Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1892, Part Two, Image 9

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    PART TWO- PRGES 9-16.
Prices cut lower in order to dispose of this stock. It must be sold. We must have room to display our Holiday goods and toys , we need more
space and must have it.
Colored Dress Goo to.
Ijr P , ia HI all line4of dreas goods.
AVc have too many wool ilrcs-h noods.
Cost uut-j no tigure ; wo are poinir to cell
them. Pi'i''os reduced from 2o to .30 per
cent. ( ouis in and sto us ; we can save
yon big monoy.
' .3.000 * , arils of part wool dre = 3 good ,
worth -ip lo lOc , tomorrow 2lc.
7f 00 vards all wool dress goods , over
100 different styles , worth up to 7-3c per
yard , your choice out of this lot for llic.
! i,000 yards of all wool imported bed-
fonl cords anil crcpo cllects , worth up
to $ J.o ! ( per xard , all colors , pick them
oul for 73c.
3,500 j arils of 51-inch all wool press
Hanncl , woi th up to li'ic per yard ; wo
[ htarl these tomorrow for 'lie.
lli-inch a'l ' wool ( Jo-man henrietta ,
[ worlh up to il.2" ) per yaid ; lake yo'ur
[ choice of every piece on the shelves for
[ Black Dress Goods.
2o plocos s'riptlyall ' wool henrietta
lind borgeortli uj > to Ooc ; these are all
lininoilcd and the . -cry best black ; no
[ limit ; take all you want'of them for -loo.
I 'Id-inch vcrv line satin finish hcnri-
luttii , worlh $1. in jet blacks and blue
Iblacks : wo will throw them onlo Iho
Icountor.tciiiiorro.v for Gc. ! )
10 pieces I'riestloy's very finest feilk
Iwarp henriottti , worlh W a yard , others
| RCt that moiifv for them , tomorrow
10-iiu'h very fine camel's hair , worth
$1.2-3 ; these are line qualities ; tomorrow
40-inch camelot to cloth , worth up to
75c ; these are heavy and good ; only -toe.
5 pieces of hliephord plaids , worth .30c ,
tomorrow only K'-o.
, Dress Goods ,
Tomorrow wo place on bale ! 5CO pieces
I of : > 2-inch wide darii stylus in bedford
I cords , satin chevrons , fantaisio and
maltcse chevrons , worth loc to ISc , all
in ono lot at 7c } yard.
, ' 12-lnch wide i-liallis , medium .shades ,
suitable for comforts , 7jc yard.
; S2-inch wide aveyron ombro cloth ,
worlh loc , tomorrow 7je yard.
Hero are bargains you can'i alford to
pass. Look : it Iho width , ex inline the
htylo ? , they don't cost you nry moro
th'an common calico. There wiil bo a
rush at this counter and wo advise you
to como as early as possible.
Wo compelled to reduce prices ia
order to reduce our immense stock , as
onr toyB and holiday goods are now com
ing by the carloads'and. wo uro crowded
for room.
Linens ,
Tomorrow will bo the day to buy your
Thanksgiving' linens.
Heautiftit homstitehed tray clothe , SOc ,
7flo and il each.
Fine bleached damasl : , lOe. 50i * . 05c ,
Voc , $1 and ij > l,2o yard. Napkins tu
match a great many of iho-jo
Turkey rod and green damask ,
Clio , OSo and 73e yard.
C'roam dumasK at 2"ic , ! J3cI0o , oOc ,
OOc. OoV and 7'3c yard.
Spci ial b-irgaiii in rul-bordered and
bllvor bloaohod driinnt-k. . 'Oc yard.
L'irgost line of napkii s in Omaha , .3-8 ,
fife. 7flc , * l , * l.2-3 , rl.IJO , $1.60 , $1.03 ,
Sl.7.r ) imil i'doen. .
Full nloai'hed I-1 ! dinner napkin * . , $1 ,
$1.60 , $1 7 > > : ! . $2..30 , W a do/en and up.
Great \irloty of luni'h ' cloths ; S-l ,
fringed cloths , fancy borders , with
do/en napkins to match , all linen , $2
a tot ; the same in 10-1 cloths , napKinB
to match , at il ! 60 , the best Hut for the
mono1 , In the market ; thoj will go lively
nt prices.
