" * ' " * - * . . , . * . > 2 TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEM'BEll 2 , 1802 , WHOSE TURN COMES NEXT Question Tliat SB Uppermost in llio Hinds of the Politicians in Paris. DAMAGING EVIDENCE HELD AGAINST MANY Clmrjjos Mailn Tlmt ill ) I'm , ) Hunt 1)1 1'iirt of Km llonillo-\\ liy ilu Hi-lunch 'look J'oUon The Uuy lu tlio JJoiiitlr | * . [ rop/rlKhtel 19W by.tnmoilloMon Il3m3tt. | PAUIH , Nov. ! i , ' . [ Now York 11-iMld Ua- blo-Hpecial to Tun llnn.J-Tho political world continue ! in n stale of fcrmont which cannot'bo compared in violence oven to iho stormy dnys of Boulanglsm. Tlio eotnmls- stonoMi.qjlry puts a climax lo Iho Rcnornl embarrassment. If iho Invcsiliratlon is pushed lo iho bottom , It is Impossible lo loll where It will no. Humor tod.iy ha * It that M. do Frojclnet utono tlmo received from the Panama Canal company UOO.OOO francs for the purpoio of subsidizing n Husslmi newspaper. It Is also seriously nnirmcd that the brother of a most hlRti porsomiuo was coinproniued. People who know do not believe this , out It is cor- luln ibal iho nttaelt is dlrocliy against him. EvcrylhitiK appears out of joint in Franco. The principal nconl , the bankrupt Anon , under prosecution for formormlsiieods , walks nbout 1'r.rU as U nothinK was the maltor. The police know wiioroho Is , ibo newspapers lulorvinw him , yet no ono dreams of urrcst- Inp him , because ho keeps n list of thu per sons In politics and Journalism who have re ceived monoy. The cause of the sulcldo of the Uaron do Holnach Is curious. Ho had a copy of Iho loliers embracing all the Panama canal cor respondence. The uuolt was stolen In 1SSU by a UoulaucNt iiuent nud confiscated on the occasion of Iho sulznro of Ihe general's papers. M. Constant kept the documents which might bo useful In procedure before the higher court. Ilaron do Kumach , hoar- Ini , ' who had the documents , lost his hoau an& poisoned tilmself. , | ACIJUIS : ST. Cenc. IN Vminnm Cannl liiviittlcittliiii Agnln tlio Tilt-mo of DiKriisslon. PAHI.I , Wov. 22. Thu lobbies of the Cham ber of Deputies before the beginning of to day's regular session were crowded with members , discussing the probaulo composi tion of the Panama canal committee. Many members remarked that it would bo difficult to doll no the extent of the committee's powers , and that tbo roinmltteo reports would have no legal force. The legal proceeding * were opened by M. do Ilnultdur , who said that ho hoped that the government would take stops to prevent the lapsing of the Panama canal concession on February . The Chamber then discussed n motion offered - forod by M. 10 Viollo , providing that all members ot lha Chamber of Deputies should have tha right to attend the sittings of thu investigating committee. The motion was defeated by u vote of 4UU to 1-0. The llrst vote for members of the investi gating committee was then fonnall ; taken and resulted In thu elaction of twenl.v-thrco lopubllcans and threu conservatives. The irucnoors nt the loft include MM. Uicard , L. Klbol , Dulun-Moutouu , Pelleman , Dumay nnd Detiussc. Upon the announcement of the result Viscomto do Tilluooi-Maioult , in oehalf of the right , declined to take any further part in the appointing of the comnill- too on the ground ot InsuUIciont ropresenta- , tloa.Three Three oloctcd conservatives then formally resigned from the committee. Six members of the left also declined to serve on the com mittee. The second votu for members of th.o investigating committee will Do taltun to morrow. ALL OUir.T IN Cllll.l. Latent llprlalneol Itnlin.irodlyts Oiiinplctoly J'lit Down south Ainuilritu > ii > . rCopjrrlehtuil I33J iSJiiinoi Conlon llouuett. ] VAM-AIIAISO , Chill , ( via Galveston , Tex. ) Nov. 2U. ( By Mexican cable to Now York Herald Special to Tin : Bnu. | I have ro- colved a request from the goverumont of ficials at Santiago to ask tbo Herald to state that there Is not the slightest ground for fear of further trouble in the republic. The majority of the soldiers positively refused to join the movement incited by the sym pathizers of tbo Balmacudlsts. The loaders of the recant uprising came from the rowdy ana turbulent classes , who wcro inspired solely by the hope ot gain. They had hoped to benefit from plunder in thu ovunt or many houses being sacked. Hardly any of the de tails of the plot nro Known by the general public , so successful has thu government been in maintaining secrecy. The Herald correspondent telegraphs that the elections in Kio Cirando do Sul were car ried by the republicans. Dr. Custil has been choaon proslaont. There is no trouble now in the state. The Herald correspondent at Hue 1103 Ayoros telecraphs that nil is not satisfactory in Argentina. A radical mooting was held which 7,000 Kvmpathizars attended. Many chiefs made speeches declaring against the tyranny of the piescnt government. They announced that they would defend their friends In the provinces. It was charged at the meeting that the election of Provident Peua nnd many of the deputies was Illegal and fraudulent. WILLIAM UltC.IW TIIK AKMY HILL. Tlio Kiiiiuu-iir ODiimndx the riiMKiii ; til thu Mcusiirit liy tint Krlrlikti : | . ' . DUIII.IX , Nov. 21. The Kolchstair wan opened by the ompiiror with grait pomp ; in the icnlchls hall of the royal 'palaco thh mornlnu. In Ids address opening the session the emperor said the development of the military power of other European nations imposed on Uormany tlm Imperative duty of strengthening the defensive capacity ot the omplru by thoroiighuolng measures. The emperor then proceuued to speak of the proposed nulitnty bill which , while n modi- llad pence nHortive , renders possible the uti lization of the defensIve to tha full limit. This wnuld , he said , demand further sacrl < llces for the fatherland which ho relied on tbo patriotism ot the people to make. The bill , ho huld , wullo rcuuclng llio service In the urmy to the extreme limit \yldoli coula bo conceded , would extend tlio tralif Ing and employment of younaer inou. In order to onublo the federal states to make provisions for moans to strengthen tbeurmv , bills would bo Introduced in the Uundosratli for the further tuxatlop of beer and brandj nnd for the further taxation of bourse Iran * actions , Ho appealed to the Hoichstag t < sustain tbo pitrlotle caurio which ho hat marked out. Chancellor von Caprlvl , the members o the Uundesrath and nearly all the