruiKii. nominal ; New Oiloins , iluli und stonly ; open kettlu new , Rood lo . . UIUL Fnirlv active , steady : domestic , fair o PXlrii. 4 'i C ! .iMIiil-irv , 4'2V. . ( ! ' > Quiet ; fancy , llrni ; western fro > h , 20a.'ic. POIIK Steady it nil nnlot : old IMIJJJ , JM.5J ' SI ! ! mess t4 ! 65W4 7.T ; c\tia prime , JIGIirolTOO : rut iiutu llrni ! plo'dpd bolllcs , ' ' I'ifU'iO : jilpklud shoulcloM. h'.e : pleitloti linns. maiO'ic ' ; middles qiilut : ithort olenr. November. < if > i ! laid ( jnlet and ( Inner ! west- cloM-d at $ | o.jj ! ; s tips , options ' s.tlos.i' ) ) tierces ut 89stt ; Nuiombei , tin i'lj January. i' ' . .V"skod. . . ( Julet : UOUITII d tlry , IRtC'Jc ! we l- PIII picnmnrr. 'JHQllot western fuctory , J5 ® let iiulu. : Ssft.Kc. DIIKIISI : flpin.ind. firm ; state. S'jllo ' ; fanov. IOV&ilopart9hliii : . 'lasiic. 1.1,5 Pin IKON Dull , steady ; .Aiiicrloiu : , jU.'iJ ® 1.1,5Ci dwelt Qulot , ( Inn ; litko. MI.O ) bid. I.KAD-iJuiot : domestkJI71 bid. J IS Dull , stoaily ; hti ilti , } 'U 15 bid , Kansas city MarKotx. KAKSAS Cny. Mo , Nov. 20. Wnr AT ' N" J hni.l , ( il' ' wme ; No.-'red. lis'SUt,1. ' . . Con.v ' to.idy ; No 2 mixed , UJ , . ! 1 ; No 2 ' while. 'll < 2llic | " OAT < rinn ; No. mlxcil ' , L'SiS Oi : ; Na 2 : \ - . ; No. 2 , 475c. ! l'i.\x SHID : Slenuy at .ivii97c. > feto-wy : sales , .te. \Vo.uti timothy , S7.3Uft-.S3 : prairie , llrrreii Dull ; cioamcrv , 2.J37fljj d.iliy. I7O.22C. l.oos rirm . i Wiiuit , GSo03bu , ; corn. . - > .003 bu. : oils , i.auo bu. . Wheat , 01.030 bu ; earn , 7.030 bu. ; oils , none. Liverpool .llnrKctn. ii , . Nov. 23. WiiKtrloidy , do- naud fair , holders otrur moderately ; led western ' .pilnu. Cs iiilQ.Cs 2d poi cental ; No. 2 rod n Intnr , Cs ' .I'jdti s Jud Cons I'lrni. demand lair ; mi\eil wobtein , 4sId nor pniitul. IMIID I'rimo ncslorn , 18s put cwt. I.IVK S'lOOK MAiivl.IS Cntllo Tratlo CiinilltiiiiiK ( ire.tlly Ini- pron-d t'liinlnt ; ol tlip Mv Hoi ; . OMAHA , Nov. 2H Kccfipta for tlio east \\eolc wlili comparKons : rmtle line's , < > > i tlil wci.'k . t week . 2I.KH Haino vu'ett IHM } J..hl 4l,7UI ! The most nollcoj-blo feature about the c.itt o nnrket iho past vvi-ek has boon Its llrinuc- and aetlvily. Although receipts vvero coiishloiably llchtor than a Wfelc nfo they were nutilv double what they woio onn year axo. There his been a uood dcniiud fiom all sources and with only nimle.ralnHiipp.los iho tendency has been tovvatd hlshoiyrlces This bus boon irtlcularly iiiiiilii'd In llio caiu uf buiehoin' lock mid c.iuuora , the fnlr lo uood eoivs and nil\ud ' lull soiling ut from I5o to S'to hotter a vvook u o. Tlio trada In sto-kors and feeders has not been as lively as usii il. onliu to the he ucity cniliitry buvers. Kresh roeulpts In this line , however , havu not been uxeassivo , aii.l as ref , irdii.i'ori ' Irivu boon K OI | huyors pi let's in Konural havu been well malnt lined cipculiilly thu ) o Krados Itccolpts loday were a tittle I otler than Hie a\or.ijio.Saturday's run. hut ( hero nppeari'd bo no p irtlculiirlv noteworthy ehau.'o In thu iiuallty of thu ullurliu's , The miiikut ruled aeilvo nud steady stroiu Jon llio bosl hoof ft .ides. 1'alr to uholco l.'i-V ) to lr > ' )0-ll > . corufcd stcnrssnld at from II.IJ to i.'i.UM , with the ordinary inn of KHISS aim l.irllv fo'J ' stoor" lit from HOU down to ? .i.'JH. There were sumo