Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. Horace 0. Plnnkett , M , P. , and His In
terests in America.
Local lloTornnmnt l r Irelnnil
J'nvornliln Connlileratlaii from h l'tr -
out llotnoot ( 'oinmnin l'li' < l
with Oimiliu'ii rru iicclt
llornco C. 1'lunkctt , M. P. . n I" the cltv ,
onU noUvlthslnidu. : the feet Unit bo hn
member of thu British parllumont ho is ai
atiU has ns
warm nn admirer ol Omaha
much fnltb in tbo luturo ot Iho city ixs nnv
of the old ttmoia who have put In the best
yonrs of their llvoi hoic.
Mr. PlunKott Is a member of the Onn of
\Vltidsor , Kemp ft Co. , nnd tm visited
Oniahn uvcry year ulnco ISi'J , but thu Is the
t'.rit ' lima that ho over broucnt M. I * , hitched
to bis name , for ho was only oloctcd to thai
position last July from ibo south county of
Ho Is a very quiet , unostentatious contle-
'tnan. oxcioilinsly well informed on matters
, in this country ns well M In that of bis blith
nnd present losldonco across the water , nnd
( U withal n very ontortamliiK talker.
Ho was found In the ofllco of the nbovo
mined llrm thU morning , ai\0 readily con-
ulud to RIVO what information no could as
to the situation nt homo.
"You must remember , " bn snld , "Ihnt I
'nm but H now member of parliament , und wo
have as yet held but ono short session of a
week. That was InillRUSt. . Just after elec
tion , and the only thiiiR to be done was the
chnniro In Iho ministry , a * Urn Cilnditoumiii
ogHln came line power. I'nrll.iniont will
ncalti convene in the latter purl of
.Innuivy for the Introduction and con-
tluoratlon of measures , und will con
tinue In session until the latter patt
of July , with the exception of u re-
i crss of "a week at Kaiter at.d two weelcs at
\Vbltsuntldo. You see , wo work our legis
lators over there , anil furthermore there Is
no' salary atlncuod to it. It Is nil for the
honor nnd slory of It , nnd It Is pietty expen
sive , too , bomctltnes.
' CiunpaiHii expenses ! No , that is not it
altogether. What I meant was this expenses
uttcnduut on tno session. Our uninpalun
expenses are limited bv law , nnd every cun-
nldu'o is required to mnke nflldavit as to the
total amount at tbo cxpsuso of his election ,
which must not exceed that sum. It seems 10
mo thnt .ion mlehl protltablv follow our
example In that respect in this country
Over bora , cumpalen oxoonses buve eono uii
beyond all Mason , nnd men will pay ten
times ns much for an election as the snlnry
of the ofllco would amount to In four years.
The natural inference is that tlio oniclal
would b6 worth more to the people if bo hail
not made such mi expenditure. "
rollth'M iinil riirllnmeiit.
"What will imliament probably do In the
way of Rivlnc Ireland home rule I"
"A local Kovcrnincnt bill will undoubtedly
bo presented , ES both sides are practlcallv
committcir"to It , tbo conservatives havlnp
moved In that Direction nt the last session ,
but Us fate is uncertain. 1 think thut it will
pass ttio Commons , hut bv such u nar
row majority that the House ot Lord-
will 'CQ ! Justified in sending It uncii
to the country. You see , Ibo joint strcngll
of the Uladnonliius and the homo ruler ;
only gives them n majority In a total vo.o o
t'iTJ ( lii tbo House of Commons , und tlmi isu'l
very unanimous. "
"How docs Iho psrcontnee ot emlgratloi
from Ireland at the present time compan
with thut of former years I"
"It is annul the same. There are fowe ;
people In Ireland , so tbo emigration I :
Htmillor , but I think that the percentage 1 :
about the namo. The population of Irolam
is only ubout ViOO.OOO , whereas at hipl
water , mafU Just before the famitio It wa :
about S.OOO.OOi ) . Ireland would not todai
support the population ttat ho did at tha
time. This country has practically lllle <
tbo great industry of our little Island agri
culture. "
"How will this election in the country
affect Ilio situation ever there I"
"I Bailed on the ! ! d , which was before thi
Iho election ever here , so I cannot say as ti
the way they took It , but It will undoubtcdl ;
cnuso n general enlivening of affairs eve
there for n time , but 1 thiuk that the permit
ncnt Rood cITuuts of it will bo felt on this siil
moro than theie. I cannot see why a woalih
country llito this should need n tariff I
protect her industries. You nro bolter o !
