Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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coal tliolr opinion that India has everything
to gnln nnd nothing to losu bv International
bl-moUllUtn. Though they hardly ex poet
such aaottlomont to result trotn tlio present
conference , thov nro uorKlnff heartily at
the tank of Undine u solution in
that direction nnd nro uo operating with nil
\vlio hope that Uotbchlld'4 tunn can bo made
acccptnbla to nil sections. The concrnl foolIng -
Ing Is Hint unions the conference comet to n
Mtuatlon satisfactory to nil the inloptlou of a
gold standard by India must follow , nnd
for India to fne-o this uouHl bo us much n
leap in the ( lurk ns would any other new
Bchomo , anil would bo froiiihi with the
elements of perturb itlon nnd pinlc. These
considerations nro mot In some quarters bv
n slinplo non pussumus , but by u majority ol
the dolocntlons the nccos l'y ot fKcine the
eliniculty la fully ncUnowtoJccd ,
Venture * < it tlm Snudaiii lli-rlhi , I'nrM nni
Ollu-r MitrUrtH.
Losnov , Nov. 27. Discount VIM llrru ilur
ing the past \\cck. Quotations vostordav
wcro : Thioo mouths ' ' 4 ; slurt , Iff 'J'hi
llrmncssof rntos IseUc , lo the fact that th <
supplies in the opou market hiivo boon sleud
ily decreasing. 'ihr onl.1'mod . loaturo o <
the week wns turnlshod by Now York's ( jolt
Moments to Europe which , If continued
will , It Is thoUL'hl , lend to counteract thu ton
lincntnl demands still ttnunluncd. On thi
Stock exchange tlto week \vnsn ( | ulolone
Tnoro was u general downware
movement. This was followed in HrltUt
and colonial funds bv Bllfjht advances , tin
Rains In the latter being partly duo to tin
success of the western Australian loan
which wns subscribed for twlro over
nticl Is iUotod | ut r4 piotiiium. Nov
South Wales tronsurv I nor cunt bonus ti
the amount of fiOU.UU ) sterling ? woronlsi
tnkcn at liar. Foreign sorurltlcaeroit
disfavor , the majority lecealnir. Argentine
Brazilian , UniRuavnn and Chtllin bonds nl
show finctioiml decreases. I'ortumiecsi
dropped on the report that the l.munrv LOU
] ion would not uo paid , but ivcovctod some
what oh nn olllulcnl di.nial. closing , however
ono point below last week's quotations. Tin
only noteworthy mlvnnLO wns In Oreeks , tin
1831 loan being ! i > { hlehor. Unelish raihva :
securities \vcio lansoly sold , resulting hi ni
all uround Hllaht docra.iso. liilRhtons won
especially nffcctod and closed Af lower
owing to unfavorable tiaftlc receipts. Urea
"Western closed 1 lower mid Souihwestori
U point lower.
In American railway securities there wni
n general decline throughout the weak 01
.Now York sales. The week's , varl itlons In
elude the rollowinp ilccreasesr Denver i !
Illo Grande nroferrod i ! points ; Wabas ]
inortgaro bonds'JJ ; Lnko Shore , 2 ; Louis
vlllo & Nashvlllo , Northern I'.icilio profarioi
nnd Wnbash preferred , IJf each , Union I'n
clllo shares and Atehisony each ; Atchisoi
roortgago bonds. Norfolk iSc \ \ ttstorn prc
f erred and Ohio & Mississippi lj.
each ; Denver & Rio ( Jrnndn common
Missouri , Kansas & Toxns Rliiiten ,
each ; Now York , Ponnsjlvnnla & Ohio llrs
mortgngo U , Canadhn railway accurltle
wore larKOly solu. Gianil Tiunk , Ihst nn
second preferred , each closed IJf lower
Urpnd Trunk third pioforred I lower , nn
Ornnd Trunk suaiar.tocd stock % lowci
South American railway securities sharoil I
the general iclnnso , Huuuos Avros un
Southern closing 'i points loivcr , nnd Hosar !
1 point lower.
The activity In the mining securities wn
chccliod durlnu the week , and most Jf thes
securities lost .1 part of tbo recent ndvnnc <
London and Ulvir Plalto bank rose
nolnts on the announcement of nn Sj pc
cent distribution , making 1-K I > ° r cent fc
the ycnr.
On til. , llorllil ISmirM' .
BelliIX , wov. . The bourse was di
pressed nt the buclnniag of tbo week , ow'n
to tbo prospect of an Inciaaso of taxatioi
but tbo tone aftorwiud bccamo nrmor. Cot
shares were especially dull on icports thi
tbo taste of uniting tan mines \Vcstphnll
ami Khynlnnd ii. n syndicate is proving vor
dlftloult , chlully owing to a dumnud that Mi
larger mines shall Inivc sncclal advantage :
which the smaller miners uio lout
to concdo"International funds woi
firmer at Ib'o ? end of tuo wool
but there wns llttlo change to bo noticed I
quotations. Bank shares generally wen
lower on MlnUiU.-r.ftliiiuel's pioposnl iccari
ing bankiin1Uaastifitinr. Final quotatior
wore ; 1'aribinii Is , ' . ' 0 ; Austtlun crodl
KlOliO ; Deutsche bank , 101)10 ) ; Harpane
12 ! ) ; long exchange on Lonuon , U0."l.
On tlifl IMiiH lloiirsn.
PAIIIH , Nov , 27. Prioos on the boui ;
wore maintained duilng the east week , bv
the volume of business was small , as buyci
are holding nloof until the excitement 1
parliament , has abated. 'I ho government
victory in the Chamber and the success <
the Dabon or expedition t.nd a good effect c
thcmaikot , but the offeot was neutralize
by the Panama canal scandal. The mov
ments of the international funds woi
merelv fractional. Sue/ canal , in snlto i
the continuca doclliio in receipts , closi
7 nolms higher. Kill way fihaics general
ridvanccd - to 10 points. Panama can
closed GO centimes lowor.
M'KHtmtlnillli I'rinrc.
PMIIS , Nov. 27. It In said boiolndlpl
matte cirtltis that United States Mlnlsu
Coolidge has opened negotiations for a con
morclnl convention nnd an o < ctrndlti <
treatv wllh Franco. Minister Cooliago wl
enacavor to complete tbeso illplomntlo coi
pacts uoforo ilin appointment of bis su
cessor by ttie incoming administration.
On tlm I'niiiKlurt lluiiran.
ruAM roiiT , Nov. 27. 1'ricos Aero wei
during the week , but closed llunor. TI
llnul quotations includo- Hungarian go
rontoa , 1)0.25 ) ; Austilan ricdlt , LV.i ; sno
exchange un London , 'Mia ; private ell
count , % , _ _
N/VJ/JA.S UP nl'Olll.
luck rrci'lii
, Mont. , Nov. 27. Iko Iliv
colored hcavywalcht o ! this city , knoeki
out , Jack Kiuulan of St. Paul in six rouiu
before the Helena Alblntlo ussoclation fi
n purse of ? 7"A ) . The lliiht uns n furioi
HluBglnc nmtuh from start to iluish , in uiiii
tbo colored man o-jtwlnded his white opp
nonU The men woio very ovnnly nmtciio
but Huys showed nn immense Improvoino
slnco his last uupuutanco. In the scuoi
round Kreolan got In several tinrd Diow i
1 1 ays' faio nnd had nun bleeding Illie n 8'Ui
plg but Hays rallied in clover .stylo , and
the llrth louml liiul FiL'L'lnn down Ihr
times and he bnu lv oscnped nclng count' '
out. In the next ho c-nnfo up gipggy , nn
nftcr n snlritcd rally , 1'iooU'n ' went out. I
was terribly punished about the bond.