vurv devout wt'sti-niB on gain and fair to''iiud atooU Inoiiicljt from M IU tojl.75. Common to pour HtulT was n tr.llu slow , but the uoiiPial umikol wiifc modor itely actlvo nnd btrniunud a very ri"-poctiblo uloaraueo VMIS oircetcii. Inoludod In Ihu frcull roeolptJ wcro nliont forty lo ids of ion iinil iniM-d stoi k. 1 oeal hui.ucs woio all but tifloi them and prices ruled Dlroiu ; tu MtlCiMil lier thuu I'rldny ou anything buyers could poiilhly make use of. i\triMiin sales from Jl , ' ! * > to HM ) . but III- of any ooiiseiiuencf ) briiuslit ovoi f..l"i or uudcril 73. Tlioro VTiik'u fair demand for bulls , o\on , ami t-ta u at ueuur.illy uni-hantieil prices from H'.Ti to two Veal calves were In yory moderate hiipply and hroujht full slroiix prices from $ io tof'iVO. Cumiiniii Inru'o oulvcs and year Ings , were rather dull nl from $1.50 to .V > . In llio stookor nnil fecdur ilnu bn liioss HIIS THE BEST / ol In the liogt , Illood Mi-dlclue. because It nsulntit nature to throw oir the lin- purltlesof tIiuhliMidiiud nt thoranio time tones up the entire orK.inlein , 'lids is just ami contrary to the effect of the Miriou-t potush , iner- iiO , ari > npariIla inl.Miirea , vhlch hottlu up Ihu linnurltluti in the hjstein , thus produc-lni ; nuicli kiiess and mllcriinr. ' 1 huruf 01 e , 'or a BLOOD MEDICINE ton cannot do letter than take B. H. 8. "As a ] > h.iiJkUii , I lia\o preccrlU-d and nred . K. H , In prat-tk-e . my a * a. tonic , and for Mood triMibles.iuiii Ime Ix'cneryfciuiiBsfiil , I ncter Ufced a ri'iuedy ulilcturaM ) biiUi general uatiafiio lion to iu ) Mil nnd patlrnt * . " J. . II. Iluciiv , M. I.Matlcy , Inil. " 'Jicatlsoonlilood aniUliln dlseasi-H mailed free. 8WUT Sl'liCll-'lC CU.(4 RIPANS TABU ttutoiuiuli , llvtr ani , fr the liluoil. ort- Mitt * nod f irn uui ] i ? lue tKr t iiifuUliiekiiim of or bilious I . ( Miulllialluu i\ \ ) ii | lii , foul 2 Lrrath , tiinrtliurn , fun * i f , n ( uUlaVpiitUou. t-n , | iu ) > lej , tuvlluM cdini lex t , li-niTaii4 iuri uHlUKfri > iD 'Impuru l > loouor a fiulur * to the rtunuuJullti rur lu.O 'tollots lo iwrform Iht-lr prwr i fuiu-tUn * Kitmi to our eatlnrf are beiirnto.1 1 > / UklnurDn KUr ScaclimrAl. PrlrabT iull , Itrruu.lHiHtiuiTr IU- . * llirA.NS ClltMfCAL CO. , lOfpruce hi , hiw Vork 2 r.ilhrr nulot. Countrj or lots wcrf S'nrro. nnd the fin U nt tlio I ntllns w-ns di uo by thn reaunrdpiilcM. l'r < eM hpld un no I nn nil dcslrihla Rradc * . but rou h , thin and nnlor wo RhlslnlT vtns hnrd to * cll nl a his ills mint. Pair to soocl slulTsnld Inrjidy at fto u } . ' . to I loin -Tho hoi tinrkol hc.'it ralhpr IIP- tlvo nil wi-nk. nltnoush HIP sttnitlon nppciM to bo a trlllu lr unoil. During Ihooarlv pirt ofthowrck tlm lleht loeolpts imllod iirleiw. but with i ; lionyy run and tildghroak In prices oni I rld'iy. this market declined In sympnthy ixlthnuxh fully rei'.ilned tndir nud Iho eloio U nt the hlith po'nt of the vook The m inner In which prices Imxo bpoit sinl.vni'd In sp-to of tlu almost tot l niispnfa of nny shlpnlne item in.1 Ins boon porhrtH | as much of u surpil-'o to uualcM y. ns It has bcn > i H sonrco of 'onerititlntlon for owners and yhipiiT- * Turk nnd InrJ. the Intuir. tuo nt present commmidliin prices tlmt render picklti , ; operation * pralltililo , and , In rousenfl11 quenco. thofithoixy heirs nro lolliiu nl .1 premium of fully He over lUht