THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORM > JG , NOVEMBER 28. 1892. NUMBER 159. IIOUIAN TO BE DISPLACED Crisp ii Pi-jploaaail Witb the Appropriations Qcmraitteo Ohairman , SAVERS OF TEXAS TO SUCCEED HIM \Vliyllm Htoittcr l Not SutlsllpilVUII tlin .Iliiiinur In ( Vlilclt Hi" AlKilriiortlio I'niltlon llu o Uccn Ail- inltiistprcil. WASIIINOTOX UIJIIIHIT OF Tun nut , 511 PouitrCBN'rii SnttiKr. WAs-tixorox , U. C. , Nov. 23. The Washington correspondence to the biltltnoro Sun , on ofllcUl democMtlo organ , nnnouncos toaay that Hpoalcor Crisp will dlsplaco Holniiin ni chairman of tha house comtntttoo on appropriations. The Sun says Jtolmanws not proven satisfactory to Ills parly and lias mailo many one- niles within his own In the liouso. It Is said that S. vcr. of Toxns Is to HUcceod tioltnau na cnatrman ot the appro- pi-lrtllons commlttoo. If thovo should be an extra session ot the fifty-third congress Speaker Crisp will not have any opposition for rc-sloctlon , It Is bsliovod , nnd llolman will thoruforo luvo r.o opportunity to Jo'jKoy ' for a committee chairmanship. When Hoi- mnn leaves his proont commlttoo position ho \vllldropoutotsightaj nuicUly us did Mr. McHlnty. Today's Washington Post has this , which will bo'ol interel to TUB UBI : readers In the old First district : "In a recent Issue of the Post apnonro'l u telesratn from Lincoln , Neb. , giving u greatot und his republican opponent a lesser moas- urjot pulltlcAl populailty than they rospuct- Ivelv powessed in the recent contnst. It was suggested that Mr. Hrvuu's popularity waste to bo tosto'd by the fact of hh ro-oloctloa in a district that was l.f > OJ republican. The facts are quite the ravorso. Two year * age the seven counties gave a democratic major. Ity of 81' ' . ) . Ho is now re-elected by the reduced ducod majority of about 140 by the com blued votes of his democratic file.ids and ol 1,070ot " the 2,324 Independents In Luncastoi county "who were so badly knoctted oui elsewhere in the state. Mr. Bryan's oppo nent. Judge Field , stood squarely opposei to coining a 03 cent * silver dollar mid foi protection. Mr. Urvnn favoring the formei und for substantial free truilu and because ol his free silver heresy , Mr. Uryan obtalnci the 'calamity1 vote. There Is now no rea element , of popularity surrounding Mi- Bryan's ro-olactton , nor none found In lb < lltiures , especially whoa the run made b : Jutico Field in Iho six counties oatsldo o Lancaster is fully understood. Wo may a1 well Hoop thorocord straight as wego along. ' not PnutMri ! l/nv liuinr Ihitnly. Anent the stotomont toloprapnad froa Seattle. Wash. , and published this morning 01 the authority of Judge .1. N. Scolt , that whet President Uarrlbon leaves iho wnilo housi und rc.-ostibllshoi himself at .Indianapolis hi will probably re-enter the practice ot lac with Attorney ( .Jonoral Miller , tils oh partner , It Is otnted that the prcsl dent does not intend to resume th practice of law notlvolyilo the extent c ofllcj business anA docs not oxpcc to have u pcU'tnor. Ho will irlvo attention t ti certain class of coses and will not onto into the general practice. Attorney Genera Miller will , it Is understood , enter the linn o Kim Si Winter * at Indianapolis. Presidon Il.irrlson will not attempt to take charge o niiy law business under six or eight month from this time , while HOP oral Miller intend to bn actively in tbo practice by the middl of March. Illiilnn'H Ucslro lor Itrsl. Mr. Hlaino , who has houn quite 111 for som Coys , but whoso condition was tlils cvonm raportd considerably .Improved , announce | to some of his friends whn called today , Mi Mural Halstcad ot Cincinnati among ill number , that no thought of spent imj the winter with his tamlly 1 fiouthern California. It appears Uu Mr. Blame's doslro to escape U rigor * of u * Washington winter bus hoc known to certain ( rlcnds for some time at that it was no sooner known than there can u deluge of invitation ? from every section the noiitli. Many of them wcro Inspired t n desire of health resorts , as It was knoxi that Mr. IJIaluu's presanco would not on draw a crowd but would cause his Htoppli place to DO much talked about In the new The Bermuda people felt that they we utmost sura to secure Mr. Blalnc , as tin offered him exceptional privileges. Tm made n proposition to place at nh disposal private steam yacht owned by n woaltl Englishman , which would convcv him at his family to the liormudus , and there i main nt his disposal for snob s trips as ho might deslro. While the Islands ho was to buvo a nuncio cottage thoroughly and handsomely cqtilpp and nil of this us well as the sea yacht w uotto cost Mr. Hlnlno a penny. Floildaal offered Hlromxlnducomenin lo secure l Blaluo. The private apartments ot M FlURter , the Standard Oil magnute , wo placed nt the disposal of Mr. Blumo and 1 : quarters nt ttio Pcucu do Loon which owned by Flagicr wcro placed at the d posal of Mr. Blulno and his family , x Oiler of u 1-lillii.lclplili. Frluiul. Hamllion Dleston , the Philadelphia m llonnlro , aUo extended to the Blalnos tl courtesy of his unique establishment Florida. Ho has taicen up an oasis tbo everglade , nnd hasostablUhcd moiibtro sawmills nnd a mipur plantation. Ho Is ei ting out the palmetto trce.s and plantti sugnr cane , and lie claims that the buln odor of ihe palmetto logs U peculiarly hoali Klvlng. Mr. Dlssion'A plaiiiutlon house It be n nmrvol of magnificence , being lilted i in a way to rival tha most palatial rosldenc of northern cities. A Ultlo further north the JvUylo la'.a club , which bus its preserves of ioi)0 ) ) not olt the coast from Hrnnswlck , ( la. , won Imvo bcon glad to entertain Mr. Hlalt The Island was once tlio tuto of a Culha monuBtery , Later it was transformed ti ono of thn lli < ent.plnntatlons tn the south , u recently It has passed into the hand ! ) ' Messrs. Pullman , Fairbanks , Uc-nno u other wealthy Chlcagoaua und iholr-tisi dates In Now York. California also offered many indiu-cmon tlio Hotel Moutoroy at San Diego nnd I. Ancoles and Pasadena being among t places brought to tils attention , The qui lion resolved Itself largely Into n quostl between iho Bermudas ami California , u It is probable that tha Bermudas would tin won it it had not been for n slio ( . Irrnmainnco. Ono of Mr. Blalnu'u wormi ncisonal friends , William K. Traverse of Ni York , who was well known akn stuttering u liumorouH nuin who used to furnish Chauuc Depow with his sioilcu. wont to Bermuda ills hnaltb , and ihern died. That settled t JiermudiiR for Mr. IJialne , and nothing cot