Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Now on Snlo Bttlio P opl ' .
A Plillndolphift ninntifncturor being
vuelicd for monov. consigned to Wells ,
Iho auctioneer , n big lot of clothing with
the Instrticllon lo sell. And Wells solder
or rnlher gnvo them nwny to the 1'co-
Clofiilng House , ino.'l Douglas
street. These goods nro now on enle tit
prices Unit will paralyse the clothing
They nro I'hunp al $1.73 a pair , the
only trouble is they consist mostly of
Binnll , so If you nro cxlra large wo
can't fit you.
Tbcso suits nro all cotton , but strong
nnd durable and are usually bold for : i
65.00 bill.
You cnn have your choice , the sack
overcoat In heavy chinchilla or the
ulslor , cut long , has a largo collar and
fcido pockets.
These fiuiH would bo a bargain nt
810.00 , they nro extra heavy and of the
latest blue grey shade.
These bats nrc warranted by us and
nro the identical hat hold In hut stores
for $1.60.
With 8.tlln fronl ; Ibis underwear is
Bold all over for 7"i' .
With pica ted bosoms ; they are
ncluallv worth 75c orch.
Tins in ono ot our principal lines.
Wo curry a larger assortment than all
nthor Omiih.i IIOUSOB combined , and soil
thorn at tbo following prices :
DOGSKINS , $11.00.
COONSK'IN , $10.00.
In this line we show twelve dill'oront
fctylcs , from $8.H ( ) up.
\Vo linvo boon very fortunate in clos
ing out big lots of the following :
Light colored , blue and brown Koisoy
nnd Uoavcr Overcoats , also Uislors of
nil descriptions ; in this line wo displav
u finer n&sorlinuiit that anybody and are
willing lo let you bo the judge , whether
uo undorpoll competitors or not.
Wo htivo all sl/.es of Diu-k Suits con-
Btanllv on hand ; wo sell a good Duck
coat for * 1 28.
A dnndv Loatbor coat for SXOO.
The gcnuino article , munufactured by
Mane kS : Haim , St. Louis , with the
original ticket , for $2.00 't pair.
Wo just received tin entire new as-
F.ortment of nobby double breasted i-uits ,
If you are looking for a nobby atiit in
this line wo have thorn.
Wo offer iho zonuino Kider down cans ,
light or dark Hbadca , also cord rays for
COc. They are worth n dollar bill.
Wbito or blue jackets or overalls for
COc , Iho Hlamlnrd Gilo article ; no extra
charge for { ! f ( inch long or up to 60 inch
Wo carry a full line of men's shoes
and rubbers. Wo sell a shoe for SI. 15
that is worth $2.23. Kvery p.tir war
We show a most complete line , start
ing with a felt mitten at l < 3o and i'mlnli-
inu with buckbkin lined with skin.
In closing wo would like to impress on
you that it cottts you nolbing to look tit
our goods. Wo show them wilh pleas
ure whether you buy or not.
T All wo itbk is a trial.
If wo don't do as we advertise , don't
do business with us.
lUO ; ! Douglas St.
run : , run : .
tliidcmrllei-H ruri'lns ' Sulit nl ClntliliiR mi'l
l-'iiritlsliliiu Cdiidx.
At 110 North Sixteenth streol next
Wednesday , Xovcmbor 2trd ; , ti largo us-
Eortment of clothing , gents' furnishing
goods and boots and shoes damaged by
llro will bo sold.
It is a boim fide sale and the pur
chasers will lind that price is no object
a > the insurance companies must realize
nt onco. _ ,
It will bo a great event and these
wishing to buy cheap these limes will d
well to look in and see what a cremation
of prices menus.
AVorlil'n I'ulr Notes ,
At a rccont inroting of the oxoctitlvo com-
tnlttoo II wits iit'L-Ulcil to r.dopt. the H'jmliis-
tun Slunilnnl typewriter ns ttio olllelul writing
ing inachluu ot'tlio oxposiUon , lo bo used ex
clusively la nil aoparlinonls Ilinroof.
In August lust u coatracl lor f urnhhliiR all
the typowiltors iioceFsary for tbo use ol the
general nubile , exhibitors , press ipprosciitn-
lives , etc. , wai awanloii to tbo Ituinington
people , but llio mori ) ruccm ctccblon Inobulce
nil writing mnchlnos to bo tisoil nt llio
\Vorlil' Coltiiiibinn cxn.isltion for nil par-
| :03c. : s , wlioro Mii-H inauhbics ara rcqulrou , In
Mil tiin dcDuvtniontH operated unil controlled
by llio nutboflllcs uf iho exposition. Sovcral
liumlrctl nr.icliluoi. will bo required for this
( orvlco. about lOU of which huvo ulrunuy
boon suppllud.
Samuel Ilurns holds his annual
next week ,
00 vusos , S"ji ? , formerly oOc.
60 va-es , fiOe , formerly $ l.t)0. )
fiO viicos , $1,00 , formerly $2.0ti.
CO vases , * 1'.0 < I , formerly * I.OO.
New nhlna for dccorallng at IIosuo's.
To IIIHIIton , To * . , ixnil Krtnrn.
Monday , November hth , a special
party will loiivo ( Jimiha , bound for
llouslon , Tex ,
Having for silo : pevoral Ihousand
acres of Die richest land In Harris
county , Texas , lying between ( ho cities
of Houston uml ( lalveston , and on the
three principal trunk line railroads ,
1 will olTor as an imluuoinout for Investors -
vostors , or the o desiring only to look
nt Iho land , sjoulaliy low rates from
Onmhn to limitinn and return , good
until , luno l t , 1K03 , with a limit of
thirty days in each direction , and good
for bton-ovur at pleasure within limit.
These Innds Unit I olTor for sale tire
of a rich , bltu-k loam , easily culllvalod ,
lioipg rich enough to producu the mobl
oxcclloiit roMilts without fcrtili/.lng.
Kvprytjiing Hull cnn bo grown any.
wluii'oIn tbo 1'nltod Stains grows
epocinlly well hero. The ground pays
well from thu llrst year.
