TIIE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 22 , 1802. PADDOCK ON THE CURRENCY tesmble Views on the Question of national Pinanoss. AN ARRAY OF INSTRUCTIVE FACTS itrorcnr.il I'orcrful View * Showing the Son. utur 111 lull Accord Wild Kcptibllciiii Principle--.viand Munny the riiun- ( liitlnn iif 1'ronperltj- . The following copious notes from n speed delivered by Senator A. H. Paddock n1 \erdon rcconily will bu ointorost toiNo brHskans ui ibis time : Mr , rtiatrinun : It would bo Imnoulbli fe r anvotio to wnto n correct history of tbi cuuntrv for the past thirty years , utid par tli'lilarlv fcjf the period to which i have r > ! fcrrcu , which should not nt tlio tmmo tluio b n fnltl.ful chronicle of tin splendid recon utid phenomenal achievements of the roput lliMii parly. Ono of iho grandest chapter oft his history must nlwavs ho that \vhlcl r < cord * th wlso , judicious und bonorabl munaecmont of Ihu national llnances by ul npkiullcuti ndtnlnlslrullons. It will not , bu forgotten that when Ui lamented Lincoln came into the crusldono. In 1M11 ihu country was In a moil doplcrabl llnnnclnl condition. I Under the opcrntlons of the tariff of ISt HUH from olbercsusos chargeable to IhddetiH 1 crntic putty our Industries had fallen Into hlnto or paralysis. Ono of the most disastrous financial crlsc Known to any period of our hlstorv hn happened In 1W7. The consequences of IP ! oolumlty wore an oxuu * . rcuolu on of thoi which followed the torrlblo crisis of 13IV Uur blinking institutions , wnoso oxUtonc was Lascd uprn htuto hiws , wi'fu universal ! In n stnto ( it syncope or worse. Specie na' monts Imd been suspended. Thuir noln l MIOS , which worn the solu paper cunoncv ( Uio country at the time , were cither nlli KPlncr worthless or MO tjenorallj nlscrcditc ns to bo nejtirlv valueless us n currency. 'i'housands of manufacturing and olhi business corporations , linns arid Indlvldua hud hccn forced Into bankruptcy. A larc nuiiUior ot the HUbsoiviont tools of the sla\ power were representing our government I iho forcimi service , and thousands of othoi held executive , Judicial , k-gislutivn and mi , itnry positions at homo. And wherever en 1 ployed they w re diligent in the use of the I uflloial ns .veil as their personal Inllueiico i I I.TO.UO u .sentiment of distrust and ni I prehension. They proclaimed to the who I world everywhere , and on nil occasions it I Intention of the southern states to sccci I from the union und to make war , If neoe I sary , to destroy It. The public credit hn I become so thoroughly unpaired by the ; I threats of disunion that it was Impossible t I rnlsei Biiniclont nioni'y from the natural r I sources of the government for Its net ore I nary expenses , anil It was nearly Imposslb I to borrow. An attempt to make u sinull lei I lu 1 IK ) reunited In success onlv by the pa I incnlof u rale of interest which , taurn t I neither with ili'i largo discount trotn par f I which our bonds \vcro required to bo sol I umounted to iicurlv IB per cent. No pro : I ilcnt ever assumed the reins of Rovornmo I under circumstances so difllcult and HO sei ous. Thu threat to dissolve the union at m Ill-unit up tlio cocernmonl had ut length 1 : cornea terrible rculllv. Great leaders this movement left the .ilneos held bv the us members of luo supreme and other fcdci courts , loft their seats In the two balls congress , left their positions | as ofllcers thoarmvnnd navy ( for which service tbi B had been educated by the government ) ni went back to thnlr several states to organ I rebellion nnd war for the destruction of t union. Finally , the general situation w simply this : There was no money In the federal trei try. Tno government had no credit. The was no system of revenue which woula pi "Hiuco money , and one of the greatest reb ions known to history was already organic and armed for its destruction. President , Lincoln at ouco summoned tel 4let the ablest men in statesmanship , t wisest men in llniinci' , and the bosttnllltii H'ulont nt.hts command and entered upon I " "But eat task of saving the union. V Hut It ij not my purpose ) in this connect ! to review generally nor in detail the gn worn In iho way of legislation and admin ( ration of tbo war poriod. And the only i Joel 1 have in view ut the present moment to recall In a general way only so much tlio llnunclal history of republican admin tratlons , bOL'innliiKwItli that et tlio martyr president , as Is necessary to show the murkanlo results of tholr xviso , couragec nnd patriotic service in this bohalf. Ant hope to bo able to snow , what 1 bollovo , tl Itho greatest possible injustice has been de the republican party by those who h : " loiutht to discredit and condemn its Iliumc. polkion generally for partisan purposes. H The books of thn treasury show that nt close of the war of'.no rebellion more tl $0,000,000,000 had been expended In casn Tatcount ol the expenses tbereof. H The ascertained dobi of the government iBKiwns $2,750,481,571.43. 18bU. un I the splendid tnanagcmont ot ropubllcan ministrations , this enormous debt bad b reduced to $1,910,320,745.75 a reduction * SH7,104.825.08. Again , in 1SI')5 , according to the oflli statement of the secretary of the treasury H date July 1 , 1680 , the annual Interest cha on the national ( lout was $151.000,000- round numbers and In 1SS3 it hud been ducod to t79.210iSl ( , which was a reduct of about f70,000OuO In the annual mtoi H charga in IKtoon yoar.t. And now Iho last treasury statement .lliu present yenr shows the further photn eual reduction Iroin 18SO about twc years ot , : : ! , ' . ) ( , ! ) T. > in the prlnclpa tlio public debt , anil jo : , V.t5iO In the itnn Ttntorcst charge thereon. And here is another ( 'ratifying result : In IHTil the annual Interest charge ' fllS.ISI.OOOill. of which nmount it was tl oatlmatod that $ OUOUO,000 wont to lorolt'n holders of our bonds , Mhowlne t moro than one-half of all the bonds were tl hold by foreign owners. It Is safe to that nearly all the bonded Indebtedness J the United mates is owned now by our c ' I uitlzcnsand that interest payments'to fore I owners lunount to merely a nominal mm. Or , stated moro exactly : I Tno result of this muRiilllcont work in I wuv of roduotlon of the Intcrost-beut I public debt , as shown by the treasury st I incnt for July of the present year , is that HI prlnoipil trioroof has been reduced f If.,7r > 0tilri7113 : In 1805 to ? : ) S5tSO ) ! ( ) ; ) HI IS'/J , nnd that n corresponding reductio interest from * 1MOUOUOO In 16io ( to $ . ' ! ) , ( ft7117 has been madu. H Or , to bo oven moro specific. The pnncipiil of tlio public debt in IStVi fd'J.WI per c.i pi I ii , and the Interest chi was ( \.f \ > per capita , whereas in July of present vear the principal of the public c Hpor capita Is f'J.US , and tlio Interest. Is at itO centH per ciipltu , ana our bonds repros ing this debt urn almost exclusively ow m our own country , Tbi > ro Is another very remarKable f und that Is that Oils conscientious obs mice of all our financial obligations Incur on account of the great war of the robelll both In tlio letter and the spirit thereof , not only losultcd in this enormous roduc 'tBfof th ° prluclpal ana Interest fit the pu l KdQUt , but U has at thn snmo ttmu opoiatoi porninr.cntly establish the low rata of 2 ccnt Interest thus