Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1892, Image 1

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    F I
What They Owe to the Government , ami
to Othar People.
'd Anii-iHlmi'iit'i t < > tlin Snnnlii IHII
I'riMiilIni ; l'ir Hit ) rmiilliisi 'f the
Iolitft-Thi ) 1'lnn HUKSCHtcil
by thu IIiiliiiilliMon.
WAKIIIXOTOV , I ) . C. , Nov. 21. The special
report of Hon. 11. A. Taylor , the coinmls.
I hlonor of rallro.idi , relative to Iho scnnto bill
providing tortlio funding of Iho debts of the
Paclllo railroads , hus been received by Sccro
tary Nohlo.
The ronort show that , tharo were bond"
Issued In nld of the o roads in the following
nmour.ts : Lnion Pacific , l5ii'r : ) > l ; Com
tral Pacific , ? 2T,8.Vi.iSO. ! There has been paii !
by the United States In Interest on thcsr
bonds up to December 31. Ih'.M , In excess oi
payments iniulo by the eompuny In rolnv
burftomoni : For the Union Pacific , 8JOMV !
04(1 ( ; for Iho Central Pacific , $27.23.1,4" '
Total amount duo the Unlluil Sums Occam
bor 31 , 18' ) ! : Prom the Union Paclllo , S.M.
fiOO,4r > < > : from the Central Piiclllr , ? 35,0011 , 1 12
The subsidy bonds begin to full due Januut-j
10 , 1SH5 , and the last arc duo January 1 , IS'J'J '
'First mortgage bonds hnvo also bocn Ismici
on these roads , which constitute a lion pno
to that of tlio United Status , amounting 01
the Union Pacific to ? tt W'.OJO , and on tin
Central Pacific to SJrb.VIOUO. The llrst mort
Riigo bonds nmturo tit practically the saini
dates m the subsidy uoiuls.
Ami-mi nil-nil Suggested.
The commissioner reviews the pondlni
in ensure at length imil sugeuests nmonil
inonts as follows :
KlrsU UhntiKQ Iho muthoil of compllatlni
nnd ixsL-erlaltiinn the present worth of th
ilolitn by compounding Iho Interest forth
llino between the settlement and Iho inaliirlt :
of thu subsidy bniiiHsiMiil-iiiuniallv. lustuui
nf with two reals only , us provided In llioorlg
Inul hill
oconn. MiiUo the rate of Interests porcen
from the H ! art.
Thllil , Insert anpuiilnl uroxlso In soellon :
requiring thu Union I'aclliu raliroul to ass K
to the suveinincMil all Its rights. Interest 1111
equities In mortgages. bonds , stoi'Ks , mitt
mid other heenritli's of nv ilcsuilptlon Hum I
trust l > y Drexel , Morgan .t Co , trustees , to m
euro the payment of cciliiln nolcs clvon I
Hollleii.enl . of the Moating debts of thu coin
I'oiirth , i-otfllcm S. iirorldlne In euso of < lt
fault by H.ilil companies to make utiv pay
mtiiits provided for by act , tliat "tho at
tortiov general of Iho l'nlio'1 ' Mates .shall Im
mediately thuipiipon Institute proper pic :
UUR < | | II H In it pronoi court for the appoint
n. out , of u rccolvor. " Is nincnilod by ln-urt'U '
utter thu words "I'nlic.l Mines" In HID sixty
eighth line of thu sojtion thu words , "npu :
ihn requestor Iho ptosldenl. "
Klfih. Atnmul soit.onM . by nddliie n
tlio end of the sui'tlon the nurds "siibloc :
however , to Iho prior llun of thu morliiiKi ;
.o the Slates herein provl lud for. "
Ttio general purpose of the bill Is thu 03
cnsion of the debt , to 100 yours , with It
t rest at 2 per cent , anil a certain portion c
'he principal to bo uaul at UiaoxplraUon c
ivory six months during that time , so thi
itlhoond of 11)0 ) years the entire debt wl
iuvo boon extinguished. The Dill i
intended , the commissioner bcltovcs.vouli
r enact ca Into law , fully protect Iho intorc :
f the covorumont nnd sucuro the llnnl pa ;
nont lo It of nil the monov , principal at ,
Interest , duo from the bonded road * . II
does not believe that any me.isuio llxlng
snorter period of payment or u higher ral
of Interest will bo ucuijpiod by the rullroa
Ijsi-lesi , to Kiireelnne.
"Then It Is useless for the Rovernment ,
lie s.iys , "to Insist upon terms of scttlcinci
that the rallron.i companies will not ngreo 1
nnd iolly for the camp.iniot to IIRICU to coi
aitlons not warranted by their present lluai
clat condUion or their future prospects.1
All the ossoiuml features hro exhaustive
discussed. The commissioner comlmls tl
proposition that the Kovcrinnunt foreclose i
rtKi'Kcs ' unil tnko possnsslon of thn roai
us wholly impracticable , and closes li.i r
port as tollowa :
"i am of tha opinion that in view of t !
racolnK facts It would bo sound businc
ilKinont to settle with the railroad coni |
nics and extend ttioir debts under the prov
ions of the accompanying ; bill , rather than
foreclose on Iho roads and scale reimbnrs
mont for thclf cost to the covcrnment , eith
tlirouun their sale or opciMtton. I am nu
that when the facts of ttio Munition are ful
utidcrstonu and tlio alternallvo of n si-ttl
inont or foreclosure uro ttquuroiy prcaenit
as it must be , congress will decide and i
puoplo approve thu decision , tliat it is wlso
inalio a sQltle.nont which promises to soon
tlio paymonto1 all the Interest .ind part oft
ptlncfpal of the iiobts for cacti six mont
Irani the data of settlement r.ither than
resort to a forcclosiiru tliat involvoj the n
dltlonnl Invcstniont of an nmou
cijual to the original debt. It
tlmo to bocottlnc that moiuy : out of t
bonded railroadH r.itlior than putlint ; me
Into tliom.
Jtnni .No ltiHl .
"Hy the pn siiKO af tills hill the pov.'rnmc
hazards nothing. It wiuves no exKU
riKhts nor releases tlio unison t securilli
a ml it impairs no oxislini ; obligation. If t
railroads refuse to accept it. or , inacccptin
inv'lcct or rofiiso to comply wllti Its prov
ions , Iho interests or ttio Kuvernmnnt
not bo Ihcrouy In any way put In peril.
the railroad compunios accent it and d
chnriu their diulea under it , us Ihov a rue
do , then would it provo u happy bolntion
lho vexed iincstlon , Carofnl study of nlll
fnclH of tLo situation loiuU mo to the cone
Mon that thu interests of tlio Kovernnu
mid Iho penplo utoni ; the lines ol bond
toads would bj boil proteelod by such u s
tlomont us Is provided for in the tnncail
bills submitted hcrowitii. "
This matte- will bo dUcnssod bv Sec
tnry Nobiu In his forthcoming rjpn
ns no doubt it will be by the president In I
annual message.
