Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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TAITI 011 \trpnTiMi\T ni > nnnppr
Wyoming's Northern Metropolis tbo Cen
ter of Marked Activity.
rroillclnttK Itnllrnnil Work mi rnpor 1'ulillc
l.nml In Utnli An lilnlio llrrn-Tho
Cn.tftl Di-liiee huniiiMpy of
Nurtlnrrnt Ncw .
Hroml Blruola with wooden and brick
buildings , most of the laltor being In
llio rour o of construction ; nooplo hur
rying to niul fro , many with hand bag-
pngo indlcntlnt ! Unit tlioy uro strangers ;
{ rroups talking of Uio wise in rciil
estate mid thonmountmndo by acquaint-
niiccfi from an invostmnnt of u few
wcolci n go ; clear ntrcanis ; ti basin of
level land encircled by hills except
where the crooks Imvo cut cliannols ;
iniijcstU' snow-capped mountains In the
This la Sheridan , the Burlington's
terminus In Wyoming.
Not the Bhorldnn of old Btiieo days ,
hut the new metropolis which Is siiring-
inir up as if by magic in northern
Wyoming. Situated jittho gateway of
the mountains with ono of the lineal
agricultural sections in the union tribu
tary , it is not surpriHing that the ad
vent of the Murlington railrond has
paused an impetus to its growth that is
Thoiii uro at present ninety- live firms
doing business in the city and 105 now
buildinirs for which tlio contracts have
been lot or are in the course of construc
The developed resources uro coal ,
milling , stock raising , Hour milling and
farming. The stock business predomi
nated for many years , and not until an
oxtartMvo irrigation sjsloin hail boon in-
auguratcd did the Ueacrb bloom as a
rose. ' 1 hero uro WX ) miles of main
ditches with several thoubnnd miles of
branches. Hut u small portion of the
water is used for tl'o irrigation of ce
reals or orchards , the main portion
being used for the cultivation of hay
niuclir-s. Being cut olT from the popu
lous part of the country , there has
been hcietoforo u limited market for
for either wheat or the unexcelled Hour
made , hence it was only necessary to
nupply the homo market. Yields of 11 ! !
bushels of oats to the acre , weighing
fifty-two pounds per bushel and sixty
bushels ot wheat per aero uro examples
of what can bo accomplished thoro.
There are 270,000 acres ot land which
being wittered will give like returns if
properly cultivated. The experimental
farm , hituated loss than two miles from
the court house , has shown conclusively
that fanning is yet in its infancy in
Shorldan county. As an eastern visitor
appropriately remarket : "It should not
bo called an experimental furm , but one
of the most productive farms in the
west. " Hyo grown on this farm yielded
nlnty bushels per aero and sugar beets
twenty-two tons per acre , containing 21 !
per ceiit sugar. Orchard and small
fruits do equally us well and vegetables
uro of mammoth size.
The principal minerals are silver ,
copper , mineral paint , cetorilo ( steam
tin ) , , coal plutiaa and asbestos. The last
mentioned mineral is of long fiber and
uneti nailed in the United States for malt
ing lireproof rooting , clothing , paint ,
etc , The coal Is in close proximity to
the city and is , practically speaking ,
inexhaustible , homo of the veins being
twenty feet in thickncbs. But little
work has been done on the tin claims ,
but enough to demonstrate the fact that
they would pay if i eduction works voro
orocted. The perccntago of tin exceeds
that ol any of the ores named iu the
Black Hills.
There are thousands of acres of gravel
concrete currying gold. Ono company
ut Bald Mountain , forty miles from the
city , has expended $30,001 } in machinery
for crushing and washing this illit and
liuvo la'tcly inndo u most , satisfactory
clean -un.
