Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Father Rtggo Discourses Concerning Homo
Notorious Celestials Tramp. .
It * Jtntltr Ie troyo l nnil It * Ncliulm Oli-
pollfxl Inln n riimtniR I'llm of Co -
) ItntilU of rirnt-
On Novombor27 the earth \viir bo duo m
0 purtof Ha orbit , which Is strewn with
the debris from the tall of Hlula's coraot , "
said FAt.inr Ulico of Crelghton uollopo , In
BpaaUIn ? of tuo nstioaomlcal situation that
Is now receiving so much attention.
"It the sorry romtmnts of a once clorloui
comet Itoop tholr enuMjoment wo may wit
ness a magnificent display of falling * stars
emanating from the neighborhood of Amlrom-
ncmu , or luo Lilly In the Chair , ns that is
precisely the dlroclloa In which tbo orbit of
too dead oomot runs down to cut the ter
restrial track.
"No danger need ba apprehended from the
fiery tnUMIiu. Their motlo.i li director from
west to east , and , consequently , as the earth
travels In the same direction nt a spocd of
eighteen mlloi tier second , and the cosmlo
dust Is hurled at the rotroatlnz planet at the
Blow rate of twelve ihlles 02. socoml , It will
contluo Its pyrotechnics to "tho upper regions
of , the atmosphere.
"lilnlii'H i\ciilliil HUtory.
"Ulela's history has bcon nn eventful one.
The cotnot was discovered in 1820 by Illohi ,
nrt Austrian onicor , and ten days later by
the French astronomer , Oamb.irt. Both ot ) .
norvors computed Its orbit. It was novel1
Visible to tt\o naked oyc , but In Sir John
IleUchcl's grout rulloctorlt was described as
a conspicuous nebula of such tenuity that , a
knot of mlnulo stars of tlio seventeenth
magnlludo was vlslolo through the comet.
Yet the UopUi of cometarv matter througti
which muli faint stellar rr.vs punctutou un-
dlnimod was , near tbo parts of thu
Klobo , not loss than ( .0,000 miles.
I'lrrtt of tlio Calamity Couiot * .
"It Is curious thot this seemingly harmless
Dody gave occasion to the fust of tbo since
numerous 'comet scares. ' Certain calcula
tions published by Olbor. showed tliitt on
October'J'J. ' 1SUJ , n considerable portion of Its
nebulous lull would actually sweep ever the
spot which , a month latar , would bo occupied
by tbo earth. It needed no moio tobot the
popular mind In n ferment.
"And yet the two bodlc } were never really
within 15,000,001) milci of each other. At Us
next return in 183' ' ) , It failed to bo observed ,
but it nmuly compensated aitronomcra by
npDcarlii d'ouulo In ISl'i. The hairy star
had nctuallv spill Into two. The twin com *
ets traveled along sldo by suto for
tnoro than four months , on parallel tracks ,
&s tranquilly as If nothing unusual had hap
pened ; but Internally both intensely
active , ouch developing a bright nucleus and
stiort tall , although their slra had exhibited
neither of these siijns of ccmctary vitality
Each alternately outshone the other , and
throw out an are light across the Inter
voninR Bunco. OIKO tnoro , in September ,
1852 , the couiotary pair worn aotectod by
Father Sccchl wandering away in divergent
Hues , then vanished shortly afterwards , and
have never etnce boon scon. Muloorlo Sli.mcr.
"But the story Is not yet ondou. Searcolj
had the sun set. In western Kuropo on No
vcrnberST , 167J , and tlio earth was pn.sint
thu old tracl : nf the lost comet whan stio en
countered a wonderful meteoric shower
As AMss ijlorko expresses It , 'It bncame ovl
dent that Ulula's comet , was sheading ovci
us the pulvori/od products of Its Uisintogra
tlon. ' The meteors came In volloya fron
Iho foot of the clialrcu Indv , their number
being so k'H'Qttluil Father Dcnza called It i
'real rain of lira,1 not a row liroballs equal
ing tbo moon In diamotor. Iho spcciacl
was magiiiUcont. It continued uninlerrupt
odly from sundown till midnight. Now 1
declined to I'roscssor ICllnkorfues , who hai
watched thu meteoric fusllluuu fraio hi :
astronomical perch nt Uottlngon. tlm
tbo old comet might bo lying 1
ambush comowboro in the vicluity. II
accordingly v. iied to Mr. Pogson , 111
Madias nstrunomor , 'liiola touched oartl
November 'J7 ; March near Theta Contaurl ,
Sure enough , tbo comet was tborc , just i
the indicated position. In appearance i
might have paused well enough tor ono c
the Biola twins. It had .10 tail , but u dc
cldcd nucleus. The next day a short tall wn
porcunllblo , uut overcast skies suncrvcno
nnd it has novin * since liuon seen. Its iilor
tltr accordingly remained in doubt , as i
mlcht have bcon a third limb torn from th
parent uody.
Tlilrtccu Ycnr AliUlr.
