Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Eorno of the Things lint Vnrioui Cities ;
Have Accomplished In This Lino.
ol Which Milwnnhrr , Toronto ,
LlMclnnntl anil .MimifMinll | Am .Initly
A'rimil HIMV tlin Invrnlinent
Aliiy Itn Miulo tn I'.iy.
The manufacturers have undortauon to
glvo Omnhu im exposition buildiiiR Hint will
too centrally located nml will bo n credit to
the city. In vloiv of thU fact it may bo ot
ospocml interest at ilils tlmo U know what
ether cities hnvo clone In this htm and wliftt
mo they nro making of tholroxpojltlon build
ings. At the UmncGlliiaol ihomnnufnctur-
era It was ntntcd by n speultor that the St.
Louis exposition was the only 0110 that had
roatlv uceu ti succors. It wai further ques
tioned whether It would pay to nut up a
building for the purpose of holding exposi
tions. A careful Inquiry Into wtiat ha ? been
done In the other cltlos of the country may
throw some light on the subject and ut the
iama tlmo BUfjKoit , s ebonies that might bo
carried out In Omaha.
Toronto KipnOllmi ,
In Toronto , Out , , thoio In n largo ex-
poilllon building that wan built by
the nmniifnclJrcra. The monov wai raised
by stock RtibAcrlptlons In nboiitlhu snino way
nt It Is propo. cd to do in Otnahn. 'J'hu build-
Ins Is u two s'ory brlolt , very plain urchitee-
tuially. It ts about hJ.OX ) feet on tbo
ground. The eccoiul lloor is used for : i con
cert hall nnd has : i su.-mtic capacity of 4,01)0 )
nr C.OIX ) . The hull is rented for musical tos-
tivals , etc. , and It is in uau the greater part
of the i\ma. \ It is clnlmcd thnt the rontul
of tbls hull pays for the malntoimnco of
the building. Ttio ground lloor U used
foroxpoiltlon purposes uuvl the manufac
turers maintain a permanent exhibit. ' In nil-
illtlon to the exhibit of nmmifuctnrcd peed *
tlioy havn n line dlanlay of raini-rals. cereals ,
oto. , so that the exhibit partakes of the na-
tUbO of n iii'iscuui'itiid is of such iuturost that
the liall Is viallod by a great many people.
Slnndi : nro Icaxcd In the hall for the sain ot
such articles us cigars , perfumeries , toilet
articles , soaps , nnd all kinds of fancy cooJs ,
nnd considerable ! revenue it derived from
Ihlssourco. Thou they hnvo a grand annual
imposition or fair which has proven a great
aucress. The building baa bojn n paying in
riiifiiiiuiti'n MtiKir HUM.
One of thu finest exposition hulldt'igs in
the United Slates Is located In ( Jincinnntl.
This biuldini' , which Is known as the MUMO
hall , wiis pinclirally n gift to the cllv. Ken-
bon Springer guvo $175,000 and a very lareo
nddllionnl HUIH was raised liv popular sun-
Hcrlptlon. Itvns built nbout twolvu years
ngo nnd lias L'OLMI a gioal success not only
financially but In tbo way of fur
nishing entertainment ol an elevating
character for the people. i'ho-.o wlio
bivvo seen the building .speak of it
us a crand structure and u pteat crnanin-jt
to the citv. It Is practically two stones ,
though galleries take the place of the second
lloor in somu parus of the buildm , . It I ?
iliviilcd up into n machinery hail , n borticnl- hall ana : > music hull , the hitter with a
Boalini ; capacity of fi.OOO or more. There are
art rooms for the exhibition of works oT art
nnd the liner nnd more costly classes of
goods such as joxvclry , mu&icnl Instruments ,
oto , , thnt nro to bo scon during the annual
axhlbliioiis. Tlio innchlnary hall is used
( or the heavier exhibits that , nro moro on the
order of the recent manufacturers oxposi-
tlon hold In Oraatta. 'J'huro is also a college
of music that is connected with the cuter-
prise nnd they have n .smaller hnll lor concerts -
certs bv the .students nnd as a plucc in which
to practice
Some oiio has ujkcd what coutn ha done
with nn exposition building in Omaha a'.tdo
from using it anco a yoir : Icran oxpcsition.
Hero nro a few of the thlncs that tboy do in
Cincinnati besides holding frequent expositions -
positions they hnvo given two seasons of
oDorn tbnt worn iinincnsoly successful and
n season or two of theatrical plays in winch
the best nrllbts nf the country took part.
Tho.v also give every year what they lortn
Hcasons of Icctnros on popular subjects and
by noted speakers. Some oi tUissolocturus are
Intended to bo especially instructive nnd take
up as for oxnmnlo historical subjects. Two
or moro national political conventions have
boou hold in the building , nnd oilier convon-
lions without number. During the summer.
concerts or n high order nro given Sununy
nftcrnoons. As only 10 cents Is charged fo'r
admission they nrs attondca by gruat crowds.
The entertainments detailed thus far have
naturally lienn liekl In tht > iiiusic hall , but
machinery hall nnd horticultural hall are not
neglected. They are used for stork shows ,
nnd sales of blooded Block held there bring
liuyors from nil over the country. The tur-
nltui-o mon hnvo nmilu two very successful
exhibits of furniture. A clirysanthornum
hhow is now in progress thcro nnd is well
patYoniECil. Tlicso are only n few of
the intiny uses to which Cincinnati puts her
exposition bulldinc. As mostof these ovcnts
nro of regular nnnunl occurroncp , and many
nf thqm consume several weeks , the building
is uractlcully In constant use. Uf coursu
the Cincinnati building is far more olnboralu
than anything Omaha hopes to secure at the
present time , but thin may servo to show
what can bo clona in this direction. It U
said that tun people who give tlin untorinin-
inouts have mnUu tnousauds of dollars out of
Alllwnnkco has a largo building that Is
lined ( or ( txuoslilons. It covers tbo greater
portion of n bloclc nnd is of brick , two stories
in height. The building Is ( jullo uttractivo
In nunoaranno nnd was designed bv Architect
Mix , wlib diow thi plans for llio old lirand
Central hotel of Oimha , burned on thu .ule
no\v occupied by iho Puxtou. The center of
the builuing Is open from tua ground lloor to
the roof.wlihgallorlus surrounding it , There
Is n large fountain in the center of the bmld-
inir. The building bus uocn used for oxpo.
hitlons nnd largo gathering ! of nil Kinus ,
, I One winter It was turned into a roller skaV
ing rink and during two other seasons it wa <
flooncd for ice skating. A good iiiiinv con
rdrt.s have been held thcro and tun hulldltu
contains u largo nnd vorv linn organ , A per
inanont musuuui Is maintained. There is i
basumout under the building , n part of vvhlot
li lilted MP for fishery exhibits. Anothoi
Dart of the hasomont is used for oxliUiiliiu
the product of Milwaukee's browerics at . '
cents a glass. Tno building Is owned by i
sleek company nnd has been a fairly suceeti
ful ruti\rprUo \ .