A capitalist from Fort Scott , Kan. ,
has been hero looking for u slto for a
woolen hosiery mill. lie became on-
thusiustic ivliou speaking of the induco-
inonts olTered to manufacturers to lo-
cute nt Shoridiui and said : "You have
power enough to operate hundreds of
mills , and with plenty of wool , wheat ,
lumber and conl there is no reason why
Sheridan should not bo u large manu
facturing center in the near future. "
And thiH is the verdict of all who have
examined the country adjacent to this
embryo Chicago. With ovor.vthing ttiut
is needed to make it a city and no com-
potltor nearer than Helena , Mont. , why
should it not bo u metropolis'1 !
Tim lliirllnit ii'H In the Soiiiul ,
The newspapers of Montana unit Idaho
liuvo long since mapped and staked the
route tlio Burlington will take In pone-
ti-uting tho-o states. Sites for depots
in old towns and now townsitos Imvo
been decided upon by thobo enlorpris-
ing bulldets of railroads on paper. For
Borne inexplicable reason they refrained
from constructing' ' llio road , but they
fixed a doltnite time for its completion
to their respective localities. The press
of the stale of Washington has Imbibed
the contagion , and settled satisfactorily
when and where the Burlington will
penetrate the state. The more fact that
the present termini of the roiid nt Shcri-
dun , NVyo. . is fully 1,000 miles distant
from the Sound docs not appear to dismay -
may or dampen the Imagination of tin ;
northwest constors. They span the in-
'torvcnliifr ' spnco between moats , and do
not sto } ) to consult llio capitalists concerned -
corned in the company's plans.
Report * f i oin T.iconm iiulicato the
Burlington is gobbling up acres ol
Sound bottom land , picking up u plug
rood hero and there and in other ways
showing an anxiety to push Tucomii
oovcral leagues ahead of So.ittlo , So-it-
tie has not been hoaid from , but as boon
us the town cntehos her second wind uliu
will anchor the Burlington main line
thereabouts with extensive shops , round
lioiibus n nd other uGi'Cbmirle * .
Meanwhile tiie Burlington's northwest -
west uxlciibiun will winter at Sheridan ,
, \ I rlllu Ui-l.
The old saying "H never raius but II
pours , " plctiiroa the present condition
of western Oregon and Washington.
Torrents uro pourlnu through drj
canons ; rlvuloU liuvo bcomo rivers
nnd rivoi-3 have spread over miles ol
eurrounding country , 'llio Juno du <
luges in Chicago tire ho.ivy dews in
comirirlson with the watness of tlu
northwest coast. From Mount Tucoiui
to the Siskayons , fiom the Cascades tc
the ocean the luvels uio vast lakes , oil'
tulling Incalculable damages on tlu
country. Five lives uro known to liavi
been lost , _ _
UlHll I'lll.lll ! 1.IIIIIU.
Uy order of President Harrison tlu
lands reserved from public bale in Utul
by President Arthur in 18S4 , have beei
restored to the public domain. Tin
order of President Arthur uiontlonci
withhold from b'Jlo and settlement am
tot apart for "Indian purposes" u vur ;
much larger tract that , besides includ
ing the lands now nntorcd , extended
onst Into Colorado and south Into Ar
izona , und to the north line of the Moqul
reservation. The lands now restored
uro only the western hldf of u smnll part
lying in the territory of Utuh , nnd there
Is strong reason to bcllcvo the section is
very rich In mineral , gold nnd copper.
An application will piolmbly bo made
to congress lo open the Ulnt'ih lesorva-
tlon in Utah to settlement. It lies on
the suulhorn slope ot the Ulntnh moun
tains nnd is Hovonty-oiglit miles by sixty
in extent. Hunters and prospectors
who have penetrated the country say
that at least one- third of It Is fertile
nnd if cultivated would prove highly
productive. In Ha present state the
reservation barely furnishes u hunting
ground to the 1,021 Indians who roam
its valleys. Probably 100,000 white
cottiers could support themselves by
farming the land where it is not too
tough to cultivate , and thousands of
heads of cuttle could bo grazed on the
hills. Repeated olTnrts have boon made
to civilize llio Indian occupants , hut
with little success. Out of 2,000,000
acres only 2111 nro said to bo under culti
vation. _
A Ilintn Hoy.