The price of land ranges from 9,3.00 lo
MO.OO por-ncro on the most favornolo
terms of piivinenl.
All of thcso lands lie within live
miles of the above mentioned railroads
wilh an abundance of water and tim
ber.For further information relative to
Jr is-r-Jiirmto , ell and cost of living ,
Vtlqulnrs UH lo Iho purchase ol
/fc'cheaper than you can buy til
uii railroad company , call on or ad
dress R c1. PATTKKSOX ,
425 RuuiRt ) building , Omaha , Neb.
,000 , Pieces Now Bho't and Ooloretl
Drtsi Goods on Sa'e ' 'fomjrrow.
ntlrn S toe It ( if it New York .Inliber ttotlr *
Inc from HIMII | < M C'linilstlnc of Iho
I Incut ( Irailcniil linportoit and
Dunimtlc Uirsi ( liioiln.
Lot 1 , 2'M pieces -10 and 4'Mnelt heavy
11 wool suitings- tuflcd novelty
ooila , plain b'.no serge ? , heavy chovlots
nil all wool tlnnnels. go sit -oc , worth > 0c.
Lot 'J , OS pieces high grade Imported
: incy stripes , plaid , checked nnd figured
11 wool ilroM goods , worth up lo $1.00 a
aril , go at ! > 'Jc.
Lot ; t , tlli ( ) pieces imported all wool
ion : icttas at UUe and 4Sc , worth oUc and
De.LotI , 300 1)101-03 ) ofIllinch all wool
tripes , all colors , at 4So. worth Gc. ! )
Lot " ) , ; ! 00 pieces 10-inch imjiorlcd line
Vouch serge ? , all colors , Me , worth Silo.
Lot (1,10 ( pieces of e.xtnv wldo silk
vnrp honriettti at ! ) Sc , worth S1..30.
Lot 7 , IOJ ploL-os 42'ltioh line French
ill wool hcnriullarj. a'l ' colors , at 7lc ) ,
vorth $ I.11. ! !
Lol S , 80ilcces \ 1-Yonoh broadclolhs ,
ill desirable colors , at o'Jc ' and USc ,
vortli 7"c and $1.48.
Lot 1 , ; ! ( ) ( ) pieces line black all wool
lunricttus.10 and 40 Inches wldo , at 4Sc ,
ilc ! , 7to ! , S'Jc ' nnd 03c. These lots are 40
10r cent less limn regular prices.
Lot 'J , GO plocs 40 and 4S-inch black
ill wool French serges' ' , line and heavy ,
tt 4'Jc ' and 7c ! ) , worth 7oc and $1.11-3.
Lot fl , 100 pieces 40 and 44-innh black
Ino nil wool novelties , brocades , fancy
itripcs and novelty ll uros at oOc. Olio
mil 70c , worth from One ty 31.51) ) .
Lot 4 , 60 pieces 40 and 41-inch flno
intro molmirbrilliantinesalUOc , 48c , fii ! ) ! ,
! - " ) ( ' nnd 7or10 ; iior cenl lesti lhan coal lo
Klegant nil silk china and .Tapancso
silks , " 1 inch"s wide , all shades and in
black , Kiitablo for waists and fancywork
workgo at .Do a yard , worth 6"c. .
Heavy featin in all shades , especially
in evening lints , regular 75c grade , for
ISc yard.
Imported all silk double twill surahs
in navy blur- , reds and black , specially
ndnnted for fancy work , waists , etc. ,
reiri value 70c , tomorrow 50c.
lo pieces , all .silk rhadamas , very
rich and very swell for dress wear , in
navy blue , browns , crocus , reds , grays ,
modes , true value $1.12-3 , our price to
morrow 7oyard. .
2-3 -50-inch silk wool Inns-
- pieces50inch unit -
downe the correct thing for evening
dresses in rose pink , reds , Nile green ,
gobelins , light blue and grey. 5 yards
of this stilllcicnt for ii costume. OSc for
this sale only , wo.-th $2.00 a yard.
! ! -3 nieces heavy French faille , ar-
mitros , guinels , gros grain bilk , potiu do
sole , satin luxurs. all 2J-inchos wide , go
on Monday at i-l.OJ a yard , worth fully
- - pieces of the very latest and per
fectly exquisite imlierns in tvo tonotl
lalTota novelty trimming silks , worth
actually Sii.OO'n yard , go tomorrow at
$1.2-3. Wo can match any odd &hailc
you know.
N.V. . Cor. 10th and Douglas.
rnti : , run- : .
L'n < lcr\vrltor rorclni ; .Sain ot Clntlitnt ; mill
rnrnlililiiK t.ixHU.
AtilO ; North Sixteenth street nest
Wednesday , Xovembcr 2rd ; ! , a large as
sortment of clothing , gouts' furn sliing
goods and boots and hhoes damaged by
iiro will be bold ,
It is n burnt lido sale nnd the pur
chasers will find that price is no object
as the insurance companies must rcalixo
tit once.
It will bo a great event and those
wishing lo buy cheap those times will do
well lo look in and see what a cremation
of prices mcaiiH.
The petrified man will' bo on exhibi
tion Monday afternoon , Nov. 21 , for
ladies only. Lady tvtlondnnls during
Iho afternoon.
s'b' materials nt Hosno's.
Doa'cstii' soap outlasts cheap soap.
Frescoing and interior doi'oraling ; designs -
signs and uslimaloB furnished. Henry
Lohmann , IGOS Douglas street.
Siimuol lliirns will bo glad to lay
aside any ( . 'liristmastioods his customers
mayjjclci'l , to bo paid for when taken
uway. full buforo assorlmont is broken
( 'nlllornlu l-Aciii-Hiiius.
PnUniiin tourist sleeping cars are run
dally on nil I'acido coast Irains via the
Santa Fo route , the shortest line to
The i'ar-1 are furnished with bedding ,
matros-o- ) , toilet articles , etc. Porters
are In nltondancc. Sticond-class tlckols
nro honurcd on tboso cars.
