HE OMAHA ! DAILY BEE. TWENTY-SKCOND YEAH. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , NOVKMHKIl 28 , 1802. NUMKKU 101. THEY WILL HAVE FULL SWAY \Vill Have a Working Majority in the Senate. UO NEED OF POPULIST ASSISTANCE hi rgmiit-.at-\rins Vnli'iillnn' * INtlm Ui ol JIu it Mnjurllr A Cimlri cm "I l.fiil. Ing llrnuirriM Oillril In I'm mil. lutiit I'lmi iiT Ail Ion. Hi nr.AU or run Hen , 51 ! ) Pol UTiivni : : SriiKKr. WAsuivorov , D. O , Nov. 27. There Is nt toast ono man in Washington nbovoHll otherswho keeps corrccllv posted as to the political coipploxlon-of the Bcnntc. lie has kept a tab of the published icsults of iho recent flection and has boon in piivalo correspondence with scnitors In doubtful states whoso election will bo dutcrminpd by Icglslaltlios chosen on the 8th In t That man IsSorgoant-nt-Arnis Valentino of iho Bcnale. To your coiiospondont Colonel Valentino oiild today : "i hero is not the least likelihood that tno alliance or populist senators will contiol the nenixto nfler the 4th of next Mirch. The d-MiiocraU ttralKht-outdeniociHts. will huvo full con trol and the popullU * will not bu consulted in the formation of committees or election of tbo senate's ofllccr * In the reoreanirallon of Iho senate. Counting a , democratic senator , fiom each of the stall's of New York nnd Wisconsin , which aio us sure us dualh and taxes , ino deaioet.us have lha senalo on a tie without coiislc'nlng eithei Sennton ICUo or Porter , the tilllanco men. Now If the dem ocrats gel n senator of their own slripo from either of thobtalcs of \ \ > onliiir : , .Montana , Kansas , Callfotnla , iNobnislea or Nevada tney will have n clear walking mujoiltj of ono without a fublonlst or jopullst. It is my informntiou and judgment that the dem ocrats will gut at least two senators from the states paired and probably tluoo. 1 urn ' glad the interests of Iho counliy will not lion ? upon the qualms 01 whims of populists In the , senate Tbo ilpmociats will have n clean nnd clear sweep In bolh houses of con gress mill the presidency , and wo nil know what to otnopt. Tl.n compleMoii of the son nto being knoiv n , them iietd no lotiKor be any don lit in uny direction. The icpiibllcans In lliosmntn on March I willvacaio all the chairmanship. ! of committtees nnd make ro- Hucsts or clitlms dchliing to nd llioinsolvu- * of overv whit of losponslhllltv. The future of thocounliy. forlwo ypars at least , is in Iho bauds of thu democratic party. " Cniifi'rriiri1 ill UUIIIIH luts. It was hardly to have bson expected that thoconfereiice.anticipaled in IhebudUpntchcs lust night , for the outlining of n policy upon tholariff and other questions would ba held n eon ns totncrrow. Simultaneously with the ntinouucement of the proposition to frame au "adm't > isltn.loii InritT bill" came onnfiom Now Yortt that Senator Cormati had called n confeiunco in lhat cltv , and Spenkor Ci up , Senator Carlisle and other ronlrolllnp democrats were on their wnv to Gotham. Democrat ! * in Washington aio today discussing theprobuulo outcome of the cotifciencc , nnu attempting to pcnctruto tho.futuro , not only as It will rul.ato to tbo framlngbf nnewlnrifT bill , butusto gnneiiii It lefislutlon and Iho disposition of thu spoils J ofiofllco. Theio Is laiRO pippordiirunco of opinion hero Hint it will uo thi > policy of PrcsldcntClovuluml's udinirisir.itioii loinako haste vcrv slowly In every duectlon. It is belluvca ihnt the prcnldcnt-clccl has not only iomo to the conclusion tha' his nomination nnd election WITU mailers with which the bodv of the domoet.icy had iiltln lo do , as it Was Iho inevitable- , but that ho is pledged to n inurso In all things so conscivntlve mat it will mnku llttln tllneicnco with cxlHtlng affairs Alierdy tbu loading domociuls have begun to wlto homo to their constituents not'o huirv nbout iirranpltii ; to lake Hie ofllcrs ns Mr. Cleveland is going to mauo fuw changes , nnd miiko them slowly. They nro writing thaUthoro will ua little dotni in the wnv of legislation , too , und nro pledg ing their constituents that thoio will bo no laws passed which will materially afU'tl manufacturing , commerce and ban'tlng. ' U he thine to bo looked niter is revtnuo suf ficient to run tto government , nnd the elToil to bo put forth will by In thu way of cm tail ing expenses , nnd alraulv Ihu pledge Is nolnp inudo that there will bo no now pension legislation. Ohjrrt ol ( In * C'onli'iiMKo. Senators Carlisle nnd Mills have announcci xvllh Senator Uormnn ihnt Iho revision o the tariff will uu moderate and cortinei nlmost wholly to Increasing the fret list and lopcallng the sugar bounty U Is now known that thu tax GI state bank of circulation will not he te- pcalcd. In line the Fiftj-lhlid Is In n an other do-nothing congicss. It is bclievei hcio that the conleionco in New York , if i agioos to anvlbinp , will losull in i doInra- tlnn to proceed vorv slowlv To bavo at "adminlstiation Uilff bill , " such ns wo- outlined in these dispatches last night , nui to bo moderato in removing lopiibllcnit : from ofllco. It is evident that Ihu domoetat1 nro going to l.avo the hardest time thov hnvt over had In ptuuaring n substitute for tin Mi'Kinloy bill , and until that Is aicorcplishci they will bo in four and trembling , and wll proceed us if walking over a smoulilcrnif Volcano with every piecautlon against i Jlslurbancn which would cause nn eruption The Now Yoik confercnco U for tliu purposi ii , ot uirnnglng n proeram 10 prevent anvtbini belrg dotio In congicm , .Null's iiiiil roritiiimls. MlssIetlaCi Sardo will leuvo on Thurs duv morning nuxt for Omaha to vUlt he bister. Mrs. Senator Davis has returned from he hoire In Minnesota , und is ut bur former tus Idpi co on Mosb.ithusctts avenue , where th Bonnto' ' ulll Join Her Iho latter pint of Hi xveelc. lilcutmtont James K. Wilson of the PI ft United Slulcti inlunlry who has o en in th city under iiH'dicul tio.alinont , oxpoc's ' sou to uj uolo lu join Horden'.s company stt tinned at Port S itn Houston , Texas. Mrs , John W. Noble , wife of iho sccrolai of thu inioilor. bays ihoro will probably uo bo any cabinet dinners this season , us it I doubtful if Pieslilcnt Harrison would fee like being piesent , nnd without him thoi could bu no blcnlllcanco , as the cabinet clnl rcprrsonls the pr aldoni's ofilolal lamlly. ( 'aptain Thomas H , McICea llguros that a the recent election the demorrata elected ' 'I incnibc't * nf thi'irown partj to the Killy-lhlr hoiun of representatives , iho ropubllcan I''S , unit the populists oulv eight. Thodutni rrullc innjnritv will bo c-lghtv two The popi lists will cut no lluuio lu either house i lha next congicss , P. S. II LI/CUT < o\ tin : How T u l * ni Xdi-rl | | . i , llcillni ; ! ! I slix'UH miull Slrrt-t , Niw : YOIIK , No2r. . Tbo weekly letter c ro\ low , Issued by Henry Claws , tbo uankc mi-1 tluanolal oxporl , Miiy concerning th tariff situation aud ttio inonclary confei en oo : During the past week \Vull si root has o- ciliated between nliely balancfid inllunnces and therefore , though business hut bcu thoicughlr aullvulho chun es in pi lies b.n not bean Itnpoitnut. Tbu unsettled feeling left b/ the uleo'.lo Is assuming moro dcllnlto shupe , and tbo n dlcullons at the moment nro that , uhatovi may bo tbo latter uftects of the new commo ciul policy , for tha protonl there is no go crnl itUpoMtion to attach oxtrcmolmportaiK to tbls factor ns an elumont of current speci latlon. ThocoursuoC induttrlul utooks f < tha last ten day illustrate ! this view. Tt lint fooling Blta.Mlio election wns thu vei reasonable oun thai this class oltuouritii must suffer under u chungo of tarill wnh e j > f clnl si verity ; uuu , in ioiuriuencc , tin tvero sold very ficely and thuir prices d ( lined. It now lurns out that , when tl sellers of the industrials went to cover their sales , they bad to pay n sharp advance in order to gut the stocuvhich Implies that , ns .ret , the polrvt has not been reached nt which the principal holdois nrn anxious to crt rid of their holdings. This does not me in that holder' ) arucnllrolv In different about iho bearing of our now industrial pjtlcv on in vestments , li merely implies that , : it present , the situation U so commlcttcd tlmt no clear opinion CUM ha fanned ns lo how HID chnngo will work or when its effoi-l will appear In matured s'mpe. ' Iho moio the snt > jct is considered tbo moro It Is seen Ihnt Ihachnnga will bring advai'tagai as ucll as dit.uU-nn- tno3 ) , and as eighteen months or two \ouis innsioinpBo bofoio any new lurllT law ran nuoclTui't , there is a growing disposition to lot this fnclor an.ill for malurcr develop ment , to bo wntchod anileluliLJ duiitii : thu interval , hut not to bo reckoned us nn c.x- licmo Intluenco In curicut spocdlnlion. I ho possibilities for good or tor evil ot Die Itrusiuls canforcuLO Intensities tbo silver situallon ns 11 oxisls in Ihe United Status. H must bo regarded ns highly Improbiblo lhat the confirenco will roieh nnv ugii-o- mcnt for international freocolnapp. Anilot nnthiug shoit of thai lr < full nd uncciulvoo.il form , would warrant us In ) Iolding to the demand foi frcu colnngo in this country Pultun ) to secure such iutcrnailonnl action would impose t pen us the duty of siupcn- sioti of Iho increa oof silver monov under Uib urosotit law , wholhor regarded from the point nf diplomatic expediency or from that of national safety. Can wa then depend upon conirross adopting that course , if Iho event .so demands ! The platforms of bolh parlies in the last cloclion tliould lenvo no doubt , on Ihnt point. Hut unfor tutmtolv pliilforins are too oft 'oss ' guides for legislation than thov are for winning votes , nnd it is thcrolorc Impossible to forecast the I probable action of congress on silver. Moio- ovcr , Iho silver question will bo complicated with Unit of lucmaMng thu bunk nolo circu lation and of restoring lo Iho slnto banks their former libcrlv to Ismo cliculnting notes It U , moreover , qnito untertiiln when congress may reach a conclusion on thcso currency questions , lor U will ho prc- occunied wilh inu ull-absotblng fu.ff logis- I Uion until nigh the middle nf IMII. Thf result of Ihls prospective suivoy is that wo hnvo before us two yonts , moro erIc Ic s , of exciting discussion and legislation upon questions vitally conncctf" ! with nidus- Iry , ( ommcicoHtid llnuni'o , the culmination of\L'aisof political conlllct and llnanclal do- rangemonl. Wo can onlicly on ino qen- oial good S3USO of congress , guided by the iiialutcil tuid cluailv uttered opinion of the country , for n wholoaomo outcome of this poiplexcd situation. In the meantime wo must have uncertainty and ostill ilions. I * , is those impending conditions that must from this time foi ward occupy the chief at- ton Hen of Wall street nnu shn.no tnu course of Investment nnd speculation. The moral fur iho moment Is to buy eautioush and tor hucf turns and lo bo a-alisllcd with moderate piolllB. o HUlHt ! It ///S KM/'I.Ol'KK. llou : i lvn\i > r Orrk Mini an ArrniupllLu I'lopnsoil tn < H't liicli. liN\ir , t-'olo. . Nov. 27 A wairant has been sworn out by A. K. Ciulcton , uresidcnt of the Colorado Commission company , fnr the attest nf .1. 1C Moore , his conlldontiil clerk , on the charge of emhu/llng between Sli.OCO and ? S,000. l.alor on C . C. Clark , n telegraph operator , nnd nt ono time malinger for the Postal Telegraph compiny nt Colorado rado Springs , \vus attested as an accomplice. Moora left the city in n hurry nnn tbo war- unit was not sei\cit upon him bore. Mr. Catletou sajs tint Moore and Clark had two it ons in the liio. ono of which reipsit llien n ilch reward. Their system ofsnibc//lcmcnt was for Mnoto lo draw rhccln pa\nble lo Clark and himself nnd bavo tlif ai cashed. The amounts veto small nt each time and ttio earne has been going on since August last. Two checks , uno for 5.'UO unu ono for * , "iUO , have been fonnu. Thov aio sicnod t.v Mooio wilh Ilia firm naino and ute maclo piyaulo and huvo been apparently cuihcd b > Clnilc. Mr Cailcton novcr loot-Oil at his ofllco books , so great was his con fidence in .Moore. He thinks now , however , tint he will llnil tli.it tie has lost at lenst > s)00 ( ) by tins Klialeht out cmbe//loment. Clark and Moote , it is alleged , had a much bigger schctno on foot , winch , if it had ivo'kcd sucrosfull.v , would liavo netted lingo ictuins. Thin was to snnil false quo- tntlons over the wno fiom Kansas Cltv , sav ono ol1 two less than Iho ptopor quotations , tLon to suiid the rorreut quotations and maito n piolit of 1 cent n shmo. Thr > to would tone no limit to this game It "ilio swindler could operate It for one dnv wilh a largo sum of 11101103' . 