inombcn of tbo Reichstag were present at tno core inoujr of opening the Hosslon of the Kcichi tac. Emperor William were the uniform o the garde tin corps. As ho entered the bal lie was clvon three cheers. Ho proeccdoi dlrcot to the throne , on which bo seated him olf. Prince Albtecht and Prince Fredorlcl Leopold sUtod besida him , IIU majesty rea his speech without iloftlnp hli helmet. l.uiuluii riuunclal Ilovlow , ( CopjrluliUKl HM br Juiuet Cordon IttmntU.l LONDON , Nor. ! J3. | Noxv York iierai Cable Boecial to TUB BEE. ] Less builnoa WAS doae in the Stock exchange today tha foriomo tioio past. Hoallz.itlons hr.vo bee mow numerous tban fresh purchases , ho the the markets , with few oxcoptlons , hav thotvn souio doprcislon. Consols urol-lU easier , but Indian rupee paper has Improve > 4d , owing to slightly batter tendency lu si vor. Forolgn Kovorninout ecurltloJ wet inoro or luss dull utl d y , uut the fall In Into national dctrrlptloiu was compnrativol kmall aod coafluud to Kujplian , itullau. Hu : ilau and 8p nilj | , . ' - ' uth Acnnricau hsue were frealy olTorod , Urngunynn have fallen } { nor rent , Argontlno 13SOU lower , Arcen- ttno funded , } { per oont , but Buenos Avrcs bonds improved ' percent. Homo railroads closed anil. The feature was n fall of Hf percent In Brighton deferred on persist ent sales , duo to the very discouraging traffic statements. Americans , after blng ilat all a iy , closed with n bolter tendency , In most cases prioos nro nbovo their worst point , still nohrlr n penotnl decline U oMnblishoi ) , Including ' „ ' p r cent In Alchlson income , 5 per cent in Wnbash nroforrcnco , Wubasb doocnturo nnd H to ? i ( per cent In most others. Canadian also leaves of ! stronger ihati they have teen this fall. Canadian Pacific fell ' ( per cont. Urand Trunk Issues recovered the decline noticed during thn day. Mexican closed comparatively steady. Money wa not wanted. Hnorl loans "wore at 1'j ' to 1 ? , ' pnr cont. The discount market lit mer , two and thrco months' bclnc < | uolcd at ' - " . , per cont. It U ruriniilly OicMMl ] nt Itriiiints AililriMf \\clcoilli ! mill Itrpllo. DnttsSRi.s Nov. ! ! J. The International monetary con forenca mot nt 3 o'clock this alternoor. The proceedings wcro uuroly formal. Boernuort , the Balgian prime minister nnd minister of finance , delivered the open ing address , extending n cordl.il welcome to Iho doloitnlos , and said thai the conference had bi-cn calluu to discuss ono of the gravest and moil couiplox problems tint , modern so ciety ever had to face. Ho advised the dele gates to enter the discussion without being too greatly impressed by the prospect of massing silver , for which thoiu nppautcu lo bo no employ irent. Upon the conclusion of Mr. Bci'rnncrt's speech Hon. U. Terrell. United Htatos min ister In Belgium , thanked the prime minister for the cordial welcome cxtonued to the delegates , nnd expressed thu respectful homage of the American delegates for the king of Ih j lluiginns. Mr. Terrell concluded his remarks by proposing that Montcfloro Lavl act ns piosklant of the council. M. Lovl wus uuanlir.oiv.ly elsctcd , M. Lovl stild ho ncC'J" * ! the honor of prc- Iding over thodcliborVitinns , knowing that I was Intended for Belgians rather than for Imsolf. Ho referred to the nutnoious al- nmpts tnudo to solve the monetnrv qnes- 1011 , mentioning especially the British ; old nnd silver commission of ISSll bovo nil other ftlmllnr bodies by its minentlv practical character. The worst oaturoof the present monetary situation , vas Ita instability. Ilo hoped the confor- nco would sink Us Individual Interests nnd cop in view the higher interests of the real human family. The conference ar- 'nnged ' lu meet three' times each week. The Linorican proposal will bosummlttcd on Fri- av. to which day thu conference adjourned. The Ami'rlcau delegates are stopping nt ho Hotel Bollovuo. Minister Terrell called pen them nt noon and discussed questions ortainlng to the conference until It , wus .imo to proceed to the hall. M. Boernuort will clve n grand rncoptlon .nd banquet In honor of thu delegates on tlondnv next , M. Houearden , president of ho National bank , will eivo a reception to ho delegates , diplomatic ana other notables December , n - _ _ .MISS. miAC'O.N WINS. .ill-go Sums ill Money SjitMit In Her Interest l > y tin ) Alicillo I'Minlly. Puns , Nov. 2-2. The court of appeals has 'ondcrod ' a decision in favor of Mrs. Doa- ion. H orders the child Gladys to bo ro- urncd to the convent , where hpth parents nay visit it. Uoacon was ordered to pay the os Is. It will bo recalled that whllo the killing of Xbolllo wns being discussed In the French mpors , an article bv Alexander Dumas ap peared in ono of the journals , declaring that Mr. Deacon had no right to kill ids wife's ; ) animour , oven though ho caught , the couple .u . llagrnntu dolicto. This opinion wns dl- octly contrary totho ono ho had expressed .n . ono of his famous novels , in which ho ad- , -isod the husband who caught his wife and bor paramour in sin to kill them. Considera ble surprise was expressed ns to M. Dumas' onsen fur so suddenly changing Ids opinion , ind looking upon the matter from such in entirely different view. This vlow , vas recopied bv all tbo papers and was dls- flouted to the jury which tried Mr. Deacon. t was also load in open court by the Judge. t U assorted in a well informed nuarter that \l. \ Dumns' change of opinion -.vas brought ibout , not by a revolution in his mind re- urnlng the cnuii- . but by the Judicious use of money bv the Abodle family. It is stated lie received thu sum of 20,000 francs for iviiting the article , and that the mcnoy wns ; > aul to him through MaUra Leon Ucnaut. The largo influence of the Abcillo family Is used in every direction for Mrs Deacon , una they will tin ovcrythlnc to save her from the consequences of the action her husband has brought against her for linr criminal rela tions with Aboilloi- Should Mrs. Deacon bo found guilty of the charge she would be lia ble to imprisonment or line , or both. With reference to the churgo against Mr. Deacon that ho s'uOsidized certain Journals , current rumor has it that the AUeitln family spent ilDO.UUO francs to obtain Mr. Dancon's conviction , and that of this sum ll'o.OlH ) francs wcro sncnt in procuring articles hos- lllo to him to bo published in French papers. The real explanation of Mrs , Deacon In