Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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nut ni' ftp nrpnTpnv iinr\pnonn
Ben Blanclmrd Forgives Oboycnne nnd
Ohayonno Reciprocates ,
Homo Outturn In Mniuntm Thn Mjo'mitiE
Inr.Mlnn Itrcullcd hy MnrrliRB
S > \T ( litld TicliU In Idiiho
N w of the NortUuoit ,
lion B anchard of smolte. * fame Is
back in C'hojonno M chipper na ever ,
imd cnrrvlng n smile thnt has pirttally
banished tlio hard feelings worked up
by bis mysterious disappearance and a
protested check.
Ulnnchaid Is n rustler from 'way back
In Indiana , lie blew into Choyonnu
some years n'o | , and casually roiuarkcd
that u syndicate of rich Hoosiers bun-
iored ; for n slice of Wyoming's natural
weuitli. Ho was uimblo to determine
for some time whore the money could
be put lo do the most , good. Residents
dined and wined him. They clung
to him with tlio toniiclty of
la grippe , convinced that if atuMiored nt
tlio capital lie would prove an invalua
ble requisition.
Ab BOOH us the local fruit was ripe for
the plucking , lUnnchard insinuated
that u smelling works plant WHS what
Cheyenne needed to anchor the lion's
share of the wealth of the ntatu in the
oity. It would ruvolutioiii/t ) tbo growth
of Ohoyonno and plnco It sovunl
loagtion in advance of thu parade. Tlio
bint struck tbo right spot. "Uut , gen
tlemen , " whispered lion , parenthet
ically , "tho enterprise loquircs a vast
nuni , and local assistance would bo ac
ceptable. " After much agitation nnd
cogitation , tbo Choycnnoi agreed to
put up iMJOO.UUO in cash and lands.
Non hurried away to Indiana with
thonowH. Tlio local boomer * followed
him lo Hoosiuniom and induced
him to sign tlio bargain ngrced upon.
The plant was to cost $300,000. No p-irt
of the bonus was to bo paid until the
works were in operation.
Late in tbo sutnmor contract- , wore let
for thn construction of buildings ; ma
terial was brought to the ground and
the jojotin rattle of trowel and hammer
was sweet music lo the souls of Clioy-
Hiinoiu. "Tho world is ours1 hummed
the local Monte Cristus. Mcanwhilo
payments on contracts became duo , but
tlio stitlT was not forthcoming. The
whereabouts of Ulancbard wan a bouree
ofnnxiotj. Uo turned up in time lo
nllny tlio growing loars and lavished
drafts on tlio contractors. Ono of those ,
drawn on a Tone llnuto bank , wns re
turned protested. Btaiichard had clo-
parled. AlTairs assumoU an ugly aspect.
ITo bad pulled several Chayennoso
limbs to tbo extent or 85,000 , and the
hold'n-s of his paper began to roar. The
nssislanco of the shonir was invoiced.
Blanehard wns located in Kansas.
Thither the man of law hied. Ere ho
returned Blanehard swooped down on
Cheyenne , and promptly pooh-poohed
the anxiety of his creditors. Ho gave
bond for his appearance to answer
the charges filed against nim ,
und strutted about robed in
offended dignity and a forgiving spirit.
It wan all n mistake. Ho did not for a
moment think of abandoning the smel
ter project. Indeed tbo delay was
caused by a determination to build amore
moro extensive plant than was llrst con-
tomplutud , to substitute iron and steel
walls for brick and stono. As for the
protested draft that was the blunder of
an amateur cashier in Tcrro Haute.
Cheyenne , too , is in a forgiving mood.
She is dlflpobod to embrace Hen , but will
tike : precious cure to keep llio $200,000
bonus beyond his roach for the time
n'H Iliilr.
Jackson's Hole , a region of northern
Wyoming , has acquired notoriety sis the
haunt of desperadoes nndoattlorustlors.
The outlaws of Idado , Wyoming and i
Montana were popularly supposed to
liavo mndo the hole their retreat. There
they were safe from pursuers , and there
they planned excursions and divided the
Surveyor Owen of Wyoming recently
m.ido a tour of the region and explains
its peculiarities in thoLaramlo Boomer
ang. The altitude of the Jackson hole
country is 0,000 foot. There inosixty sot-
tiers in the valley. The country is acces
sible by'two routes , one being over the
Sheridan trail from the east and thu
ether from tbo west Tuton
by pis-s com
ing from Idaho. The woatncr there is
warm in cummer and from the first o
May until November the climate is do-
ligiilful. Tlierois no climate in this sec
tion of tbo country that will compare
with it. Ono delightful fcntuio about It
in that they hnvo no wind. There wore
only two daysthnt the wind blow during
the sixty ho spent there. The people
up there arc hospitable and they treated
Mr. Owen ttud party in line style. Mr.