tnan we are in the matter of raw material
and In inventive faculties , and would see
bo In tbo way of skilled labor. Your worli
legmen have n higher standard of livin
than ours , bat I can't sea why you wouldn'
bo nblo to simply their needs for less mono
without tbo tariff. "
"V'ou concede that American worklnpmo
have a hlulicr standard of living than tbos
in England ! "
"Certainly , there 1s no question nboi
that. No one will Ulsmito It who It , rumillr
with the situation in tbo two countries. I
is , of course , n simple questlo
of hlcher wages. It seems to IT.
that tbo Idea of tariff for revenue only is tn
proper ono. The needs of n wealthy , prospc
ou country llko this for purposes of reveni :
nro a moro bacntoilo if you would only ci
off your pension syitcuVo ) could not con
pole with you loup , even wnliout the tarl
bar thnt holds our products back , for this
a country of wonderful resources. "
Very \\V1I rininuil ultli Om.ilm.
"How docs Omaha strike you this year !
"Better than over before. 1 found n ditto
cot sentiment In the cast regarding this cit
Horctoloro there has been a feeling of doui
ns to Its future , nut this tlmo I noticed th :
It was regarded as n city of solidity nnd po
manency. The eastern holders of mortcagi
on Omaha nropnrty spcaic of It in high term
( or there have been so few forcclosutcs tin
they could not help but nollco it. The a |
poarauco of the city Itself has Impressed n
that way smco my arrival. I
Is growing , und there Ii a BOM :
of comc-to-itayness that ono cannot fc
to notice. I uavo boon coming to Oinal
over since I Si ! ' , nnd 1 believe that 1 am in
position to nolo the changes In the city , vl
both fairness nnd accuracy. 1 ei
gngcd In the ranching business i
in Wyoming , Idaho nnd Montana In th
year , nnd continued in it until IS ;
I urn still Intertilled up there , but I am B'
ting out of It ns fast as I can , for It ban gc
ten 10 that It is not the bcalinlost buslno
in Iho world , taking tbo riutlers uud oth
things hito conbldoi'Atlon. I do not thii
that there b another city ot this slzo In ti
states \\licro the same amount of atrc
Improvomunt is to bo seen ; 1 mean in t
way of grading and paving. The strc
transit system Is slio sotretliliiK that n
kept fully abreatit of the city , Tbo brid
question ought to bo pushed , and t
ttruclura that la now undnr way uhou
not bo allowed to drag. Ono thing th
I cannot understand is why the der.
U In its present shapeMuch
railway renter as Omaha hat become , nm
depot the equal ot whlca could scarcely
found any whet o , even at the smallest'a
nioit Inslenltlcaut station , I suppose Oma
people liuvo got used to it and do n
rralUo what u pi\Judlco it creates in t
minds of people passing throuuu lioro. "
Mr , I'lunVott is Interested lu Omahi real
to I ho extent of a great many thousand d
lorn , nnd said that lie was perfectly sutlsli
with all his investments hero. Ilia only
pro I Is that bo did not get in teen enouj
that Is , before the boom. Ho bad n Bin
holulnc at that tlmo , but ho bus seem
mote than enough since to uialto up for it.
' lie loaves tblscvnning tor ( Jheyoune , u
Will spend two iliys. there nnd tlion retx
catt , Bulling for homo on tbo aotb of t
ipontn. _
MM. UIiulow's Soothing Syrup tor cli
dron tcotblng fives quiet , helpful rest ,
cents a bottle.
Cnnnot llruntfir.
Ole Olson , tbe awltcbmau whose head *
caujrht between the bumpers of two cars
the Webster Street depot a few Jay * ago i
torrlMy tquoeud U in a very prowriousc
dltton. The attending physician has gH
UP ll hope. pf Ibo man' * recovery i
stales that be can live but a few d
1'erfoct action and parfect health ros
frorathotueornaWUtU LUtlo Early I
n. A porfcct llltle pill.
Toilny Infnr tinny liny In the I.lnr
Ilpmrtiiipiit. |
Todny will bo the any to buy your
Tiinnkufrtving llnon .
Ucniitlfnl hemstitched tray olotli3,50c ,
Toe and Sl.OOonoh.
Kino blenched dnmnsllOo , COc , 0-5c ,
76c , $1,00 nnd $ l.i5 ! yard. Napkins to
nmtch n pront innny of thcso ( InninsltB.
Tuokcy rod nnd ( jrccti dnitmsk , 35c ,
COc , TiSo , nnd 7oc yurd.