"Yet the relics of Blcla's comet keep o
completing tbo accustomed routu twicc l
tblrtucn jours. On the snmo day and mout
ef 1SS" > astionomerb were on tbo alert for
renewal of iho motcorio show c
1872 , and tbov were not. dlsa |
pointed. The meteors were botb large
and muro numerous , being estimated in ih
densest pai I of the drift at 7. > ,000 nor boui
Yet tncso llttlo bodlos were fouud "by Pro
Newton of Now Haven to bo travolln
twenty miles apart , presenting the da
jrllng effect of a numerous throng wlthot
jootllng or confusion. For six hours tti
c.irtti moved right through tbo compact cot
tral battalion 100.000 miles in depth , wit
skirmishers thrown out to nearly 1,000,01
1 unlCB un either slac , ana yet , not a singl
solid projectile fell upon tbo earth. Th !
ought to rovlvo our spirits for the comln
fray , The conclusion seems obvious tin
those meteors uro formed of very soft mi
torlnts which expand wullo Incandescent an
ro lu mediately crdtuolcd ami dissipate
lute exiguous dust.
HiiporUUImin 1'cars ofii CullUliin.
"In view of the fact that wo oncountc '
trains of meteors , or tbo shattered ( rapmun
of uffbto L'omots. every night , and are nc
oyen uwaio or Ibo collision , wo cannot BUI
prrsi a smllo nt the fears croafd in formi
years by the advent of u now comer. Its u ] !
ream n co was oupposod to forebode wars an
pestilence , earthquakes and possible dcstru
tion fiom a collision. The brillant comet >
10SO throw Euiopo into tuch constornatlc
thai a medal was struck to quiet tbo apprc )
honslon and bearing the Inscription , " 'ft
Star Tbroa'.ons Hvll Things ; Trust Onlj
( Jed Will Turn Thorn to Good. " In 1810
report was currant of the approaching en
of the world , July IS , was tl
data ilxod for tun fatal over
A French wit quletod tbo minds by writn
'As It is now many centuries slnco a colllsii
of the rarth with a comet has tauon plat
and as wltb tlmo the possibility Increases ,
seems to mo prudent to sot about manngli
our affairs , for , In U.OOO or J.OQO years nt tl
latest , wo shall ceo a new representation
tbls groit tragody.1
"A similar fear tooic possession of nooph
minds at thu first calculated return of liioli
cornel in 1SDJ. and the return of the comet
Charloi V hi IbM , whou , aecornlnft to u fa
tasllo prediction , Iho world was to buvo be
destroyed bv'llro , burnt by tbo tcnll
comoi. Uut there U no stroneor argumc
to convince ncojilo than plain fac :
Mow In Ibtll Ibo caith paired tluou
COO.OUO miles of n comet's tail , and no p
coptlblooffoct was produced by the mrcit
of tilt ) flimsy appendage. No.nor by the mi
remarkable metoorio shower on mni
niiinely , that of lSii ; , when , In Iho langun
of nu old lady , 'thu tlry looked Ilka u gn
'Ilia I'.irlb' H.insur from Comets ,
"It has been suppose that comets mlcht
us harm lit two ways cither br actually c ;
lldlntt with tbo oartb or by falling into t
nuu , mm thus p.'ounclii ) ' such an lucruajo
solar beat ns to burn us up.
"As rcgaru ttio possibility of n coll'sl '
wltb a couict , It Is to ba admltloil that mi
nn event Is possible. In fact , it tlju cm
lasts loup onoutih , It is practically BUIM
happen ; fortbcrouro several romeu" or'h
wbicli pass neater to the earth's orbit Ui
Iho stml-Jlainetcr of tbo comoi'it head , n
at fomo tirno the e&rlh and cotuot v
oartalnly come tcpethir. .juu'a cncaunte
bowovcr , will bo verv rare. If wo aciv
the Callmato of liaulnut , they uilt oa
about once In iri.OOO.OW year * . Out wl
tbcn v-ould ImppciH Slther tbo force
inor.ioitiim : pfthe comet would bi > equal
( hiii , of Hio cnrth , or It would b gruu
or Icjs , If equal , wu should
It as much barm as it wet
do u . ftc'.loit raid reaction bol
if greater , it would taVo us a'.c >
with It ; If less , wo should tnkoll B'.ong with
us. If the theory propounded br Hnhlnpa-
relll naniflythat comets are honpi oi stones
hold tORQthor by gravitation It true , every
thing depends on tbo BUO of the stones. If
they wolgh tons , the bombardment ex
perienced by tbo earth when struck would
bo a sorlous matter , but It would bo con-
lined to ono part of tbo cnrth , and the coles-
Hal stones pelted at us might bo formed of
gold and diamonds. If , as seems more likely ,
they are for the most part , smaller thnn pinheads -
heads , the result would nosimplv a meteoric
showur.Vo have already sild that such nn
occurrence toox place In ISftt and 187- . The
mooting was nbsolutclv Inoffensive.