bringing tlio avoi Mratoon ult our Intercst-boaruiR debt , wl In ] t > 7Uvna 5 8) per rent , down to about per cent , soon to boy per cent all aroi iBHwbllout tbomtma tlmo the average rate Interest realized Uy the owuors of tl bands nt the average rurtont price the iBIln the market during the month of July ' only L'.tH per cent , B Anil this ill grsts another phase of ' Isutijoct to which I wish to call the atttn Hot exrsoldiers : B SupnoMi iho flat money schemes ndvoc Vby the urconbackers then and thoallli . loiiaeiM nnw bad been adopted in placi Ithourmid buxinrss policy \vhlch I have scrlocd. The national dubt could not t lcon reduced und the interest churgo t IK v > Invariably increased. Hut suppose EBBirlt > rt'Ki nhargo had ivmuiuod ut f 151 000 [ . tat ) it , wan lu IbOA-our present peiulon sys ' would have been Impossible. Let mo UVyou * OIMQ lU'urcj in support of this st [ ' . int'nt , | When Ue | vrar closed in ISCTi the pen r ltchareo was | S,500lk)0. Tlu < g re I oMntorcst and pensions wns flOii.uoo I 'J'bu nunslons have , however , iucroa f [ nearly Jiao.OOO.lHW , ' The Interest and pee I Mcnaryu toirotbor for Iho past llacal your \ IHB 1174,150,000 , less than $18,000,000 of whli " liiteruil charge , fc > compared with the f 1 moat of 1100,000,000 lu 1605 , at the do- tbo war , vrhcn the interest cbtrco was tlM,000UOO. If the mtorcu charRo hntl | remnlnod ikl ll.M.OOO.OOO. with the proient rcqulremtnti of i.buut $150.000,000 for pnn lnns. Itvouk have tnuon $3Wooo,000 to corer tht B tw ( U ms , or moro ihnn tbren-quarlers of nil the revenuasof tbo govcrnmaut , mnklnp th ( present liberal pension payments an ultei impossibility. A croat deal 1ms baon sitd aoout the numerous Advantages resulting to the HA tlonnl banks from the privilege flvon turn to issue currency nolos. I nave had pro pnrod by ono of tbo nbloit exports In thl stnto a conip r.illvo calculation a * tn tbi prolHs rosultlne from the USD of $100,000 b ; n national bank under this privilege or I uiod In conoral short tlmo commercial loans It Is as follows : inOM Invested at 10 per cent produce * . $11,50 jtl.'i.OO I ItiVMto.l at 4 per cent bonds will purchase * IOOOJX ( tncoma will imrn . . 4,000 Clrotilatlng note * ttj.000 I.F3pnr lorit < l ( > imslted with U. S. Tr. for re demption fund 4.503 * Ji\5JO IT'.r. 0 nt 10 nor cent . . . . B.-WJ Total antiu tl Income from bonds und rlrcu- . latlon 12.530 Less t'tx on circulation. . 000 l.rst cost nf printing , utc. 100 l.i'si anniiiil reduction prom 1.0T8 2.078 Notineotno 10.4' 1,0. Otheir smaU Items ot expense nro loclt maloly chargeable lo this fund , fliicti as lee nf bnnlt examiner , cost of printing and pill llMilug five statcmunts each your ; the fee of nn agent ul Washington to witness the di stritetlon ol circulating notes unlit for clrci latlou nnd m.iktnir nnnual examination < bonds In treasurer's bands , etc. This statement explains whv it Is that very large number of naiionnl hanks hav surrendered their circulation and most , not ull others , < ire anxious to do so. And now , Mr Chairman. I pins to the om rency branch of this great record. Theio have bean periodical attempts I prove that this pirt of ibo financial pollev < the republican parly has Imel for Its objoi contractions of the currency for the banel of Iho capitalistic class , at the expense e Iho inns' ' ; o ! the puoplo. always since the clo < of the war lu 1S05. I'o my "notion n irreate injustice has ncuir been done anv politic : paitv in the world than this. The mo : notable of these efforts was in the paulo ye ; of l Tft nnd n Hula later during the ro'liini tlon period from 187"i to 1830 nnd the reccr I may sny the present ouo , because li force lias not yet expended Itself. It Is slznlllrant fact that iho sumo nrgumonl which were used In 18 ! > 0 to sustain the greoi back policy , then a serious menace to tt business iuturests ot the nounlry , are no being employed In support nf Iho theory i our friends of Iho alliance organization in U sumo direction. 1" desire , therefore , to brln Into comparison Ihe state of the curronc In those several periods lo she the utter fallacy of this clan In the regular ollnlnl statement i the secretary of the treasury of date July ISM ) , ho placed the wbolo vo''imo of the cu rency on August 1 , 18115 , nt S'IS'JilS.Os.'i.7 : which mounted $ I'J:13S,710 : iwo 5 curd note and ? 1 ! > 3,750OSO compound Inturosl notes a gregutlng In round numbers ? 2. ! < i.000,00 ( > , co ce > rulns which hu said that "these i-isui entered Into circulation but for a few dav If nt ull. " Deducting these , and wo hav according to this statement , $740,000,0 as his ostiinuto of the volun of curroncv for that time , : against $7i7,73l,5'l5.37 ; the year bofo the great panic , liut it is to bo rcmembon that Rreoiibacksoro only worth in 1S05 70 percent , und placing the volume of tbo cu rency at ? y33,000.000. which Includes , stall In round numberr. , the Iwo years notes ai the compound interest notes , the who purchasing power of the currency in 18 was only JtW.3,000,000 In round numbers , ni in 1ST ! ! , when the panto came , which al II tlmo was directly charged to contraction , t ! purchasing pawor of the currency was per cent on the dollar , and the aggrofta' value of the currency was Iherefore in roui numbers $711,000,000 , nn increase , or InII tlou , Instead of conlractlon , of fully 530,001 000. In 1SSO the purchasing power \va 1 cents , nnd the volume of Iho currency round tnimliora was f7.15,500,000 , making still further Increase ofi4,000,000 , or , to more dotlnHo , un Increase of Ml,000,000 frc lS < i5 to 1S30 , without counting thn gold whi was then rapidly returning into the circu tlon , and had already practically increased by the addition of nearly $500,000,000 list result of the resumption of spei payments , making the currency volume the treasury and in the circulation for tli your about ? 1 , 00OOJ,000 , and It has co stantly increased since. The recent stal menloflho secretary shows n grand teen on February 1 , Iti'ii , of $2'J20i77.071 : , which f 1,5 5,7.10,851sinco increased overSl 000,000 , was inactive circulation , a ronstc nnd unvarying increase in the per cap circulation from 10.23 during the soco year of Lincoln's adralnlslration to $21 70 February 1 , 18'JTho per capita e'ircuiati of France Is placed generally ul $45 , bul t muss of the Froncn people use cbeous i drafts to n very limited extent , whereas but about S per cent of the business of t country Is with such paper , which woi muko practlcallv a per capita of $25 In c rency and SX0 ! in cnooks , aggregating $ per capita. Franco cannel therefore properly used as an example for us. As I bavo before bald Ibo same aigrmo which were made In 1880 by our groenbi friends uro now being repealed by our a ance friends who think Ihey would bo bo filed by radically revolutionizing our c rency , which , as to Its form nt least , I come to bo considered bv the whole world about the safest and best over devised human wisdom. Our greenback : friends told us then t ! the volume of tbo currency was larger on I 1st day of September , 180.1 , than il over been at any ono tlmo , and 1 will give yo statement or table which was widely p llshod In ono of the toxi books of Iho grc oaclc party , nnd Is adopted by our alllai friends now. Undoubtedly many of ; have soon it. It Is as follows : United States notes t 4X1,11 ! ! ; Fractional currency L'll.JIII National banknotes 18 , " > , oo. Compound Interest los.U tenders. . L'lT.U'.M Tenineiriiry loan coi tltleatos J07.I4S CcMtllleuH'sof indebtedness 83.UV , ' Tro isury notes , Interest bearings percent 3i53 ( ] Troiunry notes past duo l,5u , HtutobiuiK notes 78.8(1 ( ? I.ust Usuo 7.Wa SIl'.OOl Total Ssptombor I , 1883 * I,0'JOOJ ( In answer to this statement , I sav it Is f cuptlblo of proof , under tbu most liberal i of estimates that can be possibly made c slsU'iit with the facts and the record. In interest of Inflation , as I have before ii catcd , that the true aggregate of the voli of currency lu actual circulation at the t named was considerably less ihnn $ $00 0 OOJ , Instead of $ llKMi.lJT8.770 , as stc In the taule which I have road to j In order to make up this last onorin aegregnto the 7.tO'B ! ' , tiSO.000,000 ; the cor cafes of indebtedness , In round numb fS5,00),000 ; the compound Interest le tenders , in rouna mimbis , $ J17,000,000 ; temporary loan certificates , ? 