In addition lo Iho daily eorvK'o the
Sanl'.i Fo I ( unto runs special oxcurslon
pnrlie. ; uilli an agent of llio comoany in
charge , using iheso lourint sleeping
cars , and leaving Kansas City every
.Sunday noon.
For further information and lima lubli :
of I ho Santa Fo Route and reserving ol
alcoplng car berths , address K. L ,
Palmer , passenger agent , 1II1U Farnani
alroot , Ouialui , Nob.
AiK'IMMi. I'lirnltnrn Aiirtliin ,
1015 Chicago slrcot , Tuesday , November
bor 22 , 10 a. m. , contonls of eighl-rootn
houtjo. ited room suilex , chairs , cur <
pelt , etc. , good range , boating btovo
otc. All must positively bo sold.
U. WKIJ.S , Auutlunoof.
* *
Domosllc soap sold by every grocer.
The not rilled man will bo on oxhibl
lion all day Sunday , Nov. 20 , at 141 !
Farnani St.
Louis Vitriol , hairdresser nt- Ideal
hulr utorc.tidU S. loth , ! ld lloor. Tol. 101S ,
Now scale Kliubiill pianoi at ilospo's ,
linprotiiil Norvlro.
Commencing Tuesday , Novomuor 15 ,
llio llurlington's No.-0 ( wl'.ich loaves
Omaha nt HoO p , m. ) will haul t
Bpcrinl nloopar from Omaha to Chicngc
, for the ixclnsivo use of Omaha travel ,
j This car is ready to receive parson
gors nt tiny llmo between U:30 : p. mi untl
llio hour of departure.
The llurllngton's ' No , 0 is not simpli
Iho only t.rnin fo.1 Chicago loavin <
Oninba nt a metropolitan hour , it'ia tin
fastcBt train between the Missouri rive
nnd the World's fair city.
Try it. You'll thul its equipment c
bleoplng , rncllning chair , smoking am
dining our * boyoiul crittcUm. Fo
berths , etc. , apply lo
W. F. VAIU , .
City Ticket Aeont 1223 Fimium bt ,
The 99 Cent Store , 1319 Farnam the
Prcpar Place.
1'iipiitnr Selection * lit I'opuliir I'rlcri Are
rt-iiturt > of TliU MiiBiilllreMt .Stack
Which Particularly llrroiu-
incniln it to I lib I'lilillc.
Wo htivo boon making great propara-
lions for tula season * Irndo null can con-
flilontly say wo ciin plcno you. firstly in
quantity , secondly in tiuailty and
thirdly In price.
Solid ( 'old baby rlbgs. Oc e.ich.
Fine chased gold ring * , Ujc.
Sot rings , solid gold , il-io.
Fine gold rings with It settings -lOc ,
worth 4 .00.
Flno rolled plate culT buttons , 2oa
Gold front cull buttons , -llo ) pair.
Hullou plato vest chains -lOo , worth
Solid gold pens , pearl handled , J)9c )
Wo hnvo u complete- assortment of
best ( ytnllty silverware that we olTor at
ono-thirJ less than usual urines.
Album and fancy goods department.
] , COJ albums Si : tine silk plush , tinto.l
pages , nlekul word "Album" on the
cover , at O'Jc , sold roculnrly at Sl.fiO.
501) ) llncst quality silk plush albums ,
largo quarto ai/e , celluloid word
"Album" on cover , $1 US ) ouch , worth
SliM.Vo have the largest assortment of
albums in the west , ranging1 from $ ! ) .8o
down to Hoc.
B ush , comb and mirror sots from -i'Jo
to $14.05.
L/ulieb and gents poeketbooks , wallets
and etuil cases , a superb variety , at the
lowest prices over named.
Oreut siu-rilieo sale of lamps. Wohuvo
positively the greatest bargains in this
line ov r shown.
Pictures , frames , easels , etc. , etc. ,
new goods , handsome goods , satisfactory
priced goods , o-foot bamboo easels , U-3'j '
Wonderful values in house furnishing
. lie prickngc-roll toilet
Toothpicks. ; - pa
per , He package ; lire shovels , tie ; cuko
turners , Her wire egg beaters , 3e ; funnels ,
lie ; cork screws , He ; potato knives , 3o ;
basting spoons , lie ; long handled forks ,
! ! c ; burners , ! ! c ; mouse traits , lie ; tack
hammers , lie ; strainers , He ; one do/ .
wicks , He ; milk pans. He ; pudding pans ,
He ; Hint glass tumblers , He ; sauce dishes ,
He ; butter dishes , He ; salt shakers , lu ! ;
creamers , ! ! c ; sugar bowls , ik ; and 1,000
other articles equally cheap.
Our toy and doll departments are a
veritable curiosity of now things ; never
before htivo wo shown one-quarter of
the quantity of pleasing things for the
children ; wo propose to make this the
banner year of our existence in the toy
business , and wo have many surprises
for those who favor us with n visit.
Goods may bo purchased now and laid
away for Christmas.
Til 13 90 OKNT STORK ,
II. 1IAHDY & CO. ,
181'J Itanium St.
Cut This Out nml Walt.
Wednesday next , November 2llrd , a
real underwriters lire sale of clothing
vill take-placo nt 11 ! ) North 10th street.
The most of the slock is hut slightly
anmged by being a little scorched or
iy water.
Among some of it will bo found arti-
les that you would not know had ovet
eon touched by lire if you were not
old it.
it consists of gents' furnishing goods
nil boots and shoes as woll.