Hemstitched dresser scarfs , phi in
' white and double damask , otic , 7oc , $1 ,
81.26 , SI oO and Voauh. \ .
Extra help has boon added to this do-
parlmer.t In order to help wait im our
increasing trade in linens.
Special bargain in white bedspreads ,
O.r > f , 76c , 8Sc. * 1 and $1.60 each.
The inmost titock of towels ever dis
played in this cltv. Over 2,000 do.on
of t jwo's ' to li i bold ut oniv.
20.III buck towels only 5o oaoh.
C'heapor than cotton crash.
Ifix.'IS all linen hemmed towels nt lOo
each. You can't lind tlicso bargains ox-
cojit at llaydoni' .
Look at our stock of 16c , lOe and 2oo
towol.s. They exceed nil previous ef
forts mudo by us.
Look nt our line line of plain white
liuck and dntnaak hemstitched and funey
fringed holiday towels at 60o , 75c and -Jl
Fancy colored round doylies 5o each.
Plain white damusk round civic o doy
lies ut lOo each.
Fancy square doylies , nlco range of
colors , lOc nnd 15c each.
Our display of fancy linens surpasses
all onr previous ulTorts. Exnraino the
qualities , and compare prices.
Wo ' till have a largo stosk of these
oods , purch ihcd from Schneider tc
MOinis , and will make sjiccial prices on
luin for Monday.
Fine ruchings for -3c per yaul.
Fine lace collar" , He , 3c and ic ) each.
Kino lace , -3c , v'c and lOe per yard.
Yet v line point lace , Me , loc and IGu
cr yard.
Wo til-o nITer at special sale 50 do/.on
tMnnod linen drcssor scarfs at Me ,
vorth 2-3c.
Hauiikercliiefs ,
\e have everything in this line from
i child s cotton 'handkerchief to the I'm-
.st linen or silk handkercliicf in the
Children's liaiidkerchlefs. Inrgo si e ,
c each.
Liulics' white hemstitched haiulkor-
hiafj. Ik each.
Ladies' fanci bordered handkorclnefs ,
iibt colors , "ic each.
Ladies'while embroidered handKer-
chiefs. Sc each.
Ladies' very fancy silk handkerchiefs ,
ill colorl3c each.
Ladies' line chiffon handkerchief- ,
embroidered , 2i'c.
We have made the assertion that wo
aroTIlK LKADKRSin this line , and
our prices wiil prove it , vi/ . : |
l.rooU-.1 best six-cord spool cotton only
le oacii ; every spool warranted full 2UO
( i pick-ages heavy pins for oc.
(1 ( do/on good nursery pins for oc.
i ! miit'il thimbles for oc.
12 diunn agate buUons for oc.
( ! hat. piiih for oc.
( i rubln-i * hairpins for 5c.
( > fani" . bra ° s hairpins for 5e.
10 corset lacet for oc.
ft rolls black t ipo for < 3e.
( ' , oc.
Cm ling iron * . . Sc.
Cloaks and Jackets.
Wo will still continue the great
daughter Kao ! in the above department.
1 Uargnins will be offered that aio nnpro-
'ccdenlod. ' Thousands can testify that
wo have the largest and lowest value
gco.lh in the city. Compare prices bo-
ore purchasing elsewhere.
100 ladioi' fur trimmed jackets S4.-30 ,
worth > 7.
100 ladies' fur trimmed jackets and
mill's to match * i.oO ! , worth * 10.
100 ladies' melton jackets * 1. worth $0.
1UO ladies melton jackets and mulUs
SO , worth is .30.
500 children's cloaks at the fo'lowing '
prii-cs : tfl.2.5 , ? 1.50 , jl.73 , $2 , j'.ii and
PLUSH KS. lOinch jackets $1.7.5 ! ) , former
7.3 plush 10 inch jackets $15.7.3 , former
price ilis 50.
' 'I'ho Vera , " reduced * 1.2o to 00 * .
' The Columbia , reduced Sl.-JO to 51.
"The Xjloiv , " roduccd $1.73 tol.5.
"Tho Noiu'liotto , " reduced J2 to Sl.oO.
Full line of cashinure , Ilinnol and silk
wrappers at greatly reduced prices.