About two months ago the skiff of
of George Marshall , a iishormnn , was
found bottom up near Walters Ferry ,
Smilfo . river , Idaho. Marshall's hat
wasufowdnjs later found llouling in
Ihu stream , and the supposition was
that the unfortunate man had boon
drowned. The fact that Marshall hud
four motherless children was entirely
overlooked by the few people who know
him , and but" for nn accidental visit tote
to their dugout last week by the Onl-
lert boys they might have succumbed to
neglect The little ones when discov
ered wore nearly naked and their con
stant diet on canned goods and dried
lish was beginning to ha\o a olToct
upon their weak systems. Three of
the children uro girls , und the
oldest child , u boy , is only 10
years old. Tlio youngest is aired
I and she ib quite ill with gastritis.
The boy informed the GnllorN that ho
had taken care of his sisters since their
father wont away. Ho did not know
where his fatiior had gone , but ho was
sure lie would soon return. His father
had told him one morning as ho was
leaving to visit IiU salmon , lo protect
his sisters and loiimin near the dugout ,
and ho had obeyed those orders. They
hilil been sick and cold sometimes , ho
biiid. but they wore comforted by the
thought that their father would soon
come When the lad was informed that
his father \v\is dead ho cried u little and
sobbed , baling. "Well , the river took
mother and now its ionic father , but it
can't liuvo my little br-ti'rs. " J'tio bravo
lad was very anxious to remain in the
cabin u week cr two longer in order to
be there if hif , father came , but the Gal-
lort boys took the quartet of orphans to
their furm , whom they will have u homo.
llyiliituliu .Mining.
The second annual convention of the
California Minors association was held
in San Francisco u few days ago. A
lumber of plans were discussed for
.ho resumption of hydraulic mining
n the state , an industry that once
yielded from $12.000,000 to $15,000,000
annually , but which was absolutely sus
pended ten years ago because of injury
done to orchards in the valleys by Iho
deposits of mining debris brought
; lovvn in the waters of the Sacramento
nnd San .loaquin river. The convention
indoibod the Cnnilnnctti bill now before
: : engross , but added nn appeal for an
.ippropriulion of $ loU,000 for building
dams to impound debris , and also u re
quest for u modification of _ the law
granting' title to drift mines. Four
thousand minors are on the rolls of the
i ociutioti , and they are earnest in
their oflorts iO revive" hydraulic mining
ind make it once more u leading Cal
ifornia industry.
> vhruNlc.i.
Norfolk wants u now board of trade
organ i'/ed.
Hoe thiovps have invaded the apiaries
in the neighborhood of Stunton.
Hunt's moat market at Hardy was
( lestioyed by fire and thoio was no in
surance ,
Senator-elect Orlando ToITt of Cass
county IKH gone on a bear hunting trip
in ArUuntts.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ilagoman of Hluo
Spring , celebrated their silver wedding
unnlversarylast week.
It is estimated that fifty families will
remove from Sownrd county to Sioux
county within the next few months.
A horse fell and rolled over Louis
Doots , an 11-yoar-old Kearney ooy , but
the lad still lives though badly injured.
Coal and chlcicon thieves are rampant
ut ( Sandy , and there promises to bo
bloodshed if the guilty ones are discov
ered.Key. . II. W. fonloy of Homer has re
linquished preaching and will ilovota
Ills energies to editing tlio Emerson
Helen C Roincclco has relinquished
control of the Schuylor Hoi aid and II.
13. 1 'helps will re-sumo the management
of the papor.
C. 15. Ilosio has boon appointed clerls
of the district court of Johnson county ,
to till the vacancy caused by the death
of W. H. Gore.
When Poncu wont to test its water
works it win found that tlio mains loaUod
badly , and the contractor will have to
patch them up ,
Triplets wore born to the wife of R.
K. Mead , a hardware merchant of Ong ,
lust week. The mother and the babies ,
nil girls , uro doing well.
Mrs. Julius C. Miller of Crete died
suddenly last wealc of heart failure.