On L'rldn ) tlio Omaha High school olcvi
treated thu Ahlai < d pcoplo to n sample
\\liat aomo eastern collugoj iiii'oxpuct
tbo way of jcllins' In tbo not dlstn
future , und inciuontally unvo the Aslilai
lllnh school eloyon a trouncinii at foot ba
Winner of the Oinahas scored the on
touchdown of the ( .Mine , making a line n
around tbo rlKhtend fmin the center of tl
Held , The plav wn inaikcd bv cnnsldorul
bad feeding , but lifter It ended In 4 to 0
Omaha's favor iho liovs made It all up a :
parted ft lends.
\i \ i : i ni K MI isiA.
I'll I r unit \\iirinnr Inthit NimtlK'r I'm in In
> ul > ni > l < u 'loiliij.
WAsmsenpv , D. O. , Nov. 27. foreon
for Monday ; Tor Nebraska , the ) Daliot
und Iowa Fair , followed \\ostuinNor
UakeUa by tmowora * , silently xvarint
southerly winds ,
l.iical Iti'cnnl.
Omen OK Tim WPATIII u fintivt ! , O\un
Nov. UT. Omuha record of temperature a
rainfall compared with coriodpondlug day
past four \onra :
1M ) ! . Ml. IR O. If
Ma.xliniiin tompnraturt > 45 = Ms 5i = 8
Minimum tomiitTTUtrii . . ' ; = > t'33 Jl3 I
Avuraeu tuinnuralnro , , Jil9 tli ° 4.3 t !
I'rualultatlein , . , . . . . . .W .OJ .UU 'I
Statement shoivlnt ; the condition of to
pcruttiro nud preoipltatlon nl Omaha for l
duy and since March i , IbOJ , > n coin oar
wllh genera ) average :
Normal toinnoraturo. , , , , U
i : coK lre ) fur the day
JlbUotvncy since \lnroh I Jo
Normal prrclpltnllo 04 In
pofiolonoy tor the day ut In
Dntliduni-y blneo Miiroh I. . . . , 3 87 Inul
GEOiidts ti HUNT , Local Forecast Ofllclal
. Fresi'olng nnd interior docorutin ;
-ittfna nnd osLIuiHtca funilalioU. { Jon
Lohuiunn , IMS Dou 'lua Btruot.
WilHim Dolohanty's Livary Barn and IU
ContinU Dcstroyoil by lira.
Tiinu * I' . 11 irrlnginnnr Ornnd Islunil lrlnl
K ? luturn Hint Uiiuliln't lull to
lilll Tuhlo Itorkiltclic )
the iMrnini Hit Crow.
UI.\T UEMKII , Nob. , Nov. -Special [
Telegram to Tun HEP ] Ibis morning nt 1
o'clock llro was discorded In the livery barn
bclanulng to William Dolnnanlv , and wci
under such headway that nothing could bo
donu to stive the building. The barn has not
been used ns n livery for some tlino , but wna
occupied oy several piitlOJ , either with one
or two hone ? , or u storagu for buggies and
harness. P U. McDowell lost a buggy nnil
threosotsof harnois. Mr. Van Uoru lost n
lot ot hotel fuinlturo winch had been snvod
from the recent llro. Mr. Stanton nlso lost
some stoics , wtiloti bad been stored thurc
slnco tno other tire. About $100 woith ol
cornice for the now buildings of Stnnton and
llarvlson vvas nlso consumed. The building
wns insured to tno amount of i'3Jt ) . Tin
origin of the Hro Is Just n much n mvsto-y
ns the o'her one , occurring at an hour When
uvci } body was supposed to bo In bed.
Uiitclieil tlm I'urxnn iit : Cro\v.
rAliiu HOCK , Neb , Nov. 27. ( Special tc
Tin. Hi.n.J frlday evening a company ol
about foity of our society people met at tin
residence of our prominent democrat
Andruw Line , for the purpose of witnessing
Hcv. ,1 | U Picsson oat crow , ho luivltu
ngroccl to do so tiofoio the election In case
Cleveland won. The bird put porting to be
crow was placed on the center table , whore
sat thu reverend gentleman nnd K. P. Jan
nlngs , the dufcatod populist candidate foi
teurojQntitUo , and also several dcmm-mb
who concluded the "bird" was too good tc
bo wasted and assisted In the muil , while
the other gdosls pnitook of a coed lap blip
Thanksgiving services were after the ok
Table Hook style. Kov. J. 11. Prcssoi
preached tin oloqiiont sorinon. The Prosby
icrlani gave n publlo dinner and supper thai
was sumptuous and elegant , and was botl
social and prolltablo , notwithstanding the
jleot of the day nnd the darkness of tin
evening ,
'ourt in Onstt'i Ciintity.
Bnounv Bow , Neb , Nov. 27. [ Special te
Tin. Hut-J The November term of tb <
dlsliict court convened lioio Monday wltt
.Indgo Holcomb piosldlng. Tnd first dav o
hose lou was taken up with minor maters
ors , no business of iinnonanco hnvintr beci
transuotcd. The State ugilnst Jim ICallov ,
better Known ns "Nigger ,11m,1' occumed tin
time of the court Tuesday. The case wus
ono whore tin. prisoner wns accused xvltl
ellliifj wnlskv to minors. Tto Jury brougu
n a Toiuict of guilty.
The Uinl ot Alonzo Patterson of ( lian
township on tbo chaigo of assault on Mis
Noia U tow n attracted u full uoiibO Wodncs
ilay. About thirty \\itncssos were examined
Ttio jury returned a voruict of guilty. Thi
court HCntcnccu the prisoner to the penitou
tiaiv for two yens.
'Ibo case of Doia I'.vans for burning th
barn of Van Sant at Ansley la sot for tria
Tnesdaj , Novomber2l [ As Jud o Holcoml
will endeavor to clear the docket as near a
possible the session will bJ continued a wcel
or more yut.
r , Neb , Nov. 127. [ Special to Tn
BI.I : . | Mr. and Mrs Lallman of Washing
ton county weio In the cllv jcsteidny put
chasing poodsU'nilo they were having
baircl of salt loaded the muloa bocam
fritrhtcned , and MM. Lallman , who was ii
' .ho buscy , could not hold tbnni. As the.
tinned tuo cotnor aho was thrown to tb
sidewalk , rucenvniK * iomo bad cuts nni
Dnnsoi about the head und face , but whtul
at present are not consideiod to bo of u seri
oils nature.
In tbo district coutt jostorday G. R. Tan
norot North Bond plesadod eulltv to sollini
a diseased colt , and was lined $ Jd and costs
Willhim Drennen pleaded not jjuilty of ih
robboiv of the Kuovu hotel and was sent bisc !
to Jail to await trial
The case ot State apalnst James Uoldor o
Sciibnerwas sot for next Tuesday. Th
cnso of Hawlov : isi\iiist , thei Ijlklioin railroa
occupied the forenoon jcsteidav. The jur ,
was excused until Monday niotning , who
the case will bo i
\Vi ST POINT , Neb , Nov. 27. [ Spocli
to Tin : Urr.j MM. Henry Harstic
and daughter , nccorapinled by Theodot
Woitnmn loft for Ohio Thursday on a tbrc
weeks' visit union i : irlcndsand telitivos.
lions , licnnot Coldsmith and H F. Klok
were Lincoln visitors Wednesday ana Thur ;
day. Theli visit was ostensibly to look ovc
the giound of their winter's woik.