Owen says ho mot the men wlio ran out
the howe thieves recontlv , killing two
of them. Ho docs not know whether H
will ever mnUo an agricultural region
or not. The nights aio cold
with heavy fruit R. Its natural attr.iC'
tlonsaro its great features. There is
, line llshlng and hunting. There arc
I'ront coal fields east of Jiiokson's Hole ,
Coal was found in the beds of the river
and cropping out at many places. lib
"caking" coal , which is nearly as good
as coking.
Ills the finest watered country to bi
fauna lu the west. Mr. Owen say's thai
at the present tlmo Snake river curries
four times the water that Groim rivoi
carries. It is from six to fifteen fee
deep and from / > ( ) ( ) yards to a milo wide
that is the Miulh fork. Thu great watoi
sheds of tbo Tetons and ether rangei
feud the at roam.
Mr. Owen wiya uonoaf this bind whicl
Is being biirvoyed will bo ready to bt
filed on within Uvo jonra.
'I Im , * > , Union t atrli ,
lioports rogardiug the output of tlu
salmon cunnurlcs show an unexpected ! )
largo run. The season win at Its bo l
about the 12'ith of October , alt along the
foiibt from Umpqua to Gray's harbor
Tlio supplies imd matoiial on IIHIU ! foi
oacnlng mluien boomed over-abundant
and It was dot-mud probable that muol
canning iniilorUil would bo laid ovoi
until next year. When tholaiiro rnr
did eomo it soon exhausted the canning
Huppllos , which were intended for abou
half an hvurngo pack , und i\a a rcsul
most of this iuiinuiibo inllux of salinoi
could not bo turned to account , 'I hi
pack Is estimated up to the present a
03,700 cases. The Columbia rlvor ful
pacif will amount to about 12,000 c
Allowing for ovor-catlmatos and
croiwnclea the full | mck may bo
in round numbers 100,000 cases.
Homo Hulling In Maiuiina.
Mont aim has established a rcputatloi
ns a producer of fast liorbcs. The fumou
slnblo of Marcus D.ily of Anaconda cu | )
turcd some of tbo riuhcbt pur oa luui ]
up on eastern tracks , and that , lee , li
competition with the host blood of ol
established stables. Daly's horao rmicl
in ( he Uuor Led < ; o valley ia uu oxtou
slvo one , and the bora of thoroughbreds
Is the largest and most valuable In the
stale. With Drily the business of horse
raising is more of a fad than a money
making venture. Hundreds of Men-
tanlRiis are engaged In horse raising
for the money there is in It and hnvo
been very successful. The horse drive
this your is B lid lo bo the largest in the
history of tbo industry. An estimate
billed on tbo Smith river output places
the marketable number nt ] _ , lUO. ) The
output from Smith river alone will
roach something llko 1,000 bead , or
about double what it has been any year
for thn past three or four years , and it
ia fair to presume that ether sections
will Increase their output In proportion.
C.iptxln lo ItojUrium
The secretary of the Indian Rights as
sociation writes to the * Philadelphia
1'ross as follows :
May I draw the attention of your read
ers to the appointment by President
Harrison of an ollloor of tbo army , Cap-
taln Lo I toy Brown , ns Indian agent at
I'lno ItldgcV Captfkin Urown has proved
hlmsolf a model agent , and if ether ap
pointees of a similar kind , endowed with
equal-character and ability , could bo ob
tained for the various Indian agencies ,
the work of civilization would bo ad
vanced at as moid a pace as could bo do-
shed , 1 have just returned from an extended -
tended journey of nearly six weeks dur
ation Hi rough various Indian reserva
tions in South Dakota and olaowhoro. I
spent "six days traveling thunigh the
JJino Ridge reserve , and had , therefore ,
an oxcullont opportunity to form an cstl-
main of the value ofCintaln Hrowa's
work. I saw many of the Indian camps
located in the various fnrm districts of
the reserve , ami visited school houses ,
issue houses , blacksmith shops and other
government agencies. At every point I
bad that thu earnest , vigorous
and pi ogrcislvo spirit of tbo agent hail
infused itself into both his employes
and the Indians for whom his labors
were oMortod. A spirit of hopefulness
and willingness to work was on nil sides
vLsiblo , which if steadily maintained by
thu retention ot the present agent at Ills
post will bring the fruit of bottled In
dustry and final self support on the pirt
of thoio Indians , that for every reason
is trio't earnestly to bo desired. Ut'liko
ROino agents , Captain Krown docs not
content himself simpU with olllco work ,
leaving the worlc of ulvillition nmoau
the Indians in the distant and
scattered camps to loQlc after itself , but
by frequent and extended \tsil9 ho keeps
himself in touch with the people , mak
ing them fool the lire and enthusiasm of
his own high purposes , keeping the ovl
doors from mischief by the know'odgo
that lie is informed If they concoct
trouble , and atlmulatiii ; every good en
terprise by the encouragement of ills
sympathy and prcdonce.