Tit.vni : nil CHINA.
norh'iiu ( 'omul Sliuoi .tliilti an Intt'rii
mi ; iiiiurt | on tlin sniiji'i't ,
\ V.HHIXCTDNNov. . 21O , II. Simon ,
American consul at II Jiif IVOIIK , sends to
iiopartuinnt u rouort , which will
noon , dealing with tlio subject
American trade it. L.'nina. Mr. Simon so ;
AM n future mutUel fur Aiimncan t
Kuropcan products China , wlili its popv
lion of 400OJOmJ , offeVi prospects unp.u
Iclod by any countrv no * , at present 'u
opened to the markets of the world. If
dcslro to sccuro our proportloiuiio shun
thlb murltet , howovcr , our mercliants in
study morocaiorully Him : thoyhavo hlthe
done both tno nattonal unaructoristlcs of
Chinese and thu procho nuiuro
their rciiulronionis. Ttio llrst ube
bo briolly suinmurucd us follo\
lr.tonso couscrvntibin , H stolid jlls
paru of 1'cn.onul ' comlort ( occordlnc to i
] idi < ai ! ) , mranely ) nomulnej in thu wujith
clasboiwlth lavish rxpcnulluio and r
lovon ( display in tnoir domestic life ; ami
Vjuslncss mutters an extreme cuuti
umouiiimt- times to utter InUllTerencj
to the adoption of niodura or Inv
tlons , Thi'so peculiarities nro well uxeiu
lU'd In thoOnluoso Inlmbltanu of our Ann
can cities , who , after years of contact w
iuoir whlto nelhuor | , stilt clItiK to U
hurd , uticouiforlallo chairs and coucl
never even substllvilliit ; tha feather or r
pillow for thulr ncckhrrnklni ; wooden a
elf , wldlo they Imported Irom Honir Id
alone last year over fKMJ.uou worth of ( .
ncbQ food prouuct uuu fWOua of Chin
The second point to bo considered by.
American meronant in the eiidoavor to o |
a ChlnosQ market for bis products 1 , a
Unvo suld , the prerlso uuturo of the requ
uiQiils of Uio proplo. For example , ii
country wlmro thuro practically ard
wheeled vehlclo * and evcijrthlng in tn
on tb ibouldtrt of Urotooted coo
there U naturally little need of paved or
macadamized road ) , tml it is consequently
absurd to think of Introducing expensive-
Amcrlcni. road-mnklng machinery rook
crushers , pnndoroui steam roller. ! , and the
like. Yet 1 am constantly rocolvlnir lottuM
from American mapufjcturors asking my
assistance In introducing those and oilier
muchltiery , such as saw nnd ulanlng inilli ,
mowing und threshing muchttios nnd har
vesters , all equally absurd In their Inadapta
bility lo Iho roouircmcnls of u country where
them nro no laruo farm * or plantations nnd
where human labor u so cheap at lo oo n
druc on the market.
For certain of our products , on tlio other
hand , such ns Hour , korosrno oil , lumps ,
clock' , wiilrhe * . knit good * , umbrellas , etc. ,
llioro is already u largo und Mruailv ni'-reas-
ln demand : wlillo 1 am convinced that miny
of our Inventions , sueh at small
gas ongincs , foot lntlio < , printing nresses , and
especially American hand toou and hard-
wiiro of overv description , would Und u ivady
sale if the Chinese were once convinced of
their utility nnd economy. Tnls can never
be accomplished , hovvovmby tlio policy
hitherto followed by most American manu-
faoturors. ot Hooding Iho countrv with de
scriptive Irauo circulars and illustrated cata
Thu 0113 thing needful above Ml others to
convert the splendid pjnslbllltioi ot the
future Into a r < ! mu'icratlvo certainty Is pjr-
sonul Introduction ot our wares and piUlont
explamilion of their advantages by Inlelll
gout agents , uid : the i-'istoin ' onci soctirod
can only ha retained by absolute Integrity
ntid fair dealing on the part of tno Amorii-an
merchant , ns thn Cliincsouroshrewd triutui-j ,
and their conlldonco in un individual dealer
once shaken can never bo regained.
It Is estimated bv ono of th i largest
Importers In Hong ICong thai , the quantity ot
Hour Imported from San Francisco In 1VJI
amounted to l.MCM.OOi ) quartor-sacks , which
with 500,000 from Portland , Ore. , and about
50,00) ) from Vancouver , make u total of
1H50,000 quarter-Clicks , the largest llgiuc
yet ruachcd , each quaitor-sack containing
farty-nlno pounds ol Hour. It is sold in
Hong ICong for nn nveraco price of $1.30 in
Mexican money , or nearly ii in goto.
I regret lo say that grou depression pn >
vails in all branches of business. Failure"
have been numerous nnd lhat condition
kuown all over the world a "lace of coir
lldpnco" Is widely felt. Stocks of all kinds ,
even these paying the normal dividends ,
hava fallen enormously , while tlio number ol
companies In process ot liquidation l u clem
Indication of the absence of that utmojphuri
of general prosperity so essential to the sue
cess of speculative cuiurprisos.
Iwo causes nro assigned for this undesir
nblo state of mratrs : First , the luunclung a
"bubbla companion" during the last , fe\\
years , whlcC , it , is claimed , lias drained tin
colony of miny millions of dollars ; and
second , the over-recurring question of ox
cliungo. Merchants who purchased goods a
u timu when iho Mexican dollar was wortl
bjor'JJ cents In gold must now either dls
pose of thorn ut n loss or advance theli
juices and the lattnr course ii always fol
lowed by a contraclion In the amount o
It is eonorally bolloveil , indeed , that tin
"legitimate" business of the colony lias noi
greatly suffered , while the shipping on whicl
Us very existence depends bhows , us v > i
have .scon , a healthy incroaso. But the fac
rom-ilns , nevertheless , that universal dull
ness provulls , money Is "tight" and credi
contracted , and thorn are no rollablo indlca
lions ola speedy Improvement.
PENSION /M'riorii.vrinx > .
I.HI'KC ! AiiiiiiintVhleh \Vllt He Needed Co
tlie Cnmlni : Year
W.vsinsorov. O. C. , Nov. 21. There ap
pears to bo more thanu-sual interest altuchoi
to iho forthcoming annual report , of the coin
nussionor ot pensions , for the reason llm
the pension appropriation llguros conspiei
ously In the annual budget of the govon
mont. It , has boon pretty well undoi-stoo
tor some tlmo past that the estimates tor ih
next liscal would show a lnrb'0 incrcus
over uny previous yoar. This uxuectatlo
was based on the fact or the lanrj issue c
pensions during the year , consequent upo
recent pension legislation , which admitto
to u punslonablo status a very largo numbc
of soldiers who were not pensionable undi
Iho tormor laws.
In a few days Uio report of General Haiti
will bu completed and a full statement of 111
condition of the pension ouleo will bo pn
senlud. The statements have boon nmil
that the amount , that will bo required fc
pensions during the r.oxt fiscal year wi
nearly reach the enormous sum of S\JOUOi ! (
000. The work of compiling iho figures i
however , sufilciunlly advanced lo show Un
this estimate is in excuss of the actual r
qulrcmmils. Since Iho passage ot Iho dl'
ability bill there bus been a rapl
increase in the amount pooled to pn
For ' . ' . tl
the peinlons. Hie years jss'.i-.u
total upproprlulion on account of pensioi
was about Sl'j'.i.OJO.O. ' ) . ' . Last , vonr tlioro wi
nn li > creu o lo * L II.OOJ.OOO. But , as ( tenor ,
It-nun will mnta in his annual loport , th
amount fell short of iho actual demands t
about $1SOI)0UO ) ( ) , so th it thorois a deliciem
of Hint amount. Congress will bo asUod '
make un appropriation of about ? IS.0)0 ) , < ) (
L for the coming tlscal year , about $ | sio\,0. ) )
3 of wlileli Is In antlclpilion of nn increase i
thai amount over Iho ucluiil expenditures
tlio lust year.
