Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1892, Part One, Image 6

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    \ > THE OMAHA. DAILY 1113.3 : SUNTlA- NOVBM , E U 20 , 1802-TWENTY PAGES.
rcllvcrertty r.irrSor to-1117 pirtof tS city
I'll" ' I1CM Office 3nJ1
.111011 M/\JH > \ ,
fY. . PlBmulnpto.
\YboUU. . N. &Co.l
I'ounrll Hluffs Lumber Co.
The bom club will civo n party next
Wednesday ovcnlnR nt the Koynl Atcanum
The democrats Imvo decided to observe
"Hickory ilu > , " January 8 , In honor of Aniiy
Jacksou ,
Id i M. ItHcbo win proutod mllvorio In
district court yesturJny from her huibttnd ,
H. I ) . Inscho , on thuround ( of cruelty.
Mr. nnJ Mrs. Chariot T. Stewart ( , 'uvo nn
nnnlversiiry ulnncr I'riilav rvcni'iir. colo-
bralinp tbolr llr t year of wanted life.
Mrs. William F Kapti Rive n dinner partr
on l-'rldny evening in honor of MM Uhi of
Clovclanil , who H t tfuost of Mra. U w.
'i hero will bo a mn' meeting ut Masonic
Tcmnle nt It o'clock tlm nlt-Moon , conducted
by .lunnlo Smith iiaa Audio Sherman , the
railway ovanRelUts
The llto dupiirimont was culled out yostei-
day noon by an nlirm truin box ' ; ! . 'I ho
nlunn wa found to bo n faiso one , caused by
the crossing of tbo wirr- .
UcRiilar incoliiiR nf St. AlbanN loJso No.
17 , Knights of I'vUuas Monday uvi'iiiiiK ut
Cusllohall , All vultliie knishls wt'lconi' .
jjy ordorof the chancellor commander.
All ladles ni > rointcd to seivo ni supper
commlttco at thu l > stern S'nr p irlv nro requested -
quested to mi-ct with MM. .1. McMillun , 170J
Ninth avenue , MunJiiv nt 'J u tu. By outer
of chairman of coimnltlce.
The regular motitlilv mcatine of the Para-
cbl l Aid society will bo hold with Mrs. .1
L. Stewart next fjiturdav iiftcinooii nt , 2
o'clock. The ladies mo reminded that tliU
* * Is tnotune to bring their pledge * .
The running of tha Into Mrs. .lohu Mont
gainer/ l ! bo tnUun lo t/iiiitoii , 111 , this
evening fur intcrmcnl. Short seivk'cs w
bo held nt the icsidcnco ofV. . S , Cass , 'Jil
Washington nvcniio , : itII 'M o'clock.
Ex cry mr-mbcr of the Dodge LiRbt Cilinrd
wilt ntlund at 111 und n businuss mooting tirxt
MouUnj ovcnlng us business of vital iinpor
tanceloeveiy mnntior will bo
Uy otdor olO.b William * , lieutenant coin
luannlni ? .
Hey , a son of S. Ji Toster. is suffoilii
from the olTects of a licioseno explosion. Ho
used some of trio btnlT In 'tlciiltnp n coal lire ,
nnd as a consuijucnco ho has no hair or eyebrows -
brows , but , maltos up tha dolicioncy with
bid rod blisters on his face.
Cards lire out for a studio reception at the
Grand hotel next Thuisday unu frltiay , nt
which ppeclnicns of uanil-dccoiatod china
will DO placed upon oxhibltillon. Mrs. J. I ,
I3nnnistor , Mrs. C. A. Mitchull und Miss L
8. Malm will bo the entertainers.
Aptulyvvns Riven nt the Pacific hous
FiliUiv night in honor of the birthday of thu
landladv , Mrs. I. . 1) . Harris. Playing bich-
five anil UanUng tn tbo imisli-ofli. H. Field's
violin were iho principal ntcusomunts.At
inidnlisht lufroslimonts wcro served.
Marriage licenses wcro issued \psterJay
to the following : William T. Monlsotto of
Oinalm und Ciirrio Poole of Pottawauamie
countj ; John C Herd of Omaha .itiu Dorotuy
I. Mum of Dunhip'i Jutomo Bo ion of 11 an-
forVis ) . unu Marina J OolsinKer of
Thomp'on , 111.
Attorney iiunaril hjtono handed down an
opinion yestcraay In reply to a question
Jrom 10. < " . Ktovenson of Itoclcnell City , in
which ho liolds that a county attorney"cjn
collect fees from the rour.ty'for hn seivic.'s
In u saloon injunction case where a decrco Is
Eccurcd and mo defendant is uuublo to pay.
mi : itosio.s sroKi : .
WoriU ofllinuly Wnriilnir
Our fall ortlor of wintur underwear ia
now on sale. Wo inyito inapcction nn
this line of mort'limiilibo ; it always has
bcoii tlio nritlo of the store , und wo in-
ti'tul it more HO than over tliis
hcuBon. lluvinyf pluceil our orilort > early
In the year wlion the mills were runninjr
light , it enulilod us ? to inulco bolter con-
ttT.ots with the tnnnufaetuiorg , wh'teli
ruprchont bomo of the most loliublo in
the eiibt ,
Our Now Yorlc buyer ] ) luccil our
oidois alontj with our custom connec
tions , milking an eider of over oOO
caacH of underwent , and for this ronsoti
we think our iidvitntiigo better than any
inorc'linnt in lown.
Grnj i ibbed vests , oxtru long , Jilso
white sit ] ! ! . Pants at ! ! 3o.
Throe casci ) ladles' plain .ind ribbed
veals und pante , nicely liniohoil goods ,
nt S.'Ji ; und : ) c , is worth comparison.
Our fiOr line of ladies' underwear is
coiuiio-ed of Iho I-HSPB. all dllTe-cnt
makes , white , ecru , gray , niituuil , both
plain and ribbod. '
T/idicb' line ribbed vents and pants in
white , crru and is a barjiain at
Plain Unit ve&ts and pants ? I.OO , $1.2-3
and iLfiO. very line wool.
Saxony wool libbcd vi's'-1 ' < i high col
ors at < .1.2.rj mo - . \ , f sooiiig.
Ladies'allol bl-ick vests andpnnts
rediuvitcm SI. . ' ! ! ) and 81.7o to $1.25.
l > iUc&tiIikn | tigliti In black all wool ,
' oxtia nuighi , ? l.Ufi and $2 o ( ) .
Gonts' gray hhlrts und dnuvora , nil
well nindo. i-'oc , aiio , : ikl. !
At r > "ovo show a fine toll groy , ran-
dniivnii.\ed and camoi'h hair inixliuod ,
the best line of BOo goods in the inurkul.
Our 7.rc , $1.00 shirts and drawers in
natural \\oolaro bolter this sonEon than
ever , ' ur l.tlOgiiriiiontbolng mudo from
pure Australian wool.
SPO other bargains maiKed $1.60 and
' '
( In : U1 the popnlur grades , )
Wo carry six dilTcrtint lines and a. full
line of bl/.OH.
Whlto anil grey vests and pants lOo to
Red all wool \mdorwear 5e up.
Pine groy all wool underwear from
"Ho u p.
Infant's shirts in merino , all wool and
T''olhorlnpliam ' , White-law & Co. , Coua
oil mulls , In.
N. II. Mail orders promptly attended
to. All ordot-H sentolther ] > or
or innil free of charge.
T. C , Dmvson loft last evening for Chi
J , V. KdmuniUon has returned from i
Kurupoan trip.
J. 1C. Mi Oavera of Missouri Vallov wua al
the ( irnnu hoiol yogtcrduy ,
J. M. Fenton ami tbo Mls c Shoa loft IUH
eveuluK for Colfux , to spend Sunday wltl
Mls Dowcy of New York elty Is thi
Kuest of Mrs. Charles T. Stewart on Harrl
ion street.
J , A. Murphy has returned from the south ,
where he went to pot lumber to bo put inti
the now Canlk'B bnlldlnif 011 lower Mali
street. _
The A , I ) . T. Co. has added two nov
lincUo to its foruo and will answer ualh
it nil hours , day or night , Telephone >
170 ; olllco , 8 Main street.