bringing a divorce ncMon is that she Is being used ns a tool by the Abelllo family. The A bellies care nothing for her , but so long us they can use her to annoy Mr. Dcaerw they will do so. Objection * Itimml by thu rnrmurn Allliinuo TD .Monetary C'oiilfriMirc- . McMi'ins , Tcnn. , Nov. 23. W. U. Uobln- son of Texas , chairman of Iho committee which draw up the resolutions on money , adopted by the farmers ulllancrj at Its lata convention , says thu report sent out on that toplo Is incorrect. Ho furnished thu Asso ciated press a copy ol the resolution. In substance it is thivt as the constitution of the United States makes It the duty of congress to coin money and regulate its value , H Is clearly llio constitutional dulv of congress lo control and regulate the value mid voiumo of i.ll mousy , of whatsoever I'tinraotur , used by Uio people. Tneroioro it Is the sense of thu Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union that the notion of the United States hi calling un I n ID niut Ion nl monetary conference ] for the adjustment of questions arising solely out side of Aincrlcin financril condition , In violation of the spirit of IhoMonroodoctrlno , Which forbids tnat Huropaan powers .shall exert any influence in the political or na tional affairs ot any nation on the American common ; , and It urges thu raprosentalivos in congress to protest against forolgn na tions having anything whatever to do with our flnunclal systems , and that the nnllra monetary question of our country ho settled by congress according to the demands of the great masses of the people. M ILITIIMI Vo t'LS I .S It Will Mil DfcldiMlly Warmer In .N > lini > , ; : Toduy. X , 1) . C. , Nov. S3. Forecast for Wednesday. For Nebraska , North and fcjouth Dakota Fair , except showers In extreme - tromo western North Dakota ; docidouly warmer ; southeasterly winds. For Iowa Fair ; slightly warnw ; east winds. I.oi'.tl itvcurd. OFriCBOf TUB WlSATIIKH OlIHRAI' UMVIM Nov. . Omaha record ot tomccrutura and rainfall compared with cprrosponu'.nj ; day of past four years ; , , . JSM. 1S01. J80X 188D. Ma.lm tun temperature , . . Us3 i = ri' . ' = < ' . = Mlnluium temptjr.uure. . . . ' 'O3 14 = M = 41 ° Avonico tDinpuratiire. , . , . VU3 UJ3 41 ° JKl3 I'roolpltullon . . . . , , . . . , UO .03 ,00 .00 Statement showing the conditioner tomf pornturoaud prjslpltatloa nt Omaha for Iho dayuud slnco March 1 , ISO ! , as oompirod with the guunrul average : Normal tcinnoratuio . . . . . us = J'uHeloncy ' for tlm ( lay.- . . , . . , 7 = > Dotlcloni'V ulnco llatth 1 . . . 171 ° Normal preclnttatlon. . , , . . , . , .01 Inuhca 1 < > l oluiiny for the day . , . ( U lucliiii Jteauloucysiileo March I . 'J.70 Inohej Q , U. HL-XT , Local Forecast Oftlclat. lUKtt. Xntlrttuf fl - ltH' nr l-n Hinltrlliti / / , /l. ttntt ; tacit iiiliKUiuidi line , ( O'CONNOK-Charlui , aced ? U year * . I'll- norul will tuko place from the residence nl 1' , .1 Mcshunt ) , CVS tiouth Twonty-nintl u re line , KDWAHDS-Alex R. 1610 North Twonty-ulntl. uYunue , BBQ 'M yuaru. I uiieral tomorrow front resldmio ) at : o'olu > U p. in. li'luruiont l > rotipcct 11111 cuiue- Urr. EMPLOYING THE OLD MEN Homestead Strikcra Applying for Their Former Positions. THEY ARE ENGAGED CONDITIONALLY Many nf tlir Ni-w MPII Lrntlni ; livery Mny Cutting i.ngos nt IJcnxer I'rtlU \ \ lint thu Strike Itns Cost llio .Men. ii , Pa. , Nov. 22. Strikers apply ing for work nt Homestead are required to sign un agreement to refrain from belonging to any labor oignnizatlon und bo governed entirely by the regulations of the company. The rush for cmployn.ont continues , many of those who tools tbo strikers' places leaving. .Kotno have boon discharged , but mosl of Ihem are leaving of their own accord. The borough of Homestead U In financial cmbarrusimeut owing to the failure to col- Icct taxes , and measures nro being taken to relieve the stringency , What It Cost tin : .Moll. HoMisrK.M > , Pa. , Nov. 21. Tno closing net In the great strike wns performed last nlcht. The advisory board , which hail boon the Gordlau knot of the strike , 'vas severed and thu lust olllcl.il gathering is at an and. The ooard. which has directed the destinies of lockod-out men throughout the entire struggle , mot for the last tlmo In their huh on I'JIghth ' avenue aud after Disposing ot the untlnUhud business , wns dissolved. 1'rosldont Wovhu of tbo Amalgamated as sociation Is quoted ns staling in connt'utlon with tno Homestead strmo : "No other strike wns so broad in us iullucnco and mon were never ao persecuted In any other stt ike. On an estimate of SI IS per day for laborers and ? H for sullied workmen the 7,111)0 ) strikers In the Homestead , Lawrcncovillo nnd Beaver Fulls mills lost SJ-OU ( ) dally or during the strike. " UK ITCH LOW'S TltlAL. Testimony All In nnil Arguments llcgiin In till ] CllHO. PiTTsiifiwi , Pa. , Nov. 32. Sylvester Crltchlow's trial was resumed lids morning. Crllchlow , In Ids own behalf , losilllod that ho wns not on the company's grounds nnd did not lire a shot during certain specified hours on the day /it Iho Ilomcuonu riot , Mrs. Ciitchlow tcstillod that when she rcachaa homo at 1 p. in. she found her hus band asleep. The defense then rested and the prosecu tion called several unimportant witnesses In rebuttal. Arguments than commenced. The points of law submitted were tboso usual in murder cases. Ono of these ad vanced by the defense was that whore two or more persons nro charged with commlt- ling u crime , nud it is uncertain which , nil must bo acquitted. At 1 p. in. Atlotuoy John E. Hobo began his address to the jury. lllll Krn In's Mory Titlk. William E. Erwln , Esq. , of Sioux Falls , S. D. , followed with his address for tbo do- fenso. Ho said the jury could not presume that there was any strike al Homestead ; it wns not in the evidence ; ; there wus no proof that there wns any dissension ; there wus no evidence that Frick , who sent armed Invaders to the shore of Home stead , had any property there. There was no evidence that the men , women and children were there for unlawful pur poses. All the jury knew about the matter was that armed foreign invaders wcro there. Ttiora was no evidence that thoie mon were hi rod us watchmen. Tno absence of proof gave rise to the presumption that tbo people's territory had been invaded by armed forolun men armed by Quarter master Frick. "Wus the baitlo at Homostcnd a riot'ho ? nskeJ , "or was it on unwarranleu invasion ! If the latter , that's tbo end of it , for the people never delegated lo anolher the right to repel invasion ! " . , Continuing ho aid : "Unless the right of the Piukcrtons to bo there" wasmado _ plain * the people should have shot "them down ; should have shot thorn after leaving the barges and should have fol lowed them to their hearthstones nud shot them down there ; should have shot them at Cod's own altar , und if Eossib'.o to follow them acioss the gicat oundary , should have followed them across the graves and shot them down as they lay on the bosom of the Prince ot Hull. "But in case you do not agrco with mo that thoforco was an dtetral armed invasion , was there any oigant/cu resistance to Ihu landing ( Not. n oil ot evidence was Intro duced in show it. There wus n cry ot ' cubs can't landl' There , you wcro no scabs there ; r.o reslstanco to legally author- i/.ed watchmen. The people- were there not for riot " Human UJCIIIIH. Continuing , ho f > aid llio testimony wns given oy deiectives by those human hyenas , iho hunters of men , who will not do ( iod's work earn their broad by tlio sweat of their brows. These detectives are indlctoa , and so measure how far they will stretch the truih lo prevent your Jury from stretching tholr necks. "Tha llrst shot cutna from the boat aimed at whuti Strikers ? No ! Men , women and children. Clod la heaven , do you deny the right of these on the shore lo defend them selves ? No. Hasten defense , lire ana dyna mite should ho useu upon those who lire upon the people. " Mr. Krwln reviewed the evidence given by Iho witness for the prose cution and argued lo show that it wus un worthy of belief. In conclusion ho said : "I leave my client ' in your hands and you in the higher h'unds of thu Almighty. " TI\I ; > DAV. An Appeal to tlm 1'nlilir lor tliu L'uriiuglo W nrUiiii'ii. Nnw Yonif.Nov. 22. The Ainoilcan Feder ation of Labor bus lasund the following ap peal to the American public : \Vi > feel II Ineiimbont upon us tu.apponl to yourKuiiormis Impulses , us well as tuyour lovoof Jusilcu , In tlm eiiiu of the Htrn irlinz iionnnd slcol winkers ut llomcdloaiU Vou are awnro that sineo the first day of .Inly more than l.uij mon have been lonl.ed out by a" cor poration tro ii fabulously rloli , and intoler antly airuzant , at the evpcnsu 'ina to the detriment , of the people. ' v , , . It IIIIH broil decided by the redv sontulivoa of iho men , the olllclals uf Ilia iilganutud Association of lion and Stool Workers of Amorlou nnd the oveeutlvo council of tlio Ainerk'iin 1'odoratlim of l/ibor , to deslimi < ) Tnuiilay , December 1,1 , ] h' ) . ' , as llomuituud day. anil wo eall upon iho wa u-workurs ns well n H the llburty-lovliig uitlums to make u contribution of a portion nf IhelrMiindiiKsof that day to aid our Ktmggllnx hrottiur-i of Homestead In their uuntost to defend tlioin- bolviH buforii the uouita. In maUliu this appeal wo plodga V n that ovury dollar contributed will bo devoted tu tha best InttreaU tit thu men , and ifnt uno cent used fur any othur ptirpo o innn almvu stated , Tholr cases must bo brought before the highest tribunal If necessary , It nnnld bn a blot upon rhugonil union uf our country If by our ImlilTercnee the men of llninujtead were convletuit. It 'must not It dare not Lo , Men of America , come In their rescue. Make Ilomestnad ihiyono iioinornblojn thu-hUtury uf our fount rv , u clay In wlilclr anot her "pro test" for tbo rlxhtsof man was uiudo Ural ul'.l bo hutud through tinland. . Send your fnnirlbiitfoni > to Fecrulary Chris F.vuii * . II Clinton pliico , Now % urU I'r.ituniully yours. bAM'i , liuvirEitf , Olinis hltiiiillon ut Ito.ivrr BEAVKII FALLS , Pa. , Nov. S3. Many of these who have regained ttielr pojUfgd ? at tbo Carnegie mllU here are much depressed over iho notification glvonnhai their wages would bo reduced. Iho boiler men , who f ot merly received K.2.ri nor day , must now work for * 1.6'J. The wage * of th'ii oth'ors are cut In proportion. , , The assistant boss roller on the-ratunis refused < fused lo go lo work yoslcrdav , .His wued before ibe siriko wcro J'J pcrday but ye = far- day be was notified that the would oe.ro < duccd lo ft. The reduction baa created con- sldorublu excitement , but appaaranoes do not Indicate that il will further complicate the Bituuttou. _ _ AVyoiiiliiR Crliulual C o . CIIKVBSXB , Wyo. , Nov. S3 , ( Special Tele gram to Tuc BEE. ] T. P. Lyons , editor ol Iho Kooky MouATMft Amariotn nt Denver , wns nrraluned in the dlslrlol court todar nnd ploaaod not guilt ? trtine chnrgo of shooting with Intent to Kill | Pat Moorcs. His trial wns sot for DccambAV 5. At the prosunljlctm of the dlstttct court there will como up iBr irlnl slxlj-lhreo civil nnd forty-one criminal CUSPS , the latter of which Include Ih iho Indictments seventy- nine pcoplo , nnd nrtong thorn the colobraled murder cnscs ncJsUig out of the .lohn.'on county invnsIondA L in : ir.W.rjLin rsr. . Putlipr Komiillio yf Iliircltnii , I'n. , Olinrgcil ullli l.inlir/r.loniotil , HU.SLTO.NP.L. . bv. 23. 1'bo ttustcoa of the Itungnrlnn W/lbTillo / church of lids city appeared before Alderman Uorman yester day nnd cnttsod a warrant to bo Issued for thonrrcst of their pastor , ' \ov. Joseph Koa- salko. Few men Hungarian circles nro bettor known than Father Kossa'.ko ' , nnd the report that bo had itbscondoil erontod n do- elded sonsallon. During the past your ho had gained considornblo ifotdrioty through the newspaper Keednota , of which ho wns the editor. Ills radical statamunts involved him In Iroublo , froqtionllv resulting in his arrest and conviction for llbol. For this ho served thirty daxsj in Jail In Plttsburg. Hu returned homo a mouth ago and assumed his old position , but trouble wllh Ids nuwspapor nssoclnics caused another ruplurt. On Fri day last ho loft oslonslhly to visit Wilkos- oarro. His prolonged absence mid rumors lhat ho had gone to Bremen caused the trus- tcos 10 tunio an invositgntlon of Ids atTiir.i. | It was then discovered , lhat 1-\K1. Of Iho church money which hud boon on dlsposlt , In the Itazulton National bank here had bcon drawn by him. Other moneys which were supposed to no in the safe at Iho parochial residence wuro missing. A/.vr THoni'fi Ai'iKit uni Itlnrk Unite , tlm Niivn.i | > Clilcl , In Upon ltl > llultllll. SAXTV Fi : , N. M. , Nov. 