Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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01'IK ' I.i - NO. 121'EARLSTHRKT
Itllvmnlvcnrrlortoany n-utof VM nil/
.I//-A r/o.v ,
N y , 1'luniblng ( 'c.
\VholsO. . N. & Co. I
( "curill UliilTs Lumber Co. .
A sp'flal mooting of iho cttv council will
bo held this evening.
The rointlnr monthly meoln : ? ol tlio school
hoard will behold tonight.
\\llllnin Wa'ton will hive n hearing before
Justice Hammer at ! l oYlosU this inornltiK on
the charge of killing .lon'v UnU.
Ilarmonv rtnptcr Ni > . Ti , Ordciof the
llastorn Star , wilt c've ' their nnnllul party
nnd binitiet. , | al Misonio tomnla Friday , Dote -
to in bcr'J
Mrs , llprrnUa Horook tiled Saturday at
licr losidpucfl on Williams street , sized b )
jcars. The funeral will tnUo place at 'J p. m.
Hannah lien li'iclcton dl-il of h-jart ill -
ease yostpulav uiornlnR at 5 o'elnrk al licr
icsitluneol'i H r l Dell township , uftoi ti
three weeks illm.v.
The Infnnt t-hlltl of Hnnjtmln TlnhPll diPil
* pslcrdiiy tif let noon of I'linler-i In ( nut inn.
The funernl will occur tills morning nt Id
o'clock from the residence on Thirteenth
Special so-islnii of Hirminy Oil aptrr No
2.1 , Order of thn Hastorn Slur , nt , Miso-its
temple U'ojnpsdav , Nnvcmber , fur the
| > uumin of Inlliulnn. Visiting inoribar-i
rnnllnllv Invited. By orJor of worthy m it-
rcn.A Inrpn ii'iiib' . ' ! ' of people cntheretl fit tlit
toldciii'n ofV S. 15us on SVashltiKlon M's
, trrilny aftainnon to witness iho funeral ob-
Brtinni | over Ilio re-n.iliiR of Mr < . .Inhii
Alotiltjanii'rv. The scrvli'ii wns eonductoC
by Huv 11. 1' . Und ny of iho 15i-oatUvnj
Motboaltt church. The body vvai tuuei tc
Canton , III. , for li.irl.a.
Mr nail MrV. . II. Kintliind enter.ainct
n pnrtv at dinner H-uur I ly consUtln- Mi
ami Mrs T U rr.inks nml Mr. .1 H. Ollll-
land and iLinphtor nf I'eoriu , III : Mr. nml
Mis. J. S. Dnluy nnd MM. A K Ulr./tu'n
Miuilto , III , Who huvo btinn attmulitm tin
head caintunpatnitfor the .ModernVonrtni"ti
In ( Jinsilin Mn. Hlu/ar M stiniomo vtt-i
oracle of the lloyul N"lahb3iT of Aincuiu.i
Messrs Pranks and Ulllllan 1 nio pnblhhci
unil editor resnecllvuly of tlin Modern Wood
man , the oflk'inl or iui of Iho > .o loty.
Tim hnst is none too good. Undiihv' * lisi
Briind ICxlrnct of Hoof unil Kln > n Ujof art
Iho best piCDnnittons on the miirkut.
TIII : IJOSIIIN si'otsi : .
Our full ortlor of wintur untlvrwdur i
now on Bale. Wo inviio inspci'llon < n
this line of inoi-olittiuliso ; il always litu
boon tlio nrlclo of Iho wloro , : md wo in innkuifT it iniii'J so tliiin over lliii
Boasoti. I laving plitrad our onlors o i.-l ;
in Uio ; year when the niilluvuro runnini.
light , il onahiotl it * to iiitiko lieltor con
If. els with Ihc iiianuraL'tuiofi * , whicl
rnprosont some of Ilio most roltablo it
Ihuoust /
Our New York nuyor pl.icotl oui
o1 dors alonjj f.yiHi our oasti-rn tonnoc
tioni , iniilcinjf ( fi'i ( inlur of ovo.1 5 ( ) (
I'lisos f iiniloi'vui.ii' , anil for this roasoi
we think our nlvinlago : bettor than tin ;
inoiuhnnl in Iowa.
LADll'.S' I'N'ni'UUVnAR '
OKIJ iibboil vo > t , oxtr.i lonj , ' , alsi
\\hito al 25f. Punts at Me.
Three ca'cs l.ulics'phiin , nul ribhot
vcRts'aiul pants , nicely liniahod poods ;
at 2i > e and il'tc ' , is worth comparison.
Our oOf line of lailios' underwear i
coinpo-cil of live cases , till dtlToron
nnikos , white , ecru , RIMV , natural , boll
plain and rihhod.
Ladies' line ribbed vesta and panta it
white , ecru nnd , iiattnul is a bargain a
IMain Icnit vests and pant-j Sl.OO , $1.2
and $1.W ) , very line wool.
HttNony wool libliod vu&ts in liigli col
ors at S1.2-ri arc 'Mirth "coinp ; .
LiulioB' alt wool bl'iek vests and pant
reduced hum $ ! . : > ! ) and * 1.7 r > to $1. ' > .
Kqnesttian lights in blticlc all woo'
extra weight , 1 'r ) and 82 f > 0.
Gents' gray shirts and drawees , al
well nnido , ! Mc , ! Ji ! ! ) , 'iilc.
At We wo shaw a line soft j rpy , rat
doni-ini.xcd and camoi's hair mixture !
the bent Unonf GIV goods in the marlcoi
Our Too , Sl.Oti shirts and drawers i
natural wool nro belter this Heaton thti
over , our sM.OOeiarinontboin ; ; nindo froi
pnro Anst'tiiian wool.
See other bargains mat Iced $1.00 an
' '
( In all the popular grades , )
Wo carry six dillorunt lines and a fn
line of stv.ea.
Wliile and grey vebts and pants Ule (
] 5ud all wool underwent' 2"o tip.
Kino gioy all wool underwear fro
"ou up.
Infant's whirls in merino , all wool at
silk. BOSTON ST.OUli
rolhorinpliain , Whltelaw A : Co. , Cou
ell lilulld , Ta.
N. U. Mall orders promptly attondi
to. All ordora bonteithor per oxpro
or mail free of charge.
J'JIM ; ) . % .1 1 , 1:1 ; .M K i / ; / s.