It Is the judgment of General II mm th :
while this amount Is llkolv to bo increased
n year or two , yet ho feels conlldcnt that U
miixlirum limits uro nearly reached. It
in-cued that iho great bulk ot the ponsii
appropriation at present is used In inuklii
llrst payments , carrying arrears und , thor
lorn , as soon us the great rush of uppropn
lions under the disability act Is over , u rap
doc'.mo In llrst payments will occur. It
understood that the llrst ptymonls last vo
aggregated nver $50,000,000. which coven
the buck pay in tbaiill.OIKi cases allowed.
Appointed tu Olllee ,
WASinsino.v , 1) . C , Nov. 21. The pro
dent today appointed Manning M. Ho < o
Ohio to bo assistivit commissioner of I
J general land olllce. Ho Is the present chl
clerk of Iho olllco. William C. Anderson
i- Tennessee , iho probent clilef plane of thoco
test division , will bo appointed to till Iho v
cuncv cuiuBd by iho promotion of Mr. Kos
The president toiluv also appointed Willa
d. Stanley of Oklahoma us register ot t
land olllco ui Buavor , Okl.
lieneral IStilllelon Kenluiis.
\VAsinxuinN , U. C. , Nov. 21. Cionci
Nullloton took ofllclul le.ivu of bis connect !
with the Tre.isuury department this oft
noon und will Marl tomorrow for Chlcai
whoru ho will remain soyerul days belt
Hnully deriding on ms future plans. I
resignation as assistant becrolury of t
treasury takes effect IXu-embor I , and he 1
been grained leave of absence until U
Ilo Mu l Miiiy in .lull ,
WAsiiiSdniN , O. C , , Nov. 21. The supro1
court today denied a writ of habeas corn
to Cliuno Cook , a banker of Juna.ui , Wl
hold on a ohargo of receiving u dopoilt afi
ho Knew iho bank w is insolvent. The cot
holds llmt it will not tntcroff ro where a m
is In the rmstoay of Iho proper aulhorili
oven though ho was secured by violence.
Set .Uldn Iho I'liliint.
WAfdiir.'uiDN , 1) . C. , Nov. 21 , The suproi
cotiri. has londcred a decision invaiidau
is the puteul granted to Henry Koot of Ni
isI I York for the method of constructing cai
railways nov lu common uo. Tlin grouter
ih tor the decision was tbo fact that Hoo'
lowed his ntion to bo publicly used I
irfr two years boforu applying for a patent.
llliilnt' Minn t lliMuocri'd ,
K tary Ithilno vlopt well lust nlgat and haii
ie couifortubla day. Mr. lilaluo rusts eas
and his oppullto is good , Ilo waaUr to i
10 out of bed tomorrow.
10I l liy tlin rroldcut.
o- WiSlllNdTOK , I ) . C.NOV. 2l.--ThQ
oa detil hus rocogulteu Charles F , P
10 Mnxlcan consul at Nogalus , Art
Aluorto Lola. Mexican consul ui Uio Urui
City , Tox.
French Ohambjr of Depntiss Appoints a
Panama Commission of Inq-iiry.
I' .1111 mis CciiiMMitlnn nT I11IJ Itre.lllrll by
thn I'miTi-ilIni ; * ol tlio llcidy lliin-
drvdt ut .MynibrrK Imiillcutcil
In the ( irvat Mritl.
[ Courrlulitod UM lij Jatin tiJMn l
Pkisis , NJV. 21. ( N'dw 'ork HeraU
Ciblo Special to Tun Bii.l : The oollcltcal
muddle Is now complete. After n silling ,
whoso violent tconej recalled the convention
of 1710 , thu Ctnimbjrof Ojputioa li J decided
upon the nomlntition of u commission of in
quiry , compoicd of thirty-three members ,
charged with lludlng out the former and pres
ent deputies who may have received money
In thu mallor of iho Pamtmu canal.
The most 'astonishing cnndals are ex
pected to bo icvcalcd , H appears Unit 105
doimlics uro compromised by the charges.
The suicide of Huron do Halnacb puts Iho
matter ooyond uoubt in everybodj's mind.
J uin M ST. CKHI : .
si : N SAT i oA i , i'Kouiii : > i > ; < ! < .
\Vliolcvito Cli.irgiM of line Ming Crnitc n
rriiliiuini Dlsturli.iiici- .
PAUIS , Nov. 21. There was un unusually
large uttuiidanco In thu Chamber of Deputies
todar. Tlio public thronged iho gallcrlos.
Nearly all iho ministers were prdicnt.
M. Argsllas opened tlio P.inami dob.ito.
Ho said that his object w.u to dofaad the
inteicsls of the sh.iroholders of the company ,
ioramlnaed thu Chamber that it had author
ed the Issue of shavoi lu 1SSS , under oxcop-
lonul circumslanco3.
M. Kouvl'jr , mlnistcrof duancs , inlorposod
o say that thn Chamber's vole had not
| ) lcged Iho raipDaslbillty either of pirlla-
: ncnt or of Iho government.
M. Ar olies said that It was none iho lo
true that , the action of the Chamber was
contfiry lo Ihu law anJ 03011 in the na
ture of a privlloso. The action ofsriutini ,
tontuilad moral iMtpanslbllUy. " 1 call upon
the government. " lie said , "to make a docl a
ration reassuring the small shareholders. "
M. do la Ilayo arose and declared"This
a question of public morality. T ask the
Chamber , for the sake of my honor und of
your honor , to order au inquiry mto the facl
I am about to submit to you. "
There was a commotion in the Chamber for
a niinuto. Then , after a 11101113:11 : of suspansc ,
M. do la Have continued : "I will gtvo nc
mines as 1 do not wish to appc-r as a
denunciator. " When quiet was rcitore.l the
speaker concluded : "Ttio scandals In the
Puuima matter exceed these of tbo WlUon
affair. The inquiry doaia'idoa is in the
nature ot a general purilica ion , tobocffcctoc
in the broad day light. "
' An LTproir AIIIIHI tin1 llnputU'S.