'JJ. Advlcos from Fort Wlngato say that anolher troop of cavalry left there for Iho Carrlzo mountains under orders to nrr st the Navnjo ohiof , Dlnck Horse , and bring him to the uconcy at Fort Ucllanco. This will bo done , of course , but there muy v % trotiblo uuforo It is ac complished , ns it ts said the big oh lot de clares ho will not bo taken. It appears that after IJIack Hone had consented to give up the children of his particular following lo Agonl Shipley , the nsout and the chief had n personal encounter In which Blacit Horse struck Shipley In the face. Upon hU return to the neonoy , Agent Shipley ordered Black Horse to como In for n conforunco. The chief declined to do this , hotico the troops have bcon sent afier um. ) TllKlSAIEMSlt tl'lTll U1SASTK11. Anll-Llilnrsn Liic.HhitlDii AllVctini ; thu Iliisliioss of Tliitt K.lco In Ainrrlcn. SVN FJIVNCI CO , Gal. , Nov. 22. It scorns that the financial troubles which threaten 18 wreck the Chinese merchants of this city are caused by the fa'ct tbut firms in China , alarmed at the unti-Cliincso agitation nnd legislation iu this wmhtry , who have been becking tbo largo Chlneso houses here , have concluded lo witbdrnxv their capital invested here. A prominent Chinese mercbant here savs lhat the Chinese population of .tno Pa cific coast has decreased ono-third during tbo past year , frotn : ! JO to 500 going on every steamer bound for China. riilciiKO Ntniil l\6l-li-l to Shut Duxvn. Ciucxoo , III. , Nov. ' 'JJ. The Illinois Stool company's lmmons.o ijlant nt South Chlcaao , employing 3,50(1 ( hands , is cxiicctod to shut down December f,1. , for two or thrco ironths. Uncertainty over1' ' possible changes in the tarllf is said to tie tholpriino causo. Ono of the olllcoJ's.Xald today : "Tho works will not shut down until we stop getting orders. Several were received yesterday , and negotiations rfr O'lay being made for others. As soon as , orders stop coming in , which will probably be iho ease shortly , the mills will have lo > _ close. Last winter Iho enure force was.sttjadlly employed at Rood " ' wages. " Arrid.Mit ton ( jlnf litiut , ( ) . , Street Cur. Ci.cvr.iANp , O. , Nov. - - . All electric tvnln was running over the lonij central viaduct at a high rate of speed this evening , when the trull car jumped the track nnd swung nround. A train coming in the opposite ill- recllon at full speed crashed into It , badly wrecking the car. Charles U. IIusoy wa's fatally injured , and Miss Lulu Fay and Jacob Pfnhl may not recover. Others es caped with slight cuts aim bruises. Knoll AVunf. 11 I'llrilon. Ud Keen , now conllncd in the county jail. where be is sowing out a six months sen tence for writing olackmall articles iu a sheet that has bocn sold upon the streets , has now turned his attention to letlur writ ing. Ho has written to County Attorney Muhoney that ho has suffered enough , unit that bH friends will prevail upon the gover nor lo grant a pardon at an early date. Ylohitfil Iliu Health Ordliiiinco. Dr. Ward of Twentieth and Wirt streets was put on trial in police court yesterday for failure to report to the Board of Health a contagious disease. The ease was thai of the doctor's nioco. Kthol Spanglor , who was sick six days , and the application for n burial permit nnd cortlllcate of death sizncd by Dr. Ward himself gave the cause of acath as diphtheria. i rrrp.irml lor War , nd Cook , a well known sport about town , was arrested yesterday morning charged with stealing two muskets from the Omaha Guards. Ho ploailod not guilty nnd the trial wns sot for ibis morning. Ut tint I'osiolllrc. The Omaha postnlllco will bo open on Thanksgiving day until 10 o'clock onlv. It will close nt that hour to remain closau the rest of the day. _ J'f.SO.V.II'AKAUIt II'IIH. C A. Mills of IJIIlcr is at the Arcado. A. M. Hobbins of Ord is nt Ihe Dellonc. M. M. Davlson of Crete is at thu Arcade. J. A. Iln/clotof O'Nniil is at the Mercer. C W. Lusk of McCoolc is at the Dollono. J. H. Cleaver of Lincoln is at the Dellono. C. L. Babcock of ochuylor Is n guest nt the Arcade. F. E. Burnham of Madison ii a guest at Mercer. .1 , H . Lnrkins of Chadron is a guest nt the Murray. A. H. Pcrslngor of Ccniral City is at the Paxton. ,1.1 i Bernard Beer or iWorth Platte is at the Paxton. y , J1/ L. C. Chapman of Atkinson is nt the Mlllard. . .1 C. N. Ivellogg 'bfHollowood ' is at the Mlllard. Frank M. Lewis of Lincoln was nt the Murray yesterday. ( icorgo II. UnwWof Nebraska City U registered at the Oeltono. Colonel Frank l\ , ' Ireland of Nebraska City is a guest at , tU.oJfaxton. J , U. Mehur nnd 3 6. Dablman are among the NebrasKans at thu Paxton. Miss Lazarus of 1lo6k Ulaud , III , , is visitIng - Ing Mr. nnd Mrs. H. , > V , Ueslcr. Mr. and MM. 'I , It. Buoh of Osmond are among the gucsu 4.yfu } Murray. Mr. and Mrs. CtoJIlurnhnm nnu Mias Burnham of TlldoNlWuro amoug Ihe arrival al iho Mercer yosiMMisy.- Paul Maclean , formeiiy editor of the At lantic Tolecrapb , und now of tlm Carroll ( la. ) Herald , was In the city vcsturdav , the guest of Judge Macambcr. Mlhsoi Maggie Collins and Addio Stepbcn landed iu New York , the 10th , via steam.r ; Htnto of California , after a nix months' vUlt In Europe , and will reach Omaha the SiTth , spending Iho Intervening tlmo visiting rela tive * in Chicago and vicinity. Nr.w Yoni ; , Nov , i."J , tSpeelnl Telotrram to TIIU Uci.J Omaha 1'1 A. Cobb , Broadway Central hotel ; E. A. Coo , buyer for Morse Shoe company , Hotel Savoy , CIIICAOO. III. , Nov. 22 , [ Special Telegram to THIS BEB.I Nobrasua registered here today : Victoria O. H. Wanield , Omaha. Tremonl George Is. Hold ana wife , M. M. Dillon , W. A. Wcbilor , J. W. Brown. P. D. Allan , Marshall Floldmau , L. W. Uoblnion , Omaha. Welliotrlon Mrs. J. M. Chapman , Omaha. Pultner-Jc s i Allan , Kay Nyc , Omaha. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Terrible Fulling of n Businow Trip to tUo Stock Yards. GEORGE HARRELL CRUSHED TO DEATH On IlloVny to tin-Slintc * llo Toll llonnntli u Moling Train 1)oiiblc-llridcr : 1'ollc-o I'orro I'rnmUn Much Ueorpo Hnrroll was thrown under the cars H S o'clock ypstcrday morning nnd Instantly lulled , lie misemployed by lMriliu t \ : Hopper , n commission linn at the tiouth Uinuhn KxchitiiKi' , tu u booklteopor nnd wont down to the unloidini ? ctiutus nt the Union stock ynrds to ascertain what stouk jud been received consigned to Ids linn. A train of stoclc hau Just boon unloaded nnil empties wore bolus tmsnod out , by n switch unclno. A switchman noticed tlio cars Jumping , uuil ioolclm ; undorAaw young Hart-oil's body lying across tlio rail , thrco cars having passed over linn. V'lion nsslst nnuo reached him life was almost extinct , and with two or three pisps ho expired. The wheels passed over tint abOninon , crushing the body , and almost cuttini ; It into two [ ilei-es. Just how youup Hiirroll pot iniilor the wheels Is u mystery. Iso 0110 noticed him qu jnitor and there was no knowledge ot the terrible nccldont until the body win found across the rail. The supmHliion is that he must bnvo been oetwcon the curs when the train was moved.or attempted to board one of tlio cars whllo tlio train was in motion , and missing hs ( holil wont under. 'L'ho accident occurred a few yards east ot the feed tniis- lot'solllco , on tlio cnuto switch of the Union Stock Vard-i company. The dccansed was a young man about 'M years of ago , whoso parents nro not llvlne. Ho was a iicptiow of Marsh IMrkhurst , who reside1 * at 2S02 South Nineteenth slroot , Onmhn , and tins resided with his undo sluco ho was I yearn or ate. Tim yonnc man was well known at ilia Uxuhnnijouiid Ids sudden talc- iticr oft Is n serious blow to his relatives ami friends. Coroner Maul was upon the scene of the accident shortly aflcr It occurred anil bud the body removed to 1)rower's morgue. Ho impanclod n Jury and an innnest was Itnmealatoly held. The jury found the facts to bo ns stated abovu and hi the verdict ex onerated the Union t > tock Ynrus company or Its employes from nnv Ulnmc. The funeral will take place this afternoon at'J o'clock , services belns conducted nt the homo of Captain Parkhurst. SSO'i South Nineteenth street , Omaha. 'I'lio body will be laid to rest In Laurel Hill ccmotory. HAS TUO lli\IH. : IVcullar Klvof tlu ; I'ollro Porro nnil I'roli- nlilr ItiMiiiMly. At the present time South Omaha is en joying tlio luxury of two chiefs of the police department. Chief llockott refuse's to rcc- ognizo Mayor Walter's jurisdiction and not withstanding the fact that ho was removed Monday evening by the in.iror continues to perform thd functions of luo oulco. The mayor's appointee , Chief Uronnan , is also on duty , issuing orders to his men iiiul lookttiR after tlio departiiient. Ohiet BeuKott bus not delivered up Ids star , and Chief Brcn- nan's breast Is adorned by tlio cold badpo presented bun by the police foiro bcforo bo retired as the head of the police deptu-t- inent. Tlio police ofllccrs nro ciolne the Dust they can under existing circumstances aim nro looking after tholr duties , regardless of the double-header In the dcpnrcmcnt. There is avoll credited rumor that an In junction will bo applied for this morning in the district court , preventing Mayor Walters from Interfering with Clnut lieukctt and re straining Clilof Btennan from assuming the duties of chief of police. There is fun ahead and the contort piom- iioi to bo a bitter ono uuforo ended. Uoth sides are detormmod and confident ot coming out victor. Clover Hut .Visccjitlhlc. Albert Wells , 11 lad Ibyoard of ac.o , is in jail , aud a very sorloiis charge confronts him , and which il true stamps him n younp criminal of cunnliiR. . The boy came toSouth Omaha the lirst ot lust week with a team of gray horses and a bu gy. JLast Wednesday the her es were oflorcd for halo at the uorao sale at the stock' .vurrts market and were purchased by W. S. Olynn lor fiil. yester day C. C. Miller of Villisen , la. , arrived In. the city aud identified tlio bonus as being his property and later ho rcpiovinud them. Air. Miller says yoiiup Wells stele the team and bugcy nnd tells quite a story in connec tion thciuwilh. Ituppears ibatyounir Wells wus employed at Villibca by a photographer in the capacity of solicitor In the country. The team ana buirgy were secured from Miller Saturday , November I1. , and Wells started into the country to remain n nuniucr ot days solicit ing. The time for his return came nrounu , but ho failed to put In an appearance and Miller's suspicions were aroused. An inves tigation followed , and it was lound that the young fellow had started toward Omaha , and he was traced to this city , where he dis posed of the outfit nud secured the money for it. Young Wells was placed in an officer's hands yesterday afternoon by Miss Ucbuccu Hoymun. Miss Iloyman had seen him in her Jathor's store purchasing goods , and mot , him in Omaha yesterday afternoon. The young lady induced him to como to South Oinnliu ami turned him over to an oflluor. Shu por- foriccd her wont as thoroughly and with us much strategy as the boit detootivo in the land. land.young Wells denies stealing the horses and claims that they wore Id3 property. lie will have u healing in police court today. \VII1 Jl.ll.o KUcllitllolloos , South Omatia will have n now manufac turing concent , which will ho an important addition to the industries of tha city. For some tune past the question ot putting in an establishment for the manufacture of ex tracts , bluing , baking powder and other articles of a like inituro has boon discussed. A number of local capitalists Have Inter ested themselves and within a short tlmo will form a company with n capital of ? , 'iO,0U ( ) and go ahead with the enterprise. Among those interested nro .1. A. Doo. Dr. T , II , ICnsor , ( ' . M. Hunt , 10. J. Suykora and a number of others. The bullol is without u doubt that such an ontorpilso would flourish and pav well upon the investment. 'I'ho advantage of the city ns a disti touting point for the great west will also have its advantages. Air. SeyUora ' at the present llnio manufactures a 'gicat deal of uluinir , furnishing largo quantities to Omaha jobbers. With increased facilities Ids product will become more generally used and when the output is incroaacnV butter known , The organ i/alion of the company will bo per fected and it will bo ready for buslne&B In the early spring , _ lliii'flini ; rcrinltH , Inspector May Hold youoruay Issued tlio following building permits : J. II Ouo , two rotlnRoi , Twcnty-sovonth and HiolbyBtroo' . , .onllc , cotUio'i' , Twunty-siivcnth and \i htruut . 