.Mlllll"lllll. | ' Illllhlllli ; ,
Ono of tlio groiitost outorpriBOi undortakoi
tiv any city In the way of an oxnosIUoi
uultdlng is of Minneapolis. > TUo cit ;
saxo the building company the ground ol
tlm condlllon that an annual u\potltloii h
given for thirty yonrs. The location I
t'untral anu easily accosilbie from every mr
nf the city. Tim building is squuro nm
three storins in height , the two upper slorle
bulni ; represented by galleries. In th
renter of the ground lloor ttiorn U
pool or lauo nbout MxlOJ feet
Uuring tlio expositions the inanil
fnvturora of steam pumps nnd ol tier h.vd rat :
llu maehlni'ry connect with this lake. Th
uulullng was put up bv u stocK company , Hi
f. hares at which wi.-ro flu each. Tnu cnu r
the building was something UUo $ . > 5 < . > , iXX > . A
Jno cornuruf the uulliiinu' thuro is u big
tower from the top of which u viovv of th
hurrouudlng country for muuy miloi muy h
bad for 10 rents. An annual nutnm
exposition Is given lusilnir about to
weeks. Prior to Hie tlmo of noldin
the exposition Uio management enlU upo
ibo bualnoss inun ot the cl'y nnd rcrjuojl
tlKsni to subscribe for a certain nu inter c
tlcUetB nnd niio ton guaranty fund. The
the mitnagumGnl udvurtiMis that it lia sc
uuivd so iiiunv hundred thousanil dollars fc
ihe exposition and that thu Mim is suftlclot
10 insuru tlio success of the outciuriso. Tr
nlin , liowevor , ts 10 UKUO tbo rncolpus fro
tbo oxpotition pay all ox nouses , Ulid the
have never vet Been obliged In call upon tl
guaranty ( uud. Tbt-y du not nun , tiowove
vo mnlio auv inonoy out of the cutoipris
but to spend It all In an endeavor to ul\
ai gpoa an enloriainmcnt for tbo inotic
k-cclved us poislble , lor the prudit of tt
city It u said that the inromo Irom I hoc :
posillons has boon s icli thai the buildlt
could have easily hcen made to pay a ham
somu unm on tlio luve .liuent IMt hud bet
desired , but the stockholder ! ware biulne
\vio wuro moro in oicsktl In Imvlup t
that would I'rlus Into the cl
iclr customer * nod that would be of assist-
ice in securing trude. As HS example ot
nw they spend money to secure the presence
t poopio In tbo clty-ono year they erected
us pipes every few fool nlong the main
rcct of the cltv for n dls-
into of almost four miles nnd
wico ft wock had a xr.ind Illumination ,
h y glvo band concerts , employing nt great
xpcnfto the celebrated bands of the country ,
uch as thu Mexican band and the Seventh
locitncnt band of Now York. The rncont
atlonal republican convention wns t.cld In
tie building , nnd It has been used for a good
luny ether lartre gatherings.
ol 1'rlncn I'roposps tn 1'nt tlin City In 1'os-
Hrisloii nt Our ,
The market house question , that has been
lumbering during nil of thcso many months
, -hlcli have pissed , Is i\am being ngltatcd ,
nd thcro nro u number of men who nro
eady and willing to declare tint a public
narlcot in Oniuba is r. crvlng necosslty.
Last spring Jerry Llnahnn proposed to
ho city counoll thnt If the city would ox-
nipt the property from taxation for n term
I years that ho would erect n market house
nd operate It in nccordnncn with the terms
if any ordtuanco that the city might PASS.
\n ordinance looking to this end was intro-
luccd nnd rntorrud , but that was llio end of
ho matter and the ordinance ni'Ver saw the
Ightof day.
Now the market bouso schumo li being
jorn again nnd t tie re. is n bare poilbilitv
.hat It may bo falhorcd by Councilman Sol
L'rlrco of the Third ward. Mr. 1'rlnco un-
lesilotliiKlx declares that , among the man ;
Lhlngs that Omaha needs ono Is n market
liouso where people may go and purchase
Llieir fruits , vugdtabls , moats nnd country
liroducu nt icasonnblu llguros. At the same
.iiiio ho unhesitatingly dojlarrs that Om.iha
: un have such a nnrlcot house if tie ! pcnplo
ivill gut n move upon tliomselves nnd work
In tlin right direction , nnd to that end. Ho
cites the fact that the hucksters have been
driven from pillar to post until the
llmo has nrrived when these dealers
hardly have a place whuro thov can
stop long enough to uttompt to donnv busi
ness. Ono year nco they were located on
Howard , botwcon Tenth and Eleventh
streets. Somebody wanted them out of that
location , nnd thov xvoro picked un nnd trans
ferred to the lower end of Farnam street ,
but they xvoro there but u loxv weeks buforo
they were again compelled to move , tnls
lime to the east cud ot Capitol avonuo.
When they got there they thought tbnt they
xvorn settled for the winter , at least , but In
this tnov were mistaken , for onoo moro tboy
wcro hoisted out of their location nnd
dropped doxvn on Hoxvard street , but now
long they xvlll stay no man will venture nn
Tno Idon that Mr. Prince has is for the
city to go nheau and build the market homo
nnd ronl out stalls. IIo thinks I hut the city
should vnunto thnt portion ot Capitol iivonuo
lying botwaon Ninth and lOirvonth streets ,
nnd then by purcbaso or otherxviso secure
possccsion or nt least forty feet of ground on
each Bide. This xvoulu glvo ft space o
ground abou lWO feet long mid 'JJO feet xviuo ,
On tliN ho would build n brick building
something like otehty feet in width nun tlOJ
feet in length , llo xvouU have it txvo stories
lileh , using the upper storv for a public hal'
and tlio lower story for stalK nnd booth :
from which all nurkot house ijoods-couia bi
sold.Such n building , Mr. Pnnco estimates
could bo erected , fixced xvith pressed brick
and finished in n highly ornamental style lo
not to nxrocii SJJO.OOl ) , xvnloh xvould prove a
prollttiblo investment for the city. To rais
the funds ho would issue oltv bonds am :
pay them by the rontnl of the bulldlnir. The
rentals , ho llguros , xvould pay for the bulld-
inc in from ton to fifteen year * .