Sam lleitzman , who ran b' . Horold' '
butcher shop ono week , gaxoup the simp lu ;
Saturday and moved to llccmor , where h
bought out nnothcr shop. Mr. Ilcrold i
now at tils old stand.
Anton Psottn has Just received Intclligunr
from Washington that bis patent roar on
lifter Is u pronounced success , and thu
nothing of the kind has over boon paten tot
A patent will soon bo foi Incoming.
Ciiililix tnr JlnntUy'H I'nnvral.
C5lcvM > IBIAMI , Nob. , Nov. 27. [ .Speclr
Tolegrnm to Tin : I3i E. [ The funeral t
Conductor A. G. IJcntlov , wbo was killc
Thursday night nt Sholtou , was nt'.ended h
the largest numbrr of railway inun ovc
Been hctc , nil divisions fiotu Omaha t
Chutcmio and Uonvur bolng well ropn
Rented , Thu services were conducted by til
Order of Hallway Conductors , assisted h
Kuv. T. C. Ulark of the Fust I'rosbytorla
chinch ,
4 '
Si-l/i il It ) tlm Minrlll.
l'ot , NuU , Nov. 27. The largo dt
goods anil gtocxiy ttoro of lM , Dorsov wt
sui/sd hv thu sheriff Friday night In bcha
of n bloux Citj 'uanlc holding a note for $ - ' , ( ) (
against A. W. Hose , who has been ronsli
uicd n silent uartnor bv everyone. Dorau
rliilms to luivo a bill of silo from Mr. Ho-
for his lute-test in tlm toro and oujouts |
Imviiii ; it closed up to sccuio payment fc
unother man's clntit. Opinion is divided i
to what the outcome will bo.
NvMilliMM'd ii Dwiill } 'Mr ' * * .
UiiiMi ItiiiMi , Neb , Nov. 27. [ Spec !
Telegram to Tin : linn. ] James P. Hurrlui
ton , a drayman , coniniilted sulcldo tb
inotnlng bj drinking four ounces of lam
annul and ono otinco ot oirbolie ncld mixc
In wblsiiy. After diioMng the dose 1
walked two blocks home and lild hh wl
what ho bad dono. Physicians were ii
stantlv called , but no relief could bo lini
Holoavosa wife and live chlliiien in dost
tuto circumstances.
lliirnril thu llurlixr blnii.
TOUT NioHiunt , Neb , , Nov. 27. [ Spool
to Tin : BIIII.J Another llro broku out yc
terday morning at S o'clock at this post , t
tally destroying the bather shconf troop ,
Sixth cavalry , conducted by Private Churl
Filtnioru , biud bixth cavalry. The shop wll
lU lUlurus U a total loss.
Mil-toll ot thu l.tlo ut the l.ntn Cunlln
Lutlc'rlu "f I'laiK'r.
Caidiual Lavlcorloof France , wnosu dca
opcurod Iq Algiers on Saturday , was to t
Kronen ropubllo what AichbUhop It eland
totho United State the exponent and d
fonder ot republlchn pilnclplos. HH , mo
than any slnpla individual , crtmhedthahop
of monarchlal pretendcu in Frauco.
Uburlcs Martial Allomand Lavipcrio w
born at Uayonno , FrancoOctobor , 1)1,1625. ) I
was educated for the oburch and eon t
came rfoted tor his learning on tboologlc
subjects. Ho became professor of eccelo :
astlciil history In the faculty of Paris. II
abilities1 o'irlr attractea attention be > oi
the bounds of Franco and ba was tumuiou
to various honorable functions nt the papal
court , nil of which ho discharged to the
eminent ntl fnotlon of his cccleslastloil
superior" . Uv ilccroo of March , lsr > fl ,
lie wns designated ns bishop of Nnncv ,
nnd bv a later decree ot January U ,
1M)7 ) , ho was transferred to the see of Algiers ,
whlcn wns orectcd into an archbishopric.
Ho was afterwards promoted to the rank of
cardinal , nnd has gained world wide fame ,
not onlv n * ono of tha most distinguished
prelates of the Roman church , but more os >
ticclntiy on account of tils successful efforts
lo reconcile the papicv to the French repub
lic. It was through CJnidlnal Luvlgerio that
tha present papu wns led to issue his
famous statement to the effect that the
( Jattiollc.i of Franco should iccognlzoand
obey the republic , nnd substantially that
tliero was no cause for dlfloronco between
the church and the republican institutions ,
This position of the pope was a death blow
to thn moa nchist n ovumcnt In Fiance and
many who had faithfully nulimed to tin :
roynl cause , bscMiso the church was suiv
jn-cii to ho In n.\mpailiy with royalty , now
RUO in tbolr adhesion to the renubllc ,
Mur Livigoilo wns known nil over
Christendom as the 'IlJack Onrdlnftl" on no-
count of his long nnd romtrlcablo crtisndc
against slavery In the link Continent , Six
months ago bo was at the point of death , ns
ho had been threw yonrs nrovlouslj , but he
iccovorod , and notwithstanding Ills advanced
age nnd uellcacv of health , It wus hoped thai
ho might still bo spared fora number ol
\oars to carry on his great work
It was about the vcar 1Sb3-S9 that Mgr.
La\lircilocntorod upon the llrstporiod of no-
lual oxnt.uiion.of his vast scheme : a slow beginning
ginning , It Is true , but still the small end ol
the wedge and the guerdon of futuronuhlove
incuts. Ho icrnsed to bo duned by the
plauslblt ) hut erroneous statement that slav
ery was \lrlutlly extinct In the dtstiiuts
wnoro U had boon most popular ; ho went
dceii into the matter nnd sent trustwotthy
omissnrios to report on tbo fact ; ho nccutuu
latcd pioofs and was nblo to dcclaro thai
o eit then thoio were In Xanzibnr no less
than four housm in which slaves were sold.
When the cntdlnal founded the "Armed
BioUiorsof thobahaia" ho ustabllshcdthotn ,
ns Itverc , in un outpost at Dlsicra , whence
the llttlo band of dovolcd workers wa
gradually spread onward on the loaO
to ino Soudan. The rcctuitlng of the bioth'
eis was n matter of some dinicnltv. When
the plan wns Hist mooted the committed to
ceivcd 1iUD demands of admission , ana yol
four months nfior the actual ostablishmbnt
at M'Hiilla thnro x\ero only sixteen brothort :
In the bouso. Many of those who had offered <
ferod themsolvoa were cither aiventurora
or mon having failed in lilc
through their fault or guilt , and the }
found that either thov Imd not the
means to cairy them to Africa or weio dls
inavod by the llfo opening before them , sr
that thov did not start at all or letraceiJ
their footsteps halfway. A pteof of the
dltllcully of filling up the ranlts lies in uie
fuel that , although ono of tbo piimaiy rule !
made by the curd I mil was that no motnbei
should Join nftcri5 , jot some of the uovV'
comers are . .13II ) nnd even hi.
It had been settled that only on loachltif
that ago should the brothers , after having
been taught the use of arms , uo sen !
into thu heart of tno counti v. On the othei
baud , some of the brotncrs nro not nmii
than I'l or 20 , nnd will have to leave
M'salla for their military service In ordei
to nrcp ire icmiits und conquer those
obstacles , the caiunial mauo.uso of the
orphnn schools ho had established In vailott ;
p ills of the counti v , in which ho educntci
and btought up over l.SOO children. H wa <
fioin thcso teciplents of bis bounty In Afric :
thnt ho oxuoctud to 'liaw eventually ai
ellloacious and willing contingent for tin
army of tbo Sahara.