590 II. hliiiuibarry. two cultauei rifiucnth and AruliorbtriSuU . HI ) Th r no in'nnlls , a-IP2Utlnx . I''U ) NATURALFRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purlty- Lornon Of great strength- Orange Economy In their use , Roso.tle. delcaely | and dellclously as the fresh fruit TO&f &V3 $ & ! > JM. . Annie H' . Joi-dim Of inn Tiemont St. , llojton. wai In very poor hcallli , from bad cumulation of HIP Mood , jiayncinshof hloml toilio Iip.nl , numb ] , PIU , nnd cliilK ninl thn pliyMrlan snM iho u-lni wpronlin.nllmntlnR Woxrr Vol. n.im. . . .HI. .t . . -,1Julmt , liprbody , 'cVra < r , u-OUKlt , „ , , . Hood's SarsapariBBa nnil jooti fully rocoverpil , and now rnlovi pcr- fj'ctliMllli SliosajM shuoonlil praHo llouil'i Sarsapatilla all day and then tmtsay onoiiKh. HOOD'S P'LLS ' nro Imml mile , ninl nrjmr. . Icci In comimltlnn | , r < -npnrtlnnanilnnDcatniirc. Yon cnti tciliico your AVCK' | ' > < from tp totwcitf yiiouniHiimonth , nt lionio.wi'h- out blnrviug , nt luiwonablo cost by llio tiso ol Dr. Clarke's Home Treatment , perfected In many years practice , catin-s un NickncNN or Injury to the licnltli , is highly Indorsed. Send for ptoofs nnd testimonials. DR. F. B. Ct AmtE , X.O. I > rnwi > r 1.13. Chii-iiK ( ) , 111 , AUKXTH WAKTEJ > . Clnanl'nrsf ' Is ni'XL to Oodllnoss. How to Cure Freckles 3 DAYS. MME. M. YALE'S LR PREGKLR WILL DO IT. Flnro tliolipRlnnliivorMIA norlil pretty r.ito li.ivn icon > pollcd with Iroiklpi and Ihp in itt tiMt'ltii ; uiuiik"onH | lil.l.len up by lliosoiu UlilJy lilirnMic'i. LA FRECKLA [ sllinnnly rura over known . Dlneuvoroilliy JtMI'.l M. VAM2 , \turl.t-futr.i'il ttcuuly anil r MHIIIOlou Micrl.illit. Mini ! . Viili' lim tn > Hliil ! i-roniul hoiiil- nt l iroin' . liiillC' < nt Ih ) Wli.li' Iliiu-u an 11 : c i-ul.'lis rltlo ol tlio vrurlil. Wrlto hnr In conll li'iii-o S'n > ran nialin > ou liLMintlfiil. him etui iiinko Jim \onnic aunln. Turn urn ) Inilr to li initnr.il i-.ilur. Neil > u ii'i'il niilliliDrliut tiiellc'lnc. Mi"ciu ili'vclnii 5-mr l > ii * > t.tlll out > our f-tiiiKiMt c'li'-u , cure > on ol any ilci'i bciil ! > li. hcii'l for livr InniiMiH llraulv lionk. It Hill bo niiilloil you froo. All ol Mini1.uloN nMuc.llo will lnfllilppe.t vitu Ironi l hiiMC'i , or > on 0.111ivl \ tlivm from j our id Ut'uM. Ilu will 1,1-1 llivui tor yon. Co to ynur ilrini lnt nn Mon lay : ni'l not a tiottlo or l/i Fri-rkln , tnko It homo nii'l tipply inn-cur Jin ; to ulrc < lions on Mointny , 'tin-silay \Voitimiit.iy , tin 1 on iMtinlav yon ulll not Inivt- Iri'cktij , Vour cmii- pIcMon will IIIMIH piMli'i.iisnlicii ulltllu bnb ) . THU Mine , M , Yale's Temple of Beauty , I-iCSialcSI.- 1' . fc Sl'llll - . , lor Jl .M i- : Chicago. III. YAl.K'S nil iinblolluiititr JlailDcpl.52 ; I \\inik \ \ Kroc. CAN BE CURED. IfDr * < liciH'k - tro'ittunnt nnil rnro ot tlon wcro HimR'Hiiii ' t\v ) an I untrliMl. ( fn ttout > tuiit nhut lutw pr \ ttl iihelt tliroiuti u rccurvl it s nltl un uuriiniiKtf'Utii'M , inu.itiH jmtvli.it it * fi SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION nml for nil t1l oi4 nf tliu I.un i. No tmtmrnt In the orhl rni nl.iruui inurix pfrniaiiTU ciirrH or L'oiiBiuiipUi'il K ) Ut ennlll MI ItfVh * M < X'M NoDiln ? in .Natiirt HctHso tllriM-lly un I I'lroctlvcly < n tlm hnu iiKiinbr'iiu'S un < l UHH i M , an I H > inii-k y tlljMH -4 m tiiliori'lot , conk'l1M > n. Intlu'iiiiullo'i , i'ol'H ' , coiulu ninl nil lie * jooiU < > t t uisiitiiptliin a * Dr. Sc/ietick's Fulinonic Syrup. Wlirn nll > 'lr fall * li CDUIIX tu tin ; n > K un. Nul until II lul.H , ninl only ullur fiiiinful irlal ainull any nun ri'MMHnl II ha < lir.nu'li fi . ' ' . < l lit , ' : ri I lii'iiltli. it liimiiiiiiixl tin1 ili'-pur "i ( on llniu iail liiiinux lulu ln > II l iloliu H n iw. It "I'l ' I'outln-ii loilifll tiiriiuulioiii tin * ntn-i * . lr. hi'li'iifn priti'tii j trfatl u on < iri uni't"in. | ' H ' * 'i nnd ttoni i < h illntt I'.IH iiuilloillrHi * tunl niiilintitB. | | Jr ) ,1. 11. 'nlii.'iirlto \ Min , I'll lli.ili < lnlila. I u Yon don't nerd to MH'I Illco llio llvi's of yoni lovud onui v , liun Deplillicriii and Membranous Croup \vlll \ niida irr'iT tlio noluliborliood of your buni" " . There is n Hiiro tiinolUc nidilli'lnn TD I'llIN VKNT vont'iKlon of tin-in , und HILIU Is : ilau ft nii'illiilno for The Cure of Them wlii'ii limy li.ivr not i no bovonil biiniii \Vllll ) III Dlt. C. SIGbL , III Crete , Scb , , If In nopil of nuy trotilijiont. und you uulflml lluit lllh liuiitini'iil Ii .mil on ninny yu rV o > - liuoniH aniij-tuilv ti nscunroil him a XIH-- ulin.li will nut dltiaiiiiiiiiit you. 'Undo a CLOVES Tliaaboi-o brands of jrlovoi ' "i1 8'ile by The Boston Store N. W. Cor. lUtlt mid ioujtu8 ) , AAlUSEMBNTa BOYU'Sl - - - TlircoMgliti anil Wc'ltintilnjr MaKnoo. MONDAY , NOV. 21st. ClarR and Cox's Superb Spectacular t'ii ( ! ( < rlhoiiusp co < of the \ss-e nit IC'li , rl IIM 15O People I * ih Oaat 160 Stiitnly Him of tln-Nii'ads. ciiarin'ii ' D.iti a of the Until rl * ! > i linil HI.- il nd u s atf Urine % . ti'iv ! ' , - nt iho I .it < H sri'iiiisri : ! xi KV. ri.n.vsi CO < TI MKS Onnnto , Hint ricnl , Mnjrni Sent * on al t I oofU'i ! > I MI > i NEW HOLIDAY TflBATBB , ENGAGE M HUT. TliiinUs Ivlng H NIGHTS a nml ' U M'lMnutH a ? " irilUIMUY , Nov. Annunl Knenm'iniMil of llio Cnilnpnt Trnicotllnn , THOMAS W Anil hlncxpfllo-il niiiiiiinv of | il.i > orslu llui follo i , MEHCHANTOF VENICE. .i ) l\on\nj : \ , SluVt > 'm < nru > Trniti'ilr. I rlilny niiilSntiinln ) f.vcnlnm , MnitnllliMMil $ tiu-ulur rioiliirlliiiKir HICHAHD III. Sntnnla ) MntliiDO , Iliilwor'n liro.it nl.l.rlc.il I'liv , HUMIELIISU. llo\ * | IPI-I < iipcn nt VoVtock Wo Inn it IT niornhiit nt llio rnllonlnir | UI-IM | l'lr > l II < r > l iiiul Jl f.Js liiitoiitir.iicnnil * l. kViioriliulmmioM 10 lint Hour , i.'c : Ki'iiunil Miluil-vlun to tin couj , < j , , K.illory SV " " FARHAH WRBEnfiEATER l , W TonlRlit. .Nov. 1 > Vln > ( loriunn lllnli'rt Coinpill in. PETE BAKER In H npiv vorilmi CM MMANU I.I-IN A. llttportiMt Ity llll.t.V KiNNiiTliu : Irlili ( umoilmn , mm mm THEATER wsau Three nlnlitH. .Nor 31. 2.1 ami ji. bi'Klnmng nlth i Ili'llilay ' Matini-o THANKSGIVING Tlio Ulg Now Vnrk Snreess. K.1DNAPEXD 'Ilioonlv ro-il novpllv lu loivn Hvll H1JAY \TINI-.K. . [ ONDERLAND . and BIJOU THEATRE , All Thisoul , . 'I bo CONVICT'S DAl'C.HTIiR. ' AN'I > Tilt ! All-Slnr spci'liiltjr AKkMixiitiHii A lulrof i nliluM for o\i-r > l.ul > ni'xl I rlilny MATIM.KS. I-VINIMIS VCc all puit.iiit I U'H'rvi-il I'lirigu ! m--it , : ij ) till ) Inline. I ItCKMVCll Hill-out BI-lH - > j , | taiil FOOT BALL MAlf Inflate COLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIP , Netekaifslowa At the Ball Park , THANKSGIVING. At lei noon , ! ! ; : in o'clock , auarp. ADMISSION , . - ' . ( I 11.NTS ] Tol1. IrorsiriJ.WnndSmlHi. II.M ( . 