I do not ask for any detailed state
ment of the various lines of effort along
which Captain Urown Is working , but
desire to note the general excellence of
bis work , to give credit to President
Harribon for such an appointment , and
to urge the vital necessity for the retention
tention of a military olllccr in the post
of Indian agent wlion ho has shown
bimso'f ' so wortliy of the place as Cap
tain Brown has done.
The importance of omphasi/.inc this
ootnt will bo manifest to all who under
stand , as I do , the dllliculty of retaining
a good agent , fo - , sad as it is to bo
obliged to confess it , Captain Brown's
very excellence makes for him enemies
among those who wish to use an Indian
reservation for their own selfish pur
poses , and who sock the removal of any
man whoso work is directed simply for
thu bonoiU of the Indians ami for no ul
terior ends , lii this instance there is a
DQCullnr necessity for the retention of
Captain Drown. It was upon ho Pine
Ridge reservation that I ho Sioux out-
broai ; of two winters ago culminated.
It was bore that n largo "number of dis
contented and troubloMmio Indians from
the other Slqux reserves rendezvoused ,
and from which , I believe very unfor
tunately , the government has never de
manded their return. While I do-not
think there is any danger immediately
ol trouble at Pine iUdgp , it is certainly
well to bold in mind that there
are many Indians there who would
gladly miiko It if occasion olTcrod. They
fool , shrewdly and justly enough , thai.
the settlement of former" troubles came
in such a form as to be rather victory
to them slum for the government , and
as no punishment was inllictod unon
I those most responsible tor the disturb-
\ ancu , the possibility of trying the same
game ever again is not wholly out of
their minds. To noruitt the removal of
a military olllcor who has proved bis fit
ness and his power to control , as Cap-
I tain Brown has done , would not only bo
\ a very serious blow to tbo advancement
of Indian civilization but it would lilco-
wise bo running a very unnecessary risk
f | of fiuuro trouble. What these and alt
Indians need most to feel is that the
government has determined upon a
steady and not a vicilating policy , and
that It will no longer permit the wanton
removal from the olllco of Indian ajiont
men who have proved by results competent -
tent to fill It. Respectfully ,
It is expected that the Kearney paper
mill will start up about December 1.
T. J. Foniiibon , a Hastings attorney ,
is under arrest on a churgo of eiiibcv lu-
in out.
F , G. Simmons has resumed control of
thu Sowatd Uuporter , which has boon in
otliur hands for the past faw months.
Mrs. Li HIM Martin of Hastings haa se
cured a verdict of iS.OOO damages against
the Burlington road for tlio loss of her
Twenty women of Table Uock tried to
exercise the right of franchise , but the
uruul licartud election judges wouldn't
let them.
Fire in the city lockup nt C'rolc
quickly miburod up two drunks win
were con lined there , though no damage
was dune ,
1 Alex S. lobcrts { > n. ti former lesidont
of Arnold , Ouster county , has boon oloo-
0 ' ted to the Idaho logiblaturo by a large
majority. x
li. IS. Abnott. residing near Co/.ad ,
purchased a farm in February , 1SOI
tviying $ l-0l ) for it. Lastw ok ho sold
tlio farm for &L , _ 00.
A Superior family was p'olsoaed the
ether ilny by oatlng turnips , but they all
tecoverod. Hereafter they will hjrht
any of Colonel Mulberry Sellers' health-
glving fruit
: 1) M. Butler baa rotlred from the
control of the David City Tribune and
bns boon suceeodod by J. B. Hey , foruj'
orly editor of ihu Ulybsos Monitor. Tin :
two papers btivo boon consolidated.
Joiin Ciinibull and Fred Clark , young
men residing Hour WaholioUl , Imvobcet :
nrrctateu on the charge of stealing : ! 0t
bushels of wheat from Farmer Halpb.
The prisoners were bound over for trial
to the district court.
Muring n democratic ! blowout ai
i'lnttanuiuth the marshal of the day loa
control of bis horse and was forced U
dismount. Tlio only man who coulc
ride the animal wns a republican , but hi
refused H bribe to accept the job.
Thirty neighbors went to the farm n
Jim F.urbrothor , near Seward , and will :
twenty-six teams they cribbed all h'n
n corn for him in a day. Fall-brother hai
Id ono of bis hands crushed in u thrushni !
ib muchlno recently and was unable t <
uhave bh crop cured for , a fact which th
neighbors ahowod their appreciation ot
In true western fashion.