She and hop husband celebrated Uieir
golden wedding last Juno.
Mrs. Anna L Dowdun is now the edi
tor of the Norm Bond Republican , hav
ing changed the name of the paper from
the Star und hwitHiod its politics.
The iiowh papers of Gage county all belong -
long to u county prcbs association and
they will have hc.ulquartoiH ut Lincoln
during llio bCDalon of llio legislature.
A thief entered the residence of Mr ,
A. G Flt-chor Friend , and carrier
otT eoiisidor.iTito property , out lie win
captured the no\t dav und ib now li
jail. '
Custor county school lands uro ir
great demand und at the relotting o
leases last week the bids run us high at
7 pur cent piemium above the legal In
PiosArmell.u well known Winno
bago Indian , accompanied by his squaw
} > upooso und tun other redtnon , loft UK
reservation last wojk for North Cure
linu , where they will travel with i
Al lloog , living near Table Rock , goi
his arm caught in n corn shelter am
the llubh was lorn from his arm , whiul
was terribly mangled. The micluni
bocaino clogged und no tried to clean i
out , with the results given.
Marshal Job of Tckamali. whllo on i
hunting trip , was peppered with u lorn
of bird shot by u companion. Hid fact
was considerably disfigured , soveru
teeth wore knocked out , and u iiumbu
of shot lodged In his breast ,
The 4-yoar-old son of Lorin Crawford
u farmer living two miles south of Lou
city was kicked in the head by n horn
fracturing the eluill. Two physician
were called nnd nil that coulil bo wni
done to relieve the little suffer or , but ho
died the ncxl morning.
Whllo some boys were skating on the
creek at Sterling , Thanksgiving after
noon Robert Rowoll , the 13-yonr-old
Eon of Mr . Rowell , a widow , allompled
to ctoss the Notnnha river nt the mouth
of the creek. When at about the middle -
dlo of the stream the tco puvo way.
The other little boys with him were
powerless to render assistance nnd ho
soon sank. The body was recovered.
During the heat of tlio campaign some
individual nt Crawford , who was author
ized lo do s-o , telegraphed Tltn Hin an
item rollectlng on S. I. Mesornull , edi
tor of the Crawford Uoomorang , nnd re
ferring to him us of "very unsavory
repulo. " By an oversight tlio telegram
unpcured In Tin : Bin : , giving Mr.
Mesorauirsi oneinicii an opportunity lo
chuckle. Outside of his politics , Mr.
Mosoraull is nil right , und the enemy
\vho sent llio telegram alluded lo ouglit
to have been in boiler business.
Says the Golhonlmrg Star : There is
u steady increase in Iho produclion of
broom corn in the territory tributray to
Gothenburg. This Is duo largely to'lho
fact that broom corn has proven to bo n
profitable crop. The price during the
present sonson has boon about $00 per
ton. A number who have not tried to
raise broom corn in years past have
spoken for seed for next year. There is
ronson to believe that 'llax , grown for
sued only , would bo u pay ing crop in this
part of tlio stale , and a few farmers might
still finthindiversify farming and make
u good prolll by trj ing their luck ut rais
ing llax seed.
M. M. 1'arkhurst ot Broken Bow niado
u curious llml iu n quarter of beef which
ho purchased. Kmbcddcd in tlio ham
was a largo pocket knife witii u small
portion of Iho big blade broken olT and
open , the small blade being closed and
nil right. The knife was surrounded
with fat , the brass and blades of the
knife being as bright us if it had boon
in constant me. A singular feature in
connection \\lth it is tlio fact that the
llcsli surrounding it was in a perfect
stale of health , und no indications of
soreness or disease being manifest.
Lust week Squire Briggs performed u
little ceremony in u romantic way that
can hardly bo passed unnoticed says
the West Point Republican. One evening -
ing last week ho was approached by a
inun who informed him of his desire"
bo married immediately. The squire ,
tin ough long experience , has acquired
u habit of doing such business with
neatness and despatch und Informed the
gentleman he would delay him but a
moment. Later on the couple drove up
to the squiro'.s residence in u wagon ,
and without dismounting , and in less
time than it takes to write this , the
couple wore made man und wife and
sent on their way rojocing. They
lulled from near Bancroft.