'ilionn1- holis , u Inn ot AiiKiiHlns Koiinl/o , nocciiso , ' i' ilhrr.no IConiit/o ( bis wlfo ) . llormii - Koiinl/o , l.ullier K miil/c. Uhnrli.'fl U Koiini/o. Matilda O ir.lmor. Ailiilluo Huti t ) uniontliiu Ilioivu. M irtiut N. lloyur urn Mmy Unr.iOllvur. I Von are buri'bnotili'iil that the imilur- slmicil , Ibroo ilislnliiresloil fiooliolilurs of the oily of Unrilri. liuvo bouu duly apjioiuioil by the in iyoinlth the aiuiioval of the city t-oiini'll of salil city , lo usoss iho duiiiuuo , to the ownora rt" < pojl\oiy ! of llio umpurly ( IfClruril hy oiMliiauuo noi-oss try to bo apnro- pititoilror tin ) use of .uiu city , for tlmpur-i POM ) of oDiulou' and oMi'iulliiu lllh utront , fioin llio tillnv no\l north of Nniliol is struul. ' north to iho soiith line of I'uililorl. 1'lu o , uuil Mom the south line of I'.idiloelc I'lucu norlli to Ohio slri'ot , and opiumian.I oxlinullii C'lurli ; KltUDt , III ( 'lllllllllll.'tlll'S Illllllllllll fl'lllll Its' proiont no tern tonnlniis nest to l.itb stroolj so oxtoniloil. as sit MMI by plat Issued to u i f loin tno olllco nf the oily oiunioor i on are nollllod , tbut IM\liiir accepto ! said iippolntmont , anil duly < | it ililloil as required quired by law. wo will , on tlio'iilliil.iv u. iNovuinbor. A. ! > . . Kl. ' , .it tbo lioilior I , o'clock lu tliu forenoon , attbo olll o I'f ' ftlirlvor , "c ( Vloiioboo ) , Illi'l r.iniain slrcol. within tin corpnr.itoilNills if iialil i'ltv. nn-i I t" < llioiuir'i ] Hte of OOllSllllM'llI Illlil III lU.IIC HlO llSSOSf muni of d iin.uo to the oivn > rs raspnoilvolv * of siilil pi'oporly by te ison of mu-li Liming mill I iilinroiin.il Ion tin-roof. Tlio piupoitv holoiialnit loyon pronosn I tic bo , iiron | ) | | lalo 1 us aforDsilif. mil wn ic'll ba boon ilcolnioil iii-i-ossiiy liy Kir oinicli , b\ niilliiuiiro to .ipjiroprlato to tbo IIM ) of llm clly bolu hil.iuili'il liiNilil i-llyof O.iiah.i. In thu roiinly of Huiul is. anil stillof NeluMsk ; , 1 ; di'sci liii'il ns fol.invs louir. l'ioiui-ly | In namuof I' . Ivei-ion - Th iit ! I'l'S ' ' fool of sii' lot I' . ' f Iho oust DO foot of tuv lots In tlio NW. of llio sl.'i of iu HI. f 15. It 11 K. I'ropi'rty in lli'i u.imonf . .1.V 10 I bniltli. A strip of Ian linfouMvl | rici'ilo ' MIOIh a'ill oiil h tin-on ills'uh lotsn and 0 oft i\ lit II. Ih u.iht line of siliiKlili : | nclii. : ! ! . " > fcoMTC.sl o t lii'lluo liolwct'M tax lots I and II lu soi.'llou { > T nun ! . . J'miiiirtv In iho iianio of Anc'i'lus l oiiiit/ii | ami II , \ \ * : Jl.f.ii.-o. . , , Tlio folloivln : ip.irL-nl or tnu I of Intnl. Ilii- Klnii'iiuiil tin-soiitliucst uoriiur of lot I'Ubloolc n I'luiiiiicii l lat-o : tboiii-o so.ith In iho north' llnoof''Ian ; stro-t. | iroiliiuullfioin Cuunlii - h iin'snildltlont tlionon IMS I. abiiut Jl'J'i foil ! iiion. llio iinrlb linn of mild Olm U slrout. i < tinttit linn ot Cionlir'li | IIII'H lulillllou ; IhoiiL-osoulh nloii'4 Iho wiut line ot C'niiiiliiK- li rni's aifdiilon 1'iii foot , to llio xoulh line of 01 irl > slri-ol. tliuir'o wujt alonx H ill I wo'illi ' 11 no of i.larlt.ircci to .1 point lu u line p ir.illul to the i-ast line of t i\ IIIIH N nn > l d. ninl Hilil liio | * .tartn ! : il fool wust of 'ot ' \ bio K .HI' ' , oily tboiu-o Kinilli-ilon.'h.il'l ' li.io I" III j onrtli I no of ( axiom : lln-iiL-u wil l ( VI fe'i lo llio wo l line of lllh .stri-c-t : tboii'-o nnnii ii.ir illol to thu east line of talotH mill II10 Ihn Miiith line of Cl.u-l ; sli--ol , iiioilm-O'l ' fri.i.i ( iiiinlii-- hini' ailillt on : thiincu In a. nui-llnvo-.liilv ill- inelliin to the north line of l hirK utiuot 1110- d iii-oil ! llioin-o norlli lo l Iniontli luiuof I'ltu l CoL-l , I'lnou ; tlmiicu n.isiou ( cot ( pui-oof bu'f " Von Tire loilllod to bo nrosiiiil nl tha I linn aiiilnlai-u .ifortH-ilil. anil mnl.u any olijui-llo-if i to or oluliMiiiiiils lOiiuL'iuln. sulil iironoueaL apiioiilullon | | 01 assu-sinoiit of ilaiu.tgos un- yon imiy lonslilnriirniior. " ' .KMIN f' .1011 N V\ . ( Jiiiinnltteuutppmlters Omnh'i. ( Jctobor ' . ' ' , IMi nlil. ' t _ * " OIIDINANCK NO. 'M\\ \ Aiioiilliiiincooidofliu I bo liiiiiroviii of Uoux liishtroot fioin I'i ' Ii olroot lo ' . ' Ill nlioor. n hlruol Iniprovoinrnt illslncl ' ( ' . tif. t tin fin proving lo cmiHMt of p.tvln wl-li todcot oiailo H.iinlstoiio mi a mil b i o , an I illm'llnt' tlio boat lot pnbil'1 ' uuiUs to I il > llio no' ' . o , siii'V htnp * In I'liiiMii siii'li worl. In budoito \Vlii'ri.a , Ilio in.iyni : MI I oilv CC.IHI ill of tlio * city of llm ib i Irivoorilnri'd llio hupr i\lm of\ \ * Don.'l iHHliiMlfroin I Ib Nlr.-i't I > : ' lliMlruut.j III ktll'fl Inipr ) Vujirnt Olsmi-l No. IH | ; | iyj. piivinK " " ' inio. iiini nllnwol iliu-ty il'iyf to tlionropi'iiy oivniir * In wlildi toili'Hl"n ill"1 * nnil iloloi niino tilt , niiili'i lal ili'ilicil tu IJD oswil" fyi biifb pavln. ' , nud , \VliMrcjK. \ tlio ii-ild tlili ty diij'H havci'xiilri ) Ij. nnil llio. properly owner/ * owning tlio iniijorlly * ' of tliu fionlT.'o In HI d liiipioM'inoiiliI lrn'1 Imvo potliloni'd f i tliu n ivlu/ if > < a d lioi'l In Halif uNlrlvl iv'.Hi mil ( 'iil.irudii " ml > ! ( " ons mil Imso , and „ WlivrouH , In udd t lun tu such di ' nHi no , 0 ni.itfr ul byHuld ounois , llio inticiMI ! o | y roiiiiull of n ilil city dohori uy ddi r uluu upoi Ihoinali'rlal so hiifulllcil 111 tin1 in.iti . rial I'l li'u ' used for niii'li imvln . tlu-ri'foi' ' , lloltord-ilnu.1 by tliuoliyc i in II ( lli' ' < ' Uy' ' ' ofUinalni ! ccclliinl Tlint Hint pan of U' ' i It' Uf'l f l HIM UilliIrt'Ot to VOili Bti < ! ) i Hlr-et in plllU'lllOlll lliHllll-t > 'l ) , 4 , A. 10 II 1 III' ' " .I'll Ulii.Trhy iinlurcil linpnivoil. SHI 1 It pr > : > > in toconiiit of p.ivjtu ivltlii.ll . ( ' loi.nlii : inl nemo on mud baso. arcoiillii- II wtio 'I ' i llonn li Illuin Hit olllco of | , iO ' jr l nfju-'j i worKs , t-Oi-tlon ? . Tliat tliulioai.Uf . pn1 i w < r \ - licruliy urdiiri'd to u.nuoul < l nor t > * u 'ii < itnil to enlcr Into ronti jcl for III" ' "inn" ulll tliolotvo ire < piiiHlblu bitdui IIIKITI'II ' > , ) i IkMitloiuon Illu lu tliuolllfnof it-n I l/Jir l HiHitlon 'J. Thai tills or Un in ' ' ollucl and lie In furco fioin uuil 'ift-r IK November llHi , li'D. . . . . . . JOHN f.ltIS iityl'iork T , .1 W\\IC . Actln * I'n Hlil nt i uyi mu " 1. Approved N. vomUor ' ' ' ' - } | | | | | , . Mu/or