have mducod him to take n route which Ii terminated in his old friend's death , Hi lug thus cancelled one place after nuotl irom the list , California remained , and It there that Mr. lllnlno and his family will within tbo next MX week * If his health v permit tUe Journey. ( irmvlli ol liiuu luiliitlrlui. ThU evening the census ofllco Issued a s clul bulletin showlni ; the stutUtlca of mat lucturos In thu city of Davenport , la. , the census year 1SOJ. compared with those tbo year IbSO. Following are Davonpov induitilesin Ih'JJ : .Number of osmblUhiiiiN ropprtcd10 ; capital mvostoa , fjit.VJ ; nu tier of hands employed , ' .W ; wages pa * 54,7aO : cot of uiutenals used , * 7.HU : ; n ocllunooUR expenses. f > , UCHl ; value of prodi utworlts.flSI.2JI. PercculUKos of Inrro over IVS'J ; Numl'cr of cbtubllsluncnts ported , 125 ; capllul Invested , l'.U ; uum'jct liauds tunplo u'li lsi ; ; wjpes paid , COS ; i-oii materials UK d , W ; value of product utwor 118 ; population of city , 2U ; as csed vuli tlon of dty , 23 ; doore-iso of municipal do lus sinking fund , 7.11 per cent. A strlkl feature of these returns U the mere In the number of eitaohsumouts varied. Hull uor * r tll.vlu ( { U Increase during the decade In the num ber ot hands employed and the amount of WBPOS paid , The wages have Increased not only actually but relatively , the average waies per hand Incraaslntr from tlOi In ISs'J ' to ( lift In 1SU3 , r.r 8.21 per cent. Althouch the parcontage of Increase In average wastes Is below that reported for many other cities , yet it Is n fact , which will appear In the llnnl reports showing the data for each Industry. thnt the Icureaso of waeos tn nil classes of l.idustry common to both census reports has been equal to Unit shown clsowhoro for the sama classc * . Tno avemgo of 1S tor all classes nppcaw to bo mducoJ by iho dovolopni'-nt during tht ) decade of Industrie ) wnlcti em- , plov n greater proportion of women and children. The porcmtiigo of Incronso for ISS ! ) in the number of women employed Is SSI , while the increase tn the number of men employed Is but ll 0 per cent. MUrcllnncniM , Miss Anna Oursk of Nebraska City , Miss ( tenet Ulngor of Soutn Omaha und Miss Hose LlndUrom ot St.ronu.borg were today appointed mleroscoplsts nt ttio SottMi Omaha packing houses by Secrotiiry Husk on the recommendation of Senators Paddock and MaiuloMon. Mr. William ETAunln ha returned from Omaha. U. T. Wetmoro of Vinton , la , Is nt the Howard. Ex'Govei nor Hear ot Iowa , who was re cently appointed assistant secretary of the treasury , tins not roaohod Washington yet , but there U no spoclal occasion for his hur rying to the c.ipitol , as ho is In n paililon to draw his s.ilary anyhow. His commission was forwarded to him und ho was sworn nt his homo by nn Iowa justloo of tlio poaoj , wbernby bo became a full-lied jed assistant s'jcrotnry nnd entitled to the tiltonilantomal * uments and perquisites ot thu oftlee oftleeP. P. S. H. iCL'KKHNCY ' uyiJbTlU.NS. Siigci'Slliins of Inturoit Iroin thu Uoiiip- tiiillur ol tlio ( 'iirroiu'y. Wi inxcno.v , O. C. , Nov. S. ir Tbo forth- comliic roBert of Mr. A. P. Ilepuurn , the comptroller of the currency , shows that 10'J batiks , with an aggregate capital of SIS/JSI- 000 , were organlzod during the year , llfty- three went Into voluntary liquidation , and seventeen bacamo Insolvent , leaving a net increase for the year of uinoty-tbroo banks. Nearly 09 per cent of the now banks are located west of the Mississippi river , aud o5 percent In the southern stales. The comptroller recommends that the min imum deposit of government bonds required of national o.inks 1)3 $1OJO in case ot banks of fVJ,000 , nnd ? 3OOJ in case of banks whoso capital exceeds $30,000 ; that the banks bo allowed to circulation note ; cnual to thu par valna ot the bonds held to boeuro circulation ; that the monthly withdrawals of bonds pledged to secure circula tion shall not ox-coed $1,500,000 , In the aggregate ; that the tax on the national bank circulation bo repeated. The banks have already paid Into the treas ury $7 : > , 170,101 lu taxes upon circulation. The banics should only bo jisscsiod in amount sufllcicnt to defray lho actual cost of the government of providing circulation ; that the limit of the amount which may bo loaned ' .o any person , company or corpora tion or firm 1U par cent of the capital stock of the baulc bo so amended as to road "capital nnd surplus , " and also that an ex ception bo made in favor of temporary loans , secured by collateral , in our largest business centers ; that tno government issun bonds , having twenty , thirty and forty years tc run , at n Ion rate of Interest , with which tc retire thu present bonded iadebtednc&s ol the United Stales , which bonds may bo is < sued us : i b sis to socura national bank circn Union. ( Tlio comptroller shown thai by ex changing'3 per cent bonds having the same length of timn to run , fur the I per ccntoonds outstanding , nt the maikot vnluo of each on October 1 , 18'Jtho government could liavn saved i7llllr ! ! > 31. In nddiUon tc furnishing a permanent oasis for circula tion , it would PIOTO u rcat raving tc taxpayers of lho country. ) That the r.omn trailer of the currency , with lho approval ol the sccnitury of the treasury , bn empoweroil to remove clUceiT , and directors of banks foi violations of luw , leaving tho' vacancy sc caused lo bo tilled tn the usual way , lirst i giving such-ofllcors and directors nn opnor i tunlty to bo heard. That the law bo sc 1 amended as to prohibit ofllcers or employe ! 3 of a banlt borrowing Its fund $ In any manner f except upon application to und approval bj r the bo.ird of directors. i Section ! ! SO , revised statutes , roads : Al , - suits and proceedings arising out of tbo pro visions nf the law governing nutinnn.1 bank : In which the United Stairs or Miy of It1 officers or agents shall be parties shall b conducted by thu United Stales attornevs o the several districts , under the supervision of the r.nlicltor ofjho treasury. The seclloi to be so amended"5s to leave the omploymon of other than United Status altorneys In th discretion of the comptroller. In a chapter in regard to circulation th comptroller nays : Soiled paper money I popularly balievod to bo n potent moans o disseminating contagious diseases. A note With its accumulated tlllh of circulation , 1 unlit for circulation and should bo redeemed National bank notuj constitute lllilo eve 10 per cent of lho money tn circulation Currency furnished by. the government wil not commend Itself to the taxpayer * upo the score of economy. The government can s uot Issue money gratuitously ; It must bo o exchange for some vuluo. It cannot posses elasticity. .The practical workings has bee to arbitrarily Increase or diminish the currency roncy to the dolrlmont of business Interest ; National banks have furnished n currency adequate to the wants of the public , sounC elastic und beyond criticism. This form o currency should bo continued as lho mono of tbo futiiio. Pioihlria'w riitlicr-ln-i.utv Very 111. i.v , D. C. , Nov. 23 , Kov. Jobi W. Scolt , father-ln-luw of President tlarrl son , aged SI , Is lying bcnously 111 at tli whlto house. It was stated nt the whlto house this aftoi noon t tint Dr. ScotJ , was put BO well. HI tomporaluro was higher and he was per coptiblv weaker than ho was in the mori.lnc Dr. Gardner * aid , however , Ihat them woul be nothing at nil serious lu the case were uot for the advanced ago of the patient. Thora was u Htoady decline In the condllla of Kev' . Dr. Scott , the president's father- ! ) law , during lua day nun tonight ho Is coi Rlderablyvcukur than ho was tnls mui'nlni Thcro hus " .linen no abatement o ( the fcvf which remnh s about the same. The patloi I * In a very critical condition and It Is e : Homely doubtftil , whether ho will DO able 1 rally , ns his graab-aue makes It dlfllcult f ( him to wlthbtaiulaHy scuta Illness. Will Ilm-ftinmriiil \Vmliinal Oiriraiitln Wibiiiviro.N''D C. , Nov. 25. In view i the common expectation tnat President Hu rlson will include In Ills ppxt message i congress n recommonduilon looking to it onubtUhnient of a national quarantli Joseph Nlinnio , lale chief of the ourenu i statistic * , has bubnuitod to tlio proiluei certain observations apon the subject. Mr , Nimmo , in brief , holds tbat as tl government has assumed entire charge i Immigration , one of the principal source * i Infection from the cboloranimt Hue dUoaso It must likow iso taira full charge of lho so board quarantine , ; S'ii\r Huplil-l'li-o ( inn. WASIIISI.TOS , I ) . C. , Nov. 25. The U1 ; department ii negotiating with tbo An 0- 0l of Knglund for the l- strong company ucquli ljr tlon of designs for a new rapid-lira gu 3t which I.H suit to bo 29 per cent mora rapid 's action thuu any other gun , H also contei ISa platci KCcunog tbo right lo uranufacturo tl ai'i BUGS In lho United Status. i'is ' s- fiald tu fin I inline. sct ct CIIK ir.o , 111 , Nov. 25.-'lho oi-llnard i so Trade man , \V. Lincoln , who , as ; , juror,4 li- liBf been sentenced i < ) a year's Imprisonment f of kollclilug bribes , Is said to bo iiisano. Kflor * , were maao touay to have the Beiiteuoo r .eluded on the iround that , tbo inorphli habit hnt unsettled him. The your nftort' ' i If panto bh linn , Lymau , Page & Lineal SO failed for $330,000. Ho has bad HI luck ov iloco , nnd for years ho bat dissipated bee 10 tly and U now JAMES C , BLAME'S ' ILLNESS It M Mujh Mora Bottom Thin Was at Tint Supposed. STORY OF THE INVALID'S PHYSICIAN Ulilln tlin r.tpcrotiiry U In Nn lin'iieillnto siT , > rcat Ciro : Will lln\oto lie IHcrpMtMl X.itura or HU.\llincut. WASIIINOTON , U. C. , Nov.33. Mr. Dlnlno's condition was ngaln the subject ot universal interest today , maJo so by ths publication of sUitcmcnU that Ins ullmant had taken a turn for lho worse nnd that his Ufa was in Imminent danger. It Mr. UUlno's physician and iho members of ins 1'mnlly nra to ba believed - liovod , such slatomunts are mtsloadiug nnd are not warranted oy the facts. List summer a year ago Mr , Ulnlno loft the city to sco his daughter before she railed for IC'jropo. It win on tbat occasion that no fell ill and wai raraovod to his cottage at Har Il'irbor , where ho passed tno sutumor and early tall in convalcscono. The cause of his Illness was then not an organic complaint , unless u pe culiar sensitive stomach can be ho regarded. Iti plain Kngiish , ho ate what was not good for him viz. : rich food , and nto very much of It. Heine run down in health nnd mentally fatipuod from the labors of his ofilco , the affairs ot which were then tn a critical state , with the Chilian anJ Italian ombrogllos threatening to assume a serious form , Mr. Ulaliic , who Is by no moans tn tno vigor of youth , was imuie very 111 , and required sev eral months tlmo to rocupjrate. Last summer ho had another attack , but since Ins return to Washington ho has been In astute of hsalth that may fairly bo described as his normal condition and capa ble of earnest worlf , open air rides , wallis and cheerful , but , withnt , very sonslvtlvo lo irregularities of diet aud to sudden chances of weather. It Is said by person1 : familiar with his habits ihat for yours ho has boon subject to slight Illness from these causes , and having a wholesome- belief In tbo onicacy ot doctors and physicians , ho Is quick to note the slightnst unfavorable svmptoms. to lake to his bed and to send for his physician. Oiiunn for Alarm. As near as can bo learned , the illness from which Mr. Blnlno is now suffering Is more serious than those wnicu have preceded It. He caught cold aud ho was Imprudent In his diet. Some concoction followed and tboro was fever In its train. The stomach was made torpid and there was dlfllculty in di- gosllon. Notwithstanding reports to the contrary , it can be said that Mr. Hlaino has shown no signs of mental abberation or de lirium. There has boon much dlfllculty oneounlcred lu lho cll'ort to got reliable news as to his condition , nnd this has fostered _ tlto origin and spread ot exaggerated stories of Mr. Blalno's condi- tion. The reason for this Is two-fold. In the first place James Q. Blalnc , jr. . is absent , from Washington , leading nemo of the tumlly nt tbo liouso except Mrs. Lttaino and Miss Harriet Hlaino , who do not loot equal to the task of answering the numerous culls for in- forraalion. In lho second place , lho attend ant physician ts oppressed by a fooling thnt a public statement of n patient's condition would bo a violation of professional etiquette by tbo physician. Tu the iLoruing It was stated bv the at tendants who answered the boll that Mr. B'.aino had passed a comfortable night nnd was resllmr very easily. The atlendint added : "Tbo tamily were much surprised to sec the highly cxnaaera'od accounts of Mr. Blulue's sickness in lho papers this morning. Thav cannot understand how such reports could have obtained circulation and wish it stated thov are without lounda- tion. " Ills Doctor's Story. Later in the day Dr.V. . W. Johnson , who is in charge of the caso. called nt the house and bad u short consultation ' "lib Dr. Hyatt , who has been treating Mr. Blumo bpoclallv for a stubborn bronlchal affection. Subsequently Dr. Johnson informed u rcprc- sonlalivoof the Associated press that the published reports that Ir. Blalno is seri ously ill are entirely without foundation. ' 'Tho fact Is. " ho said , "more Is nothing really serious the rmutor with him. The slight cold , with hccompanyini : fever , from which ho suffered last WCOK , has entirely passed awuy and he is so much liupiovcd today that bo is ublo to bo dressed nnd to move freclv about his room. " Dr. Johnson said ho did not cure to talk about the case , but in rcsnonsn to persistent inquiries lie said ho felt sure. Mr. Hlaino would bo nblc to go out of doors in a few days , and that ho Is well able even now lu stand a Journey in c.ico such u course is deemed necessary for Ibo .better treatment of his case. It Is learned from another source that Mr. Ulaino will soon bo removed to some point in the couth wllh the hope that u warmer climate will bavo a beneficial effect on his bronchial troubles , whichsouin to bave been aggravated since thu cold spelt set in hero. NKXVS I'Olt THU AK.11Y. Complete I.ut of Cluingoj la tlio Hu ulm Service , WASIIINOTOX , D. C. , Nov. 23. [ Spsclal Telegram to Tun BUR. [ The following urmv orders were Issued today : Captain Julian M. Caboll , assistant surgeon , 1 > detailed as ; r mcmuerand First Lieutenant Charles St. J Chubb , Seventeenth infantry , as recorder ol the examining board convened at Fort O. A , llussoll , Wyo. , April 5 , vice Cintntn HYee man V. WulUor , assistant surgeon , nnd Kirs Lieutenant James T. Kerr , adjutant Seven tcontu Infantry , respacttvcly relieved. Firsi Lieutenant Arthur C. Ducat , Jr. , Twenty fourth Infantry ts detailed as recorder of tin examining board convened at Fort Hayurd N. M. , Sentemborfi , vice First Llculcnani Charles Hedge , Jr. , ndjutunt , Twenty-fount Infantry , relieved. First Lieutenant Charles Dodgo. Jr. , adjutant , Twenty-fourth Infantry will report In porsun to Llauienunt Colone David D. Van Vnlzob , Twenty-fourth In fantry. president of the examining bar < l HI Fort Bayard , for examination as to lltnosi for promotion. Second Lieutenant Waltoi C. Sheri , Sixth cavulry , is transferred froa : troop M io iroop A of ihat regiment. The following iratibfers In the KlevenU Infantry uro made : First I.ioutemin Ulchurd M. Hlaichford from company E tc coiiniaiiy F ; First IJeuu-uatit Loretuo M Davidson from company F to company K Tbo npuomlmonts In the army of the fo'llow iiiK named second lieutenants ( promotei from noncommissioned oftlcera ) to rank fron November 10 , und third aaiignments to regl mnnts are announced , in ibo cavalry army- Sqcond Lieutenant Cornelius C. Smith fron first semeant , troop K , Sixth carnlrr to the Second cavalry , troop H ( Fort Wlngato ) ; Second Uoutcnnn Joseph A , Uusack , from corporal troop C Fifin cavalry , lethe Fifth cavalry , troop M Fort Heno , OULIu the Infantry arm Sncoui Lieutenant James Uonnyno , from aergean major Tenth Infantry to the Nineteenth In fantry , company 1 , Fort Wnync ; Seoom Lieutenant William J. Lut/ , from sorpeati buttery F , First artillery , to tbo Second In fantry , company H , Fort Omaha ; Soconc Lieutenant Henry .L. Itnnnlioii , fron hurgcant company A , Twentieth 'in fantry , to Iho Tivcnty-lllin infan try , company 1C , Fort Mlssoula Second Lieutenant Warren I ) . Fox from set count company A I'weuilolh infantry to th Tenth Infantry , company F. Fort Leaven worth , Second Lieutenant Uuy (3 , Pulinei from sergeant company II Kightli infantr to the Sixteenth infantry company K , For Douglas , Second Lieutenant \\illlamso Maryland from corporal company il Nlntl Infantry to tha Twelfth Infantry company K Fort Leavenworth. The oftlcerA named will be discharged a enlisted men as of tbo date preceding tbat o Ihslr acceptance of appointment aim will prc ceed from Fort Leavcuwcrtb to join their t < spoctlvo troops and ea-npntiin not Inter than January 1. ; _ TltlXKH WAH JXSAXK. TltlXKHJt Jt lion. , lainc * ir. Irook * of lown In. tcrcstril In thK Itoblicr. DiVP.xi'OitT , ' la. , N iv , 25. [ Specml Tclo- grnm to Tun ; nr.B.J-f-BaRloy. the express robber , will ijo arraigned for pleading Mon day. Ho in- resting , quietly In Jail , but has been taken Id ; his homo under guard lo sco his family a f&w minute ? . A letter received by t'ounty Attorney Fred Ilelnz from Hon. .limes H. Itolhrock ot Cedar Hiplds , ono of tbo Judges of the supreme court of town , has aroused great Interest horn. A similar letter lias been receive : ! by the foreman of the grand Jury that indicted Hauler. In these lotto 1-3 Judge Uoihrock staled his bcliot that Qnglcy could not buvo boon sane when he committed the robbery mm otherwise ex pressed himself in behalf of the prisoner very strongly. At noon today bo arrived In tbo city. Ha said that Ilagloy' * father had nursoJ htm through n serious Illness In the army , and that ho naturally felt warmly toward lho son on ihat account. Ho admitted , however , that ho baliovod ho had nctcd lee hastily In writing us ho did , but said he felt , nnd his wife told him when ho read the account of Bngloy's arrest , tbat ho must do something , This action would b r Judue Kothrock from sitting on the case should it o to the supreme premo court , nnd has usurped IJaglev's place ns the prevailing toolo hero. As the case stands , the state of Iowa Is prosecuting unit the express company is merely the prosecut ing witness , to appear only when culled In evidence. . The company has olTored , boxv- over , to furnish dnj evidence Hint may bo needed , In addition to that brought before the grand Jury , In order lo secure convic tion. It is thought thut Barley will uot defend - fond , but plead putlty. Muyhor Under Arrcnt. DES Moixns.IajNov. ; . 