O , M , Ilarl has been callea to Ohio
Miss ( Joia \ \ oodbnry has returned from
vi lt will ) her sister In Illmoit
MUs Nellie Kobinson and Mrs. .lent
McConnull havu returned from a trip
Mrs. W. II , Ohlcmr.chor has icturnud fn
n thrco mouths' ' visit with relatives
lion , O , F. Clayton of Macedonia was
thn city ; yesterday on his way to Llnco
Neb. , to altct.d the Farmer * National ci
Mrn Clnpp , who nns hecn visiting I
ilauKhtcr. Mrs. S. I1. McConnell , for so
tune past , left Sftiurduy cvcnliif , ' for I
lionio In New York ,
! Mr , ,1. 1 * . Adiuiis , ccnoral manaoor of I
Sniululch Manufacturing company of SHI
\vich , 111. , has bei-ii In the city /or a few m
vultlni ; tlio branch honsn hero. Ho \ \
well nleasoj with General Agent Jam
inaniiRQinout of the rompany'ii lai-fjo wcstc
Intcieat-i und surprised al iho wonderful i
volupincnl nf city and country.
1'orfoct action and parted health rosi
from the me of Ho Will's Lltilo Early H
cr . A perfect lilllo pill.
Coul und wood ; best ntul chonpi
Missouri liurd wood In the oily ; prom
dulivoi-y , II. A. Cox. No. 4 AInlii.
The A. I ) . T. Co. has added two n
hnelcs to its foreo nnd will answer ea
nt all hours , dny or night. Tolophoi
170 ; ollluo , H Main btrcot.
Genuine Uotind Oak , Hadlant Hoi
P. P. Stewart blovea and ranges , si
oxcluslvoly by Cole & Cole , II Main.
See those oil heaters tit Sw.Uno's , "i
liroudwny. _
Holiday pholo , i-ut prices , $1,60
oalilnotft , for 80 days. Cottage guile
Klloy'tt old Bland.
UOpooplo In this ciiy IHO gu stov
'UieGtw Co. pntH 'ouj in ut c
Gontlomon. the finest line of fall goc
in the city , juat received. Uoltor , t
tailor , 310 Uroudwuy.
All the OburrkejJoin i
Baptist Minister ,
. \iiro | ; | > rlutt ) I'rnutnm for tlio
l.litcned to IIJT n l/irsn Uiinprua- ; !
tlonItuv. . I ) , llollln i ttcllvni *
H I'nlnttitl seiiiion ,
The for.rnl Initallalioa of 13V. .1 , 11.
Davis , Iho nowpulor of the Flril IliptU t
church of Council U'uffs toJic pi.ieo yaster-
iluy attcrnoan. A service w.u held
nt the church in the aflernoan , which was
nllonde.l by uUii o uudlunca cotnpnoJ of
mornbiri of nearly every church or aui/.i-
tlon In the city. After the tHUil oponlntr
exercises , which conlstad : of tiuui ; . Invoci-
lion by U.'V.V. . C. LavUk of iho Hathanv
IJiptHt ell irjh , rjiai.u of scrtplurji by
Usv. II. 11 nirioi of thaTrlniiy Mnhodlsl ,
prayer by llr. Stop'ian Paolni of the Piril
Presbyterian and nu nnllium by tha cnolr ,
Hov. W. P. [ tellings , luitor of the 1'iMt
Uiptbt churc'.i of O.n iha , was mtrjJuc J ai
the priMiMier of the instalutlon jor.noa. H Dr. II-jllliu * ' lint iiypnfiicj ojfore a
I'.ounoil Uluff * auiJUnco und he craatod a
very nivoi'ublo Improa ion uaJ UU sermon
leceivud the closest ntlentioa from his au
Ills ton wai liilton fra n .tlilthoiv xvl ,
1" , ! "lu salth unto tharn , wlu.n say ye
that 1 nmi" Horuforrol to thj dlvUloa of
opinion uinonR the psoplo of the world us to
who Ilj w n , iri.l to the Interest that had al
ways been felt by Christ in llnillnR out what
tiuoplo thoj ht ol Htm nnd mlnptiag Him
self lo their vnrylnK bellofs. In this ques
tion Christ w.u hOjUInu not for an opinion ,
but lor a conviction. Dutwcun Itiu o
mo thlnccs tiicro U a irruut dif
ference ; opinion IH a swallow that
sitting tho' surface of the lake ,
wbila conylction Is it plummet til it sinks to
the bottom and iC3ts on something. It was
ovldont that Christ was not to nnxloua nno U
w hat the world , as wbat hU followers
thought of him. Ho could see faith and bi-
HcJ i ii.injr from the eves and heart of Peter
as ho replied to the question , "Thou art
Christ , the son ot tliolUlni ; Cod. ! " Christ
loulil then say , ' Upon thU rock will I build
my church. " lor ho saw that ho was un
throned in thn hearts of his followers. Ho
did not promise merely that Ihu chuiMh should
be .iblo to hold its own a iinsl all opposition ,
but thai tlio gates of hull should not l > c able
to wlthstandlho adv.i'icoj of the azirossivo
church which v\a ? built upon such a founda
The intent of such n conviction as ho found
in his disciples was that they must have
something besides speculative knowledge.
.Icsus sought a knowlodgj upon uhich lie
could rely. His discinlcs were a sot of illit-
er.ito iriL'ti ; Iho whole world must bo con
quered ; It soomcd almost folly to sav to iuch
a Land , ' Uo , orcach mv co'spot ' to every
croitur' , " bul Ihey went out , sccuto on Iho
promises ho had made , and were triumphant
everywhere , becuite they did not rely upon
human , but upon dlvino alliunces.
Christ aid bo would civo them the keys
to the kingdom of heaven , but Christians to
day nro in the hatnt ot thinking that that
promlso belong * to the Cithollo ohurcn
alone. The promise was not made to I'otei
alone , but lo thn church ; nnd not to the
church ulono , but to nil those who RO out
with the convic'iou that Christ 13 the son of
motiving U 11.
At the close of the Formon Uev. T. [ ? .
Thlrkitnn made the installation prayer.
Joseph \VolN weleo-noJ tbo now pastor in
i the name of tlio church , and Hev. Stephen
Phclps en uehalf of the churches of the
city. After a rmponso by Hov. Mr. Davis
the meeting adjourned. The exercise ;
throughout were very intereitinc. Indlca
lions urn that this church has entered upon t
period of ijruat probpority. Mr. Davis brlnpi
to his urn ! ; considuraule cxporicnro ant
great ability , and the members of tno churcl
nro united , The building has ] u ° t coim
from the hands of the workmen , who hav <
painted , papered anil carpeted it and put ii
now windows , until it would haraly borecJK
nuod from the inlnrior as Iho same buildmi
of Ihrco mon'bs ' upo. With the pulpi
bunked with white ebrvsaolhomume. palmi
and holhou * > o plants , as it wasyestordiv
a fun noon , it proaontod n boiutlful ap
Don't become constlpatsJ. Take Booed
m's PilK
Dasis fordrufl and paints
Ten shares capital stoi'lc Citizens Slati
bank for halo , li H. Shoafc.