The Superior Starch company hn *
been organized nt Superior , and I ) .
Gutbrlo has boon elected president. The
compti'jv proposes toboirln operations at
once and push Us pldnt through to com-
plollon at the earliest possible moment.
I. D. Chamberlain , for a number of
yonra editor of the Strorasbiirg Head
light and one of the old lo nlors In the
grcoubick , tabor and populist parties ,
la to lonvo the state and will sturt a
paper at Pueblo , Colo. , to bo known as
tbo Coming Crisis.
Uncle John Mitchell has gone Into
mourning oy shaving his beard , and
vows that no more will a beard adorn
bis classic features until a republican Is
elected to the presidency , says the Os-
coola Hocord Uncle John is a repub
lican and stood up for Nubr.islc.i and
Ono day last week John Harris , a big
farmer and slock man of Butler county ,
was In Sown d and took dinner with
George Whiting , says the Seward
Hhulo. There is nothing strange about
that. But twonty-livo years ngo. when ,
Nebraska was the home of tbo Indian
and buffalo , Harris drove stage In and
out of Julosburg. After ho bad boon
out tliero seven or oitjht months the
word went back to his old homo in
Atnmakoo county , low i , that bis
statio bad boon attacked oy Indians
and Harris and the p'issongor < fall killed.
His mother , who was a widow , con
cluded that tbo report was true , as she
had received a letter from tlio superin
tendent of tlio stage line to that elTcct ,
andsne had the minister of tlio church
where she lived preach bis funeral ser
mon. Mr. Whiting was present and
beard the sermon. Two or tbrco weeks
after tbo sermon Mr. Harris made ills
aupoaranci ) at his old home , when It was
ascertained that ho had escaped the
mnnsiero by cimnging olT with another
ttiivor for that trip.
. yumlnc.
A smelter is projected at Lcwistoti ,
Fremont county.
Three lumdnod thousand gallons of
water per day is the size of Hawlins' ' Ir
rigation plant.
A responsible citizen olTers to invest
SS.OOn in a woolen mill to bo located In
or near Cheyenne.
The College of Mechanic Arts , an
annex of ( he State univarditv , is bolng
built at a cost of 310,000.
Boardor.s at the state penitentiary are
now enabled to work up an appetite in
the broom foctory recently slvrtod.
"Wo have mot the enemy , " exclaims
a Laramie piper , "und wo nro thoir'n.
Everything lost but our virtue and not
much loft of that. ' '
The .editor of tlio Sundance Apex i.s a
versatile ana popular citizen. Hn varies
tbo weekly grind by dispensing the
honors of mayor , interpreting1 law as
justice of the peace and posing as county
attorney. In tbo matter of subscrip
tions , advertisers and public perquisites
the Apex man has a copper rivotnd
cinch on his loathsome contemporary.
A committee representing tlio mine
owners of Lnplntn bus issued nn apnoal
to the people of Larum'e for aid to assist
in developing the mines. The mine
owners are unable to carry on tbo work
of development on a profitable scale for
want of means , and have organi/.od a
company for the purpose ofobta ning
the necessary money. As the uiinos
are closely related to the prosperity of
Lununioiho committee points out that
Luruinio shouldygivo substantial aid to
the men who are developing adjacent
SOIUM link tlu.
Free mall delivery will begin in
Vnnklon next month.
A gold bearing lodge was opened in
the Glendalc tin locutions.
The Doidwood Smelter company is
linking extensive additions to the plant.
The Harris anil Itico mines on Vir
ginia bill , near Galena , were sold to
eastern parties for $10,000.
Tlio proposition to bond McCook
county for $ l.jOU ) to build u court house
was defeated by a vote of 752 to 41o.
The Daily Republic in of Rapid City
has suspended. The editor confcssc.s
that three dailies are too much of a good
thing for a one-daily town.
Tlio South Dakota World's fair buildIng -
Ing Is about completed , and tbo state
World's fair commission has collected nil
but $ 2,000 of tbo $2-5,000 subscribed.
A Yankton policeman is slid to hnvo
discovered perpetual motion , but
whether it applies to policemen on duly
is not stated. If accounts of the inven
tion are reliable the policeman has suc
ceeded in colling n motion on S10,000 ;
from the pocket of a Ncbrnsknn to that
of the invention.
. .
Cascade county wool growers shipped
' 1,000.000 pounds of wool this year , about
one-third , of tlio total product of the
A Minneapolis flour mill firm have
decided to build nn extensive plant at
Remember dial , if you've ha
ravelled by cheap imitations ,
t thing can be that is safe. It
common soap and it saves \ \
with it.