Wo It ivo on hand a large and varied
anrtmon.t of ladies' suits in Watteau
plait * * , KiHslun blouses and Franklin
jackets belts and bell bklrU , which
wo phvc. ) on t-alo at greatly reduced
] ) ricos. Those are strictly novelties.
< 'all and see them.
Rlankcts are bulky , and take up n
great space. Wo need ( hisspace to dis
play onr toys and holiday goods. You ,
no doubt , have scon.our former display
of toys. All wo can bay to you at pr-
ont U that onr purchases this year arc
twice as largo us they wore last. Our
wholesale trade , and our increasing ro <
t'lll trade , are demanding moro ovary
season. Our display this season will
surprise you.
Tomorrow wo propose to start to clean
up our blanket stock , and if jou are ii :
need of blankets ba on hand
10-1 all wool reu blankets reduced tc
Wo will .soil you , for "fie a pair , the
best white blanket over sold in Omalu
at this price.
$8 white California blankets , slijjhtlj
soiled , go at i5.fc.3a p.Ur.
2,000 pair of gray blankets nt 50c , G5c
7oe , $ , * , , $1.60 , $ * . ' , $2.60 , Sta ! pair
nnd up tu Iho best California blanket
made , at prices to sell them quick ,
A surprising deal in Siiks happens here
Monday every Monday every day. You are
all pretty \vell acquainted with , th'at ' fact ; you
are also pretty well acquainted with that day
light silk counter of ours. Renew your ac
quaintance this week. Thousands of yards of
good , honest , reliable silks are there , including
plaids , stylish plaids , just the correct tiling for
ladies' waists , plaids that , other stores ask
$1.SO for , we sell them at S5c. Fancy bro
cades , fancy stripes , changeable silks , you can
get of us to match your new dress at low
figures. Christmas is only five weeks off : don't
you want some shades in silk for fancy work ?
We have the shades you want ; p-MteVare right
on them , too. Don't buy a yard of silk without
seeing what we can do. ,
Fine Silk Velvets and Plushes at 50c this week
Trunks and Valises ,
The Only Original "World's
Fair" Trunk and Valise Dept.
Why pay fancy prices to others for
the bamo goods wo carry at a great re
reduction:1 :
Trunks at Sl.2.3 , Sl.oO , SI.7.3 , S2.50.
These are good trunks and for less than
the sumo trunks can bo bought else
Wo also cirrv the fine goods. Trunks
atW.S-3. $1.2.3 , USe , & .3..30 , $7.50 , $9.00 ,
* 10.oO , * 1,3.00.
Our -Jl.hj trunk is the host and largest
trunk extant.
Fine line of canvass and solo leather
Valises at 7-3c , S3c. 0,3c , , 81.00 $1.2-3 ;
these are club bags. Solid leather Glad
stone bags at * ; UO , * . < . .S3.1.2.3 , So.OO.
. * " > , uO and a line line of all the latest and
best bags in the marKet.
Domestic Bargains ,
Soft finished b'.o-ichod muslin , yard
wide , 0 < c , 7c and Sic yard.
Our own LLheoting 5e yard.
Muslins and sheetings are advanning
in the eastern markets. You will have
to pay moro later on , but as long as our
supply holds out , our present prices will
remain as they aro.
Wo aio selling Iho best bleached cot
ton llannol for lOu a yard that beats them
all at HV.
See onr Se unbleached cotton llannol.
Unbloachcd cotton IIannul ; ijc.
I rolls cotton halts 2-3 < ; .
! ! rolls cotton halts 2' c.
Special bargains at 83u each.
Holler prado at $1.2-3 each.
Host in the house , all wool , fancy
weaves , choice $1.60 each , Others abit
$2.oO for no bott-jr.
Ho sure aim visit our Hannol depart
ment if you are In search of bargains.
Now that the season for fancy work
lias fully commenced wo nro go'ing to
olTor the ladies bpecinl bargains in pros ;
grain and satin ilbboiiR , vi/ :
No. 6 all silk moire ribbon , 4c ] pot1
No. 7 all bilk moire ribbon , OJc per
No. 9 all silk moire ribbon , 7jc per
No. 12 all silk moire ribbon , lOjc per
No. 9 Nitin ribuon , lOo per yard.
No. 12satin ribbon , I2e per yard ,
6 yards crown edyo bnby ribbon , 5e.
Jewelry ,
Gents' gold stiffened American watch ,
stem wind and set , So.7.3.