Mr. consider * the market house
franchise ton valuable to give axvny , nnd ut
the same time maintains that it H something
that should be entirely within the control ot
the city government.
C' . C. Sliuitry Oiiulillm anil T.ilci-4 the 1'lace
Orrupliul liy .Miijnr 1'iiililork.
There U a new man doing business ns n
member of the Board of County Co minis-
sioncra and his uamu is C. C. Stanley. Ho
had n'jaliHetl nnd was on hand nt tbo meet
ing held yesterday afternoon.
After the roll had boon called. Chairman
lierlin announced that Mr. Stanley xvould
serve ou tlio committees xvhich xvoro the
property of Mr. Paddock. This gave Mr.
Stanley the chairmanship of llnuncoaml con
struction nnd made Him u member of roads ,
court house and charity.
Three of the clerks in the ofllco ot the
county treasurer put 111 u claim for over timo.
Ocorgo Anthos baa mi hours , G. ( ! . iroy iliJ
and Charles K. Millor'J'JJ nours. All of this
vor time had accumulated since last Marcn.
L'hu claim and the request went to the Illus.
ly ! resolution it was decided to vacate that
jortlon of Leavenxvorth atreet extending
hroiuh Klmxvood park , nnd tno clerk was
islruclud to notify Uio city council of tbo
The bonds ol the noxvly elected county
ftlciali xx-oro ptosuntud und rolorred to the
lommlttco on judiciary , to bo reported upon
t the next meeting of the board.
Tun county nKout xvns instructed to employ
, soauistiess nt the county hospital for the
iorlod of six weeks , ut a salary of $ " > per
, vcok.
The county clerk wns instructed to notify
he road supervisors to discontinue xvork
upon the highways of the county until next
The county treasurer wiu nuthorl'/od to
employ n ctieclc clerk und a tux clerk at a
salary of ? 75 per month each nnd n tax cortlll-
cato clerk at n salary of $ JO per month.
Thnso men xvlll wont during the next txvo
months , or until thu rush Is over.
Saturday , Ducombur 17 wns the day fixed
for the Kast Omaha people to apu.iar and
how eatiso why the pcriouttl proparty
.lint IH located upon the luudn iiffuctcd by
ho recent decision of tlio United Slates
courts should not bo ontcrod fnr taxation on
, lie boous of Douglas uouuty for tbo year
ISO. ! . Tlio sumo order oxtmds to somoof the
nsurancu cninpunics tliut oionpod the notice
ot the nssessors when ' .hoy were inakiuu
their rounds last spring.
It was decided to extend Woolxvnrth
nvonuo nnd Hickory street from Thirty-sou ,
end to Thirty-sixth and tmesa damages to
tbo abutting proparty.
The usual petition , asking thnt Thirteenth
stieet , from Missouri uvnnuo to the Sarpj
county line , bo graded , win presented uud
j''oiniKi > .1 Auir tiuvunv.
Anollinr Indiintrlul OruiuiUiilInn Liuutulu-i
ut .ilfinplils , Tumi.
Mr.Mi-uis , Tonu.Nuv. 10. An organlzatloi
styled "Tho Industrial Lfglon of llio Unitei
St.aos" has been formed hero today by prom
liiont leaders of iho people's ' party , xvlio an
also prominent In the furmors alliance , th
object of winch Is to carry out politically th
measures ciubodioj in the dccluration o
principles of the Omaha platform ol the pco
plo's party , tocother xvitn free speech , n fre
ballot and a fair count.
The legion U composed o
tbrco classoa , thu IIMl to consist of mal
momborh ever -1 yoaxt ot ago voters to b
Unoxvn us , llio senior 'class ; the second wll
ba tno Junior class , which wilt consist a
mala mombets under -'I nntl ever 11 years n
ago , who shall bo educated and trained i
bocoini ) voters of the people's party ; an
llio third class will bt > knoxvn us th
Woman's Aid corps , which U Intended u
auxiliary to llio senior legion. The lugio
is moileloii much attar tbo 15rand Armj
uml partakes of n secret organisation cliui
ueter , xvhtlo the muollng may bo.secrete
open ut the option ot ibo inembura ,
The founders ot tho. legion uro proinluun
loaders ot tbo teveti great Imlditrlal organ
/.Uions composing tlio people's party , ti
gother with tbo loroniost pooplu's part
mutuuers. Among the charter members nr
HOP. A. K , Tuubeuock of Illinois , chalrmn
or thaoxccutlra cummltico of tbo peoplo'
party ; ( Jcorgo \Vashburn . , chairman c
thn oasteni division uf the peoulo's part ;
Iloslon , Muss. ; Congrojsuiau L ) . Otis ot Kill
§ aa ; .IS. Ulllotu , former national organize
and trcasurorof tbo farmers alliance ; Pros
donl H. L. . Loucks of South Dakota , ot tl :
farmers alliance ; U. T , Taylor of Tunnessoi
secretary of tua fanners alliance ; J. II
Turner , Marion Duller , vlco urojidont of it
fanners ullianco of North Carolina ; \ \ , I
Martin of St. Louis , secrolury of tlio H
lorm I'ross association ; S. McClellai
Topeka. Kim. , president of the U
form Pros * association ana editor of tl
opokft Advocate ; Hon. FmnK Hurkltt of
Usslsslppl , Hon. P. Feathorstono of Ar-
unsfts , Alonzo Wardoll , superlntcndoni of
10 nld dcgroo of the 'nrmurs alliance' I. K.
loan uf North Carolina , strxto onjnnlzor of
t\o \ stntu farmers alliance ; Pnul II. Vnnder-
oort of Nebraska , px-commandor In ohlotof
lie Oratul Army of the Republic.