S. B Prowoll , watehniaUor , 740 H'way
i Don't forget to attend the third an
i nnal ball and biippor i ivon by tbo Gram
t hotel boll boys tit .Masonic temple , Nov
eniboi2. .
Day & llc s have u foreo of tmin worli
ing on the roads through the Kiel :
tract. Buy llvo or ten acres thcro whll
it is ehet | ) .
A late invoice ot cilc. curtal
nnd Smyrn i rugs allow prices Counei
HlnlTs Carpal company.
11 Inn null ml Tlmiil.-Ktnln ; : .
Key. Hoary Uclong has boon doins a grnt
l work li this city durlii ) ; the past year fc
the girls und also for unmoors of the ndu
PCOIHO. The Industrial School for Girls In
liiion rumilni ; successfully slnco the biijjli
of February. The avoraco attendant
has been about sixly. The mission has bev
running successfully every night dm ing tli
vcar without omisslo.i , with good result.
Fifty-throe people have been cotivcrtet
clothing tuinlshed to-US poor persons. Hi
n celvcn In cash ? llr > .lo above necessary p :
pensos. Subscriptions collected , ? IV ; ! 10. N
n outstanding debts.
This has been n worlc of love with Mr. an
Mrs. Union ? , mid to say they enjoy It dot
pot express the pleasure Ihoy trot out of i
and they hope lo do better 'during Ibo yoi
Ihoy huvo now entered upon.
Air. Uolonghas for some umo been plannln
to unlargo his sphere of usefulness , und '
Ihlb end has arranged to give a giar.
Thanksgiving dinner to those who olherwK
would not gnt one. Hut ho is very anxloi
n- to roach out aftitr the bov.s of tl
city , and to malto a beginning or
or lo Interest them , ho intends Inviting the :
street nrabs to coma and
10 got a Tnnnksclvn ; nt his mlstion room , 'J3s Hroadway ,
poiinection with the girls of his IndtiMri
school. Ho , thcreforn , invlles Ihoco-opor
d- io lion of the benevolent and liberal citi/ens
drs the city and anus ibom to halp him by d
rs naUni : provisions of any nnd every kind. 'il
iss' scholars of the Industrial school will we
s'e upon Iho peoolo lor their contributions. Tl
a mission room will bo opun every day bogi
e- nlng Tuesday , November 22 , to receive il
A Sure C'tiro Inr Croup.
Farmers come 111 Icon mliej to my store
potChatnbdrlaln'H cough remedy. Many
them , like myself , am never without U
their homos , U cured tnv boy of a unvo
. , aitiu-k of croup and , I believe , saved his 111
K. Dalton , Luray , Kimell county. Ka
This remedy Is a certain euro for croup an
If used as boon as the first symptoms nppoi
w will prevent the attack. For bale by urn
A letter addressed to G. , N. & C
nwnits n claimant at iho Hiic : ofllco
Id Coul nnd Wood. S.icUott & Presto
fg8 llroiulwiiy. Telephone il.
The Trinity Indies' mincemeat for sn
nt Gunnondo's , McAtocs , James & Ha
orstoclc's and Taylor'B gtocery utotes.
1IVant >
The co so of Ole Kosmui.son against
R. Kemuis booked for a trial in the dlsti
court today , The plaintiff has boon editor
a DanUh paper in Omaha for sotno yei
pus > i. Ho came to ibis sloe of iho river t
h duv about thrco > eait > Rgi and was run la
' 0 Ottlcor Kemp and C.V. . Kcotl on cuspic.
of UcloB a boriOlhief , lie was not put I
nn , I tlio bin , or even sonvtinJ , nn I bo
tiovor hid to sun 1 a trial , but the fact that
a pollcoma i should think the cut of his phiz
rr-sotnblGd that ot n man who would let
another ninn'H horse lend him off by
n halter < trp r.inklod in his bosom ,
nnd ho cnmmonccd n suit for $10,000 d.tmncc.s
ntatnst Kump and Scott's bondsmen , Scott
havliiR left tbo clly. The case has boon
pending over Mncc , but It U thought that it
will bi dlspiiscil of at Ihe present lorm of
Ifyoitlnvo piio
salvo will surely cure you.
IllK DjlncHg ry.
William Hunt died yesterday morning at
7U : ! o'clock , ngcd 07 years , nt his home , 709
Broadway. Homo of the neighbors lold some
stories connected with the death that gave it
\cry sensational look , and the stories \
at tint believed by tbo memuors of the old
inn's family. Just before hU diJtn Mr.
lunl Raid that n man came Into his room
and cave him two powders out of blue pi-
pars. Soon nflor ho bro.ilhnd his last , mid
ho members of the family nt once eoroluded
hat the contents of the papers ware prison ,
hat had been administered with murderous
nlunl by somn unknown psrsoi The coro-
icr w < is noUllod and tin iavuMlcjllon wu
Uo , whan It wt\i discovered that the dead
man luid bocn out of hU huad a great of
the llmo of lit ) and that ho had continually
been harrasscd bv the fear thit some tin
( noun enemy was going to kill him. lie
claimed that a man ho had Known years ago
'ind disappeiiroa after making some lerribla
h rents against his life , and In his last sick
ness tbo idea his onotnv was about to
return for the ptirpeso of putting his
til-out Into execution seemed to haunt
ilm. The 5jniUorml ; ; features of Iho
cAo wen ) iiceidod by Ihoso who
investigated to h.xvo originntotl la the old
in'iu's Imif.'ln-ilion , and his death lo have
rniultoa from dropsy of the heart.
The deceased was amumbcr of the Masonic
fr.iternlly. Ho loaves a wife und four chll-
dran. Tbo fuioral will laio place tomorrow
nflornoon at 'J o'clock from the family icsl-
ilen co.
Mrs. \ \ Inslow's Soothing Syrup lor chll-
dien teething ctvoa quiut , heltiful rest. . "i
cnts a buttlo.
Don't maUoany ar range monts for your
loiiday frooilf. until you have been the
n.iny now and useful articles at Lund
An Itiu.i ItoiiKince With l.lltle Itenl
One of those interesting and peculiar
ittlo ronmni'os in real life lias just come
to liubt , saja tlio Dos Monica Kogistor.