Guilts' gold titled hunting ease
watch , warranted to wear 20 years , with
Klein. Springlield \Valtham move
ments , ill. 4.3.
Gouts' M ktgold-fillod watehwarrant
ed to wear 20 years , with a line full-jew
eled movement , adjusted to heat , cold
and position. 518.-13 ;
Gents' solid gold watch , stem wind nd
sot , hunting and open face , with line
American movement , Sl'J.oO. '
Ladies' gold llllod hunting case stem
wind and sot watohos , with n line nickel
American movement , $0.95.
Ladies'lino 14 kt solid gold watch ,
open face , stem wind and sot , 59.7.3 ,
Ladies' H kt g/ld-llllcd hunting case
watches with genuine diamond set in
center and handsome raised gold orna
mentations , Elgin , Springlield or AVal-
iham movement.SIS. . lo.
Elegant po.irl opera g'.assos , black ,
white and oriental , achromatic Ionics ,
with line moroL'to cases , iil.oO , worlh
Black morocco leather covered opera
glasses with cases , 75c.
Rogers' 12 d\vt knives or forks 51,2.3
per rot. These goods are warranted
strictly llrst class.
Xicklo clo.'ksI9c. .
Heavy solid gold baby rings. lOc.
Silver plated napkin rings 5e each.
Silver souvenir spoons , 2ic. )
Sterling silver thimbles , loo.
Solid gold pens with ivory holders ,
Kvopythlng in silverware , both useful
and ornamentalat half jewelers' prices.
Wo are now holiday goods
daily ,
Wateh and clock repairing at greatly
reduced prices , ' <
All work guaranteed.
Combs. Combs.
Wo have j'lnt inirchased n vury'argo
stock of heavy rubber combs at a forced
sale , and will olTur the en tire lot at ona-
fifth tholr real vn uo ; that means a 23c
comb for Oc ; only ono comb to each cu--
Wo also have a vary complete line ol
combs at prlcts that defy competition ,
vl/ :
Gooa rubber line comln 2 for 5o.
Warranted unbroakublc coarse combs
' . ' .
only i''c.
A heavy horn comb with metal back
and ends only lOc.
F.slra lieuvy horn combs , metal back
ami ends , with brass chain , 12J. ' .
Gents' pocket combs ! Io , 4c,7o and lOo.
Child's round combs 8c , oo , 7o and 9c.
Ladies' side comb-j , very Hue , only flu.
From now until the Solh of December
you can buy a great many nice chairs
mil elegant ro < * kers below our usually
low prices. Wo : ire glad to hold any
bargain you ] ) ick out on a small pay
ment and delhcr when notified. This
is a rare chance. Onr price on all fur
niture is 2f > per cent less the gen
eral run , so when wo cut our already
low prices you buy ohonp indeed.
Dining room ehiiira in oak at .S5c and
SI , regular prli"j $1.25 and Sl.oO ; at tjl
Sl.lo , oak , regular price $1.2" ) and Sl.oO ;
rockers to match in oak , SI.53 and ? l,7."i.
\Vo have a lot of chair * ' , 2 or ; > of a kind.
The o arc marked to clean them out.
They are all line noods.
Kockera A line line of hlgh-b.ick
polished oak rockers at $3 7o , worlh
$ " > ) ( ) , plush seat , different colors. An
other lot in S2.50 , maple , plusli seats.
Kino line of reed rockers at ? H.50. worth
> 3. In fact you can now buy in our al
ready noted lurgain furniture depart
ment chairs and rockers at prices wnich
are oven a surprise to ourselves.
Bamboo c'isols , 5-foot , 33i60e , and 7oc.
Fine white and other colored enamel
easels , something new , $ \ . > and SI.Do ,
worth 21 per com more.
Elegant line of pictures at Soc , 61.2-3 ,
Sl.oOJI.05 , W.-25.
You can now buy cheap in our furni
ture department ; cheaper than over.
Glasswarj and House
Famishing Goods.
Immense lit cof water and lemonade
sots from 7.3e up.
Covered tin pails .3c.
( Jolfee and tea pots lOe.
'hir bargain counter is full of valuable
articles at from Ic to .3e each , and you
pay five times as much for the same ar
ticle elsewhere.
Fine blown glass tumblers atI0e per
set. cheap at $1.