The organization of the Industrial Legion
f Iho United Stiles uas pprfoctcd by the
loctlon of tlio folloxving ofllccrs : Paul
'nndorvoort , coinmander-ln-chlof ; Hon.
'rank Hurkltt of Mississippi , vlco com-
inndcr-in-chlof ; J. H. Turner , adjutant
onernl ; ,1 , \Vajhbiirn of Mnssachusotts ,
uiirtormnrtcr general : Con ressm n T. K.
Vntson , rcciuillug ofllcer ; .f. S.
Vlllolls , Ktinsns , national rccrultlnc oftlecr
f the xvestorn division ; W S. Morgan ,
ational sentinel. Executive council Hon.
1. K Tntibeneck , Illinois ; Hon. Marlon
J.tnno.i , congrcssinnn-olcct from California ;
Ion. Marion Uutler , Hon. .1.11. Davis of
Poxns. I. U. lL-xn ; nf Noxv York , J. S.
iVIllotts of Kansas. Theo tojothor with
ho four blchoit olllccrs will constitute the
Of thooniceM ot the Woman's Aid corps
wo word nlocieil ns provisional nflloors to
irgnnizj that dun irlmont , being Mrs. Aiiiui
. . lIgi < s of Washliiuion , D. C. , nnd Mrs.
tlnrion ToJdot Michigan ,
Mr. Taubsiieck s'lid In an interview nttcr
ho orxantratlon ot the loatjuo that the work
if orgauiziug would bo promptly begun , nnd
nsido of tnlrty davs they xvould bu o tab-
Uhod in every sln'.o in t'.io union , nnd by
icxt year tUn time xvould have 1,11 ) UOiJ )
Vltl IVIII.'JIl ' .S TICl.U. .
U'stnrilij's Tostlinnny In the liinutistond
Slnrdi-r I'HHi'H.
Pirraiiuno , Pa. , Nov. Ill \t 0.1J : o'clock
.bis morning the Crltchloxv case xvns re-
itimed. Captain Cooper wns recalled fo
: ross-cxnmination nnd said ho bad been u
Plnkorlon o Ulcer since 1SS" .
"Vou nro under Indictment for riot and
"Vcssir. "
"Why did not you surrender ! "
This xvas objected to and the objection sus
"How many times were the birgns struci
by missiles from the cannon ? "
"Six or olgnt times. "
"When xvas Connor sholl"
"About It UIO in the morning. "
' \ Vhorovai ho when ho xvas shot ! "
"Ho was Inside tbo boat , near t'\o door on
the outsldo barge. After tbo surrender he
wns curried to llio Munlull station. It xvns
eight hours buforo bo rocelvod nt
tontion , except that his arm was lied up b.v
n medical student xvbo was with us. After
the shooting comtnoncod from tha bank I or
dered our men to tire and txvo volleys xvcro
Ilred , I ihon told them to bit tno man who
lircd if thnv could. Tnoro had not been a
shot fired from ths barges until the man on
the bank lircu , and the croxvd folloxved
Txvo men besides Captain Ilinds xvoro she
bufore- shot xvas Ilred from the barges am
before any orders xvoro given the men ou th
barge to shoot. "
Captain Hurt , oflho Ctilcago contingent o
Pmltcrtons. was called. His slory of th
battle did not ditTor materially from Cooper's
llo said xvhon llio plume xvns thrown out th
croxvcl vullnd "D n vou ; don't you cotno out
on shore , vou black sheep , or you will tit
killed. " No shots xvoro iirad , ho said , until
four of their men bad been shot. Captnii :
llurt xvas slill ou iho stand when court ud >
journcd for dinner.
At the aftoruoon session the Jurv bandoi
. [ tidtro Ivennody a pulitlon. Asking thnt tin
metnoers bo allowed to attund church tomnr-
roxv. The court denied the potillon nnd sug
[ jested they inicht not got back.
The cross-examination ofV. . H. Hurt wa ;
then begun , llo catno to Pittsburg Tues
day of this weak.
fou nro under indictment for riot am
-YDS , sir. "
"You mot the N < ! xv York nnd Phlladclphl :
delegations ut Voungstoxvnl'
"Yes , sir. "
"You xvero in charge of the Chicago dele
gallon when you reached Homcjlead ! "
"Yes. sir. "
"Hoxv manyxvcro there from Chlcagol"
"Ono hundred nnd twenty-four. "
The \vitncss then detailed his trip fron
Chicago nnd told again tno well knoxvn fact
of tbo light of Jnly tt.
Peter J. Connors , another Pitikorton , nm
Captain W. U. Uogurs of the Little Hill
wnlch toxvod tbo barpcs to Homestead
corroborated the othur witnesses. Otho
witnesses v/cro examined , but nothing nox
olicltod. At this point court toolc a recos
until 7 o'clock.
At the evening session several witnosso
tosllHod that on the day of the riot iboy sav
Crilchloxv going toxvard Munhall sinlioi
with a gun.
Charles Hoes , a nexvspaper artist , said b
saxv Critchloxv on the afternoon of the roi
bout Hfty feet from the river. IIo bad
un.Uoon crose-oxamination Koes stated the
io liau met several reporters and an nttornu
.t iho Hotel Anderson several weeks ago.
Objections xvoro made nnd Mr. lironnn
aid ho proposed io show there hud been
: ieotlng bolxveon xvltnoss nml others an
hey bad tried iho case among them. Objei
Ion overruled.
Samuel .1. Stoix'art , u clerk In the omplo
t Carnegie , was the last witness. He en
.toil a Honsaiioti by siatincr that on the nflu
loon of July (1 ( be saxv Critchlow behind ill
larrlcnde with n guu. Ho xvas sbootin
.award the open door on the bargo.
Court then adjourned until Monday.
Tolvgraph mill Cniiimiilo | < t Snlfi
IriMii tlin l.utti Kttirni.