As it is a forced underwriters sale
jriccs will bo no object ,
50o on the dollar will buy the now
urnituro in a largo partly furnished
ilcnm-heiilod house , now fullof roomers ,
louse for rout if taken at once. Call on
I. II. Parroito , 22 Douglas block.
' At Boyrl's November 21 , 22 and 21 ! , for
, ho benefit of tlio Omaha Associated
Charities. Hen Ilur , a supurb spectacu-
"ar , is to bo given. "It was sweet , and
pure , and chaste , nnd grand ! Indeed , it
s dillleult to imagine ! how the scenic
Iramati'/.ation of a great romance could
jo more successful. The linal tableau ,
entitled "Ir.t's btory of Iho Nile , ' ' was
ono of Indescribable loveliness. It con-
aisled of Ibreo tableaux , one blending
Plo Iho others successively. It could
nave been only the hard heart * and the
prudish minds among men who left Iho
> porti house Ins-t niirhl unsoftonod and
inhumani/.cd by thu sights which they
beheld. " Odonsburg , N. V. , Uoviaw.
Domestic the bust hard water soap.
o.\i : r.vui ; IOXCIJKSID.N'
To the IMty nf .Mtixli-o : iiid Itfltnrn.
For the mooting of the American
Public Health Association and Interna
tional Medical Congress , to bo hold in
the City of Mexico November 20 to Do-
cember2 , 1802 , the S-inta Fo route will
soil tickets at ono lowest flrst-ithibs faro
for the round trip.
This is tin excellent opportunity to
visit Mexico , ono of the most delightful
trips imaginable , at very little cost.
A ( medal party will leave Omaha
Saturday , November 10 , and join a largo
party from IJo.-iton and other eastern
cities at Kansas filly.
The faro lor Iho round trip from
Omaha lb only -fOl.ill ) .
For further information and reserva
tion of Pullmtn accommodations call
on or address , E. L. P.uMHit ,
Passenger Agenl Sanla Fo Houtc , 1U10
Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob.
Over tWO shares have been subscribed
in llio USth sai-los of the Omaha Loan
and Hullditig association since November
bor 1st. Don't you want some ? Ofllco ,
Chamber of Commerce. O. M. Nat-
linger , bcorotary.
Now plcluro friunos. A. Hoapo.
Real ostato.
HarguliiB only.
My word la good.
W. O. Albright
C21-2-3N. Y. Uf fobldr
Domestic soap lo'tds the leaders.
Puacook Is the east soft oiil. Sold
only by Jones , opuojlta
W. T. Soamanwagons ana carriages
I'o I'ropnrty Owiinri.
F.i ) tire block , of wall pnnor at 1515
DoJgo Htreot-niust bo closed out before
December 1 ; ftiloro ronlod. ) Will euar-
anloo to stivo yo- > from r > 0. to i > per
eon t on your iitiruhusex. C.ill at once
and tntiiify yourself of the truth of this
udvortbemont. 15lo Djiliro.
T. .1. HKAIIU , administrator.
Do not fail to attend the concert and
lull given by Gorman Woman's Aid
society at Kuony's hull , 14th and Uoii < ? o ,
Sunday oven Ing.
Latest sheet mutic ut Hospo's.
tJ , L. Abrams & ( Jo's Oloak Stock from
477 Broadway , New York ,
Pills S.\lo KpprciBiitn a Sjinl Cn li I'nr-
clinxn of Over ifmi.UOO.OO ol tlio
I'lncit CloMhminil.liirlcntit liver
.Miown In Oniatiii
$00.00 JAcinrrs von $25.00.
Your choice of 270 garments' these
ire tlio llnest in the cnttro Abrams'
ttock , all made up to retail nl from
WO.OII to $ a . (1t ( ) . They inoludo all the
atcst novcltlos in tans , ntivio1' , blacks ,
ihovlots , I'jiiglish clay worsteds , ICngllsh
iroadcloth ? , I'LAiN AND l-'UIl
mi.MMKI ) ; in fact , all the best nnd
liigheat cltwa novultlc.4 over turned out
tya. Now York nmnufacturor.Vo glvo
you the choice of the lot nt $ : ! 5.UO.
Your choice of twulvo hundred
In this lot will bo found tun , navy and
'jlackchoviot ' box coats , with full roll
lattiral raccoon furhUf ; fur-lined ; black
; nul navy Kngllah clay box coats , half
jllk-lincd , tailor-made , with pearl but
tons ; Scotch mixtures and black
jhovlot coats , JUS Inches long ,
loublo-brensted , with full shawl roll ,
natural opossum fur ; cheviot box
. oats in tan , navy and black , with full
shavl roll of Haltic seal fur , half silk
lined ; black English broadcloth coats ,
lined throughout with nuro silk gorge ;
superior black cheviot coats , full shawl
roll goniilno astrachiin fur , natural head
ornaments ; Russian coats in plaited and
belted effects , in original styles , Il'j-lnuh '
long , tan kersey box coats , with pearl
buttons , and many other styles equally
as good nr.d swell. Your choice of this
ontlro lot of 1,200 garments worth $ i" > .00
each for SI 12.50.
ALL 51.-i.00 AND $20.00 .JACKETSGO
AT $ .5.00 , $7.50 AND SI0.00.
All the llnest grade of jackets ,
t"immod with mink , be'ivor , raccoon ,
cotuy fur and plain tan and black jack
ets , Russian blouses , and wattcau back
rccfcrfi , that wor-'j made u to soil from
$15.00 to $20.00 , go at S5.00 , 87.50 and
The way tlio thing now stand' , wo
have a bigger stock of cloaks than all
the rest of the stores in Omaha tint to
And tlio IOT prices and high grades of
all the garments during this sale will
morn than satisfy you that our promise
to glvo you the llncst jackets made this
season at less than half what they cost
to make , is truly well fulfilled.
For $15.00 wo olVor 20J elegant plush
cloaks manufactured by Abrams it Co. ,
who were known to u o only the best
lilush , lined with heavy si'.k ' , with fancy
quillings and real fur ornaments.
These cloaks come in all tiixos from ! 52to
50 and cannot bo matched less than
ijli.j.00 anywhere else in America. Our
price is now $15.00.
Send in your order by mail if you
can't come mid wo will do fully as well
for you as if you were hero.
N. W. cor. l(5th ( and Douglas Strt. .
Omaha , Nob.
N. it. : :
Continuation uf Our Croat I > ri' s CooiU
Owing > tto tho.immense . crowd who
could not get waited on Saturday night
we will continuo the sale on Monday.