Initial tumblers , any letter you want ,
50c per sot. worth "il.oO.
Glass butter dishes , spoon holders ,
cream and sugar bowls at oo oach.wo.'th
25 c.
Syrup pitchers lOc each , wurth ItOe.
Plated tea and table spoons 2-3c per seta
a gonuinobargain.
Rico root scrubs at Sc , bold regular at
Enamelino atovc polisti ; ic.
Full line of cooking utensils in gran
ite. Hint , catnoo , blue and white , cop
per , never break stool and tin wo ir. At
no ether place can you got such a vurlo-
ty. Wo have not space enough to cit'i-
morato prices but wo are below anyone
and by a good percentage too.
Crockery and China.
Wo have just imported from M.
RKAWJOX , FUANCK , a full line of
line while china for decorating purposes ,
consisting : of plates , teas , after dinner
colTees , vases , jug.i etc. , at ' ) ( ) per cent
loss than you ever bought thorn in your
Also a pnlendid line of decorated
broad and "buttor pl'itea ' , FRAGIKIj
CHINA photograph holders , toothpick
and match holders.
Wo Imvo a .Sl.SOgold band fine china
cup , tsaucor and plato that wo will .sell
you for ; r > u.
TIMOR.-fcCAXTOX plates , loc , that
have never sold for any loss than " " .
Wo dlsplav the largest variety of din
ner sots in the wo-it. Wo will give you
a 100-pieco Imported or domestic uinnor
sot at i7.0S that you can't touch anywhere -
where for loss than 12 to $1(3 ( , and ro-
nio in bo r wo warrant thorn up to the
Children's toy tea sets not a llttlo
toy , but largo enough to ho iisud at
$1.15 per set , worth $3.
Llobig's Extract Hoof , 2oc ,
Liebig's Uccf , WIuo and Iron , Ow.
Kirk'o White Lilao soap , ! 1 cakes in
bo.I'Ju. .
Kirn's 80 ji3i- cent transparent glycer
ine soap , ; ! cakes in bolOe. .
Kirk s Shai-Jon Hjlls soap , lee Im.
Hun adi Matyas water , -lu.
Fig syrup , simll , I7 i.
Avers' Hair Vigor , 03o bottle.
Houdohold ammonia , IIIIYO bottle , 7c.
Po fumes , all odor.s , 29c ounco.
Lantern perfumes , 12Jc oaoh , anywhere -
where 23o.
Prescriptions-- sell all medicines
at a Email margin. Hring in your pro
scriptions and Imvo them filled at our
prchcrlption dopirtment at Ices than
n ilf what you pay for them i.t the d-ug
btoros. They u' ' 1 elm go moro than
double the price wo oha'go you. Cull
and got prices.
Furnishing Goods ,
Liny from the Commercial National
bank assignees the entire bankrupt
stock of the I'1. C. Sjh-ieider Co. , whole
sale dealers mill importois of fanov dry
goods , furnishing goods anl notion- .
( . 'losing out the Schneider V Lnoinis
wholesale slock at about ouc-fuurlli tlio
regular price.
( ijnts'bost quality lit'.on finish paper
collars , only 6e per box , worth 2-3c.
Gents'linen linisli piper cull's , lOc
per box.
Shoulder braces wort'n 60c , 0 at I2ji * .
600 dozen gents' suspenders , worth 60o
per pair , go at lOe.
Solincidor & Loomis' stock of men's
underwear noes on .salo tomorrow.
2 cases of men's natural wool shirts
anil drawer * , oOo ouch , reduced
from OSc.
- cases of gents' line n itural wool ami
camel's hair underwear only 75c oajh ,
Schneider & Loomis jobbing price was
4 UO per do/.on.
Schneider iV Loomis shirt and urnw-
ers that they jobbed forifl-3.00 anilSKOO
wo will eloo at IIjo each.
Tremendous cut on children' * ) under-
wea- * , odds and ends , will bo closed oat
at i the regular prico.
. ' ! cases of ladies' natural wool camel's
hair vosls and pants only oOo , roduood
Schneider's Pocketbooks
Having purchased the entire whole
sale slock of purses , poukotbooKs , liil
books , etc , from C. M Schneider wo
are enabled to iinko prices on those
goods that defy competition , \ I/ :
oxidi/.od mountings loe.