25. The people of Hlvertun are slill Vn a state of " great excite ment over tbo alleged wife poisoning case. William Mayhor , who has had flvo wives in the past years , all ot whom have died under mysterious circumstances , as relalod In former dispatches , has boon placed under nrrost to nwnit' the notion of the grand Jury. Mavhor is worth STo.U Wants t'ny lur n l.lmli. ( Jen in Itu'ins , In" . , Nov. 23. . ( Special Tel egram to Tin : BKK.J D. W. Yairor has oroue lit suit la ttio superior court against thu Burlington , Cedar Hapids and Northern railroad for JJO.OOD.damaijpR for the loss of a limb while In the qmnloy of lho company as n Draftsman. ' I'OH TlOX U 7 Til K C. 1 S K. * . Lawyer TiiRStift oroiiBj-oiiuo .Hanaro ) to St-Rilrc i ( jontiMimnrr. Ciicvp.vxMj Wyn. , "Nov. 25. [ Special Tola- gram lo Tin : BEE.J--Ttto o\so of lho state ngiuiiit Frank D. Tagijart has been continued to the next- term of tha district court. Tag- gart was a pronllneiit'youni ' ; lawyer of Ibis city who had boon retained as counsel for Kinch McICmnqy. a notorious cattle Ihlnf. . After McIClftnev'.s trial , when ho was sentenced tea lODg- term in lho penitentiary , ho raot d heaven and earth to pain nis freedom. Finally , all other schemes falling , be gave Tajcurt S3 lo got him a revolver and box til cartridges. Tageart diet so. McIClanoy chose a wrong time to attempt his escape. For over eisut hours ho held the Jail pfllclalfl' , t buy , shooting several limes at iho stferift and bis deputies. Ho- was finally InUucad'-f up the guu when ha saw escape.was Impossible. Tapgart's attorney manage. ! lo's'eouvo tno continuance oti iho' ( 'i'O'jnd'ot Ih 'absorico of u material witness Who bcunukes" oath will that McIClnnoy was only glvon tno gun utter swearing not tu use it in the jail. CVeorgo Sohlubach , who has made an un enviable record ns n Jull breaker , was yester day sentenccd/ln lho Unltfcd States court to ono your In the Albany county J.ill for rob bing the ICeysiono posiotllce In ihat county. Gcorco Hrom , convicted of aellinc liquor to nn Arapaboo Indian , was lined ? 5 and sen tenced to ono year's lajprlsonmont in the state penitentiary by the same court. XA'fWA'AL UltA\i : . Many Important MntlcrK Discussed and . \iitml on by Tlint Ilixly. Co.Ncoun , N. H. , Novr 25. At the after noon sssslon of the National Grange youor- day reports were submitted from nearly all the stales showing that women were engaged n pushing the Grange worlc among juveniles The executive committed was directed to choose the next'pjnco of meeting. At tbo evening session the-resolution from thu trans portation committee on roads was agreed to. The resolution endorsing the rljjht of women to vote was vigorously debuted aud llnally referred to the slate granges by a vote fit 23 to ) . Tbo committee on co-operation rocpmmcuded tbo buying for cash and the establishment of small local co operative .stores. Among the resolutions disposed of was onadmnanding that certain federal o Dices be lilted by farmers ; that United States senators bo oleotod by the people ; that stave granges discuss improved roads. * M.4DK XRH'SI'AVXUX HUSTLK. Htrllio of I'lromon On tit olT Steam to Hun I'ri'SHcs nun li Niw : YOIIK , Nov. 25 , Nearly all the morn- lug newspapers and 'most of the big tlown town ofllco buildings get their heat and power from the Now York Steam company's ' irroat plant by pipes running beneath the streets , At midnlghtj last night all Its llromon struck against u 'reduction in wages , ensu ing the cold air 'dampera and allow ing thu steam to run rapidly down. There was a great scurrying around among the nowfpaucw as the tlmo oumo to goto profs and no steam to inn the presses. All managed , however , to print editions , but today hundreds of ofilca building ! ) are without - out elevator service. The company claims to have Illlen half ol the strikers' placci ifnd to have applications for nil and moiv. ' . purchase in an arj > storu nnd tendered n check for fOI | n psypieut. Whllo the clork't back was turiifc ) rice stole n porcelain paint ing worth & 15. Tb'u painting was mUsed and when MM. Lnwb was ancsiod it wpv found upon her.yAt the WoU Thirtleili street stntlon sim 'avo her address as me Hotel Bartboldl. Rhe is under tM bull foi awlndllng Consul RuU. KXHVKi.Vb'IHJT UIIIXKSK. Cotcttlnl .Maiiuraulnrer * In San { ' 'runvlicii In it Jtiid w y. Six KiuNCiboo , Cul , , Niv. 25. Tlio Morn- IngCaUsays ! TboAvlillo merchanU of the city bavo boooipu alkrmod at tbo condition ol Chinese llnance-j and will hereafter rofutc credit to Chine'je manufaolurcrs whom thai supply with goods. Interviews with Chinese neso manufacturers ludlcaio that busi ness with ibam U In a bad way , They bavo raducea their forces largely. Tbuti workmen , tbov think , will refusu to roiUtei ; under iho Geary act ana will co back it China. The Call sayi ihat probably wltbli n year the luacufucturo of shoes , cfirara one clothing by Culncsa will almost ce-aso lu Sat Francisco. I.l lu llunleiiVIII Nut Uo Indicted , HOSTOX , Ma 5. , Nov. -Tuunton spo clals to the Herald nna Journal decluro tba the Brand Jury will find "no bill" g lns Llizlo Uordcu. US COMMENCED ITS LABORS Pauarai Commission of Icquiry Takes Uo Its Work of Investigation ! DE LA HAVE DENOUNCES MANY DEPUTIES slxty-rivo Alleged tn llnxii Item Corrupted liy HIM II n of Corporation I'miilg Ui > o sliU"is Caiitrit liy Mm lie- iniuiiUol the Commission , ( Coprrlghtfd ll > 2 br Jixnins ( liinion I'AIIIS Nov. ! W. [ Now Yorit llJrald Ol- bio Special to THIS HBB.J The i'annma can da I becomes dally tnnro grave. Ttio commission of Inquiry was organize , ! today nml begun Its work. D.'tnity do la Hnyo vas examined , nnd dcclnrod that sixty-live lenutics wcro compromlsjd by his chargru. to gave tbo conimittoo directions where root could bo found. The coinmisslon no- cldcd to ask for the release of M. Dumo'it , in rdcr that un can loalify freely. It also de- numls that an autopsy bo performed on the ) ody of the 1 tin Hirou do Uolnach , nnd that t 1)3 given access to papers and documents before the courts tn other lawsuits. This encroachment on the parliamentary power and the Juilleiarv' power Is causing uneasi ness to many , recalling , as It does , the nc- ions of the committee of nubile safuty in TM. .Uctjrns Sr. Unite. ( JKVTINd IN IIIMI WOUIC. Milking Vry I'rii-mlly Otortures tn tlio New Veni'7iipl : ii ( lovcrnnu'lll. ( Copyrighted 1S33 by Jiuuns CorJo-i Itonuott. ) CIHACAYcnoucln ( viu Galveston , Tox. ) , ov. 25. [ liy Mexican Ciblo to the Now Yorlc Herald Special to Tnn.Unic. ] There s a possibility of uu amicable adjustment of the boundary Ulsputo botwcen Great Brllain and Venezuela. Urged by the Brit la li Hoard of Trade , it Is said U.ndstotio'-s govern ment intimates a willingness to open llrect uoaolialions In regard to the adjust ment of that trouble. Lord Kosobory hn named thu German minister ut Caracas as Hriliali charge d'affalrs ad Interim , aud as surances have been glvon Hint a Venezuelan nitilstor would lie welcomed at thu court of St. James. Knglnna Is said to bo willing to return ( ho lands encroached upon and will ryand securoas an offto : her claims spe cial navigation privileges on ttio Orinoco and ts tributaries. One of tae charges against Mlgnri Is made by the Caracas branch of the HaJ Cross society. In complicity with Mondozn , It is charged , ha seized tlio fund which the society had gathered to ulvo aid to the wounded. It is probable that , the Phila- lulnhla will be heavily lined for proceeding to sea without her clearance papers. The courts arc bringing criminal charge ] against the principal mon in the into govern ment , and it 11 probable that General Crospo wilt endeavor to have them indicted. I toe tor Alilwurilt J.ludud. [ Copyrighted 1SU2 by James Gordon Ilanuutt.l BKHUX , Nov. 25. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Bnn.j Tlioanti - semites are In great glee this evening over ; ho victory Of Hector Ahlwardt , who , ac cording to tlio latest news , scores 4,71)3 ) votes , against 1,720 votes divided among the other parties' . Ablwardt is in prison for libel. The nntl-soinltes attribute the victory to the logical outcome of what they consider the arbitrary verdict against Ilorr Oberwandcr. The latter has just sent mo a message asking If the Herald will correct an error by which lie Is said to bo sentenced for two years' ln stead of two months' imprisonment. tx xnruxxa. UIilu Voters Atnito MUtalcus In Marhlnj ; ' 1 lu-lr Tlcluits. Ci.cvciANi ) , O. , Nov. 25. It now appears as though Ohio may have Intended to hnvo cone for Cleveland by a slight margin. Tonight the stnto statisticians in Columbus completed tholr election count unon Indivi dual presidential electors. It shows that Lorenzo D. Ylckors , the republican elector of the Eleventh district , is defeated byfumes Sewurd , whoso tmuio appears llrst on the list of democratic electors. Seward received - coived 404,115 votes and YicltcM W..a'JD. ' It is thought tlio reason why S&ward obtained BO many moro votes than bis follow electors lies In tne Australian plan of b illoilnp. To vote u straight democratic tjcitet under this plan formerly it was ncccs- essary only to place u cross opposite tun name "democratic ticxet" ni tbo huud of the list of candidates. This year , owing to the tendency of voters to drop down OHO line In their warning and designate the naiao of the llrst candidate , thus erroneously voting for him , tht ) law was amundod providing that the crosses for straight tickois must bo placed in circles printed for that purpose at the tops of the ballota. U was feared from * ho tirst that many would neglect to comply with the new regu- latlou nnd placa their marks at tbo side of tlio ticket ut the top , thinking to vato It slialght. Saward's election is talicn as ovl- denua that this 'error was made by many voles. It Is arguud that the cross was placed beside his name by many who uunposod that Uieroby they wore voting the democratic ticket , where they only votod'forhim. The abstracts of live counties have been sent back for correction , and it is possible that tboy may imperil two other lopubllcan electors M. Kturkof the Twentieth district and Luther Allen of the Twenty-llrst- Whose margin of plurality Is slight , Jnillillili CoiMilul | < - lli > r Count , iNiiuxAi'UMi' , Ind. , Nov. 23 , Tbo ofllcial returns from the last county in Indiana were received at the atato house today , The footIngs - Ings show that I3racu ! > n , the llrst elector on the democratic ticket , received 'JIM,700 votes , I'iorce , the llrst elector on the republican t idiot , received 255,1515 votes. Hraclicn'a plurality , whloli is in effect Cleveland' ! ! plurality , Is 7,603. None of the electors on oitliur ticket receive as many votes us tbo llrst. ' till Count IMC In North Dakiilu. HisM.utcir , N. D , , Nov. 25.--.Tho Harrison electors In North Dakota are probably chosen. Complete returns from twenty eight out. of thirtr-nlno counties give Weaver electors " 40 majority , but RCVOII counties yijt to hoar from are surely for Har- risen. The ofllcial couut may bo reijulrod tc settle tbo matter. ; itict > iu > , Corr.iilliM Vanilorliilt' * Krhlili-nco lit > "c ' ] > { iri Iliirnrd U'ltli Itn C'liiitunlN. "IcwrouT , K. I. , Nov. 2. . The elegant uni costly summer residence of Coruollus Van- dorollt , known as "Tho BrouUerr , " wa : totally destroyed by lire thU uftornoon , to getber with all the valuable contents of tb < Villa. The lire was discovered by Mr. Van dorbllt blinsolf about 4 : ! I'J ' , A telephone met sage WJS bent to the lire department , Uu the tire hud made great headway nat before the apparatus reached the sjeno which was nearly two miles from too station the llro was beyond control. Kven when tbi department arrived it was lundlcapned b ; tba InsuRlclcnt number of hydrants. Mr , Vanderbilt bimselt stated nothlni could have been done to suvo the property , ui tbo whole building. ' , save the bervants quarters , wan a roaring furnace when the department partment arrived. A portion ot the furniture wat saved , bu It in Insignificant , either in quantity or value \VUDU compared with that lout. All the rlcl npostrlos , rare palnllngn , valuable bric-a- brac , elccant furnlshlncsvcarltip apparel nnd rare and costly articles of every drscnp- Ion worn dcstroved. Tno vnluout the article. of turnl'.uro mnv bo judged from the fact .hat In one hall were hung tapestries worth -'HUHX ) or moro. Mr. Vandorbllt nnd family found tempo rary refuge In the Kurd nor1fcottntjo on the n-omlsos. Mr. Varidcrbllt could nlvo no iccurito oitlmataaf his loss , which ho stated VHS largely covered by Insurance , Thu silver , Jewels and other valuables ot llko nature woru placed In the safes bv the servants uud ho thought would probably bo all rlcht. A rough cstlmato places the loss it 100,000. Wcircii KsTKit , Pa. , Nov. iV-Tho paper nllls of CUrrolt & Sons ut Heaver , Chester county , have been destroyed by llro und the loss u csltmntoj at uonrlV f JXOJ'J. Svxroiin , Mo. . Nov..V ! The rardltiK and voavlnemiil of the blan'iot ' dopurtment of ho bntiford mills has txjoti tmrnod. Other mlldt g } were saved. Lass unknowr. , but Is cry heAvy nnd covered by insurance. Ono ID nil red und llfty haniU nro thrown outot employment. Cau o of the llro an over- itjatod bearing. DrtnoiT , Mich. , Nov. 2 : . . The Peninsula Jnr compatiy's woiks at West Detroit wrncd thin afternoon. The loss will proba bly rcueh S.IOO.UOJ. l > ix iv , Minn. , Nov. 