107.00jiioo , the 5 per cent irousurv notft , ? ; j'JoooOOi state Uioio last two Items In round nuint also ) , nil Interest-bearing ; are brought boi Into the calculation , when It is a welt knt fuel that they were all largely bold by vestore , and out of circulation. It u t thai a part of those Issues bad tbi\ legal 1 dor capacity , and so has gold this cburac Istle alwavs , but when gold Is at n premi of even a fraction of 1 per cent it Is found at all In the currjnor. And go iti in a large degree with these several deuces of Indebtedness. In IBM compo interest notes ana 7 JiO's wlta accrued In est were at a premium , and for ev reason were much less likely to used as currency ' .ban even the 4 cent bonds now nro ; for the higher the i of Interest of a time evidence of indebtodi of undoubted character thn moro liable I to bo hourded by Investors , particular ! id the accrued interest Is considerabto and i 30 slur liy to mature. It Is prnb.it.ly true , hi 3f over , that in IStto the banks hold samou 0. of these Itsuts as n part of their recurve : 10 required by law , but the report of st comptroller of iho currency for I 10 j ear shows that the total amount nf tbo b 0.Ill reserve was only $50,3115,701. Uudoubto Ill too , they were puld out to some extent re mediately after their tint Issue , but as e B- AS any Interest accrued they wont into bands ot li.vostors , und tueuco worn tun ) n Into long term bonds. Kveo Mr , K. to iSpauldluir , who used to ba quoted by 0.to greenback friunds blmiolf n rigid cant to tlonlu wben arguing against lnlutionit | toU the strongcit statement pcuslbla for hit ru maUo aa to tbo excessive volume of the ruy roney , and yet bo only s tale J It aiS50OOC y- in IbQS. If it had been possible far bli yet have uiado It $1,000,000,000 hu certainly wi have done BO to strengthen hli ( vrgumonl Bsnlnst infUtlon. llo.bellovcd the volums ot the curronoi then too Urge , and wanted it reducoo by re tiring the groenbaok * . In the llnnncn report of the secretary o the treasury for 1365 Mr. MoOullooh sayi the papar circulation of the United Slntos ot the Ulst of October was substantially n * fol lows ; United Stntoi notes iul frao- tlon.il currency SI.M.ai'WH 5 Note * nf national banks. . 1S.VUWMJ o Note. * of * late bank * , Inoimllnz nutstundlnu l * < ue * of state bunks coavortcd Into nation tl bunk notes tVi.OOJ.'UO ' 0 Total J7J .3l8OjTs In addition to the United States note there were also outstanding J'Ji.fiHrt.OOO fi pe cent treasury notes and $173,01'HO ! com pound into rust notes , ot which It would undoubtedly doubtodly bo safe lo estimate Umt&'D.UOtt.OO wc.ru In circulation as cunroncy. The jiapfl money of the country actively In the clrcu latlon October III , ISOo , was , therefore | 7.14.2ISoiS.20. : Of all the very able men who In those dny wrote upon the subject of tlnunco nrgtiln against Inflation , and who would have nut urnlly stnled the cao a * stronftlviu the fact would warrant to Justify their contentlo thai ihu volume ot tuo curioncy was the too largo , not ono placed the nama in Ibu so high , Into J 1,000.000,000 , us do ou greenback friends In the statement thn I have given you , of about $ , ' ,000,000,001 Neither Spauldmg nor Fawcctt , nllhoue Iho statement ot luo fuller R most liberal c all , nor McCulloch , nor Fossendon , no Orooloy , nor Gary. 1 do not mean lo ho understood by thl statement as going furthar Ihnn to cndors the republican policy of debt-paying nn currency-protection ns wlsa and nccessar under the circumstance * in which wo wcr then placed , nnd to show that 11 did not re suit In a contraction of the ctirrencv. As 1 have before stated , the iircalcst leac ors of the party charged with the conduct c administration renll/td the Importance c strengthening In every possible way th national credit , whioa had been so sc veruly Hlralncd by the war domnnds. The kunw that It was necessary to brine dow the Intcroit rate ; on our enormou ) publl debt , which was n grout burden to Th people. They understood oho very we that the lower Iho government , intores the stronger the trend alwaj to lower ralCH for tbo Individual borrowei They knew that the surest way to gain strong credit was to roliglouslv observe th spirit as well as the letter of all contract : particularly as to the character of the inone in which payment was to bo made , and whet over there was any accumulation of surolu revenues to apply tho-ii to a reduction of tli debt , whether duo or not. Their hone ; efforts In this direction , ns 1 hav abown , have nt length given u a financial standing second to r other nation nud reduced our in torostnocoui to the minimum in both volume ana ralr Indsed our success in reducing our publ debt , principal and Interest , has won for i the admiration of nil nations , while nt It same time it has Increased our own pride < country , our national confidence and scl respect. Our currency had been domorallzod for long time , Tbo demands of the war pent for vast sums which wo did not ba\ had compelled us to barrow , ar when wo could not borrow manufacture mcnov. Wo bud i wav to make it except by the use of papi nnd printur's ink. Thi ? was nn easy methoi both ns to the labor and tlio material ot ) ployed indeed , It was dangerously oasj dangerously cheap. This currency was n ways uncurtain , both as to volume an character , and It was sure to become vei soon an utterly valueless measure of vain If adheroii to. Certain bankruptcy and rui were ahead ot u * only a little way if v should jueeumn to the snare and delusion Hat tnor.cv , which had taken possession tbo minds of many and was a uonstu menace to the country. The wlsdo and courage ol tbo rcpublici policies in that period of doubt und u certainty , when there was a strong popul inclination to conlinuo nnd enlarge ir.de nitoly the volume of our Irredeemable cu renov , suvod the country from banteruptc The republican partv was determined the as it Is now , to h ave a currency , every di lar of which should bo recognised all ov the world to ho as coed as any other hone dollar. Bv Ibis polio ; it has saved Ihousan ot millions directly nnd indirectly to the gc ornmont.and to the people in Iheir mdividu financial Iransactions. This , In my Judgment , has been a