An excellent administrator , the cardlna
had calculated to u nicety the number o
btlcks required to build tho'houso of M'sall :
nnd the ground that would make It self-pa\
ing ; ho was cettaln that the foitvncioi
surroundii'c tbo buildlni : would ere lonj
milntain the orothors , being worked bj
them. Thov are not paid , but the military
governmoat of Algeria lends thorn at Ilrst i
reinforcement of hands bv sending soleiieri
who worU nt a salary of 4 pence a day. Thi
time of the biothers Is divided between re
ligious oxorclses and agricultural piusmts
with one hour of dull und a lesson In Aiabi
Ono ard : ! ' . they nro propatea ami wlllini
tooxchango their peaceful husbmdry nm
quie > lives for dangers and warfare in thi
uark regions of central Africa ; thov ni
re itlv to shed their blood In the fallow
fructlfled alioauv by the blood of oravo ad
venturers and bravo mUsionailes ; C'ai
dnml Livigcrio twenty ye irs ago rmukec
out on the man of Afiica the Irpor spot
which his aimy wns to puilfy : the teiritoiio
that have to bo icdeomed fioni tbo curse o
human trnftlc.
Thooitdinal , notwithstanding ill health
increasing ago anil many almost insur
inountnblo obstacles , never wavered In hi
indomitable purpose. His appoiranco al
teieu little in the last twenty veais save fo
his whitening beard and a moro worn lee :
of the stiiUing face ; bis eyes intninoit th
satro o < .prossion of mingled gentleness am
energy , und as they rested on his auditoi
ono was involuntaiily reminded of whaton
of his ecclesiastical colleagues once said o
him : "Iho caullnal has oies that listen '
This dollnitmn cqictly doscilbos his earnest
attentive look. Uut if ho wns an oxcellen
listener , his eminence was also a brilllan
speaker , nnd his liery eloquence often awep
away oppoUtlon nnd annihilated the objei
tions raised agiinst his schemes.
Onmlm IXporlnu d nf tlio ( ! > Swltiilima
Arre lril nt Ali.hlsmi.
A telegram to THU SLMIII Bur. fioi
Atchlson , Kan. , biought word of the aries
there of Peter Snoa and Miss Georgi
Twilllgor of South Omaha , who eloped
day or so ego.
Shea is a married man and lives at ia.i
South nightcenth stroot. For iomo tlm
past ho has bjon infatuated with the giri
nnd the clopomoiit was the lesult. TU
faithless husband wns employed by th
Mlssouil Pncillo Hallway compiny a
a svvitchmnn , nnd on Iho 'day c
nis disanpcaranco wont to th
headquarters to draw some money fur hi
wife , who accompanied him. Mrs. She
wnitotl on the sidewalk for her nusbnnu , bti
ho did not come back. Instead , hn dtew hi
money , loft the building by the rear dooi
met Miss Twilllgor and tojk a train fo
Atclilaoa. Thoio thu coupio put up at
hotel as man and wifei und Sheta went t
work for the Santa Fo roau.
Mrs. Shoa was awaio of tha relations p >
isting between her husband and the girl mi
Imd made several attoinptH to bioalc up th
illicit love aflalr , but was not succossfu
Kulatlvcs of the young woman claim the
Shea at Hist teprosonted himself as u slngl
man and thus gained Miss TwIlllgot'B caul
donee. When his deceit was exposed th
tclephono girl still clung to tier leer an
was willing to share hU fortunes In anotlit
cllmo. A sister of Miss Twilllgor has gen
to Atehison to bilns the erring girl back (
her homt ! ,
A 1'oiu1 .Nuino i Inn ,
When you llnel n four name llrm you at
prutty sum of an institution rupro-ici.tiii
considerable losponslbllily. The tlrm i
I lass , Harris , Brim & McLalnncar Uawsoi
Georgia , Is not an exception , It Is , In fao
ono of the mo i substantial business house
in Terrell county. The following Is an ei
tract from a recent letter from thoin : "On
customeis say that Chatnbeilain , Mcdlcln
Co. of Uos Moines , Iowa , manufacture thrt
of the best medicines on earth , viJlmii (
borlam's colic , choleia and dlatrhtva ren
cdy , for bowel complaints ; Cbainbcrluin
cough remedy , for colds , croup nnd whooi
intr cough , and Chamberlain's pain bnlm ft
rheumatism. " f > n cent bottles nf each
those medicines for sale by
Tbo rcsidotico of John Avondct , lt ! | & Ca
fornla street , was uur larlzed last night at
fiO worth of doming stolen ,
OOlcor Mitchell anestcd John Downey ni
Frank Lindsay yestciday afteinoon. T
jouug uiou are wauled at Ashland for In
A colored man named Larson , oinplojud
the Mtllard bntol , was arrested last ovcnli
for having somu knives , forks und spoo
belonging to tbo hotel In his possession ,
Ll'M ENHOIITII , Ivan. , Juno 15 , ' 00.
Mr. J. U. Moore : My Hoar Sir I ha
been subject to sick boudaoho all my III
Over two years ago I begun using "Moon
Tree of Life" for U and nuvor bad a case i
Bick hoadachn slnco , except when the me
cmce was al ono endof tbo road und I at I
other. It is worth moro than money to 11
I heirtily rooonid it to all sufferer *
hoatlaoUe. Truly yours.
yours.W. . W. LII.K.
Pastor First Jliptlst Churoh
rntrp I\T iMifi'r i riiMni r
Mis. Edmund Rus if Explains tbo
ophy of a NfewJDelsarloait Foci
I'diplQ Mil" Un lt"tPclnro It Allcirds Men
tut liiul llnilll > ' ' [ ( . ' \ , linprcixt's
the ' DlKi'Mliiii' unit Ii it 1'ittU
Is the study ol the philosophy of Uelsart
n fndl Am society women of Now Yorl
'ailing dotvii'Stnlts once or twlco a week fo
tnantnl and bodily relaxation i
The study of UcUarto toiohos ono how ti
tall with grace and eiso , and It Is eialmei
that when the fall Is proparly mailo it Invlg
orates the body and mind moro than a mi
ot old-fashioned dumb-bells or n su
of Indian clubs. Why ) Uocauso i
nkcs the mind for the inomont nwa ;
from everything else , ami If prop
crlv done , so Its advocates claim , rola\c
every nnisclo of the body. But isn't ther
any dangur of personal Injury li > fallini
down a Might of stairs ! Mrs. Udmtuid Kus
sell , n pupil of Uelsutto , says tncro isn't
jho has done it often nnd she sajs her bus
jand does it almost every day in the week
In doing it she simply follows the philosoph ;
of her teacher. This philosophy follows i
[ iiinclplo of relaxation. Iho lolnxallon o
, Uo mind begins with the expression of tU
Tacu , which , when silicon1 , pas jus liken wa\i
over the body. Natmallv the relaxation o
.Uo body begins at the Icot and passes nloni
.1m frame to the head. Consequently n fal
logins in the foot unit tha mind gous out ti
meet It. The mind bus been trained by th >
| ilnlo3onhv of Uelsarto Just how the vauotii
mbs should net 1-1 reaching the ccntor j
zrnvlty , and ono by ono in quick succussloi
the rclatlxo muscles iclax nnd the cnlln
riatnii drops. U Isn't , a "Hop , " but a grace
Tul fall that exercises every muscle in tin
body and thu brain at the same time.
llll\0 II \ HllUlJOf | -llls | ,
And this Is ono of the things , says Mrs
Itussoll , that the women ot Now York am
London society , nvcn the stately dames , ha\ i
learned to do. bomo of them can fall fioti
a standing position backward , forward am
diagonally In any direction. They can fal
from a chair as easily as "rolling olt n log,1
as the expression goes. And thov do It fo
exercise , and every ouo thnrn SIM
that she fools hotter for It. Mrs. Kus
soil sa > s tint it Is the best thing in the
world to s'ettlo a dinner nnd when demon
stiutmir the principles of it to a reporter foi
the i'rlbuno at the Lexington jostoiday sb <
icilly seemed to enjoy it , even after" hei
roltfc. And she made a quiet llttlo lomarl
that her luncboon , after this odd exetcho
would bo n little mom enjoyable than usuil
bhu speiks of it as a path to nervous uuc
phvslc ii i ofroshmont.