'Jo. The building * ot ho Indian Industrial suhool at ClonturlT , eight miles weit of hero , burned this morn- ff. ff.o.v o.vr rue A T. Northern Pnclllfl Train Itutihor * Conllnc Tlirlr Kllort * to tlio sleeplnc Cur. PoiiTiAsi ) , Ore. , Nov. 23. The Northern 'aeiflc train held up at Hot Springs , Wash. , ast night , arrlvo.1 hero tonlcht. K. II. Miler - or , one ol the passengers , said ho was sitting alone In the smoking room of the sleeper , when throa masked men entered , two armed with \Vlnchostorn , mil tbo third with a revolver. Thov requested quested him tn hold up UU hands , which ho lid wltu celerity , nnd I ho mon relieved him of bU money and vuluafilos. Then lit the request of the robbers Miller walked UP into the body of the car uul took n neat near the front , end while the robbers took up a collection 'rotn the other passengers the ladles lot bolng molested. The booty amounted to about $ U)0 ( ) In ca < n. besides ix gold watches and consliKjrablo jowolry. When the wont was completed the rubbers , who confined thomsolvoi to the sleepjr. rnng the Poll for the train to stop. Whim it came ilmost to a standstill they signalled for It to go ahead and Jumped from the platform in the darkness. _ They i\prctttMl Train Itiihbcr * . Dt.t.s , Tox. , Nov. S3 Wnen tbo south bound Missouri , Kansas & Texas passeuger train reached here yoxtcrday it was learned that the trainmen had discovered n plot to rob the train near Adalr , In the Indian terri tory. I'.vjbongers began hidini ; their cash and valuables and preparing for the uttoolt which was soon expected , 'i hera was n rush for uldlnc places in every concelv.iblo crevice und corner. Uoforo leaving Vlnita n posse of thirty mon collected and each was armed with n nllo. They wore distributed throughout the train from the express carte to the rear sleeper , nnd everything was In perfect order to moot the highwaymen. How ever , It happened that the train was half an hour late nnd n freight was running on tlio passenger's time , several stations uhoad. Just after leaving Adair several shots were llrod from ambush at the froluht train. The robbers , probibly considering that this break had disclosed their intentions , aban doned their projact and the passenger train passed on without bolng molested. \Vnik nfii Daring llnlrtior. DEXVRII , Colo. . NovrS.l. A special to. the Republican from San Marclal. N. M. , says : Last cvoniug n masked man dressed In cow boy fashion entered the uoucrul store and banking house of Jasper Brolles , and , with leveled revolver , forced four customers and Broilc ! , to stand in Una with their hands up. The robber then started to rob too safe , but was interrupted by the enlranco of another customer , who was at once put in line with the rest of tbo victims. The daring robbur tnen returned to the safe and securing in. the noign > jorhood of $1,000 backed out of the store , sprang on his horse , which was waiting lor him outside , and made his escape. The robber did not attempt to take the personal effects of the customers. The people In the atoro were so surprised that they cannel - nol give n description of the man , but ttio snerllT und a posse uro endeavoring to find him. _ iSnnk ItoliliiTK CuiHiiriMt. I'outiAM ) , Ore , Nov. ,23. Two men , who robbed the bank at Uoslyn , Wash. , Septem- bur LM last and secured ยง 10,000 , were cnp- turcd at Arlington , Ore. , this afternoon. j.s.v / / / / ; : IMI | till ) T\i u D.lkntus Hurled llc- npiitli IfiMipn < il SIHIW. ST. Pu r , , Minn. , Nov. 23. Today's snow storm was general In Minnesota and the l.i- kolas , being csriodally severe In South Da kota. The snow wai accompantc In many * sections by sleet , which froza as fast as It loll , aud the whole country Is a glum of ico. ico.Sioux Sioux FiilU reports telegraph and telephone - phone 111103 prostrated by loads of ice and communication with tuo outiido world is al most wholly supply suspended , Huron reports tho'snow drifting badly , and the snow Is very heavy north of there , while fnnl Is scarce. Miller , S. I ) . , foara stock may Buffer , farmcra not being prepared for winter , Points In Minnesota give similar reports. The snow andsloot in this city stopped at dark , but at midnight Is blurting up 112:1111. : Only a little has fallen hero. The morcurv In duo to bo very low by morning. Wrerkcil on l.iltn Mlrlilgnn , MiuiAi'KKi : , WK , Nov. 23. The schooner Lena Hull , with a carco of apples , loft Lud- ington , Mich. , yesterday In tow ot a steam barge. The line parted last night during a severe storm nuu tlio schooner was buffeted about by heavy sous until this evening , when stio ran ashore in n hcavv alcot btotm at tlio foot of Buffalo Btrcot. Captain Huill and two sailors , constituting the crew , were roicued by lllo savers after hard work. They were taken tothS hospjtul , having been badly " _ _ DlHiiHtroiia St'orniH In Mm Orlonc , Six I''itlXC'iso ( , Cul. , Nov. -Advices per Btcamshlp'frotn Chl'ia say that In Sep tember a gain and watcrsnout from the mountaini bwamped iho country around Chang Chow. A temple collapsed , burying eighty soldiers. In u goto off the Japanese coast on October 2'i u number of vessels were wrecked and nineteen llshermen drowned , The British bbln iinpld shelled de stroyed seven natlvo villages In ttio Solomon islands for the killing of two whlto traders , Hlert ill NI. l.iilllH , Sr. Louis , Mo. , r ov , 25 , The severe sleet storm of today tovnrely hampered telegraph and telephone cainmuniDaiion , nnd also caused greut t rouble to the electric street car lines In thU city. 'I he Market street and LaCledo uvenuo Unco were complo'ely stopped ut certuln times today , the wires bclni : covered wltn ic-n and the motors being unable to got sufllclent power. IXIumtr * < in tliiM.'ottun t.'rop. NEW Yoiur , Nov. 25.On Saturday lust Luttmtn , Alexander & Co. , bankers , of this city , font out u largo nuinocr of tclograms asking in U mule 3 us to the reduction of the cotton ciop , Tucso tolngrams wcro sent to the moil responsible merchants and Indi viduals throughout the south , and on Monday and Tuesday tbov received replies to nearlj every message tent , giving estimates of the crop. The replies show a dfcreHia of U5.1U per cent over last year's crop. New Yurie I'lvrli.uinn < JuiJtiitliiii , NEW YOIIK , Nov. Sri. fSpecial Telegram to Tin : HKE.I llxchauga .juotcd ni fol lows : Chicago , 50o to ( iOo premium ; Boston lOo discount to par ; St. Louis , 7Cc premium WHILE DOING HIS 'DUTY Conductor A. 0 , Beutloy Grottuil to Pieced Bouoath IJJ3 Train. ORDERS WERE SLIGHTLY ' MIXED 'ell Under lho \ VlirrlsVlillo Kndravnrlhtf to Una the llriikmi rilRlitliill.Mntl - latcil li n troin Tlrcnt ltoitflco : Other Nclmiskt Noun. SIIKI.TONNob. . , Nov. 23 [ Special Tola- gram to TUB Um : . ] List nlicht about Vt o'clock Conductor A. C5. Uonlloy of freight rain No. 2i , fell uudur hli train nnd was lu. stantly Killed. Tlio boiiy was crushed unil nnnglud in a horrible manner. The suppo sition Is that ho climbed between the