great service to the agricultural than to unv oth Industrial Interest. In support of this vie 1 desire to read briefly from an agncultui address delivered at Fairbury by mo 1S73 when the greenback craze was and n great opposition to * the i demption of specie payments had arise nf Vnlue. "Of all the people In this bread land , ono is more interested in the stability of t standard or measurement of values th thosa who are engaged In agricultural pi suits. Tulso Nobrusku , which Is stric speaking an agricultural state , for an ill tration. Our products are principally broi s tuffs and meats. For those gold or equivalent is paid al tbo foreign common : centers whence those articles are d trlbutod for consumption ; out noltl this gold paid by the foreign ci sumer nor Us equivalent Is ei seen by us If our ourrouoy at home , up which ull our transactions are bused , u i predated. By Just so much as it is duprc atcd do wo recaitre less than the actual va ! of our products to Ibo consumer , for befi it readies us il has to bei sifted through I coin stove , nnd there is left for us only predated greenbacks , out of which wo sli have first paid in the cost of production fr the time Iho ground ii prepared for the se through the season of pluutmg , oultivat and harvest , and for the transmission of resulting products , in whatever form sbipp to the consumer , throuuh Iho hands of mi middlemen who chiefly prollt oy such pre turns , tbo discount for gold charged on si depreciated currency. Whatever the c count may bo , the farmer has finally to j nearly or quite all of It. The shippers c the commission men lo protect thomsel ngninsl iho constant fluctuations In curroi values always charge the producer n 111 moru than Iho dlscouni itself costs the Every Irregularity In the exchanges ui them nn excuse to add a llttlo more than relative increase of cosl resulting therein which generally Increase * their prollt ut expense of tbo producer. The chancoa cldent to the element of variableness- ways a characteristic of an irrodeema currency are nicely calculated for the [ lection of Iho middlemen everywhere ; i this calculation almost always results o these chances running agalnat the farmer the blanks In a lottery always run aval the ticket holders. o "In addition to this , the farmer uiv pay on everything ho buys tils coffee , ton , bis sugar , his clothing for himself i futility the dlscouni for gold which merchant and manufacturers ure fl obliged lo pay ou n depreciated curren and afterwards for that reason compel lo charge over against the consumer. Ni I insist , If ours and the counti to which wo have been selling could have boon hold to a uniform standare values for the past few yean , willi our o renov al par wiih cold , the fanner in J bniska would have received at his funr much In gold or Its equivalent an ho roi ha received during that period In ere bucks , and so suvod ibo premiums cuar , everywhere all along tbo extended II from Iho tlmo the ground was prepared the seed to the delivery of tbo product , i the return to him of tlio money paid there by tbo foreign consumer , besl'des very mi dollars of currency discounts paid ov your on the necessaries of life purchased the use of himself and family. "There is yet another consideration ; Ci till will not cease to bo hoarded , partlculn will It not freely go Into real estate , so li as there Is any doubt whatever about currency. So long as the currency may pear to bo permanently at a discount gold , capital will be withheld from such vestments. Capital Is Unild , You can roiwluco Its owner , whether he has 11 , saved us tbo result of bis Industry and tbi or $1,000,000 amassed by a Hie of great ell and ceiual economy , and the former U ac ; tullstns well as the latter , that there Is yet a lower depth of dlstrois lower yol yet to como for everything , until tbo COUB has fairly and fully aim squarely str upon a coin bottom , Vi'hnn that point il bavo Been securely reached confidence ' be fully restored and there will bo a ru appreciation of the values uf real propo ns well as a natural.- healthy , permanent predatlon in the value of labor and all products. Already wo have proof of the < rsotuesi of ihl proposition In tbeoxporle of tbo present year. Proportionally as difference between gold and greenbacks narrowed down , each day bringing the c of roMimpllon nearer to P.X , real citato In vestments inaurslatohavolnrroaied. Thous ands of dollars Imvrf giJne Into tnrms , Into Improved Und. * nnd locr-fir Nebraska , lint ycur , that would havp not boon so Invested but tor iho crcat change Iti our fiscal conill tlon * reiulllng from Hid comparative ccr taintv of rosumpllnn In r , ( ow month * , nt tht late l. Mnny enterprise * all over the coun < try have been lnnucurnte.il thl * year thai would not anil uould not have been coin. mcnccd but or the ctiqip ning of business facilities and Improvement in buslncs : method. * resulting frotu thl * rapid apprccia lion nnd near approach to p'ar In gold of th ; value of greenbacks.Vo are at iho verj open door of resumption ; lot us not turr from It. Vorlly It I * today the iruo socrol o our growing prosperity , the verv ground c our hope for iho rapid dovcloptnonl nnd up building nf our state. For along with I comes , us I have before saul , Increased ablt ity to successfully compote for the com 111 or co nnd the trade ot iho world , and thu to command the necessary marKets fir oui products. " 1 liuva spoken of the Idea entertained b ; rannr that the volume of our present cur rency should bo Increased , or that somcthlni else , nliko Irredeemable In character , Inter convertible with It , should bo authorized Now , wo nro all of us moro or los * familla with the greenback.Vollkolt - , wo bellov In it. Human Ingenuity never doviscd i bolter currJncv , it wo ourselvei deal Justl ; by It. Our duly I * to make every dollar o U n true nnd honnst dollar , and this can enl ; bo done by adopting buch n pniloy lu roun to It as will place the government In n post tlon ntwavs , on demand , to faithfully pot form ibo promise of redemption tbo p.ipe Itself convoys to every ono who buys i dollar of It with Ills libor or the product thereof In any form whatsoever , I. o. , togiv In oxchaneo for It exactly so much of con ns II ha * cost n dollar to produce. All ox pcrlonco hath shown ' .tut the mudium of ox chancethe measure of value whotlior I bo used for whrut or corn or port : or nn.v thing else , must bo such n thing us In nnd o itself , by the napitiil anil skill nnd labo : nccowiry und actually UsedIn pro ducing it , is the relative equal of th commodity nionsurcd in respect of th employment ot those very faculUo and properties In the production ot such com modllv , olho'wise ll will possess tbo clcmcn of variableness , or bo nllatitlous or n fraudu lent measure In exact dcgrco us It nosscssc loss ot these essential churdctoristlcs of i true dollar , for tuo exact rule of exchangi every where is labor for labor. " Mln-r , cte1. , In lU-lntlon to Ciirnincy. Now , Air. Chairman , In my opinion th trouble about Mio prosonl situation Is not s much from thn insufficiency of tno pros on volume as U is from the insufllcionov of tin metal money basla for Iho currency roqulroi oy our own and ull the other countries of th world. As the tbrlttv father said to his son , "taU