These arc the prices :
A full dress pattern worth $2.50 for
A full dross pattern worth $ -1.50 for
A full dress pattern worth $0.00 for
$2.50. N. D. FA LOON Hit.
Continuation of our ribbon salo.
As it was quite impossible to satisfy
all our customers on Saturday with ribbons
bens we have determined to continuo
the sale on Monday and will have more
help on the counter.
Ninth annual bull of Overland Ledge
No. 123 , Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen , takes place at Washington
hall , Monday evening , November 21.
Special train will leave Savcntoenth
street and Union Pacillc track at U:30 : a.
m. for South Omaha.
IVull. Tlutt'H UilVurxnt.
Mr. R A. nrogan cntorcd the po-itofllco
yesterday at fever heat. In his tightly
clinched hand ho hold one of these lar o
postal cards that loook line the front sldo of
n court wrapper. There was tire In his eye
nnd determination m his step.
Ilo wantnd to see the postmaster. The ns-
slstnnt would not do ; no ono would 1111 the
bill but the genuine , Hvo postmaster. When
the postmaster's sanctum had bo311 reachoJ
Mr. Urognn slapped the postal card which
lie held In his hand down upon iho table in
front of Mr. UlarUson nnd wanted to know
what It mount.
Mr. Hrotfan wont on to say that this was
the first intimation that had reached him of
the fact that n whole sackful of important
campaign literature lay at the ollleu awaiting
his call , nlthouph the matter nad arrived in
Omaha something lllso a month ago. IIo
insinuated that there hail heon a conspiracy
in the postolMco by which the democrats
were deprived of the use of this valuatilo
campaign nmmunlilon.
"Lot us see about tlmt , " quietly remarked
the postmaster. "Watt a minute , " and ho
stepped to the door of Iho distributing do-
partmout and called m iho chief of that
department , who Uuppons to bu u democrat.
The postmaster than uskfd tliu bead of tlio
distributing department if there luul been
any effort on thu- part of anybody In the
nfllco to lieop Mr. Brogiin from rocolvliiK thii
cards that had bean sent him with rufoienco
to iho arrival of'ihe stick of cumpalcrn litera
ture.Tho chief sald.ho know of nothing of iho
kind and u'.d not ueliove that anything of Iho
kind had occurred : Ho said further that
cards similar to thu ono brought to tno ofllua
by Mr. llrogun , tellir.c him to coiuo to the
olllroand pet u sackful of inattor , had boon
sent to Him roooatcdly but no nno liad
rcspondod. 'I'lioaamo ho said won true of
a similar pacKage tliat lay there In the ollluo
uddroisod to Mr.-Ildhlnson. ot iho republican
cnmmltt''e. Hotmid the clerks m tuo nftloj
bad been anxlotn to have iho saults removed
for they wore In the way , but no one seemed
to pay any attention to tlio numerous cards
that had been.Hent out.
This explanation had a dampening effect
upon the temper of Mr , Hro au and allot
muttering somethiiif ; about It being very
strange lie Iclt the ofllco.
.Niivv l.iilidr I'll per.
Oreani/ed : labor In the west is wow repre
sented by it weekly oivun of its own. Yesterday -
day ihoVc tern l/.kburer made Its uebul in
the Jounialutio urenu , anunta initial Issue
rcllruu credit on Its editor ami publisher.
U U to be purely a labor paper , nonpollilcp.l
and noascctarian , anil uill conllno il ullon
tion to inaltors which lira of Intoiust to u <
ganl/.ed worUiuKincn. U alms to bo a relia
ulo inotith-pi < ! f ) of orpanued labor , but il
docs not meun to advocate or uncouraRO an
arcliy or nilillisiu. Its solu mission is lh (
upholding ol iho rltfbu or labor and ttu
uiiillcatlou of all ulussci * of warklup pcop.'a '
Typocraphlcall ; it is excellent , mid as i
w'uolo it makes u Ytry commcndubio appear
' llriMTti'it O I )
I'll > . C. , .
Wo will food the hungry ( who will
clothe the cold ) nnd all wo will ask Is a
small bit of gold. Wo have iho build
ing , which is the plnco ; wo have the
customor.s Hint hnvo the taste' , wo have
the goods nro so nlco to oat , and ,
best of all , prices no others can beau
H-pound California green gages , per
cnn lOc.
JJ-ponnd California og ? plums , per
can Ific
, 'l-pound California apricots , per can
{ { pound California Uartlolt pears ,
per can 20c.
Il-pound can California Crawford
poaohes.por can , 20c.
. ' { pound can Callfornltx Lemon Cling
peaches , pur can , 21c.
{ { pound can ( Inllfornln while cherries ,
per cin : , 2-lc.
. ' { nouudcan California bluek chorriot' ,
per can , 21c ,
{ { -pound can California blackberricfi ,
per can , 21c.
{ { pound can California raspbcrries.pcr
can , 2oc.
These arc nil now goods , solid pack ,
and put up In a heavy sugar syrup.
2-pounl : can blackburrii-s , per can , .Sc.
2-pound can strawberries , per can , lOc.
2-iotttid ) can rod cherries , per can , lOc.
2-pound California string bo.tns per
can , So.
2-pound California lima beans per can ,
2-pouii'l California corn per , 7c.
2-pound Cilifornlti pumpkin ) ) or can ,
{ { -pound California tomatoes per can.
1 Gallon apples per can , 25c.
( tiilloti poaches per can , 113c.
Domestic sardines per can , 5c.
Imported sardines per can , lOc.
i > iustard per bottle , Ic.
Potted ham per can , oc.
Corned beef , pjr can , lOc.
Corn starch , per pound , on.
( Jloss starch , per pound , fn1.
California dry graphs , per pound , 5c.
Californi'i pound lot' .
dry poaches , per ,
Condensed mince moatpor packago,7c.
Flour , Hour , Hour. The best on earth ,
every sack warranted , only $1.2."i. .