I Pcildlcrs n
, leware s
you an imitation , bo honest send it tact.
Great Falls , uliU/Jhj ? the great water \
power In that vtchmy.
The Ilolona JourrinF , owned by a com-
pi ijy of which R.tssoll Harrison is presi
dent , baa suspondbd. The publishers
accumulated n largqjstock of debts.
In the race fortUo capital , ilolonn
loads , with Butto. , Anaconda , Great
Falls and Bozotnnn following In their
order. The second contest will bo bo-
twoan the three "highest cities. A
majority of nil yolns'cnst ' Is necessary to
settle the .
The strike of the Great Northern
bollermakors In the , Falls shops ,
which began BOUIO weeks ago , has corao
to an und through a conference with
officials und a compromise , whereby
they sign a two-year contract at $ . ! . ; ( > a
day. The nonunion men who have taken
the union men's places are under con
tract for a year with tbo company , and
will bo allowed to work out that tlmo.
A rival to the Granite Mountain mine
has sprung in close proximity to that
well-known and wonkerful producer. It
is the Puritan inlno , which in located
about ono and a half miles from Philips-
burg , and owned by a company , the ma
jority of the stock being held In Butto.
Reports received In Butte state that
during the past forty days , the period
during which the mill has been In opera
tion , tlio bullion shipmonti amounted to
f > 7,3f > l ounces. This report does not In-
ciudo o o shipped prior to the starting
of the mill.
The Da Luunr mine yielded a not
profit of $40,800 for the month of Oc
Placer minors have all got throuch
work for this year and put their claims
in readiness for spring.
Two men who loft Contorville a short
tlmo ago got lost while on their way
from Soutb Salmon to Bear Valley , and
discovered a quartz ledge that they
traced for three miles. It carries both
goid and sllvor , and tbo rock is good.
Tbo now district is north of Doaawood ,
in a country accessible for pack animals
A unique feature of the Into campal ten
was recorded in Idaho ,
wagered his > wife against three mulos.
The lady was somewhat aggrieved She
averred Unit to put her ) against tbrco
mules was a reflection that her woman
hood would not , permit her to overlook ;
that ba fair valuation she wns worth
any four mules that ever kicked in
Idaho , a position wherein public conti-
mcnt sustained her , and the bet was de
clared olT.
Six mallard ducks are responsible for
qulto a mining flurry on tbo Silmon
river , near the mouth of Mud cree'c. '
A boy panic dGeorgo Nlcholls killed the
ducks , which were billing on a dry
sandbank , and presented them to Editor
Proppor of the Hydraulic Gobi Minor.
When hodrobssd the came ho found
four nuggets of considerable s'r/o in
their craws. Minor are now panning
every sandbar within , live miles of Mud
creek , and are meetjug witL consider
able .success.
The Ciildwull Tribune says that tbo
opal fields recently discovered on Snake
river , near Caluwcll , nro causing con-
siJerablo excitement' . Several loca
tions of ground hoVe boon made and
specimens forwardtdi } east , whore ex
ports pronounce then line stones. The
bolt if fifty feet wide , and has boon
traced a distance of'throe ' tnilos. Tbo
discoveries made during tbo past throe
years show that1 Idaho is destined to
soon become one of'tlio greatest opal
districts in tbo world.
Along thn 1'
The Nevada State Board of Assessors
has fixed the horizontal raise of laxos
in Lincoln county at 10 par cent , and
have reduced tho- valuation of tlio rail
road grade from Piocbo to Milford from
8100,000 to $10,000.
The statement issued by tbo Treasury
department shows that customs receipts
at the California ports for the fiscal
year ending June 30 were SS , 147 , 571. Of
this sum S.ui Francisco collected $7,070 ,
179. Receipts at the Oregon ports were
S74U,7iJ : ; nt tbo Washington ports SISS-
413. Internal revenue receipts in Cali.
forma were $227I-07. Sales of public
lands in California amounted to $5-5 ,
607 ; in Oregon , Sy5U-10 ; in-Washington ,
A largo lake situated In tbo Olympic
mountains , at an altitude of 5,001) ) feet ,
was recently discovered by two hunters ,
who describe it as follows : "Tho basin
is in all probability the crater of an ex
tinct volcano , and the lake was clirist-
cnod Crater lake in consequence. It is
about two miles in length by half a milo
in breadth , with depth unknown , as
the cliff descends perpendicularly into
the water on all Blues , while a huge
glacier runs into the southern end. A
small stream forms the outlet , which is
ono of the tributaries of the Duckanusb. ' "
You don't want a lorpid liver ; you don't
want a biul coinploxlon ; you doa't want a
bad breath ; you don't want a lioailaclio.
Then use Da Wilt's Little Karly Klscn , the
famous Ilttlo pills.