Cnioxoo , III. , Nov. 19. Information gatl
red today shows Unit Uio telegraph system
demoralized throughout tbo Mississippi va
oy from St. Paul to St. Louis. Along tl
iVnbnsb lines in Missouri there uro over 1
nilns of polo * of the system down. Fro
iVpploUivor Junction In this stnlo nlong tl
illlnols Contra ! txvonty-ti vo miloa of pol
iavo boon taken from their upright posltio
itnllroad people say Iho storm xvas 01
of Iho most peculiar , asvc
ns Uio most destructive they ever liuti to co
tend xvilh. It appeared io conio up ibo Ml
sisslnpl river valfoy from ousiorn Arkuns
lo a point directly over the spot xvliero lox
Joins lllinoK and Wisconsin. There the wit
seemed to gather ronoxved ftrco nnd xvc
xvhlrllng nbo'it in a circle 100 miles in diain
ler. Tno wind xvas accompanied by rai
xvhich , when the atmosphere grew coldi
turned to sleet and inon to enoxv.
Tim Chicago , Mllxvaukco & St. Paul ra !
road xvas a heavy sufferer. About itOO of I
telegraph pales between Savannah aud La
arlt , and also on tbo La Crosse division , t
tv/pcn Portngo nnd Leesvillo , also bulxvo
Savannah and Marion and boixveen St. Pu
and Mndison , wcro torn doxvn by thu xvulg
caused by the sleet collOvting on nnd frci
ing to Iho wires , ( ircat Iclclns txvo foot Io
nnd as largo us a man's arm clung to t
polo arms nnd their fastenings.
In loxvn nnd central vA'Uconsin , xvost
Collar K'ipld.s and norih of Haraboo , t
wires ofibo Chicago & Norlhxvo
orn road xvoro on ibo grour
Ou the Chicago , Burlington & ( julni
botxvcen ( Jaloibnrg and Ilnrlington , t
miles ot poles were prostrated und as mu
moro bntxvuun Ottuiuxva nnd Crcston , 'i
xv ires of the Hock Island road botwc
Uavon port and West Liberty , on the mi
line , nnd between Davenport and Kldon ,
tno ICansas Citv division , were destroy
The Chicago & Great Western was sorlou
cyipplod in thu vicinity ot Dubuiiuo and
Bema uistnnco norm , nnd the Chicago , IH :
liigton ic Northern xvas uuocUed out of
tolegrapblu service all along iho Mlislssip
xvlioro hundreds of pangs of men uro at xv <
repairing tbo xvires throughout the r
storm stricken region.
Tiltlnu intiit : TroiililiSi'ltlud. .
New Yonic , Nov. ID. It Is reported tl
the trustees ot tbo estate ot Samuel
Tilden have rnachod a suilstactory sot
mont with the relatives of the dooaatoa i
tbnt they possess sufficient funds tor
erection and malnlaiuonca of the Till
library proposed In Mr. Tildon's will.
Short In III * Arcuiinli ,
Dnsveii , Colo. , Nov. 10. E. O , Iloti
ex.socrotury ot the Anaconda Mining c
pauy end the present treasurer of tno Si
dard Uold oouipaay , lias boon found si
la his uccouuU lo iho amount of $9,00' ) ,
Is missing uud Is thought to be iu south
California or Mexico.
T > hnt is Being Pone tot 1'leoso the Play-
Loving public.
Crlliel nn nf tlin l.ondnn I'rrn on III * Urn-
( lltlon of Ihc Clmr fltdr An Aincrl *
c.itiCilrl tlio rimi iu wllli llo }
nlly Ntiti'i nftil < limlp.
Losnov , Nov. lO.-Tho Knellsh nows-
capers , as u rule , uro not Riven to unstinted
praise of plain nctor.s , but in iho case ot Mr.
llonry Irvine the rule has bJen ovoilooked
and nothing lee good can bo said of his par-
fornmnco. This laudation of the great Kng-
llsh nclor has aroiuod tt corlnin dogrco of
The Daily Noivs 1ms published n letter
signed "Twonty-tivo Years a First-
NiBhUT , " in which the writer declares
that Iho indiscriminate praUo lavished
upon Mr. Henry Irvine's "Kins Lear" H
calculated to do liBrm to the host interest * of
the stngo. llo acknowledges Hint Mr. Irving
has done n grout servlco to iho drama , llo
says : " 1 understand thorn to sny thnt there
was not a single person nt the IjVcoum on
the night of thu production of "King hear"
who was not pained nml distressed by Mr. IrV-
Ing's unnccountable Itlclts of onuncialion nnd
Ins restless actions and the movements nnd
postures wcro significant. These faults hnvo
steadily grown upon him. For this I hope
that too Indulgent crlilcs nro in n great uu-
greo responsible. "
Sltico nils lellor appeared It has boon explained -
plainod that Mr. Irvine , while rehearsing
thu nlay , ropresonlcd King Lear sis being
nbout 40 years old. .lust before Iho first
public performance | io dimmed his mind ,
nnd made up for Iho character as n loitering ,
scnllo , olu man , with fcoblo ulloranco IIo
has now rovorlod to his llrst conception of
the part.
Will Tnlco Up "Iturkat. "
Mr. Irvine does not Inland thnt "King
Lear" shall nave n long run. Early lu the
spring ho will prepare to present Lord
Tennyson's "Uockot. " and should "ICItiR
Loar" slill bo going slronir , ho will nltornalo
the performances , so AS lo avoid nnd shift
Iho strain of the nrduius roles nflcr
numerous postponements.
"Mtimio Kosutlo" wns played at the Glebe
theater on Thursday. The plot is irlto nnd
conventional , but the music Is tuneful.
What success Ihe work may llml is mainly
duo lo Us slrong oivsio nnd tiislofiil mount
ing. Miss Isevillu has n small voice , but
uses it skilfully. Josie Uoutl , Eugene Eudiu
and Frank Wvatt have the othur chief role * .
The co-opjralivo system n on the eve of
trial in the uramaiic world. William llur-
bert , York Slophenw , Mory Koynlck anil live
olhers uro forming a company , the members
of which will share llio profit nnd
loss ciiually. The company will glvn per
formances In the suburb4-ivllhont a manager
or other nnadlotnoii , nnd t'ney ' hope by this
means to add to tie ) , l > v'otlt side of lliu no-
count , The outcome of the venture is
watched with conilderabtb curiosity.
When ik-eruohm Tree , rnlurns to the Hay-
marltot thoalor after Mrs.'Ljnglrys season ,
which extends to iho middle of'December ,
ho will conlinuo Ihu fyoilcy of varying the
Ually ropoiilion of iho' same picco by the
production of old favorites on special nights ,
and will introduce atvinil iniporlnut now
plays , in addition io "Ijypadn. " at all mat
inees. These will lnclutlo , Oscar Wllclu's
now dratnii of modern life , "Absence , "
"liiiomv of Iho People , " ' nnd Slovenson &
Henley's version of "IJobert Mncairo. " Mr.