Here iho speaker was a .un interrupted
with an uproar among the Joputiea. Whan
ho resumed ho suil : "M do Ljssopi , In
IbSO , had vainly traversed Franco a p3aliiif ;
forbulHcrioors , w'rtuu an , wnoin 1
suull not 11 a HID , propnmd to Iho Panama "dl
rectors a sybtem oi bonds. Ho was the ovl
gen tub of the company. The director
duped Ibo public ; ho duped the directors
lie ilrstuskon lor n.OOJ.OOO francs , decluiiui
that 1m could purchase theicwilh all lha nee
os-ury ; consciences in both Chambcro of thi
national legislature. "
Them were renewed iniorrupUons lier <
and cries -'Nnmo himl numo him ! "
M do la Ilayo ruulind : "If you wain
mimes you wlll'volo tor un inquiry. But
can buy lhat the medium of these tnfns.
actions was a man named Arton , who ha :
since lied iho country to escape puntshmun
lor ombtviluinontof u largo sum from a dyuu
mite manufacturing company , of which hi
was a director. "
M. do la Have proceeded : "Tfioro was
on m ot : ) ,0)JlQJ ) ) francs distribute ; ! among l.i
deputies and n few senators | uproar union i
tnc deputies ) bill Iho appetites thus excited
cited grow greedier , and the llnaucler man
aging iho mailer was compelled to usk thi
Panama diructor.s for moro millions of franco
The money was demanded for election ex
ponsos. "
Intense. oieUonicne brake out in the Cham
bir , and .M. Kljijuot oxcUlmod : ' ! wai
miniaterof the interior at tnat , time , and :
do-ifo tost.uu tiiat 1 received nothing "
M. do la Ilayo waited for the coiifusloi
to abate und then continued : "Three bun
drocl thousand francs were spent in biiyin
three papers. A minister , now dead , uslcu
IUO.UOJ iratici , und 2JJ.OJ3 Ir.incs wns paii
for u Journal of lllllo value , but beliiu
which hidden inlluoncci wcro worKing. j
foreign paper was liought for oOO.OO ! ) francs
n chi'ck for which was signo.l at its ofllce.
can nniiio the porsou who acted as mossunge
between the contracting turtles. " [ Cries o
"Namo him ; uni-io him"J !
IUI1SIM | a ( il'Oilt SltllHIlt Illll.
M. do lu Hayc did not notice the into
veiuio'i and said : "Now for Iho lat > t scat
dal. The commilteo of Ibis Chamber charge
with the duty of examining into this lottur
bond scheme com prised live favorable toll an
live opposed. Tno eleventh member , bofor
casting his vote , offered nla services to th
company for 200,0'JJ ' francs. The con
tuny roliibcd his proposition utin h
formed n syndicate , ooing aided b
n banker , and caused a full I
iho shares and co.npollcd the company t
yield. Tuo BiMiumo was than approved b
the committee But the banker was tic
warned In Umo. The sharoj recovered an
ho was ruined , [ ( iroat sensation. ' Vo
usk mo for proof. AHIiouuli the authorltic
conceal ovidoncc , there 10U licro prusent wli
know where It can bo found. Thora are tw
caiopories of dopulies thobo who recolv
nioiioy ; thos'i who do not. "
Indescribable uproar fallowed this nstei
lion , M. Ptoquot , prosldentof thoChamboi
intervened to say : "You cannot como ini
this home and accuse the en tire boJy. "
Then there worn renovvo 1 calls upon M
do la H.i > o for names. Ho roplloil : "Vot
for the Inquiry. "
M , Floquet uskeJ him to glvo names , 'V
suchucourbO A'ould bu uuiro dignlllud lha
nn unonvmous denunciation. "
"I consider myaelt utiacked , " said the pn
biding officer of the Chamber. "I am m
onlv unopposed to an Inuulry , but 1 have d
mauds thurofor&lcned by our colleagues "
Tin * unnouncoinont was greeted with pr
longed clicorinp , during which M , <
la Ilayo quitted tno tribune As ho walk (
to hU beat ttiitro was un unparalleled icono i
confuslou. Ho was hlssfld and hooted , and
-violent dispute bsgau at the niimj Umo bi
tiveon M liubbara and UQ Koulo ,
Hereupon Prcmior Uoubet uaeendod tl
tribune. Ho was tumble to spuak for u tlin
owing to the tumult. When llnally ho w ,
ublo to make his voicj heard , ho said I
would not reply to M. do la llayo'H ailojj
tions , us bo believed that the cuargos arodi
to violent passions , rhagoyernnuii
howovcr , could not rofusu the demand for i
Inquiry. It was in the interest of alt Hi
light should bo lluown upon the matter.'Tl
governmint ; hud nothing lo blue.
, \ir < MHl ID Appoint it Coliilnlttiu' ,
The Chamber agreed that u cummittoe
thlrty-ihruc should bo appointed , wl
extraordinary powers to oxumiuo ull t
M. do Launay urged that the most sea re
ing Investigation bo made u Jha rosponi
bllity of Iho governinenl , the press , the leu
tug Iliianclt rs nnd contractor worn Involve
M. do Cassagraccal'adupon M. dt > L.IUII
to loll what he koutv
M BoU&y D'AuelJS inlorpased that M , i
Cassaguuc's owu name had boon uionlloui
lu the lobbies.
M , da Camguno ludlgnaully prolcitc
vhcrouoon M. UoUtr , D'AnaU * ramnr.toa'
hut ha had not nucusciriiim. II j onlv wl ! iod
o show how Aboimnablo wore M. do la
Invn's charges.
The member. * ot the "right also shared lu
, ho mud throwing ,
M. Uermnin of the tldjxirtmcntot Aln and
nitrngrr of tun CrodH Lvoaals and M.
loly I ) Oldest of the dopirtmsnt ot the
S lno et Oiso and n director of the Sncleto
lonurate , denied M do Lauh.iy'.s statement
hat their eoiipv.ilcs ha.i lu.ino.l money to
ho Panama Canal coiuunv ni8."i uor cent
The Chamber then , ny u vote of 311 to 2-11 ,
Icctdotl tuat tno Investigation commtltoo
shoald ho nnpoliiled ut tomorrow's slttinu.
M do Koulodo moved lhat bnloro adjourn-
ng the titling whlcn had bcnn so humlllat-
ng to ttio rooublic , tliov adapt a motion of
congrattilailon on tbo success of Colonel
D'idd's u < cpoililian in Oihomov. Tins was
carried by an uuinlmous vol-j and iho
Chamber adjourned.
M. do KnuloJu and M. Hubbard were after
wards appointed seconds tu arrange for n
Tiylni ; In I'rmrnl tlin Hurl.
No such oxcttcmctit has boon scon in the
Chamber sincn the days of lloutanglsm.
A luaglstrata nnd a pnllca commissary
called nt the ofllcos of iho Llbro Parole ,
L''ik'iuo and Lo liitr.insUeant to ascertain
what knowledge their editors had of the
transactions In whlen Artou acted as the
go-between. The editors were all absent
mil Iho magistrate left summons for them
to appear tomorrow.
Tlio lust nnws obtained Is that n clew hai
boon obtained which Is likely to result in thi
uriost of Arton tomorrow.
The Hubbard-de Houlo qunrrol has bjon
adjustr-d to the mutual satisfaction of botli
gentlemen nnd no duel will bo fought.
lioms ill IntrrnU Irom tlio Sontli AIIIIT-
lenn Stiiti < N.
iropyrlshto'l 15'Ji ny .mines llonlon Ilanncttl
VAI.IIHKO , Chili ( via Ualvoston , Tex. )
Nov. 21. | By Moxiuou Cable to the Nuw
York Herald Special to Tun BEK. I The
llorald correspondent ut Uio says that
President Pulxotto Is offender ! at the ab-
scnco from his lt t reception of the entire
diplomatic corps.
The outiro stale of HIo fSracdc do Sul li
said lo bo in u slate of revolt.
News comes from Montevideo that UK
UriU'iiayun congrebs has ordered the dredg-
luc of Ihe Martin dnrcta island , claimed u
connection with the Argentine.
The Brazilian minister lo Uruguay ha :
gotio to iho front to Invcbtigato the claims o
Brazil against Uruguay. The ititlcr country
it , is alleged , favored the rovolters in It'll
Grande do Sul.
Lnrpo quantlliai of war material havi
been received at Buenos Arrcs from Europe
It includes many Matisor cartridges am
10,000 barrels of smok-sJess power.