H involves a le Moines woman whoso
name was formerly Kiltie Balliot ,
whoso pironts , Air. and Mrs.
.Tamos Bnlliet , live at 7 IS Mul
berry st"out. Kitlio was formerly a
tudont of the C ipital City ( /otntnorelal
college , and was quite a belle in her
set. All last stunner bho was courted
by lvo lovorn Joe Wallace , a railroad
man , and Waldo Jones , a messenger- for
the Adams Kxprcs company. It wab
nip and ttieU between tbo iwo foe some
time , but the rnilroid man seemed to
win tlio plrl's mothor's favor , and
it looked rather pqutilly for the express -
press messenger. Tlio railroidor pro
posed and was accepted and lavished
presents upon his lady love They sot
their wedding day for the first day in
A week before the event was to como
off Jones calloJ upon Halliet and
induced her to talto a walk. They did
bo , and during the walk Jones induced
her to marry him. lie got a license
from tlio county clerk , and they wure
married late at night by FOIIIG minister
in North Des Moines. Ttien she went
homo anil told her follcs and Ihoro was
grief and tots of it. .
Tlio girl said she was hypncozi td or
something and did not want to marry
Jones , but still she wo it with him the
next day to L.ndcn. Thib was October
o. While there she wrote to her mother
saving that she did not love Jones , but
that Wallace was the man of her
Then it was that the brilliant ' ehemo
of going to Dakota and trotting a di
vorce , a la Mrs. James G , Blaine , jr. ,
was conceived. The girl and , her
mother left the city quietly and went tea
a small town in that state. There
the girl got employment and her
mother left her nnd tmmo back to Des
Motnes. supposing that her daughter
would stay and file a petition for a
divorce. After she had gene the jrirl
again repented and took the next iruiii
for Des Moines , whore ? ho mot her hus
band. She did not tell her parents oi
lier old lover , but qulotlv sott.ed down
to housekeeping at No. 1610 West Grand
avenue. There they are now , but her
parents do not know it , still Mipposlng
that she is in Dakota after a divon-e , so
that she could mnrrv the other follow.
Wo ara not surprised thai people will not
take a new cough remedy when they know
Iho value of Dr. Bull's Cough Syiup.
Thn SlniMKo giimlriincd roiintl In llinVul - MniinUitnii.
While returning from a hunting trip
ono day last week in the Wallnpai
mountains , Ari/ona , relates the Mohnvc
Minor , Or. llun.niond and Dave Parks-
ran across ono of the strangest animal *
over seen in this section of the Oountry ,
if not in the world. Mr. Parks , aftbi
shooting it flvo limes with a4i > * cilibai' '
Wincliestcr , linally succeeded in killing
it. Tlio body is ton inchoa in ciroum-
foronco and eighteen inches in length ,
Tno tall , if such it may bo termed , is
lour inches. Its front feet nro similar
to these of a dog. only the toes are miss
ing , while its hind logs ,
longer than its front , terminate in clo
ven hoofs. Its head is of n bright red
color , somewhat of the hue of tlio "red
eye , " which the hunters had taken
along as n preventive for sntiko bite.
The hair on the nnitntil's body is of u
light baby ulue , which gives it a neat ,
tidy appo iranco. The upper j.iw of the
quadruped is adorned with two immense
tusks , curving downward , giving it n
ferocious expression. The tongue it
forked and Is used for catching ants.
The snout let minutes in a long truiili
similar to the arm of an octopus of nro-
honsile tendency. It was discovo ed b\
Mr. Parks clinging to the surface of i
plno tree about llfty fuel from the
ground. It was placed in the ice house
pending tlio arrival of Prof. Httello o
Needles , who will BtntY and mount it
after which It will bo placed on exhibi
tion in tno Miner cabinet. Strange as
it may seem , the stomach contained i
llvo toad , two horn-toads , several thou
sand ants and a gartor-simkc. Taxidor
mlhts and naturalists are at u loss re
garding the name of this wondorfu
creature , no mention having been madi
of any such species in history.
Thanks to tbo introduction of Kaivatlo
Oil young bicyclers need nol fear a full. > c
Tonicjbt's Ccmcil Molting Likely to Bean
an Interesting to-siou.
AlityorVnlter5 Not In'cllnrd to Srn Tli
Itnn Ultlitmt llN Aihlrr Sonio
of the Tliln'fc * to lie
There Is every. Itidlcattoti thnt toniRbl's
council raootlns will bj n stormy one , and
front snali will ba Hit an curlv , Thcro Is a
dllTerenco cxlstinir bettvoon Miyor Wultcra
and n tnojoritr of tbo members of the coun
cil , which will crop out loiilgbt , ana an
effort will bo tnido to dstor.nlno wblch Rldo
bus ttu power to curry lla point.
The diffriretico growi out of Muyor Wal
ler's dotcrmltiiillon to \ > ltb tbo
services of tbo street caminlssloncidurliic
the winter raontus and fie cijnally dotur-
mittud oppoUtion of some of the counulltnon
lo such a move. Too major's plan of ro-
tranchnioot aid not cna wltti tllsiionsliig
wild Mr. Tobias , but extcndo.l to as to tiuu
In two or tbreo otbor salaried ofllclf K who
aio deputies tn the city office * . The cottncll-
tucii arc opposed lo such n move , : \ud cliln ;
tnat the seivtcos of ttu-so ptsoplo cannot bo
ulspcnscd with at the present lltno. iillt
tno tn.iyor s.iy.s they o in , nnd tlioi-o ts ilio
dllTerouco , WDloh auitbj settled ono w.iy or
Anothjrpretty ficht which is browlns Is
Ihe olcctlon of a successor In tbo council
from the Fourth ward lo Mayor \Vul \ -
urs. Tbu in.ivnr hail a name lo ou sost to
ho council last MondayDVonlne butubunpcd
his mind when his other propositions did not
llnd fuvor with tlio council. The name Mayor
Walters has In hh IcLVplnu is u
secret , ami will ba presented to-
nl bl. Thu councilman luvc bocii Intormcd
of whom Iho party Is and the mayor was Riven
n tip tiiBt the members of the council would
oppose the selection. Mho conncilmeti bavo
no ono In vlow to lilt the mayor's ttoexplrod
term In the council , mm thcro docs not scum
to bo n vury Rreat rush for ttio place n'liotiR
Ibo Fourth wnrd dcnl/ons. Mayor Walters
will present hU candtdttto and leayo his fate
to the cottncllmon , who siiy thov have deter-
mitied to shelve tno ambitions of the Foutth
wuidcr and elect bomo oilier pcrsou.