Triin has also minoiliuSfct ) hi * inlculion lo
the Jewish "Urlol , "
produce Jewishofay Acq-ila
which ho bab comimssioliea Mr. Z.mwill to
adapt. , . , '
It Wiw Not nf"j'Fup.coss.
Tno Opera > Oomlqttc whcro--tho farclal
comedy "You Musn.'i 'Lnugh" was being
plnycd , has .sudnenly closed. Financial
collapse was the causo.
The Independent Theater society is going
to nnswer iho reproach that ) it is the only
pitroniznr of Ino foreign ploys by nroduc-
inc on December "M a ulav by George
Leonard , a corillumin equally well kno\vn as
an advocate ol socialism , musical critic and
liinrnry man. The play is called "Widow's '
Houso. " The lost purfonnanco is lo consist
of "Hoalln Kosort , " by Mr. H. M. Paul ,
nuibor of "Toe Death of Count Godfrey , "
nnd the tuiril play , slill nameless , or else
"Lcaguo of Youth , " Is io no per
formed inslead ot three short plnys.
On the tlilru Friday in February George
Mooro's play , "Tho Strike of Arlfngford1
which was nearly accepted by Uaorbotim
Tiee , will bo presonled bv iho Indoponuonls.
This pi ay deals with socialism unil iho labor
movement and nresonts n realistic picture of
a strike in thu mining districts. It is not ,
however , "a plavr which Mr. Moore is wril-
ing. "
Arthur Pmcro's now comedy , called ' 'An
American heiress , " will bo produced at the
Vamlcvillo when "Our Coys" is lini&hod.
Mr. I ) win James , who has been playing Iho
part of 1'orityn Mtdulowlek In "Our Boys , "
will tntco n permanent part in tlio now play.
Miis Stella Dyer , the violinist , daughter of
the Chicago nrllsl , Gilford Dyer , is iho guosl
ot Sir Honrv and Lady Laynnl In Venice.
Miss Dyer has been presonled to the Kmpidsb
Frederick , who highly complimented tier
ability. j
TIM : .
Tlio Ailvnnco nt Points of Supply I'orrr
I'rlrc * Up llorr.
The heavy ndvunco in oysters nt lialti-
moro owing to the largo Thanksgiving trade
bus caused an advance hero of &c , prices
being ( juotcd at lllo to'"i3 ! per can. Omahn
is still below other cities , oyslers beinn
ijuotud In ICuuias City 80 higher than In ihla
city , and olber clllcs in Ihe same
pioportion. Branch , t ( Jo. , nualubt ulion :
the light was waged , report the local
advance nu not necessarily indicating
Iho ending of iho oyslor war. but ns a IICCCH
san rosnll of thu advance al the points o
supplv , nnd thai llioy lirmly oppo u t
further adyanco. The present truce wouk
suom lo be iho result of oxluinstlon on.Uu
part of tno flutitm'a nnd the war may bn ro
nowcd when they pot their Bccond wind
, Present prices nro said lo only cover Iho cos
. of ino oystori und iho Un ihrown nroum
: * ihciu , nnd possibly u portion of the watc
1 lax. The oyslor war has not been wiihou
Its advnnluges puoplq who nlwnya rocarde <
oyblers as lee much o * n luxury for then
have learned tu usa ihoiri freely.
James Wnltcomh UiloJ-j iho Hoosier pool
who has embalmed the jUuot ] ; sciitimcnt , th
moving pathos and ihe nile humor of th
common people in enduring verso , faced un
other Omahn audicnco tf&t evening , but without
second tb..rilvldu iho
out n auuvuu celebrity VVf/14 * < * uu tun iiuiiui o
Ho prQsonlod ono of ) JR familiar series o
10readings , which was Inftrsporsou willi inn
. meal numbnri dellgiujpllv rendered by in
rhllouioia ( ] ti irtet. ' ' *
' Mr. Hiloy offered sorao of tt.o pieces xvluc
r'Oh : have been fuvorilcs in o > t seasons , to xvnlc
ho added several Ihat , xvel'o pcxv , nt least I
10Ml Omaha. Tno reader ii'JO'ed Ills nuditoi
111 xvilh the ease and cburu ) of xvhich bu uu
111d. such masterly comtnaiiJjj'acd iho lurgo con
d. pjny , lillinr Young Mcl/'s / ' Christian Asiocli
d.iy lion hull , respaudod W'ltli domonsirailou
or most hearty nnd slnciru , ibough much <
ibis admiration no douothvas a tribute to 111
118 personality of ono xvhoi1)us ) endeared lilmsu
lo the masses ,
fit ut linu.llsiiluiR the
III. , Nov. I'J. Tbo invosugatlc
of the Plnkortorj system by Senators Peffi
and Ualliugor was resumed lot'ay.V ' \ , I
at Hand , the coal mlno owner , was tbo IIr
J. witness , Mr. Hand doclarad ihat ho wi
le opnosou lo forced urburolion HS leading '
lend communism and niurctiv. Conclllullon at
voluntary arbitration wcro his remuulcs.
KOKHoil Miller , prosldenl of llio ( Jhicng
ones Mllwaulioo ( V Hi. Paul road , said ho et
ployed Piniieiion mtin during a strlko for
short lime , but discharged itiom as expo
sivo and fulllo.
es , Socialist T , J , Morgan of Chicago made
m- general Gtalotnont uoncennni ; the cmplo
inunt ot doloclives by corporations.
[ Jo Thrown Out iif Court.
Ir.\vin , Colo. , Nov. 10.-A suit , whu
ban allraoltid wldo allcallou umong the PC
Farnam St. Theater.POPPS -
November 20th , 2Ist , 22d and 23d.
Mntincc Today and Wcdnosdnv.
'ihe World's Lcaiim * Dialect ,
Supported by \ Sslect Compunv of Plnyors , In
cluding the Funniest of nil Irish Comoctlnns.
The Gorman Nightingale ,
Tho. Cute end Clover Child Artiste ,
New Songs ! New Donees ! New Duets !