Everything is qut'ct ' in Sanliago am
it is Ihought that Ml Iraces o
the irovoluliotiary plot : have been siampei
out. The plot was hatched In the house o
Claudio Vienna , and his son presided eve
the meetings of the conspirator. . It was e.\
posed by a BQrvant woman , who was take ;
sick In \ icuna's house and was remove
lo Iho hospital and there gave tli
Information. Croat iirniso Is given t
the grruadlcM nudartillery for their lov
ally. The Eovornmontls blamad for huvin
been too lenient wilt thcso men. It is prol
nblc tnoro slringenl measures will now b
.s i/.rmr/.v/ir.s , vir r
Tliclr Ills I'urailK Last Night A l.rttu
Irom rrv.sldiMit llui'lison.
Niw : Yonic , Nov. 21. Carnegie Music ha
never held a larger and never a mor
enthusiastic gathering tlian lonight wnc
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ballmeton Booth uddroisci
the flrit meeting in connection with tbo con
tinental congress und war councils of ib
Salvation Army. A banquet was served i
the Lenox Lyceum at 5 o'clock tc
the fiOO ofllcors. At Us conclusion
torthliijht proccsfion was formed. Thor
were 'I.OOo men , women and child ren in llm
There wcro a good many amusing feature
in iho procession. "Jao the Turk" froi
Illinois was dressed In full Turkish costutn
and carried a hugo umbollu with the arm
cross painted on it. "Happy Billy" nn
' Spedlul Kowlor" from Ti-xus "were drcssc
in lull cowbov nnifonn.
Bnlllngton Booih presided at the meotin
and made ihoopsnlag address.
The converts to thn Salvation army dui
inn the vcnr numoer 31.-I27 ; cuies and town
occupied , -lj- ( > ; number of corps nnd outpost !
555soldiers ; and rccniils , 13.100 ; ofllcois , 15'
Airs. Balliugton Booth then sooko. Kti
Raid she was on hand tonighl lo dedicate lit
ihren weens' olil baby to the cause of salvi
lion. Tbo commander rcud letters of syn
pathy wnn the objoctH of iho army an
congratulations upon its work. Ono wi
from President Harrison. Tko president
letter wan written on mourning paper un
was as follows :
IvM'.cinivi : MANSION. WASiiiNnrny , n. p
Nov. 11)-Commander llalliimtou Houih , No' '
Vor't ' t'lty : My Dear Sir I have yoiirlcttor <
Iho 17th of Novomlier and bog to thuiiU you fc
your sympathy so Kindly cxpiossud for mo i
my grout HIIIIOW. I urn very 11) )
urul In my Judgment of method !
nnd think it well that nut : i
those \\l\o \ uro endeavoring to siibilno tl
foitiessos of vieo apliroiich them upon tl
htiino lines. To .ill wiinau nlueenty unil iisi
fulness Is proved by dovotlon and results
e-in clvoinv hearty coed wUhci und elieo
fully eMend them to you and your associate
Very truly yours , llr.N.uMis UAIIIIISO.N.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer.
< iitiii o co.v ; tor J//A/JW.S.
unil .Miiisnil Tlmlr Awfiil ( Jin
illllua hnt 1'iii-tli.
ta. ! , Nov. 41. Hon. W. I
Stvlos , coloroil , u member of thy loulslutiv
commitlcoon thn pomtontlnri , mauot pub I
a lollor gJvliiK a doplornbtu account ol th
penitentiary by s torn In this stato. Spoakln
of the Dado coal mines , where 1OOJ convicl
are omnloycd , ho says : ; "Upon ontorlnp v
found that great numbers were sick fro
having to work lu water in envoi ! IOO fo
under ground , vliero the water trickles dev
upon Inolr hi'uJs und wliuro Iho.v .stand
water from unklo In kiioo cU-ep nil day Ion
Others have been masked and crippled 1
slate nud coal , which { falls upon them fro
the blastings , from wnlch they cannot t
capo. The gusscs are so ntagnnllng tbut it
utterly impossible , for the bcmghii
convicts to ovur got.ptiro air lo breath
Some were nearly uakod and bad to wet
and sleep In ihn sumo tuoager appirol In
wet cJiulition. Thorayas a while prixou
who said ho know 'th'ov would give him h-
when wo loft , but bo did not care if they dl
for ho would rather bo ( load nnd in h 1 thi
there , for it could b ? no worse.1
"It is impossible forour committee to ci
the full information which is desired by tl
stale , of t ho condition of tlioeo sufferers , f
fear of tholr punUhmontwhiin wo nro gen
The food U lee scanty , In Justlco to liuuia
Ity. I doolaro that these things ou tu not :
to be. "
_ _ _
Tlio rir i Ili'ourd.
AuifkXsiBCiTV , Ark. , No21. . Tlio larf
ulant of the Dosliajl nnbor and Plunli
compHiiy burned yastoi-day. Tbo plant w
worth * 00,000 ,
Cint.\ao. III. , Nov. 31. Thirty sheds cc
lalnlng-.20,000 barre ) of salt belonging
iho Michigan Salt company were lmc
totally destroyed by tire in Cumlogs U
niuut. Ttu > loss Is animated at fmOOO.
Sr. Loum , Ma , Nov. 21. At I o'clo
thU morning lira at tbo car shed ; of t
Lindoll Street Hslhvay company , corner lf\ \
noy and Vundervanter avenue , dcsiroyod t
fclicds , twelve motor cars , thirteen iralli
and two vestibule cars. A Jot of eleclrli
machinery was ol.o destroyed. Total 1 (
180,000. The fire Is supposed to have on
nated from a lighted lump In one of luo oai
Full laiuraace ,
Sounthinr ; of tin Destruction Wroughl
Suntliy in Rock Comity ,
I'lrst C.iso L'mlnr thn Xi'W NpliruiUii In r
IIIUMI t.avVyoinliig Ollli-l tM liiii'ilto
Stolen Miiclt ut Itnilixllle
Oilier Main Nous Notrs ,
Nr.rt-votiT , Nob. , Nov. 21. | SpacUl Tolo
eram to Tin : BKU. ] Lutor reports of loss bv
yesterday's pralrio llro show the damage U
have been great. Carl Stunbv's tnrn W\i
burned wit ! ; horses and ton of eaUle , J
A. Potty's barn and sheds wcro burned will
tlx head of tat hogs , ono cow anil over IDl
chickens , Tbomus Cr.iner's barn , sheds niu
several hundrud bu . . . "Is of corn ami sovora
dozen ctilckeus and ul' his hay were dc
stroycd , C. S. llurbor lost over 10U tons o
hay , Ed Hulls lost about 10J tons of liny , I-1
Hushiie.ll lost about 1A" > tor.s , C. Johnson 101
100 toiu , C. Turner about 101) to iVJ tons
Alexander about llfty and a number of other
living in the valley lost equally as much.
The llro ImrnaJ , all night , burning a dis
tnnco of nearly llfty miles , Tills uiornlni
the wind changed to Iho snulhcnst , drlvim
the llro back to the nnrthwost , sweopltu
Ibrouch Iho main hay belt. About , ! IJ ( ) pjo
plo from Newport and Scwurd started otl
at noon today ami met tlio llro about twelv
miles southeast of Newport ,
Several thousand tons of hay \verc bunipi
today. From the amount of hay dostroyci
today and yesterday it would bo "put ing th
figures at n low esllinila to snv that ther
wcro 12.000 tons burned In iho Elkhorn val
ley. The llro Is all oui. now In tms part o
the country. It Is torn bin to gj over th
ground and see iho amount of destruction o
Ono auy's work of a pralrio llro.