Humembor him who is so kind to olTcr
the rich and jioor conibinod prico.s no
groce y liouso can boat , oven if located
on same strcot.
Homember now when you come down
bo sure and call on
onC. . O. 1) . BROWN ,
110 and US south 10th st.
.Mr. llnlhrook t vplulus.
Nov. 10. To the Klitor ot THE
Hii : : : 1 am greatly averse to rusUInt ; into
the newspapers wltlt personal grievances , or
to taking co nixiucu of thorn , but the attack
of Joseph OJihm upon the Anollo club
( through me ) promDt. mo to ask you to pub
lish ibis article , not to vindicate myself , butte
to make known to cur club subscrioora that
Iho Apollo club lias not vtolulod its agree
ment with them.
It is well known that the Apollo club's
concerts nro not "of u public nature" except .
that they arc for such of tiio public as sub-
scriba for the entire s.'txson tbroo concerts.
Jt is also well known that no ticuuU ( ex
cept to Iho gallery ) can ua bought for single
performances , unless they have oeeii handed
in by 60IHO subscriber , requesting thuttboy
bo sold. Tlio reason for not selling single
ticKols is thu Apnllo club incur.- ; liabil
ities , ugKreRiillnir more than $ ! tOOJcach.vear ,
for soloists , conductor , thca cr , pianist , hall
for rehearsal , printing , oc. , nnd cannot depend -
pond upon box oflica rocolnts to meet its
obligations , as few persons would subscribe
for the season if thuy could purchase .single
ticknts. It is , and ever has been , the aim of
the Apollo club to please Its patrons in every
manner possible , mid wncn n subscriber linds
that no is unabtc to attend any concert
nnd sends his tickets to tno box oflluc ,
lo have thorn sold , wo accommodate him , and
the money received is paid to tlio owner of
the ticket. Ten subscribers handed in their
tirnota ( for seats belectcd by tbomsei/es )
during Wednesday and Thursday and asked
to have them sold. They were sold , the
money put into envelopes , the subscrlners1
names written thereon and the money Jeliv-
ored to Until. I line. ) the names oC tlioso
parties nnd they will verify this statornent.
1 had none to sell when Mr. llahm aslccd to
buy. I had refused at least six different per
sons j hend of him , ono of whom went lute
thu nailery without complaint. Mr. ( iahmlcft
tlio window , cuino back iifaiii nnd insisted
upon purchasing a ticket. 1 informed bim
tliat 1 did not dc tro at that time and place
to cater into a discussion of thu mailer and
loft iho ofllco lo Pass u subscribe Into Iho
theater xvho bad loft his tickets at homo.
When I returned Mr. Unhm atruin insisted
upon having n tlcknt ou the ground of "pro
fessional courtesy. " I replied : "Mr. ( ! anm ,
remarks that have coino from you nnd some
of your assoclatodo not untltlo you to any
professional conrtosv' from the Apolln
club or any uiemnor of it. " I deny
most emphatically having mada any
nllubion whatever to Uio Omaha
Choral society , or any member tliercof , other
than its leaderlMr. ( jithm. Mr. L. II. Copeland -
land was present during llio entire conversa
tion and can substantiate Iho Kiuno In every
dotail. "I'rofossional courtesy" has always
been extended to Mr. ( ! ahm by the Apollo
club , and the ticket which lie toro up was ,
" " of inaobor of llio
no doubt , the "courtesy" a
club. J will ( jive flUO to the Assoclatnd
Charities of Omaha for each and every per
son purchasing n slnilo ticket at Iho box
ofllco for the concert Thursday cvaului : that
WHS not a ticket belon lni ; to a regular sub
scriber. ( iKOIKJtiV. . HOI.IIIIOOK.
Alncli Aldiiny luvulvnil.
Nnw YOKK , Nov. 19. A local llsnt , affcct-
IIIB , It Is clulniod , at loait S.Ti.UJO.OOU worth
of property , was begun in the United States
circuit court today bsforo Judge Latrobo.
The Kdison Oenoral Kiei'tric company asks
tne court for a preliminary Injunction , re
straining ttiu Sawyer-Mann Biactrio com
pany from manufacturing incandescent
lights. Their opponents claim that the
urounds of the Injunction would ulvo tbo
Kitison Dsoplo an unlawful monopoly. The
Sawyer-Mann company buppllos the Wast-
ingbbuio people with lamps. The U'esthiK-
bouse people have a contract for llizluniK llio
\ \ 'orld'air grounds nnd they cannot till it
if an injunction Is granted.
John A. MeShano has sued the World
PulliBhlni ; company m an action to recover
the sum of { 5,01)3 ) , which lie alleges U loun
past duo and unpaid . Jn the petition , lilod
In iho district court , the plaintiff alk'Kosthut
during the month of July , 1S'J ' , the old
Omaha ilorald was sold to iho World I'ub-
llslung company ; lliat tboro was u largo hum
of money duo llio Herald Publishing com
pany on advertising nnd subscription , \\Iilcli
tco World I'utjIlsbliiK company Krofd to
collect , less 1U per cout for services ; that
slnro that Unto thij dofonaarit has collcolcd
$ , " > ,000 of this inonoy and 1ms luilod to | > uy it
lo the plaintiff as piovidad In the agreement ,
. , Mntlier.
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. ID. A Commercial.
Unzcttc special fromTorrollnutc , Ind. , cajs :
Mariraret > iathor , the actress , who wiih ro-
ccntly niurrleu to Qus 1'abst of Milwaukee ,
will leave the BIOKO and llva here with hoi
husband , Mr. 1'ubat U In the city VHlliiifj
llarman Stutman , Jr. . in partnership will
whom ho Intends to onlor oximikivuly tutc
the wholesale liquor btisincsa. He stated to
day lhat his wlfo would 111 ! the ciiBasoment !
fatio had already made for tuo bcasou ntu
would thoD retlro from
Immense Bargains in Good Oarpets Bought
at a Sacrifice for Oca'j ,
ThmuiuuU of V.inl * of Ingrain , Hnmrli ! ,
ScutchVllli > : i , Vdtrtntul .Mmiiiotto Cnr-
l > cls , All ; iir.iml NOH I'ltttrrii' , nt
. \lincnt Itall rrlco Tn
Great big rugs In hootch
sol # , alumni foot long , only OUc , worth
I100. .