Child's ' Play
washing with
Pearline. Every
thing that makes
it hard work is
taken away.
Everything that
makes the wear
and tear , too
there's no rub ,
rub , rubbing about
it. It's absolutely safe ,
id your clothes eaten , frayed or
Pearline is as. plieap as any-
costs no more at the start than
noney from the minute you start
mil some unscrupulous growers will tell you.
good as" or "the ' " '
samens I'carlinc. IT'S
1'earline ii never puddled , ifiyour grocer sends
a JAMES > yi.lC , New York.
Iutmitlv toi > i thu moitoxuruolttuiK ptlnsi uevur falls toglvaooso to tliu sulfurer : u law
application not llko masle. onus Ins thu p.ilti to Itmantty nlop.
If onlytnUeu lu iloJSMof from lulrljr to sixty ilrooi In halt a tumbloruf w tor will euro lan
. . Ho.irHlomaoli. Uollc. I'lalulencn. , .
n few inlimtea Crampi. biiumi. Heartburn l.stmior Kaliit-
vVnes * . OHOCBB MOaBUS.DIAattKOEA , DYS-iNTERY. Sick Hoad'oho. &auo"
Both tlio method and results \vlicn
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant
and jcfrcsliing to tlio taste , nnd acts
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys ,
Liver and Uowels , cleanses the sys
tem cflucUmlly , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , pleasing to the ( aslo nnd ac-
ceptnhle to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly hcneficinl in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in EOc
and'31 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist vrho
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any ono \vho
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
If l > r ScliiMirL trpiitment anil euro of ooimmip-
( Ion nur "inettilMi : ix'tr nn I imttloil , piMpIo mlitlit
ilmibt biilnli.U ImMirovo.l H M , tlirmulia ncordui
old moiirKr.UHUnUiers , tne.un jii'l Ills ,
ami for nil i | | < pi43i of the l.tmtf. No troittiont
in the norlil tm til IIMIIM manpornmnent rnn s of
conn ti nipt ion to IM crn lit ut Or. * uti siut' No thin ?
in N at tire act sit directly nti t t'flo 'tlvoly on llio Inn/
tnonibr men nn 1 tla Ut ? < * , an 1 * > qul k f illtposes of
tnberott1 * . L'nncottlon , lot ! rnmiUIrm , ioitt , con ius
und nil tbo sooiU u consumption ft *
Dr. Scfwnck's Pulmomc Syrup.
IVlici ) nll < Hn fulls It cnincs to therescue. . Not until
It falla.Hnil nulj niter falttirnl trial anoull uny o ic
rcspnnil. It tin * hriHtiftit the hopcMM to llfo und
licnltli. It hm tuniHl Iho ilo pair uf ton thousand
homes Inttjjor It l tlolni * U IHHT. It wilt conllnen
to < lo It throiichoiit the , ; * . ( Jr. SrhviK's prnutlce
trcntl o on consumption , llvcraiul . tomucli ( luun hi
innllodVrce tuaUuppllcanlB. Dr. J. 11. i > chttncko& :
fcc.i. I'll llndelplili > . _ l'M. _
If you hive Olnniil'ncss '
1 reolcloi la nnxt
your fiico Is to
IJItly. Godliness.
How to Cure Freckles
tMncutliflbSKlnnlngof luo world proUy fucol lnvn
brou spulkd with frouklua and tlm inciMt hrnutlful
cuU ! | > ' ik > ni l
Mthaonly rum over known Ulscuvora 1 lijr MM 1C
M. VAliK , the worlJ-faiui ! I Uoanty ami Coiuiiloxlon
Mine. Vnto Uiu twain J unmnil licacli
of Kurop > . liulk'sor tlio Whllo llousu un I tlip colob-
rltlei nl tliu world. Wrlto her In confidence. She
cnn innkiiou liciuttCul Shu can nnio yon younif
UKidn Turn itrny linlr to Un n ittirxl unlur. No dyu
ued notldiiK l"il inollclnu. Hti oii itorolop your
bunt , nil out > our buukon client , cure > ou of any iklu
hloniUli. send for her fninoui HoiMitllnok. . It will
tin rnnllod you freu. All of Aliup.Ale'a rotneillus
will bt , hlppo 1 vuu from clilCJii/o , or yon UHH uet
thanilroiioonrilruKKlit. IIu will got them for you.
Gotoyiinrdriuul' ' > ton Moiiilny mid KCt n liottlo of
[ j-x Kri'tklu. tuku It homo unil apply Itactorlln ; to
-llrei'ilnin on Monilny.'lni'iiday anilVnln \ < iliiy , ftnj
on riimliiy you will not linvou trucklu , Vonrcom.
pliixloii irlll iioiHierli-ct : | us lien n little tub'Hits
isubsolutuly trim. 1'rltutl.Ui ) .