MissMuy Bushoo of Guide Rock suf-
oreda most terrible death ono day last
vcok. As her brother was going up-
talrs to bed ho full from the stairway ,
> roaking the lamp ho carried , ind sot-
, ing lire to the carpet in the hallway.
Neither of the parents were in the house
it the lime and Miss May went bravely
.o . her brother's rescue und attempted to
extinguish the llames. in doing this
lor clothing caught fire , and becoming
iiinicstricken she ran screaming into the
itpoet. Her screams brought a number of
) eople lo their doors union g their. W.
A. Koeloy , who stopped her ut his house
ind who with the greatest difficulty
mccofcded in putting out the llamos ,
jurning his own hands so severely as to
jo unublo to do uny work since. By this
imo u number of'olhers had arrived
ind she was carried lo her home , but
so severely injured was she that recov
ery was impossible. She was about 15
, -cars of ago und ono of the brightest
ind best of girls.
\ \ yoinliic' .
Nebraska poultry dealers supplied
Cheyenne with Thanksgiving turkeys.
Seventy residences and business blocks
lave been built nt Sheridan so fur this
An ofi'orl is being made lo worlc Iho
coal measures near Larumio und faupply
the town with fuel.
The semi-annual meeting' of the
Wyoming Teachers association will bo
liold in Cheyenne Docembur 23-30.
Pennsylvania oil men liuv 5 unloaded
lifly Ions of machinery at Casper.
Fresh developments in the oil fields are
looked for.
The Doer Creek Coal company , whoso
mines are ut Glonrock , nro working a ,
largo force of men and shipping trains
of coal lo Omaha und other eastern
Wyoming's greatest want is a prison
warranted to hold a law breaker over
night. The convict who hasn't uutnp-
lion enough to jump for freedom is
eluded u three-ply verdant.
Dr. Ilayford , u Laramie editor , under
took to viudicatj the majesty of the luw
us n justice of the pcuco by fining u man
S10 fi > r contorapl of court. The victim
induced the doctor to gn/.o into the
"dark unfiithnmod depths" of n six-
shooter and was so nleased with the ox-
hibilion Unit lie canceled the fine.
south liakotn.
The Dondwood smelter is again in full
Mitchell has outgrown her school ac
commodations und h obliged to hire a
hull for the ovorllow" !
The owners of the J. R. mine have in
creased milling facilities and expect to
clean up $7,500 to $8OOJpor month , at an
outlay of less than $1.000.
The Dead wood Times is ngitutingn
Black Hills mining convention , lo beheld
hold about tbo middle of December , for
the purpose of coiUldbrlng mailers ot In
terest to the mlnlng'lndustry. '
Mineral uncovered near Sundance
pans out well. T\o | \ ownora have had
throe nssaya of the ore made , ono nt
Uoadwood , ono ut Omahu and the other
nt Denver , which return an uvorngo of
S31 In gold and $0 In silver. It h claimed
us free milling ore nnd that tliore Is u
largo body of it.
Social life in Deadwood possesses u
piquant charm. iVt a recent soiree u
few members of tlo | opposite POX In
dulged In an animated toto-a-toto ,
whoroiipo'n , to quolo the choice laugu.igo
of the Deadwood Pioneer , the manager
Incautiously interfered und win "swatted
on the snoot by one of the ladies sailing
under Iho olhoroul name of St. Claire. "
Biitto's delinquent lax roll omounls lo
Bulle has taken u second grip on Iho
smoke nuisance.
Anaconda Hatters horiolf with the no-
llon that the capital Is coming her way.
The coal mines in the vicinity of
Great Falls supply that city with "fuel
and will soon begin shipping to other
In u private letter to the writer u
Moiitanian expresses surprise at the
small republican plurality In the state.