"As regards tbo olTccl of the full uf a
comet Into the sun , It Is undauntedly possi
ble that a comQt may enter our solar system
from without , so accurately nlmcd that It
will hit the sun. In that case the eomotnry
stones would bury themselves In the solar
ntmospbcre , nud being vapoilzcd would
simply cxpmil , slightly nddlni ; to tbo Mora
of tbo sun's potential oncrsry about ns much
beat ui it ordinarily cxpoudi In a few hours.
MllUltllp Of ClllllPK.
"Any tiorson who will redact but n moment
ment 'upon Iho physical constitution of
comets will llnd no cause o ( . iippiehenslon In
n frloodly visit from n 'hairy star.1 Many
reasons load us to suppose that tbo head of h
cnmot Is n swarm of mutcorlo stones widely
separated , though wbotbcr thojo Iron stocos
uru many foot In diameter , or only n fuw
inches or only n few thousandths of an Inch ,
llko nartlelcs of dust , no ono can say , hi
fact , It , now scorns oulto llkoly that the
greatest portion of n comet's mass Is imulo
up of such pirtlclcj of solid mutter , carrying
with them a certain quantity of enveloping
gas. The tall U simply an assemblage of
cometary dust particles repelled bv both the
comet and the sun. Tails nro of three typo" ,
namely , lone , straight rays probably com-
poaod of hydrogen , thocurvod , plu i ollku
train of hydrocarbon gas , and tno abort ,
stubby brushes of Iron vapor.
"If ouo has any dlflloulty In reconcil
ing the theory of stoao particles with
the layers or tails of vapor , he must remember -
bor ttint vaporous masses such as clouds , fog
and smoku are teally eomposea of miiiuto ,
separate particle ) of water or sollit caroon.
Hence It will appear that the tall which xvo
see on ono evening Is not absolutely the same
wo saw the evening bafora , H portion
of the latter having bcun dissipated while
new matter has taken its nlncc , as with tbo
stream of smoke from : i chimney.
"i'hcro has been much discussion whether
comets shine by light reflected or Intrinsic ,
That their liitlit must in somu way bo derived
from tbo nun"seems evident from the fluctua
tions of brilliancy they undergo as they approach
preach and rcccdo from ttic sun , and dually
disappear from sheer faint ness. If n comet
sbono with Us own Independent light , llko a
star , it would only growsmaller as it receded
from the earth , noi fainter , liiit wln'.o ' tbo
light of n comet is undoubtedly reflected
sunlight , It Is not so altogether. For it often
vnnoj greatly and almost , capriciously , \\ne- \ \
In.t out for an evening with un
wonted splendor and thun collapsing , like c ,
inlnd-rcadcr , far below the normal stato.
/This indicates an intrinsic ligbt-evolvlng
action , akin to phosphorescence , or , tnoro
correctly , electricity , which Is excited ba-
twoen the comolary particles by the sun's
Influence. Comets are not then , It , thus
seems , bodies incandescent through solar
heat , llko globing coals on the irr.uo , but , as
1'rof. Nuwton expresses It. 'sandbanks,1
that Is , swarms of solid particles of unknown
size , glowing by oloutrlclty and moving in a
gaseous envelope. .And this u compatible
with a relatively low tomniraturs. In nart ,
the gaseous spectrum of comets is certainly
duojto rclloutod sunlight ; In part , it is llitoly ,
to the ignition of minute solid particles.
Tint Origin ui Comets.
"Having thus disposed of the Interesting
question of thu niturn and light of comets ,
wo may , by way or conclusion , say a word on
the orfgin of comets. It is obvious tnat those
which movu in parabolic orbits cannot taa
citizens of our solar family , But as to Biela
HUU other periodic visitors it is a question
whether they nro nutivoborn or merely
naturalized. Did the ; originate it our sys
tem or are they captives ( When n comet
enters tbo system from an inllnilo distance
and comes near a largo planet , the cnances
are that it will deviate from its course to llnd
itself numbered among the satellites of tbo
planet. In this manner the cornel Blola
was added to tno retinue of Jupiter.
"In a similar manner Neptune has cap-
lured six , Uranus three ; Saturn stands responsible -
sponsiblo for two and colossal Jove has a
largo family of sixteen. If Proc-
tor's theory were correct that
tbo comets of Jupiter's family once formed a
portion ot Its mass nud woio at some lima
Ignomlnlously ejected with a velocity suf-
llolent to set thorn free in space , wo might
account for the roving disposition of the
Biolas nnd look upon their reverses as
tbo necessary consequences of early Injuries
nnd n shattered coaMltution. Nutnrally the
comotsarc free and moveln prodigiously"long
ellipses. Tnls bidng so It follows
that their condition piovions to being
attracted uy tbo sun or kidnaped by planetary -
ary pirates , was ono of relative"loposo. .