Mine , M , Yale's Temple of Beaut/ / ,
iiCSlaloSt. T. 8-Sond
for M1 K.
Chicago , 111.
MailDcpl.52 Uook I ree.
16tli and Howard Streets ,
60 lloomn for I'nHenta. OMAHA , NEB ,
For tlio treatment of
Chronic , Private 1 Nervous Diseases ,
A n
Piles , Fistula , Fissure nnd Strlc-
tur ) of tlio Kcetiun perinanont-
ly cured without the use of Knife ,
JMgnture or Caustic.
Enclnso 4c. In filninps null nur 107 pngu HOOK
un UIKKAhKH and ( Ones ) Ion Illaiilu. ,
niu bo MAIMI : > rur.i : .
Kith mill Ho wart ! bts , , Uiiiiilin , Neb
w. 0 MAXWFI.I.M. 1) . , 1'ros _ * r u ID , DIL.
l'ropi > RUlH for ICniiiovliii ; Klrctlou ItdothH
Honied prnpognls will bo reroluul at tin
coiuptrollt'r'a ulllou , to 4 p. 111. , Novbiiibur 'd
18'J. , for thu lomovnl of tlio boullis to Nlor.r.'i
lioitHunud tliu ropluclni ; in tliu next olectliin
TliouontraotoracruulD In ruplacutliam nil Ir
t ! ud order ; tliccltv bolng ut nouxpcnso rflnil
over for nuv wnsto of nialerliii ur Urn il. 121
nbuvo llio contr ict prluc. Tlionintruotor ro
calvlnic onu-tlilrd ot contract prloe when Ihuj
iirostoroil nnd two-il , nla when tht-y slia
UKaln bo replace I. A enrtlllo'l ' chock of IO t (
uruompHiiy u.icli bid. Tlio rJuhi Is losorved ti
reject Hiiy or all hlds.
Novoiulier H , IBtrj. TUEODOIti : OISON
iilJdCt Uoinptrolli
l'roio | nl for Siiln of I'oiir Cott.ii ; .
bonlod proposiln will bo recuivcd nt Un
cniniitrollnr's olllco up to 4 p. in. Nnvuniuo
sath , IKH. for tlio aio of four uottiiioion lot
7.8.0 und 10 In Jooslou's subdivision of Ion
und 2 , block 15 , Bhliin'ii nddltlon. Illds may li
niHdo on on" rolfico or all. liaoli blddiir t' '
oncloio cortlflfd choclc for ( S 1.00. Tlio olty reserves
servos tlio rlilit to rojoot miv or all lilda.
November IStb. I62i Mil d t
in full 'blast.
.75 A blue ami b/ack ( iiagoiialtsc'ge
. lining , velvet collit ) ; worth $ S ,
shades , black , Ian , oxford bins
and brown , in genuine forscys ,
innde and fit as ncll cts those
which sell at $12 , now
Heavy auburnmeltons , in black
$9.00 and brown , worth r .oo ,
now y.oo
- 1i / " } s \ A beaver in two shades , blue and
II I I I I b ack , also a. kersey saint' colors ,
* JL 9s LX single or double breastedJhinncl
lining ; 200 of ( hem , worth as
high as $ r6 , now
450 All wool cheviot diagonal ,
in two shades in brown and
gray , at. . ,
Ulsters ,
in any fabric or color extant , from
$4 to $30
Columbia Clothing . Co. ,
- >
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
"flcsrvo Seeds , "
the woudnrful remedy
nla gold with n writ
ten ennrnntcr to euro All ni-rvom Ol c scs. nch 3 Weak Memory , .
lx > 3ior iiniiii 1'om r. UiMjuclic.ViikoMlneM , Lost Jlnnlionrt. Nlghtlr Uiulj.
ilons. NorvnuincBs. Liissltude , oil dratni ami Inia of power of tlio ( luuoratl ra
Or an > ln c'ltlicrsexrauspl byovcroicrtlon , yniitliful rrrof . or < 'icp 'lr
For B.Uo in Omaha by Shormau & McConnell , 151-5 Docljjo stroot.