Orram il'imusk nt Mo , " 5clOo , 60c ,
COe , Ooc nnd 75c ytvrd.
Spoclnl Imriralti in -bordered nnd
silver blonuhod dnmnsk , oOeyurd.
Ltirt'ost line of napkins In Oinnhn ,
Ti-8 , 60c , Toe , ,'i , S1.3o , $1.50 ,
$1.05 , Sl.To and - ± 00 do/.cn.
Full ll"nohcd 111 1 dinner nnnklns ,
5-1.0II , $ l.oO , J1.7o , $2.00 , } ii.oO , W.OO u
do'/.cn and up.
Great variety nt lunch cloth ? ; 8--1
frlnjje'd cloths , funoy borders , with
dozen naplilna to niatoli. all linen , J'J.UU
a bet ; thoHiuno In 101 dollip , napkins
to match ; at * 2.r > 0 , the best f-ot for the
money In Iho market ; they will o lively
tit those prices.
llomttltchud tlressorscnrffi , plain white
and double damask , oOc , " .jo , $1.00 , tl.lW ,
$1.50 tuiil 91.75 each.
Kxtru help haa boon niMcd to this do-
partniont In order to hell ) wait on our
SncreasitiB trade in linens.
SpcL'ial haruain In white bed Hpretids ,
liji7ji' , SSe , $1.00 nnd "i\.W \ each.
Tlio largest btock of towels ever dls-
plnycd in this city. Over L'.OUO do/.on
of towels to be told at onue.
18xIS ! all linen hninnicd towels at lOo
each. You can't tliul thcso baryalna ex
cept nt Haydens' .
J ook at our stock of UK' , Hc ) and " > Q
towels. They exceed nil previous ef
forts made by us.
Look ut our line line of plain white
buck and damask hemstitched and fancy
fringed holiday towels nt 50c , 75c , nnd
Jl.Oo each.
Fancy colored round doylies oc each.
Pluin white dtinmsk round cake doy
lies at lOc each.
Fancy square doylies , nice range of
colors , 'lOc and 15c ouch.
Our display of fancy linens surpasses
all our previous efforts. Kxumino the
qualities and compare prices.
I' tint Hull.
University of Nebraska vs. University
of Iowa at b.iso ball park , Thanksgiving
d'iy ut : t p. in.
Allen T. Hector , senior partner of the
Kcotor-Wllhelniy Hardware company , occu
pies n place among tha loaders ut the sue-
ccisfnl young business men of this elt.v. Ho
was born in Clrelovillc , O. , In 1S59 , nud c m-
plotcd Ills education at Iho Ohio stuto uni
versity just prior to attaining his clethconth
birthday. Ito came west in that year , loca
ting at Nebraska City , xvhero tlio Ucctor-
Wlthclmy company was organised , His
father being the
original Hector of
the llrm. It was
then a retail house ,
but during the
je.ivISisl aud ISb-J
it brimchedotit into
the wholesale busi
ness to n certain ex-
ton t. In the follow
ing voar the icuior
, Hccor died , und
; . - < S , itio san assumed bis
" ' - place at the head of
the concern. It was
then that arrange
ments were made
for removing tbo house to tbis city , which
was accomplished before the close of tha
.vear , and U.o house entered at once Into un
rxclvsiva wholesale trade. The linn airuad
locator nil the territory ibat is properly
tributary to Ouriha , nnd now has ton men
on tlio load , who cover Nebraska and several
of the adjoining slates. The business has
rrown rapidly and developed with the exten
sion of territory under the successful man
agement , r.nd the honso ha * become one of
tbo loading ono < in the wholesale hardware
business on the river. Mr. Hector married
hern , nnd takes envlnble r.inlc among the
youtiif ii'.on whom Omaha IMS made , aud
who nave helped to malto Omaba.
A I'oiir NIIIIIU i-lrin.
When you tind a four naino firm you ore
prettv Btiro of an institution roprosontlui ;
considerable responslbiliiv. Tbo linn ol
( lass , Harris , Until & McLiin.noar Uaxvson ,
Civorgla , is uot an exception. It is. In fact ,
ono of tliu most , substantial business houses
in Terrell county. The following is an ex-
triict from ix recent letter from hem : "Our
customers eay that Chamberlain Medicine
Co. of Uu3 Moincs , Iowa , manufacluro three
of the best medicines on oarth. viz. , ( Jlitun
cerium's colic , cholera aud dlurrtuua ram-
cdy , for bowel complaints ; Chamberlain1 !
cough rcmedr , for colds , cioun and whoon
In if cough , aud Chamberlain's pain balm foi
rhonmnthm. " Oil tent bottles of each o\ \
thoio inctlldiies for sale by UruirRlsU.
, /A A < J V.UK.11K * Ti.
A powerful scenic niclo-arania , which ha :
created a furor of popular enthusiasm , ii
cntllled "Kldnnpod , " nnd will bo pro
scntrd ut tbo Fnrnom Btreet theater foi
three tilnlUa , commenclug Thanksgiving
tuatlnco Xovember 'J4.
The slory is a very interesting ono , and Ii
told with very bliong dramatic power , in >
creasing in Interest until the climax I1
reached in the lust act. The play will bi
presented hero by W. C , Anderson's PX
collunt cast of players , including the pollci
patrol und the great Ili'Q bc < : no. Saturday
mntlnce. _ _ _ _ _
The jiioatost American tragedian is Thoino
W. Kccne , who has been Mnrrlnu' in tin
Icgltltnato drama for upward * of twclvi
years. Mr Koeno'H cngageinont will bo lo
thrco nii-liH and txvo matinees , bcglnuim
Thuwdav's matlnoo with "Tho Merchant o
Vontee , " Thursday cvenlnu , hhnUespeuro'
sublime trutrody , "Othello ; " Friday am
Saturday evenings , "Klchard III. " Thl
play will bo given with Iho lusUtauce u
a blioug supportlni ; company. Knc !
scouo will bo illustrated by a hnndsoui
canvas , while bright , now costumes an
nrmor , all of which are historically correct
will udd to thu general effect. Saturda
inatlneo. Itnlwor's great historical "Ulcbc
llou'1 will bo presented , The sale of seat
for Mr , Keeno'g entire engagement will b
put on sale ut 'J ' o'clock this morning.
Thai IiVliy 1 ICcroinincna It.
Charnberlaln'3 cousb remedy gives tbe bes
a-tlsfactlun of any cough mndicino I bonali
and its a seller leads all other preparations I
thU market , I recommend it because It ' ,
the DOBt inrdlcino 1 over handled /orcougn
colds and cioup. A. W. Ualdiidgo , MiHor
vlllo , III ,
The following marriage licenses ivoro Ii
tued by Couuly Judfo Klior yesterday ;
Nnmiiuud aildruss. As
J 1'rniik W. PuhuiiiuUnr , Waterloo. Neb
I toilili K , Maliew , Wulorloo , Nol ) , . . , ,
j Ceor.-o II , linnet. South Oiualm.
j Muru.iiut Mary Mertc , Houtb Uinalm
. j r.ilwant ( ilenson. South Omulm , . . . .
j | 11yd _ lla.ur , ? outh Uniubu , * , .
d Piles of people have piles , but DeAVlt1
Wucn Ilu/clhalvo will euro thorn.
ToLay is the Daj to Buy Yotir
glvhijj Supplies.
Coino to ltdVo Cnn Siiplily Van nt 1'rlcet
T.oncr Than i\or : llrxd TlTls 1.1st
linn Sro If 1 hrro'K nut Sonic-
tlnnc You U'liut.
All the fruits below are tbo mott
delicious you ever lusted and arc gu ir-
teed to bu worth fully lOc a pound moro
than we ask.
H pound can tomatoes , Sic.
Califoinia ovnparntcd peaches , 17Jc.
Unlifoinia dried grnpes , fie. '
California evapoisited pitted plums ,
California white neoturlncs , 17jc.
Culifninia red nectuicces. I'je.
California ovnporntod apricots , 120c.
Imported English currants , 8c. }
.lust imported from Sovil.oSpain , the
llnesl olives you over saw , all packed
fresh for us. 1'cr quart , 55"-c.
Imported chow chow , loc.
Imported mixed pickles , loc.
Wo soil a fiooJ halving power. Cc.
Mvaporatod r.ispbcrrics ( now ) , -3c.
New California raisin-curcil prunes ,
loc.alb. . pail pure fruit jelly , 20c.
20-lb. pail pure fruit jelly , 76c.
Corn starcli , 6c.
12-pouiul can early Juno pens , 17o. } If
you buy a cnn and if you do not say they
are tno finest and most delicious pea you
ever did eat , wo will pay yon back the
money.Vo have nca for 8c , 10cl'JJc }
and lfii j ) > r inn.
Condensed milk , lOc.