Those were halcyon days when they shared
tbo movement of translation through space
of the solar family. The 'cosmlcal current , '
which us with our sun to an unknown
goal in space , carries nUu with it nebulous
masses oi undefined extent at an undo lined
distance. Detached fiagmonts , continually
entering tbo sphere of the sun's attraction ,
lilt across our skies under the form of
comets. Those are , however , so far stangors
to our system that they took no part In Its
formation. They are , perhaps , survivals of
n state of things anterior to our solar family ,
< "ben thu chaos from which sun and planets
were , by dlvlno doereo , subsequently to
cinnrgo , had not as yet separately begun
to be. "
lilt )
Published on oohalf of Hood's Sarsapnvllla
uro as reliable and worthy of your confidence
as if they ramo irom your best and most
trusted neighbor. They state only the
simple facts in regard to wnat Hood's
Sursuparilla bos done , always within truth
and icason.
Constipation nnd nil trouble with the dl >
prostlvo organs nnd the liver , nro cured bj
Hood's pills. Uncrjiittllcd ns a dinner pill.
Tli Murlcnt Homo ( jurat-nil.
OMAHA , Nov. 23. To iho Editor of Tint :
-t TEn : fn yojr nrticlo la Tin : SUNIIIY DKI : ra-
p. RardlDK warkot houses you do myself and
or those Interested with tuo an Injustice by the
' nssortlon that wo nsUed an cxchnlvo franchise
chiso nnd free taxes. Wo asked nothing ox-
of copi the amendment ot the p ret. cut marlcol
in house orrilnntico which was passed aijoul
- 1SSO for the puri.030 of allowing BlioU mar
10r Itots to bo built on Capitol avenue , Tenth t <
r Twelfth , with a district of lhro3-elchths of
d" a mile , thus allowing for the future n proof -
lie posed second market on Capitol avenue wos1
it. of Sixteenth , which was rotisldcrad ituf
it.UK llckmlly ninplo for n city of 30,000 population
on Wo Intondcd to build permanent rutxrko
onIt houses of brick mid atom ) 5) ) > oclally dosignm
It for mark-it house purpoics ono south o
Farnnm , tooost W.Oi.O : a second one , if thi
Held wai not tnUen by other parties , in thi
of vicinity of Twenty.fourth and C tun Ing , ti
cost about { I..OUO , those housei. to bo bull
on pilvata property for which wo would b
n's tuxcu the sivino as other property owners.
of With n district llinlteu to four blocks am
,11- tlio people of Omaha not bain ) ; murl-Otora
,11cn but pttirous of delivery WHROI.S nnd tele
bio phone order * , nnil .the operation or th
Jilt market for nt lo.tbt turoo .vcnrs bom ? done a
ts. a loss , wo could not ECO ttmt an invos
igb incut of this amount of money woul
ier- bo vrnrrunted under Ibo oxIsUni. ordinanct
iermg hut with a rcasouablo district bome ullowc
01. wo wciorcndy to nccopt the ordlnanco an
rd , have at least ono inaruot house ready by Jul
lire 1. The city attorney drew the ninoiultncn
i-at and comprnioisod on the district bv * makin
It ihrue-quarters of n mild. This wus th
uuieDtliu.nt that was dofoatcd by the councl
nnd Qk'nln put the market housn question a
do inilullnlto ono. The passage of thin amoni
ot- niont , you \\M see by rcnulnp tbp origluc
ordlnanco , < ( i\vo us no moro right thnn to an
other citizen or company who would , llrst ac
cept the terms of Ibo ordinance and would
Indicate the proposed locution of the pi an tin
onv part of the city.
It scorns from the defeat of the proposition ,
which I think you or nny citizen will Ac
knowledge was fair In every resptct , that
homo enterprise ] s not to ba oncouraccO , and
1 now bollovo that II Iho proposition hid
been made by some Now York or J ondon
corporation they would hnvo been granted
nn exclusive franchise and voldd n largo
It has now bcon decided that the lands
lying close to Omaha lu tholr wlldnois nnd
bloftknoss shall remain so of being
cultivated and thousands of psoplo onrnlng
tholr living by rnlslnif fruits nnd vegetables.
Wo uro importing nt the present tlmo
from Iowa , California nnd other states
05 per cent of the fruit and
vegetables sold In thA marxst and ill least' ' . " >
per cent of those .iinu fruits nnd vegoinblcs
that bnvo bean sblopod hundreds ot miles
nrounwholcHOinonnd are o poclnlly dangerous
In n tlmo of epidemic , when It is Impossible
for tlio Ho.ird ot Health to folloiv ami In
spect every huckster wa on nnd exrunino
every box of fruit olTnrcd for sale.
SV'lll jou hlndlv. In % our own war , correct
the tmnresftlou convoyed by your arllclo of
Sunday that the iiumndmont was aafaatcd
on iiceoiiut of our asking free laxr-H. The
representations nmcto to these with whom
this matter \iras talked ever worj directly
to the opposite , that wo nskcd no favors except -
cept a rcasonaalo district. Yours roipoct-
fully , J. A. Livuivv ,
an : ) California Street.
A A A t ) f ' . > C'/J.W / ; % J'S.
in the "Burglar , " ( Jus Thonns' comcdv
drama , there U nn excellent opportunity to
witness the burclcr's methods , from bis
stealthy entrance with the oullsoyo lamp
nnd jimmy in hand , to his departure alter
discovery. Tbo play Is sot lu au environment
of nrottv homo pictures nnd presented by a
peed company. Tuo Indict dressing Is n
conspicuous fcaturo of the comoJv ttratna.