Ho says the domooruls had the finest
collection of animated "sticks" lunulng
for office that was ever jauked out ot
obscurity by a convention.
The circuit court of Montana docldos
that the tr.ui'ifar of u gang of men from
a division of Canada to a division in
Montana is in the imluro of u contract
and subject to the provisions of the con-
Ir.ict labor law. Uho case in question
came up in the suit against the Great
Fulls & Canada Railroad company for
violation of the contract labor law in so
transferring u gang of fifteen men. The
case will now bo tried lo ascertain Iho
facts. There are twenty-six cases pending
ing against the company. ,
The Pocalollo school builifhig , now
nearly completed , will cost $20,000. It
is being built ot cut stone.
There is no question now about the
building of a railrond through Iho
Salmon liver country. The work of
coiislruction Is now going ahead with
out trouble and 100 men are employed
and dirt is Hying on the guide from
Butlvs lo Anaconda.
Surlleet & Boyakln uro at work ex
tracting and sucldng for shipment ere
from the Silver Reef , between Idaho
City und Boise City. Assays of over
$2,100 have been obtained , principally
Willow Creek district , in Ada county ,
is still ultracting a grout deal of atten
tion. Locations are made daily. Sev
eral largo deals of some of the most
valuable property in the district are on
foot and will bo consummated soon.
August Us nor , George Mclntyro and
William Rohan liuvo taken u lease und
bond on Iho Lucipara claim in Shaw's
Mountain district from W. E. Simmons.
Tlio bond is for S5,000 and runs for u
year. It is the intcnlion of Iho parlies
lo start up work immediately. They
have grout fulth in the district nnd
expect to open up n , line property.
Tlio reports concerning the sale of the
Gem mine at Wallace for $1,000.000 ,
while not correct in every dotall , have
good foundation. It is probable that
negotiations now in progress will result
in transferring the properly to u syndi
cate of Irish landowners at a very early
Alexander Womblo , the San Fran
cisco mining expert , liurf returned from
Silver Mountain , where he WMS soul by
Knglish capitalists to pass final judg
ment upon the hole in the ground
which , several years ago , the notorious
Matt Graham suited so artistically that
n British company eagerly wasted over
$1,000,000 on it. Inspector Womblo de
cided Unit the property was absolutely
worthless. Not a single pay streak
could bo found ,
AI on i ; the Oo'lHt.
Klmer Dunlop has niado a rich strike
in the Alheilon on Virginia City
ground. It is supposed to bo n break
from tlio lodge from which Furrington
realized $1)7,000 some years since. Ton
tons of $100 ere are on the dump and moro
in sight.
A prominent Omaha , firm bus sent an
inquiry to several Tacoma und Seattle
firms whether they could supply
loadsof bhinglosforspringdblivory. The
firm is u now customer for red cedar
shingles , heretofore buying nothing but
white pine shingles.
Ihere are millions of oysters in No-
tarts b.iy , Washington , and they are ul-
most us good us custom oybtors. They
uro so thick ut present that they uro
very small. The beds should bo broken
up and scattered. The oyster trade be
tween the bay and Sun Francisco was
quite important at ono time , but on nc-
count of ono of the vessels being wrecked
which was engaged in llio business , the
industry was allowed to lapse.
Ono of the peculiarities of California
is that iropiciil fruit may bo grown in
tlio warm foothills bolt along the b.ibo
of the Sierra Nevada mountains as far
north as the parallel of Spring/Iold / ,
III. Some of Iho finest groves in tlio
state are grown at Orovillo. in Butlo
county , nnd llio orange groves are irri
gated bv old mining ditches. A rancher
near Auburn , in Placer county , has line
banan i trees on his place , which pro
duce fruit with no other shelter than a
stout hedge.
An nonost pill is thu noblest work of tbo
npotliecar.v. HoWll's Lmie Early Hlsors
euro constipation , biliousness aim sichboad
Simply Soak ,
boil and rinse.