ColTeo continues to bo high , but wo
still give you the following low prices :
Cocoa shells , very line , 3o pound.
Criihhcd colTco , 10p.
Crushed .lava Und Mocha'JOc- and tioc.
r.olden Klo , U5c and 2Sc.
I''iii03t ' Santos poabotry , 30c.
Combination .lava , U'Jc.
Old government Java ana Mocha , 33e ,
or a | )0imds for $1.10.
\Vo have just received a lot of now
picked teas fioin Japnn.
Jniian sittingi , per pound , Hie.
Extra choicn Japan tea siflings , loc.
Sun dried Japan , Uoc , 3oc.
Uncolotcd Japan , : ! 8c. tb'c , 5Sc.
Engllt-'h bieakfast , ; )7c ) , lee , & ! ) c.
Moyuno irnnpowdcr , U5oloo , 50c.
Pin-hcnd gunpowder , fl&c , ( We.
Choice Formosa oolong , 7Cc.
These goods are all warranted to bo
first class.
No. 1 bngar cured hum , lie.
Picnic hamsfalo
N. Y. hams , 8c.
Dried beefs , 7c.
Corned beef , 5c.
Potted ham , per can , 5o.
1'ottod tongue , i3c.
Deviled ham , oc.
Uologna bausage , Sc ,
Liver sausage , Cc.
lle..d cheese , oc.
Friuikforts , 7jc.
Van llouton's pure cocoa , Goc.
Fry's improved homoeopathic cocoa ,
Prime Russian caviar ( per ciu ) , 129c.
Best home-made catsup , -3c.
Genuine Spanish chili eauco , 25c.
Pure rye Hour , Sn1.
Pure crraham Hour , 85c.
Pnro wheat graham Hour , 20c.
Minneapolis best feuperlativo flour
warranted ) , ! )0c. )
A good Hour ( Snowllake ) , G5c.
Ilaydon Bros. ' Best Superlative ( lour ,
Just receivpil a car of new.strictly pure
buckwheat Hour , oc.
Self-rising buclcv.-hoat Hour. 5o.
Country butter 1 Ic , lOc , 18c and 20c.
\\ro just received Hvo thousand jionnds
of this choice country butter , it is really
ivorth double the money , but wo will sell
t nt the _ above ] ) riccs.
\Vo will sell creamery at22c , 21c and
2 < 3c ; others charge ! ! 0c and lioc.
The war is over with the oyster busi
ness and they have raised the price , but
Hnydons continue to sell the solid moats ,
Baltimore oysters , for 30c per quart.
Wo sell Wisconsin full cream cheese ,
it 7jc , lOc and 12o } per pound.
Young America full cream , Oc.
Eastern piocebs full cream , He and
Brick cheese. 12jc , 14(5 nnd IGc.
Limburgcr cheese , 12jcand lie.
Swiss cheese , 12jc , 14o and Itic.
Sab sago cheese , 80 per package.
Ncufchatel French imported , 5c per
Hockford ohee&o , Hncst imported 60c
per pound.
Fromago do Brio 40e per pound.
Plneapplo cnccbo , oOo oacli.
Edam cheese , Sl.l i O'icli.
Anderson's mince meat , OJc package.
Capo Cod cranberries , 7jc per quart.
Aunt Sally'h pane.iko Hour , 32o.
Aunt Jcmimit's pancake Hour , 'ijo.
Llob'rt Hyeninjan llnp-iack Hour : ! Jc.
Thanksgiving headquarters.
.Mil 11 tire X
Don't fail to sco Polo Baker and his
elegant , company in his now comedy ,
"Cliria'and Lena , " and the- wonderful
child actress , Little Casino. 2o cents
any seat in the houso. Fnrnam Street
ONI : FA i tic i\cimsio.v :
To tliu City oT .Mi'vlco iinil Kotiirn.
For the mooting of the American
Public Tlo.ilth Association and Interna
tional Medical Congress , to bu hold in
the City of Moxlco November 2 ! ) to Deco -
co in bo r 2 , 189- , the S in ta Fo route will
soil tickets at one lowest llrst.-nlass faro
for the round trip.
This is an excellent opportunity to
visit Mexico , ono of the most delightful
trips imaginable , nt very little cost.
A special party will leave Omaha
Saturday , November 10 , nnd join a largo
party from Boston and other eastern
cities at Kansas City.
The faro for the round trip from
Omaha if , only SOI.OO.