You mint hush ; it's n matter of co.npnlslon , not Inclination ,
says thg New York Ilur.iU ,
You Btntlo , you laugh , you roir , from Hie rlso to the fall of
of the curtain.
Tie best of nil American comedians that hnvo nnt-oireit in
. *
London.- i oiidoti Keloreo
FARNAM ST , THEATER | | Popular Prices
linflltn November ) Holliday Matinee ,
S lglllo 24th , 25th , 26thjTjianksgivmg Day
Anderson's Unique Company in
plo owning and conducting ntnusomcnts ,
\VBS llunlly thrown out of court in this city
today. About two vcars IIKO the Slne'o Tax
ussoclation lonsod llio Tabor opera house for
ouo ovoniuEr , nl whlcn time Henry ( jeer o
delii-orod nn address , The treasurer of
tbo local orpanl/.utlou is n black nmn , and
nftor ho huu taken his suat ho was forcibly
ojcctca from tlin house by thonsners. l''or
this ho brought suit for SIU.OOU dmnnKos.
The court today hold that the ushers were
In Ihueranloy of the people who loused the
house ana not the owner of the thoaler. An
appeal lo the suoronio court will bo taken ,
Wlltl , ItK A AOT.iltljK Kl'KXT.
Clurolunil'H Iteocptlon itt tlio Mnnlmttnn
Chili rroiulHcK to llo Itrllllunt.
NEW VOIIK , Nov. 19.Tho rccopllon of
Prosidont-Elcct Cleveland tonisht at the
Monhatlnn club will bo a notable affair. The
club house will ba dooonted with
llowers , the national colors , draper
ies ot Hags and banners that were
used or the different associations
in the democratic business men's parade.
The general rccoplion is lo tnlto plnci in the
front , parlor nt 10 o'clock. Stiuper will bo
served in Iho billiard room and the p.istel
portrait , of Cleveland anil un oil uaintitiR of
Andrew Jackson will be placed lORulhcr in a
conspicuous ulucu in Iho reception room.
The ordinary visitors list 1m * been entirely
suspended. "All the democratic governor !
uud uetnocratlc governors-elect of all
ttiu status of tno union have been invilcd
and H Is iinnounced that most of luom will oe
present. Oltinr invited KUCSIS uio Arthur
1 * . liorman , Calvin S. Hrlcc , Ohlot .lustioo
Fuller , \V. P. Hnrrity. Admiral Wulnor.
Honrv Vlllord , General Schollold , ( Jeorira
W. Childs , Anthony .1. DIMXO ! , tioneral O.
O. Hownrd , Oardlniil Giiibuns , Archbishop
and Bishop I'ottor.
Ki'Hiill III .HIclilK. n.
Dr.Tiioir , Mich. , Nov. V.I. Tlio ropunlican
candidates Jor pupromo justice , uttornoy
general and land coinnnsjionur may no du-
fealod. The olllulal returns from all but
ol 'lii cotintios id the Kioto show thnt Hoolccr
hatil.llll plurality , Dioiiinn ' . ' , 'JJl anil Hurry
ij.-lltr. From unolllclal liuuros Kilts now
stnnds n uooo sho'.v of wiplns out Uiokma'a
plurality . "Unit ShotTor has liillo possibility
of bQatinR Berry , while Hoover Is pretty
stiro of downiiiK his opponent. Several of
Iho mlsslDK counties nro heavily democrallc.
rloso Voting In fullliirnliii
Svx FIHNI isi'O , Cal. , Nov. lit. Complete
olllclal returns from the Third congressional
diHlnct plvo Hiilbora , republican , 111 , 10i : ;
lunclish , domociat , KI.UIS ; Hillborn's plur
ality , twenty-five. H is cluimod , however ,
thnt a recount nf Allamont precinct , Alamcdn
couniy , in whlib Iho vole for congressman
Is n reversal of Hint cast for ether candldales ,
would show changes suftlolont to elect
ICngllsh bv about Iho sainu pluiullly as now
unuouurcd for Illllborn ,
( Sour Fui'iM'tMM , liiili > Jr < iiiiiin ,
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Nov. 19. ( Special
Telegram lo Tin : Hue.I Kx-Conuroisiuan
ijear of ihn First Iowa district U io succeed
Cjovernor-Kloot Crounso ot Nebraska ns
assistant secretary o ! Iho treasury. Gov
ernor Gear Is n uongrosviian-ulcci , ana a
man of rare executive , ability.
Will ( ! oiil < ! t till * iirc.tlon ; ,
ST. I-oui3 , Mo. , Nov. ID , Cougrnssmnn
John J. O'Neill has announced ihut ho will
contest the election In the nievtmih Missouri
dlslrict ot ClmrloH F. Joy , republican , by an
apparent plurality of hixty-six voles , alleg
ing gross frauds.
\ Vnnliill.U ( .Minify ,
. Ga , , Nov. IU. An itnporiitnt bill
has been introduced in the loi'Ulaluro to
allow Iho slate Innki to lasua bills , bused on
Bluto or municipal bonds ns security.
niuiln u Good Iliinl ,
SBDAI.IA , Mo. , Nov. -Burglars entered
tbo general btoro of William Homnn at Ollor-
vlllo" Mo. , blow up the tiafu nnd slo'.o ' n largo
amount of money. Tnuro U no bank al
Oilervlllo nnd llomun's safe was used us t
sun of safety deposit vault by the fanner ; . .
It is said that Uio roboor * tccurod ovci
Hank MrmnuijiT Arriistcd
HOSTON , Mass. , Nov. 10 , William Scan
Ion , at'od 10 , for UTO years a moiicn or foi
- , lllfuliiton & ( Jo. , banlicr > , U undoi
urrost chaivcd with stealing fUUOJ In sugar
certllicaics from iho firm.
BOYD'S New Theatre ,
3 Nights ,
Tliauksoivin ?
0 O
2 Matinees ,
Saturday Thorsday-No,24
, - ? ,
Annual Engagement , of the Emlnout
Tragedian ,
And hlsoxcollant company of players in the
lol.owinu iol ci repertoire.
Thankgirin % Jlfalincc ,
'merchant ' of Venice' '
Thursday NigJtl ,
Friday and Saturday
A Qrnml Spretaculir Producllon 01
" ' '
"Bicliard III ,
Saturday Matinee.
"Ricliei8u ! , "
The sale of seals \vill opnn , it 0 o'floo !