Mrs. Hussoll will stay in Chicago a coupli
of weeks. It is Ihasoimbl3 ! to beliovi
that the society uollicn ot Chicago wll
not hi outdone Itiy the same t > c
of London and Now York , nnd con
aequeatlv there will doubtless be an cxtr.
thickness of soft material maced under tin
stairway carpets of < n number of Chicago'
bust known homes in anticipation of tbo nr
of obiaining exercise nud roluxation of mini
and body as tatiuht by1 Uelsarto.
Said Mrs. Hussoil jesteidaj"Art : ha
long enough been the master or oil paint. I
is time now that it became the inothoiof ren
life Uelsarta discovered tuo laws of et
presslon. and if these hre followoil they teicl
us how to talk , how to walk , and bow t
dresa ; how lo jbo graceful , hov
to loon pretty , \vhat wo ought nni
ought not to , ( , i-oar. It teache
us our individual nucds and hqw to mauo
personal application 01 thcnf. This seasoi
mv special sUbjtct ii'sn ch. Tt is a wel
known fact that the American voic'o 1
notoriously disngreirtbfo and vulgar nnd ic
quires culture. Drop oft a little ol the highc
mathematics nnd doyelop a little of th
practical duty.o are smoothing1 , by th
toae-hing of Dolsarto. the provincial n
cnuni lation , choosing the speech of the ncx
twonlj-flvo joars , not that of the las
period of the bamo lenptli. We nro toacl
Ing a standard , rather than imitating th
sup/jell of any cl.v or country. With the Dei
sumo philosophy it. . Is nunciplo rather thai
imitation.Vlmt is called gesture w ith n
oiJitoraud nianuor with n woman , the nun
berless movements that impress the poi
botmlity , nro being taucht on pilnciplo , an
uot foi affoctatiou. "
t , IcuclN Should .Iliiti Ii tlio I'uro.
"What is your theory regaidins the use c
Jewels and ornaments ! "
"Jewels aio worn for ornaments. A Jewe
Is often beautiful , but a beautiful woman is
higher order of bcautj than the joue
and the beauty of a woman should not b
sacrltlccd to the beauty of the lowc
order. All women have beautiful ojes-
cveiyojois beautiful. Tlio eye is a sma
bit of color , w b idi can bo maao mot
beautiful if wo nut tbo richt colors with II
The boautv of tbo ojo is obliteta'od ' b
bits of wren colors. Jewels best know
in the miu Voi nro often tlm ones that cannc
be woin without Injunng tbeso color spot :
And this leads to a stuely of what Jewel
should bo worn with cetiim 030.1. Anothc
beautitnl tiling is the Hash of waite teeth un
the white nf the eye , and this leads to th
studv of which jewels or ornaments woul
add to this lla h or white or which would dt
' DUuio.i' . are not advisable unless th
face is brilliant , especially if worn too nou
tbcifuco. It is a study , and ono should al
wajs bo able to pick out his individual need
aim not wc.ii lilts or that Just because II Is
prevalent oinntnent in the inntkut. Ills we
10 wear something soft by contrast iic
liiush or pronounced and it U advisable a
way , lo nave the Jon els match. I havo'n
ways saiel that a woman Is not badlv Uiosso
who will match her hair for the stieel , hu
eyes for tlm house and her skin for the ovoi
ing. Duliatto leaches the laws for doin
this. "
Mrs , Kusrell is something of au nuthoilt
on society. In cliattlngon society in genera
and that ol Now York in paiiicular , &h
said :
"Whatis Itlo bo a leader ) What does !
requite j Don't think for a moment the
money is the only icqulsito , for with Hits I
loquiics a bialn , u rulturo and n dlgnlh
Mrs. Whitney Is not prominent 101 th
lo.uloishlp hcciuso Htio gives a low mote n
coptions and has n few moro flowers tlia
anybody else , but because she Is nl
wiitf liilioduclng Into society souietliln
new and she chat been eopiei
If a thing Is nigoid | It is roplci
uud tlio moment voaiu'g copied > ou bocon
a leader I think tti.iLlho attitude of nc
soclolN people toward otbor people whoi
they look upon as-i Ui ( ; nblo to write
uli'vor book , but not In their sot buuuu (
they do not wear nice gloves , presents tt
liighost form nt social llfo. An education
constantly growing iiu'nieotlng people , nt
you don't luarn an ) dijng by being with tt
iiinio pcoplo all the nme. "
\\iallli Ilur * Sin hit I'rogri KH ,
i' tV hat do \ ou * eop-ittu1 Is in tliu w ay of t >
ciul iirogross in thmtmntiyj"
"Ono thing is the laigo number of poop
that nro received atone time It proiluui's tl
higher forms of Intjjijeftuitio nud pills at tl
head those who can lay Iho laigost nuiiiU
of plates nnd can unseat the largest bat
room , Instead , roijuin' ' * , of those who ha' '
the personal i.'liunii nd brilliancy that wou
nmUo u reception uiij | [ Hullto bo envied f
the pleasure uud cntorulnmont it wou
afford i" ' Vi. ' '
"And what can you say about Chicago H
"Well , 4 am a compaintlva fitianeer
Chicago , bull think thalMlB. 1'otter I'ului
U In a position that is envied by eve
socloty woman In America , and piouably h
the bust social position of tiny woman In tt
country , H U conceded tiat ) she would
welcomed In the homes of lojalty the woi
over. "
Mrs. Husseli appears generally in a neat
ilttlnK nrincess dress , over which U drap
au oriental crepa shawl In such a mam ;
that U bangs over the tlgure , displaying lo
and bimutlfui lines , The ibawl is huukl
at each shoulder , and with tltei aid of a pin
two the shawl costuroo U complete. 1
hair Is black , sua has dark blue eyes , U 'f
below medium height , and wears toll a
pretty Jewelry , mostly In the form of act
laces ,
A. It. Commit ton on
Wit. , Nov. 'J7. Command
In-rhlof WolssotofthnOnnd Army of the
Kopublis appointed ncommltteo on logUln-
tlon ns follows ! .loscph W. Knv. Amo ,1.
Ctimmlngs , .lolm Uainot , all nf thoD opart-
mentot Now York ; C'hnrlos P. Lincoln. Do-
nnrtmont of tha Potomao ; William 13. Koss ,
Dopartmcnt of Maryland.
it / / if n i ; i ( id * / . ( ; .
Now mill Morn Sprrlllc Clnrttps ARiilnst tlio
Allrgt-d llpri'tir.
Nr.w YOIIK. Nov. 27. The trial of Uiv.