Tbo program tor tbo Cbiiuttiuqua circle
which will meet In the Youutr Mai's Chrle
tlau asRoelatiou room on Monday oveulut ; a
TiitO o'clocklll be : UroeU lllitory.1
chapter vll , Miss Jeiuilo Pile ; "Tho Unltci
Kiutus uud foreiitu 1'owora , " chanter vll . !
, Mr . A. II. Moore ; The Mlllnr and III
'J , " Mrs , tA , SUcutor. VUllois am
Need of a Euildlng Incpactor Eadly Felt
in the City.
I'ddily Cointntrtrd Itiillillncs
l > rrtvil-'Ilie .Sew School tinllillnc Af-
unu Opportunity fur 1'iiult - - "
Ollii'r ( ' ( < of I'libltu
\Voil : is progressing rapidly on the now
sthrol luilUlirK at the corner of Madison
street anil Knpoll nvcnuo. UonslJeralilo Uls-
s.itlsfartlou Is Dolnp cxnressod by parsons
who have watched ihrworlc , on account of
the nanownest nl the foundation. A twelve
inch wall Is cxnectuil to sustain the -weight
of n two story brick uulldlnp , the cost ot
which Is to bo In the neighborhood of f l',0 > .0.
nnil tlio mosilon Ii I'clnj ; nsUed , whether It
would not iinvp hocti b'llcr to spend llttlo
inoio n.oncv unit liau a fouuUiitlon put In
luut would have done BWBV with all uncor-
ttilnu us to 1M DfiiiK uulo to stunt ) thu strain.
A twolvo-liR'h foundation was put In nt the
Seconii iivoiuo school house , which U or
about the srma slro us Hint on Madison
Bttoot. and now the wall * huvo crneited. and
until thev have been biacud it is fctuoJ Unit
the wiiolo building xvill coll.ip'o.
Tbo question of niivlnir a bultilintr Inspec
tor ap | ululcd Is ii'LCivlnir conhlderablo utton-
tion notn thr.BO who ute iulcroited in the
sutct.vof new bi.iiainps , and rtpnclilly thosn
o ! public bulldine * Nearly tveiy cltv
of anj n/o In the cotiuirv hoi nn ofllrlal
w hose btnliiciss It is lo look nltpr new builtl-
IIII.M , iiiul il thev do not nicut all the trciilro- |
nioiits tocotuli'inn them. It Is prounblo that
the mat tor will bo brouirht before the city
cotini.ll In the ncnr futuro. Thcrj have been
nnuniocrof insluuccs In the voar or
two t\hero nn olllccr with power to condemn
unsafe huililliiKS woul'l ' li.ivo been able to
sa\o Iho a ount of his salary and more , and
with thu Hive .inmunt of bullillnir that is
hountl lo l > 3 donu within thu next Tow
tnoijllis such un olllcer will.Do . iilinot .1
Morn lloust-i Uiinlpil.
If yon l uo any dillleiilty in findinjj
tiMitif.U lor your liojsu allow us to put
our it ! d on it for ton days , you will bo
nleafccd willi ruatilts.
( ! itinNMMLr.n : , NICIIOI. O.V Ai Co.
D.ius fordiUK-J and paints
Ton shares c-api till stock Citi/.cns .Slito :
b\nk : forsnlo. li II. Shoafc.
I'oiRpry by n School llnv.
Ycstoiduy Bftcrnoon a deaf and dumb boy
pietentodat P H. tl irt's bank a clumsily
executed school board warrant for 550 , the
blank used betntr such as uro common In nil
districts Tha order was aicnod bv J. O.
Kdmnndson as chairman and W. 11. Thomas
us okrk. .Mr. hodpee , the cashier , aslted the
Ihd wbt'i-s haunt the order , tbo insliuinent
bclDKon Its inco u ciurosv forgery , to sav
nothlnc of Iho fact tint Mr lUmuiidion oc
cupies no such position. The lud , after
wiitlnir outonoor two unswers , darted out
of the door , soon followed by Mr. LOURCO.
The lad quickened his pnco into a run , and
was not overtaken bcforo roachfnc Uroad-
way. Aftur a tussel ho coasenled to toturn
to tin bank uiut explain.
Tbe Irvd's. name ib Orick Moore. Ho said
that while at his homo In .Nisliunbotnn ho
found sotno of thoao blanks , and a joung
man , a foi'cer frlei.d of his , explained to him
hoxvthoy were illicit out for Iho purpose of
Kottinp moiipy. Ho thought tie would trv it.
Mr. r.dmundson's name was suggested to
him by seelnp it on iho window of Hart's
bank , wheio Mr. Edmundson has an ofllcc.
Ho nccordingl } used it , and iRnorantly pro-
sonied the oidor. Mr. Edmundson himself
beinuTiKht there at the time. Aftera severe
sc.aro the lad was IOIBO , with evidently
somewhat moio of on aopieciation of the
enormity of the cifflonso than ho hid when ho
drat enteted the bank.
S. 13 l'ro\voll , wntchmukc'740B'way. .
Don't forcot to attend thothiidau-
nuul bull 'inil supper given by tlio Grand
hotel boll bo > s at .Masonic tcuiplo , Nov
ember " 2.
Hay & HOSB have a force of men work
ing on the roads through the K1oln
tracit , IUiy five or ten acres there while
The lineht atull orstoor cattle in Coun
cil 131 tilt a is at MoEchondorl'8 market ,
Social r.wiit * ,
Miss Hrown ontortninrd , on Moudav ovon-
iiiK , In bur usual happy manner , in honor of
MIBS Cooper , a chatming > oung lady of lu-
buquo. The fjumo was high live , Tno nrues
were won by Miss Jessie rarnsuorth and
Mr. IJowman , MUs Dodge and Mr. UVBUB.
Ualnty lafrnshrnents were served , cnnsistlng
of chicken salad nnd wafero , Ice cream , angel
food , coffee , snlted almonds , etc.
Miss Cooper were u boautUulgown of blue
silk.Miss Blown , nn nrthtlc govta of light
green crupo wllh fiocu velvet and jowolcd
Miss J clllo Moore , red silk crepo.
MUs Fa'.nbvvoitb , black and yellow grena
dine.Miss Jessie rarnsvvorlh , a ( Inured sllli
crepe ot tiouiu nnd pink , wllh lace trim-
Mlss Waddoll. white cloth with red velvet.
Mm llockwcll. liliicu not with jot.
Miss Habcork , white Uediord cord.
Miss Mai tyn , ligutgtoy crepe with jewel
Mrs. Charles Unas , blue cloth with while
crone vest.
Mlifc Ulco , black lace wllh yellow chiffon.
Mrs. O'CJoihnm. black slilt.
Mrs. Sackctt , black silk crepe with jot and
gold tiltntiiings ,
MUSVriglit , black Inco and jit.
Miss Key , a Paris gown of groy silk wllh
lace and passatncntoiio.
Miss Dodge , white crepe with Krccn val-
Tlio other guests wcro Mccsrs. Davvson ,
\\rlpht , Hownn , Pnxton , Fcnlon , Hvana ,
liowuuin and Haas. These Irom Ouialin
wcro Misaos Lowe and Ciulguton , MesbiM ,
Cushinif , Paul , White , Uorkloy , McMaUon
and l ast ,
A SllllolHHto Sorlill.