Another grade belle. * at 20c.
A very line poeketbook at 2o > .
Gents' good heavy bill books , lee ,
worth 6'Jc.
Also , a very line line of card 0:103 : , letter -
tor cases , etc.
Butter and Cheese ,
Country butter , 1 Ic , IGc , ISf , and 20o ,
Wj just received live thousand pounds
of this choice country butter , it is
really worth double the money but wo
will soil it at the above prioosi
Wo will sell croamai-y at , 22J , 21'- and
" ( in ; others charge "Do and , ' ! 5o.
The war Is over with the oyster busi
ness and they have raised the price , but
Haydcns continue tosell tlie r-olld moats
Haltimorii oysters , for U ) j per iiuart.
Wo sell Wisconsin full cream choose ,
at Tie , lOc and 12o } per pound.
Young America full cream , IK1.
Eastern process full cream. 1 Ic and
1GL * .
Brick cheese , 12c } , 1 lo and We.
Ltmburger choose , lUJu and 1 Ic.
SwUri choose , 12Je , 1 to and llic.
Sab sago choose , Sc jior package.
Neufoluitel French imported , 6e per
Kockfordhee.c , finest imported 60o
per pound.
- Fromngo do Miie 10n per pound.
J'incapplo enooso , 6'e ' ) om-h.
Edam cliooso , $1.2" icli.
Doughorly and Anderson's mince
meat , ; { packages for tin1.
Capo Cod cr.inborrios , 7c } per quirt.
Aunt Silly's ) ) iincike Hour , Hie ,
Aunt Joinltnti's pan cake Hour ! ! Jc.
Liob's Ryciitnjan ( lap-jack Hour 'He.
1'2 collarbnttons for . "ic.
2i 0-yard spool cotton for oc.
Sale limited.
Knitting cotton , ( i for 23e.
Wo have the largest stock of notions
and ilrmsmakor.s' good ? , such as dross
stays , hooks ami eyes , stay bindings ,
bulling- . , sl"ovo protectors , ate. , in the
city nud soil them the choapo- * . .
0 i ) icknges adamantine pin * , for 6c.
Stoves and Ranges.
If yon will on.1 $27.-V ) sol Id
s'oel ran'o , , thnt other dealers as'j ' $ I > > OU
for yon would tiiuo it in prnforonco to
othorri If wo i.s'j aN'1 &I30) ) fur tliom ,
but not a'ona givinjr y > u this boil
range in the w > rld , w > nivo you 03
ixu * cunt. Wo do the vim j thing in our
cooking ana hnating Moves. If you will
read lli'u folio.ving p-ices you can ojii-
vi 1110 yourself :
The Miignel iU" > . worth llirco lime ?
as much.
The ! ' . W. . ] , - . Oilc ill. \ ' > worth $12.
The E nblem * 'J.0 ! , worth -M-3.
The Caiman 53.95 , worth * 12.
The I' . I' . Stewart $ . ' 17.60. worth 830.
The Matchless $10 20 , worth * : to.
The Splendid Jiri" : > , worth foo.
The I'utnain $3.1.3 , worth $10.
The Cojkliif , ' Emblem $7 , worth $11.
The Ho'irthslde * ! ) . ! " ) , worth .i'S.
The Matchless f 10.0) , worth W.
The Sign il 410 U3 , worlh 727.
The I' . I1. Stow.irl , the finest cooking
Htovo in the world , * 'Jjorth ' S.'J.OO
any man's inunny.
Pure Rye Flour . S5 < j
Pure Rvo Oralnm Flour . Soil
1 'ureVheat ( Jruhiini Flour . 20o
Minneapolis best btsporlativo Hour
( warranted ) . ! )0 ) o
A good Fmur ( Snowllnko ) . 0-5 a
llnydcn Hros. " Bast Suporlatlvo
Flour . 31.23
.lust received a car of now strictly
pure buckwheat Hour . " . . , o o
Self-rising buckwheat Hour . " < o
You know you can buy IJuek wheat foe
most any pr'to ' for low grade Hour was
never so cheap as now. Wo will sell
you a good low grade Hour lo per pound.
You can sro how oa * < y it is to soil you
cheap buckwheat.