Ill tlio Iroatinoiil of a'l ' for ins or
ana nil \VO.IKIIDSH and I ) sorrier of
with losnof coiirnsc. ambition ,
and vll.illly. KlKlituciii yi ur of
tlio limit ruinarkiihlu-oii.'Lvst In
tlio tro itinrnt of tli H eHi-lot ( ilscm-scs. which
Id provo'i by llio univorHiil tjslliniiny of tlum-
sniulsxvho have boon cmod. Wrlti ) forulrcu-
lura und < | ci > tioii ilat. lltu und r.iru.ini
M . , Oni.iuu , l >
Woll.romu nitd tiuro llicni oxnmlnsJ liy our optician
friMxiftliuriH ) . no iKtarr.tltlo I with ninlrof
ouf-l'KllKl'onoN'1 HI'HOPAOI.KHpr KVH IJI.AS.S-
-llio brut lii the orlil. If ynuiloiiot nunil itlassea
illl tullyou nonnilalTliB you tdiut to Uo. ( iM.I ( )
I'Juln. Hinoic. lilu or white claiscs , for protoctlntf tbo
tji-i , froiu&Janpiilr up.
Max Meyer & Bro. CD.
Jewelers and Opticians.
und I'lftecntli falruots
'Jcelh rilledlth
out I'.iln hy I ID
uit Invui- :
tlont ,
A I'ULl. bHT 01) ' TIJKt'U O.N IlUUlinil t'OIt
rantool Toath oxtrictoil In
tlio tiuirnliiL' . ! su\v onus huortoJ in ovunln
of KIIIIO day.
hco apecluiunsor Komovahlo llrldijo.
bitoipoislmcniof l-'luxlDlo Eiistlu | 'lat3
All work warranted us rupreiontoj.
Olllce , 'llilril li'iour. r.uioi : Illojc.
TcIcphoiiD 1085. Kitliaul r'.ir.tiuS ti
U uko Elevator or Hi i rway fro n Uta
Btrco tentranCD
National Bank.
Capital . 7.$103,03J
$05,001) )
OfflcerianlDlreeloM Henry W. Vutai. proililant
II. ( ' . tjuslilni ; , vice prdililani , i ! . H. M urloj W.V
> lor ci.Jom ! 1. Colllm J. N. IL I'AlrloK , l.oirlj 4
Ucd , caililor.
. .r"VX JL JLJ Tlioatro
Tbrco Nights and Wodnosiay Mntlnco.
MONDAY , NOV. 21st.
Clark and Cox's Superb Spectacular
tlndortlioatisplciisof I ho Associated Churl'let
15O People i i th * Oaat - - 15O
aialoly Drill of tlioNnlnda , Clinrinhit ; Dunes
of tbo lintli'rllk'3. ( ntilcalo Ilinilou Heart
Danrc. GnvKovulsnf the 1'rlnitoAtni.
On us to , Hist rlcal , Magnificent ,
goals nn sale nt 1 ov ofllco. I'-iual urluos.
Tonlnly. Nov. 81.
Thotiorumn DluU'ct Couicdlnn ,
In 1 li new vi'rMon
t llltlJVKU IjliXA
Hupported by
1III.Y KL'SNI'IIII.'llui Irish Conirillnli ,
MUI1TIIA ( ilMIKII-J 'riinlioriiiiiuMitlilliiKalo.
I.I'lTl.i : UAHINO , 'llio Child Winidar.
'Jlnoo nlKlitt , Nnr. til , U nnd VI , l > i > iimiiiK ! nltli
llnllilny Mntlnco ,
The ItiK Notv Vorlc HIIUCUSB.
Tliu only risil novelty In town.
Evening : Concert at 8:15. : ( 'onoorts by the Orlglnnl ,
1'nnioiis und Only
Dodge City Cowboy Band
1'roii. und Uou'l l Dlroutor ,
MI83 DOHA WIMIV , I'rlnin DonnitHopraiio.
Blr. A. II. KNOI.I. , Aiiioili'ii'sfavorltuCornotlat
MIsHMAitii' iluNKir. tro.ilosl l.mly'oniftUt
Air. lUi.i'ii Kuri'ii. the I'lienoniunitl ll'uao.
l > lllf'lJ < Hosorrod r-oals . TSo nua II.QI
I IIIUUJ Adiul.Klon . . . . 510
Adv.inco sale ul .Max Muyor k llro. Co.'i
JowolryjBtoro. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
All TlilVrek. . Tlio
All-Star Specialty Ak'tcrOKHtlon.
A pnlruf rubber * for urory lady in t Friday ,
'Xo nil | mru uf I Iloicrvod I'aiquot I'ttti , 3Uo
tliu lioiiu' . I llotorved llal'ony oat > , ! Wo
Monday Mum. N.iv. vl
Mr. Thomas J. Kelley.
Aimlnlod hy
Mrs. Mnrlln ( 'aim. > -oirjiiiu : MU Currlo
Mnuilo I'onnnoli , Kijirano ! Mr. l.uolon II.
Copulnnd , llurltonn ; Mr , Hurt llutlur ,
Violin ; Air , J. K. llutlur , I'luno.
Admls.lou . Mi