woluhls. So Imunsiill sltfiis pnlut to u short winter sun- ply of hn , it Is probable that pi Ices will eon tin no to ndvnnr-0. and It Is cntlrnly within huMiicoof pnislbllltlos tint thu "llvo doll > r i , ' wllnj , ° tolun lm heou MO Inns nnd ptullt- nblis to the country , may have to Ktvo piaeo Init he . Hl.v-ilollur heir fur uino tlnu to oomo. riionnrkpt lodayvvns very IIIIPXUII Will xcryfilr rccolin | , ItidtlTciont u.isloru ndvleos nnd nuiy j iiinitcj .hippim ; dem mil the nnrket was not ovoiiy activu uml prices early ' ' 'idv tostroii ; : 1 he local dpmatid , IIOWIVVIM- . ippirenllv xery urgent , for with free it iimtiietlvo eomtiolitloti the nnrket , ivcd as Ihoinornliia ndt.inecu nnil closed < o io Mo in her than I'rld ly on - all u-udes an.l wcl-llis (1 iod lo ehok-o biilrlK-r iinu heax > hues < > | < l from r. 7.1 up to - ' > S 'l ' Hiht and ml\ol hois from J.i. ii ) to } ) . , ( ) . 'I own fit thoclo-io It w-\s-i7i and p o for most iiiiythliu Tno pens were olonrod before ) noon , uio big bulk of the li i s hellliii ; al from J.rti ' . to ) X7) ) n.'iilnsl ti. ) to ; > ' > IVl- day ninl J'l Hlo ft ui list . . . ' 'iKH'-llintcen ' Hails In all wcro n-eelvod , the bulk of them , howetcr. w-iostoc1. 'inn ' s Aiiitlilut ! lit to lull found u tv.ulvVe ut JJ''LV ' ' h' ' i OUR prices , l-nir . - ( ill . tognoil n it \cs , ft.o 1.1 : fair to goo I westi-rns , MSidcl ; , i ) ; com mon and sloe1 , sheep , } 'jr > .l 10 peed to to Ui Ib. i.imn1 1 ou i.nii. ( 'hie ten l.ltn.toiU M irlu-l. Tu"i7At"1' ! ni" Nov 5 - : HCOlil : To Till I IIBI.- , , ejram to IIBI.IOnly u lluht very numlicir of unt- til ! w is roiiulrod to meet llio iit-odsof tlio mnikol tol.iy and fnrtiinatelv only u sin ill nniiibor is on s tie. Price , cio ini.-li itici-d. rulliiistoiilj at from . " fl.Ui to fl . for inferior toe , tocMracinv , helfi-is and bulls , fnim * l ( , . to Jl Ito I il'.1- i'i. , ' s'"el ' i'1 ' * and foo.lcts. and lit from $ . ' bi > roi \ \oiy ( ' DiiiMiuii tu uMri SIOOM. 'IV \ ° ' 'ltl" " ' ' " "I"010'1 } where toni ' Tiy from l IS I ho Im market so ! on Its foot i\ ully t . . acaln toditv cents of ' ' vesteiday's deelino w'.s . ri'ja tied Mion.iftir the opening of biislueis t | its | innin Mtr , prices ? : . . iutof.,10 ito i ior woiKInt ; buck to from Hump light , nml ' ' to . to from $ . 4' . tonol > j.0i for the lje > l icdlum nnd lioavy nol "eights. I hero was it In'sk ' ilc- mind from local nud - eastern uperatuis and nlthoiKh llmrn Hern at , least . the : h.i in hu s In pees , ne irly even thin w isoul of KIIC-J- maiis hands by . noon. In antlclpjtion of iiiDiluriito iinivals for Mend ly tlio maiUot closed lit in. The ik-mind for sheep and l-unlis was f.Or at fiom Ji. MM SV. > for thu formci and from J.LVi tui'ifor ! ) thulattei. 111)1 Itecolpu-l'attlc. ) ii-OJJ ; ho's , 11,000 ; sheep 111)1T The Hvcnlng .lournal reports : I'-VITI.B KocciptH. " . .MW head' ; slilpinout" , I..OJhead ; market nominally ' stroiu t'hiKt- ; - ma : ster-rs. * \7.v.J-iSI : prime and expert na- thcs. SS OJQf " > W : others. i. ] ® . ' ' Jill I ft ® . 1 00 ; Hustcrns , Ji7S4 2.V I'cxans Uooa-KecolptP , I l.OLU houl : ; shlpmenls , 7,0fln head ' ; market 5e'MOi5 ( hlnhoi : lough and pominoti. r > 502r > CO ; p'lel.ers nnd shipper ? . SjOiiittM ] ; iirltuo ho ivy. S-'iHWJVU ) ; butcliers' . and iiH-llum ' ' wolghts , fi.7.V38soiled ; ll ht. . . - _ ' Hocelpt ,1,001 head ; slilpnipuls. 