Charles A. Driggs , D D , for heresy before
the pro < bytory of Now Yorl ; will bo taken
upagiln today on n now nnd moro specific
schedule of chirges , nroforrud by the Pros-
bvtcilau chinch ot North America. Those
ehaigcs , in lull , nro :
The amended unargcs piofcrrcd by the
Presbvtoi Inn church of the United Ktntos
nguliut Hov Ohurles A. Hugos , D D. ,
being a minister ot tno said o'liireh nnd n
member of the presbytery of Nuw York , nro
us follows !
Olurs'o 1. With tc-ichlni ? that the rciion
Is n fountain of divlno authority which may
iiiitl does savlhttly onllghlon mo-i. oven such
nionns reject the scriptures ns the inithorl-
tatlvo proclamation of tha will f God and
reject also the w.iv of silvation throuuh the
mediation nnd saw illco of the Son of God as
roveialed therein , which is contratj to the
ossuntlat doctrltio of tlm holy scrlpttno anil
of the standards of the said church , that the
holv sciiptuio is most neiHsssary andtho nile
of faith and prnetlce.
C'turco IIWith tonulnnc fiat the church
Is n fountain of Jivinonuthoilty which , apail
fioin tlio holy scripture , may and does sav
ingly enlighten mnn , which is contiarv toiho eloctilnti ol the tiolsriipluro nnd
of the standards by the sale ! church. Hint the
holy soilpturo is most necessity and the rule
of faith and practice.
Chaise IIIWith totalling that errors
may have oxhtuJ In the original ti-xt of Iho
holv scilptuic , as It c.imo Horn the nuthois ,
which is conlraiy to the essential doctrine
taught In the holy scripture and in the
stanelnidsol Iho said church , that the holy
scrlntuie Is Iho word of Uoei wiltten , iinme-
ellatcly Inspncd nnd thu lulo of faith and
Charco IV With tcachtne that imnv
of the old testament predictions have boon
reversed bv history and tnnllho cronl body
ofMossianlu piotiietlon has not boon and
cannot bo lulfllled , which is contrary to the
essential doctrine of holy scriptine and of
the standinds of said chuich that God is
tiue , omniscient nnd unchangeable.
Charso V. With teaching that MOSPS Is
not the author ot the Poiitntoueh , wiiluh is
contrary to the ulicct slateuioats of holv
scrlpttiro nnd to the ossoitlal elootrlnes of
the standards of the said chuich that the
holy scripture evidences Itself to uo the
woid of God , oy Ibo consent of all the paits ,
and that the Infallible lulo of Interpretation
ot scripture Is the scilpturo Itself.
Cnargo VI. With teaching that Isaiah is
not the author of bilf Iho book that bans
his mmo. which is conluiry to dlicct stnto-
monts ot holv scrlpttiro and to the essential
doctunos of the standards ot the snlJ churcli
thnt the holv scripture evidences Itself to bo
the word of God by thu consent of all the
parts and that tlio infallible nile of luutrpre-
lation of scilptnio is Ihe sorlpturo itself ,
Charge VII. With teaching that Iho pro
cesses o I icdomptlon extend to the world to
conic in the cnso of inanj who die In sin ,
which is contrary to the o-sentlal doctimos
of holy sciiotuio and the standntds of said
chuich thnt tin processes of icdcmptiem mo
limited to the world.
Charge VIII. With teaching thai sincll-
tlcatlon is not complete at death , which is
contrary to thu osscntml doctrines of holy
scrioturo and of the standnteU of said
elnircn that the souls of baliovors are at their
death at once made perfect In holiness.
.Ill } Cnulil IIiillilln ii Xcu Kullroad ,
JVRW OHM \ss , Li , Nov. 27. A Tniios-
Democrat El Paso , Tox. , Hpeelal sa\s : Giy
Gould has begun the inolinilnary work tor
the building of the White Oaks railroad ,
which was purchiiod by him last spring
fiom Receiver Chatles Da\isfor"iOU ! ) . Uo
has a cot ps of criL-inrcis now in the Held and
is uushiugtho \evwlth all possible speed.
It. is not gcncially known , but it Is
nevertheless n fact that Mr. Gould will comu
to Cl Paso In Januiry nnd spend the winter
for his health , nnd ho will at the same time
GUpctviso tbo construction of this line , w Inch
is to bo the link between the Texas Pacific
and Union Pacific sj stems.
C. 1' . IIuntiiiRton is supnosod to bo In tno
deal soraowheic , but Just what his inteiests
me , nsido from the coal fields at White
Oaks , has not developed.
riftj-iUo Him r urlit In IHl'J.
Philadelphia Itecord : .ludgo Penny
pnckof of couitNe ) 12 ycsterelny grnntcel
a olia-rter to Iho "Souiety of the War of
1812 " The aou'.ety numbers ninoiifi its
menibors lifty-lho votor.ins , seiUterod
thiouK'iout ' the union. 1) ivicl Mi'Cov.
aired 102 , is pieilj.ibly tlio oleloat. Ho
iCbUles in San Herinirelino , C'til. Wlion
lie voluntcoiuel in 1S12 ho ftirnibhod hia
o\vn { nn niiel liorec. Thoio at o bovoral
members , wlioso iigo , it is Btiiel , mi-
pi caches 100 , anil Abram Dally ol
Brooklyn , who in o\or 1)7 ) , signed the
clinrtor without glasses in n , lefji-
hie luind. .
Dyspeplia'h victims tlnd piompt and nor-
manent lollof in Hood's Sauaimilla , which
tones the stomach and creates an appotito.
A. A. Got man of Chicago Is at the Mercer ,
M. II. Hobbs of Klmwood is at the Murraj.
E. M. Love of Valentino is at the An-ado.
L H. Guinsoy of Hastings Is at the Mil-
laid.R. . M. Logan of Amsw orth Is a puost nt the
\V. J. Falk of listings Is a guist .1 the
Murra3' .
William Hawko of Nebraska City Is at the
F. II. Mttvnoll ot Nebiaska City Is at the
Dellonc ,
F.x-GovcinorThayor was at the Motcci
L Koscnthal of West Point is n uuest i
the Mlllard.
L M. Moyorof Crawfoid U logUtercel n
the Aicado.
L. P. Liraon of riomonl was at Iho Paxton -
ton jesterday.
J. i : . Conklln otChlcaso , was at the Del-
lone vcstoiday ,
A. W. Sterno of Grand Island spent Sun
day nt the Mlllard.
W. H. Campbell of Nebi.isku City is icg-
istercd at tlio Mtllind
Senator Paddock and Mn. I'oddock aic
iCL-lsterc'd al Iho Moicoi.
John Hiloy of the S'ioux City Trlhtinosponl
Sunday with friends in Omaha.
Mr. uud Mr ? , W. 1' . Savage of Tabor , la ,
vveie Sunday guests at the Paxton
P. .1 , Phillips and Fiod II. Wilson ol
Nobiaska City weio at the Mimay yes
Mr. and Mrs John C Watson of No-
blank. ! Ciiy , ute among the gncits ut the
lion D C. Hall , wife anil daughter Grace
of Grand Island spent thu babbith with Mr ,
J. M. Marsh.
A. F. Buechler , elty editor of Iho CJiane
Island independent , spent Satuiday and ftun
day In Omaha.
Horace MoVlcUcr , night editor of thu Lin
coin Jo.unal , and W. G. Cutiicht , late cltj
editor of that paper , pmd a Hying visit K
Otnnha last , night
Cniroo , III. , Nov 27 [ bpoclal Tolegian
to TIIK Hti : -Omahans I roglstorud at Chi
uigo { today ( jiuat Northern , Claru Uapon
Shot man , Thomas P , Caller ; Tieuiont , T. I
Parmoleu anel F Pnrinelee
Pfttriok Cronin of South Onnha Receive ?
rntitl Injuries from a Motor ,
Attfinptoit to ( let OIT n Council UlnfH
'Intlnlillo In Motion , nnd fell
Under thn Ii illi < r Vouliln't
lie Sn\td.