At the Farnnm street theater four nights ,
commencing Sunday matinee , November 27 ,
Mntlnco Wednesday.
Ueorgo C. B onifaci * . who is now wltb the
ICatin Kminott compiny claying the old man
In "Killarnoy , " was well known In New
York "Handsome " about
as George" thirty
years ago. Ho Is now nearly " 0. but Is ftlil
Imndsotno and his well preserved and erect
ilguro nnd soRorors volcu might well bo en
vied bv many a jouugsr man. His portrayal
of the unctuous old villain Is ono ot the hits
of the performance. Mns Emmctt's engage
ment nt the Boyd Is forSunday , Monday and
Tuesday uext.
"Kidnaped. " which will bo the attraction
nt the Farnam Street theater for thrco
nights , Is ono of those thoroughly entertain
ing , honsitlonrj mole dfiunns commanding
the Intcrust of the pconlo of nil social grades.
The play throughout abounds In strong mid
telling situations. The lanicuago is excellent
and construction considerably nbovo the
regular order of sensational molo-dramas.
Mr. D. 1C. Htgglns , ussurns with credit tbo
part of Louis Utiiiiocold. The supporting
company is far above tha average. Matlnco
The management of Wonderland BIjnu
theater have a big surprise in store for their
lady patroas this afternoon. It will bo the
rccuior weekly souvenir matlnoo nnu ouch
lady attendant will receive something in
which she is alwavs in ncod.
Think llu Is Captured.
It Is believed that the chock oparator who
succeeded In working Max Meyer & Co. to
the tui.o of S3 23 has bsen captured , though
the police nnd every ono else concerned are
making a stupendous mystery of the affair.
llo was Introduced to Mr. Meyer by Mr.
Harris of Iho late llrm of Harris & Fisher.
and Mr. Mover says that with tbo same kind
of an Introduction ho could probably do the
same thing tomorrow.
A four Name 1'lrin.
When you llnd a four unmo llrm you are
pretty sure of nn institution representing
considerable responsibility. The lirm of
Hass , Harris , Brim & McLaln.ncar Uawson ,
Georgia , Is not nn exception. It is , in fact ,
ono of tbo most substantial -business houses
in Tcrroll county. The following is an ex
tract from a recent letter from bom : "Our
customers any that Chamberlain Medicine
Co. of Dos Molncs , Iowa , manufacture three
of tbo best medicines on oarth. viz. , Cham
berlain's colic cholera and '
, dttu'rbica rotn-
edy , for .bowel complaints ; Cbamborlnin's
cough remedy , for colds , croup and whoou-
ini ? cough , and Chnmborlaln's'paln balm for
rheumatism. " fid tent bottles nf each of
these medicines for snlo by druggists.
Spcclil Hariiliis cm Sale I'rlilay.
32 inches widoTiedford cords 5o yard.
Ainoslccag Toublo cloth 5o yard.
Voi-onii hiiitliiff 5 .
Cord dit Koi 5c.
Flunnoletlo suitinp : 5o.
Light or clui'It style , take your- choice ,
in rcninniits or will cut full droas put-
terns from pieces
Mnltcsoand funtniso chevron 7jc.
Kdinboro cords 7jo.
, ' ! 2-inuh chillis Tie.
; t2-incli iiroyron cloth , 7JC.
: > --inch Oodford cords , 7jc.
All nit'o dark styles , this fonsou'a
Intetit duslsns , no such value ever of
fered , look Ihoin ovor.
18-inch fringed red bordered napldiiB ,
wo.-th 81.OJ Uo/.un , now 5c each or ( JOc
18-42 nil linen hemmed towels , re
duced to lOo cucli , chonsr | than crush.
Unhlonehod cotton criiyh , 2Jc yard.
Unbleached cmsh , nil linen , Ge , 6u , 8c
mid lOc yard ,
Blonuhed crnsh , nil linen , Cc , Oc , 7e ,
So , lOo nnd 125c yard.
Now dark style in prints , fast colors ,
oo yard.
AH wool flannel skirt patterns , wortli
$2.oO , nu\vl.oU each.
2-yard long fringed tablecloth , fancj
bordura , do/.on napkins to match , $2.0 (
2J-yjird long fringed tablecloths , funcj
borders , Uo/ccn napkins to match , 82.M
Wo are showing extra value it
bleaohod tinnlcliH.
10-1 white blankets , 75o and $1.00 pair ,
" ) pound white \\ool mixed blankets
5-1,2. ) pair.
10-1 all wool silver gray blankets
only -f3.f,0 a pair.
11-4 XXX California white wool hlan
kots , each pair In a box , at irt.l8 ) ! a pair
tlio best value in town.
(1\ ( ( ! eiderdown comforts , were $5,7i
and $11,60 , tomorrow $ J,7o each ; only r
few of them left ,
AU wool red twilled flannelworth lOc
on fiivlo tomorrow nt 25c yard.