430 lie.ul ' - ' - ; market slionu ; uatlvos , } l.uoa.1 53 ; OMII.S , JJ.Ouai.Pj ; l.imba , } l.iU'M.K ( > ; * T. I.mils l.iv < i stoulr Aim net. fr. I.ortB , Mo , Nov. Mc vri i.i : Itci'elpts. MO . liiMil ; hliluinciits , fi.401 Imad : m irkut slow : fa'r ' to BOOJ u.itivn sleois , HiWl.'O : choleo to heavy. JlbV MJ ; mouluin luf-ood l.infills. { . ' lu&L'JO ; Tovns i-nxyj. Jl 5)'iWt" : > . lloii-s lieeoipls. 2,2io head : slilpmeuts , 4.10) lion : market stroncer ; hoix-y.M r > K35.7.'i : pucU- Inc. I , SVIDS.\7U : ll ht. * 1.lOiV > 0. > . SliiiEi' Kccolpts. 100 ho-id ; slilnmnnt . 2)0 ) lioid ' ; iiinrknt stoadv : fair to-jood n.itivo mnl- ton , Til OJS4.50 ( ; T \ ins. $ . ' .7.fil ; 75. Kmnan City l.lxo Moelf 11arll. . .CANSAS CITV , MIL. Nov sj Ciiii.c-Ho colpts , 2,400 ; slilDinonfJ , : i,100. Stsois wi > ro 1014 IVhlKliui : coni Btrous to luo hUlier. feeders steady. HoproieulatUo : Dret-sol beef and shliipluc steera. $ I Siftll 00 ; eons , ! l.50ii 100 : stnckorsand feeders , $1 kVAI 0. Hods JCccolpt-i , 7,100 ; shlpmcnla , 510. Thu market xvnsictlxn mil ste.uly. All ciadcs. Sunn1 Itocolpts , none ; slilpmunls , fijo. The iinuivCt VVIIH sto.uly. ir is Tin : iticsT. Tlin I U Why I Kccoiiiini-nil II. CbambAi'lntii's couch reniodv sivos the best B'ltisfuctiun of any cnu h medleino I hanalo , and U9 a scllor leads nil other nrtip.inuicms in Ihh icarkot. I rocoinmond It because it is the Dost medleino 1 ox-er tmnuiedor COURIIS , colds nnil croup. A. W. llnldridgc , Millars- ville. III. IVherit tin ) . .HoneyX'cnt. . A rather curious oxporiinout was nuulo m IJcl iuiii the other diiy. A uianuftic- turor , before piyinr { his xvorkmcn , iiinrKod 7110 o-fnino pieces with n uuimli , anil distributed Uio coins in equal num ber amotr ] , his hands. At tlio snmo titno ho rcuostod | the Icoopor.s of iho { 'ioj : shops iidjiicoiit to llio works to linnil over to him the o-frtiiio jiioccs inurkud in the way desi-rihcd. 'I'wo days aficr Iho xvunos were paid moro thnii ' { ( Ml of his silver coins were recouod by the employer. The Btittihliciaiis have worked out the rcitiit. showing that in less than tvxo days cadi worKinan had epent moro th in hulf his salary ut the punlio houso. CousllpiUlon cured by Uo Will's Usrly Uiseis. ' - by i in healthy n ; > Ihu Ihcr , Htom- ai'h nnd lx > v.el > . . Thcic's u pleas ant nnil a MHO wuy of cloin ; ? it. ) It's v/IMi ) ) r. J Menu's 1'loasaiit 1'ellitn. Thuy'io the Ixv-t Liver Pill ever inndo , and n prompt and cffec-tlvo letni-dy for Hick Iloailnclut , ' Hilious Headuclio , ( 'oiistipitlon , Indlncstlon , Jliliotis Altackn , nail nil di-rangeim-ntH of Iho ' stomnch , Ji\er nnd hottuN. Tliuy rlcuiiso To uml renovate tlio hysk'in , iini'tly | nut thor- ou lily. They ii'Kiilato the bisl/1 ! ! ! , too they don't npM-t it , ld.o the old-fasliloned pills. Thrw nro purely vcpelnhlo nud jier- ? ftx-lly harmless. Ouo "Pellet" n iloso. till Thoy'io thu easiest to tnlcu , nnd the niildi-st ell in operation the hiniillmt in hire , hut the OUI most vfllclcnt In their woi k. ofn hy They're tlio cheapest pill you can liny , IMV Ocl ontiso llioy'io ( /inirdnlicil lo jjivo talihfao- iion , or your money is rutiirniil , < e Yon only jmy for the yootl jou iet. IIS Can von nbl ; inoi o ( .V Tlmts tlio peculiar plan all Dr. 1'ieroo'i InO'l O'l