Scotch Wilton rugs , very elegant and
very largo , only 51.10 , worth double.
400 supo.'b long nair real fur rugs ,
splendidly made , sultuble for drawing
rooms , reception , rooms and bed looms ,
worth * .i.03 ami 50.00 , go tomorrow nt
5f-.i'ii each ,
Special b'irgaiii
Klegant tmttoi-ns , bright , soft mid
solid colored I Irnssols carpjts , 4icISu !
mid fiSe n yard , wjrlh up to $1.00. Uig
bargain hero.
Magulllcont Wilton. Moqviolto and
boily Hrusbols carpet i , thick ) ) ile , beau
tiful deigns. Sacli cttrpats as tboso
readily sell eUewhorc at * 2.00 a yard.
Our price tome -row is OSi * a var.l.
1,000 yards Infill ; ) cn-uot , 10c. 12c .
1,009 yards good desirable Ingrain carpets -
pots , ISc. 2oi' and . ' 5io ! a yard.
Mig enough for a small room or as
largo as you want thorn , in real Scotch
wilton , all in one jih-ej , no scams , nasy
to take up or put down , at almost half
Linoleums , mattings mid Hour cover
ings of all kinds , all at extremely low
This sale of carpets is something ox- out of the way of the regu
lar c.i-rpjl silos : and should ho taken
advantage of at once , as these bargains
are too great to last long. *
N. W. corner 10th and Douglas.
CoiMn ; ; thn CoiiipullU-i Mlli-li Mnliry.
Xiw YOKK , Nov. I' ' , ' . UaUavo iscluvub ,
agent ol Uio Xorthorn l crmun Lloyil Steam
ship coiupiiuy , bad u coiiforoaco with Secre
tary of tie ! Yreasnry l-'ostor niul Assistant
Sucrotarv SpaulilinK with n viaw to obtain
ing the rolcasu of the steamer duIHincil in
qunraatiiio below I.altituoro with 1'J'J stuor-
nco pii4sciiarj on bnarJ. IIova oiuloavor-
lntr lo iniluco the secretary anil his aislslant
to moilify tl.o qnnriiiulno rules , but falliul.
Mr. Schwab sniil his company was wlllini ;
to lurnUh housca anil inadi .il ntteiulnnco for
iho stcernii ] piison .iiM nt the port or do-
| ) .irturo , whioti wouid uvoij the ilangcr of
britiRiiiK choleni Here and save the company
much nioiiny.
.Soerctary l oatcr said the idea wa n good
ono. anil ho woulit confer with llio stircoou
eonaral. nnd If lie nsrecd. tlio plan would bo
adopted in place of thu present , twenty days'
datontion la the United States norts.
It Is suld that Iho twentv days' dototilion
of the UViniar has cosi the coniai.y ] fill , 000.
Steamers arc saU to bo rnducltur tiio stoor-
a o capacity nnd cnlnrjing the freight room
and Increasing tuc passage from f' ' ' to ? li.
U'lilppoil HIM SiMltioer ol Ills liuilit ( < 'r.
CHICAOO , 111. , Nov. 19. On the Kith of On-
tobor J. S. Foster , a New Haven , ( , ' 01111. ,
meat dualer , ribandonud bis wife nnd clopoa
from the city with his handsome uasbior ,
Miss Georgia Johnson. Today the younn
lady's ' falhor irriveil in this city In search of
Iho runaway cotiplo. Foster xvai in charge
of the meat , department of the Hoston store.
Whoa Mr. Johnsjii saw the man wuo lind
taken his dniishirr from lur lioma , nnd whom
ho had 'fiod to Kill ou sight , n violent
scuno occurtoa. Johnson spiMni ; upon Fos
ter , forced him to the Iloor and would uti-
doubteill.v havu m ulu uood his word had nut
the ofllcjrs Interfered. When the pirl was
confruniod by her fatlior she tlrst refused to
return and conlront tuo dlsgraco she had
brought upon tier homo , hut li-ially consented
to go tiacl : , and she and her father went cast
tonight. _
Ilnrrllilit iiUc iviry In u Well.
I'hir.Miui.rim , I'a , Nov. 19. A special to
the Press from Uochestor , Pa. , says that
about sU months ao a farmer named P. A.
Kennedy , who worked on the Sonnls farm ,
disappeared and was supposed to have been
murdered. Latuly soyeral people on the
farm were miido ill by drinking water from
a well. The well today was cleaned out nnd
at Iho bottom of .ha well tuo Uedy of Ken
nedy was found. The body wui FO badly
decomposed that It was only recognized by a
ring ou the linger.
Mii'rnian'K 'Miiiiiiiiiiint.
PitoviDBNci ; , K. I. . Nov. 111. The monument
ment to General Sherman , referred to by
Hov. Tliomai Sherman in Ills speech , has
been found at iho Chapman ( iranlto com
pany's works. The order was plaeod with
them last Dncomhur and the wnrlc contlnuo'l
smooUilv until the lockout of May , and when
the inon returned to work Soptombur 111 op
erations wcro resumed nnd worl : was com-
Dieted on Tuouluv last.
The fallowiiiK nuirrUijo llconsei wet'J is
sued by County Judrfu Hller yoatonV.iy :
Naiiii' an I nlilrusi. A' e.
HJnor.'O R , 1'OiiM-ln-i. Onrihn . " *
I Kllun w.iinoii , Onrih.i . "i
I MiirrlH.Iiiiistoii. ! Omnhri . 'M
I Nellie DoMurr- . , Omaha . M
I Anilniw.l. Ilirlleyt. Mlk < ; itv. Neb . 5i !
( li.IlCJUKlli , lillt L'lly. .Nel ) . . II !