% A serious and prob.-iblo fatal ai-ci.lcnt oc
curred nt thu corner of Tenth and Douglas
streets about fl o'clock lust evening.
The unfortunate was Patrick Cionin , nn
omplovo of the Cudahv Packing compiny ,
and who lives on Twenty-elKhtli street be-
twion O. nnd H streets In South Omaha. Mr.
Cronin nttomulod to Jumu from awcst-oound
Council HUnts ear as the tinni crossed
'icnlh street. Ho slipped aid foil
under thu wheels of the trailer which ran
over nnd crushed both of his legs.
The light leg was found to h ivo two rom-
potnid fractures nud tlm lof * lliub into.
Cionin was taken to thu Molhodlst ho < q > Unl ,
whole Dr. Somurj attendeil him After an
culmination tlio phvslcian doclded that II
was necessary to amputate the light leg , nnd
did so. Tlio left , limb wns diciscd uud
pine.'il in splints.
liesuloi tbeso injuries the doctor sal J that
his patient bad boon seriously liijinoel in-
leinally , nud Unit there was no hope of re
coxerv. F. Ouiaii , the tnoloi man , and W
T. Tboin , conductor of Iho titiln , wore
in tested and tfkun to Uie Jail Liter on
1)107 ) weio released on $ lr > JO bail , pending nn
Amputation , toeothor with the Injuries
sustained by the iinfortiinUu man , pioved
too Croat a sliock lo Ins s\stom aid ho died
shortly after midnight. The body was tc-
mo\od to Heafov \ , HoafoyN umlortaklnc
looms The coroner will investigate toda >
.nn .s ww.i
"Kill irni'j" nl llujd'x.
Some day theto will nrHo a mixer of luatt
drama who will bo daring enough lo break
away fioin the models of Dion Iioueicault ,
and then all the "colleens" nnd "gossoons"
and villains nnd nthorlngtoeticnts will not bens
ns Ilku every other of their soveial kinds cs
two cookies shipcd and marked by thu inme
tin cutter. There is a ptonnso of Ibis in
"ICillainev , " v/htch is un improvomoat over
thu old thrmdbiro tvpo , and tnoia Is u pro -
pect that wo will ba given a DUX soot lilsh
llfo not cntiioly campaicd of whUky drink .
ing , head smashing , evicting , mutMori in ; nud
the other nunotonously cumiouplaeo Inci
dents so sadlv ovei worltoJ In the fust.
Klltarnox , " wlileli was piessnleil at the
lie > d lastovonin ? , 1" not stiikinglv original ,
hat tt Is so far superior to the conxonUonul
iiibbnh as to bo woilhy heirtx communela-
tlon. Us chief uieiits "ate in the o\ccllonco
ot Its Interpioting compinx and the beiuty
of its st iglng. Tlio atoiy is built around
Miss Ratio Ijiamctt , thu star , and oven nn
oidlnniy anility is equal lo in iking thu "fat"
loloot Ktttio Hiirlto intcicsttng When ell's-
Utiised as n stupid servant boy Miss Hnituoit
loallv acts nnd displays the possession of
dramatic talent.
Tno supporting compnnv is ono of tlio
stioupest ever broupnt togotbei In such a
pluv utici soveial of thu lolos am well do-
tined , imished cliaiactois Instead of the untl-
catures usually palmed oft on a complacent
nublie. Messrs. Geoigu C Honifaco as an
old Itlsh contleman , Hobou McNatr as his
servant and yet the liiond of his victim , nnd
Thadens bhino as a cood-foi nothing , who is
made the tool of the villain , poitriy thion
lpes of Ii isii eharacl-31 , and ; ot o ich 1 * dis
iinulund consistent. The drainitlc work of
these genttomon is admit able , and Indeed
thute is a not a stick among the miucipals ,
which can rarely bo said of lush dramas.
The pily U set with a wealth or beautiful
scenoiv , which .inolbor FUipiisIng fact
and , nil in all , "Kill u ni > \ " must ho.uvaided
the ualm of supnuority among lush dranus.
"Ilin lliiiglir"ut tlic rain un.
Seven or eight voars ago n comninv of St
Louis nlajcia toured the west with a lepei-
lory wlilel1 Included a one-act slietcn entitled
"Hditha's " Tlio sketch
Uurfjlnr. was a
dainty bit of-liamatic work with strains of
gentle humor and tenilet pathos so sUillfullv
interwoven that it won popular favor instantly -
stantly and was clabointed uuo a full pl.iv
under Iho name of "Tho ISuigUr. " That
was the lirst success of Augustus Thomas , a
St. Louis nowspaicr man , who his slnco be
come betloi known lo fame by w riling "Ala
bama "
'The Burglar" began an cngigoment < it
tno Fainani stieej tlieaioi josterdav. and
received u eiedttablo pi escalation at tlio
hands of the c'linpiny , inclmling llo'aco
Mitchell , I2milo Collins , Henrx btockbridue ,
Ilauiut Joeelxn , May Connoiv and llttlo
Marion llxde. rim rompanv Is well bil-
ancod , and Little Marlon's oliai'actcri/itlon
of Kdltha was singblatly dHlinet and
eliamitio for a child. The oneounter of tlio
swum , innocent liltlo tot with ( lie biitglnr
is one of the \my fanciful crealions of
stngo craft , and\ot a n est plaus'blo ' and
( ITccthe ono.
Onmlm fltx Allssliin.
The Omaha Cltv mission has Just nussed
the eighteenth yoir of Its work. It was
organi/ed Thanksgiving elar. 1S71 , at which
tlmo a dinner was cucn to the uoor I'blldien
of tlia city. Tneso boys and gills weiu also
supplied with waim usps and mittens. This
was a foincist of Iho ctiaiaetor of the WOIK
which lui gonoon Unoiigli all tncso vens
since tin ) times of its mirnnlition.ianv
kind flit lids haxo furnished ns wllh thu
neeissaiv supplies. List Thui- > day mornIng -
Ing women and cuildion came tlnough the
pieiiclng cold with their biikols ui.d sacks ,
expeuuing to ncoivo somutlilii' , ' , and wciu
not disappointed Wo ugiot losay wo had
vuu llttlo meat to glvo thuin , but wo bad
other supplies. Donations had bcon IL-
ccUed from tlio L iltc , Park and Hanuofl
schools and from'.houstminialer I'lu hy-
lerinn chinch and fioin piivato iiullvldtials
I'hej contllbutlon from the L iko school was
voiy la.go. ( lothlni ? w is lecclxed in laigo
quantities , also inovisions , uoialocs.cabbage ) ,
Rijuash , beans , liour , lice , canned ft lilt , Jul-
Jies , butter , comment , oilinual , enfftie , tci ,
apples , soap and a Hinull qmntlty of meal.