The ladles of tnc Congregational church ot
Council liltltTs guv a u novul ontortaininont
Tiltlay night at the icslucnto of J. C. 15 in by ,
on MaaUon street , it being a sllhouotio
social. The roficshmcnts , vcro delicately
an4 temptingly soivcd und tbo oilier social
details ot Iho occasion were unusually oujov-
ublo , hut iho striking feature was the all-
houutto , About the walls of the different
looms were hung silhouettes and the com-
pa'.ij was kept nmuslnglr. busy endoavoriuu
to eucsB the unmos of the originals , Unu
ronm was lined as a gallery , whcro those who
desired could uol this style of portrait. Sil
I- houette inking Is becoming qullo
a pupulur form of evening aiuuso-
tnpiil In Council lllufl'i hoxcs , The
proco&s Is sluiplo and the result most Inter-
, | citing uud un-uslng. A sheet of white paper
Is pinned on the Avail , thu subject bits close
to It , co that tbu shadow of the head and Dro
ll lo of the face Is distinct , too artist with n
pencil outlines this thudow , und this shadow
U cut out. A sheet ot hluck tissue paper Is
then pasted on the hack of iho whltu slmn ,
eo that the head and fucc are brought out In
such bold contrast ns to form very lifelike
portraits. Una enlhusinstiu lidy U preparing
silhoufltte * of the family and Intinmtu friends
with the intention of forming them Into a
Jrleze for the oiiuuiemutiou of her diulug-
room. _
irn AUoilt ( ounrll lilun l't < oilu | ,
n Mr. Henry Swan has been In Chicago tha
. . _
, J. T. Anderson has roiuruod from an
extended visit In ChlmifcO ,
MUs lleulo Stewart is at home againutter
a pleasant visit to Denver friends.
sit Mrs. M. II. llalra Is visiting nor son , John
it W. Hulrd , in ban Antonio , Tov.
John Mcakel who Is now with Havcilv's
MuttoJou minstrels Is exiiocted home about
- the SSth.
j O , W , Wirt has gone to Minnesota for a
month's business trip. Mrs. Win will join
ilmntDuluth whore they will ipcnd Thanks
riving vislUr.R rclfillvcs.
Mrs. Lauw C Klrbv Is nt M . 1'loisant. '
In , tvhoto she was called bv thu lllncis of
tier sister.
Misses Clara Hv.ins and Lou I'ortrrllelti
ire homo from Jacksonville , III. , wheio ithoy
linvo boon nltcnillng school. .
Dr. O Ij. McCartney , who has been xvlth
I 13r. West for sotno thin1 , left last week tor
St. Paul where ho will open Up n dcntr > l
oftlco nnd innltu his potmnticnt I nine.
Two of Council Hluffs' most prominent
ladles 1 nro still suffering from the effects of ,
injuries 1 received In n runaway ncclilent
Mrs .1. W. Soulro ami Mrs. H. C. Cnrr.
They nro both Imptoving and arj nblo to ho
out , but nro far from being fully re vercd.
A wedding Is announced to itiilto ( TiAco in
Iho nrnr future , In which the people of
Council Uiufts nnd Omaha nnd iho vlclnily
will bo prentiv inlercsted. The contracting
imrtlcs are Jmliro .lo cpli K Kcod of the
United SUUn court ot prlv.ito land claims
and MU Evans , u prominent and wealthy
Indv of Malvern , li.
William V Hennessey of the motor line
was quiotlv mariled to Miss Uattlo Kllticr
ot I'lnttsmouth , Neb , \Vodnesd.iv even-
In ff , Kcv Mr. Hrowcr of the Fifth Avenue
Mothotllst church olllclnllng. and the core-
many lakmtr pluro at Iho pastoral icsUeiuv.
Mr. and . \lr . Hrnncsscv will bi- found nt
homo , 201H Avontu A.
Cards are out for the imrnago of Mr. L.
(1 Knot's nnd Miss E tclU Coons , which
will tnUo place in IJroaduav Methodist
ili inch Thntikspivmg eve. Mr. Knott Is ono
of the best known nf the young business
men ot Council LtlulTs , and the btitlclsn
moH psilmnblo yount : lady , Iho diiltghlcr of
Mrs. Ella Kobjits. They will tnko up their
ic&Idunco ittfi55 Washington i.venuo.
< } > ! . \waj Strum
A new stunm on iino worth $1,000
would bo a very nice ptoscnt for any
body to { 'h'o or iccolvo , and only u very
liberal and prosperous business man
could afford tp in-iko such iv ] > rcsunt.
Hut that is just exactly thu Odgon
lion works ot Cotini'll UlulTs has done
'riioybiillt _ a bountiful new cn ino and
fjuvo it to the Hvans launilry people in
thin city , and it is at the present tiino ,
nnd has been for months ,
runninp that big plant.
_ ! ! ! connection with this magnificent
pift there is an interesting luntorv ,
showing the conlidonco iv bright man
hits in his own judgment , r.nd how that
confidence can briiif ? him InrKO rewards
for the products of Ma own Ronlus. For
Bovoral eais the laundry company has
boon usiiioan Athtb autoinutio high
speed enjiino. It needed ( -01110 tuptirs ,
iiutl .Mr. Ogilon was called into consul
tation. An e.xainiiiation convinced him
that it would Do to the interest of the
laundiy people to put in a now engine ,
and ho botrnn urging them to do BO.
The price asked for the now machine
was ? 9t)0 ) , or nearly twlco what ,
a new Atlas would cost. The laundry
people thought the price was c trava-
Kftiit , and they told Mr. O dcn that
while thev were willing to patronize-
liomo induatrios they didn t want to pay
a premium for the privilege of doingro. .
rinally Mr. Ogden made them a novel
proposition that appealed to bo so alto
gether in their favor that , they at once
accepted it. The proposition was to take
out the old onglno and replace it with
the now and take the saving in coal tor
two yeara in full payment. The con tenets
vero drawn upon thK basis , and the now
ngine w\a built at the works on Tenth
\eniie. As a basis for computation of
> f tlio coal consumption the lightest
uontli in the laundry's coal bills was se
eded , the amount consumed being 51
.ons. The old engine was disconnected
.nd the new put in its place between ono
Saturday night and Monday morning ,
ind without ever being tested or run to
i bearing was lequired to run the plant
'or 1(5 ( nours without ( .topping. Itac-
ompliiiieu the job without making
my fuss about it , nnd has never
been the cniido of the lof-s ot a minute
inco. After running a bhort time Iho
coal test was begun that was to decide
ivhother Mr. Ogden was to get some
hing for his engine or got left. Mr.
\nderson , the regular engineer who
an the old engine for more than a year ,
onducted the test , with the instructions
hat it u us to bo fair and lull. Every
pound of coal that went into the fur
nace was weighed nnd every gallon of
ivaler that went into the 'boiler was
measured during the month. At the
lotnmoncomont of the trial the demands
.ipon the laundry required tlio aditition
of the tenth large washer , and all the
i-equl'ments upon the now engine
mounted to Ion horse power
nero than the old. When the
compulations were made at the end of
he month they showed a state of things
hat made the laundry people open their
c\os. But III tons of coil had been con
sumed , making a saving of 21 tons ,
which , by terms of the contract , had to
bo computed at S- per ton , or ? 18 n ,
month for two jearh. After an agreed
loircntago for increased wovror had
icen allowed , the grand total tp bo paid
for the engine was raised to a little over
-)0. ( ) This result astonished a-id
.lolightisd all concouiou. It showed the
iiundry people that they had boon wast-
ng a sum greater than the value of
their old engine every year , und that
while they had paid a greater sum for
.ho inachino thtiii they would have
icon obliged to if they had not entered
into the peculiar contract , they wore
able to do i-o , and would get the engine
in the end without any cost.
A technical description of the engine
that accomplished such extraordinary
results would bo uninteresting to the
general reader , but tlio result is of im-
mcnso Interest to every man who uses
power , Jt in the pioduet of yoirs of
patient study on the patt of Mr. Ogden ,
and is of a typo that is far in iidvanco of
the times.
"It is the best cng'lno I over had any
thing to do with , ' 'snd Kngineor An
doisou to Tin : Uii : : . "His simple and
dur.iblo nnd away nbovo all others in
economy. I t-ay this advisedly , having
had experience with nil. the Corliss
brands and numciuus automatics. It
boats them all. und moat of thorn as high
iisfiO per cent. "
The Ogden Iron works built a II'- ' )
horse power ouglno for the olfjutrle
lights in this city , and in competition
with the Wostlnghonso , it saved 10 pot-
cent fuel. They ate now building a sim
ilar ono for thu olcetrlu light compiny
in PlattBinouth , which has been sold on
thu hinno tuniiH as the laundry engine.
.1 , A. Murphy of the Murphy Manu
facturing company adds a testimonial
that brings out the economical features
of this engine In still bolder light. He
Im : , bean running his plant with ono lor
the nasl four , v vrn. "Mine is a fortj
horeo power engine , " said lie , "and I will |
put against thu world for economy and '
everything olfeo. For ( lily-four days ol }
continuous running the average coal '
consumption was 7UO pounds of slack per
day. My power costs mu less than $1
per day . " _
A late invoice of cl.cnoilo. curtain
nnd Sutyrn v rugs nt low prices Coun cil
HlnlTd ( 'tirpel company.