Wednesday morning atjlhu followlne Price-
Parquet $ J 61
l'1-ht 6 Hows. Circle . . 1 Oi
Last C ROWJ Circle . . 1 Ol
1 t owsHaloony . 1 0
" Hews Ualcouy 7
General AdmUsion , Kirt Tloor. 7
General Admission , linlcony . . . 6
Mutinoe Prices. . $1.00 , 7/io. / 00
BOYD'S a :
Three Nights und Woiinos lay Mullnoo.
MONDAY , NOV. 21st.
Clark and Cox's Superb Spectacular
iJndurthoaiijpicosnfthci Asiucmlcil I'll ultli
160 People I i ih CJaat - - IBO
Mainly Drill at llio Naiads , ( 'liarinlir D'uii
of tlio llnilrrlllca. IntH > > ute Iliiulo'j Hca
Diinuf , ( lay Uun.'H of thu filt"ilusi < .
bui'iitiitji'fNiuv. : ' : IM.DJANT n viT.\n
Onasto , Hlat rlonl , Mnifnlfloont.
Heats on sulo nt l.ox olllci1. I i > uiil pilcei.
FIRS ! M E. CHURCH TWI.NTini'll in
, . DA l.M'OKT.
Alunduy Niiriu , Nov. : UI.
nv -
Mr. Thomas J. Kelley
Aloibted by
MrK Murlin Ualin. Minriiiiiij Ml < Onrr
Miiii > 't ' > I'linnocU. f ojir.nioj Mr laiolun II.
L'oiifluiid , lluiltnnn ; Mr , Hurl I ! nt lor.
Violin ; Mr , J. U llullur , 1'latio.
AdaiU > lon . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . 0
Lnafc Porfirmnnoo oftho
nii.l . limir , lvp IVi.liietmn of thPdrcal
nl .Mi < U > lirninfttio fmv ( > ,
. . . . < nml foil iiliti > rflit'IJVo'rj I'Htilciiliirl
M/1 ' ? , I'lclilcntfil ' In Art ll.S.lko" | Hoi\m > ovnmJ
, , / ' * ' < n KnilniMil llPtorniod CracK-Tninn ,
, MI , i .i ! m ' 1H' " " "MM'-v-iT ' ir n M > I ' , 111 tiiir
f lli '
ninlloiu'o - Hi'nllMlo nml > clontltlcl
' " " > ' I'lhus. lion unicd op.'ii nil d. r Ml
i ) ) Ki/ bric / ) ( In n al far ( wcasiontllly
his aim /lorn , wjifridUi/ / lie t
c , \ tdnrs / / / ri idin doiny , not ulout
i yxr1jlt \ , , ( tboiilOiiitiliiCs l'o ) > nlur Family
/iVM > if , nml I ( / ( > it with jimi'c ,
ut tliix tltuitrcoii / icitwM ( lie best
wti'.t ficrivii inK city. Mure Imlint
ci 7 c'lililnn ( tllaitl the nwtinrcs , tjnin uini
* all the other thr trct > . ticc fur
IM ( Oild y nr.ct n-cckt
Car. I.MI SU nn i * \vo , Uinuhn , Neb.
Wee' Comm Monday , Hov , 21
Coi , ,111101 , Program from 1 p.m.
to it | No hitchno wait.
Wo Study lo I'lonsc Our I'ronoitcod
Surto s Our Apprucinteil Uowarrt.
Grows Steadily in Popular Favor.
People Turned Away livery Week
Anollicr G anil Array of ArlMic lalcnl.
Headed by the Great
ia Slock Oraipsny
- 11 1 1 KSENT I NO -
The Realistic Comedy-Drama ,
Convict's Daughter
Appropriate Scenic Effects.
Truthful Stage Sellings.
A Superb of ' '
Company I'layori tol'ortray
t'io C'liar.iclor. ' .
Itellncd and KnocUahuiil Songs an'l Dances.
Tno Vuisutllu.Tiivoiil os , lliu polsot tlio Indies.
Tim 1' Mini ) ituadur.
You think and. nkit f Hush , hu irnds your
Ihiin 'Ids , tul s ymii IIEU. your inline , llio
I'diiiblnallrn of yunr hiifu. Wcrili
Kuin nun's to InvoHlliutu.
I.niit of "IrUh VIsloV loinp.inv. The
ooluliratud Iilsh Comedy SLi't.h team ,
Tlli:8WKI.SII : ! i\llOKANT.
Hey list yiiinphu'a yobiilllicsau mill and will
intrmlnro u wonderful collect Inn nt nnl-
inu | liiiiiiiin.Mils An nr-
IHt on d'u'li OMU.
An i\collcnt ; il | ( : onrsm-
cliil nroliuslra. A line oruhustrn win 1,0 iiddud
no xt wdrl ; .
rnt'iicinj ; nl 1 | i. in. Thu u\-unlns Prli-e- * will
) ir 'vail.
liiidiuV HOIIVSII i H.iy. I'rlilny , Nov. LTi.
hello. ) ) ( 'hliili'fii's M > l nee next Salnrdny ,
iidinloslo i , Inclid nj ; r xurvoil buattf , lUcuiilb ,
Notica Change in Prices ,
ICi hcnuil I'nr- Hdai'i-M'd II il >
ijnul conv
Nnxiiuirnd Not Niinihi-r-
cd Keats
To MI | | Including
1'ivrts u nun
of the Hi'scruiil
House | ! f-'uat
Heals for TliunKsalv IILJl it n 'iniii I
nci HO n lip losnrviul unuU'u ! <
Oonoo at 0:15 : ,
i.p ir.ib n COIICITIH by thu Original" ,
Dodge City Cowboy Band
Ill > \\USON .Uri KlNCt.AIH
Prop iii.d den i Mair'r. Rlmlciil Dueutor.
hl'i : IA I. AltriSTS )
MUSS DJIIAVlliV. : . I'rimn Dniiiin Moprano.
Air. A. 11. hMJl.i. , Anicrlcii'afiivoillol'
MlH'iMtuii. ticNKiu iruulubl Lady C
Mr. lUlM'H Itnvcn. lliu I'lifnomuiml
I'l'tHiMurvo.1 ' mulH . 1 ,
. . . . '
| AiliulbHlon . . .
Advance milo al Max Muyur In Uro.
Juwulrjr morw.