Councilman Wood will bo there with an
uuui.daneo ot Il uros , which ho ' .vill present
In roftitatlon of tbo chnruo that Iho pro-ent
administration Is an expensive ono. wasting
thocltj's money in a useless manner. Mr.
U'ootl has taken from the records llRuros
sliomtifr the etpenio of p.ich d.'partmont
In the cily for six months during the admin
istration of M.iyor Sloane and six months of
tbo present adminlstralloD.
There is fun .ihesd , and when the opnos-
ItiS factions clash there will bs a sho'w of
slretiRth Interostinc to witness.
Died \riilto Tultloj ; the "Cure. "
Cornelius O'Lsary di3d at 3 o'clock yesterday -
day afternoon at a ? old euro tnstituto.
O'Leary was a conllrmcd morohlnollond and
has been for years. 'Ko is about 50 years old
nnd resides al Plittsmotlth and Is a watch
man employed by the UurilnRtou t the
bridge crosaing the Missouri river.
He came to South Omaha upon
Iho adv'lco of a prominent physi
cian at PUtts mouth to talto treat-
meet frr th < 5 morphine lublt. Ho was a
complete wreck from Ibo use of morphine
and the I'lattdinouth doctor informed him
that unless ho was cured of the habit ho
would survive but u short time. Ho arrlyod
hero one week ago and pUcod himself unaor
the care of a physician. The doctor hod not
commenced tbo treatment for the morphine
habit , and was cndoavoitng to build up bis
patient to staid the treatment when
death camo. A consultation was hold
Saturday and the conclusion was
reached that Mr. O'Lear.v was suffering
from a ruuturn in lh < T tomach. and that ho
could not llvo.
Saturday Mr. O'Lsarv mule a statement
completely romovmu any blame from the
institute in CHSO of his doath. Ho savs that
death was staring him in the face and ho re
solved to try and rid himself of tbo morphine
phino habit und tberoby prolong llfo.
The dead man's family Uivo arrived in
the city and taken charge of the ; rjmatns.
i : < ) \.illy iiitertalnotl. :
Salurday evening a numbar of the younsr
people of the city assisted Frank Suppleo In
relenratlng his twenty-first anniversary. Mr.
Hunnlee and his sister , Miss Jessie Supplcc ,
' "
roj'ally entertained their guesls at "their
pleasant homo at Twenty-third nnd H
streets , and the event pctssos Into sorlal his
tory as oac of the most enjoyable of Iho sea
Niiti'H and I'omoiMU.
Tbo Board of Education will hold an ad
journed mooting this evening.
Ofllcer KmlnRer is with n party of filonds
on a hunt along the 1'latto valley.
The Pleasant Hour Social club cives its
lirst danolnij p.irtv lomorrotv eveuluR at
Knights of Pythias ball.
The Ideal Social club Rives its fust parly
a , Knights of Pylhias hall Thanlcs lvinjr
iilirht. A baimuot will bo served at the Kecd
The new hog sheds at the Union Stock
yards ara nearly completed , and will bo
ready lor occupancy within n few days.
These pens will bo for Iho use of Iho pabk-
Holllo Hasklns , a bookkeeper for the ( ! .
U. Hammond companv , lias gene to Mluhl-
can. Il vill bo married 'rhahksglviiip day
to nn cstimablo young lady , and return to
South Omaha within a 'ow days with his
City Attornny Van Dusen leaves for Chl-
capo within tbo next day or so to secure.
needed evidence in n case for damage *
against the city , which called in the
district court bofora many days. Tno party
the attorney will see formerly resided in
South Omaha , and avidance which can bo
secured from him will materially aid the city
in defending the claim for damages ,
Anhouost pill Is the noblest wont of the
apothecary. DoWltt's Llttlo Karly Hlscrj
euro co nslipation , biliousness and bickboad-
Motor Car Smaihmt n
A Walnut Hill motor car struclt a
at Forty-llrst and Hamilton siretis
shortly after 0 o'clock last night
smashing it and throwing the occu
pants , MUs Dounu nnd Mrs , Wllliiam
Munick , to the m ound. The buggy was
badly smashed but the horse was caught DO-
fore doing any lurthur damage. Mra. Mu
nick was badly shaken up and brulsou while
Miss Douan oscapBdiWltU a bad scare. They
were taken to thulr homo at Itl 'J Oblostrcot ,
Constipation cured by Do Wilt's ICarly
Ho .Madu Too Miiuli .N'olne ,
John Olson came down from Orand Island
with a pocket full of rhoncv and groaluppe-
lite for u thumping treed time. Ono of iU )
tlrst moves was to Invest in a revolver as Dig
as a cannon and thoq , lie went dou n into Hit
burnt district. There' ho llrcd iwo or throe
shots Into ilia pavement to announce bis
aruval. Hu was gathered in.
[ y'
"I was deaf for a year , caused by cutarrl
in the bead , but was perfectly cured by
Hood's Sarsaparllla , " II. Hicks , ICochester
N. Y.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
n o
Agreeable soap for the
hands is one that dis
solves quickly , washes
quickly , rinses quickly ,
and leaves the skin soft
and comfortable. It is
Pears' .
Wholesome soap is
one that attacks the dirt
but not the living skin.
It is Pears' .
Economical soap is one
that a touch of cleanses.
And this is Pears' .
All sorts of stores sell
it , especially druggists ;
all sorts of people use it.
For Farmers , Miners and Hianics ,
Cares Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wound ? , Qurna ,
Etc. A Dcllch'ful bhnir.poo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei
Act gently vet prompt
ly on the urilK , Kit ) .
Sfl S nn.l IHM1ELS , dls-
pcdlntr Headaches , Fey-
113 nnd Gelds , thoroughly -
ly cleansing the system
of disease , und cnrca
habitual cocstlpalion
Tnoy are r.ugsr co.itotl ,
do nnt gripe , \ cry small
easy to tuku , and purcij
TCitctable.i'l pills In cici
xlul. } 'erfo-t dlgc loii
follows their u o. 'Ihoj
alisnluf.olv euro tick licjif
nclic , nnu areroci.miiicnil <
81 bj IciiimS physlcUns. For s-ilo hy leading
d.-ngglsts or.scnthyniuSGctfl. ; . avlitl. Adrtrtss
mm MEDICINE CO. , Ptopj , San Trano - n
T nhn & I o , t o r 1Mb. & DnLKlas St .
J .A rull-T & Co , Cot. Hill A : IUZll' ) ( , SU.