oars to S3t the nlr brakes and as It was sleeting nud everything covered wtth 'ico ho slipped nnd fell under the wheels. The coroner was luminoned and the verdict was ' Bccldontnlly ( tiled while parformlng his duty. " Tno ro- nnins wcro taken charge of "by friends nnd taken to llrand Island , where ho loaves * wtfo and ono child. Haniloy loft Uraiul Island nt OtfO p. ni. vostcrday with n special westbound freight. His engineer was i\ood W. White. The train had orders to meet an extrn eastbound at Ulbbou. On roachlng Mil a the dispatcher gnvo orders tliat the t > vo ( rains .wore to moat here , six miles ) ast of Gibbon , aim not nt the latter point. Itautloy and his crow nulled in hero and roiiiul tno signal out for orders. Knglueor Wutto stopped Into the oRlconnd recelvod nslructtons iiiat the orders were for another train. Ho remounted his onglno and pulled out , notwllhstaiullng the ordur to nnot hero. Bentley gave the signal to stop. Uvldontly no ono saw It. Honlloy then stepped between the cars to tot the nlr > rako. Ho was not again scan alive. Whim 'omul his body was lord asunder nnd bin re * iialus were scattered over 1OJ3 feet along the track. lKO\V.\ii ) ON TIIAMCSdIVl.NU , TnoVll Known Niilirusltii ltjYounc ruoplu Alr t Drill ll U'hlln Skiitlni ; . NKIIIUSKV CITV , Neb. , Nov. 25. Miss l.ola liurnutt and young Mr. IConnocutt , to whom she was engaged to bo married , were akntlng on a pond of tco yesterday near Miss liurnett's homo , three miles south ot Ne br.islta City , when the ice gave way Hint both were drowned. No ono witnessed the frightful accident , but their long nbsunco caused u soarnh which revealed tne truth. Itoth uodios were recovered. Miss Iiurnot % xyas ! graduate of tlio High school here. She has tulciMi promlnont parts tn many cu > tertalnmunts nnd was universally loved. Mr. ICi'nticctilt was a most promising son of tt well-to-do anil promlnonl farmer , living noax * the-iccnii ot the accident. Miss Hum oil was also well known In Omnlm. Only re- ceutly she attended the wedding there ot Mr. Charles Dunham nnd Miss [ 'carman Giul at that time formed many now acquatnt- nnccs. Ituiiti-lur I'lro. Nob. , Nov. 23. ( Special Tele gram lo Tin : Biu.JTho : incubating and brooding rooms of tbo liuatrlco Poultry ftiul Komiol company , half u mile east of the etty , were destroyed by tire yesterday noon. The entire pet and show stock ot the company was burned , Including 1103 of the finest bred mid show poullrv in the .stale , which had been housed in nn upper slory oftlio building for the winter. Tbejo had received lint premiums nt the Kansas aim Nebraska fairs jor two or three years past. The loss also Includes a large < linmbcr of pet rabbits , guinea pigs and sixteen valuable dogs of the torrlnr and hunting breeds that wcro panned in the building. A heavy wind was prevail ing at the lime and a largo barn adjoining tlio poultry pens was also destroyed , with Hits contents , buy , grain , vegetables. etc. About 1,000 bend ot chickens , nil vtilu- ublo stock , wcro burned. It ib lho Intention of the company lo rebuild at onco. The loss Is f',500 ) ; Insurance , $1,000. D.iviD CITV. Nob. , Nov. 23. [ Spoclal to Tin : HKK. I A.bout-1 o'clock tnls morning tuo llro deparlmcn. was called to a llro in thu south won pnrt of town utlho dwelling house of llcllen Tracy. Owing lo lho fierce gate prevailing tlio ilainoi had gained such tond- wav before the arrival ot the hosn teams that tho-bullding was a total loss nnd but- very llttlo of ibo con tun ts wore saved. The building .und contents wore Insured In the Spring Ciurden of Philadelphia for the aunt of $1,100 , which will fully cover the loss. Could Nut . \ytfic. Nob. , Nov. 23. [ Special Tclo- grinn io Tin : Uisii.j Tba jury lu the $5,000 damage case of the heirs of .lolin 13 lair , do- ccaEuo , against certain lioatrlco saloonlats. gave a verdict this morning , uftor being out since. 10 : 'JO Wednesday nlgbt , for ono of Ibo dofiindunts , Byrjn Bradt , and dlsagroid on the others. The cas.ii consequently willbavo to eo tn trial n second tlmo. The case Is ono whcivlu Illalr was killed by thu cars In tbo It. & M. yards while returning homo d runic one night , the plaintiffs claiming that the liquor was bought of the aalootnsts In ques tion. _ Ciiitnrml | u Snimlc Tlilof , IISTIXIIM , Nob. , Nov. 25. [ Special 'fele- gram lo 'J'ui : 13ii : : . | A man giving Charles. Johnson us Ids name was discovered sneakIng - Ing around In a bearding house owned by Mrs. Aunb Oarvor last night nnd niter a long pursuit was captured. Ho had ran sacked the room of one of lho boarders , taken n gold watch und chain from the t run It nf n servant girl and was preparing to tukci In lho next room when discovered. He will have his hearing : Monday. Mly I uj iii-nil ut OfHTiilii. Oscnot.A , Nob. , Nov. 23. [ Spoclal to Tim IJi'.n.l Wednesday Sam Youman mot with n very severe uocldent. Ho was assisting to move u three-tor , safe in the Osccolu banic when It veered uroutid nml caught him be. twcon u post , and lho baft- , squeezing htm hard uuout lho bowels and groin. The dee < tors cannot tell yet whether be will survive ) or not , _ _ IlliUr Oilil rtllii u AlcKt , lii.tni. Neb , , Nov. 25. [ Special to TUB I ! MI ; . ] At iho regular meeting of Hlalr lodge No , 1-1 , Independent Order of Odd KellowM , the following numed otllcors were nlccccd : Noble grand , lid U. Smith ; vlco grand , John McKay ; iccrotnry , 1 . F , Ful ler : ireuiuror. F. L , Parish ; trustees , A. .1. Ti ( > 'lor , I. C. Kllor nnd J. W. Nowoll. Not culp U'IIK Tnkoii , O'NKii.i , Neb. , Nov. 23. [ Special to Tim llni.J : On Thanksirlving n largo party of t-cntlomnn , nccompunu'd by a fuw laulos , In. dulged In un oid-fnbhlonod wolf bunt. Thora wcro ihlrly or forty In the pmjr and tboy f cnureil the country south ot the r'vur ' all thu afternoon , They had n glorious time , but bagged no uain > . * . t I'alluro at uriinil Inland. On VXD ISI.ANP , Nob. Nov. 23 , fSpaelal to TUB IJenJ The ilrm of Weil & Nun * , har ness and saddlery , was closed by creditors. Tbo Jlirdman-IJenvIco K.iddlory company ban a claim of fl'JS ; J. H. Subait , n claim of fJ-'JJ ; .1. W. Jim nor , 113.59 ; Hank nf Com- nicrro , $ . ' 73. .Creditora will receive CO cents on the dollars , Siivtici Illlr./iril nt O'Nolll , " O'NeiiiNob. . , Nov. 23. [ Kpoclal Tele- ram toTim JEK From 0 until 2 today n severe- blizzard raged hero. The sky l clear tonight but the wcilber is very cold , School closi-d because of the storm but no casualties. uro reported t > o lar. I'Aoplo K u r lly r well prepared for winter.