1'bo public iilono would bo Iho losori They nio said lo have hnd a telegraph operator In Kansas City ready to work the wiies All quotations sent west urj re pealed there. Thu fniluie was nt tnis end of tno line , anl : onlj aljoiil $10(1 ( wns made. Moore and ( 'lark Mr Caileton ; nys , attempted - tempted to brlb9 the operators in thu ofllces fo the .Nevins Coniinisslon companv nnd Huirls , t Co. to enter into tnu srhomp , but wore unsuccessful , and thcso opctators in formed their creploveis. This nmdo Mr. Carleton go through his bonks and ho dlx- covoicd the oinbc//leroonts Mnoro is said to bu nt old rrook , and in bnvo gene under ino name of .Icrrv Hlodgntt in Chlcdgo. Ho loll there suddenly and c imo to Denver with a now name , but wilh refer ences which nppjarud nil light , Mr. Carleton - ton believes now that they wore forced. In Oonvor .Mooio lead u voiy last lifo and has been mixed up In several gambling scrape * . Clark lofiidod to make uny btiitomont in re gard to Ilia cato K \\KIS l'i n , Mn , Nov. T.1. . S. Rlod- gitlt , alias. ) 1C Moou1. was nrrested here , chniged with aiiilu//Iciiipiit today on n tclu- L'ram icqncsilng it fiom supetiutondont of police of Demur , Cole Hlodgett Issry ruticent nbout his nirost nnd wi'l ' only say that the chaigo ol oinbc/- /lament glows out of n paitncrihipdifllcully Thu chaiijo ot ainbc//lumont ng.iinst him is inadu by ( tin Colorado Commission com piny , of which ho wns a member. / / /J//M i a u.i : snipping DIIIII ( ciiil In s in fnincUei ) II irb ir ll ) Illgll U'lllllK Illlll M'I4. ! K\s 1'i.iNt i co , Cal , Nov. " The stoimy weallierof Iho past few duys culminated shortly buforo midnight In n llercJ wind , which Increased in Intensity to n gain. Thu u- wind then slnoUunedaomewhat Out sine , ilia wcalbornnd sn.v wcro so bad that no snip ] s oft pott , on.I only one or two arrived. Hvon in the sheltered bav tha soit was unpreced. ontcdly heavy Ships were torn fiom llteii unchotagoi und unocucd lo attier anil ttioso Ivtng nt thu wburvoj were conslifcrably ilamaged , Tnoro we it inntimuiablo .ii'culenls , Put so fat no fatalitlos have been roportcd The Hritish ship Strousa and ship Occidental fouled oath other In the stream nna wou dumacod 1'ho ships Talisman aud Munches' tur collldod iit.d xvero causuleiubly damaged 1'ho bhlp Netoous bioUo trnm her niichnragi. and uilftod against iho ahlp lionlclu nnd the schooner l.uuru Piku and all thtca vessels were soriiuisly dumnscd , Harrison streol wbtuf was bidly damaged Innumerable In other cases of n similar character uro 10 porieu The wind wa * accompanied by n of pelting intti , which felt siuad'ly for seyoru ir hours Ttiu indication ! ) uro for moro wind anil rain. Tclogranh wiios mo in a oai 10 shupe , and most of the day Sun Francisco wa < i- cut clT from communication with tbo outside world. * t > . * il Dr.ith nl a Ymins ( Jlrl , Wn M MI vi.ia1 , Pu. , Nov 27. lleloi Koboitb , * . ' 7 joars ol ao , and ono of thi best Known young woman In Ibis euj m died in gieat agony lust nleht from thi " ' , otfoctj of n horrible buuglluc criuilna I' operation pcrlortned , accordlnj to tvha I'll - t-hn told her attendant * , uy a decor | o llce NanticoUe. Her grlef-strlcUun n.otherlii ceu had urrlvod from Cblcugo tiled to huvo lie uor daughlcr divu'.go tno names or hei oclraio lie and the rractilinner , without uvall. Tin efTotts of the outnorlllos weruuUo unsuc et ee ful und almost her ust woiUs ref rrlni is- to tlio foi mer , were , "I love him still , am ispy God will bo his judtre. " The decease 1 Kir IcUe was born in Ashubula , O , and laupht n Ue the publia tchools In Ihst placu. REPORT OF THE TREASURER Mr , Nob3ofor ! Mnkei His Anninl , Report to Secretary Fostsr , FIGURES ON THE COUNTRY'S ' FINANCES Moiiri III ( Mronl.illnn inn ) In ( tin V.uilti ot HID IriMMlr ) Hep irtninnt The L'ninitM'-i Oi-lis mill Miuli lull-testing Hut.i. Wvsms'dTov , D C. , Nov 27. The treas urer ot thu United Slates , lion k. H. Neseker , has submitted toSccrotniy Charles Pojtei the annual report on the appropria tions nnd condition of the treasury The net oidlnnrv revenue * of the eovcrnnicnt for the llscal joar were li"lHr,7SI { , a ilecioaso of $117 , ( ! 71MJ ns compared wilh llin year bo- fore. Thu not ordinary cvpon liturei were t uri,0-Mi : 10 , a decroasoof ? IOl'i.ni. : ! ' The surplus tovotiucs were thus cill down from ? 1i,2.T,7iW ) to § 9W l.nt , incllldli g the ptibllo ilebt. Tno tolul rccMlpls for the year were $7H-IOI,2y ) , < ) , und the expenditures $551,010- 2 0. Considered with rospert to the effect on the treasury , iho receipts nro divided into two general classes , of which the lirbt , comprising the ordinary revenues , the receipts from loans nnd thj deposits for the tetlreincnt of national ban I : notes , In crease for thu llmo Ihu cash available for iho Uniled Slales and the government , while the second arising from Iho issue ot gold , silver and currency cprtlllcntos , United Stales noles and treasury noles , lend lo swell iho assets of the treasury , but do not alfcct the available balance , Portno llrst of those classes the lltrurci show an excess of $ asOJOOUO of ex- pcndittnes over revenue' ' in Ib'll ' nnd one of upwaids cf $ . ' 7OJJOJ01n 1VJ > . In Ibo second class there was an excess ot nearly fO'J.OOO- 000 of rccolpls In the former year and ono of fc-O.OW.OOJ I'tha hitler. Matin n l.nrgii snlnjf. . As compared wilb lis'll , there was a saving 01 upwards of $14,000,000 of Interest , out of which a surplus was iouli/.ad , notuitlutuml- ing iho cutlin ; down of Iho revenues by legislalion. On JuuotlO , ly.H , Incro stoou chiuved to the troasuier on the books of the registry n balance of $ J7d.4Ji.13i Adding tbcroto the revenue fiom all source ? gives a total of SI.-ilU.iUllUS to bo accounted for. Out of tnis was disbursed l > \ warrants a tolal of ? G3lUlO,2a' , > , leaving a balance of $7Js OOl.y.i'J , charged to the ticasutui on June : SOIV.U , In addition , thcio were other liabil ities , arising from iho postal revenue" , from Iho deposits lo Iho credit of disbursement , ofdcors , from the 5 per cent fund for thoie- demotion of national bank note ; , and from various olhcr souices. iheso , tozuiher with sums of monov collccled , but not vet ciarged to tnoireasuror on Ine books of Iho depart ment , brought the tolal linbiiitlo * up lo * 777.- VilM."i ! at the formerdale , and lo * nt the latter. At.ulj/tng tbo ttuj condition of the treas ury nnd setting asiaii Ibo trust funds , thu tionsuror shows a treasury working balance of cash and deposits m bank amounting to $207,110.l.il nt the beginning of the vcni and to $ l ( ! " > ,71\l. i9 at tno end. Of the former amount $119,000,000 and ol the latter ? 1J4- . " > 00,000 was gold. Thobticcess which has ut- lendod the effmls of the department lo main tain a sliotig gold reserve is considered sat- btaclorv , in vlow of Ihe heavy dlsbane- munts. The amount of the public debt is given as * lr.