care of the pennies and the dollars will tak care of IhomsolvoV so I think that if w will take oare of the currency basis th volume will take care of Itself. lu this connection , and bccnuso of Its intl mate relation to the general sMbJect of th currency , I desire to briefly review n fov chapters of the past history" the mono. metals. As to the causes which led up to the dt raonotlratlon of silver , my vluws nra somewhat ' what elilToront from those'onturtainod by ou Ml'imco and radical silver friends. Kong before the acts oft 573 and ! S74whe Ills claimed thai silver was formally demone tued in this country , it began to pass into state of nonusu as n money uf commerce i all tno great commercial nations , The ac of 18. > :5 : was substantially a statutory admls sion of this fui't. Commercial transactions had becorao s enormous with the increase of population and the consequent | growth Of commerce competitions had become so sharp and tb mnrelns of profits so small , thul Iho coin mi dlum of exchange which could be handloc stored and irana ported from ouo country cone ono commercial center 'to another mo ; cheaply , when the stale of the exchange was such us to rcquiro coin shipments , we naturally employed. And , therefore , in duo course this bocan the rule ; because It was soon discovered thi ho who employed Iho dearer medium in sue cases could not successfully compels wit those who employed the cheaper. < Jold accordingly < under those rapid changing commercial conditions came to I more and moro and finally ultogoihor usoi and so the -,110 of silver , on account of li greater relative woigla and bull : with tl resulting greater expense in u ing , fell o moru and mure , ui'd ra'iuullv passed o lirely out of service for this among1 11 prouicst of nil coin uses. This nonuse al : operated to lesson Its value as n meaeuro values , because the demund for com merclalu ; becoming less r.nd loss nnu finally eeasli limitations , und finally suspensions , of i courage resulted , first in England nnd Gc many and afterwards in the other counlrk This was the state of silver when our mm criticised so-called actof deraoueiizailon w passed. True , oflr coinngo of silver dollars up 1873 had been comparatively light , but silv under the process of demonetization In oth countries was passing rapidly into t state of a commodity , and our tn'in under the rule of coinage then .0 mining were believed to be In danger flooding from this great volume which the > e countries had fallen into disuse with constant trend to a lower level of value. At tbo beginning , therefore , it was a co morclal condition a commercial evolution and not a capitalistic theory which was r sponslblo for the discredit und resulting el ) monetlzatlon of silver. Later , undoubted ) ) capital took advantage of tbo situation 3 appreciate the value of gold , but probub apprehension , next to the Increased commi I clul use of gold , bad moro to do with the i i sull than speculation. Albeit , tbo incontes 1 ble fact stands that there has buon un em Increased duraand for gold from I Ine-rnasod commerce of the world for acti use in its exchanges on account of tbo m use df silver. To Ihis there has nl o bo added the extruordinurll.v Increased doma for gold as the basis of commercial cred correspondingly increased. Then there ha como enormously increased demands fn the great governments of the world strengthen their rojorvcs und currency ha ; and for debt and interest payments , etc. , a also vastly Increased demands for tno pi tectlon ol untold millions of bcnda and ou securities issued by status , municipnliti corporations , etc. , for which cold payrnun principal and interest , were 'pledged , on i count of the displacement of Mlvcr , The f lowing statement from the eminent politli economist , Bolsscvuin , In which ho adoj the calculations of that able statistician , I Soetbeor , confirms this view. Ho savs : "According to calculations based upon I Soetlbcur's ' figures , there hare arisen in t years 1870 to 18 5 , now demands for cold Uormaiiy , the United States , the Scan nuvlan klncdom and Italy , which , lab ulono , exceed the amount of the product ! of that metal In the sumo period ( after mi ing dnduotlon for all the industrial einpli inent and for the * exportation to the east ) tbo sum of n milliard of francs ( aboUt | jC 000,000) ) m round numbers thai Is by aoi u sixteenth of the total amount of ci money , which , toward the cud of thai peril had oeon distributed lUgEuropo , the Uiiil States and Australia. . , . , . "It follows , tlinu , ttiat.ln the other coi trios lakou together nbfonly can there ha boon no augmentation bf gold currency di Ing the said period , but tbo above named u Hard must have been jaUan from their in < etury clroulntlnn. And.besides , of then demands I have only tukun Into accoi those of the four countrlbrf above mentlom along with wulnh , however , there must he been similar demands < | 'rom other quarters And now , Mr. Chairjqaf } , the growth tbo business world sfcco silver was prac oally demonetized has' been immense , aim bovoud the power of hum'an calculation , a it all rests upon a duals ot gold , which growing thinner and thinner relatively ovt month. " There is a universal hurry a scurry and strife between the nations to cure from thogcnorul'stbrb moro gofel on and all roalulng that wlion the pressure Increased demand frouvrouowod commurc activity , or as may happen from Increas distrust Rud loss of confidence , comes I supply will suddenly bo found absolutely i adequate to meet It. There Is nothing like enough now lo around , It Is now apparent totbouh world that It has got to uu largely supj ; monttd b ; something else , This cannot done , as some of our friends think , by unlimited Issue of irredeemable treasury any other paper currency. That would 01 asgravate present evils. It would only crease tbo dangers of the situation , would be Ilka building a six-story house a foundation strong enoutrh only for structure of two stories , When the sio should como it would uuroiy fall of Its o weight and crush ovoryboSv and ovoryth under It , J'ho ullver of iho worlu must 11 rehabilitated as money and brought Into .0 J world's currency. How 4s this to bo ao If you will stand br the republican part ; nnd re-elect President Harrison a way wll bo found. Wo ore nlruidv started on th right track by the creation of nn tutorna tiunnl inonoturr commission , Wo mus bring the world to our Idea , nnd ll is comln rnnldly. fjtit It wo cntnint accomplish thl Rflcr n pttlcnt , conservative nnd porslslcn effort , wo may bo able to discover some ser of horolo remedy to rollavo the patient. I any event , 1 , fnr ono. am In favor of kocpln n stiff upper Up. WP ought to try to cot vlnco iho world lhat wo are determined t rehabilitate silver , nnd to do It in such u wn ns will bp safe for oursnlvcs und all th great commercial nations , nnd which wl make It absolutely necessary for thorn t Join us. The ropubllcan party will find suto nnd sum way before long , Just as I tlmo past It ha * always found n way t iTitijflho country out of every troublo. Ono thing Is certain , wo cannot safely nd another hair's womht through nn Increase ( our paper currency to tno over .strain no1 upon the goU supply of the world. Silve Under present conditions , Is not nn Intern ttonal