Roe those oil heaters at Swaino's , 737
Drotulwny , _
M.mhitr ( l iik I'ji ,
Charles MuaUur , the matrimonially lacllnei J
young man , wlio Hew from the altar to thi
police court with such ubioiilshluc rapidity
was brought before Judge McGee yesterday
morning to answer to Iho charge of robblni
uu old man from the country of several del
lars. When his case was called up ho wcuk
on od and udmltlod that nil the money thu1
h had with him bad comu out of his vie
Urn's pockat and Uiut un would have had th <
rest of It If thnoftlcJM hud not nrrojteti tiln
just when they did , Ho vva bpuud over K
Iho grand" jury nnd bis bead fixed atf5W , U
default of which l > U\vhl utay In the countv
Charles Hownnl , Vha voting man who \\iis
nrix'strd on suspicltn of iicliiv tmpllcatoi' In
Iho robbcrv , wa ilisttiarcedi Ofllcor Mur
phy , who nrrrslod btm. tud licfcii utmblo to
Und any evidence 'ilrninn ' him iinl so had
ordered him ciinrscd with drunkennos' .
When Howard wes nrraiRiicd Murphv stuck
to his assertion thM ) | fo dtunk , mid Dep
uty Marshal Cotnlns protested just a * vigor
ously that Howard was not diiinu'whoii ho
was nrrc'ted. Tbo inlsundo'-slandlnc he-
iwcen the oftlccr resulted In some warm
word * bctnc spoken nn hnthUlcs , and How
ard was finally dlsoharueil by tbo court.
Urn Us xn. ' Scilp l.riithnr.
The question of the duiablllly of
bricks for p'lvlng , kidowalks , etc. , is
continually being discussed , The spec
imen bricks which have boon on Uroad-
way , around the mouth of a manhole
near Main street , h-ivo boon oxamlncd
with interest by ninny who nave
watched the wear "nnd tciir which the
years have brought lo , them. Now
another phenomenal feature is dis
covered. Tlio briok in the side
walk in fiont of the roil estate
olllco of G ounshiolds , Nii-hoNon & Co. ,
No. 0121 HrcMilway , Is being woin inn
very peculiar manner. Various theo
ries have boon advanced , and the brick
men vary in theii opinions. It is
claimed by many that solo leather is
really moro dm able than brick , for the
bricks here , especially in front of the
door sill , nro worn almost through , ap
parently by the foolslons of tlio crowds
which daily throng the olllco to got
pome of the numerous real estate bnr
gain" . Whatever the cause , tha bricks
are a curiosity worth looking at.
Holiday photos , cut prices , $1 f > 0 for
cabinets , for . ' 10 dnj s. Cottage gallerv ,
Uiloy'b old stand.
1'Opooplo in this city use gu sloven
IhcGaa Co. puts 'em in at cast
r.\M > n ATr.b rou STATKIIOOII.
rrvillrtlmi Tint Arl/'inn , I'tnli nnil Nt-w
MIIM | > \\lll \itimttcil. .
Corsm nn n * , la. , Nov. Hi. To iho Hd-
itor of Tut. lir.Ki You uro umloubtoJly tor-
root In your prediction that Ari/oiiE , Now
Mexico and Utah will bo admitted inlo Iho
union In the near future. Hills for the ad
mission of the first two territories nanictl
were passed bv the house of representatives
In Juno last , and if Iho i > cnato shall not act
favorably upon thorn during the approaching
winter Iho Flftv-tnird congicss may be de
pended upon to admit them.
H may or It may not bo liuo that Ur. Mil
ler bus arrnneod with the Mormon authori
ties at bait Lalto City for the admission of
Utah , but as a go-between in n deal between
ihe iirst presidency ot the church and the
lenders of the democratic paity no hotlei
man could be selected. The doc tot
has been n warm friend ol
the church for many years , anil
he has earned the lasting gratitude of the
saints by vigorous use of his tongue and his
pen In Inch bchulf. He is alwavs waimly
welcomed in Salt. Lake by the Mormon
chiefs , nnd should he locate tltoio Ills chances
for a seat in too United States senate would
be llrst class ; it would boaltogolberunncccs-
sarv for him to put on endowment umlcr-
wear lo make him eligible us nn appointee. of
iho prophets , seers turn revelutors who may
tun the church machine.
U Is not at alt improbable ) that a bill for
the admission ot Utah will pass the house ol
representatives dining tun coming session ol
congtess , and ills not unlikely that u will
pass tin ; senate also. The only dcmocialic
opponent of the measure in the scnato will
bo Jones of Arkansas , hut Teller of Coloi ado.
Carey uf Wyoming , Felton ot California and
probably Dubpis and Shoun of Idaho may bo
depended upon to tutu the sualo. Teller
has always held the .Mormon vole soliti
In s.ratuu o-jliMii Colorado and Curoy has
invariably received Iho support of the sniul -
in southwosturn Colorado. 'Iho Idaho sena
tors navi ) in tbo past been strong opponents
of Uio Mormon theocracy in their slate , but
bath tha tepubllcan und democratic : uarlies
of Iho new commonwealth have pledget
themselves to repeal the law which dis
franchises the MI hi Is there and the conll
of Utah vote Iho senator us against them.
Tin : : teO ! ) disfranchised Mormons will hold
tuo balance of power in the stale and both
of the political parties there are anxious for
the support of the church. Tbo republicans
may secure it for a yi > ar or two at leriat , pro
vided Senators Dubois nnd Slioup shall be
able to hasten the admUsioti of Utah.
In Ari/anatho Mormons huvo held the
ba.anco of power for many yonis and in the
vote of Ihu church lu llmt terrilory has
alwnya been solldlv democratic thai com
mon wrnHu mav .salolr bo counted upon for
lurnublnp three democratic couKiessmon
and thrno democratic electoral vote.- .
New Mexico has few Mormon colonlsls ,
but its population , moio thiui hull composed
or illiterate mongrels who speak only tbe
SpanlMi language , furnishes n domociulic
majority , so Iho democratic party in coniireBs
will doubtless admit lac leriilory us soon as
The Utah saints u vo fall Iv earned statehood -
hood at the hands of the democratic pnrty.
Slnco Iho rocolpt of th3 retcla'.ion suspend
ing Iho practice of polygamy and the divi
sion of the church on national party lines the
democracy has tv > ice carried the territory
bv largo pluralitie , beginning In August ,
Ib'.ll and ending lust , week. Tree wool and
free lead have received Iho endorsement of
the church in blab , .notwithstanding Iho
fact that , tlio wool pioduet of the territory
exceeds 10OJOUOU pounds annually and the
silver mlno3 there nearly nil contain a largo
percentage of load. Such a remarkable
Instance of suit-abnegation bliould not bo per
mitted to go unrewarded bv iho Uomocratio
party and doubtless it will not be.
As icgaids matters uf population ami
wcallh , Utah is entitled to admission , liy
the census of 1600 thu territory contained a
population of i07,000 ! and the governor In his
annual report this j oar estimated the same
at " 'I.OOO. Salt LiiUo City alone has nn as
sessed valuation of moro thun f.yjOUO,000 ,
while Ogdou , ihe second city In the tori itorv.
foots up neatly $ rJOOl > ,000. Hut tbo fact that
nearly thico-fourtbs of tno people of iho ler-
tilery are blind followers of a loadtushlp
whirli assumes lo bo a law unto Itself , which
maintains that no law is leiral or binding
tli ut d o s not otuanuto from iho chief priosi-
bood of the churcli ihrouch alleged revela
tion from tlmo lo time or that con-
lllrls wllh alleged levolatlon , justly
warrants the protest of the Ken-
tiles of Utah ngalust statehood. They
placed that protest In foun lubt uoek by
votlni ; to the number of 0,500 for tno liberal
partv1 * . candidate for conincM and they will
doubtless continue to light admission of
the territory at Washington. Upon the
democralio pa-ty will rust the responsibility
of Iho ovll consequences of Iho premature
admission of Utah , but thai parly will doubt
less assume it. In that , as in many ether in
stances In Us hUtory , It will Ignore the
lessons of the past ; it will not consider the
fact that In Ohio , Missouri and Illinois , and
wheiover else Monnonistu hns gained n foot
hold , tlio leaders of tbo church have boon
pro-omlnoutlv conspicuous In nuts of nerllily
with all political parties , and Iho in.tiHOi
have boon lebelllous and luwluts ; in brief ,
Unit tlio Institution1 , bus always been hell hi
the body polltln. A.