I Hurt Itiiili , ( Ji.iaha . l > 0
I llari'lul Diidli-y. Umatui . W
) AndrJW Mcfiuiiv , South Oiiinliu . ' 1
I Clura liuller , Smith Cniiiha . ' . . ' )
J Josonli Va' South ( iinnha . ' . ' "
I Anna llil ! < u > i , Smith Oinana . ' 'I
j .John Ni'lin. f'onlh Onuilri . " . '
( Mary I'roUop. ' South Uinahit . , -I
Itnl iliu 1'uriiilts.
The following purmils wnro if sued by the
Bupnrlntundontof bulldlnsyouoruay :
Dr. Shoppnrd. one-story fiamo ciilla c.
Thlrty-llr-it un i ItudtlkUbtieots . J 1,050
Sown minor | r-'nult4 . i,1,1" ; . .
Hoth-ICden Ilapllsi ( Jhurch. Park nvenuo ,
near Leaveiuvorth Hiv. 1C. N. Harris , nas-
lor. J'roachlnif services ut I0ir. : a.m. nnd
TIU : ! u. in. Sunday school at \ : \t \ > | ) . m.
Seals nil Iron. Coma Jiul brlngyour frionds.
ffiittetn < il Av Ml' * or t M Hiul'.r Uiln He lit , njty
cent * ; tticli ailillltn nil H.itr.n c'/it" .
( UITTl"iMrs. ( . Oatliurlnii. 1120.1 . 'iJ yours. U
moniiiK anilI il.iys , D i Hiitnnlay niiirnliu.
Niivuinlirr in. l i . ut lln n'ulooK. I'linural
from liorliilu rusldi'iic'i1 , IHWJ Kinmet street ,
on MuiKlay linn iilir. ' . luM. Mury Muisilulliio
L-liurui. ut > ' i'coi-k. ! liilitrniMiit ( icrnnui
( -iiiiiulury. liulull ui and friends invitoil.
MKNUKI'UIIT August i. ( ! ' ! | IK ) yoara , 15
inonllis. - . ' . > ilnyH , at iiuiirt f.-iilurc. wifn ( if
l-'icil Mun.'uilolit I'lineril hcrvieim Mondiy.
hovtsiiiovr -r.'clivk. . from rnsldcn < . > i < , Kill
ivyuoritiuct liilorllni t'urcsl l.aivii uum-
O -KV I'i'U I I * -
- JjrHMMBW I . . . il
The only 1'ure Cream of Tiirtar 1'owder - No Ammonia , No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Underwriters lo Un'oad a line Block of , _
A Vrrltnhlo Itottnnrt lor Itlrli unit Veer ,
Alllto Vfnlt tor tlir < ) rp : t Tire Sulr ,
S'ovoiiilicr yilnl.
A trront llro Insiirain'ocyinpaniob' sale
of clothing nt prices which will bo naj
object to Iho sellers if iho goods are only I
sold outqutok , conrnamvs next \Voilnes j
day at 11 ! ) North Utth street.
The slock , mu : h of which Is onlyj
slightly tinged or damaged by walor , ]
consists of all that Ins bivm of thu host , ,
both as to quality and assortment , ami ]
it scorns n gro'it pity that a disaster
such as llro should have a tall Injured it , ]
Hut such are the facts.
The goods are there just the same mull
are to be sold will go al almost yourj
own prico.
H consists of clothing , men's furnishing - ]
ing goods , bools and shoos and such as
to suit everybody's taste.
At this sale wagon loads of goods can
bo bought for as muoli money as you can
put In your vest pocket.
Homombar , Wednesday , November
2 , ' ! . is the day sot for Ibis sale , com
mencing nt Oo'clock in iho morning anil
continuing daily until till llio llro cloth
ing is clossd out.
You will gain it g.-oil saving on Iho ;
cost of your win I or apparel by Imyiei
at this Rale.
Uoinombor the location ,
11 ! ) Nortn Ititli street.
Will .Milli-nil Anilotv. |
NKW YOHK , Nov. 19.Tho troubio between
Hnhou U'lKRor ol Nowarlc and Father Cor- of Hohokcn la virtually at an end , nndj
it it stated that F.ithcr CorrtRan will write ,
nnologl/.liiK for the annoyance published letters -
tors oC Father ( Jorrit-an may have caused j
him. The Ilobokon priest , will niioloilio j
throiiRh Bishop Wi fi-r to Archbishop Cor-
Until To-Day
It is admitted that more of
the flavoring principle of the
fruit is contained in , Dr.
Price's Delicious Flavoring
Extracts than any olhcr ex
tracts with whLh they have
been compared. IJcing so
entirely free from the bitter
and rank products of adulter
ation they have become the
most agreeable , valuable and
economical flavors known ;
steadily grown in popularity
until to-day ihcy are used by
every intelligent housewife
for truthfully reproducing the
flavor of the frtiil in creams ,
cakes , puddings , etc.
Come Tomorrow to
Great Sale
Trimmed Mats , former price ]
$ io , Si2 , $ i. | , $16 and $18
At $8.00.
Trimmed Mats , former price ,
$6.00 , $7.00 , sS.ooand $9.00
At $5.00.
Ths : sale is ahead of anything )
heretofore offered
As we are positively retiring.
Everythiiifj * in hair at cost.j
This is your only chance toj
secure first quality ha.r . for ]
so Httlc money.
Mrs. II il. Davicsj
111 South Fifteenth Street , Opp. I1. 0. '
I bog tocall Iho intention of the pub-1
lie to the above popular brand of purol
rye whlslty and respsotfully null a comj j
p'nrlBiin with any other brand of puruj
rye offered in this markot. ft m fan
superior lo anv other whUKy ami II
guarutiteo ils'iibsolulo oxcolleni'.o iiij
Mavor as well us Its purity andltswliolo-1
bomo oITects. Tbo public is InvitoU loj
call and ' , ry It. , ,
llonry Hiller , 010 N. 10th St. , famib
wlno and liquor houuo. lisraoud Uol l |