.stoluli SKicIt l.nnitrd liv Uyinnliii ; Olllclal
III Nrlir.Klci.
Krsiivn.i.i : , Neb. . Nov. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : IIE.About : | two works nso
stranger appeared in town riding a som
pony and leading a pair of matched ha
horst-s. Ilo put tno horses in lllggins i
Fat-man's livery sluhlo , stayed around tow
three or four days and limillv sold the ha
team to Hixglns for $150. Nothing in his aliens <
lions aroused any suspicion and ho mounle
his pony and departed in peace.
Tbls morning Sheriff O. M. Kico an
Jacob Ervay of Natroua county , Wyoinliif
arrived in town looking for stolou her ci
The team bought by Higgins proved to bo th
ones. Tnov were stolen Irom Mr. Ervn
several weeks ngo from his ranch in Natron
county , Wyoming , west of Casper. Slierl
Mice states that the hot-bo thieves have bee
running oil u great many horses from thi
county lately.
I'lrst I'UMJ Undnr HID Ni'\v Insnr.iiiei ! I/.nv <
NntiuvsKv CITY , Nob. , Nov. 21. [ Spocii
relogratn to Tim BE'.J 'iho llrst cas > ou'.id (
thn valued policy law passed by the last ! n ,
iblnturo has been on trial in this c ty for sc' '
oi-il unvs. Last February the store builditi
of Ilonry Hachler was burned , ilo was n
sured in ihe Insurance coinpaiiy of Nort
America for 11,000. The company refuse
liavment on tno ground jhut the buildin
was not entirely destroyed und could bo n
paired at nominal co > t. A verdict wi
uroueht In tonight awarding the plaintiff tl
full amount , with interest from auto of flri
OmlKD County Litigation.
Piii-.MONi , Nob. , Nov. 21. ( Special to Tn
Uur . ] District court convened In this oil
today with Judge Sullivan In the chair. I
the case ot Fittf Uottschalk agaliibt James C
Smith the verdict by Jury was for the d
A decree of foreclosure was rendered 1
favor of Mary J. Browiiell vs Wilha
Stevens ot al lor § . "ii.18 ! ) also In iho ca ;
of Maria Wlnklcinan vs .1. II. Crai
ot al , foreclosure ( or $ . ' (57. ( 35. Hem
, \up pleaOod Biillty toprand larceny and wi
sentenced to eighteen months hard labor i
the penitentiary. Charles 10. Johnsc
pleaded utility to forgery nnu was sentence
to two years in tlio p"iiiteutiary.
Tlio chargn of bigamy against Al
gust Fucus was illsmlssed liccauso tt
offensio was committed in liodgo count ;
The criminal cases against Henry Uroemi
and William Perkins were dismissed. , lud ,
ment lor si.aiij was rendered ngalm
MathowT , Patrick ul Omaha in fuvor i
Jocpn Stnrkoy.
Itnyd Snlliiis Killed.
Cimmov , Nob. , Nov. 21. [ Special Teh
gram to Tin : flii : . I Boyd Scllors , ono of tl
beat known railroad men In tills section , wi
caught between two oars last night at Or ;
Junction and 'Instantly killed. Ilo was
young man and had only run n train n fo
monllii. A special Iraln will arrive th
lUtaruoon with the remains. Sollot'3 h ;
lived hero live years and had .1 largo numb
of friends. Ho was u bricht , bteady goii
and industrious youn ; gonlloman ,
N < ilmtr * ! < ii'H Distill Koll.
O'Xnu.i. . Nob. , Nov. 21. | s > pocial to Ti
BIE : | Ilr. Walter N. Lowrld , oldest bon
Key. and MM. N. S. Lownoof. this cit
dlod at an early haul' this morning of qm <
consumption. Dr. I.owriu was a giMihiutu
Rush .Modical college , nnd practiced ve
buccossfully hoycral years in Clilcago , un
sickness compelled him lo go lo Now Mexic
Ho spent a year In Now Mexico und Col
rude , only rolurnlng hoiuu u week ago Si
urduy night. _
NclirasUn'N liuliiilry.
( Jiuxi ) ISLAND , Nob. , Nov. 21. [ Special
Tin : Ul n. J The amount of beets used m t
Grand Island Sugar factor- for tlio past sc
son was 12,010 tons , The amount of sup
produced was 2 , IID.IOJ pound' * . It has boi
u good year lor tbii important Industry a
Mr , Oxnurd ontertulns no fear as to I
future. The factory has cloiod as far as t
sugar fuclory is concernoi ] , for Ihu season ,
Vuii NVyi'K'j Illiinileil llor rs.
Nr.muSKA Cirv , Nob. , Nov. 21. fSpoc
TolrgramtoTnuBui ; . I ( Jeiiornl Van Wycl
team became unmnnagcablo and ran aw
this afternoon , Tbo horse * ran ouvoral bloc
and finally collided with n buggy in whl
were Nick Smith und two ludlos , .Smith u
his companions were badly bruised , but n
dangerously. The gonorul nnd his urivor i
capcd unhurt. Both vchlclei wcro iota
No I
Nioimuiv , J\eb , , Nov. 21. jSpeclal
Tim BKK.I Chester Norton , republican n
rojcnlntlvo from Knox and Boyd count !
requested his ccrllftcilo of election of t
county clerk Saturday , but was rufusi
The clerk Issued him a ceriitlod vole of t
two counties , which will bo used to tn
him , and If possible make Kruso , Indepei
ent , co u lest for the seat.
liUi'npiil ! | .Mlnltlurs .Meet.
J NEIIIUBKA , Cirr. Nob. , Nov. 21. | Spec
Telegram to THE Urn , | The southern c <
vocation of iho KpUcopal church mot lu tl
city this evening , and will roraalu in sessi
until Wednesday noon. Tharj is u large
tendance , mlnletora from all over the nil
being present. This evening Key. W.
Sparling of Oiualia delivered uu interesil
l'lrc < ut I'ort Nlubr.ira.
Four Nioniuiu , Neb , , Nov. 21. fSpec
to TUB BBK.J A frame Dulldlag ooouplod
Scrccntit H , O. Porklno , troop U , Sixth cav-
nlry , I'nuuht llro yo tprdav. Hy hard worK
the llnmcs wcro soon oxlltituisticd. Had thn
lire camcd headway with such wind blowing
the loss lo the government would hnvo been
something ereiit. nnd only thu activity nnd
energy ot an the garrison averted this loss.
i : ii\Mirirti : > .
Three Iliinilrrii l.lnr'iln I'ltm-iiv I'lirllflpatu
In the Iti'ii ptlon.
Lr i IH.V , Neb. . Nov. 21. A complimentary
banquet was tendered tonight to Patrick
ICgati , minister to Chill , who nas been visit
ing for u few days in ibis cily , Iho guest of
ox-presl.icnt fii/gor < ilil of the Irlstt Naitonul
league ot An. erica. Three hundred guosls
were present.