uicdiciucs hold are on. n run : nin Or Uio I.I i | u or llnltll In by ttUiiiliililrrlnc Dr. of ( ullll-ll Mil-c-IIIc. It can be gUcn la a cup o | coliee or tea , or In toot ) , without tlia knowledeo oil he patient. It In abiclutely litrialoiiB , and will edict a permanent and needy cure , wl.otlitr tbo pailoiit U a mocterate drinker or n alooaolln wreolt. Jt na beonitlven In thouiinilt cuo. and In every Inntance a perfect cure liai fal. ' ' lovrcd Itnrirr I'ulU Thoyitc-m once linvrfcnalcd To NlIU the become * ma utier Imuirmiblllty ToT /or tlin llauor jippellio to exist. UOI.IIKN . M'KrfFlO LI ) . , Prop'rt. rinrlnniitl. O. < . S.n l > r-nilc " r | ' - ( rH J'O Lo ll a Of \ Kuhti A. Co. , nth and Dotnlns Ms , mth nnl slui Ciiiiiint ; st-i vVholea ilo. Iliuku. llr too Ai Uo elli Kloli irouou D.-U.MJ Oni ill i Not ! Iho ell ovvi SOUTH OMAHA. IS Vil. Union Stock Yards Company ; is SOUTH OMAHA. } ° in Ilcsl rRttle. ho ? and nboop in.irKet In the ncit roe cor COMMISSION HOUSED. pome ud ! Wood Brothers , llltiV outh < nialu Tolephouo II if. t'hlo-iio lo nnd ' JOHN D. DAIIIHM.v , i \VAl.TKII K Wt > ' I fManiji'i Market reports by mall air ! nlro ehecr'ully furultlied upon upplluallon , Perry Brothers & Company , TO Llvo btook Com illusion , .h itoom tl L'xohanKo Ilulldln { , baullj Omaha. 'I V , U uluylioue | ? J7 lie OMAHA , ' if ! ' I AXO TKNTH. OmeliaTenl-Awiiiig WBrji , &C'J ' , o\IIMN\ Tminlt. nwilnji , tvpvi- IllUtSS ( OVKII3 Inn otvMiif \ \ \ kl < a , , llll rnrnsui f > t lns l'i in3. . i-ti > x > it fur ! ttsl 1 111 MIS. Hi i ] IA i ' _ _ BcinisOli'aBaiCo"lo ) , Imni UOOTrf AND SIIOK3. Morss-Coo Shos Cmpm/ / , - " . VMldtt corner llth nn.l I ) i'ui'i\ sirw' * . " . . . , * ' : ' or ' ' " . . " ' ! : ' " ' ' ' - . . " . . " ' ' " - . i"l "i itiui l < whli U i vorj nloilio with HUT. hnnt < Cnnipitm wliilo al mf i Annuls iini'c . > UII HiMllMI > MIV , ii lllIhtHT i : not. IIH lioi ,111,1 , nmi rulihi-r nu lUrnuj con l , llik.llirmt ) trpcl. stre.-l COAL , OlvK , COIINMC1- : . klCokcLinio , Co Ei'lo dmii1) ) Worki niit nfl ml. > . K Mfr trim cor. Iflh niut cornlciln ini-tnllo .kylU'liM i-tc 1110. 1113 DoUsc-st. lKGOOHS. . M. K. Smilh Co . , KilpilrW-KVi ! l niitloin fur Dry OnoiH t'n Notion nSblfi4 rfoml * Oiirtur ' M'titV f'lrnnhUu- g iciti lltli t . an lluvrir.l sti Cor lltli ta I Ittirno ) ihi IJpholslerin. ; Ca , llcebo i llnny.n rllfllltTJl ri.Mlllf ) iirnltnraCo. . tun uui 1'ic'i ii ti IIM r. Utliiiraai \\'liolo ilj ii il/ I GROOEUIKS. | DKUCS , ETC. OTs I lOtti anil I Unmlin HAllinVAKlO. lltclor i Wilhclmy Co. Lini. Corner loth nn 1 Jackson OftMr In 'iir | nioclii'ii < HOI IKiiulii HATS , irrc. . , \.L \ Gibbon & Co. , , llnt riin ir BH , Kl vc , inUtent. Ulti niul llntner. UJMllKU. Clias. IL Lea llfirilwuntllunitior. - wool Iniporlnil , \iiicrlcin Tuft- c-irpilii | in p lintop limn M ! iTiukj > Hoorliiif Dthnnd li ) < lMiiii | o-inoii uuj u- M1I L1NI ItVJ I-'rick - & HcrJwrL . ' i-ir.luli * aipnricrs unit Jiuir of 1001 I'Jrn-iin it. nilihnui-r ii , 41. . in Mill uritiirs tr * itnpr - . .UIJ oiuli I lih nt. PAPI'.U. | oir , > CaipciilcrPapcrCoi 'standard Oil CoT rnrrr n fall ulnok of rrlntliii ; vtr > | ipbiK nn.l lli'tlni'it 111.1 ii'tnciUi ' wrltliik'inper , c M PA oils u\u-kiuiii etj M-r etc I'U. | OYsj'I'Ks _ Daviil Cole ACo.7 tinitiLii irooi IMUJDUCKJJOM MISSION llnuicli & Co. 1'ioiiiicc. , rmiti or