-n.Wi5.v.ii ! on Juno : u. ib'.u ' , and ( ! , , * > , 101,144 on Juno 110. The loans testing on the credit of iho United States weio cut down from fl.OU5str ) > . ° > r J lo iflll3- . . > IS , ' IO , while Ihoso soc'iuod by full deposits in llto treasury increased fiom § jlOllb,3yJ lo { 10,1 ' .is , 131. The lolal net reduction ol $ .17r > ' > 7,71lJ in these items was offset by thn payment , of securities amounting to ne.ulv $10,000,000 toaethar wilh upwards ot ? i7- , 000,000 lakon Irom the cash in iho treasury. Stui'k of .Miiiioy lu tin ! Country. According to tbo revised estlmalos , thn total stock of money of all Uindi In iho countivon Jutio.iO w.ib t-J.i ! lil,04l : ) > , nn In- croacoof J."iO,000Oi)0 in the xcar Uv elimi- t.ating that pail of p.ipar currency which is puielv ropresi-nlalive , consisting of cerlili- uatos of deposit nnd tic.isury notes. Iho effective stock is font d to h xvi ) been $1,751- av,7l5 : , nn mci'-aae of $70,000,000. Tbo nion- ctaiy histoiy of the east year , however , has been peculiar , both in Iho movements of gold , which has been incieased , und in Ihu olhet changes lhat commonly opcur with the changes of the seisous hut nuvotbis year been less marked. The increase nf iho bffcciivo stock of money from September to September was only $ .10,000,000. Discussing lha chnni'cs in tliu amount and composition nf Ihe money atock , the trcasnioi' tinds that the increase which has m.uked iho ll'c.il'juar was the result of the pioduct of neiiilv f 17,000.000 In gold in excess nf the in dustrial consumption , a fresh Issue of J. > ,000 , 000 of national bank note' , together wilh the changes In thu slock of silver. Of the ug- gtegato slocks of money nt the end ol the tlscal vcar i771,2."iJllJ ! was in the treasury und mints , leaving fl , ( > . ) , ! , Usl.T.iii in Iho hands of the pcoplo. Thu holdings of the lieasury incicuspd > 0,000,000 and i he amount in circu lation 1100,000,000 dnrmg'tho year. ( illlll Ut'NItlVIl I.MCTI'll K\I'IV' Figures nro given to snow that each year during HID lust ton vcurs , tboiu has ccjurrod in the month of January u moro ot less diminution of iho gold icsorve of the nous- ury , uvernving nearly f 10,000,0i)0 ) , which lias Keen succeeded InPobtunrv uv a tendency toward iecovcrv. II is shown lhat iho gum has ui'cuued > oiirlv in Iho fuca of a gain of gold Doth lu thn treasury and to the country. It thus appears tnat the depletion of thu re- seivo Is iho ronscnuencp of tno incioased circulutlan nf gold ccrtilicntca mid this , it Is sho.vp , grows out of Ibo dlflicultias which Iho Irensuroi lltids in tlio return of iho poles and toitllicMcs of small denominations , which weru sent out in Ihu autumn for moving crops Tne move ment sols In htronciy after the Ibt of January through subtieasuiiis : , when i ho notes , being moio ur loss worn and ol denominations utisuiied to city use , ate sent to Washington for lademption. The ship ment , redemption and destiuction of thu old notes und the issue of now , tuko limp , liofoio iholruasui'V iko tlie can m conver sion the bublicasuries are drained , and the lieasury has nothing but yo'd ' ceitllicntes tc send Ihom. In this way gold rojervo suf fers until a workln , ; balance of other mix- turial cun bo got toeotbcr. 'Ihe issues of United Slates paper our- inncy umuiintod to f.I70r > 'il , ! > : > .l. excocdlne Ihojoofnny previous year. Of thn whole amount SJ'.N.OOO.OOO ' took Iho placu of like Uinds and uinojnlb destroyed , whilu f7\000 , < OOJ consisted of fresh usucs , Duiing the IInt six months thoio was HP mcroasn ol .17,000,000 in the denominations of $ > C uud under outstanding , und during tbo lasi blx moiillis an ! . .crcaao of f ) U,00(1,000 ( m tht denominations of JJU and over , Thu ticas- urer icmarks that it would boom to bo the pioper policy to make provision for tbu peri- odlo change * which nppuar to bn natural , both in tbo amounts nnd thn denomination of Iho paper currency required bv the people , . Ili'iliuini ; thn SlUciIliilillllvt. . o Partly In consequence of iho improved con dillon of thu coins themselves and partly ni tbo icsult of a moro liberal Man of dlstribu tion , ihotreasuiv boiwcon Jiinoao , Ib'J ' I , am SnptemberllO , lb' ) . ' , reduced lis holding o fractional silver by no less than $7,000,000 still further i eduction Is expected to bo ruil Izod in consequence of tbo recolnago pro posed for the remainder ol the cut rent x car and In particular from tbu manufacture o Columbian balf-dollur * There has been a silt-til dcra.aso in thi amounts of counterfoil silver coins and rape currency pro > ontod at the treasury. Important legislation is ronialuud In tbi act of cont'iois approved July.'s , jbO. , whlul provides that ull national bank notes Issuei to or retired by any national bunk shall b redeemed as provided bv Iho revued btalutos "nolwllhstaadlng such notes may havu bcei lost or stolen from the bank uud out lu clr culallon without the ft nhlure , or upon the forged signature of Ibd president or vlco president nnd cashier.1' The tmtnedlato effect of this enactment is to provide for iu redemption of certain In complete notes Which had boon Issued bv Iho Tioasury department , f to the banns whoso titles thov t nr , but lulil been stolen and put Into circulation boforj having boon sinned by the bank ofllcers In connection xvlth earlier provisions this onaotmcnt maids redeemable all impresstoiis of tbo gLtinlno bank note pUtcsknotxn to bo extant , Thcro was an ( Inurraso of over fio.000.000 ildrlnc the year In the nmou it of United States bonds held for Ihe security of na tional b ink circulation , nnd n decrease of $ IOOJO,000 In the amounts held as security fur thu public deposits. A total addition of $ ! , illlHl ( ) ) was made to the pur value of the scuuiltlos competing thu I'.iellKi rallroxd slnklnc funds. Vitliiinil IliinU Sotm In Clrenlatloil. In ptopartlon 16 the volume of national bank notes In clreulatlon thu redemptions contlnui ) hnavv , huvlnr ; amounted to up- wnrds of fill 0 )0,0i)0 ) ) In iho fiscal year. A change ot Iho recillntlons has been made , by which fragments of notes valued bv iho comptroller of the currency nt less than face aio received unconditionally from the bullion at the oertllled valuation. ' 1 ho treasurer close * by cilllng attention to the laborof the. commission appointed to investigate Ibo molbods of safe and vault construction with n vlow to Improving the vault facilities of the dcpnitmcnt. The troHiiror urges tlmt prompt steps betaken taken to carry tbo suggestions into effect. .tilt. II..YIM'S CONDI PIO.S. ll Is Kupldlj ItiM-iix'orlni ; Ills Ili-iltli anil llnil HlrriiKdi. W siliNnTov , D. C. , Nox27 --.Mr. Hlaino is dointr very well. Ho is gaining strength and lool'lntr ostler every day , " was the reply made by Dr. Johnston lonlght when asked concerning the condition of the o\- coiotary of atato. Thu doctor said further hit ho haJ scon Mr. Hlaino only once todtiv , md that was this inoinlttg. Mr Hlaino , \as then out of bed and sitting up , and ex- lectcd to sit up during the teniaindur of thu lav. lav.The The opinion expressed bv the pbvsicion in 'ogard ' to iho impiovoniont in Mr. Hlaino s condition Is shaved b } his familv and bv the ntturuliiuls of