For further information and roorvn-
tion of Pullman accommodations cullen
on or address , E. L. PAUtKIt ,
Passenger Agent Santa Fo Houto , 131(1 (
Fnrnam SU , Onviha , Nob.
Real ostnto.
Uargulns only.
My word is good.
W. G. Albright
621-2-3 N. Y. Life bid" ,
nit The only Tiui ! Cream of Tartar Powder , No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Us- Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the
Both Ilio method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the tnstc , and acts
ccnlly yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nnd Bowels , demises the sys
tem cnbcttinlly , dispels colds , head-
itches nnd fevers nnd cities hnbitunl
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste nnd nc-
ccptnblo to the stomach , prompt in
ito action nnd truly beneficial in its
cflccts , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd agreeable substances , ita
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have inado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50e
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable drnggibt who
may not have it on hand will pro-
cnro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
rodrce your wo'ght without dieting ;
cures tlio ctiusoa of obesity , such as
elyepopsin , rheum t sm , norvoua-
IH SB , catarrh , kUnoy troublev , keeps
you hoalt ; y , and bauutiflis the com-
plexl r.
I i Ruin wrltn you to snv I IIU.VD Instill
poiintlh , niuliliiK 4L pminds lost In III uccKs by
uslns 4 lollies or Or. Kdison's Olicslly Pills
and Ufirln. : hi- . Obesity
Very tiuly youis. CIIAIU.KS II. KINO.
Prof. HAM : , Clilonsc University , wr tcs to tlio
ChlCMRO llurulO. rjit. is , isjj ;
L'uiiHilcut men should u.iy sonic attention
to rodnoliu lliolr wolulit Uliun : i man Is
troubled with ihcumntl in. dv lxM)1) ) 1. Mnnuy
tronlln or noOIIHIIC.S tliu mluuliii ; of uol lit
IB Mower , until tlio Obi-sity I'llls Have cured
tlio dlsonso time caiituil olionily. I lie pllh
boftcm and beautify the si ; n of the f.icc.
I am ntllboi ty toclto no.isntu uolnt. I'mlor
my ixilvlco Mr. Ariinmr useil iin IMIsou Obosltv
Hand and : iloillusot ) I'il's ' aii'l ' lost ' 'J pounds
In ( i weeks. Olhur p.iilents h.ivo been
Mcui. O A PCOTT. llevenuu Cutter ' unillti ,
wiltes lo tlio foriespondi'iii. ! ' Deparlmonl
i ) ' Ilio Now Yoi Iv Sundiiv Win Id :
Three joars HL-O I \uliud ! ) 'CS pounds , lint
after iislns Mr. IMKcmS iHipuliir One'-ity 1MIH
and Suits I induced to iii'J iioiiuds and easily
Keep at this wolsjnt. I siw how niiioh other
coriespundonls of your valimu'o impels \\oiu
Lonnllticd audKhed lola \ thu Dr.'s truut-
incut a liln ! .
Dr. Ktlibon's Obesity Fruit Salt is the
best nnd .simplest remedy for rofrulatinj , '
the action of the liver that , hns boon dis
covered. The printed formula on the
label of tlio Fruit Suits hltowd their vnlua
lo sulTorors from cxcosaiv.u fat or llosh.
Band measure at J\os. 1 , U , ! ( ljrico
$2.00 to lib' inches , nnd 10 cents extra for
each additional inch.
ljills $1.60 a bottle , or three bottle * foi' '
$ AO ( > , enouftli for oneticatmcnt.
Obesity Fruit Salt $1.00 per bottle.
You can buy the Pills , Hands and Salt
direct from our stores , or by mall or ex
tSV'Corrcspondonco and floods forwar
ded in plain , scaled package.
NOTICI : . Dr. Hdison's Hlcctrlc Belt'
and b'insoi1 Kings nro sold at our stores.
Send for our special Hlcctric Belt C'ircu'
lar , scaled.
Electric Boltb $1.00 and up. Insole's GC
cents per pair.
For Sale by LJrurjfilsl.ft.
Wholosalodrugfjistsof Now YorlcCitj
wlio carry our goods in stock :
Chaiios N. Crittonlon .t Co. ,
MuKiH > > oii Hobbins.
\V. II. SchielTelin & Co
And oilier leading houses.
Pioprlolors nnd Gen'l Agents ,
42 F West 22nd St. , Now York City
10 P Hamilton 1'lacc , Huston , > Ias"s
84 I'UuHl Wuslilnpton St. , ( Jhicsro 111.
Cut this out and keep U , and bend foi
our full ( eight column ) article
on Obesity.