Jiis A. Clark & Co. Iliiticr ohii nrj > piuiliry nn I t-iu Ul.unlii KHInU STO\'K UKI'AIHS | SASll _ OnwIiaSlovcilcpurW'lvi M. \ . & Co btovereinilrj nnil w itor Mai n f > tnrori of suli. nllm hiiii'iiU for nn ) it our i lil I ml' nil I kind of rttuvo nut lj moulding HrinHi f I''JT I oiulm tta.i Ul'i nnd li ir.l iH THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MED1GHE FOR FAMILY USE IN THE WORLD lint -tutlv stops tlui most o-cr ! < ! it nirpi'ii" nevoi fills to 5l\o utso t j thu sulTurer. a fu\T . ipplk'.itlon act.llUiranile.aus as thu piln to Iiiitiut y stop. A CURE FOR ALL. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. If nnlr txkcn In dev of fro n tlilrly t islujr Iro.n In h tlf a tiim' of wifr will cuio In . n f.iw- iiiiiitist'riiiiiHiitsins M > irfto-iiiiMi. * ill'1 liitiilonc.j. lluiubirn Liui ! ior. I al nlj j , .nos CHOLnuJi VoBDUJS. DliUkaO JA ! , DYSENTERY. Mclc lin t tach.Na . SMI I.y"piMWl . rNer o.isiie . M.-mHos , , , , , , , M il irl i. and Ml l-'t-nml - n ,1ns tnsiiii from ch in u of | woatliur. other cause ' 50 CKNT A tSQTCLiti. SOLD BY DKTjQQISTS. tlio wnmli-rlul n-iucilr Hls Bold with nvrlt * RCFORB [ 'or s.ilo In Oinahi. by Shormnii & AlcConnoll , 1513 Dodjjo stroot. TO THE KEELEY INSTITUTE , RED OAK. IOWA. A SAM I'M : i r/ri iiu : Toa'l nvrnorsof lols or pirlsof lot * on Wont- toitli aveiiuo from Sojondtreet lot-iv li Vou are Imioby noli I o I lint the undc-i- Itfned. tlncfl dl-dntorcsted freeholdi-is of tlio itv of Om ih.i. b ivo bo MI duly unpointed by he m iyorv ith lli.-.ipiirovaiof the ilty i-ouu- II of s.ihl ( to assess thu dninii o In tlin ivvneiij inspucllvely of tbo propoi tv Mlloeti'd iv the irridoof U'oohvorth nveiini- . from 'ec- ind slri-et lo SiMh ilrent. do-lured iii'ci"i.iry ly urdliiiimo No. llll. p i sod .Novombei 1. .W. ipnroxcd .November 'I , is1).1. ) Von nro further noUHed. that bavin ? nc- nnted said appoiiitnient. ami dulv < | U illlied is ri'iMilreil by liw , ivo will , ou iho I th day uf Vovombor. A. I ) . Mi. at Iho honi of 4 o'clo.-k u Iho nflnrnoon at ihnolllcoof ( ieor-'ii .1. 'aiil , Ifi' ' . " ) I'liiiium 'treot , vvllhln llun'Oipor * to Imllsof said i-lty. nn-et fm the pnrpo-,1) of -ciisldi-iliii ; nnd inaklnc Ih-j ( i-.v-s'-nient ol imii i ! to the owners re pi ctlvulv. of said ropoi ly. nffoetod by said rli.inizo of t-'H"1' ' . akhu Into cuiulduratlon ipuclal boiielltt , If III V You are not mod to bn nrcsi nt ul ill > t'mu ' mil plnetnfores ild , nnd mn. i n v < iliei-llnns , our btatuiiicnU com-ernin/ ild ai-omiui'iit f aamarfe-i , asou .may eoi lilti mupiJi. \VlllIAM ! ( i MlK" | , KV. . U Ill-UN. Omaha. Nov J' > . IbW MBdIOt S'OTIC KOF ASSKSSMICNT OP DAM- Af.'KS KOK ( MIANCK OLJUADK tlio ' owiiurs of nil lots 01 jiirts of loth ou lib slrinit from William ttrcct to Woo.- worlh nvunui * . You nro hurour notified Hi it tlio niiuor- iluncd , thico dlblntorcsto frocholdcrs of tlin CllJ of umahH , inivo bci-n duly nppnintdd by ) innyuritli the uppiovalof tliu city i-diiu- of suid ulty. loiis i-js the d iin.iL'0 lo the iwnoriihpuctlicly of the pniporty iilTi'i'tiil cliuiiKln ; Iho urado of Hild sirci-t , do- 3larcd ni.