Wo have purcii8cd ) : from ono of th <
largest blanket houses in Boston tholi
sample line uf blankets ; red , gray , bu
most of them whlto blankets ; they gc
on sale tomorrow. If you intend buying
blankets It will pay you to look then
ovor.Have you scon Dr. Wilson's Ijygienl
natural wool , all wool blankets ? Fo
sulo at Haydons. ' . $ : t.'l8 a p.iir.
The largest blanket dealers in the whol
Heal ofilnto.
0 Durgulns only.
My word ia good ,
W. G.Albright
621-2-a N. Y. Llfo bid ? ,
nt )
vill r * .
Hid The only Pure Crenai of Tartar Powder. No Auiuiojjiuj No Alum.
Ing UR Used iu Millions of Homes 40. Years the Standard *
Will euro You , fain ttno statement of tlio
action of AYER.rS Snr npnrllln , when
taken for ilUensoa originating In Impure
blood ; but , \vhHU this assertion Is true of
AVER'S S\rsnfxullla : , ns tlimnandt can
attest , It cannot bo truthfully applied to
otlior preparation' . , which unrrlnclplcil
dealers will rcconitncnd , nud try to Im
pose upon yoil us "just as Rood as
Ajcr's , " Take Ajcr's Sarsaparilln and
Aycr'g only , If you need n Mood-purl ( icr
anil would bo bcni'tlteil pcnminciitly.
Tills medicine , for nearly II fly jeais ,
lias ciijojcil a reputation , and made a
record for cities , tlint has never been
equaled liyotlicrpirprtintlom , A VBU'S
Snis.lp.nilla erndliMlus tlio tulnt of he-
redltary sciofuln and other blood dis
eases from the system , and It lias , dcscr
vcdly , tlio confidence ! of the people.
"I cannot foibcai to oxpre" . my joy at
the relief I Imvu obtained frnin the USD
of AYKH'SSarsiipmllla. IMIS alHicted
with Kidney troubles for about six
months snfTeihiK gicatly uilh pains In
the small of my luck. In addition to
this , my body was covered \ \ lib pimply
eruptions , The remedies pi escribed
failed to help mo. I then brian ; to take
AVER'S Sarsapaillla , nud , In n short
time , the pains ceased nmKtlio pimple' )
disappeared , I advise every young man
or woman , In cnso of slekness resultIng -
Ing fioin inipuic blood , no nmttor how
long standing the case m.iy be , to take
AYiU'SSrirsnp. : rilln. " H.L.Januaun ,
33 William st. , Now Yoik City.
1'rcparcd b > Ur. J.C. Aycr&Co. , Uuvi.11 , Maes.
into .1
Weakness ,
Catarrh M
' Nervous
'rivals '
Consultation Fraa -
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diswsss ,
Cured without the use ot Itnlfu , ligature or
All tnnladics ot a private or dolieato
nature , of cither sex , positively cured.
Call on or itildrt'ss with atti'iip fur.iliuur < AU
I'lii.isrooK AMI IIF.I r.iri- : .
Dr.Searlcs& SeinesIU ssitAh.iLu& . llroet >
Next door to P
for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chnfing , Chapped Handi , Wounds , Hums ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watsi
If Or Fthenck'a treilmint and enrn of consnmf
tliin Herunoim-tlilnKiieiv unit untrloil , | > ouilo | iiilulr
iliiubtjliiltwluit IIK nniM" ! ItncU Iliriiuvlitt rvuunl u
old itsourLTiUHlluUiun , iuouijiut ; nlmt Ills ,
mill for nil illtnaiai of llio Itmci , Nn troiluicn
In Hit1 norlil ru i iiluci > i umnr IHTIIUIII IU i uri'9 u
toniuniption tolti cra.llt ni llr. nclunii'i , Nutliln ,
in Jsntiiruin-la BuillnKitly nn li'lfuctlvuly on tlio liini
muniurnnciiuiiil il aiim I 113 quickly ilUinuss i ,
tUl'lTC | 0 , CUIIKClllOIl , InillMMIIItltlllll , IOI'1 > , LUU Il
anil ull tlio sooJsyf cjusiniiinloii in
Dr. Schendk's Pulm onic Syrup
VVIicn illo IhO fntliltsronipi to llio rcncuo. .Vot lint
It lull * , unit only HfU-rfHltnrul tilHl mioulil iiuy oil
riopoml. It lim hrnuk'lit I'm ' Iiopuli'i4 to llfu nn
la'nltli. It ImsttiniL'U tuu ikmmir of U'n thouiin
lioiuei Into joy. It tmloliiKllnoA. It will r-intlnti
to do It tliroiiBhoiii thu . ' . . llr. si'li'nV * rructlc
trcatho on consuniptloii , Il7orun(1 utoniurli ulsoaJli
iiiHlltHltreo loull.iiijiiluanli. Dr. J , U , MlH'uckui
ton , I'll llndel ! > Uln , I'n.