Mr. 1-igiMi , In responding to a toast , stioko
nt soitiu length nbiUt bis c.vptirlunco lit
Clilli , rolntinc Iho numerous incidents lu
ho was concerned. Ho endeavored nt nil
times , ho said , lo protect the rights
and properly of American citlyuns.
Ho spoke of ono case In iho city of
Concepclon , whore an American Is
halt owner of an electric libt , plant. The
intenilento of the citv was giving n dinner
ono nleht when the light * suddenly went
out , as Iho electric lights will oct-ashmall v
do. Tlio intcndcnlo immediately ordered
ovorvoody connected with the electric light
comuany put lu irons. The American clll/.en
was dr.tgg. d out. of bed nt half uast 10 ot
nlu'iit nnd lcpl ; lu priton until nfler inld-
nitrht , when iho inlcnuonlo had him ro-
Mr. l-J ran exacted for this man from the
Halmaceda government n letter of apology
n nil K money compensation offJ.OOO. Spnaking
of the Ba'ltimoro trouble Mr. IScuii said ton
davs after tlin alTuir , no explanation haying
been olTorod , ho was instructed by telegraph
to address u note to the Chilian government.
Ho did so In the pro 'iso words of the Instrue-
tionb and immediately was assailed by a sec-
lion of the American press. Ttio charso
was madu that his la-.iguaijti wn < vulgar ,
violent nnd undiplomatic and .showed a per
sonal desire on bis part to pluncc the two
countries war. - -
"Tlie fnnt is , " said Kgnn , "n telonratn of
Instruction , whoso oxnct wording 1 followed ,
was written by the hand of no loss n person
than the president of the United Stales
Chilians wcro led lo boliovn by ibis section
of our American ( ircss , that Iho people ot
this country unanimously condemned the
emirs" I pursued , und owing lo this holiaf
allowed iho controversy to go us far as it
did. "
Mr. Kuan , In conclusion. n scrtod thut the
relations between Chill and Ihu United
StntOb today are more cordial than for half u
century. _
- , or AN ii iroi : .
Whlln Ills Ollk'cks ItiiriuiiK Ho IH rhirrU in
Sn.vnii CIIKBK , Neb. , Nov. 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bii : : , ] The Times ofllcc
burned Sunday uflcrnoon. Tlio gale pre
vailing nt thu time cirriol bla in fagols
for several blocks soiling llro lo grass and
buildings In raiuolo parts of the vlllngo. The
Chicago lumber yard was on llro several
limes and only prompt notion on the part ol
cUuons prevented a general entiltngvutlon.
A sonsuUonnl feauira of tlio event wa
the arrest ol Charles Uoostor , proprietor o I
the Times while his building was yet burn
ing. His had no direct connection
with the fire , ivast Thursday Mr. Wooslut
bud u dismilo with Lewis Vogt , u former om
pioyo about u money matter which ended li
Voct assiiulllc.t ; hlai for which Vo t wns
arrestnii nnd plonded t'uilty. Vogt con
tinned to follow Wooster In u hghling moot
until tbo latter tbreutened to shoot him ,
whereupon Vogt had WooMor taken inti
cusioJy on a. peace warrant. Woostor wa <
rolcabcd on his own rocogni ? inco , bill
was ugniaincarcerated while the ilro was in
progress , and atrain released on bnd. ( lu
will have a hearing before .lustico Squiei
The origin of tha fire Is n mystery. Semi
miscreants had entered the printing olllcc
Friday nittiitand pied lliu lormo , and Mr
Wooiter had two printers reiiairlnir tlio dnm
ago working up to Sunday noon. Tlio olllci
took lire while thu men were at dinner. The
loss Is about , Strvj , with no insurance.
\Voo-.tcr will put In u new plant at euro.
There is no suspicion resting upon Mr
Woostar , his real-rest being looiced upon us :
scheme of his onnmlos.
IX IIONOK Ol.1. . i : . UADV.
Nr 1'iuil lEepuhlieanri I.\tenil tlif-Stalo < * i > it ( Nimintl t ee ( 'Imiriiiiin a lEeeepliim.
ST. PAVI. , Nob. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
cram to Tin : Bii. : . ] 'J'onight will long h
remembered us one of the pleasant occasion
in the history of this cilv. The republican
of St. Paul tendered u reception tn lion. A
1C. Cady , and in a Mib-.tantml way sliowei
their iippruciation of his services us chair
man of tlio icpublu-an stuto centra
committee. Tlio opera housa vva
if ally .di'coraled and lillod with th
otilhuMastic admirers of Iho Mr. Cony
The band cfccurtcd him to tlio onera house
where ho was surprised to incol his man :
Irlonds. Chairman Kendall introduced lloii
Henry Niinn , xvlio made ono ot his clianu
totiM 1C speeches , and was followed by lion
U. Iluniiibal , who presenlo.l Mr. Cud ;
a beautiful and costly gold headed cane ,
gilt from his reiiiblican ] friends.
Mr. Cudy answered with much fooling Ii
Ills Ubliut eloquent manlier. A Her uiusu ox
orclscs Dcrnoiiul congratulations wuro extended
tended to Mr. Cady , nnd u sicgo of hunu
alinulnir concluded a ploubunl evening's ci
/.N A.JOIf I .S.I/.OM.Y.
1' Kmllng < il u liillleully ill ItoiineV n
BOONI : , la. , Nov. 21. [ Special Tclogrni
to Tin : Bin : . | At 3 o'clock this nftcrnoo
Plorcii O'Nell , a young man living here
was shot by Lilcli .IUKO. or ' 'Howdy IJleic ,
who has boon employed about town durln
iho summer us u .nason. The two were in
general light Suiuulny night and O'Neill' '
frlench took u gun uwny from .lal-o while ti
was trying to shoot O'Nell. Today the
cot in n saloon and nf tor u few words m
other I'lghlonsuod. wlion Jago pulled u gu
and Hhot O'Nell through Ilia abdomen. I
Is not thought he can locover.
.lace then wont to the railroad shops t
shoot another man will ) whom ho had ha
trouuk' , and not Hiullng him ho went to h !
baardli'K ' house , where ho was captured U
the oIllCL-rs , Ho guvo the name of It. 1
Kills mid is being held lo await , iho result (
O'Nell' ! . wounds. Young O'Noll ' Is about i
years old and is a brother of Conductc
James O'Nell , who was shot bj n tramp on
freight train near Tniim about clghtec
mouths ago. His fnthor was ono of tl
killed In iho wreck at Molngona , whk
madu Kaio Shelly famous.
\Viirl : "I ,
Cui'nTov , la. , Nov. 21. iSpeclul Toll
gram to TUB BEE. ] For nearly u year Creston
ton has boon tree from thugs and hlghwti
robbers , but ihoy scorn lo huvo roturnuii , i
tlioy last night ronbod three employes of U
Burlington railroad , who 'hud just receive
tholr pav. Ono of the parties rot-bed wield
old man Snull/- , whom they loft In u ditcl
'I ho robbers wore masked and could not I
3 No lluteloiliieiiii | | In the Kullm due ,
Kiors CITV , la , , Nov. 31. ( Special Toll
groin to TIIK HKU.J Tlioro are no Uovoloi
mcnts in iho Fall Is caso. The pollco nra ui
ublo to find any clew to the identity of tl
two mea who wuro on the bndgo boforu Fc
Its wont on It unil , bolng unublo to do B
aio Inclined to the theory uf accident
dealh , ono lhat FollU * frleudb do not care
To Help Miiipvon College ,
OL-KI.AC , la. , Nov. 81. [ Special Tolcgra
to Tin : ) liE. ) ] An educational convontli
convenes here tomorrow In the i
torest of Slmpion college of India
ola , the object of which Is to ral
funds for that institution. Speaker * fro
> 1 abroad will be present and an IntereiUug pr
gram bn * bc n prepared.