I Kid Gloves
J They last lonccr and wear bettor than
liny other innUo. They nru hl > Jihh , und
iiiiulu from solootcd skins only.
If younlealor iloea not have them nnd
you want to Ktiow Miim-thlUK abnnt tlio
o fiEST GLOVES MADE xuito to tlio inanii-
fartiirtr ( or his illustrated book ubout
J yluvea.
| JII.N0.N | , \ . V ,
< >
Our Writing paper anil Envelopes ; NYcJdiii
Invitations ; Reception Cards arc sent ,
nt reasonable prices , anywhere in the
United States , Send for samples.
lUte Uobl/i Library Co. )
136 WabMli Avc. , Cblc so.
Recognizing- fact that the Holiday trade will soon demand great quantities of trOod.s in
our line , being heavily overstocked and wishing to give onr customers the benefit of low prices
at a time of year when our goods arc most in demand , we have concluded to CUT PRICES
all to pieces , without regard to cost of articles mentioned. The goods offered at cut prices arc
the same quality and _ purity that we have always sold , and \vc guarantee their absolute purity.
We handle no imitation goods of any description. A glance at the prices given below will con
vince customers that we have done as we said , viz : CUT PRICES ALL TO PIECES :
Pirn California Sret Wte
Regular prices. . ' ! 0c , < 10c and , COc per
quart ; $1.2.5 , $1.50 ami $1.75
lcigallon. .
Port , till now reduced lo
" 'jo per qt ; OCc par gal.
Sherry , all now reduced to
2oc porqt ; 90c. per * til.
Angelica , all now reduced to
2oc per qt ; UOc per gal.
Muscatel , all now reduced to
2oc per qt : OOc per gal.
Blackberry , all now reduced to
2oc per qt ; Olio pcrgai.
Sweet Calawba.all now reduced tel
l e nor qt ; OOc pur pal.
Madeira , all now reduced to
2oc per qt ; OOc per gal.
Malaga , all now reduced to
2oc per nt ; OOc per gal.
TOKIIV , nil now reduced to
23c per qt ; OOc per gal.
Pure California Sonr MUG * .
Hegular prices , 20c , 23c and -10c per
quart ; OOc , $1 and $1.23
per gallon.
Claret , now reduced to
12c per qt.loc per gal.
Zinfaiidel , now reduced to
20c per qt ; 05c per gal.
Riesling , now reduced to
12Jc per qt15c ; per gal.
Sour C'atawba , now reduced to
20c per qt ; GJO per gal.
Pure California Brandy ,
Regular prices , "oc , $1 and S1.1W per
quart ; S2.7.3 , $ ! I.a3 and $15.50
per gallon.
All now reduced to ( lOo per quart ; $2.30
per gallon.
Implied Foil
Regular prices , 7oo , $1 nnd 81.25 iior qt ;
$ ; i..rj ( ) jior gallon.
Now reduced to GOc nor qt ; S2.0 ! per
Iitiprtei Sherry Wfoc ,
Regular ] ) rice9 , 7oe , $1 and $1.25 per
quart ; Jii.riO pur gallon.
Now reduced to OOc per quart ; $2.30 per
Imprtel Three Star HCIHIGW Bra'fly ,
Regular pi Ice , SI.50 por'quart ; $1.75
per gallon.
Now reduced to ! )0c ) per quart ; $51.50 per
St Louis Export Beer ,
Uhiuil nr.icot ) . 25c per quart.
Now reduced to 12Jc per quart ; packed
iu plain box , 1 do/.on quarts to a
box , $ l.f > ' . ) , packing chai-L'o
2Jc ; total , $1.7i.
MclriliTJauialBa Rim ,
Regular prices , H2. > per quart ; W.fiO
jor ) gallon.
Now reduced to OOc per quart , W.25 per
Regular pricaa. Tom Gin , SI.00 ; Do
Kuypor , $1.25 ; Crystal , S1.-10
, iior quart.
Now roduded as follows :
33nolli Tom Gin "Oc per quart ,
Do Kuypor ( < ln SOc pur quart
Crystal Gin OOe per quart
Tom Gin $2.00 per gallon
London Dock Gin 2.20 per gallon
Rye Malt Sin 2.I10 per gallon
Cherry Bounce , Apple anil Pcacli Brandy.
Former price S1.25 per quart ; $1.00
per gallon. Now all reduced to 70c per
quart ; $2.50 per gallon.
Imported Bass Ale.