-ciii8.iry bv ordlnuni-u No I H. pastud 3ctobur2"ilh , IS'ii , approved OctobPrS'itb , 1MI' . You urn fuillor nollllud th it hivui' nu- eplcd | ; sill appilinm and duly nii rriiilici I | by law , uu will on Ilia .Mb di y of November ' A. I ) In' ' * . ' , iit'tbu lioiirof 'o'oioc tlio afternoon , at Ihu olllcif ilirlMir .V Tllouohi i ) 1 1 i.l ritrnim t. . wilhln the ' oipor- ilol mlisofh.tld illy , meet for llio iniipobiof on-i dci n : and m ikliii : Ihu rtssi-sniciit of luiiuiL'f lo the onncis roMii-cth cl.v of aald iiiop"iy ( alfi cted by - , ild 'h uiaiof man. t il > - IIK Into con doriitlnn spi-clnl bcnoflly. If nuv You ant notllljl In bo iiri'insnt at llio tlmu mil pin o nfiiiutiild and inaUo any obji-ollon in blutuinoiit-4 concerning s ilil usiniinunl damaites us you may i-onsii-i | | iirojier. > > ( if H 1 1 It 1 V 1. 1C , (7ia : , i , p A ii i * J. HI NT. I'l.ACK. ( 'ommittcc of AppraNnr" . Ouitt lin. Nov. IHh. li-'JA nH ( IJot _ _ _ nil owiicis of lots or p.irts of lots on TwontyfouithBlKiut , fioni Doil/o btiojt to ibssreL ; You urn hcruby notlflul that thu undiir ilunuil threu dlu'iitrrestcd ' fioeholdii H of the of Oni'ilm. hn\u bi-en duly iipi.ontud by mayor , with lliuappiovalof tliucuy coun- of nald city , to nfiiosi HID d iiiiiuo lo thu iwnork ri'spi'i'tltoly of thu propoity nn--i-ti.-il grading Tuuntjfouth c.'Uh ) btrof-l , fr un DnilKU street to Cn < * tn-et , di-cl'rnd niK-fS- sary bv ordlnani'ti Nft ; t , U' , parted Nov. Ht. . appiovud Nov Till , IsDJ. You aru fur hur notillcd. lhit h.itliu cptcd iild appiilnlmitnt. and duly required by lau , o will , ou the nth d iv < ; f Doccmbcr j , A I ) . IHJ' . ut tin hour of ID o'clm-k tlui forenoon al th nili ! > f K. W lilbb n. HUM Jn | , Nou Yiuli I.lfu bulUlliii. . vutldu t > corporate llmlta of itld ally muet for iho pur- I - > ii uf coiiblilrrlns nnd maklim llio ahsi-sv- inci'lnfdainaKO lo tinowi cis rcspnetlfel / of proptrtv , alfiictud by said Krauln ; . lal.liu consideration npuuial lioin II 'a , if any You nro notllled io bn present lit iho tlm place nforoiuld and m il > e any b oetl.i is or BlatomoiiHrnncurnlnebald a ios uu-ntof as you may ooimld. " " fJ" ! [ j j , , N \V\I li. , all owners of lots or pir.'sof lolsnii Jaek- him ' otroL-t from TnlrtyUl i dtrcut lo lilriy-a-jventn trc l You aru huntby notlll'Ml Hint thu uniliir- iltntid , three diilntoreitol fiuohulduri of tU * city J of ( lintiliii. have bpondnly , ippo ntcd b Iliu in.n 01. vriili llin nppiov il of | | HI oltv i-oiini'll of said fit ) , in assess the dmii.i u to , tlio owners rcspictivcy of llio mnpertyl nnVi inl by criidin. Jin I.son Miect fioinj Tniity biuh blieut to Thlity sevi nth .strei die a led necessary by oidlninun So. . , Uu'f. . passed i Noyemboi i1.'nnd appioved Noveiu- | I ouarofiirlliei iinllficd.llint h ix Ins accepted | said .ippolntinoiit , an I duly i | i iiiilod us le- ' I ii'ilrou , by law. wo will , on Iho Mb day of | I Dic-L-mber. A. I ) . IMl' . , t llubom of n oVIock . In iho foimioon , at tlio ollle of | { W. , I'll.sou , room 'Jlli. New Voile 1 ft hui illnKi ' witliln tlio ci rpnr.ilellm'ts ' ( fsiidMH meet ] foi the purpose of lonsldeilnv and inikliu ; ' llin assessment of d IIII.IKIto the i VMIMIH rs- . ' spectlvo'v of said pioperty. aliiled liv such' ' ii ! . ' . ta.ln Into cons-liloinllon spoeUl l benollts , if any ' Von .no miifllinl to le preh nl al the tlmol mid II'.KIiifons ' ild , and imil.n any oljjoellonii lo or st aemunlscnni-i-rnln said assotimout ' , of iluniso , iin yon m iy iiin-ildnr iiropiti- K W ( flll'-UN U'M ( J , SIlKIVMC JOHN w iioiuiivs. i. November f. I8 > . ' N > d ( It 1'iioi'osAi.s KOK HUIUMNM ; .MA TICUIALS. I'nlted St.itei Indlnn Service. I'luo UldjaJ Aieney ; , South ) ot i. .No > . id IH ! ' , 1 Soilnd uropoi ilp. ciiiir.