Awful Results Follow nn Explosion in a
West Virginia Mine ,
Twpnty Kegs lit lUn-Ulni ; IMvidrr Acct
iliMitntly Itcronif iRiiltiMl riili-li-cii .M
Killed nr InJiiriMl I'ldlilpt
n i.Mini ) UHrmiiil S
STrt' , O. . Nov. SI.-At tua
Jlunclio mine of tlioVost End colllorv la
Vest Vlrglnlu twenty kegi of blasting pow
er exploded with n'fnghlfui roar anil
cadly eoiiHcqucneoi nt VJilfi p. m. today.
It was providential that the explosion dill
ot occur ton minutes later or ovary homo at
he Hmncho mine would h.wo lucn mourimiR
ts itead lo'ilght. TUo explosion was catucd
by u llw.lng fine throwing llro into a powder
an , the exnloilou of wlilcli Urea
thcrs unlit the volutno of llamos was Nttfll- to explode iho wholu otockof loose pow
er. Tlio men in the tuino had Just begun to
omo into where thu powder was stored and.
n n few minutes inoro most of thorn work-
ng today ivouUl liavu been in the inUlat of
he explosion.
Tlio scene that followed cannot bo told in
vords. Tlio womun who had husbands ,
irothors , sons or sweethearts in the smoking
pit were bimply frantic. Crowds came
warming to the mine's mouth , tholr fnccu
vhlto as death nnd the eager Inquiry on
every lip , "who's In the minoi"
As soon us they hnit tlmo to racovor from
ho shock the mine boss and u squad ot
bravo fellows took their chances on the "bud
ilr" and went in. Then thuro was n brief
vnlt , but shortly the advance ot the resell-
"g party appeared , bciiilng among them thu
scared and miutlalcd victims of the ox.-
1,1st nl I lii ! Demi anil \ \ iitnulrd.
JOHN P. Usiuwas dead.
VVisi.m : Axiiniixox , colored , died.
Alu-iiAii : , CIIOKI it , fatally wounded.
\VII.I.I\M Axiif-o.v ! : , colored , legs broken ,
hip dislocated , fuco lorn and otlievwiio
dreadfully wounded , will dio.
JOHN ANDKIISOX , colored , blown along the
drift mid his head wouged under n coal car ,
may recover.
I-IV\\HIXOI : : CiMi'iinu. , burned about the
inns and head.
JOHN Siiuiixx , burnea about the arms ,
baclc and head , sent to Pillsoui'fj to Iho
Ei > Conic , Cleveland , burned so that ho
will die.
ifonx Oii.i.iiiiM ! ; of Akron , O. , badly burned
ibout the ticad.
Jl\iniijvv ViiinuT. burned nljout Iho arms ,
jcad and back.
Gioitii : ( : 1'ni.rEUS burned ( ind Injurea In
Jens U\MSIJ : , hudly burned about the
body , but will iccovcr.
Tlio explo'ion did coniiinrnttrely llttlo
uamacc so far as is now Known , to Uio mine
or its equipment.
I'rompv Action Sin ml 31 uny I.lvrn.
That moro of the ininorb were not suffo
cated was duo to iho prompt action of Miners
James Clark and Jamoi Itordcu , who , when
the big door that eloscs the draft was blown
from its fastening , quickly placed it in posi
tion again.
The works belong to Ij. C. bmitli of Ne\v
Cumberland , William Smith and John Alc-
Ntilta of \ VollsvillrO. .
The mine lias been In operation since May ,
IS'.M , and fifty na'ii were employed there
There is still one man unaccounted for in
connection with Iho disaster today , u miner
named .lohn Httlly.
iu\ivtoi : tvisici : sir. :
Tutu \\rrclc on I li < > . \liluiinli \ > n as IJiu lie.
Mill III ClH-ClrSSIll'SH.
SiorxCm , la. , Nov. 21. | Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Uin. : I The conductor nf u
Chicago , Milwaukee .t St. Paul train left u
caboose and llfluoii loaded cars standing on n
heavy grade on the main line near Hartley ,
In. , wlillo switching wl'h the engine. The
brakes were not nut and tlior.i bolng no tram
men on the dnloclicd portion , the car. ; Hltuteu
back down iho main line at n rapid rate.
Near Kvorly tlin c irs mot a regular freight
running at , n high rate ot i.pecnl on a curve
and buforo the i-poeu at Iho train could bo
chocked , Iho cniuoau crushed into lliciMilno. .
The onglno wab rnmplololy buried unde.r
Iho lifleon cars nnd is a total wrack , The
dooriH , including two cars ot coal , caught
llro and is Rill ) burning. MI that iho cars will
bo a total loss , to ulher wlln the freight. In
tint caboose wore live mum bors of u brldgo
fain. . IXilv SlophfiiBon was killed in
stantly. J. Ktophcusnn v/.is badly crushed
mid burned and cannot iccovor. Tlio olhar
three are budly Injuron out will recover.
Their names are not obtainable. Halliond
oniclnls I'ofiibo tu give the iiiimo of iho con
ductor In cburfjo of the train. The imgim'cr
und liioimin on thn icu'uliir ccciipcd , Tlio
road is liiockod and It will ha impossible to
clear U until thu llro burns nut.
Katnl Work ol Train \Vr < - < il -r > t ,
Aii N'iA , ( ja. , Nov. 21. Train wreckers
placed obstructions on thn track of the West-
urn & Atlanta railrojd last ni lit two miles
f-oui tbo city. Thu pngino nnd foiir n.irs loft ,
thu track , ICnglncarHquiros and his lircman
worn fatally injured , A train was urcckud
In the sumo upot u year ago the numo way liy
fastening nn iron band aero * * the rails , Thu
purpoio of iho wrccliorj It supposed to have
usen robbery.
llHlllltl.MH.lttt AT W.llt ,
ItliMidy Jlattln Only /ivurtt-d Ity tint I'niiupt
Antliiii ui llm i'nllrc ,
Svx FitvNCibco , , Cul , , Nov. HI. Tbo
Chlnoso hlchblnucr soclutius of this city
nnvo declared war and tbo pollco ycatorduy
checked what might have bean a bloody
battle. The On Yck and Sain Ul ) societies
ijunrrclod over tua division of blackmail
obtained from the residents of numerous'
houses of 111 fuino in Chinatown , and during
the past two da > u two Uhinoio have bccu
killed by highbinders , The On Vek sent n
formal challenge to the Sam Ups to mcevoif'
Jackson street and light to a finish. The
fight was to have occurred at noon , but the
pollco hoard of the challenge and arrestud
forty-seven of thu On Vok * who had alrouay
arrived at the tcano ot the Imttlo and worn
walling for tholr rivals. They were nil
heavily armed with lay revolver * and
knlvns ana two of them were coati of mull
under tholr bloustos uiado of ateol rings. Tbo
others wore protective coali nf thick paper ,
The walls In Chinatown uro covered with
placards put up by rivtl soulollos defy in it
each other nud further troubl U tnuoU