Then it's easy enough and safe enough
too. Millions of women are Cashing in this
YArc you ? '
° k your clothes in Pearline and water
( over night is best ) ; boil thum in Pearl-
w I I xi ?
\y/i , , ) / % ine and water twenty minutqs ; rinse them
-and they will be clean.
Yes , you can wash them
without th'e boiling , but
.ask your doctor to ex
plain the difference be
tween clothes that are
boiled , and clothes that
arc not boiled he knows. When you think what you save
by doing away with the rubbing , the saving of health , the
saying of clothes , the saving of hard work , time and money
then isn't it time to think about washing with Pearline ? '
Feddlcrs and some unscrupulous grocers w' ' " te" } ° u "this Is as vfxA as"
or tiie same as Pearlinc. " IT'S KALSD Pearline is never peddled ,
if TD.1. . . aml if yqur grow sends you .wjmethinj ; in place of Pearline. lie
. XJclCK. honest t und il tak , JAMES PYLE , New Yoifc
Both tlio incthpd nutl results \vhcn
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
nnd icfrosliiiig to llio Inste , niul nets
foully yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
jiver and Bowels , cleanses the sj's-
tern eflbctimlly , dispels colds , head-
nches and foyers nnd ciiica Imbiltml
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tlio
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , pleasing to tlio taste nnd ac
ceptable to tlio etonmcli , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and ngrccablo substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil nnd have made it the most
popular icnicdy known.
Syrup of Figs 13 for sale in 50e
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on liand will pro-
cuio it promptly for any ouo who
wishes to try it. Io ) not accept any
"The LTTHIA SPRIXG , situated in
LOXDOXDERRY , New Hampshire ,
which has become so widely and popn-
lar/y known to the piofcs fen , has re
cently doubled its i opacity for bottling
( fit's \-celIent innifi at water , by enlarg
ing its \\oiks at Nabhitii.
"The writer visited both the spring
and the bottling establishment the past
sit/ulna , and was surprised to lienr of
the quantity of watct which was being
shipped. The / ; /tM/ < > ; / ami the pub-
lie have Ifarncdio look upon /Aft water
as a spttifii in many ailments tu w/iufi
the /in man 6aifv _ is heir , hcme Ihe great
demand which is made for it all over
the country , New Yoik nnd Chicago
being the largest distributing' points.
"The cases in which we have found
it useful have been cpccially those in
which tiie uric acid diathesis was evi
dent. "
From New York Medical rime
Londonderry Litliia Spring Water Co , ,
-iH. n Frrkliio , Stalling Afils. , Boston. Mass.
Paxton & Gallagher ,
Distributing Agents for Oinulin.
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
. Chronic ,
Nervous or
IP SO , OAtiti ON
Consultation Free
For tlioTroattnunfcof
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases ,
PIL133 , FISTULA , FISSURE Po-mauoiuly
Cured without the use ot Icuifu , ligature or
All maladies of n private or dolieato
nnturo , of either sex. positively cured.
I'all on or mldinbi ultli bt.imp for'ciliLUi.Alt !
HOOK AMI itriiiii > .
Dr , Searles& Scaries ,
Next door to I'mtolllce ,
Wcll.coinnnncl Imvntliom nxnmlncil lijrnur optlrlnn
frco of < hur ti. nutl , if imfuxHiiry , tltluil ullli u pulr ol
oiir-l'HltH-.CHO.S" MI'KlTAOI.KSor IJVK ( il.ASS
SK the licit In tlionorl't. Ifyiiuiliinot niuul Klnfio-
wo will telliou fin un Id ITM | you wlinl tnUo. UOI.I
M'KOl'AW.K-f or KVM UI < AriiK4 HIOM HtB III'
rinlii , amoko , l > tui * r n hliuplin > e , lor pruluctlui ; tin
pyi" * , iroiiiWicii pull up ,
iax ieyer & Oro. Go.
Jewelers and Opticians.