J. V. Foiur & Co. , Council Blub , In
nit , i : c. wijsrs NKUVI : AND IIIIAIN TUUA
nn'iit. i > upcclllc for Hystorl i , III//11U- , Ills , M
rnlKln , IU'nitni.lie , .Norvom I'loslratlon ertu-eil
liquor or tobuico , WnVi-fiilncs" , Mental liepr
plon , Softnean of tbw llraln , tnualiif ; in-ianlt } , in
ery. iccii > , dc'Hlh 1'rciiiatuni Old AKP. llnrreuo
I.o s of 1'iiwur In cither sex Impotent1" , l.enoorrli
nnd nil Ktmiulu Weukne C4 , lii\oliiiitiir > I.o
? pernuitorrlio'\ cd b > ovore eltlon of t
Drain " -elf alnur , cuer hHliilRMice A montl
icntluonl fl.ilfor ? . by millVo Knaranles i
lioves lot-lire Kucb oulor for li lioxettlth $ i M
? end urltlon Riiartinti.10 lo lelnnd If nol eun
liituranti-o Issued only li ) Thoodoto I * J unli , dit
Cl't , > ole ntent , l curlier Itilh nnd I'll r in
atu , OmnliH.
Anon mil comp'.ola Trost noiS ,
Bupposltorl6i. Ointment la Hjpmiji , uljo mil
ondl'lllj ; a I'oiltlrd Core lur Kxt.-ru il. intarn
bllndorUloS'llnjltMlnnro'ji5. Ho--itur itorjJ
tsryl'llui. Till lie naly hn uufer bon known
t II.Hp3rbor. UforJj ; sjntby mill. WliysulTorfrc
this terrible dhoiu ni 11 trrl'tin uuiriitu
uosltlvul ) ulvai wlthli 0JTOi or refinl tin n jnjr
nolcnrd'l .ion I nil n , ) fur frj'j bnmpl' ) Cnirint
lisuoU l > r Uuliu XCo. . lruiliii , Solo Aioijcora
| [ ( > I'HJ Douiilai .tro i. KoU
\L \
All 1. ti 'sot Dye ii ? mil flu tn In do no lit tin
liliest style of tlio ait. I'.uloJ .111 I tiliiol
illllltS lll.lilll tO lt v HJMl. . ) 1 -IS IIJVT
Work promptly done utnl I'ollvoril in ill
luitbuf Uioeo.mtiy fceu 1 for unco Hit.
C. A. - i'ioiv.iirou. :
liioulwiv. Ne uV i.1 < i i Mite >
UNCIL lit I' to v *
font ) ' II ( 'lirimlirr , OnriU i. Ne' ) . Wl
lie It IL'soiMKl Dy tllQUtlV I'OII I il Of tl\0 \ City
of Oinuh.i. tliu nuiynr OOIUMII i Iiul
'I lint woollen I'llun.i'n ' lie ciiiislrnclul In
tliouity of Onrili i us iltMl.n ilu I li.'low . , wltli-
In live il.ivnftei tlie pnblle illou nf I'i Is two-
hitlon , 01 iliu ] ) u.ison i | MTVU'ii tlu'tenf. us hy.
nrllnuiiro Is .itttliorl/o I mil leiinno I : s.ioh
shlevv.ilKs to lie laid to tin ; ii ; ide on
thostreets .pci-illud heroin , tin > l "o bo i'oii-
stiur-tOil ot pimt Dl.ini ; of - . .uuliHlh anil
ihli'Unei-i , uil bo Kill iipiin ioiits of su ill
tlltiii'iistons and hi tieli in iniiur , Is pin
si-rlbed hy tlio spiviHe itloni on Hie In tint
onion of the board of pttlil'o ' wotki and mi lot
" 'ls'oii. tnwli
its sni"r > :
West sidu of . . ' tli stie < t , lots I iinil 4 bio. . ' ! . 1 !
Wi nl OmtJi i. P'jnn.ini'nt uiadoli loot \\ulo.
Noitlis'duof Dodauulrci't , lots I.M.i-14 lloo ) ! <
ItVea l.nd , present criulo. 1'ifei-t Hide
Wist sldi' of J-lh inenne. lilt .1 l > loc ! I BOIL'S
A Hill's 1st add. present HP ill'1 ' fu't ldo
Ninths dcof l > m lots I to 'iliu'lnshf block 'J
lio\ni'b siili. liic'cnl tr ; ide. I feet Hlilo.
Xnrlli hlilti of I'hirles street lot. 11 block I
Slilnn's idil. r--i.thilslied ' trido. : ii n-et wl It' .
Ninth Mill ) ot riittliutioet , lots " > null )
li'ti ' 'U 4 fch mi's : iUd , Oilubllshed iri.idr , h fuel
fcoiltli slrtu of I'liiXi-.OH Istroot. lot II blook ! )
Hilnn'i aild. esUiull-thed tri , cic. li fi'Ct wluu.
West1-tluof ( " 111 stri-ct. , nt I to i ! liu'liHlvo
b'.oeU ' li K i UwooJ. presunl sr ill1 , 0 feet \ \ lilt1.
i.tst ; s-doof votitli . ( Dili stt. > Lt. lots ItoTln-
elnlvo blOL'U I ! .1. i. H''dlcuS sub , i > i.'
Kriule. d feet wide.
Notlh slilu of II inilllon Mipet. 17 feel mom
01 loss lot I'J ' bloj' . J Uii-i ! ml Mill , pros-'iit ,
rack1. D fiu't wide.
Wi-st-ililiiot ITt'i tln-et. tilot .1) ) sci , : il-l"i-l I
pri'iont Kr.ulo. t foot wldo
1' tst s'di-of I , tit stii't'l. lot' ) "i aiidfi blot. * ! * 1
Diescl'ssul ) . pi 'si-nl f-uk' , foot ldo.
Kjst sliloof 1tb btri'ot. lois "i an 1 ( I block 2
Ilre\cls sub , pro-outnr.tdo ( iforl wide.
t nst slilo of Ktli street. : ots " > and ft blooU II
liro\crssul ) . present nr.ulo ilfout IMIII- .
yonlli slilo of Spr'.ni ' : stnnt , lots 1 and Si (
I ) nek U Door I' il , ptosuntKt'idod foot tvldo.
Wust s do of ITtli stiuot. lot 1 blo.'k i Deer
I'.irlc. prosnnt rr ntc , ( i feet wl Ic.
Wont sldi ) of I7lh stri'C' . lots I t'i lit Incliislvo
hln"Uiluoi ( 1'ai.t. | i e out I'l.i-lu. 4 fci't wldo
\\estslduof Kill stiiirl , lots 1 to'.Min..tlsUo
hlocl : 11 Deer I'mk piusPnl 1'i.ulc , 4 fri-l uhle.