Dog Head Brand , 20e per pint ; $2.00
per do/.cn.
White Label Brand , 25c per pint ;
$2.25 iicrdoicu.
Imported Dublin Slout.
DOD- Head Brand , 20c per pint ; $2.00
per do/.en.
Imported Rhine Wines.
Old price $1.00 per quart. Now re
el uccd to 50o per quart.
Imported Claret.
Old price , $1.00 par quart. Now re
duced to 50c per quart.
Imported Champagne.
Pommory "See , ' ' $1.50 per pint : $2.75
nor nuart.
Piper IToIiNiock "Sec , " $1.35 per
pint ; 82.-15 per quart.
Dry .MoiioDolo , $1.10 per pint ; $2.55
per quart.
Mumin's Kxtra Dry , S1.-15 per pint ;
$2.05 per quart.
California Champagne.
Fclipso Kxtra Dry , 70c per pint.
Grand Via " .Sec1 lOo per pint ; 76V. per
Golden Onto "Sec , " COc per pir.l ; OOc
per quart.
Imported Ginger Ale.
15c per pint ; $ l.'r > 0 per dozen.
Venezuela Bitters.
5Uu per quart ; 81.75 per gallon.
Key W Clear Uavaoa and ]
Key West Cigars ,
KecaliaGrnciosa , per 50 box . . . . 85 " 5
Kolliehilu . 4 7a
Panotclla . | | 450
Concha Especial Kxtra . . . 4001
Conclia Kspetial . 3 of
U. O. Kspcoials . ; | sf
1 toijal ia Kolna , Hxtra line . . . . 8 o
Albcrtas . 45 ]
Clcir Hayaaa ,
While Seal , per 50 box . $
Jtio Cigars
( jrand lloyul. per 50 box $2 7 |
Ptiro Stock , per 50 box 1 7 |
Wo liuiullo the Goniiino Noviuln , 1
si/.o Novadu 1'orfbctos , nor CO box 3 .1
Here is Wlisrc We Do Cut Price ? ,
Washington , per gallon $1 4
Adams , per gallon 1 F > (
JolTorsou. ] ior jrallon I 7
Kllcliorn , per gallon
filonmoro , per gallon 2
Top Corn Whisky , per gallon 2
Imperial , per trillion 2
Atherton , per gallon 2 0' '
Monarch , par gallon 22-
It. P. Pepper , per gallon 20
T. 13. Kipy , per gallon 2 7. .
Monogram , per gallon 11 0' '
Kentucky Club , per gallon ! 5 23 ]
Hell of Anderson , per gallon 2 50
Uoon & Knoll , per gallon .T 50l
Old Taylor , par gallon -I 00-
Kdgowood ( old ) , per gallon 4 55' '
W. .1. Fra/ior , 1870 , per gallon. . . . 0 10
American Club , per gallon 2 C0
Old Pioneer , per gallon 2
Tea ifcttle. per gallon 2 OOl
Silver Wedding , per gallon 1 7Cl
WIMiflHi Qnart Bottles ,
Cut to Following Prices.
Hoi-milage , per quart , 18SO 7Co
O. F. C. . per quart , 1880 75o
Monongahola Uyo , per quart 76o
Maryland Uyo , nor quart , 1871) ) 75o
OiicUenlieimor , par quart , 1878 7Co
JMuo ClrasM , per quart , 1871 75o
Ot-car Poppar , perquart , 1880
( Jilisson Uyo , per quart
.lockoyClub , per quart
.las. H. Popimr. per quart , 1880 7oi
Hond & Ullard , | ior quart 7o <
XX Private Slock , per quart ( lOf
OUt-of-Town Customers :
Instructions to - -
We assort bottled goods , putting in just such an assortment as you may wish.
We do a strictly cash business. .
remittanceas will not be shipped until mone ;
Do not send in an order withoutmoney , goods
13 ' ' ' bank draft. Personal checks will noi
hrscn'ding money to us remit by postoffice order or
0 Express companies will not receive wines or liquors for shipment C. O. D. So to avou
° of dozen bottles or on. .
foUott for packing : Each package one
out-of-town orders arc very nu- ,
of February our -
until the ist
lAimKTAiM-i rom now
and ship promptly , we are sometimes so crowded that
and while to pack goods
we try
raerou from us to order a
dcarcdeC who contemplate ordering
? ? i ; hence we advise customers
. to orders un-J
wanted. No attention
few days ahead so Roods will be sure to arrivewhen ,
less money is remitted.
Los Angeles Wine , Liquor and