The IfiOclmrm'tdN for tlio great bpeo-
titolo "Uon Ilur" Uavoull boon selected ,
I und rolieariwls wyj-o be 'tui yoaiordny
with unbounded imthusliidiu. .Mr. H. A.
I Morris , tlio drill master , expressed his
( 'rntilleation ut the line iippenrunco of
the classes , nnd expects to BO cot us
Imndsomo ohurnctord ns ho has over
Tlio Bravo ? wones of tlio pantomime
will buonlivcnod wllli quiiinl htupoiind
oriental dances , stately drllU and
marched and bt'iiutiful tovols bv tlio lie-
"bluoKblidj" uud ' '
witcliintr 'buttur-
Mies. " The whole will lu inoiinted with
tne mo-si oluboiuto scenery und the
rluhcbt coatunies over scon in Council
9 HlulTg. "Uon Ilur" will bo ( jivon Do-
Iicmbor 1 , 2 , 3. and wood : bast und choupcul t
Missouri nurd wood in the I'ity ; prompt t
delivery , IF. A. Cox , No. 4 Mnln ,
Lmp Vt-ur Tarty.
A leap year party was given last Ttiuridaj
o evening at the rosldouuo of Mr. and Mrs. J ,
H. Sarocl''y. Tuo evening vvus kpont pleasantly -
antly lu musici , games and older amuse
menu , Too following InvltpJ euosts were
pipscnt ! Mlssci 1MI , I/ftInf ( , Woods ,
slanslleld , Oulttnr , Itouiolds , Dempster ,
lolli , Oubait ; Mc sr IVihybridge , Uroek ,
losoDh , hirlnir , Hirrstt , bhlllm ton , NVhltc ,
McNItt und Van Arnnin
Now tlmt II' < JM < r.
The political battle is over ; the earn-
piign orator , like the rookol , has failed
tiway with u tlr.y.'o ' : the ' 'lisa drum litu
sounded Its la-t bent : the suuolMo-
heaven torch pleases the Hiuall boy no
Umgor. And now to business ThoioU
bcforo you Hie busiest husines * camiiaign
over experienced In business matters
you iMti , with safety , pin your faith to
the future of real estate in Council I
UlnIts. So say Orconshlflds , Nichohon |
it Co , who nro export judge- ' , and who
offer to show up tlio proof to nnj ono
calling ni their oflleo , tl'Jl Huudway.
\ \ linro In Uorslilp.
Congrontanal ! No prcAi'hlng services.
Sunday school nt noon.
ilcronn Haptist 1'roachlng at 10.10a.m.
bv the pastor. Sunday school at 11Ti n , in.
No evening service.
Young Men's Chrlstia Association-
AssociationKcgu -
Ifir Kospel muotinu nt I o'clocic , led bv \ \ . A.
Joseph. All moa Invited.
Fifth Avotiuo Methodist r.cplseopnl church
- ItovlViU soivico will continue Siiinhiy Irom
litJ : ! a. m. to I a in , and from li lo ' . p. m. C.
W. Hrowor , psstor.
Christian Mnsanle tcmplo Sunday
school , 10 n in. Morning sermon. 11 n. in.
Voting I'eoule's Society ot Chilstlin Kn-
doivor , (1:15 ( : p in. nvonlng sermon , 7.w. :
A. II , Cailor , pastor.
llroadway Methodist HpUcopal chinch
Coiner Hroailwuv mid Kiiststloots. 1'ieacli-
inc bj iho pastor , Uev H. P. Otiehiy , 50 : iO
a , in. mm ; i,0 p. ni. Sundnv bUiool at I'J m.
Knwortn lungua nti.U ( ) p. in.
Seconii Pri'sbyteiian , Ila-mony nnd l.ogan
Htreelp S Alexindcr. p'i > .lor. Kesldoncp ,
TOl l iist Hioadwny. Preaching ntUltlOn.
m and T.IJOp. tn. Sunday school at I'J in.
'k OUIIK pooplo's mooting at li.IM p m
Trinity Methodist I'piscopil Pourth
utrect nnd Mnlh avenue. 11 Uiir-
Ion , pastor Prpiichmp , ! 0.iO : n. in and r 10
p. in. Clnsa tiieotlne , ! ( . . ' ) n in. bttndav
school , I'J in. ICpwoith loaguc , UMfi p in.
Pirst Preibylet Ian , corner of Willow nv
cnuo mid Seventh struct , Kov. Kb-phou
Phelps , pastor Proiculng bv thu pasto.1 at
liiiilOit. m andT.iJJp in. Sabbath cliool nt
I'J m. Young pooplo's mooting nt 0.30 p m.
St. John's P.nclUh Lutlieran church - Services
vices on llrst floor of Meniuii block , 'M
iMaln nnd 'JO'.I 1'coil street , at 11 n rn. and
T 30 p. m. itev. C ! . W. Snvdor , pnstor.
Voting I'eoplo's meotlng nt7 p. in. Sunday
school nt ' 1:15 : n m
Tomplu Hiotist , Yousg Men's Chrisllan
Association looms Preaching soivicos at
1U0 : ! ! u. m aml7ilJp. : in. , bv I. . . A. Hall ,
pastor. Mornlnir scimon , "Auplloa Chrh-
tlanlty is Wh'ii Saves. " i\-oahig , "How to
Observe Thanksgiving.1 Sunday school at
First llnptlst Preaching morning and
evening by the paitor. Kuv. Jnnics II. Davis.
Sunday school at I'J o'clocic. Young people's
meeilng , ( iHO. : Installation services at 't p.
m. Kcv. W. P. llollincs , U.l ) . of the Fira
Daptist chuich , Umahu , will preach the
installation sermon. All AID cordially in
M.V. . Swain of Omaha will deliver a
lecture on Thanksgiving oveniii , en
titled ' 'C'heap Advice , " inulor llio aus
pices of the Utile Dulci society of St.
John's I'.nulish Lutheran chu-chat their
place of worship on the lir&t lloor of the
Merriam block , 208 Main and 120 ! ) Pearl
htioct- The lecture is a tich one and
will delight and nrollt all vvno he-ir it.
After the lectmo thete will bo a sociil
entei tainment. To lecluie and social
only o ecu Is. _
Gentlemen , the linost , line of t ill jjoods
in the city , just received. Uoitor , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
\ . M. f. . \ . Not in.
The foot ball team got an occasional prac
tice and expect to play Omaha Thankpving
The wcnk of prayer closed last night with
an awakened interest In the work. Some
splendid addresses were dcllvciod by iho
An entn lain incut of a musical character
will be given soon for iho purpose of fnrniih-
Ing tno reading room \ \ ith a list of papers
for next year.
ThaiiKsciving day will bo obsei vod by the
msoeliition. The Ladies Auxiliary will give
a reception to the you us men in the evening
from 5 o'clock to ti.
Uvuinastum classes commence Monday ,
November : il. Business men's , Monday ,
Wednesday und Friday , 5 to ( , u. in. ; voun'g
men , Monday , Tuesday , Thurdiiy and Friday
at S p. m.
A letter nddtes ed to fj , N. A ; ( Jo.
awaits a claimant at the. r ii : : ollice
Miss Ollnh Conlt fires china three
limes a week. Dessert plates , 10 cents
MUs K J. Davis is closing out nor
stock of notions at less than cost. oO )
Main bticet , opposite Kiel's hotel.
Coal and Wood. Sickott & Preston.
OUSIJioadwivy. Telephone II.
M Hlh'il in llilHlo.