-.i'l ( ( ( 'I'lonosa H forj Inniher , winnows an I hinlwiiu , iiHlliouuiol limy I e. nut ! nclln.nru ( > to tlin iiiiili'i-lKricil utJ 1'iliu 1(1 ( Ice iteene > , t-outh D.iUolu iMll ho ro-1 eul\edit : thin nitnin-v unlll I o'enieU ji. in ofj Deeeinljer ! ) . IK ) . ' , for furnishing and ilollvnr-1 Ini : ; it this DKnnoy aliont vfl7hHi feet assorlodl luinhei , ril I pairs sir ii | IdiiKiM , "Cldooi Incl.H.J t-Ti window hush nnd 10.MU IKIIIIIIII a > - < ) i > rlodl null ) ) a full list nud dnseilntlon of nh ell u-uyi hn obtulnod hy iinplleiitlnii to Iho niiiler-l ( HiddorM tnuatstiiti ) Bpeulflc illy the Mud i. . . nrleo of ouuh nrtielu i/lluieil for du-hery iiudLT a loutrni I. AI iirllc't-u wlii'ti d"llvcied l I hoi 10 n rl ld lusiie.lon. | The rluhtH ri-m-ivoil loicjeet any or nil ! hldH , in , iny pirtof any Idd , If duonied for thai I oil int ( rest of thn Hiirvlee. CiiCI ; ll-'ll.l ) Cllii : K- Ciich Nil must ho a'tiiiiii.inled | hy n cvrtli fioil L-heek ordr.tfl uiioii MIIIIU I nltid St.ilen ( lciiitllury. | or wilvoul iintlunal Iml ) ; In thu \lelnltv of thn rctlildiii ii of iho hlildur iniul"- piiviihln lo the order uf th < roininUH onor or. nlfalrx , for nl li-.n-t n nri cintof tliol niiionnt of thu priiiin-nl whleh ihicU oi-drnfU will In fiirfuilivl In llin United Mates III eimol nuv I Idilor or hidden rui < mvliu an unnnll shall fa I to iirotniit y < i eenio a e uilrnul wltlil ( . ( . ( id nnd Miillk'lnnl him tlo , olliorw iao tub * ] retuini'd to HIM lilildi-r I II ( Un coiiiiKm'ed hy e.ish In lion of u cortl-l lied i hn k will nnl hu eonsldored I For further Information niiiily In r'nptalnl 11 I , . Ilrown , | J. ri , A. . Acting I nllod MnUj | u.uiit , Mbd'-'l To theounaraof all lota , u.iris of luls .tin ! in uiliitn IIIOIIK lh alluv In hloeli I , Ivoiuil/u'il Itli addition , from I th * < teeettu lltli Mroutl Vou nro lieruhy notlied III it Ihu under * Mum-d. tli'iio ' dUlnlereited fri'i-hol lurs of Hi cay of oinalm , liuvn huun duly iiiiilnU' | ( ; hy the mnyor , with thu of Ihu ( 'lt. council of nal I oil v. to IUHMS Iho dninuKu 1C thu owiiurh rospicthnly of thu | ronerty af-j foetid hy the Knidln , ' of the rfllcy In I/look / I. Koiiut'u'H-Uh < ditlim.fioni lathfclr.'ot tu I It hi b reel , drclniod nit-uisary hy oruliMiieo No. ] ; i.'hl. luksnd Oclohur lit , Ih'X' ' , .iiipimud ( Jclo- . her 4th , lhtt ! 1 Vo i are further notiflul thut tupiod Miild iipiiolutiiioiii. i n I dinv iiinillUoill .is rcipi r-d liy law. wo "III. ou Iho lUlli d.iy o I u-iiiihur , A. D. IMT , .it thu hum of uo'elnubj In ' the forenoon , ut thnolUi-u of John I' I lunl-'j O'il Chunbur of Coiinnuicn , tvllliin inn < -"M lior.ilol'iiiltiiur ' Hald'Uv. ineut fur Iho | iur-l pii-o of coiKlilerliiK mil niihlnt tlio H W ineiitof iluiiiaiio lo lh ownuru lespuellvely ( ml i iiioporlj-iireetiiJ i y n.ild cliKiirfMiiiBri laldiu' Into ooiulduration Hjicclal Liu no Ills , If any.Vou Vou aru notlQcd In ho present ul thci imU pluL'o aforiisahl und inuko unv ohjoutlonfl to or hi aumuntv con urn n ta d iintcs uf dainau'en as you niuv eoiivldui uiopor JDII.N I' ' . I I.Al'JC , It W. ( illl'-ON , J \\l I > bJOl'h Oinatia , Neb. , Nov.Uid , Ib'/J.