the house I'o Mr Hlaluo'b 'iimllv his improvement U especially gi illfy- ng for the rooson that us scon as hn is able .0 travel ho will scok a cliui ite moro coigon- al and bonelicinl lo him , Thac\nct dale nf dopailtiio from Wnsnlngton , It is said , haslet lot yet been dotci mined upon. nii-rlriu Ship ItulltU-rs. D. C. , Nov. 27. It is an nounced today that tha most prominent , and nlluential men In the shipbuilding and ship ping Intel csU of the United States havu 'o.nplolcd ' the prcllmln try nr nnlzUlon of a [ iiofesslonal society of hiti siaudini : to be called tbo "Society of Naval Arch Heels nnd Marine Hmrmcars , " whoio otiject shall bo to promote the art of shipbuilding in all its branches , both commercial and naval. The Ilsl of those whb bnvo nconpted posl loits in the preliminary organisation incltidos many well known natuus trom all sections of [ In country. The prasiueut Is Clement A jiibcom ; vice presidents , Theodoio D. Wil son , cbiot co'istrnctor of llu navv ; Charles H. Cr.amp , CieorgnV. . Melvlilo , Cioorgo W. Qulntiird , of Now York ; Irving M Scott , San Fiancisco ; Cunor.tl Francis A. Wulicer , Hostou , and \V. 11. II. Vobb , Navv Voile. Dr. } > ciilt < lriMVliiB VV'iicsr , W\sin.\otON\ ( J Ci , Nov. 27. The condi tion of Dr. Scott , yicrvonorablo father-in-law of President Harris mIs not as favoi'.iblo tonight us it was lost'nibht , when the indi cations scoined to favor his locovery. The unfnvorabln change is attiibutcd to a slight return of the slow , consuming fever , which has such n protr.astlng cfTotit on the invalid. Ho has , tbinufoio , been more uncomfortable touav tuan usual , displayiujj greater woaktinss and being lass bright and cheerful in man- r.er. The outcome of iho laiost chance in the case may doponu very luigdv upon the progiess of "iho fever , the natural tendency of which is lo iacioaso ai the night wear- ) on. Opinion * ( mm < IMIKIDSHIIIOII. Nt w YuiiK. Nov. 'i . There will bo pub lished tomorioxv a concensus of opinion of Iho members of Ihu Pifty-third congrosb on iho ( ] UCotion of an extra ttesrlon nnd the repeal of the McKinley bill. Onu hundruj nn'd elghty-uicht responded out ofotlJ congressmen - grossmen Out of that number seventy-txvu doclaiod themselves In favor of an extra , bevonty-eight were opposeil to It and thlrtv-oiirht weio noncommittal. On thn question df tariff boventy-flvo voted to lopoat Iho MclCinloy bill , foity four favored ll wilh niodlllcatlons , llfty-sovon wrro opposed to uny chuiigoand twelve weio noncommittal. > .tut 7.rw lln 111' SpiMil fjiiinl iy .it llroaiMrnlpr HlH riilnro I'liiiiH. I\MOUP , Vu. , N6v. 27. Notwithstanding that Sabbath Is considered u day of rest. President-elect ( Jlovmand arose at 5 . ! ) < ) this u.orning ana took a brief walk in tbo vicinity of Mr. Perrell's ' c ottao. Ho afterwards brouluastcd and lomnincd indoors until after noon. It was dcclacj not to attend Divine services at Uav , ftlurgis1 Island church , as hnd been piuviously planned. 'At o'clock this afternoon no took n drive along the beach The party was out for over Iwo hours. After their icturn iho regular D o'clock dinner was served. Mr. Cleveland has promised to visit the little Island scuool during Ihe coming week. Hu Is expected on the llrst bright afternoon. The bay today was literally alive with water foul aud when Mr. Cleveland again goes gunning ho will have better opportunity tor bagging gnino thaii tiDrotoforo. During Mr. Cleveland's lesldoncu on Hroad- wuior Island ho has given prr.ctiratlv no attention to thodally pipcts. Airangunrcnts have bean made , however , by which ho will tumoriow hnvu an opportunity of perusing tliu lending moiropolitJin sheets. Although nothing unllnlto hus been deter mined roiaiding tbo Uepaitutc of Mr. Cleve land for iho north , y.et , it Is i iindeistood too - night Hint ho wilt Ion o about Ibo middle ot tills XVCOK for Capo CI arles und will spend a couple of days on tbocsia cof bU old friend , thu latu Copgrcs'Jntin William L. Scott of Kilo , Pa. It Js hiintontlon , should It bo carried jt ou that thn party Saturday should start hoinoivnr 1 on Priduy or day from Capo ClTaHi i. According to tnis Cleuelund woald/notVoiuin to Broailwater island after htf vis t to t-ijuato Upsliaro ptantallon , wbeip be vlll shoot pat irldges , but lake a boiitn/boun.i ( train at Nassawndox , u btnall stationtlm 4 iniU'a oolow Hxmore Tno estate ijl the ) late Hipiusontalivu Seott contulan , about ) 1KJ ( ) urios , and it Is bliuuled one mila frop Capo Charier , , and it Is known as iho lar o t nnd most productive ! Iruclc patch m .bo. counlry. Theio are many favorable plauec tor hunting aim li sh ine ir. the vlclnitv bf'lho ' Scott oitato , and Mr Clcvelana will tberu , Una both excellent unteiialnmcnt and coou snoil. VI inn 1111 uurjlernii .s I ru mull I pk. At Ilaltlmoro Arrived , Weimar , from Utonicn. At Harve Arrived , La HourtfOgno , from ew Yoik. Al Southampton Arrived , 1'ibu , from Now York. At Liverpool Arrived , Narronk1 , from Now Yoik , and Ottoman , from Boston. Al NHW York Arrived , Kurnessia , from ( Jtatgow , atd Dotiata , frou Ulo de Janeiro Killed Inn Uriiiikrii | ( < IH. ST. JniKi'ii , Mo ( Nov. 27 - Yo > tard y | aftoinnon Polic Iiarvav , fulhor of Hubert Harvey , who islllod Hoborl uittlo lat > t week , circulated u subtcrlpllon paper among his friends and rained considerable money will which lo employ counsel to defend his son Ills 8uce. induced him to drink , and earl ; this morning ho assaulted au old BOldiei named Albert Jinks. The latter , to defend fond himiulf , drew a' knife and btubuei Haivpy four times , faUlly wounalng him Jinks Is under arroit. NEBRASKA'S ' EXPORT TRADE How tbo StUo Has BOMI Sttmliig tip for Itself During tbo Year. SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS IN VALUE. Coiiiti'iisiillii'i ( if ii llrpnrtVlilili Drpnlj l.aliiu' Ciiiii'iil-xln inr AnilriM Will llnnil tii Ilia ( iiiM-nuir todit ) Klmi slum- Ing for the I LINIOI.V , Nob. Nov. 37 iSpoci-il Tele gram to I'm : Hri : | Nothiue' will bo moio vniuablo I'nong the reports submitted lo the legislature when it assembles on the 11 rU of the vcar than thai , loin l the bureau of indus trial statistic * upon the surplus of Nobnuua products. It has lone boon a noted f ict that by far the larger proportion of tno varied products of the ilald novcr urois the bound aries of the county in which they uro raised. At n clo.ia estimate it mar 1)3 state J that not one-third of the piodiictlon of Nebraska azriuultural interests are shlppol out of the slate aud yet Iho report of Iho bureau w ulch goes to the governor tomorrow shows that in the year Ih'Jl Nubrnjuu shipped to nmrkut lu round numbers $ OJ,000OOJ worth of pro ducts. The