Xo. 1 sugar-cured hams . 11 o
Picnic hams . 8 jo
X. Y. hams . So
Dried beet . 7 t }
( 'orno 1 beef . 5 o
Potted ham , per can . .30
Potted tongue . 5 o
Deviled ham . .3 o
Hologna sausage . < 3 o
Liver sausage . o )
I chuoso" . .3 < i
FrankforlH . . . . : . . . 7 jo
Sapolio or Scouring Soap . .3o
Save all the wrappers that como on
the Sapolio , and semi thorn lo the fac
tories ami tliay will send you a very line
Van Ilonton's pure cocoa . Go c
Fry's improved honui'opathio cocoa fi'i o
Prune Russian caviar ( porean ) - 29 o
Host homo-mad' . * ca'siip . 2o o
Genuine Spanish cliili-saueo . 25 o
" > packages Dohorty's Xow England
mince meat . 2o o
3 packages Anderson's celebrated
condensed mince meat . 2 < 3 o
II pound can tomatoes . 8Jo
California ov iporatod peaches . 17o }
California dried grapes . 5 o
Calilornia cvapor.ited pitted plums l"J i
California white nocturenos . 17io
California red nocturones . 17jo
California evaporate I apricots . 20 o
Imported English currants . Sjo
Those are all now fruits just re
ceived , and the most delicious
you ever ate. They are worth
lOc per Ib. moro than wo ask.
7 net imported Irom Seville , Spain ,
the linest olives you ever saw ,
all packed fresh fo ; * us. Per qt. . ! lo o
Imported chow chow . 15 o
Imported mi\'od pickles . lo eWe
Wo sell a good baking powder. . . . 5 o
Evapo.-atod raspberries ( now ) . 2o o
Xow California raisin-cured prunes lo o
3-lh p.ill pure fruit jolly . 20 o
20-lbpiil pure fruit jolly . 75 o
L-irgo botllo blueing . fi o
Corn starcli . 5 c
Laundry starch . 5 o
Ulrd seed ( very line ) . no
2-lb c'in early iluno paas , 17jc , If
you buy a can and if yon do not
nay they are the finest and most
delicious pan yon ever did oat ,
wo will p.iy you hick the money.
Wo hnvu noas fo. * 8ic , 10c. } 12ii }
and \ ! > o Dor can.
Condensed milk . 10 o
Tea and Coffee ,
Coffees continue to bo high , but wa
btill give you the following low prices :
Cocoa shells , very line . ! ! u pound
Crushed colfoo . 10o
Crushed .lava and Mocha. . . 20e and 2oo
Golden Rio . 2oe and 2So
Finest S inlos Peaborry . I0i5 !
Combination .lava . U2o
Old Government .lava and Mocha ,
. 'i3c , or . ' ! pounds for $1.00
\\ro have received a lot of now
picked teas from .1 ipin.
.lapan ntflingi. i ' > or pound . 10 o
Extr.i choiuj Ja'pan toablftings. . . . 15 C
Sun-dried Japan . - . 23c , 115 o
Uncolored Japan . ! ! Hc , * lSc , fib o
English breakfast . ! 17cI'll1 , 5 ! ) o
Mo.vnno gnnowdor | ) . iliulou. . W ) o
J'in-hoad ganpowdor . -ifio , 00 o
Ch ) ice Form ) iii oolong . 70o
These gouds are all warranted to o
lii-st class.
Lamps ,
In hanging lampj wo can show you
lumps from il.7-3 up to $16.
Onr $1.7-3 jintom itio extension lamp is
sold eisowlu-ro forS.J.n ! ) and 91.
Wo have a conto. * draft lamp , nhnde
and vase to in itch , at $0.63 , that you
can't buy anywhere else for loss than
In stand lamps wo cnn flx you up from
S2.3 to $10. Asa btmuial we will glvo
you a vase lamp..with shade to match ,
for $1.35 , that would boconsidoredchoap
nt $ ; ) . -
In piano lamps wo are right in the
ranks. A splendid" lamp with center
draft or Rochester burner , very fin
lace trimmed crown shade , nil colord , nt
$ (1.17 ( ; ; sold regular u' . ' 110.
Wu have a table and lamp combined ,
with center dr ift burner , silk bhade ,
Itunn tlnlbhol in Fronoh gilt , at * 10 :
rogu'.ar ' prien. $ AJ. Wo also o'irry n full
line of onyx piano and banquet lumps.