I'arimm : inU riftrunthi-troutb
'llion. rnMikli , Hi" ' I 000 , by luuillrul ntnllatlca
Dltfol < o.NBl MI'llos Tliuhrmi of Hilt iu tun
mo lutil nl llu < pcrl'xl lu'lnt-un mill noun nut
uuMAMKioii 'llinpiu rriil < > i | ) Mum iiiiM < l.XTH. '
I irt o\Mi.N : Inhnloci , ISIIV.AI I ill iimlmiiMHll
siwiru o\\ti\ ( it cosuiuvii u o\riiKs
\liullty Ituivosoil ami iipiipiltc mnkun imrii rtcl
III nun , niilitlii'B iincl In ul > OKI illnL'imiMl lil'iiil tliruut
anil nlcorilfil liuu * inoi s\sns iKMIM 10 Till
" Trials FREE TO ALL
Call nrVrlto fur
"O.\Vii.N ( : IIDOIvI'UKK. .
Omaha , Neb.
DR , R , W , BAILE1
out i' i i if , lt >
LltUHl IllYU.l-
Ai'ur < t < smop Ti.-nru ox uuuitnB FOI
W5.dll ,
I'orfcol ( It smranioo I. To nth oxtr.iotoj ! i
Iliu inornlnir. New oam liujrtuil In ovouln
ot s nun tluy.
Boo apuclmonsot [ tomovalilo Ilrldze.
Buo8oolinuiiuf | I'loxlblo Uustlo I'Ut )
All work wurr.tntail ua ruprcsuiituu.
Ulllco. ililr.l K.uur. I'axcun Illox.
'IcIcpliuiiQ 1US > . KUIiaiiJ I'.irarii S I
MuLu iiov.ito ; or Sirvvv" ( ran
ftlico tonlraiioi.
on one counter.
We hn vc placed all the clothing in any
way damaged by smoke from the late fire , on
one counter , where are some of the
Most Astonishing "
Especially is this true of the
Full cheviot sack overcoats , with
and -without velvet collar , in
gray and brown. Before the
fire we sold them for $4.75 ;
Fine chinchilla overcoats , in blue
and black ; yoke and sleeves
lined with silk , with an elegant
cashmere lining on the balance ,
Before the were smoked we got
$12.8O , now
All our kerseys , meltons , Irish
frieze , all sizes and imaginable
shapes , some worth $15 , any of ii
them worth $1O to $12 ; on acKJ
count of smoke
Beautiful Shetland frieze ulsters ,
in three different shades , long
shapes , big collars and double
Our Oxford gray ulster ( jwithout
lining , double faced , 64 inches
long , full length , is very desir
able at $7.5O , but the smoke
makes it
In no length of time these snap bargains
will be gone , so if you want ono you must come
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
Ask your shoe dealer for the
equal. Price lists and discounts sent to dealers only. Big stock
on hand.
lot Have you tasted
America's finest Whisky ?
Richest Quality ,
Absolutely Pure ,
Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-clasv
Delicate Bouquet , Drinking Places and
Best I Very Best ! I Drug Stores.
Fioancial Inference : Nat'l llink of Coraincrco , Omaha.
No DKTJCNTION from buBlnoss. No Oporntlon.
Invcblluuluoiir Miitlind , Wrlltun miiiranleu loubBO-
liiluly Cnrunll klniUuf Id 1'TI Itllof I'olhfioxoavtlili-
( iut i In ! iibu n ( uiilfu orsyrlii.fu ) , no n.allor of huw luii ;
307-308 N. Y. tIFE DtDG. . OMAHA , NEB.
Bond for Olrculnr ,
Ji.JI ! II )
Per Thirty Days only wo will offer our ontlro stock of IHauionds mid ( lnUlmn I
Junulry und Khurnu-.u t less limn iiiunufiicturcrii voti ho Iroiiijlo to hljnw '
Roods. < C
Fifteenth and Farnam Streets-
\\lll im > \ o Jan , 1. to N.V. . Cor. Mil mid runmni. bAI'KS 1"OU SAhli