John C. Hoed of Omaha and Dorothy I
Manlx of Dunlap arrived in Die Uu yester
day from dllTeient diicctlom , ii'et mid pro.
ccedcd lo tno oflleo of iho countv clerk ,
ulierothev a'ipliud for a niarriago license.
lOnconnwed bv Iho falhorlv appearance of
Clerk Campbell , they confided to him the
fajt mat I heir parents hnd opposed their
match for some limo pasi. Tbov had comate
to the conclusion , however , that their match
was ono thing tbut was neccgt.iiy to thu
fnlvatlon or lueeounliy and they unelded
not to itin anv ri'lts by postponing its con-
suimnallon. They were supplied with Ibe
necessary paper and wont to the house of a
neighboring clergyman who united Ihoiu In
matrimony. They then loft for Omaha ,
whore tney will make their home.
The Trinity Indies' iiiincomo'it for Hilo
nt tiunnoudo''s , McAtcea , .lames A : iluv -
eratocU's and Taylor's giocory eloicg ,
Tli in
will bo oiMt-r"fd by the
churches of tbo city in usual , next Tbun-
day. Union services will bo bold at the
liroadwny MothodiU chuicn at Hl-IJO a m.
Knv. ( J , W. Snydcr , pastor of St. John's
Unglisli Luthornu ohurch , will preach , Ail
Iho Ptoto.Uant Uvungcllcul churches of the
city will unlto , anil a cordial invitation Is ox-
tcudoil lo the public.
Tlioie will bo a fatiidlo opening and
oxhluitlon of hand pnintod china at lI-'i (
Kariiam Htrcot , Omaha , November
ami - - , and at the Gram ! hotul Council
UltilTs , Novcmhor 21 and a. > . All Inter
ested in beautiful china coal hilly in
VVdrlc of Siioalc ' 1'liliucn.
A few iiigQts ago n sneak thief nipped u
pair of shoes from in front of Monis' thoc
shop. Hither they did not lit the thiot or
ulso they nt so well that ho wanted a duplt
cate , for last evening ho happened along
nguln and nipped anothiir pair.
A lap rouo valued at { .1 wiu stolen from in
front of Probatolo's harness shop on Bout I
Main street. There is no clew to the tUiu
in either case.
Don't mnkonny arrangomontHforyoui
holiday goods until you have seen the
many now and useful articles at Lund
anil ProhibitlonUtn.
CIIICAKO , III. , Nov. III. Anoiht'r movement
mont Is on foot to unite the prohibition aiu
the people's party. Yesterday a cominiucr
representing both organizations In Chicago
called ou Senator Peffur nt thu Gram
Pacific , lo ascertain hs , vluws on ttiubuu
joci. 'Iho coromitU'o was composed of Jr
II , II , Taylor , chairman of the COOK Count :
Prohibition club ; D. W. Kulwller. prcslden
tial elccloron Iho poiiplo's party ticket
Kbenezer Pockly aud Prank Newman. lr
Taylor presented the subject tc tbo senator
Tbb outcome of the uotifereuco was tb
of IM Toylor to Uauo a clrculu
8 ? Won Ici'ful nsults Atts-str-rt
by an Invalid Lntly Whom
Both D5etor s nnd Col
orado Moun'.nln Air
Foiled to Cure ,
Copnlnnd and Shepard have n
now lung treatment.
Il Is "now * in inspect to It * nature , it *
Ihwoughncs-s , its mode ot application
and the remarkable results uUondiug its
tue.Out of u va t experience In lung and
kindred ailments , Or * , i opohmd and
Shcpard have perfoi toil a treatment that
is notonlysciontilli'iillv correct IK.I pr.u-
tically valuable in an ummnl degree.
In advanced orsc-i of consuinptiou ,
when the hums are full of pu- and ulroi -
oui o'eUrt. : . Copeliind and Shepard do
not ] ) rofo9 * to cmo. It i * in tlio Imjin-
JKII.vfmr ; / hefoie the lungs aio dcca.vml ,
that their troatmenl has Its s | cclnl
Hundreds of people bulTorlng from
lung ti'oul ) o are being ti anted bv Hi- ' .
Copehmd and Shepard with Iho m > \ \
Kvery one of those i being bone lit led
and is on the road to a euro.
There are two things to lomombor
about this subject These me :
1. The now and Shop ml
di covoiy is- the only treatment that has
ever done lliesu sullorors any good.
U Tlio putioiits whoiitu tnidng itviifo
either given up by other physicians or
failed to got roliof. .
Tlie treatment applies to all lung tnvi-
bles , but works wonderful results lu
Ih o o eases wlio o marlccd s mptumt
nro :
Tightness of the chest with hei\i
weight Mid oppression.
Lnborcd brL-athing.
Ntirlit hWi-1 il .
Spitting of blood.
The following case is given to nliow
the Miccess of this treat tnr-nt. It is
of Mis Kmn n Hunt , wife of Mr. . I. P.
Hunt , the well known dnirymmi of
Council HlulTs , la . residing at o 1 1 ave
nue ( ! . Uoth liush'iad and wife invite
seat ohing immtry hi any -.Incoro doubl-
MK1J. . i lit XT.
or into the facts given herewith. Mrs.
Hunt says :
"Tlio | iiilllcltr nltuiullni ! ii tTliitril iliiti'iiicnt nt m >
in olsnoto'itlri'lv.iri'oibli- MICctlll I Ici'l It til
! 'rntlior In the lint'ol in > duty to | K'ik. ! When I
Hijill ] [ > : l > Hi- * ( upiinil nnJ sluptril I fell Hull Ihu
lil i onii * tin ut j < -tilil ) lltuliMn < > mm nhn
lioruuitil ) nn lor-.iKj I Inn , : unii.Miliiis anilcuiiM
mo luuilni.l i ir , Itntl ni il troiitinciit I coiilil
i"\m Iv walk moiiml tlio hoii'u or up thulops wltli-
> iillicl | > My hruilti W.IH iliortniid ni ) liinx' ' wi-nk
mil sure' 1 conl I not K * > Into ilum-li or u trowilo t
oiiu nll'i.iut n s inilliciiiu fniMInt ; My | IUIK felt
iI H | > mi Ut n i linr Ito ai't all Into I'li'tn. A
tir'Ho. ri"tli"-s iiic'it * . louttnnt li uwlni : iiml
, ultli n head lUmllnit un.i | nTli > illr HnTnl In
IP ir , btotiilil ) < oiMiinit. 1 my tlo'a uiul ImuiKlil inn to
i diiikcrniis Multnf uirtouHHiul pli ) oxlnuii.-
Ion. A mi klni ; c null nnrrluit meiluy iiml ultlit
nml Munu'il incof a ? , u.vl ) ilatclopiiuioiHuiiiiitlon.
u is ni > uml t mi for tlircoi'nr , itniln :
wlilin tlinu I \\.is IrLiilu I liy Mirlona iloclnit In Om i-
in nn 1 Council llluiri , hnt lti ! no Leni'tlt to hpcnk
if. I > vm w.irlii'l t lat 1113 luiiLirt ic'ri'\'i ) luil nnil
li it all lit oo'ilcvi'ii , n jnlil luluon iiikk ) run
u million. In Aiuifl , Ib'l.iip ' in Hii'.nUUo nf u i > ' .i > - -
lolnti , I wi-iit loCo.oiiulo liopliiK UKinoiintiiln nlr
nonM euro me , Imt I ruin-luinui nllli ID ImproTP
nent. Vlino-t loiily to 'ivunp. ! ! ! * liM to Itit tlio
potlitl lung trontniLMit of Drs. CVpi'liuiil and Slop ird
nt fo nnd It n uiinihiMo MI K NH U hits ininlo mi'
brlli i mill ' troiuicr lli.iu I Inttu IJCIMI foi > > mrs I In'
li'su It ImpiTdilly cari'd nioin I will l > u ol I i-llni ;
icncllt It I ] n iilruuly stool the li"t of 1110111)11. )
V lii'n < tln'rilm'tor * nnd a iliunen of I'ltiinto fuflcl
HC Dr Cuprlind nnd sn-p.u | , | roilnri'il me to PIT
i et health. 1 iipini I Ue U und inn 'iiidlim tliinn till
liu imlltnts 1 i.iii. ' '
The now lung troatmcnt is being "out
daily to patients all through tlio west.
Copclnid und Shepiiid invite iif-
quiry by mail or at the olllco as to its
lalurc and mode of implication.