inonov , not n money of comuiorco. . ' Is a dead weight. In this country gold hr to stand as guarantor so to speak for si vor's contracts. Therefore , silver not enl does not help , but adds to gold's burden Gold Is notonlv required to do Its own , bl 'ho work of silver us well. Silver must I trengthened so ns lo bo nblo not , only i Und alone , but to do n full and equal day work with gold In transacting the world nisinois mul support ! its vast credit fabrl ? OT this purpose every dollar o * It mil it.ado equal to every other hone ollnr of every kind , Such dollars as it reposed to put out under the sublroasui Ian of our alliance friends would all urthor weaken gold nnd place now obst lei In the way of tliorehubUllntior. of sllvc ny assault upon gonornl canlldenco taxi ho strength of gold anil Increases the porl if the currency und business situation , ur his scheme would bo a positive Injury ti lead of n help to the verv Interest sought 10 benefited , because it would urovo a dl urblng , n confidence-destroying factor , vould retard the movement tn support of tl 'orv interest sounht to bo advanced. Now In order that wo may bjtter undo land what our Interest in the moiioy meta s. lot us see exactly how the account stain vith these met nis : 'he world's proliutnfUlvurstatcd In ounce * , for bill. w. s inVjOC 'ho American requite- ments for home use W010 ! 'urcliiisc ' * under the not of ISM , 4.VJJOOJ minces per month . . sed In the art- * . Total ni.oyi.ooo SOI American uroiluet. . ris.nj.OJU : K\C039 Ot llOllll ) Hsu over homo product. r > ,67iOW ) ) liiropniin reiiulruinunti for thn nils 20,050.000 orcotnaite In till coun tries outside the United States 60.0)0,000 Iiikln" all uses onUltlo tliul'nltoil i-t.xtos SO.000,000 VII uses In the United States 04,000,000 Total world'use. . . . . IM.LOO.OOO 153.000.C Total world's excess of uses over produc- tletn In IHU O.MO.C 'ot.il btoclt of gold In the principal countries of the world i.'l.7ll.843.f Total slock of sIHor al.'J,578l ' Total sold nnd silvur S7rr > l,42U : I think it is a self-evident proposition th f the world's stock of silver available f iolniujo could bo giadually brought to p and added to the presont'volumo of gold cu oiicy there would not bo n dollar too mui 'nr the world's requirements for our co itnntly Increasing money us.es. To rocaplt ute : Wo have seen how enormously the requirements bavo Increased from the bu ; ness growth of the recent past. Wo ha ienn from the statement of Ur. bootbce idopted by Mr. lioibsovain. which is at lea ? good nut'aorltv ' as Is obtainable nnywhc in the whole world , that Increased douinn upon the world's store of gold from 1870 SS5 , from only four countries , exceeded ti production for lhal period by moro ihi $200,000,000 , Wo have seen by the autho tatlve estimates I have given that the a nuul excess In thn use of silver beyond t amount annually produced In this count is about 5.000,000 ounces and thai Hie wsrle uses exceed its annual production bv abe 0,500,000 ounc-js. TUis annual deficit , ma lug a reasonable allowance for mcroased pi ductlon , even without any additional doma for money uses , cannot very material diminish. The United States produces little moro tnan iwo-llfths of the ontl product of the world. Wo own more th ona-savonth of the entire stock of the worli silver. Wo used at homo about 5,000 , ( ounces moro than wu produced last ve ; although our product for 1891 was larger : i,830,000 ounces than It was In 1S9J. T business safety of our country requii that our gold money shall bo lari IV supplemented in some matin Ono of the most important of our Amoric industries is the production of silver. Neij boring slates with which wo bavo a v < largo and remunerative commerce , whose I teroats nnd our. uro In many respects loot cal , nro among the largest producers oft ver lu the United States. It IB , thereto manifestly our Interest , both generally n locally considered , and our duty as well , stand for the bimetallic standard , and to sisl on the earliest possible conservative habllltation of silver. But wo must advat to this rosull with such careful constdc tlon and prudence of method ai not to ei turb for a moment the true measurement values. This I understand to bo exactly 1 republican doctrine as enunciated bv I Minneapolis convention. In consonnnco'w Ihis view the president has invited Iho gr commercial natluns chiefly interested , o they have nccopted bis invitation , to t monetary conference , which Is lo consii Ibis whole subject matter , und it Is hor. nnd bollovod that some action favora'jle our view will be taken. It is certainly ' move in the right direction , und cannot'1 to provo useful. It Is not to bo cxpec that It will rosull in oponiiitr al once all minis of ' .he world to the free and unliml coinage of Mlvor. Indeed this wo not bo wlso. If wo can sec at first a consensus of the natii us to a common ratio of value botwi gold and silver , and a general admission to the desirability of ultimate free und i limited coinage bv all , wo shall soon afl ward * find tbo way clear for a rapid and enduring advance all along the line. 'J issue ns 10 the ratio seems to have nurrov down between the Freneb ratio of 1 to 1 and the American ratio of 1 to 10. A olher is not likely oven to be considered the conference , because none olher Is pt tlcable or possible. Wo sometimes hoar opinion expressed lhat tbo best way to sol the coinaga controversy is U put sil enough into Ibe silver'dollar to make il once equal In value to the gold dollar. If ratio of 1 of gold to 10 of silver should changed even to 1 to0 nn entire rccoln of all cur silver dollars would ho immcdlat required. Wo have in this country noa $000,000,000 of sliver in money use. 'I ho creiiied weight of silver required for t new dollar , if all should bo rccoincd , wo cause a shrinkage or contraction of m than $100.000,000. If the ratio bhn bo changed so us to rcquiro an amount silver cqub.1 in commercial valuu to present gold dollar It would cause an Imi dlalo shrinkage or contraction of moru tl J DO.OOO.OOO. This would produce sue ! financial panto as wo have uovor been , would cost the United States and Fra together In the way of contraction more tl $100,000,000. The world's shrinkage un this ratio , if subsidiary coins were also con What Is It ? In point of fact it is th freedom from poisonous an spurious ingredients , the cj cellence in flavor which give to Dr. Price's Delicious Fla\ oring Extracts of Vanill ; Orange , Lemon , etc. , thei wide popularity and increa ; ing sale. The retail grocers are learnin that quality rather than pric is. necessary to retain th confidence of customers an make a successful business. rod , would be so great nt to require thre cars of the entire world'H production o inth gold and silver to make It UP , and loni icforo It should bo accomplished tbo sllvc ollnr would con.mnnd a largo premium to gold.Mr. Mr. Chairman , il Is thounrcn.ulrod surplu f any commodity or thlnn for which thor s no purchntor which d prcisos Us price t Is the MtUu ot the chance * or prob.i illltlcs of the sale of such surplus from da ; oelitythat makes the market prlco. Ihi s f'llly itlustr.iteid by our whoU market. I s the 10 per cent , or whatever It may bo , I he w&v ot surplus which we can neither us lorscll at home , and for which wo