In ono small paper sack , them was suit , In
anotliQi puptT , showing that the liltlo ones
did iho best thov could according to their
ability. Thoclnldicn of iho Lake school
were asucd to tiling a lump of real each ,
unltli they did , nud when put together
II was found lo bn about ! IUIW pounds. May
God llos iho bauds and hcaris of these little
ones and over keep Ihoin In svinpilhv nltii
the pooi and sorrowing one's \Voiilloiiforty-
seven baskols nnd giuu out ) ? ! u.ninents ,
furinsliod two liali of nnvv. warm , foil btioes
for old ladles , llneovards nf blight , now
c-aipot for un aged couple , two hint" of umloi-
clolhlng for an old man , a bedsteadinallioss ,
pillows and now undoir lathing for a sick
lamllyollstened to manv sad stoues of
sickness and dcseitlon A luaxu llttlo
woman xvhoso household goods wc-ro nil
dostiojod in the Drencl Uio Uut Sunday , xvas
aupulicd souiu necossiry things
t-one uomen wen ) Uiero xvith their old
wrapi on , which xvero xvora out and not
waim enough even for lull xxoii , yet thU is
all thov have to cover thorn and protcet Ihoin
against Iho piercing cold , nnd Ihoy havu no
covering for their hand * . Oh , slsleirs , do
not lay away jour garments till they are
moth eaten , butsond thum to us anel wo will
see that Ihey ncU the ner.Jy and du-iorvln-f
poor MiJ. * . H. JAUIHM
as Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Rvpoil.
J/iv.1 whiiut SiM/irflrtiiil
Kalnnnzoo'Mich hadsncllliiKjlulho neck , or
. , 1'iomhoi null //-NX ,
Goitre H , pausing40 Years
pio.itsnrti'ilni ! . When dioriUKhtcoliUoiiliI not
\\alk tuo blocks \\illioiitfnlnting , She took
food's Sarsaparilla
And Is now free from It all Nile h is tirped
in ui } others to tike Hoods SimpaiIlia nnd
Ihej Imo.ilMihct'liemiit \\llldoem Rood.
HOOD'S PILLS < ' ro nil I.Uor Ills , Jaundice ,
tick licailiclio , lilllousiH-si , inur itomuh , imino * .
5To ! > can rodtteo jour welgiit from tn
to t M en Ij jioiinilK n month , : it I oino , without -
out etarIng , at reasonable cost bj the \KO ol
Di , Clarke's Home Tieatment ,
perfecli-d In many jeais prnctlte , causes no
HloliiieHHiT liijni-j to ( he licnldi , Is highly
Indorsed. Send for proofs nnd testimonials.
J > .O.llrim > tl.'llt. . ChleiiKO , 111 ,
U vein h-i\e
I rook Ius
yon i f u-n I"
How to Cure FrecMes ;
WItt , DO IT.
h"ilmilni.-nr Uic noihl Uj fiirot lui\n ;
IK-HI nllli frriklts und tin must li-iinm
1 i-
Cn In .Miiinlni.'clsi mi Mon In ) im I KUI n Imiile- . . .
I.i I-r , ikla. tiiko It liuiiitun I iip | > Irnceiirllnit I
dliMtloif oil Mnniliiv In 'ilny nun i\n Ini-'itHy , nrnl
nn ' un lat > ni will ni > t -nlnikK.4 Xmirmini
li'tuloii ' will i o Hpicli t ii * when i lltllo liutii" 1UU"
l9ldllllUCl } lllll ' "
Mme. M. Yale's of
. . Tempi ] Bsauty ,
liGSIaloSI. I1. hunil i
fur M M K-
' " Al Ki val 1
'o" >
lIHl ll'Hllll'.Uj-j
IlOlik I'IDP.
mson s
They Inst lonRU" nnd wear bettor thane
o nnj otliu initl.i. 'Ihe-y au stylish , and
iniulo from iiUu led Blcltis only.
If joiirilenli r does not Inno Ilic-mnml
> on uant I" l.iii f-mmitliliw iiboiit Iho
LlEST GLOVES MAUEMito to tliu nmnii-
toi Ids lllnsti.itul buok about
HIM Kicreiu u ,
Dlt I VtlSIS M'll\r AM ) HltUN IIUIATl
nil id UHiiillli | fin llyutiiiti Ii//liu H I dH 5
iiilKlu lliiiilulu Nirviiin riumi uli 11 iniisi11
in l i MIC i \\iikiliiliiiKH M.nlin I ( iir |
r-viiin ufliii'Mt of Dm llmlii i iiiulnu Uihandy uilt-
i r > il < iti > ili utli I'liMiifitiirit eMi ) \IM > Iliirreni-vi
I iiksnt 1'iini rln ullln rni-v liiiiiiuni | | < v I < iiilii'irrliun1 '
mil till I inn du Ui iiUni'n.i'n [ nt iioniry Ixi n < t ,
liorimiiiii rlu a t IIIHII I Ity tcr iixf-rtion nf tlii
1'lidnMilf idiiiHt * ovir Imlidirom j A inniith
tri'Miintnt ( I i , lurf liyitull \\n ciinraiiti'ii lvj
| MIVI tuiiiri- Ii nidi r f if i i uio "Illifi. "lill
M.IHI ivrllli'O tii irant o to n fiinil If lint i uroil
( .iliiranU'ii hiuo I "inly h > 1 In nilnru I I iml ilnU
Kl > l MdiMuiiil biiiiihn ml ci'tin-r Ibli | liiul luriii
hU I Illllllll
" -ilililii ) , Mmnliir mil 1111-lav NI'V tT , ' 1 an l ill
'IIn.HIM i si nl IrMi ( iitli'iinn
K A J I. K M M K 1 1
In tin r iiiinlli Irln Minium
v I I , I. \ It N I -i -
III eilN I Ml Ill-Ill i.VI
\ e Mill
1 ii"lrii ! In Midi' to ilu i diln Ilinl .Ml > ICutlu ICni. .
Until now plii ) Mlluriiur wliUli will houh i-n hi I
Ililmily ni U.-MIII In ) iniilii l vviiiiiini ilnulit Ilin hij.tJ
n IITHIII nluliiiii uf tin lrlli di ml i Ilitt Inn ntor ID IT
Khi n In tliUilly II n Intrrim'li'il liy tun llmuti ONI J
ii m > lit iiilltl * linn n\i.r iirmliKi-il u pit i nl lid * I In I j
11 lliNi nun ry tin 1 IHIIII iintu 111 ill j moil Miuipi in 11 j
iiiiuiiu r with n wunllh nf ni'iuniile uit HIIIII rir indnl" 11
Irmii iilnil < iiiri'li | iiiil hkule Imnf tlm IIIIIKIIK IrMi
lukai .Noun lit Iliu M < II K cct-iii ti nl Ihu thi'iilri' will 1
In IIHI I tin luiiiinmir < nr rliuu'i'rrtlilim n ' > try.
i > in tin limil driiin-r/iil iliu > tn i 'l tin imhtiin I
un > iiiiirli | nnil < ro mil In from > \ > ( in ill' ) n j
Killiiini-y lll Im vIVKii IIITII < > n tin' UKIU "d" > (1
iiiiuinlli nm llnl ilidil t rl < H ti | > In l HI I'.l '
Vint \ < , ikiinil ullli dm m un i lentil itin t Mo-iHjrl
llBh In 111 lllIvllll I ( ill Illll | im lllCII Jll V III II U IllttlJ ll I
k < n In iliulii > lnry nflliii Iriiliilminu In ' limit
Hi.if hu Unl'i iiNdilrlny innrnliunt ii'tml prli-iH ,
> l-i I\U
Farnani Straet Tlieatir , I UH'KS ,
hrcoi rt i. i OMI in nn . . . .
'Ihu ureituiliif Aiiiorlu n inavs
'Jlirou nltlhU i uiiiiuinicliiK 'lliurji'ajr ' Hi ) ' 1
'I huilmtr Irlrlniitur
Aim Id * no ill ( nl c iiiiuii in
TinMiir ' > NAi i , "
Tiiuriilny , I ( and HJtur lu )
AUuilrably bt .na uiul 1'lujoJ.