. ( hyp.
Wo Imvo prepared \HIIKIHI
II , An I .inil.K tlio unit JUilor
slro 4 Irlttl. iitl.K ii A LiM >
. . . iJ'11 Oxygen IIKAM v rtHi
j i-L-Htuicuv ( lf hf ( ( niBfri , . t'ii.i ( r.roucl
tUtn.1. Coaiiimttlun , Ner.ouI'r kUatl
IIOOK" tiizk Cmlor wrlln.Tliu Sl'ICOl.'l
CO. Sulicf'.Shcelmack ' , Ou > ati , hc& ,
Tllink elvlng 3 N1GIIT3 3 n 7
nnd 2 U V/d
Sdtur.lay rilURSDAY Nov.tfl
.Matinees. , .
Annunl Knen omcrtt of Iho Kmlncnt Trnaodlfin.
Anil Ills excellent conuiinr ot | ilnfcri In tliafolloir.
litit > nlcct ropnrtolro :
i ; , Shfike peiiro' Tnito ! > .
Krldny nnd # liinliy KTonliiR" , Mnanltlcont Spec-
tnculftr rroductlunuf
Saturday .Mntlnco , Ilulirrr'n ( In-it IllUnrlcil I'Mr ,
nnx nltrptt open ( it flo'cpck Wt'lnunlnjr niornlnit
nt tlm fnlluwlna lirlcm Klr t tlonr. f i nnil f I Mi
lialcinyT. , ml Jl ; ixoncrnl'iiliuUiloii to tlrsl Hour ,
J.'ici K-Miortil mltnt'iiloM to t > n conjr , 'Ooi nillorjr. 'A > o.
Hunan } , Mnnilnr nnil 'I'liisilny , MIV v.7 , a nnil ai
'llui Mtvt'tut of lrl li tiilli'i'ii" ,
- 1A T I M I .M M K 'I' L1 , -
In llin romantic' litnh tlrninii
- K I I , I , A U N H N . -
lljr CON. T. Ml IlI'llV , riv ) .
IilP'Iroto'lnto 1 1 llin iiiiM'c Hint Ml" Kiit'n ' Km-
niDl K ttnir pin ) , nv , which will IK kUoti 111
tlil tll } iic\t Minilnj nluhtl'i Hitliiiut ilniibl lliulx'Ht
rciiro'ciiliilliuior an trull ilr.iin iilut Ims CMT I't'i'ii
Rlvunln thlolty It l Inloriiriilol liy tluMIni tt com-
piny of nrtliK tlintovrriirniiii cil n pli-cn nftlils him !
In thlM'oim r ; nnd liniuunU' I In Ilia must iiiu
lunniiir v. itlin nunlth ( ilin iiTililrtMit CCIKD
fnini lih < ilnirnili | : inil rkelcliiM nr Hit' innoi :
Inkot , Nnnu ot the sloc'k iccnrry of llnj tliunlro nlll
boim- 1 , riincoinimny tHrrvlnaovi-rythlnn nc n < .irv
o cn Iho front ilraporynf tli liuo. Tiiico liinivn
nr Kii | > 1 , mil weru tuntla from KIH.-C nl ilr lmi
"Klliurno nlllbi > ttl\un lii'ro on Hit' nmo fcnli1 or
nin'inlllc'nco Hi it ilinriclarlrail IH pro liiollun Ir.
Jxew Vork nml wllli tlm pnmc Montlcnl i u t. Moiioy
111" ( icon InvhlnMl on Hip pro I m lion nlili-li Hniiilrli.
lo < In tliu liiflury or thu Irl-li ( Iniimi. Til. I' , limit.
llox'herMopi'ii ! < ntiinlny morning nt muni prlir .
Crowded Houses Nightly.
Tlio Illi ; New Vorlc Pncuuss.
Tlio only runl novelty In town.
Farnam Strael Theatir , l * ° i :
Tour nlKlits corampiicliu Smul
Ustial Wednesday Mntlnvi ) ,
srcor.fcsn'h COMI nv UHAMA ,
'llio xrcntust of
- AMERICAN Prows' '
All Tins \Vuuk.Tho
A.NM ) TltK
All-Stnr Spoclnlty A iickvitlon
A iialroT rn'bora for uvury I uly next 1 rlilny.
i nisr i : i v i MMIS :
' 'Oo ull imrts of I lloiprvpil I'arquut onts , Mo
tlio house. I Itojorvctl ll.ilcony seiti-o : : )
Pure White Lead
is the Best Paint.
Care is necessary though , to
obtain strictly pure , as the
market is flooded with so-
called Pure White Leads that
in reality contain but very little
white lead.
The following analyses of
two of these misleading brands
show the exact proportion of
genuine white lead they con
tain. The analyses describe
the labels and brands on the
packages and give the con
tents as follows :
Misleading Brands
"C. F. Lawson & Co. Strictly Pure Will *
Lead. " KcJ label , with brush , on which i :
printed , "Guaranteed to be stiictly pure.
forfeited Unadulterated. "
Materials Proportions Analyzed by
Barytcs 58.10 per cent , j'
Oxide of Zinc 24.90 per cent. Milwaukee.