must fin i foreign market , that makes the prloo To ho whole ' , . The ratio permanently settled by th mtlons lo bo topresonted In the oontrronc nt either 1 to l.V , or 1 to ll ) , und an tncrons n the demand lor uses of silver money I ICuropo. It cqiil only to our purchase ofl.uJO.UOO ounces monthly , would mail such u draft ou . the surplus silver < the world as to cause Us prleo to RMdtull and naturally advance to par. And when should reach par ihroiiRU such a method would .stav there , II would bccomo u crei reserve money , thus relieving gold In n lar dccroa for roiorvo ilsoa. l oopl In the sill sldmry denominations silver cixn never hi como n free clriulatlni ? roln , Indeed , tl silver dollar In Us currency use * at the prtu out tuna Is ru'her of the nature ot n sut sldiurv coin. It Is too cumbur onio , U icavy to bo over uifnln used , oven In enl lary transnutlons , except In small sums 111 Us value for reserve und other fiduciary pu osos , when once nccoptod , will bo porin ontly and uimltdrablv established ut p ; with cold , and every dollar thus used wl contribute nn additional dollar to Iho world currency. 1 voted for the act of 1500 , under whlc A.T , > 0tlKX ( ) o'lticus of silver bullion nro pu chased each month , 1 now incline to tt opinion that It would bo bolter to com ull i our homo product , under certain limitation than lo continue these purchases Thahott product of last year only o.xeoedml these pu chases of bulllo'i ' bv about -1,000,000 oiinco-t. The paper currency Issued for this tnillie is pavublo In cold and bllvor , ut thu option i Iho owner. This Is another lax upon 01 limited olei supply , whlrh helps to incroai the p.'rils of tno present financial sltuattoi It operates to depress rather than apprcciin the prlco ot silver , because the characteil tlo of coin money for It Is not rec.ciil/ci und , second , while dealt lu us a com mod 11 only , U Is not no dealt In lu vJllclcnl quui lltv to reduce the burplus to the point whei appreciation in value must commenco. 1 I cllno to the beli'if , therefore , that il won ! bo safer for the Rovcrtimont und the peep Konornllv , includliiK the producer i silver himself , nnd bettor for the current : In the lonz run , to pay for our lion bullion with the silver dollar coined 01 of It , with limitations as to Us loeal tendi use , and with the authority to Issue ce titlcutos thetcon , payable In gold us well i silver , only In tlio discretion of the secrotnt of tha , treasury. I urn in fuvor of blraetii llsm. I am in favor of the free nnd unlimltc coinage of both gold und silver ns n princ pie , bul as a matter of eovernmental policy am not lu favor of this country nctitm aloi for unlimited free coinnco nt the prcaci limn. U has been stated thai 1 voted fi the free nud unlimited coinage bill in tl lasl session of congress. This Is not tru 1 was paired with Iionntor Gibson of Mnr land who was for tno bill \vhilol was analn It. Hoio Is the letter staliiie our pair : Julv IH , lb'li.--IIon. A. B. I'addocif , Unite States Senate My Dear Sir. The "pnli between un , as arriURcd by Senator CJorinr with yoj , was entirely in accord with n views on the "silver bill. " 1 was In favor It. you were opposed to it. You > -s voi " truly , CJiiMH.i > H. Gin ov. If , however , there is a refusal in the co forence to favorably consider some plan lee IIIK to the amelioration of Iho present hui conditions resulting from the exclusion silver from the world's money of commerc I shall bo lu favor of sucti n policy on tl part of this country , on safe und Innopen out lines , us shall appear to bo bc.st calc Idled to mitigate pre.sent evils. But I do not think It will ssrve any ROI purpose at this ' . .linelo nnilulp < Uu failure i the port of the conference , nnd propose rein ales iu advance of tbo fact. XO\IIDO : , Iowa , April 10 , 1SU1. Dr. J. B. Moore , DaarSlr : My wife h used noout six bottles of your Tree of Ll and thinks that she has received irout benofll from it than any medicine she li over taken. Yours truly , L H. Bi TKIV. Gon'l Agent mid Treas. West Colieco. Since receiving the above testlmonlnl , I a In recelpl of a letter nnd check from the He L. . II. Luflcin of Toledo , Iowa. April :25. : send [ lev. J. W. IConworth , Crestline , Iva sas. six Pottles of Moore's Tree of Life. Korsulo by orutrsists. " It makei n tired. ' People m me ) is murriaj n failure i C course 'fain s'poso I don _ ] ; po\v my biz nhat mil I he for < " If tliow men only koe healthy they Ice in good spiri nnd cupid is el o mu n d L every cnfeebl woman know tl there's a rcinei that'll cure lit the proof's iw tivo. It eloes what ig promised. Hero's the proof if it doesn't elo you RO within reasonable time , report the fnet to makers nud get your money back without woiel but you won't do it I The lemedy is Dr. ricif-o's Fnvorlto T : scrlptlon and it I'.iib proved itself the rig remedy in nearly every c-aso of fomulo w w ness. It is not n miracle. Itou't n overytliln but it has elouo inoro to bu up enfeebled and broken-down women th any either medicine known. Are Tl CLOAKS MesOVZRCOAl ! Thu/ And Cost Less Moiie the AH LATEST FASHIONS a ! 1520 Farnam St. , Cor. I6lh , I.aily Cleilio In nttondnncc. SPECIAL SALE W llrlng this ad. to get upenl it prleus. To all owncirsof loth or p-trtsof lots on Wi \\e > rtli itvenuu from Hucond Btreeit tn Hi blnmi : Vein me huroby notlllod that the inn signed , tli i eu dlxlptuiojlud frireholderH of city of Uiiuihu , huvu lieieu duly uppulnlud tli n mayor , with Iho approval ut thu rltyro ell of salil city , to uws * the ( laniard to owneirs ro < puetlvuly of thu pinpurt viilfui by the t-Tidoof Woiilworth avenue , from . ' oiid Htruut to Sixth sireet , iluclareid nuuesH by ordinance No. : : ill. PIHSIM ! .Nov umber 1 , aiiproviMl Novuiubur II. IM . ' . ion am further nutlllod , that havluz routed mild appointment , und duly iiuull lib requited by Uw , wo will , ou lhui in du Novembur , A. l > . Ib'X' ' , at tl > u hour of r.o'el In the aflenioon ut f he > oflleonf lieor. 1'aiil , iri < A l < 'urnaiu btruct. within tliocorpoi limits of s nd I'liy , mi/ut for the purpos cciulder iu nnd mukin'J ! thei IIHSI-K-IIIIDII il.iliia ii to lliu owneri ruipuotlvely , of i property , nfTet'ted liy said i-liair.'o of ur uklnz Into comlderatlou speclut benvflt uuy , ) on ure ) notified to bu ptusent at thu t und place ) afoiusald , unel niiii.u miy object lo or stalenienlu coneurn nv. sild mscssn of dumuKef , uu you may consider proper. HKOHUB.I. 1'AlJU WILLIAM ( i. KIIKIVKR IL W. lillloON. Omaha , .Nov. 15 , IbUJ. Will cute You , la n , true stntemetit ot tlio action ot AVER'S Sar.snpnrilln , when taken for ellseascs originating In Impure blood ; but.vlillo this nsscrtlon Is trtioot AVER'S Sarsapattllii , ns tluiiisnnds can attoM , It cnnuot bo tiutlitutly applied to other preparations , which t'C | rlnclpled dealers will recommend , nud try to Im pose upon you , as "just ns good ns Ayev'd. " Tukn Aj cr's Sarsniurllln nnd Aycr's only , If jou need a blood-purifier nnd uould bu liuiu'llted permanently. This mcdleinc , for nearly fllty years , 1ms ctijeiyed n leptitntlnn , and made a rce'ord for elites , that has never heeu pilttalott by other preparations. AVER'S Sni.supaillla crndleutos the tuint of he reditary soiotula nnd otlu r Mood ells- oases from the system , mid it 1ms , eloser- vedly , tlio ronlldpiieo eil the jieoplo. "I e'linuot forbear to expiess my joy al the relief 1 have1 obtained from tlin use of AYKIl'S Su.siinnillln. : I was mlllcted with kidney troubles for about six mouths , suffi'tiiiK xiently with pains In the. siunll eif my liui'k. In addition to this , my body was covered with pimply eruptions. Tlio icmedles prescilbcd failed tn help mi ) . I then l > emti to take AYKlt'S Suisaparillii , nud , In n Miort time , the pains ceased and the pimples ili.sappeaieil. I advisee-very young mnti or wemmll , in cuso of sk-liticss le.sult- inp from inipiiro lilood. no matter how long HtnndliiK the case may ho , to take AYKK'SSaMnparilln h.Jarmtinn , 3tf William st. , New York City. red hj Ur. J. O. Ayer St Co. , l.owe-11 , Mass. -ISYE fill. II O WIWS NKIIVK AND IIIU1N TltKAT- luenl. a Bipcllli'for | My tL-rlu. 11I//IMO , I'lln , Mm- rnluln , llenilaclie. Ni-rvoin I'rOBlrialon I'nusoil by liquor nr tntmccn. WnKofulncii-t. Mcntnl lleprn Dion , Sortnt'iK ( it tlio Drain , cnuxlne H nnlty , mln- t-ry. ilirajdentil. . I'ri-mntnrii dirt ARC , llurrcncsj. l.usi ot I'owur In cither BI < \ . liuputxiicv. l.iMicnrrliim nud nil bt'MuloVi > uknl1tiOri , Involuntary Loasca , Sponnntorrlietv I'tuutM by o\cr otrrttou of the liraln. t-olf-atmnt. . over liulnlituiU'O. A uiuuth'H truatmeut ( I. ( i foi $ . liy umllVu Kimrantoo > lx tio.xrn lorurc1 Uacli oulpr lor I ! liores with Jl will nund wrltton Kiiurnnten to rultind It not cured , fiiiariinteu U-tioil nnly liy ' 1 heoilure r 1 ewls , druit- Hltnoli \ < nk'L'iil l OlllhL < l t cuincr ttilti nud Furnnm Bit * , eii i&ii.i per uor u loru , BtjaKoy mnii. tvny aunercron tbliterrlUlo dlsuio wtoi H wrlttjn suanntss ll uoiltlvelyKlvuii wUUiI ujxai urrafunl ihomonjrlt curoJ-irjuj st\Jip Tor frj S.implu. eUiir.tntm eil Uy Kulm , VCu. , l > ni7Elu9 , hole Aion'.icorna . ami HoiiKlu troa- . U'-ia , Nuti ' im wlslics. Thi-y ViuiM ) tlin ( "noil tnus- . slinilah-and nourish thn Jimly. Kim. J uppet II D mill lie * elop Ili-sli. I'rli-e , JJ5 \ - < -nts. r.xai t l/i > hliimu In lionU-r. Wo Mill ncnil y.MI tlin nmrrtlous t Fu-nrli Preparation CALTIKIOf f ivnnd ii Ifgal uu.iraulre tlmtc l AI/J'HOS Kill ltrrlor < > soiirf Jloallli , Mrciitlli anil I 'vf if and fay tfsii/u Acfdrosn VON MOHU CO. . fiolr AmtrfeaJi l ; nU , elatlnmtl , Ohio. I Notlne. SealoJ proposals will be rceolvod nt any time nn or before - o'clock p , in. of the ill n el.iy of December , 1 ! > - ' . for the printing of ull bills for the li--hliUuni with such mnttiir as nunbnonlnied bv olthur house thereof. tobe > printed In "bill form. " uliloh la xhown and de liiuto.1 ( ascl'issono (1) ( ) under the printing IIIWH of thn stnto of Ncbrunkn. I 'or iho prlntlni ; nnd bind Ins in clotli covers of one thousand (1,000) ( ) cnule.s each of thu bien nial reports of the auditor of publlu accounts. troasiuer , societary of state , commissioner of iiutille lands and buildings , and bureau of labor and Industrial statistic.mil : five bun * I died (501) ( ) copies uac-h nf lliu blimnliil reports of the aitiirnuy uneriil , hiiperlnlendoiil cf | aib- 1kIIIMII m'tion. Mutu llhruilnii and adjulant gonrial ; e'no thousand (1.000) ( ) copies rupert htatu biinril jf traiiipnitatlon f < ir It'.lJ and flvo IhoUMind i.i.U'i' ' ' ) copes report hftitu boirilof uirlciiluiro for ISr. ' , und all olln'r repents and eliK'iiinuiils that inny bo ordered jirlntcd by thn Ic KliilmceoplHuuh us luuy entur lulu und foi in p.ut of the Journ ilf , which class of work I'i Iviiuitn and dosUnuied MH claat ihi eo i.'l ) under the Diluting 1 i s of Nubraska. Thu hill uui'K. eM'unled under oliist one. ibiill bo printed In small pie i type , on naper font teen ill ) inehe.s long by elgln nnd ono-hiilf is'ti Ineliisvlih > , single page ; paper to liu tuenty-i'l lit ti. < t pounds doublu cap to the team , und eneept the tlllu pa e , u.ie'h pugd uliall cent iln not lu > s th'-Mi I uonly-llvo (2" ( > ) lines of solid niatler of seven ( "i Inches In length , "ml the lines shall ho suceu-islvoly numborud , with u blank tm.y In o.ieh ajiaou iicl ween the ilnus. Thu title pii.'o of said bills shall contain not less tlinu iiihteen ( Ih ) I pus IIH ubovu , with tlneu ( < < ) Inches additional xpacoullowablo for dlsiility tltlo inuller. Kuch bid hliitll slutnluil the b'diler ' Is willIng - Ing to do the woriTcomtiluio for , pur p co , for the thren InindriiJ ( JWi ) copies naeh bill , also thn prleo for nddltlonal liiindieds that may bo ordered ot HID HIIIIKI lilll HI lliuiiniii tune as thuorlKluul three huiMlicdiOiliiiuiiillii''coiii- ( poaltlon , piper. pioss work , itiiolilni : , toldlus und till worn of maturliil entering Into the \toru leijulinil , All weirU executed mler ulass onu hhiill bo ilellvereil in good older hy thi ) con raelor 10 Iho ollli-o of tlioHiierutiiry of sliilo within throei ilavH nf fur thuiueiilptof I hi ) order by said rim- tr iL'lor fiiitu thei ehaliinun uf Ihu coinniltluu on i > ilnllH7 , luoltlii'rbi , inuh of t ! iili' Ulaturi' . All worl. oxoente'd iiinlor i-l-iss lucoiil ) ohull liu iiilirud In liinir primer , biuvier nnd noiiii- | roll type , on pipm lobe nine Inehes lunx by six Hi' ' Inches wide. hlnln pii e , p.ipurtobu forty-live ( I'll ponndd to tie ream , of twontv- fuiir by thirty l.v uhlto book. I' luh bid uu- dor eUissthiiHiHh.ill Ht.ito what ihn bidder H willing to do the work eomploiu for , pur pu'-o , on piieli roporlorllem In IhHcl.iss , ineludln'4 eoMiinsitlon | , paper , pros ? ' work , mltuhln ' , fold- l.iK und ull work nr miili'rlal enterlnx' Intotliu woik ruiiiluid. | O.illny and pugu pioof must bo fiirnUhod when reii < Irei i bv tlmolllceiH of tlio u.\ueniiyi ; ( lepurlnieiit or the chiilrmiin ot theeoinmllteeon jirlnllii , In Dither brnneli of the legislature. Work whun con.plotoil to bnilellvuruil free eif oxpuiiM ) alt ho xtnlo house. I'ropoiitM for vfork In etuch of the ubove t ; lapses i\li | not be conalduieid MH'.IMH tlio nnu no neeomiianlfi ! by u bond In thu sum uf live tlioiifciiiidriUHelollurHwlih ) tno or moro auro- lles ; ih.il In ciiBU thu parly mupotlnv for such contract hhull bu awar.lo I tlin KUIIIU iiii'li par ty will , wiihni llvii ( "ii lUys ufinr thu uuuid lo linn of niii | I'oniiiivi , entur Into bonds for tlio riililifnl performance iliiueor , as provided by law and HID the terms of these proposal * . 1'ropohals hall Ixi m rked " 1'iopoiilH for publle prliillni" and uddrus-ied to the stain bo.ird of prlntliiK In caio of the secretary of Htute , lilnioln , .Nub. 1'outr.ict.H ou uluts one II ) us ubovu bpuelllcd will bu awarded UK u wholo. UonliuirtK on eius-illiri'D : ) asaboye npeellled will hu awar.led In whole or In parturt thu board may eltot. Haiiipiu * of the work tei b exeeiilinl under clubs onu ( I ) und thren CD rimy bu neon at Ihu olllcu of lliitbBurnliiry of stale. Uuntr.icts on ub'ivu ulabaes one ( Ii und llire.ii ( il ) to run tuo'Jl yo rs from DL-tuinbor 111 , ! " ' . ! ' . uxcupt thei repurts of the board of trunBportu > lion und it ile board o ( uurluiillure , the luttur to be oomp etud within sixty divyn after thu uwarJlnv of the e-onUiii't. 'I hu utilu printing board ruiiervus Iho right torejeetunyorbld , < < rio.-retory of Stall ) . 3. V. II I I.I/ , Htitu I'rlnllnz Hoard HtutnTreimnror. TIIUAII.IIKM'ON. Auditor I'ubliu Auuiunl * Lincoln , N U , Nov. II , IS'/- ' . nlTd.wt