method adopted b.v Commissioner Androj to secure facts upan which ho bn > os his statistic * were Ihoao boit calculated to Insure accuracy. Uv making personal visits lo thu general nianagors of vmlous lines of railway doing business In Iho sl'ilu tvj liucr- estod thom In his project. I'.ieh ngieed , not without Rome pt'rsir.sion , to furnish him nn Uuniucd statement of every pound of frulght billed for shipment at every city , town , vll- Ingo and wnv station In Nebraska. llus HCPII it Long .lull. These stattinenlB weio Erouned 'by countioj. In every case where possible the stalement had boon reduced to carloads by Iho railway uiauugers , hat where the items wcro too small the work of reduction was puriortr.cd at the ofllco ot the commissioner The woik of making up the lopoil was com menced last spt ing and h is Kept the commis sioner and his assistant , Mr. lU'ccher , busj nlmost night and day since tno llrst reports wcro received , A lnr o county map of the sttuo has boon prepntcd mid upon the space devoted lo thu several counties will bo printed the shipment' * from that countv. This man x > ill form p-.rt of the printed to- nott and will uo an cxcallnnt Imds-oye " view of the surplus products "of the stato. rollowing will ho found llio vulue of Ihu oulshipmi'iits of iho surplus at ringed by counties. It 'vlll uo noted lliHl no rbpott is concluded Irom Doug- lis and Ijincasl r eoutums. Tlio r > port from cno ot the Icadlnir lines of lallro.td In the si no is yet to bo lurnisiiod. Tbo inana- Rerof the road assures ib'jcninn.hsloncr Ihnt Iho work is prosrujsinsj as rapu'ly ' ns postlolo and that it will doubt less bo ready before the report ti placed in tbo handsof the printer. Until the louorts from this one road uro in the ship ments from Douglas und Lancaster counties will not ho furnished for publication , as under tlio agreement with the railroad managcts thu figures ate lo bapublished only in tuoag- gi egato. Following is the report by counties : Counties Value ILonntlr * Viiliic , Act.ini . . . I TiibDTvJnlintim Anteluic | . . J7I.7 ? ) Kcnuiey Illidnu ( .0 H'I ICellh Huoiio . . . I. ! . ' , 17 ulmliill . Dux tluttf . . lot Itll KIIOY . . fi > U3UO ISuHalo . 1 "MOill.-iiiMstcr Drown . oil u.'j.l.liuiilii . .Mil , 0 Hurt I | iJ1.lVMi.rrlik ) | . . . ? ! ( Ti lliltlor I.IOi1) ! Mnill'iiii I ISI'W < ' .i i ' . ' , M | so NiMiinln , . . llii.Mi.'i Co Inr Mti. lV.Ninii1 . 4 70i.J ( hurry "M/.7I ) Niukolli . . . M3 'so ( hi * > l Ulin Olim . . . : . 01 tl i\ . . . . . 01lli i ' 170 ( nllnx . 1 'Is' ' I'D IViklnt W-'OI ( iimhiK . . I IhSilJiriiuliii CiiPti-r HI 1,7.11 I'HUi' . llnk.itn ' 'VlflW I'li-rco . . ( rS'ij7 , Dun's . . . . i'H.'KJ I'olk . . . 4JH7IS DllHM ) ! ! . . . I.I.MShl ItlMl WlllllH . . . ' 'I'l. ' , . ) | ) fiii > l . it 'M Mclmnl-iuii . l-is.tlio DKiiii I7 lli llotk . . 'JI.'ITI Duilire . . . ' . . ' .M.T'.iillii" . . . 1,7104 , ; luiulie . . * . . . -nrp ) I.IW , 770 lnn ) < l\ . UN -.innilPid . . . . I Uul.JIt I llliniirn . . I.1SJ li'D.si'w ml . . . . ] , Ui.'JiU I rnnklln . WMUllMiiTliliiii . . unua I runller . . . Hi WJI'-lii-riiiini . . . . ' . ' " .ttu I urniis liSIU"li | > iix . . IV.Mi ( i.ii.t. . . Z.SWSvtt'siiuiton ' . . . 'W.i'.O'i dirlk-M 1111)1) ) IhnjiT . . . . -U'lV , . . HJ.f/fi I hum IN . . . . W7I" ( , ri.nt . 3- ' < < > lliurHlun . . III iis , ( .rpi-luy V lli\ Hull 70..h < i WualiliiKtiin l.llil.iull lllimlltllll . . . . i'.U'.W'l WMJTIII' . . . H * U i'i Hail in IIU'HiJ w i lister . . . . Mh KH Illtilicuck . . . l ' .i'i7UIWIn'C'lc'r . . . hllM'i Holt . . . u7l..rlr > Vurk l.li..HU llnnkur . sum llnwinl , ijoiu'Ji Ill-lulls of till ) shipment. Elgbty counties marketed IIS9.IOD head cattle. Sivcntv-flve countloa mirkoled 1,111 , .110 head nogs. Sixty tiino counties m irkated IS , ' .1 10 head horses and mulos. Kifty-lhrco counties marketed I'JI.GbO head sheep. HiKhty counties marketed O.sil.O'JJ bushels w.icnt. Sevonty-iwo counllos markolad yiJlijriJO bushels corn . rjixty-s-ovoti counties marketed ll,92 , OJD bushels oils. Totiy-llvu counllcs m.uUcted lS)90 ; ! ( ) bush els bailoy. Twoniv-soven counties inarkctJd fMi'i.riOO bUBhuls barley ana rye. Sixty live counties maiUoiod bl'lrjO ) bush els tvo. blxty-fivocountiosnurkotod li'il,000 : ijinii- els II iv. Fiftv-nlno coiuilios marketed Iii0ril : ) bar- icls of Hour. Sevoniy ono counties tnnrkotod l5iriS tons of hay Thirty counties marketed llli ( > cars of pro- bovoniocn countio ; markotcd H carsuiuod stock . Twonty-throo counties marketed Kli can of dairy piodtiots. Thlrtv-sovon counties marketed T.VJ cars nf building bilck. Twenty-eight counties , m.mteioil W I oars of null. Two.ity-sevon counties marketed 17d caia ol potatoes Four teen counties marketed -40 curi of mixutf seed. Fiflocn countio * marketed 1 ' , ! , " > cuts of mlxcil grain. Tlilrtv-llVJ counties marketed I.OTs cars of mill btuft. Sovontccii counties marketed 1157 cms of suirar boots. Tniet * counties tnaruotcd ( M cars beet sugar. Ten counties markulud ! )9 ) cars poultrv. Twenij-.iino couuiiea inarkuied ifil cars brnotn corn. Nine counties marketed 1111 cars canned goods. Ton couniics marketed 00 cars hides aud tallow Tom teen counties marketed 1,7.12 can > Ico. Ico.Ten Ten counties marketed Ib'J car * wood. Seventeen counties marketed 71 cars lum ber. 1 Ivo counties marketed 17'- ! cars ! imo. Pour counties marketed lf,57l cars pack- ug house products. Pour uountios marketed 7,190 cars drcs > ud bfof. OklHliiiliui rrlNiinriK l. tMin. nm , Owl , Nov y * 'Special ' tc Tin : HKn.j This town Is greatly excited over the escape of live prisoners from j ill. . Tlirue of them were United States priionuri und were among the worstdosporadoos In tht tuirltorv und were captured some time since by I'nliod Status Marshal ( jiltnos in peuoi after a Hutu d.iyt,1 Jiuso. Their horse ; were killed under them before- they sur rendered. They inadu their escape bv dull lug out the rivets In tbo bars of their roll Oao of the trusties Immediately Sheriff Clump , but they were out of reach before ho arrlvod. llrrliiirt Sinltli or Hill lliitiin IM r'iitHll3- Uoniilnilltllp I'rotei'tliij ; \\uiiiin , Hi ill INUTON , la , Nov ' } " . | Sp3iMal Telegram - gram lo TIIK BKR I A vonng railroad lltc- mnii iianicd Herbert Sniith was f.tully sho' , In the neck nl 10 o'clock today by n com- tmnlon named Arthur ( . ' Williams , n brick layer. Hot It men boarded Ht Mr * . Albert's boiulln : ; plnro. Williams , It is slated , was niinoNlng Mts , Albott's daughter b.tiipping her , nn I MM. Albar. Interfered. Williams struck the worn IP and followed her up , when Smith interfered. Williams a row a revolver nnd shot Smith Uitouvh thu nrclc. Smith Is d > Ing. at this hour. Williams Is In jail and will say nothing. Ittmily Inr tliu Jiirj , Wrnni.oo , la , Nov. 