White Lead 13.60 per cent. .
Calcium Car
bonate 3 , so per cent.
"Masury's Railroad White Lead. " White
label , marlted "Railroad White Lead. 35 ;
pure ; John W. Masury fi. Son , New York
and Chicago , warranted superior. "
Materials Proportions Analyzed by
Oxide oT Zink 55.70 per cent. Ledoux & Co. ,
Uarylca 45.30 per cent. New Vork.
We have a book which gives
the analyses of a large number
of misleading brands. If you are
going to paint it will pay you
to send for it.
In Painting'
use strictly pure White Lead
( see that you get either
"Southern , " "Collier , " or
"Red Seal" ) , tint it with the
National Lead Co.'s
, Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors , -
and you will have the best
paint that it is possible to put
on a building.
For sale by the best dealers in paints every *
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. Louis , Mo ,
TlmOiily IM.-fojt Vml ni
niur Mirluju U Iho
Is tlm onlf njrlnco cvo
liiTi'niril liyrhicli viultii
liijuulimi LIIII l > u nilmlnh
liri'il without lui' < liu H nl
imlllMH tliu i-liitliliu < > e ni'
lea-lluthm Iliu ixuiiru vui >
M * ) . unit which i nu ill * i lu
U'i'il nir ict till Injfctloiu ur
sorr iiuiniicit itin.ii
AM ) UAI1I ) HUlllllill
MIIM : < .
Price S3.OO.
Mull ordon sollcltol.
llicAloc&l'cnfolH'o. '
IBtli Straet ,
riiyillaiu' | iroicrlitlnni |
riirfully jiroiurel ul low
,1,1 0
t *
rvineli l , rf. . . 'i vl t r liiifi ,
l < pie tnicOI In' t ii u for liill'iu. ; *
, H.J umiilittlout it ) i l"k > | ' " " 'a '
t" < JliliH'I ( "liM hiorn | > riV . <
. . > nulil. | > r < Ion , | .fit I *
yii.tUi.u . ' - ' ' ' " " . ' ' ' ' ' " . ' , . < , < lIi . !
> < > >
# -
I i
Our sales in the overcoat department for tlie
past few weeks have been a sort of a surprise1
party even to ourselves. Lot after lot of greatjJ
" "
thiclc "storm coats Heavy ulsters business !
overcoats dress overcoats heat producers of ! j
every conceivable kind and description havoMj
been piled out on our overcoa ttables only to.1
disappear like republicans "when the returns'
came in. " Great big stacks of garments came1' ' ,
and were gone before our salesmen had time ]
to become fully acquainted with their marits.n
We have olready sold more overcoats so far' ' <
this season"Th'aiT we over before sold up to0-
] l Ji j nTOas ancl sti-- t-10 Qood work gocs"nTeT
nly on. "Letter after letter telegram after tol-ll ,
eg ram has been sent to our New York reioi r
sentative. i
and buy he has. For the past\veek we've been
receiving case after case load after load of
overcoats bought under value of manufae-
facturers who'd rather have money and room
than winter goods. Today they go on sale at
the very time vou need them most at Febru-
ary prices in November. Six hundred magni-
c e n t gjgjrm i ' 2egi ] n c n * 1 a o v o r c o a ts lined with
heavy double warp serge with full velvet col
lar the same qu a lity"ofgarment which sold
two weeks ago at nine dollars go out in the
cold world at ?
. . . S6.QO - ;
apiece. 1 wclvc hundred beautiful overcoats for business or' * ,
for dress cut in this season's length -in fine kerseys , cassi- . J
meres and chinchillas in blacks , blues , browns , tans , modesf
grays and mixturos-some double and some single breasted-
some lined with plaid cassimere , others with serge , Italian or
Farmer satin some \yrth velvet and some with self collars all
.yith full satin sleeve linings-some of the same identical qualij j
ties which sold for fourteen ancl fifteen dollars a month ago ' * ' ]
today any and every one at the uniform price of
Don't forget we sell Fur Overcoats.
Corner Douglas and 14th Streets.
Ask your shoe dealer for the
equal. Price lists and discounts sent lo dealers only. Big stock
on hand.
To Bring Home a Bottle of
It is an indispensable household liquor , recom
mended by physicians as strictly pure , rich and
wholesome. lie can get it at any high-class
dt inking place or drug atorc.
Financial llcfcrcncc : Ml Ibnk of Commerce , Oimlia.
JTo IJTHNTIOK : from business. No Operation.
JiiM'nll-nitMitir Miilhod. Writ Ion cuurnntoo liiilo -
liuolv Cur. ; ill klmlituf UI I'TUKKof liijlisoxo | , wlih >
nut 1 IKI mo ut Knlfu or tyrliict' , no matte , of how long
307-308 H. Y , LIFE BLDD. , OMAHA , NEB ,
Bund forOlrotilnr.
13i6 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.A .
A tottuiar ADI ] rJ