Wc t skloof nil street , lots I to III Inclusive )
1) ) nek - lla/cl Turraoo , tjrcsent Rr.cdi' , I feet
And bo It ftirlln-rrovjlvoJ :
Thai tbu no trd of public \\or\h bo an 1 here
by N nutlioiI/eit UM-.I tllruuU'.l to uatisu a copy
of this lesnlnl onto bo puhli-li" ' In the oill-
eltl p iner of the ( Mv for onu wael. . or bo
s-orxud on tlio owners of * ilil lots ami miles ,
s-ni'li ovMHTi sh ill w.thln llvo d lys a'li'r tbo
publication or sol vli oof - leh I'opy oolisti net
sild sidtn\il , ! > s as heioln ioitilii"i. | th , t the
hnnidof pnbliu orl\s eaiiso tlmsunu to In )
Ix done , thi ) cost of eonstiili't nj s.ild slilijw.tlks
III ipipotloly to I o assos. ' 1 : iriln-t tl o ro il
11 I'Slatt * . lolor n.iri of lot In fiont of anil ibnt-
tln sneli tudowallvs
1'usfud Oot Sith. Nov. 1st Mitd 11th , ! < ! ) . ' .
I'losiilenl ( ' tv CouiK'll.
T. .1. 1.0 A IIV.
Aetliu I'ri'slili-'iil of tlin Counell.
Attest : .JOHN ( JKOVK- .
( Jity L'lcr'c ,
Appiovod : ono 1' , lli\lls : ,
NOTirn TO roNrtritcoi' SIDI\VAIK : \ .
Tftho onnnts of tlio lots , p n K of Inlsand
roul estito dcscilnud In the abuvo icsolii-
Von ana oaf It of yon ar.i beio'iy notlllod to
ennsiruel nooden "Iduw tll < 4 as ioiiiuc | I by L
losolntlon of the elty ocnnotl nnd in iyor of
tl'ci city of ( Jm ill i. ofhleli the iilmru Is. ' .
p.v. . iiiitKiiAr.-r.H.
Cli.'tii'nian llo.trlof I nld'r '
Omtilin , Nub. , Novunibor Idtli , 15U. ' .
More sold than nil others comMncd. Do not bo deceived by linit ilors or b ;
tliosoclnimiiifr to huvo nlniost us { , 'ood a inat'liiiio. Huy only tlio SANDWIOF
CORN SHBLLHBnnd bo protected by direct jjnarantco from rolublo mnniifac
lnrcr& Yon fun uhvujs dupund upon our ropiilre boln < r Itont in sloiik by nil loca
tleulors. Apply for our n oncy. Send for oatnlouos { und prlco1) . SANDWIOI
NLTPAOrCJRIN G OO. , Council lllulTs , low.u
First class In every respact. Prompt attsnllon alvea to ti'anilon
work and satisfaction auaranlosd. 8331 terms to out , of towi
\\TANlKI- ! rl ior Kciu-ial liousowofkr io
" Kourtli t ilooil niiKO *
\\r \.S I'KMllrsanlst fnr rll > uliiirriT. AilJross U
' II , lloi > , Connell lllulTB .
Ii'AltM nnd cltjr lonns. Money In.ineil nn
nml Krnln. Itmlcitnm for tlc linelllnit nml
lm linm rentals Monuy ItmniKl for locrtl Inruntora ,
l.otiKco \ 1 owlo. ! IS IVnrl ulreut
I i'll siu cholcait farm In 1'otlnnnttninla
t'o , 4IJu-ri'B : , well hie tint and Improtutl 1'rlco
ftOunatrc i : . II Mienfo
l ull KXL'llNTiK - \ nice liumiMin S. 7th Mreet ,
near bill a Mimic , rloar of ( nciuiibranro , for homo
In Dntnlin , llnnitoni I'l.ioe ot KoiinUu I'lnco | irc-
ifrrtilllt put In f.Ujiiiarnco | ( IrcomUluJu ,
Mcio"i'n ! ! ' A Co.
i\ctnxii- ; : . m rumim count- ,
> I'tilo , n till Improve ni < it < uliuiktirdry iiood
nml elothtiiK or olliornnlto K II tSlioalc. ,
1'OU , < A1 < KOn mnnll p ly.TiiMita , fruit nnd Rnnlun
tntul nviir Council Illurlj 1 ! II hln > nfu , llronn-
u i > .tint Main
\\r A WUOD.LL'0 ) in\t'.iiiiuor tlntlnuBl f urini
' T .In MinttitTo ter.i UIIVA tor silo Cnll and so
\i > 'i''U Midn street
KM MAMIK-dopilt room lioitso on South
klli iireclfort mil CiiTiislili'iai. Mctuilion X Co.
J/hll IlKST-llio forowlngilni'llliu * .
ID loom ( l cllln , Ml I'.trU nve JIJ.
8 I o nn dw L-niiitf , 7.4o iti | st f 15
h roii'n dwelling , < U.iVuil Ml > , j
7 rnom ditellllit ; lilt ) Mil iuc J ! . ' ,
' .i room itn clllnir , Utli M nnd Avenue I ) , fJJ.
7 rno-n ihvclllnii. IS.Ilio ! ninny , f.'i.
10 loom dnelllntf J4r > tloutun * t . TJO.
s room itwolilnc , .hi A\ou ID u $ lijt5. !
b rootu duelling , III ) N rtli > t , tl'lisi
11 room dwelling , 831 A\ciimi It } H
7 room dnnlhn , Ill ) I liu-oln use. . $1085.
7 room ilHulhiie 20J llurmom hi . $15.
7 room dwelling , Ilnbtiitt I'l.ii e. JH
. ' roam dwallhu S..I M ) Mi > r id .ill.
It teem dwelling , ID1 * Iirl H\LI . I , I v
4 ruiiiu dnmilnx .111 MS inter M tli.'tt.
l > room ( I'.ollhiK , fir.tham inc. . } ! . ' .
i. iniiiii dtrellhiK. 1'iJii uili aiu , Sly.
l > rooin dnullliiK , ll.tbhttt I'lurc. flJ.SX
4 roum ( Iwclllnif < l > 5 I'mtTiirt ! , tli H ) . '
{ room d ellliiBU.ii Avcntia A , $ ia.
: . room iluallliu , 401 .N iitli H * . $11) ) .
ft rnnni itnulllni ; , IUI \ 7tli ft. . J10.