S5.00 A IViONTH-
Ca'arrli trea'nl at thi unifo-m raty of
$ 'j.00 a inoutli-medicinos furathliHil
For all other di.ease , the rates will l > c low
and uniform , r.itti-nts it a ilistinca sm-
OeSf > lul.y trolled , t-'nnd lor nyjnptom 1)1 ink.
UOO.MS Jit AM ) iiJ. M\V vemic urn
\\.ii COPKL.AN i > . M i > .
o. s. --ii : > . \Kn , M. o.
SiCUlllCiilnirli | , Vstlimn , llrnnililtl'i , Nin MIS
ISL ini-d , lllnoil lli.i'iMl r , UlicMiini.ll-Mi , I'uliMllllli
Iliiniii il iillt'ir mil altniMiniil HID 'Iliriiul l.illu-
M imacli.--liln 11\ < rn nl hliln ) ' . . ,
Oflln I Inure JKilla in. 'lo6p in , i lo | i in
biiliitiiy , ID 11. IN to I.'in.
ascertain thn feeling of tlm two parties
contorniiiK the blending of tbe puuicj.
IliiHliii'KH 1'rinililr > .
Mivv Viiiu > , Nov 1U.-I3. Momuier ft Co , ,
linnoitors of laUius" " moss nnd court truu-
niini ( > , laces , uultoni , oto. , have assigned
vvltii nubilities ot flOJUOU , nnd assets noin
Innlly larRor.
Nivv VOHK , Nov. li.-.lutlTinout ! [ for tlM-
' .III wai to.lay mil in oil at.'iiin < t Ino News
Letter compHtiv which published tbo Now
York Truth , In favor of Hobort Dunlap , the
duller , for inonoy loaned ( ropi Ib T to Goto
bor lh , 1VJJ
Ni.YOHK , Nnv. 10. The sheriff locelvcd
im oxocutloii for f'.WO.'J ' Jtl uii lust llPnrr N.
Kinilh , the voturan htocksnoculRlor , In favor
ot Adamsoii .McCjndk'rinsMineo of U'illlum
Heath it Co. , on a JuJKinont docketed July 7 ,
ISiSO , for Ibat amount Thn oxrcution idso
c'lriled intoio t fiom July 8 , IhSU , umounllnc
lo about { iri.UOO.
.lust ii \ \ aior IVnr.U.
Ii'.sviit , Cole , Nov I'J ' A sonintioiiRl
rumor has bjou oirculuieJ lolho cfljot that
Hon. Charles b , Tnotim , domoeratio na
tional couiinittedmun , hud shot and seriously
Injured ( Jeortfu I ) . Horbari , oditgr of the
KveuiiiR I'ost. TUB faols in the ia o nru
llmt lossls. Thomas and Herbert mat and
uaU u fuw worJs in lef.trd to an cdlloriul In
the I'ost , hut no blows wore struck
( Jllmoro'H ; iunil
I'lcoitu , 111 , Nov. I'J.-Ollmoie's baiifl will
dlnbanU after playing an etiKatemenl tomor
row nlslit. Thu band nlayeJ hero last night
end the box receipts were attached by the
C3ale burg opurn hodso for ( alluic to play a
matinee. Tuo matter was cotiiproinUuil.
Truth I'ruB Irnin lituiiiiihrnni i' .
Voiih , Nov. I'J.-'ltio publlnheri of
Truth announced loday Ihut tbo paragraph
published ihli uiornlu to the effect that
Truth Is involved in a judgment for f 15,1,000 ,
entered ov Hobert Dunlap aralnst the
Letter company , Is absolutely without foun
dation in fuel. The error occurred ihrougti
a mlsiako on the part of llio ilcrk lu enterIng -
Ing iho jiidgiuent. 'J'ho daltn was ugalnsl
Iho Chicago News Lotlei company.
Wan tlm
CIIKMOO , III. , Nov. I'J.-Charlos Urown to
day shot his wife and John I.CMVltt , prohabl )
fatally vvouudlot the latter. Tbo vvomni
GDJ I 3 . O-U.-FS
\\rAN1Kll-nftl lor ( * liotuevdrk , 10
" roiirlh it ( loo.l IM'
ii Alilroit 0
f .r liiTbutidnt
I. AN D3 ,
1'Mi'i nml clly Imin M..I , i veil on Tloc *
nntl crMn. lie l rsinto ( or * n * li ollhiK * n4
niiMm M rcntitiA MOIIOJ u nia i fur tocnl Itivi'Mor * ,
1 OIIKPO A'lunlp , ! 1A IVni ! Mr' , t
R1 ! ' .1.V'J1LV LlJ.l > .lr ' fl > r" > . " ' l'otlin.iilli rotn
Olncrcd , well l mM li | > toil
nrrc K II M.enfr
| , MU rM'llA.SOi : V n\r \ liumoimx ' | ft uroolT
npiMtliaTBniip. cloArnfcnrn niiiinrii tor liomH
Hi I'Minlin. llnmtoin I'lon. ' or luniri I'lii j iitr-
frrrpil Vt III put In JJ.MIJ.imoroiici ) t.tcoinliUMlj ,
MrliuUi n , V Ki
IMU KMMNIK .no urs liTT'iiTTipi rouniv.
l Coin , wlili liiiinoTi'iiiPiilii d rMciikuftl t Kiioili
KUiUlKthlngtir utliurniiln' I II XICHI | ( <
I , ' > IM VI.K-Oimiii > lli,7tiuitt < trull nml cnrdcn
Innil nr \iiinrll Illn1 < L II "lionfilliuiul'
nv ninl Mnln Mrei't
\\T \V001I co Iit\o unmoor Iho lliii' rf rmt
" ln < ioiitli < ii < ttarii lena lei nile I Mi nnil * o
Hf S.M Mnlnntrut.
lMll KII IMll.-l.nixl 4 room n < iiiv > oii ? nutii
J 'lt ' 'trppt forlninl n < i < ni > hpil | | > Mrnnliui A 10.
| , VI > UhST 'Ilin fol nwliu ilnclllric *
' III room ilncllli.f l.ll'uknv. ' | | <
Siuoni ilnclllhtc , T.'l M > I til M ( l * >
( loom ilwollliiK' , UMtnil niHJ
' . rnoniilnLlllni ; i.l'lM1ia\p > '
V room tltTolllnii , Ulli t H nlm IP I ) , tV !
; rnoiii ( Iwiluna , is. . ' lu.imlu.i ) l
lUrntimilnillliiK "WMSi nloii M *
" room iiHvi inn , , \\j \ \ \ > onn d ( l i\
c. rooimlwollliiK. liU N titliM tlixu
I room ilncllhiji , h.M AM'iiiM II ill
7 room ilBi'lllim UU I liaoln IIMJltlfiV
T i oo in lUi'lllnit VUJllnriu nit M ( l&
7 room ilni'llltiK. llalililtl l'lnu > IU
fi mom rt llln . S 3 M ) inter t ! ll
.iriuini Onnllliiif , lo.'nnl n\i > J ,1
4 room ilnpllliiK 'l MII IIT M JI.1 VX
i , room ilni'llhitr , lrahumir fi1
> room ilni'IMiiK TiUiiVili nvi > ( M
r room ilwpltInK llntibllt I'lmn tU > i
* lonni ( Iwnlllui ; , Vornlimsiili. jr. ' .1
4 imiuiilnrlllnK. 41-M'nrkHMi tl.1 fl
f rno-ii ilm-llinir iii.1 , Avinuo \ , li )
; > loom iliM'Hinc ( Ji v iiiu t < Jin
. ' ruiini ( liM'lllni ; , ail S Jtli i > t t\J \
I loomilKulllnit , Hl'-.81h AMtu
d loom iltTpllliiK , tiUiUli n $10
4 loomitwL'llliii- MnoM fC !
b teem ilRcllliu , fli ITlh iiTi- t U
I loom ilncllliii ; I.Woimcll 110.
h room ilni'lilntr , I'.T St i iivi > Hu
I room ilHri'llliii ! , ' 5iO ( AMMIIIO \ MO
firoom ilwc'llln..nli.nii ( > o lllji { > .