'J7 - 1'ho trial of W. \V. U.dn oil ino chnrgj of nuductlng Ch xttio McDonald , the Huchatm. ' I'u'inty school tenehnr , Is ncirlv at an end. The en o will ho given to the jury Mondav tiioniing Haiti Is a PiolOatant and Miss MeDjiiald nnd bur P"oplo nro Cathullcj. Tnuy weio nfll- nncod lovers , but , on account of Iho oppositlo.i ot Miss -Djiiald'H mothur Iho onga omcnt was broken nfl The morii- Inc of May 'Jo , ncconlinc to her story on the wllncis stand , she stinted tor her school ami Haiti overtook her In n buggy. Ho com pelled her lo get Into the bugcv by ill aw Ing a revolver on her. They then drove soulh- west into Tnma county uud bpent the night at tho. homo of n fainter tunned JM'hnver. Ho tbtcalonol lo kill her if she made an oulcry. ' 1'ho next d iy they drove lo Diadorook where thov took the train fur DJS iMoin-o. Tbo nvoning follow Ing thn\ wore married , and a couple of days later Hani lift her nnd she was compelled to pawn some javvolry lo g t money enough lo got honu1 llaln leturned to liuehatian counU but his wifo't itoiy had cvusul so much cvcl'ement that ho loft homo , and when captured was working under nu assumed name in Worth count v Those an the main polnssof her leslimony. Tne line of defense was Unit her whole Morv U impiobablrt. The dofon-so objected to thu admission nf lur testimony on thugiound that it wns not competent , asthuv have Men mart led sinoo thu alleged crime took plaoo The couit , however , admitted tlio evidence I.DIII mill rolltlrn. Ai'i'i t : .Uivr.n , la. , Nov. 27.Dr. . D. A. Shellleld has been placed under urtest on a charge ot attempting to murder John stagel. Shellluld accused Stugcl of lulning his dnuzhtor , Maine , and locking him in his llhrarv , dc mamled ho should sign u paper convo > lug his mo tie. ) lo Iho voting woman and get oat of the country btngol dmiiou and refused and the doclor boean shooting at him. Twelve shots wcto exchanged and Slngel escaped and had Sncfllold ni rooted. The latter is tlio lander of otio of tliu factions in the conntv which wise ; n feud continually over elec tions , post m istoiship-i , oto The present dllllcully his fannud iho fenJ into llnmo. ( 'nun KitpliU mill tliu Oil Trust. Tom Doiifii , fi. , Nov. 2 . ( Spacnl J'ele- BiamtoTiin lice | --Co.il oil is selling nt 5 cents n gallon in Coon K ipids , as tha result of a 1'ulluitf out between some of tno local dealers and the Standard Oil company. The laticr company has pul a wagon on th-j streets and is selllngall grades of ull ut nbout one-thud its fanner cost. This slalo of affairs was hroueht about by thu action of iho dealers In patroni/lng nV anti-monopoly companv. The local oil doamrj do not at tempt to compata with the Str.udard pcoplq In price , but nro asking nil their patrons to stand by them nt tlio old prices. Shot IIU Ullo'H lu > I. inoi. D. s MOINE" , la , Nov. ri7. Ucorgo Drake , a traveling mail , wont ho'iio last night and found his wife with nn IS-year-oId boy named Oscar Lambart , son of rcspectablo patents An altercation ensued nt once aud Drake snot L ttnbort , indicting a fatal wound. Don't AVint tlui ! < > i ( Vnli.il. NPW ' < IUK , Nov. 'i . An onicial of the ( Uf.it Northern road n > s his compiny is not ncgotialing for Iho putohaso of the Iowa Ccnti.il. tiiMi'itmt ISY < t.oi ; > s. Tlilolc VVr.illii'i l'i 1'1'nl-i NI > II | K lonptii from Ni'i'lug ttiH ( > oini t. Nt.w Yo'.ttv , Nov. 27. As far ns could bo scon from this ciu , Htela's comet did not oven brush us with its tail. Thick clouds obscurnd tbo view and the promised panoiama of mcteoilc showers , while it may have taken placa In the upper atmosphere , was not uppiiont to the nakud eye. eye.Tbo Tbo nuktd eye wns very much in demand tonight , notwithstanding iho toloscopa fakirs were irjmerotiily ptcsont. Not n few ner vous paoplo were in n statu of agilalinn ever the probability of ll.o craih , and the best wav to leave thU inundano spliuio. Whllo many wont to chuicli the big gest audience New York has turned out in many days wns nssomnlnl In the stieou , only to bo dUnppointod by the nonappearance - appearance of thu comet .lurov poopio claim to have sesn u ball of tire making far the earth , but sj far no rjpoit has boon re ceived from across the river of Us auival. I'lllU-ll III Mill lllll ( 'lIIIUt. CIIK vim , III. , Nov. ' 37.Local astronomers wcru ini'uli disappointed today in not obtain ing a view of the comet and oxpoutod melo- enc shou crs , but the sky was ovciuasttho entiio day wilh heavv gray clouds. Professor 11 ( ! Hough , director of Dear- Horn oluervatory.sald toniuht : "Tno wnatlior bus bson so stormy all day that there bus not bocn iho xlighlciu chancu of seeing thu comet , it is not Hiolu'.s unvwnv and it ii not Ilkoly to come to the earth. In fact , it is moving dlrectlv nwny from our plauot. I1. Is leaving us at Iho ralu of tHle < Mi tnlloi par second , nnd it is nltoady 1.10,000 inlloi away 1 don'i , thli.k Hut nti ) body will Do hint " A ; / , ; , ; ; / > nut ins Awlnl I'rlni'i rhui'L" " ! ! A'iilnsl ( ho I'mully nfii lrira iil ! K nit is Mini , Hoi/iov , Kan. Nov. "i. Sens iiional ar rests woio made today In the noloj murder ease of Paul Sweitllck , of Jackson county. A month ace Sweillii/k to Jo on horsob.iek from his homo In .lac'.c.on cou'ily lo the farm of his sister , Mrj. .lohn Siuch , near here to pay her u visit. During his visit boino ono uttaehed n revolvotto his saddle , 1.0 lhat uhon ho monntod his horae , tbu lovolverwus fired , thu bullet on- lorlnp his groin and producing dcith In a few davs. 'I ho murJor has ramulned a mystery until today , when the dolcctlvos who liuvo been working on tnf unio a nested Mrs. John Stach , ttio murdarud miii'ii sister , Joseph Sticb , her bon , and Henry Noivack , n luboror In Mrs. Stach'a oiiploy Sweitllck was wolth about f.VJ.ODO , and bU llfo w.u 111- btirod for $ ; 7.r > UJ , The bulk of his uslatu would have passed to Mr * Stuen , and it it bjUaved her haste to acqulro possession of it wat tha prituo motive of the inurdur. : .r , Tenii , Nov. 27Tlio blir ex clusive pigeon show closed bora last night. The meoilng bus noon vury successful. Tbo principal business occurring during the meeting was thu formation of the Amoricui. Pigeon club , The olllcar-i nro as follows : Piobident , John ICuhn of Kentucky ; ilru vlcu president , A * draw Muebl'.g of Mlohlgan ; bccond vice president , U h livan of Mary land ; socreiarv , Joseph ( iavln ot Massa chusetts ; treasurer , .lobn D Abe ) of .Mary land. It was doolded to form an eastern and western circuit and hold a big hov It' eaeti , section once aear. ItHlitvil lu 1'irillnuU , HIIMK , Nov. 27 Dr ICopp , prlnca bisuo [ of HrufcUu , ana Dr. ICromoa. * * , urchulthnp ol Cologne , have boeu rnUod to cardinals. MiJARES MAY 1,0 BACK YET Vcncz.ieln Olti-in Ho Wm a Orimindl Unilor the Common I < aw Aloue. NOT WANTED FOR POLITICAL OFFENSES 'rrtlilrnt ( 'toMt Stnti > Vrrr I'lnnlj Tlm lie is Itlglit Uoimii ll.iuiiu n > | iliilnii lor ItlniM'll mill Mlnls'i-i- \ I'lll'/lll'llUI Nl'U ! , fropj rlislitcil l 'jJti , lniiifior.lon llcnnott.l Citvi i , Vone/ucln ( vln llalveslon , Toi. . ) , Nov. „ ' - , | Hy MiKlcan Ciblo to the Now Yotk Horald-Spechii to Tun Ilii-l : ] was told bv n minister at the capital this inornUlR that CiL'itoinl Crespo regrjis dacply the compllcailons wilh iho VTnltod States , which will bo the outcome of tha removal of Alijuo * on the Hod D steamer Philadelphia. Ilo will novel theloss miilnttiln fully thu jirlsdlotlon of Venezuela , and especially Its right to nrrost criminals on the merchant ships In bur wntin-s. Tins rloht will bo mete p.uriciiii.rly insisted on whou the tugitivusnto citizen * of ino ropubllo of Vt'iiivueln. Porolgn Secretary Kojisnnd the entire r.ibinut are. howovor. cjiilldant tnat nftor careful Inquiry lha governmenl At Washington - ton will admit tlio Injunica of thu claim that the fucitlvu MIJ nvi was entitled to pro tection nnd ncknoivlodgo the error of the contention of Minister Kcru pi that ho was n political ofTomler otilv , and tliorotoro OD- titled to the light of asylum nnd protection of the Amorlcui ll.ig under which the Phil adelphia Still : ] . Ono \\uj Out ol It. H U probaulo that in the event ot the con toutlon of Vqve/iicln that Ml ] tires was a criminal under the commn.i law , ucc.isad ol n thuft , and not a politic UolTuidor , not bolng rccogni/jd by the United States government , that aibittatlon will bo snjigoatod for tno sotllonienl of Iho inleinatlonal pomls In tils- luilo. Ilnpptly , the incident his not stirred up any 111 feeling in Vonc/uolii against the United Stales or any of its cltlrans rosldlnv hero. Thoclti/ens of this republic regard the whole nlTalr us a mlstnlto on the part of Minister Scruggs , nnd seem confident that It will bo roclilied in Washington. ltdufonsoof bliiHolf and Minister Scruggs Consul Ilanna nssorts that nclinor of thom have been oflh hilly no'llled ot the charge that Mljiros was a oiimitiiil iinilBr the oom- mon law. They gave a Killingloglstor to Cnptain Chnuibars ou the cuuiplnint of Messrs. Uoulton that 'ior cloiranco papers weio Doing justly wl'hliuld by the collector of the poll , llann i s u-s that for all boor Ministei Scruggs know the Lharicos agalusi . > lijaiosjmifht hn\o been political. llr < M > | ; ii/ ! Ml i\eo : vvlinio. The Crcspo govornnicnt has uoiv bson roo- nl/.od by all the clvili/jd pow-ors of tlio .vorld except Knglatid npd Holland. A decree calling a n itionnl assembly , which .ho executive will soon la uo , is und or dis cussion i v Iho ciblnot. The moating will probably bo hold in Port of Spain In Tob- unry. Kesidents in Trinidad and Cludnd llohvar : iavo Issued n manifesto , roproachlng tlio ' .iracas circle for its adhesion lo the Crospo [ overnment. Uojis Paul is heaping very lulot. Ills name. IB scarcely mentioned now n Iho political gossip of Iho capital. Tlio followlnir additional consular appoint nienta have Just boon announced from tne Vcnc/uclan foieun olllco To Sail .loso do Cucatu , Columbia , Abdon Croipo ; to Pnris , Joloncl .loso Ktfaul Nunez ; to Havana , ttbi , Catro.i Herodta ; to Yoru UruMex - co , Dr. V. M. Ilrischi ; to Port de Prance , M.trtiucque , A V hlcltor ; to Port au Prlnco , Itaytl , Maxmilli in Santo KuvUlii i IIP .Jury SjHlom. In the 'national code , which , by General Crospo's orders , is now tmlng drafted for piu cntation to Iho new national assembly , I understand mat iho jury system will bo in troduced , nppllcablo to civil cases only. In Ihu cutiHlltution of ISb alt Ibis wa chungeol , and lha pcoplo have slnoo bean loft to the mercy of unscrupulous Judge : , dependant lltomsolvus upon the na tional or stain oxooullvos , and canso- qucnlv over read in inoir judicial capacities to to opcrato with their chlofs in evening up old pollllc.il Rcoros or in paying personal grudges. Minister of finance Pletrl , Is ill with lagrippo. The Swedish Prince , Hie lint voiscl of anew now liun from England to West Indian , Veno/uelan and Culurnblan ports , returning via ( Jalveston , Tux . und Mobile , Ala- , has nrnvudnt I/uGimvaru. KmliMl Itutiifir > tiinlly * Clint i , W. I ( viaUalvoston , Tox. ) , Nov. 27. | Hy Msxicin Cable to the Now Yorit I Icrnld Special to Tun Bir. : . I In a drug store nt Ncuvn a halted discussion took pl.ico butwcon iho Vcno/uolan contlnuista ( icnoral Hojipor nnd the logallsln ( lonoral U'lufol Parrn , which resulted in Hopper nlappliig Parra in the fuco , -w Hntli men drew pistols , but before nenot was flicd friends caught them. The polloo tnun took a hand In Iho row und the combat * ants were arroatcu. His not improbable that n long term of imprisonment awulis both men , n- . the Dutch law Is very sovuro on men who break the pacc , ii.Mto.s iiiitioii is.iimii ; > . ll < ! > < M.I uly 'lliriiugli nn Accident \ \ lilln Miiiiillng. il IbjJ by Inniai ( iiinlon llonnatt.l PAIIINov. . ii7.jNow York Jl.-rald Co- bio Special to TIIK. HBR.J It was reported hero on fccoipingly good authorltti that Ilaron Hindi blow oft nis right hand through tbo bursting of- the breech of the gun , with which ho was shooting with a party of frlunUs on Ins prosei vut at Achoros , According to the ntost report published at Kit1"0 , the accident to Huron Hlricli is only a bud burn Unit will bu all right again alltii a few unjs lost , 1101 IIM iiii.ns-Ti. \ \ , Ic U Kri filing hcrlniu Atliiiitliiu rriuu Miiiiiliin nl ilin liniiilury C'niilnrniict' , Dm K'A'.tx , Nov , 27 It Is now undentooa that the proposal which A If rod do Hoths- child * of the Hrilhh d.lc.jation ! will submit to tnu monetary conforot.co is u wall con ceived and long thought of plan for und , International munotary agreement , and not a tnero projoot of air. a fueling of creator conlidonca has boon cicaieu among the iiolcgates that the conference - once will have pracllcul rosnlu. The at- t'lmplin certain quaitcra lo confuse the ocin- forunco anil the fnUo Impressions conveyed by certain ICjropaan papurs aru strongly rene - no Moil by iho daltignles of all ojiinlouH. Jn- deed , u has cuusbd the Kusslan dulogate , a vvull known oppjtientof unnutallUm , lonlifht to unnounco Ilia intention of bringing tbo matter before the convention tomoirow aud to protest airuluut the circulation of nuoh ro- porls Tlio interest taken by tha Indlsn vovcni tniint In the confuroncu Is ihovsu by the nil- tuduof Us ruprosoniuttvc ) , who do not co -