4 rooiiirtHClltnif , HU.NSIh nrc . $1U.
Ii loom ( InellltlK W.'i 4lli M , f 10
4 room divul lint' , ltd Vine ft , $111.
( . -touni ( Itvullln ; , ' . ' 17 17th uvo , $10.
. d loom iluelllni ; | W5 AM-ntiu II. HO.
ii room iliollliii. , 11)77 ) Sth u\c , $11) )
d loom ( Inrclllntr , 1700 Avouio A , $10
ri room ( ttrotlln * : , t.rHtittiii it\e . null High , t
4 roniii htju-io , 17U1 n ' . 'tli ' nt.MU.
ft roo-u ( Incllhii ; , WVI Avrnuo A , tl.
4 loom dwelling.'All \\onu , I ) . $ < .
& -toom ( Inoltlntf , ' ii - AMIIII ( > II , $ S.
4 room dwelllnst , VOID AU'iiuo C. W ,
li room ( twulllnj , 2lbt t , nl Avenno M , f3.
A loom ( Iwollln/ ! --o ' . ! > ( l ht. $ - * .
, r > loom ilwollhiif HOIO Avenue A , $3.
4 loom dwelling , li.j .V Ht ti , fr.
4 room dnulllnt : , Oil bo 1st it. , 5-1. -
r loom dnellliii ; , J401fnuo A , ( } .
fi rnom ilntinhu , ' PJ t.'th nvn . $ J
ft-rooin dnulllns ; 'i KJS A\inne l > . $11.
i room ( Iwollhi1OJ ! Aveiuo ! , $ > .
4-room dnolllnx SSI'I Aienno I ) , SI.
: ( room ( h\elllnx. 2.IJDu btli xt . fi.
4 room ( IndlUmr.1)1 ) I'nrkHVif'l. \ .
7-roonidWHlllnn , 714 > lrn tori > t , $ J5.
I. loom ilwelllni : , ( i''j W.iililiinton n\ , tl * .
T'rootn rtwclllnic , ti'li 7lh nvo.f . * s.
II , room ( InellliiK , 8)1 1 vouuo A , SIT.
4 roonidwelllnk , 1117 Milt n. . till.
: i room iluollliu-'J.'l : id.i\ti. , (7
y room dwolllim , U Mj-nhtcrHt. J900.
C. room ( InrellmK , 1711 Ulli HV > > , $10 U ) .
K. II. bhenfe , ruit-ii tiK'n' , Hro.t < lir ty nnd Mala
II Vlll Imin iinyllilnk'-tor nala or tritilo oo K. II.
licafe , llroitdwny 11111 Main direct ,
) loth In lontrnl mil )
fil | ( IH In Million's : id | .
o"i ! OH | In-n-tyllH- Pa1"- " - '
8loth III Miiyn 'i 1st
sutots In roller A. t'Jl
' 'I lotnln llojc s s ill
! . * > loin In lliMT ; ( ttdd
'n Ion.In llluliliunl mil
IK lotu In lliitchlmiiliN niU.
4.'i lots In 1'nrluy mid
11 loli In lllilillj'riutil.
r.'O lots In Wrlalil's ad I
lit lotHln Picrc-n'ii add
I on III every nil litlo i to tlio city cheap for ens' ! ,
or on iitiymunts Cull an I not ! n . No irunblo to
ho v property lirut'iinlih-hlK ' , Nleholi-on I * Co.
All/UIIAlN , III m-rii fruit iinu Knnlon tract 2 > i
iiillm fioni pohtolllcD. V < He-leu In Krni'CH , H ucro
In hhiilvt'errU'B ' „ . ' > ) npiilo tries , 76 plum trciiB , 35
< heirj IreeB , dwelling , tUlilo , etc 1'rlco iHflW. No
li.ide. K. 11 Micufe
( > HritKS Uiier | llro-idrny ; ] ii ! > ntlld pleco for
v'lilnttlntt ; cheap for mill , or "III oichiiimu for
Improved ruxldunto proutirty In Council lllulfk.
tircenxlilulil ] , Mchol-ion K. Cu
ICO A ( UK * of cloui 1'ilul in ( iiHlcrn Aetirankfi to
exiliniiKO for Kooil reMdenta In Council lllulli.
\\niithoiiKiBaudlotstoi .sulirniU.t land Joliniton
A Van I'alti-n.
Ah l ItAl'TM nnd IOHIIK I'arin nnd tit ) properly
lioin-lit and bolil , l'u ny . 'jliomua , Council
I llliiir .
/II71IIIIAIWAV formilu. Will pay 10 pnr eont
ion Inyetlment K'IAIJ msli .1. J. lilbion , ! iU71-lrtt
> nllomil hnnk , Omahn
1'Olt IlKST Now A mom limiMiml coltniio on
motor line ; nultnhlo for ynniirf louiiJo ; cheap.
IiKiulroat Kc-oilbomj.
IUNI-A ( roll of mom' ) nlilch run lie had br
I miy on. ! purcbukliiK Ilm lot In nlilrh It In now In-
i cut'I. Aipl | ) to liluoiiahli'hlH , Mfholion A Co. ,
1 1 HrotilHujr.
GMtllAlii : rumim ( CHIOO8. | | TllllllS und
ilituiitt ) > ilcaneil I ) llnrku , ( Hy blilK.
/ ' SAlilJ llnnlnaio MiiukNln lena unit Ka *
'brunkn. linnlceB i.OJMiJ tl.'IX ' ) . i : . 11 , Hlicnfo.
IOH SAIJC. tlienp , or l-i eielmiuu lor land , un e -
1-tnlillihcil b ' Aildroi l > O box Ui'j. Coim-
ell HhilTK , la.
nilltSC.H und inttlu wlnlrr d on ( ieoruu 1' .
AVillht' fnrin , oppoiiln VV.iLnili round lionna.
KOI lPrm npply ID .liiiucn ltnlih | , nt fnrin , or K , \ \
WrlKlit , itUtJiJIoor. llnlihfln Moclt
MOMiAVrl III II. A pnrlorn , ililldron , 4 p , m.j
nilullH , 7. 1 1 1. in MJi-luIn niTinul Hllil fonrtli
Moliilnju. Up inMiihlo fnrlilfllcil | mtlea a nil cllltii.
Addresx II. A. I'arlorn.Councll Mhmii.orlir.'J Kuriium
ct. . unmlia.V , i ; . 1 1 nuibvm , Inatrni lor.
ImprovBd Safety Elevators ,
Cor , n'i ! Street and 1 1thA\c. , Oouncll lllu