4 room I id u v , ITOI > o "lli > l $10
f room ilHi'llinu lo.M An niio t Ji.
< room ihu'HIni : . " .01 A\ciiu' ; II , ? \
( room ilnclllni. , 'u1- ' . \\cnui' 11 M
4 room dnpllliiK , VOU ATPIIIII' ( r-i
I' ' room ilnHlhi , ; , 'HH tnml Avi'inio M , fi
fi room dnolllotc 70. so .oil > 1 >
& room ilni'lllni ; JJIil AMMIIU , \ W.
1 loom ilwi'l IIIK , * i5 .N l l M 57
I lootn ilnollliiK , dlMiifltt \ M
t rnom tlvtulllni ; . 1WJ AMMIIUI * JO.
' .room (1 i > lllnir , HI'1 ' 1'ith nip fn
i-rnuiiiilni-llliiK - OH Au'iuic I ) $0.
. ' room iIwt'llliiK , 1IW AMMIIIU I ) f i
4 room ilniillliii ; 11I \ I AM-MIII' l > . 14
. . loom itwi-llln , SUM o I th nt J5
4 loum ilvtplllm ; , .111 I'urk H\O IIJ
. -room ilwt-lllni ; , 714 Mjnrtprnt f2'i
ii room Owi'llliik' , n. " > Wn > ) ilmlon n\c , f'2.
' loom 0 plliiK3Jlli | AM- | . (
I , loom ilnpllliiK , SJ1oniio A , ill.
4 room dnullliik , KIT Mill M ( U
I room ilwullliiK , Aitl Mnft
J loom iliTCllIni ; , . ! > MjnMi r t , tSOO
H room ilwilllni ; , ITU Mxth IIM' , ! IO llj.
1. II ' lipifu , rontii iik'i-nt , ilro.ultiuml Main
l > "oet
II \IJ ) liuvi ! nnjthlm : for 'ilo or ttuilo Bee I. II.
Mitafp , llroaclwny nmt Mnln etrvct
103 lots InCi-ntinl Hill )
.VI loli In .Million n ill I.
( o lotH In ltiltt. . . \ I'aliiieis' .
S. loth hi Mii > ms' Int
IU lots In 1'ottor A fo
? ! ! ot In lloer't * H ill.
1 1 lol In Htcr H ndit
J.'lotHln HlKliliuiil mill
li < loin In lliilclilninn't nil I
4Moti In 'lurlc > 'Hnilil
l.lotNln Klilillo'uiiilil.
lid loll \\rlKhfn : nlil
lt > lots In P'erco ' H nitd
I. eli In cvur > mtJIttim to thn cltr clirnp for OIF'I ,
or on imynicnla i nil nnil M'I * IIH .No troiililo to J
hhnw | iroit > rtf t.n i-nilili-lilii MrliolKOii A Co
i II MKIA1N. 10 M r , ' fruit nun Kiinloii Inul 9I
vVmtlfx from pnstoniK' " * , m-ri's In urnpi'ii l ncru
In blnrkborrl H ifi ) npplo tucj ? i plum tufn , ljl
ilii'ri } tri'i's , ilwi'llliik' , > lu bio etc 1'rleo { 1.UIU Nol
Iriiiln 1C H MiiMifo
t'kCUKS uppi-r Ilronilwar uplcndM plv , e forl
" 'plntllnK. < lump for inn ] ) , or Mill oxthnnifn for !
rujsliK'ULU propoit ) In Coumll llluifv. I
i. Miliolnon , V Co
IW A'lt ! ' > of i li-iii Hinl In cnitprn Ki lirnikn to ]
( . jti linnffo for Kooil rrnliU'iuu In Coiuidl
Wnnt liousia und lulu lor .Nclmiskn lind JohiiMuiif
A Vnn I'nlli'ii
All" ! llAriSiinil loins I nrm nml clt ) property ]
boiiKht nml noli ] IM'i i' ) , t 'I'luimniCouncil
,117 1I110ADVVAV forsniii Will p r I'J ' per cent , '
ton liivcitniont li .1 .1. ( , lh-un , , lii ) I l
Nnllomil bnnk , OniHlm
' IlI'M' Ni'w firooui fiirnliliod vultnEO on
1'OU line ; KultuMu for JOIIIIK couple ; t'iii.ap.
ImiulroRt bcoiMiouau
17OH' Al.r plionp or In cAili inuo lor iHrid nil PL
L InbllnliiMl biulnusH Addrusi I' < > box UJli , luun
ill lllnlln In
IIOI1S1B nml rattle nlnlirid on dooiKO I' .
J l\VrlKbt' fnrm , oppo lU W'.iba h rouu I IIOIIM-
I or tcrmi apply tu Jnmus llnlph nl fnrm or I I' .
W rlulit , Hlitli Moor , ll.ililnln block
r = i
MONDAYS III U A imrlom ililliln-n 4 p m :
nilulln , T .W | i m SIM Inln euvoml nnd Inurtll
\.uinliij Up in Jliihlt ruinlKbid imttlos uud t uU > .
Addic-iil ! A I'urlor .c < IIIK 11 lllnll orliiJ I iirnam
it OiniilinV I" ( linmbcm ln rni tor
lli tfiicllltliiiu > nir-U nml ruin tin f ) mini.
truUnienloi urer/ form of ilhu 1111 roi | llr
Init niuillc il or inir < ( tro itiinint
micilsforpilloiiti , t > o rl HII I ntlitnliiiM Hut > 1
" LoinolHtloiKln HIII wuit. i
VVrltiifordrcnlarioii ilurorinllleinn I hrioi , truvl
r i lub f i > t. ojrvuturui of splno , pllo * . luniori , cnri *
ii'r intirrli , lircmii'iltlt ' lull il itloii , I'loolrklly pir <
iily ! > l .oiillony. | kllnuy , IM 11 lur , off , inr .na mill
iilooilmiilullaurlcalo.iir lloin '
DimsBOFWora ; .
WoimtiiUlKr ) . Wo li ivo I inly , ml la I Illiu n i -
for woiiiuii iliirlnji nn iiliiLMiiiinl , trl " "
linn i-nt
. . . .
"rime. Oi'lr llc-lliiljlu Vlolloiil InUiliUe pit.i.
pr < i VATIC nisiJAsns
All Illool DliniM's icnuifiilly ( ruiitnl hililllll | < ll
I'olnoinrdruovoJ from tin Hystiin wil'iunl ' uionnrr
> ( .vr ttdstorullvM Tro itinuni for l 'i of V1IAI
I'OWKll ruraoniiiua > u lo viiilt nn may bj Irrfitifi
ut hoinu liy ( ! orru | i'inli-nui All iniuiiitiiiluil onil
loiilliluntul Moaainu-orliMtr I by null or I
I'liinM Biionruly pirkol noinirki to In.lliiHtii mjy I
uiitiiir Bnl r onu ptino ml lnturvlu r proliirroi , !
tiilUnilcoinnltinor mint lililory of your 4 o , U
wevrlll ona In plain ranuor. 'iiir
nnniTn MPfJ ' KK UPOI ivtvu'ii
UUUI ) IU HII-I'I diii or Norm 11 l > Ha
linpoUiiioy. yp'iilH , ( lluttmU V rlojo lu , I11' | ill ,
Vlri'cLii1Appll ' coi for Moforiiiltl l nnl Tr.m
Only iiiiiiufiictur/ llio weitui
Oinalii Medical and Sur icil Institute
2Oth and Brosdwuy , Ojunoll Bluff J.
Ten inlntiioj rUa f ro n oont-ur of O iuu ! o I
on J Louull llluiri uluutrlo muior IlitJ.
will recover , All ihroo are residents of
dlsiepulablu quatler.
llio 1'lrii
Nov. 10. The Merchants Kx- ]
change and tbo Uule dock oftlcca burned IhL
mornlnt' , loirolber wllh ull tbo records ano
drawing * gathered slnoo Ihu docus vveri |
openutl. Loss tUiS.OW ) .
ToniinyViirroii . \rr tiil ! li >
WA < O , Tex. , Nov. -Tommy
fcathorvveiht ( pnro Jighter , Is under arrest
for iho rauidori-f Clem Htovall , a coloreil
porter of tbu Bt. Charles hou , on Octo
bur 10.